stringlengths 1
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1202400 | [
"how long does nicotine stay in your system?",
"Within 20 minutes of last cigarette: Blood pressure drops to normal Pulse drops to normal rate Body temperature of hands and feet increase to normal \\n\\nWithin 8 hours: Carbon dioxide level in blood drops to normal Oxygen level in blood increases to normal \\n\\nWithin 24 hours: Chance of heart attack decreases \\n\\nWithin 48 hours: Nerve endings start to regrow Ability to smell and taste enhances \\n\\nWithin 48 - 72 hours: Nicotine leaves the body \\n\\nWithin 72 hours: Bronchial tubes relax, making breathing easier Lung capacity increases \\n\\nWithin 2 weeks to 3 months: Circulation improves Walking becomes easier Lung function increases up to 30% \\n\\nWithin 1 to 9 months: Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease Cilia regrow in lungs, increasing ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs and reduce infection Body's overall energy level increases \\n\\nWithin 5 years: Lung cancer death rate for average smoker (one pack a day) decreases from 137 per 100,000 people to 72 per 100,000 (after 10 years, rate drops to 12 deaths per 100,000 - or almost the rate of a non-smoker) \\n\\nWithin 10 years: Pre-cancerous cells are replaced Other cancers, such as those of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decrease (there are 30 chemicals in tobacco smoke that cause cancer) \\n\\nALL BENEFITS ARE LOST WHEN YOU SMOKE JUST 1 CIGARETRE A DAY!"
] |
1202401 | [
"what is the meaning of life?",
"to work your ass off and get screwed by everyone in lfe"
] |
1202402 | [
"Why is my e-mail sign on password never remembered?",
"If you are using Yahoo Mail, then be sure that you are checking the box when you login for it to remember your user name and password. This will store your login information as a cookie so that you don't have to keep entering it over and over. However, after a certain time frame it will automatically require you to verify your password again as a security precaution. You can change the amount of time that passes before it prompts for your password again by changing your settings. Also, if you delete your cookies then the next time you go to check your email you will have to manually enter your password."
] |
1202403 | [
"Formal Charge vs. Resonance Structures?",
"You always want to place the formal charges in the places they will spend the most time--hence, the formal charges are what you'd draw up first, based generally on the electronegativity and stability of the place. The resonance structures are just to give you an idea as to where the electrons might wander over to.\\n\\nTechnically, all the Lewis structures are just to help you understand the charges. In reality, the elecetrons are constantly moving about, with their locations only localized by a probabilistic model. The formal charges are indicative of the highest probability that a given electron will be found, while the resonance structures are the less probable locations to find the electron."
] |
1202404 | [
"How do I get a job as a secret agent?",
"Go to college, learn a foreign language or two, stay out of trouble, and do not lie on your application... they will do multiple background checks on you and find out everything about you."
] |
1202405 | [
"what do you people think of the death penalty?",
"Correction, more than a hundred countries still have death penalties, some still using firing squads, public hangings, stoning and three still chop off the victim's heads.\\nFor Christians the problem is one of bending \"Thou shall not kill.\" For others it may or may not be a moral issue.\\nPersonally, I do not see any moral action in killing a human to punish him or her for killing another."
] |
1202406 | [
"who is jonathan swqi?",
"Well, if jonathan swqi is an individual recognised by more than his friends and family AND can be looked up on the Internet, you spelled his name wrong. Anywho, time to put this question to rest. VOTE TIME!!!"
] |
1202407 | [
"Will someone PLEASE lay out the symptoms of phenytoin poisoning in layman's terms?",
"Symptoms:\\n\\n * Body as a whole\\n o Unsteadiness\\n o Swollen gums\\n o Fever\\n o Tremor\\n o Convulsions (occasionally)\\n o Rigidity\\n\\n * Eyes, ears, nose, and throat\\n o Nystagmus (side-to-side eye movement)\\n\\n * Heart and cardiovascular\\n o Low blood pressure\\n\\n * Nervous system\\n o Sleepiness\\n o Confusion\\n o Slurred speech\\n o Dizziness\\n o Coma"
] |
1202408 | [
"placement of return and refund policies in calif. retailers?",
"Usually they are by the register or printed on the receipt if you cant see them ask for a manager. Ask for a wriiten copy!"
] |
1202409 | [
"How unatractive does a person become when you find out they are a 23 year old virgin?",
"what you have to ask is how unattractive is it to have to worry about disease. protecting your heart and your body from all the crap that can happen is a worth while thing. nothing wrong with not just doing it to do it."
] |
1202410 | [
"who was the greatest heisman trophy winner of all time?",
"Barry Sanders. Hands-down. He ran for 2,850 yards and scored 44 times in his Heisman year. By himself, he would've finished seventh among all teams in rushing in 2005."
] |
1202411 | [
"choose one - football or cricket ?why?",
] |
1202412 | [
"im looking for a real computer for my five year old sixth bday i would like a childs theme anybody know any?",
"There are not a lot of PC's geared towards Kids. Disney came out with the Dream Desk PC last year but it is no longer being sold. \\n\\nHowever there is a company out there making specialized computers for children that have special cases, keyboard and mouses with kid's themes. Check out the link to Kid-Computers below."
