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Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 科学发展助力黄河三角洲大开发 | Scientific Development Accelerates Development of the Yellow River Delta |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Scientific Development Accelerates Development of the Yellow River Delta | 科学发展助力黄河三角洲大开发 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | Al-20Cu-9.6Si-xEr钎料对SiCp/A356复合材料真空钎焊接头组织与性能的影响 | Effect of Al-20Cu-9.6Si-xEr Filler Metal on Microstructure and Properties of Brazed Joints for SiCp/A356 Composites by Vacuum Brazing |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Effect of Al-20Cu-9.6Si-xEr Filler Metal on Microstructure and Properties of Brazed Joints for SiCp/A356 Composites by Vacuum Brazing | Al-20Cu-9.6Si-xEr钎料对SiCp/A356复合材料真空钎焊接头组织与性能的影响 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 大学生求职、生活中的非道德行为及其纠正 | Immoral Behaviours of College Students in Job Hunting,College Life,and the Ways to Correct This |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Immoral Behaviours of College Students in Job Hunting,College Life,and the Ways to Correct This | 大学生求职、生活中的非道德行为及其纠正 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 新加坡威权体制的构建与社会发展成本的降低 | On the Construction of Singapore's Authoritarian System and the Reducion of the Cost of Social Development |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | On the Construction of Singapore's Authoritarian System and the Reducion of the Cost of Social Development | 新加坡威权体制的构建与社会发展成本的降低 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 非线性广义大系统的指数稳定性与分散控制 | Exponential Stability and Decentralized Control for Nonlinear Singular Large-scale Systems |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Exponential Stability and Decentralized Control for Nonlinear Singular Large-scale Systems | 非线性广义大系统的指数稳定性与分散控制 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 硅酸铝耐火纤维对冲天炉、浇包的隔热、保温作用 | Heat Insulation & Preservation of Al-Silicide Refractory Fibre on Cupola & ladle |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Heat Insulation & Preservation of Al-Silicide Refractory Fibre on Cupola & ladle | 硅酸铝耐火纤维对冲天炉、浇包的隔热、保温作用 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 基于改进遗传算法的立体视觉系统标定 | Camera Calibration of Stereo Vision System Based on Genetic Algorithms |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Camera Calibration of Stereo Vision System Based on Genetic Algorithms | 基于改进遗传算法的立体视觉系统标定 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | PP/空心玻璃微珠复合材料非等温结晶研究 | Non-Isothermal Crystallization of PP/HGB Composites |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Non-Isothermal Crystallization of PP/HGB Composites | PP/空心玻璃微珠复合材料非等温结晶研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 邓小平社会主义本质论的逻辑架构与思维范式 | The Logical Framework and Thought Pattern of Deng Xiaoping's Theory on Socialist Essence |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The Logical Framework and Thought Pattern of Deng Xiaoping's Theory on Socialist Essence | 邓小平社会主义本质论的逻辑架构与思维范式 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 彩超和B-flow技术评估下肢深静脉瓣膜反流程度的临床价值 | Clinical value of color Doppler flow imaging and B-flow technique in assessing the grade of deep venous valvular regurgitation of lower limbs |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Clinical value of color Doppler flow imaging and B-flow technique in assessing the grade of deep venous valvular regurgitation of lower limbs | 彩超和B-flow技术评估下肢深静脉瓣膜反流程度的临床价值 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 基坑围护设计与实测分析比较 | Design of Foundation Pit Shield and Analysis on the Actual Measured Results |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Design of Foundation Pit Shield and Analysis on the Actual Measured Results | 基坑围护设计与实测分析比较 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 无线数据传输在高速公路机电系统中的应用研究 | Research on application of wireless data transmission in electromechanical system of expressway |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Research on application of wireless data transmission in electromechanical system of expressway | 无线数据传输在高速公路机电系统中的应用研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 重症监护病房感染患者不动杆菌的分离及耐药分析 | ACinetobacter Isolation and Resistance Status Analysis or Infection Patieats in Intensive Care Unit |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | ACinetobacter Isolation and Resistance Status Analysis or Infection Patieats in Intensive Care Unit | 重症监护病房感染患者不动杆菌的分离及耐药分析 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 磁共振波谱检测肌萎缩侧索硬化的上运动神经元损害。目的 探讨质子磁共振波谱(proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy,1 H-MRS)检测肌萎缩侧索硬化(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,ALS)的上运动神经元损害(upper motor neuron,UMN)的特点和诊断准确性.方法 收集ALS患者31例和健康对照32名,采用1 H-MRS检测脑中央前回皮质下、内囊后肢和大脑脚感兴趣区代谢产物N-乙酰天冬氨酸(NAA)、胆碱(Cho)、肌酸(Cr)的水平,计算NAA/Cr、NAA/(Cho+Cr)、Cho/Cr比值,采用受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线分析1H-MRS对ALS患者UMN损害的诊断价值.结果 ALS患者各锥体束走行部位和部位组合的NAA/Cr和NAA/(Cho+Cr)较对照组显著降低(P<0.05). NAA比值预测ALS的UMN损害的ROC曲线下面积(area under the curve,AUC)为0.67~0.91,其中内囊后肢、大脑脚两部位的平均NAA/(Cho+ Cr)和三部位的平均NAA/(Cho+ Cr)的AUC、灵敏度、特异度分别为0.91、0.828、0.906和0.90、0.769、0.875.