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Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 韩国民主劳动党的政策主张与发展趋向 | The Policies of Korean Democratic Labor Party and its' Developmental Trend |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The Policies of Korean Democratic Labor Party and its' Developmental Trend | 韩国民主劳动党的政策主张与发展趋向 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 空军招飞问题解答——空军招飞工作局局长隋国胜大校访谈 | Answer to Questions about AF Pilot's Enlisting |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Answer to Questions about AF Pilot's Enlisting | 空军招飞问题解答——空军招飞工作局局长隋国胜大校访谈 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 湖南省220 kV输电线路现状分析 | Current Situation Analysis of Hunan 220kV Transmission Lines |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Current Situation Analysis of Hunan 220kV Transmission Lines | 湖南省220 kV输电线路现状分析 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 生活型社会:人类文明新形态的重要呈现 | Life-oriented Society:An Important Manifestation of a New Form of Human Civilization |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Life-oriented Society:An Important Manifestation of a New Form of Human Civilization | 生活型社会:人类文明新形态的重要呈现 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 浅议水毁防治措施选择 | A Brief Discussion on How to Select the Prevention Measures for Flood Damage |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | A Brief Discussion on How to Select the Prevention Measures for Flood Damage | 浅议水毁防治措施选择 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 教育数字化转型背景下教师负担的风险分析与纾解策略 | The Risk Analysis and Strategies to Relieve Teachers'Burdens in the Context of the Digital Transformation of Education |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The Risk Analysis and Strategies to Relieve Teachers'Burdens in the Context of the Digital Transformation of Education | 教育数字化转型背景下教师负担的风险分析与纾解策略 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 2013—2017年我国养老政策量化研究 | Quantitative Analysis of China's Pension Policy from 2013 to 2017 |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Quantitative Analysis of China's Pension Policy from 2013 to 2017 | 2013—2017年我国养老政策量化研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 西部成品油管道水击泄压保护系统优化 | Optimization of water hammer protection system in West Oil Product Pipeline |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Optimization of water hammer protection system in West Oil Product Pipeline | 西部成品油管道水击泄压保护系统优化 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | O/W型乳液制备油胶及其对面包烘焙品质的影响 | Preparation of oil glue by O/W emulsion and its effect on bread baking quality |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Preparation of oil glue by O/W emulsion and its effect on bread baking quality | O/W型乳液制备油胶及其对面包烘焙品质的影响 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 脂肪乳剂对胃癌病人淋巴细胞CD3CD4 CD8分子及IL-2受体表达的影响 | The effects of lipid emulsion on CD3、CD4、CD8、and IL-2 receptor expressions in lymphocytes of patients with stomach cancer |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The effects of lipid emulsion on CD3、CD4、CD8、and IL-2 receptor expressions in lymphocytes of patients with stomach cancer | 脂肪乳剂对胃癌病人淋巴细胞CD3CD4 CD8分子及IL-2受体表达的影响 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 约束Minimax问题的无罚函数无滤子的SQP算法 | A SQP Algorithm without a Penalty Function or a Filter for Constrained Minimax Problems |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | A SQP Algorithm without a Penalty Function or a Filter for Constrained Minimax Problems | 约束Minimax问题的无罚函数无滤子的SQP算法 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 傅立叶变换红外光谱检测过一硫酸处理羊毛表面的研究 | Investigation on the Wool Surface Treated with Permonosulphuric Acid by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Investigation on the Wool Surface Treated with Permonosulphuric Acid by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy | 傅立叶变换红外光谱检测过一硫酸处理羊毛表面的研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 移动模架法施工大跨径混凝土箱梁水化热温度场研究 | Research on temperature field of large-span concrete box girder constructed with the movable scaffolding system |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Research on temperature field of large-span concrete box girder constructed with the movable scaffolding system | 移动模架法施工大跨径混凝土箱梁水化热温度场研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 金属阀门密封面镍基合金晶间腐蚀敏感度的研究。