] |
1202413 | [
"is my creditt score goes down if i close all my store credit card and keep only the bank card?",
"it depends. From what I know, a store credit card is considered the same as a bank card (for your credit history). At any point it is good to have around 2-3 such cards open. any more or less, and you risk being considered as not such a good credit risk"
] |
1202414 | [
"what are your hobbies?",
] |
1202415 | [
"What some good questions to ask your gurlfriend on the phone?",
"Lets resolve this overdue question by bringing it to a vote."
] |
1202416 | [
"What does A&R stand for in the music industry and what are their responsibilities?",
"Artist and repertoire (A&R for short) is a music industry term that refers to the division of a record label that is responsible for scouting and developing talent. The A&R department is the link between the recording artist/act and the record label, and is often required to handle contractual negotiations, find songwriters and record producers for the act, and schedule recording sessions.\\n\\nOne of the A&R department's main jobs is sorting through the plethora of demo tapes sent by hopeful musicians to the label. A&R departments typically only accept solicited demos, or ones from business contacts that they are familiar with.\\n\\nIn some more artistic record labels, creativity is encouraged and songwriting and record producing is done by the artists.\\n\\nExamples of A&R people include\\n\\n * Simon Cowell\\n * Ian Dickson\\n * Mark Holden\\n * Chuck Paugh\\n * Frankie Vega\\n * Ben Watt\\n * Brad Delson"
] |
1202417 | [
"What state or country are you answering from? Just wondering how global we are here.....?",
"New England, beautiful state of Maine USA: )"
] |
1202418 | [
"Men: How should a woman seduce you?",
"I love it when a girl softly touches the back of my head \"not the lower one\" or if she just runs her hands up and down my neck."
] |
1202419 | [
"Harry potter a kids' story why adults watch it leave it for kids ?",
"Who cares what age group it was originally intended for. If the story speaks to you or is just plain entertaining, the movie did it's job no matter how old the viewer is. Don't children watch movies aimed for older people? My cousin's son, who is four, loves \"Godzilla\". My favorite movie when I was a child was \"Dirty Dancing\".\\nAnd what about the classic children films, \"Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory\", \"Wizard of Oz\", or any Disney film. I would hate to give up all those childhood movies just because I've grown up.\\nHarry Potter has an apeal that reaches all ages. The books are incredible, some of the best I've read. Why would I deprive myself of enjoying the movies?"
] |
1202420 | [
"movie based on 3 brothers in prison & is a type of western where 1 brother is a butcher?",
"It is the hard word\\n\\nFirst-time director Scott Roberts gets it pretty right with this inyaface Aussie crime caper about three brothers who are just too what they love best: robbing banks.\\n\\nGuy Pearce leads the Twentyman brothers as sort of mastermind Dale. He’s in jail and Rachel Griffiths is his unlikely moll wife who seems to be in bed with conniving lawyer Frank (Robert Taylor). \\n\\nThe scam is simple. The boys get snuck out of jail to pull their heists and everyone from the cops to the prison governor are cut in. Until Frankie decides he wants it all, including the lady- and there’ll be no witnesses.\\n\\nIt’s funny, black and rather surreal. Naturalism buffs will not adore this as much as looser-limbed viewers. But it’s helter-skelter action and remarkably little violence. Strong language though as you’d expect from a writer whose other film was the batty Denis Hopper vehicle The American Way in 1987.\\n\\nOne lovely touch totally misunderstood by almost every critic so far is the family argot based on butcher’s slang which the lads use to keep their personal stuff, er, personal.\\nIf you could handle Chopper you will like this and ignore the spoilsport bourgeois critics of the national press when they come to savage it!"
] |
1202421 | [
"Where can I get free web hosting with Cpanel and fantastico with out any Ads or forum posting??",
"Just email me and i will give you one :)\\n\\nI m the owner of Hagio-Hosting. You can get my email where to contact on the forum.\\n\\nRegards"
] |
1202422 | [
"It is safe to stay inside a car in a lighting storm?",
"Yes. The car acts as a Faraday cage, so the current goes around the surface and does not harm the occupants."
] |
1202423 | [
"how can i totally filter my yahoo email?",
"First, turn your SPAM guard on.\\n\\nSecond, for all the recognised emails, set their own filter. However, you only have 15 to go. To go more than that, you need to pay a little.\\n\\nThird, filter the rest by a common character, e.g. @ or . which would sure to appear in an email, and set a folder for it."
] |
1202424 | [
"What is the job market like for Elementary Education teachers in Washington state?",
"Very competitive, there are a lot of teachers moving there from oregon and other states because Washington pays better."
] |
1202425 | [
"Tell me about your Ipod experience ?",
"I Love My Ipod. It is compact, attractive, has great sound quality, and hold SO many songs."
