[ "What is the largest opening box office a movie has gotten?", "The largest opening weekend box office on record is by 2002's \"Spider-Man\" with a weekend take of over $114 million dollars." ]
[ "Im in a realtionship and just because i cant see him when i want 2 we broke up, am i wrong to be mad?", "No you are not wrong." ]
[ "Will the Seahawks put a stop to the Colts nonsense on Xmas eve?", "Yes they will. Colts will only play their starters in the first half and the first series of the 3rd quarter (just like preseason game 3). Seahawks are too good to do that and win." ]
[ "Do you think human ever reach the moon?", "We already have - Neil Armstrong - 1969." ]
[ "Why I have difficulty to make choices?", "You have difficulty to make choices because you cannot put sentences together correctly. Maybe you should stop being so fickle and just deal with it. Shut up, you're done, end." ]
[ "how many years ago was the big bang?", "About 13.7 billion years ago." ]
[ "I don't have a wireless connection icon in my network connections window??How do I setup a wireless in Win XP", "Do you even have a wireless card installed? Is this a notebook or pc? To setup a wireless network you need to have a wireless access point or a wireless router. If you have one of those, then you can setup a wireless network." ]
[ "Does costumer care really care?", "Let's answer this by looking at goals. Large publicly held companies have one goal: to maximize shareholder value. So in this sense, customer care only exists to the extent that it leads to making the shareholders happy. Customer care does not exist because they care about you--at least not primarily. However, as a secondary goal, customer care might actually care. For example, if the customer care manager is given a goal of increasing customer satisfaction and is provided with the appropriate resources, you might actually experience customer care that cares." ]
[ "in which quarter do the majority of public US companies close their fiscal year?", "I can't give you a breakdown via quarters, but my accountant had mentioned that most companies follow the calendar year - Jan 1 - Dec 31st." ]
[ "i am searching a person in bridgeport from yest .. how can i find him?", "Use this site:" ]
[ "how good do you think the Yankees are now they have Johnny Damon?", "Not good enough. All the hitting and fielding in the world can't make up for mediocre pitching." ]
[ "article about how groth hormones in beef affect youth people health?", "THE GROWTH HORMONES AFFECT YOUNG GIRLS, MAKING THEIR BREASTS AND BUTTS BIGGER...." ]
[ "what the side effect of using body specific cream (total image product )?", "I would read the back of the product lable. If this does not provide the answers, try contacting the company who makes it and ask. Or, you can ask your docter/dermatologist." ]
[ "need email address for nothing else?", "Your question makes little sense, that is perhaps why no one has responded to you. There really is no need to follow up with another question several minutes later, the questions are active for quite some time. \\n\\nIf you are getting spam from addresses you may wish to forward them to [email protected].\\n\\nIn this day and age few of the spam messages actually originate from where they say the originate. Many spammers forge headers, including forging the 'from' address. \\n\\nBelow is a basic tutorial on deciphering headers so you can complain to the right people." ]
[ "Does anyone use the \"report abuse\" link simply because they don't agree with the answer?", "i sent couple times,`coz they answers had an insult of them wrote me that i`m gay and the other one,i`don`t remember,but it was so unpretty from his side.and it had no intensions with an answer/question" ]
[ "any home remedies for deprssion and fatigue?", "Start walking, it promotes better sleeping habits and it just makes you feel better. Listening to Yanni and Enya i find relaxing, engage in a hobby of some sort you enjoy. Get up, get out of bed, get some sunshine on your beautiful face." ]
[ "Why aren't Asian guys popular with girls of other races?", "My brother (Chinese) is married to a German-American woman. They have two beautiful children... REALLY beautiful ;-)\\n\\nBut frankly, it has to do with the way our media portray's what is sexually attractive. We're all culturally conditioned to what is attractive, and Asian males are not usually portrayed as such." ]
[ "Explain WHY you multiply numerators when multiplying fractions....?", "Multiplying fractions is the same as taking part of the number; for example, if you want half of a half, you multiply 1/2 by 1/2 to get a quarter. Now suppose you wanted two thirds of a half. The first thing you need to know is, what is one third of a half? So, multiply 1/3 by 1/2 to get 1/6. But you know you want two of those, so you multiply 1/6 by 2. So you did:\\n\\n1/3 * 1/2 = 1/6\\n1/6 * 2 = 2/6 (or 1/3)\\n\\nOr, to put it all in one step:\\n2/3 * 1/2 = 2/6 (or 1/3)" ]
