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y o u r s o u l m a t e. Y o u ’ l l b e r i c h a n d s u c c e s s f u l a n d h a p p y. A n d t h e n, a f t e r a l o n g, l o n g t i m e y o u w i l l d i e. ” T h e y w o n d e r w h y, i f G o d i s s o s m a r t, H e d o e s n ’ t u s e F e d E x. B u t I t h i n k w e ’ r e t o l d s o l i t t l e a b o u t t h e f u t u r e b e c a u s e t h e r e ’ s s o m u c h m o r e t o u n d e r s t a n d a b o u t t h e p r e s e n t. G o d ’ s g r o u n d, a f t e r a l l, i s n o w. H e d o e s n ’ t s p e l l o u t t h e p a t h a h e a d ; r a t h e r, H e s p e l l s o u t t h e p a t h w i t h i n. A n d a s w e f o l l o w t h a t p a t h, s e e k i n g t o d e e p e n i n o u r c o m p a s s i o n a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d c a p a c i t y t o e n j o y w h a t i s, w e c o - c r e a t e w i t h H i m o u r h i g h e s t f u t u r e. P a s t R e g r e t s   U n t i l y o u r e a c h a c e r t a i n a g e, t h e w o r d r e g r e t h a s l i t t l e m e a n i n g. I t ’ s o n l y w h e n y o u s e e t h a t y o u r m i s t a k e s d i d a f f e c t t h e r e s t o f y o u r l i f e a n d r e a l i z e t h a t t h e b a d d e c i s i o n s y o u m a d e c a n ’ t b e r e v e r s e d i n t h i s l i f e t i m e t h a t y o u f a c e t h e h o r r o r o f t r u e r e m o r s e. T h e r e i n l i e s t h e p a r a d o x : a s h u m a n b e i n g s, w e h a v e s u c h a s h o r t p e r i o d o f t i m e h e r e i n w h i c h t o g e t i t r i g h t, y e t a s s p i r i t s l i v i n g i n e t e r n i t y, w e h a v e o p p o r t u n i t i e s u n l i m i t e d. A s b e i n g s w i t h f r e e w i l l, w e a r e a l l o w e d t o m a k e o u r o w n c h o i c e s ; a s c h i l d r e n o f G o d, w e a r e r e d e e m e d u p o n o u r h u m b l e a n d p r a y e r f u l r e q u e s t, s h o u l d t h o s e c h o i c e s h a v e b e e n w r o n g - m i n d e d. O u r m i s t a k e s a r e n o t s i n s G o d w a n t s t o p u n i s h b u t r a t h e r e r r o r s H e w a n t s t o c o r r e c t. O n e p r a y e r i n A C o u r s e i n M i r a c l e s s u g g e s t s t h a t w e s i m p l y g o b a c k t o t h e m o m e n t o f o u r m i s t a k e — r e a l i z i n g i t w a s a m o m e n t w h e n, b yd e f i n i t i o n, w e d i d n ’ t a l l o w t h e H o l y S p i r i t t o m a k e o u r d e c i s i o n f o r u s — a n d a l l o w H i m t o m a k e i t f o r u s n o w. F o r m i r a c l e s w o r k r e t r o a c t i v e l y. T h e r e ’ s n o n e e d t o f e e l g u i l t y i n s u c h a c a s e b e c a u s e t h e H o l y S p i r i t w i l l u n d o a l l t h e c o n s e q u e n c e s o f o u r w r o n g d e c i s i o n i f w e l e t H i m. * A s l o n g a s w e g e n u i n e l y a t o n e f o r o u r e r r o r s, t h e u n i v e r s e w i l l b e m i r a c u l o u s l y r e c o n f i g u r e d o n o u r b e h a l f. M i l l i o n s o f p e o p l e — a l c o h o l i c s, d r u g a d d i c t s, p e o p l e w h o c o m m i t t e d c r i m e s, p e o p l e w h o h u r t o t h e r s — c a n t e s t i f y t o t h e p r o f o u n d f o r g i v e n e s s o f G o d. M a n y k n o w t h e y w o u l d n ’ t b e a l i v e t o d a y w e r e t h e i r G o d n o t s u c h a m e r c i f u l G o d. T h a t m e a n s s o m u c h f o r t h o s e o f u s w h o h a v e l i v e d a l o t
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n h a d b e c o m e a d i f f e r e n t p e r s o n. A n d h o w c o u l d h e h a v e n o t. G i v e n t h e c r u c i f i x i o n h e e n d u r e d — b r o u g h t e n t i r e l y u p o n h i m s e l f — h o w c o u l d h e h a v e d o n e o t h e r t h a n t o h a v e e i t h e r d i e d o r b r o k e n t h r o u g h t o a n o t h e r p l a c e. C l e a r l y, h e h a d d o n e t h e l a t t e r. A f a i l u r e t h a t i n w o r l d l y t e r m s i s a l m o s t i m p o s s i b l e t o f a t h o m h a d l e d t o a s p i r i t u a l s u c c e s s. C r u c i f i x i o n s t a k e u s i n t o t h e d a r k n e s s o f t h e s o u l, w h e r e w e w r e s t l e w i t h t h e d e m o n s o f s h a m e a n d l o a t h i n g, a n g e r a n d h a t r e d. W e a r e a s k e d t o d i e t o s o m a n y p a r t s o f o u r s e l v e s — t o l a y d o w n b o t h s w o r d a n d s h i e l d, t o g i v e u p j u d g m e n t a n d w i l l f u l n e s s a n d h a t e. Y e t w h e n w e s t a n d t h e r en a k e d, h a v i n g f o r g i v e n s o m u c h, w e c a n f e e l a s e n s e o f l i g h t n e s s r e t u r n t o o u r h e a r t s, a n d w e k n o w w e h a v e m a d e i t t o a n o t h e r p l a c e. C r u c i f i x i o n i s n e v e r t h e e n d ; i n a w a y, i t i s j u s t t h e b e g i n n i n g. W i t h e v e r y s c a r, w e b e c o m e c a r r i e r s o f t h e u n i v e r s a l w o u n d a s w e l l a s t r a n s m i t t e r s o f a u n i v e r s a l h e a l i n g. W h e n w e h a v e s u f f e r e d a n d t r a n s c e n d e d o u r s u f f e r i n g, w e e m e r g e w i t h s a c r e d k n o w l e d g e e m b e d d e d i n o u r c e l l s. I n o u r l i f e a t l e a s t, s o m e d a r k n e s s h a s b e e n o v e r c o m e. A n d w e w i l l b e l e d t o o t h e r s w h o h a v e s i m i l a r l y o v e r c o m e, a s w e l l a s t o t h o s e w h o h a v e n o t y e t b u t w i l l b e i n s p i r e d t o i n o u r p r e s e n c e. T o g e t h e r, w e w i l l f o r m a u n i f i e d f i e l d o f r e s u r r e c t i v e p o s s i b i l i t y, a n o p e n i n g t h a t d o e s n o t j u s t b l e s s o u r o w n l i v e s b u t t h e e n t i r e w o r l d. A n d t h a t i s w h a t i s o c c u r r i n g o n t h e p l a n e t t o d a y. P e o p l e a r e f e e l i n g t h e p a i n o f t h e w o r l d, a l m o s t l i k e a n i n o c u l a t i o n. W e a r e h u r r y i n g t o r i s e u p s o w e c a n c r e a t e a h i g h e r f i e l d f o r e v e r y o n e. T h e w o m e n a r o u n d J e s u s w a i t e d a n d p r a y e d a t h i s f e e t w h i l e h e w a s c r u c i f i e d. T h e s e w o m e n s y m b o l i z e t h e f r i e n d s w h o b e a r w i t n e s s t o o u r c r u c i f i x i o n s a n d c a r e a b o u t o u r s u f f e r i n g. W h e n t h e y g o t o t h e t o m b t o c l a i m t h e b o d y — t h a t i s, w h e n t h e y h a v e e m p a t h i z e d w i t h o u r p a i n a n d n o w a c c o m p a n y u s o n o u r p s y c h i c j o u r n e y b a c k t o w h o l e n e s s — t h e y o f t e n f i n d t h a t t h e p e r s o n w e w e r e b e f o r e n o l o n g e r e x i s t s. T h e y f i n d, w h e n t h e s p i r i t o f G o d h a s m o v e d i n u s, t h a t w e w e r e n o t d e f e a t e d b u t r a t h e r w e b e c a m e o u r b e t t e r s e l v
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el to each other. The behavior ofmost important distinction for the make it a shorter step to joy. The key to of 200 is the fulcrum that divides the people whose consciousness is only in purposes of this study is that between joy is the unconditional kindness to all general areas of force and power. the 20s is dangerous. They are prone to force and true power. W e cats, for life, including one's own, that we refer to In describing the emotional correlates of hallucinations of an accusatory nature, as example, investigate a historical epoch as compassion.1 W ithout compassion the ener gy fields of consciousness, it is well as paranoia; some become psychotic such as the end of British colonialism in little of any significance is ever well to remember that they rarely are or commit bizarre crimes. India. If we calibrate the position of the accomplished in human endeavor. W e manifested as pure states in an (61)Some Shame-based individuals British Empire at the time, one of self- may generalize to the greater social individual. Levels of consciousness are compensate by perfectionism and rigidity interest and exploitation, we find that it context from individual therapies, always mixed; a person may operate on and become driven and intolerant. was well below the critical level of 200 wherein the patient cannot be truly cured one level in a given area of life and on Notorious examples of this are the moral on the scale of consciousness. The or fundamentally healed until he invokes quite another level in another area. An extremists who form vigilante groups, motivation of Mahatma Gandhi the power of compassion both for himself individual's overall level of projecting their own unconscious shame (calibrated at 700) was very near the top and others. At that point the healed mayconsciousness is the sum total ef fect of onto others whom they then feel justified of the range of normal human became a healer. these various levels. in righteously attacking. Serial killers consciousness. Gandhi won in this have often acted out of sexual moralism struggle because his position was one of 4. LEVELS OF HUMAN Ener gy Level 20: Shame with the justification of punishing "bad" far greater power. The British Empire CONSCIOUSNESS The level of Shame is perilously women. represented force (calibrated at 175), and MILLIONS OF CALIBRA TIONS over proximate to death, which may be chosen when for ce meets power, for ce is Because it pulls down the whole level of the years of this study have defined a out of Shame as conscious suicide or eventually defeated.personality, Shame results in a range of values accurately corresponding more subtly elected by failure to take vulnerability to the other negative W e may observe how throughout history to well-recognized sets of attitudes and steps to prolong life. Death by avoidable emotions and, therefore, often produces society has tried to "treat" social emotions, localized by specific attractor accident is common here. W e all have false pride, anger and guilt. problems by legislative action, warfare, ener gy fields, much as electromagnetic some awareness of the pain of "losing market manipulation, laws and fields gather iron filings. W e have face," becoming discredited, a non- Ener gy Level 30: Guilt prohibitions-all manifestations of force- adopted the following classification of person. In Shame we hang our heads and Guilt, so commonly used in our society only to see these problems persist orthese ener gy fields to be easily slink away, wishing we were invisible. to manipulate and punish, manifests itself recur despite the treatment. Although comprehensible as well as clinically Banishment is a traditional in a variety of expressions such as governments, or individuals, proceeding accurate. accompaniment of shame, and in the remorse, self recrimination, masochism, from positions of force are myopic, to the It is very important to remember that the primitive societies from which we all and the whole gamut of symptoms of sensitive observer it eventually becomes calibration figures do not represent an originate, banishment is equivalent to victim-hood. Unconscious guilt results in obvious that conditions of social conflict arithmetic but a logarithmic progression. death. psychosomatic disease, accident-(57) will not disappear until the underlying Thus, the level 300 is not twice the Early life experiences such as sexual proneness and suicidal behaviors. Many etiology has been exposed and "healed."' amplitude of 150; it is 300 to the tenth abuse, which lead to Shame, warp the people struggle with guilt their entire The dif ference between treating and power (10-300). An increase of even a personality for a lifetime unless these lives, while others desperately attempt healing is that in the former the context few points therefore represents a major issues are resolved by therapy. Shame, as escape by amorally denying guilt remains the same, whereas in the latter advance in power; the rate of increase in Freud determined, produces neurosis. It altogether. the clinical response is elicited by a power as we move up the scale isis destructive to emotional and Guilt-domination results in a change of context, so as to bring about an enormous. psychological health and, as a preoccupation with "sin," an unfor giving absolute removal of the cause of the The ways the various levels of human consequence of low self-esteem, makes emotional attitude frequently exploited condition rather than mere recovery from consciousness express themselves are one prone to the development of physical by religious demagogues, who use it for its symptoms. It is one thing to prescribe profound and far -reaching; their ef fects illness. The Shame-based personality is coercion and control. Such "sin-and- an anti-hypertensive medication for high are both gross and subtle. All levels shy, withdrawn and introverted. salvation" merchants, obsessed with blood pressure. It is quite another to below 200 are destructive of life in bothShame is used as a tool of cruelty, and its punishment, are likely either acting out expand the patient's context of life so that the individual and society at lar ge; all victims often become themselves cruel. he stops being angry and repressive. 27 28 their own guilt or projecting it onto Mother T eresa and her followers dare to spurring on endless activity. Fear of Desire is also the level of addictions, others, tread. It is the level of the abandonment enemies, fear o£ old age or death, fear of wherein desire becomes a craving more Subcultures displaying the aberration of of hope, and few have the courage to rejection and a multitude of social fears important than life itself. The victim of self-flagellation often manifest other really look in its face. are basic motivators in most people'sDesire may actually be unaware of the endemic forms of cruelty, such as the lives. basis of his motives. Some people Ener gy Level 75: Grief public ritual killing of animals. Guilt From the viewpoint of this level, the become addicted to the desire for provokes rage, and killing frequently is This is the level of sadness, loss, and world looks hazardous, full of traps and attention and drive others away by their its expression. Capital punishment is an despondency. Most of us have threats. Fear is the favored of ficial tool constant demands. The desire for sexual example of how killing gratifies a guilt- experienced it for periods of time, but for control by oppressive totalitarian approval has produced an entire ridden populace. Our unfor giving those who remain at this level live a life agencies, and insecurity is the stack-in-cosmetics and fashion industry.American society, for instance, pillories of constant regret and depression. This is trade of major manipulators of the Desire has to do with accumulation and its victims in the press and metes out the level of mourning, bereavement and marketplace. The media and advertising greed. But Desire is insatiable because it punishments which have never been remorse about the past It is also the level play to Fear to increase market share. is an ongoing ener gy field, so that demonstrated to have any deterrent or of habitual losers and those chronic The proliferation of fears is as limitless satisfaction of one desire is merely corrective value. gamblers who accept failure as part of as the human imagination; once Fear is replaced by unsatisfied desire for (62) their life style, often resulting in loss ofone's focus, the endless fearful events of something else. Multimillionaires remain jobs, friends, family, and opportunity, as the world feed it Fear becomes obsessive obsessed with acquiring more and more Ener gy Level 50: Apathy well as money and health. and may take any form: fear of loss of money. This level is characterized by poverty, Major losses in early life make one later relationship
[ 301, 311, 1855, 1023, 662, 578, 7865, 315, 3646, 3062, 30296, 369, 279, 1304, 433, 264, 24210, 3094, 311, 16267, 662, 578, 1401, 198, 998, 315, 220, 1049, 374, 279, 5716, 5192, 372, 430, 65928, 279, 198, 16455, 6832, 25917, 374, 1193, 304, 198, 26047, 8449, 315, 420, 4007, 374, 430, 1990, 198, 4215, 374, 279, 84663, 45972, 311, 682, 198, 25615, 5789, 315, 5457, 323, 2410, 662, 279, 220, 508, 82, 374, 11660, 13, 2435, 527, 38097, 311, 198, 9009, 323, 837, 2410, 662, 468, 384, 19987, 11, 369, 198, 14789, 11, 2737, 832, 596, 1866, 11, 430, 584, 8464, 311, 198, 644, 23524, 279, 14604, 97303, 315, 198, 43341, 1791, 12922, 315, 459, 26589, 5382, 7138, 11, 439, 198, 8858, 11, 19874, 264, 13970, 16746, 198, 300, 30481, 13, 16, 468, 78942, 412, 30481, 198, 1820, 38556, 29720, 5151, 315, 25917, 11, 433, 374, 198, 9336, 439, 83544, 26, 1063, 3719, 94241, 198, 21470, 439, 279, 842, 315, 8013, 37683, 2191, 304, 198, 56492, 315, 904, 26431, 374, 3596, 198, 9336, 311, 6227, 430, 814, 19029, 527, 198, 269, 5379, 33288, 17073, 13, 6890, 13, 1442, 584, 1652, 44192, 279, 2361, 315, 279, 198, 73087, 501, 3384, 304, 3823, 54914, 662, 468, 384, 198, 43415, 291, 439, 10748, 5415, 304, 459, 320, 5547, 8, 8538, 88635, 6108, 7931, 198, 52961, 21080, 520, 279, 892, 11, 832, 315, 659, 7058, 18864, 93640, 311, 279, 7191, 3674, 198, 55977, 13, 53793, 315, 25917, 527, 198, 5807, 729, 349, 555, 39143, 2191, 323, 13552, 19025, 198, 13014, 323, 40761, 11, 584, 1505, 430, 433, 198, 2196, 505, 3927, 52312, 345, 33222, 9709, 26, 264, 1732, 1253, 14816, 389, 198, 438, 3719, 16625, 323, 72729, 519, 13, 574, 1664, 3770, 279, 9200, 2237, 315, 220, 1049, 198, 2940, 258, 279, 8893, 4250, 387, 9615, 64688, 198, 606, 2237, 304, 264, 2728, 3158, 315, 2324, 323, 389, 198, 2688, 22766, 10507, 315, 420, 527, 279, 16033, 198, 263, 279, 5569, 315, 25917, 13, 578, 198, 269, 43593, 62320, 3156, 568, 67151, 198, 84270, 2500, 2237, 304, 2500, 3158, 13, 1556, 198, 428, 1864, 1705, 889, 1376, 38494, 5048, 5315, 345, 47928, 40227, 315, 16566, 266, 1764, 48994, 279, 2410, 315, 30481, 2225, 369, 198, 40617, 726, 198, 55977, 596, 8244, 2237, 315, 82382, 872, 1866, 40711, 21648, 198, 55571, 61666, 520, 220, 7007, 8, 574, 1633, 3221, 279, 1948, 198, 438, 3885, 13, 2468, 430, 1486, 279, 62320, 1253, 64589, 2136, 374, 279, 2694, 2860, 31469, 282, 440, 315, 198, 10138, 3885, 8884, 814, 1243, 2733, 35516, 198, 1073, 279, 2134, 315, 4725, 3823, 6244, 264, 98211, 662, 1521, 5370, 5990, 13, 304, 1314, 68, 7162, 23664, 13, 11464, 61135, 198, 64589, 2136, 13, 48994, 2834, 304, 420, 198, 19553, 3629, 31532, 704, 315, 7392, 16033, 2191, 198, 496, 50428, 1606, 813, 2361, 574, 832, 315, 198, 19, 13, 43809, 50, 3083, 473, 68665, 198, 36, 1215, 29720, 9580, 220, 508, 25, 88635, 198, 4291, 279, 42535, 315, 75986, 330, 14176, 702, 24470, 7191, 2410, 662, 578, 8013, 21080, 198, 5910, 3624, 43752, 7415, 198, 791, 2237, 315, 88635, 374, 60392, 7162, 3278, 13, 15609, 5457, 320, 5531, 61666, 520, 220, 10005, 705, 323, 198, 44, 9410, 43486, 3083, 34007, 3336, 5726, 350, 43486, 927, 198, 42598, 3509, 311, 4648, 11, 902, 1253, 387, 12146, 198, 9493, 369, 3846, 20628, 2410, 1174, 369, 3846, 374, 198, 18433, 433, 34145, 1523, 279, 4459, 2237, 315, 198, 1820, 1667, 315, 420, 4007, 617, 4613, 264, 198, 412, 315, 88635, 439, 17371, 18639, 477, 198, 3163, 1870, 24164, 31970, 2786, 1174, 88635, 3135, 304, 264, 198, 9866, 315, 2819, 30357, 12435, 198, 6518, 87417, 16689, 555, 8060, 311, 1935, 198, 85, 59501, 2968, 311, 279, 1023, 8389, 198, 54, 384, 1253, 23846, 1268, 6957, 3925, 198, 998, 1664, 12, 47167, 7437, 315, 33726, 323, 198, 25047, 311, 33482, 2324, 13, 16290, 555, 5766, 481, 198, 336, 41356, 323, 11, 9093, 11, 3629, 19159, 198, 82, 6180, 706, 6818, 311, 330, 83, 1244, 1, 3674, 21958, 11, 44589, 555, 3230, 9504, 269, 198, 4575, 1748, 374, 4279, 1618, 13, 468, 384, 682, 617, 198, 3934, 22519, 11, 19788, 323, 34951, 13, 5435, 555, 27743, 1957, 11, 39307, 345, 804, 29720, 5151, 11, 1790, 439, 66669, 198, 15031, 17985, 315, 279, 6784, 315, 330, 18310, 198, 19859, 34786, 11, 7016, 323, 5151, 9762, 11245, 68248, 13, 468, 384, 617, 198, 1594, 1359, 10671, 834, 67309, 11, 264, 2536, 7058, 36, 1215, 29720, 9580, 220, 966, 25, 4673, 3036, 198, 782, 5923, 6055, 23148, 78167, 315, 5457, 7058, 99338, 291, 279, 2768, 24790, 315, 198, 9164, 13, 763, 88635, 584, 15020, 1057, 14971, 323, 198, 38, 11476, 11, 779, 17037, 1511, 304, 1057, 8396, 198, 3323, 311, 1518, 1521, 5435, 23135, 30299, 2423, 38556, 29720, 5151, 311, 387, 6847, 198, 82, 2125, 3201, 1174, 46227, 584, 1051, 30547, 13, 311, 37735, 323, 32151, 11, 84332, 5196, 198, 76862, 8994, 279, 6514, 13, 10541, 198, 884, 31882, 37864, 439, 1664, 439, 70432, 198, 51341, 16409, 374, 264, 8776, 304, 264, 8205, 315, 24282, 1778, 439, 198, 70, 6846, 1392, 11, 477, 7931, 11, 39547, 198, 37021, 349, 13, 5844, 857, 3904, 315, 21648, 11, 323, 304, 279, 198, 1864, 11073, 11, 659, 1421, 6417, 2617, 11, 9427, 5059, 2191, 345, 1527, 10093, 315, 5457, 527, 856, 25847, 11, 311, 279, 198, 2181, 374, 1633, 3062, 311, 6227, 430, 279, 198, 74548, 34775, 505, 902, 584, 682, 198, 438, 279, 4459, 9192, 332, 315, 13803, 315, 198, 82, 19245, 22842, 433, 9778, 9221, 198, 5531, 18856, 12678, 656, 539, 4097, 459, 198, 4775, 3357, 11, 9120, 16409, 374, 13890, 311, 198, 92039, 2902, 1411, 13, 1252, 64589, 34951, 3135, 304, 198, 677, 2528, 430, 4787, 315, 3674, 12324, 198, 277, 27011, 719, 264, 91036, 21914, 33824, 13, 4648, 13, 8841, 437, 13795, 8624, 11, 11677, 8172, 3226, 8, 690, 539, 32153, 3156, 279, 16940, 198, 45600, 11, 279, 2237, 220, 3101, 374, 539, 11157, 279, 198, 42298, 2324, 11704, 1778, 439, 7392, 198, 72239, 24639, 323, 66153, 28198, 13, 9176, 198, 295, 31226, 706, 1027, 15246, 323, 330, 383, 5962, 35277, 45209, 315, 220, 3965, 26, 433, 374, 220, 3101, 311, 279, 56766, 198, 370, 817, 11, 902, 3063, 311, 88635, 11, 47420, 279, 198, 16455, 14993, 449, 34951, 872, 4553, 198, 791, 1422, 18728, 768, 1990, 27723, 323, 198, 13477, 320, 605, 12, 3101, 570, 1556, 5376, 315, 1524, 264, 198, 9164, 2786, 369, 264, 19569, 7389, 1521, 198, 75, 1924, 11, 1418, 3885, 38643, 4879, 198, 383, 6260, 374, 430, 304, 279, 4846, 279, 2317, 198, 71830, 3585, 9093, 11105, 264, 3682, 198, 18934, 527, 20250, 555, 15419, 662, 88635, 11, 439, 198, 13295, 555, 45265, 750, 41566, 34951, 198, 1864, 1771, 279, 1890, 11, 20444, 304, 279, 15629, 198, 60420, 304, 2410, 26, 279, 4478, 315, 5376, 304, 198, 37831, 664, 11075, 11, 19159, 18247, 14744, 13, 1102, 198, 76777, 3522, 662, 279, 14830, 2077, 374, 95360, 1639, 555, 264, 198, 13477, 439, 584, 3351, 709, 279, 5569, 374, 285, 40652, 311, 14604, 323, 4673, 3036, 14766, 2617, 3135, 304, 264, 198, 3455, 315, 2317, 11, 779, 439, 311, 4546, 922, 459, 198, 268, 494, 788, 13, 24064, 2890, 323, 11, 439, 264, 864, 59362, 449, 330, 16319, 1359, 459, 653, 2000, 7231, 198, 17625, 17065, 315, 279, 5353, 315, 279, 198, 791, 5627, 279, 5370, 5990, 315, 3823, 198, 444, 15880, 315, 3428, 659, 65906, 11, 3727, 198, 336, 41964, 19451, 14134, 51763, 198, 9233, 4856, 1109, 17983, 13654, 505, 198, 64589, 2136, 3237, 5694, 527, 198, 606, 38097, 311, 279, 4500, 315, 7106, 198, 1729, 10597, 2486, 55180, 1157, 11, 889, 1005, 433, 369, 198, 1220, 13803, 13, 1102, 374, 832, 3245, 311, 72333, 198, 782, 15456, 323, 3117, 482, 265, 12092, 26, 872, 31469, 282, 115192, 198, 484, 2136, 13, 578, 88635, 6108, 17743, 374, 198, 1030, 3035, 290, 323, 2585, 13, 15483, 330, 16319, 9976, 7058, 276, 7294, 2902, 1100, 531, 4114, 24099, 369, 1579, 198, 548, 2225, 20547, 323, 27545, 13, 2052, 5990, 198, 939, 88, 1174, 50682, 323, 20285, 22361, 13, 46035, 1, 42870, 11, 44898, 449, 198, 51105, 7410, 13, 1102, 374, 5115, 2500, 311, 198, 54277, 220, 1049, 527, 40652, 315, 2324, 304, 2225, 2059, 373, 374, 1511, 439, 264, 5507, 315, 54680, 1174, 323, 1202, 198, 66007, 16409, 11, 527, 4461, 3060, 15718, 704, 198, 33417, 279, 8893, 596, 2317, 315, 2324, 779, 430, 198, 1820, 3927, 323, 8396, 520, 45555, 3980, 26, 682, 198, 85, 858, 5861, 3629, 3719, 5694, 28128, 13, 568, 18417, 1694, 19021, 323, 312, 69563, 13, 220, 1544, 198, 1591, 198, 50828, 1866, 34951, 477, 82382, 433, 8800, 198, 59978, 350, 2781, 23174, 323, 1077, 20723, 33304, 311, 198, 2203, 21081, 389, 26762, 5820, 662, 43067, 315, 198, 5001, 556, 374, 1101, 279, 2237, 315, 923, 22155, 345, 59961, 345, 83, 888, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 2237, 315, 279, 91402, 198, 268, 11288, 11, 8850, 297, 22386, 2362, 4325, 477, 4648, 11, 8850, 315, 198, 2940, 258, 12876, 9221, 264, 64804, 810, 198, 3214, 93113, 1439, 29040, 279, 82102, 367, 315, 198, 1073, 3987, 11, 323, 2478, 617, 279, 25775, 311, 198, 265, 7761, 323, 264, 49068, 315, 3674, 24087, 198, 15693, 1109, 2324, 5196, 13, 578, 11996, 315, 198, 726, 79050, 43313, 3629, 14794, 1023, 2216, 1427, 304, 1202, 3663, 13, 527, 6913, 12521, 3046, 304, 1455, 1274, 596, 5001, 556, 1253, 3604, 387, 41747, 315, 279, 198, 408, 8274, 7739, 315, 54680, 1174, 1778, 439, 279, 198, 75, 1924, 13, 8197, 315, 813, 52140, 13, 4427, 1274, 198, 36, 1215, 29720, 9580, 220, 2075, 25, 480, 4462, 198, 898, 28278, 13419, 315, 10099, 13, 4673, 3036, 198, 3915, 279, 59485, 315, 420, 2237, 11, 279, 198, 17106, 638, 57727, 311, 279, 12876, 369, 198, 44047, 8099, 34049, 11, 323, 13419, 14134, 374, 198, 2028, 374, 279, 2237, 315, 51978, 11, 4814, 11, 323, 198, 14957, 5992, 51024, 11, 2539, 315, 45660, 323, 198, 54203, 323, 6678, 3885, 3201, 555, 872, 198, 1220, 7645, 13, 18880, 25060, 374, 459, 198, 5919, 3595, 2301, 662, 7648, 315, 603, 617, 198, 97229, 82, 13, 43067, 374, 279, 46603, 315, 282, 7235, 5507, 198, 18568, 18651, 13, 578, 12876, 369, 7392, 198, 8858, 315, 1268, 13419, 8902, 9803, 264, 34951, 7058, 327, 45933, 433, 369, 18852, 315, 892, 11, 719, 198, 2000, 2585, 555, 78612, 90364, 198, 55539, 706, 9124, 459, 4553, 198, 43285, 94920, 13, 5751, 653, 2000, 7231, 1884, 889, 7293, 520, 420, 2237, 3974, 264, 198, 14789, 13607, 11, 323, 74935, 374, 279, 5729, 3502, 1824, 437, 46366, 323, 11401, 198, 71864, 662, 29518, 8396, 1174, 369, 2937, 11, 15530, 2490, 198, 1073, 6926, 23023, 323, 18710, 13, 1115, 374, 198, 37171, 315, 3682, 14951, 42391, 315, 279, 198, 5001, 556, 706, 311, 656, 449, 46835, 323, 198, 1220, 12697, 304, 279, 3577, 323, 2322, 288, 704, 198, 1820, 2237, 315, 76350, 11, 28031, 402, 1133, 323, 198, 19859, 2050, 13, 578, 3772, 323, 13172, 198, 15893, 291, 13, 2030, 82524, 374, 1672, 266, 2205, 1606, 433, 198, 66007, 100053, 902, 617, 2646, 1027, 198, 1864, 11073, 922, 279, 3347, 1102, 374, 1101, 279, 2237, 198, 1387, 311, 43067, 311, 5376, 3157, 4430, 13, 374, 459, 14529, 38556, 29720, 2115, 11, 779, 430, 198, 67, 7439, 496, 660, 311, 617, 904, 83720, 477, 198, 1073, 84820, 68456, 323, 1884, 21249, 198, 791, 53840, 315, 24087, 374, 439, 92659, 198, 82, 52370, 315, 832, 12876, 374, 16632, 198, 20523, 535, 907, 13, 9192, 71478, 889, 4287, 8060, 439, 961, 315, 198, 300, 279, 3823, 28899, 26, 3131, 43067, 374, 198, 265, 37469, 555, 7120, 47365, 12876, 369, 198, 7, 5538, 340, 50828, 2324, 1742, 11, 3629, 13239, 304, 4814, 315, 606, 596, 5357, 11, 279, 26762, 63757, 4455, 315, 198, 34431, 775, 13, 22950, 318, 15068, 17724, 7293, 198, 32205, 11, 4885, 11, 3070, 1174, 323, 6776, 1174, 439, 198, 1820, 1917, 5510, 433, 43067, 9221, 84132, 198, 5598, 22456, 449, 42990, 810, 323, 810, 198, 36, 1215, 29720, 9580, 220, 1135, 25, 362, 2398, 88, 198, 9336, 439, 3300, 323, 2890, 13, 323, 1253, 1935, 904, 1376, 25, 8850, 315, 4814, 315, 198, 29359, 662, 1115, 2237, 374, 32971, 555, 19542, 13801, 35575, 18151, 304, 4216, 2324, 1304, 832, 3010, 198, 37195 ]
made in the Jennerian way, by inserting the virus subcutaneously — splitting the skin and rubbing it in —violent septic infection takes place, causing death in many cases. Laws were passed in England many years ago prohibiting this practice. In toxemic subjects, a local infecti on set up by the virus of sepsis from any source vaccination, a badly cared -for injury, a wound that fails to drain, an infected tooth, sinus, etc. —causes a septic fever of a malignant type, which is liable to end in death or in invalidism. A system badly enervated and toxemic, has little power to resist; and when the blood is very toxemic, it is very vulnerable to the influence of any infection. Where the infection is not so malignant as to overwhelm the system, due to the virulence of the infecting a gent, or to the enervation and toxemic state being so great as to have destroyed resistance, the patient may rally from the crisis and get well under the proper management. If, however, the management is bad, the patient may linger in a state of semi-invalidism for a few months or years, and finally die. Mr. Roosevelt’s illness and taking -off at least twenty -five years too soon was a pronounced type of such derangement. The great and forceful man was pronouncedly toxemic. He was injured, as everybody knows, on one of his trips into the jungles. Infection took place, which probably would have killed a less robust man. He returned home, and continued enervating habits, preventing his fine body from cleaning house. Such cases can be brought back to th e normal, but never under conventional treatment. When toxemic subjects are infected, the infection will never be eliminated entirely until enervation and Toxemia are overcome. Unless patients of this character are put to bed and fasted until eliminat ion is completed, then fed properly, and taught how to eat within their limitations, and unless they are willing to give up all enervating habits, there is no hope of their ever getting well. These subjects often develop tuberculosis, Bright’s disease, and other lingering so - called diseases. Our federal hospitals are full of young men who will never get well; for Toxemia is developed faster than it is thrown ok. Scientific medicine is helpless. Nature’s order is interfered with by enervating habits until Toxemia is established; then a vaccination, or an infection from any source, acts sooner or later as a firebrand in causing the most vulnerable organ to take on organic change. The organ, however, has nothing to do with cause, and directing treatment t o the organ is compounding fallacy. Types of such nonsense are blood - transfusion for pernicious anemia; gland treatment for gland impotency; cutting out stones, ulcers, tumors, etc. There is no question but that one of the most pernicious practices i n vogue today is treating so -called disease with disease, and immunizing with the products of disease. One of the first things to do to get rid of any so -called disease is to get rid of Toxemia; for it is this state of the blood that makes disease pos sible. Infection, drug -and food-poisoning may kill; but if they do not, they will be short-lived in a subject free frown enervation and Toxemia. Conversely, the poisoning will linger in the system until Toxemia is overcome; then elimination will remove all traces of infection. Syphilitic infection in a pronouncedly toxemic subject is thrown into great virulency by conventional treatment. The infection is the least offender of the trio. Add fear and wrong eating, and we have a formidable symptom - complex, justifying all that professional syphilomaniacs say and write about the disease. Remove Toxemia, drugging, fear, and vile eating, and there is little left. What there is can easily be thrown out by nature. WE are builders of tomorrow, and we need not pa y a fortune -teller—a doctor, lawyer, preacher, banker —to tell us what will happen to us tomorrow. “Nothing will happen. The inevitable will come. We shall inherit the fruits of today’s sowing. Poise THE state or quality of being balanced. Figurativ ely, equanimity; repose. Equanimity —Evenness of mind or temper; composure; calmness.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|> Q: What is the main cause of all diseases, according to the author?, A: Toxemia, which is caused by enervation and the accumulation of toxin in the blood. Q: What is the author's criticism of the medical profession?, A: The author criticizes the medical profession for not understanding the true cause of disease and for using treatments that are ineffective and often harmful. Q: What is the author's view on the concept of "germs" as a cause of disease?, A: The author does not believe that germs are the cause of disease, but rather that the accumulation of toxin in the blood is the primary cause. Q: What is the author's perspective on the idea of "cures"?, A: The author believes that there are no cures for disease, but rather that the focus should be on removing the underlying causes of enervation and Toxemia. Q: What is the author's advice for achieving good health and avoiding disease?, A: The author advises against enervating habits, such as excessive eating, drinking, and stress, and recommends a balanced lifestyle, including a healthy diet, rest, and self-control.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>The entire organism is more or less infected by the protein decomposition. A feast -day comes along; an excess produces a crisis; and th e organism, which is enervated and toxemic to the point of no resistance, is overwhelmed by septic poisoning. WHAT CAUSES FATALITY Fatal cases in all epidemics are food -drunkards who are very much enervated, toxemic and infected from putrescence in the bowels. It is a crime to feed anything to the sick. No food should be given until all symptoms are gone; then fruit and vegetable juices (never any animal foods not for weeks). A hot bath should be administered three times daily. Wash out the bowe ls by enemas every few hours, until all putrescent debris is throughly cleared out; and, when possible, give a gastric ravage daily, until the stomach and bowels are thoroughly cleared of all putrescence. The life of the patient depends upon getting rid of the putrid food still remaining in the bowels, before enough putrescence is absorbed to cause death. All epidemic diseases are wholesale food - poisonings among people who are pronouncedly enervated and toxemic. The poisoning by food is on the order of poisoning by chemicals. Those who have least resistance (are most enervated and toxemic) suffer most and succumb the easiest; for the poisoning brings on a crisis of Toxemia, and the two nerve -destroying influences overwhelm the reduced resistance, and may end in death unless wisely treated. All acute diseases are gastro -intestinal infections acting on toxemic subjects. The more enervated and toxemic the subject, the more severe the crisis. Certainly anyone with intelligence should see the danger in giving food when the exciting cause of the disease is food - poisoning. Keep the patient warm and quiet, and in good air. More treatment is meddlesome. Getting rid of putrefaction is most important. Such diseases develop only in those of pronounced enervation and toxemic, and those of very bad eating habits. TO SUM UP To sum up briefly the difference between the toxemic methods and “regular medicine”: Toxemia is a system based on the true cause of disease —namely Toxemia. Before Toxemia is developed, natura l immunization protects from germs, parasites, and all physical vicissitudes. Toxin is a by -product as constant and necessary as life itself. When the organism is normal, it is produced and eliminated as fast as produced. From the point of production to the point of elimination, it is carried by the blood; hence at no time is the organism free from toxin in the blood. In a normal amount it is gently stimulating; but when the organism is enervated, elimination is checked. Then the amount retained become s overstimulating — toxic—ranging from a slight excess to an amount so profound as to overwhelm life. The treatment is so simple that it staggers those who believe in curing. Heroic treatment is disease -building. Find in what way nerve -energy is wasted, and stop it —stop all nerve -leaks. Then returning to normal is a matter of time, in which nature attends to all repairs herself. And she resents help —medical officiousness. In writing and giving advice, I often make the mistake of taking for granted t hat the consultant understands what I have in mind. Why should he, when I have not given
[ 1903, 304, 279, 720, 41, 268, 1215, 1122, 1648, 11, 555, 39398, 279, 17188, 1207, 10453, 20933, 107216, 7105, 1303, 279, 6930, 323, 57035, 433, 304, 2001, 90162, 513, 27330, 19405, 220, 5097, 2035, 11, 14718, 4648, 304, 1690, 5157, 13, 42089, 1051, 720, 36522, 304, 9635, 1690, 1667, 4227, 79466, 420, 6725, 13, 763, 41569, 8274, 15223, 11, 264, 2254, 34527, 72, 389, 743, 709, 555, 279, 17188, 720, 1073, 513, 1725, 285, 505, 904, 2592, 47165, 11, 264, 25587, 42777, 482, 2000, 720, 258, 42861, 11, 264, 27653, 430, 14865, 311, 24659, 11, 459, 29374, 26588, 11, 76914, 11, 720, 12380, 13, 2001, 936, 4881, 264, 513, 27330, 34653, 315, 264, 94329, 955, 11, 902, 374, 720, 51430, 311, 842, 304, 4648, 477, 304, 8482, 2191, 13, 362, 1887, 25587, 720, 268, 651, 660, 323, 41569, 8274, 11, 706, 2697, 2410, 311, 22884, 26, 323, 994, 720, 1820, 6680, 374, 1633, 41569, 8274, 11, 433, 374, 1633, 20134, 311, 279, 720, 258, 41116, 315, 904, 19405, 13, 11208, 279, 19405, 374, 539, 779, 94329, 439, 311, 96848, 720, 1820, 1887, 11, 4245, 311, 279, 9043, 59566, 315, 279, 34527, 287, 264, 16265, 11, 477, 311, 720, 1820, 665, 8943, 323, 41569, 8274, 1614, 1694, 779, 2294, 439, 311, 617, 720, 15886, 291, 13957, 11, 279, 8893, 1253, 19768, 505, 279, 11501, 720, 438, 636, 1664, 1234, 279, 6300, 6373, 13, 1442, 11, 4869, 11, 279, 720, 43573, 374, 3958, 11, 279, 8893, 1253, 40609, 304, 264, 1614, 315, 720, 87698, 40840, 2191, 369, 264, 2478, 4038, 477, 1667, 11, 323, 5616, 2815, 13, 4491, 13, 47042, 753, 17563, 323, 4737, 482, 1885, 520, 3325, 17510, 482, 53770, 720, 42820, 2288, 5246, 574, 264, 38617, 955, 315, 1778, 720, 1126, 57733, 13, 578, 2294, 323, 5457, 1285, 893, 574, 720, 72239, 20018, 398, 41569, 8274, 13, 1283, 574, 15902, 11, 439, 16470, 720, 33134, 82, 11, 389, 832, 315, 813, 23277, 1139, 279, 70010, 645, 13, 763, 13421, 3952, 720, 2050, 11, 902, 4762, 1053, 617, 7577, 264, 2753, 22514, 893, 13, 1283, 6052, 2162, 11, 323, 8738, 665, 651, 1113, 26870, 11, 720, 1762, 82920, 813, 7060, 2547, 505, 16204, 3838, 13, 15483, 5157, 649, 387, 7263, 1203, 311, 270, 384, 4725, 11, 719, 2646, 720, 8154, 21349, 6514, 13, 3277, 41569, 8274, 15223, 527, 29374, 11, 279, 19405, 690, 720, 37593, 387, 34373, 11622, 3156, 665, 8943, 323, 2057, 87, 22689, 720, 548, 23075, 13, 11115, 6978, 315, 420, 3752, 527, 2231, 311, 720, 2788, 323, 5043, 291, 3156, 38416, 266, 28772, 374, 8308, 11, 1243, 23114, 720, 81768, 398, 11, 323, 15972, 1268, 311, 8343, 2949, 872, 9669, 11, 323, 720, 39870, 814, 527, 10032, 311, 3041, 709, 682, 665, 651, 1113, 26870, 11, 720, 19041, 374, 912, 3987, 315, 872, 3596, 3794, 1664, 13, 4314, 15223, 720, 61917, 2274, 88234, 11, 27508, 753, 8624, 11, 323, 220, 1023, 720, 2785, 4776, 779, 482, 2663, 19338, 13, 5751, 6918, 24461, 527, 2539, 720, 1073, 3995, 3026, 889, 690, 2646, 636, 1664, 26, 369, 2057, 87, 22689, 374, 720, 16219, 291, 10819, 1109, 433, 374, 15338, 5509, 13, 38130, 16088, 374, 720, 8823, 1752, 13, 22037, 753, 2015, 374, 41305, 291, 449, 555, 665, 651, 1113, 26870, 720, 39830, 2057, 87, 22689, 374, 9749, 26, 1243, 264, 47165, 11, 477, 459, 720, 258, 13421, 505, 904, 2592, 11, 14385, 31373, 477, 3010, 439, 264, 720, 11029, 13781, 304, 14718, 279, 1455, 20134, 2942, 311, 1935, 389, 720, 61694, 2349, 13, 578, 2942, 11, 4869, 11, 706, 4400, 311, 656, 720, 4291, 5353, 11, 323, 46090, 6514, 259, 297, 279, 2942, 374, 720, 5807, 13900, 4498, 2826, 13, 21431, 315, 1778, 41902, 527, 6680, 482, 20429, 7713, 369, 824, 77, 9824, 459, 22689, 26, 67169, 6514, 369, 720, 70, 1974, 3242, 354, 2301, 26, 14713, 704, 27302, 11, 8725, 17254, 11, 56071, 11, 5099, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 3488, 719, 430, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 824, 77, 9824, 720, 652, 90290, 602, 308, 348, 28523, 3432, 374, 27723, 779, 482, 44982, 8624, 449, 720, 67, 56407, 11, 323, 33119, 4954, 449, 279, 3956, 315, 8624, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 1176, 2574, 311, 656, 311, 636, 9463, 315, 904, 779, 482, 44982, 720, 67, 56407, 374, 311, 636, 9463, 315, 2057, 87, 22689, 26, 369, 433, 374, 420, 1614, 315, 279, 720, 51105, 430, 3727, 8624, 1153, 274, 1260, 13, 763, 13421, 11, 5623, 482, 438, 720, 14239, 75488, 3416, 287, 1253, 5622, 26, 719, 422, 814, 656, 539, 11, 814, 690, 387, 720, 8846, 62954, 304, 264, 3917, 1949, 282, 4935, 665, 8943, 323, 2057, 87, 22689, 13, 82671, 11, 279, 52236, 690, 40609, 304, 279, 1887, 3156, 720, 1271, 87, 22689, 374, 23075, 26, 1243, 44032, 690, 4148, 682, 2355, 376, 2492, 315, 19405, 13, 5837, 764, 3748, 292, 19405, 304, 264, 38617, 398, 41569, 8274, 3917, 374, 720, 87545, 1139, 2294, 9043, 360, 2301, 555, 21349, 6514, 13, 578, 720, 258, 13421, 374, 279, 3325, 47753, 315, 279, 35062, 13, 2758, 8850, 323, 720, 35970, 12459, 11, 323, 584, 617, 264, 54829, 49648, 18722, 24126, 11, 1120, 7922, 682, 430, 6721, 6705, 46185, 316, 5676, 19807, 2019, 720, 438, 3350, 922, 279, 8624, 13, 11016, 2057, 87, 22689, 11, 1377, 36368, 11, 720, 69, 686, 11, 323, 81314, 12459, 11, 323, 1070, 374, 2697, 2163, 13, 3639, 1070, 374, 720, 4919, 6847, 387, 15338, 704, 555, 7138, 13, 20255, 527, 49186, 315, 16986, 11, 323, 584, 1205, 539, 7251, 379, 264, 720, 84612, 482, 83, 7218, 29096, 10896, 11, 15779, 11, 89853, 11, 72759, 2001, 998, 720, 73457, 603, 1148, 690, 3621, 311, 603, 16986, 13, 1054, 24714, 690, 720, 71, 64860, 13, 578, 31352, 690, 2586, 13, 1226, 4985, 24683, 279, 720, 1658, 12059, 315, 3432, 753, 274, 24060, 13, 14128, 1082, 2355, 720, 256, 3247, 1614, 477, 4367, 315, 1694, 24770, 13, 23966, 324, 20053, 658, 88, 11, 720, 26378, 16348, 488, 26, 2109, 974, 13, 11964, 16348, 488, 2001, 13461, 2136, 315, 4059, 477, 6940, 26, 470, 12313, 26, 720, 5531, 76, 2136, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 1925, 5353, 315, 682, 19338, 11, 4184, 311, 279, 3229, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 2057, 87, 22689, 11, 902, 374, 9057, 555, 665, 8943, 323, 279, 46835, 315, 98534, 304, 279, 6680, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 19347, 315, 279, 6593, 4913, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 9940, 4861, 279, 6593, 4913, 369, 539, 8830, 279, 837, 5353, 315, 8624, 323, 369, 1701, 22972, 430, 527, 55288, 323, 3629, 28856, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 1684, 389, 279, 7434, 315, 330, 1414, 1026, 1, 439, 264, 5353, 315, 8624, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 1587, 539, 4510, 430, 17684, 1026, 527, 279, 5353, 315, 8624, 11, 719, 4856, 430, 279, 46835, 315, 98534, 304, 279, 6680, 374, 279, 6156, 5353, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 13356, 389, 279, 4623, 315, 330, 66, 1439, 1, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 13919, 430, 1070, 527, 912, 272, 1439, 369, 8624, 11, 719, 4856, 430, 279, 5357, 1288, 387, 389, 18054, 279, 16940, 11384, 315, 665, 8943, 323, 2057, 87, 22689, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 9650, 369, 32145, 1695, 2890, 323, 31526, 8624, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 70074, 2403, 665, 651, 1113, 26870, 11, 1778, 439, 27639, 12459, 11, 16558, 11, 323, 8631, 11, 323, 40912, 264, 24770, 19433, 11, 2737, 264, 9498, 10173, 11, 2800, 11, 323, 659, 4565, 13, 128009, 128000, 791, 4553, 47120, 374, 810, 477, 720, 1752, 29374, 555, 279, 13128, 66266, 13, 362, 53268, 482, 1316, 720, 6716, 3235, 26, 459, 13937, 19159, 264, 11501, 26, 323, 270, 384, 47120, 11, 720, 8370, 374, 665, 651, 660, 323, 41569, 8274, 311, 279, 1486, 315, 912, 720, 417, 4011, 11, 374, 43206, 555, 513, 27330, 52236, 13, 38535, 9362, 86020, 435, 31174, 3414, 5996, 720, 256, 66729, 5157, 304, 682, 28817, 38305, 527, 3691, 482, 3696, 3200, 2402, 889, 527, 720, 1225, 1790, 665, 651, 660, 11, 41569, 8274, 323, 29374, 505, 720, 631, 417, 36634, 304, 220, 279, 15631, 2053, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 9977, 311, 5510, 4205, 311, 279, 14363, 13, 2360, 3691, 1288, 720, 1395, 2728, 3156, 682, 13803, 527, 8208, 26, 1243, 14098, 323, 720, 83571, 481, 65959, 320, 37593, 904, 10065, 15657, 539, 369, 5672, 570, 362, 720, 10847, 9061, 1288, 387, 38018, 2380, 3115, 7446, 13, 6113, 704, 720, 1820, 15631, 68, 20170, 555, 665, 35262, 1475, 2478, 4207, 11, 3156, 682, 2231, 417, 1189, 720, 451, 29272, 374, 1555, 398, 23803, 704, 26, 323, 11, 994, 3284, 11, 3041, 264, 720, 6885, 496, 292, 43643, 425, 7446, 11, 3156, 279, 23152, 323, 15631, 2053, 527, 720, 339, 14776, 398, 23803, 315, 682, 2231, 417, 36634, 13, 578, 2324, 315, 279, 8893, 720, 59047, 5304, 3794, 9463, 315, 220, 279, 2231, 1907, 3691, 2103, 9861, 720, 258, 279, 15631, 2053, 11, 1603, 3403, 2231, 417, 36634, 374, 42101, 311, 720, 1593, 4648, 13, 2052, 42620, 19338, 527, 35557, 3691, 18722, 5481, 3416, 826, 4315, 1274, 889, 527, 38617, 398, 665, 651, 660, 720, 438, 41569, 8274, 13, 578, 52236, 555, 3691, 374, 389, 279, 2015, 315, 720, 5481, 3416, 287, 555, 26333, 13, 13266, 889, 617, 3325, 13957, 720, 7, 548, 1455, 665, 651, 660, 323, 41569, 8274, 8, 7831, 1455, 323, 20639, 3635, 720, 1820, 30689, 26, 369, 279, 52236, 12716, 389, 264, 11501, 315, 2057, 87, 22689, 11, 720, 438, 279, 1403, 32015, 482, 15886, 287, 34453, 96848, 279, 720, 265, 54478, 13957, 11, 323, 1253, 842, 220, 304, 4648, 7389, 66713, 720, 83, 2920, 13, 2052, 30883, 19338, 527, 59349, 482, 71558, 30020, 720, 36022, 389, 41569, 8274, 15223, 13, 578, 810, 665, 651, 660, 323, 720, 998, 87, 8274, 279, 3917, 11, 279, 810, 15748, 279, 11501, 13, 53466, 720, 3852, 606, 449, 11478, 1288, 1518, 279, 8137, 304, 7231, 720, 14239, 994, 279, 13548, 5353, 315, 279, 8624, 374, 3691, 18722, 5481, 3416, 287, 13, 13969, 279, 8893, 8369, 323, 11594, 11, 323, 304, 1695, 3805, 13, 4497, 720, 83, 35320, 374, 1812, 67, 645, 638, 13, 25531, 9463, 315, 2231, 1116, 1335, 374, 720, 3646, 3062, 13, 15483, 19338, 2274, 1193, 304, 1884, 315, 720, 72239, 20018, 665, 8943, 323, 220, 41569, 8274, 11, 323, 1884, 315, 1633, 3958, 720, 91955, 26870, 13, 5257, 31835, 12250, 5996, 720, 256, 2057, 2694, 709, 27851, 279, 6811, 1990, 279, 41569, 8274, 720, 36842, 323, 1054, 23108, 16088, 57633, 2057, 87, 22689, 374, 264, 1887, 720, 31039, 389, 279, 837, 5353, 315, 8624, 2001, 12682, 989, 2057, 87, 22689, 13, 13538, 2057, 87, 22689, 374, 8040, 11, 14818, 64, 326, 33119, 2065, 720, 47079, 82, 505, 17684, 1026, 11, 79383, 11, 323, 682, 7106, 32531, 1056, 21237, 13, 2057, 59866, 374, 264, 555, 482, 3107, 439, 6926, 323, 5995, 439, 2324, 720, 275, 726, 13, 3277, 279, 47120, 374, 4725, 11, 433, 374, 9124, 323, 720, 40895, 15846, 439, 5043, 439, 9124, 13, 5659, 279, 1486, 315, 720, 23452, 311, 279, 1486, 315, 44032, 11, 433, 374, 11953, 555, 279, 720, 51105, 26, 16472, 520, 912, 892, 374, 279, 47120, 1949, 505, 98534, 304, 720, 1820, 6680, 13, 763, 264, 4725, 3392, 433, 374, 30373, 65792, 26, 719, 720, 9493, 279, 47120, 374, 665, 651, 660, 11, 44032, 374, 10273, 13, 5112, 279, 3392, 35363, 3719, 274, 927, 54754, 15853, 107216, 998, 14668, 2345, 81, 8764, 505, 264, 8275, 13937, 311, 459, 3392, 779, 720, 782, 15456, 439, 311, 96848, 2324, 13, 578, 6514, 374, 779, 4382, 430, 433, 77536, 10863, 1884, 889, 720, 9978, 19704, 304, 97330, 13, 16905, 292, 6514, 374, 8624, 482, 24177, 13, 7531, 304, 1148, 1648, 32015, 482, 17947, 374, 39928, 11, 220, 323, 3009, 433, 2001, 9684, 720, 543, 32015, 482, 273, 10011, 13, 5112, 13758, 311, 4725, 374, 264, 5030, 315, 720, 1712, 11, 304, 902, 7138, 75112, 311, 682, 31286, 11937, 13, 1628, 1364, 720, 9773, 1520, 2001, 69216, 2856, 1245, 2136, 13, 763, 4477, 323, 7231, 9650, 11, 358, 3629, 1304, 279, 16930, 315, 720, 89894, 369, 11938, 259, 9072, 279, 31760, 31869, 1148, 358, 720, 19553, 304, 4059, 13, 8595, 1288, 568, 11, 994, 358, 617, 539, 2728 ]
is practiced propt·rly under an experienc ed n1astcr, it can injure the body internally. But its dcn1entary stage. consisting of rncditativc deep diaphragm breathing. can be learned safely without a teacher. Instructions arc found in the following pages. The t'rotic exercises recon1n1cnded here include gymnastics, therapeutic rnassage, acupressure, and others. They have been practiced tor centuries to train the sexual muscles; to improve blood circulation in the pubic region; to stin1ulate the autonomic nervous systern, which controls many sexual functions; to pro­ nlote gonadal secretions; and to heighten sexual sensations. Faith­ fully practiced, these exercises may enhance and prolong a man's erection, and increase his sexual stamina by promoting the secre­ tion of semen. They may increase the elasticity and liveliness of a woman's vaginal orifice and canal, and heighten her orgasmic re­ sponse. Such results help bridge the gap between male and female capabilities, and improve sexual health and pleasure for both. Some Western-style exercises that involve chest, arm, and leg muscles can be done while one reads, watches television, or pon­ ders over the stock market. The exercises described here are more or less internal: they require some degree of mental concentration or meditation to be effective. Almost all of them involve directly or indirectly deep diaphragm breathing. Taoist purists believe that the best times to practice these sex­ ual gymnastics are I I :oo p.m. to 1:00 a.m.; s:oo to 7:00 a. n1. ; I I :oo a.m. to I :oo p.m.; and 5 :oo to 7=00 p.m. People with a busy lifestyle may do them anytime, except within fifteen minutes be­ fore a meal and within an hour after it. The best tirne to do them is right after getting up in the n1orning, or just before retiring at night-but not soon after a heavy meal or drinking. Most of the exercises may be done in loose-fitting clothes such as pajan1as; it is 173 174 better not to do them in tight clothes that n1ay irnpede breath ing and circulation. Sorne of the exercises arc best practiced in the nude in the privacy of one's bed room. The following exe rcises were sele cted from Taoist kin esith er­ apy, which has been practiced for cen turies in China. Mo st of them arc taken directly from the Taoists, while some arc slightly modified. Unless designated otherwise, they are for both sexes. Warning: The recommended exercises, beneficial as they arc, come with no warranty. Avoid overdoing any of them, as too much of a good thing could be harmful. If you have any physical or mental health problem or arc taking any special medicati on, check with your physician before doing any of the exercises. DEEP DIAPHRAGM BREATH ING Deep diaphragm breathing is the key to all Taoist mind -body ac­ tivities, from health therapy to meditation, from martial arts to the Art of the Bedchamb er. Unlike thoracic deep breathing, which involves expansion of the upper chest, Taoist deep breathing is done by moving the di­ aphragm, the powerful sheet of muscle separating the chest cavity from the abdomen. In this form of breathing, the chest moves very little, while the abdomen alternately bulges and collapses. The advantage of abdominal or diaphragm breathing over chest breathing is known to every opera singer in the West, and every kung fu master in the East. It should be known to every bedroom sportsper son, East or West. Chest breathing, even deep chest breathing, involves the ex­ pansion and contraction of the rib cage. This empties the lungs partially, leaving much stale air inside. Diaphragm breathing is far more powerful, in that it enables the lungs to take in an amount of air-including oxygen-four to five times that inhaled in shallow chest breathing. Besides this aerobic advantage, the pulsing dia­ phragm gives a sort of internal n1assage to the vital organs in both the chest and the abdomen. Studies published by the Chinese in 1958 revealed that respiration therapy actually enlarged patients' internal organs. You may practice deep diaphragm breathing indoors, or out­ doors in mild weather; wear loose clothing, without any tightly restraining belt around the waist. Sit on the front portion of a stool or stiff chair (not an upholstered sofa or armchair); a slightly padded dining chair is suitable. Avoid any distraction or noise, even music. Keep the body straight but relaxed. Put your hands on your knees, spread about a foot apart. Close your eyes or look at the tip of your nose. Close your mouth and breathe through your nostrils, with the tip of your tongue touching the palate or the roof of your mouth. Expel all extraneous thoughts. Exhale as n1uch stale air as possible by moving your diaphragm upward and your abdominal wall inward. Keep your lungs emp­ tied for a few seconds; then inhale by moving your diaphragm downward and your abdominal wall outward. Breathe as slowly as possible in a gentle, steady, silent stream. Concentrate your mind on the respiration. While inhaling, imagine a stream of life­ force entering your nostrils, then your lungs, and going all the way to the cinnabar field. While exhaling, imagine the vital stream leaving the cinnabar field and exiting your nostrils. Normally a man breathes about I6 to I 8 times a minute; a woman slightly faster. After enough practice, one can slow breathing down to two times a minute during the exercise. This should be done nat­ urally, not forced. After months of practice, any of the following symptoms may occur during the exercise: quivering of skin and muscle at certain spots; feeling of radiating warmth in the cinnabar field; sexual arousal; and even out-of-body sensations. Taoists masters believe these possible mind-body phenomena are normal reactions; but they are more likely to emerge-if at all-only during the later, more advanced stages of chi-kung Practice deep diaphragm breathing for a minimum of I 5 min­ utes daily-again preferably right after arising or before retiring, never after a big meal or heavy drinking, and never with anger or grief. If you do this exercise faithfully and correctly, you will feel a noti ceable difference in a few months. Eventually you may de­ velop diaphragm breathing as an unconscious habit -and a big boost to your health. THE PUBIC SQUE EZE Cen turies ago, the life-n urtur ing eroticists desi gned an exer cise to increase mar ital happines s. The pubic squeeze, intendl·d to inject mor e life into the gen itals, is one of the most valut.·d and effective Recapture the Spring ANCIENT SECRE TS FOR MODERN LOVERS erotic exercises. The Taoists claimed that with sufficient practice of this exercise, a man could will an erection, increase his coital endurance, and bring his partner to orgasm without any bodily movement; a woman could "nip" or "milk" her partner to ejacu­ lation and intensify her own orgasm. There arc two versions: a quick and a slow. First, the quick squeeze: This can be done in any kind of clothing, anytime, anywhere. Contract as much as possible the pubococcyg eus muscles (in the genital and anal region), as if try­ ing to hold back or interrupt urination or defecation. You will feel the anus tightening and the genitals moving slightly. After a few seconds, relax the muscles completely. Alternately squeeze and relax, squeeze and relax, 50 times at first. Wh�n you are used to it, increase this to 100 per session. Each day do a minimum of 300 squeezes-and-r elaxes-better still, 700. Now, the slow squeeze: This version, much more powerful than the quick one, not only is done much more slowly but is combined with deep diaphragm breathing and requires mental concentration. Contract the pubic muscles while inhaling slowly. Hold the squeeze and the breath for several seconds. Then relax the muscles while exhaling. Do this 300 times daily, but not more than 100 times per session. If you feel dizzy, stop the exercise and resume later. The effectiveness of either version of this ancient exercise is supported by modern knowledge. Although male and tcmale genitals consist mostly of involuntary (smooth) muscles, they are surrounded by and intimately linked to voluntary (skeletal) mus­ cles in the pubic-coccygeal region. This cotnplex network of mus­ cles not only supports the genitals and other, internal organs, but is directly or indirectly responsible for sexual health and pleasure. Among the muscles benefitting fron1 the pubic squeeze arc the is­ chiocav ernosus, which helps in the erection of the penis