] |
1202426 | [
"what is the best dating site?",
"going to the movies were it is quiet"
] |
1202427 | [
"Is it true that Jay Z is richer than P.diddy and is it true that Jay Z and Nas are not on very good terms now?",
"Jay Z and P Diddy would be equal if Jay Z wasn't KILLIN IT with Rocafella. They both got good tracks and clothing companys but Jazzy definitely is in the lead there. And yes, Nas and Jay Z hate eachother and it's been heated since years ago. As Nas would say (to Jay Z) \"I rock hoes, you roc fellas\""
] |
1202428 | [
"Thoughts on Whey Protein?",
"Whey protein is one of the highest quality proteins. Protein quality is measured based on the amino acid composition of the protein in comparison with the amino acid proportions the body needs. Egg is generally considered to have a quality of 100%, and some lecture notes I was given for my med school biochem class put whey protein at second best at about 93%."
] |
1202429 | [
"what are some good headphones for my ipod?",
"The trouble with the apple headphones is they have the white cord, which is like wearing a \"I have an iPod, steal me\" sign. Sony still makes tons of headphones, I am a big fan of their vertical, in-ear headphones, the ones with the shaped earbuds. They are so good at blocking noise that you can have them really quiet and still hear it fine (helps save your hearing)."
] |
1202430 | [
"With college Financial AID, can i use the excess money towards rent/car payments?",
"Well when I was in college we would get our check after they took out tution for the semster. Then they would give us a check, I would use the check to buy books first and then the rest was history! I used it for whatever. The reason you get financial aid is so that you can survive throughout the semster and pay for classes. After the classes are paid for that money should be used for books, clothes, school necesities, food, rent etc. \\nI always would get my check buy books, then have a couple rent checks make out ( cashier checks) and then use the rest for stuff I needed. Sorry my answer is so long. As always with anything check directly with your school before listening to me on yahoo! Good luck!"
] |
1202431 | [
"where can i find free good dreamweaver mx tutorials?",
"Personally, I love tutorials. They are video based, and you can access them for $25/month (access the entire library for that much, not just a single tutorial). I whole heartedly reccomend this.\\n\\nIf you are looking for a more solid Dreamweaver education, the Sitepoint network has excellent publications on Dreamweaver.\\n\\nIf your looking for the basics, and free, I would suggest It covers how to get started in DW, and general basics.\\n\\nOf course, the built-in guides and tutorials in dreamweaver itself are very good, I can wholeheartedly suggest those as well.\\n\\nGood Luck."
] |
1202432 | [
"Does temperature increase or decrease when Snow Falls?",
"Before it begins to snow, the system begins to cool the air down to ground level. As this happens, moisture in the ground moves up into the weather system, and eventually mixes with the already cold water, ect within the cloud. As the snow begins to fall, the temprature drops for a short period of time, and then stabilizes. \\n\\nThis stabilization happens so that the snow can continue to fall without turning into ice. On average, winter snow will fall between 14 F and 30 F. However, it is possible for snow to fall at lower tempratures, however you will see an increase in temprature to have snow fall.\\n\\nNot all snow falls, however, fall within that temprature range. Area's such as alaska, greenland, siberia, ect, can have snow even when it is much much colder. However, the general rule still applies: snow fall equels an increase in temprature untill a stabilization point has been reached.\\n\\nSnow that falls within the normal range is usualy wet snow, ie it is snow that is mixed with a bit of melted snow (water vapor), thus causing it to be heavy snow.\\n\\nSnow that falls below the temprature range tends to be dry snow, ie, snow that has completely frozen over.\\n\\nDry snow can be a major problem as it doesn't allow for the stabilization to occure at a quick rate, instead, blizzards, huge snow storms, ect, can take effect before the storm system actually stabilizes.\\n\\nHope that made sens\e"
] |
1202433 | [
"Can you give me one of Rome's lasting legascies in government, technology or culture/arts?",
"The Republic form of government, I know that's for sure, that's when Christ came (correct me if I'm wrong) and well, Roman numerals, architecture..."
] |
1202434 | [
"What is the wind speed velocity of an UNlaiden swallow?",
"what do you mean? african or european?\\n\\nyou have to know these things when you are a king."
] |
1202435 | [
"why do people smoke crack?",
"most people start smoking for a lot of reasons, they don't like the hassle of snorting(clogged nostrils, sore throats from clearing the nasal passages etc...) its effects are stronger and faster than snorting, or they just want a new drug"
] |
1202436 | [
"A round yellow pill with the numbers 255 on it or you know what they are?",
"Try here:\\n"
] |
1202437 | [
"Where would i search to find out about needlepoint art peices?",
"Ask at the needlepoint newgroup, rec.crafts.textiles.needlework."
] |
1202438 | [
"Can Texas Tech beat Alabama in the Cotton Bowl?",
"Texas Tech has one of the best offenses in the country, and a top-25 defense. Alabama has the best defense, and a top-25 offense. My vote goes to Tech...but then I'm biased."