介绍了金属阀门密封面镍基合金堆焊层材料的选用及适用条件.运用ASTM A262 C法对金属阀门镍基合金堆焊层的晶间腐蚀敏感度进行试验,并对试验结果进行了分析. | Research on Intergranular Corrosion Sensitivity of the SealingSurface Overlaying by Nickel base Alloys for Metal Valves. The selection and application conditions of nickel based alloy as surfacing layer material for metal valve sealing face were introduced. ASTM A262 C method was used to test the intergranular corrosion sensitivity of nickel base alloy surfacing layer of metal valve.The results of the test were analyzed. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Research on Intergranular Corrosion Sensitivity of the SealingSurface Overlaying by Nickel base Alloys for Metal Valves. The selection and application conditions of nickel based alloy as surfacing layer material for metal valve sealing face were introduced. ASTM A262 C method was used to test the intergranular corrosion sensitivity of nickel base alloy surfacing layer of metal valve.The results of the test were analyzed. | 金属阀门密封面镍基合金晶间腐蚀敏感度的研究。介绍了金属阀门密封面镍基合金堆焊层材料的选用及适用条件.运用ASTM A262 C法对金属阀门镍基合金堆焊层的晶间腐蚀敏感度进行试验,并对试验结果进行了分析. |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 机动车辆室内复合主动噪声控制系统的设计。本文在系统研究主动噪声控制技术和机动车辆内噪声来源的基础上,提出利用复合主动噪声控制思想,改善机动车辆室内噪声环境的方案及其算法实现。具体地说,就是利用反馈主动噪声控制系统,抵消低频噪声对车室内的总噪声辐射;利用前馈主动噪声控制系统,抵消发动机噪声的基频分量及其多次谐波分量。分析表明:该方案具有较好的除噪效果和较高的实用价值。 | Design of the Hybrid Active Noise Controlling in the Atuomobile Room. This paper presents a scheme of reducing noises inside theautomobile room by means of the Hybrid Active Noise Controlling.It bases on the systematic researches on the technology of active noise controlling and the analysis of noise sources inside the automobile room.The proposed scheme can attenuate the total noise radiation from low frequency noises when a feedback controller is used,and can also attenuate the base and harmonic frequencies of the engine noises when a feed-forward controller is used.Analyses indicate that the presented scheme can reduce the automobile room noises effectively. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Design of the Hybrid Active Noise Controlling in the Atuomobile Room. This paper presents a scheme of reducing noises inside theautomobile room by means of the Hybrid Active Noise Controlling.It bases on the systematic researches on the technology of active noise controlling and the analysis of noise sources inside the automobile room.The proposed scheme can attenuate the total noise radiation from low frequency noises when a feedback controller is used,and can also attenuate the base and harmonic frequencies of the engine noises when a feed-forward controller is used.Analyses indicate that the presented scheme can reduce the automobile room noises effectively. | 机动车辆室内复合主动噪声控制系统的设计。本文在系统研究主动噪声控制技术和机动车辆内噪声来源的基础上,提出利用复合主动噪声控制思想,改善机动车辆室内噪声环境的方案及其算法实现。具体地说,就是利用反馈主动噪声控制系统,抵消低频噪声对车室内的总噪声辐射;利用前馈主动噪声控制系统,抵消发动机噪声的基频分量及其多次谐波分量。分析表明:该方案具有较好的除噪效果和较高的实用价值。 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 口服理中丸联合艾灸中脘治疗脾胃虚寒型功能性消化不良临床观察 | Oral Lizhong Pill Combined with Moxibustion Zhongwan Treatment of Spleen Deficiency Type of Functional Dyspepsia |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Oral Lizhong Pill Combined with Moxibustion Zhongwan Treatment of Spleen Deficiency Type of Functional Dyspepsia | 口服理中丸联合艾灸中脘治疗脾胃虚寒型功能性消化不良临床观察 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 高层建筑物的防雷接地和屏蔽 | Lightning protective earthing and shielding of high-rise buildings |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Lightning protective earthing and shielding of high-rise buildings | 高层建筑物的防雷接地和屏蔽 