2 values
1 value
جمعت مفرداتها في حدائق الورود و اختارت من الجمال سحر براعم الزهر و جعلتها ك معزوفة لحنتها…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
امين يارب العالمين 💐
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
حتى التنزيله يعدل بين محارمي ويكت بنفس القدر ♥
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الف مبروك والفال لك يابو فلاح 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
هو الوحيد اغلي مافي الحياه.. ملايين بتقول أنصره يالله 🙏🦅 #قدها__يا__اهلي 💪
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#النصر_الهلال مستعدين ؟ الف ريال ستوزع على المتفاعلين ، بعد مباراة الهلال والنصر ان شاء الله 😎 روقان برج…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
⇟♩ღ✺ دعاء ذا النون يصنع المعجزات 💛 : "لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين "🕊 💌ღ♩❋ ' ❥
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
انت الحلو لبى ديودك 😍
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
صبحك بالخير :)
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الحمد لله💙 ألف مبروك يازعماء 💙 القادم أجمل إن شاء الله 🙏🏼
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اللهم إحفظ السودان من كل مكروه، واكتب لهم حقبة سعيدة مزهرة تنهض بهذا البلد إلى التقدم والنمو 🌻
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اللهم اسقي ارواحنا من فيض رحمتك .. وعزائم مغفرتك.. اللهم غيث تزهر منه القلوب.. اللهم اشفي مرضانا ومرضا المسلمين وغ…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
سبحان الله وبحمده 💕
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#تأمل قال الله ﷻ :- _*​﴿بواد غير ذي زرع ﴾*_ 💫💫 ✍ " ~ومع ذلك هتف بالدعاء ﴿وارزقهم من الثمرات ﴾ مهماكانت ظرو…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
وإن تمنيت من ربي أمنيه فبقاء عائلتي وأصحابي هو كل الأماني.. ربي لاتفجعني بهم و احفظهم لي ما دمت حيا 💗
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ماشاء الله تبارك الله / الله يزيدها سبحان الله محد جاها وقالها انتي ليش تألفي وتمثلي وتغني وتنتجي وتقدمي لو عندنا ط…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
السحب الليلة على الايفون .. رتويت للمرفقة وطبق الشروط 👇
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🙈🙈الي البيت من العرين بعين الله ترعاكم 🍁 🍀
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لا تعلق سعادتك بغير الله فإن الحبيب يجفو والقريب يبعد والحي يموت والمال يفنى والصحة تزول ولا يبقى إلا الحي القيوم…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
كثري من هالمقاطع عشان تفهم سلوى الزهراني انك تحبين زوجك يصير ماتخطفه منك ☺️
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ليت الأباء لايشيبون لايمرضون لايتألمون ليتهم معصومين من المرض لايحزنون لايرحلون ليتهم مخلدون ليتهم يضلون السند الثابت حتى فناء الحياة 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ان شاء الله خير :)
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
[ 📊 ] مراكز اغنية Boy With Luv بالتعاون مع هالزي في المخططات الكورية الموسيقية الساعة :00 م بتوقيت كوريا :…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يارب ياعالى انصر الاهلى الغالى 💖
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يوم في القلب قبل الذاكرة 💛
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
من حال لحال 🌚
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لعلها تشفع ليك يوم القيامه 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
من كتر شوقي سبقت عمري و شفت بكره و الوقت بدري و إيه يفيد الزمن مع اللى عاش فى الخيال و اللى فى قلبه سكن أنعم علي…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🎶 . بعض الأرواح أوجدهم الله في حياتنا كنعم تستوجب الشكر💕. …
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#الغانم_العيسى_للمقاولات #دمشق_الرياض #جدة 💚تنفيذ المظلات 💚المشبات 💚الشويات 💚الافران 💚 هناجر 💚مستودعات 💚ترميمات…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
هكذا احتفل زوجين من طيور اللقالق بعد نزول أول بيضة لهما في العش 😍
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
من المفترض أن تكون صورة ليلية لكن لا بأس بوضعها في الصباح 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
والى متى التصوير من أجل "التميلح" .؟ حاط فلاتر على عيونك ومفتح بشرتك ومضبط اللحية والحواجب 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
حين تريد أشياء ولم تحدث حين تنتظر شيئا ولم يأتي، تذكر العبارة : "رب خير لم تنله كان شرا لو أتاك" سيحدث…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عادي واحد شوي ينفس وشوي فلاوي 😊
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
في مباراة العربية غوميز استفز وتلفظ على المدافع الشاب عبدالباسط هندي حينها جهلة المدرج و الإعلام الجاهل ضحكوا وتن…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ااي صح والله 😩
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يعني نصراوي نفس ما قلت 😌