结论 1 H-MRS可检出ALS患者锥体束走行的生化代谢异常,是评估ALS的UMN损害的客观影像学指标,其诊断准确性中等,多水平检测和综合指标的选择有助于提高其诊断效力. | Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the diagnosis of upper motor neuron involvement in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Objective To evaluate the feature and diagnostic accuracy of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1 H-MRS) in detecting upper motor neuron (UMN) involvement in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).Methods The study included 31 ALS patients and 32 healthy controls and measured the concentration of N-acetylaspartate (NAA),choline (Cho) and creatine (Cr) by 1H-MRS in subcortical white matter of precentral gyrus,posterior limb of internal capsule (PLIC) and cerebral peduncle (CP).Ratios of NAA/Cr,NAA/ (Cho+Cr) and Cho/Cr were calculated from these measurements.The diagnostic value of NAA ratios for ALS lesions was analyzed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.Results Compared with the controls,ALS group had significantly decreased NAA/Cr and NAA/ (Cho+Cr) ratios at the three levels along the corticospinal tract (CST) (P<0.05).In ROC analysis,areas under the curves (AUC) ranged from 0.67 to 0.91.The average NAA/ (Cho+Cr) ratio of PLIC and CP showed the best performance with an AUC of 0.91,a sensitivity of 0.828 and a specificity of 0.906,followed by the average NAA/ (Cho+Cr) ratio of all the three levels,with the corresponding data as 0.90,0.769 and 0.875.Conclusions 1H-MRS can reveal metabolite abnormalities in the intracranial CTS of ALS patients and serve as a neuroimaging biomarker for UMN involvement.Regarding its moderate diagnostic accuracy,multilevel measurements and synthetically using parameters will help to improve its efficacy. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the diagnosis of upper motor neuron involvement in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Objective To evaluate the feature and diagnostic accuracy of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1 H-MRS) in detecting upper motor neuron (UMN) involvement in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).Methods The study included 31 ALS patients and 32 healthy controls and measured the concentration of N-acetylaspartate (NAA),choline (Cho) and creatine (Cr) by 1H-MRS in subcortical white matter of precentral gyrus,posterior limb of internal capsule (PLIC) and cerebral peduncle (CP).Ratios of NAA/Cr,NAA/ (Cho+Cr) and Cho/Cr were calculated from these measurements.The diagnostic value of NAA ratios for ALS lesions was analyzed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.Results Compared with the controls,ALS group had significantly decreased NAA/Cr and NAA/ (Cho+Cr) ratios at the three levels along the corticospinal tract (CST) (P<0.05).In ROC analysis,areas under the curves (AUC) ranged from 0.67 to 0.91.The average NAA/ (Cho+Cr) ratio of PLIC and CP showed the best performance with an AUC of 0.91,a sensitivity of 0.828 and a specificity of 0.906,followed by the average NAA/ (Cho+Cr) ratio of all the three levels,with the corresponding data as 0.90,0.769 and 0.875.Conclusions 1H-MRS can reveal metabolite abnormalities in the intracranial CTS of ALS patients and serve as a neuroimaging biomarker for UMN involvement.Regarding its moderate diagnostic accuracy,multilevel measurements and synthetically using parameters will help to improve its efficacy. | 磁共振波谱检测肌萎缩侧索硬化的上运动神经元损害。目的 探讨质子磁共振波谱(proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy,1 H-MRS)检测肌萎缩侧索硬化(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,ALS)的上运动神经元损害(upper motor neuron,UMN)的特点和诊断准确性.方法 收集ALS患者31例和健康对照32名,采用1 H-MRS检测脑中央前回皮质下、内囊后肢和大脑脚感兴趣区代谢产物N-乙酰天冬氨酸(NAA)、胆碱(Cho)、肌酸(Cr)的水平,计算NAA/Cr、NAA/(Cho+Cr)、Cho/Cr比值,采用受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线分析1H-MRS对ALS患者UMN损害的诊断价值.结果 ALS患者各锥体束走行部位和部位组合的NAA/Cr和NAA/(Cho+Cr)较对照组显著降低(P<0.05). NAA比值预测ALS的UMN损害的ROC曲线下面积(area under the curve,AUC)为0.67~0.91,其中内囊后肢、大脑脚两部位的平均NAA/(Cho+ Cr)和三部位的平均NAA/(Cho+ Cr)的AUC、灵敏度、特异度分别为0.91、0.828、0.906和0.90、0.769、0.875.结论 1 H-MRS可检出ALS患者锥体束走行的生化代谢异常,是评估ALS的UMN损害的客观影像学指标,其诊断准确性中等,多水平检测和综合指标的选择有助于提高其诊断效力. |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 巨龙竹纤维形态及变异规律的研究 | Study of Fiber Morphology and Its Variation Law of Dendrocalamus sinicus |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Study of Fiber Morphology and Its Variation Law of Dendrocalamus sinicus | 巨龙竹纤维形态及变异规律的研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 不同手术方法治疗先天性主动脉瓣上狭窄的临床研究 | The treatment of congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis by different surgical technique |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The treatment of congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis by different surgical technique | 不同手术方法治疗先天性主动脉瓣上狭窄的临床研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 稀土氧化物对SPS烧结AlN陶瓷电性能的影响。以AlN粉末为原料,添加稀土氧化物(Sm2O3、Y2O3),在氮气气氛下,采用SPS烧结方法制备AlN陶瓷,研究稀土氧化物的掺杂对AlN烧结试样相组成、微观结构和电性能的影响。实验表明: Sm2O3、Y2O3与Al2O3反应生成的液相稀土金属铝酸盐会提高AlN陶瓷致密度,且在晶界处形成导电通路降低了AlN陶瓷电阻率。随着Sm2O3掺杂量的增加,晶界相逐渐由Sm4Al2O9过渡到SmAlO3,且Sm4Al2O9对电阻率贡献最大。其中,3wt% Sm2O3掺杂AlN陶瓷电阻率最低,为1.32×1010?·cm,相对密度为99.33%。Y2O3掺杂量的增加会使晶界处钇铝酸盐由富铝酸盐向富钇酸盐转变,三者电阻率相差较小, Y2O3含量高于3wt%的AlN陶瓷电阻率维持在1×1010?·cm左右,其中4wt%Y2O3掺杂AlN相对密度最高为99.08%。 | Effect of Rare Earth Oxides on Electrical Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered AlN Ceramics. AlN ceramics doped with rare earth oxide (Sm2O3, Y2O3) were prepared bySpark Plasma Sintering (SPS) in nitrogen atmosphere using AlN powder as raw materials. The effect of rare earth oxide on the phase composition, microstructure and electrical resistivity of AlN ceramics were investigated. The results showed that those sintering additives promoted densification through liquid-phase sintering. AlN ceramics with elec-trical resistivity values of 1×1010–1×1012??cm were obtained by precipitating rare earth aluminates as a conducting pathway at the grain boundaries. With the increasing of Sm2O3 doping, the phase of samarium aluminate gradually changed from Sm4Al2O9 to SmAlO3 which had a higher resistivity than Sm4Al2O9. 