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 变电站接地系统的设计步骤 | Design Procedures for Earthing System in Substation |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Design Procedures for Earthing System in Substation | 变电站接地系统的设计步骤 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 紫外光固化聚氨酯丙烯酸酯涂层的性能及应用研究 | Study on the Properties and Application of UV Curing Polyurethane Acrylate Coatings |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Study on the Properties and Application of UV Curing Polyurethane Acrylate Coatings | 紫外光固化聚氨酯丙烯酸酯涂层的性能及应用研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 论康德的普世伦理思想及其现实可能 | Is Kant's Universal Ethics Applicable? |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Is Kant's Universal Ethics Applicable? | 论康德的普世伦理思想及其现实可能 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 静电收集法测氡采集空气的除湿新技术研究 | Research on new dehumidification technology of collected air by electrostatic collection method for radon measurement |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Research on new dehumidification technology of collected air by electrostatic collection method for radon measurement | 静电收集法测氡采集空气的除湿新技术研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 基于模块属性组合的产品族主从关联设计。可选模块需要在必选模块的基础上进行配置,同时最优的必选模块配置也是依赖于可选模块配置的。为解决产品设计中属于不同层次结构的两类模块设计问题,在主从模型中引入0-1变量,实现了对模块属性档级的选择,以制造商成本和客户效用的比值及产品族通用性指数作为上层目标,以产品可选属性效用最大化作为下层目标,实现了两类模块的优化组合。最后用自行车产品族案例验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。 | Leader-follower Joint Design of Product Family Based on Module Attribute Combination. Optional modules were always enacted within mandatory modules,and meanwhile an optimal mandatory modules configuration depended on how optional modules were to be chosen.For solving how to design two types of modules in different level,a bilevel mixed 0-1 nonlinear program-ming model was developed,comprising an upper-level optimization problem and a lower-level optimi-zation problem.The upper level seeks for maximizing the shared surplus and commonality index of an entire product family.The lower level seeks for maximizing the utility of optional attributes.At last, through the case of bicycle product family,the feasibility and effectiveness of the model were valida-ted. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Leader-follower Joint Design of Product Family Based on Module Attribute Combination. Optional modules were always enacted within mandatory modules,and meanwhile an optimal mandatory modules configuration depended on how optional modules were to be chosen.For solving how to design two types of modules in different level,a bilevel mixed 0-1 nonlinear program-ming model was developed,comprising an upper-level optimization problem and a lower-level optimi-zation problem.The upper level seeks for maximizing the shared surplus and commonality index of an entire product family.The lower level seeks for maximizing the utility of optional attributes.At last, through the case of bicycle product family,the feasibility and effectiveness of the model were valida-ted. | 基于模块属性组合的产品族主从关联设计。可选模块需要在必选模块的基础上进行配置,同时最优的必选模块配置也是依赖于可选模块配置的。为解决产品设计中属于不同层次结构的两类模块设计问题,在主从模型中引入0-1变量,实现了对模块属性档级的选择,以制造商成本和客户效用的比值及产品族通用性指数作为上层目标,以产品可选属性效用最大化作为下层目标,实现了两类模块的优化组合。最后用自行车产品族案例验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 水化学环境下白垩系五龙组砂岩崩解能量耗散模型。白垩系时期的五龙组砂岩,由于其地层年代新,沉积时间较短,岩石内部胶结作用不完全,因此在水化学环境下极易被侵蚀并发生崩解,进而诱发各种灾害.本文以白垩系五龙组砂岩为研究对象,将其置于不同酸碱度的化学溶液中进行岩石的循环崩解试验.通过试验分析了水化学作用下白垩系五龙组砂岩崩解过程中岩石的耐崩解指数;得到每次循环崩解后,各粒径范围内崩解物质量百分比,基于此分析了岩石在水化学环境下的崩解特性;使用微观观察手段和检测手段探究了崩解前后矿物组分变化及崩解过程中岩石的微观结构演变规律;基于热力学以及断裂力学相关理论,构建崩解过程的能量耗散数学模型.研究结果表明:白垩系五龙组砂岩整体崩解速率先增后减并最终趋于稳定,其崩解物粒径分布较集中,主要在0.25 mm以下;在不同水化学环境下,白垩系五龙组砂岩的崩解强度呈现酸性>碱性>中性的差异化特征;将不同崩解循环次数下崩解物颗粒级配分布数据和微观几何结构参数代入能量耗散模型,结合实际情况分析表明岩石崩解能量耗散模型能较好表征岩石的崩解过程.