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
صباح الخير 💛 ساعة تماما , كل ماتبقى على لقاء الكلاسيكو الكبير بين #النصر_الاتحاد . - نراكم 💛
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يتنحى عشان يمسك الرئاسة 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اكرره شي تنام ساعتين وتقعد من النوم حلمان حلم يضايقك 🙂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ماتمت مناقشته أمس 😏 #FFM
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
وياك ي خوي 🌹
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اللهم أمين 🙏
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
معاك انا يلا 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
♥️🎁 مسابقة 🎁♥️ "_ الشروط فقط 👌_" ( متابعة + ريتويت ) 🎁وتدخل السحب 🎁 🌹 بالتوفيق للجميع 🌹 ⏰السحب بعد يومين ⏰
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يسعد صباحك 🌷
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
أمين يا رب، تسلم يالعزيز بو حسن 🌷
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
تاي يصيح بالزاويه 😭😭
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عمانية وارثة ذهب قيمته مليون دولار ذهب حر ورثته من جدها ، انظر واسمع ماذا تقول ✅ لله درك
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
من مباراة #الهلال_الاهلي والتي أنتهت بفوز الزعيم برباعية .. بإذن الله يتكرر السيناريو لزعيم 💙 💪
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ماذا تعلمت من الحياه؟ المشاركات للجميع أتحفونا بردودكم 👋 وخذ رتويت #فارس_الحاني #درس_اهدته_لك_الحياه
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يارب يا عالى انصر الأهلى الغالى ❤
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ياقلب ما عاد بالامكان تعبت اناصح وتعصيني 💙 غياب لفتره ليست بالقصيره .. دعواتكم 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
كانت تبكي كل ليلة لتفرغ صدرها المحشو بالندوب ، وفي كل مرة تنصت لها النجوم قائلة لطالما اعتبرناك من عائلتنا 🖤 أتنطفئين الآن ؟! 💫
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
حين تزرع السعادة في قلب إنسان سيأتي يوم من يزرعها *في قلبك* فالدني…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ف والله يأتيك الخير اضعاف ماتمنيت لغيرك ✨
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
✍🏻 ﻋﻨﺪﻣﺎ ﻳﺤﺒﺲ ﺍﻟﻀﻴﻖ ﺃﻧﻔﺎﺳﻚ ﺇﺭﺗﺸﻒ ﻣﺎﺀ ﺍﻹﻃﻤﺌﻨﺎﻥ ﻭﺃﻧﺖ ﺗﺮﺩﺩ : *ﺭﺑﻲ ﺇﺷﺮﺡ ﻟﻲ ﺻﺪﺭﻱ ، ﻭﻳﺴﺮ ﻟﻲ ﺃﻣﺮﻱ* .. * 🌹…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الهلال ينتصر .. لكنه بعيد جدا عن مستواه ! إهدار غريب .. لفرص سهلة جدا ! خط دفاع يعاني كثيرا ! كنو .. إمك…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ما شاء الله تبارك الله قالبين المنشن مجلس حريم شاهي ولا فصفص يا بنات عطر ،…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#تحدي_اسرع_روقان من كثر ما احتاج لك شفني شجاع اعششقك جدا .. ولا ابغي رجعتك••…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
♔➥ لۧا تقتڕب حډ #ٵٳلۧاﺣتڕۧاق! ♔➥ ﯛلۧا تبتعډ حډ #ٵٳلۧافتڕۧاق! ↺ ڪن لۧا بعيډ مڼ ٵٳحډ؟ ↺ ﯛلۧا قڕيب مڼ ٵٳح…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#الاتحاد_النصر نجم المباراة…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
والموية اكبر فرق 😻
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🎥 جماهير الهلال تستقبل محمد العويس استقبالا جيدا.
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#الهلال_الاهلي ليلة زرقاء ان شاء الله 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اللهم آمين يارب العالمين انتا وانا وامة سيدنا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم اجمعين إن شاء الله 🌸
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
السحب الليلة على الايفون .. رتويت للمرفقة وطبق الشروط 👇
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اخليك كل** تحت رجولي اخرس بس 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
المقطع اللي أحبه جدا من المناجاة الشعبانية : "الهي كأني بنفسي واقفة بين يديك وقد اظلها…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#وش_تعلمت_من_الدنياء دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء وطب نفسا إذا حكم..القضاء ولا تجزع…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
نصيحة على الطريقة السودانية 😍 ، جابها صح 👌
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
أحلى اشي بالحياة تصحى شعبان نوم 😌 Morning 🖐🖐
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
صباحك خير وسعاده يالامير 🌷
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الدقيقة الجزائر السودان الدقيقة السودان الجزائر ريمونتادا تاريخية 😂 سقطنا اي شي م فضل الا تفتح الجامعة ونسقط نحنا
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🌸❀🍃❥ ˓٭˛ ، لاتحزن حين تبدو الحياة ضيقه كالثقب وحين تظن ان الظلام دائم ولا ينتهي ثق بأن الله سيرسل لك نورا يتسلل بي…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
✦ ✿ ‌. . معي لاتحتاج أن تكون مبهرا ، طبيعتك تدهشني . .