3wt% Sm2O3 doped AlN ceramics had the minimum resistivity of 1.32×1010??cm with the relative density of 99.33%. The yttrium aluminate phase gradually changed from Y3Al5O12 to Y4Al2O9 with the increase of Y2O3-doping. The electrical resistivity of different yttrium aluminates were about 1×108??cm. Y2O3- doped AlN sample with over 3wt% Y2O3 had an electrical resistivity about 1×1010??cm. 4wt% Y2O3 doped AlN ceramic had the electrical resistivity of 1.60×1010??cm with the maximum relative density of 99.08%. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Effect of Rare Earth Oxides on Electrical Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered AlN Ceramics. AlN ceramics doped with rare earth oxide (Sm2O3, Y2O3) were prepared bySpark Plasma Sintering (SPS) in nitrogen atmosphere using AlN powder as raw materials. The effect of rare earth oxide on the phase composition, microstructure and electrical resistivity of AlN ceramics were investigated. The results showed that those sintering additives promoted densification through liquid-phase sintering. AlN ceramics with elec-trical resistivity values of 1×1010–1×1012??cm were obtained by precipitating rare earth aluminates as a conducting pathway at the grain boundaries. With the increasing of Sm2O3 doping, the phase of samarium aluminate gradually changed from Sm4Al2O9 to SmAlO3 which had a higher resistivity than Sm4Al2O9. 3wt% Sm2O3 doped AlN ceramics had the minimum resistivity of 1.32×1010??cm with the relative density of 99.33%. The yttrium aluminate phase gradually changed from Y3Al5O12 to Y4Al2O9 with the increase of Y2O3-doping. The electrical resistivity of different yttrium aluminates were about 1×108??cm. Y2O3- doped AlN sample with over 3wt% Y2O3 had an electrical resistivity about 1×1010??cm. 4wt% Y2O3 doped AlN ceramic had the electrical resistivity of 1.60×1010??cm with the maximum relative density of 99.08%. | 稀土氧化物对SPS烧结AlN陶瓷电性能的影响。以AlN粉末为原料,添加稀土氧化物(Sm2O3、Y2O3),在氮气气氛下,采用SPS烧结方法制备AlN陶瓷,研究稀土氧化物的掺杂对AlN烧结试样相组成、微观结构和电性能的影响。实验表明: Sm2O3、Y2O3与Al2O3反应生成的液相稀土金属铝酸盐会提高AlN陶瓷致密度,且在晶界处形成导电通路降低了AlN陶瓷电阻率。随着Sm2O3掺杂量的增加,晶界相逐渐由Sm4Al2O9过渡到SmAlO3,且Sm4Al2O9对电阻率贡献最大。其中,3wt% Sm2O3掺杂AlN陶瓷电阻率最低,为1.32×1010?·cm,相对密度为99.33%。Y2O3掺杂量的增加会使晶界处钇铝酸盐由富铝酸盐向富钇酸盐转变,三者电阻率相差较小, Y2O3含量高于3wt%的AlN陶瓷电阻率维持在1×1010?·cm左右,其中4wt%Y2O3掺杂AlN相对密度最高为99.08%。 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 自由基损伤与D-半乳糖所致细胞老化关系 | The relationship between free radical injury and D-galactose induced cell senescence |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The relationship between free radical injury and D-galactose induced cell senescence | 自由基损伤与D-半乳糖所致细胞老化关系 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | CT引导下射频消融肺结节联合术中穿刺活检的临床应用及预防出血措施 | Clinical application of CT-guided percutaneous RFA combined with halfway biopsy for pulmonary nodule and management for prevention of intraoperative bleeding |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Clinical application of CT-guided percutaneous RFA combined with halfway biopsy for pulmonary nodule and management for prevention of intraoperative bleeding | CT引导下射频消融肺结节联合术中穿刺活检的临床应用及预防出血措施 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 清代桂林进士时空分布特征及其成因探析 | An Analysis of Jinshin from Guilin in Qing Dynasty:The Distribution Characteristics in terms of Time and Space and their Causes |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | An Analysis of Jinshin from Guilin in Qing Dynasty:The Distribution Characteristics in terms of Time and Space and their Causes | 清代桂林进士时空分布特征及其成因探析 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 高层建筑大单元呼吸式幕墙吊装水平运输系统设计与验算 | Design and Checking Calculation on the Hoisting Horizontal Transportation System of the Large Unit Respiratory Curtain Wall in the High-rise Building |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Design and Checking Calculation on the Hoisting Horizontal Transportation System of the Large Unit Respiratory Curtain Wall in the High-rise Building | 高层建筑大单元呼吸式幕墙吊装水平运输系统设计与验算 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 结核性脑膜炎与其他脑膜炎的鉴别诊断。目的 了解结核性脑膜炎(结脑)的临床特征及其与病毒性脑膜炎(病脑)、隐球菌性脑膜炎(隐脑)和化脓性脑膜炎(化脑)鉴别诊断要点,提高治愈率.方法 收集2013年1月至2015年12月间在浙江省人民医院住院的结脑患者45例,病脑患者20例、隐脑患者15例和化脑患者15例的临床资料,并比较其临床特征.结果 结脑患者常合并肺结核或肺外结核疾病(29例,64.4%);基础疾病以艾滋病、糖尿病和高血压多见;起病形式多样,但以亚急性和慢性起病为主(分别为26例,57.8%和11例,24.4%);结脑早期临床表现主要以发热(45例,100%)、头痛(29例,64.4%)和恶心呕吐(27例,60.0%)为主,进而可出现颅神经和脑实质损害征象;脑脊液符合特征性的改变,并见腺苷脱氨酶含量升高达(6.67±5.32) U/L.影像学上表现以脑实质改变多见(16例,35.6%).结论 结脑的早期诊断需综合临床表现、脑脊液检查、影像学检查,其中脑脊液检查和及时的头颅CT或磁共振检查对诊断尤为重要. | Differential diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis and other meningitis. Objective To understand the clinical characteristics of tuberculosis meningitis,and the differential diagnosis features with other types of meningitis such as viral meningitis,cryptococcal meningitis,purulent meningitis,so as to improve the recovery rate of this disease.Methods There were 45 patients with tuberculosis meningitis,20 patients with viral meningitis,15 patients with cryptococcal meningitis and 15 patients with purulent meningitis in Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital from January 2013 to December 2015 collected in the study.The clinical features of tuberculosis meningitis were compared with those of other three types of meningitis.Results Tuberculosis meningitis patients were commonly complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis and other tuberculosis (29 cases,64.4%);the main underlying diseases were AIDS,diabetes and hypertension;the onset of tuberculosis meningitis was diverse,but usually with sub-acute and chronic symptoms [26 cases (57.8%)and 11 cases (24.4%)].The main early symptoms of tuberculosis meningitis were fever (45 cases,100%),headache (29 cases,64.4%),nausea and vomiting (27 cases,60.0%),followed by the damage of central nerve system with the disease progress.The cerebrospinal fluid had characteristic changes with an increased adenosine deaminase (ADA) of (6.67±5.32) U/L.The cerebral parenchyma damage was the most common feature by neuroimaging (16 cases,35.6%).Conclusions Early diagnosis of tuberculosis meningitis should be combined with clinical evaluation,cerebrospinal fluid laboratory test and graphic assessment,in which cerebrospinal fluid,head CT or MRI are of great value. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Differential diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis and other meningitis. Objective To understand the clinical characteristics of tuberculosis meningitis,and the differential diagnosis features with other types of meningitis such as viral meningitis,cryptococcal meningitis,purulent meningitis,so as to improve the recovery rate of this disease.Methods There were 45 patients with tuberculosis meningitis,20 patients with viral meningitis,15 patients with cryptococcal meningitis and 15 patients with purulent meningitis in Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital from January 2013 to December 2015 collected in the study.The clinical features of tuberculosis meningitis were compared with those of other three types of meningitis.Results Tuberculosis meningitis patients were commonly complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis and other tuberculosis (29 cases,64.4%);the main underlying diseases were AIDS,diabetes and hypertension;the onset of tuberculosis meningitis was diverse,but usually with sub-acute and chronic symptoms [26 cases (57.8%)and 11 cases (24.4%)].The main early symptoms of tuberculosis meningitis were fever (45 cases,100%),headache (29 cases,64.4%),nausea and vomiting (27 cases,60.0%),followed by the damage of central nerve system with the disease progress.The cerebrospinal fluid had characteristic changes with an increased adenosine deaminase (ADA) of (6.67±5.32) U/L.The cerebral parenchyma damage was the most common feature by neuroimaging (16 cases,35.6%).Conclusions Early diagnosis of tuberculosis meningitis should be combined with clinical evaluation,cerebrospinal fluid laboratory test and graphic assessment,in which cerebrospinal fluid,head CT or MRI are of great value. | 结核性脑膜炎与其他脑膜炎的鉴别诊断。目的 了解结核性脑膜炎(结脑)的临床特征及其与病毒性脑膜炎(病脑)、隐球菌性脑膜炎(隐脑)和化脓性脑膜炎(化脑)鉴别诊断要点,提高治愈率.方法 收集2013年1月至2015年12月间在浙江省人民医院住院的结脑患者45例,病脑患者20例、隐脑患者15例和化脑患者15例的临床资料,并比较其临床特征.结果 结脑患者常合并肺结核或肺外结核疾病(29例,64.4%);基础疾病以艾滋病、糖尿病和高血压多见;起病形式多样,但以亚急性和慢性起病为主(分别为26例,57.8%和11例,24.4%);结脑早期临床表现主要以发热(45例,100%)、头痛(29例,64.4%)和恶心呕吐(27例,60.0%)为主,进而可出现颅神经和脑实质损害征象;脑脊液符合特征性的改变,并见腺苷脱氨酶含量升高达(6.67±5.32) U/L.影像学上表现以脑实质改变多见(16例,35.6%).结论 结脑的早期诊断需综合临床表现、脑脊液检查、影像学检查,其中脑脊液检查和及时的头颅CT或磁共振检查对诊断尤为重要. |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 沙尔湖浅埋煤层气注入/压降测试方法应用研究 | Shull Shallow Lake Bed Methane Injection/Fall Application of Testing Methods |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Shull Shallow Lake Bed Methane Injection/Fall Application of Testing Methods | 沙尔湖浅埋煤层气注入/压降测试方法应用研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 打开边界的工程教育 | Engineering Education with an Open Boundary |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Engineering Education with an Open Boundary | 打开边界的工程教育 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | S/X波段频率选择副反射面的设计与测试。频率选择表面在多频段反射面天线设计中获得广泛应用.简述了频率选择副反射面的工作原理.介绍了用模式匹配法分析设计频率选择副反射面的方法.给出了某工程应用的S/X波段4.2m天线频率选择副反射面设计例子.简述了频率选择副反射面的测量方法程序,并给出了S/X波段4.2m天线频率选择副反射面的测试结果.结果表明:频率选择副反射面的传输系数和反射系数满足工程设计要求. | Design and test of frequency selective surface sub-reflector at S/X-band. Frequency selective surface has been widely used in multi-band reflector antenna design.In this paper,operation principle of the frequency selective surface sub-reflector is described simply.Methods of the frequency selective surface sub-reflector analysis and design are introduced using mode matching method.T he design example of an engineering application for S/X-bands 4.2m antenna frequency selective surface sub-reflector is given.Test method and procedure are described simply,and test results of S/X-bands 4.2m antenna frequency se-lective surface sub-reflector are given.Test results show that transmission and reflection coefficients of frequency selective sub-reflector meet requirement of engineering design. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Design and test of frequency selective surface sub-reflector at S/X-band. Frequency selective surface has been widely used in multi-band reflector antenna design.In this paper,operation principle of the frequency selective surface sub-reflector is described simply.Methods of the frequency selective surface sub-reflector analysis and design are introduced using mode matching method.T he design example of an engineering application for S/X-bands 4.2m antenna frequency selective surface sub-reflector is given.Test method and procedure are described simply,and test results of S/X-bands 4.2m antenna frequency se-lective surface sub-reflector are given.Test results show that transmission and reflection coefficients of frequency selective sub-reflector meet requirement of engineering design. | S/X波段频率选择副反射面的设计与测试。频率选择表面在多频段反射面天线设计中获得广泛应用.简述了频率选择副反射面的工作原理.介绍了用模式匹配法分析设计频率选择副反射面的方法.给出了某工程应用的S/X波段4.2m天线频率选择副反射面设计例子.简述了频率选择副反射面的测量方法程序,并给出了S/X波段4.2m天线频率选择副反射面的测试结果.