[ 374, 44664, 463, 418, 14260, 81, 398, 720, 8154, 459, 5866, 967, 1608, 308, 16, 561, 5192, 11, 433, 649, 5934, 554, 279, 2547, 34167, 13, 2030, 720, 1220, 294, 14606, 16, 306, 661, 6566, 13, 31706, 315, 436, 1031, 18225, 20053, 66, 5655, 1891, 95896, 76, 720, 21152, 44661, 13, 649, 387, 9687, 21676, 2085, 264, 11326, 13, 39397, 15952, 720, 15456, 304, 279, 2768, 6959, 13, 578, 259, 6, 4744, 292, 23783, 16456, 16, 77, 16, 66, 303, 291, 1618, 2997, 70221, 39171, 11, 720, 700, 32486, 56939, 39336, 11, 1645, 455, 676, 554, 11, 323, 3885, 13, 2435, 617, 1027, 720, 652, 533, 7725, 5801, 24552, 311, 5542, 279, 7392, 24569, 26, 311, 7417, 720, 51105, 35855, 304, 279, 6814, 292, 5654, 26, 311, 357, 258, 16, 6468, 279, 3154, 48228, 720, 77, 651, 788, 42345, 944, 11, 902, 11835, 1690, 7392, 5865, 26, 311, 463, 5879, 198, 16017, 1295, 64592, 51588, 6367, 919, 26, 323, 311, 2673, 268, 7392, 72597, 13, 34053, 5879, 198, 3725, 44664, 11, 1521, 23783, 1253, 18885, 323, 33482, 264, 893, 596, 720, 486, 407, 11, 323, 5376, 813, 7392, 61784, 555, 22923, 279, 19733, 5879, 198, 28491, 315, 75757, 13, 2435, 1253, 5376, 279, 95916, 323, 15471, 55798, 315, 264, 720, 22803, 596, 58159, 477, 22660, 323, 40021, 11, 323, 2673, 268, 1077, 38765, 292, 312, 5879, 198, 82, 1042, 13, 15483, 3135, 1520, 14497, 279, 13225, 1990, 8762, 323, 8954, 720, 95492, 11, 323, 7417, 7392, 2890, 323, 17069, 369, 2225, 13, 4427, 11104, 11549, 23783, 430, 21736, 15489, 11, 6916, 11, 323, 2531, 720, 38827, 19153, 649, 387, 2884, 1418, 832, 16181, 11, 32860, 12707, 1174, 477, 35023, 5879, 198, 12601, 927, 279, 5708, 3157, 13, 578, 23783, 7633, 1618, 527, 810, 720, 269, 2753, 5419, 25, 814, 1397, 1063, 8547, 315, 10723, 20545, 720, 269, 33862, 311, 387, 7524, 13, 35403, 682, 315, 1124, 21736, 6089, 477, 720, 485, 1248, 398, 5655, 1891, 95896, 76, 27027, 13, 60608, 380, 4087, 1705, 4510, 430, 279, 1888, 3115, 311, 6725, 1521, 1877, 5879, 198, 940, 70221, 39171, 527, 358, 358, 551, 2689, 281, 749, 13, 311, 220, 16, 25, 410, 264, 749, 16016, 274, 25, 2689, 311, 220, 22, 25, 410, 264, 13, 308, 16, 13, 2652, 720, 40, 358, 551, 2689, 264, 749, 13, 311, 358, 551, 2689, 281, 749, 16016, 323, 220, 20, 551, 2689, 311, 220, 22, 28, 410, 281, 749, 13, 9029, 449, 264, 13326, 720, 75, 16886, 1253, 656, 1124, 30194, 11, 3734, 2949, 37755, 4520, 387, 5879, 198, 1348, 264, 15496, 323, 2949, 459, 6596, 1306, 433, 13, 578, 1888, 45712, 818, 311, 656, 1124, 374, 720, 1315, 1306, 3794, 709, 304, 279, 308, 16, 80675, 11, 477, 1120, 1603, 60873, 520, 720, 9471, 70896, 539, 5246, 1306, 264, 8987, 15496, 477, 16558, 13, 7648, 315, 279, 720, 327, 48815, 1253, 387, 2884, 304, 20784, 2269, 15154, 15447, 1778, 439, 91710, 276, 16, 300, 26, 433, 374, 720, 11908, 220, 11771, 2731, 539, 311, 656, 1124, 304, 10508, 15447, 430, 308, 16, 352, 6348, 6331, 15686, 11745, 6892, 720, 438, 35855, 13, 328, 17334, 315, 279, 23783, 15952, 1888, 44664, 304, 279, 20637, 720, 258, 279, 12625, 315, 832, 596, 4950, 3130, 662, 578, 2768, 48293, 10402, 5014, 1051, 28419, 272, 6702, 505, 60608, 380, 24890, 1560, 411, 2781, 5879, 198, 9864, 11, 902, 706, 1027, 44664, 369, 66031, 259, 10612, 304, 5734, 13, 6178, 357, 315, 720, 49818, 15952, 4529, 6089, 505, 279, 60608, 1705, 11, 1418, 1063, 15952, 10284, 720, 28261, 13, 11115, 24073, 6062, 11, 814, 527, 369, 2225, 76032, 13, 27956, 25, 578, 11349, 23783, 11, 24629, 439, 814, 15952, 11, 720, 2063, 449, 912, 8642, 13, 35106, 927, 45359, 904, 315, 1124, 11, 439, 2288, 720, 59178, 315, 264, 1695, 3245, 1436, 387, 28856, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 904, 7106, 720, 269, 10723, 2890, 3575, 477, 15952, 4737, 904, 3361, 8249, 9491, 389, 11, 720, 2071, 449, 701, 28378, 1603, 3815, 904, 315, 279, 23783, 13, 3467, 9377, 16943, 2599, 17526, 1929, 44, 81662, 4932, 2006, 38, 720, 34564, 1891, 95896, 76, 27027, 374, 279, 1401, 311, 682, 60608, 380, 4059, 482, 2664, 1645, 5879, 198, 83, 43479, 11, 505, 2890, 15419, 311, 33862, 11, 505, 37959, 19071, 311, 720, 1820, 5277, 315, 279, 13394, 331, 3042, 2781, 13, 27140, 73833, 94257, 5655, 27027, 11, 902, 18065, 14800, 315, 720, 1820, 8582, 15489, 11, 60608, 380, 5655, 27027, 374, 2884, 555, 7366, 279, 1891, 5879, 198, 95896, 76, 11, 279, 8147, 11071, 315, 16124, 50545, 279, 15489, 56429, 720, 1527, 279, 64772, 13, 763, 420, 1376, 315, 27027, 11, 279, 15489, 11031, 720, 1225, 2697, 11, 1418, 279, 64772, 7064, 2718, 7173, 4282, 323, 87458, 13, 578, 9610, 315, 57056, 477, 1891, 95896, 76, 27027, 927, 15489, 720, 21152, 44661, 374, 3967, 311, 1475, 43516, 23597, 304, 279, 4410, 11, 323, 1475, 720, 74, 2234, 18922, 7491, 304, 279, 6460, 13, 1102, 1288, 387, 3967, 311, 1475, 14150, 720, 84660, 716, 4538, 11, 6460, 477, 4410, 13, 42871, 27027, 1174, 1524, 5655, 15489, 27027, 11, 18065, 279, 506, 5879, 198, 79, 10722, 323, 71895, 315, 279, 20735, 36460, 13, 1115, 54169, 552, 279, 45274, 720, 4581, 34575, 11, 9564, 1790, 51451, 3805, 4871, 13, 7923, 95896, 76, 27027, 374, 3117, 720, 6518, 8147, 11, 304, 430, 433, 20682, 279, 45274, 311, 1935, 304, 459, 3392, 315, 720, 1334, 3502, 11150, 24463, 42117, 311, 4330, 3115, 430, 304, 60985, 304, 26682, 720, 27417, 27027, 13, 31909, 420, 91490, 9610, 11, 279, 56037, 287, 18205, 5879, 198, 764, 4193, 76, 6835, 264, 3460, 315, 5419, 308, 16, 39336, 311, 279, 16595, 36853, 304, 2225, 720, 1820, 15489, 323, 279, 64772, 13, 19241, 4756, 555, 279, 8620, 304, 720, 6280, 23, 10675, 430, 594, 29579, 15419, 3604, 74117, 6978, 6, 720, 10701, 36853, 662, 1472, 1253, 6725, 5655, 1891, 95896, 76, 27027, 55154, 11, 477, 704, 5879, 198, 28404, 304, 23900, 9282, 26, 10051, 20784, 17895, 11, 2085, 904, 40069, 720, 265, 496, 2101, 19671, 2212, 279, 29142, 13, 29508, 389, 279, 4156, 13651, 315, 264, 64172, 477, 31161, 10716, 320, 1962, 459, 70304, 83980, 32169, 477, 6916, 35296, 1237, 264, 10284, 720, 79, 17249, 18397, 10716, 374, 14791, 13, 35106, 904, 54716, 477, 12248, 11, 720, 17206, 4731, 13, 13969, 279, 2547, 7833, 719, 31467, 13, 10435, 701, 6206, 720, 263, 701, 31624, 11, 9041, 922, 264, 4579, 10980, 13, 13330, 701, 6548, 477, 1427, 720, 266, 279, 11813, 315, 701, 19689, 13, 13330, 701, 11013, 323, 37397, 1555, 720, 22479, 57426, 8839, 11, 449, 279, 11813, 315, 701, 25466, 31687, 279, 77338, 477, 720, 1820, 15485, 315, 701, 11013, 13, 7943, 301, 682, 11741, 18133, 11555, 13, 1398, 71, 1604, 439, 308, 16, 1412, 51451, 3805, 439, 3284, 555, 7366, 701, 1891, 95896, 76, 720, 455, 1637, 323, 701, 57056, 7147, 63018, 13, 13969, 701, 45274, 8654, 5879, 198, 83, 1142, 369, 264, 2478, 6622, 26, 1243, 60537, 1604, 555, 7366, 701, 1891, 95896, 76, 720, 2996, 1637, 323, 701, 57056, 7147, 52046, 13, 426, 1244, 383, 439, 14297, 720, 300, 3284, 304, 264, 22443, 11, 24981, 11, 21737, 4365, 13, 62261, 7853, 701, 720, 38824, 389, 279, 594, 29579, 13, 6104, 60537, 6260, 11, 13085, 264, 4365, 315, 2324, 5879, 198, 9009, 16661, 701, 57426, 8839, 11, 1243, 701, 45274, 11, 323, 2133, 682, 279, 720, 3195, 311, 279, 272, 6258, 95660, 2115, 13, 6104, 57759, 6260, 11, 13085, 279, 16595, 4365, 720, 273, 2370, 279, 272, 6258, 95660, 2115, 323, 45848, 701, 57426, 8839, 13, 52783, 264, 720, 1543, 11745, 288, 922, 358, 21, 311, 358, 220, 23, 3115, 264, 9568, 26, 264, 5333, 10284, 720, 69, 2352, 13, 4740, 3403, 6725, 11, 832, 649, 6435, 27027, 1523, 311, 720, 20375, 3115, 264, 9568, 2391, 279, 10368, 13, 1115, 1288, 387, 2884, 18050, 5879, 198, 43024, 11, 539, 9770, 13, 4740, 4038, 315, 6725, 11, 904, 315, 279, 2768, 13803, 1253, 720, 511, 2407, 2391, 279, 10368, 25, 934, 85040, 315, 6930, 323, 16124, 520, 3738, 720, 68110, 26, 8430, 315, 12164, 1113, 41463, 304, 279, 272, 6258, 95660, 2115, 26, 7392, 720, 277, 788, 278, 26, 323, 1524, 704, 8838, 9534, 72597, 13, 60608, 1705, 36467, 4510, 720, 45010, 3284, 4059, 9534, 44247, 527, 4725, 25481, 26, 719, 720, 20670, 527, 810, 4461, 311, 34044, 45737, 520, 682, 15744, 2391, 279, 3010, 11, 720, 6518, 11084, 18094, 315, 26883, 12934, 2234, 720, 89592, 5655, 1891, 95896, 76, 27027, 369, 264, 8187, 315, 358, 220, 20, 1332, 5879, 198, 2142, 7446, 12, 33871, 52754, 1314, 1306, 40986, 477, 1603, 60873, 11, 720, 37593, 1306, 264, 2466, 15496, 477, 8987, 16558, 11, 323, 2646, 449, 19788, 477, 720, 70, 4462, 13, 1442, 499, 656, 420, 10368, 94176, 323, 12722, 1174, 499, 690, 2733, 264, 720, 1962, 72, 3846, 481, 6811, 304, 264, 2478, 4038, 13, 38274, 499, 1253, 409, 5879, 198, 1851, 1891, 95896, 76, 27027, 439, 459, 40711, 14464, 482, 438, 264, 2466, 720, 13297, 311, 701, 2890, 13, 3247, 77844, 1341, 328, 5712, 469, 53967, 720, 34, 268, 259, 10612, 4227, 11, 279, 2324, 5392, 4433, 66467, 6892, 34416, 1705, 86588, 342, 19212, 459, 506, 261, 272, 1082, 311, 720, 79601, 3678, 433, 278, 2306, 1572, 274, 13, 578, 6814, 292, 37663, 11, 528, 5449, 14260, 67, 311, 15921, 720, 57902, 384, 2324, 1139, 279, 4173, 433, 1147, 11, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 1062, 332, 13, 14260, 67, 323, 7524, 4158, 12114, 279, 12531, 86114, 10990, 5161, 9614, 23822, 4716, 19186, 13974, 5125, 73326, 720, 261, 14546, 23783, 13, 578, 60608, 1705, 11922, 430, 449, 14343, 6725, 720, 1073, 420, 10368, 11, 264, 893, 1436, 690, 459, 65146, 11, 5376, 813, 1080, 2223, 720, 408, 5890, 11, 323, 4546, 813, 8427, 311, 38765, 2085, 904, 48131, 720, 62274, 26, 264, 5333, 1436, 330, 70873, 1, 477, 330, 76, 34263, 1, 1077, 8427, 311, 64714, 84, 5879, 198, 2354, 323, 25228, 1463, 1077, 1866, 38765, 13, 2684, 15952, 1403, 11028, 25, 264, 720, 28863, 323, 264, 6435, 13, 5629, 11, 279, 4062, 37663, 25, 1115, 649, 387, 2884, 304, 904, 3169, 315, 720, 33678, 1626, 11, 30194, 11, 12660, 13, 19735, 439, 1790, 439, 3284, 279, 720, 9780, 511, 511, 11377, 70, 384, 355, 24569, 320, 258, 279, 57455, 323, 3260, 5654, 705, 439, 422, 1456, 5879, 198, 287, 311, 3412, 1203, 477, 12956, 4433, 2617, 477, 711, 762, 367, 13, 1472, 690, 2733, 720, 1820, 82408, 77880, 323, 279, 91742, 7366, 10284, 13, 4740, 264, 2478, 720, 17859, 11, 12234, 279, 24569, 6724, 13, 20054, 2718, 37663, 323, 720, 3833, 710, 11, 37663, 323, 12234, 11, 220, 1135, 3115, 520, 1176, 13, 1254, 5809, 77, 499, 527, 1511, 311, 433, 11, 720, 79601, 420, 311, 220, 1041, 824, 3882, 13, 9062, 1938, 656, 264, 8187, 315, 220, 3101, 720, 82, 593, 10333, 288, 9976, 3880, 658, 20589, 1481, 22120, 2103, 11, 220, 7007, 662, 4800, 11, 279, 6435, 37663, 25, 1115, 2373, 11, 1790, 810, 8147, 720, 54895, 279, 4062, 832, 11, 539, 1193, 374, 2884, 1790, 810, 14297, 719, 374, 720, 67407, 449, 5655, 1891, 95896, 76, 27027, 323, 7612, 10723, 720, 444, 94376, 13, 19735, 279, 6814, 292, 24569, 1418, 60537, 6260, 14297, 13, 23588, 279, 37663, 323, 279, 11745, 369, 3892, 6622, 13, 5112, 12234, 720, 1820, 24569, 1418, 57759, 6260, 662, 3234, 420, 220, 3101, 3115, 7446, 11, 719, 539, 810, 720, 54895, 220, 1041, 3115, 824, 3882, 13, 1442, 499, 2733, 85184, 11, 3009, 279, 10368, 323, 720, 42495, 3010, 13, 578, 27375, 315, 3060, 2373, 315, 420, 14154, 10368, 720, 285, 7396, 555, 6617, 6677, 13, 10541, 8762, 323, 259, 6358, 1604, 720, 4469, 16664, 6824, 10213, 315, 91605, 320, 57966, 8, 24569, 11, 814, 527, 720, 20370, 45091, 555, 323, 96752, 10815, 311, 37079, 320, 82, 86255, 8, 3167, 5879, 198, 19153, 304, 279, 6814, 292, 1824, 511, 11377, 713, 278, 5654, 13, 1115, 48681, 77, 9289, 4009, 315, 3167, 5879, 198, 19153, 539, 1193, 11815, 279, 91742, 323, 1023, 11, 5419, 36853, 11, 719, 720, 285, 6089, 477, 46345, 8647, 369, 7392, 2890, 323, 17069, 13, 22395, 279, 24569, 8935, 1303, 79052, 16, 279, 6814, 292, 37663, 15952, 279, 374, 5879, 198, 14946, 511, 402, 93029, 437, 355, 11, 902, 8779, 304, 279, 65146, 315, 279, 23806 ]
twelve-by-twelve-foot room in the woods by myself writing this program, one could never have imagined that it would lead to the Smithsonian. As i t turned out, I would have to return to DC once again in August of 2000 on a very important trip. I had been asked to represent the company at a meeting with the Department of Justice (DOJ). Before larger companies can combine, the U.S. government reservesthe right to determine if the combination could stifle competition and violate antitrust laws. In the case of the Healtheon/WebMD–Medical Manager merger, the government requested very detailed information and a face-to-face meeting. The reason for this was that Medical Manager Netw ork Services was sending so many claims to Envoy that the g overnment was concerned about allowing us to become part of the same company. My immediate reaction to this situation was one of deep humility. Had Medical Manager actually reached the point o f success that the U.S. government had to be concerned about the very antitrust laws I had studied in business school? No, not really, but we were going to have to convince them of that. Sabrina and I flew up to Washington to prepare for the Justice Department meeting. It was around that time I began to notice that my life was becoming filled with more an d more attorneys. We met for a strategy meeting at th e o ffice of one of the largest law firms in D.C. There were attorneys everywhere, but one always stood out from t he rest. Jim Mercer was Marty’s litigation specialist, and he understood both the law and business at a phenomenal level. I had learned to have great respect and confidence in Jim, and I was glad he would be present at the DOJ meeting. I, of course, had never previously dealt with the Justice Department. It was not exactly my everyday experience to be entering the DOJ building surrounded by a large team o f attorneys. Nevertheless, after hours of very intense questio ning, Sabrina and I managed to address the governmen t’s concerns satisfactorily. When it was all said and done, the merger was not going to pose any anti-trust problems. Though we were very relieved when the ordeal was over, it had ac tually turned out to be quite a learning experience. All this exposure to intensely powerful people and situations was having a profo und effect on the psyche Iwatched so diligently. I had never been exposed to this powerful lifest yle. Nothing in me got off on it or wanted anything from it, but it did make me deal with parts of my being that I would not ha ve faced otherwise. If I saw any weakness, fear, or anxiety come up, I just deeply relaxed back into where I w as watching from. I simply kept let ting go of whatever c ame up. This is where life had tak en me, and I used all these situations as a way of letting go of m yself. It was definitely working. I kept being pushed into strongly positive and negative situations, and I increasingly found myself in a very clear and un disturbed state. It seemed that the more challenges life put me through, the less my inner energy flow was affected by outer conditions. What years of willful meditation had not gotten rid of, life’s situations and cha llenges were rooting out of me. As long as I made getting rid of myself my only goal, every situation was a fruitful experience. If I’d had any other goal, I think the constant press ure would have been overwhelming. I found that I actually got more peaceful inside as I dealt with the ever-increasing magnitude of challenges. Life was mo lding me each day to become who I needed to be in o rder to handle tomorrow’s tasks. All I had to do was let go and not resist the process. For the next few years, my Medical Manager Practice Services Division continued to grow to its peak financial success. We grew to more than twenty-three hundred employees and were gene rating more than three hundred millio n dollars a year in revenue. We were the most widely installed practice management vendor in the country, and we had begun turning our attention toward building a fully computerized electronic health record. It was a period with tremendous challenges that I thought was putting me through un precedented growth. Little did I know that life’s portal of dramatic change was about to open up once again. When it did this time, it would complet ely redefine for me what it meant to go through a transformational growth experience.S e c t i o n I X Total Surrender5 0. T h e R a i d I t was Wednes day, September 3, 2003. I remember because on Wednesdays I go into Gainesville in the morning to see Dr. Chance fo r a health tune-up. After the appointment, I noticed I had a voice mail from Lisa Elliot, the resident attorney at the R&D facility in Alachua. She said it was ver y important, so I returned her call while still in the parking lot. I got Lisa on her cell phone, and she was very glad to hear from me. Her voice was un characteristically tense, and I realized that something was very wrong. She began by telling me that I n eede d to come to work right away because the FBI was there, a nd they wanted to se e me. My first thought was about a federal marshal who had come to the facility a few years earlier looking for a prior employee. I asked Lisa if they w ere looking for someone. She said, “No, THE FBI is here—twelve to fifteen agents plus the Sheriff’s Department. They’ve taken over the entire facility. They’ve shut down all the phone lines and the entire comput er system. This is a full-blown raid. Helicopters ar e flying overhead, agents are armed, and there’s a search warrant. You need to come here right away!” I clearl y hear d the words she was saying, and I understood the sense of urgency with which they were said—but the situation was so absurd that I could not relate to it in any manner. It was like—maybe they have the wrong address. I guess that’s why it didn’t disturb me. In fact, it sounded like it was going to be rather exciting getting to show them they had made a mistake. I asked Lisa what was going on. Why were they there? Shesaid she had no idea, but apparently the same thing was happening at our offices in Tampa and at corporate headquarters i n New Jersey. She had been trying to call Charlie Mele, our general counsel, but she couldn’t get through. The phones wer e down corporatewide. I assured her that I would be there right away. During the twenty-minute drive back to the office, I tried ca lling ev eryone I could think of who might have some informat ion. I still had absolutely no idea what was going on when I pulled up to the R&D facility. The front drive was completely blocked off with Sheriff’s Department vehicles, and the employees showing up for work were being turned awa y. I pulled up to a deputy and identified myself. He made a call on his radio and immediately signaled to the others to let me through. As I drove up the long and winding drive through the beautiful hayf ields, law enforcement vehicles were scattered every where. When I approached Building 1, I saw th e Sheriff’s Depart ment’s forty-foot Mobile Command Center stretched across our parking lot. We had five buildings by then, and FBI and Sheriff’s Department personnel were positioned around all of them. There were, indeed, two helicopters buzzing overhead. I think they ended up being part of the media coverage. I parked in my normal spot a nd made my way into the building. The place was swarming with law enforcement officers. I was met by f our or five agents who immediately w alked me into the back conference room where I was to spend the day. I requested that our in- house attorney, Lisa, be present, and she was brought into the room. The agents identified themselves as from the FB I and Treasury Dep artment. They were very professional and businesslike. I was presented with a search warrant, which Lisa had already reviewed, and I was informed that the warra nt gave them full control of the facility. They had the righ t to take any and all itemsthat fell within the itemized c ategories. They asked me to sign a paper acknowledging that I had been served the warrant. I glanced at Lisa, an d she nodded that I should sign. I had a bsolutely no idea what to do; I was completely out of my element. The only frame of reference I had for this sort o f thing was the movies, and I doubted that was going to be of much help. I as ked the ag ents in charge if they could help me understand what was going on. They didn’t say much
[ 30335, 14656, 98662, 21903, 21117, 3130, 304, 279, 33633, 555, 198, 2465, 726, 4477, 420, 2068, 11, 832, 1436, 2646, 617, 198, 29116, 1619, 430, 433, 1053, 3063, 311, 279, 89289, 13, 1666, 602, 259, 6656, 704, 11, 358, 1053, 617, 311, 471, 311, 11162, 3131, 198, 33871, 304, 6287, 315, 220, 1049, 15, 389, 264, 220, 1633, 3062, 8577, 13, 358, 1047, 198, 82850, 4691, 311, 4097, 279, 2883, 520, 264, 6574, 449, 198, 1820, 6011, 315, 12007, 320, 5989, 41, 570, 13538, 8294, 198, 65851, 649, 16343, 11, 279, 549, 815, 13, 3109, 21887, 478, 383, 1314, 311, 8417, 422, 279, 10824, 1436, 357, 19636, 198, 79123, 323, 41587, 3276, 85971, 7016, 13, 763, 279, 1162, 315, 279, 198, 1548, 278, 64110, 51538, 6204, 4235, 53654, 10790, 47112, 11, 279, 198, 87863, 11472, 1633, 11944, 2038, 323, 264, 198, 1594, 4791, 30188, 6574, 13, 578, 2944, 369, 420, 574, 430, 198, 53654, 10790, 9558, 86, 477, 74, 8471, 574, 11889, 779, 1690, 198, 49661, 311, 38139, 2303, 430, 279, 342, 927, 77, 479, 574, 11920, 198, 9274, 10923, 220, 603, 311, 3719, 961, 315, 279, 1890, 2883, 13, 3092, 14247, 220, 13010, 311, 420, 6671, 574, 832, 315, 5655, 198, 28400, 1429, 13, 24805, 220, 13235, 10790, 3604, 8813, 279, 198, 2837, 297, 282, 2450, 430, 279, 549, 815, 13, 3109, 1047, 311, 387, 198, 444, 29644, 291, 922, 279, 1633, 3276, 85971, 7016, 358, 1047, 20041, 304, 198, 27243, 2978, 30, 2360, 11, 539, 2216, 11, 719, 584, 1051, 2133, 311, 198, 19553, 311, 28008, 1124, 315, 430, 13, 21252, 41071, 323, 358, 32122, 709, 311, 6652, 311, 10772, 369, 279, 198, 70786, 6011, 6574, 13, 1102, 574, 2212, 430, 892, 358, 198, 65, 16133, 311, 5406, 430, 856, 2324, 574, 10671, 10409, 449, 198, 6518, 459, 294, 810, 220, 31434, 13, 1226, 2322, 369, 264, 8446, 6574, 198, 266, 270, 384, 297, 26620, 560, 315, 220, 832, 315, 279, 7928, 2383, 19339, 304, 423, 732, 13, 2684, 198, 52898, 31434, 220, 17277, 11, 719, 832, 2744, 14980, 704, 198, 1527, 259, 568, 2800, 13, 11641, 81111, 574, 56254, 753, 39725, 198, 15495, 380, 11, 323, 568, 16365, 2225, 279, 2383, 323, 2626, 198, 266, 264, 220, 57492, 2237, 13, 358, 1047, 9687, 311, 617, 2294, 198, 45734, 323, 12410, 304, 11641, 1174, 323, 358, 574, 16089, 568, 1053, 198, 1395, 3118, 520, 279, 61910, 6574, 13, 358, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 1047, 2646, 8767, 27023, 449, 279, 12007, 198, 27725, 13, 1102, 574, 539, 7041, 856, 18254, 3217, 198, 998, 387, 16661, 220, 279, 61910, 4857, 23712, 555, 264, 3544, 198, 9376, 297, 282, 31434, 13, 35053, 11, 1306, 4207, 315, 1633, 198, 396, 1137, 2271, 822, 46607, 11, 21252, 41071, 323, 358, 9152, 311, 2686, 198, 1820, 2633, 5794, 259, 753, 10742, 8795, 5739, 1570, 13, 3277, 433, 574, 682, 198, 84359, 323, 2884, 11, 279, 47112, 574, 539, 2133, 311, 17477, 904, 198, 15719, 10398, 592, 5435, 13, 18056, 584, 1051, 1633, 51512, 994, 198, 1820, 74781, 574, 927, 11, 433, 1047, 1645, 259, 1870, 6656, 704, 311, 387, 5115, 198, 64, 6975, 3217, 13, 2052, 420, 14675, 311, 70733, 8147, 1274, 323, 198, 82, 33462, 811, 574, 3515, 264, 463, 831, 2073, 2515, 389, 279, 88909, 358, 14658, 291, 779, 91705, 13, 358, 1047, 2646, 1027, 15246, 311, 420, 198, 13477, 1285, 326, 7107, 379, 273, 13, 12334, 304, 757, 2751, 1022, 389, 433, 477, 4934, 198, 73254, 505, 433, 11, 719, 433, 1550, 1304, 757, 3568, 449, 5596, 315, 198, 2465, 1694, 430, 358, 1053, 539, 6520, 5320, 17011, 6062, 13, 1442, 358, 5602, 198, 3852, 23948, 11, 220, 8850, 11, 477, 18547, 2586, 709, 11, 358, 1120, 17693, 198, 3833, 52551, 1203, 1139, 1405, 358, 289, 439, 10307, 505, 13, 358, 5042, 198, 99020, 1095, 43327, 733, 315, 8996, 272, 1097, 68, 709, 13, 1115, 374, 1405, 2324, 198, 32345, 18608, 665, 757, 11, 323, 358, 1511, 682, 1521, 15082, 439, 264, 1648, 315, 198, 1169, 1303, 733, 315, 296, 379, 726, 13, 1102, 574, 8659, 3318, 13, 358, 8774, 198, 35214, 15753, 1139, 16917, 6928, 323, 8389, 198, 82, 33462, 811, 11, 323, 358, 15098, 1766, 7182, 304, 264, 1633, 2867, 198, 438, 653, 56507, 1614, 13, 1102, 9508, 430, 279, 810, 198, 331, 43470, 2324, 2231, 757, 1555, 11, 279, 2753, 856, 9358, 4907, 198, 5072, 574, 11754, 555, 16335, 4787, 13, 3639, 1667, 315, 198, 14724, 1285, 33862, 1047, 539, 17454, 9463, 315, 11, 2324, 753, 15082, 198, 438, 13826, 9507, 833, 288, 1051, 87438, 704, 315, 757, 13, 1666, 1317, 439, 358, 1903, 198, 51210, 9463, 315, 7182, 856, 1193, 220, 5915, 11, 1475, 6671, 574, 264, 198, 36698, 1285, 3217, 13, 1442, 358, 7070, 1047, 904, 1023, 5915, 11, 358, 1781, 279, 198, 18568, 3577, 53560, 1053, 617, 1027, 22798, 13, 358, 198, 15456, 430, 358, 3604, 2751, 810, 26733, 4871, 439, 358, 27023, 198, 4291, 279, 3596, 3502, 76562, 26703, 315, 11774, 13, 9601, 198, 16514, 4647, 326, 7113, 757, 1855, 1938, 311, 3719, 889, 358, 4460, 311, 387, 198, 258, 297, 436, 1126, 311, 3790, 16986, 753, 9256, 13, 2052, 358, 1047, 311, 656, 574, 198, 1169, 733, 323, 539, 22884, 279, 1920, 13, 1789, 279, 1828, 2478, 1667, 11, 856, 13235, 10790, 28082, 198, 11271, 14829, 8738, 311, 3139, 311, 1202, 16557, 6020, 198, 5748, 13, 1226, 14264, 311, 810, 1109, 17510, 49493, 7895, 198, 35639, 323, 1051, 15207, 10959, 810, 1109, 2380, 198, 71, 7259, 2606, 822, 308, 11441, 264, 1060, 304, 13254, 13, 1226, 1051, 279, 198, 3646, 13882, 10487, 6725, 6373, 21390, 304, 279, 198, 11389, 11, 323, 584, 1047, 22088, 13353, 1057, 6666, 9017, 198, 24177, 264, 7373, 6500, 1534, 14683, 2890, 3335, 13, 1102, 198, 16514, 264, 4261, 449, 28040, 11774, 430, 358, 3463, 198, 16514, 10917, 757, 1555, 653, 16599, 16243, 6650, 13, 15013, 198, 23770, 358, 1440, 430, 2324, 753, 24007, 315, 22520, 2349, 574, 198, 9274, 311, 1825, 709, 3131, 1578, 13, 3277, 433, 1550, 420, 892, 11, 433, 198, 41450, 3543, 658, 88, 84375, 369, 757, 1148, 433, 8967, 311, 733, 198, 20322, 264, 18475, 278, 6650, 3217, 815, 384, 272, 259, 602, 297, 308, 220, 358, 1630, 198, 7749, 55166, 910, 20, 220, 15, 662, 350, 305, 384, 220, 432, 264, 602, 294, 198, 40, 259, 574, 6658, 4978, 1938, 11, 6250, 220, 18, 11, 220, 1049, 18, 13, 358, 6227, 198, 28753, 389, 6658, 4978, 14097, 358, 733, 1139, 83779, 8078, 304, 279, 198, 57902, 1251, 311, 1518, 2999, 13, 40034, 12018, 436, 264, 2890, 26306, 5352, 13, 4740, 279, 198, 52201, 11, 358, 14000, 358, 1047, 264, 7899, 8232, 505, 29656, 198, 43810, 11345, 11, 279, 19504, 14065, 520, 279, 432, 33465, 12764, 304, 198, 2149, 613, 4381, 13, 3005, 1071, 433, 574, 2807, 379, 3062, 11, 779, 358, 6052, 198, 1964, 1650, 1418, 2103, 304, 279, 13217, 2763, 13, 358, 2751, 29656, 389, 1077, 2849, 198, 4949, 11, 323, 1364, 574, 1633, 16089, 220, 311, 6865, 505, 757, 13, 6385, 7899, 198, 16514, 653, 3752, 38210, 43787, 11, 323, 358, 15393, 430, 198, 34431, 574, 220, 1633, 5076, 13, 3005, 6137, 555, 11890, 757, 430, 198, 40, 308, 384, 15686, 294, 311, 2586, 311, 990, 1314, 3201, 1606, 279, 14160, 574, 198, 19041, 11, 264, 15953, 814, 4934, 311, 513, 384, 757, 13, 3092, 1176, 3463, 574, 198, 9274, 264, 6918, 61871, 889, 220, 1047, 2586, 311, 279, 12764, 264, 198, 71830, 1667, 6931, 3411, 369, 264, 4972, 9548, 13, 358, 4691, 198, 73849, 422, 814, 289, 39357, 3411, 369, 4423, 13, 3005, 1071, 11, 1054, 2822, 345, 17673, 14160, 374, 1618, 2345, 15930, 21903, 311, 37755, 13307, 5636, 279, 198, 68359, 3168, 753, 6011, 13, 2435, 4070, 4529, 927, 279, 4553, 198, 79783, 13, 2435, 4070, 9495, 1523, 682, 279, 4641, 5238, 323, 279, 198, 306, 556, 3801, 2781, 1887, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 2539, 16677, 785, 25834, 13, 16183, 24904, 388, 802, 384, 16706, 32115, 11, 13307, 527, 17903, 11, 323, 198, 19041, 753, 264, 2778, 7236, 13, 1472, 1205, 311, 2586, 1618, 1314, 198, 14075, 18319, 198, 40, 2867, 75, 379, 6865, 294, 279, 4339, 1364, 574, 5605, 11, 323, 358, 198, 8154, 52784, 279, 5647, 315, 54917, 449, 902, 814, 1051, 198, 84359, 38542, 279, 6671, 574, 779, 32677, 430, 358, 1436, 539, 198, 3833, 349, 311, 220, 433, 304, 904, 11827, 13, 1102, 574, 1093, 2345, 37860, 814, 617, 198, 1820, 5076, 2686, 13, 358, 8101, 430, 753, 3249, 433, 3287, 1431, 38323, 198, 2727, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 433, 220, 35408, 1093, 433, 574, 2133, 311, 387, 4856, 198, 40541, 5977, 3794, 311, 1501, 1124, 814, 1047, 1903, 264, 16930, 13, 358, 198, 1091, 291, 29656, 1148, 574, 2133, 389, 662, 8595, 1051, 814, 1070, 30, 1443, 288, 3864, 1364, 220, 1047, 912, 4623, 11, 719, 14132, 279, 1890, 3245, 574, 198, 71, 680, 6147, 520, 1057, 19672, 304, 33225, 323, 520, 13166, 198, 2025, 20246, 602, 308, 1561, 16228, 13, 3005, 1047, 1027, 4560, 311, 1650, 198, 73728, 2206, 273, 11, 1057, 4689, 16467, 11, 719, 1364, 7846, 1431, 636, 198, 20322, 13, 578, 18084, 7205, 384, 1523, 13166, 9328, 13, 358, 198, 395, 3149, 1077, 430, 358, 1053, 387, 1070, 1314, 3201, 13, 12220, 279, 17510, 24401, 6678, 1203, 311, 279, 5274, 11, 358, 198, 376, 1142, 2211, 326, 2785, 3721, 89357, 606, 358, 1436, 1781, 315, 889, 2643, 617, 198, 15031, 51307, 28772, 13, 358, 2103, 1047, 11112, 912, 4623, 1148, 574, 198, 9738, 389, 994, 358, 13541, 709, 311, 220, 279, 432, 33465, 12764, 13, 578, 4156, 198, 33067, 574, 6724, 19857, 1022, 449, 29783, 753, 198, 27725, 11731, 11, 323, 279, 220, 8420, 9204, 709, 369, 198, 1816, 1051, 1694, 6656, 1384, 64, 379, 13, 358, 13541, 709, 311, 264, 27158, 198, 438, 11054, 7182, 13, 1283, 1903, 264, 1650, 389, 813, 9063, 323, 198, 318, 44287, 75848, 311, 279, 3885, 311, 1095, 757, 1555, 13, 1666, 198, 40, 23980, 220, 709, 279, 1317, 323, 54826, 6678, 1555, 279, 198, 88044, 18137, 69, 602, 789, 82, 11, 2383, 13627, 11731, 1051, 198, 2445, 22688, 1475, 1405, 13, 3277, 358, 25735, 17283, 220, 16, 11, 358, 198, 82, 675, 270, 384, 29783, 753, 40855, 11540, 753, 36498, 21117, 13716, 198, 4153, 5955, 41398, 4028, 1057, 13217, 2763, 13, 1226, 198, 32345, 4330, 14016, 555, 1243, 11, 323, 14160, 323, 29783, 753, 198, 27725, 17274, 1051, 35328, 2212, 682, 315, 198, 49818, 13, 2684, 1051, 11, 13118, 11, 1403, 59432, 86424, 198, 2017, 2025, 13, 358, 1781, 814, 9670, 220, 709, 1694, 961, 315, 279, 3772, 198, 55350, 13, 358, 43335, 220, 304, 856, 4725, 7858, 264, 15953, 1903, 856, 1648, 1139, 279, 198, 24177, 13, 578, 2035, 574, 2064, 34002, 449, 2383, 13627, 198, 1885, 36080, 13, 358, 574, 2322, 555, 282, 1057, 477, 4330, 13307, 889, 198, 318, 44287, 289, 453, 48259, 757, 1139, 279, 1203, 10017, 3130, 198, 2940, 358, 574, 311, 220, 8493, 279, 1938, 13, 358, 11472, 430, 1057, 304, 7058, 7830, 14065, 11, 29656, 11, 387, 3118, 11, 323, 1364, 574, 7263, 198, 18614, 279, 3130, 13, 578, 13307, 11054, 5694, 439, 505, 198, 1820, 33021, 358, 323, 32991, 4241, 1989, 479, 13, 2435, 1051, 1633, 198, 66886, 323, 2626, 4908, 13, 358, 574, 10666, 449, 264, 198, 1874, 7236, 11, 902, 29656, 1047, 2736, 22690, 11, 323, 358, 198, 16514, 16369, 430, 279, 4208, 969, 32512, 6688, 1124, 2539, 2585, 315, 198, 1820, 12764, 13, 2435, 1047, 279, 436, 1108, 259, 311, 1935, 904, 323, 682, 1537, 267, 9379, 11299, 220, 2949, 220, 279, 1537, 1534, 272, 520, 797, 2490, 13, 2435, 4691, 757, 311, 198, 7908, 264, 5684, 61708, 430, 358, 1047, 1027, 10434, 279, 198, 86, 6736, 13, 358, 65657, 520, 29656, 11, 459, 294, 1364, 36065, 430, 358, 1288, 198, 7908, 13, 358, 1047, 264, 17502, 9887, 912, 4623, 1148, 311, 656, 26, 358, 574, 198, 884, 50268, 704, 315, 856, 2449, 13, 578, 1193, 4124, 315, 198, 16690, 358, 1047, 369, 420, 3460, 297, 282, 3245, 574, 279, 9698, 11, 323, 198, 40, 93762, 430, 574, 2133, 311, 387, 315, 1790, 1520, 13, 358, 439, 80142, 279, 945, 37952, 304, 6900, 422, 814, 1436, 1520, 757, 198, 8154, 2752, 1148, 574, 2133, 389, 13, 2435, 3287, 1431, 2019, 1790 ]
sumption of aflatoxin, a mold toxin found in peanuts and corn, caused this problem. Aflatoxin has been called one of the most potent carcinogens ever discovered. For ten years our primary goal in the Philippines was to improve childhood malnutrition among the poor, a project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Eventually, we established about 110 nutrition “self-help” education centers around the country. The aim of these efforts in the Philippines was simple: make sure that children were getting as much protein as possible. It was widely thought that much of the childhood malnutrition in the world was caused by a lack of protein, especially from animal-based foods. Universities and governments around the world were working to alleviate a perceived “protein gap” in the developing world.In this project, however, I uncovered a dark secret. Children who ate the highest-protein diets were the ones most likely to get liver cancer! They were the children of the wealthiest families. I then noticed a research report from India that had some very provocative, relevant findings. Indian researchers had studied two groups of rats. In one group, they administered the cancer-causing aflatoxin, then fed a diet that was composed of 20% protein, a level near what many of us consume in the West. In the other group, they administered the same amount of aflatoxin, but then fed a diet that was only composed of 5% protein. Incredibly, every single animal that consumed the 20% protein diet had evidence of liver cancer, and every single animal that consumed a 5% protein diet avoided liver cancer. It was a 100 to 0 score, leaving no doubt that nutrition trumped chemical carcinogens, even very potent carcinogens, in controlling cancer. This information countered everything I had been taught. It was heretical to say that protein wasn’t healthy, let alone say it promoted cancer. It was a defining moment in my career. Investigating such a provocative question so early in my career was not a very wise choice. Questioning protein and animal-based foods in general ran the risk of my being labeled a heretic, even if it passed the test of “good science.” But I never was much for following directions just for the sake of following directions. When I first learned to drive a team of horses or herd cattle, to hunt animals, to fish our creek or to work in the fields, I came to accept that independent thinking was part of the deal. It had to be. Encountering problems in the held meant that I had to figure out what to do next. It was a great classroom, as any farm boy can tell you. That sense of independence has stayed with me until today. So, faced with a difficult decision, I decided to start an in-depth laboratory program that would investigate the role of nutrition, especially protein, in the development of cancer. My colleagues and I were cautious in framing our hypotheses, rigorous in our methodology and conservative in interpreting our findings. I chose to do this research at a very basic science level, studying the biochemical details of cancer formation. It was important to understand not only whether but also how protein might promote cancer. It was the best of all worlds. By carefully following the rules of good science, I was able to study a provocative topic without provoking knee-jerk responses that arise with radical ideas. Eventually, this research became handsomely funded for twenty-seven years by the best-reviewed and most competitive funding sources (mostly the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the American Cancer Society and the American Institute for Cancer Research). Then our results were reviewed (a second time) for publication in many of the best scientificjournals. What we found was shocking. Low-protein diets inhibited the initiation of cancer by aflatoxin, regardless of how much of this carcinogen was administered to these animals. After cancer initiation was completed, low- protein diets also dramatically blocked subsequent cancer growth. In other words, the cancer-producing effects of this highly carcinogenic chemical were rendered insignificant by a low-protein diet. In fact, dietary protein proved to be so powerful in its effect that we could turn on and turn off cancer growth simply by changing the level consumed. Furthermore, the amounts of protein being fed were those that we humans routinely consume. We didn’t use extraordinary levels, as is so often the case in carcinogen studies. But that’s not all. We found that not all proteins had this effect. What protein consistently and strongly promoted cancer? Casein, which makes up 87% of cow’s milk protein, promoted all stages of the cancer process. What type of protein did not promote cancer, even at high levels of intake? The safe proteins were from plants, including wheat and soy. As this picture came into view, it began to challenge and then to shatter some of my most cherished assumptions. These experimental animal studies didn’t end there. I went on to direct the most comprehensive study of diet, lifestyle and disease ever done with humans in the history of biomedical research. It was a massive undertaking jointly arranged through Cornell University Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. The New York Times called it the “Grand Prix of Epidemiology.” This project surveyed a vast range of diseases and diet and lifestyle factors in rural China and, more recently, in Taiwan. More commonly known as the China Study, this project eventually produced more than 8,000 statistically significant associations between various dietary factors and disease! What made this project especially remarkable is that, among the many associations that are relevant to diet and disease, so many pointed to the same finding: people who ate the most animal-based foods got the most chronic disease. Even relatively small intakes of animal-based food were associated with adverse effects. People who ate the most plant-based foods were the healthiest and tended to avoid chronic disease. These results could not be ignored. From the initial experimental animal studies on animal protein effects to this massive human study on dietary patterns, the findings proved to be consistent. The health implications of consuming either animal or plant- based nutrients were remarkably different. I could not, and did not, rest on the findings of our animal studies and themassive human study in China, however impressive they may have been. I
[ 1264, 562, 44323, 198, 64, 1517, 4428, 59866, 11, 11575, 2157, 820, 32809, 59866, 59202, 17886, 197, 375, 73852, 53577, 1470, 1540, 11, 197, 936, 2656, 2090, 197, 35686, 13, 362, 1517, 4428, 59866, 64355, 74242, 268, 1470, 4841, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 2157, 537, 3303, 64632, 1470, 8362, 258, 57118, 197, 2099, 35697, 21468, 13, 1789, 197, 2002, 197, 42820, 197, 414, 197, 6682, 31780, 278, 17886, 33188, 197, 30690, 65006, 6831, 300, 32809, 55992, 35563, 198, 3124, 5812, 2157, 278, 83664, 197, 77405, 33188, 3303, 10922, 11, 11575, 73570, 1186, 37153, 197, 1729, 33188, 16360, 815, 13, 197, 94820, 198, 2000, 197, 34746, 197, 40519, 13, 38274, 11, 197, 906, 197, 34500, 291, 197, 9274, 197, 5120, 9215, 332, 17462, 198, 2118, 726, 50570, 863, 197, 37838, 197, 86541, 197, 20019, 33188, 1470, 5083, 13, 578, 197, 2706, 44323, 197, 45010, 197, 6581, 19491, 17886, 33188, 197, 30690, 65006, 6831, 300, 1942, 6592, 25, 78538, 1942, 554, 64442, 198, 5988, 6831, 486, 10582, 1303, 61551, 2157, 1412, 197, 79565, 61551, 197, 10236, 13, 1102, 6831, 300, 6831, 307, 989, 197, 61665, 64442, 198, 59178, 44323, 33188, 59491, 5812, 2157, 278, 83664, 17886, 33188, 77608, 6831, 300, 197, 936, 2656, 197, 1729, 11575, 8986, 474, 44323, 198, 79565, 11, 197, 36046, 43827, 197, 48999, 6108, 197, 96420, 13, 75898, 53577, 3253, 6846, 1392, 198, 20019, 33188, 77608, 6831, 486, 197, 21837, 32809, 70671, 3532, 6629, 11575, 197, 716, 8946, 197, 2118, 79565, 3253, 391, 863, 17886, 33188, 198, 16219, 287, 77608, 5450, 2090, 73570, 11, 197, 98936, 11, 25494, 21113, 21468, 11575, 2765, 847, 197, 21107, 13, 15394, 197, 14965, 197, 349, 33188, 198, 75254, 10039, 39340, 2765, 81881, 6831, 486, 33188, 197, 3233, 2157, 537, 197, 14617, 32809, 10582, 8986, 1553, 1470, 11967, 0, 2435, 6831, 486, 198, 1820, 83570, 44323, 33188, 197, 31633, 13744, 1186, 60004, 13, 358, 59733, 197, 75375, 11575, 17643, 1874, 71031, 43827, 197, 34648, 64442, 9793, 329, 1942, 638, 197, 1225, 197, 44047, 511, 1413, 345, 98673, 81703, 826, 13, 7904, 17643, 1874, 388, 9793, 329, 18895, 664, 1142, 3324, 1146, 45360, 82, 44323, 7145, 1900, 13, 763, 197, 606, 198, 4166, 11, 197, 20670, 65494, 1601, 291, 33188, 1470, 11967, 51877, 985, 11575, 1517, 4428, 59866, 11, 59733, 1186, 291, 11575, 2765, 3978, 64442, 6831, 300, 198, 93834, 44323, 197, 508, 4, 197, 79565, 11, 11575, 54843, 9215, 686, 197, 12840, 197, 35676, 44323, 71275, 38303, 32423, 17886, 33188, 17749, 478, 13, 763, 33188, 197, 1605, 45360, 11, 197, 20670, 65494, 1601, 291, 33188, 1942, 373, 197, 6173, 44323, 11575, 1517, 4428, 59866, 11, 2282, 332, 59733, 198, 52223, 11575, 2765, 3978, 64442, 6831, 300, 197, 3323, 33910, 3950, 44323, 197, 20, 4, 197, 79565, 13, 763, 11081, 6623, 11, 7883, 1225, 1942, 2222, 198, 48999, 64442, 38303, 1264, 291, 33188, 197, 508, 4, 197, 79565, 2765, 3978, 9793, 329, 7883, 28580, 44323, 8986, 1553, 1470, 11967, 11, 53577, 198, 30115, 1942, 2222, 197, 48999, 64442, 38303, 1264, 291, 11575, 197, 20, 4, 197, 79565, 2765, 3978, 197, 48956, 291, 8986, 1553, 1470, 11967, 13, 1102, 198, 16514, 11575, 197, 1041, 32809, 197, 15, 61525, 11, 197, 273, 2370, 73204, 2765, 5599, 83, 64442, 9215, 332, 17462, 26665, 61292, 197, 32056, 198, 7063, 18595, 57118, 11, 7883, 1055, 197, 1225, 3303, 64632, 1470, 8362, 258, 57118, 11, 17886, 93491, 16608, 1470, 11967, 13, 1115, 17886, 1659, 18523, 12616, 7883, 1225, 1626, 25494, 9793, 329, 74242, 268, 197, 2629, 3948, 13, 1102, 6831, 300, 197, 1964, 45608, 198, 998, 1942, 352, 64442, 197, 79565, 6831, 66636, 1431, 197, 38128, 11, 10428, 197, 32676, 1942, 352, 24263, 3303, 442, 9437, 1470, 11967, 13, 1102, 6831, 300, 11575, 198, 755, 5859, 2157, 13209, 17886, 13938, 1470, 548, 261, 13, 33180, 1113, 1942, 1412, 11575, 197, 44047, 511, 1413, 197, 7998, 197, 708, 198, 22928, 17886, 13938, 1470, 548, 261, 6831, 300, 98366, 11575, 197, 1225, 197, 4583, 197, 12008, 13, 16225, 287, 197, 79565, 53577, 198, 48999, 6108, 197, 96420, 17886, 3253, 18958, 197, 6713, 33188, 7145, 3267, 44323, 13938, 197, 35214, 8986, 23121, 11575, 197, 1964, 5411, 11, 7883, 1055, 198, 333, 24263, 42531, 291, 33188, 18684, 44323, 197, 2118, 19045, 31028, 1873, 49216, 4071, 25494, 197, 37593, 6831, 300, 2157, 1412, 2066, 1186, 1573, 287, 83572, 82, 197, 4345, 2066, 33188, 1942, 731, 44323, 198, 44018, 83572, 82, 13, 3277, 25494, 43290, 197, 12964, 291, 32809, 2765, 58035, 11575, 197, 9376, 44323, 9793, 23242, 82266, 197, 1964, 67, 198, 66, 4730, 11, 32809, 9793, 3935, 197, 77896, 11, 32809, 1186, 819, 197, 414, 1470, 10957, 82266, 32809, 98138, 17886, 33188, 56376, 11, 25494, 1470, 373, 32809, 198, 10543, 64442, 17886, 38655, 71579, 16113, 6831, 300, 73972, 44323, 33188, 197, 30739, 13, 1102, 9793, 329, 32809, 74242, 13, 10984, 632, 4776, 197, 96440, 17886, 33188, 9793, 789, 50394, 519, 64442, 25494, 9793, 329, 32809, 197, 18257, 14294, 197, 12840, 32809, 20530, 198, 3684, 13, 1102, 6831, 300, 11575, 3253, 1244, 15854, 3039, 11, 61551, 197, 3852, 1186, 2227, 197, 17627, 94036, 3324, 616, 197, 9514, 13, 3011, 1942, 1137, 44323, 198, 258, 91746, 64355, 18895, 43995, 48048, 50394, 21113, 1678, 3324, 6423, 13, 2100, 11, 1186, 4535, 48048, 11575, 81664, 3951, 197, 65038, 11, 25494, 197, 8332, 4591, 32809, 22087, 80557, 17886, 31410, 8986, 4422, 5382, 198, 15252, 64442, 6831, 619, 17886, 7164, 65056, 33188, 197, 5898, 44323, 9215, 332, 17462, 11, 197, 36046, 197, 79565, 11, 17886, 33188, 198, 30671, 44323, 1470, 11967, 13, 3092, 47740, 273, 13796, 53577, 25494, 6831, 486, 197, 936, 332, 1245, 17886, 1186, 2453, 287, 197, 414, 198, 71, 60400, 39422, 11, 7145, 343, 20857, 17886, 197, 414, 43357, 2508, 53577, 197, 6387, 54268, 17886, 60015, 1762, 1303, 197, 414, 198, 3990, 826, 13, 358, 197, 971, 325, 32809, 20530, 2090, 17643, 1874, 36547, 11575, 197, 1225, 2282, 6099, 31028, 1873, 54843, 11, 18895, 664, 7169, 33188, 198, 38423, 32056, 2765, 2286, 44323, 1470, 11967, 197, 1659, 13, 1102, 6831, 300, 197, 15693, 32809, 197, 8154, 2752, 98366, 198, 3323, 1602, 49864, 198, 2282, 332, 197, 19171, 1602, 5269, 198, 197, 79565, 2157, 492, 3303, 442, 1295, 1470, 11967, 13, 1102, 6831, 300, 33188, 93510, 44323, 52060, 198, 14957, 82, 13, 3296, 1470, 548, 3725, 1186, 1573, 287, 33188, 7145, 2482, 44323, 3253, 1411, 31028, 1873, 11, 25494, 6831, 300, 197, 481, 32809, 18895, 18339, 11575, 198, 44047, 511, 1413, 3324, 25847, 197, 30096, 197, 44047, 10979, 16868, 34191, 13636, 17172, 10413, 23475, 64442, 70440, 1082, 48048, 198, 13584, 950, 197, 94784, 13, 38274, 11, 2090, 17643, 1874, 2282, 762, 373, 9793, 2914, 316, 989, 1186, 37153, 2066, 198, 95065, 79125, 1602, 42820, 198, 197, 1729, 33188, 93510, 79804, 53577, 2157, 537, 197, 93499, 1186, 38289, 198, 40751, 197, 1278, 537, 398, 33188, 18822, 1697, 71267, 3781, 2142, 44323, 197, 14884, 197, 8368, 76123, 705, 33188, 23845, 16093, 6391, 11967, 198, 50, 6180, 53577, 33188, 23845, 16093, 71267, 7815, 2066, 6391, 11967, 197, 28528, 570, 5112, 197, 414, 56597, 198, 52898, 17643, 1068, 291, 197, 2948, 197, 5686, 22724, 8, 2066, 1241, 367, 17886, 197, 35676, 44323, 33188, 93510, 1942, 12575, 1104, 73, 33714, 13, 3639, 197, 906, 59202, 6831, 300, 37296, 71191, 13, 12310, 10039, 39340, 2765, 81881, 17886, 93617, 33188, 29348, 7246, 44323, 198, 66, 11967, 197, 1729, 11575, 1517, 4428, 59866, 11, 38113, 30920, 44323, 197, 5269, 2157, 1412, 44323, 2090, 1470, 8362, 258, 11968, 6831, 300, 198, 2953, 1601, 291, 32809, 197, 45010, 197, 77896, 13, 4740, 1470, 11967, 29348, 7246, 6831, 300, 33910, 11274, 11, 8986, 363, 7058, 79565, 2765, 81881, 197, 19171, 2765, 2453, 7167, 2282, 25656, 29724, 72457, 1470, 11967, 3253, 19632, 13, 763, 197, 1605, 198, 5880, 11, 33188, 1470, 11967, 90375, 7883, 41027, 44323, 2090, 9793, 1108, 398, 1470, 8362, 258, 29569, 197, 32056, 6831, 486, 198, 7472, 291, 197, 1354, 625, 34828, 197, 1729, 11575, 8986, 363, 10039, 39340, 2765, 3978, 13, 763, 1186, 533, 11, 2765, 3978, 661, 197, 79565, 197, 96608, 32809, 198, 1395, 197, 708, 3303, 1223, 1285, 17886, 197, 1220, 89170, 64442, 197, 906, 1470, 619, 197, 413, 25653, 53577, 197, 413, 197, 1885, 1470, 11967, 3253, 19632, 198, 15124, 2603, 197, 1729, 23918, 8764, 33188, 54843, 38303, 1264, 291, 13, 24296, 11, 33188, 197, 6173, 82, 44323, 197, 79565, 197, 35214, 1186, 291, 6831, 486, 197, 54719, 64442, 197, 906, 9793, 372, 598, 198, 81, 412, 22870, 38303, 32423, 13, 1226, 2765, 307, 77, 1431, 42919, 8285, 2221, 21707, 197, 43664, 11, 61551, 20501, 197, 708, 197, 61917, 33188, 2789, 198, 258, 1470, 8362, 258, 11968, 18895, 58787, 13, 2030, 64442, 753, 98366, 52060, 13, 1226, 59202, 64442, 98366, 52060, 197, 782, 668, 1354, 9793, 329, 2090, 89170, 13, 3639, 198, 79565, 197, 6387, 380, 4501, 53577, 197, 4620, 398, 3303, 442, 9437, 1470, 11967, 30, 11799, 258, 11, 197, 8370, 2157, 2094, 60910, 198, 4044, 4, 44323, 1470, 363, 753, 2157, 34263, 197, 79565, 11, 3303, 442, 9437, 52060, 18895, 1154, 44323, 33188, 1470, 11967, 54414, 13, 3639, 198, 1337, 44323, 197, 79565, 2765, 307, 98366, 3303, 442, 1295, 1470, 11967, 11, 7883, 1055, 36547, 9793, 1108, 197, 43664, 44323, 2129, 731, 30, 578, 1942, 5763, 198, 782, 668, 1354, 6831, 486, 43827, 197, 64805, 11, 197, 16564, 6831, 20559, 53577, 197, 708, 88, 13, 1666, 2090, 3303, 3911, 1470, 373, 2129, 78, 198, 1068, 11, 24263, 2282, 16133, 32809, 23918, 16210, 53577, 59733, 32809, 37296, 1683, 1942, 638, 44323, 13938, 2157, 537, 197, 9211, 3384, 198, 395, 372, 1324, 13, 4314, 8285, 26594, 197, 48999, 18895, 58787, 2765, 307, 77, 1431, 6379, 197, 19041, 13, 358, 6831, 306, 25653, 32809, 2765, 1248, 33188, 198, 3646, 33910, 53999, 18895, 18339, 44323, 2765, 3978, 11, 8986, 16886, 53577, 2765, 56407, 197, 2099, 41595, 48048, 198, 28400, 598, 17886, 33188, 9793, 2644, 44323, 2282, 72, 61860, 17643, 1874, 13, 1102, 6831, 300, 11575, 2157, 395, 535, 197, 1263, 531, 1802, 198, 33950, 398, 37611, 3811, 197, 20322, 6391, 1540, 616, 197, 31272, 49149, 23382, 197, 31272, 53577, 33188, 198, 46023, 197, 11916, 329, 4625, 44323, 197, 4808, 688, 535, 9391, 92001, 13, 578, 1602, 3648, 66422, 672, 10473, 1769, 198, 1470, 4841, 24263, 33188, 198, 2118, 41251, 10230, 18862, 44323, 23626, 10629, 22530, 2508, 2029, 41065, 73570, 1942, 39378, 291, 11575, 5306, 561, 76187, 44323, 2765, 1082, 2315, 198, 438, 2765, 3978, 53577, 8986, 16886, 1186, 21846, 17886, 7145, 4269, 197, 23078, 53577, 11, 2157, 461, 17643, 1189, 398, 11, 17886, 10473, 2192, 16965, 13, 4497, 84925, 398, 197, 5391, 61551, 33188, 197, 23078, 197, 49812, 11, 2090, 73570, 29402, 1870, 197, 8723, 2041, 198, 6518, 197, 54895, 1602, 23, 11, 931, 79185, 38210, 70154, 34828, 197, 25304, 811, 2282, 10259, 2462, 1245, 2765, 3978, 661, 198, 69, 21846, 53577, 2765, 56407, 0, 3639, 2157, 1037, 2090, 73570, 197, 36046, 197, 38548, 481, 20501, 64442, 11, 197, 77405, 33188, 197, 35676, 198, 25304, 811, 64442, 197, 548, 17643, 8532, 32809, 2765, 3978, 53577, 2765, 56407, 11, 197, 708, 197, 35676, 59574, 291, 32809, 33188, 1942, 373, 198, 68287, 25, 197, 16455, 197, 14965, 197, 349, 33188, 2157, 537, 197, 48999, 6108, 197, 96420, 3253, 354, 33188, 2157, 537, 197, 7562, 292, 198, 67, 56407, 13, 7570, 197, 3833, 8046, 1942, 30632, 2129, 2094, 44323, 197, 48999, 6108, 197, 14239, 6831, 486, 197, 50187, 198, 4291, 99880, 4550, 7883, 41027, 13, 9029, 197, 14965, 197, 349, 33188, 2157, 537, 197, 21494, 6108, 197, 96420, 6831, 486, 33188, 198, 12393, 13744, 53577, 3324, 2954, 32809, 197, 48956, 197, 7562, 292, 2765, 56407, 13, 4314, 56597, 1470, 619, 98366, 74242, 198, 59571, 13, 5659, 33188, 86370, 8285, 26594, 197, 48999, 18895, 58787, 25653, 197, 48999, 197, 79565, 198, 81524, 32809, 2090, 2157, 395, 535, 9793, 7282, 18895, 18339, 25653, 2765, 3978, 661, 3303, 3307, 82, 11, 33188, 81703, 826, 197, 96608, 32809, 198, 1395, 197, 79499, 13, 578, 197, 12393, 197, 6802, 10939, 44323, 38303, 62217, 7883, 2544, 197, 48999, 82266, 197, 21494, 7058, 31039, 9215, 332, 32930, 6831, 486, 197, 38548, 2915, 2765, 18780, 13, 358, 1470, 619, 98366, 11, 53577, 2765, 307, 98366, 11, 197, 4014, 25653, 33188, 81703, 826, 44323, 197, 414, 197, 48999, 18895, 58787, 53577, 197, 49818, 395, 535, 9793, 7282, 18895, 18339, 17886, 197, 23078, 11, 197, 98936, 55992, 69563, 197, 20670, 2157, 352, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 13, 358 ]
our NAS report on the agriculture and food industries. Olson, Jukes, Harper and their like-minded colleagues on the now defunct Public Nutrition Information Committee weighed in as experts. Their report was quickly published, then placed in the hands of all 535 U.S. congressional members. It was clear that the CAST was deeply concerned about the possible impact that our report might have on the public. The CAST wasn’t the only group that stepped up to criticize the report. In addition, there were the American Meat Institute, National Broiler Council, National Cattlemen’s Association, National Livestock and Meat Board, National Meat Association, National Milk Producers Federation, National Pork Producers Council, National Turkey Federation and United Egg Producers. 3 I wouldn’t presume to know how much cancer research the National Turkey Federation conducts, but I’m guessing that their criticism of our report was not born out of their desire for truth in science. It was ironic that I had learned some of my most valuable lessons growing up on a dairy farm, and yet the work I was doing was portrayed as being at odds with agricultural interests. Of course, these mammoth corporate interests were far removed from the farmers I knew growing up—the hardworking, honest families that maintained small farms, just big enough to get by comfortably. I often have wondered whether these Washington agricultural interests truly represent America’s great farming tradition, or whether theyonly represent agricultural conglomerates with operations worth tens of millions of dollars. Alf Harper, who had written a strong letter of support for my first faculty position after leaving MIT, wrote me a stern personal letter in which he declared that I had “fallen on [my] own petard.” A petard is a type of bomb or firecracker. Apparently, my involvement in the Public Nutrition Information Committee and the NAS Diet, Nutrition and Cancer report was finally too much for even him to bear. Times were hot, to be sure. Congressional hearings, in which I testified, were held on the NAS report itself; People magazine featured me in a prominent article, and an endless series of news media reports continued over the next year.AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH It seemed that for the first time in our history, the government was seriously thinking about what we eat as a means of controlling cancer. This was fertile territory for doing something new, and something new did indeed fall into my lap. I was invited to assist a new organization called the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) in Falls Church, Virginia. The founders of this organization were fund-raisers and had learned that it was possible to raise, through mailing campaigns, large sums of money for cancer research. It seemed that many people were interested in learning something new about cancer beyond the usual model of surgery, radiation and cytotoxic drugs. This budding organization was well aware of our 1982 NAS report 4 that focused on diet and cancer, and so invited me to join them as their senior science advisor. I encouraged them to focus on diet because the nutrition connection with cancer was becoming an important area of research, yet was receiving very little, if any, support from the major funding agencies. I especially encouraged them to emphasize whole foods as a source of nutrition, not nutrient supplements, partly because this was the message of the NAS report. As I began to work with the AICR, two challenges simultaneously arose. First, the AICR needed to get established as a credible organization to promote the message and to support research. Second, the NAS recommendations needed to be publicized. Therefore, I thought it made sense for the AICR to help publicize the NAS recommendations. Dr. Sushma Palmer, executive director of the NAS project, 4 and Harvard professor Mark Hegsted, who was the key advisor to the McGovern Committee, agreed to join me in endorsing this AICR project. Simultaneously, the AICR president, Marilyn Gentry, suggested that the AICR could publish the NAS report and send free copies to 50,000 physicians in the U.S. These projects, which seemed to me to be logical, useful and socially responsible, were also highly successful. The associations we were making and the exposure we were generating were aimed at increasing the public’s health. As I was quick to find out, however, creating an organization focused on diet as a central link in cancer causation was seen as a threat to a great many people. It was clear that the AICR’s projects were beginning to hit the mark because of the hostile feedback coming from the food, medical and drug industries. It seemed that every effort was being made to discredit them. I was surprised that government interference was particularly harsh.National and state attorney general offices questioned the AICR’s status and its fund-raising procedures. The U.S. Post Office joined in the fray, questioning whether the AICR could use the mail to spread “junk” information. We all had our suspicions as to who were encouraging these government offices to quash the dissemination of this diet and cancer information. Collectively, these public agencies were making life very difficult. Why were they attacking a nonprofit organization promoting cancer research? It all came down to the fact that the AICR, like the NAS, was pushing an agenda that connected diet and cancer. The American Cancer Society became an especially vigorous detractor. In its eyes, the AICR had two strikes against it: it might compete for the same funding donors, and it was trying to shift the cancer discussion toward diet. The American Cancer Society had not yet acknowledged that diet and nutrition were connected to cancer. (It wasn’t until many years later in the early 1990s that it developed dietary recommendations to control cancer when the idea was receiving considerable currency with the public.) It was very much a medically-based organization invested in the conventional use of drugs, radiation and surgery. A short while before, the American Cancer Society had contacted our NAS committee about the possibility of our joining them to produce dietary recommendations to prevent cancer. As a committee, we declined, although a couple of the people on our committee did offer their individual services. The American Cancer Society seemed to sense a big story on the horizon and didn’t like the idea that another organization, the