研究成果可为岩石的崩解机制研究提供参考. | DISINTEGRATION ENERGY DISSIPATION MODEL OF WULONG FOR-MATION SANDSTONE IN CRETACEOUS UNDER HYDROCHEMICAL EN-VIRONMENT. The sandstone of the Cretaceous Wulong Formation is highly susceptible to erosion and disintegration in hydrochemical environments due to its young age,relatively short deposition time,and incomplete internal cementa-tion,leading to various disasters.This study focuses on the cyclic disintegration test of the Cretaceous Wulong For-mation sandstone in chemical solutions with different acidity and alkalinity.The disintegration resistance index of the rock during the disintegration process under the action of hydrochemistry was analyzed through experiments.Af-ter each disintegration cycle,the mass percentage of disintegration in each particle size range was obtained to ana-lyze the disintegration characteristics of the Wulong Formation sandstone in a hydrochemical environment.Micro-scopic observation and detection methods,including X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope tests,were employed to explore changes in mineral components before and after disintegration,as well as the microscopic char-acteristics of the rock during disintegration.A mathematical model of energy dissipation,reflecting the disintegration process based on thermodynamics and fracture mechanics theories,was constructed.The research results indicate that the overall disintegration rate of the Cretaceous Wulong Formation sandstone increases initially and then decrea-ses,eventually stabilizing.The disintegration intensity of the Wulong Formation sandstone exhibits a differentiated characteristic of acid>alkaline>neutral.The disintegration particle gradation distribution data and micro-geometric structure parameters under different disintegration cycles were incorporated into the energy dissipation model.The a-nalysis demonstrates that the energy dissipation model of rock disintegration can effectively characterize the disinte-gration process.These findings can serve as a reference for studying the mechanism of rock disintegration. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | DISINTEGRATION ENERGY DISSIPATION MODEL OF WULONG FOR-MATION SANDSTONE IN CRETACEOUS UNDER HYDROCHEMICAL EN-VIRONMENT. The sandstone of the Cretaceous Wulong Formation is highly susceptible to erosion and disintegration in hydrochemical environments due to its young age,relatively short deposition time,and incomplete internal cementa-tion,leading to various disasters.This study focuses on the cyclic disintegration test of the Cretaceous Wulong For-mation sandstone in chemical solutions with different acidity and alkalinity.The disintegration resistance index of the rock during the disintegration process under the action of hydrochemistry was analyzed through experiments.Af-ter each disintegration cycle,the mass percentage of disintegration in each particle size range was obtained to ana-lyze the disintegration characteristics of the Wulong Formation sandstone in a hydrochemical environment.Micro-scopic observation and detection methods,including X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope tests,were employed to explore changes in mineral components before and after disintegration,as well as the microscopic char-acteristics of the rock during disintegration.A mathematical model of energy dissipation,reflecting the disintegration process based on thermodynamics and fracture mechanics theories,was constructed.The research results indicate that the overall disintegration rate of the Cretaceous Wulong Formation sandstone increases initially and then decrea-ses,eventually stabilizing.The disintegration intensity of the Wulong Formation sandstone exhibits a differentiated characteristic of acid>alkaline>neutral.The disintegration particle gradation distribution data and micro-geometric structure parameters under different disintegration cycles were incorporated into the energy dissipation model.The a-nalysis demonstrates that the energy dissipation model of rock disintegration can effectively characterize the disinte-gration process.These findings can serve as a reference for studying the mechanism of rock disintegration. | 水化学环境下白垩系五龙组砂岩崩解能量耗散模型。