结果表明:频率选择副反射面的传输系数和反射系数满足工程设计要求. |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 基于粒子群的BP神经网络算法在猪等级评定中的应用 | Study on Pork Grade Evaluation of BP Neural Network Based on PSO |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Study on Pork Grade Evaluation of BP Neural Network Based on PSO | 基于粒子群的BP神经网络算法在猪等级评定中的应用 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | “让道”与中国古代选举制度的内在难题 | Relinquishment and the Inner Problems of the Electoral System in Ancient China |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Relinquishment and the Inner Problems of the Electoral System in Ancient China | “让道”与中国古代选举制度的内在难题 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 立磨多级传动系统的扭转振动分析 | Torsional Analysis of Multi-Stage Transmission System of Coal Mill |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Torsional Analysis of Multi-Stage Transmission System of Coal Mill | 立磨多级传动系统的扭转振动分析 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 高校科研人员长期结果考量与双元创新行为:性别的调节作用 | The impact of consideration of future consequences on exploration behaviors and exploitation behaviors:The moderated role of gender |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The impact of consideration of future consequences on exploration behaviors and exploitation behaviors:The moderated role of gender | 高校科研人员长期结果考量与双元创新行为:性别的调节作用 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 烤烟主要农艺性状变异特征以及与烟碱含量的相关分析。为加快高烟碱烤烟品种的田间选育,以116份烤烟种质资源为供试材料,连续种植4年,于烟叶成熟期测定其13个农艺性状,采用因子分析、逐步回归分析、二次响应面分析等方法探讨了烤烟烟碱含量与农艺性状之间的相关性.结果表明,烤烟主要农艺性状变异丰富,变异系数达5.64%~16.96%.烟碱含量变异系数达到24.3%.简单相关分析表明,烟碱含量与节距呈极显著正相关,与茎围、叶数呈显著负相关.通过因子分析,明确了与烟碱含量相关的主要农艺性状包括烟叶长宽比因子、叶数因子、叶长因子、株高因子.采用逐步回归分析法,建立了烤烟主要农艺性状与烟碱含量之间的回归模型,经统计学检验,达到极显著水平.通过二次响应面分析,展现了腰叶长、下二棚叶长与烟碱含量之间的动态变化关系,当下二棚叶长63.7 cm,腰叶长58.7 cm,烟株的烟碱含量稳定且有极小值.烟叶长宽比较小、节距较大、叶数较少和株高较高的烤烟,烟碱含量较高,因此,在选育不同烟碱含量的烤烟品种时,应综合考虑. | Variation of Main Agronomic Traits and Correlation Analysis of Nicotine Content in Flue-cured Tobacco. In order to increase selection efficiency of tobacco breeding, we carried out an analysis of relationship between nicotine content and agronomic traits. In this study, 13 agronomic traits of 116 tobacco varieties were measured in 4 consecutive years. Correlation analysis, factor analysis, stepwise selection analysis and quadratic response surface analysis were used to explore the relationship between nicotine content and these traits. The results showed that variations in main agronomic traits of tobacco varieties were abundant with the coefficients of variation ranging from 5.64%-16.96% and the variation coefficient of nicotine content was 24.3%. Simple correlation analysis showed that nicotine content was significantly positively correlated with the internodal distance, and negatively correlated with stem girth and leaf number. Factor analysis showed that leaf length-width ration factors, leaf number factors, leaf length factors, plant height factors were largely responsible for nicotine content. Regression models, which successfully forecasted the relationships between agronomic traits and nicotine content were established by Stepwise selection method analysis. Statistical test was performed and the results showed that the correlation coefficient was significant. Furtherly, second response surface analysis revealed the dynamical relationship of nicotine content between a leaf length and middle leaf length. When bottom leaf length is 63.7 cm and middle leaf length is 58.7 cm, the nicotine content of a tobacco plant is stable and has a minimal value. Nicotine content will increase when tobacco plants have a smaller leaf length-width ratio, bigger internodal distance, less leaf number, and higher plant height. Therefore, when breeding for flue-cured tobacco varieties with different nicotine contents, breeders can use these agronomic traits as reference. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Variation of Main Agronomic Traits and Correlation Analysis of Nicotine Content in Flue-cured Tobacco. In order to increase selection efficiency of tobacco breeding, we carried out an analysis of relationship between nicotine content and agronomic traits. In this study, 13 agronomic traits of 116 tobacco varieties were measured in 4 consecutive years. Correlation analysis, factor analysis, stepwise selection analysis and quadratic response surface analysis were used to explore the relationship between nicotine content and these traits. The results showed that variations in main agronomic traits of tobacco varieties were abundant with the coefficients of variation ranging from 5.64%-16.96% and the variation coefficient of nicotine content was 24.3%. Simple correlation analysis showed that nicotine content was significantly positively correlated with the internodal distance, and negatively correlated with stem girth and leaf number. Factor analysis showed that leaf length-width ration factors, leaf number factors, leaf length factors, plant height factors were largely responsible for nicotine content. Regression models, which successfully forecasted the relationships between agronomic traits and nicotine content were established by Stepwise selection method analysis. Statistical test was performed and the results showed that the correlation coefficient was significant. Furtherly, second response surface analysis revealed the dynamical relationship of nicotine content between a leaf length and middle leaf length. When bottom leaf length is 63.7 cm and middle leaf length is 58.7 cm, the nicotine content of a tobacco plant is stable and has a minimal value. Nicotine content will increase when tobacco plants have a smaller leaf length-width ratio, bigger internodal distance, less leaf number, and higher plant height. Therefore, when breeding for flue-cured tobacco varieties with different nicotine contents, breeders can use these agronomic traits as reference. | 烤烟主要农艺性状变异特征以及与烟碱含量的相关分析。为加快高烟碱烤烟品种的田间选育,以116份烤烟种质资源为供试材料,连续种植4年,于烟叶成熟期测定其13个农艺性状,采用因子分析、逐步回归分析、二次响应面分析等方法探讨了烤烟烟碱含量与农艺性状之间的相关性.结果表明,烤烟主要农艺性状变异丰富,变异系数达5.64%~16.96%.烟碱含量变异系数达到24.3%.简单相关分析表明,烟碱含量与节距呈极显著正相关,与茎围、叶数呈显著负相关.通过因子分析,明确了与烟碱含量相关的主要农艺性状包括烟叶长宽比因子、叶数因子、叶长因子、株高因子.采用逐步回归分析法,建立了烤烟主要农艺性状与烟碱含量之间的回归模型,经统计学检验,达到极显著水平.通过二次响应面分析,展现了腰叶长、下二棚叶长与烟碱含量之间的动态变化关系,当下二棚叶长63.7 cm,腰叶长58.7 cm,烟株的烟碱含量稳定且有极小值.