] |
1202439 | [
"Does FDR deserve credit for ending the Depression?",
"Most definitely. As the leader of the United States during arguably the most difficult time of our history, he pushed Congress to pass emergency bills and reform measures that helped improve the economic situation in the eyes of the public. Though many historians say the beginning of World War II ended the Depression, I think that if it weren't for FDR's leadership, American morale would have fell too far to possibly recover economically."
] |
1202440 | [
"What is \"offside\" exactly?",
"An offside usually occurs when an offensive player is closer to the goal than the last defensive player when the pass is initiated.\\n\\nIn simpler terms:\\nWhen a pass is made, an attacking player is nearer to the goal than any defensive player except the goalie :)"
] |
1202441 | [
"Which is the best Financial book?",
"i quite like \"INVESTMENTS\", by Bodie, Kane and Marcus and published by Irwin McGraw-Hill."
] |
1202442 | [
"when changing internet prozider how do i format my e-mail address out of old prozider?",
"Tell who new and old is and then answer is easier.\\nIf you are transferring away from a free email provider, you can upgrade to include forwarding. Then retain old and begin using new."
] |
1202443 | [
"Do bears have tits? If so where are they located?",
"They are mammals, so yes, they do.\\n\\nFor photo see this site:\\n\\n\\nFor more info Google Bears+nursing"
] |
1202444 | [
"i have and 11 inch dic which is also huge and a virgin...i wonder if it will be possible to have sex with that",
"Are you asking if it's long enough to **** yourself?"
] |
1202445 | [
"USC vs. Texas, who will win?",
"usc too many weapons. The usc had 4 close games and Texas never been tested since the Ohio state game. U shut down Matt leinart, but can't shut down bush. u can't SHUT BOTH DOWN. Trojans by 8. GO TROJANS #1"
] |
1202446 | [
"what makes up a fart?",
"Farts are primarily caused by bacteria that reside in your lower gut. They eat undigested foods that pass into the lower gut and as a byproduct of that, methane is produced. Beans, notorious for causing farts, contain large amounts of oligosaccharides, sugars that humans cannot digest, and bacteria digest these, causing gas."
] |
1202447 | [
"doing management in iipm after 12?",
"check this site for getting an idea of professional accounting\\n\\n"
] |
1202448 | [
"how many songs did Paul McCartney cowrite with John Lennon?",
"Below is a link with some info about their history writing together. They cowrote many songs together, but I was unfortunately unable to pin an exact number. Since the question is three months old, you may want to try again."
] |
1202449 | [
"what is the difference btw a random descrete variable and a random continuous variable (in statistics)?",
"Random discrete variables are specific numbers. E.g., all integers X such that 1<= X <= 6.\\nX can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6\\nThe probability that X=1 is 1/6.\\n\\nRandom continuous variables can be any of an infinite set of numbers in a range. E.g., all X such that 1 < X < 6\\nX can be any of an infinite set of numbers between 1 and 6.\\nThe probability that X is any specific number is infinitesimal."
] |
1202450 | [
"i want to know about the forces?",
"Force is a push or pull that one object exerts on another. ex. when you play hand ball your hand exerts a force on the ball. The ball also exert a force on the your hand, the effect that you feel. Forces always exist in a pairs nothing exerts force without having a force exerted on it."
] |
1202451 | [
"Why does Dell customer service suck so bad?",
"Just as a note to the last individual: yah, Canadians ARE so freakin nice, Dell does not outsource to Canada (has Dell-owned call centers in Canada), and many of the call centers in India are, also, not outsourced.\\n\\n Maybe your question could be more specific. What happened? WHY are you abandoning Dell? I work for Dell's DOC department, in a NON-OUTSOURCED Canadian call center, and I know Michael Dell cares A LOT about what his consumers think. He will often monitor calls himself or even take calls. \\n\\nMost large companies, espically those that outsource, have a difficult time controlling ALL of their employees and making sure they are representing the company as a concerned and understanding individual. To handle the flow of calls, so you are not waiting hours to speak to someone, requires a great deal of man-power; the more people you have between the top and the front line, the more difficult it is to ensure everyone is upholding your principles. How far did you go with your experience? Maybe you should try writing to Michael Dell to let him know your concerns. \\n\\nI find, at least as far as technical support, that some customers have expectations that are unrealistic. Many people think that because you bought -insert the name of any software product made by another company here- with their computer, that Dell should provide support for it. Think about it, if you buy Norton Antivirus from BestBuy, do you complain to them about Norton not working and expect them to fix it? Not likely. you contact the manufacture who is specialised in it. Many people have problems with their systems due to spyware and adware programs, but dont know they need to install anti-spyware software and do not recognise the symptoms. My question is, where you looking for free assistance with a DELL MANUFACTURED PRODUCT? \\n\\nI am not speaking on behalf of Dell here, but meerly my own experiences and how I look at our service. I would, at least, suggest contacting Michael Dell prior to giving up on Dell completely. I know that we DO hear feed back from him regarding both positive and negative customer experiences.\\n\\nPS: I have worked for other major comuter manufacturers and I must say Dell is NOT the worst in the industry, by far. The most important statistic agents are graded on here is customer experience, not call time as it is for most (forcing customers through as fast as possible to take more calls)."