白垩系时期的五龙组砂岩,由于其地层年代新,沉积时间较短,岩石内部胶结作用不完全,因此在水化学环境下极易被侵蚀并发生崩解,进而诱发各种灾害.本文以白垩系五龙组砂岩为研究对象,将其置于不同酸碱度的化学溶液中进行岩石的循环崩解试验.通过试验分析了水化学作用下白垩系五龙组砂岩崩解过程中岩石的耐崩解指数;得到每次循环崩解后,各粒径范围内崩解物质量百分比,基于此分析了岩石在水化学环境下的崩解特性;使用微观观察手段和检测手段探究了崩解前后矿物组分变化及崩解过程中岩石的微观结构演变规律;基于热力学以及断裂力学相关理论,构建崩解过程的能量耗散数学模型.研究结果表明:白垩系五龙组砂岩整体崩解速率先增后减并最终趋于稳定,其崩解物粒径分布较集中,主要在0.25 mm以下;在不同水化学环境下,白垩系五龙组砂岩的崩解强度呈现酸性>碱性>中性的差异化特征;将不同崩解循环次数下崩解物颗粒级配分布数据和微观几何结构参数代入能量耗散模型,结合实际情况分析表明岩石崩解能量耗散模型能较好表征岩石的崩解过程.研究成果可为岩石的崩解机制研究提供参考. |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 密云水库的浮游植物及水体营养程度 | Phytoplankton and Nutrient Degree of Water Body in Miyun Reservoir |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Phytoplankton and Nutrient Degree of Water Body in Miyun Reservoir | 密云水库的浮游植物及水体营养程度 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 涡扇发动机动态过失速数值模拟。为模拟涡扇发动机的动态过失速过程,发展了一种二维非定常的数值计算方法,通过给定不同的发动机初始工作点和扰动,实现了对涡扇发动机进入、退出喘振和旋转失速过程的模拟。计算结果表明,发展的数值模拟方法能够反映出喘振和旋转失速的基本特征,可以预测喘振信号的振荡频率、强度,以及旋转失速团的传播频率和失速团沿发动机流路的发展;当旋转失速完全发展时,发动机内部各个位置处的失速团具有相同的周向传播频率,但是强度不同,发动机进、出口处的失速团信号最弱,压缩部件进口和低压涡轮出口处的失速团信号最强。 | Numerical Simulation of Post-Stall Transients in Turbofan Engine. A two-dimensional unsteady numerical method has been performed to simulate the post-stall transients in turbofan engine. By assigning different initial work points and different types of disturbances , the process of the turbofan engine stepping in and out of surge or rotating stall was simulated. The results of numerical computation indicate that the new method can simulate the basic features of surge and rotating stall. It can be used to predict the oscillation frequency and intensity of surge signal,also the propagating frequency and the de?velopment in engine flow path of the rotating stall cell. When the rotating stall is fully developed in the engine , the stall cells all over the engine share the same circumferential propagating frequency,while their intensity is different. The stall cells at the inlet and outlet of the engine are weak,while the stall cells at the inlet of the com?pressors and the outlet of the low pressure turbine are strong. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Numerical Simulation of Post-Stall Transients in Turbofan Engine. A two-dimensional unsteady numerical method has been performed to simulate the post-stall transients in turbofan engine. By assigning different initial work points and different types of disturbances , the process of the turbofan engine stepping in and out of surge or rotating stall was simulated. The results of numerical computation indicate that the new method can simulate the basic features of surge and rotating stall. It can be used to predict the oscillation frequency and intensity of surge signal,also the propagating frequency and the de?velopment in engine flow path of the rotating stall cell. When the rotating stall is fully developed in the engine , the stall cells all over the engine share the same circumferential propagating frequency,while their intensity is different. The stall cells at the inlet and outlet of the engine are weak,while the stall cells at the inlet of the com?pressors and the outlet of the low pressure turbine are strong. | 涡扇发动机动态过失速数值模拟。为模拟涡扇发动机的动态过失速过程,发展了一种二维非定常的数值计算方法,通过给定不同的发动机初始工作点和扰动,实现了对涡扇发动机进入、退出喘振和旋转失速过程的模拟。计算结果表明,发展的数值模拟方法能够反映出喘振和旋转失速的基本特征,可以预测喘振信号的振荡频率、强度,以及旋转失速团的传播频率和失速团沿发动机流路的发展;当旋转失速完全发展时,发动机内部各个位置处的失速团具有相同的周向传播频率,但是强度不同,发动机进、出口处的失速团信号最弱,压缩部件进口和低压涡轮出口处的失速团信号最强。 