烟叶长宽比较小、节距较大、叶数较少和株高较高的烤烟,烟碱含量较高,因此,在选育不同烟碱含量的烤烟品种时,应综合考虑. |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 通过溶剂提取和伽马射线辐射的复合工艺从油页岩提取油 | Combined Process of Solvent Extraction and Gamma-Ray Radiation for the Extraction of Oil form Oil Shale |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Combined Process of Solvent Extraction and Gamma-Ray Radiation for the Extraction of Oil form Oil Shale | 通过溶剂提取和伽马射线辐射的复合工艺从油页岩提取油 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 国外先进测试与传感器技术发展动态 | Status for Advanced Testing and Sensor Technologies |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Status for Advanced Testing and Sensor Technologies | 国外先进测试与传感器技术发展动态 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 用于短波软件无线电通信系统的智能天线 | Smart Antenna Used in HF Software Radio Communication System |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Smart Antenna Used in HF Software Radio Communication System | 用于短波软件无线电通信系统的智能天线 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 特应性皮炎皮损角质形成细胞TLR2和TLR4的表达 | TLR2 and TLR4 expression of keratinocytes in atopic dermatitis lesion |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | TLR2 and TLR4 expression of keratinocytes in atopic dermatitis lesion | 特应性皮炎皮损角质形成细胞TLR2和TLR4的表达 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 颈椎牵引配合康复指导综合治疗颈性眩晕的临床研究 | Clinical research of treating cervical vertigo by cervical traction and rehabilitative methods |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Clinical research of treating cervical vertigo by cervical traction and rehabilitative methods | 颈椎牵引配合康复指导综合治疗颈性眩晕的临床研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | MHC-Ⅰ类链相关基因A修饰的口腔鳞癌细胞疫苗诱导抗肿瘤免疫应答的实验研究 | Antitumor immune response of MHC class Ⅰ chain-related gene A modified oral squamous cell carcinoma vaccine:An experimental study in mice |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Antitumor immune response of MHC class Ⅰ chain-related gene A modified oral squamous cell carcinoma vaccine:An experimental study in mice | MHC-Ⅰ类链相关基因A修饰的口腔鳞癌细胞疫苗诱导抗肿瘤免疫应答的实验研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | Secoemestrin C抗肝癌作用机制研究。目的 通过验证 secoemestrin C(Sec C)对肝癌细胞增殖的影响,观察细胞内脂质过氧化水平,检测内质网应激(ERS)相关信号通路变化,进而揭示 Sec C 在抑制肝癌增殖过程中的作用机制,为针对肝癌的药物研发提供新的思路.方法 四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)实验和平板克隆法测定 Sec C对 HepG2 和 BEL7404 细胞增殖的影响;流式细胞术测定Sec C 对肝癌细胞脂质过氧化和凋亡的影响;Western blot法探究 Sec C 对肝癌细胞内质网应激和细胞凋亡相关蛋白表达的影响.结果 Sec C 以剂量依赖性方式抑制 HepG2 和 BEL7404细胞增殖,IC50 分别为 1.556 和 3.489 μmol/L;平板克隆实验结果显示,1 μmol/L Sec C 处理 7 d 后,肝癌细胞的克隆数目和大小显著降低,表明 Sec C 显著抑制肝癌细胞增殖且呈现浓度依赖.流式结果显示,与对照相比,Sec C 处理后,Bodipy 的阳性率增加且呈现浓度依赖,表明 Sec C促进肝癌细胞内脂质过氧化,且流式结果显示 Sec C 以剂量依赖性的方式诱导肝癌细胞凋亡.Western blot 结果表明,Sec C 会引起内质网应激相关蛋白免疫球蛋白结合蛋白、1 型内质网转膜蛋白激酶、活化转录因子 4 和磷酸化的真核生物起始因子 2 表达增多,其作用呈现浓度依赖性;同时 Western blot 结果显示,凋亡相关蛋白多聚腺嘌呤二核苷酸核糖聚合酶的表达显著降低,以及凋亡剪切产物聚腺苷二磷酸核糖聚合酶、活化的含半胱氨酸的天冬氨酸蛋白水解酶3 和活化的含半胱氨酸的天冬氨酸蛋白水解酶 7 的表达显著增多,其作用呈现浓度依赖性.结论 Sec C 能够显著抑制肝癌细胞的增殖,其作用机制可能通过诱导细胞内质网应激导致细胞凋亡. | The anti-cancer mechanism of secoemestrin C in liver cancer cells. Objective We aimed to verify the effect of secoemestrin C(Sec C)on the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma cells,measure intracellular lipid peroxidation level,and detect the changes of endoplasmic reticulum stress(ERS)related signaling pathways.Furthermore,the mechanism of Sec C in inhibiting the proliferation of liver cancer was investigated.Methods 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide(MTT)assay and plate cloning were used to determine the effects of Sec C on the proliferation of HepG2 and BEL7404 cells.Effects of Sec C on lipid peroxidation and apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells were determined by flow cytometry.Effects of Sec C on the expression of endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis-related proteins in hepatocellular carcinoma cells were investigated by Western blot.Results Sec C inhibited HepG2 and BEL7404 cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner with IC50 of 1.556 and 3.489 μmol/L,respectively.The results of plate cloning experiment showed that the numbers and size of liver cancer cell clones were significantly decreased after treatment with 1 μmol/L Sec C for 7 days.Therefore,the results indicated that Sec C significantly inhibited the proliferation of liver cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner.The flow results showed that,compared with the control group,the positive rate of bodipy after Sec C treatment was increased in a dose-dependent pattern,indicating that Sec C promoted lipid peroxidation in hepatocellular carcinoma cells;Also the flow results showed that Sec C induced apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells in a dose-dependent manner.Western blot showed that ER stress-related proteins binding immunoglobulin protein(BIP),ER type-1 inositolrequiring enzyme 1(IRE1α),activating transcription factor 4(ATF4),and phosphorylated eukaryotic initiation factor 2(p-eIF2)expression levels were increased by Sec C treatment concentration-dependently.Meanwhile,Western blot results showed that the expression levels of apoptosis-related protein poly-ADP-ribose polymerase(PARP)were significantly decreased.The expression levels of polyadenosine diphosphate ribose polymerase(cleaved-PARP),activated cysteine-containing aspartate proteolytic enzyme 3(cleaved-caspase3)and activated cysteine-containing aspartate proteolytic enzyme 7(cleaved-caspase7)were significantly increased by Sec C treatment concentration-dependently.Conclusion Sec C significantly inhibits the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma cells through inducing endoplasmic reticulum stress and cell apoptosis. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The anti-cancer mechanism of secoemestrin C in liver cancer cells. Objective We aimed to verify the effect of secoemestrin C(Sec C)on the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma cells,measure intracellular lipid peroxidation level,and detect the changes of endoplasmic reticulum stress(ERS)related signaling pathways.Furthermore,the mechanism of Sec C in inhibiting the proliferation of liver cancer was investigated.Methods 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide(MTT)assay and plate cloning were used to determine the effects of Sec C on the proliferation of HepG2 and BEL7404 cells.Effects of Sec C on lipid peroxidation and apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells were determined by flow cytometry.Effects of Sec C on the expression of endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis-related proteins in hepatocellular carcinoma cells were investigated by Western blot.Results Sec C inhibited HepG2 and BEL7404 cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner with IC50 of 1.556 and 3.489 μmol/L,respectively.The results of plate cloning experiment showed that the numbers and size of liver cancer cell clones were significantly decreased after treatment with 1 μmol/L Sec C for 7 days.Therefore,the results indicated that Sec C significantly inhibited the proliferation of liver cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner.The flow results showed that,compared with the control group,the positive rate of bodipy after Sec C treatment was increased in a dose-dependent pattern,indicating that Sec C promoted lipid peroxidation in hepatocellular carcinoma cells;Also the flow results showed that Sec C induced apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells in a dose-dependent manner.Western blot showed that ER stress-related proteins binding immunoglobulin protein(BIP),ER type-1 inositolrequiring enzyme 1(IRE1α),activating transcription factor 4(ATF4),and phosphorylated eukaryotic initiation factor 2(p-eIF2)expression levels were increased by Sec C treatment concentration-dependently.Meanwhile,Western blot results showed that the expression levels of apoptosis-related protein poly-ADP-ribose polymerase(PARP)were significantly decreased.The expression levels of polyadenosine diphosphate ribose polymerase(cleaved-PARP),activated cysteine-containing aspartate proteolytic enzyme 3(cleaved-caspase3)and activated cysteine-containing aspartate proteolytic enzyme 7(cleaved-caspase7)were significantly increased by Sec C treatment concentration-dependently.Conclusion Sec C significantly inhibits the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma cells through inducing endoplasmic reticulum stress and cell apoptosis. | Secoemestrin C抗肝癌作用机制研究。目的 通过验证 secoemestrin C(Sec C)对肝癌细胞增殖的影响,观察细胞内脂质过氧化水平,检测内质网应激(ERS)相关信号通路变化,进而揭示 Sec C 在抑制肝癌增殖过程中的作用机制,为针对肝癌的药物研发提供新的思路.方法 四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)实验和平板克隆法测定 Sec C对 HepG2 和 BEL7404 细胞增殖的影响;流式细胞术测定Sec C 对肝癌细胞脂质过氧化和凋亡的影响;Western blot法探究 Sec C 对肝癌细胞内质网应激和细胞凋亡相关蛋白表达的影响.结果 Sec C 以剂量依赖性方式抑制 HepG2 和 BEL7404细胞增殖,IC50 分别为 1.556 和 3.489 μmol/L;平板克隆实验结果显示,1 μmol/L Sec C 处理 7 d 后,肝癌细胞的克隆数目和大小显著降低,表明 Sec C 显著抑制肝癌细胞增殖且呈现浓度依赖.流式结果显示,与对照相比,Sec C 处理后,Bodipy 的阳性率增加且呈现浓度依赖,表明 Sec C促进肝癌细胞内脂质过氧化,且流式结果显示 Sec C 以剂量依赖性的方式诱导肝癌细胞凋亡.Western blot 结果表明,Sec C 会引起内质网应激相关蛋白免疫球蛋白结合蛋白、1 型内质网转膜蛋白激酶、活化转录因子 4 和磷酸化的真核生物起始因子 2 表达增多,其作用呈现浓度依赖性;同时 Western blot 结果显示,凋亡相关蛋白多聚腺嘌呤二核苷酸核糖聚合酶的表达显著降低,以及凋亡剪切产物聚腺苷二磷酸核糖聚合酶、活化的含半胱氨酸的天冬氨酸蛋白水解酶3 和活化的含半胱氨酸的天冬氨酸蛋白水解酶 7 的表达显著增多,其作用呈现浓度依赖性.结论 Sec C 能够显著抑制肝癌细胞的增殖,其作用机制可能通过诱导细胞内质网应激导致细胞凋亡. |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 辽宁省城乡协调发展的道路选择 | The Choice of Town- and- country Coordinative Development of Liaoning Province |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The Choice of Town- and- country Coordinative Development of Liaoning Province | 辽宁省城乡协调发展的道路选择 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 技术变革推动脑卒中诊疗模式更新。近年来,在科学技术的推动和国家卫生行政部门的引导下,众多学者为脑卒中防治做出了巨大的努力,并取得了一定的成绩。然而,我国在脑卒中诊疗体系中仍然面临着各地脑卒中诊疗资源分布不均,医疗技术参差不齐,能在有限时间窗内得到及时救治的脑卒中患者比例不高等问题,脑卒中带来的致残及复发仍然是当下面临的主要挑战。本文对我国急性脑卒中诊疗技术进行回顾,并结合现阶段人工智能在急性脑卒中领域的研究及应用现状进行综述,对人工智能未来在脑卒中的应用进行展望。 | Technological advancement drives the update of stroke care. With the advancement of new technology and the guidance of national health administration, great progress has been made in the area of stroke care in recent years. However, a great deal of problems remain in the stroke health care system in China. The medical resources and technologies across China present huge difference, and few patients could arrive the hospital capable of stroke management within the narrow time window. The high disability and recurrence rate brought about by stroke remains to be the main challenge in the present time. This article will give a brief review of the key advances in stroke diagnosis and therapy, and a general introduction about the application of artificial intelligence in acute stroke management. In addition, some implications or prospects were also proposed here. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Technological advancement drives the update of stroke care. With the advancement of new technology and the guidance of national health administration, great progress has been made in the area of stroke care in recent years. However, a great deal of problems remain in the stroke health care system in China. The medical resources and technologies across China present huge difference, and few patients could arrive the hospital capable of stroke management within the narrow time window. The high disability and recurrence rate brought about by stroke remains to be the main challenge in the present time. This article will give a brief review of the key advances in stroke diagnosis and therapy, and a general introduction about the application of artificial intelligence in acute stroke management. In addition, some implications or prospects were also proposed here. | 技术变革推动脑卒中诊疗模式更新。