[ "Can you answer questions in Swedish too?", "you can but you may not...u can be reported for abuse for not writing in english language.\\n\\nsee community guidelines for more details" ]
[ "Does Lime Wire give your computor a virus? And what is its ups and downs?", "Limewire, and in fact most file sharing programs do not give your computer a virus.\\n\\nYou WILL however, get viruses from scripters who use the filesharing programs to force a file upload to your system.\\n\\nNormally, you initiate a download by selecting what you want to download. Some people however, can use backdoors in the program to make it THINK you requested a download, and will load unwanted files (the neverending supply of kiddy porn is a perfect example)\\n\\nIf you are going to use Limewire, do NOT keep it on 24/7. Only have it running a download while you are at your system, and keep an eye out on your shared folder. If you see files you KNOW you didnt download, delete them, and scan for viruses" ]
[ "why aren´t there any trees growing above a certain altitude, the so called \"tree-line\"?", "Tree-line or timberline is the edge of the habitat at which trees are capable of growing. Beyond the tree-line, they are unable to grow due to inappropriate environmental conditions. There are several types:\\n\\nArctic tree-line The furthest north in the Northern Hemisphere that trees can grow; further north, it is too cold to sustain trees. \\n\\nAntarctic tree-line The furthest south in the Southern Hemisphere that trees can grow; further south, it is too cold to sustain trees. \\n\\nAlpine tree-line The highest elevation that trees can grow on mountains; higher up, it is too cold to sustain trees. \\n\\nExposure tree-line On coasts, and on isolated mountains, the tree-line is often much lower than in corresponding altitudes inland and in larger, more complex mountain systems, because high wind speeds adversely affect tree growth. \\n\\nDesert tree-line The driest places that trees can grow; drier desert areas having insufficient rainfall to sustain trees. \\n\\nWetland tree-line The wettest ground on the margins of muskegs and bogs that trees can grow in, below which the ground is too saturated with water, excluding oxygen from the soil that tree roots need to grow. \\n\\nHowever no such line exists for swamps, where trees, such as Bald cypress and the many mangrove species, are adapted to growing in permanently water-logged soil." ]
[ "Who won the superbowl in 1984?", "Los Angeles 38, Washington 9\\nTampa Stadium\\nTampa, Florida\\nJanuary 22, 1984\\nAttendance: 72,920\\nMVP: Marcus Allen, RB, Los Angeles" ]
[ "what is the value of bi-centential quarters and halfs?", "notmuch. usually, a bicentennial quarter is worth about a quarter. in the book its like 75 cents. if its got an S mintmark, maybe a dollar. the halves are worth like 3 in the book, but market values are still a half dollar. if you have alot, you can sell it as a big lot on ebay. but you wont get much. i am guessing through my experience. if you have like 100 bicentennial halves, you would probably get about 53 buxx for it. even though, if you use it, you would get your 50 buxx value, since its still a half dollar." ]
[ "who know a web sight for kids?", "try this that's what i play" ]
[ "How do I get on credit card mailing lists, to receive credit card offers?", "I think that you could just notify the bank/cc company of your interest, after all, I hear that they have even sent credit card offers to dogs, babies and dead people. \\n Getting the credit isn't the problem, paying it off and not becoming a slave to it is! Been there, done that, and never again! Been three years debt FREE!!!\\n CASH is King, debt is dumb and the paid off home mortage is the NEW status symbol of wealth!!!!" ]
[ "If 11kg is divided by three we get 3.3(recurring).but doesnt that mean that mass of each piece is infinite?", "no, because you're not adding .3 each time... you're adding .3 and then .03 and then .003, each getting progressively smaller, so each time, you're not adding enough to even make the one before it go up, let alone the whole thing... it's just getting more accurate with each 3, the 3's go on forever, but each one is progressively less significant. It's the same concept as having lets say a piece of paper, and cutting it in half. You take one half and I take the other. Now you want more, so I give you half of my piece, which is 1/4 of the whole thing, so you have 3/4. Now, you want even more, so I cut my piece in half again and give it to you. I could keep cutting my piece in half and giving it to you, but you would never ever have the whole piece of paper because each piece I'm giving you means less and less, the denominator of my fraction would keep doubling, so I would always have something. I hope this helped you understand. \\n\\nYou sound like me in 10th grade, well minus the cars. just the general music(well, i was a band geek :p) and science in general, then I got to 11th grade and discovered physics. If you're curious about things like your question here, you're going to love physics, it satisfies so many curiosities you never thought could be answered and so many others you never knew you had. So then I took AP physics, loved it, and now I'm a freshman in college majoring in it. I highly recomment a physics course, you seem to have the inquisitive mind for it." ]