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
قوتنا بعد الله دائما أنتم🌹💙 الف مبرووك 💙 الحمد لله و الشكر له 🙏
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#لوحه_مليانه_ايجابيه أنت لست على هوامش السطور أنت فرد مهم في هذا العالم ، فقط خصص لك مقعدا من بين الجميع 💛
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🎥 جماهير الهلال تستقبل محمد العويس استقبالا جيدا.
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
تغطية اليوم الثاني لفعاليات ملتقى #يقيني_يقيني في مجمع ( ذا جيت مول ) . غدا آخر يوم للملتقى 🌷 " حياك وادعو من تح…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الي راح حمادة والي جاي حمادة تاني خالص. الناس الي طلعت واحتفلت دي عارفة أن الشغل الجد يادوب حيبدأ؟! اسقاط النظام ه…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لمن يقرأ انته جميل حين تبتسم ؟ ابتسمت ل حط لايك 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
4.19 || تويتر بانقتان في التايمز سكوير -منطقة شهيرة جدا في نيويورك-! شكرا ! #alexaPlay -جهاز إلكتر…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🍂 ما غرك بربك الكريم 🍂 #تفسير يا أيها الإنسان الكافر بربك ما الذي جعلك تخالف أمر ربك حين أمهلك ولم يعاجلك بالع…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
أنا بسمي عيالك انت بالذات 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
✿.¸¸.•°˚˚°✿ ⇣💜⇣ ┊┊⇣ ┊⇣ ⇣ ✨الحياة ✨ لن ولن تعطيك كل ماتحب لكن القناعة تجعلك تحب كل مالديك .…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ﺍﻟﻠﻬﻢ في هذا الصباح ﺍجعل لنا ﻧﺼﻴﺒﺎ ﻓﻲ ﻛﻞ ﺧﻴﺮ ﺗﻘﺴﻤﻪ ﻭﻓﻲ ﻛﻞ ﻧﻮﺭ ﺗﻨﺸﺮﻩ ﻭﻓﻲ ﻛﻞ ﺭﺯﻕ ﺗﺒﺴﻄﻪ ﻭﻓﻲ ﻛﻞ ﺿﺮ ﺗﻜﺸﻔﻪ ﻭﻓﻲ ﻛﻞ ﺑﻼﺀ ﺗﺮﻓﻌﻪ 🌸 #صباح_الخير 🌸
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يارب وفق نصرنا و انصره و الصدارة له 🙏
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
حكمة اليوم ؛ اللي يثقل عليك من غير سبب صكه انفولو من غير سابق انذار 💘
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الآية دي من أكتر الآيات اللي بتخوفني وفاكرة أول مرة قرأت سورة الكهف وقفت عند آيتين وعيطت.. الاية دي والآية اللي بتق…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
- صباح ال 💛 " كل بسمه من ورا وجهك خير 🕊'
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
💫ما ناطحات السحاب ناطحات السحاب يمكن تجي فوقها يدي لو امدها الله خلقني تراب وراح ارجع تراب بس السما كل ليله او…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عن علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه قال : كان رسول الله ﷺ إذا ركع، قال: اللهم لك ركعت، وبك آمنت، ولك أسلمت، خشع لك…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ﻛﻞ ﺍﻟﺤﺮﻭﻑ ﺇﺫﺍﻧﻄﻘﺖ باﺳمه ﻗﺎﻣﺖ ﻟﻪ من حبه ﺗﻌﻈﻴﻤﺎ ﻫﺬﺍ ﺍﻟﻨﺒﻲ ﺍﻟﻬﺎﺷمي محمد ﺻﻠﻮﺍ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻤﻮﺍ ﺗﺴﻠﻴﻤﺎ . .…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
- #جويلي_تويتر_وحفلة_دعم_بفولورز - الدعم هيبقى كده لناس ال مفعله جرس التنبيهات فولو هنا وقول تم والباگ مضمون 😉✋ -…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اسعد الله صباحك 🌹
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
تبي تسعد خويك بهديه ومنت عارف وش تهديه ! لحم اختك احلى هديه تقدمها واكيد انها ما تغلى على خويك صح يا #ديوث ؟ 🍑…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
رساله صباحيه : 💛 اللهم اسألك التوفيق في جميع امورنا واكتب لنا الفردوس نحن ووالدينا وجميع موتى المسلمين برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.