] |
1202452 | [
"What is the best way to make money on the Internet?",
"Hey i make money on the internet regularly. Includes blogging, survey filling and email reading. If you are interested, ill be happy to tell you in details. Just email me at [email protected] and ill tell you about site that are free to join and that actually works. Just trying to help you out :)"
] |
1202453 | [
"Should sun beds be banned?",
"It is a natural gift to humanbeings. Enjoy and let others enjoy by taking sun bath. Sun beds should not be banned."
] |
1202454 | [
"canadian slang i need answers quick people please answer this is for my sons homework?",
"french speaking canadians = frogs"
] |
1202455 | [
"It was Jerry Coleman.New York Yankees Second Baseman, RH - US Military Marine Pilot\\n1950 Bowman Baseball Card #47 – Words on back of Cards\\n\\nBorn: San Jose Calif. On September 14 1924\\n\\nJerry Coleman was one of last year’s outstanding rookies. In 128 for the Champs (NY Yankees), Jerry fielded .981 to lead the league second basemen. Only 12 errors in 625 chances. Hit .275 and drove in 42 runs. Played second , short and third for the Newark Bears in ’45. Played Legion ball and semi-pro ball before turning pro in ’42. Jerry saw service as a Marine pilot… Archives"
] |
1202456 | [
"what is the speed of darkness?",
"Darkness is the absence of light, although earlier in history it was sometimes viewed as a substance in its own right. \\nLooking at this definition, if we were to define what is \"speed of light\", it would be the speed at which light is leaving a point. And the speed at which light can travel through any point is the constant 'c' used to define the speed of light. \\n\\nThe speed of light in a vacuum is defined to be exactly 299,792,458 metres per second (or 1,079,252,848.8 km/h, which is approximately 186,282.397 miles per second, or 670,616,629.4 miles per hour).\\n\\nSpeed of Dark is a Book\\nHere's the detail's\\nThe Speed of Dark\\nElizabeth Moon\\nBallantine Books, $23.95, 340 pages, ISBN:03454475570"
] |
1202457 | [
"Why can I only answer a few questions each day??",
"To prevent spam. Level 1 users are presumably newer and are limited to 10 answers. Level 2 are more trusted and can do 20.. once you get to Lev 5 you have unlimited answer capability. This is to prevent a spammer from flooding the system with fake answers."
] |
1202458 | [
"How can I delete the parental control. I am unable to access my email?",
"How old are you? Please bring this matter to your parents. They have the password to let you access your email again, if they think you should."
] |
1202459 | [
"which country in the world has two golfers in the top five world rankings?",
"That would also be South Africa. Ernie Els and Retief Goosen."
] |
1202460 | [
"what culture we should use in TEFL ?",
"Well, if you're teaching English to foreign kids here in America, you should use the American culture. But a historical perspective of the English language would also be helpful. Particularly, its origins in Latin and the Romantic languages, Anglo-Saxon, and the differences between British, American, and even Australian English."
] |
1202461 | [
"is it right or wrong for me to be mad?",
"Ok you need to look at the fact that she went back on her word. Now it may be true that she spent the week with you but all she had to do was call you & inform you that she was going to the dance. Talk to her. Explain that you just want her to respect you that is all. Now dont be mad, calm down. If she does it again, start looking for a replacement..."
] |
1202462 | [
"Will LookSmart stock (LOOK) appreciate in 2006?",
"Doubt it. It is rated as one of the lowest stocks according to LOOK is not profitable and has been dropping the last 5 yrs. \\n\\nIn the last 17 trading days, there has been 10 down days on higher than average volume. This shows weakness in the stock.\\n\\nIt would be more of a gamble to hold the stock. There are a lot of better stocks out there.\\n\\nI would dump and put my money in something else."
] |
1202463 | [
"How do I make a working electric motor, using materials lying around the house?",
"i have no idea some nails and some wire?"
] |
1202464 | [
"What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers all have in common?",
] |
1202465 | [
"how does music effect your mood?",
"perks me up when im down"
] |
1202466 | [
"Who were/are the best bebop jazz players?",
"Charlie Christian is good\\nDizzy Gillespie you might have already heard of\\nFats Navarro was great\\nBud Powell too"
] |
1202467 | [
"Why did Johnny Damon switch to the Yankees?",
"The why in this question is simply more money. Not the fact of personal issues or difficulty, but money. Johnny probably won' be able to spend the money made with the Sox, yet he wants more and more. Money is more important to him than loyalty or committment. It is a shame but he reflects the same lack of value as do many other Americans. Did the Sox reduce what he agreed on when he first signed on? No. Does he want more money? Yes. Does he need it for quality of life? No. I am ashamed of him. It is sad indeed."
