2 values
1 value
#يوميات_محسن_بن_دقله %تركيزي عالشعر واللوك لجديد % ع كلامك 😅 المهم سواء قلت لنا او لا احنا بنصوت لك ..احنا ند…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اللهم إني اعوذ بك من كذب الأحبه و أصدقاء الوقت ، و حزن الأعين ، و فجأة الغياب ، و المنتصف المميت ، و ارتباك البدايات ، و خذلان النهايات 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
نصيحة جامعية : - إذا بتروح من مبنى لمبني -امشي ورى الطالب السمين - دائما ياخذ طرق مختصره 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
بمناسبة فوز الهلال .. 💙 سحب على آيفون XR📱 رتويت وتابع - السحب بعد ساعة موثق بالفديو 💪
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يلا ع البحر ، 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
إلهي بقدر معزتي له اسعده وارزقه كل خير من أوسع أبوابك.🤲🏻🖤 🌹🕊🌹🕊 🕊🌹🕊 ‼️🔥اطنخ فرز‼️🔥 . 🐣 🐣
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
باسوا يد الحبسي بالمطار وطالبوه بعدم تسجيل #النصر بمرماه واليوم يبوسون شعار #الاتحاد ليعطل النصر ويهديهم الصدارة !!…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
📋 👕 القائمة الأساسية والاحتياطية لفريق #الهلال الأول لكرة القدم في مواجهة مضيفه "الأهلي"، ضمن الجولة ال٢٧ من دوري…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الف مبرووك تستاهل 🌹
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عادي أمطار مو فيها 🤗
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لعلمك الدعس على قدم بوتيا قبل خطا البريك ولاتنسى ان فيه لمسه يد ومشاها الحكم لكم بعدين ليه الزعل ازعلومن…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#الاتحاد_وصغير_الرياض هل يفعلها الإتحاد؟! يارب 😇
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#الهلال_الأهلي .. ختام بطولة النخبة لكرة الطائرة سوف تقام على صالة الهيئة العامة للرياضة بالرياض الساعة :00 م ..…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لما حدا يهديك هيك اغنية هلق انا ما حدا هداني ياها بس انو شعور حلو بتخايل 😍
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
:40 الوضع امان الحمدلله .. ماف انباء عن اصابات لحدي اللحظة 🚨 🔴 الحصل انو في كجر مندس ضرب رصاص بالتزامن مع قناص ق…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اخيراا تودعين كيفان 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الشيء الوحيد الذي وصلوا فيه للعالمية هو : المسيار ..! . ترى كانوا يشجعون ريال مدريد ضد النصر 🤣
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
مب راقدهه 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
صبااح الجمال 😍
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#تحدي_الجرذان أسد علية وفي الحروب نعامة وفي يد الامريكان خروف الفاتحة ويجيك مگطن نايم بمخيمات النزوح والخيمة ت…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
تعال وإسمعني من الراس ل الراس البيت هذا ثبته وسط بالك عطني عمر ثاني وقلبين وإحساس وأنا اوعدك انساك واعشق بدالك 💕
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
صدقت 👍 تغريدة بمنتهى الجمال 👍👍
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
سبحانه الله ربك كريم لما تذكره يذكرك ويوقف معاك في اشد الصعاب ✨
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
رتويت لو انت مواليد تسعينات وحلمك كان تشوف البلد حاكمها زول غير عمر البشير ! 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
*اللهم إني أعوذ بك من زوال نعمتك وتحول عافيتك وفجاءة نقمتك…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يجب على الكل انصافه ضد الأهلي .. كان نجم فوق العادة 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الحمد لله💙 ألف مبروك يازعماء 💙 القادم أجمل إن شاء الله 🙏🏼
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
بعيدا عن مستوى المعيوف المميز هاللقطة أسطورية من ناصر 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🍁 - تجاهل كل شي وعش حرا.🍂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🌻 وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبرکاتہ 🌻 🌿🌿🌼🌼🌲🌲
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
بمناسبة فوز الهلال .. 💙 سحب على آيفون XR📱 رتويت وتابع - السحب بعد ساعة موثق بالفديو 💪
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
أنشهد درر ي الغالي ي ولد الغالي 🌹
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عوده للحياه مع قهوة الصباح 💕
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