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 规训与重塑——革命文学论争对茅盾文学观念转变的深远影响 | Discipline and Retransform——The Profound Influence of the Revolutionary Literature Debate on Mao Dun's Literature Views |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Discipline and Retransform——The Profound Influence of the Revolutionary Literature Debate on Mao Dun's Literature Views | 规训与重塑——革命文学论争对茅盾文学观念转变的深远影响 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 弹炮结合武器系统效能评估方法研究 | Assessment Method of Gun-Missile Weapon Systems Efficiency |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Assessment Method of Gun-Missile Weapon Systems Efficiency | 弹炮结合武器系统效能评估方法研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 两种草本植物种子萌发与幼苗生长对 植被混凝土水泥含量的响应 | Response of Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Two Herbaceous Plants to Cement Content in Vegetation Concrete Matrix |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Response of Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Two Herbaceous Plants to Cement Content in Vegetation Concrete Matrix | 两种草本植物种子萌发与幼苗生长对 植被混凝土水泥含量的响应 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 滇产黄毛青冈木材干燥特性的研究 | Study on Drying Characteristics of Cyclobalanopsis oerst Wood |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Study on Drying Characteristics of Cyclobalanopsis oerst Wood | 滇产黄毛青冈木材干燥特性的研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 越南赫蒙族的人口分布及经济变迁 | The Hmong' s Population Distribution and Economic Changes in Vietnam |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The Hmong' s Population Distribution and Economic Changes in Vietnam | 越南赫蒙族的人口分布及经济变迁 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 论美国三十年代联邦戏剧的创新与局限。美国在20世纪30年代经历了一场空前的经济危机,各行各业都受到了严重影响,艺术领域更是首当其冲。为拯救艺术的发展,联邦政府设立了艺术类国家工程:联邦艺术项目。在联邦艺术项目中,联邦戏剧项目成为规模最大、最具影响力,同时也最具争议的艺术项目。联邦戏剧项目对新的戏剧艺术形式、技艺进行了探索,成为很多大胆的、政治性的、实验性的戏剧作品的孵化器,其中“活报剧”成为联邦戏剧项目的标志。联邦戏剧项目最终因意识形态、党派、管理上的各种纷争等导致提早终结,最初承诺的“自由的、成人的、免予审查的”联邦戏剧项目并没有实现,其根源在于它的本质仍是一个救济事务处,却力图实现众多的目标,而多触角所呈现的多个薄弱环节招致了各种攻击。联邦戏剧项目是美国历史上仅有的一次、最大规模的政府直接参与戏剧生产活动,它所取得的成就以及局限都为日后政府扶助戏剧的发展提供了重要的思考和启示,也为我们制定文化政策提供了借鉴和参考。 | On Innovation and Limitations of American Federal Theater in the 1930s. As America experienced an unprecedented economic crisis in the 1930 s and all walks of life were seriously impacted , the realm of art stood in the breach .In order to save art , the federalgovernment established national art projects:Federal Arts Projects ( FAP) , among which the Feder-al Theater Project was the largest , most powerful but also controversial one .The Federal Theater Project explored new forms and skills of theater arts , and became an incubator of many bold , politi-cal and experimental theater productions .However , the Project was terminated earlier than expected as a result of various disputes over ideology , political parties and management , and therefore its ini-tial commitment of being "free, adult, uncensored" was not achieved .The root lies in the fact that it is still a relief service in nature but attempts to realize multiple aims , with a plurality of weak links in many expansions inviting all kinds of attacks .As a one-shot, most massive and direct engagement of government in theater productions the Project has shed an important light on the government ' s fu-ture support of theater with its achievements and limitations , and also provides a reference for our formulation of cultural policies . |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | On Innovation and Limitations of American Federal Theater in the 1930s. As America experienced an unprecedented economic crisis in the 1930 s and all walks of life were seriously impacted , the realm of art stood in the breach .In order to save art , the federalgovernment established national art projects:Federal Arts Projects ( FAP) , among which the Feder-al Theater Project was the largest , most powerful but also controversial one .The Federal Theater Project explored new forms and skills of theater arts , and became an incubator of many bold , politi-cal and experimental theater productions .However , the Project was terminated earlier than expected as a result of various disputes over ideology , political parties and management , and therefore its ini-tial commitment of being "free, adult, uncensored" was not achieved .The root lies in the fact that it is still a relief service in nature but attempts to realize multiple aims , with a plurality of weak links in many expansions inviting all kinds of attacks .As a one-shot, most massive and direct engagement of government in theater productions the Project has shed an important light on the government ' s fu-ture support of theater with its achievements and limitations , and also provides a reference for our formulation of cultural policies . | 论美国三十年代联邦戏剧的创新与局限。