近年来,在科学技术的推动和国家卫生行政部门的引导下,众多学者为脑卒中防治做出了巨大的努力,并取得了一定的成绩。然而,我国在脑卒中诊疗体系中仍然面临着各地脑卒中诊疗资源分布不均,医疗技术参差不齐,能在有限时间窗内得到及时救治的脑卒中患者比例不高等问题,脑卒中带来的致残及复发仍然是当下面临的主要挑战。本文对我国急性脑卒中诊疗技术进行回顾,并结合现阶段人工智能在急性脑卒中领域的研究及应用现状进行综述,对人工智能未来在脑卒中的应用进行展望。 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 10%精草铵膦铵盐SL的UPLC-MS/MS分析方法 | UPLC-MS/MS analysis method of glufosinate-P ammonium 10% SL |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | UPLC-MS/MS analysis method of glufosinate-P ammonium 10% SL | 10%精草铵膦铵盐SL的UPLC-MS/MS分析方法 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | IP网络流量与分析 | The Traffic Analysis of IP Network |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The Traffic Analysis of IP Network | IP网络流量与分析 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 坦克炮总体结构参数分析。影响坦克炮射击精度的主要因素之一是火炮振动,起关键作用的振动分量是在弹丸出炮口瞬间炮口振动角位移和横向线速度。为提高坦克炮射击精度,本文推崇“对称布置”和“初期自由后坐”的总体设计思想,使火炮射击时炮身和摇架所受的力矩尽量减小,同时使炮塔和车体在弹丸出炮口前的受力也尽量减小,从而减小了炮身的振动,也减小了炮塔和车体的振动,这对提高坦克炮射击精度将是十分有利的。本文运用动力学分析计算方法,阐明有关总体结构参数对坦克炮射击精度的影响。 | ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS OF TANK GUN. Vibration of tank gun in the process of firing is one of the main factors that affect its firing accuracy, especially the instantaneous angular motion and the instantaneous linear velocity at the point of gun muzzle when the projectile leaves the barrel bore. To increase the firing accuracy, emphasis is laid on the design concepts of "mounting two symmetrically arranged recoil brakes" and "free recoil before projectile leaves the barrel bore", in order to decrease the interference forces and moments affecting the weapon system before projectile leaves the barrel. Method of dynamic analysis and calculation is used to explain how structural parameters affect the firing accuracy of a gun. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS OF TANK GUN. Vibration of tank gun in the process of firing is one of the main factors that affect its firing accuracy, especially the instantaneous angular motion and the instantaneous linear velocity at the point of gun muzzle when the projectile leaves the barrel bore. To increase the firing accuracy, emphasis is laid on the design concepts of "mounting two symmetrically arranged recoil brakes" and "free recoil before projectile leaves the barrel bore", in order to decrease the interference forces and moments affecting the weapon system before projectile leaves the barrel. Method of dynamic analysis and calculation is used to explain how structural parameters affect the firing accuracy of a gun. | 坦克炮总体结构参数分析。影响坦克炮射击精度的主要因素之一是火炮振动,起关键作用的振动分量是在弹丸出炮口瞬间炮口振动角位移和横向线速度。为提高坦克炮射击精度,本文推崇“对称布置”和“初期自由后坐”的总体设计思想,使火炮射击时炮身和摇架所受的力矩尽量减小,同时使炮塔和车体在弹丸出炮口前的受力也尽量减小,从而减小了炮身的振动,也减小了炮塔和车体的振动,这对提高坦克炮射击精度将是十分有利的。本文运用动力学分析计算方法,阐明有关总体结构参数对坦克炮射击精度的影响。 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 护士长轮岗态度及其影响因素的研究 | A qualitative research on the attitudes and influencing factors about post shift of head nurses |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | A qualitative research on the attitudes and influencing factors about post shift of head nurses | 护士长轮岗态度及其影响因素的研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 应用足部游离皮瓣移植修复手指皮肤软组织缺损的临床观察 | Clinical Observation of Repairing Finger Skin and Soft Tissue Defects with Free Foot Flap Graft |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Clinical Observation of Repairing Finger Skin and Soft Tissue Defects with Free Foot Flap Graft | 应用足部游离皮瓣移植修复手指皮肤软组织缺损的临床观察 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 基于改进遗传算法的海上风电场集电系统拓扑优化 | Optimization of Offshore Wind Farm Collector Systems Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Optimization of Offshore Wind Farm Collector Systems Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm | 基于改进遗传算法的海上风电场集电系统拓扑优化 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 2.5Mt/a延迟焦化装置的设计与运行探析 | SUMMARY ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF 2.5 MT/A DELAYED COKER UNIT |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | SUMMARY ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF 2.5 MT/A DELAYED COKER UNIT | 2.5Mt/a延迟焦化装置的设计与运行探析 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | Sip/Al复合材料激光填丝钎焊工艺 | Laser welding of Si particle reinforced aluminum matrix composite with filler |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Laser welding of Si particle reinforced aluminum matrix composite with filler | Sip/Al复合材料激光填丝钎焊工艺 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 咸水入侵探测中电阻率法测量数值模拟研究 | Numerical simulation of resistivity mothed in saltwater intrusion prospecting |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Numerical simulation of resistivity mothed in saltwater intrusion prospecting | 咸水入侵探测中电阻率法测量数值模拟研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 海林市地方国有林区纳入国家天然林保护工程的思考 | Thought On The Adoption Of Local State-Owned Forest Areas Into The State Natural Forest Protection Program In Hailin |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Thought On The Adoption Of Local State-Owned Forest Areas Into The State Natural Forest Protection Program In Hailin | 海林市地方国有林区纳入国家天然林保护工程的思考 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 中国纺织品出口遭遇反倾销的对策研究 | The Study of Countermeasures of China's Textile Exports Face Anti-dumping |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The Study of Countermeasures of China's Textile Exports Face Anti-dumping | 中国纺织品出口遭遇反倾销的对策研究 |
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