] |
1202468 | [
"do you suspect that the people using \"am i hot or not\" kind of sites have psychological problems?",
"I think there are many reasons that people use those silly sites like that. \\n\\n1) Pure Boredom: They are bored one day and decide to upload a photo just to see what kind of reaction they will get. \\n\\n2) They KNOW they are good looking (or at least think they know) and they want the show the whole world.\\n\\n3) They are not sure if they are that hot or not, so they want some ego boosts. \\n\\n4) They feel like they are very unattractive, so they just want to confirm then go wallow in self pity when they get low scores.\\n\\n5) People can actually get in contact with other members so maybe they use it as a dating service. \\n\\n6)Their friends do it so they do too!! \\n\\n No, I don't think that it means the psychological problems. Although, I am sure there ARE people on that site that do...just like any other site for that matter."
] |
1202469 | [
"In the movie The money pit does Max say \"paint, dont tickle\" or \"paint, don't diddle\" talking to the painter?",
"Your answer awaits...."
] |
1202470 | [
"A problem with Volume control on my laptop with Windows XP.?",
"Ummm... you haven't really given enough information for me, or anyone for that matter, to answer that question. Try these 3 things, then, if they don't work I reccomend you re-post this question with some system specs\\n\\n1. Try the windows troubleshooter/knowledgebase it's got a pretty extensive list of windows problems\\n2. Try your soundcard/computer(if its integrated) manufacturers website, they might have rports of this problem.\\n3. Try Google or Yahoo searching for the details of your problem, odds are someone else has had it if your Laptop is stock. \\n\\nTo answer this question we would need details like, what kind of notebook, XP Pro or Home, SP 1 or 2, what kind of soundcard etc..."
] |
1202471 | [
"How many pounds of food does the average human eat in a lifetime?",
"weel, lets say that one will eat about a pound and a halv a day. a year is 365 days an lets say that the average life time is 70 years, you do the math.\\nif, you dont want to i can tell yo that its about 7 trucks of grosseries."
] |
1202472 | [
"Is Your Computer Slow?",
"In fact any computer nowadays is fast as you don't ever need - unless you're gaming, 3D design, video encoding and so on...\\n\\nThe question is if the computer is optimized. This means, with the given software and hardware configuration, is the computer as fast as it normally should be.\\n\\nA system free of virus, spyware and hardware faults can still be slow. The important thing is where the processing speed is going. If you have a 500Mhz pc for example, you shouldn't run WindowsXP with full graphical details. As long as you can figure out where you processor speed is going, and you manage it to point towards you primary task, you'll be just fine."
] |
1202473 | [
"Why are scars itchy when they're healing?",
"It's part of the healing process. Itching is a result of the nerve endings around the scar being stimulated. At first, the stimulation is part of the healing. Itching may last months or years afterwards, though, as the scar tissue stretches and again stimulates the surrounding nerve endings."
] |
1202474 | [
"Best hospital that deals with weening a person from a venilator?",
"im not really sure best hospital in needed for vent care,likely an experienced pulm. dr will do it, depends on the pt condition and reasons for mechanical ventilation.\\n there is a big difference in dr's that say they know vent care, and being able to take care of vent patients.high grade respiratory staff will do it.\\n teaching hospitals have high level resp care in order to teach mechanical ventilation.\\n durham,uva,uga. and many others.\\nor i good intensive care medical director will also do the trick."
] |
1202475 | [
"what is your opinion about your boss?",
"My boss is cool. He comes to chit chat everyday and cracks jokes and does everything a normal person would do. As long as you work and get the work done he is ok with you. But if you dont work then you see another side of him."
] |
1202476 | [
"Why are yankees (northerners) so uptight all the time?",
"T-Bone,\\nLove the first answer, but gotta add that this honky, after living in B'ham, Al for ten years and coming back, I ain't been warm one winter in those 4 years. Don't need much AC in the summer. You try livin' up here with the Anals who have never left and suffer extended Temps below 20* F in the winter and you will be up-tight too. Grandbabies and work make it bearable, in case you want to know why I stay."
] |
1202477 | [
"Can I send my blog from my 360 beta to my via rss feed and how do I add it if so.?",
"Go to settings, set your blog to public, and turn on RSS. Then find the Add to My Yahoo! link and click Save to My Yahoo! on the next page."
] |
1202478 | [
"what does it take to be a hooters girl?",
"Probably not much.A low self-esteem is most likely a requirement."
] |
1202479 | [
"What's the best news site?",
"Digg is currently my favorite tech / geek news site, unless you are linux focused (/.). It's my fav. because it has a cool process for eliminating the flak while also promoting and allowing for participating in interesting topics. Not to mention the weekly podcast from a couple cool guys that summarizes what I might have missed.\\n\\nFor news feeds the Sage plugin in Fire Fox is great this lets you hook into all the feeds before the web sites promote them, cool!\\n\\nFor the news in summary accross all my favorite topics I use the my yahoo page to customize my experience."
] |
1202480 | [
"which is the best web programming web site?",
"for low end html,"
] |
1202481 | [
"In 19th century American politics, what was a 'Loco-Foco?",
"LocoFoco's were a radical faction of the Democratic Party."