[ "in the beach boys song surfin safari what is from hawaii to the shores of what?", "They're ranglin in lagona, and sierra soux,\\nthey're kickin' out in doheny too.\\nI tell you surfin's kinda wild, it's getting bigger everyday\\nfrom hawaii to the shores of peru." ]
[ "how many moviestars and actors/actresses are there alive?", "way to many to count...sorry i looked it up but i couldn't it sorry!!!" ]
[ "What Would I Use This Formula For: 10.6802 x T x (D-T)?", "it has to do with estimating the steel weight (of a pipe)" ]
[ "Why don't international students get financial aids?", "With all due respect, I support educating American Citizens with my tax dollars before educating foreign students. Obviously, your ethic values and efforts greatly exceed those of many of my own countrymen, but Americans continue to fall farther and farther behind other countries. While I salute and commend your efforts, my financial support remains in hope that more American Citizens will adopt YOUR values and work ethic. Good Luck and may you reap the benefits of all your dedication, but don't ask me to back you financially." ]
[ "how old were u wen you had your first kiss?", "The moment I was born my Mom gave me a kiss. OH.. you mean from someone else, don't you? I kissed my first boyfriend when I was 14, I think. It was terrible!! He was 16 and thought he really knew how to kiss. ::rolling eyes::" ]
[ "I believe in giving back. What are some good places to volunteer my time?", "Organize a group of people together to feed the homeless that are in the street. There is such a homeless problem in California and not enough shelters to help all of the homeless. There are a few different people/groups of people I have witnessed that have made it their business to make hundreds of sandwiches a day and pass them out to the homeless. There was a lady in Los Angeles who would cook great healthy homemade soups and drive around to the different spots where she knew the homeless people would gather and she made sure they had something good to eat as regularly as possible. But sometimes people can't do that on such a grand scale and it still makes a big difference on a smaller scale sometimes. Just giving something to a homeless person - a warmed plate of your leftovers from dinner perhaps - is a great thing.\\n\\nWalk up to a homeless woman who is minding her own business, not begging off of anybody, and give her 10% of your weekly income. I met a man one time who did that because he no longer attended church and it was his form of paying tithes. See how big that woman's smile gets. Depending on what you make, you might be able to divide that among 10 homeless women and still get great, surprised, thankful, almost wondrous expressions of happiness.\\n\\nVolunteer to mentor or assist a homeless person who is not totally beyond help. There are plenty of homeless people out there who look beyond help. Homelessness is a battle of hopelessness. The longer a time a person remains homeless, the more hopeless they feel about everything. People who have been homeless for more than a year become \"The Chronic Homeless\" and their chances for being able to escape the confines of homelessnes are statistically decreased. Sometimes people just need an address for employment opportunities, a contact phone number for messages, encouragement, food, a safe place to store clothing and personal belongings. When homeless people don't have at least these meager advantages, it can be intensely difficult to make it back into a more normal type of living environment.\\n\\nBecome a mentor or a Big Brother.\\n\\nVolunteer to tutor children or speak to children to motivate them to study well so they can become a graphic designer or whatever they want to achieve.\\n\\nDonate some of your graphic design services or discount as a donation to help non-profit charities advertise events that can help them achieve their goals.\\n\\nCounty hospitals often welcome volunteer administrative help.\\n\\n(Just a few ideas - I could go on forever with this. So many worthy causes out there need volunteeristic people.)" ]
[ "where can i find good online tutorials on Maple ?", "This engineering department site has several, including several versions of Maple:\\n" ]
[ "I would like to hear of Christmas stories, even stories around christmas hymns.?", "So many just click this sites:\\n" ]
[ "How can I earn 1million dollars?", "Open a Roth IRA. Contribute every year. 40 years from now you'll be a millionaire, but of course by then so will everyone else. Darn inflation." ]
[ "how fast can u answer this question?", "Faster than anyone else! :)" ]