[ 414, 18822, 1950, 71031, 25653, 33188, 197, 351, 2265, 10745, 53577, 198, 14239, 197, 485, 592, 4108, 13, 75355, 11, 17538, 65850, 11, 13595, 277, 716, 53577, 33188, 404, 197, 4908, 34423, 47740, 273, 13796, 25653, 33188, 198, 3409, 7604, 20526, 74246, 18822, 332, 17462, 197, 15218, 197, 34541, 6684, 197, 57740, 291, 17886, 61551, 49658, 15916, 13, 11205, 71031, 6831, 300, 197, 28863, 398, 3303, 11931, 11, 59733, 1602, 37469, 17886, 33188, 9793, 2914, 44323, 52060, 197, 20618, 16360, 815, 627, 444, 2542, 4001, 2157, 7207, 13, 1102, 6831, 300, 41508, 64442, 33188, 197, 35263, 6831, 300, 197, 33980, 398, 38303, 29644, 291, 198, 9274, 33188, 197, 10236, 197, 58400, 64442, 197, 414, 71031, 2157, 492, 9793, 525, 25653, 33188, 1241, 13, 578, 197, 35263, 6831, 66636, 1431, 33188, 197, 3323, 45360, 64442, 197, 5455, 7069, 60910, 32809, 1470, 50308, 553, 33188, 71031, 13, 763, 198, 723, 684, 11, 197, 19041, 6831, 486, 33188, 23845, 16093, 42238, 266, 71267, 7815, 11, 18822, 1697, 13083, 299, 5888, 6391, 6829, 345, 31912, 6391, 1617, 42407, 753, 197, 64561, 11, 18822, 1697, 15420, 344, 478, 1197, 53577, 42238, 266, 197, 12198, 345, 31912, 42238, 266, 197, 64561, 11, 18822, 1697, 9391, 34263, 197, 1360, 34475, 13017, 97113, 11, 18822, 1697, 198, 47, 672, 197, 1360, 34475, 6391, 6829, 11, 18822, 1697, 10473, 324, 798, 13017, 97113, 53577, 197, 23175, 23626, 14736, 198, 1360, 34475, 13, 220, 18, 198, 25494, 6831, 619, 77, 1431, 3303, 42495, 32809, 16868, 3409, 197, 5269, 2157, 1412, 1470, 11967, 17643, 1874, 33188, 198, 31912, 10473, 324, 798, 13017, 97113, 38303, 1076, 82, 11, 2282, 332, 25494, 4344, 3253, 34401, 287, 64442, 33188, 404, 1470, 1018, 42914, 44323, 198, 414, 71031, 6831, 300, 98366, 2282, 1540, 14294, 44323, 33188, 404, 54012, 556, 2066, 26665, 952, 17886, 31028, 1873, 13, 1102, 6831, 300, 197, 2534, 292, 64442, 25494, 9793, 329, 197, 12964, 291, 1942, 638, 44323, 13938, 2157, 537, 19860, 13429, 197, 73412, 3253, 25156, 198, 455, 25653, 11575, 2765, 22704, 1186, 2227, 11, 53577, 14862, 295, 33188, 98138, 25494, 6831, 300, 20530, 287, 6831, 300, 53357, 11872, 291, 61551, 197, 35214, 36547, 198, 347, 5469, 48048, 197, 351, 2265, 44547, 60015, 18450, 13, 5046, 1470, 5366, 11, 197, 45010, 2157, 309, 68504, 1470, 39382, 349, 60015, 18450, 198, 52898, 1186, 277, 197, 46856, 43827, 33188, 1186, 2227, 388, 25494, 16868, 943, 3253, 25156, 60910, 22416, 9793, 569, 21837, 345, 71, 36224, 1186, 60004, 64442, 2157, 1673, 2692, 1942, 30632, 1186, 16293, 11, 197, 4345, 2282, 343, 82948, 1409, 32809, 10582, 197, 1729, 198, 19975, 2915, 13, 358, 197, 61917, 9793, 525, 6831, 14518, 291, 197, 49864, 197, 45010, 17749, 32799, 197, 351, 2265, 44547, 198, 13014, 82, 26665, 3988, 197, 36369, 23845, 2165, 64, 753, 3253, 1244, 1186, 34002, 26665, 329, 684, 11, 82266, 197, 49864, 197, 20670, 3323, 197, 36369, 197, 351, 2265, 44547, 38303, 76146, 988, 48048, 197, 39263, 6831, 2419, 3324, 729, 44323, 198, 26064, 919, 44323, 2765, 980, 1590, 13, 66868, 13595, 277, 716, 11, 197, 14965, 9793, 329, 6831, 12429, 11575, 197, 4620, 197, 9638, 44323, 1942, 2870, 2066, 13938, 43290, 1186, 582, 15070, 198, 3571, 197, 10924, 197, 273, 2370, 9391, 964, 11, 6831, 5646, 50394, 11575, 18895, 944, 99905, 278, 197, 9638, 17886, 197, 8370, 197, 383, 198, 10210, 1636, 64442, 25494, 9793, 329, 197, 2118, 13772, 268, 25653, 197, 58, 2465, 60, 197, 785, 3303, 295, 569, 2029, 23845, 3303, 295, 569, 20501, 11575, 13459, 44323, 2282, 2925, 82266, 198, 11029, 5192, 9881, 13, 41974, 11, 13938, 17886, 12821, 7986, 17886, 33188, 74246, 18822, 332, 17462, 197, 15218, 198, 34541, 6684, 53577, 33188, 18822, 1950, 1602, 35, 3978, 11, 18822, 332, 17462, 53577, 6391, 11967, 198, 71031, 6831, 300, 58663, 32809, 78, 198, 59178, 2066, 7883, 1055, 9793, 318, 32809, 2282, 686, 13, 8691, 6831, 486, 9793, 354, 11, 32809, 74242, 1942, 554, 13, 39473, 197, 87160, 826, 11, 17886, 197, 8370, 25494, 18684, 1908, 345, 52898, 9793, 789, 25653, 33188, 18822, 1950, 71031, 24263, 726, 26, 1602, 16298, 198, 2157, 351, 10119, 1186, 15563, 67, 50394, 17886, 11575, 198, 25475, 14168, 197, 7203, 11, 53577, 80557, 6379, 1752, 197, 20473, 44323, 8808, 82, 197, 7551, 17643, 3476, 197, 86957, 197, 2017, 198, 1820, 29244, 197, 3236, 885, 44, 90611, 41266, 29608, 90310, 6391, 27267, 643, 198, 793, 44645, 198, 2181, 85786, 16809, 64442, 2066, 33188, 43290, 22724, 17886, 197, 414, 9793, 2644, 11, 33188, 3253, 26112, 6831, 300, 197, 805, 13610, 198, 83360, 197, 9274, 197, 12840, 197, 906, 7883, 266, 61551, 11575, 50394, 598, 44323, 93491, 16608, 1470, 11967, 13, 1115, 6831, 300, 1186, 531, 458, 198, 96315, 683, 2066, 20530, 287, 1942, 11793, 8808, 11, 53577, 1942, 11793, 8808, 2765, 307, 17886, 451, 291, 1186, 543, 2129, 78, 13938, 198, 16338, 13, 358, 6831, 300, 197, 14386, 1639, 32809, 197, 52066, 11575, 8808, 197, 24844, 1470, 4841, 33188, 23845, 16093, 71267, 7815, 198, 2000, 6391, 11967, 197, 28528, 197, 4444, 1341, 49, 8, 17886, 13017, 5700, 197, 84910, 11, 17904, 404, 8326, 689, 13, 578, 59202, 388, 44323, 2090, 198, 24844, 6831, 486, 1186, 1263, 12, 41098, 388, 53577, 9793, 329, 1602, 12964, 291, 64442, 24263, 6831, 300, 197, 10236, 32809, 55118, 345, 20322, 2157, 14612, 1470, 18666, 82, 11, 8986, 2812, 32579, 82, 44323, 2157, 2596, 2066, 1470, 11967, 17643, 1874, 13, 1102, 198, 325, 16809, 64442, 197, 35676, 197, 16455, 6831, 486, 60015, 10185, 17886, 197, 21656, 1942, 11793, 8808, 197, 9274, 198, 66, 11967, 2282, 23478, 33188, 71275, 940, 20307, 44323, 1942, 85392, 11, 7145, 2836, 367, 53577, 1470, 16820, 91676, 2765, 81, 13602, 13, 1115, 2282, 8512, 287, 197, 24844, 6831, 300, 6831, 616, 197, 20111, 44323, 197, 414, 197, 3753, 17, 18822, 1950, 71031, 198, 19, 198, 64442, 198, 63257, 25653, 2765, 3978, 53577, 1470, 11967, 11, 53577, 197, 708, 197, 14386, 1639, 50394, 32809, 197, 6115, 197, 49818, 61551, 33188, 404, 1942, 268, 2521, 198, 40657, 197, 82894, 13, 358, 197, 967, 414, 3359, 197, 49818, 32809, 1186, 3466, 25653, 2765, 3978, 2282, 6769, 33188, 9215, 332, 17462, 198, 7898, 48048, 1470, 11967, 6831, 300, 2282, 762, 18238, 80557, 197, 15693, 96168, 44323, 17643, 1874, 11, 14862, 295, 6831, 300, 198, 265, 47444, 197, 1225, 8986, 2433, 11, 748, 197, 3852, 11, 1942, 2870, 43827, 33188, 2157, 3111, 1186, 38289, 197, 351, 6072, 13, 358, 198, 36046, 197, 967, 414, 3359, 197, 49818, 32809, 67304, 51480, 553, 197, 67733, 197, 96420, 61551, 11575, 48518, 44323, 198, 83664, 11, 98366, 9215, 332, 13283, 1942, 455, 4779, 11, 73972, 398, 2282, 6769, 2090, 6831, 300, 33188, 25785, 44323, 33188, 198, 35596, 71031, 13, 1666, 25494, 2282, 16133, 32809, 98138, 48048, 33188, 23845, 1341, 49, 11, 3324, 1146, 23918, 43470, 1942, 318, 495, 20933, 70440, 974, 13, 5629, 11, 33188, 23845, 1341, 49, 197, 41917, 32809, 10582, 197, 34500, 291, 61551, 11575, 197, 59041, 197, 24844, 32809, 198, 25475, 1295, 33188, 25785, 53577, 32809, 1942, 2870, 17643, 1874, 13, 10657, 11, 33188, 18822, 1950, 198, 67689, 811, 197, 41917, 32809, 74242, 1241, 1534, 13, 15636, 11, 25494, 197, 61665, 24263, 2157, 1037, 1942, 1137, 198, 2000, 33188, 23845, 1341, 49, 32809, 88740, 1241, 553, 33188, 18822, 1950, 17643, 31628, 811, 13, 2999, 13, 7721, 1136, 1764, 198, 20577, 1195, 11, 68428, 6844, 2765, 66576, 44323, 33188, 18822, 1950, 73570, 345, 19, 198, 53577, 13595, 277, 22329, 197, 22579, 8473, 197, 9126, 198, 39, 797, 24836, 11, 197, 14965, 6831, 300, 33188, 24555, 197, 82894, 32809, 33188, 9391, 66, 78706, 197, 34541, 6684, 11, 197, 351, 29616, 32809, 198, 6115, 50394, 17886, 6379, 1105, 287, 2090, 23845, 1341, 49, 73570, 13, 4567, 495, 20933, 11, 33188, 23845, 1341, 49, 3303, 40631, 345, 44, 6751, 77, 9796, 4177, 11, 1942, 54376, 64442, 33188, 23845, 1341, 49, 1470, 619, 3303, 2600, 33188, 18822, 1950, 71031, 53577, 198, 6820, 17389, 1470, 76641, 32809, 197, 1135, 11, 931, 197, 42305, 9818, 17886, 33188, 16360, 815, 13, 4314, 197, 17602, 11, 197, 8370, 198, 325, 16809, 32809, 50394, 32809, 74242, 6867, 950, 11, 42919, 1285, 53577, 1942, 2772, 398, 10413, 43419, 11, 6831, 486, 197, 19171, 9793, 1108, 398, 198, 32050, 13, 578, 197, 25304, 811, 197, 906, 6831, 486, 2157, 1802, 53577, 33188, 8285, 12313, 197, 906, 6831, 486, 198, 7642, 1113, 6831, 486, 197, 2706, 291, 36547, 17886, 76562, 33188, 1241, 753, 197, 12393, 13, 1666, 25494, 6831, 300, 197, 28863, 32809, 198, 3990, 14294, 11, 197, 98936, 11, 197, 46002, 80557, 197, 24844, 1186, 21012, 25653, 2765, 3978, 61551, 11575, 197, 52911, 55338, 17886, 198, 66, 11967, 197, 936, 355, 367, 6831, 300, 197, 29412, 61551, 11575, 71579, 1244, 32809, 11575, 3253, 1244, 197, 35676, 197, 16455, 13, 1102, 6831, 300, 41508, 64442, 198, 1820, 23845, 1341, 49, 753, 197, 17602, 6831, 486, 81531, 1251, 32809, 95878, 33188, 2157, 847, 2282, 6769, 44323, 33188, 64204, 458, 198, 21674, 197, 5065, 43827, 33188, 197, 14239, 11, 197, 69216, 53577, 2765, 73047, 197, 485, 592, 4108, 13, 1102, 85786, 16809, 64442, 198, 30115, 197, 6581, 371, 6831, 300, 197, 35214, 2157, 1037, 32809, 35697, 24193, 197, 49818, 13, 358, 6831, 300, 1942, 324, 652, 4147, 64442, 3253, 26112, 60015, 2251, 6831, 300, 73972, 49257, 9793, 277, 939, 2112, 1697, 53577, 25277, 197, 1617, 9617, 3253, 18958, 197, 1885, 1238, 197, 7998, 291, 33188, 23845, 1341, 49, 753, 24787, 53577, 198, 1220, 1186, 1263, 59401, 3876, 197, 782, 54791, 13, 578, 16360, 815, 13, 197, 4226, 197, 24861, 197, 72254, 17886, 33188, 1186, 11872, 345, 7998, 287, 197, 49864, 33188, 23845, 1341, 49, 1470, 619, 42919, 33188, 2157, 607, 32809, 1942, 21376, 197, 2118, 73, 3200, 89874, 26125, 13, 1226, 52060, 9793, 329, 197, 414, 1942, 355, 15959, 919, 61551, 32809, 197, 14965, 6831, 486, 197, 967, 414, 4210, 197, 45010, 198, 87863, 197, 1885, 1238, 32809, 197, 447, 1003, 33188, 2765, 15760, 33196, 44323, 2090, 2765, 3978, 53577, 1470, 11967, 198, 26125, 13, 21153, 3210, 11, 197, 45010, 1241, 197, 351, 6072, 6831, 486, 2157, 1802, 8986, 1643, 197, 1225, 198, 13798, 3951, 13, 8595, 6831, 486, 197, 20670, 197, 1617, 9162, 11575, 197, 6414, 26466, 197, 24844, 3303, 442, 11780, 1602, 66, 11967, 198, 61564, 30, 1102, 52060, 1470, 373, 2765, 785, 32809, 33188, 1186, 533, 64442, 33188, 23845, 1341, 49, 11, 197, 4908, 33188, 18822, 1950, 11, 6831, 300, 198, 9254, 287, 80557, 197, 80823, 64442, 197, 15647, 2765, 3978, 53577, 1470, 11967, 13, 578, 23845, 16093, 6391, 11967, 7721, 6180, 2282, 762, 373, 80557, 197, 36046, 5306, 343, 20857, 2765, 17820, 5739, 13, 763, 198, 1220, 197, 58331, 11, 33188, 23845, 1341, 49, 9793, 329, 3324, 1146, 18895, 68731, 197, 69849, 24263, 25, 24263, 2157, 492, 197, 5807, 7870, 2066, 33188, 1942, 373, 198, 69, 38289, 2765, 263, 1105, 11, 53577, 24263, 6831, 300, 6942, 287, 32809, 197, 13724, 33188, 1470, 11967, 2765, 3510, 17861, 3324, 83071, 2765, 3978, 13, 578, 23845, 16093, 6391, 11967, 7721, 6180, 9793, 329, 98366, 14862, 295, 197, 474, 51122, 3640, 64442, 2765, 3978, 53577, 198, 83664, 6831, 486, 197, 15647, 32809, 1470, 11967, 13, 320, 2181, 6831, 66636, 1431, 21113, 1678, 197, 35676, 197, 42820, 8986, 977, 17886, 33188, 198, 22928, 197, 2550, 15, 82, 64442, 24263, 197, 16219, 291, 2765, 3978, 661, 17643, 31628, 811, 32809, 83886, 1470, 11967, 61280, 198, 1820, 197, 42877, 6831, 300, 17643, 47444, 197, 25742, 481, 1470, 5198, 48048, 33188, 1241, 6266, 1102, 6831, 300, 197, 1225, 198, 59178, 11575, 197, 2106, 2740, 6108, 197, 24844, 17886, 7164, 291, 17886, 33188, 38303, 44322, 42919, 44323, 198, 3696, 13602, 11, 7145, 2836, 367, 53577, 1942, 85392, 13, 362, 49081, 5329, 64334, 11, 33188, 23845, 16093, 6391, 11967, 198, 50, 6180, 9793, 329, 197, 6421, 291, 197, 414, 18822, 1950, 197, 57885, 197, 9274, 33188, 197, 9007, 3225, 44323, 197, 414, 197, 66305, 198, 49818, 32809, 197, 98374, 2765, 3978, 661, 17643, 31628, 811, 32809, 41446, 688, 1470, 11967, 13, 1666, 11575, 197, 57885, 345, 906, 197, 10210, 1619, 11, 197, 37241, 11575, 1470, 85489, 44323, 33188, 197, 16455, 25653, 197, 414, 197, 57885, 2765, 307, 197, 26133, 33188, 404, 198, 55977, 1942, 2210, 13, 578, 23845, 16093, 6391, 11967, 7721, 6180, 85786, 16809, 32809, 1942, 1137, 11575, 2282, 343, 18895, 683, 198, 263, 33188, 9793, 269, 17403, 53577, 2765, 307, 77, 1431, 197, 4908, 33188, 197, 42877, 64442, 197, 43063, 197, 24844, 11, 33188 ]
ely mineralized bones of adequate thickness, together with wide chests and broad dental arches. X-rays of the infants given heat-processed milk showed thin and fragile bones, abnormal mineral deposits, narrow chests, and underdeveloped dental arches. Dr. Kirkpatrick ascribes the development of enlarged hearts, with valvular involvement, in many cases to the use of pasteurized milk. Some of the children are said to rapidly recover if raw milk is substituted for the pasteurized milk. "Without raw milk, recovery does not occur" declares Dr. Kirkpatrick "and those who reach the age of 10 or 15 will, upon examination, show chronic heart diseases which are usually diagnosed as rheumatic fever; so the patient usually goes through life a semi-invalid. I personally know of many children, who were suffering from heart complications, who have made complete recovery in a few months by drinking raw milk along with other wholesome food, and with no direct treatment to the heart." Contrary to popular belief, raw milk affords greater resistance to both undulant fever and typhoid fever than does pasteurized milk. Undulant fever is today more common in large cities where pasteurization is a requirement than in rural areas where some raw milk is used. Madsen of Denmark has indeed stated that "no case (undulant fever) has ever been observed in the hospitals and asylums for children in Copenhagen or elsewhere where raw milk is used in large quantities." The famous epidemic of typhoid fever in Montreal during 1927, in which there were 5,353 cases and 400 deaths , was restricted entirel y to families who purchased milk from the Montreal Dairy and its associated National Dairy Company, both of which distributed only pasteurized milk. Tuberculosis is also more prevalent in areas requiring the pasteurization of milk products. An interesting example of this is afforded by a letter printed and signed by eight members of parliament in England, in which important statistics on this question are referred to. The letter states: "May we here adduce certain facts relating to a single county as recorded in the last report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hertfordshire: This county has a population of 420,000 souls, and all the milk drunk by them is produced in the county. During 1932 there were 45 deaths in all from surgical tuberculosis, of which 33 were children under 15. In 13 rural districts, where the whole supply is in the hands of small retailers of raw milk, there were no deaths at all during the year from surgical tuberculosis. The highest death rate was in an urban area where the population lives under model conditions and practically all the milk supply is pasteurized." A further study of the relationship between milk and tuberculosis was made by Dr. MacDonald, Medical Officer to Dr. Barnardo's Homes in England. Dr. MacDonald reported that, among 750 children who were given pasteurized milk along with other food for a period of five years, 14 cases of tuberculosis developed. Another 750 boys were given raw milk for an equal period of time, with the other conditions, including the rest of the diet, the same as with the other group. During this time, only one case of tuberculosis developed, which represents a 1,400 per cent advantage for the unpasteurized group. It was also reported that chilblains were absent among the boys of this group, whereas they were quite common among those receiving pasteurized milk. G ENERAL RAW FOOD EXPERIENCES The effects of consuming heat-processed fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey, eggs, meat, and other foods are probably as pronounced, if not more so, as those of consuming pasteurized milk. The heat used in the pasteurization process ranges from 145 to 160 degrees F. for regular milk, and up to 186 degrees F. for homogenized milk, which is a lower degree of heat than is used in treating many other foods. Nor does the application of heat extend for a longer period of time than is so applied in different cooking methods. Thirty minutes is the period of time in pasteurizing milk at 145 degrees F., and homogenized milk is pasteurized by the flash method. The frequent losses of minerals into cooking water (then discarded ) in ve getable cooker y are perhaps even more damaging to the respective foods than pasteurization is to milk. So we may expect to find that the use of cooked foods of all kinds induce physical impairment, corresponding in accordance with quantity of intake, to those of pasteurized milk. Likewise, we may expect the use of raw foods of all kinds to give physical benefits, corresponding in accordance with quantity of intake, to those of raw milk. Examples of this in actual practice are found in non-institutional medical cases and in various human experiences not associated with direct medical supervision. They are also found in a number of scientific institutions and medical clinics and sanitariums where raw foods are used in the treatment of specific diseases. The non-institutional cases involving the exclusive use of raw foods are relatively few in number but important. Over a hundred years ago Sylvester Graham of America called attention to the advantages of raw foods, and he stressed the fact that, "the artificial process of cooking is decidedly and often exceedingly inimical, not only to the physiological interests of the alimentary organs, but also to the whole human system." The many thousands of followers of Graham in the eighteen-thirties and forties did subsist largely upon raw foods, and their complete freedom from cholera during the widespread cholera epidemics of that time is of peculiar historical interest. Since the days of Graham, the raw food diet from time to time has found enthusiastic advocates in the persons of Thomas, Drews, Christian, Estes, Richter, Gibbon, and others, who arrived at the same conclusions through empirical observation that we now do through scientific analysis. At one time (1900) there were estimated to be three thousand people in Chicago living upon the raw food regime, and during a later period a special cafeteria operated in Los Angeles which served only foods in the uncooked state. Many years ago Prof. Jaffra, of the University of Southern California, made a study of a number of families, who, for religious, ethical, and scientific reasons, subsisted almost entirely upon raw fruits and raw nuts. Prof. Jaffra found these people to be in excellent health, with unusual freedom from colds and other ailments. Both children and adults were below average in weight, and in addition the children were below average in height. This was attributed by Prof. Jaffra to the limitation of food types consumed, in particular to the complete lack of all animal food products. Subsequent observations of families living upon raw foods have indicated much the same. Many have reported a rapid improvement in health after ado pting the raw diet, with the remed y of severe and long-standing diseases. Height and weight of children, as well as the dental condition, have appeared to depend upon the number of food types being consumed; when these have been adequate, favorable results in every particular have been the common rule. A raw food experience of worthy note is that of the scientist, Dr. Ferd L. Stone, who conducted research into the mysteries of anabolism in his strange laboratory near the Scottish village of Wick on the North Sea. Dr. Stone stated that "biological constructive metabolism changes by which staple food becomes complex living material in a cell" are ended, with rapid nutritive losses, when the flesh of animals is exposed to oxygen through cooking and storage. He believed that man's health would improve if he consumed only flesh from animals instantly after their slaughter. Using his own body for experimental purposes, Dr. Stone lived exclusively upon the raw flesh of animals for over 25 years to determine its effects upon his own constitution. In his laboratory he obtained his flesh from live goats, sheep, dogs, lion cubs, and other animals which were clamped to cutting blocks. Moving later to a jungle area of Kenya province in Africa, he subsisted upon the raw flesh of lions, giant hogs, and other wild animals which abounded in this region. At one time he visited Nairobi for a medical examination, and some ten years later he appeared in Voi to check up on his weight and general physical condition, where he was found to be a "fine physical specimen in spite of his advanced years." Dr. Robert Gunther, the examining physician, declared: "The remarkable thing about Dr. Stone is that, although he is now approaching 70, he has the youthful and robust health of a chap of 25 or 30." Dr. Stone's unique experiment came to an end in 1943, when he was fatally wounded by wild animals during a hunting expedition. Another instance involving the exclusive use of raw foods over a long period of time is seen in that of an African boy who subsisted for 13 years in wild nature upon raw foods, and then lived 6 years in civilization "on raw vegetables and fruits, raw fish and eggs, and such flies and bugs as he catches and eats alive." The press report of December 7, 1930
[ 989, 25107, 1534, 25896, 315, 26613, 26839, 11, 3871, 720, 4291, 7029, 84418, 323, 7353, 29106, 5438, 288, 13, 1630, 82817, 315, 279, 720, 13885, 1821, 2728, 8798, 12, 35122, 14403, 8710, 15792, 323, 45350, 25896, 11, 35663, 25107, 34751, 11, 15376, 84418, 11, 323, 720, 8154, 16219, 291, 29106, 5438, 288, 13, 2999, 13, 32446, 65320, 439, 56236, 279, 4500, 315, 74117, 720, 383, 7183, 11, 449, 1062, 85, 1299, 22315, 11, 304, 1690, 5157, 311, 279, 1005, 315, 720, 57968, 324, 1534, 14403, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 2911, 527, 1071, 311, 19019, 720, 75383, 422, 7257, 14403, 374, 63196, 369, 279, 3347, 12844, 1534, 14403, 13, 330, 27131, 7257, 14403, 11, 13654, 1587, 539, 12446, 1, 50888, 2999, 13, 32446, 65320, 330, 438, 1884, 889, 5662, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 605, 477, 220, 868, 690, 11, 720, 59723, 24481, 11, 1501, 21249, 4851, 19338, 902, 527, 720, 44066, 29704, 439, 68132, 33030, 34653, 26, 779, 279, 8893, 6118, 5900, 1555, 2324, 264, 18768, 40840, 13, 358, 16102, 1440, 315, 1690, 720, 5988, 11, 889, 1051, 16066, 505, 4851, 36505, 11, 889, 720, 19553, 1903, 4686, 13654, 304, 264, 2478, 4038, 555, 16558, 720, 1059, 14403, 3235, 449, 1023, 88318, 3691, 11, 323, 449, 912, 2167, 6514, 311, 279, 4851, 1210, 35341, 661, 311, 5526, 16801, 11, 7257, 14403, 3611, 2311, 7191, 720, 417, 4011, 311, 2225, 2073, 69733, 34653, 323, 13892, 764, 590, 34653, 1109, 1587, 3347, 12844, 1534, 14403, 13, 17314, 69733, 34653, 374, 3432, 810, 4279, 304, 720, 17185, 9919, 1405, 3347, 12844, 2065, 374, 264, 16686, 1109, 304, 19624, 720, 33637, 1405, 1063, 7257, 14403, 374, 1511, 13, 386, 7819, 268, 315, 35440, 706, 720, 28074, 291, 11224, 430, 330, 2201, 1162, 320, 1263, 69733, 34653, 8, 706, 3596, 1027, 720, 5598, 2841, 304, 279, 24461, 323, 439, 4010, 6370, 369, 2911, 304, 64161, 477, 18403, 1405, 7257, 14403, 374, 1511, 304, 3544, 720, 31548, 1385, 1210, 578, 11495, 42620, 315, 13892, 764, 590, 34653, 304, 720, 35515, 8110, 2391, 220, 5926, 22, 11, 304, 902, 1070, 1051, 220, 20, 11, 17228, 5157, 323, 720, 3443, 16779, 198, 11, 574, 22486, 4553, 75, 379, 311, 8689, 889, 15075, 14403, 505, 279, 30613, 79122, 323, 1202, 5938, 5165, 720, 35, 22704, 8351, 11, 2225, 315, 902, 4332, 1193, 3347, 12844, 1534, 720, 76, 34263, 13, 40640, 74554, 374, 1101, 810, 46941, 304, 5789, 23537, 279, 720, 57968, 324, 2065, 315, 14403, 3956, 13, 1556, 7185, 3187, 315, 720, 576, 374, 66699, 555, 264, 6661, 17124, 323, 8667, 555, 8223, 3697, 315, 21814, 304, 9635, 11, 304, 902, 3062, 720, 55220, 389, 420, 3488, 527, 14183, 311, 13, 578, 6661, 5415, 25, 720, 1, 11356, 584, 1618, 923, 10743, 3738, 13363, 23343, 311, 264, 3254, 14189, 720, 300, 12715, 304, 279, 1566, 1934, 315, 220, 279, 13235, 20148, 315, 6401, 720, 2000, 473, 531, 8350, 15255, 25, 1115, 14189, 706, 264, 7187, 315, 220, 12819, 11, 931, 35826, 11, 323, 682, 279, 14403, 29850, 555, 1124, 374, 9124, 304, 279, 720, 66026, 13, 12220, 220, 7285, 17, 1070, 1051, 220, 1774, 16779, 304, 682, 505, 34933, 720, 83, 392, 74554, 11, 315, 902, 220, 1644, 1051, 2911, 1234, 220, 868, 13, 763, 220, 1032, 19624, 720, 36491, 82, 11, 1405, 279, 4459, 8312, 374, 304, 279, 6206, 315, 2678, 720, 2171, 607, 388, 315, 7257, 14403, 11, 1070, 1051, 912, 16779, 520, 682, 2391, 279, 1060, 505, 34933, 88234, 13, 578, 8592, 4648, 4478, 574, 304, 720, 276, 16036, 3158, 1405, 279, 7187, 6439, 1234, 1646, 720, 16902, 323, 32367, 682, 279, 14403, 8312, 374, 3347, 12844, 1534, 1210, 362, 4726, 4007, 315, 279, 5133, 1990, 14403, 323, 720, 83, 392, 74554, 574, 1903, 555, 2999, 13, 81973, 11, 13235, 20148, 311, 2999, 13, 23229, 21106, 596, 37664, 304, 9635, 13, 2999, 13, 81973, 5068, 720, 9210, 11, 4315, 220, 11711, 2911, 889, 1051, 2728, 3347, 12844, 1534, 14403, 720, 39393, 449, 1023, 3691, 369, 264, 4261, 315, 4330, 1667, 11, 220, 975, 5157, 315, 720, 83, 392, 74554, 8040, 13, 13596, 220, 11711, 13305, 1051, 2728, 7257, 720, 76, 34263, 369, 459, 6273, 4261, 315, 892, 11, 449, 279, 1023, 4787, 11, 2737, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 10173, 11, 279, 1890, 439, 449, 279, 1023, 720, 4166, 13, 12220, 420, 892, 11, 1193, 832, 1162, 315, 88234, 720, 16219, 291, 11, 902, 11105, 264, 220, 16, 11, 3443, 824, 2960, 9610, 369, 279, 22355, 5642, 324, 1534, 1912, 13, 1102, 574, 1101, 5068, 430, 523, 321, 2067, 1771, 720, 52898, 28310, 4315, 279, 13305, 315, 420, 1912, 11, 20444, 814, 1051, 5115, 4279, 4315, 1884, 12588, 3347, 12844, 1534, 14403, 13, 480, 198, 12545, 984, 53951, 88227, 81181, 40, 43753, 2355, 256, 578, 6372, 315, 35208, 8798, 12, 35122, 26390, 11, 24822, 11, 720, 64866, 11, 26828, 11, 19335, 11, 13339, 11, 323, 1023, 15657, 527, 4762, 439, 720, 72239, 20018, 11, 422, 539, 810, 779, 11, 439, 1884, 315, 35208, 720, 57968, 324, 1534, 14403, 13, 578, 8798, 1511, 304, 279, 3347, 12844, 2065, 1920, 21986, 505, 220, 9591, 311, 220, 6330, 12628, 435, 13, 369, 5912, 14403, 11, 323, 709, 311, 720, 9714, 12628, 435, 13, 369, 5105, 11968, 1534, 14403, 11, 902, 374, 264, 4827, 720, 42127, 315, 8798, 1109, 374, 1511, 304, 27723, 1690, 1023, 15657, 13, 8170, 720, 28156, 279, 3851, 315, 8798, 13334, 369, 264, 5129, 4261, 315, 892, 720, 54895, 374, 779, 9435, 304, 2204, 17677, 5528, 13, 67720, 4520, 374, 279, 4261, 315, 892, 304, 3347, 12844, 4954, 14403, 520, 220, 9591, 720, 70849, 435, 2637, 323, 5105, 11968, 1534, 14403, 374, 3347, 12844, 1534, 555, 279, 8381, 720, 4492, 13, 578, 21420, 18151, 315, 34072, 1139, 17677, 3090, 720, 7, 3473, 44310, 883, 304, 5320, 636, 481, 63183, 379, 527, 8530, 1524, 810, 34446, 311, 279, 20081, 15657, 1109, 3347, 12844, 2065, 374, 311, 720, 76, 34263, 13, 2100, 584, 1253, 1755, 311, 1505, 430, 279, 1005, 315, 30205, 15657, 315, 682, 720, 74, 8843, 49853, 7106, 53317, 11, 12435, 304, 720, 4575, 541, 685, 449, 12472, 315, 23730, 11, 311, 1884, 315, 3347, 12844, 1534, 720, 76, 34263, 13, 50487, 11, 584, 1253, 1755, 279, 1005, 315, 7257, 15657, 315, 682, 13124, 311, 3041, 7106, 7720, 11, 12435, 304, 18859, 720, 4291, 12472, 315, 23730, 11, 311, 1884, 315, 7257, 14403, 13, 26379, 315, 420, 720, 258, 5150, 6725, 527, 1766, 304, 2536, 3502, 10663, 278, 6593, 5157, 720, 438, 304, 5370, 3823, 11704, 539, 5938, 449, 2167, 720, 69216, 38217, 13, 2435, 527, 1101, 1766, 304, 264, 1396, 315, 12624, 14673, 323, 6593, 44335, 323, 8528, 12635, 2411, 82, 720, 2940, 7257, 15657, 527, 1511, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 3230, 720, 67, 1082, 2315, 13, 578, 2536, 3502, 10663, 278, 5157, 16239, 279, 14079, 1005, 315, 720, 1059, 15657, 527, 12309, 2478, 304, 1396, 719, 3062, 13, 6193, 264, 720, 71, 7259, 1667, 4227, 47137, 5302, 26181, 315, 5270, 2663, 720, 54203, 311, 279, 22934, 315, 7257, 15657, 11, 323, 568, 32647, 279, 2144, 430, 11, 330, 1820, 21075, 1920, 315, 17677, 374, 77120, 323, 720, 61917, 76821, 304, 318, 950, 11, 539, 1193, 311, 279, 53194, 720, 13014, 82, 315, 279, 38450, 661, 36853, 11, 719, 1101, 311, 279, 4459, 720, 26380, 1887, 1210, 578, 1690, 9214, 315, 20723, 315, 26181, 720, 258, 279, 63134, 7716, 2154, 552, 323, 12108, 552, 1550, 5258, 380, 14090, 5304, 7257, 15657, 11, 323, 872, 4686, 11542, 505, 99740, 2473, 2391, 720, 1820, 24716, 99740, 2473, 28817, 38305, 315, 430, 892, 374, 315, 44797, 720, 44541, 950, 2802, 13, 8876, 279, 2919, 315, 26181, 11, 279, 7257, 3691, 720, 94942, 505, 892, 311, 892, 706, 1766, 42702, 28424, 304, 279, 720, 77751, 315, 11355, 11, 41208, 82, 11, 9052, 11, 9589, 288, 11, 58223, 261, 11, 29479, 6098, 11, 323, 3885, 11, 889, 11721, 520, 279, 1890, 31342, 1555, 720, 3342, 67966, 22695, 430, 584, 1457, 656, 1555, 12624, 720, 35584, 13, 2468, 832, 892, 320, 7028, 15, 8, 1070, 1051, 13240, 311, 387, 2380, 16579, 1274, 304, 10780, 5496, 5304, 279, 7257, 3691, 17942, 11, 720, 438, 2391, 264, 3010, 4261, 264, 3361, 94948, 24026, 304, 9853, 12167, 902, 10434, 1193, 15657, 304, 279, 653, 99797, 1614, 13, 9176, 1667, 4227, 8626, 13, 622, 2715, 969, 11, 315, 279, 3907, 315, 16642, 720, 46510, 11, 1903, 264, 4007, 315, 264, 1396, 315, 8689, 11, 889, 11, 369, 720, 97250, 11, 31308, 11, 323, 12624, 8125, 11, 5258, 13539, 4661, 720, 306, 556, 398, 5304, 7257, 26390, 323, 7257, 31049, 13, 8626, 13, 622, 2715, 969, 1766, 1521, 1274, 311, 387, 304, 9250, 2890, 11, 449, 19018, 11542, 505, 720, 66, 18938, 323, 1023, 82907, 13, 11995, 2911, 323, 12884, 1051, 720, 54277, 5578, 304, 4785, 11, 323, 304, 5369, 279, 2911, 1051, 720, 54277, 5578, 304, 2673, 13, 1115, 574, 30706, 555, 8626, 13, 622, 2715, 969, 311, 720, 1820, 20893, 315, 3691, 4595, 27073, 11, 304, 4040, 311, 279, 4686, 6996, 315, 682, 10065, 3691, 3956, 13, 3804, 72457, 720, 71484, 315, 8689, 5496, 5304, 7257, 15657, 617, 16717, 720, 59178, 279, 1890, 13, 9176, 617, 5068, 264, 11295, 16048, 304, 720, 12393, 1306, 56285, 198, 418, 287, 279, 7257, 10173, 1174, 449, 279, 34630, 379, 315, 15748, 323, 1317, 56703, 19338, 13, 22147, 323, 4785, 315, 2911, 11, 439, 720, 9336, 439, 279, 29106, 3044, 11, 617, 9922, 311, 6904, 5304, 720, 1820, 1396, 315, 3691, 4595, 1694, 27073, 26, 994, 1521, 617, 720, 82850, 26613, 11, 37849, 3135, 304, 1475, 4040, 617, 1027, 720, 1820, 4279, 6037, 13, 362, 7257, 3691, 3217, 315, 28390, 5296, 374, 430, 315, 279, 720, 56447, 380, 11, 2999, 13, 83427, 445, 13, 14637, 11, 889, 13375, 3495, 1139, 279, 720, 76, 599, 4804, 315, 459, 53904, 2191, 304, 813, 15234, 27692, 3221, 279, 720, 39320, 819, 14458, 315, 75206, 389, 279, 4892, 15379, 13, 2999, 13, 14637, 11224, 720, 9210, 330, 8385, 5848, 54584, 39097, 4442, 555, 902, 720, 267, 391, 273, 3691, 9221, 6485, 5496, 3769, 304, 264, 2849, 1, 527, 9670, 11, 449, 11295, 69714, 535, 18151, 11, 994, 279, 26000, 315, 10099, 720, 285, 15246, 311, 24463, 1555, 17677, 323, 5942, 13, 1283, 720, 9978, 32077, 430, 893, 596, 2890, 1053, 7417, 422, 568, 27073, 720, 3323, 26000, 505, 10099, 22571, 1306, 872, 40856, 13, 12362, 720, 26301, 1866, 2547, 369, 22772, 10096, 11, 2999, 13, 14637, 12439, 24121, 5304, 279, 7257, 26000, 315, 10099, 369, 927, 220, 914, 1667, 311, 720, 67, 25296, 1202, 6372, 5304, 813, 1866, 16812, 13, 763, 813, 720, 75, 4422, 5382, 568, 12457, 813, 26000, 505, 3974, 71932, 11, 33012, 11, 12875, 11, 720, 79251, 272, 16115, 11, 323, 1023, 10099, 902, 1051, 1206, 33298, 311, 14713, 720, 22692, 13, 38727, 3010, 311, 264, 45520, 3158, 315, 37766, 17271, 304, 10384, 11, 568, 5258, 13539, 5304, 279, 7257, 26000, 315, 69132, 11, 14880, 305, 27403, 11, 720, 438, 1023, 8545, 10099, 902, 671, 13382, 304, 420, 5654, 13, 2468, 832, 720, 1712, 568, 12263, 97625, 369, 264, 6593, 24481, 11, 323, 1063, 720, 2002, 1667, 3010, 568, 9922, 304, 650, 6870, 311, 1817, 709, 389, 813, 4785, 720, 438, 4689, 7106, 3044, 11, 1405, 568, 574, 1766, 311, 387, 264, 330, 63157, 7106, 58184, 304, 34781, 315, 813, 11084, 1667, 1210, 2999, 13, 720, 35632, 22450, 700, 11, 279, 38936, 28378, 11, 14610, 25, 330, 791, 720, 38548, 481, 3245, 922, 2999, 13, 14637, 374, 430, 11, 8051, 568, 374, 1457, 31047, 220, 2031, 11, 568, 706, 279, 65655, 323, 22514, 2890, 315, 264, 720, 93419, 315, 220, 914, 477, 220, 966, 1210, 2999, 13, 14637, 596, 5016, 9526, 3782, 311, 459, 720, 408, 304, 220, 6393, 18, 11, 994, 568, 574, 72461, 28593, 555, 8545, 10099, 720, 82977, 264, 23330, 51264, 13, 13596, 2937, 16239, 279, 720, 90222, 1005, 315, 7257, 15657, 927, 264, 1317, 4261, 315, 892, 374, 3970, 304, 430, 315, 459, 11904, 8334, 889, 5258, 13539, 369, 220, 1032, 1667, 304, 8545, 720, 67812, 5304, 7257, 15657, 11, 323, 1243, 12439, 220, 21, 1667, 304, 36017, 720, 1, 263, 7257, 24822, 323, 26390, 11, 7257, 7795, 323, 19335, 11, 323, 1778, 720, 55019, 323, 23367, 439, 568, 38934, 323, 50777, 13989, 1210, 578, 3577, 1934, 720, 1073, 6790, 220, 22, 11, 220, 7285, 15 ]
in the stomach. Protein s are broken down into short chains of amino acids (the essential ingredients of protein formation) in the stomach, while further reduction takes place in the small intestine until the molecules can be properly absorbed. When chyme has been thorou ghly mixe d and broken down by the stomach, the pyloric sphincter muscle valve opens and allows the food to enter into the uppermost portion of the small intestine or duodenum. Here in the duodenum, the first of three portions of the small intestine, the chy me is again thoroughly mixed by the contraction of the muscular walls. The longitudinal and circular muscles of the intestinal walls are capable of performing three different types of movements, each serving a different purpose. The tube of the small intestine i s divided by the circular muscles. These contract, segmenting the food as it passes. Further contraction of the muscles between these segments occurs, making smaller segments, then the first set of muscles relax. This action results in a sloshing motion call ed rhythmic segmentation and takes place 12 to 16 times a minute. As a result of these movements, the chyme is thoroughly mixed with digestive juices. A wave of contraction known as peristalsis flows from the duodenum through the jejunum, or middle port ion of the small intestine, all the way to and through the ileum, third and final portion. Peristalsis is the motion caused by th e rhythmic co-ordination of the muscles and propels the chyme through the small intestine. Normal muscular activity of the intesti ne is not usually felt, although toxin -producing bacteria may cause violent and painful spasms to be felt. Diarrhea and vomiting are both reactions to irritations of the stomach and bowel. THE DIGESTIVE JUICES Chyme entering into the duodenum from the stomach is highly acidic. It contains a concentration of hydrochloric acid and enzymes which are required to break down the larger molecules so that absorption becomes more prolific. The small intestine secretions contain bicarbonate, an alkaline substance which causes a neutralization of the stomach acid. Special cells in the intestinal wall secrete these substances and are combined with juices flowing from the gall bladder (bile) and pancreatic jui ces which flow by way of the pancreatic duct into the duod enum. Bile salts, produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder, once in the intestine act like a detergent to emulsify the fatty acids and glycerides, making very small particles to be absorbed into the walls of the intestine. By way of hormonal se cretions, the small intestine is able to control the digestive processes. HOW ABSORPTION PROGRESSES The small intestine is so constructed that nutrient absorption is most efficient. A large inner surface area is provided by t he accordion -like folds of the intestinal wall. Lining the wall are finger -like structures called villi. They project into the interior of the tube from all directions. The average adult has a small intestinal area of approximately 200 sq. ft. The small molecular part icles of the broke n down food are able to pass into the cells lining the villi and are taken up by the tiny blood capillaries and eventually find their way into the hepatic portal vein where they are carried to the liver and reduced even further. From the liver, dig ested food substances are delivered to other cells in the body to support life -giving cellular activities. VILLI ARE FINGER -LIKE STRUCTURES THAT LINE THE WALL OF THE SMALL INTESTINE: Fatty food products do not enter the bloodstream as do other foods. They are ta ken up from the intestine through ducts in the villi called lacteals. Lacteals connect with the lymphatic system whereby these fatty molecules eventually drain into the thoracic duct. The thoracic duct empties into the vena cava in the neck area. This proc ess allows the fats to enter the bloodstream where they pass through the liver for metabolic rearrangement. In the ileum of the small intestine are found the nodules of lymphoid tissue k nown as Peyer’s patches. These lymph tissues contain scavenger cells o r lymphocytes which have a protective function by attacking and destroying unfavorable bacteria that find their way into the intestines. The small intestine averages 20 to 22 feet in length and is from 1 -1/4 to 1 -1/2 inches wide throughout this distance. T he ileum terminates at the base of the large intestine in the right lower section of the abdomen. THE LARGE INTESTINE OR COLON Within 8 to 10 hours of eating, the food has passed through the small intestine and is mostly digested. It then enters the la rge bowel for the final digestive processes and elimination. The colon is divided into the following sections: the cecum, ascending col on, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid and rectum. Altogether it is approximately 5 feet long and 2 -1/ 2 inches in diameter. The cecum is a blind pouch whose open end joins the ascending colon as it ascends upward toward the first bend called the hep atic flexure. Here at the cecum is found the ileocecal valve, a sphincter muscle which controls the flow of food material s from the small intestines into the large intestine. Situated at the extreme end of the cecum is the worm -like sac called the appendix. It is about 3 inches long and is often the sou rce of inflammation resulting in a condition known as appendicitis. The colon, unlike the small bowel, has a mucous lining or membrane which is smooth and void of villi. Surrounding thus mucous layer is a muscular coat consisting of circular internal muscles and longitudinal external muscles as found in the small bowel. The co lon is shaped into bulbous pouches called haustras. These haustras are made up of muscles which contract to gather the colon up into a puckered appearance and which allow considerable expansion. The colon terminates in the rectum and anus, the exterior ope ning. The anus is held closed by the anal sphincter muscle. The mucus membrane inside the rectum is striated in length -wise segments giving it a fluted appearance. Generally the nerve supply to the colon is sparse and therefore sensory impulses are very w eak. Colonic muscular activity is largely unfelt as a result. An exception is found in the rectum where nerve endowment is greater and thu s there is the pain associated with hemorrhoids or other rectal disturbances. HOW THE LARGE INTESTINE FUNCTIONS Throu gh the ileo -cecal valve, chyme is passed into the cecum from the small intestine. At this stage, the chyme consists of undigested or undigestible food substances, secretions from the liver, pancreas, small bowel and water. In the cecum, the wat er is mostly removed, reducing the chyme to a semi -solid consistency which is now called feces. To provide lubrication for the passage of the feces, numerous cells line the walls of the bowel and secrete a mucus substance. As a result of haustral churning, a c onstant sloshing effect finishes the digestive process of the chyme. Under mass peristalsis, the feces are pushed toward the rectum a nd anus where they are eventually eliminated from the body. This movement is caused by the presence of food in the stomach. This activity empties the cecum and makes it ready to receive new chyme from the small intestine. BACTERIAL ACTION IN THE BOWEL When the bowel is healthy there is very little bacterial action in the small intestine. The large intestine, however, literal ly swarms with billions of these microscopic organisms. Bacterial action in the large intestine plays a major role in nutrition and dig estion. These friendly bacteria synthesize valuable nutrients by digesting portions of the fecal mass. Among others, vitamin K and portions of the B complex are produced. This aspect of digestion is not completely understood and is undergoing further study. Any remaining proteins are broken down by the bacteria into simpler substances. By products of bacterial activity are numerou s, such as indole, skatole, hydrogen sulfide, fatty acids, methane gas and carbon dioxide. Some of these substances are very tox ic and odorous, hence the accompanying smell of feces. The brown color of feces is a result of bile pigments coming from the liver. When feces are not brown, but have a chalky appearance, there is a problem in bile secretion and digestive ability. When fece s reach the rectum they are about 70% water; 30% by weight of the mass represents bacteria while the remainder is made up of fo od residues, cellulose, undigestible materials and dead cells discarded by the body. The time it takes for chyme at the cecum to turn into feces and travel to the rectum depends upon the amount of roughage in the food and the water content. Bulkier feces trav el faster as they provide substance for the bowel muscle to work upon. Otherwise a soft, fiberless stool becomes very difficult for the colon to move along. The longer it takes, the more water is ab -sorbed, making feces compacted and hard so that it become s difficult to eliminate them. Neglecting the urge to eliminate, as well as eating foods low in roughage, will lead to const
[ 304, 279, 23152, 13, 49475, 274, 527, 11102, 1523, 1139, 2875, 27271, 315, 42500, 33969, 320, 1820, 7718, 14293, 315, 13128, 18488, 8, 304, 279, 23152, 11, 1418, 720, 69, 4004, 14278, 5097, 2035, 304, 279, 2678, 92234, 3156, 279, 35715, 649, 387, 10489, 42101, 13, 3277, 523, 31218, 706, 1027, 73833, 283, 37224, 398, 720, 36171, 68, 294, 323, 11102, 1523, 555, 279, 23152, 11, 279, 35385, 27456, 42822, 7956, 261, 16124, 32530, 16264, 323, 6276, 279, 3691, 311, 3810, 1139, 279, 8582, 3646, 720, 15750, 315, 279, 2678, 92234, 477, 3930, 347, 9195, 13, 5810, 304, 279, 3930, 347, 9195, 11, 279, 1176, 315, 2380, 19885, 315, 279, 2678, 92234, 11, 279, 114781, 757, 374, 720, 33871, 27461, 9709, 555, 279, 71895, 315, 279, 52192, 14620, 13, 578, 68102, 323, 28029, 24569, 315, 279, 63900, 14620, 527, 720, 11600, 481, 315, 16785, 2380, 2204, 4595, 315, 19567, 11, 1855, 13788, 264, 2204, 7580, 13, 578, 14019, 315, 279, 2678, 92234, 602, 274, 720, 614, 4591, 555, 279, 28029, 24569, 13, 4314, 5226, 11, 10449, 287, 279, 3691, 439, 433, 16609, 13, 15903, 71895, 315, 279, 24569, 1990, 220, 1521, 720, 57929, 13980, 11, 3339, 9333, 21282, 11, 1243, 279, 1176, 743, 315, 24569, 12234, 13, 1115, 1957, 3135, 304, 264, 18067, 939, 287, 11633, 1650, 1608, 720, 81, 23394, 21914, 60852, 323, 5097, 2035, 220, 717, 311, 220, 845, 3115, 264, 9568, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 315, 1521, 19567, 11, 279, 523, 31218, 374, 27461, 9709, 720, 4291, 60071, 65959, 13, 362, 12330, 315, 71895, 3967, 439, 824, 380, 1147, 285, 28555, 505, 279, 3930, 347, 9195, 1555, 279, 4864, 58781, 372, 11, 477, 6278, 2700, 28772, 720, 1073, 279, 2678, 92234, 11, 682, 279, 1648, 311, 323, 1555, 279, 31905, 372, 11, 4948, 323, 1620, 13651, 13, 3700, 380, 1147, 285, 374, 279, 11633, 9057, 555, 270, 384, 29171, 21914, 720, 1030, 12, 99344, 315, 279, 24569, 323, 2047, 2053, 279, 523, 31218, 1555, 279, 2678, 92234, 13, 18944, 52192, 5820, 315, 279, 39408, 72, 841, 374, 539, 720, 44066, 6612, 11, 8051, 98534, 482, 8723, 6253, 24032, 1253, 5353, 16806, 323, 26175, 83060, 1026, 311, 387, 6612, 13, 7923, 1138, 41033, 323, 63571, 527, 2225, 720, 265, 4109, 311, 30118, 811, 315, 279, 23152, 323, 66358, 13, 3247, 56396, 5288, 6674, 622, 52, 16213, 2355, 1163, 31218, 16661, 1139, 279, 3930, 347, 9195, 505, 279, 23152, 374, 7701, 84903, 13, 1102, 5727, 264, 20545, 315, 17055, 72967, 292, 13935, 323, 720, 17007, 79809, 902, 527, 2631, 311, 1464, 1523, 279, 8294, 35715, 779, 430, 44225, 9221, 810, 63100, 13, 578, 2678, 92234, 720, 21107, 919, 6782, 60831, 97342, 11, 459, 66787, 483, 20278, 220, 902, 11384, 264, 21277, 2065, 315, 279, 23152, 13935, 13, 9984, 7917, 304, 279, 2355, 71558, 7147, 513, 9537, 1521, 33155, 323, 527, 11093, 449, 65959, 36612, 505, 279, 19754, 62564, 320, 65, 458, 8, 323, 98144, 503, 2005, 27750, 720, 8370, 6530, 555, 1648, 315, 279, 98144, 45339, 1139, 279, 3930, 347, 7773, 13, 426, 458, 78235, 11, 9124, 304, 279, 26587, 323, 9967, 304, 279, 19754, 62564, 11, 3131, 720, 258, 279, 92234, 1180, 1093, 264, 91234, 311, 991, 14630, 1463, 279, 40085, 33969, 323, 37807, 3913, 3422, 11, 3339, 1633, 2678, 19252, 311, 387, 42101, 1139, 279, 2355, 87396, 315, 279, 92234, 13, 3296, 1648, 315, 74218, 513, 1922, 83, 919, 11, 279, 2678, 92234, 374, 3025, 311, 2585, 279, 60071, 11618, 13, 24440, 37581, 878, 6715, 5421, 92991, 29095, 2355, 791, 2678, 92234, 374, 779, 20968, 430, 50123, 44225, 374, 1455, 11297, 13, 362, 3544, 9358, 7479, 3158, 374, 3984, 555, 259, 568, 720, 36437, 482, 4908, 61607, 315, 279, 220, 63900, 7147, 13, 445, 5859, 279, 7147, 527, 14654, 482, 4908, 14726, 2663, 9077, 72, 13, 2435, 2447, 1139, 279, 15135, 315, 279, 720, 74838, 505, 682, 18445, 13, 578, 5578, 6822, 706, 264, 2678, 63900, 3158, 315, 13489, 220, 1049, 18522, 13, 10702, 13, 578, 2678, 31206, 961, 220, 4440, 720, 1073, 279, 14760, 308, 1523, 3691, 527, 3025, 311, 1522, 1139, 279, 7917, 36471, 279, 9077, 72, 323, 527, 4529, 709, 555, 279, 13987, 6680, 2107, 484, 5548, 323, 9778, 720, 3990, 872, 1648, 1139, 279, 80445, 780, 24007, 54344, 1405, 814, 527, 11953, 311, 279, 26587, 323, 11293, 1524, 4726, 13, 5659, 279, 26587, 11, 4170, 1826, 291, 720, 14239, 33155, 527, 12886, 311, 1023, 7917, 304, 279, 2547, 311, 1862, 2324, 482, 70, 2299, 35693, 7640, 13, 650, 9410, 40, 16202, 435, 77380, 482, 62648, 60678, 51761, 26336, 31951, 3247, 79475, 3083, 3247, 50297, 2006, 10238, 4069, 25, 2355, 37, 23758, 3691, 3956, 656, 539, 3810, 279, 100216, 439, 656, 1023, 15657, 13, 2435, 527, 9637, 50332, 709, 505, 279, 92234, 1555, 45339, 82, 304, 279, 9077, 72, 720, 44982, 51644, 68, 1147, 13, 445, 533, 68, 1147, 4667, 449, 279, 43745, 780, 1887, 49001, 1521, 40085, 35715, 9778, 24659, 1139, 279, 73833, 94257, 45339, 13, 578, 73833, 94257, 45339, 54169, 552, 1139, 279, 348, 7304, 272, 2979, 304, 279, 13272, 3158, 13, 1115, 13988, 4043, 6276, 279, 50127, 311, 3810, 279, 100216, 1405, 814, 1522, 720, 20322, 279, 26587, 369, 41861, 56427, 57733, 13, 763, 279, 31905, 372, 315, 279, 2678, 92234, 527, 1766, 279, 16387, 2482, 315, 43745, 590, 20438, 597, 308, 785, 720, 300, 393, 35472, 753, 29760, 13, 4314, 43745, 39881, 6782, 83750, 10214, 7917, 297, 436, 43745, 57878, 902, 617, 264, 29219, 734, 555, 23664, 323, 720, 15886, 287, 93071, 24032, 430, 1505, 872, 1648, 1139, 279, 39408, 1572, 13, 578, 2678, 92234, 49920, 220, 508, 311, 220, 1313, 7693, 304, 3160, 220, 323, 374, 720, 1527, 220, 16, 482, 16, 14, 19, 311, 220, 16, 482, 16, 14, 17, 15271, 7029, 6957, 420, 6138, 13, 350, 568, 31905, 372, 88711, 520, 279, 2385, 315, 279, 3544, 92234, 304, 279, 1314, 4827, 2355, 2879, 315, 279, 64772, 13, 3247, 77756, 2006, 10238, 4069, 2794, 26659, 715, 2355, 43061, 220, 23, 311, 220, 605, 4207, 315, 12459, 11, 279, 3691, 706, 5946, 1555, 279, 2678, 92234, 323, 374, 10213, 4170, 10185, 13, 1102, 1243, 29933, 279, 1208, 436, 713, 66358, 720, 2000, 279, 1620, 60071, 11618, 323, 44032, 13, 578, 15235, 374, 18255, 1139, 279, 2768, 14491, 25, 279, 272, 762, 372, 11, 36488, 1400, 389, 11, 720, 1485, 4550, 15235, 11, 44184, 15235, 11, 65990, 323, 7763, 372, 13, 54370, 3522, 433, 374, 13489, 220, 20, 7693, 1317, 323, 220, 17, 482, 16, 14, 220, 17, 15271, 304, 23899, 13, 578, 272, 762, 372, 374, 264, 18507, 56952, 6832, 1825, 842, 29782, 279, 36488, 15235, 439, 433, 14943, 1438, 40872, 9017, 279, 1176, 37920, 2663, 279, 80445, 520, 292, 720, 12287, 554, 13, 5810, 520, 279, 272, 762, 372, 374, 1766, 279, 31905, 81656, 5531, 32530, 11, 264, 42822, 7956, 261, 16124, 902, 11835, 279, 6530, 315, 3691, 3769, 274, 505, 279, 720, 9181, 39408, 1572, 1139, 279, 3544, 92234, 13, 29508, 13148, 520, 279, 14560, 842, 315, 279, 272, 762, 372, 374, 279, 35311, 482, 4908, 11347, 2663, 279, 88677, 13, 1102, 374, 2355, 9274, 220, 18, 15271, 1317, 323, 374, 3629, 279, 5945, 436, 346, 315, 37140, 13239, 304, 264, 3044, 3967, 439, 8911, 19195, 285, 13, 578, 15235, 11, 20426, 279, 720, 9181, 66358, 11, 706, 264, 65104, 788, 36471, 477, 39654, 902, 374, 11113, 323, 742, 315, 9077, 72, 13, 100060, 287, 8617, 65104, 788, 6324, 374, 264, 52192, 720, 68512, 31706, 315, 28029, 5419, 24569, 323, 68102, 9434, 24569, 439, 1766, 304, 279, 2678, 66358, 13, 578, 1080, 18285, 374, 27367, 1139, 2355, 16501, 65, 788, 56952, 288, 2663, 305, 2933, 59887, 13, 4314, 305, 2933, 59887, 527, 1903, 709, 315, 24569, 902, 5226, 311, 9762, 279, 15235, 709, 1139, 264, 49735, 12616, 720, 97755, 323, 902, 2187, 24779, 14800, 13, 578, 15235, 88711, 304, 279, 7763, 372, 323, 82408, 11, 279, 28362, 297, 375, 46607, 13, 578, 82408, 2355, 285, 5762, 8036, 555, 279, 3260, 42822, 7956, 261, 16124, 13, 578, 296, 38601, 39654, 4871, 279, 7763, 372, 374, 6076, 660, 304, 3160, 482, 4583, 21282, 7231, 433, 264, 2355, 1517, 2844, 11341, 13, 44493, 279, 32015, 8312, 311, 279, 15235, 374, 34544, 323, 9093, 49069, 87633, 527, 1633, 289, 384, 587, 13, 4349, 14338, 720, 38827, 22077, 5820, 374, 14090, 9662, 3903, 439, 264, 1121, 13, 1556, 4788, 374, 1766, 304, 279, 7763, 372, 1405, 32015, 842, 76555, 374, 7191, 323, 78474, 274, 1070, 720, 285, 279, 6784, 5938, 449, 71417, 17390, 477, 1023, 7763, 278, 85160, 13, 24440, 3247, 77756, 2006, 10238, 4069, 53264, 2355, 1016, 583, 37224, 279, 31905, 78, 482, 346, 5531, 32530, 11, 523, 31218, 374, 5946, 1139, 279, 272, 762, 372, 505, 279, 2678, 92234, 13, 2468, 420, 6566, 11, 279, 523, 31218, 17610, 315, 720, 1263, 343, 10185, 477, 2073, 15505, 1260, 3691, 33155, 11, 6367, 919, 505, 279, 26587, 11, 62268, 300, 11, 2678, 66358, 323, 3090, 13, 763, 279, 272, 762, 372, 11, 279, 30125, 2781, 374, 720, 63995, 220, 7108, 11, 18189, 279, 523, 31218, 311, 264, 18768, 482, 32127, 29237, 902, 374, 1457, 2663, 55061, 288, 13, 2057, 3493, 54494, 367, 369, 279, 21765, 720, 1073, 279, 55061, 288, 11, 12387, 7917, 1584, 279, 14620, 315, 279, 66358, 323, 513, 9537, 264, 296, 38601, 20278, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 315, 305, 2933, 56070, 523, 54444, 11, 264, 272, 389, 4811, 720, 82, 385, 939, 287, 2515, 34136, 279, 60071, 1920, 315, 279, 523, 31218, 13, 9636, 3148, 824, 380, 1147, 285, 11, 279, 55061, 288, 527, 15753, 9017, 279, 7763, 372, 264, 15953, 720, 59063, 1405, 814, 527, 9778, 34373, 505, 279, 2547, 13, 1115, 7351, 374, 9057, 555, 279, 9546, 315, 3691, 304, 279, 23152, 13, 1115, 2355, 7323, 54169, 552, 279, 272, 762, 372, 323, 3727, 433, 5644, 311, 5371, 502, 523, 31218, 505, 279, 2678, 92234, 13, 426, 38497, 6340, 16439, 2006, 3247, 426, 3387, 2818, 2355, 4599, 279, 66358, 374, 9498, 1070, 374, 1633, 2697, 45964, 1957, 304, 279, 2678, 92234, 13, 578, 3544, 92234, 11, 4869, 11, 24016, 14869, 2064, 16293, 2355, 4291, 33151, 315, 1521, 90090, 44304, 13, 426, 71034, 1957, 304, 279, 3544, 92234, 11335, 264, 3682, 3560, 304, 26677, 323, 4170, 1826, 290, 13, 4314, 11919, 24032, 6925, 27985, 15525, 37493, 555, 21552, 287, 19885, 315, 279, 55061, 278, 3148, 13, 22395, 3885, 11, 28170, 735, 323, 2355, 403, 919, 315, 279, 426, 6485, 527, 9124, 13, 1115, 13189, 315, 74502, 374, 539, 6724, 16365, 323, 374, 47397, 4726, 4007, 662, 5884, 9861, 28896, 527, 11102, 1523, 555, 279, 24032, 1139, 35388, 33155, 13, 3296, 3956, 315, 45964, 5820, 527, 8015, 283, 274, 11, 720, 21470, 439, 1280, 1286, 11, 1940, 266, 1286, 11, 35784, 40769, 579, 11, 40085, 33969, 11, 61083, 6962, 323, 12782, 40589, 13, 4427, 315, 1521, 33155, 527, 1633, 41569, 18385, 323, 720, 347, 20857, 11, 16472, 279, 24442, 22843, 315, 55061, 288, 13, 578, 14198, 1933, 315, 55061, 288, 374, 264, 1121, 315, 73394, 24623, 1392, 5108, 505, 279, 26587, 13, 3277, 55061, 288, 527, 539, 14198, 11, 719, 617, 264, 43459, 88, 11341, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 3575, 304, 73394, 87067, 323, 60071, 5845, 13, 3277, 1172, 346, 274, 720, 23430, 279, 7763, 372, 814, 527, 922, 220, 2031, 4, 3090, 26, 220, 966, 4, 555, 4785, 315, 279, 3148, 11105, 24032, 1418, 279, 27410, 374, 1903, 709, 315, 12018, 11018, 720, 417, 307, 1157, 11, 70002, 974, 11, 2073, 15505, 1260, 7384, 323, 5710, 7917, 44310, 555, 279, 2547, 13, 578, 892, 433, 5097, 369, 523, 31218, 520, 279, 272, 762, 372, 311, 220, 2543, 720, 18614, 55061, 288, 323, 5944, 311, 279, 7763, 372, 14117, 5304, 279, 3392, 315, 11413, 425, 304, 279, 3691, 323, 279, 3090, 2262, 13, 62020, 1291, 55061, 288, 10346, 658, 720, 69, 2352, 439, 814, 3493, 20278, 369, 279, 66358, 16124, 311, 990, 5304, 13, 18715, 264, 8579, 11, 24722, 1752, 64172, 9221, 1633, 5107, 369, 279, 720, 77924, 311, 3351, 3235, 13, 578, 5129, 433, 5097, 11, 279, 810, 3090, 374, 671, 482, 82, 269, 2788, 11, 3339, 55061, 288, 17251, 291, 323, 2653, 779, 430, 433, 3719, 274, 720, 13798, 3951, 311, 22472, 1124, 13, 24952, 772, 287, 279, 33147, 311, 22472, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 12459, 15657, 3428, 304, 11413, 425, 11, 690, 3063, 311, 738 ]