] |
1202482 | [
"Do you fart in public?",
"gotta do what you gotta do"
] |
1202483 | [
"I want to play checkers.?",
"Checkers are still on yahoo games!"
] |
1202484 | [
"how can i search in web ?",
"Wordly recognized search engine is Google, which can provide you with wide range information that you need in your web search."
] |
1202485 | [
"why Bush is so DISGUSTING?",
"He's a WAR president and he has said that himself. He likes going to war to resolve his problems. Ask yourself this. WHY are we in Iraq? Did Saddam Hussain have ANYTHING to do with the terror on the USA? He's trying to be like his father."
] |
1202486 | [
"Have you ever farted and it smelled like roses?",
"yes, i have. My girlfriend stuck an old-english rose scented air freshener in my dresser drawers and it soaked into my boxers. i farted and it actually smelled like roses. lol."
] |
1202487 | [
"How does global warming affect weather?",
"Though it may sound crazy, global warming can cause an Ice Age. You see, there's an underwater wall keeping the super-cold water of the Arctic Ocean out of the a lot warmer water of the Alantic Ocean. Global warming makes this wall dissolve, letting the cold water meet the warmer water, overall lowering the temperature of the oceans. Meanwhile, the glaciers start to melt and slide. Now that the oceans aren't as warm, the glacierscan continue to move south and cover a chunk of the Northern Hemisphere in ice. In short, an ice age.\\n\\nHowever, ice cores are showing that global warming isn't as bad as we thought. the ice cores show that the average global temperature 100,000 years ago would go up and down by 10 degrees in a matter of decades. In comparison, our global warming is warming at a rate of 1 degree per century. Is global warming going to cause the next Ice Age? Or are threats empty? YOu decide."
] |
1202488 | [
"What is the best free/open source flash based (IRC-like) chat client?",
] |
1202489 | [
"how do i resolve the problem with outlook 2000 calendar appointments that disappear and then reappear?",
"Whats up? Its been to dang long for this question to be still here. Anyways, If you'd like a real good laugh watch The Daily Show and the Colbert Report!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!\\n\\nI drink whiskey\\nU drink WHine!!!\\nGuess What Ya'll \\nIts Gangsta Time!!!!! *RZ*\\n\\nPS. Pick the Answer Already!!!"
] |
1202490 | [
"how do i reinstall my sbcyahoo dsl anti spyware scanning software?",
] |
1202491 | [
"are chiropractors real doctors?",
"Doctors of Chiropractic receive extensive, demanding professional education on par with medical doctors (MDs) and osteopaths (DOs).\\nTo receive the doctor of chiropractic degree, candidates must complete extensive undergraduate prerequisites and four years of graduate-level instruction and internship at an accredited chiropractic institution. Comprehensive knowledge of all systems of the body and diagnostic procedures enable the DC to thoroughly evaluate a patient, address disorders relating to the spine and determine the need for referral to another health care provider.\\n\\nDoctors of Chiropractic are primary health care providers.\\nAccording to the Center for Studies in Health Policy, \"The DC can provide all three levels of primary care interventions and therefore is a primary care provider, as are MDs and DOs. The doctor of chiropractic is a gatekeeper to the health care system and an independent practitioner who provides primary care services. The DC's office is a direct access portal of entry to the full scope of service.\"\\n\\nDoctors of Chiropractic are licensed in all 50 states.\\nDCs have been licensed and recognized for many decades in all states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.\\n\\nChiropractic is recognized by governmental health care programs.\\nChiropractic is included in Medicare, Medicaid, Federal Employees Health Care Benefits Programs, Federal Workers' Compensation and all state workers' compensation programs. Chiropractic students are qualified to receive federal student loan assistance and DCs are authorized to be commissioned as health care officers in the U.S. Armed Forces.\\n\\nThe practice of chiropractic is based on sound scientific principles.\\nThe existence of the nervous system as the primary control mechanism of the body is an undisputed scientific fact. Its relationship with the spine is the focus of the practice of chiropractic. The spine develops in utero to provide two primary functions: (1) allow for freedom of movement and (2) house and protect the spinal cord. When the vertebrae of the spine become misaligned through trauma or repetitive injury, two major consequences will result: (1) the range of motion becomes limited and (2) spinal nerves emerging from the spinal cord are compromised. DCs use the term \"subluxation\" to describe such disruptions. Interruption of nerve flow can eventually lead to pain, disability, and an overall decrease in the quality of life. Conversely, the removal of that interference has been shown to have significant, lasting health benefits. Through the adjustment of the subluxation, the doctor of chiropractic endeavors to restore normal nerve expression. The body is then able to respond appropriately to any imbalance in the system, thus relieving symptoms and restoring health.\\n\\nDoctors of chiropractic provide effective, low-cost health care for a wide range of conditions.\\nStudies conducted according to the highest scientific standards and published by organizations not affiliated in any way with chiropractic institutions or associations continue to show the clinical appropriateness and effectiveness of chiropractic care. One of the most recent, funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health, stated emphatically that:\\n\\n\"On the evidence, particularly the most scientifically valid clinical studies, spinal manipulation applied by chiropractors is shown to be more effective than alternative treatments for low back pain...There would be highly significant cost savings if more management of low back pain was transferred from physician to chiropractors.\"\\n\\nThe doctor of chiropractic is an effective source of preventative and wellness care.\\nThe anatomical focus of the DC on the human spine has created the perception of the DC as just a \"back doctor.\" Although this perception is not entirely incorrect, it is very much incomplete. Doctors of chiropractic are a highly appropriate resource in matters of work-place safety, st"
] |
1202492 | [
"Difficulty connecting to sever?",
"could you provide more information ? what error messages you get and so on ?"