هذا الاعب يقولي بكره ركز علي 😉 #زلزل_الملعب_نصرنا_بيلعب سوف ينفجر غدا 💪🏼💛💙💛
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يتحدثون عن اخلاق حسين ونجوم فرقهم نهاياتهم الرياضية أليمة ومخجلة نختلف ونتفق حول حسين ولكن المؤكد أن صحيفته الأخلاق…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
أخر ريتويت او منشن له ﷼ 😊
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
والله البتاعه دي احسن من اللي انا فيه بكتير 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته 🌴 ثلاث مر…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
كل يغني على ليلاه 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
بمناسبة فوز الهلال .. 💙 سحب على آيفون XR📱 رتويت وتابع - السحب بعد ساعة موثق بالفديو 💪
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يسعدك 🌸 🌹 يسعدك 🌸
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
💕 💕 يا صاحبي كل ما مريت في بالي دعيت ربي عساه يمد في عمرك غالي و تبقى على مر الزمن غالي لو قل معك…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
مع ورور 🌚
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
✨ توضيح هام ✨ بمشيئة الله سيبدأ الشوط الأول غدا لمباراة #الاتحاد_النصر بعد صلاة المغرب مباشرة وذلك في تمام الساعه…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#الهلال_الاهلي شكرا زعيمنا 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
من أكذب ما قرأت "صحيفته الأخلاقية نظيفة"
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#عدن جهاز كهربائي لقتل البعوض صغير وفعال 👍
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اي انجاز بستحق انو نفرح بيهو , لكننا في انتظار الفرح الحقيقي والاحتفال الاكبر , البتلخص في تحقيق كل مطالب وغايات ال…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يالله عسى كل دربك تساهيل ❤ درب السلامه وين مارحت تلقاه 💕 عسا عيونك ماتشوف البهاذيل💕 وعساك تلقى بالزمن ماتتمناه💖
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
نجمه الأسبوع من نجوم مملكة #النصر 🌸 راقيه . رسمت أجمل اللوحات على سماء الابداع والتميز . ┊✯┊✯┊✯┊✯🌸…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
هو اكيد شايف ومتذكر الاغلب 🤔 بس لو بمنشن ويرد علينا ماخلص من اسبوع مسكين 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الحمد لله دائما وابدا ربنا مبيكتبلناش الا الخيير 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
البليهي أختصر مشاعر جمهور #الهلال تجاه عبدالله المعيوف ، شكرا من الأعماق 💙 !
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
سحب على مبلغ مالي 💰 لمتابعي #كشكول 👍🏻 المطلوب: ولا شي بس رتويت 🔁🔥 السحب من الرتويت في أي لحظة 😎 ✋🏻 #مسابقات #مسابقات_كشكول #مسابقه
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لا وتعال شوف اذا بدينا نرد منشن على بعض ، وكل منشن ابيخ من الثاني 😂 وانتم لازم تتفاعلون مع كل رد ، يا حياة الشقى بس…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🌿 *سبحان من يجبر خواطرنا* حين يصدأ كل شيء .. ويحن علينا إذا قسا كل شيء .. سبحان من نحن بدونه لسنا بشيء وبه كل شيء…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ونعم بالله 💜
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
فكرة 💡 مبتكرة
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
أنا طمعان بوصالك وشاري بدنيتي دنياك ✨
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
صوت المطر عود بذكراك والغيم كنه يداريني 💕
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
القلب يمرض كما يمرض البدن وشفاؤه التوبه والحميه ،ويصدأ كما تصدآ المرأه وجلاؤه بالذگر ،ويعري كما يعري الجسد وزينته…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الخرطوم الآن: تقريبا حتى الكيزان فرحانين بزوال الكيزان 💕
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
هاهاها انا واقعي يا اختااه 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ننهى ازاى يعني هنفضل نتكلم 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يا فرحة ما تمت 😂 #الشايب_ناوي_تنظيم_الحمدين
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
احنا اتربينا في الاهلي ان مفيش مستحيل 👑 وإن شاء الله الاهلي يقدر 💪 #قدها__يا__اهلي
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عايزاك تسمعيلي الكلام دا كل يوم الصبح كدا عشان اقتنع بيه..اوك؟ 🌚
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