what we can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. But when we perceive without interpreting or mental labeling, which means without adding thought to our perceptions, we can actually still sense the deeper connectedness underneath our perception of seemingly separate things. The other more serious reason for the illusion of separateness is compulsive thinking. It is when we are trapped in incessant streams of compulsive thinking that the universe really disintegrates for us, and we lose the ability to sense the interconnectedness of all that exists. Thinking cuts reality up into lifeless fragments. Extremely unintelligent and destructive action arises out of such a fragmented view of reality. However, there is an even deeper level to the hole than the interconnectedness of everything in existence. At that deeper level, all things are one. it is the Source, the unmanifested one Life. It is the timeless intelligence that manifests as a universe unfolding in time. The whole is made up of existence and Being, the manifested and the unmanifested, the world and God. So when you become aligned with the whole, you become a conscious part of the interconnectedness of the whole and its purpose: the emer gence of consciousness into this world. As a result, spontaneous helpful occurrences, chance encounters, coincidences, and synchronistic events happen much more frequently. Carl Jung called synchronicity an acausal connecting principle. This means there is no causal connection between synchronistic events on our surface level of reality. It is an outer manifestation of an underlying intelligence behind the world of appearances and a deeper connectednessthat our mind cannot understand. But we can be conscious participants in the unfolding of that intelligence, the flowering consciousness. Nature exists in a state of unconscious oneness with the whole. This, for example, is why no virtually no wild animals were killed in the tsunami disaster of 2004. Being more in touch with the totality than humans, they could sense the tsunami's approach long before it could be seen or heard and so had time to withdraw to higher terrain. Perhaps even that is looking at it from a human perspective. They probably just found themselves moving to higher terrain. Doing this because of that is the mind's way of cutting up reality; whereas nature lies in unconscious oneness with the whole. It is our purpose and destiny to bring a new dimension into this world by living in conscious oneness with the totality and conscious alignment with universal intelligence. Can the whole use the human mind to create things or bring about situations that are in alignment with its purpose? Y es, whenever there is inspiration, which translates as in spirit, and enthusiasm, which means In God, there is a creative empowerment hat goes far beyond what a mere person is capable of.C H A P T E R T E N A N E W E A R T H Astronomers have discovered evidence to suggest that the universe came into existence fifteen billion years ago in a gigantic explosion and has been expanding ever since. Not only has it been expanding, but it is also growing in complexity and becoming more and more dif ferentiated. Some scientists also postulate that this movement from unity to multiplicity will eventually become reversed. The universe will then stop expanding and begin to contract again and finally return to the unmanifested, the inconceivable nothingness out of which it came and perhaps repeat the cycles of birth, expansion, contraction, and death again and again. For what purpose? Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing? asks physicist Stephen Hawking, realizing at the same time that no mathematical model could ever supply the answer. If you look within rather than only without, however, you discover that you have an inner and an outer purpose, and since you are a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm, it follows that the universe too has an inner and outer purpose inseparable from yours. The outer purpose of the universe is to create form and experience the interaction of forms the play, the dream, the drama, or whatever you choose to call it. Its inner purpose is to awaken to its formless essence. Then comes the reconciliation of outer and inner purpose: to bring that essence consciousness into the world of form and thereby transform the world. The ultimate purpose of that transformation goes far beyond anything the human mind can imagine or comprehend. And yet, on this planet at this time, that transformation is the task allotted us. That is the reconciliation of outer and inner purpose, the reconciliation of the world and God. Before we look at what relevance the expansion and contraction of the universe has to your own life, we need to bear in mind here that nothing we say about the nature of the universe should be taken as an absolute truth. Neither concepts nor mathematical formulae can explain the infinite. No thought can encapsulate the vastness of the totality. Reality is a unified whole, but thought cuts it up into fragments. This gives rise to fundamental misperceptions., for example, that there are separate things and events, or that this is the cause of that. Every thought implies a perspective, and every perspective, by its very nature, implies limitation, which ultimately means that it is not true, at least notabsolutely. Only the whole is true, but the whole cannot be spoken or thought. Seen from beyond the limitations of thinking and therefore incomprehensible to the human mind, everything is happening now. All that ever has been or will be is now, outside of time, which is a mental construct. As an illustration of relative and absolute truth, consider the sunrise and sunset. when we say the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, that is true but only relatively. In absolute terms, it is false. Only from the limited perspective of an observer on or near the planet's surface does the sun rise and set. If you were far out in space, you would see that the sun neither rises nor sets, but that it shines continuously. And yet, even after realizing that, we can continue to speak of the sunrise or sunset, still see its beauty paint it, write poems about it, even though we now know that it is a relative rather than an absolute truth. So let us continue to speak for a moment of another relative truth: the coming into form of the universe and its return to the formless, which implies the limited perspective of time, and see what relevance this has to your own life. The notion of my own life is, of course, another limited perspective created by thought, another relative truth. There is ultimately no such thing as your life, since you and life are not two, but one.A New Earth A B R I E F H I S T O R Y O F Y O U R L I F E The coming into manifestation of the world as well as its return to the unmanifested its expansion and contraction are two universal movements that we could call the outgoing and the return home. Those two movements are reflected through the universe in many ways, such as in the incessant expansion and contraction of your heart, as well as in the inhalation and exhalation of your breath. They are also reflected in the cycles of sleep and wakefulness. Each night, without knowing it, you return to the unmanifested Source of all life when you enter the stage of deep, dreamless sleep, and then reemer ge again in the morning, replenished. Those two movements, the outgoing and the return are also reflected in each person's life cycles. Out of nowhere, so to speak, you suddenly appear in this world. Birth is followed by expansion. There is not only physical growth, but also growth of knowledge, activities, possessions, experiences. Y our sphere of influence expands and life becomes increasingly complex. This is a time when you are mainly concerned with finding or pursuing your outer purpose. Usually there is also a corresponding growth of the ego, which is identification with all the above things, and so your form identity becomes more and more defined. This is also the time when outer purpose growth tends to become usurped by the ego, which unlike nature does not know when to stop in its pursuit of expansion and has a voracious appetite for more. And then just when you thought you made it or that you belong here, the return movement begins. Perhaps people close to you begin to die, people who were a part of your world. Then your physical form weakens; your sphere of influence shrinks. Instead of becoming more, you now become less, and the ego reacts to this with increasing anxiety or depression. Y our world is beginning to contract, ad you may find you are not in control anymore. Instead of acting upon life, life now acts upon you by slowlyreducing your world. The consciousness that identified with form is now experiencing the sunset, the dissolution of form. And then one day, you too disappear. Y our armchair is still there. But instead of you sitting in it, there is just an empty space. Y ou went back to where you came from just a few years ago. Each person's life each life?form, in fact represents a world, a unique way in which the universe experiences itself.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms: Most people, in their restless search for
[ 1148, 584, 649, 1518, 11, 6865, 1174, 22843, 345, 83, 5642, 11, 323, 5916, 13, 2030, 994, 584, 45493, 2085, 66744, 477, 10723, 198, 1530, 287, 11, 902, 3445, 2085, 7999, 3463, 311, 1057, 51866, 11, 584, 649, 198, 74128, 2103, 5647, 279, 19662, 8599, 2136, 30456, 1057, 21063, 198, 1073, 23490, 8821, 2574, 13, 578, 1023, 810, 6129, 2944, 369, 279, 41919, 315, 4941, 13827, 434, 374, 198, 5807, 58921, 7422, 13, 1102, 374, 994, 584, 527, 31691, 304, 92947, 519, 23914, 315, 198, 5807, 58921, 7422, 430, 279, 15861, 2216, 834, 81829, 988, 369, 603, 11, 323, 584, 198, 1497, 279, 5845, 311, 5647, 279, 83416, 2136, 315, 682, 430, 6866, 13, 53389, 15455, 8903, 709, 1139, 2324, 1752, 35603, 13, 93796, 35877, 21149, 198, 438, 40652, 1957, 48282, 704, 315, 1778, 264, 87195, 1684, 315, 8903, 662, 4452, 1174, 1070, 374, 459, 1524, 19662, 2237, 311, 279, 14512, 1109, 279, 198, 2295, 15647, 2136, 315, 4395, 304, 14209, 13, 2468, 430, 19662, 2237, 11, 682, 198, 58174, 527, 832, 13, 433, 374, 279, 8922, 11, 279, 653, 43415, 291, 832, 9601, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 198, 1712, 1752, 11478, 430, 84332, 439, 264, 15861, 33831, 304, 892, 13, 578, 4459, 374, 1903, 709, 315, 14209, 323, 21347, 11, 279, 79754, 323, 279, 198, 359, 43415, 291, 11, 279, 1917, 323, 4359, 13, 2100, 994, 499, 3719, 27210, 449, 279, 198, 67733, 11, 499, 3719, 264, 17371, 961, 315, 279, 83416, 2136, 315, 279, 198, 67733, 323, 1202, 7580, 25, 279, 991, 261, 342, 768, 315, 25917, 1139, 420, 1917, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 11, 54557, 11190, 57115, 11, 6140, 35006, 345, 1030, 2910, 85096, 11, 323, 14453, 4633, 4455, 3621, 1790, 810, 14134, 662, 22770, 50432, 2663, 14453, 62791, 459, 264, 936, 36514, 21583, 17966, 13, 1115, 198, 47321, 1070, 374, 912, 59557, 3717, 1990, 14453, 4633, 4455, 389, 1057, 198, 40846, 2237, 315, 8903, 662, 1102, 374, 459, 16335, 64050, 315, 459, 16940, 198, 93375, 4920, 279, 1917, 315, 27351, 323, 264, 19662, 8599, 4978, 267, 9379, 1057, 4059, 4250, 3619, 13, 2030, 584, 649, 387, 17371, 13324, 304, 198, 1820, 33831, 315, 430, 11478, 11, 279, 82339, 25917, 13, 22037, 6866, 304, 264, 1614, 315, 40711, 389, 24639, 449, 279, 4459, 13, 1115, 11, 369, 198, 8858, 11, 374, 3249, 912, 21907, 912, 8545, 10099, 1051, 7577, 304, 279, 72155, 198, 4338, 2352, 315, 220, 1049, 19, 13, 21347, 810, 304, 5916, 449, 279, 2458, 2786, 1109, 12966, 11, 814, 198, 29177, 5647, 279, 72155, 596, 5603, 1317, 1603, 433, 1436, 387, 3970, 477, 6755, 198, 438, 779, 1047, 892, 311, 15142, 311, 5190, 25911, 13, 19292, 1524, 430, 374, 198, 20986, 520, 433, 505, 264, 3823, 13356, 13, 2435, 4762, 1120, 1766, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 7366, 311, 5190, 25911, 13, 44245, 420, 1606, 315, 430, 374, 279, 198, 38824, 596, 1648, 315, 14713, 709, 8903, 26, 20444, 7138, 15812, 304, 40711, 198, 263, 24639, 449, 279, 4459, 13, 1102, 374, 1057, 7580, 323, 47176, 311, 4546, 264, 502, 198, 43639, 1139, 420, 1917, 555, 5496, 304, 17371, 389, 24639, 449, 279, 2458, 2786, 198, 438, 17371, 17632, 449, 20789, 11478, 13, 3053, 279, 4459, 1005, 279, 3823, 4059, 311, 1893, 2574, 477, 4546, 922, 198, 82, 33462, 811, 430, 527, 304, 17632, 449, 1202, 7580, 30, 816, 1560, 11, 15716, 1070, 374, 20343, 11, 902, 48018, 439, 304, 9090, 11, 323, 198, 306, 13092, 33990, 11, 902, 3445, 763, 4359, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 11782, 74477, 9072, 198, 3427, 288, 3117, 7953, 1148, 264, 17983, 1732, 374, 13171, 315, 732, 473, 362, 393, 350, 469, 432, 220, 350, 469, 452, 220, 362, 220, 452, 469, 468, 220, 469, 362, 432, 350, 473, 198, 32, 496, 14609, 388, 617, 11352, 6029, 311, 4284, 430, 279, 15861, 3782, 198, 18614, 14209, 37755, 7239, 1667, 4227, 304, 264, 58973, 25176, 323, 706, 198, 82850, 24050, 3596, 2533, 13, 2876, 1193, 706, 433, 1027, 24050, 11, 719, 433, 374, 1101, 198, 70, 25156, 304, 23965, 323, 10671, 810, 323, 810, 1422, 18728, 306, 10234, 13, 4427, 14248, 1101, 1772, 6468, 430, 420, 7351, 505, 31426, 311, 198, 79076, 25814, 690, 9778, 3719, 28537, 13, 578, 15861, 690, 1243, 3009, 198, 4683, 26673, 323, 3240, 311, 5226, 1578, 323, 5616, 471, 311, 279, 198, 359, 43415, 291, 11, 279, 28093, 346, 43672, 4400, 2136, 704, 315, 902, 433, 3782, 323, 198, 66372, 13454, 279, 25492, 315, 7342, 11, 14800, 11, 71895, 11, 323, 4648, 198, 33871, 323, 1578, 13, 1789, 1148, 7580, 30, 8595, 1587, 279, 15861, 733, 311, 682, 279, 198, 754, 700, 315, 6484, 30, 17501, 83323, 18587, 12897, 10789, 11, 44114, 520, 279, 198, 25030, 892, 430, 912, 37072, 1646, 1436, 3596, 8312, 279, 4320, 662, 1442, 499, 1427, 2949, 4856, 1109, 1193, 2085, 11, 4869, 1174, 499, 7142, 430, 198, 9514, 617, 459, 9358, 323, 459, 16335, 7580, 11, 323, 2533, 499, 527, 264, 8162, 9594, 21914, 198, 78098, 315, 279, 18563, 9594, 76, 11, 433, 11263, 430, 279, 15861, 2288, 706, 459, 9358, 198, 438, 16335, 7580, 54682, 50256, 505, 18821, 13, 578, 16335, 7580, 315, 279, 198, 359, 8194, 374, 311, 1893, 1376, 323, 3217, 279, 16628, 315, 7739, 279, 198, 1387, 1174, 279, 8063, 11, 279, 20156, 11, 477, 8996, 499, 5268, 311, 1650, 433, 13, 11699, 9358, 198, 77763, 374, 311, 42518, 311, 1202, 1376, 1752, 28591, 13, 5112, 4131, 279, 198, 265, 99340, 315, 16335, 323, 9358, 7580, 25, 311, 4546, 430, 28591, 198, 64589, 2136, 1139, 279, 1917, 315, 1376, 323, 28592, 5276, 279, 1917, 13, 578, 17139, 7580, 315, 430, 18475, 5900, 3117, 7953, 4205, 279, 198, 26380, 4059, 649, 13085, 477, 58389, 13, 1628, 3686, 11, 389, 420, 11841, 520, 420, 198, 1712, 11, 430, 18475, 374, 279, 3465, 92643, 603, 13, 3011, 374, 279, 58755, 198, 1073, 16335, 323, 9358, 7580, 11, 279, 58755, 315, 279, 1917, 323, 4359, 13, 13538, 584, 1427, 520, 1148, 41961, 279, 14800, 323, 71895, 315, 279, 198, 359, 8194, 706, 311, 701, 1866, 2324, 11, 584, 1205, 311, 11984, 304, 4059, 1618, 430, 4400, 198, 906, 2019, 922, 279, 7138, 315, 279, 15861, 1288, 387, 4529, 439, 459, 10973, 198, 59677, 13, 25215, 19476, 6463, 37072, 15150, 68, 649, 10552, 279, 198, 258, 26806, 13, 2360, 3463, 649, 43669, 6468, 279, 13057, 2136, 315, 279, 2458, 2786, 662, 44874, 198, 285, 264, 43790, 4459, 11, 719, 3463, 15455, 433, 709, 1139, 35603, 13, 1115, 6835, 10205, 198, 998, 16188, 5906, 716, 36028, 2637, 369, 3187, 11, 430, 1070, 527, 8821, 198, 58174, 323, 4455, 11, 477, 430, 420, 374, 279, 5353, 315, 430, 13, 7357, 3463, 24897, 198, 64, 13356, 11, 323, 1475, 13356, 11, 555, 1202, 1633, 7138, 11, 24897, 198, 9696, 367, 11, 902, 13967, 3445, 430, 433, 374, 539, 837, 11, 520, 3325, 539, 3518, 9887, 662, 8442, 279, 4459, 374, 837, 11, 719, 279, 4459, 4250, 387, 22066, 477, 198, 61665, 13, 74612, 505, 7953, 279, 9669, 315, 7422, 323, 9093, 198, 258, 884, 31882, 37864, 311, 279, 3823, 4059, 11, 4395, 374, 12765, 1457, 662, 2052, 198, 9210, 3596, 706, 1027, 477, 690, 387, 374, 1457, 1174, 4994, 315, 892, 11, 902, 374, 264, 10723, 198, 7750, 13, 1666, 459, 40134, 315, 8844, 323, 10973, 8206, 11, 2980, 279, 64919, 323, 198, 82, 37904, 13, 994, 584, 2019, 279, 7160, 38268, 304, 279, 6693, 323, 7437, 304, 279, 11714, 345, 9210, 374, 837, 719, 1193, 12309, 662, 763, 10973, 3878, 11, 433, 374, 905, 13, 8442, 505, 198, 1820, 7347, 13356, 315, 459, 22842, 389, 477, 3221, 279, 11841, 596, 7479, 1587, 198, 1820, 7160, 10205, 323, 743, 13, 1442, 499, 1051, 3117, 704, 304, 3634, 11, 499, 1053, 1518, 430, 279, 198, 40619, 14188, 38268, 6463, 7437, 11, 719, 430, 433, 65880, 31978, 662, 1628, 3686, 11, 1524, 198, 10924, 44114, 430, 11, 584, 649, 3136, 311, 6604, 315, 279, 64919, 477, 44084, 11, 2103, 198, 4151, 1202, 13444, 6308, 433, 11, 3350, 45319, 922, 433, 11, 1524, 3582, 584, 1457, 1440, 198, 9210, 433, 374, 264, 8844, 4856, 1109, 459, 10973, 8206, 13, 2100, 1095, 603, 3136, 311, 6604, 369, 264, 4545, 315, 2500, 8844, 8206, 25, 279, 198, 5065, 1139, 1376, 315, 279, 15861, 323, 1202, 471, 311, 279, 1376, 1752, 11, 902, 198, 6517, 552, 279, 7347, 13356, 315, 892, 11, 323, 1518, 1148, 41961, 420, 706, 198, 998, 701, 1866, 2324, 13, 578, 23035, 315, 856, 1866, 2324, 374, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 2500, 7347, 198, 32390, 9262, 3549, 555, 3463, 11, 2500, 8844, 8206, 13, 2684, 374, 13967, 198, 2201, 1778, 3245, 439, 701, 2324, 11, 2533, 499, 323, 2324, 527, 539, 1403, 11, 719, 832, 885, 1561, 9420, 198, 32, 220, 426, 432, 358, 469, 435, 220, 473, 358, 328, 350, 507, 432, 816, 220, 507, 435, 220, 816, 507, 549, 432, 220, 445, 358, 435, 469, 198, 791, 5108, 1139, 64050, 315, 279, 1917, 439, 1664, 439, 1202, 471, 311, 279, 198, 359, 43415, 291, 1202, 14800, 323, 71895, 527, 1403, 20789, 19567, 198, 9210, 584, 1436, 1650, 279, 37798, 323, 279, 471, 2162, 13, 13266, 1403, 198, 31061, 3808, 527, 27000, 1555, 279, 15861, 304, 1690, 5627, 11, 1778, 439, 304, 198, 1820, 92947, 519, 14800, 323, 71895, 315, 701, 4851, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 304, 279, 198, 258, 12130, 367, 323, 506, 12130, 367, 315, 701, 11745, 13, 2435, 527, 1101, 27000, 304, 279, 198, 49521, 315, 6212, 323, 15508, 31514, 13, 9062, 3814, 11, 2085, 14392, 433, 11, 499, 198, 693, 311, 279, 653, 43415, 291, 8922, 315, 682, 2324, 994, 499, 3810, 279, 6566, 315, 198, 33980, 11, 8063, 1752, 6212, 11, 323, 1243, 312, 41996, 3980, 1578, 304, 279, 6693, 345, 265, 87635, 3384, 13, 13266, 1403, 19567, 11, 279, 37798, 323, 279, 471, 527, 1101, 27000, 304, 198, 9739, 1732, 596, 2324, 25492, 13, 4470, 315, 28211, 11, 779, 311, 6604, 11, 499, 15187, 198, 41866, 304, 420, 1917, 13, 36127, 374, 8272, 555, 14800, 13, 2684, 374, 539, 1193, 198, 47692, 6650, 11, 719, 1101, 6650, 315, 6677, 11, 7640, 11, 53635, 345, 327, 69597, 13, 816, 1057, 26436, 315, 10383, 52956, 323, 2324, 9221, 198, 43842, 4522, 398, 6485, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 892, 994, 499, 527, 14918, 11920, 198, 4291, 9455, 477, 34118, 701, 16335, 7580, 13, 34067, 1070, 374, 1101, 264, 198, 6133, 6961, 287, 6650, 315, 279, 37374, 11, 902, 374, 22654, 449, 682, 279, 198, 49532, 2574, 11, 323, 779, 701, 1376, 9764, 9221, 810, 323, 810, 4613, 13, 1115, 374, 1101, 279, 892, 994, 16335, 7580, 6650, 28335, 311, 3719, 198, 355, 324, 7018, 555, 279, 37374, 11, 902, 20426, 7138, 1587, 539, 1440, 994, 311, 3009, 304, 198, 1220, 33436, 315, 14800, 323, 706, 264, 14230, 19995, 38575, 369, 810, 13, 1628, 1243, 1120, 994, 499, 3463, 499, 1903, 433, 477, 430, 499, 9352, 1618, 11, 279, 198, 693, 7351, 12302, 13, 19292, 1274, 3345, 311, 499, 3240, 311, 2815, 345, 16455, 889, 1051, 264, 961, 315, 701, 1917, 13, 5112, 701, 7106, 1376, 198, 13451, 729, 26, 701, 26436, 315, 10383, 14362, 15872, 13, 12361, 315, 10671, 810, 345, 9514, 1457, 3719, 2753, 11, 323, 279, 37374, 69945, 311, 420, 449, 7859, 18547, 198, 269, 18710, 13, 816, 1057, 1917, 374, 7314, 311, 5226, 11, 1008, 499, 1253, 1505, 499, 198, 548, 539, 304, 2585, 14926, 13, 12361, 315, 15718, 5304, 2324, 11, 2324, 1457, 14385, 198, 59723, 499, 555, 14297, 265, 1072, 6253, 701, 1917, 13, 578, 25917, 430, 11054, 449, 1376, 374, 1457, 198, 327, 32836, 11627, 279, 44084, 11, 279, 81359, 315, 1376, 13, 1628, 1243, 832, 1938, 1174, 499, 198, 37227, 32153, 662, 816, 1057, 6916, 35296, 374, 2103, 1070, 13, 2030, 4619, 315, 499, 11961, 304, 433, 345, 19041, 374, 1120, 459, 4384, 3634, 13, 816, 6033, 4024, 1203, 311, 1405, 499, 3782, 505, 1120, 198, 64, 2478, 1667, 4227, 13, 9062, 1732, 596, 2324, 1855, 2324, 30, 630, 11, 304, 2144, 11105, 264, 1917, 11, 264, 5016, 198, 3195, 304, 902, 279, 15861, 11704, 5196, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 7648, 1274, 11, 304, 872, 89358, 2778, 369 ]
as- sium. In this form salt appears to be non-toxic, and it serves the body without producing any detrimental side-effects. Common table salt is sodium chloride, in its purified state, in the absence of any other nutrients as are normally found in food. Its use as a seasoning to foods extends back to the origin of recorded history, though it was first used only at the tables of the upper classes. In the Middle Ages its use had spread to most of the European population, and about 150 years ago it was manufactured and distributed on a large scale for the first time in America. Today the substance is used in all nations by all sec- tions of the earth's civilized population. The average individual in the United States consumes from lo to 15 grams of salt each day. Our discussion here concerns the effects of the pure crystalline product, common table salt. Until a recent era no such discussion would have been possible, for salt was regarded as essential for health, without evidence, and investigations which might lead to other viewpoints had not been made. Today the old viewpoints concerning salt have been proven false in almost every particular, and medicine has established a new basis for its conclusions on the subject. However, many of the professional workers in medi- cine and the other healing arts are yet unaware of present knowl- edge concerning salt, and the layman is without opinion or he accepts the unscientific doctrines of the past. Of first consideration is the question: Is salt necessary for the support of animal life and human life, and a condition of health associated therewith? Popular conception has long decreed an affirmative answer. Wild animals are said to make use of salt licks at frequent intervals. Domestic animals are said to have a desire for salt, and the substance is provided for many of them. Primi- tive races are thought to utilize salt at every opportunity. With- out salt, it is believed, animal and human life must necessarily suffer, and possibly perish. I But is this true? In the wild animal kingdom there is very sel- dom any consumption of salt. The story of salt licks seem to be as old as history itself, but it has little basis in fact. Salt licks and outcroppings do exist, but they are not at all prevalent. Men who have been active the greater portion of their lives as hunters, fish- ermen, and trappers report that they have never seen a salt lick. It is doubtful that many wild animals see or use them either. In some areas inhabited by wild animals there are absolutely no salt licks to be found. The deer is one of the few animals that has been seen at outcroppings of salt. However, many deer live in regions where no salt exists, and upon capture they refuse all salt that is offered them. Most other wild animals also refuse salt when first offered, though a long period of captivity with salt feeding may alter the animals7 desire for the substance. Among domesticated animals salt is being used and has long been used, though not because of any expressed animal craving or because farmers have found it necessary for the animals' health. t The animals do seem to crave salt after they have used it for a time, but this is not true of the first feedings. The basic purpose of using the salt is to increase the animals7 weight more rapidly, which it does very satisfactorily. However, the abnormal increase DANGERS IN MODERN FOODS COMMON SALT in weight seems to decrease their resistance to disease, and some ailments among farm animals have been traced to their provisions of salt. Upon removing these provisions, health tends to improve. When the earth's primitive races were discovered and visited by Europeans, a few racial groups were found to use moderate to heavy amounts of salt, but the majority used no salt whatsoever. Some had no knowledge of its existence; others, who lived near the sea, had easy access to the product, but they did not use it with their food or in any other way. Dr. Benjamin Rush made a study of American Indian life at the close of the eighteenth century, and though he found the primi- tive Indians to be very healthy, he reported that he could not "find that the Indians used any salt in their diet till they were instructed to do so by Europeans17 In 1864 Dr. Hoffman wrote of his experiences with the Indians of the Western plains. Of these people he reported that "anything they could taste salt in they would invariably refuse:' and he remarked that even when hungry they would abstain from foods that had been salted. Yet he commented upon their magnificent state of health and pointed out that a "more athletic, hearty, stout and robust class of men cannot be found in the world than these very Indians:' He stated that many "of them are over six feet high, others of medium size, and they will endure more hardship, stand more fatigue, have better lungs, suffer less from sickness, live longer, on a general average, than the white race, who have all conveniences17 Many primitive racial groups of the present era, who yet adhere to the native dietary customs, abstain from salt. Some of the more primitive Indian groups of Alaska and northern Canada not only do not use salt but they undertake the most heroic measures to remove it from commercially prepared salted meat. They soak it overnight in water, then add fresh water and boil it an hour, later remove the water, then add fresh water and cook it again, simply to get a salt-free food. The arctic traveler, Vilh- jalmur Stefansson, has pointed out that the primitive Eskimos dislike salt and will never use it. On the South Sea Islands many semi-isolated Polynesian and Melanesian groups get no salt except I: 8 I that which remains on the fish they consume. In central Africa , salt is completely unknown by some of the primitive groups. Even in China salt has been a rare item of diet. One has only to go beyond the bounds of civilization to find that salt is neither regarded as necessary nor desirable. It should be clear that salt is not essential for the support of animal or human life. In nature its use is the exception rather than the general rule. A more important question, however, is still unanswered: Does the use of salt seriously interfere with health and cause physical harm? Judging from the superior physi- cal condition of both wild animals and primitive races living with- out salt one might suspect that it does, but before drawing any conclusions therefrom it is necessary to consider more definite and practical information on the subject, as well as the theoretical observations involved. Salt seems to have a deleterious effect on the process of diges- I tion. This was explained as early as 1900 by Linossier, who showed that the amount of salt consumed at any ordinary meal retarded protein digestion as much as would a reduction of 40 to 50 per cent in the amount of pepsin (the digestive ferment necessary to digest proteins). A further explanation for the digestive impair- ment may be that, in disguising the flavor of foods, salt hinders the exact adaption of the digestive juices to the particular food being eaten. ~;ke other purified minerals, salt has a tendency to raise the osmotic pressure of the body and interfere with the passage of solvent through the membrane lining of the blood vessels. As the tissues are adapted to a specific osmotic pressure at all times, any factor which tends to raise it above normal, is attracted to the kidneys for elimination through a process which physiologists define as "selective excretion17 Large amounts of salt are thus attracted to the kidneys for elimination. As the kidney tissue itself appears to be particularly sensitive to salt, in the course of time it may undergo some damage. Even in the early stages the normal excretion of water by the kidney cells may be partly in- hibited. In the latter stages there is occasionally the development COMMON SALT DANGERS IN MODERN FOODS 1 of Bright's disease. Some physicians recognize that salt is a I I I significant factor in producing this ailment, and hence they usually recommend a salt-free diet for all patients so afflicted. As the kidney function becomes impaired through the use of salt, elimination of the salt is also impaired and some of the material must then be stored in the body, until it can be elimi- nated at a more favorable opportunity. As a part of the body's regulatory apparatus, the body stores toxins and unuseable mate- rials in its comparatively inactive tissues, such as bone, cartilage, 1 and connective tissue. These tissues, particularly the subcutane- ous connective tissues, become the site for salt deposits when ~ the substance can no longer be eliminated. The salt is diluted I I with the water, the water serving to hold the salt in solution and thus protect the tissues as much as possible from irritation. By being held in the subcutaneous tissues the salt is kept from cir- culation and hence from damaging the more vital parts of the body. We thus find the development of edema - a water-logging of the tissues -which serves a physiological need and acts as a defense mechanism. The primary cause of edema in such cases I is the excessive amount of salt in the
[ 300, 12, 720, 82, 2411, 13, 763, 420, 1376, 12290, 8111, 311, 387, 2536, 4791, 14668, 11, 323, 433, 17482, 279, 720, 2664, 2085, 17843, 904, 65069, 3185, 75888, 13, 7874, 2007, 12290, 374, 39695, 82882, 11, 304, 1202, 92600, 1614, 11, 304, 720, 1820, 19821, 315, 904, 1023, 37493, 439, 527, 14614, 1766, 304, 3691, 13, 11699, 1005, 439, 264, 87319, 311, 15657, 2289, 1203, 311, 279, 6371, 315, 720, 8716, 291, 3925, 11, 3582, 433, 574, 1176, 1511, 1193, 520, 279, 12920, 315, 720, 1820, 8582, 6989, 13, 763, 279, 12877, 50093, 1202, 1005, 1047, 9041, 311, 1455, 720, 1073, 279, 7665, 7187, 11, 323, 922, 220, 3965, 1667, 4227, 433, 574, 720, 98550, 3149, 323, 4332, 389, 264, 3544, 5569, 369, 279, 1176, 892, 720, 258, 5270, 13, 11450, 279, 20278, 374, 1511, 304, 682, 17089, 555, 682, 5819, 12, 720, 83, 919, 315, 279, 9578, 596, 86079, 7187, 13, 578, 5578, 3927, 720, 258, 279, 3723, 4273, 60606, 505, 781, 311, 220, 868, 34419, 315, 12290, 1855, 720, 1316, 13, 5751, 10430, 1618, 10742, 279, 6372, 315, 279, 10748, 64568, 483, 720, 3107, 11, 4279, 2007, 12290, 13, 30070, 264, 3293, 11639, 912, 1778, 10430, 720, 41450, 617, 1027, 3284, 11, 369, 12290, 574, 27458, 439, 7718, 369, 720, 12393, 11, 2085, 6029, 11, 323, 26969, 902, 2643, 3063, 311, 720, 1605, 90909, 1047, 539, 1027, 1903, 13, 11450, 279, 2362, 90909, 18815, 12290, 617, 1027, 17033, 905, 304, 4661, 1475, 4040, 11, 720, 438, 16088, 706, 9749, 264, 502, 8197, 369, 1202, 31342, 389, 720, 1820, 3917, 13, 4452, 11, 1690, 315, 279, 6721, 7487, 304, 25098, 12, 720, 66, 483, 323, 279, 1023, 21730, 19071, 527, 3686, 41747, 315, 3118, 1440, 75, 12, 720, 7334, 18815, 12290, 11, 323, 279, 11203, 1543, 374, 2085, 9647, 477, 568, 720, 10543, 82, 279, 653, 85930, 83258, 315, 279, 3347, 13, 5046, 1176, 18361, 374, 279, 3488, 25, 2209, 12290, 5995, 369, 279, 720, 24249, 315, 10065, 2324, 323, 3823, 2324, 11, 323, 264, 3044, 315, 2890, 720, 50187, 9139, 98909, 30, 32495, 43656, 706, 1317, 9927, 291, 459, 720, 2715, 2923, 1413, 4320, 13, 13944, 10099, 527, 1071, 311, 1304, 1005, 315, 12290, 326, 5908, 720, 266, 21420, 28090, 13, 52849, 10099, 527, 1071, 311, 617, 264, 12876, 720, 2000, 12290, 11, 323, 279, 20278, 374, 3984, 369, 1690, 315, 1124, 13, 2394, 25877, 12, 720, 83, 535, 21234, 527, 3463, 311, 29166, 12290, 520, 1475, 6776, 13, 3161, 12, 720, 412, 12290, 11, 433, 374, 11846, 11, 10065, 323, 3823, 2324, 2011, 14647, 720, 82, 2084, 11, 323, 11000, 83217, 13, 358, 720, 4071, 374, 420, 837, 30, 763, 279, 8545, 10065, 26135, 1070, 374, 1633, 12069, 12, 720, 5717, 904, 15652, 315, 12290, 13, 578, 3446, 315, 12290, 326, 5908, 2873, 311, 387, 720, 300, 2362, 439, 3925, 5196, 11, 719, 433, 706, 2697, 8197, 304, 2144, 13, 28138, 326, 5908, 323, 720, 412, 38984, 604, 826, 656, 3073, 11, 719, 814, 527, 539, 520, 682, 46941, 13, 11258, 889, 720, 19553, 1027, 4642, 279, 7191, 13651, 315, 872, 6439, 439, 49073, 11, 7795, 12, 720, 60258, 11, 323, 490, 28921, 1934, 430, 814, 617, 2646, 3970, 264, 12290, 63299, 13, 1102, 374, 75699, 430, 1690, 8545, 10099, 1518, 477, 1005, 1124, 3060, 13, 763, 1063, 5789, 70598, 555, 8545, 10099, 1070, 527, 11112, 720, 2201, 12290, 326, 5908, 311, 387, 1766, 13, 578, 39149, 374, 832, 315, 279, 2478, 10099, 720, 9210, 706, 1027, 3970, 520, 704, 38984, 604, 826, 315, 12290, 13, 4452, 11, 1690, 720, 97362, 3974, 304, 13918, 1405, 912, 12290, 6866, 11, 323, 5304, 12602, 814, 720, 1116, 817, 682, 12290, 430, 374, 9076, 1124, 13, 7648, 1023, 8545, 10099, 1101, 720, 1116, 817, 12290, 994, 1176, 9076, 11, 3582, 264, 1317, 4261, 315, 84019, 720, 4291, 12290, 26040, 1253, 11857, 279, 10099, 22, 12876, 369, 279, 20278, 13, 22395, 13018, 660, 10099, 12290, 374, 1694, 1511, 323, 706, 1317, 720, 82850, 1511, 11, 3582, 539, 1606, 315, 904, 13605, 10065, 64804, 720, 269, 1606, 20957, 617, 1766, 433, 5995, 369, 279, 10099, 6, 2890, 13, 259, 578, 10099, 656, 2873, 311, 81413, 12290, 1306, 814, 617, 1511, 433, 369, 264, 720, 1712, 11, 719, 420, 374, 539, 837, 315, 279, 1176, 5510, 826, 13, 578, 6913, 7580, 720, 1073, 1701, 279, 12290, 374, 311, 5376, 279, 10099, 22, 4785, 810, 19019, 11, 720, 8370, 433, 1587, 1633, 8795, 5739, 1570, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 35663, 5376, 423, 5330, 4419, 2006, 19186, 13974, 88227, 50, 67777, 328, 36930, 720, 258, 4785, 5084, 311, 18979, 872, 13957, 311, 8624, 11, 323, 1063, 720, 607, 1392, 4315, 8961, 10099, 617, 1027, 51400, 311, 872, 19705, 720, 1073, 12290, 13, 30538, 18054, 1521, 19705, 11, 2890, 28335, 311, 7417, 13, 3277, 279, 9578, 596, 28694, 21234, 1051, 11352, 323, 12263, 720, 1729, 51607, 11, 264, 2478, 19739, 5315, 1051, 1766, 311, 1005, 24070, 311, 720, 89945, 15055, 315, 12290, 11, 719, 279, 8857, 1511, 912, 12290, 36734, 13, 4427, 1047, 912, 6677, 315, 1202, 14209, 26, 3885, 11, 889, 12439, 3221, 720, 1820, 9581, 11, 1047, 4228, 2680, 311, 279, 2027, 11, 719, 814, 1550, 539, 1005, 433, 720, 4291, 872, 3691, 477, 304, 904, 1023, 1648, 13, 2999, 13, 30411, 35175, 1903, 264, 4007, 315, 3778, 7904, 2324, 520, 279, 720, 5669, 315, 279, 8223, 62655, 9478, 11, 323, 3582, 568, 1766, 279, 9036, 72, 12, 720, 83, 535, 30507, 311, 387, 1633, 9498, 11, 568, 5068, 430, 568, 1436, 539, 720, 1, 3990, 430, 279, 30507, 1511, 904, 12290, 304, 872, 10173, 12222, 814, 1051, 720, 258, 1257, 291, 311, 656, 779, 555, 51607, 1114, 763, 220, 9714, 19, 2999, 13, 62982, 6267, 720, 1073, 813, 11704, 449, 279, 30507, 315, 279, 11104, 78466, 13, 5046, 720, 45010, 1274, 568, 5068, 430, 330, 73254, 814, 1436, 12945, 12290, 304, 720, 20670, 1053, 74614, 26122, 4989, 323, 568, 61414, 430, 1524, 994, 720, 57932, 894, 814, 1053, 63944, 467, 505, 15657, 430, 1047, 1027, 12290, 291, 13, 14968, 720, 383, 29786, 5304, 872, 41792, 1614, 315, 2890, 323, 14618, 720, 412, 430, 264, 330, 6518, 29703, 11, 82651, 11, 90772, 323, 22514, 538, 315, 3026, 720, 34360, 387, 1766, 304, 279, 1917, 1109, 1521, 1633, 30507, 4989, 1283, 11224, 720, 9210, 1690, 330, 1073, 1124, 527, 927, 4848, 7693, 1579, 11, 3885, 315, 11298, 1404, 11, 720, 438, 814, 690, 46753, 810, 67650, 11, 2559, 810, 36709, 11, 617, 720, 58234, 45274, 11, 7831, 2753, 505, 54950, 11, 3974, 5129, 11, 389, 264, 4689, 720, 17645, 11, 1109, 279, 4251, 7102, 11, 889, 617, 682, 10347, 12242, 1114, 720, 8607, 28694, 19739, 5315, 315, 279, 3118, 11639, 11, 889, 3686, 49553, 720, 998, 279, 10068, 34625, 35869, 11, 63944, 467, 505, 12290, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 720, 6518, 28694, 7904, 5315, 315, 28366, 323, 18671, 7008, 720, 1962, 1193, 656, 539, 1005, 12290, 719, 814, 49643, 279, 1455, 56375, 720, 2727, 24368, 311, 4148, 433, 505, 54453, 10235, 12290, 291, 13339, 13, 2435, 61792, 433, 25402, 304, 3090, 11, 1243, 923, 7878, 3090, 323, 44790, 720, 275, 459, 6596, 11, 3010, 4148, 279, 3090, 11, 1243, 923, 7878, 3090, 323, 4394, 720, 275, 1578, 11, 5042, 311, 636, 264, 12290, 12862, 3691, 13, 578, 802, 26636, 63865, 11, 64749, 71, 12, 720, 73, 7828, 324, 69420, 81265, 11, 706, 14618, 704, 430, 279, 28694, 59469, 25075, 720, 4338, 4908, 12290, 323, 690, 2646, 1005, 433, 13, 1952, 279, 4987, 15379, 23028, 1690, 720, 87698, 31530, 81619, 3735, 1910, 30321, 323, 11220, 14997, 1122, 5315, 636, 912, 12290, 3734, 720, 40, 25, 220, 23, 358, 430, 902, 8625, 389, 279, 7795, 814, 25024, 13, 763, 8792, 10384, 720, 11, 12290, 374, 6724, 9987, 555, 1063, 315, 279, 28694, 5315, 13, 7570, 304, 5734, 12290, 706, 1027, 264, 9024, 1537, 315, 10173, 13, 3861, 706, 1193, 311, 720, 3427, 7953, 279, 14597, 315, 36017, 311, 1505, 430, 12290, 374, 14188, 720, 1610, 21632, 439, 5995, 6463, 35946, 13, 1102, 1288, 387, 2867, 430, 12290, 374, 539, 7718, 369, 279, 1862, 315, 720, 48999, 477, 3823, 2324, 13, 763, 7138, 1202, 1005, 374, 279, 4788, 4856, 720, 54895, 279, 4689, 6037, 13, 362, 810, 3062, 3488, 11, 4869, 11, 374, 720, 44466, 76547, 25, 12838, 279, 1005, 315, 12290, 14243, 40978, 449, 720, 12393, 323, 5353, 7106, 11682, 30, 11462, 3252, 505, 279, 16757, 4571, 72, 12, 720, 5531, 3044, 315, 2225, 8545, 10099, 323, 28694, 21234, 5496, 449, 12, 720, 412, 12290, 832, 2643, 15562, 430, 433, 1587, 11, 719, 1603, 13633, 904, 720, 444, 24436, 1070, 1527, 433, 374, 5995, 311, 2980, 810, 44870, 720, 438, 15325, 2038, 389, 279, 3917, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 32887, 720, 71484, 6532, 13, 28138, 5084, 311, 617, 264, 60393, 466, 1245, 2515, 389, 279, 1920, 315, 4170, 288, 12, 720, 40, 73352, 13, 1115, 574, 11497, 439, 4216, 439, 220, 7028, 15, 555, 8732, 40329, 11, 889, 8710, 720, 9210, 279, 3392, 315, 12290, 27073, 520, 904, 19664, 15496, 98459, 720, 79565, 74502, 439, 1790, 439, 1053, 264, 14278, 315, 220, 1272, 311, 220, 1135, 824, 720, 1189, 304, 279, 3392, 315, 281, 7270, 258, 320, 1820, 60071, 68736, 5995, 311, 720, 37439, 28896, 570, 362, 4726, 16540, 369, 279, 60071, 38974, 12, 720, 479, 1253, 387, 430, 11, 304, 41877, 3876, 279, 17615, 315, 15657, 11, 12290, 305, 32551, 720, 1820, 4839, 1008, 10372, 315, 279, 60071, 65959, 311, 279, 4040, 3691, 720, 35214, 35661, 13, 4056, 26, 441, 1023, 92600, 34072, 11, 12290, 706, 264, 31954, 311, 4933, 279, 720, 437, 76, 14546, 7410, 315, 279, 2547, 323, 40978, 449, 279, 21765, 315, 720, 39298, 688, 1555, 279, 39654, 36471, 315, 279, 6680, 31080, 13, 1666, 720, 1820, 39881, 527, 30464, 311, 264, 3230, 125452, 14546, 7410, 520, 682, 3115, 11, 720, 3852, 8331, 902, 28335, 311, 4933, 433, 3485, 4725, 11, 374, 29123, 311, 720, 1820, 81960, 369, 44032, 1555, 264, 1920, 902, 4571, 72, 22012, 720, 1312, 439, 330, 1779, 535, 506, 89790, 1114, 20902, 15055, 315, 12290, 527, 8617, 720, 266, 55535, 311, 279, 81960, 369, 44032, 13, 1666, 279, 39042, 20438, 720, 275, 726, 8111, 311, 387, 8104, 16614, 311, 12290, 11, 304, 279, 3388, 315, 720, 1712, 433, 1253, 37771, 1063, 5674, 13, 7570, 304, 279, 4216, 18094, 279, 720, 8416, 506, 89790, 315, 3090, 555, 279, 39042, 7917, 1253, 387, 28135, 304, 12, 720, 93617, 13, 763, 279, 15629, 18094, 1070, 374, 23781, 279, 4500, 67777, 328, 36930, 423, 5330, 4419, 2006, 19186, 13974, 88227, 50, 720, 16, 720, 1073, 27508, 596, 8624, 13, 4427, 35944, 15641, 430, 12290, 374, 264, 720, 40, 720, 40, 358, 5199, 8331, 304, 17843, 420, 60243, 479, 11, 323, 16472, 814, 720, 44066, 7079, 264, 12290, 12862, 10173, 369, 682, 6978, 779, 92268, 13, 1666, 279, 39042, 734, 9221, 50160, 1555, 279, 1005, 315, 720, 43326, 11, 44032, 315, 279, 12290, 374, 1101, 50160, 323, 1063, 315, 279, 720, 8407, 2011, 1243, 387, 9967, 304, 279, 2547, 11, 3156, 433, 649, 387, 9961, 72, 12, 720, 77, 660, 520, 264, 810, 37849, 6776, 13, 1666, 264, 961, 315, 279, 2547, 596, 720, 1610, 38220, 41705, 11, 279, 2547, 10756, 62186, 323, 653, 817, 481, 30276, 12, 720, 462, 1147, 304, 1202, 71561, 32899, 39881, 11, 1778, 439, 17685, 11, 7558, 88076, 11, 220, 16, 720, 438, 4667, 535, 20438, 13, 4314, 39881, 11, 8104, 279, 1207, 10453, 2194, 12, 720, 788, 4667, 535, 39881, 11, 3719, 279, 2816, 369, 12290, 34751, 994, 720, 93, 279, 20278, 649, 912, 5129, 387, 34373, 13, 578, 12290, 374, 80703, 720, 40, 720, 40, 449, 279, 3090, 11, 279, 3090, 13788, 311, 3412, 279, 12290, 304, 6425, 323, 720, 34232, 6144, 279, 39881, 439, 1790, 439, 3284, 505, 66510, 13, 3296, 720, 35214, 5762, 304, 279, 1207, 10453, 18133, 39881, 279, 12290, 374, 8774, 505, 30570, 12, 720, 66, 2987, 323, 16472, 505, 34446, 279, 810, 16595, 5596, 315, 279, 720, 2664, 13, 1226, 8617, 1505, 279, 4500, 315, 1608, 9355, 482, 264, 3090, 12, 26330, 720, 1073, 279, 39881, 482, 8370, 17482, 264, 53194, 1205, 323, 14385, 439, 264, 720, 98092, 17383, 13, 578, 6156, 5353, 315, 1608, 9355, 304, 1778, 5157, 720, 40, 374, 279, 27639, 3392, 315, 12290, 304, 279 ]
the morning, drain the water and rinse the almonds. Place them in the Vitamix blender with two cups of spring water per pound of almonds. You may add one to two dates to the mixture, taking care to de-pit them. Blend the mixture on high speed until it’s smooth. (I blend them for at least two minutes.) Place your nut milk bag over a wide-mouth container. Gradually pour the blended almond mixture ST ARVING TO HEAL IN SIBERIA | 23 Copyrighted Material from the Vitamix into the nut milk bag. Squeeze the bag so that the almond milk comes out cleanly into the wide-mouth container. I like to use glass Ball jars. Add desired spices, such as cardamom, vanilla, cinna - mon, or nutmeg. Drop in a few grains of Himalayan sea salt if desired. Cover the wide-mouth container with a lid and shake the almond milk with the added spices. Consume within a few days. Dr. Filonov’s Russian Compote “Exit Juice” The cooks at Dr. Filonov’s center in Altai don’t use measuring cups. The best way to make compote is to size up your pot. I encourage you to use a small pot the first time, and add two chopped apples, or two chopped pears, and either a few dried apricots or a handful of blueberries and raisins. These fruits work best. Then fill up your pot with spring water. If you have two cups of cut fruit, perhaps aim to add four cups of water. Cover the mixture, bring it to a boil, and then turn the temperature down to let it simmer for thirty minutes or longer. You can even let it simmer on very low heat for a couple of hours, as they do in Siberia. Only consume the compote juice, and make sure that it’s served hot. This nutritious liquid is essential for rebuilding glycogen stores during exits from extended fasts. I find that a little goes a long way, but the Russian patients say, “The more Kompot, the better!” Miche’s Chopped Broom Salad In your hand-held vegetable chopper, add the following: one half cup of coarsely chopped red cabbage, one half cup of coarsely chopped fennel, one half cup of coarsely chopped greens (such as kale, spin - ach, cilantro, arugula, etc. ), one medium beet, three tablespoons of ST ARVING TO HEAL IN SIBERIA | 24 Copyrighted Material parsley, and one half of a peeled and deseeded lemon. Optionally, you can add one half of an avocado. Tightly close the cap on the vegetable chopper, and pull the cord at least twenty times to chop the vegeta - bles until they are very finely grated. Enjoy plain if you’re on the first days of your exit from fasting. Take care to therapeutically chew even though the salad is finely chopped. If you have passed the critical early exit period, then you may add a few grains of Himalayan pink sea salt, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, or a tablespoon of tahini to the chopper before you begin pulling the string. That way, they will be nicely blended into your broom salad. Enjoy as often as you wish! Variations: Include any vegetables from the sample grocery list to this mixture that you may be craving. The body may have a certain request that you may wish to honor. Garnish: You may wish to chop half of an avocado to place on top of your salad before you consume it. Miche’s Million-Dollar Sunlight Foods Salad During my lengthy raw vegan period, I invited my cousins for dinner one night. They were used to dining in Michelin-starred establishments throughout the globe, and they said, “Michelle, you could make a mil - lion dollars with this salad!” This salad is the staple of my diet, along with my broom salad, and it changes according to the seasonal organic vegetables I find at my local farmers’ markets. Chop: 3 tbsp. raw cabbage 1 head of fennel 1 cup of sprouts (broccoli sprouts are my favorite, but alfalfa or any other sprouts will work)ST ARVING TO HEAL IN SIBERIA | 25 Copyrighted Material ½ cup dandelion greens (if available in the spring) 1 endive 1 cup lacinato kale 1–3 tbsp. of fresh herbs (preferably cilantro, since it has potent chelation properties and helps expel heavy metals from the body) You may have to make this in batches in the chopper and then toss the ingredients chopped into a large salad bowl. Mix all the ingredients together in the salad bowl, then add the following ingredients, which should be hand-cut, not chopped in the vegetable chopper: 1 avocado chopped in cubes 2 tbsp. sundried tomatoes ½ cup (or more if you like) of artichoke hearts (I prefer the marinated buffalo artichokes from Whole Foods) 2 tbsp. Kalamata olives (raw if possible) 3 tbsp. raw, organic, non-GMO hemp seeds T oss with Miche’s Salad Dressing, and top with Brad’s cheddar raw veggie chips. Miche’s Salad Dressing Mix the following (which makes one serving; adjust quantities for more) with a whisk: 2 tbsp. raw, organic tahini 3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil Juice of 1 lemonST ARVING TO HEAL IN SIBERIA | 26 Copyrighted Material Dash of Himalayan sea salt T ouch of cayenne pepper or turmeric powder (if desired) Blend to your desired consistency, and toss with Miche’s salad. Raw Carrot Avocado Ginger Soup Chop one cup of carrots, and blend in the Vitamix with one avocado, one clove of garlic, one tablespoon of ginger juice (juiced in juicer), one tablespoon of lemon juice, and a dash of Himalayan pink sea salt. If you are at least five days out of your dry fast, you may add a touch of cayenne pepper or a touch of cumin and coriander powder to make it curried soup. Blend with at least one cup of hot water, or add more if you like a watery soup. This nutritious soup serves one person. Fennel Gazpacho In the Vitamix, blend one entire bulb of fennel with one clove of garlic, one avocado, and half of a cucumber. You might also add one half cup of cherry tomatoes if lectins and nightshade vegetables and fruits do not aggravate your digestive system. Add one cup of water and lemon juice, if desired. Blend until smooth, and garnish with fresh herbs— cilantro or parsley would be nice choices. Miche’s Garlic Broccoli Soup This is a warm, cooked, nourishing soup for the winter or for a heart - ier meal. Steam two cups of broccoli for five minutes until it is cooked al dente. Pour both the broccoli and the water in which it was steamed ST ARVING TO HEAL IN SIBERIA | 27 Copyrighted Material into the Vitamix. Add one cup of cilantro, one to three cloves of garlic, the juice of one lemon, and a dash of sea salt. Blend until smooth (at least two minutes). Enjoy warm! Dr. Filonov’s Fish Soup Dr. Filonov finds fish soup to be a nourishing, healing meal to be enjoyed during the up-building phase of the exit. His wife, Valentina, and his cook Tania make exceptional versions of this soup. Wash and chop two carrots, two stalks of celery, one potato, one leek, and one cup of dill. Add these to a medium-sized soup pot with one tablespoon of extra vir - gin olive oil, two bay leaves, and a dash of Himalayan sea salt. T urn the heat to medium for three to five minutes, and stir the ingredients with a wooden spoon until the olive oil is coating the vegetables and they are starting to soften. Add one quart of spring water and one to two pounds of cod with the skin removed. It will break apart into pieces. Bring the soup to a boil for one minute, and then turn the heat to medium low so that the soup can simmer until the vegetables are soft and the fish is cooked. Do not overcook; the vegetables and fish should preserve their vitality. Enjoy this nourishing soup from Siberia. Frozen Coconut Cream with Cardamom Even Dad, the Ben & Jerry’s aficionado, lights up with delight when I take a package of frozen coconut meat out of the freezer. This is a win that is sugar-free and has antimicrobial properties in the coconut. Allow one package of frozen meat from Exotic Superfoods to semi- thaw until there are still some frozen chunks but it is pliable. Add it to the Vitamix along with one half to one cup of either coconut water or coconut milk. Season with your favorite spices. Mine are one teaspoon ST ARVING TO HEAL IN SIBERIA | 28 Copyrighted Material of cardamom, one teaspoon of vanilla, and one pitted date (optional). Cinnamon and nutmeg are also delicious choices. If you are feeling decadent, you may even add two tablespoons of raw c
[ 279, 6693, 11, 24659, 279, 3090, 323, 74341, 279, 88922, 13, 11004, 1124, 304, 279, 29560, 309, 953, 62895, 449, 1403, 26446, 315, 10683, 3090, 824, 720, 79, 801, 315, 88922, 13, 1472, 1253, 923, 832, 311, 1403, 13003, 311, 279, 21655, 11, 4737, 720, 10727, 311, 409, 2320, 275, 1124, 13, 55248, 279, 21655, 389, 1579, 4732, 3156, 433, 753, 11113, 13, 320, 40, 20955, 1124, 369, 520, 3325, 1403, 4520, 6266, 11004, 701, 10184, 14403, 9145, 927, 720, 64, 7029, 92139, 5593, 13, 22547, 1870, 5019, 279, 55645, 63168, 21655, 4015, 6395, 53, 1753, 5257, 11947, 984, 2006, 328, 3336, 643, 5987, 765, 220, 1419, 198, 13857, 291, 10441, 198, 1527, 279, 29560, 309, 953, 1139, 279, 10184, 14403, 9145, 13, 328, 19901, 279, 9145, 779, 430, 279, 720, 278, 12669, 14403, 4131, 704, 97975, 1139, 279, 7029, 92139, 5593, 13, 358, 1093, 311, 720, 817, 9168, 13131, 61111, 13, 2758, 12974, 49659, 11, 1778, 439, 3786, 309, 316, 11, 33165, 11, 8628, 3458, 18722, 1677, 11, 477, 10184, 71376, 13, 16110, 304, 264, 2478, 41936, 315, 76438, 44957, 9581, 12290, 422, 12974, 13, 18230, 279, 7029, 92139, 5593, 449, 264, 27431, 323, 27116, 279, 63168, 14403, 720, 4291, 279, 3779, 49659, 13, 1221, 32423, 2949, 264, 2478, 2919, 13, 2999, 662, 16807, 263, 869, 753, 8690, 13620, 1295, 1054, 15699, 66851, 89874, 791, 73527, 520, 2999, 13, 16807, 263, 869, 753, 4219, 304, 24610, 2192, 1541, 1431, 1005, 30090, 26446, 13, 578, 1888, 1648, 311, 1304, 1391, 1295, 374, 311, 1404, 709, 701, 3419, 13, 358, 15253, 720, 9514, 311, 1005, 264, 2678, 3419, 279, 1176, 892, 11, 323, 923, 1403, 38525, 41776, 11, 720, 269, 1403, 38525, 281, 7596, 11, 323, 3060, 264, 2478, 32720, 21726, 292, 2469, 477, 264, 23810, 720, 1073, 6437, 36989, 323, 6503, 1354, 13, 4314, 26390, 990, 1888, 13, 5112, 5266, 709, 701, 720, 19644, 449, 10683, 3090, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 1403, 26446, 315, 4018, 14098, 11, 8530, 9395, 720, 998, 923, 3116, 26446, 315, 3090, 13, 18230, 279, 21655, 11, 4546, 433, 311, 264, 44790, 11, 323, 720, 3473, 2543, 279, 9499, 1523, 311, 1095, 433, 62915, 369, 27219, 4520, 720, 269, 5129, 13, 1472, 649, 1524, 1095, 433, 62915, 389, 1633, 3428, 8798, 369, 264, 5743, 315, 720, 31482, 11, 439, 814, 656, 304, 68600, 689, 13, 8442, 25024, 279, 1391, 1295, 23661, 11, 323, 720, 7072, 2771, 430, 433, 753, 10434, 4106, 13, 1115, 78216, 14812, 374, 7718, 369, 720, 265, 24177, 72157, 11968, 10756, 2391, 43186, 505, 11838, 5043, 82, 13, 358, 1505, 720, 9210, 264, 2697, 5900, 264, 1317, 1648, 11, 719, 279, 8690, 6978, 2019, 11, 1054, 791, 810, 720, 42, 14773, 354, 1174, 279, 2731, 18319, 198, 44, 12333, 753, 921, 18033, 426, 3039, 64646, 198, 644, 701, 1450, 58606, 36581, 523, 18994, 11, 923, 279, 2768, 25, 832, 4376, 10747, 720, 1073, 1080, 1590, 989, 38525, 2579, 74873, 11, 832, 4376, 10747, 315, 1080, 1590, 989, 38525, 720, 69, 2734, 301, 11, 832, 4376, 10747, 315, 1080, 1590, 989, 38525, 52011, 320, 21470, 439, 63577, 11, 12903, 18722, 613, 11, 62444, 87290, 11, 802, 773, 5724, 11, 5099, 13, 7026, 832, 11298, 49112, 11, 2380, 56588, 315, 4015, 6395, 53, 1753, 5257, 11947, 984, 2006, 328, 3336, 643, 5987, 765, 220, 1187, 198, 13857, 291, 10441, 198, 73480, 3258, 11, 323, 832, 4376, 315, 264, 83612, 323, 951, 12320, 291, 30564, 13, 97295, 11, 499, 720, 4919, 923, 832, 4376, 315, 459, 68346, 13, 350, 73048, 3345, 279, 2107, 389, 279, 36581, 720, 331, 18994, 11, 323, 6958, 279, 23125, 520, 3325, 17510, 3115, 311, 48094, 279, 13294, 64, 18722, 39863, 3156, 814, 527, 1633, 61802, 97276, 13, 23485, 14733, 422, 499, 3207, 389, 279, 1176, 720, 14097, 315, 701, 4974, 505, 54560, 13, 12040, 2512, 311, 9139, 27596, 2740, 37433, 1524, 720, 4636, 279, 33566, 374, 61802, 38525, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 5946, 279, 9200, 720, 22928, 4974, 4261, 11, 1243, 499, 1253, 923, 264, 2478, 41936, 315, 76438, 44957, 18718, 720, 37541, 12290, 11, 264, 62611, 315, 5066, 36999, 33213, 5707, 11, 477, 264, 62611, 315, 91193, 6729, 720, 998, 279, 523, 18994, 1603, 499, 3240, 23062, 279, 925, 13, 3011, 1648, 11, 814, 690, 720, 1395, 29921, 55645, 1139, 701, 2967, 316, 33566, 13, 23485, 439, 3629, 439, 499, 6562, 0, 28968, 811, 25, 30834, 904, 24822, 505, 279, 6205, 30687, 1160, 311, 420, 720, 76, 13025, 430, 499, 1253, 387, 64804, 13, 578, 2547, 1253, 617, 264, 3738, 1715, 720, 9210, 499, 1253, 6562, 311, 16044, 13, 65132, 819, 25, 1472, 1253, 6562, 311, 48094, 4376, 315, 459, 68346, 311, 2035, 389, 1948, 720, 1073, 701, 33566, 1603, 499, 25024, 433, 13, 63800, 753, 34629, 9607, 21999, 8219, 4238, 40160, 64646, 198, 16397, 856, 35306, 7257, 30249, 4261, 11, 358, 18719, 856, 61007, 369, 14177, 720, 606, 3814, 13, 2435, 1051, 1511, 311, 18397, 304, 5384, 33830, 21337, 1171, 63337, 720, 20322, 412, 279, 24867, 11, 323, 814, 1071, 11, 1054, 83862, 11, 499, 1436, 1304, 264, 7625, 18722, 79251, 11441, 449, 420, 33566, 18319, 1115, 33566, 374, 279, 50056, 315, 856, 10173, 11, 3235, 720, 4291, 856, 2967, 316, 33566, 11, 323, 433, 4442, 4184, 311, 279, 36899, 17808, 720, 83571, 4893, 358, 1505, 520, 856, 2254, 20957, 529, 11987, 13, 65097, 512, 18, 64975, 13, 7257, 74873, 198, 16, 2010, 315, 282, 2734, 301, 198, 16, 10747, 315, 8314, 11934, 320, 15222, 60803, 8314, 11934, 527, 856, 7075, 11, 719, 85766, 85526, 720, 269, 904, 1023, 8314, 11934, 690, 990, 8, 790, 6395, 53, 1753, 5257, 11947, 984, 2006, 328, 3336, 643, 5987, 765, 220, 914, 198, 13857, 291, 10441, 198, 27154, 10747, 294, 38221, 290, 52011, 320, 333, 2561, 304, 279, 10683, 340, 16, 842, 535, 198, 16, 10747, 326, 40488, 4428, 63577, 198, 16, 4235, 18, 64975, 13, 315, 7878, 42393, 320, 81160, 2915, 62444, 87290, 11, 2533, 433, 706, 720, 19644, 306, 523, 301, 367, 6012, 323, 8779, 1367, 301, 8987, 37182, 720, 1527, 279, 2547, 340, 2675, 1253, 617, 311, 1304, 420, 304, 45892, 304, 279, 523, 18994, 323, 1243, 26251, 279, 720, 39220, 38525, 1139, 264, 3544, 33566, 19763, 13, 19771, 682, 279, 14293, 720, 998, 3522, 304, 279, 33566, 19763, 11, 1243, 923, 279, 2768, 14293, 11, 902, 720, 5562, 387, 1450, 43321, 11, 539, 38525, 304, 279, 36581, 523, 18994, 512, 16, 68346, 38525, 304, 55204, 198, 17, 64975, 13, 51682, 4588, 41613, 198, 27154, 10747, 320, 269, 810, 422, 499, 1093, 8, 315, 1989, 718, 4845, 23492, 320, 40, 10932, 279, 720, 5730, 15846, 82455, 1989, 718, 8099, 505, 41593, 40160, 340, 17, 64975, 13, 735, 17243, 460, 8492, 1924, 320, 1059, 422, 3284, 340, 18, 64975, 13, 7257, 11, 17808, 11, 2536, 12279, 10754, 42063, 19595, 198, 51, 31159, 449, 63800, 753, 64646, 29318, 287, 11, 323, 1948, 449, 17478, 753, 523, 78716, 7257, 720, 588, 14736, 648, 24512, 13, 63800, 753, 64646, 29318, 287, 198, 59183, 279, 2768, 320, 8370, 3727, 832, 13788, 26, 7652, 33776, 369, 810, 8, 720, 4291, 264, 41759, 512, 17, 64975, 13, 7257, 11, 17808, 91193, 6729, 198, 18, 64975, 13, 5066, 36999, 33213, 5707, 198, 63704, 560, 315, 220, 16, 30564, 790, 6395, 53, 1753, 5257, 11947, 984, 2006, 328, 3336, 643, 5987, 765, 220, 1627, 198, 13857, 291, 10441, 198, 43363, 315, 76438, 44957, 9581, 12290, 198, 51, 220, 3102, 315, 272, 352, 26193, 25349, 477, 13535, 2165, 17138, 320, 333, 12974, 340, 46100, 311, 701, 12974, 29237, 11, 323, 26251, 449, 63800, 753, 33566, 13, 23886, 3341, 4744, 7671, 47282, 68394, 61434, 198, 1163, 454, 832, 10747, 315, 62517, 11, 323, 20955, 304, 279, 29560, 309, 953, 449, 832, 68346, 11, 720, 606, 5405, 588, 315, 31735, 11, 832, 62611, 315, 44768, 23661, 320, 8783, 7725, 304, 10479, 13296, 705, 720, 606, 62611, 315, 30564, 23661, 11, 323, 264, 24858, 315, 76438, 44957, 18718, 9581, 12290, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 520, 3325, 4330, 2919, 704, 315, 701, 9235, 5043, 11, 499, 1253, 923, 264, 5916, 720, 1073, 272, 352, 26193, 25349, 477, 264, 5916, 315, 272, 10318, 323, 1867, 72, 8363, 17138, 311, 1304, 720, 275, 2917, 4588, 19724, 13, 55248, 449, 520, 3325, 832, 10747, 315, 4106, 3090, 11, 477, 923, 810, 720, 333, 499, 1093, 264, 30125, 727, 19724, 13, 1115, 78216, 19724, 17482, 832, 1732, 13, 435, 2734, 301, 44392, 79, 64529, 198, 644, 279, 29560, 309, 953, 11, 20955, 832, 4553, 46912, 315, 282, 2734, 301, 449, 832, 5405, 588, 315, 31735, 11, 720, 606, 68346, 11, 323, 4376, 315, 264, 66032, 13, 1472, 2643, 1101, 923, 832, 4376, 10747, 720, 1073, 41980, 41613, 422, 16920, 1354, 323, 3814, 87154, 24822, 323, 26390, 656, 720, 1962, 46041, 349, 701, 60071, 1887, 13, 2758, 832, 10747, 315, 3090, 323, 30564, 720, 8783, 560, 11, 422, 12974, 13, 55248, 3156, 11113, 11, 323, 61016, 819, 449, 7878, 42393, 2345, 198, 82123, 87290, 477, 88621, 1053, 387, 6555, 11709, 13, 63800, 753, 95825, 6031, 60803, 61434, 198, 2028, 374, 264, 8369, 11, 30205, 11, 46798, 11218, 19724, 369, 279, 12688, 477, 369, 264, 4851, 18722, 1291, 15496, 13, 22578, 1403, 26446, 315, 79276, 369, 4330, 4520, 3156, 433, 374, 30205, 453, 720, 67, 6960, 13, 27058, 2225, 279, 79276, 323, 279, 3090, 304, 902, 433, 574, 4179, 3690, 4015, 6395, 53, 1753, 5257, 11947, 984, 2006, 328, 3336, 643, 5987, 765, 220, 1544, 198, 13857, 291, 10441, 198, 18614, 279, 29560, 309, 953, 13, 2758, 832, 10747, 315, 62444, 87290, 11, 832, 311, 2380, 85388, 315, 31735, 11, 720, 1820, 23661, 315, 832, 30564, 11, 323, 264, 24858, 315, 9581, 12290, 13, 55248, 3156, 11113, 320, 266, 720, 56371, 1403, 4520, 570, 23485, 8369, 0, 2999, 662, 16807, 263, 869, 753, 17019, 61434, 198, 9023, 13, 16807, 263, 869, 14035, 7795, 19724, 311, 387, 264, 46798, 11218, 11, 21730, 15496, 311, 387, 14333, 720, 82977, 279, 709, 52499, 10474, 315, 279, 4974, 13, 5414, 7555, 11, 4196, 24856, 11, 323, 813, 720, 87895, 350, 9345, 1304, 25363, 11028, 315, 420, 19724, 13, 6113, 323, 48094, 1403, 720, 7063, 90329, 11, 1403, 55972, 82, 315, 70121, 11, 832, 39834, 11, 832, 514, 1247, 11, 323, 832, 10747, 315, 294, 484, 13, 2758, 1521, 311, 264, 11298, 28935, 19724, 3419, 449, 832, 62611, 315, 5066, 9043, 18722, 8326, 33213, 5707, 11, 1403, 23542, 11141, 11, 323, 264, 24858, 315, 76438, 44957, 9581, 12290, 13, 350, 66967, 279, 720, 20559, 311, 11298, 369, 2380, 311, 4330, 4520, 11, 323, 23935, 279, 14293, 449, 720, 64, 23162, 46605, 3156, 279, 33213, 5707, 374, 41394, 279, 24822, 323, 814, 527, 720, 40389, 311, 81045, 13, 2758, 832, 41376, 315, 10683, 3090, 323, 832, 311, 1403, 16701, 720, 1073, 20950, 449, 279, 6930, 7108, 13, 1102, 690, 1464, 10980, 1139, 9863, 13, 40224, 279, 720, 90642, 311, 264, 44790, 369, 832, 9568, 11, 323, 1243, 2543, 279, 8798, 311, 11298, 3428, 720, 708, 430, 279, 19724, 649, 62915, 3156, 279, 24822, 527, 8579, 323, 279, 7795, 374, 720, 99797, 13, 3234, 539, 927, 87895, 26, 279, 24822, 323, 7795, 1288, 21813, 872, 720, 85, 2223, 488, 13, 23485, 420, 46798, 11218, 19724, 505, 68600, 689, 13, 58846, 72379, 30800, 449, 6938, 309, 316, 198, 13461, 33621, 11, 279, 7505, 612, 29808, 753, 94905, 2172, 11, 13001, 709, 449, 18454, 994, 358, 720, 23609, 264, 6462, 315, 20268, 34557, 13339, 704, 315, 279, 50685, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 3243, 720, 9210, 374, 13465, 12862, 323, 706, 79312, 83059, 6012, 304, 279, 34557, 13, 27628, 832, 6462, 315, 20268, 13339, 505, 1398, 14546, 7445, 96420, 311, 18768, 7058, 339, 675, 3156, 1070, 527, 2103, 1063, 20268, 27855, 719, 433, 374, 628, 2205, 13, 2758, 433, 311, 720, 1820, 29560, 309, 953, 3235, 449, 832, 4376, 311, 832, 10747, 315, 3060, 34557, 3090, 477, 720, 1030, 27357, 14403, 13, 14598, 449, 701, 7075, 49659, 13, 31783, 527, 832, 42384, 4015, 6395, 53, 1753, 5257, 11947, 984, 2006, 328, 3336, 643, 5987, 765, 220, 1591, 198, 13857, 291, 10441, 198, 1073, 3786, 309, 316, 11, 832, 42384, 315, 33165, 11, 323, 832, 281, 3847, 2457, 320, 13099, 570, 356, 40435, 323, 10184, 71376, 527, 1101, 18406, 11709, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 8430, 720, 8332, 329, 306, 11, 499, 1253, 1524, 923, 1403, 56588, 315, 7257, 272 ]