] |
1202493 | [
"What are the odds of a man catching HIV while having unprotected sex (oral and vaginally)?",
"The following numbers are old, and they're all pretty much guesswork anyway, so take them with a grain of salt. But I venture to say most people in the field would agree with my conclusions.\\n\\nAccording to a report by researchers Norman Hearst and Stephen Hulley in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the odds of a heterosexual becoming infected with AIDS after one episode of penile-vaginal intercourse with someone in a non-high-risk group without a condom are one in 5 million. With a condom it's even safer--one in 50 million. Just to put this in perspective, the chances of someone in your family getting injured next year in a bubble bath are 1 in 1.3 million (source: The Odds on Virtually Everything, Heron House, 1980). You're in much greater danger of being struck by lightning (1 in 600,000), having your house bombed (1 in 290,000), or being murdered (1 in 11,000).\\n\\nThe numbers get a lot worse if you engage in \"high-risk behavior\"--having sexual intercourse or sharing needles with a member of a high-risk group, e.g., a gay or bisexual male or IV drug user from a major metro area, or a hemophiliac. The chances of getting AIDS from one such encounter range as high as 1 in 10,000 using a condom to 1 in 1,000 unprotected. Even if your partner tests negative for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the chances of infection from a high-risk person are still relatively high--1 in 50,000 without a condom. That's because there's a 45 to 90 day window during which a newly infected person can infect others but test negative. (A few people go as long as 180 days.)\\n\\nFrom there on out, statistically speaking, things deteriorate pretty fast. If your partner is HIV-positive, your chances of getting AIDS after one night are 1 in 5,000 with a condom, 1 in 500 without. Have sex with an HIV-positive partner 500 times using condoms and your chances escalate to 1 in 11. Skip the gift wrap and they're 2 in 3.\\n\\nA couple points: These odds apply equally to men and women. Although there's reason to believe male-to-female AIDS transmission happens more often than female-to-male, the amount of difference is unknown. Also, I have to emphasize again, the numbers involve a lot of guesswork. The authors admit they could be off by a factor of ten in either direction. Still, one message comes through loud and clear: by far the best thing you can do to avoid AIDS is to be picky about your partners. Use of condoms reduces your risk by a factor of 10, sleeping only with people who test negative reduces it by a factor of 5 to 50, but avoiding high-risk partners reduces it by a factor of 5,000. (You'd also be well advised to avoid high-risk behavior, such as unprotected receptive anal sex.) Asking for a resume may not be romantic, but it beats Kaposi's sarcoma."
] |
1202494 | [
"Why do girls always want to be friends when a relationship \"won't work\"???",
"She really likes you but she is confused, she is not sure if its going to work out or not. she is really scared of getting hurt once again. Just repect her and give her time and space to think."
] |
1202495 | [
"Is there any more search sites like BITCOMET?",
" Is my favorite."
] |
1202496 | [
"what was the banking act of 1935 about!!!?",
"It created the FDIC. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation provides insurance for depositors in banks and guarantees that if a bank fails the depositors will receive their money back. Currently I believe the limit is $100,000 per account. \\n\\nPrior to FDIC, during the depths of the depression many banks had failed and left the depositors with nothing. This act restored the faith in the banking system.\\nHere is a copy of the statute:\\n\\n"
] |
1202497 | [
"What are the basic beliefs of Scientology?",
"Hehhe. If you really knew what they believed, you'd never look at Tom Cruise the same way!\\n\\nYou really should just go read the Wikipedia page on it, as its simply too much lunacy for me to post without busting my gut laughing.\\n\\nEssentially, they believe in aliens. But they believe some things about these aliens that make the simple belief in aliens seem rational. :)"
] |
1202498 | [
"What do you do when a school is holding your transcripts?",
"Well that is very frustrating. It is not uncommon that a University will hold your transcripts if they believe that you owe for something.\\n\\nYou should call the University Ombuds Office. Their job is to help solve problems like this. The phone number is (312) 362-8707. Here is their website:\\n\\nExplain your problem to the ombudsman and they can probably help you solve this problem. Of course, if the University thinks you owe money there might not be anything else you can do other than pay it....\\n\\nHope this helps."
] |
1202499 | [
"What was Babe Ruths greatest impact on society?",
"He was the first athlete whose popularity transcended sports. He was popular because he was Babe Ruth, not because he was a baseball player."
] |
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