美国在20世纪30年代经历了一场空前的经济危机,各行各业都受到了严重影响,艺术领域更是首当其冲。为拯救艺术的发展,联邦政府设立了艺术类国家工程:联邦艺术项目。在联邦艺术项目中,联邦戏剧项目成为规模最大、最具影响力,同时也最具争议的艺术项目。联邦戏剧项目对新的戏剧艺术形式、技艺进行了探索,成为很多大胆的、政治性的、实验性的戏剧作品的孵化器,其中“活报剧”成为联邦戏剧项目的标志。联邦戏剧项目最终因意识形态、党派、管理上的各种纷争等导致提早终结,最初承诺的“自由的、成人的、免予审查的”联邦戏剧项目并没有实现,其根源在于它的本质仍是一个救济事务处,却力图实现众多的目标,而多触角所呈现的多个薄弱环节招致了各种攻击。联邦戏剧项目是美国历史上仅有的一次、最大规模的政府直接参与戏剧生产活动,它所取得的成就以及局限都为日后政府扶助戏剧的发展提供了重要的思考和启示,也为我们制定文化政策提供了借鉴和参考。 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 城市房屋拆迁问题的法律思考 | A Legal Thinking on the Urban House Relocation in China |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | A Legal Thinking on the Urban House Relocation in China | 城市房屋拆迁问题的法律思考 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 水流作用下圆柱体的涡激振动分析 | Analysis of Vortex-induced Vibration of a Cylinder in Steady Flow |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Analysis of Vortex-induced Vibration of a Cylinder in Steady Flow | 水流作用下圆柱体的涡激振动分析 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 粤东沿海养殖水域浮游植物的生态特征 | Ecological Features of Phytoplankton from Aquaculture Ground Along Eastern Guangdong Coastal Waters |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Ecological Features of Phytoplankton from Aquaculture Ground Along Eastern Guangdong Coastal Waters | 粤东沿海养殖水域浮游植物的生态特征 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 土三七致肝窦阻塞综合征一例并文献复习 | Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome induced by Sedum aizoon : case report and literature review |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome induced by Sedum aizoon : case report and literature review | 土三七致肝窦阻塞综合征一例并文献复习 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 非线性薛定谔方程的新多级包络周期解 | New Multi-Order Envelope Periodic Solutions to the Nonlinear Schr(o)dinger Equation |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | New Multi-Order Envelope Periodic Solutions to the Nonlinear Schr(o)dinger Equation | 非线性薛定谔方程的新多级包络周期解 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 亚硫酸铵与尿素处理稻草的效果研究 | Studies on the Effect of the Rice Straw Treated with Ammonium Sulphite and Urea |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Studies on the Effect of the Rice Straw Treated with Ammonium Sulphite and Urea | 亚硫酸铵与尿素处理稻草的效果研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 物权变动规则的体系化评《物权法草案》第二章 | Systemization of Rules in Alteration of Real Right: Comments on Chapter 2 of the Draft Law on Real Right |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Systemization of Rules in Alteration of Real Right: Comments on Chapter 2 of the Draft Law on Real Right | 物权变动规则的体系化评《物权法草案》第二章 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 中国人群肺癌发病危险因素的Meta分析 | Meta-analysis of the risk factors on lung cancer in Chinese people |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Meta-analysis of the risk factors on lung cancer in Chinese people | 中国人群肺癌发病危险因素的Meta分析 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 生物传感器在玉米酶法浸泡工艺中的应用。为了对玉米酶法浸泡过程中的生化参数进行控制,采用生物传感器对浸泡工艺过程的乳酸、葡萄糖、还原糖进行适时检测,并与滴定法、碘量法、费林试剂法进行比较.结果表明,生物传感器与传统方法检测结果相差不大,但是响应速度快、结果准确、测试成本低,且样品不需要复杂的预处理就可以直接测定. | Application of biosensors in corn enzymatic steeping technology. In order to control the biochemical parameters of the corn enzymatic steeping process,biosensor was used to timely detect the lactic acid,glucose and reducing sugar during corn soaking process,and this method was also compared with titration,iodimetry and fehling's reagent.The results showed that there was little difference between the test results of biosensor and those of the traditional methods,but biosensor had many advantages,such as quick response,accurate result and low cost,and samples could be directly determined without