result, he carne to the writer's laboratory and discussed the ques­ tion of whether or not the electro-metric timing of ovulation could be used in connection with artificial insemina tion. More­ over, because the reports indicated that electro-metric records suggested relationship between the developing ovaries and its follicle, he further questioned whether or not they might not be used to detect cancer. The result was a rewarding and very fruit­ ful association over a number of years. Starting with the assumption that the electro-metric peaks occurring during the menstrual cycle of normal women indicated ovulation, Dr. Langman decided to use the technique as a means of determining when best to employ artificial insemination. As a result, he was equipped with the necessary technical apparatus, including the electrode, the high input impedance amplifier and the G. E. photoelectric recorder. Since Dr. Langman had had indifferent success in a series of ten cases, using other timing procedures, artificial insemination 53 THE FE MALE FIELD was attempted in those instances when the electro-metric shift indicated that ovulation had recently occurred. To his and our delight, the average of successes was considera bly higher using the electro-metric technique than that employed by other methods of timing ovulation. It seemed clear, however, that Dr. Langman's main interest was not only in the timing of ovulation, but also in the problem of malignancy in the generative tract in women. Fortunately, through a grant, and with the cooperation of the Bellevue Hospital Gynaecological Service, more than a hundred patients were examined electro-metrically. The records were kept carefully and a marked voltage gradient between cervix of the uterus and a reference electrode on the ventral abdominal wall often appeared on the recording galvanometer. After a sufficient number of tests had been run to make sure we were dealing with a valid finding, Dr. Langman and his assistant examined something in the neighbourhood of one thousand patients. These patients were on the wards of the hospital and were subject to a variety of syndromes. They in­ cluded fibromas, as well as the usual run of pathological events in the generative tract of these women. In those that showed a marked change in the voltage gradient between the cervix and the ventral abdominal wall, careful watch was kept through sub­ sequent laparotomy. There were a hundred and two cases where there was a sig­ nificant shift in the voltage gradient, suggesting malignancy. Surgical con�rmation was found in ninety-�ve of the hundred and two cases. The actual position of the malignancy varied all the way from the fundus, to the tubes and to the ovarian tissue itself. It is interesting to note that the electro-metric evidence of sharp volt­ age change occurred in malignancies found not only in the im­ mediate vicinity of the cervix but also through all the rest of the generative tract, including the ovary itself. Thus we had an astonishingly high percentage of successful identification of r:J.alignancy in the generative tract, confirmed by biopsy. The fact tha t malignancy in the ovarian tissue was recognized electro -metrically, and confirmed by biopsy-even though the 54 THE FEMALE FIELD malignant tissue was several centimet res distant from the active electrode in contact with the cervix-is in line with the dista nt readings of the EKe and EEe. The order of magnitude of these changes in voltage gradient was such that the possibility of changing pH of the generative tract could be ruled out. Surprisingly enough, these findings were never picked up in the literature and have not been extended further or repeated under other conditions. This probably is because it is difficult for people to recognize that these changes represent changes in the �eld of the system; and, therefore-as in the case of the EKe and the EEe-the active electrode need not be in direct contact with the tissue which is showing the greatest changes in voltage gradient. It took over thirty years before the EKe was perfected to the point where it could become a useful adjunct in the clinician's office. By that time the empirical results were so clear-cut that the value of the electro-cardiogram could not be questioned. The explanation of EKe, however, has never been really unravelled satisfactorily. The fact that the electrodes do not have to be in contact with the heart, that the change is exceedingly rapid and cannot be explained by electro-phoresis or any of the other simple answers to the transmission of changes of voltage gradient, was finally ignored because of the value of the empirical results. Similarly, in the case of the electrical ovulation changes and the malignancy changes in the generative tract of women, it is not necessary for the electrode to be in direct contact with the tissue showing the great change. But the voltage-change is trans­ mitted over a distance promptly and in such a form that at present the only successful explanation is that the electro­ metric characters of tissue, in general, and of the generative tract, in particular, are transmitted by the primary electro­ dynamic field. 6 The results reported above suggested that the relationship be­ tween ovulation and menstruation was not on quite such a firm 55 THE FE MALE FIELD foundation as had been generally assumed. There can be no ques­ tion that the chemistry of the endocrines is an important factor in these activities of the generative tract. Primarily, however, the chemistry provides the energy necessary for these activities, and it has been almost entirely overlooked that the chemistry involved in any physiological process must, necessarily, have direction. The source of this direction can be assumed safely to be the result of the activity of the nervous system and there is plenty of evidence in the literature to suggest that in the hypothalamic region of the brain there are nuclear masses whic h are concerned primarily with the onset of ovulation, its completion and, also, that another set of neural mechanisms has equal control over the menstrual cycle. While experiments on ovulation in humans were going on, parallel studies were carried out on experimental animals. With the co-operation of the distinguished gynaecologist, Dr. Luther Musselman, also Dr. Dorothy Barton, Dr. John Boling, and Dr. Vincent Gott, and numerous patient and cooperative subjects, studies were carried out on rats, in particular, on rabbits, cats, and so on. Various stages in the oestrous cycle in animals were found to have electro-metric correlates which are valuable indi­ cators of the kind of physiological processes which are going on during menstruation, and during the whole cycle of oestrous phenomena. In addition to the original findings on the rabbit, Dr. Gott, in particular, extended them to the ovulation phenom­ ena in monkeys. As a result of the very generous cooperation of Dr. Gertrude Van Wagenen. it was possible for Dr. Gott to study the ovulation problem in a group of Rhesus females. Five animals, for a total of twelve menstrual cycles, were studied. It was found that in ten out of twelve cycles there was a significant and consistent peak of negative voltage that was higher than any other peak in the cycle and. because of its distinctive pattern, may be distinguished from any other peaks in the cycle. This distinctive peak occurred in every cycle between the eleventh and fourteenth day, and this is the period in which most of the ovulations are known to occur. It is believed that this distinctive and reproducible peak is the 56 THE FEMALE FIELD electrical concomitant of ovulation. Possibly the two cycles without a significant peak, between the eleventh and fourteenth days, are anovulatory cycles which are fairly common in the monkey. Bi-weekly or weekly records of the abdominal vaginal potential difference were made in two monkeys from the date of conception until delivery six months later. In other animals, records were taken from the second month of pregnancy to the date of delivery. The records tend to level out somewhat as pregnancy pro­ ceeds, so that by the third month the graph is almost a horizontal line. The cervix remains negative after the second week of preg­ nancy until the beginning of the third month, except for rare instances when it becomes positive. By the third month, the voltage has dropped to near the zero line where it hovers until delivery. Despite these characteristics which differentiate pregnancy from the menstrual cycle, there are no significan t and consistent changes during the first month of pregnancy that might permit the detection of pregnancy a few days after conception. These results, together with the findings of Dr. John Boling in the oestrous cycle of the rat, make it quite clear that electro­ metrics of the field characteristics of the living organism can provide useful information about the whole physiology of the generative tract. Since all of these experiments stemmed from the basic assump­ tion that the living organism possesses an electro-dynam ic field as a whole, with constituent and subsidiary parts or local fields, which are specific components of the living system, the well­ controlled experimental findings confirmed the general validity of the primary assumption. Any individual component of the whole system has, of course, its own characteristic field which is a part of the field of the
[ 1407, 11, 568, 95954, 311, 279, 7061, 596, 27692, 323, 14407, 279, 92484, 5879, 198, 28491, 315, 3508, 477, 539, 279, 25396, 1474, 16743, 18912, 315, 25568, 2987, 720, 29177, 387, 1511, 304, 3717, 449, 21075, 54682, 76535, 73352, 13, 4497, 5879, 198, 2017, 11, 1606, 279, 6821, 16717, 430, 25396, 1474, 16743, 7576, 720, 82, 54376, 5133, 1990, 279, 11469, 66168, 552, 323, 1202, 720, 8566, 416, 273, 11, 568, 4726, 29440, 3508, 477, 539, 814, 2643, 539, 387, 720, 2656, 311, 11388, 9572, 13, 578, 1121, 574, 264, 42093, 323, 1633, 14098, 5879, 198, 1285, 15360, 927, 264, 1396, 315, 1667, 13, 28757, 449, 279, 25329, 430, 279, 25396, 1474, 16743, 40035, 720, 511, 46839, 2391, 279, 78727, 11008, 315, 4725, 3278, 16717, 720, 869, 2987, 11, 2999, 13, 23272, 1543, 6773, 311, 1005, 279, 15105, 439, 264, 3445, 720, 1073, 26679, 994, 1888, 311, 3539, 21075, 54682, 33196, 13, 1666, 720, 64, 1121, 11, 568, 574, 19167, 449, 279, 5995, 11156, 41705, 11, 720, 16564, 279, 72048, 11, 279, 1579, 1988, 91048, 61166, 323, 720, 1820, 480, 13, 469, 13, 6685, 64465, 49935, 13, 8876, 2999, 13, 23272, 1543, 1047, 1047, 80008, 2450, 304, 264, 4101, 315, 720, 2002, 5157, 11, 1701, 1023, 18912, 16346, 11, 21075, 54682, 33196, 720, 4331, 3247, 29031, 9917, 877, 41378, 720, 16514, 17644, 304, 1884, 13422, 994, 279, 25396, 1474, 16743, 6541, 720, 485, 10297, 430, 25568, 2987, 1047, 6051, 10222, 13, 2057, 813, 323, 1057, 720, 9783, 492, 11, 279, 5578, 315, 48188, 574, 2980, 64, 293, 398, 5190, 1701, 720, 1820, 25396, 1474, 16743, 15105, 1109, 430, 20011, 555, 1023, 720, 36842, 315, 18912, 25568, 2987, 13, 1102, 9508, 2867, 11, 4869, 11, 430, 2999, 13, 23272, 1543, 596, 1925, 2802, 720, 16514, 539, 1193, 304, 279, 18912, 315, 25568, 2987, 11, 719, 1101, 304, 279, 3575, 720, 1073, 60327, 6709, 304, 279, 1803, 1413, 42929, 304, 3278, 13, 42536, 11, 1555, 264, 13500, 11, 323, 449, 279, 23915, 315, 279, 720, 22404, 3532, 361, 15429, 480, 53444, 762, 5848, 5475, 11, 810, 1109, 264, 7895, 720, 81437, 1051, 25078, 25396, 1474, 16743, 750, 13, 578, 7576, 1051, 720, 99020, 15884, 323, 264, 13160, 22465, 20779, 1990, 52664, 953, 315, 720, 1820, 85656, 323, 264, 5905, 72048, 389, 279, 10594, 3545, 57056, 720, 16836, 3629, 9922, 389, 279, 14975, 15730, 16023, 21037, 662, 4740, 264, 14343, 1396, 315, 7177, 1047, 1027, 1629, 311, 1304, 2771, 720, 906, 1051, 14892, 449, 264, 2764, 9455, 11, 2999, 13, 23272, 1543, 323, 813, 720, 78191, 25078, 2555, 304, 279, 40442, 315, 832, 720, 339, 52949, 6978, 13, 4314, 6978, 1051, 389, 279, 78251, 315, 279, 720, 71127, 323, 1051, 3917, 311, 264, 8205, 315, 22013, 442, 288, 13, 2435, 304, 5879, 198, 10391, 16178, 442, 300, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 13783, 1629, 315, 89961, 4455, 720, 258, 279, 1803, 1413, 42929, 315, 1521, 3278, 13, 763, 1884, 430, 8710, 264, 720, 47462, 2349, 304, 279, 22465, 20779, 1990, 279, 52664, 953, 323, 720, 1820, 10594, 3545, 57056, 7147, 11, 16994, 3821, 574, 8774, 1555, 1207, 5879, 198, 72457, 24301, 277, 85995, 13, 2684, 1051, 264, 7895, 323, 1403, 5157, 1405, 1070, 574, 264, 8531, 5879, 198, 77, 34828, 6541, 304, 279, 22465, 20779, 11, 23377, 60327, 6709, 13, 71212, 390, 5809, 8892, 367, 574, 1766, 304, 78976, 12, 5809, 588, 315, 279, 7895, 720, 438, 1403, 5157, 13, 578, 5150, 2361, 315, 279, 60327, 6709, 28830, 682, 279, 1648, 505, 720, 1820, 3887, 355, 11, 311, 279, 34083, 323, 311, 279, 85542, 20438, 5196, 13, 1102, 374, 720, 88657, 311, 5296, 430, 279, 25396, 1474, 16743, 6029, 315, 17676, 16798, 5879, 198, 425, 2349, 10222, 304, 60327, 32737, 1766, 539, 1193, 304, 279, 737, 5879, 198, 14978, 53851, 315, 279, 52664, 953, 719, 1101, 1555, 682, 279, 2800, 315, 720, 1820, 1803, 1413, 42929, 11, 2737, 279, 25568, 661, 5196, 13, 14636, 584, 1047, 459, 720, 96091, 11218, 398, 1579, 11668, 315, 6992, 22654, 315, 720, 81, 25, 41, 66500, 6709, 304, 279, 1803, 1413, 42929, 11, 11007, 555, 99647, 13, 578, 2144, 49588, 259, 60327, 6709, 304, 279, 85542, 20438, 574, 15324, 720, 19493, 299, 482, 16282, 750, 11, 323, 11007, 555, 99647, 92631, 3582, 279, 720, 4370, 3247, 435, 89399, 41378, 720, 76, 6750, 519, 20438, 574, 3892, 2960, 86366, 594, 29827, 505, 279, 4642, 720, 19493, 299, 451, 304, 3729, 449, 279, 52664, 953, 31530, 304, 1584, 449, 279, 1612, 64, 32512, 720, 888, 826, 315, 279, 469, 6746, 323, 42452, 68, 13, 578, 2015, 315, 26703, 315, 1521, 720, 19926, 304, 22465, 20779, 574, 1778, 430, 279, 13336, 315, 720, 52813, 37143, 315, 279, 1803, 1413, 42929, 1436, 387, 21989, 704, 13, 8242, 49264, 3403, 11, 1521, 14955, 1051, 2646, 13061, 709, 304, 720, 1820, 17649, 323, 617, 539, 1027, 11838, 4726, 477, 11763, 720, 8154, 1023, 4787, 13, 1115, 4762, 374, 1606, 433, 374, 5107, 369, 720, 16455, 311, 15641, 430, 1521, 4442, 4097, 4442, 304, 279, 720, 5809, 789, 315, 279, 1887, 26, 323, 11, 9093, 33534, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 279, 469, 6746, 323, 720, 1820, 42452, 68, 10826, 4642, 72048, 1205, 539, 387, 304, 2167, 3729, 449, 720, 1820, 20438, 902, 374, 9204, 279, 12474, 4442, 304, 22465, 720, 27492, 13, 1102, 3952, 927, 27219, 1667, 1603, 279, 469, 6746, 574, 95246, 311, 279, 720, 2837, 1405, 433, 1436, 3719, 264, 5505, 90695, 304, 279, 9400, 12734, 596, 720, 27614, 13, 3296, 430, 892, 279, 46763, 3135, 1051, 779, 2867, 43321, 430, 720, 1820, 907, 315, 279, 25396, 21099, 72, 13255, 1436, 539, 387, 29440, 13, 578, 720, 327, 36990, 315, 469, 6746, 11, 4869, 11, 706, 2646, 1027, 2216, 75073, 839, 720, 82, 7630, 5739, 1570, 13, 578, 2144, 430, 279, 80390, 656, 539, 617, 311, 387, 304, 720, 6421, 449, 279, 4851, 11, 430, 279, 2349, 374, 76821, 11295, 323, 720, 34360, 387, 11497, 555, 25396, 63837, 4692, 285, 477, 904, 315, 279, 1023, 4382, 720, 25739, 311, 279, 18874, 315, 4442, 315, 22465, 20779, 11, 574, 720, 40276, 12305, 1606, 315, 279, 907, 315, 279, 46763, 3135, 13, 35339, 11, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 279, 20314, 25568, 2987, 4442, 323, 720, 1820, 60327, 6709, 4442, 304, 279, 1803, 1413, 42929, 315, 3278, 11, 433, 374, 720, 1962, 5995, 369, 279, 72048, 311, 387, 304, 2167, 3729, 449, 279, 720, 83, 11407, 9204, 279, 2294, 2349, 13, 2030, 279, 22465, 51502, 374, 1380, 5879, 198, 5600, 927, 264, 6138, 40522, 323, 304, 1778, 264, 1376, 430, 520, 720, 29844, 279, 1193, 6992, 16540, 374, 430, 279, 25396, 5879, 198, 16282, 5885, 315, 20438, 11, 304, 4689, 11, 323, 315, 279, 1803, 1413, 720, 2193, 11, 304, 4040, 11, 527, 34699, 555, 279, 6156, 25396, 5879, 198, 22269, 2115, 13, 220, 21, 720, 791, 3135, 5068, 3485, 12090, 430, 279, 5133, 387, 5879, 198, 83, 1818, 25568, 2987, 323, 54630, 4090, 574, 539, 389, 5115, 1778, 264, 7626, 720, 2131, 3247, 29031, 9917, 877, 41378, 720, 73407, 439, 1047, 1027, 8965, 19655, 13, 2684, 649, 387, 912, 92484, 5879, 198, 28491, 430, 279, 30903, 315, 279, 842, 4309, 1572, 374, 459, 3062, 8331, 720, 258, 1521, 7640, 315, 279, 1803, 1413, 42929, 13, 36283, 6751, 11, 4869, 11, 720, 1820, 30903, 5825, 279, 4907, 5995, 369, 1521, 7640, 11, 720, 438, 433, 706, 1027, 4661, 11622, 45536, 430, 279, 30903, 720, 14386, 8905, 304, 904, 53194, 1920, 2011, 11, 14647, 11, 617, 720, 19612, 13, 578, 2592, 315, 420, 5216, 649, 387, 19655, 21676, 311, 387, 279, 720, 1407, 315, 279, 5820, 315, 279, 23418, 1887, 323, 1070, 374, 11510, 720, 1073, 6029, 304, 279, 17649, 311, 4284, 430, 304, 279, 45455, 278, 4079, 720, 4030, 315, 279, 8271, 1070, 527, 11499, 32738, 421, 292, 305, 527, 11920, 720, 18375, 6751, 449, 279, 42080, 315, 25568, 2987, 11, 1202, 9954, 323, 11, 1101, 11, 720, 9210, 2500, 743, 315, 30828, 24717, 706, 6273, 2585, 927, 279, 720, 5794, 496, 940, 11008, 13, 6104, 21896, 389, 25568, 2987, 304, 12966, 1051, 2133, 389, 11, 720, 47203, 7978, 1051, 11953, 704, 389, 22772, 10099, 13, 3161, 720, 1820, 1080, 67334, 315, 279, 39575, 342, 53444, 762, 16549, 11, 2999, 13, 36302, 720, 44, 1892, 64641, 11, 1101, 2999, 13, 73658, 70317, 11, 2999, 13, 3842, 25007, 287, 11, 323, 2999, 13, 720, 73092, 1189, 69109, 11, 323, 12387, 8893, 323, 48566, 15223, 11, 720, 267, 58787, 1051, 11953, 704, 389, 32510, 11, 304, 4040, 11, 389, 70244, 11, 19987, 11, 720, 438, 779, 389, 13, 40741, 18094, 304, 279, 297, 478, 27620, 11008, 304, 10099, 1051, 720, 15456, 311, 617, 25396, 1474, 16743, 97303, 902, 527, 15525, 1280, 72, 5879, 198, 66, 3046, 315, 279, 3169, 315, 53194, 11618, 902, 527, 2133, 389, 720, 82977, 54630, 4090, 11, 323, 2391, 279, 4459, 11008, 315, 297, 478, 27620, 720, 15112, 6431, 64, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 279, 4113, 14955, 389, 279, 39824, 11, 720, 9023, 13, 69109, 11, 304, 4040, 11, 11838, 1124, 311, 279, 25568, 2987, 14345, 316, 5879, 198, 7304, 304, 61820, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 315, 279, 1633, 28771, 23915, 315, 2999, 13, 20524, 376, 799, 720, 46324, 468, 8703, 268, 13, 433, 574, 3284, 369, 2999, 13, 69109, 311, 4007, 279, 25568, 2987, 720, 35686, 304, 264, 1912, 315, 432, 17082, 355, 28585, 13, 21594, 10099, 11, 369, 264, 2860, 315, 720, 15930, 21903, 78727, 25492, 11, 1051, 20041, 13, 1102, 574, 1766, 430, 304, 5899, 720, 412, 315, 30335, 25492, 1070, 574, 264, 5199, 323, 13263, 16557, 720, 1073, 8389, 22465, 430, 574, 5190, 1109, 904, 1023, 16557, 304, 279, 720, 22352, 323, 13, 1606, 315, 1202, 35947, 5497, 11, 1253, 387, 39575, 720, 1527, 904, 1023, 40035, 304, 279, 11008, 13, 1115, 35947, 16557, 10222, 720, 258, 1475, 11008, 1990, 279, 10732, 45707, 323, 3116, 46487, 1938, 11, 323, 420, 720, 285, 279, 4261, 304, 902, 1455, 315, 279, 25568, 7607, 527, 3967, 311, 12446, 13, 1102, 374, 11846, 430, 420, 35947, 323, 53823, 79385, 16557, 374, 279, 720, 3487, 3247, 435, 89399, 41378, 720, 19493, 12381, 390, 884, 52044, 315, 25568, 2987, 13, 80291, 279, 1403, 25492, 2085, 264, 5199, 16557, 11, 1990, 720, 1820, 10732, 45707, 323, 3116, 46487, 2919, 11, 527, 459, 869, 38220, 25492, 902, 720, 548, 14470, 4279, 304, 279, 39803, 13, 12371, 30609, 398, 477, 17496, 7576, 720, 1073, 279, 57056, 58159, 4754, 6811, 1051, 1903, 304, 1403, 720, 1677, 10786, 505, 279, 2457, 315, 43656, 3156, 9889, 4848, 4038, 720, 68676, 13, 763, 1023, 10099, 11, 7576, 1051, 4529, 505, 279, 2132, 720, 10460, 315, 20209, 311, 279, 2457, 315, 9889, 13, 578, 7576, 8541, 311, 2237, 704, 14738, 439, 20209, 463, 5879, 198, 4739, 82, 11, 779, 430, 555, 279, 4948, 2305, 279, 4876, 374, 4661, 264, 16600, 720, 1074, 13, 578, 52664, 953, 8625, 8389, 1306, 279, 2132, 2046, 315, 20575, 5879, 198, 77, 6709, 3156, 279, 7314, 315, 279, 4948, 2305, 11, 3734, 369, 9024, 720, 48925, 994, 433, 9221, 6928, 13, 3296, 279, 4948, 2305, 11, 279, 720, 85, 27587, 706, 12504, 311, 3221, 279, 7315, 1584, 1405, 433, 305, 9146, 3156, 720, 33490, 13, 18185, 1521, 17910, 902, 54263, 20209, 720, 1527, 279, 78727, 11008, 11, 1070, 527, 912, 4698, 276, 259, 323, 13263, 720, 19926, 2391, 279, 1176, 2305, 315, 20209, 430, 2643, 11810, 720, 1820, 18468, 315, 20209, 264, 2478, 2919, 1306, 43656, 13, 4314, 3135, 11, 3871, 449, 279, 14955, 315, 2999, 13, 3842, 25007, 287, 720, 258, 279, 297, 478, 27620, 11008, 315, 279, 11494, 11, 1304, 433, 5115, 2867, 430, 25396, 5879, 198, 44362, 315, 279, 2115, 17910, 315, 279, 5496, 47120, 649, 720, 62556, 5505, 2038, 922, 279, 4459, 78152, 315, 279, 720, 7642, 1413, 42929, 13, 8876, 682, 315, 1521, 21896, 99618, 505, 279, 6913, 1089, 1538, 5879, 198, 28491, 430, 279, 5496, 47120, 50326, 459, 25396, 1773, 11694, 18385, 2115, 720, 300, 264, 4459, 11, 449, 75164, 323, 41164, 5596, 477, 2254, 5151, 11, 720, 8370, 527, 3230, 6956, 315, 279, 5496, 1887, 11, 279, 1664, 5879, 198, 59707, 22772, 14955, 11007, 279, 4689, 32939, 720, 1073, 279, 6156, 25329, 13, 5884, 3927, 3777, 315, 279, 4459, 1887, 706, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 720, 1220, 1866, 29683, 2115, 902, 374, 264, 961, 315, 279, 2115, 315, 279, 720 ]
-wrong. He’ s not even into make-wrong. He’ s, “Here’ s where we are at and let’ s see how we can improve from there,” so that everyone benefits. Well, that is a very advanced spiritual concept, that everyone benefits and with an idea of integrity and fairness and equality; and the same time, everything legal and cooperative. So a lot can be learned, and therefore I think it’ s a worthy enterprise. The negatives, of course, in current society are rather obvious to anybody who’ s spiritually sophisticated at all. They hardly need calibration. Then we calibrated a lot of the great criminals, famous criminals of ancient times to find out... In other words, we’re trying to get a topography of the evolution of mankind over recorded time. Where is Jack the Ripper? He’ s at 70. Where’ s Bin Laden? He’ s at 70. Where is a dinosaur? A dinosaur is at 70. The instinct of the dinosaur and the instinct of this person are the same. Jack the Ripper dismembers and rips to death its prey. I mean, it’ s almost identical; it’ s almost like a dinosaur spirit got into a human body, you know what I’m saying? I begin to wonder—is there a crossover? So anyway, it’s an interesting work in that we are trying to develop a topography, a dif ferent dimension of understanding human consciousness and its expression as society, from Heinrich Himmler in World War II to Vicente Fox in today’ s world. We did a lot of movie stars, famous singers, songs, and find out what their general range [is], and then there are exceptions. Louis Armstrong, way up in the 500s. The capacity to be loving at all times and in all places apparently was the characteristic. So, it’ s just interesting, because you learn things because you see everything in a dif ferent dimension now. And as you see the calibration, you get, “Oh, I see. I get... oh, yeah, I see.” It’ s like you get greater depth spiritually in comprehending the totality of human evolution, which in the net ef fect is to develop a compassion for it, as almost an experiment of creation. It’ s almost as though the evolution of life on this planet is almost an experiment—to see where, if you let it loose without any guidance or controls, what does it do? It ends up as a mollusk at the bottom of the sea that creates 40 enzymes at one time. And it also creates saints—the same life, but is it the same life ener gy or a dif ferent one, you know what I’m saying? That leads to rather profound questions. The Karmic Shift of MankindWho was responsible for the massive shift in 1986? I’ve never fully investigated it. I just assumed that the collective positive karma of mankind had crested at that level. It happened to be at the time of the Harmonic Conver gence. It happened to be at the time when Gorbachev pretty much pulled the blocks out from underneath the Russian USSR, atheistic empire. It was also the time of other major events which were concomitant. You see, when you go beyond causality, then you see that, let’ s say, a positionality here can radiate forth in the world of manifestation in multiple ways without one thing here necessarily being the cause of this. In other words, a positionality which surfaces in this way, it doesn’ t mean that the dissolution of monolithic Communism was caused by anything outside of itself, but it occurred at the same time. There is undoubtedly more to the story. We’ll ask it in a general way. First of all, I know there’ s more to the story. “There’ s more to the story: resist” (T rue). Thank you. My own feeling was that it came from higher dimensions as a result of the consequence of positive accumulated karma of mankind. “That’ s correct: resist” (T rue). Well, we won’ t go into the details of it. It would be as though the collective karma of mankind as a whole had reached the point where it had crossed that collective. Perhaps the last great finale of negativity was really World War II, in which the negativity, satanic ener gy, was massive. That caused almost a shock, but then, into the shock came that which was really more Luciferic in that it was seeking power rather than destruction—in the form of Communism and the USSR, which was really seeking power although it took expression as cruelty, and Stalin really was responsible for more deaths than Hitler. Nevertheless, it more or less ran its course. And of course, it was Gorbachev—if you calibrate Gorbachev’ s heart chakra, it’ s extremely high—so Gorbachev pulled the correct stops out, and the thing collapsed of itself without a shot. Gorbachev did not fire a shot. So, the West with all of its brave talk about “the war against Communism”—it was not the war against Communism that defeated Communism. It was the stops were pulled out by Gorbachev. Let’ s see what Gorbachev’ s heart is at. “We have permission: resist” (T rue). “Gorbachev’ s heart is over 540: resist” (True); “560” (Not true); “550” (T rue). Wow. So, those people like Gandhi and Mandela and Gorbachev, people who changed all political history, their power came from a heart chakra at 550 and over. That is encouraging, because then it means increasing one’ sown capacity of lovingness has the capacity to undo the negativity of the world. In fact, it has the capacity to collapse whole empires. That which collapsed the USSR was the radiance of the heart chakra of one man. However, that one man also represented something else that we write about, and that is when we talk about attractor ener gy fields. We say that each of these ener gy fields has an attractor pattern behind it. That brought us to describing what we call “critical factor analysis,” one of the values of kinesiology. Many interacting systems are so complex, they are not capable of comprehension by the human intellect, nor by an assisted computer. A computer is limited to the Newtonian paradigm. It cannot be programmed for the nonlinear, by definition. Consequently, it can only mimic the intellect; it cannot mimic human intelligence. In any case, some situations are so enormously complex, they are beyond comprehension. This is a problem run into by big governments historically. The complexity of running a Roman Empire was staggering and, in the end, it just fell of inertia. All the soldiers just married the local girls and settled down and quit the army, and that was the end of the Roman Empire. No army could defeat the Roman Empire. It was the most formidable army the world has ever seen. It was unconquerable. And the Roman legions ruled all of Europe and the Mediterranean for a thousand years; it was [an] army invincible that ruled for a thousand years, and what brought it down—the kiss of a lovely woman. The soldiers all around Hadrian’ s Wall and all over the place met the local girls, fell in love with them and got married, and said, “The hell with it,” and went to farming, and that was the end of the Roman legions. In any complex situation, there is what I call “the critical factor.” In a giant clockworks, if you know where to touch the giant clockworks, you can stop the entire clockworks by knowing precisely; the clockworks is so complex that even a master watchmaker can’ t figure it out. The same with an engineer. You see a locomotive running down the track with a hundred cars behind it—there’ s an enormous amount of force. But if you know where to touch the control in the cab, the engineer ’s cab, if you know where to touch it, you can stop the whole freight train. And so, if correctly positioned, then, knowing which of the pick-up sticks to pull out, the whole thing collapses; but you have to know which one. Gorbachev was there and Mandela was there. Each one was in a certain position. They also had a certain amount of power, because each one of them calibrates around 550. In all of them, the power emanates from the heart. So the power of Love,then, is transformational. As we saw with the birth of Christ, it jumped the calibration level of mankind 40 points, just the physicality being here, and it jumped another 40 points when His teachings began to cross the Roman Empire, and it totally changed Europe—the future of Europe and Western civilization—for all time. So, an Avatar is one whose teachings and birth and presence recontextualized the significance of all of life, for all of mankind, throughout thousands of years. That’ s who we call an “A vatar.” It’s not the same as like the Avatar Used Book Company that you see running around town. Avatar —I always get a
[ 2695, 14684, 13, 1283, 529, 274, 539, 1524, 1139, 1304, 2695, 14684, 13, 1283, 529, 274, 11, 1054, 8586, 529, 274, 1405, 584, 527, 520, 323, 1095, 529, 274, 1518, 1268, 584, 649, 7417, 198, 1527, 1070, 2476, 779, 430, 5127, 7720, 13, 8489, 11, 430, 374, 264, 1633, 11084, 198, 86390, 940, 7434, 11, 430, 5127, 7720, 323, 449, 459, 4623, 315, 17025, 323, 198, 42000, 2136, 323, 22526, 26, 323, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 4395, 5897, 323, 48566, 13, 2100, 264, 2763, 649, 387, 9687, 11, 323, 9093, 358, 1781, 433, 529, 274, 264, 28390, 20790, 13, 578, 75185, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 304, 1510, 8396, 527, 4856, 8196, 311, 21739, 198, 14965, 529, 274, 88853, 27877, 520, 682, 13, 2435, 20781, 1205, 38711, 13, 5112, 584, 198, 5531, 61666, 264, 2763, 315, 279, 2294, 32638, 11, 11495, 32638, 315, 14154, 3115, 311, 198, 3990, 704, 662, 662, 662, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 584, 3207, 4560, 311, 636, 264, 1948, 5814, 315, 279, 198, 5230, 3294, 315, 43384, 927, 12715, 892, 13, 11208, 374, 7762, 279, 36537, 716, 30, 1283, 529, 274, 520, 198, 2031, 13, 11208, 529, 274, 30444, 52484, 30, 1283, 529, 274, 520, 220, 2031, 13, 11208, 374, 264, 63989, 30, 362, 63989, 374, 520, 198, 2031, 13, 578, 31655, 315, 279, 63989, 323, 279, 31655, 315, 420, 1732, 527, 279, 1890, 13, 7762, 279, 36537, 716, 834, 23832, 323, 436, 3153, 311, 4648, 1202, 37693, 662, 358, 3152, 11, 433, 529, 274, 4661, 198, 1748, 950, 26, 433, 529, 274, 4661, 1093, 264, 63989, 9090, 2751, 1139, 264, 3823, 2547, 1174, 499, 1440, 198, 12840, 358, 4344, 5605, 30, 358, 3240, 311, 5895, 55434, 1070, 264, 49480, 30, 2100, 13971, 1174, 433, 753, 198, 276, 7185, 990, 304, 430, 584, 527, 4560, 311, 2274, 264, 1948, 5814, 1174, 264, 1422, 18728, 306, 198, 43639, 315, 8830, 3823, 25917, 323, 1202, 7645, 439, 198, 82, 6180, 1174, 505, 64782, 14172, 21058, 1029, 261, 304, 4435, 5111, 8105, 311, 44847, 6960, 13585, 304, 3432, 529, 274, 198, 14957, 13, 1226, 1550, 264, 2763, 315, 5818, 9958, 11, 11495, 68141, 11, 11936, 11, 323, 1505, 704, 1148, 198, 50828, 4689, 2134, 510, 285, 1145, 323, 1243, 1070, 527, 20157, 13, 12140, 45966, 345, 3195, 709, 304, 279, 220, 2636, 82, 13, 578, 8824, 311, 387, 21955, 520, 682, 3115, 323, 304, 682, 7634, 198, 680, 31227, 574, 279, 29683, 13, 2100, 11, 433, 529, 274, 1120, 7185, 11, 1606, 499, 4048, 2574, 1606, 499, 1518, 198, 73826, 304, 264, 1422, 18728, 306, 13167, 1457, 662, 1628, 439, 499, 1518, 279, 38711, 11, 499, 198, 456, 11, 1054, 12174, 11, 358, 1518, 13, 358, 636, 662, 662, 662, 14346, 11, 22371, 11, 358, 1518, 2029, 1102, 529, 274, 1093, 499, 636, 7191, 8149, 198, 86390, 1870, 304, 12963, 2518, 279, 2458, 2786, 315, 3823, 15740, 11, 902, 304, 279, 198, 4816, 31469, 282, 440, 374, 311, 2274, 264, 30481, 369, 433, 11, 439, 4661, 459, 9526, 315, 198, 38475, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 4661, 439, 3582, 279, 15740, 315, 2324, 389, 420, 11841, 374, 4661, 198, 276, 9526, 50617, 1518, 1405, 11, 422, 499, 1095, 433, 20784, 2085, 904, 19351, 477, 198, 29617, 11, 1148, 1587, 433, 656, 30, 1102, 10548, 709, 439, 264, 55509, 33879, 520, 279, 5740, 315, 279, 9581, 198, 9210, 11705, 220, 1272, 56067, 520, 832, 892, 13, 1628, 433, 1101, 11705, 68220, 22416, 1890, 198, 14789, 11, 719, 374, 433, 279, 1890, 2324, 38556, 29720, 477, 264, 1422, 18728, 306, 832, 11, 499, 1440, 1148, 358, 4344, 198, 82, 17718, 30, 3011, 11767, 311, 4856, 28254, 4860, 13, 578, 735, 2227, 292, 27608, 315, 386, 70370, 15546, 574, 8647, 369, 279, 11191, 6541, 304, 220, 3753, 21, 30, 358, 4070, 2646, 7373, 198, 43114, 83341, 433, 13, 358, 1120, 19655, 430, 279, 22498, 6928, 71542, 315, 43384, 198, 32345, 1922, 24836, 520, 430, 2237, 13, 1102, 7077, 311, 387, 520, 279, 892, 315, 279, 40759, 292, 198, 1128, 424, 342, 768, 13, 1102, 7077, 311, 387, 520, 279, 892, 994, 480, 30986, 1815, 85, 5128, 1790, 198, 79, 92122, 279, 10215, 704, 505, 30456, 279, 8690, 73315, 11, 38914, 4633, 32447, 13, 1102, 574, 1101, 279, 892, 315, 1023, 3682, 4455, 902, 1051, 390, 884, 52044, 13, 1472, 1518, 345, 9493, 499, 733, 7953, 25540, 2786, 1174, 1243, 499, 1518, 430, 11, 1095, 529, 274, 2019, 1174, 264, 2361, 2786, 198, 6881, 649, 12164, 349, 13544, 304, 279, 1917, 315, 64050, 304, 5361, 5627, 198, 30096, 832, 3245, 1618, 14647, 1694, 279, 5353, 220, 315, 420, 13, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 264, 198, 3571, 2786, 902, 27529, 304, 420, 1648, 1174, 433, 3250, 529, 259, 3152, 430, 279, 81359, 198, 1073, 1647, 66470, 57298, 2191, 574, 9057, 220, 555, 4205, 4994, 315, 5196, 11, 719, 433, 198, 14310, 8293, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 13, 2684, 374, 38048, 810, 311, 279, 3446, 662, 1226, 4805, 2610, 198, 275, 304, 264, 4689, 1648, 662, 5629, 315, 682, 11, 358, 1440, 1070, 529, 274, 810, 311, 279, 3446, 662, 1054, 3947, 529, 274, 198, 6518, 311, 279, 3446, 25, 22884, 863, 320, 51, 56949, 570, 9930, 499, 13, 3092, 1866, 8430, 574, 430, 433, 198, 6142, 505, 5190, 15696, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 279, 29774, 315, 6928, 198, 40031, 7913, 71542, 315, 43384, 13, 1054, 4897, 529, 274, 4495, 25, 22884, 863, 320, 51, 56949, 570, 8489, 11, 584, 198, 55767, 529, 259, 733, 1139, 279, 3649, 315, 433, 13, 1102, 1053, 387, 439, 3582, 279, 22498, 71542, 315, 198, 76, 70370, 439, 264, 4459, 1047, 8813, 279, 1486, 1405, 433, 1047, 28129, 430, 198, 17840, 535, 13, 19292, 279, 1566, 2294, 37398, 315, 93795, 574, 2216, 4435, 5111, 8105, 11, 304, 198, 8370, 279, 93795, 1174, 7731, 32370, 38556, 29720, 11, 574, 11191, 13, 3011, 9057, 4661, 264, 198, 939, 1197, 11, 719, 1243, 11, 1139, 279, 10988, 3782, 430, 902, 574, 2216, 810, 94494, 292, 198, 258, 430, 433, 574, 11125, 2410, 4856, 1109, 19814, 49525, 279, 1376, 315, 198, 18461, 359, 2191, 323, 279, 73315, 11, 902, 574, 2216, 11125, 2410, 8051, 433, 198, 91453, 7645, 439, 54680, 1174, 323, 47765, 2216, 574, 8647, 369, 810, 198, 451, 27382, 1109, 31654, 662, 35053, 11, 433, 810, 477, 2753, 10837, 1202, 3388, 13, 1628, 315, 198, 12120, 11, 433, 574, 480, 30986, 1815, 85, 90863, 499, 1652, 44192, 480, 30986, 1815, 85, 529, 274, 4851, 523, 52503, 11, 433, 529, 274, 198, 428, 54358, 1579, 2345, 708, 480, 30986, 1815, 85, 13541, 279, 4495, 18417, 704, 11, 323, 279, 3245, 198, 43128, 315, 5196, 2085, 264, 6689, 13, 480, 30986, 1815, 85, 1550, 539, 4027, 264, 6689, 13, 2100, 11, 279, 198, 24188, 449, 682, 315, 1202, 34300, 3137, 922, 1054, 1820, 4208, 2403, 57298, 2191, 63750, 275, 574, 198, 1962, 279, 4208, 2403, 57298, 2191, 430, 24164, 57298, 2191, 13, 1102, 574, 279, 198, 99120, 1051, 13541, 704, 555, 480, 30986, 1815, 85, 662, 6914, 529, 274, 1518, 1148, 480, 30986, 1815, 85, 529, 274, 4851, 374, 520, 13, 1054, 1687, 617, 8041, 25, 22884, 863, 320, 51, 56949, 570, 1054, 38, 30986, 1815, 85, 529, 274, 4851, 374, 927, 220, 17048, 25, 22884, 89874, 23922, 1237, 1054, 17698, 863, 320, 2688, 837, 1237, 1054, 13506, 863, 320, 51, 56949, 570, 46817, 13, 2100, 11, 1884, 1274, 1093, 48994, 323, 88430, 323, 480, 30986, 1815, 85, 1174, 1274, 198, 14965, 5614, 682, 5054, 3925, 1174, 872, 2410, 3782, 505, 264, 4851, 523, 52503, 520, 198, 13506, 323, 927, 662, 3011, 374, 26921, 11, 1606, 1243, 433, 3445, 7859, 832, 529, 274, 785, 8824, 315, 21955, 2136, 706, 279, 8824, 311, 29821, 279, 93795, 315, 279, 198, 14957, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 433, 706, 279, 8824, 311, 18678, 4459, 991, 19505, 13, 3011, 902, 198, 43128, 279, 73315, 574, 279, 12164, 685, 315, 279, 4851, 523, 52503, 315, 832, 893, 13, 4452, 1174, 430, 832, 893, 1101, 15609, 2555, 775, 430, 584, 3350, 198, 9274, 11, 323, 430, 374, 994, 584, 3137, 922, 9504, 269, 38556, 29720, 5151, 13, 1226, 2019, 430, 198, 9739, 315, 1521, 38556, 29720, 5151, 706, 459, 9504, 269, 5497, 4920, 433, 13, 3011, 7263, 198, 355, 311, 23524, 1148, 584, 1650, 1054, 42641, 8331, 6492, 2476, 832, 315, 279, 2819, 315, 198, 74, 1572, 31226, 662, 9176, 45830, 6067, 527, 779, 6485, 11, 814, 527, 539, 13171, 198, 1073, 62194, 555, 279, 3823, 17108, 11, 6463, 555, 459, 39061, 6500, 662, 362, 198, 44211, 374, 7347, 311, 279, 21324, 1122, 49340, 13, 1102, 4250, 387, 56168, 198, 2000, 279, 75098, 1174, 555, 7419, 13, 53123, 1174, 433, 649, 1193, 56459, 279, 198, 80643, 772, 26, 433, 4250, 56459, 3823, 11478, 13, 763, 904, 1162, 11, 1063, 15082, 198, 548, 779, 84563, 6485, 11, 814, 527, 7953, 62194, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 198, 35686, 1629, 1139, 555, 2466, 17047, 35901, 662, 578, 23965, 315, 198, 28272, 264, 13041, 21080, 574, 55944, 323, 11, 304, 279, 842, 11, 433, 1120, 11299, 315, 198, 258, 41222, 13, 2052, 279, 15201, 1120, 12502, 279, 2254, 7724, 323, 23183, 1523, 323, 17257, 198, 1820, 13695, 1174, 323, 430, 574, 279, 842, 315, 279, 13041, 21080, 13, 2360, 13695, 1436, 18506, 198, 1820, 13041, 21080, 13, 1102, 574, 279, 1455, 54829, 13695, 279, 1917, 706, 3596, 198, 29412, 13, 1102, 574, 26118, 16339, 481, 13, 1628, 279, 13041, 2531, 919, 21989, 682, 315, 4606, 323, 198, 1820, 38785, 369, 264, 16579, 1667, 26, 433, 574, 510, 276, 60, 13695, 1558, 77972, 430, 198, 2739, 839, 369, 264, 16579, 1667, 11, 323, 1148, 7263, 433, 1523, 22416, 21735, 315, 264, 17104, 198, 22803, 13, 578, 15201, 682, 2212, 24805, 7414, 529, 274, 9935, 323, 682, 927, 279, 2035, 2322, 198, 1820, 2254, 7724, 11, 11299, 304, 3021, 449, 1124, 323, 2751, 12502, 11, 323, 1071, 11, 1054, 791, 15123, 198, 4291, 433, 2476, 323, 4024, 311, 33489, 11, 323, 430, 574, 279, 842, 315, 279, 13041, 2531, 919, 13, 763, 904, 6485, 6671, 11, 1070, 374, 1148, 358, 1650, 1054, 1820, 9200, 8331, 662, 863, 763, 264, 198, 70, 5485, 9042, 19033, 11, 422, 499, 1440, 1405, 311, 5916, 279, 14880, 9042, 19033, 11, 499, 198, 4919, 3009, 279, 4553, 9042, 19033, 555, 14392, 24559, 26, 279, 9042, 19033, 374, 779, 198, 24126, 430, 1524, 264, 7491, 3821, 26850, 649, 529, 259, 7216, 433, 704, 13, 578, 1890, 449, 198, 276, 24490, 662, 1472, 1518, 264, 63907, 24766, 4401, 1523, 279, 3839, 449, 264, 7895, 198, 51808, 4920, 433, 2345, 19041, 529, 274, 459, 23205, 3392, 315, 5457, 13, 2030, 422, 499, 1440, 198, 2940, 311, 5916, 279, 2585, 304, 279, 22239, 11, 279, 24490, 18217, 82, 22239, 11, 422, 499, 1440, 1405, 198, 998, 5916, 433, 11, 499, 649, 3009, 279, 4459, 46217, 5542, 13, 1628, 779, 11, 422, 12722, 198, 3571, 291, 11, 1243, 11, 14392, 902, 315, 279, 3820, 5352, 34240, 311, 6958, 704, 11, 279, 4459, 198, 1626, 87458, 26, 719, 499, 617, 311, 1440, 902, 832, 13, 480, 30986, 1815, 85, 574, 1070, 323, 198, 44, 438, 8458, 574, 1070, 13, 9062, 832, 574, 304, 264, 3738, 2361, 13, 2435, 1101, 1047, 264, 198, 66, 7770, 3392, 315, 2410, 1174, 1606, 1855, 832, 315, 1124, 1652, 10892, 988, 2212, 220, 13506, 13, 763, 682, 315, 1124, 11, 279, 2410, 69239, 988, 505, 279, 4851, 13, 2100, 279, 2410, 315, 10919, 11, 3473, 11, 374, 18475, 278, 13, 1666, 584, 5602, 449, 279, 7342, 315, 3771, 11, 433, 27096, 279, 198, 5531, 18856, 2237, 315, 43384, 220, 1272, 3585, 11, 1120, 279, 7106, 488, 1694, 1618, 11, 323, 433, 198, 44396, 291, 2500, 220, 1272, 3585, 994, 5414, 45572, 6137, 311, 5425, 279, 13041, 198, 29831, 556, 11, 323, 433, 12756, 5614, 4606, 22416, 3938, 315, 4606, 323, 11104, 198, 94230, 2065, 72318, 682, 892, 13, 2100, 11, 459, 38709, 374, 832, 6832, 45572, 323, 7342, 323, 9546, 198, 265, 2196, 940, 1534, 279, 26431, 315, 682, 315, 2324, 11, 369, 682, 315, 43384, 345, 20322, 412, 9214, 315, 1667, 13, 3011, 529, 274, 889, 584, 1650, 459, 1054, 32, 348, 6526, 662, 863, 1102, 753, 539, 279, 198, 25030, 439, 1093, 279, 38709, 12477, 6017, 8351, 430, 499, 1518, 4401, 2212, 198, 28931, 13, 38709, 2001, 40, 2744, 636, 264 ]
unsolicited advice. But he persisted. He asked. And once you do that with me, expect opinions. “Well, what I’ve learned,” I told him, “is that when a woman is working, she’s in a masculine mode. But that same mode that works so well at work needs to transition to a feminine mode if she wants to be as successful at love as she is at work.” Again, I’ve researched this. “Go on … ,” he said. “So it probably seems great to you now, that you and your wife will be able to just walk the little path from your office to your kitchen and keep the same conversation going while you’re preparing dinner that you were having at the office.” “Is that bad?” he asked. “No, it’s not bad,” I said, “except possibly for your marriage. You’ve taken the psychic gestalt of a business partnership and literally given it the run of your house. And in time, that will include your bedroom.” “Whoa,” he said. Men get very alert when the subject turns to sex. “So I shouldn’t work with my wife?” “I didn’t say that!” I responded. “But I do know this: If this kind of thinking makes sense to you—if you feel that you and your wife want to protect the erotic quality of your marriage from encroachment by a business mentality— then I would suggest you take 30 minutes apart from each other between office hours and evening hours. She needs at least that much time to switchpsychically into another mode. Meditation, walking, soft music, candles, bubble baths, whatever her soul craves as a balm to her nervous system—such time should be ritualistically built into your lifestyle, or you’re going to start finding that a businesswoman has shown up in your bed where an erotic goddess used to be.” Weeks later I received a thank-you note from him. And after that, one from his wife… . * Romantic love is a force of nature. Like an ancient goddess, it likes to receive gifts. It must be honored, respected, protected, and cherished. Otherwise, it simply leaves. Dear God, Please make me a master at love. Reveal to me its mysteries, and give to me its magic. And may I never use its power for any purposes but the ones You intend. Amen ___________________________________________ A FRIEND TOLD ME HER DAUGHTER was getting married at the age of 40. “That’s great!” I said. “Is she madly in love?” “Well, I don’t know if it’s like that at 40,” she responded. I thought to myself, But why not? Real passion doesn’t emerge from the body but from consciousness. Should the age of the body determine the heat of the soul? Love itself doesn’t diminish as we age; what diminishes too often is how willing we are to stand up and meet it. We love fiercely and fearlessly when we’re young, until we learn what there is to be afraid of. And then we start to load layer upon layer of unprocessed hurt onto more and more relationships, to the point that our bitterness and fear have all but capped our capacity for all-out bliss. The age of our cells has absolutely nothing to do with our ability tomagnetize or hold on to love. Midlife is not the time to say, “Oh well, I’ll just settle for something comfortable now,” and simplistically conclude that the years of heat are behind us. That heat was not a function of our age. It might move around from chakra from chakra, but heat will always be heat. Love doesn’t lose its edge and become boring as you get older unless you do. If anything, age makes you more able to appreciate things in others that you used to be unable to see because you were so busy looking at yourself. Until you inhabit the entirety of your being, you keep seeking your completion in someone else. And that will never work, of course. Romance isn’t here to complete your universe but to expand it. Yet it’s pretty difficult to appreciate that concept until the notion of an expanded universe is attractive to you. John Mayer sings a song called “Your Body Is a Wonderland.” What’s really cool is when you can add, “And so is your mind, and your heart, and your soul.” You can’t see the true wonderland in another person until you’ve explored the one inside yourself. That starts happening at a certain age, whether you wish it to or not. And it changes you. Accumulated experience of the world both breaks your heart and opens it. I remember lying in the dark one night right after a school shooting, when my grief for the victims’ families felt like more than I could bear. I turned to my love and, for just one moment, felt an exquisite understanding of the profound juxtaposition of pain and pleasure that lies at the heart of the human experience. I loved in a different way before I understood suffering. Age wears you down, but as it does, it softens you as well. I knew in that moment that there are no guarantees. There is no certain bulwark against human suffering. Neither this relationship, nor any other circumstance, can possibly protect me against the potential for heartbreak; whatever valleys are my fate will occur no matter what. But there is, when we are open to the experience, the glorious beauty of an appreciated now. When we no longer take the good in life for granted, we have a humility and gratitude that more than compensate for what no longer remains of our innocence. Innocence leaves, but love remains. There is nothing to do with this but receive its truth. I opened my arms and I drank him in. B EYOND OBVIOUS PROPRIETIES , I DON’T THINK IT SHOULD MATTER how old your lover is any more than it should matter how old your doctor, teacher, or car-insurance salesperson is. What matters is the soul growth that brings two hearts together. Every relationship has a natural arc, a time that’s perfect for the lessons that the relationship is here to teach us. Some are long and some are short. Love will never bow to time because love is real and time is not. Amoment of true love is more important to some of us than decades of domestic timeshare. Love is an adventure of the soul, whether as a love affair that is short but intense, or as a marriage that lasts until death do us part. In the words of Ram Dass, we
[ 197, 11099, 92204, 99880, 1805, 13, 2030, 197, 383, 3303, 5082, 291, 13, 1283, 197, 1091, 291, 13, 1628, 197, 13486, 198, 9514, 20530, 64442, 48048, 50394, 11, 25997, 40803, 84996, 13, 1054, 11649, 11, 197, 12840, 25494, 4070, 197, 12964, 291, 2476, 25494, 3324, 820, 9793, 318, 11, 197, 2118, 285, 64442, 61280, 11575, 6831, 7053, 20501, 197, 21837, 345, 32158, 753, 17886, 11575, 2157, 300, 3395, 483, 61347, 13, 2030, 64442, 1942, 373, 61347, 64442, 197, 19033, 197, 708, 6831, 616, 36547, 98138, 198, 56345, 32809, 197, 21086, 32809, 11575, 1186, 26768, 483, 61347, 748, 1942, 383, 6831, 1821, 32809, 74242, 61551, 31653, 1285, 36547, 197, 31153, 198, 300, 1942, 383, 20501, 36547, 98138, 2029, 197, 31485, 11, 25494, 4070, 17643, 1874, 291, 2090, 13, 1054, 11087, 25653, 197, 1981, 197, 2476, 197, 383, 1942, 3864, 13, 1054, 4516, 24263, 197, 55540, 85786, 12116, 3253, 1244, 32809, 197, 9514, 82022, 11, 64442, 197, 9514, 53577, 14862, 414, 6831, 1643, 6831, 484, 74242, 197, 481, 198, 998, 197, 4345, 6831, 1727, 33188, 8986, 2433, 27879, 43827, 14862, 414, 197, 27614, 32809, 14862, 414, 16868, 7606, 53577, 197, 13397, 33188, 1942, 373, 198, 62737, 31780, 287, 5329, 197, 9514, 3207, 41446, 45252, 2765, 4481, 64442, 197, 9514, 6831, 486, 9793, 2370, 36547, 33188, 198, 27614, 49216, 2118, 3957, 64442, 2282, 329, 12671, 197, 383, 197, 1091, 291, 13, 1054, 2822, 11, 24263, 753, 98366, 2282, 329, 2476, 25494, 1942, 3864, 11, 197, 2118, 11945, 197, 54228, 2066, 14862, 414, 2157, 277, 8950, 13, 1472, 4070, 3324, 3448, 198, 1820, 36109, 5759, 292, 3253, 478, 3223, 44323, 11575, 2282, 2108, 73972, 5079, 2200, 53577, 8986, 2058, 750, 3253, 2116, 24263, 33188, 57842, 44323, 198, 22479, 197, 7830, 13, 1628, 17886, 22724, 11, 64442, 6831, 484, 25728, 14862, 414, 2282, 291, 3039, 49216, 2118, 15546, 64, 2476, 197, 383, 1942, 3864, 13, 11258, 10582, 197, 1225, 25167, 61280, 33188, 29724, 585, 197, 413, 82, 32809, 197, 11814, 13, 1054, 4516, 25494, 198, 5562, 77, 1431, 98138, 48048, 13938, 6831, 1643, 12671, 198, 10378, 2765, 307, 77, 1431, 1942, 352, 64442, 18319, 25494, 197, 6961, 291, 13, 1054, 4071, 25494, 20530, 16868, 3409, 2090, 25, 52792, 2090, 197, 15674, 44323, 71579, 16113, 198, 80785, 1942, 1137, 32809, 197, 9514, 90863, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 64442, 197, 9514, 53577, 14862, 414, 6831, 1643, 51880, 32809, 197, 47079, 33188, 198, 261, 14546, 197, 10692, 44323, 14862, 414, 2157, 277, 8950, 43827, 197, 967, 299, 9064, 197, 1729, 11575, 2282, 2108, 197, 479, 2786, 2345, 198, 3473, 25494, 6831, 619, 1942, 3884, 197, 9514, 3324, 731, 197, 966, 26388, 2142, 70998, 472, 43827, 7883, 613, 197, 1605, 2282, 10259, 198, 27614, 9793, 2530, 53577, 7883, 1055, 287, 9793, 2530, 13, 3005, 197, 56345, 36547, 197, 56371, 64442, 2157, 1412, 22724, 32809, 9138, 92109, 2740, 2129, 78, 197, 43063, 61347, 13, 77571, 11, 6831, 30855, 11, 197, 3594, 2157, 11785, 11, 1470, 20729, 345, 78589, 2282, 27382, 11, 197, 69386, 197, 1964, 1942, 11206, 92592, 4798, 61551, 11575, 2282, 7828, 32809, 197, 1964, 9215, 651, 788, 41393, 2345, 21470, 198, 1712, 197, 5562, 74242, 197, 1018, 940, 38210, 2282, 11476, 2129, 78, 14862, 414, 8986, 16886, 11, 82266, 197, 9514, 3207, 31780, 287, 32809, 22087, 198, 68287, 64442, 11575, 2282, 2108, 22803, 64355, 37296, 785, 60910, 17886, 14862, 414, 2282, 291, 56842, 80557, 197, 261, 14546, 198, 70, 14898, 434, 197, 2656, 32809, 74242, 49216, 17490, 82, 8986, 977, 25494, 17643, 8946, 11575, 197, 58517, 46517, 9215, 1295, 43827, 9793, 318, 13, 1628, 197, 10924, 64442, 11, 197, 606, 43827, 198, 26301, 6831, 1643, 1981, 197, 13, 1235, 45459, 8322, 197, 31153, 20501, 11575, 2066, 346, 44323, 9215, 1598, 13, 9086, 80557, 197, 1149, 1188, 3253, 14898, 434, 11, 24263, 197, 26094, 32809, 198, 42993, 3253, 2130, 82, 13, 1102, 2157, 592, 74242, 9793, 263, 3093, 11, 10413, 4136, 11, 7875, 11, 53577, 197, 9211, 3384, 13, 18715, 11, 24263, 1942, 318, 2603, 197, 273, 4798, 13, 43922, 9796, 347, 345, 5618, 78538, 50394, 198, 64, 2157, 2352, 36547, 197, 31153, 13, 1050, 41711, 32809, 50394, 197, 1220, 2157, 599, 4804, 345, 438, 3253, 535, 32809, 50394, 197, 1220, 2157, 13070, 13, 1628, 2157, 352, 25494, 197, 37593, 42919, 197, 1220, 3303, 1223, 198, 2000, 197, 3852, 3303, 324, 8449, 198, 8248, 33188, 197, 3233, 197, 2675, 2129, 408, 13, 62496, 198, 17924, 4067, 6101, 198, 32, 1602, 37, 47204, 10473, 8021, 197, 7614, 197, 3087, 197, 6486, 73282, 643, 198, 6831, 300, 10582, 1303, 2157, 277, 4588, 36547, 33188, 197, 425, 44323, 197, 1272, 13, 1054, 4897, 753, 3253, 1244, 18319, 25494, 1942, 3864, 13, 1054, 3957, 1942, 383, 2157, 329, 398, 17886, 197, 31153, 12671, 198, 88925, 11, 25494, 2765, 263, 1431, 16868, 3409, 748, 24263, 753, 1602, 4908, 198, 64442, 36547, 197, 1272, 2476, 1942, 383, 197, 6961, 291, 13, 358, 197, 61665, 32809, 13938, 726, 11, 1602, 4071, 197, 35734, 98366, 30, 8976, 42531, 290, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 67304, 10286, 43827, 33188, 198, 2664, 2282, 332, 43827, 38303, 23995, 2136, 13, 12540, 33188, 197, 425, 44323, 33188, 36502, 2765, 25296, 33188, 197, 20559, 198, 1073, 33188, 1942, 11206, 30, 10919, 24263, 726, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 2765, 318, 18675, 61551, 197, 906, 197, 425, 26, 197, 12840, 2765, 318, 18675, 288, 32809, 78, 197, 61917, 198, 285, 197, 5269, 6831, 9585, 197, 906, 197, 548, 32809, 197, 2752, 60910, 53577, 50394, 295, 24263, 13, 1226, 197, 31153, 1186, 1291, 66, 989, 53577, 1186, 686, 16117, 198, 9493, 197, 906, 3207, 197, 82279, 11, 21113, 1678, 197, 906, 197, 12964, 197, 12840, 197, 19041, 20501, 32809, 74242, 197, 2642, 14152, 44323, 13, 1628, 59733, 197, 906, 198, 2527, 32809, 50486, 67086, 197, 59723, 67086, 44323, 21113, 35122, 9793, 5757, 197, 10138, 2157, 461, 53577, 2157, 461, 198, 86924, 11, 32809, 33188, 59574, 64442, 197, 414, 2282, 3328, 2136, 53577, 1186, 686, 9793, 525, 52060, 2282, 332, 1470, 5795, 197, 414, 198, 38487, 2066, 52060, 9994, 97521, 1056, 13, 578, 197, 425, 44323, 197, 414, 1470, 6572, 64355, 197, 3518, 9887, 197, 42312, 32809, 20530, 48048, 197, 414, 197, 2968, 3324, 316, 64333, 553, 82266, 197, 6416, 25653, 32809, 197, 31153, 13, 14013, 14789, 20501, 98366, 33188, 22724, 32809, 1942, 352, 11, 197, 87990, 6831, 616, 11, 25494, 4805, 197, 4345, 198, 751, 11489, 2066, 1942, 11793, 197, 19975, 481, 82022, 2476, 53577, 1942, 6517, 38210, 38303, 866, 64442, 33188, 198, 42820, 44323, 197, 20559, 197, 548, 197, 30998, 485, 71275, 13, 3011, 197, 20559, 6831, 300, 98366, 11575, 7679, 44323, 197, 414, 197, 425, 13, 1102, 2157, 492, 198, 3479, 197, 20019, 43827, 23918, 52503, 43827, 23918, 52503, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 20559, 6831, 484, 197, 33222, 74242, 197, 20559, 13, 10919, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 197, 1497, 197, 1220, 197, 7334, 53577, 2282, 52521, 2282, 5620, 61551, 197, 9514, 10582, 197, 2061, 21113, 1752, 1602, 9514, 198, 3055, 13, 1442, 197, 73254, 11, 197, 425, 2157, 2094, 197, 9514, 2157, 461, 197, 481, 32809, 29336, 2827, 6629, 197, 58174, 17886, 23021, 3058, 64442, 198, 9514, 197, 2656, 32809, 74242, 21113, 481, 32809, 197, 4151, 2282, 6769, 197, 9514, 6831, 486, 197, 708, 93630, 88, 197, 20986, 36547, 14862, 414, 726, 13, 30070, 197, 9514, 17886, 97802, 33188, 78755, 556, 1919, 44323, 14862, 414, 197, 35214, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 13397, 197, 26797, 287, 14862, 414, 198, 44412, 17886, 1942, 638, 606, 2525, 13, 1628, 64442, 6831, 484, 197, 37593, 98138, 11, 44323, 1470, 5366, 13, 52256, 198, 285, 77, 1431, 197, 6881, 32809, 197, 15079, 14862, 414, 21113, 8194, 2282, 332, 32809, 197, 33417, 24263, 13, 14968, 24263, 753, 197, 34055, 81664, 3951, 32809, 198, 680, 2827, 6629, 64442, 38303, 1512, 21113, 1678, 33188, 98366, 290, 44323, 80557, 197, 36583, 21113, 8194, 20501, 36547, 70178, 198, 998, 197, 9514, 13, 3842, 9391, 1155, 1942, 826, 11575, 1942, 647, 1470, 4841, 197, 2118, 7927, 197, 5561, 197, 3957, 11575, 17749, 14518, 1974, 2029, 197, 3923, 753, 198, 54760, 197, 43296, 20501, 61280, 197, 9514, 94036, 13008, 11, 197, 68932, 197, 708, 20501, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 11, 53577, 14862, 414, 197, 18207, 11, 53577, 198, 22479, 1942, 11206, 49216, 2675, 94036, 1431, 197, 4151, 33188, 43908, 6831, 14518, 1974, 17886, 197, 43063, 99905, 21113, 1678, 197, 9514, 4070, 49658, 385, 1171, 198, 1820, 197, 606, 197, 42450, 14862, 414, 726, 13, 3011, 22087, 82, 9793, 680, 6147, 36547, 11575, 1470, 7770, 197, 425, 11, 197, 49864, 197, 9514, 198, 82199, 24263, 32809, 82266, 98366, 13, 1628, 24263, 197, 19926, 197, 9514, 13, 80625, 7913, 8285, 13267, 44323, 33188, 77608, 198, 21704, 3470, 82, 14862, 414, 197, 18207, 53577, 197, 25149, 24263, 13, 358, 197, 30380, 197, 6852, 17886, 33188, 2765, 847, 197, 606, 9215, 492, 198, 1315, 197, 10924, 11575, 1942, 2184, 37296, 28562, 11, 61280, 13938, 3253, 4462, 2066, 33188, 5306, 858, 5861, 529, 1186, 60004, 1186, 3903, 197, 4908, 198, 6518, 197, 54895, 25494, 1470, 619, 2282, 686, 13, 358, 197, 42286, 32809, 13938, 197, 31153, 53577, 11, 2066, 197, 4345, 197, 606, 2157, 13209, 11, 1186, 3903, 80557, 198, 327, 33524, 197, 8154, 10276, 44323, 33188, 197, 782, 15456, 12710, 93462, 2161, 44323, 3303, 467, 53577, 197, 698, 4058, 198, 9210, 8986, 552, 36547, 33188, 197, 18207, 44323, 33188, 9793, 7282, 8285, 13267, 13, 358, 197, 385, 2111, 17886, 11575, 2765, 18780, 197, 3195, 64334, 198, 40, 197, 8154, 52784, 1942, 2084, 287, 13, 13381, 6831, 7596, 197, 9514, 2765, 785, 11, 2282, 332, 61551, 24263, 2765, 7217, 11, 24263, 197, 3594, 729, 197, 9514, 61551, 198, 9336, 13, 358, 16868, 943, 17886, 64442, 2157, 13209, 64442, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 73204, 3253, 19253, 5048, 288, 13, 2684, 20501, 73204, 1470, 7770, 198, 16501, 86, 847, 197, 69849, 9793, 7282, 1942, 2084, 287, 13, 25215, 2090, 197, 37195, 11, 9215, 269, 197, 3852, 197, 1605, 198, 44398, 372, 1333, 11, 94036, 197, 54228, 197, 47079, 50394, 197, 69849, 33188, 3303, 354, 2335, 2066, 197, 18207, 9137, 280, 69386, 19860, 48779, 197, 548, 13938, 1186, 349, 6831, 484, 197, 511, 2407, 73204, 2157, 1683, 197, 12840, 13, 2030, 197, 19041, 20501, 11, 61280, 197, 906, 198, 548, 53299, 32809, 33188, 8285, 13267, 11, 33188, 9123, 22766, 74242, 59051, 44323, 80557, 29336, 2827, 10234, 82022, 13, 3277, 198, 906, 73204, 17972, 261, 3324, 731, 33188, 3253, 1411, 17886, 8986, 1643, 2066, 91159, 7719, 11, 197, 906, 9793, 525, 11575, 9793, 372, 1429, 53577, 198, 911, 17584, 64442, 2157, 461, 197, 54895, 197, 5807, 729, 349, 2066, 197, 12840, 73204, 17972, 261, 197, 1864, 1771, 44323, 197, 414, 198, 6258, 511, 768, 13, 84593, 768, 197, 273, 4798, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 31153, 197, 1864, 1771, 13, 2684, 20501, 197, 42312, 32809, 20530, 48048, 198, 576, 2282, 332, 17643, 8402, 197, 1220, 26665, 952, 13, 358, 53299, 291, 13938, 197, 16293, 53577, 25494, 2765, 13430, 9793, 318, 17886, 13, 426, 198, 111094, 38539, 197, 21257, 77577, 197, 9295, 58442, 1372, 5482, 198, 11, 25494, 1602, 85741, 86601, 197, 3701, 11898, 197, 964, 7721, 24755, 36275, 9391, 50783, 198, 197, 5269, 62928, 14862, 414, 197, 57597, 20501, 197, 3852, 198, 6518, 197, 54895, 24263, 197, 5562, 2157, 1683, 197, 5269, 62928, 14862, 414, 20530, 5009, 11, 197, 24247, 11, 82266, 1470, 277, 22610, 5890, 198, 30141, 9164, 20501, 13, 3639, 2157, 10385, 20501, 33188, 1942, 11206, 3253, 19632, 64442, 81355, 826, 3324, 1146, 197, 383, 7183, 198, 998, 3522, 13, 7357, 197, 37195, 64355, 11575, 9215, 4688, 197, 8362, 11, 11575, 22724, 64442, 753, 197, 64185, 2066, 33188, 198, 73412, 64442, 33188, 197, 37195, 20501, 197, 6881, 32809, 197, 668, 613, 71275, 13, 4427, 197, 548, 17972, 53577, 1942, 638, 197, 548, 198, 8846, 13, 10919, 6831, 484, 197, 37593, 2282, 363, 32809, 22724, 2282, 6769, 197, 31153, 20501, 92974, 53577, 22724, 20501, 98366, 13, 3383, 13209, 44323, 43908, 197, 31153, 20501, 2157, 461, 197, 15693, 32809, 1942, 638, 44323, 71275, 197, 54895, 197, 8332, 3536, 44323, 198, 5717, 10027, 3324, 1769, 77811, 13, 10919, 20501, 80557, 99880, 46043, 44323, 33188, 1942, 11206, 11, 197, 49864, 61551, 11575, 197, 31153, 197, 2715, 1334, 64442, 20501, 49081, 2282, 332, 198, 396, 1137, 11, 82266, 61551, 11575, 2157, 277, 8950, 64442, 34196, 82, 21113, 1678, 59451, 589, 20530, 71275, 73972, 13, 763, 33188, 197, 5880, 44323, 11391, 309, 198, 35, 395, 11, 197, 906, 197 ]