مسسااء النوور 🌷 مبروو💐وو💐ووك باارك الله لهماا وباارك عليهماا وجمع بينهماا…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يقولون : „ گن جميل المظهر تهوآگ العيون . „ ونحن نقول : „ گن جميل الخلق ت…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لا قصدي مالعبها كثير عشان اسوي التحديات ماخلصت الا تحدي اسبوع 😂
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
- سحب على مبالغ ماليه ل 🤷🏻‍♂️ 👌🏻 - السحب اليوم مساء ( حفله ) 😁 🔁 ريتويت ل التغريده ⬅️ متابعة حساب ( )…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
من البارحه وانا اصور 😁
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
عندما يعانق إبداع الحرف جمال الأخلاق والذوق🍃 يكون التميز والرقي له عنوان لهم 💫نجوم 💫 🏆#مملكة_الشعراء استحقوا: 🥉الو…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#صباح الأمن والسلام صحيح هالفيديو متأخر شوي بس الفكرة والنصيحة يلي فيه بتنفع لكل زمان ومكان 👌 #شهداء_العباره…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
وضع الدوري هالسنه 😁
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
والحين ببدا 💵 عزز فرصك 💪 #حفله_ديانا_حداد_بالكويت
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#الهلال_الاهلي وزيرتنا أختاري لي كم حساب يحتفلون معنا ذالليلة بمناسبة فوز #الهلال يستاهلون…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
لسه الدنيا فيها حاجات هنقابل كتير حكايات 🎵
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الثمن الذي يدفعه الرجل عندما يفرط بامرأة رائعة هو أنه سيحاول أن يجد شخصها في كل امرأة يلتقيها.. ولن يجدها أبدا 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#الزمن_الجميل نبكي على ما فات منا ومات وعلى طبايع جميله أختفت كم قلوب سليمه بيننا كانت و الحين وينها وكيف غابت ب…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
للتاريخ خضوع هلالي وترديد نشيد نادي الاتحاد 😊
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
مبروك الفوز 💙 تتوقعون العميد يسويها ؟
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ما لامس القرآن قلبا ضيقا إلا اتسع .. 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
🍂☀. إشراقة .☀🍂 قال يحيي بن أبي كثير : " لا يعجبك حلم امرئ حتى يغضب ، ولا أمانته حتى يطمع ، ف…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الكثير يعاني من مشكلة نسيان الكلمات الإنجليزية بعد حفظها !! - شرح مهم لحل هذه المشكلة 👍🌹 رتويت واعجاب لنشر الفائدة…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
أنا مش بايعه بس مبحبش أمسك في حد عايز يمشي. 💙
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
الله الله عليك مبدع دائما كلام من ذهب 💛
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
حصدنا ما يكفي من سوء أختيارتنا ف اللهم أختر لنا ولا تخيرنا فأننا لا نحسن الاختيار . 🙏
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
نعم لأنهافي ذمته 😂إلا في الأخلاقيات 😀فهذا شأن آخر 🤣
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
ماتنفع .. عندنا نسميها سيارة بنات .. 😅
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اوكك محى اقول شيء 😇 ..
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
صباح النور 🌻 .
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
📬 رايت في المنام أني اخرج من شعر اختي قمل. 📧 رسالة الحلم تخرجين آذي من اختك باذن الله 📜🔅 اجعل ثقة بالله ليس المفسر…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
يقول عز وجل ( لقد خلقنا الإنسان في أحسن تقويم ) ويقول ( و لقد كرمنا بني آدم ) لايجوز بعض الصفات التي لا تليق على ال…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#الى_سدره_المنتهي "لاحول ولا قوة إلا بالله" تلك الكلمة الزاخرة بالعبودية كنز من كنوز الجنة، وباب من أبواب الجنة، وغ…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
اللهم راحه لاتنتهي ، اللهم نعيم لاينفذ ، اللهم الجزء اللطيف من كل شيء♥️ . صباحكم خير 😍
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
#شماغ_فيري_كشخة_تستاهلها ▪يتميز بخامته القطنية % ✅ ▪نقشته الفريدة 👌 ▪خفته المتميز…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
صباح الخير 🌹
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.
بعض التغاريد كنها تشرح اوضاعي كن المغرد يعرف النفس وش فيها ٰ وبعض التغاريد زادت في الاوجاعي يالله تسامح .…
Classify the sentiment of the Arabic text as POSITIVE (favorable, optimistic) or NEGATIVE (unfavorable, pessimistic) based on its emotional tone and language.