complex pretreatment. |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Application of biosensors in corn enzymatic steeping technology. In order to control the biochemical parameters of the corn enzymatic steeping process,biosensor was used to timely detect the lactic acid,glucose and reducing sugar during corn soaking process,and this method was also compared with titration,iodimetry and fehling's reagent.The results showed that there was little difference between the test results of biosensor and those of the traditional methods,but biosensor had many advantages,such as quick response,accurate result and low cost,and samples could be directly determined without complex pretreatment. | 生物传感器在玉米酶法浸泡工艺中的应用。为了对玉米酶法浸泡过程中的生化参数进行控制,采用生物传感器对浸泡工艺过程的乳酸、葡萄糖、还原糖进行适时检测,并与滴定法、碘量法、费林试剂法进行比较.结果表明,生物传感器与传统方法检测结果相差不大,但是响应速度快、结果准确、测试成本低,且样品不需要复杂的预处理就可以直接测定. |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 甘薯耐旱、耐盐突变体的离体筛选 | In Vitro Selection of Drought- and Salt-tolerant Mutants in Sweetpotato |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | In Vitro Selection of Drought- and Salt-tolerant Mutants in Sweetpotato | 甘薯耐旱、耐盐突变体的离体筛选 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 石灰苛化法脱除草酸钠的研究 | Study on Removal of Sodium Oxalate by Lime Causticizing Method |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Study on Removal of Sodium Oxalate by Lime Causticizing Method | 石灰苛化法脱除草酸钠的研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 基于改进能量集中度的S变换与随机森林的电能质量扰动识别 | S-transform based on modified energy concentration and identification of power quality disturbance in random forest |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | S-transform based on modified energy concentration and identification of power quality disturbance in random forest | 基于改进能量集中度的S变换与随机森林的电能质量扰动识别 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 中国企业并购中的交易费用 | Enterprise MA transaction cost in China |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Enterprise MA transaction cost in China | 中国企业并购中的交易费用 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 清末民初旅华英国人的"风景"书写 | Landscape Narration by Visiting Englishmen in the Late Qing and Early Republic of China |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Landscape Narration by Visiting Englishmen in the Late Qing and Early Republic of China | 清末民初旅华英国人的"风景"书写 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 天南星科植物族属分类及地理分布 | The Classification on Tribus Genus and Geographic Distribution of World Araceae |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | The Classification on Tribus Genus and Geographic Distribution of World Araceae | 天南星科植物族属分类及地理分布 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 港口企业多元化经营绩效研究 | A Research on the Results of the Multi Running of the Port Enterprises |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | A Research on the Results of the Multi Running of the Port Enterprises | 港口企业多元化经营绩效研究 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 美国“能源独立”的思考和启示 | Some Considerations about USA Energy Independence and Their Enlightenment |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Some Considerations about USA Energy Independence and Their Enlightenment | 美国“能源独立”的思考和启示 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 华东部分地区禽致病性大肠杆菌系统进化分群及毒力相关基因的检测 | Phylogenetic clustering and virulence-associated genes of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli in some areas of eastern China |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Phylogenetic clustering and virulence-associated genes of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli in some areas of eastern China | 华东部分地区禽致病性大肠杆菌系统进化分群及毒力相关基因的检测 |
Please translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 水稻千粒重QTL定位分析 | QTL Mapping of 1000-Grain Weight in Rice |
Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | QTL Mapping of 1000-Grain Weight in Rice | 水稻千粒重QTL定位分析 |
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