qUickly suppressed that we do not even realize it was there.As the years go by, we have accu­ mulated energy of this fear. The energy behind this fear increases in pressure, and when it reaches a cer­ tain point, it is as though a needle has reached a red line on the dial, and the pressure of this fearfulness now begins to express itself. It spills out and over into 274 HEALING AND RECOVERY our experience and begins to color it. If we do not examine it, we think that this fear is coming from the world, and we blame the world for it.We think that it is a fearful experience happening out there. Little do we realize that it is merely our own fearfulness that is being projected out into the world. Then we own this source of the fear, which is our own accumulated fearfulness. We start to welcome it and look forward to the opportunity to allow this fearfulness to run out.The basic release from fear is by surrender at great depth.The sensations and the inner experience of fear itself remain the same, no matter what we think we fear. If somebody holds a shotgun to our heart and says, "Give me all your money," what are we going to experience? We are going to experi­ ence the dry mouth, weakness in the knees, and that old, familiar flip-floppy feeling in the stomach. If an enemy tank rolls up to our house, knocks it over, rotates the gun barrel, and points it right at our fore­ head, what are we going to experience? The same thing happens if somebody holds a mouse over our head.We are going to experience a dry mouth, queasi­ ness in our stomach, cramps in our intestines, and that shaky feeling in our muscles. All we ever have to handle is those sensations, and with experiencing this technique, we will learn that all we ever have to handle is what we are experienc­ ing within consciousness itself, whether it is localized within the body or elsewhere. After meditation and working with this technique, we will notice that this experience is actually happening in a general and dif­ fuse everywhereness. The phenomena of the queasy WORRY, FEAR, AND ANXIETY 275 muscles, the flip-flop in the stomach, and the dry mouth are being experienced in a vague, diffuse everywhereness. We just allow the experience to be present without resisting it. Because we are focused on that, the fear begins to diminish because we are no longer paying attention to the thoughts. The thoughts themselves are engendering further fear. Ifwe are very busy with this technique of just let­ ting go of resisting the fear, we are now focused on the energy field itself. Behind this fearfulness is an energy, and we are letting go of resisting the progres­ sive release and discharge of that energy. By doing this, we lose the fear of fear. It is no longer an awe­ some terror that awakens us in the middle of the night. It is nothing but an inner emotional experi­ ence, the sensations of which can be easily handled. We can ask ourselves, "Truly, can I handle a dry mouth? Of course, I can." Another technique to eliminate the negative emo­ tions is to let go oftheir associated mental images that attract and amplify associated emotions. Just refuse the image and cancel the temptation to indulge in it. While doing research and experimenting with this particular technique, I had an experience that demon­ strates one of the principles being described. I had had a lifetime fear ofheights which was so severe that when I went to visit the Grand Canyon for the first time, I literally could not walk within one hundred feet of the edge. It created that panicky feeling even when I saw somebody else get near the edge. I was using this technique whenever I could and enjoying the progress I was making with it, but I had never got­276 HEALING AND RECOVERY ten around to working on my fear of heights. I had been working on fear from all its other origins within my experience. The next time I went back to the Grand Canyon about two years later, much to my amazement, I could walk up to within about twenty feet of the edge before the tight feeling occurred in the stomach again. I continued to utilize this tech­ nique over the next year or two and again went back to revisit the Canyon. Much to my surprise, I could walk right up to the very edge. Subsequently, I later went up in a hot air balloon without any anxiety. I was so pleased at this demonstration of the principle that what I had been releasing was the accumulated pres­ sure and energy of all that fear from a lifetime. Similar to a pressure tank, as it released itself, there was less and less to spill over into life experiences. The letting go of resisting is so effective because resistance traps us into a certain state of conscious­ ness; resistance is within. Fear is a negative energy that calibrates at 100, and traps us in the field.We can­ not get beyond it so we become the victim of our own fears unless we own that we are the source of them.As long as we rationalize and say that the source of fear is 'out there', we cannot overcome it. Once we begin to own that we are the experiencer, that we are the one who sets up the way in which we experience things, then we become the one who is master of the situation. Our self-esteem becomes affected. We are no longer the one who is the victim or subject to fear. We are something other than the fear. Fear is nothing but an experience in consciousness, and we no longer have to give it reality by labeling it as a fear of some­WORRY, FEAR, AND ANXIETY 277 thing, which can be an endless process. Fearfulness is attached to everything in the world by fearful people. Changing the world will not handle it.A person can be terribly afraid in a very safe situa­ tion and not at all afraid in a situation that is hypothet­ ically very dangerous. For example, a person is being mugged, which is one thing, and then there is the fear of being mugged, which is something else.The fear of being mugged is not the same as actually being mugged. It is quite possible to have very unfortunate circumstances occur in one's life and not experience fear at all. In fact, one might even experience that one is merely the witness of the phenomenon. Such a thing happened to me when I came face to face with a very large rattlesnake on top of a nearby mountain. As I was about to step into a cabin, a giant rattlesnake was coiled up right in front of the door­ way, and as I lifted my foot to step over him, his head snapped back, his tongue flickered out, and he was poised to strike me. In that instant, there was a flash of fearful thought, and then the thought that I could get a club and hit it, or I could run, or I could yell for help. I did not have a gun, but somebody might shoot it. All the self-protective thoughts that social con­ sciousness had programmed me with were present. Happily, and luckily for me or I would not be telling about this, I had learned this technique. I instantly realized that my life frankly depended on my utilization of it, so I automatically went into this exact technique. I automatically let go of wanting to do any­ thing about the fear, of wanting to handle or change anything about it. Instead, I went into my inner Self 278 HEALING AND RECOVERY and just allowed the inner experience to release itself without any resistance. I welcomed even more of it because somehow, when we really get into the expe­ rience of our own inner consciousness, we see that our survival depends on this and has all along. I saw that my survival really depended on the excellence with which I let go, surrendered to God, and released and let go of resisting the experience. As I did, the fearful thoughts. instantly disappeared, and I felt a pro­ found state of peace settle on both the snake and me. It was as ifI had become the witness-not the wit­ ness confined to this body, but the witness in con­ sciousness, which seemed to have no dimension. This formless dimension was then the experiencer of the presence of a state of peacefulness. This profound state was of such power that it prevailed over the consciousness of both the snake and the personality of this person telling you about this.The snake looked at me with interest, probably not having seen a human being in his whole life, much less a foot away, and I looked at the rattlesnake with great curiosity and thought of him as a brother.The two of us were included in the oneness of this space of our own beingness together in a state of extreme intimacy. Out of it came a sort of inner joyfulness, and I felt love for the snake arise out of the field from which fear had
[ 2874, 52, 875, 398, 56089, 430, 584, 656, 539, 1524, 720, 8110, 553, 433, 574, 1070, 20855, 279, 1667, 733, 555, 11, 584, 617, 1046, 84, 5879, 198, 76, 7913, 4907, 315, 420, 8850, 13, 578, 4907, 4920, 420, 720, 69, 686, 12992, 304, 7410, 11, 323, 994, 433, 25501, 264, 10362, 5879, 198, 23771, 1486, 11, 433, 374, 439, 3582, 264, 31409, 706, 8813, 264, 2579, 720, 1074, 389, 279, 28960, 11, 323, 279, 7410, 315, 420, 8850, 31514, 720, 3409, 12302, 311, 3237, 5196, 13, 1102, 84051, 704, 323, 927, 1139, 220, 16590, 11947, 984, 1753, 3651, 3680, 72076, 720, 414, 3217, 323, 12302, 311, 1933, 433, 13, 1442, 584, 656, 539, 720, 327, 20588, 433, 11, 584, 1781, 430, 420, 8850, 374, 5108, 505, 279, 720, 14957, 11, 323, 584, 19065, 279, 1917, 369, 433, 23210, 1781, 430, 433, 720, 285, 264, 63757, 3217, 12765, 704, 1070, 13, 15013, 656, 720, 906, 13383, 430, 433, 374, 16632, 1057, 1866, 8850, 31514, 430, 374, 720, 35214, 28448, 704, 1139, 279, 1917, 13, 5112, 584, 1866, 420, 2592, 315, 279, 8850, 11, 902, 374, 1057, 720, 785, 41165, 8850, 31514, 13, 1226, 1212, 311, 10788, 433, 720, 438, 1427, 4741, 311, 279, 6776, 311, 2187, 420, 720, 69, 686, 31514, 311, 1629, 704, 11829, 6913, 4984, 505, 8850, 374, 555, 720, 82, 852, 910, 520, 2294, 8149, 11829, 72597, 323, 279, 9358, 720, 50659, 315, 8850, 5196, 7293, 279, 1890, 11, 912, 5030, 720, 12840, 584, 1781, 584, 8850, 13, 1442, 18570, 10187, 264, 52348, 720, 998, 1057, 4851, 323, 2795, 11, 330, 36227, 757, 682, 701, 3300, 1359, 1148, 720, 548, 584, 2133, 311, 3217, 30, 1226, 527, 2133, 311, 5866, 5879, 198, 768, 279, 9235, 11013, 11, 23948, 304, 279, 31624, 11, 323, 430, 720, 820, 11, 11537, 18791, 2269, 385, 35063, 8430, 304, 279, 23152, 13, 1442, 459, 720, 28928, 13192, 28473, 709, 311, 1057, 3838, 11, 85769, 433, 927, 11, 720, 4744, 988, 279, 6166, 20929, 11, 323, 3585, 433, 1314, 520, 1057, 2291, 5879, 198, 2025, 11, 1148, 527, 584, 2133, 311, 3217, 30, 578, 1890, 720, 1626, 8741, 422, 18570, 10187, 264, 8814, 927, 1057, 720, 2025, 23210, 527, 2133, 311, 3217, 264, 9235, 11013, 11, 1744, 10426, 5879, 198, 2136, 304, 1057, 23152, 11, 1589, 14989, 304, 1057, 39408, 1572, 11, 323, 430, 720, 939, 29200, 8430, 304, 1057, 24569, 13, 2052, 584, 3596, 617, 311, 3790, 374, 1884, 72597, 11, 323, 720, 4291, 25051, 420, 15105, 11, 584, 690, 4048, 430, 720, 543, 584, 3596, 617, 311, 3790, 374, 1148, 584, 527, 5866, 967, 5879, 198, 287, 2949, 25917, 5196, 11, 3508, 433, 374, 44589, 720, 56950, 279, 2547, 477, 18403, 13, 4740, 33862, 323, 720, 21837, 449, 420, 15105, 11, 584, 690, 5406, 430, 420, 720, 50659, 374, 3604, 12765, 304, 264, 4689, 323, 1422, 5879, 198, 96692, 1475, 1336, 17848, 434, 13, 578, 44247, 315, 279, 1744, 6539, 468, 878, 11492, 11, 435, 21176, 11, 3651, 2147, 84214, 69484, 220, 14417, 720, 38827, 19153, 11, 279, 18791, 2269, 23085, 304, 279, 23152, 11, 323, 279, 9235, 720, 33780, 527, 1694, 10534, 304, 264, 40146, 11, 55517, 720, 30115, 1336, 17848, 434, 13, 1226, 1120, 2187, 279, 3217, 311, 387, 720, 29844, 2085, 70441, 433, 13, 9393, 584, 527, 10968, 720, 263, 430, 11, 279, 8850, 12302, 311, 57160, 1606, 584, 527, 912, 720, 4930, 261, 12798, 6666, 311, 279, 11555, 13, 578, 11555, 720, 339, 12116, 4372, 527, 2995, 1693, 287, 4726, 8850, 13, 1442, 906, 527, 1633, 13326, 449, 420, 15105, 315, 1120, 1095, 5879, 198, 1303, 733, 315, 70441, 279, 8850, 11, 584, 527, 1457, 10968, 389, 720, 1820, 4907, 2115, 5196, 13, 43474, 420, 8850, 31514, 374, 459, 720, 17947, 11, 323, 584, 527, 20806, 733, 315, 70441, 279, 463, 18297, 5879, 198, 82, 535, 4984, 323, 32643, 315, 430, 4907, 13, 3296, 3815, 720, 576, 11, 584, 9229, 279, 8850, 315, 8850, 13, 1102, 374, 912, 5129, 459, 51517, 5879, 198, 15031, 8818, 430, 1384, 71837, 603, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 720, 9471, 13, 1102, 374, 4400, 719, 459, 9358, 14604, 5866, 5879, 198, 768, 11, 279, 72597, 315, 902, 649, 387, 6847, 18073, 13, 1226, 649, 2610, 13520, 11, 330, 1305, 3988, 11, 649, 358, 3790, 264, 9235, 720, 33780, 30, 5046, 3388, 11, 358, 649, 1210, 13596, 15105, 311, 22472, 279, 8389, 94197, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 374, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 50828, 5938, 10723, 5448, 430, 720, 266, 2193, 323, 97168, 5938, 21958, 13, 4702, 26122, 720, 1820, 2217, 323, 9299, 279, 62461, 311, 68190, 304, 433, 13, 6104, 3815, 3495, 323, 60257, 449, 420, 720, 4581, 24553, 15105, 11, 358, 1047, 459, 3217, 430, 7097, 5879, 198, 496, 988, 832, 315, 279, 16565, 1694, 7633, 13, 358, 1047, 720, 32345, 264, 19569, 8850, 315, 2627, 82, 902, 574, 779, 15748, 430, 720, 9493, 358, 4024, 311, 4034, 279, 10517, 41560, 369, 279, 1176, 720, 1712, 11, 358, 16280, 1436, 539, 4321, 2949, 832, 7895, 720, 1897, 295, 315, 279, 6964, 13, 1102, 3549, 430, 7363, 19501, 8430, 1524, 720, 9493, 358, 5602, 18570, 775, 636, 3221, 279, 6964, 13, 358, 574, 720, 985, 420, 15105, 15716, 358, 1436, 323, 22128, 720, 1820, 5208, 358, 574, 3339, 449, 433, 11, 719, 358, 1047, 2646, 2751, 5879, 16660, 11947, 984, 1753, 3651, 3680, 72076, 720, 2002, 2212, 311, 3318, 389, 856, 8850, 315, 36394, 13, 358, 1047, 720, 82850, 3318, 389, 8850, 505, 682, 1202, 1023, 33472, 2949, 720, 2465, 3217, 13, 578, 1828, 892, 358, 4024, 1203, 311, 279, 720, 41251, 41560, 922, 1403, 1667, 3010, 11, 1790, 311, 856, 720, 109931, 1133, 11, 358, 1436, 4321, 709, 311, 2949, 922, 17510, 720, 1897, 295, 315, 279, 6964, 1603, 279, 10508, 8430, 10222, 304, 720, 1820, 23152, 1578, 13, 358, 8738, 311, 29166, 420, 13312, 5879, 198, 77, 2428, 927, 279, 1828, 1060, 477, 1403, 323, 1578, 4024, 1203, 720, 998, 65878, 279, 41560, 13, 24191, 311, 856, 13051, 11, 358, 1436, 720, 19599, 1314, 709, 311, 279, 1633, 6964, 13, 3804, 39742, 11, 358, 3010, 720, 42700, 709, 304, 264, 4106, 3805, 47856, 2085, 904, 18547, 13, 358, 574, 720, 708, 18949, 520, 420, 30816, 315, 279, 17966, 430, 720, 12840, 358, 1047, 1027, 28965, 574, 279, 41165, 1685, 5879, 198, 19643, 323, 4907, 315, 682, 430, 8850, 505, 264, 19569, 13, 22196, 720, 998, 264, 7410, 13192, 11, 439, 433, 6004, 5196, 11, 1070, 574, 2753, 720, 438, 2753, 311, 39897, 927, 1139, 2324, 11704, 13, 578, 20806, 733, 315, 70441, 374, 779, 7524, 1606, 720, 417, 4011, 45660, 603, 1139, 264, 3738, 1614, 315, 17371, 5879, 198, 2136, 26, 13957, 374, 2949, 13, 43067, 374, 264, 8389, 4907, 720, 9210, 1652, 10892, 988, 520, 220, 1041, 11, 323, 45660, 603, 304, 279, 2115, 23210, 649, 5879, 198, 1962, 636, 7953, 433, 779, 584, 3719, 279, 11996, 315, 1057, 720, 785, 24087, 7389, 584, 1866, 430, 584, 527, 279, 2592, 315, 720, 49818, 20855, 1317, 439, 584, 25442, 553, 323, 2019, 430, 279, 2592, 720, 1073, 8850, 374, 364, 412, 1070, 518, 584, 4250, 23075, 433, 13, 9843, 584, 720, 7413, 311, 1866, 430, 584, 527, 279, 5866, 20099, 11, 430, 584, 527, 720, 1820, 832, 889, 7437, 709, 279, 1648, 304, 902, 584, 3217, 720, 58174, 11, 1243, 584, 3719, 279, 832, 889, 374, 7491, 315, 279, 720, 47965, 4090, 13, 5751, 659, 65906, 9221, 11754, 13, 1226, 527, 720, 2201, 5129, 279, 832, 889, 374, 279, 11996, 477, 3917, 311, 8850, 13, 1226, 527, 2555, 1023, 1109, 279, 8850, 13, 43067, 374, 4400, 720, 8248, 459, 3217, 304, 25917, 11, 323, 584, 912, 5129, 720, 19553, 311, 3041, 433, 8903, 555, 55402, 433, 439, 264, 8850, 315, 1063, 5879, 54, 878, 11492, 11, 435, 21176, 11, 3651, 2147, 84214, 69484, 220, 16367, 720, 1626, 11, 902, 649, 387, 459, 26762, 1920, 13, 43067, 31514, 374, 12673, 311, 4395, 304, 279, 1917, 720, 1729, 63757, 1274, 13, 51269, 279, 1917, 690, 539, 3790, 720, 275, 885, 1732, 649, 387, 50136, 16984, 304, 264, 1633, 6220, 2503, 4381, 5879, 198, 28491, 323, 539, 520, 682, 16984, 304, 264, 6671, 430, 374, 45455, 295, 5879, 198, 2740, 1633, 11660, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 264, 1732, 374, 1694, 720, 76, 20752, 11, 902, 374, 832, 3245, 11, 323, 1243, 1070, 374, 279, 8850, 720, 1073, 1694, 296, 20752, 11, 902, 374, 2555, 775, 11829, 8850, 315, 720, 35214, 296, 20752, 374, 539, 279, 1890, 439, 3604, 1694, 720, 76, 20752, 13, 1102, 374, 5115, 3284, 311, 617, 1633, 34707, 720, 44398, 372, 9623, 12446, 304, 832, 596, 2324, 323, 539, 3217, 720, 69, 686, 520, 682, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 832, 2643, 1524, 3217, 430, 832, 720, 285, 16632, 279, 11550, 315, 279, 25885, 13, 15483, 264, 3245, 7077, 311, 757, 994, 358, 3782, 3663, 311, 720, 1594, 449, 264, 1633, 3544, 57645, 645, 77, 731, 389, 1948, 315, 264, 14373, 720, 16966, 467, 13, 1666, 358, 574, 922, 311, 3094, 1139, 264, 13691, 11, 264, 14880, 720, 81, 91227, 77, 731, 574, 1080, 2230, 709, 1314, 304, 4156, 315, 279, 6134, 5879, 198, 3195, 11, 323, 439, 358, 30831, 856, 4579, 311, 3094, 927, 1461, 11, 813, 2010, 720, 9810, 5795, 1203, 11, 813, 25466, 29447, 12616, 704, 11, 323, 568, 574, 720, 5481, 4147, 311, 13471, 757, 13, 763, 430, 9888, 11, 1070, 574, 264, 8381, 720, 1073, 63757, 3463, 11, 323, 1243, 279, 3463, 430, 358, 1436, 720, 456, 264, 6469, 323, 4295, 433, 11, 477, 358, 1436, 1629, 11, 477, 358, 1436, 65413, 369, 720, 8823, 13, 358, 1550, 539, 617, 264, 6166, 11, 719, 18570, 2643, 6230, 720, 275, 13, 2052, 279, 659, 12, 47079, 535, 11555, 430, 3674, 390, 5879, 198, 23995, 2136, 1047, 56168, 757, 449, 1051, 3118, 13, 35800, 1570, 11, 323, 91145, 369, 757, 477, 358, 1053, 539, 387, 720, 83, 6427, 922, 420, 11, 358, 1047, 9687, 420, 15105, 13, 358, 720, 86258, 398, 15393, 430, 856, 2324, 42762, 79101, 389, 856, 720, 1338, 2065, 315, 433, 11, 779, 358, 9651, 4024, 1139, 420, 4839, 720, 26522, 2428, 13, 358, 9651, 1095, 733, 315, 19762, 311, 656, 904, 5879, 198, 1626, 922, 279, 8850, 11, 315, 19762, 311, 3790, 477, 2349, 720, 73254, 922, 433, 13, 12361, 11, 358, 4024, 1139, 856, 9358, 10323, 220, 16949, 11947, 984, 1753, 3651, 3680, 72076, 720, 438, 1120, 5535, 279, 9358, 3217, 311, 4984, 5196, 720, 30096, 904, 13957, 13, 358, 32069, 1524, 810, 315, 433, 720, 28753, 17354, 11, 994, 584, 2216, 636, 1139, 279, 506, 375, 5879, 198, 462, 768, 315, 1057, 1866, 9358, 25917, 11, 584, 1518, 430, 720, 414, 20237, 14117, 389, 420, 323, 706, 682, 3235, 13, 358, 5602, 720, 9210, 856, 20237, 2216, 79101, 389, 279, 38656, 720, 4291, 902, 358, 1095, 733, 11, 71044, 311, 4359, 11, 323, 6004, 720, 438, 1095, 733, 315, 70441, 279, 3217, 13, 1666, 358, 1550, 11, 279, 720, 69, 686, 1285, 11555, 13, 22571, 29496, 11, 323, 358, 6612, 264, 463, 5879, 198, 15456, 1614, 315, 9096, 25760, 389, 2225, 279, 26332, 323, 757, 13, 1102, 574, 439, 422, 40, 1047, 3719, 279, 11550, 30269, 279, 38467, 5879, 198, 2136, 45408, 311, 420, 2547, 11, 719, 279, 11550, 304, 390, 5879, 198, 23995, 2136, 11, 902, 9508, 311, 617, 912, 13167, 13, 1115, 720, 630, 1752, 13167, 574, 1243, 279, 5866, 20099, 315, 279, 720, 74519, 315, 264, 1614, 315, 26733, 2136, 13, 1115, 28254, 720, 2513, 574, 315, 1778, 2410, 430, 433, 85814, 927, 279, 720, 64589, 2136, 315, 2225, 279, 26332, 323, 279, 17743, 720, 1073, 420, 1732, 11890, 499, 922, 420, 11829, 26332, 7111, 720, 266, 757, 449, 2802, 11, 4762, 539, 3515, 3970, 264, 720, 26380, 1694, 304, 813, 4459, 2324, 11, 1790, 2753, 264, 4579, 3201, 11, 720, 438, 358, 7111, 520, 279, 57645, 645, 77, 731, 449, 2294, 41328, 720, 438, 3463, 315, 1461, 439, 264, 10868, 11829, 1403, 315, 603, 1051, 720, 83722, 304, 279, 389, 24639, 315, 420, 3634, 315, 1057, 1866, 720, 35214, 2136, 3871, 304, 264, 1614, 315, 14560, 66264, 13, 4470, 720, 1073, 433, 3782, 264, 3460, 315, 9358, 16267, 31514, 11, 323, 358, 6612, 3021, 369, 720, 1820, 26332, 31889, 704, 315, 279, 2115, 505, 902, 8850, 1047 ]
with various undesirable side effects. For instance, one of the most commonly prescribed American drugs was recently found to boost the risk of excessive acidity in the blood, leading to the formation of kidney stones. Migraines can be caused by a number of factors. Some are due to dental problems, such as a poorly aligned bite or muscle imbalance in the jaw. In other cases the cause is a blockage or a minute dislocation in the spine or the neck, which needs to be corrected by expert chiropractic treatment. But the overwhelming majority of migraines is caused by allergies or intolerance to certain foods. The most frequently identified “usual suspects” are cheese, chocolate and citrus fruits. As a young doctor, Dr. Gerson often suffered from severe debilitating migraines. After experimenting with various diets, he discovered that his problem was caused by toxic foodstuffs, mostly salty and heavily spiced meats. In order to heal himself, he developed a salt-free, low fat vegetarian diet that became the basis of his nutritional protocol; after further refinements and improvements this gave birth to the Gerson Therapy, used to this day world-wide to heal the vast majority of chronic degenerative diseases. Many patients who embark on the Gerson program rapidly recover from their long-standing migraines, and remain pain-free unless they revert to the foods that sparked off their attacks in the past. Endometriosis The endometrium is the mucous membrane lining the uterus. During the fertile years of a woman this lining is shed every month, if the secreted ovum is not fertilized and implanted in the tissue. When the organism or the hormone system is malfunctioning, the endometrium can spread to various sites throughout the pelvic area, including the abdominal wall. As the condition worsens and the menstrual cycle does not get regulated, endometrial tissue may spread throughout the body, becoming a malignancy “resembling metastatic pelvic carcinoma” ( Taber’ s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary). Case History : The experience of S.T. illustrates this progression perfectly. This patient had gynecological problems at the very start of her menstrual periods. Thirty-five years later she was diagnosed with endometriosis and had a number of D & C’s ( scraping of the uterus) to remove endometrial plaque. In the end she had a partial hysterectomy, yet her problems continued, and finally in 1979 a Pap smear showed cancer of the cervix with ‘atypical’ ( irregular, not conforming to the normal) cells in her blood. She also noticed lumps in her breast, but these were not further Copyright © Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 7 1Healing the Gerson Way—Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases www.thegersonway.cominvestigated. A hysterectomy was arranged for her, but she declined the operation and changed her diet. Some time before she had heard a lecture by Charlotte Gerson and had decided at the time that if any of her family members developed cancer, they would embark on the Gerson Therapy. S.T. stayed on the strict Therapy for two years. She was cured and remains fit and well, leading a busy life. Morbid Obesity This condition is defined in Taber’ s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 3 as “Obesity of such degree as to interfere with normal activities, including respiration.” Weight in excess of 100 pounds above normal average for the individual’s age, sex and build is considered ‘morbid.’ Not so long ago, excessively fat people drew curious or critical glances in the street. These days there are too many of them to receive attention. The rapid worldwide spread of fast food outlets and the exponentially growing sales of convenience foods have sparked off a global epidemic of dangerous obesity in all age groups. On March 10, 2004, it was repeatedly announced on the radio (KNX-1070 AM Los Angeles), that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta has upgraded obesity in the U.S. as the No.1 preventable cause of disease, displacing smoking from that position. The word ‘morbid’ means ‘of the nature of or indicative of disease,’ and indeed the Medical Dictionary quotes obesity as a contributing factor to the following diseases: Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2), hypertension, and some types of cancer. This edition of the Dictionary was published in 1993. At that time it was estimated that 34 million adults in the U.S. were overweight. A more recent statement (2001) by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) declared that almost two-thirds of American adults are overweight. The 1980 figures for obesity have doubled by 2001; Diabetes Mellitus has increased ninefold since 1958, and heart disease remains the No.1 cause of death. Worst of all, obesity has become widespread among children. Fat kids are referred to as “Small Fries—the Offspring of Couch Potatoes.” Between 1980 and 1994, obesity in American children increased by 100%; currently one in four children is obese, as reported by Frank Booth, Ph.D. and Donna Krupa 4. Lack of exercise is an important contributory factor to this tragic state of affairs, since—according to the above authors—the average child spends 900 hours a year in school, and 1,023 hours watching TV.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms: ‘The decrease in the death rate is dramatic—the largest reduction of just about any intervention that’s been tried,’ said Dr. Carl S. Apstein, professor of medicine at Boston University. ‘Newer heart attack treatments, such as clot-dissolving drugs, typically cost hundreds of dollars per patient compared with less than $50 for GKI. ” While the treatment was supposedly abandoned because of ‘doubts as to its effectiveness,’ the author of the article states his belief that “the doubts were caused by the fact that the treatment was cheap and effective, so that the hugely expensive bypass surgeries, angioplasties, heart transplants, etc., would no longer be needed. It is interesting that the heart specialists now use the excuse that the treatment could be used by people who can’t afford more and those who live in the Third World. ” The Role of Cholesterol in Heart Disease In the public mind cholesterol is vaguely linked to heart attacks and strokes, but not everyone knows how this connection works. Cholesterol, a soft waxy substance found among the lipids (fats) in the bloodstream, is produced naturally in the liver. It is needed for various important body functions, such as the production of hormones, including sex hormones and corticosteroids. Cholesterol is divided into Low and High Density Lipoproteins, or LDL and HDL respectively. HDL is considered necessary and beneficial, able to rid the blood of the harmful LDL. This can have a genetic origin, but is more likely to be caused by the average American diet that is far too rich in saturated fats, the obvious source of excess cholesterol. Some of the highest food sources of cholesterol, according to Dr. W. Virgil Brown, professor at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, are hamburgers, cheeseburgers, meat loaf, whole milk and cheese, steaks, hot dogs, eggs, and some more items. Since these foods make up a high proportion of the usual American diet, clearly they introduce far too much LDL cholesterol Copyright © Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author. Page 5 2Healing the Gerson Way—Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases www. thegersonway. cominto the blood. The result is that blood lipids, i. e., fats, are deposited in the walls of arteries and form plaque, which in turn causes atherosclerosis. The plaque reduces arterial blood flow, is rough and easily allows platelets to accumulate, causing clots which then block the artery altogether. If this occurs in the coronary arteries, which surround and supply the heart, it will cause a heart attack; if in the brain, the result will be a stroke. The Gerson treatment is exceptionally effective in not only reducing harmful cholesterol, but also in dissolving plaque and clearing the arteries for normal blood flow. Cases of cholesterol reduction by 100 points without drugs in just one week have been seen. The diet free from meats, fats, milk products, eggs, etc., contributes greatly to this success. But there is another important factor: the use of flax seed oil. Cold pressed from organically grown flax seeds, as discovered by Dr. Johanna Budwig 1, it is high in the important Omega 3 and low in the Omega 6 fatty acids. This ratio causes the excess cholesterol to be dissolved and carried off via the bloodstream and the liver. (By way of contrast, a high cholesterol diet is high in Omega 6 and seriously deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids. ) As an immediate result of embarking on the Gerson Therapy, patients present a more normal level of cholesterol, and they are able to stop taking the statin drugs prescribed by their doctors. These drugs represent one of the largest markets for any prescription medication;
[ 449, 5370, 720, 1263, 288, 26014, 3185, 6372, 13, 1789, 2937, 11, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 17037, 32031, 3778, 11217, 720, 16514, 6051, 1766, 311, 7916, 279, 5326, 315, 27639, 98026, 304, 279, 6680, 11, 6522, 311, 279, 18488, 315, 720, 64381, 3520, 27302, 13, 386, 5346, 33903, 649, 387, 9057, 555, 264, 1396, 315, 9547, 13, 4427, 527, 4245, 311, 29106, 5435, 11, 1778, 439, 720, 64, 31555, 27210, 23556, 477, 16124, 68331, 304, 279, 16942, 13, 763, 1023, 5157, 279, 5353, 374, 264, 2565, 425, 477, 264, 720, 43657, 834, 2588, 304, 279, 35776, 477, 279, 13272, 11, 902, 3966, 311, 387, 37065, 555, 6335, 77301, 24045, 720, 83, 35320, 13, 2030, 279, 22798, 8857, 315, 9971, 33903, 374, 9057, 555, 58742, 477, 75431, 311, 720, 66, 7770, 15657, 13, 578, 1455, 14134, 11054, 1054, 81324, 30861, 863, 527, 17604, 11, 18414, 323, 60290, 720, 1658, 12059, 13, 1666, 264, 3995, 10896, 11, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 3629, 16654, 505, 15748, 92890, 9971, 33903, 13, 4740, 720, 60529, 287, 449, 5370, 41943, 11, 568, 11352, 430, 813, 3575, 574, 9057, 555, 21503, 3691, 267, 33668, 11, 720, 63995, 74975, 323, 17345, 993, 7725, 63875, 13, 763, 2015, 311, 27661, 5678, 11, 568, 8040, 264, 12290, 12862, 11, 3428, 8834, 720, 83571, 8997, 10173, 430, 6244, 279, 8197, 315, 813, 43226, 11766, 26, 1306, 4726, 60796, 3808, 323, 720, 318, 782, 12760, 420, 6688, 7342, 311, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 11, 1511, 311, 420, 1938, 1917, 25480, 311, 27661, 279, 13057, 720, 37605, 488, 315, 21249, 5367, 75989, 19338, 13, 9176, 6978, 889, 70531, 389, 279, 480, 1293, 2068, 19019, 11993, 505, 872, 1317, 56703, 720, 76, 5346, 33903, 11, 323, 7293, 6784, 12862, 7389, 814, 42228, 311, 279, 15657, 430, 41544, 1022, 872, 8951, 304, 720, 1820, 3347, 13, 4060, 4512, 462, 10934, 198, 791, 842, 4512, 41552, 374, 279, 65104, 788, 39654, 36471, 279, 85656, 13, 12220, 279, 70225, 1667, 315, 264, 720, 22803, 420, 36471, 374, 25351, 1475, 2305, 11, 422, 279, 6367, 291, 25568, 372, 374, 539, 36214, 1534, 323, 95956, 304, 720, 1820, 20438, 13, 3277, 279, 47120, 477, 279, 36908, 1887, 374, 72287, 287, 11, 279, 842, 4512, 41552, 649, 720, 59295, 311, 5370, 6732, 6957, 279, 84168, 3158, 11, 2737, 279, 57056, 7147, 13, 1666, 279, 3044, 720, 86, 1105, 729, 323, 279, 78727, 11008, 1587, 539, 636, 35319, 11, 842, 4512, 6757, 20438, 1253, 9041, 6957, 720, 1820, 2547, 11, 10671, 264, 60327, 6709, 1054, 265, 43064, 68370, 780, 84168, 89468, 863, 320, 15490, 261, 529, 274, 82081, 385, 7018, 292, 720, 53654, 10685, 570, 11799, 11346, 551, 578, 3217, 315, 328, 844, 13, 46480, 420, 33824, 14268, 13, 1115, 8893, 1047, 720, 70, 75030, 5848, 5435, 520, 279, 1633, 1212, 315, 1077, 78727, 18852, 13, 67720, 36399, 1667, 3010, 1364, 574, 720, 8747, 3326, 20158, 449, 842, 4512, 462, 10934, 323, 1047, 264, 1396, 315, 423, 612, 356, 753, 320, 82538, 315, 279, 85656, 8, 220, 311, 4148, 720, 408, 4512, 6757, 61464, 13, 763, 279, 842, 1364, 1047, 264, 7276, 54119, 72783, 11, 3686, 1077, 5435, 8738, 11, 323, 720, 40276, 304, 220, 4468, 24, 264, 32743, 81603, 8710, 9572, 315, 279, 52664, 953, 449, 3451, 266, 89215, 529, 320, 42408, 11, 539, 26965, 287, 720, 998, 279, 4725, 8, 7917, 304, 1077, 6680, 13, 3005, 1101, 14000, 326, 12055, 304, 1077, 17659, 11, 719, 1521, 1051, 539, 4726, 3028, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 1115, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 22, 220, 16, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 43114, 83341, 13, 362, 54119, 72783, 574, 28902, 369, 1077, 11, 719, 1364, 19284, 279, 5784, 323, 5614, 1077, 720, 94942, 13, 4427, 892, 1603, 1364, 1047, 6755, 264, 31678, 555, 29473, 480, 1293, 323, 1047, 6773, 520, 279, 892, 720, 9210, 422, 904, 315, 1077, 3070, 3697, 8040, 9572, 11, 814, 1053, 70531, 389, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 13, 328, 844, 13, 20186, 389, 279, 7452, 40143, 369, 1403, 1667, 13, 3005, 574, 64688, 323, 8625, 5052, 323, 1664, 11, 720, 21307, 264, 13326, 2324, 13, 8613, 21301, 95171, 198, 2028, 3044, 374, 4613, 304, 15490, 261, 529, 274, 82081, 385, 7018, 292, 13235, 10685, 220, 18, 439, 1054, 4213, 28222, 315, 1778, 720, 42127, 439, 311, 40978, 449, 4725, 7640, 11, 2737, 594, 29579, 2029, 16923, 304, 13937, 315, 220, 1041, 720, 79, 3171, 3485, 4725, 5578, 369, 279, 3927, 753, 4325, 11, 1877, 323, 1977, 374, 6646, 3451, 57902, 21301, 14639, 720, 2688, 779, 1317, 4227, 11, 87146, 8834, 1274, 24465, 22999, 477, 9200, 2840, 3095, 304, 279, 8761, 13, 4314, 2919, 720, 19041, 527, 2288, 1690, 315, 1124, 311, 5371, 6666, 13, 578, 11295, 15603, 9041, 315, 5043, 3691, 28183, 720, 438, 279, 75251, 7982, 6763, 315, 19679, 15657, 617, 41544, 1022, 264, 3728, 42620, 315, 720, 32550, 788, 33048, 304, 682, 4325, 5315, 13, 1952, 5587, 220, 605, 11, 220, 1049, 19, 11, 433, 574, 19352, 7376, 389, 279, 9063, 320, 17596, 55, 12, 7699, 15, 6912, 9853, 12167, 705, 720, 9210, 279, 5955, 369, 31974, 7935, 320, 74558, 8, 304, 20005, 706, 33624, 33048, 304, 279, 549, 815, 13, 439, 279, 2360, 13, 16, 720, 93755, 481, 5353, 315, 8624, 11, 13770, 4628, 20149, 505, 430, 2361, 13, 578, 3492, 3451, 57902, 21301, 529, 3445, 3451, 1073, 279, 7138, 315, 477, 64005, 315, 8624, 23189, 323, 13118, 279, 13235, 720, 8685, 17637, 33048, 439, 264, 29820, 8331, 311, 279, 2768, 19338, 25, 53689, 61285, 36891, 720, 23313, 220, 17, 705, 63308, 11, 323, 1063, 4595, 315, 9572, 13, 1115, 14002, 315, 279, 10685, 574, 4756, 720, 258, 220, 2550, 18, 13, 2468, 430, 892, 433, 574, 13240, 430, 220, 1958, 3610, 12884, 304, 279, 549, 815, 13, 1051, 50254, 13, 362, 810, 720, 47743, 5224, 320, 1049, 16, 8, 555, 279, 5955, 369, 10170, 304, 279, 3142, 25074, 320, 6546, 1932, 8, 14610, 430, 720, 60301, 1403, 45726, 315, 3778, 12884, 527, 50254, 13, 578, 220, 3753, 15, 12678, 369, 33048, 617, 35717, 720, 1729, 220, 1049, 16, 26, 53689, 61285, 36891, 706, 7319, 11888, 20557, 2533, 220, 6280, 23, 11, 323, 4851, 8624, 8625, 279, 2360, 13, 16, 720, 1593, 315, 4648, 13, 70192, 315, 682, 11, 33048, 706, 3719, 24716, 4315, 2911, 13, 26417, 6980, 527, 14183, 311, 439, 720, 2118, 26375, 435, 4108, 22416, 4206, 30323, 315, 62228, 14020, 20798, 2029, 28232, 220, 3753, 15, 323, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 33048, 304, 3778, 720, 5988, 7319, 555, 220, 1041, 16571, 5131, 832, 304, 3116, 2911, 374, 50320, 11, 439, 5068, 555, 9454, 64370, 11, 720, 3438, 920, 13, 323, 47863, 16852, 46931, 220, 19, 13, 68502, 315, 10368, 374, 459, 3062, 6044, 37245, 8331, 311, 420, 35279, 1614, 720, 1073, 22747, 11, 2533, 2345, 74946, 311, 279, 3485, 12283, 22416, 5578, 1716, 38202, 220, 7467, 4207, 264, 1060, 720, 258, 2978, 11, 323, 220, 16, 11, 20063, 4207, 10307, 6007, 662, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 3451, 791, 18979, 304, 279, 4648, 4478, 374, 22520, 22416, 720, 27995, 478, 14278, 315, 1120, 922, 904, 21623, 430, 753, 1027, 6818, 23189, 1071, 2999, 13, 22770, 328, 13, 5345, 12711, 11, 14561, 720, 1073, 16088, 520, 10406, 3907, 13, 3451, 3648, 261, 4851, 3440, 22972, 11, 1778, 439, 94263, 1773, 1056, 20222, 11217, 11, 720, 87184, 2853, 11758, 315, 11441, 824, 8893, 7863, 449, 2753, 1109, 400, 1135, 369, 480, 82071, 13, 126672, 8142, 279, 6514, 574, 33828, 23838, 1606, 315, 3451, 67, 5599, 2641, 439, 311, 1202, 27375, 23189, 720, 1820, 3229, 315, 279, 4652, 5415, 813, 16801, 430, 1054, 1820, 40017, 1051, 9057, 555, 279, 2144, 430, 279, 6514, 720, 16514, 12136, 323, 7524, 11, 779, 430, 279, 49737, 11646, 31818, 68823, 11, 92962, 92335, 552, 11, 4851, 720, 1485, 64805, 11, 5099, 13, 1174, 1053, 912, 5129, 387, 4460, 13, 1102, 374, 7185, 430, 279, 4851, 35416, 1457, 1005, 279, 720, 40541, 817, 430, 279, 6514, 1436, 387, 1511, 555, 1274, 889, 649, 1431, 10150, 810, 323, 1884, 889, 3974, 304, 720, 1820, 21530, 4435, 13, 126672, 791, 15766, 315, 921, 35244, 304, 18449, 31974, 198, 644, 279, 586, 4059, 39086, 374, 73059, 10815, 311, 4851, 8951, 323, 53572, 11, 719, 539, 5127, 720, 33134, 82, 1268, 420, 3717, 4375, 13, 921, 35244, 11, 264, 8579, 289, 14092, 20278, 1766, 4315, 279, 19588, 3447, 720, 968, 1900, 8, 304, 279, 100216, 11, 374, 9124, 18182, 304, 279, 26587, 13, 1102, 374, 4460, 369, 5370, 3062, 720, 2664, 5865, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 5788, 315, 44315, 11, 2737, 1877, 44315, 323, 23100, 292, 11975, 17390, 13, 921, 35244, 374, 18255, 1139, 12310, 323, 5234, 73710, 42239, 454, 5646, 1354, 11, 477, 86543, 323, 12445, 43, 15947, 13, 12445, 43, 374, 6646, 5995, 323, 24629, 11, 3025, 311, 9463, 279, 6680, 315, 279, 28856, 86543, 13, 1115, 649, 720, 19553, 264, 19465, 6371, 11, 719, 374, 810, 4461, 311, 387, 9057, 555, 279, 5578, 3778, 10173, 430, 374, 3117, 2288, 720, 14172, 304, 50585, 50127, 11, 279, 8196, 2592, 315, 13937, 39086, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 8592, 3691, 8336, 315, 39086, 11, 4184, 311, 2999, 13, 468, 13, 9734, 61887, 10690, 11, 14561, 720, 266, 279, 10640, 79985, 6150, 315, 19152, 304, 1561, 4356, 11, 527, 57947, 388, 11, 17604, 10481, 388, 11, 13339, 77248, 11, 720, 67733, 14403, 323, 17604, 11, 4179, 10011, 11, 4106, 12875, 11, 19335, 11, 323, 1063, 810, 3673, 13, 8876, 1521, 15657, 1304, 709, 720, 64, 1579, 21801, 315, 279, 13783, 3778, 10173, 11, 9539, 814, 19678, 3117, 2288, 1790, 86543, 39086, 3028, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 1115, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 13, 5874, 220, 20, 220, 17, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13, 279, 70, 1293, 3195, 13, 470, 18614, 279, 6680, 13, 578, 1121, 374, 430, 6680, 19588, 3447, 11, 602, 13, 384, 13, 1174, 50127, 11, 527, 54568, 304, 279, 14620, 315, 85648, 323, 720, 630, 61464, 11, 902, 304, 2543, 11384, 264, 91882, 91711, 13, 578, 61464, 26338, 80935, 6680, 6530, 11, 374, 11413, 720, 438, 6847, 6276, 12235, 10145, 311, 47376, 11, 14718, 1206, 2469, 902, 1243, 2565, 279, 65415, 31155, 13, 1442, 420, 13980, 304, 279, 66298, 85648, 11, 902, 9172, 323, 8312, 279, 4851, 11, 433, 690, 5353, 264, 4851, 720, 21208, 26, 422, 304, 279, 8271, 11, 279, 1121, 690, 387, 264, 12943, 13, 578, 480, 1293, 6514, 374, 48298, 7524, 304, 539, 1193, 18189, 28856, 39086, 11, 720, 8248, 1101, 304, 14091, 20222, 61464, 323, 33850, 279, 85648, 369, 4725, 6680, 6530, 13, 47124, 315, 39086, 720, 265, 23985, 555, 220, 1041, 3585, 2085, 11217, 304, 1120, 832, 2046, 617, 1027, 3970, 13, 578, 10173, 1949, 505, 63875, 11, 720, 69, 1900, 11, 14403, 3956, 11, 19335, 11, 5099, 13, 1174, 44072, 19407, 311, 420, 2450, 13, 2030, 1070, 374, 2500, 3062, 720, 38691, 25, 279, 1005, 315, 1344, 710, 10533, 5707, 13, 24062, 17770, 505, 2942, 2740, 15042, 1344, 710, 19595, 11, 439, 11352, 555, 720, 9023, 13, 27268, 12930, 37235, 38022, 220, 16, 11, 433, 374, 1579, 304, 279, 3062, 44409, 220, 18, 323, 3428, 304, 279, 44409, 220, 21, 40085, 33969, 13, 1115, 11595, 11384, 279, 13937, 39086, 311, 387, 56767, 323, 11953, 1022, 4669, 279, 100216, 323, 720, 1820, 26587, 13, 320, 1383, 1648, 315, 13168, 11, 264, 1579, 39086, 10173, 374, 1579, 304, 44409, 220, 21, 323, 14243, 87544, 304, 720, 78435, 220, 18, 40085, 33969, 13, 883, 1666, 459, 14247, 1121, 315, 8126, 34552, 389, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 11, 6978, 3118, 264, 810, 4725, 720, 3374, 315, 39086, 11, 323, 814, 527, 3025, 311, 3009, 4737, 279, 2863, 258, 11217, 32031, 555, 872, 16410, 13, 4314, 11217, 4097, 832, 315, 279, 7928, 11987, 369, 904, 22866, 24099, 26 ]
. Properties : A thickening agent. Suspected and indicated in ulcerative conditions of the GI tract. Affects blood clotting and proper nutrient dispersion. Chlorine Found in : Tap water, showers, pool, laundry products, cleaning agents, food processing, sewage systems, etc. Properties : Anti-bacterial and parasitic. Contributes to asthma, hay fever, anemia, bronchitis, circulatory collapse, confusion, delirium, diabetes, dizziness, irritation of the eyes, mouth, nose, throat, lung, skin and stomach, heart disease, high blood pressure and nausea. Probably cancer causing. DEA (Diethanolamine) MEA (Momoethanolamine) TEA (Triethanolamine) Found in : Bubble baths, shampoos, soaps, skin washes and cleansers. Properties : Foaming agents. Suspected carcinogen. May bind with nitrates and nitrites to form nitrosamines (tumor growers). EDTA (Ethylendiaminetetraacetic Acid) Found in : Shellac, solvents, and personal care products that foam (bubble baths, body washes, shampoos, soaps and facial cleansers). Properties : Preservative. Hormone disrupters. Suspected in at least two types of cancer—kidney and liver cancer. Known to cause kidney, intestinal and skin disorders. Causes cramping and the like. Gums (Arabic, Karaya, Xanthin, Cellulose, Ghatti, Tragacanth, etc.) Found in : Ice cream, colas, candy, gum, beer, salad dressings, Isopropyl alcohol.Properties : Thickening agent. May be linked to allergies and bowel disorders. Affects proper nutrient bioavailability Isopropyl Alcohol Found in : Hair color rinses, body rubs, hand lotions, after-shave lotions, fragrances, and many other cosmetics. A petroleum-derived substance, it is also used in antifreeze and as a solvent in shellac. Properties : A solvent and denaturant. (A dena-turant is a poisonous substance that changes another substance’s natural qualities). Inhalation or ingestion of the vapor may cause headaches, flushing, dizziness, mental depression, nausea, vomiting, narcosis and coma. Lactic Acid Found in : Printing industry, dyes, frozen pizzas, gelatin, cheeses, frozen desserts, olives, beer, carbonated drinks. Properties : A preservative. Acidosis and inflammation. Maltol Dextrin Found in : Wood tars, many desserts and soft drinks, processed foods, ice cream. Properties : Aroma and flavor enhancer. Suspected carcinogen. Mineral Oil Found in : Commonly used petroleum ingredient. Baby Oil is 100% mineral oil. Properties : Disrupts the skin’s natural immune barrier, inhibiting its ability to breathe and to absorb moisture and nutrition. Impedes the skin’s ability to release toxins, promoting acne and other disorders. Ultimately causes premature aging. Modified Food Starch Found in : Baked beans, creamed canned foods, beets (processed), dry- roasted nuts, ravioli, drink powders, frozen pizzas, pie fillings, baby foods, baking powder, frozen fish (packaged), soups, gravies.Properties : Thickening and filling agent. Alkali in sodium hydroxide. Suspected in causing lung damage. GI tract irritation, vomiting. Possible cramping and spasms. Mono- and Diglycerides Found in : Pies, butter, dry roasted nuts, cakes, cookies, some processed foods. Properties : Binding and smoothing agent, softener. Suspected carcinogenic, possibly causing genetic and birth defects. MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) Found in : Many Chinese foods, sauces, canned and processed foods, frozen pizzas, beer, salad dressings, canned meats, tomato sauces, broths, gelatins, bouillon, soy sauce, etc. May be disguised by other names, e.g. glutamate, glutamic acid, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed proteins, natural flavors, caseinate, seasonings, carrageenan, maltol dextrin, yeast extract. Properties : A common flavor enhancer. Excitotoxin (neurotoxin) affects the nervous system and glandular system. Spasms, headaches (including migraines), sweating, chest pain, diarrhea. Possibly linked to genetic conditions, brain damage, heart conditions, tumors, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, asthma attacks, ALS, ADD, ADHD, GI tract conditions. Nitrites, Nitrates (Sodium) Found in : Processed meats, frozen pizzas, baby foods, etc. Properties : Preservative, used in “curing.” Known carcinogens. Extremely toxic. Overdoses cause death. Binds to form nitrosamines, especially in the presence of alcohol. PEG (Polyethylene glycol) Found in : Toothpastes, bath and shower products. Used to make degreasers and cleansers (oven, car, etc. )Properties : Thickening agent. Affects endocrine function; has estrogenic effects; a suspected carcinogen. Propylene Glycol Found in : Antifreeze, make-up, lotions, deodorants, mouthwashes, toothpaste, hair products (shampoos, etc.) shaving cream, etc. Used in food processing. Used as solvents. Properties : A surfactant or wetting agent. Skin irritant, causing inflammation and possible damage to skin. May cause kidney, liver, brain and pancreatic damage and abnormalities. Used to break down proteins and cellular structures. Propylgallate Found in : Gum, pickles, oils and shortenings, processed foods and meat products. Properties : A preservative. Suspected in liver and pancreatic damage. Possible link to birth defects. Red Dye #40 (AI I u ra Red AC) Found in : Red pistachio nuts, meats (hot dogs, etc. ), gelatin, gum, cereals, baked goods, many candies, red sodas. Note: #40 is not used as much today. However, there are many artificial colorings that are very questionable. Properties : A coloring. Suspected carcinogen and possibly linked to birth defects. Liver and kidney damage. Nerve toxin. Saccharin Found in : Many desserts, drinks and prepackaged foods. Properties : An artificial sweetener. Suspected in some cancers (bladder, etc.) and possible tumor formation. Can affect heart rhythms, GI tract conditions and skin irritation. Sodium Erythorbate Found in : Meat products, baked goods, many beverages, etc.Properties : Preservative. Banned in many countries. Suspected in birth defects and genetic conditions. Highly toxic. Sodium Laureth and/or Lauryl Sulfate (SLES/SLS) Found in : Mouthwashes, shampoos, bubble bath, shaving gels/creams, toothpastes, shower bars/gels, detergents, car wash soaps, engine degreasers, floor cleaner, cosmetics. Properties : Said to contain nitrosamines and dioxane, which are both considered carcinogens. Suspected effects include: liver, kidney, lung and pancreatic damage. May affect calcium utilization causing teeth, bone and connective tissue weaknesses. May affect nerve and brain function. Suspected in hair loss, cataracts and poor eyesight, eye damage/development, shortness of breath, skin irritation/damage, and death. Sodium Fluoride Found in : Toothpastes Properties : Known carcinogen. Affects brain and nerve function; weakens kidney tissue. Talc Found in : Deodorants, shaving products and skin products. Properties : A known carcinogen that causes ovarian cancer in mammals. Synthetic (Artificial) Flavorings or Fragrances Found in : Packaged foods, mouthwashes, deodorants, cosmetics, perfumes, etc. Properties : Many are neurotoxins affecting your brain, nerve, and endocrine function; many suspected as carcinogens. Tannin (Tannic Acid) Found in : Teas, coffee, beer, wine, soda. Found in many artificial flavorings, etc. Properties : Flavoring. Suspected in liver, pancreatic and GI tractirritation. Occurs naturally in nature, in low doses and buffered. Toluene Found in : Nail polish, feminine products, as well as some cosmetics. Properties : Suspected carcinogen, reportedly affects endocrine function. Research shows possible birth defects as one side effect. Can affect brain and nerve function. Conclusion Many of the toxins listed above have been detected in municipal water supplies, both above and below ground, including large city water supplies. Most of these toxins and pollutants come from manufacturing, industrial solvents, ammunition wastes, pesticides, herbicides, grain fumigants, and petrochemical use (gasoline, solvents, oils, cleansers) dumped into the ground. Boating is also a source of contamination of water supplies. Reports indicate that over 125 cosmetic ingredients, and hundreds of others—commonly found in cigarettes, foods, lotions, salves, synthetic vitamins and many other daily used or consumed substances—are carcinogenic
[ 13, 12094, 198, 25, 362, 12314, 6147, 8479, 13, 16687, 4136, 323, 16717, 304, 96971, 1413, 198, 16902, 315, 279, 49609, 42929, 13, 362, 41027, 6680, 94263, 1303, 323, 6300, 50123, 198, 30895, 1349, 13, 92479, 483, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 37234, 3090, 11, 52902, 11, 7463, 11, 35189, 3956, 11, 16204, 13307, 345, 14239, 8863, 11, 72217, 6067, 11, 5099, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 23853, 1481, 71034, 323, 33403, 49086, 13, 1221, 3688, 311, 51643, 11, 18137, 34653, 345, 276, 22689, 11, 31071, 331, 20000, 11, 4319, 38220, 18678, 11, 22047, 11, 1624, 404, 2411, 345, 8747, 16629, 11, 294, 97745, 11, 66510, 315, 279, 6548, 11, 11013, 11, 19689, 11, 28691, 11, 21271, 345, 37282, 323, 23152, 11, 4851, 8624, 11, 1579, 6680, 7410, 323, 61880, 13, 38254, 9572, 14718, 13, 76010, 320, 22427, 774, 39710, 20588, 340, 91467, 320, 44, 16279, 774, 39710, 20588, 340, 2505, 32, 320, 22646, 774, 39710, 20588, 340, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 54424, 59300, 11, 559, 54830, 437, 11, 779, 2690, 11, 6930, 11623, 288, 323, 35294, 388, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 32757, 6605, 13307, 13, 16687, 4136, 52788, 11968, 13, 3297, 10950, 449, 198, 77, 22288, 988, 323, 25719, 24143, 311, 1376, 25719, 3714, 97081, 320, 83, 69361, 70077, 570, 49023, 32, 320, 66490, 4010, 408, 5038, 30976, 295, 969, 582, 5411, 50234, 340, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 30502, 582, 11, 2092, 48764, 11, 323, 4443, 2512, 3956, 430, 32183, 198, 1921, 14942, 59300, 11, 2547, 11623, 288, 11, 559, 54830, 437, 11, 779, 2690, 323, 28900, 35294, 388, 570, 12094, 198, 25, 4203, 54268, 13, 92208, 606, 24927, 388, 13, 16687, 4136, 304, 520, 3325, 1403, 198, 9426, 315, 9572, 2345, 64381, 3520, 323, 26587, 9572, 13, 49386, 311, 5353, 39042, 345, 71558, 323, 6930, 24673, 13, 74105, 1589, 31557, 323, 279, 1093, 13, 480, 6370, 320, 7098, 69391, 11, 13528, 12874, 11, 1630, 32329, 258, 11, 14299, 360, 974, 11, 480, 23976, 72, 11, 1183, 351, 582, 32329, 11, 5099, 6266, 12595, 304, 198, 25, 20534, 12932, 11, 1400, 300, 11, 32656, 11, 42365, 11, 13179, 11, 33566, 8679, 826, 11, 2209, 454, 897, 4010, 198, 278, 11353, 16324, 198, 25, 82377, 6147, 8479, 13, 3297, 387, 10815, 311, 58742, 323, 66358, 198, 4338, 8076, 13, 362, 41027, 6300, 50123, 17332, 54162, 198, 3957, 454, 897, 4010, 45396, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 26781, 1933, 97139, 288, 11, 2547, 10485, 82, 11, 1450, 2763, 919, 11, 1306, 7666, 525, 2763, 919, 345, 34298, 95597, 11, 323, 1690, 1023, 66065, 13, 362, 60063, 72286, 198, 2008, 1333, 11, 433, 374, 1101, 1511, 304, 3276, 333, 28733, 323, 439, 264, 69996, 304, 12811, 582, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 362, 69996, 323, 3453, 2693, 519, 13, 320, 32, 3453, 64, 2442, 324, 519, 374, 264, 74508, 198, 2008, 1333, 430, 4442, 2500, 20278, 753, 5933, 29600, 570, 93012, 367, 477, 88447, 315, 279, 38752, 1253, 5353, 55403, 11, 91632, 345, 67, 97745, 11, 10723, 18710, 11, 61880, 11, 63571, 11, 39788, 10934, 323, 70398, 13, 445, 24045, 50234, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 51869, 5064, 11, 294, 9891, 11, 20268, 88870, 11, 18316, 15111, 11, 98564, 11, 20268, 198, 34107, 15916, 11, 8492, 1924, 11, 13179, 11, 12782, 660, 21662, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 362, 1685, 54268, 13, 50234, 10934, 323, 37140, 13, 386, 3223, 337, 423, 39749, 258, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 12404, 259, 1590, 11, 1690, 72513, 323, 8579, 21662, 11, 15590, 15657, 345, 560, 12932, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 362, 58084, 323, 17615, 8833, 11967, 13, 16687, 4136, 52788, 11968, 13, 50416, 15895, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 7874, 398, 1511, 60063, 25795, 13, 21266, 15895, 374, 220, 1041, 14062, 1083, 3333, 5707, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 4185, 6722, 82, 279, 6930, 753, 5933, 22852, 22881, 11, 20747, 5977, 1202, 198, 2968, 311, 37397, 323, 311, 35406, 32257, 323, 26677, 13, 14727, 59626, 279, 198, 37282, 753, 5845, 311, 4984, 62186, 11, 22923, 46905, 323, 1023, 24673, 13, 55106, 11384, 42227, 30084, 13, 30153, 12369, 800, 1132, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 426, 7897, 27994, 11, 12932, 291, 64114, 15657, 11, 387, 1441, 320, 35122, 705, 9235, 7058, 299, 15386, 31049, 11, 436, 6321, 14559, 11, 7172, 7019, 12601, 11, 20268, 88870, 11, 4447, 5266, 826, 11, 8945, 198, 96420, 11, 28915, 17138, 11, 20268, 7795, 320, 4853, 3359, 705, 5945, 1725, 11, 29059, 552, 16324, 198, 25, 82377, 6147, 323, 21973, 8479, 13, 1708, 74, 8115, 304, 39695, 17055, 87, 579, 13, 16687, 4136, 304, 14718, 21271, 5674, 13, 49609, 42929, 66510, 11, 63571, 13, 37207, 1589, 31557, 323, 83060, 1026, 13, 12980, 12, 323, 39069, 68590, 3422, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 393, 552, 11, 14432, 11, 9235, 54662, 31049, 11, 48669, 11, 8443, 11, 1063, 15590, 198, 96420, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 26990, 323, 63061, 8479, 11, 8579, 804, 13, 16687, 4136, 198, 7063, 18595, 29569, 11, 11000, 14718, 19465, 323, 7342, 42655, 13, 24200, 320, 11342, 437, 47876, 8444, 332, 92166, 340, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 9176, 8620, 15657, 11, 91070, 11, 64114, 323, 15590, 15657, 345, 69, 43340, 88870, 11, 13179, 11, 33566, 8679, 826, 11, 64114, 63875, 11, 42120, 91070, 345, 15222, 17323, 11, 18316, 266, 1354, 11, 30870, 43588, 11, 29839, 19737, 11, 5099, 13, 3297, 387, 79187, 555, 1023, 198, 11654, 11, 384, 1326, 13, 35169, 92166, 11, 35169, 4079, 13935, 11, 3154, 5849, 16284, 41580, 11, 17055, 398, 16284, 198, 782, 668, 1354, 11, 5933, 32523, 11, 1162, 3357, 11, 3280, 826, 11, 48595, 425, 62941, 11, 55756, 337, 198, 67, 39749, 258, 11, 41580, 8819, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 362, 4279, 17615, 8833, 11967, 13, 39995, 275, 2117, 59866, 320, 818, 2868, 998, 59866, 8, 22223, 198, 1820, 23418, 1887, 323, 67169, 1299, 1887, 13, 3165, 300, 1026, 11, 55403, 198, 6024, 11150, 9971, 33903, 705, 81366, 11, 15489, 6784, 11, 69393, 13, 80291, 10815, 198, 998, 19465, 4787, 11, 8271, 5674, 11, 4851, 4787, 11, 56071, 345, 2149, 42360, 753, 323, 62145, 753, 8624, 11, 51643, 8951, 11, 39523, 11, 16191, 345, 1846, 19694, 11, 49609, 42929, 4787, 13, 50616, 24143, 11, 452, 22288, 988, 320, 50, 47876, 340, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 8773, 291, 63875, 11, 20268, 88870, 11, 8945, 15657, 11, 5099, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 4203, 54268, 11, 1511, 304, 1054, 66, 1711, 49216, 49306, 52788, 57118, 13, 93796, 21503, 13, 6193, 67, 20274, 5353, 4648, 13, 426, 8843, 311, 1376, 25719, 3714, 97081, 11, 5423, 304, 279, 9546, 198, 1073, 13200, 13, 393, 9560, 320, 39264, 88640, 37807, 2119, 340, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 83499, 79, 28006, 11, 9061, 323, 17639, 3956, 13, 12477, 311, 1304, 198, 451, 15893, 60830, 323, 35294, 388, 320, 16651, 11, 1841, 11, 5099, 13, 883, 8062, 198, 25, 82377, 6147, 8479, 13, 362, 41027, 842, 78738, 734, 26, 706, 70180, 292, 198, 81524, 26, 264, 24740, 52788, 11968, 13, 3998, 64651, 79183, 2119, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 6898, 333, 28733, 11, 1304, 5352, 11, 2763, 919, 11, 409, 50017, 1821, 11, 11013, 86, 14380, 345, 998, 8942, 57968, 11, 7013, 3956, 320, 939, 54830, 437, 11, 5099, 6266, 81109, 12932, 11, 5099, 13, 12477, 198, 258, 3691, 8863, 13, 12477, 439, 2092, 48764, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 362, 20884, 533, 519, 477, 14739, 1303, 8479, 13, 28049, 30118, 519, 11, 14718, 198, 258, 45864, 367, 323, 3284, 5674, 311, 6930, 13, 3297, 5353, 39042, 11, 26587, 345, 54160, 323, 98144, 5674, 323, 75815, 13, 12477, 311, 1464, 1523, 198, 782, 668, 1354, 323, 35693, 14726, 13, 3998, 4010, 70, 543, 349, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 75589, 11, 3820, 645, 11, 32462, 323, 74481, 826, 11, 15590, 15657, 323, 13339, 198, 10354, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 362, 1685, 54268, 13, 16687, 4136, 304, 26587, 323, 98144, 5674, 13, 37207, 2723, 311, 7342, 42655, 13, 3816, 423, 9188, 674, 1272, 320, 15836, 358, 577, 15473, 3816, 10807, 340, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 3816, 24817, 613, 822, 31049, 11, 63875, 320, 10847, 12875, 11, 5099, 13, 7026, 18316, 15111, 11, 42365, 345, 66, 486, 1147, 11, 41778, 11822, 11, 1690, 98497, 11, 2579, 24905, 300, 13, 7181, 25, 674, 1272, 374, 539, 1511, 198, 300, 1790, 3432, 13, 4452, 11, 1070, 527, 1690, 21075, 1933, 826, 430, 527, 198, 1225, 44378, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 362, 35987, 13, 16687, 4136, 52788, 11968, 323, 11000, 10815, 311, 198, 28813, 42655, 13, 22617, 323, 39042, 5674, 13, 452, 5976, 98534, 13, 23916, 1799, 258, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 9176, 72513, 11, 21662, 323, 864, 4853, 3359, 15657, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 1556, 21075, 10437, 804, 13, 16687, 4136, 304, 1063, 51423, 320, 2067, 21473, 345, 12380, 6266, 323, 3284, 36254, 18488, 13, 3053, 7958, 4851, 81821, 11, 49609, 42929, 198, 16902, 323, 6930, 66510, 13, 83541, 469, 894, 339, 30986, 349, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 45965, 3956, 11, 41778, 11822, 11, 1690, 47497, 11, 5099, 16324, 198, 25, 4203, 54268, 13, 426, 7443, 304, 1690, 5961, 13, 16687, 4136, 304, 7342, 198, 755, 115192, 323, 19465, 4787, 13, 53485, 21503, 13, 83541, 33767, 339, 323, 5255, 5034, 3431, 75, 328, 14643, 349, 320, 50, 14344, 11628, 7416, 340, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 66255, 86, 14380, 11, 559, 54830, 437, 11, 24529, 9061, 11, 81109, 342, 2053, 14, 846, 4214, 345, 998, 8942, 79, 28006, 11, 17639, 16283, 4951, 2053, 11, 4130, 70, 812, 11, 1841, 11623, 779, 2690, 11, 4817, 198, 451, 15893, 60830, 11, 6558, 32981, 11, 66065, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 51224, 311, 6782, 25719, 3714, 97081, 323, 294, 24620, 2194, 11, 902, 527, 2225, 198, 25742, 291, 52788, 57118, 13, 16687, 4136, 6372, 2997, 25, 26587, 11, 39042, 345, 39049, 323, 98144, 5674, 13, 3297, 7958, 35719, 50549, 14718, 198, 668, 774, 11, 17685, 323, 4667, 535, 20438, 44667, 13, 3297, 7958, 32015, 323, 198, 54160, 734, 13, 16687, 4136, 304, 7013, 4814, 11, 272, 6526, 11613, 323, 8009, 6548, 492, 345, 19494, 5674, 14, 30671, 11, 2875, 2136, 315, 11745, 11, 6930, 66510, 3529, 9814, 345, 438, 4648, 13, 83541, 61626, 269, 579, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 83499, 79, 28006, 198, 8062, 198, 25, 49386, 52788, 11968, 13, 362, 41027, 8271, 323, 32015, 734, 280, 13451, 729, 39042, 20438, 13, 350, 17356, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 1611, 50017, 1821, 11, 81109, 3956, 323, 6930, 3956, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 362, 3967, 52788, 11968, 430, 11384, 85542, 9572, 304, 56669, 13, 75928, 320, 9470, 16895, 8, 66099, 826, 477, 59189, 95597, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 14114, 3359, 15657, 11, 11013, 86, 14380, 11, 409, 50017, 1821, 11, 66065, 345, 60645, 19131, 11, 5099, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 9176, 527, 18247, 998, 87, 1354, 28987, 701, 8271, 11, 32015, 11, 323, 198, 408, 78738, 734, 26, 1690, 24740, 439, 52788, 57118, 13, 350, 1036, 258, 320, 51, 1036, 292, 50234, 340, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 2722, 300, 11, 11033, 11, 13179, 11, 13378, 11, 39962, 13, 12595, 304, 1690, 21075, 198, 1517, 3372, 826, 11, 5099, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 66099, 287, 13, 16687, 4136, 304, 26587, 11, 98144, 323, 49609, 42929, 404, 1018, 367, 13, 20522, 1759, 18182, 304, 7138, 11, 304, 3428, 35130, 323, 54157, 13, 350, 44906, 1994, 198, 6788, 304, 198, 25, 75528, 45129, 11, 46284, 3956, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 1063, 66065, 13, 12094, 198, 25, 16687, 4136, 52788, 11968, 11, 18307, 22223, 842, 78738, 734, 13, 8483, 5039, 3284, 7342, 42655, 439, 832, 3185, 2515, 13, 3053, 7958, 8271, 323, 32015, 734, 13, 74977, 198, 8607, 315, 279, 62186, 10212, 3485, 617, 1027, 16914, 304, 27512, 3090, 198, 13066, 7350, 11, 2225, 3485, 323, 3770, 5015, 11, 2737, 3544, 3363, 3090, 17135, 13, 7648, 315, 1521, 62186, 323, 83661, 2586, 505, 15266, 11, 13076, 198, 39298, 48764, 11, 37768, 82320, 11, 61257, 11, 39999, 76195, 11, 24875, 282, 372, 343, 1821, 11, 323, 198, 7005, 299, 32056, 1005, 320, 40625, 22671, 11, 720, 39298, 48764, 11, 32462, 11, 35294, 388, 8, 49373, 1139, 279, 198, 1993, 13, 2577, 1113, 374, 1101, 264, 2592, 315, 47810, 315, 3090, 17135, 13, 29140, 13519, 430, 927, 220, 6549, 46552, 14293, 11, 323, 11758, 315, 198, 59961, 2345, 5581, 398, 1766, 304, 34576, 11, 15657, 11, 2763, 919, 11, 4371, 2396, 11, 28367, 198, 55911, 38925, 323, 1690, 1023, 7446, 1511, 477, 27073, 33155, 83872, 198, 7063, 18595, 29569 ]
, sagapenum, castor oil and the like. Equally strong measures are abstaining from food entirely and the avoidance of drinking and the enduring of thirst. There are already many prepared medications for various conditions like the theriac, Th eodoric and Mithridatic and their like. All these medicaments are powerful and one should prepare them only upon the advice of a physician who excels in theory and pract ice. From these things, if they have a beneficial influence in their place, the patient will recuperate immediately or a short while afterward or will, at least, be saved from death. But if they fail, they will cause immediate death or an illness that will ultimately cause the patient's death. And therefore it is proper to exercise care. THE LIGHT PROCEDURES The light medical procedures are: the removal of blood through cupping and scarification on the thighs or on the upper part of the body, a purge with manna, pears, plums, cherries, violets and syrup of roses in a cold state. Emetics such as barley water, oxymel, horse-radish, atriplex littoralis seeds or melon roots and others. Also light enemas, like those of ba rley water, coarse bran water, honey water or oil and their like. Also light food, such as nourishing fluids mixed with sugar, bee honey, barley soup, toasted rusk, soaked twice, or thin biscuits as prepared for sick people. We can also include here su ch medication as is also taken in good health, like th e drinks used by healthy people—oxymel, rose and lemon water, violets and the like—and the syrups that are of equal quality, such as rose sugar, violet sugar and myrobalan jam. THE COMPOUND DRUGS In the same fashion we must take the fluids compounded out of light and reliable drugs, such as licorice, coriander, oxtongue, endive seed, eryngo leaves, panicaut, asparagus root, rind of lettuce root, fennel root, celery, cucumber seed, portulaca, portulaca oleracea, sugar melon, althea wood and seed and their like. And other drinks that are compounded from the fruit, seeds and flowers that healthy pe ople take, and the tamarind drink. All these medicaments are light. When they reach the proper place they will re store the health of the debilitated patient and will cure the stronger one for a long time. Even if they miss their aim, they will cause no death or severe injury. Most of the physicians rely on such a system, avoiding doubt in search for perfection. PURGATIVES The purgatives such as hiera picra, agaricon and operculina turpethum and their like, such as cassia fistula, are of medium quality, not t oo strong and not too weak. Cassia fistula, though it frequently causes tenesmus, has a sure effect. Agaric is al so a sure purgative, but occasionally it hurts with its sharpness and its dehydration, when we have to remove fluids from the entire body or from one orga n. Equally injurious to men with a warm constitution may be hiera picra and triphylla. They often produce too extensive a reaction. When we warned against indiscriminate medication with the theriac Mithridatic even when advised by an experienced physician, we had in mind the sick only. As to those of good health, it ha s already been mentioned as a good health rule to take the theriac every ten days. NOTHING ABSOLUTE IN MEDICINE The physicians have already mentioned that there is nothing absolute in medicine and that everything depends on specific conditions, as when they advise one to take the theriac every ten days for the health's sake. It is not proper for one who has a warm constitution to take [the theriac] or to take it in the summer or in a period of great heat or when the stomach has any trace of a bad moisture. EMETICS And when it is said that to vomit once or twice a month is good for the health, this is so provided a man has no weakness in his chest or fullness or pain in his head. Vomiting is of no help when it is very cold. And every time it is allowed, it is under the conditions we have mentioned. We have advised employing light medications and we mentioned some of the appe rtaining regulations. If one cannot find a very experienced physician, he may turn to any physician he can find, if there is no alternative. Sometimes even a small amount of a medication will be injurious if the physician errs and applies it to the wrong place. GALEN : WATER IS AMBIVALENT Galen has already explained to us that sometimes he tells a patient to drink wate r until saturation, in order to cause perspiration, soft stools, absence of fever and perfect health. And sometimes if one is allowed to drink water when it is improper for him, it can cause the patient's death or a chronic disease from which he can never be cured. And the conditions in which the drinking of water is allowed or prohibited have already been explained. And as with drinking water, [one must be careful one understands] how careful we have to be in drinking other fluids. When it is time to drink and we do not know whether to permit the drinking of water or not, one may take the normal amount to which he is accustomed. In the same manner if we are not certain whether to give a patient food or prevent him from taking it, we should give him a small amount of it. When one cannot reach a very intelligent physician, one should follow the habits he is accustomed to when he is well, but take only a little of what he usually takes. One must be careful always to pr eserve the strength of the patient while he is taking nour ishment. It is advisable to take light nourishment, if he is allowed to take any, such as chicken soup, meat broth, th e yolk of a soft-boiled egg and wine, or even a little heavier food, such as chicken meat. One must never forget to strengthen the physical powers with food and the em otional powers through the aroma of warm fragrant i ngredients, such as musk, amber, basilicon, and lignaloes for illnesses accompanied by a feeling of cold, and by co ld ingredients, like those prepared from roses, nilufa r, myrtle and violets, in illnesses accompanied by warmth. THE ROLE OF MUSIC And in order to strengthen the vital powers, one should employ musical instruments a nd tell patients gay stories which make the heart swell and narratives that will distract the mind and cause them and their friends to laugh. One should select as attendants and caretakers those who can cheer up the patient. This is a must in every illness. In the absence of a physician one must figure it out himself. The physicians have advised every physician that if he can manage to control the illness with diet alone, he should not employ medicaments, and if he cannot accomplish this without medical healing, he should employ ordinary medical means, such as a medical regimen and therapeutic foods. If this medical regimen does not help, one can try light medication: if it helps, it is good and if it does not help the patient, one may undertake stronger and stronger measures. COMPOUND DRUGS If one can manage well with one individual drug, one should not use a compound one; or one should use a medication which is compounded of the fewest possible ingredients. One should use medications compounded of multiple ingredients only when compelled to do so. All these provisions are made when one is regulated by a good physician and this is even more the case when there is no physician at all. One should be careful not to employ strong medications or many medicinal ingredients. It is best to be satisfied with ordinary and mild care. This is the amount we found proper to write on this topic. CHAPTER III The Care of My Lord in Particular, According to the Condition He Complains of It has been the consensus of medical opinion that the foundation of health is that th e excrements should be soft and if they are hard one should make them soft. Their retention produces very bad fu mes that enter the heart and the brain and cause dehydrati on and confusion of the vital spirits. They produce bad t houghts, apprehensiveness and exhaustion and prevent the e limination of superfluities from digested materials. A special effort is needed to soften the stool. IBN ZUHR ON LAXATIVES Ibn Zuhr, let God remember him for good, said: The best way to soften the stool is by taking a fluid of rhubarb and tamarind. Your insignificant servant was told of my lord's disposition, that it is good for him to soften his stool with amaranth prepared in a fat chicken with saff
[ 11, 720, 82, 351, 391, 9195, 11, 6445, 269, 5707, 323, 279, 1093, 13, 11964, 750, 3831, 720, 2727, 24368, 527, 63944, 2101, 505, 3691, 11622, 323, 279, 720, 48956, 685, 315, 16558, 323, 279, 52876, 315, 50690, 13, 2684, 720, 548, 2736, 1690, 10235, 31010, 369, 5370, 720, 16902, 1093, 279, 9139, 18029, 11, 666, 384, 347, 27456, 323, 386, 411, 1907, 780, 323, 720, 50828, 1093, 13, 2052, 1521, 8249, 24469, 527, 8147, 323, 832, 720, 5562, 10772, 1124, 1193, 5304, 279, 9650, 315, 264, 28378, 720, 14965, 3521, 2053, 304, 10334, 323, 3856, 10054, 13, 5659, 1521, 2574, 11, 422, 720, 20670, 617, 264, 24629, 10383, 304, 872, 2035, 11, 279, 8893, 720, 14724, 52621, 349, 7214, 477, 264, 2875, 1418, 49043, 477, 720, 14724, 11, 520, 3325, 11, 387, 6924, 505, 4648, 13, 2030, 422, 814, 3775, 11, 814, 720, 14724, 5353, 14247, 4648, 477, 220, 459, 17563, 430, 690, 720, 495, 7253, 5353, 279, 8893, 596, 4648, 13, 1628, 9093, 433, 374, 720, 81768, 311, 10368, 2512, 13, 3247, 53303, 25362, 1507, 51761, 2355, 791, 3177, 6593, 16346, 220, 527, 25, 279, 17065, 315, 6680, 720, 20322, 10747, 10194, 323, 23087, 2461, 389, 279, 60611, 477, 389, 279, 720, 13886, 961, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 264, 55200, 449, 893, 3458, 11, 281, 7596, 11, 628, 6370, 11, 720, 9211, 4108, 11, 348, 822, 10145, 323, 45322, 315, 61741, 304, 264, 9439, 1614, 13, 469, 46366, 1778, 439, 81817, 3090, 11, 19488, 1631, 301, 11, 15580, 95855, 819, 11, 720, 2416, 9289, 60642, 10020, 285, 19595, 477, 10804, 263, 20282, 323, 3885, 13, 7429, 720, 4238, 665, 35262, 11, 1093, 1884, 315, 13081, 436, 3258, 3090, 11, 50347, 53358, 720, 13284, 11, 26828, 3090, 477, 5707, 323, 872, 1093, 13, 7429, 220, 3177, 220, 3691, 11, 220, 1778, 220, 439, 220, 46798, 11218, 220, 56406, 9709, 720, 4291, 13465, 11, 38328, 26828, 11, 81817, 19724, 11, 93972, 436, 33879, 11, 69975, 720, 15930, 560, 11, 477, 15792, 87076, 439, 220, 10235, 369, 14363, 1274, 13, 1226, 649, 1101, 2997, 1618, 924, 523, 24099, 439, 374, 1101, 720, 83261, 304, 1695, 2890, 11, 1093, 270, 384, 21662, 1511, 555, 9498, 720, 16455, 2345, 5241, 1631, 301, 11, 16392, 323, 30564, 3090, 11, 348, 822, 10145, 323, 279, 720, 4908, 17223, 279, 6705, 81, 8772, 430, 527, 315, 6273, 4367, 11, 1778, 439, 720, 25888, 13465, 11, 80836, 13465, 323, 856, 299, 13616, 276, 20673, 13, 3247, 7837, 2089, 13508, 14644, 3014, 50, 2355, 644, 279, 1890, 11401, 584, 2011, 1935, 279, 56406, 720, 5807, 13382, 704, 315, 3177, 323, 15062, 11217, 11, 1778, 439, 720, 416, 269, 560, 11, 1867, 72, 8363, 11, 297, 2302, 647, 361, 11, 842, 535, 10533, 11, 89357, 71690, 11141, 11, 720, 19621, 2784, 11, 439, 94789, 3789, 11, 436, 485, 315, 71655, 3789, 11, 282, 2734, 301, 3789, 11, 70121, 11, 66032, 10533, 11, 2700, 360, 17544, 11, 2700, 360, 17544, 297, 1565, 83682, 11, 720, 82, 8734, 10804, 263, 11, 453, 1820, 64, 7732, 323, 10533, 323, 872, 1093, 13, 1628, 720, 1605, 21662, 430, 527, 88424, 505, 279, 14098, 11, 19595, 720, 438, 19837, 430, 9498, 1069, 297, 698, 1935, 11, 323, 279, 259, 15924, 485, 720, 98427, 13, 2052, 1521, 8249, 24469, 527, 3177, 13, 3277, 814, 5662, 720, 1820, 6300, 2035, 814, 690, 312, 3637, 279, 2890, 315, 279, 720, 39035, 3748, 660, 8893, 323, 690, 27208, 279, 16643, 832, 369, 264, 720, 4930, 892, 13, 7570, 422, 814, 3194, 872, 9395, 11, 814, 690, 5353, 912, 720, 63007, 477, 15748, 11134, 13, 7648, 220, 315, 279, 35944, 17631, 389, 720, 21470, 264, 1887, 11, 31526, 10712, 304, 2778, 369, 39143, 13, 7480, 38, 835, 49860, 2355, 791, 4087, 70, 5983, 1778, 439, 12694, 64, 10532, 969, 11, 70479, 1965, 323, 720, 454, 69293, 2259, 13535, 79, 774, 372, 323, 872, 1093, 11, 1778, 439, 45324, 689, 40902, 5724, 11, 720, 548, 315, 11298, 4367, 11, 539, 259, 57009, 3831, 323, 539, 2288, 7621, 13, 26520, 689, 40902, 5724, 11, 3582, 433, 14134, 11384, 5899, 288, 38827, 11, 706, 264, 720, 19643, 2515, 13, 4701, 277, 292, 374, 453, 779, 264, 2771, 4087, 70, 1413, 11, 719, 720, 14310, 69491, 433, 44164, 449, 1202, 17676, 2136, 323, 1202, 720, 80660, 50791, 11, 994, 584, 617, 311, 4148, 56406, 505, 279, 720, 306, 556, 2547, 477, 505, 832, 1262, 64, 308, 13, 11964, 750, 5934, 28626, 311, 3026, 720, 4291, 264, 8369, 16812, 1253, 387, 12694, 64, 10532, 969, 323, 2463, 12989, 36882, 13, 2435, 3629, 8356, 2288, 16781, 264, 13010, 13, 3277, 584, 19201, 2403, 94546, 3357, 24099, 720, 4291, 279, 9139, 18029, 386, 411, 1907, 780, 1524, 994, 26160, 555, 459, 10534, 28378, 11, 584, 1047, 304, 4059, 279, 14363, 1193, 13, 1666, 720, 998, 1884, 315, 1695, 2890, 11, 433, 6520, 274, 2736, 1027, 9932, 439, 720, 64, 1695, 2890, 6037, 311, 1935, 279, 9139, 18029, 1475, 5899, 2919, 13, 87181, 37581, 90648, 2006, 52699, 1341, 4069, 2355, 791, 35944, 617, 2736, 9932, 430, 1070, 374, 720, 42312, 10973, 304, 16088, 323, 430, 4395, 14117, 720, 263, 3230, 4787, 11, 439, 994, 814, 32113, 832, 311, 1935, 720, 1820, 9139, 18029, 1475, 5899, 2919, 369, 279, 2890, 596, 25491, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 6300, 369, 832, 889, 706, 264, 8369, 16812, 311, 720, 23609, 510, 1820, 9139, 18029, 60, 477, 311, 1935, 433, 304, 279, 7474, 477, 304, 264, 4261, 720, 1073, 2294, 8798, 477, 994, 279, 23152, 706, 904, 11917, 315, 264, 3958, 720, 6489, 380, 554, 13, 17329, 1372, 19645, 2355, 3112, 994, 433, 374, 1071, 430, 311, 22752, 275, 3131, 477, 11157, 264, 720, 10460, 374, 1695, 369, 279, 2890, 11, 420, 374, 779, 3984, 264, 893, 720, 4752, 912, 23948, 304, 813, 15489, 477, 2539, 2136, 477, 6784, 304, 813, 720, 2025, 13, 650, 316, 5977, 374, 315, 912, 1520, 994, 433, 374, 1633, 9439, 13, 1628, 720, 30115, 892, 433, 374, 5535, 11, 433, 374, 1234, 279, 4787, 584, 720, 19553, 9932, 13, 1226, 617, 26160, 51297, 3177, 31010, 323, 584, 720, 37691, 1063, 315, 279, 2708, 17091, 2101, 14640, 13, 1442, 832, 4250, 1505, 264, 1633, 10534, 28378, 11, 568, 1253, 2543, 311, 720, 3852, 28378, 568, 649, 1505, 11, 422, 220, 1070, 374, 912, 10778, 13, 18156, 1524, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 264, 24099, 690, 387, 720, 258, 73, 28626, 422, 279, 28378, 71917, 220, 323, 17208, 433, 311, 279, 5076, 720, 2050, 13, 480, 25940, 45, 551, 76347, 3507, 6912, 33, 3166, 25940, 6542, 2355, 38, 36749, 706, 2736, 11497, 311, 603, 430, 7170, 568, 720, 83, 6572, 264, 8893, 311, 7172, 289, 349, 436, 3156, 50843, 11, 304, 2015, 311, 720, 1593, 7565, 29579, 11, 8579, 90872, 11, 19821, 315, 34653, 323, 720, 64185, 2890, 13, 1628, 7170, 422, 832, 374, 5535, 311, 7172, 720, 13284, 994, 433, 374, 41086, 369, 1461, 11, 433, 649, 5353, 279, 720, 23557, 596, 4648, 477, 264, 21249, 8624, 505, 902, 568, 649, 720, 37593, 387, 64688, 13, 1628, 279, 4787, 304, 902, 279, 16558, 720, 1073, 3090, 374, 5535, 477, 27010, 617, 2736, 1027, 720, 81950, 13, 1628, 439, 449, 16558, 3090, 11, 510, 606, 2011, 387, 16994, 832, 720, 8154, 97815, 60, 1268, 16994, 584, 617, 220, 311, 387, 304, 16558, 1023, 720, 67125, 82, 13, 3277, 433, 374, 892, 311, 7172, 323, 584, 656, 539, 1440, 720, 49864, 311, 11810, 279, 16558, 315, 3090, 477, 539, 11, 832, 1253, 720, 23609, 279, 4725, 3392, 311, 902, 568, 374, 53184, 13, 763, 279, 720, 25030, 11827, 422, 584, 527, 539, 3738, 3508, 311, 3041, 264, 720, 23557, 3691, 477, 5471, 1461, 505, 4737, 433, 11, 584, 1288, 3041, 720, 40617, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 433, 13, 3277, 832, 4250, 5662, 264, 1633, 25530, 28378, 11, 720, 606, 1288, 1833, 279, 26870, 568, 374, 53184, 311, 994, 568, 720, 285, 1664, 11, 719, 1935, 1193, 264, 2697, 315, 220, 1148, 568, 6118, 5097, 13, 3861, 720, 25849, 387, 16994, 2744, 311, 550, 1560, 5976, 279, 8333, 315, 279, 720, 23557, 1418, 568, 374, 4737, 46798, 374, 71, 479, 13, 1102, 374, 69919, 311, 720, 23609, 3177, 46798, 16409, 11, 422, 568, 374, 5535, 311, 1935, 904, 11, 1778, 720, 300, 16553, 19724, 11, 13339, 45993, 11, 270, 384, 379, 23427, 315, 264, 8579, 70566, 2230, 19151, 720, 438, 13378, 11, 477, 1524, 264, 2697, 44922, 3691, 11, 1778, 439, 16553, 720, 2727, 266, 13, 3861, 2011, 2646, 10894, 311, 20259, 279, 7106, 720, 78404, 449, 3691, 323, 279, 991, 14479, 4001, 13736, 1555, 279, 720, 277, 7942, 315, 8369, 8508, 35534, 602, 7933, 10593, 11, 1778, 439, 3167, 74, 11, 720, 15578, 11, 68186, 1965, 11, 323, 326, 26803, 7217, 369, 49909, 24895, 720, 1729, 264, 8430, 315, 9439, 11, 323, 555, 1080, 27221, 14293, 11, 1093, 1884, 720, 61212, 505, 61741, 11, 2139, 1739, 64, 436, 11, 856, 93536, 323, 348, 822, 10145, 11, 304, 720, 484, 2136, 288, 24895, 555, 41463, 13, 3247, 70776, 3083, 76073, 720, 3112, 304, 2015, 311, 20259, 279, 16595, 13736, 11, 832, 1288, 720, 7823, 18273, 24198, 264, 15953, 3371, 6978, 8485, 7493, 720, 8370, 1304, 279, 4851, 78353, 323, 58378, 430, 690, 720, 67, 3843, 533, 279, 4059, 323, 5353, 1124, 323, 872, 4885, 311, 720, 4355, 7595, 13, 3861, 1288, 3373, 439, 9604, 1821, 323, 53401, 8476, 720, 54719, 889, 649, 26085, 709, 279, 8893, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 2011, 304, 1475, 17563, 13, 763, 279, 19821, 315, 264, 28378, 832, 2011, 720, 18257, 433, 704, 5678, 13, 578, 35944, 617, 26160, 1475, 28378, 430, 422, 568, 720, 4919, 10299, 311, 2585, 279, 17563, 449, 10173, 7636, 11, 568, 720, 5562, 539, 3539, 8249, 24469, 11, 323, 422, 568, 4250, 720, 73087, 501, 819, 420, 2085, 6593, 21730, 11, 568, 1288, 720, 7823, 19664, 6593, 3445, 11, 1778, 439, 264, 6593, 720, 1610, 27236, 323, 37471, 15657, 662, 1442, 420, 6593, 68128, 720, 28156, 539, 1520, 11, 832, 649, 1456, 3177, 24099, 25, 422, 433, 8779, 11, 433, 720, 285, 1695, 323, 422, 433, 1587, 539, 1520, 279, 8893, 11, 832, 1253, 720, 1263, 531, 731, 16643, 323, 16643, 11193, 13, 7837, 2089, 13508, 14644, 3014, 50, 2355, 2746, 832, 649, 10299, 1664, 449, 832, 3927, 5623, 11, 832, 720, 5562, 539, 1005, 264, 24549, 832, 26, 477, 832, 1288, 1005, 264, 720, 2106, 20901, 902, 374, 88424, 315, 279, 2478, 478, 3284, 720, 39220, 13, 3861, 1288, 1005, 31010, 88424, 315, 720, 36773, 14293, 1193, 994, 220, 48984, 311, 656, 779, 13, 2052, 720, 45010, 19705, 527, 1903, 994, 832, 374, 35319, 555, 264, 720, 19045, 28378, 323, 420, 374, 1524, 220, 810, 279, 1162, 994, 1070, 720, 285, 912, 28378, 520, 682, 13, 3861, 1288, 387, 16994, 539, 311, 720, 7823, 3831, 31010, 477, 1690, 58041, 720, 39220, 13, 1102, 374, 1888, 311, 387, 220, 20097, 449, 19664, 323, 23900, 2512, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 3392, 584, 1766, 6300, 311, 3350, 389, 720, 576, 8712, 13, 96424, 14767, 2355, 720, 791, 10852, 315, 3092, 10425, 304, 3744, 24553, 11, 10771, 311, 720, 1820, 15534, 1283, 1219, 501, 1771, 315, 33006, 2181, 706, 1027, 279, 24811, 315, 6593, 9647, 430, 279, 720, 73407, 315, 2890, 374, 430, 270, 384, 506, 846, 1392, 1288, 387, 8579, 720, 438, 422, 814, 527, 2653, 832, 1288, 1304, 1124, 8579, 13, 11205, 720, 2171, 3012, 19159, 1633, 3958, 18922, 11083, 430, 3810, 279, 4851, 323, 720, 1820, 8271, 323, 5353, 409, 26233, 9491, 389, 323, 22047, 315, 279, 16595, 720, 50177, 1220, 13, 2435, 8356, 3958, 259, 305, 2509, 82, 11, 47291, 729, 13071, 323, 720, 327, 15424, 290, 323, 5471, 279, 384, 4671, 2617, 315, 2307, 27256, 1385, 720, 1527, 4170, 10185, 7384, 13, 362, 3361, 5149, 374, 4460, 311, 720, 3594, 268, 279, 64172, 13, 12373, 45, 1901, 52, 17526, 6328, 445, 3027, 835, 49860, 2355, 40, 11328, 61182, 4171, 11, 1095, 4359, 6227, 1461, 369, 1695, 11, 1071, 25, 578, 720, 16241, 1648, 311, 81045, 279, 64172, 374, 555, 4737, 264, 15962, 315, 22408, 45597, 65, 720, 438, 259, 15924, 485, 13, 4718, 73521, 41564, 574, 3309, 315, 856, 720, 26680, 596, 46096, 11, 430, 433, 374, 220, 1695, 369, 1461, 311, 81045, 813, 720, 267, 1786, 449, 1097, 22026, 339, 10235, 304, 264, 8834, 16553, 449, 829, 544 ]
philosophy, and religion, the more one has the impression of ex- tremely giftcd pcople wcaring out their ingenuity at the impossible and futile task of trying to get üie water of lifc into neat and permanem packages. Thcre are many reasons why this should be par- cicularly evident to a pcrson living today. vVc know so much about history, about all the packagcs which have bcen ticd and which havc duly come apare. We know so much dctail about the problems of life that they resist casy simplification, and scem more corn - plex and shapeless than evcr. Furthcrmore, science and industry have so increased both thc tempo and the violence of living that our packages sccm to come apare fas ter and faster cvery day. There is, then, Lhe fccl1ng that we live in a time of unusual insecurity. In thc past hundrecl years so many long -cstablishcd Lraditions have brokcn clown -traditions of family ancl social life, of governmcnt, of che econornic order, ando( rcligious belicf. As the years go by, there secm to be fcwcr and fewcr rocks to which we can hold, fewer things which we can THE AGE OF ANXIETY regard as absolutely right and true, and fixcd for all time. To sorne this is a welcome release from the rc- straims of moral, social, and spiritual dogma. To othcrs it is a dangerous and terriEying breach with rcason and sanity, tencling to plungc human life into hopeless chaos. To most, perhaps, the immediate sensc of release has given a brief exhilaration, to be followecl by the deepcst anxiety. For if all is relative, if lifc is a torrent witholll forrn or goal in whose flood absolUtely nothing savc change itself can last, it seems to be something in which thcrc is "no future" and th us no hope. Human bcings appear to be happy just so long as they have a future to which they can look forward - whcther it be a "good time" tomorrow oran everlast - ing lifc beyond the grave. For various reasons, more and more peoplc find it harcl to bclieve in thc laner. On tl1e othcr hand, the formcr has the disadvantage that when this "good time" arrives, it is. clifficu lt to enjoy it to the full without sorne promise of more to come. If happiness always depencls on something ex- pectcd in the future, wc are chasing a will-o'-the-wisp that cvcr eludes our grasp, until thc futurc, and our - selves, vanish into the abyss of dcath. As a maucr of fact, our age is no more insecure than any othcr. Poveny, disease, war, changc, and cieath are nothing new. In thc best of times "sccurity" has never becn more than temporary and apparent. THE WISDOM OF INSECURITY But it has been possible to make the insecurity of human life supportable by belief in unchanging things bcyond thc rcach of calamity -in God, in man's immortal soul, and in the government of the universe by eternal laws of right. Today such convictions are rare, even in religious circles. There is no leve. of society, thcre must even be few individuals, touched by modern education, where therc is not sorne trace of the leaven of doubt. h is simply self -evident that during the past century the authority of science has Laken thc place of the authority o[ rcligion in the popular imagination, and that scepticism, at least in spiritual things, has be - come more general than belicf. The decay of belief has come about through the honest dou bt, the ca re ful and fearless thinking of highly intclligent men of science and philosophy. Moved by a zeal and reverence for facts, they have trice. to sce, understand, and facc life as it is without \\'Íshful thinking. Yct for ali that they have done to improve the conditions of lifc, their picture of the universe seems to leave the individual without ulti• mate hope. The price of thcir miraclcs in this world has been thc disappearance of the world -to-come, and onc is inclincd to ask the old qucstion, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul. " Logic, intelligence, and reason are satisfied, but the heart goes hungry. For the heart has learned to feel that we live for thc future. Science may, 16 THE ACE OF ANXIETY slowly and uncertainly, give us a better future -for a few years. And then, for each of us, it will end. lt will all end. However long postponed, everything com - posed must decompose. Despite sorne opinions to the contrary, this is still the general view of science. In literary and religious circles it is now often supposed that the conflict be - tween science and belief is a thing of the past. There are even sorne rather wishful scientists who feel that when modero physics abandoned a crudc atomistic materialism, the chief reasons for this conflict,vere removed. But this is not at ali thc case. In rnost of our great centers of learning, those who rnake it thcir business to study the full implicaLions of science and its methods are as far as ever from what they under - stand as a religious point of view. Nuclear physics and relativity have. it is true, done away with thc old matcrialisrn, but they now give us a view of the ·univcrse in which there is even less room for ideas of any absolute purpose or design. The modero scientist is not so naive as to deny God because he cannot be found with a telescope, or the soul because it is not rcvealed by the scalpel. He has merely noted that thc idea of God is logically un - necessary. He even doubts that it has any mc:ming. lt docs not hclp him to cxplain anything which he can - not cxplain in sorne othcr, and simpler, way. He argues that if everything which happens is said to be under the providence ami control of God, this 17 THE WISOOM OF INSl::CURITY actually amounts to saying nothing. To say that everything is govcrncd and crcated by Gocl is like saying, "Everything is up," -which means nothing al ali. The notion docs not hclp us Lo makc any verifi - ablc prcdicLions, and so, from the scientific stand - point, is of no valuc whatsoevcr. Scientists may be right in this respcct. They may be wrong. It is not our purpose here Lo argue this point. We need only note that such sccpLicism has immense inílucnce, and sets the prcvailing moo<l of thc agc. What scicnce has said, in sum, is this: Wc do not, and in ali probabiliL)' cannot, know whcthcr Gocl cxisLs. NoLhing Lhat wc do know suggcsLs that he docs, and ali thc argurncnLs which claim to prove his existencc are founcl to be without logical meaning. There is nothing, indeed, tO prove tbat there is no God, but Lhe burdcn of proof reses wiLh those who proposc thc idea. lf. the scicntists would say, you bc - lievc in Cod, you 1nL1St do so on purcly cmotionnl grounds, without basis in logic or fact. Practically speaking, this may amount LOnthcism. Thcoretically, it
[ 720, 46185, 11597, 88, 11, 220, 323, 13901, 11, 279, 810, 832, 706, 279, 720, 318, 4099, 315, 506, 12, 18659, 989, 8352, 4484, 13615, 1184, 27646, 3329, 720, 412, 872, 6892, 90589, 520, 220, 279, 12266, 323, 220, 85627, 2355, 8366, 220, 315, 4560, 311, 636, 220, 10709, 648, 3090, 220, 315, 10345, 66, 1139, 220, 29585, 220, 323, 720, 716, 1543, 336, 220, 14519, 13, 666, 846, 220, 527, 1690, 220, 8125, 220, 3249, 220, 420, 1288, 220, 387, 720, 1768, 12, 720, 66, 49257, 30576, 311, 264, 281, 5192, 942, 5496, 3432, 13, 348, 53, 66, 720, 33134, 220, 779, 1790, 922, 3925, 11, 922, 682, 279, 720, 4853, 351, 4942, 902, 220, 617, 18399, 268, 62547, 67, 323, 902, 31081, 66, 720, 67, 3988, 2586, 56270, 13, 1226, 1440, 779, 1790, 91264, 607, 922, 720, 1820, 5435, 315, 2324, 430, 220, 814, 22884, 4865, 88, 720, 82, 6517, 2461, 11, 323, 1156, 336, 810, 14095, 482, 281, 2635, 323, 720, 12510, 1752, 1109, 3721, 5192, 13, 50940, 339, 5192, 6518, 11, 8198, 220, 323, 720, 71864, 617, 779, 7319, 2225, 270, 66, 24108, 323, 720, 1820, 9349, 315, 5496, 430, 1057, 14519, 274, 641, 76, 311, 720, 2063, 220, 56270, 220, 67618, 2024, 323, 10819, 220, 272, 1225, 220, 1938, 13, 2684, 220, 374, 11, 1243, 11, 220, 445, 383, 26644, 566, 16, 983, 220, 430, 220, 584, 3974, 304, 264, 720, 1712, 2355, 1073, 19018, 74935, 13, 763, 270, 66, 3347, 305, 1263, 265, 566, 1667, 720, 708, 1690, 220, 1317, 482, 66, 267, 5212, 4484, 220, 445, 13584, 6055, 220, 617, 220, 2967, 74, 14606, 2355, 566, 785, 2355, 10398, 329, 6055, 315, 3070, 459, 566, 3674, 220, 2324, 11, 315, 720, 70, 6846, 13183, 406, 11, 220, 315, 3091, 3898, 1540, 292, 2015, 11, 323, 78, 7, 720, 81, 566, 22941, 1689, 292, 69, 13, 1666, 279, 220, 1667, 733, 555, 11, 1070, 5819, 76, 220, 311, 720, 1395, 26644, 86, 5192, 323, 2478, 5192, 23902, 220, 311, 902, 220, 584, 649, 3412, 11, 2355, 71830, 261, 220, 2574, 220, 902, 220, 584, 649, 3247, 220, 91688, 220, 3083, 2147, 84214, 69484, 2355, 1610, 569, 439, 11112, 1314, 323, 837, 11, 323, 5155, 4484, 369, 682, 2355, 1712, 13, 2057, 274, 17334, 420, 374, 264, 10788, 4984, 505, 279, 10402, 12, 720, 496, 26760, 220, 315, 16033, 11, 220, 3674, 11, 220, 323, 18330, 220, 5679, 1764, 13, 2057, 720, 8942, 5192, 82, 433, 374, 264, 11660, 323, 2024, 462, 36, 7169, 31471, 449, 2355, 1310, 1525, 323, 47942, 11, 5899, 63198, 311, 53872, 66, 3823, 2324, 1139, 2355, 61893, 1752, 220, 28013, 13, 2057, 1455, 11, 220, 8530, 11, 220, 279, 14247, 2355, 82, 729, 66, 315, 4984, 706, 2728, 264, 10015, 91826, 367, 11, 311, 387, 2355, 19070, 68, 566, 555, 279, 5655, 66, 267, 18547, 13, 1789, 422, 682, 374, 8844, 11, 2355, 333, 10345, 66, 374, 264, 31675, 449, 337, 657, 369, 36722, 477, 5915, 304, 6832, 18197, 2355, 3518, 337, 61220, 989, 220, 4400, 220, 11427, 66, 220, 2349, 220, 5196, 220, 649, 1566, 11, 220, 433, 720, 325, 12116, 311, 387, 2555, 304, 902, 270, 67183, 374, 330, 2201, 3938, 1, 2355, 438, 270, 603, 912, 3987, 13, 11344, 18399, 826, 5101, 311, 387, 6380, 1120, 779, 1317, 439, 2355, 20670, 617, 264, 3938, 311, 902, 814, 649, 1427, 4741, 482, 720, 1336, 302, 1964, 220, 433, 387, 264, 330, 19045, 892, 1, 16986, 105125, 3596, 4354, 482, 720, 287, 10345, 66, 7953, 279, 25165, 13, 1789, 5370, 8125, 11, 810, 2355, 438, 810, 1069, 454, 17704, 1505, 433, 4960, 566, 311, 293, 566, 19704, 304, 270, 66, 31791, 261, 13, 1952, 30896, 16, 68, 297, 339, 5192, 1450, 11, 279, 1376, 5192, 706, 279, 49836, 2355, 9210, 994, 420, 330, 19045, 892, 1, 30782, 11, 433, 374, 13, 44106, 292, 84, 26237, 311, 2355, 268, 4215, 433, 311, 279, 2539, 2085, 274, 17334, 11471, 315, 810, 311, 720, 2063, 13, 1442, 23871, 2744, 2219, 268, 18565, 389, 2555, 506, 12, 720, 1002, 4484, 304, 279, 3938, 11, 27646, 527, 43931, 264, 690, 16405, 25279, 1820, 2695, 13391, 2355, 9210, 5661, 5192, 658, 29246, 1057, 34477, 11, 3156, 270, 66, 18111, 324, 66, 11, 323, 1057, 482, 720, 82, 4372, 11, 220, 92227, 220, 1139, 220, 279, 88314, 220, 315, 19966, 589, 13, 1666, 264, 7643, 1791, 81, 315, 2144, 11, 1057, 4325, 220, 374, 912, 810, 220, 62945, 2355, 54895, 904, 297, 339, 5192, 13, 393, 16651, 88, 11, 8624, 11, 220, 4208, 11, 220, 2609, 66, 11, 323, 720, 25134, 589, 527, 4400, 502, 13, 763, 270, 66, 1888, 315, 3115, 330, 82, 641, 5631, 1, 2355, 4752, 2646, 220, 387, 14606, 220, 810, 220, 1109, 220, 13643, 220, 323, 10186, 13, 3247, 220, 468, 1669, 15599, 220, 3083, 2006, 26629, 38331, 2355, 4071, 433, 706, 1027, 220, 3284, 220, 311, 1304, 220, 279, 74935, 315, 2355, 26380, 220, 2324, 1862, 481, 220, 555, 16801, 220, 304, 653, 52813, 2355, 58174, 220, 293, 11377, 2159, 220, 270, 66, 10402, 613, 220, 315, 80933, 488, 482, 258, 4359, 11, 220, 304, 720, 1543, 596, 60214, 13836, 11, 323, 304, 279, 3109, 315, 720, 1820, 15861, 220, 555, 35825, 220, 7016, 220, 315, 1314, 13, 11450, 1778, 48015, 527, 9024, 11, 1524, 304, 720, 97250, 220, 26432, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 56589, 13, 315, 8396, 11, 220, 270, 846, 720, 25849, 1524, 220, 387, 2478, 7931, 11, 220, 24891, 220, 555, 6617, 2355, 37838, 11, 220, 1405, 270, 3035, 374, 539, 274, 17334, 11917, 315, 279, 720, 273, 5389, 315, 10712, 13, 305, 374, 5042, 659, 482, 68, 1325, 306, 430, 720, 82977, 279, 3347, 9478, 220, 279, 11447, 315, 8198, 720, 4752, 445, 3448, 270, 66, 2035, 315, 279, 11447, 297, 58, 436, 566, 32718, 304, 720, 1820, 5526, 28899, 11, 323, 430, 67451, 42914, 11, 520, 720, 56371, 304, 18330, 220, 2574, 11, 706, 387, 482, 2586, 220, 810, 2355, 25615, 220, 1109, 220, 1689, 292, 69, 13, 578, 31815, 220, 315, 16801, 220, 706, 2586, 220, 922, 220, 1555, 2355, 1820, 720, 71, 36224, 220, 25595, 20164, 11, 279, 2211, 312, 5716, 220, 323, 93111, 220, 7422, 220, 315, 720, 12156, 398, 220, 528, 566, 7864, 306, 220, 3026, 220, 315, 8198, 220, 323, 19675, 13, 90797, 555, 264, 69779, 323, 98464, 369, 13363, 11, 814, 617, 2355, 376, 560, 13, 311, 94910, 11, 3619, 11, 220, 323, 3547, 66, 220, 2324, 439, 433, 374, 720, 30096, 2355, 3505, 6, 53320, 939, 1285, 7422, 13, 816, 302, 369, 19528, 430, 814, 617, 2884, 720, 998, 7417, 220, 279, 4787, 315, 10345, 66, 11, 872, 6945, 315, 720, 1820, 15861, 5084, 311, 5387, 279, 3927, 720, 30096, 220, 7213, 6806, 220, 30276, 3987, 13, 578, 3430, 315, 270, 58132, 720, 76, 9008, 566, 4942, 304, 420, 1917, 220, 706, 1027, 270, 66, 52979, 720, 1073, 279, 1917, 482, 998, 1824, 638, 11, 323, 78970, 374, 18916, 2910, 67, 311, 2610, 279, 2355, 820, 934, 66, 267, 290, 11, 330, 3923, 4985, 433, 220, 11626, 264, 893, 422, 568, 8895, 720, 1820, 4459, 1917, 323, 9229, 813, 13836, 13, 330, 37201, 11, 2355, 93375, 11, 323, 220, 2944, 220, 527, 20097, 11, 220, 719, 279, 720, 18207, 5900, 30056, 13, 1789, 279, 4851, 706, 9687, 220, 311, 720, 57676, 430, 220, 584, 3974, 369, 270, 66, 3938, 13, 10170, 220, 1253, 11, 2355, 845, 220, 3247, 220, 41906, 220, 3083, 2147, 84214, 69484, 2355, 36311, 398, 323, 36218, 398, 11, 3041, 603, 264, 2731, 3938, 482, 2000, 720, 64, 2478, 1667, 13, 1628, 1243, 11, 369, 1855, 315, 603, 11, 433, 690, 842, 13, 26237, 720, 14724, 682, 842, 13, 4452, 1317, 62720, 11, 4395, 720, 884, 482, 37260, 220, 2011, 220, 29602, 2972, 13, 18185, 274, 17334, 220, 18463, 311, 279, 26102, 11, 420, 374, 720, 44466, 279, 4689, 1684, 315, 8198, 13, 763, 32465, 323, 720, 97250, 220, 26432, 433, 374, 1457, 3629, 10171, 430, 279, 720, 6263, 21937, 387, 482, 66617, 8198, 323, 16801, 374, 264, 3245, 315, 720, 1820, 3347, 13, 2684, 220, 527, 1524, 274, 17334, 4856, 6562, 1285, 720, 56447, 1705, 889, 2733, 430, 220, 994, 1491, 2382, 22027, 720, 370, 91244, 264, 76504, 66, 19670, 4633, 220, 3769, 2191, 11, 279, 720, 62626, 8125, 369, 420, 12324, 11, 19846, 220, 7108, 13, 2030, 720, 576, 374, 539, 520, 19528, 270, 66, 1162, 13, 763, 436, 32557, 315, 1057, 220, 2294, 720, 86541, 220, 315, 6975, 11, 220, 1884, 220, 889, 220, 56939, 731, 220, 433, 270, 58132, 2355, 27243, 311, 4007, 279, 2539, 3242, 15677, 43, 919, 315, 8198, 720, 438, 1202, 5528, 527, 439, 3117, 439, 3596, 505, 1148, 814, 720, 8154, 482, 2559, 220, 439, 264, 10597, 220, 1486, 220, 315, 1684, 13, 38544, 22027, 323, 1375, 44515, 617, 13, 433, 374, 837, 11, 720, 10655, 220, 3201, 449, 270, 66, 2362, 5634, 745, 35965, 36722, 11, 220, 719, 814, 720, 3409, 3041, 603, 264, 1684, 315, 279, 9787, 359, 344, 5192, 325, 304, 902, 220, 1070, 2355, 285, 1524, 2753, 3130, 220, 369, 6848, 315, 904, 10973, 2355, 77763, 477, 2955, 13, 578, 1491, 2382, 28568, 374, 539, 779, 720, 3458, 535, 439, 311, 23973, 4359, 220, 1606, 568, 4250, 387, 1766, 720, 4291, 264, 56925, 11, 477, 279, 13836, 1606, 433, 374, 539, 720, 1310, 588, 5962, 555, 279, 24964, 48624, 13, 1283, 706, 220, 16632, 10555, 220, 430, 720, 339, 66, 4623, 315, 4359, 220, 374, 74145, 653, 482, 5995, 13, 1283, 1524, 720, 67, 5599, 2641, 430, 433, 706, 904, 19777, 25, 5424, 13, 26237, 220, 27437, 539, 305, 566, 79, 720, 40617, 311, 21375, 21435, 4205, 902, 568, 649, 482, 539, 21375, 21435, 2355, 258, 274, 17334, 220, 297, 339, 5192, 11, 220, 323, 35388, 11, 220, 1648, 13, 1283, 29633, 220, 430, 220, 422, 4395, 220, 902, 220, 8741, 220, 374, 720, 84359, 2355, 998, 387, 1234, 220, 279, 2104, 768, 220, 52827, 2585, 220, 315, 4359, 11, 2355, 576, 720, 1114, 3247, 220, 468, 25141, 1937, 220, 3083, 2006, 7594, 487, 34, 38331, 2355, 74128, 220, 15055, 220, 311, 5605, 220, 4400, 13, 2057, 2019, 430, 2355, 73826, 374, 48725, 5192, 1031, 67, 323, 220, 38280, 660, 220, 555, 480, 62868, 220, 374, 1093, 720, 82, 17718, 11, 330, 36064, 374, 709, 1359, 482, 8370, 3445, 4400, 720, 278, 19528, 13, 578, 23035, 27437, 539, 305, 566, 79, 603, 6621, 52016, 66, 904, 720, 424, 13215, 482, 671, 17704, 550, 4484, 292, 43, 919, 11, 323, 779, 11, 505, 279, 12624, 720, 2752, 482, 1486, 11, 220, 374, 315, 912, 1062, 1791, 1148, 708, 5230, 5192, 13, 57116, 720, 18864, 387, 1314, 220, 304, 420, 594, 4080, 302, 13, 2435, 1253, 387, 5076, 13, 1102, 374, 220, 539, 1057, 7580, 1618, 6621, 18046, 420, 1486, 13, 1226, 720, 17483, 1193, 220, 5296, 430, 1778, 274, 641, 79, 43, 42914, 706, 38883, 720, 258, 103348, 1791, 16848, 11, 323, 220, 7437, 220, 279, 550, 13423, 14612, 220, 46971, 85883, 220, 315, 270, 66, 945, 66, 13, 3639, 1156, 292, 16848, 706, 1071, 11, 304, 2694, 11, 374, 420, 25, 468, 66, 656, 539, 11, 2355, 438, 304, 19528, 3650, 370, 4008, 43, 22367, 4250, 11, 220, 1440, 421, 92921, 5192, 220, 480, 62868, 2355, 66, 7339, 43, 82, 13, 2360, 43, 71, 287, 445, 9379, 27646, 656, 1440, 274, 2661, 4942, 43, 82, 430, 568, 2355, 14452, 11, 323, 19528, 270, 66, 1417, 399, 14606, 43, 82, 902, 3802, 311, 12391, 720, 26301, 3073, 268, 641, 527, 282, 1656, 566, 311, 387, 2085, 20406, 720, 57865, 13, 2684, 374, 4400, 11, 220, 13118, 11, 259, 46, 12391, 259, 14034, 2355, 19041, 374, 912, 220, 4359, 11, 719, 445, 383, 7951, 7783, 77, 315, 11311, 594, 288, 720, 17043, 43, 71, 1884, 889, 220, 10045, 66, 270, 66, 4623, 13, 59180, 13, 279, 1156, 292, 406, 1705, 720, 41450, 2019, 11, 499, 18399, 482, 10457, 7513, 304, 34777, 11, 499, 220, 16, 77, 43, 16, 626, 656, 779, 720, 263, 4087, 85245, 10166, 6082, 16017, 220, 21319, 11, 220, 2085, 220, 8197, 220, 304, 720, 25205, 220, 477, 2144, 13, 18373, 2740, 220, 12365, 11, 420, 1253, 3392, 720, 1623, 52838, 66, 2191, 13, 666, 2202, 83, 2740, 11, 220, 433 ]
test.” He lower ed the radio. “That’s ok ay. I don’t need you all the time.” He reached back again to tur n up the radio, and a piece of paper flutter ed down onto his face. “What’s this?” He touched the wall and felt another one. “ And this?” He felt them gingerly. The wall was cover ed with what felt lik e Post- it notes. “Why ar e ther e pieces of paper all over my wall?” Lupe came to the doorway. “It’s just an e xtra thing I do.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Well, I know you don’t have good pictur es in your head or say positive things about yourself, so I do it for you. I put them ther e because that’s wher e you sit.” Jonathan sat up and felt up and down the wall. “Ther e’s mor e on the bathr oom mir ror.” “Oh, for God’s sak e.” Jonathan stomped into the bathr oom, clearly annoyed. “What do these stupid things say?” “Differ ent things. Only good lies befor e me. I’m going to get my sight back. Or I create my own futur e. Things lik e that. But most of them say I’m going to paint a lot mor e beautiful pictur es.”“Lupe, I’m not getting my sight back, no matter what kind of mumbo jumbo you hang on my walls.” “Don’t say that. The molecules will hear you.” Jonathan gr ew incr easingly angry. “I don’t believe in your molecules, ok ay? And I’m getting tir ed of hearing about them all the time. Bad things happen. They happened to me. And all the wishful thinking in the world can’t do anything about it.” “You don’t have to believe in the sun for it to still shine on you.” Jonathan erupted. “ And you don’t have to believe in disease for it to come along and devastate your life and take away everyone you love. Ask your grandfather. Have the molecules and the P ost-it notes work ed for him? Have they stopped whatever is eating him alive?” Lupe’s faced collapsed. Ther e was a long silence. “I’m sor ry. That was an awful thing to say.” More silence. “I said I’m sor ry—r eally.” More silence. Jonathan put a hand out in fr ont of him. L upe wasn’t there. The door was lef t open. He tur ned ar ound and ran into an umbr ella stand. He kick ed it out of the way. The ne xt day, Jonathan hear d a commotion outside in the hall and opened the door. Lupe’s grandmother emer ged, rushed and har ried. As she lef t, she called back into the apartment. “I call you as soon as I can, sweetheart.” She ignor ed Jonathan and hur ried down the stairs, weeping audibly. She collided with Mrs. R amirez, the downstairs neighbor, and the two of them spok e in frantic Spanish for a moment. “Shit—it must be Mr. Saldana,” Jonathan whisper ed to himself. He went acr oss the hall and knock ed. “Lupe, it’s me...” Mrs. R amirez walk ed up the stairs and saw Jonathan knocking. “The hospital call her to come,” she told him. “She sounded upset.” Mrs. R amirez shook her ahead. “ Poor Juana, all she does is wor ry. All the time at the hospital.” “What e xactly is wr ong with her husband?” Mrs. R amirez look ed at Jonathan in confusion. “No, es Lupe. She’s the one. Don’t you know? Oh, Dios mío. She has cancer—she dying.” “Lupe! What ar e you talking about?” The Saldanas’ door suddenly opened. L upe’s grandfather stood ther e, leaning on a cane. “Wher e’s Lupe?” Jonathan ask ed. Raul paused. “She in hospital.” “She isn’t r eally sick...?” “Yes, cancer.” Jonathan shook his head in disbelief. “But how could that be? How can she be sick? She’s always dancing, singing, laughing?” “Because she believes she fine. That’s why she always talking about quinceañera and working for you.” “What do the doctors say?” Jonathan ask ed. “One say right in fr ont of her that she be luck y to live to 14. But she no believe it. She said she have a pictur e in her head that she gr ow up to be a lady.” “But why is she at the hospital now?” “She has a test. Didn’t she tell you?” Jonathan look ed ill. “She told me, all right. I just didn’t listen.” “It’s to see how bad the cancer is. They say test very painful.” Jonathan was clearly shak en. “Is ther e anything I can do, Mr. Saldana? Anything at all?” “Just believe, Mr. Jonathan. That’s what L upe would say. Believe.”In a hospital r oom, L upe, in a gown, lay on her side on a table. A doctor with a needle stood behind her. The doctor said, “ Okay, Lupe, this is the spinal tap test I told you about. It might hurt, but it will only be for a second. Are you r eady?” “Yes.” L upe’s voice was brave, but her face was filled with ter ror. She gripped the side of the table as the doctor inserted the needle. She caught a glimpse of herself in the chr ome of a medical cart and look ed into her own eyes. She chanted sof tly, “I am a beloved child of the universe, and the universe lovingly tak es car e of me now and forevermore.” She hesitated and then added, “ I’m the belle of the ball. I’m the belle of the ball.” Jonathan clumsily put away his gr oceries, swearing under his br eath, a ter rible look on his face. Eventually, the look turned to rage. He began to slam the kitchen cabinets so hard that a loose shelf behind him shook and then br oke completely fr om the wall. A sugar jar fell and smashed onto the kitchen floor. “Shit!” he said, as he knelt down and felt what had happened. He was about to say mor e but stopped. In a hushed voice, he began to sing L upe’s swearing song. He felt his body crumple in sadness and shame. Down on the floor, he touched the spilled sugar with his hands. Suddenly his face r elaxed, and his hands began to work automatically. The window dark ened as he continued. Outside the door, he hear d someone walk by. “Who’s ther e?” “Mr. A. Are you ok ay, Mr. Jonathan?” “Would you come her e, please?”The landlor d walk ed in with a wor ried look when he saw Jonathan down on the floor. “Are you sur e you’r e okay?” “Would you look at something for me?” The landlor d appr oached. “You knock ed over the sugar—I’ll help you.” “No! I don’t want it swept up. Just look at it. Does it look like anything?” The landlor d stepped back and look ed at the sugar design on the floor. “It looks lik e a girl’s face...” He hesitated and look ed at Jonathan with a kind of wonder. “It looks lik e Lupe’s face. That’s uncanny.” Jonathan lower ed his head. “Thank you.” After the landlor d left, Jonathan got on the phone. “I want a ten-pound bag of sand,” he said into the receiver. “Deliver ed immediately. I’ll pay whatever it is. I don’t car e!’’ He hung up and moved into the bedr oom, wher e he began pulling out paints, canvas, bowls, and brushes fr om the closet. The deliveryman ar rived to find a frantic Jonathan. “Don’t say a wor d! I’m blind, and I’m nuts, but I have a lot of money. Come in!” The deliveryman car ried in the sand and look ed ar ound. Jonathan had laid a canvas on the floor and ar ranged several bowls in a line. He was in a fr enzy. He ask ed the deliveryman to help him mix paint and sand. “They have to be in an or der I can r emember, so in the first bowl I want you to put r ed.” They work ed for nearly an hour, mixing paint in every bowl. When all the bowls had paint in them with various amounts of sand, Jonathan said, “Ther e’s $40 on thedresser. Take it. And thanks.” Jonathan took a knife and scooped some of the mixtur e onto the canvas. He spr ead the paint
[ 1296, 49216, 1548, 4827, 1608, 279, 9063, 662, 1054, 4897, 753, 5509, 19432, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1205, 499, 682, 198, 1820, 892, 49216, 1548, 8813, 1203, 1578, 311, 13535, 308, 709, 279, 9063, 11, 323, 264, 6710, 198, 1073, 5684, 33595, 120912, 6339, 1608, 1523, 8800, 813, 3663, 13, 1054, 3923, 753, 420, 12671, 1283, 198, 83, 34170, 279, 7147, 323, 6612, 2500, 832, 13, 1054, 1628, 420, 12671, 1283, 6612, 198, 49818, 44768, 398, 662, 578, 7147, 574, 3504, 1608, 449, 1148, 6612, 3208, 384, 3962, 7058, 275, 8554, 13, 1054, 10445, 802, 384, 9139, 384, 9863, 315, 5684, 682, 927, 856, 7147, 12671, 198, 50302, 375, 3782, 311, 279, 70458, 662, 1054, 2181, 753, 1120, 459, 384, 865, 2221, 3245, 358, 656, 662, 89874, 44130, 753, 430, 10171, 311, 3152, 12671, 198, 88925, 11, 358, 1440, 499, 1541, 1431, 617, 1695, 72829, 324, 1560, 304, 701, 2010, 198, 269, 2019, 6928, 2574, 922, 6261, 11, 779, 358, 656, 433, 369, 499, 13, 358, 2231, 198, 49818, 9139, 384, 1606, 430, 753, 421, 261, 384, 499, 2503, 49216, 66091, 7731, 709, 323, 6612, 709, 323, 1523, 279, 7147, 13, 1054, 1016, 261, 384, 753, 4411, 384, 389, 279, 9061, 81, 297, 316, 8822, 436, 269, 49216, 87990, 11, 369, 4359, 753, 78410, 384, 2029, 24150, 20703, 7018, 1139, 279, 198, 65, 589, 81, 297, 316, 11, 9539, 57130, 13, 1054, 3923, 656, 1521, 18754, 2574, 198, 37890, 12671, 198, 2118, 22427, 171, 105, 222, 261, 1218, 2574, 13, 8442, 1695, 15812, 387, 2000, 384, 757, 13, 358, 4344, 2133, 311, 198, 456, 856, 14254, 1203, 13, 2582, 358, 1893, 856, 1866, 18111, 324, 384, 13, 20695, 3208, 384, 198, 9210, 13, 2030, 1455, 315, 1124, 2019, 358, 4344, 2133, 311, 6308, 264, 2763, 4411, 384, 198, 88044, 72829, 324, 1560, 2029, 2118, 50302, 375, 11, 358, 4344, 539, 3794, 856, 14254, 1203, 11, 912, 5030, 1148, 198, 15674, 315, 39959, 754, 503, 49709, 499, 15020, 389, 856, 14620, 49216, 2118, 8161, 1431, 2019, 430, 13, 578, 35715, 690, 6865, 499, 49216, 66091, 1099, 37990, 67926, 2593, 11559, 19021, 662, 1054, 40, 1541, 1431, 4510, 220, 304, 701, 198, 76, 82206, 11, 5509, 19432, 30, 1628, 358, 4344, 3794, 45712, 1608, 315, 11011, 922, 198, 49818, 682, 279, 892, 13, 11717, 2574, 3621, 13, 2435, 7077, 311, 198, 2727, 13, 1628, 682, 279, 6562, 1285, 7422, 304, 279, 1917, 649, 1431, 656, 198, 73254, 922, 433, 49216, 33672, 1541, 1431, 617, 311, 4510, 304, 279, 7160, 369, 433, 311, 2103, 33505, 198, 263, 499, 49216, 66091, 61274, 13, 1054, 1628, 499, 1541, 1431, 617, 311, 4510, 304, 198, 67, 56407, 369, 433, 311, 2586, 3235, 323, 23248, 349, 701, 2324, 323, 198, 23609, 3201, 5127, 499, 3021, 13, 21069, 701, 38950, 662, 12522, 198, 1820, 35715, 323, 279, 393, 37996, 38611, 8554, 990, 1608, 369, 1461, 30, 12522, 198, 20670, 10717, 8996, 374, 12459, 1461, 13989, 12671, 198, 50302, 375, 753, 17011, 29368, 13, 23258, 384, 574, 264, 1317, 21847, 13, 1054, 40, 4344, 25551, 35019, 13, 3011, 574, 459, 25629, 3245, 311, 2019, 662, 89874, 7816, 21847, 13, 1054, 40, 1071, 358, 4344, 25551, 35019, 2345, 81, 384, 750, 49216, 7816, 21847, 13, 24150, 2231, 264, 1450, 704, 304, 1448, 14848, 315, 1461, 13, 445, 577, 375, 5828, 1431, 198, 19041, 13, 578, 6134, 574, 514, 69, 259, 1825, 13, 1283, 13535, 54805, 802, 220, 801, 323, 10837, 198, 18614, 459, 4543, 1347, 54601, 2559, 13, 1283, 10536, 1608, 433, 704, 315, 279, 1648, 662, 578, 841, 63490, 1938, 11, 24150, 6865, 294, 264, 1081, 6082, 4994, 304, 279, 198, 43341, 323, 9107, 279, 6134, 662, 18866, 375, 753, 39284, 991, 261, 53293, 345, 81, 53078, 323, 4960, 436, 1142, 13, 1666, 1364, 514, 69, 259, 11, 1364, 2663, 1203, 1139, 279, 198, 391, 3275, 13, 1054, 40, 1650, 499, 439, 5246, 439, 358, 649, 11, 92354, 2029, 3005, 26427, 1608, 198, 66091, 323, 13113, 436, 1142, 1523, 279, 32249, 11, 584, 55323, 6264, 6623, 662, 3005, 79990, 449, 18083, 13, 432, 1097, 60836, 11, 279, 63891, 9760, 345, 438, 279, 1403, 315, 1124, 993, 564, 384, 304, 89706, 15506, 369, 264, 4545, 13, 1054, 2059, 275, 44603, 2011, 387, 4491, 662, 328, 4852, 3444, 2476, 24150, 35955, 1608, 311, 198, 40617, 726, 662, 1283, 4024, 1645, 81, 31159, 279, 14321, 323, 14459, 1608, 13, 1054, 50302, 375, 11, 433, 753, 757, 13, 662, 662, 89874, 50329, 13, 432, 1097, 60836, 4321, 1608, 709, 279, 32249, 323, 5602, 24150, 198, 19639, 71191, 13, 1054, 791, 8952, 1650, 1077, 311, 2586, 2476, 1364, 3309, 1461, 13, 1054, 8100, 35408, 23268, 49216, 50329, 13, 432, 1097, 60836, 36014, 1077, 8469, 13, 1054, 45773, 22410, 3444, 11, 682, 1364, 1587, 198, 285, 4191, 35019, 13, 2052, 279, 892, 520, 279, 8952, 49216, 44130, 384, 865, 33839, 374, 3189, 127721, 449, 1077, 10177, 12671, 198, 50329, 13, 432, 1097, 60836, 1427, 1608, 520, 24150, 304, 22047, 13, 1054, 2822, 11, 1560, 18866, 375, 13, 3005, 753, 279, 832, 13, 4418, 1431, 499, 1440, 30, 8840, 11, 69198, 198, 76, 42825, 13, 3005, 706, 9572, 2345, 32158, 23069, 49216, 2118, 50302, 375, 0, 3639, 802, 384, 499, 7556, 922, 12671, 198, 791, 328, 4852, 26997, 529, 6134, 15187, 9107, 13, 445, 577, 375, 753, 38950, 198, 52784, 9139, 384, 11, 49448, 389, 264, 63335, 13, 1054, 1671, 261, 384, 753, 18866, 375, 12671, 24150, 2610, 1608, 13, 432, 5049, 35595, 13, 1054, 8100, 304, 8952, 49216, 84498, 4536, 1431, 436, 384, 750, 14363, 662, 662, 662, 949, 89874, 86508, 11, 9572, 662, 89874, 66091, 36014, 813, 2010, 304, 74354, 662, 1054, 4071, 1268, 1436, 430, 198, 1395, 30, 2650, 649, 1364, 387, 14363, 30, 3005, 753, 2744, 29066, 11, 26139, 345, 4355, 7595, 287, 12671, 198, 2118, 18433, 1364, 13919, 220, 1364, 33595, 71831, 818, 13, 3011, 753, 3249, 1364, 2744, 198, 83, 30855, 922, 934, 1736, 33469, 2473, 220, 323, 3318, 369, 499, 49216, 44130, 656, 279, 16410, 2019, 12671, 24150, 2610, 1608, 13, 1054, 4054, 2019, 1314, 304, 1448, 14848, 315, 1077, 430, 1364, 387, 15369, 379, 311, 3974, 311, 198, 975, 13, 2030, 1364, 912, 4510, 433, 13, 3005, 1071, 1364, 617, 264, 72829, 324, 384, 304, 1077, 198, 2025, 430, 1364, 1099, 15941, 709, 311, 387, 264, 17240, 662, 89874, 61603, 3249, 374, 1364, 520, 279, 8952, 1457, 12671, 198, 84498, 706, 264, 1296, 13, 58072, 1431, 1364, 3371, 499, 12671, 198, 66091, 1427, 1608, 5986, 13, 1054, 8100, 3309, 757, 11, 682, 1314, 13, 358, 1120, 3287, 1431, 198, 37437, 49216, 17818, 753, 311, 1518, 1268, 3958, 279, 9572, 374, 13, 2435, 2019, 1296, 1633, 198, 92724, 1285, 49216, 66091, 574, 9539, 559, 587, 665, 13, 1054, 3957, 9139, 384, 4205, 358, 649, 656, 345, 12555, 13, 328, 4852, 3444, 30, 42033, 520, 682, 12671, 198, 2118, 10156, 4510, 11, 4491, 662, 24150, 13, 3011, 753, 1148, 445, 577, 375, 1053, 2019, 662, 59121, 662, 863, 644, 264, 8952, 436, 297, 316, 11, 445, 577, 375, 11, 304, 264, 65510, 11, 11203, 389, 1077, 3185, 389, 264, 198, 2048, 13, 362, 10896, 449, 264, 31409, 14980, 4920, 1077, 662, 578, 10896, 1071, 11, 1054, 36539, 11, 18866, 375, 11, 420, 374, 279, 50112, 15596, 1296, 358, 198, 83, 820, 499, 922, 13, 1102, 2643, 13194, 11, 719, 433, 690, 1193, 387, 369, 264, 2132, 13, 8886, 499, 436, 384, 7759, 12671, 198, 86508, 2029, 445, 577, 375, 753, 7899, 574, 34300, 11, 719, 1077, 3663, 574, 33595, 71831, 75, 839, 198, 4291, 2024, 436, 269, 13, 3005, 23854, 7069, 279, 3185, 315, 279, 2007, 439, 279, 10896, 198, 4302, 291, 279, 31409, 13, 3005, 10791, 264, 40942, 315, 11937, 304, 279, 29231, 297, 2727, 315, 264, 198, 69216, 7558, 323, 1427, 1608, 1139, 1077, 1866, 6548, 13, 3005, 523, 7719, 86906, 259, 398, 11, 1054, 40, 1097, 264, 28530, 1716, 315, 279, 15861, 345, 438, 279, 15861, 21955, 398, 18608, 1560, 1841, 384, 315, 757, 1457, 323, 198, 1348, 424, 6518, 2029, 3005, 20365, 33337, 323, 1243, 3779, 11, 1054, 358, 4344, 279, 39892, 198, 1073, 279, 5041, 13, 358, 4344, 279, 39892, 315, 279, 5041, 49216, 66091, 78057, 1570, 2231, 3201, 813, 1099, 297, 56282, 11, 91781, 1234, 198, 26301, 1437, 384, 589, 11, 264, 2024, 436, 1260, 1427, 389, 813, 3663, 13, 38274, 11, 279, 1427, 198, 42286, 311, 34049, 13, 1283, 6137, 311, 45992, 279, 9979, 37328, 779, 198, 19221, 430, 264, 20784, 28745, 4920, 1461, 36014, 323, 1243, 1437, 297, 441, 198, 884, 50268, 1448, 8019, 279, 7147, 13, 362, 13465, 30695, 11299, 323, 57520, 8800, 198, 1820, 9979, 33595, 120912, 10922, 662, 1054, 2059, 275, 18319, 568, 1071, 11, 439, 568, 1168, 3903, 1523, 323, 6612, 1148, 1047, 198, 71, 680, 6901, 13, 1283, 574, 922, 311, 2019, 4411, 384, 719, 10717, 13, 763, 264, 305, 53078, 198, 10063, 11, 568, 6137, 311, 7936, 445, 577, 375, 753, 91781, 5609, 13, 1283, 6612, 813, 198, 2664, 1589, 372, 698, 304, 51978, 323, 21648, 13, 6419, 389, 279, 33595, 120912, 10922, 11, 568, 24891, 279, 74125, 13465, 449, 813, 198, 89112, 13, 58801, 813, 3663, 436, 658, 52551, 11, 323, 813, 6206, 6137, 311, 198, 1816, 9651, 662, 578, 3321, 6453, 665, 291, 439, 568, 8738, 13, 42251, 279, 6134, 11, 568, 6865, 294, 4423, 4321, 555, 662, 1054, 15546, 753, 9139, 384, 12671, 198, 2118, 12555, 13, 362, 13, 8886, 499, 5509, 19432, 11, 4491, 662, 24150, 12671, 198, 2118, 29089, 499, 2586, 1077, 384, 11, 4587, 12671, 791, 4363, 9761, 294, 4321, 1608, 304, 449, 264, 4191, 436, 1142, 1427, 994, 568, 5602, 198, 66091, 1523, 389, 279, 33595, 120912, 10922, 662, 1054, 11787, 499, 1765, 384, 499, 529, 81, 384, 17339, 12671, 198, 2118, 29089, 499, 1427, 520, 2555, 369, 757, 12671, 198, 791, 4363, 9761, 294, 917, 81, 297, 3939, 13, 1054, 2675, 14459, 1608, 927, 279, 13465, 51757, 4805, 1520, 499, 49216, 61559, 0, 358, 1541, 1431, 1390, 433, 41323, 709, 13, 4702, 1427, 520, 433, 13, 12838, 433, 1427, 198, 4908, 4205, 12671, 198, 791, 4363, 9761, 294, 25319, 1203, 323, 1427, 1608, 520, 279, 13465, 198, 25894, 389, 279, 33595, 120912, 10922, 662, 1054, 2181, 5992, 3208, 384, 264, 3828, 753, 3663, 662, 662, 662, 863, 1283, 198, 17082, 33337, 323, 1427, 1608, 520, 24150, 449, 264, 3169, 315, 5895, 662, 1054, 2181, 198, 95373, 3208, 384, 18866, 375, 753, 3663, 13, 3011, 753, 21482, 13184, 662, 89874, 66091, 4827, 1608, 813, 2010, 13, 1054, 13359, 499, 49216, 6153, 279, 4363, 9761, 294, 2163, 11, 24150, 2751, 389, 279, 4641, 13, 1054, 40, 1390, 264, 5899, 48730, 9145, 315, 9462, 2476, 568, 1071, 1139, 279, 198, 38653, 662, 1054, 16939, 1553, 1608, 7214, 662, 358, 4805, 2343, 8996, 433, 374, 13, 358, 198, 15357, 1431, 1841, 384, 72434, 123956, 1548, 18799, 709, 323, 7882, 1139, 279, 4950, 81, 297, 316, 11, 421, 261, 384, 568, 198, 65, 16133, 23062, 704, 57948, 11, 10247, 11, 61080, 11, 323, 62726, 1448, 8019, 198, 1820, 33044, 13, 578, 9889, 1543, 802, 436, 2270, 311, 33595, 71831, 303, 264, 89706, 24150, 13, 1054, 8161, 1431, 2019, 264, 4191, 294, 0, 358, 4344, 18507, 11, 323, 358, 4344, 31049, 11, 719, 358, 617, 264, 198, 9363, 315, 3300, 662, 15936, 304, 18319, 198, 791, 9889, 1543, 1841, 436, 1142, 304, 279, 9462, 323, 1427, 1608, 802, 220, 801, 13, 24150, 1047, 17551, 264, 10247, 389, 279, 33595, 120912, 10922, 323, 802, 41829, 198, 325, 17998, 61080, 304, 264, 1584, 13, 1283, 574, 304, 264, 1448, 665, 4341, 13, 1283, 2610, 1608, 279, 198, 33490, 1543, 311, 1520, 1461, 6651, 6308, 323, 9462, 13, 1054, 7009, 617, 311, 387, 304, 459, 477, 2761, 358, 649, 436, 991, 1402, 11, 779, 304, 279, 198, 171, 71831, 59125, 19763, 358, 1390, 499, 311, 2231, 436, 1608, 49216, 7009, 990, 1608, 369, 7154, 459, 6596, 11, 27890, 6308, 304, 1475, 198, 65, 9802, 13, 3277, 682, 279, 61080, 1047, 6308, 304, 1124, 449, 5370, 198, 6173, 82, 315, 9462, 11, 24150, 1071, 11, 1054, 1016, 261, 384, 753, 400, 1272, 389, 279, 69334, 261, 662, 12040, 433, 13, 1628, 9523, 49216, 66091, 3952, 264, 22145, 323, 25661, 16771, 1063, 315, 279, 6651, 66467, 384, 198, 10138, 279, 10247, 13, 1283, 8314, 384, 329, 279, 6308 ]
to see if I am deficient in any areas or to measure my level of candida. I do not want food to be the deciding factor for how I feel. I really want food to be uni mportant. I want to remain raw … but eating to live, not living to eat. I know that raw can work for me as long as I am able to either stay away from those foods that are difficult to digest or simply consume them in smaller quantities. Isn’t it hard to go raw? Learning how to eat a raw food diet properly takes time, patience, and yes, effor t. Although I provide a blueprint for doing it healthfully, most people find it challenging to adopt the raw diet 100% the fi rst time out, unless they get professional guidance. It seldom occurs overnight, and in fact, can take years to accomplish. Because our taste buds have been exposed to, and our brains have experienced t he excitement of salt, sugar, and spices, we may miss those tastes initially when they are no longer part of the da ily diet. However, most people find that the tradeoff for good health and longevity is more than worth living without a few of the ha rshest flavoring agents. Once the taste buds are no longer exposed each day to these stimulants an d excitotoxins, they once again develop an appreciation for the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables. You can becom e an extremely discerning person, with taste buds that can easily recognize the differences among various qualities of fruit. Of course, it is far more pleasant to be healthy than it is to be sick, and far less expensive, too. Weighing all factors with a longer-term perspective, I would say it is easier to eat raw than eat c ooked. What advice do you have for new raw fooders? Those new to the raw food diet often fall victim to their own innocence, coupl ed with their inquisitive nature. Most people, when trying a new diet, want to find out as much about it as possible, and often as quickly as possible. The raw food diet, which is so radically different from the others, often leaves people bewil dered about “what to do.” Nutritional and other health concerns can overwhelm them, especially when social pressures about their diet fr om peers, family, and friends beset them. Fortunately, there is a huge amount of information available about raw foods on websites, in books, and from counselors. But beware: most of the “leaders” who offer this information have little education, experience, or professional training in nutrition or health creation. Newcomers do not have enough perspective to be able to discern the valid infor mation from the dangerous or the sound science from the well-marketed infomercial. We can quickly end up with a situation where the blind are being led by the semi- sighted. My advice is to be certain that you seek guidance from someone who has reac hed stability in his or her own food program. I recommend increasing the consumption of whole fruits and vegetables a nd minimizing any use of supplements, super foods, or condiments of all types. Eat simply at each meal, reducing the total num ber of ingredients while obtaining variety in your diet throughout the seasons. Do fruits and vegetables have enough nutrients? The very best quality water, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phyton utrients, enzymes, coenzymes, fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and fats all come from organically grown fruits and vegetables grown in highly com posted, living soils. They are complete nutritional packages and provide all the nutrients we need, in t he proportions and ratios our bodies require for proper functioning. No man-made vitamin tablet or other supplement can com pare with Nature’s handiwork. Of all foods, fruits are richest in vitamins and water, and second riche st in minerals and fiber, while vegetables and leafy greens are richest in minerals and fiber, and second richest in vitamins an d water. Vegetables supply minerals and fiber so far in excess of our needs that the quantity supplied in fruit actually comes closer to m eeting our needs. (As I have stated elsewhere, consuming more than we need of any nutrient is not better, and in fact creates nutritional imbalances, despite marketin g hype to the contrary). Fruits, being far higher in calories than vegetables and thus capabl e of fueling us adequately, should comprise the majority of our diets. Some fruits, however, do actually fall short in terms of minera ls, so it is important to include some vegetables in our diet to make up for the eventual lack that could develop on a fruit-only diet. Nonethe less, in every category, the nutrient content of fruit comes closer to matching human nutritional needs than that of any oth er food group. We need small quantities of both proteins and fats. So, although fruits and v egetables are not high in protein and fat content, they still remain their ideal source. What about vitamin B 12? Almost every health and nutrition professional in the world holds the not ion that people must at least supplement their diets with a B 12 source if they don’t eat meat. But the truth is, vitamin B 12 deficiency is not limited to vegetarians and vegans; it is common among meat eaters as well—not because they don’t eat enough B 12, but because they don’t properly produce and absorb it. Let me explain just a bit about how this all works. As I see it, two primary vegan sources of natural vitamin B 12 exist for humans, either of which, under ideal conditions, should be sufficient to provide the B 12 to meet our needs: First, vitamin B 12 is a waste product of a bacteria that can be found in and on the foods we eat (of both animal and plant origin). Second, B 12 is also produced in the intestine and the mucosa of healthy humans. An alleged but very unlikely third source of B 12 may be unheated algae, spirulina, chlorella, and other creatures (whi ch are not plants, by the way, and thus not to be considered vegan), and also raw seaweeds like nori, wakame, dulse, kombu, etc. Although these substances apparently do contain some human-active B 12, they also contain significant amounts of noncobalamin analogs of B12, which actually interfere with the absorption of true B 12. The analog form of B 12 registers on test results, masquerading as the human nutrient, but the body cannot use it. To compound the problem, analog B 12 also occupies the body’s B 12 uptake sites or “receptors,” thus lowering our ability to utilize true B 12. From a health and biological-design perspective, the question of whether the B 12 in these foods is the kind we need or an analog (or some of both) becomes irrelevant. Regardless of the answer, I do not recommend the consumption of sea life under any circumstances. Humans are terrestrial creatures and as such ou r digestive capacities and nutritional requirements are adapted to th e consumption of plants from the land. Aquatic plants and animals are not our natural foods, nor does their nutritional makeup match our needs. If you disagree, take yourself to the oceanside one day and collect some of your own fresh algae or seaweed. I think you will find these “foods,” as they appear unprocessed in nature, to be abhorren t in taste. Compare this reaction to the sensory thrill that you experience when you see, smell, and taste a perfectly ripe piece of fr uit picked fresh from the tree. Your visceral response to these two scenarios should tell you unequivocally which of these item s is food for humans. That said, I return to the first two B 12 sources mentioned above. If it is true that plant and animal foods can contain B 12, and that we make it within our bodies as well, then how is it that we find vita min B 12 deficiency in humans? This is an extremely complex matter, but I will discuss four reasons for this phenomenon in a very sim plified manner. 1) Our produce no longer contains vitamin B 12. Since the beginning of time, humans have acquired some of their vitam in B 12 directly from fruits and vegetables … but they did not know they were doing so. You see, scientists did not discover vitamin B 12 until the 1950s, and by then our commercially produced plant foods had spent about a decade devoid of vitamin B 12, a nutrient that had existed plentifully in plant foods since time immemorial. How did this come about? Well, plants do not make a lot of vitamins. Rather, they s oak them up from the soil through their roots. Most of our vitamins are made by bacteria in the soil. Since the adven t of modern agriculture in 1942, when Bayer and other chemical manufacturers began diverting leftover chemical wea pons from World War II into use as pesticides and fertilizers, 84 farmers have inadvertently sterilized the bacteria out of our soils. The resulting loss of plant-derived dietary vitamin B 12 is just one of the unintended consequences of “better living through chemistry,” an initiative that continues to devastate the balance of nature in ways we are only beginning to comprehend. Given this historical perspective, it is easy to understand why nutr itional researchers generally encounter no vitamin B 12 in plant foods since they take their samples from among
[ 311, 1518, 422, 358, 1097, 87544, 304, 220, 904, 5789, 477, 311, 6767, 856, 2237, 315, 5803, 64, 13, 358, 656, 539, 720, 53757, 3691, 311, 387, 279, 30230, 8331, 369, 1268, 358, 2733, 13, 358, 2216, 1390, 3691, 311, 387, 48986, 296, 403, 519, 13, 358, 1390, 311, 7293, 7257, 4696, 719, 12459, 311, 3974, 11, 720, 1962, 5496, 311, 8343, 13, 358, 1440, 430, 7257, 649, 990, 369, 757, 439, 1317, 439, 358, 1097, 3025, 311, 3060, 220, 4822, 3201, 505, 1884, 15657, 430, 527, 5107, 311, 720, 37439, 477, 5042, 25024, 1124, 304, 9333, 33776, 13, 53296, 1431, 433, 2653, 311, 733, 7257, 30, 21579, 1268, 311, 8343, 264, 7257, 3691, 10173, 10489, 5097, 892, 11, 30401, 11, 323, 10035, 11, 3369, 269, 259, 13, 10541, 358, 3493, 264, 54029, 369, 3815, 433, 720, 12393, 3725, 11, 1455, 1274, 1505, 433, 17436, 311, 11142, 279, 7257, 10173, 220, 1041, 4, 279, 9314, 56615, 892, 704, 11, 7389, 814, 636, 6721, 19351, 13, 1102, 720, 82, 53734, 13980, 25402, 11, 323, 304, 2144, 11, 649, 1935, 1667, 311, 22829, 13, 9393, 1057, 12945, 68543, 617, 1027, 15246, 311, 11, 323, 1057, 35202, 617, 10534, 259, 568, 28361, 315, 12290, 11, 13465, 11, 323, 49659, 11, 584, 720, 18864, 3194, 1884, 36263, 15453, 994, 814, 527, 912, 5129, 961, 315, 279, 3067, 220, 1570, 10173, 13, 4452, 11, 1455, 1274, 1505, 430, 279, 6696, 1885, 369, 1695, 720, 12393, 323, 58219, 374, 810, 1109, 5922, 5496, 2085, 264, 2478, 315, 279, 6520, 10242, 6536, 17615, 287, 13307, 13, 9843, 279, 12945, 68543, 527, 912, 5129, 15246, 1855, 1938, 311, 1521, 12936, 360, 1821, 459, 294, 25435, 2117, 87, 1354, 11, 814, 3131, 1578, 2274, 459, 720, 680, 2827, 7246, 369, 279, 12945, 315, 7878, 26390, 323, 24822, 13, 1472, 649, 387, 884, 384, 459, 9193, 42645, 287, 1732, 11, 449, 12945, 68543, 430, 649, 720, 68, 38367, 15641, 279, 12062, 4315, 5370, 29600, 315, 14098, 662, 5046, 3388, 11, 433, 374, 3117, 810, 24729, 311, 387, 9498, 1109, 433, 374, 311, 387, 14363, 11, 323, 3117, 220, 2753, 11646, 11, 2288, 13, 1226, 1108, 287, 682, 9547, 449, 264, 720, 4930, 261, 9860, 13356, 11, 358, 1053, 2019, 433, 374, 8831, 311, 8343, 7257, 1109, 8343, 272, 297, 11059, 13, 3639, 9650, 656, 499, 617, 369, 502, 7257, 3691, 388, 30, 13266, 502, 311, 279, 7257, 3691, 10173, 3629, 4498, 11996, 311, 872, 1866, 57311, 11, 4020, 501, 1608, 449, 872, 304, 9383, 3486, 7138, 13, 7648, 1274, 11, 720, 9493, 4560, 264, 502, 10173, 11, 1390, 311, 1505, 704, 439, 1790, 922, 433, 439, 3284, 11, 323, 3629, 220, 439, 6288, 439, 3284, 13, 578, 7257, 3691, 10173, 11, 902, 374, 720, 708, 61127, 2204, 505, 279, 3885, 11, 3629, 11141, 1274, 28054, 321, 2761, 291, 922, 1054, 12840, 311, 656, 2029, 18878, 37842, 323, 1023, 2890, 10742, 649, 720, 2017, 16005, 76, 1124, 11, 5423, 994, 3674, 40850, 922, 872, 10173, 1448, 8019, 26081, 11, 3070, 11, 323, 4885, 9234, 295, 1124, 13, 42536, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 6908, 3392, 315, 2038, 2561, 922, 7257, 220, 15657, 389, 13335, 11, 304, 6603, 11, 323, 505, 86347, 13, 2030, 720, 65, 55169, 25, 1455, 315, 279, 1054, 79486, 863, 889, 3085, 420, 2038, 617, 2697, 220, 6873, 11, 3217, 11, 477, 6721, 4967, 304, 26677, 477, 720, 12393, 9886, 13, 1561, 884, 388, 656, 539, 617, 3403, 13356, 311, 387, 3025, 311, 42645, 279, 2764, 304, 2000, 296, 367, 505, 279, 11660, 477, 279, 5222, 720, 40657, 505, 279, 1664, 30004, 25489, 4225, 316, 8150, 13, 1226, 649, 6288, 842, 709, 449, 220, 264, 6671, 1405, 279, 18507, 527, 1694, 6197, 555, 279, 18768, 12, 720, 82, 65607, 13, 3092, 9650, 374, 311, 387, 3738, 430, 499, 6056, 19351, 505, 4423, 889, 706, 312, 582, 61316, 20334, 304, 813, 477, 1077, 1866, 3691, 2068, 13, 358, 720, 67689, 7859, 279, 15652, 315, 4459, 26390, 323, 24822, 264, 15953, 77391, 904, 1005, 315, 33690, 11, 2307, 15657, 11, 477, 720, 1321, 12843, 315, 682, 4595, 13, 45614, 5042, 520, 1855, 15496, 11, 18189, 279, 2860, 1661, 10418, 315, 14293, 1418, 19546, 8205, 304, 701, 10173, 720, 20322, 412, 279, 15956, 13, 3234, 26390, 323, 24822, 617, 3403, 37493, 30, 578, 1633, 1888, 4367, 3090, 11, 46192, 11, 34072, 11, 81115, 11, 37555, 783, 8791, 32930, 11, 56067, 11, 1080, 17007, 79809, 11, 24722, 11, 13128, 11, 720, 7063, 34658, 988, 11, 323, 50127, 682, 220, 2586, 505, 2942, 2740, 15042, 26390, 323, 24822, 15042, 304, 7701, 470, 8621, 11, 5496, 69561, 13, 2435, 527, 720, 15079, 43226, 14519, 323, 3493, 682, 279, 37493, 584, 1205, 11, 304, 259, 568, 49892, 323, 42338, 1057, 13162, 1397, 369, 6300, 720, 1723, 287, 13, 2360, 893, 27975, 28170, 21354, 477, 1023, 22822, 649, 470, 24068, 449, 22037, 753, 1450, 72, 1816, 13, 5046, 682, 15657, 11, 26390, 527, 57471, 304, 46192, 323, 3090, 11, 323, 2132, 436, 12333, 357, 304, 34072, 323, 24722, 11, 1418, 24822, 323, 16312, 88, 52011, 720, 548, 57471, 304, 34072, 323, 24722, 11, 323, 2132, 57471, 304, 46192, 459, 294, 3090, 13, 43800, 4893, 8312, 34072, 323, 24722, 779, 3117, 304, 13937, 315, 720, 414, 3966, 430, 279, 12472, 17665, 304, 14098, 3604, 4131, 12401, 311, 296, 384, 11880, 1057, 3966, 13, 320, 2170, 358, 617, 11224, 18403, 11, 35208, 720, 6518, 1109, 584, 1205, 315, 904, 50123, 374, 539, 2731, 11, 323, 304, 2144, 11705, 43226, 737, 76527, 11, 8994, 3157, 258, 342, 45990, 311, 279, 26102, 570, 435, 68998, 11, 1694, 3117, 5190, 304, 25247, 1109, 24822, 323, 8617, 2107, 62573, 384, 315, 10633, 287, 603, 49672, 11, 1288, 54350, 279, 8857, 315, 720, 414, 41943, 13, 4427, 26390, 11, 4869, 11, 656, 3604, 4498, 2875, 304, 3878, 315, 1332, 2473, 20170, 11, 779, 433, 374, 3062, 311, 2997, 1063, 24822, 304, 1057, 10173, 311, 720, 7072, 709, 369, 279, 42835, 6996, 430, 1436, 2274, 389, 264, 14098, 15744, 10173, 13, 11842, 19030, 2753, 11, 304, 1475, 5699, 11, 279, 50123, 2262, 315, 14098, 720, 6716, 12401, 311, 12864, 3823, 43226, 3966, 1109, 430, 315, 904, 297, 339, 2781, 3691, 1912, 13, 1226, 1205, 2678, 33776, 315, 2225, 28896, 323, 50127, 13, 2100, 11, 8051, 26390, 323, 348, 70763, 4893, 527, 539, 1579, 304, 13128, 323, 8834, 2262, 11, 720, 20670, 2103, 7293, 872, 10728, 2592, 13, 3639, 922, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 949, 35403, 1475, 2890, 323, 26677, 6721, 304, 279, 1917, 10187, 279, 539, 28772, 430, 1274, 2011, 520, 3325, 22822, 872, 41943, 720, 4291, 264, 426, 220, 717, 220, 2592, 422, 814, 1541, 1431, 8343, 13339, 13, 2030, 279, 8206, 374, 11, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 220, 48294, 374, 539, 7347, 311, 13294, 30627, 323, 48438, 598, 26, 433, 374, 4279, 4315, 13339, 8343, 388, 439, 1664, 63938, 1606, 814, 1541, 1431, 8343, 3403, 426, 220, 717, 1174, 719, 1606, 814, 1541, 1431, 10489, 8356, 323, 35406, 433, 13, 6914, 720, 2727, 10552, 1120, 264, 2766, 922, 1268, 420, 682, 4375, 13, 1666, 358, 1518, 433, 11, 1403, 6156, 30249, 8336, 315, 5933, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 3073, 369, 12966, 11, 3060, 315, 902, 11, 1234, 10728, 4787, 11, 1288, 720, 1395, 14343, 311, 3493, 279, 426, 220, 717, 220, 311, 3449, 1057, 3966, 25, 720, 5451, 11, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 220, 374, 264, 12571, 2027, 315, 264, 24032, 430, 649, 387, 1766, 304, 323, 389, 279, 15657, 584, 8343, 320, 1073, 2225, 220, 10065, 323, 220, 6136, 720, 8781, 570, 10657, 11, 426, 220, 717, 220, 374, 1101, 9124, 304, 279, 92234, 323, 279, 65104, 12252, 315, 9498, 12966, 13, 1556, 10711, 719, 1633, 17821, 4948, 2592, 315, 426, 220, 717, 220, 1253, 387, 653, 383, 660, 68951, 11, 18823, 360, 2259, 11, 523, 385, 34142, 11, 323, 1023, 20566, 320, 1336, 72, 523, 527, 539, 720, 64805, 11, 555, 279, 1648, 11, 323, 8617, 539, 311, 387, 6646, 30249, 705, 323, 1101, 7257, 67329, 68, 6910, 220, 1093, 6463, 72, 11, 289, 587, 373, 11, 294, 17660, 11, 85564, 84, 11, 5099, 13, 10541, 720, 45010, 33155, 14132, 656, 6782, 1063, 3823, 32344, 426, 220, 717, 1174, 814, 1101, 6782, 5199, 15055, 315, 2536, 86656, 278, 8778, 24291, 82, 315, 720, 33, 717, 1174, 902, 3604, 40978, 449, 279, 44225, 315, 837, 426, 220, 717, 662, 578, 24291, 1376, 315, 426, 220, 717, 220, 25771, 389, 1296, 3135, 11, 9427, 16339, 2277, 439, 279, 720, 26380, 50123, 11, 719, 279, 2547, 4250, 1005, 433, 13, 2057, 24549, 279, 3575, 11, 24291, 426, 220, 717, 220, 1101, 76854, 279, 2547, 753, 426, 220, 717, 220, 69575, 6732, 477, 720, 2118, 265, 58650, 2476, 8617, 46301, 1057, 5845, 311, 29166, 837, 426, 220, 717, 662, 5659, 264, 2890, 323, 24156, 47117, 13356, 11, 279, 3488, 315, 3508, 220, 279, 426, 220, 717, 304, 1521, 15657, 374, 279, 3169, 584, 1205, 477, 459, 720, 276, 32051, 320, 269, 1063, 315, 2225, 8, 9221, 40815, 13, 44840, 315, 279, 4320, 11, 358, 656, 539, 220, 7079, 279, 15652, 315, 9581, 2324, 1234, 904, 720, 44398, 372, 9623, 13, 66094, 527, 80492, 20566, 323, 439, 1778, 6033, 436, 60071, 59539, 323, 43226, 8670, 527, 30464, 311, 270, 384, 720, 67776, 562, 315, 11012, 505, 279, 4363, 13, 23815, 780, 11012, 323, 10099, 527, 539, 1057, 220, 5933, 15657, 11, 6463, 1587, 872, 43226, 27649, 2489, 720, 414, 3966, 13, 1442, 499, 29395, 11, 1935, 6261, 311, 279, 54280, 579, 832, 1938, 323, 6667, 1063, 315, 701, 220, 1866, 7878, 68951, 477, 67329, 12320, 13, 358, 1781, 499, 690, 720, 3990, 1521, 1054, 96420, 2476, 439, 814, 5101, 653, 35122, 304, 7138, 11, 311, 387, 671, 20100, 1466, 259, 304, 12945, 13, 24702, 420, 13010, 311, 279, 49069, 54904, 430, 720, 9514, 3217, 994, 499, 1518, 11, 22843, 11, 323, 12945, 264, 14268, 57796, 6710, 315, 1448, 25290, 13061, 7878, 505, 279, 5021, 13, 4718, 89116, 2077, 311, 720, 45010, 1403, 26350, 1288, 3371, 499, 84035, 511, 750, 902, 315, 1521, 1537, 274, 374, 3691, 369, 12966, 13, 3011, 1071, 11, 358, 471, 311, 279, 1176, 1403, 426, 220, 717, 8336, 9932, 3485, 13, 1442, 433, 374, 837, 430, 6136, 323, 220, 10065, 15657, 649, 6782, 426, 220, 717, 1174, 323, 720, 9210, 584, 1304, 433, 2949, 1057, 13162, 439, 1664, 11, 1243, 1268, 374, 433, 430, 584, 1505, 55576, 1332, 426, 220, 717, 48294, 304, 12966, 30, 1115, 374, 459, 9193, 6485, 720, 60065, 11, 719, 358, 690, 4358, 3116, 8125, 369, 420, 25885, 304, 264, 1633, 1675, 628, 1908, 11827, 13, 220, 16, 8, 5751, 8356, 912, 5129, 5727, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 662, 8876, 279, 7314, 315, 892, 11, 12966, 617, 19426, 1063, 315, 872, 126305, 304, 426, 220, 717, 220, 6089, 505, 26390, 323, 24822, 4696, 719, 814, 1550, 539, 720, 33134, 814, 1051, 3815, 779, 13, 1472, 1518, 11, 14248, 1550, 539, 7142, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 220, 3156, 279, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 11, 323, 555, 1243, 1057, 54453, 9124, 720, 21494, 15657, 1047, 7543, 922, 264, 13515, 76939, 315, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 1174, 264, 50123, 430, 1047, 25281, 81826, 398, 304, 6136, 15657, 2533, 892, 720, 318, 10759, 22676, 13, 2650, 1550, 420, 2586, 922, 30, 8489, 11, 11012, 656, 539, 1304, 264, 2763, 315, 46192, 13, 26848, 11, 814, 274, 38971, 1124, 709, 505, 279, 17614, 1555, 872, 720, 38265, 13, 7648, 315, 1057, 46192, 527, 1903, 555, 24032, 304, 279, 17614, 13, 8876, 279, 1008, 1055, 259, 315, 6617, 30029, 304, 220, 6393, 17, 11, 994, 86520, 323, 1023, 720, 32056, 17032, 6137, 37098, 287, 65543, 11742, 584, 64, 281, 2439, 505, 4435, 5111, 8105, 1139, 1005, 439, 61257, 323, 36214, 12509, 11, 220, 5833, 720, 66911, 388, 617, 70185, 66740, 1534, 279, 24032, 704, 315, 1057, 69561, 662, 578, 13239, 4814, 315, 6136, 72286, 34625, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 374, 1120, 832, 315, 720, 1820, 73443, 16296, 315, 1054, 58234, 5496, 1555, 30903, 1174, 863, 220, 459, 20770, 430, 9731, 311, 23248, 349, 279, 8335, 315, 7138, 220, 304, 720, 2336, 584, 527, 1193, 7314, 311, 58389, 13, 16644, 420, 13970, 13356, 11, 433, 374, 4228, 311, 3619, 3249, 10184, 81, 433, 4001, 12074, 8965, 13123, 912, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 220, 304, 6136, 720, 96420, 2533, 814, 1935, 872, 10688, 505, 4315 ]
ates in the high 500s, which is akin to perfection. Q: What is the risk of spiritual knowledge? A: The downside of spiritual education is the buildup of the vanit y of “I know” a nd the devaluation of people who are “not spiritual.” The ego takes personal credit for spiritual co mprehension instead of realizing that the capacity for understanding itself is a spiritual gift from God. Gratitude is the antidote for pride. If one acqui res information and feels grateful about it, then spiritual pride doesn’ t gain a strong foothold. Spiritual pride can work in two directions, either by augmenting vanity or, paradoxically, by your taking the position that you’re worse than others. The position of I a m just a worth less worm is just a vanity in rags instead of robes. Q: Is ther e a momentum to spiritual work? A: Once you cross the critical line of Courage (200), the rest becomes accessible. The more you advance, the more you are likely to further advance; and the more you ad vance from wanting to advance, the more advanced you get to be! Once you even begin to become interested in spiritual matters, you’re already on your way and there’ s no ne ed to worry. Nobody would be interested in a book like this unless you were destined for its truth, any more than you’d be at diving lessons unless you we re planning to go deep-sea diving. The B uddha said that once you’ve heard of Enlightenment, you’ll never be satisfied with anything less. T o merely have heard of it already imprints your consciousness. THE MOST V ALUABLE QUALITIES AND A TTITUDES FOR THE SPIRITUAL SEEKER People often ask, “What are the qualities and attitudes needed to advance in consciousness?”Start wi th certainty and a feel ing of security instead of self-doubt or timidity. Accept without reservation that you are worthy of the quest, and be resolved to to tally surrender to the truth about God. The facts that are to be unreservedly accepted are simple and very powerful. Surrendering to them brings enormous spiritual advancement. 12 Spiritual Facts 1. The living proof of God’ s love a nd will for you is the gift of your own existence. 2. There is no need to compare yourself with others regarding “hol iness,” merit, go odness, deservingness, sinlessness, and so forth. These are all human notions, and God is not limited by human notions. 3. The concept of “the fear of God” is ignorance. God is peace an d love and nothing else. 4. The depiction of God as a “judge” is a delusion of the ego that arises as a projection of guilt from th e punishments of childhood. Realize that God is not a parent. 5. Christ’ s teaching was simply to avoid the negativity (calibrated levels below 200), and the goal of his teaching was for his followers to reach Unconditional L ove (cal. 540). He knew that once the le vel of Unconditional Love was reache d, the soul’ s destiny after death was certain and the soul was safe. T his is essentially the same conclusion taught by the world’ s great religions, such as Pure Land Buddhism. 6. Salvation and Enlightenment are somewhat dif ferent goals. Sa lvation requires purification of the ego; Enlightenment requires its total dissolution. The goal of Enlightenment is more demanding and radical. 7. It is not a personal “you” who is seeking Enlightenment but an impersonal quality of consciousness that is the motivator. Spiritual inspiration and dedication carry forth the work. 8. Comfort replace s insecurity when you realize that the most important goal has already been accomplished. That goal is to be on the road of spiritual dedicat ion. Spiritual development is not an accompli shmentbut a way of lif e. It is an orientation that brings its own rewards, and what is important is the direction of your motives. 9. Every step forward benefits everyone. Y our spiritual dedication and work is a gift to life and the love of all humankind. 10. There is no timetable or pres cribed route to God. Although each person’ s route is unique, the terrain to be covered is relatively co mmon to all. Details dif fer based on past karma. 11. Intense prayer augments dedic ation and inspiration and facilitates progress. 12. The Grace of G od is available to all. The strength of the ego can be quite formidable, and without the assistance of the power of higher spiritual beings, it cannot of itself be transcended. Fortunately, the power of the co nsciousness of every great teacher or avatar who has ever lived still remains. Histo rically, the “Grace of the Sa ge” is available to the committed spir itual seeker. T o focus on a teacher or their tea chings by meditation makes the power and ener gy of that teacher available to call upon. It is the will of every truly enlightened sage that every student succee d, not just members of a particular group. J ust as the individual seeker benefits all humankind, so too does the Enlightenment of the teachers benefit the seeker. There are no requirements or obligations. 14 Spiritual Principles Evolution on the Map of Cons ciousness is aided by following certain spiritual principl es, which, over time, unravel the ego’ s perception: The way I s ee the world is exactly the way it is. T he “way” of s piritual advance ment through consciousness is actually uncomplicated and simple. 1. Look at life not as a place to acquir e gain but as an opportun ity for learning, which abounds even in the smallest of life’ s details. The prim ary spiritual quality is really one of overall attitude. A spiritual attitude leads one to be friendly, kind, and well-meaning to all life. W e find ourselves walking over an ant carefully rather than squashing it, not as a compulsive “must” or a religious rule but out of a greater awareness of the value of alllife. All animals will be discove red to actually be individuals who respond to respect and attention. Even plants are aware of when you love and admire them. 2. Develop humility, with the awareness of the limitations of the mind and appearance. Y ou become increasingly aware that life is filte red through perception and that what you witness in the world are primarily attitudes and perceptions rather than self-existent, external realities. Every single “happening” is consequent to countless conditions, unseen and unknowable, as the “cause” o f anything is the totality of the universe up to that moment. Only someone with omniscience would be able to ascertain the significance of it, and thus out of humility, y ou acknowledge your lack of o mniscience! “I know” gives way to “I don’ t know.” 3. Be w illing to ove rlook and for give. T his willingnes s allows the ser ious spiritual student to resign from the self-appointed duties of bein g the one to judge, correct, control, direct, a nd change the world, and expre ss opinions about everything. As a serious s piritual student, one is no long er obligated to c ontinue these chores; inste ad, they are turned over to divine justice. Inasmuch as the mind has no i dea of what Reality even is, relinquishing these for mer duties will be a relief and also bring an end to a lo t of guilt. It is therefore quite helpful to give up “causes” and rallies for the oppressed, downtrodden, other victims, and sentimentalities. Each person is merely fulfilling their own destiny; allo w them to do so. W ith detachment, it will be observed that most people enjoy the melodrama of their lives. 4. Observe people with compassion. Observation reveals that physical appearance is a great deceiver. Most people look like adults but are not really ad ults at all. Emotionally, most are still children. The emotions and attitudes that prevail in kinder garten and on the playground cont inue on into adult life but ar e hidden in more dignified-sounding terminol ogy. W ithin most people is a child who is merely imitating being an adult.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms: No r equir ement s or demands: T here are no required memberships, dues, regulations, oaths, rules, or conditions. 9. Noncontr olling: S piritua l purity has no interest in the personal lives of aspirants, or in dress, sex lives, economics, family patterns, lifestyles, or dietary habits. 10. Fr ee of for ce or intimidation: T here is no bra inwashing, adu lation of leaders, training rituals, indoctrinations, or intrusions into private life. 11. Nonbinding: There are no regulations, laws, edicts, contracts, or pledges. 12. Fr e
[ 988, 304, 279, 1579, 220, 2636, 82, 11, 902, 374, 53007, 311, 198, 716, 13421, 13, 1229, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 5326, 315, 18330, 6677, 30, 362, 25, 220, 578, 52497, 315, 18330, 6873, 374, 279, 86765, 315, 279, 5355, 275, 379, 315, 1054, 40, 198, 33134, 863, 264, 15953, 279, 409, 24756, 315, 1274, 889, 527, 1054, 1962, 18330, 2029, 578, 37374, 5097, 198, 30712, 6807, 369, 18330, 1080, 296, 31882, 2711, 4619, 315, 44114, 430, 279, 198, 38487, 369, 8830, 5196, 374, 264, 18330, 8352, 505, 4359, 13, 2895, 17584, 374, 279, 198, 519, 307, 1295, 369, 22519, 13, 1442, 832, 19830, 72, 594, 2038, 323, 11321, 26259, 922, 433, 345, 3473, 18330, 22519, 3250, 529, 259, 8895, 264, 3831, 79463, 820, 13, 63849, 22519, 649, 990, 304, 1403, 220, 18445, 11, 3060, 555, 49806, 287, 52671, 198, 269, 1174, 52313, 2740, 1174, 555, 701, 4737, 220, 279, 2361, 430, 499, 3207, 11201, 1109, 3885, 13, 578, 2361, 315, 358, 264, 296, 1120, 264, 5922, 2753, 35311, 220, 374, 1120, 264, 52671, 304, 436, 2076, 4619, 315, 198, 299, 9620, 13, 1229, 25, 2209, 9139, 384, 264, 24151, 311, 18330, 990, 30, 362, 25, 220, 9843, 499, 5425, 279, 9200, 1584, 315, 99630, 320, 1049, 705, 279, 2800, 9221, 198, 63447, 13, 578, 810, 499, 12178, 11, 279, 810, 499, 527, 4461, 220, 311, 4726, 198, 60420, 26, 323, 279, 810, 499, 1008, 348, 685, 505, 19762, 311, 12178, 11, 279, 810, 198, 42879, 499, 636, 311, 387, 0, 9843, 499, 1524, 3240, 311, 3719, 8173, 304, 198, 86390, 940, 13146, 1174, 499, 3207, 2736, 389, 701, 1648, 323, 1070, 529, 274, 912, 841, 1608, 311, 11196, 662, 37558, 1053, 387, 8173, 304, 264, 2363, 1093, 420, 7389, 499, 1051, 51687, 369, 198, 1220, 8206, 11, 220, 904, 810, 1109, 499, 7070, 387, 520, 43515, 18872, 7389, 499, 584, 312, 9293, 198, 998, 733, 5655, 7962, 64, 220, 43515, 13, 578, 426, 577, 634, 4317, 1071, 430, 3131, 499, 4070, 6755, 315, 198, 1737, 4238, 53061, 11, 499, 4805, 2646, 387, 20097, 449, 4205, 2753, 13, 350, 297, 16632, 617, 198, 55603, 315, 433, 2736, 737, 26822, 701, 25917, 13, 3247, 80199, 650, 8927, 52, 3578, 71375, 37744, 3651, 362, 33844, 49399, 39087, 198, 32002, 3247, 21061, 49, 964, 16788, 47340, 643, 198, 16298, 3629, 2610, 11, 1054, 3923, 527, 279, 29600, 323, 33726, 4460, 311, 220, 12178, 198, 258, 25917, 12671, 3563, 24129, 270, 44743, 323, 264, 2733, 6892, 315, 4868, 4619, 315, 659, 1773, 5599, 83, 477, 198, 20693, 19025, 662, 21496, 2085, 28767, 430, 499, 527, 28390, 315, 279, 220, 2271, 11, 323, 198, 1395, 20250, 311, 311, 53395, 32859, 311, 279, 8206, 922, 4359, 13, 578, 13363, 430, 527, 311, 198, 1395, 653, 52202, 398, 220, 11928, 527, 4382, 323, 1633, 8147, 13, 55166, 910, 287, 311, 198, 49818, 12716, 23205, 18330, 50925, 13, 220, 717, 63849, 46083, 198, 16, 662, 578, 5496, 11311, 315, 4359, 529, 274, 3021, 264, 15953, 690, 369, 499, 374, 279, 8352, 315, 701, 1866, 198, 93772, 13, 220, 17, 662, 2684, 374, 220, 912, 1205, 311, 9616, 6261, 449, 3885, 9002, 1054, 8619, 304, 434, 2476, 198, 1195, 275, 11, 733, 11018, 2136, 11, 76554, 2136, 11, 7589, 33028, 11, 323, 779, 13544, 13, 4314, 527, 682, 198, 26380, 59682, 11, 323, 4359, 374, 539, 7347, 555, 3823, 59682, 13, 220, 18, 662, 578, 7434, 315, 1054, 1820, 8850, 315, 4359, 863, 374, 41660, 13, 4359, 374, 9096, 459, 294, 3021, 198, 438, 4400, 775, 13, 220, 19, 662, 578, 73764, 315, 4359, 439, 264, 1054, 93461, 863, 374, 264, 1624, 7713, 315, 279, 37374, 430, 48282, 198, 300, 264, 220, 22343, 315, 34951, 505, 270, 384, 90925, 315, 20587, 13, 8976, 553, 198, 9210, 4359, 374, 539, 264, 2748, 13, 220, 20, 662, 3771, 529, 274, 12917, 574, 5042, 311, 5766, 279, 93795, 320, 5531, 61666, 5990, 198, 54277, 220, 1049, 705, 323, 279, 5915, 315, 813, 12917, 574, 369, 813, 20723, 311, 220, 5662, 198, 1844, 46468, 445, 297, 588, 320, 5531, 13, 220, 17048, 570, 1283, 7020, 430, 3131, 279, 514, 9231, 315, 198, 1844, 46468, 10919, 574, 312, 1815, 294, 11, 279, 13836, 529, 274, 47176, 1306, 4648, 574, 198, 66, 7770, 323, 279, 13836, 574, 6220, 13, 350, 813, 374, 16168, 279, 1890, 17102, 198, 2629, 3948, 555, 279, 1917, 529, 274, 2294, 44230, 11, 1778, 439, 30688, 11680, 61324, 13, 220, 21, 662, 86785, 323, 92931, 527, 14738, 1422, 18728, 306, 9021, 13, 16233, 29478, 367, 198, 42475, 94536, 315, 279, 37374, 26, 92931, 7612, 1202, 2860, 198, 67, 1056, 3294, 13, 578, 5915, 315, 92931, 374, 810, 26192, 323, 18336, 13, 220, 22, 662, 1102, 374, 539, 264, 4443, 1054, 9514, 863, 889, 374, 11125, 92931, 719, 459, 198, 6802, 1293, 278, 4367, 315, 25917, 430, 374, 279, 12521, 859, 662, 63849, 198, 1354, 29579, 323, 39955, 6920, 13544, 279, 990, 13, 220, 23, 662, 44842, 8454, 274, 74935, 994, 499, 13383, 430, 279, 1455, 3062, 198, 35039, 706, 220, 2736, 220, 1027, 27332, 13, 3011, 5915, 374, 311, 387, 389, 279, 5754, 315, 198, 86390, 940, 57766, 266, 28772, 13, 63849, 4500, 374, 539, 459, 13390, 72, 559, 479, 8248, 264, 1648, 315, 10345, 384, 13, 1102, 374, 459, 17140, 430, 12716, 1202, 1866, 21845, 11, 323, 198, 12840, 374, 3062, 374, 279, 5216, 315, 701, 52140, 13, 220, 24, 662, 7357, 3094, 4741, 7720, 5127, 13, 816, 1057, 18330, 39955, 323, 198, 1816, 374, 264, 8352, 311, 2324, 323, 279, 3021, 315, 682, 2854, 70370, 13, 220, 605, 662, 2684, 374, 220, 912, 67640, 477, 1685, 80111, 291, 6149, 311, 4359, 13, 10541, 1855, 198, 9164, 529, 274, 6149, 374, 5016, 11, 279, 25911, 311, 387, 9960, 374, 12309, 1080, 296, 1677, 198, 998, 682, 13, 12589, 1422, 18728, 3196, 389, 3347, 71542, 13, 220, 806, 662, 1357, 1137, 23788, 19861, 1392, 57766, 520, 290, 323, 20343, 323, 73633, 198, 14703, 13, 220, 717, 662, 578, 32171, 315, 480, 11018, 374, 2561, 311, 682, 13, 578, 8333, 315, 279, 37374, 649, 387, 198, 84270, 54829, 1174, 323, 2085, 279, 13291, 315, 279, 2410, 315, 5190, 198, 86390, 940, 23837, 11, 220, 433, 4250, 315, 5196, 387, 42590, 2954, 13, 42536, 1174, 279, 198, 13477, 315, 279, 1080, 308, 23995, 2136, 315, 1475, 2294, 11326, 477, 21359, 889, 706, 198, 2099, 12439, 2103, 8625, 13, 473, 26407, 436, 2740, 1174, 279, 1054, 87643, 315, 279, 16233, 3980, 863, 374, 198, 10547, 311, 279, 11411, 18823, 433, 940, 90233, 662, 350, 297, 5357, 389, 264, 11326, 477, 198, 50828, 15600, 523, 826, 555, 33862, 3727, 279, 2410, 323, 38556, 29720, 315, 430, 198, 24247, 2561, 311, 1650, 5304, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 690, 315, 1475, 9615, 82315, 198, 108718, 430, 1475, 5575, 11405, 71696, 294, 11, 539, 1120, 3697, 315, 264, 4040, 198, 4166, 13, 622, 88689, 439, 279, 3927, 90233, 7720, 682, 2854, 70370, 11, 779, 2288, 1587, 198, 1820, 92931, 315, 279, 13639, 8935, 279, 90233, 662, 2684, 527, 912, 198, 71226, 477, 30255, 13, 220, 975, 63849, 58014, 198, 35212, 3294, 389, 279, 5135, 315, 7440, 272, 1245, 2136, 374, 63957, 555, 2768, 3738, 198, 86390, 940, 82660, 10567, 1560, 11, 902, 11, 927, 892, 11, 75073, 279, 37374, 529, 274, 21063, 25, 578, 1648, 198, 40, 274, 37443, 279, 1917, 374, 7041, 279, 1648, 433, 374, 662, 350, 568, 1054, 3195, 863, 315, 274, 281, 7051, 940, 12178, 11540, 198, 20322, 25917, 374, 3604, 66637, 14040, 323, 4382, 13, 220, 16, 13, 9372, 520, 2324, 539, 439, 264, 2035, 311, 1645, 11642, 384, 8895, 719, 439, 459, 86954, 433, 88, 369, 198, 21656, 1174, 902, 671, 3171, 220, 1524, 304, 279, 25655, 315, 2324, 529, 274, 3649, 13, 578, 9036, 74021, 198, 86390, 940, 4367, 374, 2216, 832, 315, 220, 8244, 19451, 662, 362, 18330, 19451, 11767, 198, 606, 311, 387, 11919, 1174, 3169, 11, 323, 1664, 84096, 287, 311, 682, 2324, 13, 468, 384, 1505, 13520, 198, 81749, 927, 459, 3276, 15884, 4856, 1109, 8330, 19587, 433, 11, 539, 439, 264, 48206, 535, 198, 2118, 25849, 863, 477, 264, 10597, 6037, 719, 704, 315, 264, 7191, 17985, 315, 279, 907, 315, 453, 657, 1643, 13, 2052, 10099, 220, 690, 387, 2624, 1009, 2579, 311, 3604, 387, 7931, 889, 6013, 198, 998, 5201, 323, 6666, 13, 7570, 11012, 527, 8010, 315, 994, 499, 3021, 323, 198, 48029, 556, 1124, 13, 220, 17, 13, 8000, 75372, 1174, 449, 279, 17985, 315, 279, 9669, 315, 279, 4059, 198, 438, 11341, 13, 816, 6033, 3719, 15098, 8010, 430, 2324, 374, 1488, 668, 2579, 1555, 198, 716, 1010, 323, 430, 1148, 499, 11550, 304, 279, 1917, 527, 15871, 33726, 198, 438, 51866, 4856, 1109, 659, 60928, 11, 9434, 50446, 13, 7357, 3254, 198, 2118, 71, 680, 6147, 863, 374, 12777, 306, 311, 28701, 4787, 11, 64233, 323, 84644, 481, 345, 300, 279, 1054, 1593, 863, 297, 282, 4205, 374, 279, 220, 2458, 2786, 315, 279, 15861, 709, 311, 430, 4545, 13, 8442, 4423, 449, 50197, 3510, 1873, 220, 1053, 387, 3025, 311, 77277, 279, 26431, 198, 1073, 433, 1174, 323, 220, 8617, 704, 315, 75372, 1174, 379, 6033, 25670, 701, 6996, 315, 297, 29038, 3510, 1873, 0, 1054, 40, 1440, 863, 6835, 1648, 311, 1054, 40, 1541, 529, 259, 1440, 662, 89874, 18, 13, 2893, 289, 5986, 287, 311, 297, 588, 436, 7349, 323, 369, 3041, 662, 350, 813, 10032, 4978, 274, 6276, 279, 1446, 602, 788, 198, 86390, 940, 5575, 220, 311, 24509, 505, 279, 659, 99463, 22006, 315, 387, 258, 342, 279, 832, 311, 198, 93461, 11, 4495, 11, 2585, 11, 2167, 11, 264, 15953, 2349, 279, 1917, 11, 323, 1367, 265, 11107, 18463, 198, 9274, 4395, 13, 1666, 264, 6129, 274, 281, 7051, 940, 5575, 11, 832, 374, 912, 1317, 2781, 67976, 198, 998, 272, 14848, 6364, 1521, 82569, 26, 1798, 68, 1008, 11, 814, 527, 6656, 927, 311, 30467, 12437, 13, 763, 10753, 1412, 439, 279, 4059, 706, 912, 602, 409, 64, 315, 1148, 44874, 1524, 374, 11, 85498, 11218, 198, 45010, 369, 4809, 22006, 690, 387, 264, 16337, 323, 1101, 4546, 459, 842, 311, 264, 781, 259, 315, 34951, 13, 1102, 198, 285, 9093, 5115, 11190, 311, 3041, 709, 1054, 936, 4881, 863, 323, 57431, 369, 279, 67516, 345, 67, 13197, 299, 11025, 11, 1023, 12697, 11, 323, 93038, 1385, 13, 9062, 1732, 374, 16632, 198, 1285, 7712, 287, 872, 1866, 47176, 26, 63747, 289, 1124, 311, 656, 779, 13, 468, 78942, 100177, 11, 433, 690, 198, 1395, 13468, 430, 1455, 1274, 4774, 279, 97374, 31473, 315, 872, 6439, 13, 220, 19, 13, 4761, 13570, 1274, 220, 449, 30481, 13, 87529, 21667, 430, 7106, 198, 97755, 374, 264, 2294, 409, 13158, 662, 7648, 1274, 1427, 1093, 12884, 719, 527, 539, 198, 54760, 1008, 8675, 82, 520, 682, 13, 5867, 6082, 750, 1174, 1455, 527, 2103, 2911, 13, 578, 21958, 323, 198, 1617, 21237, 430, 66828, 304, 3169, 261, 342, 23992, 323, 389, 279, 42715, 687, 304, 361, 389, 1139, 198, 68956, 2324, 719, 802, 384, 8340, 304, 810, 28677, 1908, 1355, 13900, 10415, 337, 297, 4680, 662, 468, 78942, 258, 198, 3646, 1274, 374, 264, 1716, 889, 374, 16632, 737, 50644, 1694, 459, 6822, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 2360, 436, 3312, 404, 991, 306, 274, 477, 18651, 25, 220, 350, 1618, 527, 912, 2631, 89081, 345, 1072, 288, 11, 14640, 11, 297, 27382, 11, 5718, 11, 477, 4787, 13, 220, 24, 13, 11842, 8386, 297, 657, 287, 25, 220, 328, 281, 7051, 4381, 326, 53500, 706, 912, 2802, 304, 279, 4443, 6439, 315, 198, 300, 5682, 1821, 11, 477, 304, 8679, 11, 1877, 6439, 11, 220, 28989, 11, 3070, 12912, 11, 79731, 345, 269, 34625, 26870, 13, 220, 605, 13, 2939, 37443, 315, 369, 3846, 477, 70159, 25, 220, 350, 1618, 374, 912, 20716, 304, 98191, 11, 1008, 84, 326, 367, 315, 198, 79486, 11, 4967, 57679, 11, 42100, 10820, 12922, 11, 477, 10805, 36807, 1139, 879, 2324, 13, 220, 806, 13, 11842, 32136, 25, 220, 2684, 527, 912, 14640, 11, 7016, 11, 1608, 31095, 11, 17517, 11, 477, 198, 50185, 4282, 13, 220, 717, 13, 2939, 384 ]
mitochondria concentration of NAD +, which would stimulate the SIRT3 and SIRT4, a - a period of time the cell would not need anything else "- explain the study's authors. This phenomenon they called the hypothesis mitochondrial oasis. We can assume that there kind of molecule that could affect the concentration NAD + in mitochondria, as well as SIRT3 and SIRT4. By creating such a molecule that can exist today suggested that fasting helps rejuvenate the body and prolong life. As According to scientists of the University of Florida, led by Dr. Christian Lyuvenburga, insufficient income nutrition substances in the body and the subsequent delivery of their limited to the cells, in turn, extend their lives by enhancing intracellular autophagy - the splitting and processing damaged mitochondria and other cellular structures that can later be used as start-cellular material for life support. But the young cells in turn, have the ability to quickly process damaged structures from the old cells and use them to construction of new organelles, or replenish energy reserves. Unfortunately, the aging of cells lose this ability that leads to the accumulation of damaged organelles and the aging of organism. Experiments are conducted on animals, scientists, indicate that starvation for 120% increase in capacity heart cells of old animals to cleanse itself and is virtually effect on the state of the cells of young animals. To assess the impact of limiting intake of calories on the cells' ability to dispose of toxic waste life scientists have evaluated the changes in content in the body of certain proteins, depending on age and diet. It turned out that cells of old animals, who were exposed to starvation, was characterized by very high levels of proteins that are essential to start the process autophagy. An interesting fact is that the activation of autophagy particularly important especially for heart cells, which contain a large number of mitochondria. Semi-processing damaged organelles of mitochondria is the key to maintaining efficiency of the heart muscle aging organism as a whole. Also found that the deformed membrane slowly dividing or nondividing senescent cells at endogenous nutrition to take shape, such as cell shape young animals. That is, when the SG is a process of recovery 125 125barrier cells. The process of dividing rapidly dividing cells in this slows down. Simultaneously, the restructuring of the enzymatic system provides increased receptor system of efferent cells (Nerve endings) at the expense of quality improvement enzymes of these receptors (chemoreceptors) that are laid in the membrane of cells and can enhance the barrier function through activation of intracellular nucleotide cAMP. Thus, for C provides a comprehensive restoration of barrier functions of cell membranes and by normalizing the gain of the system cAMP. Due to renovation of the genetic apparatus of cells in the starvation, the formation of new stem cells, and in some there are additional bodies. by removing the old damaged cells and stem the emergence of new organs and tissues organism are much younger. Update mk Anya Doctor of biological sciences professor L. Polezhayev, the largest Specialist regeneration of limbs in animals that developed method of restoring lost limbs, tails, for example, amphibians, wrote: "Fasting - a process of increased physiological regeneration and renewal of all cells, their molecular and chemical composition. Interestingly, the biochemical changes during starvation and reparative regeneration are very similar. In both cases, there are two phase: the destruction and rebuilding. In both cases, the phase of destruction is dominated by the collapse of the protein and nucleic acid on their synthesis, a shift of pH to the acid side, acidosis, etc. Phase recovery in both cases is dominated by synthesis of nucleic acids over their collapse, the return of pH to a neutral state. Of the doctrine of regeneration is well known that amplification phase of destruction leads to increased recovery phase. Therefore reasonably be considered medical fasting as a natural factor stimulate physiological regeneration. the basis of fasting is general biological process that leads to renewal and rejuvenation of the whole tissue organism. " But the most intensely new cells grow in the period recovery. Such an update occurs in other organs and tissues, because of that fasting is the "universal doctor." Neither the surgeon is unable to remove the affected individual cell tumors or ulcers, keeping neighboring healthy and not breaking the integrity of the tissue. The Great Physician - Hunger - treats that way. Youth prolongation of the STP and qualitative properties of OF LIFE All who are familiar with dry starvation and even just with a damp starvation, observed many examples of physical rejuvenation, achieved during starvation. Typically, the physical improvement accompanied and mentally. It happens that the reconstructed hearing people who were deaf for many years. Sighted 126 126so that they become not need glasses, who wore a lot of years (the restoration of vision in blind people happens very rarely) become finer sense of smell and taste will be recovered sensations in the case of paralysis of the sensory nerves, there a burst of energy, enhanced mental capabilities, reduced weight, becoming more intense functional activity the body, resulting in improved digestion and work intestine, the eyes are clean and sparkling, improves color of the skin and restores the freshness and bloom, the inherent young, fade wrinkles on the face, decreased blood pressure, improves cardiac performance, reduced size of the increase prostate, there is a sexual rejuvenation - these and many other evidence of rejuvenation is watching everyone who is involved in starvation or are familiar with this problem. Fasting as to create conditions of the second birth, re-animation of the body. in this time, all the cells of the body are cleansed, from the protoplasm of cells remove foreign matter (metaplazmaticheskie materials) so that the cells are rejuvenated and begin to function more effectively. Some of these foreign materials are highly toxic and long-accumulated in the fat cells and connective tissue cells, figuratively called the garbage dump the body, so you must remove them from the processes circulation and metabolism in the body. Exemption from such tissues materials improves the efficiency of the physiological mechanism. Along with updating of the body due to starvation is created the potential for improved body works after the cessation of fasting. Wear and damage, repair and replenishment - continuous and almost synchronous processes in all living organisms. Something is created, something breaks down. Both these processes are called metabolism and construction is called anabolism and destruction - catabolism. during periods of activity prevails catabolism, anabolism same - in the periods of rest and sleep. Anabolism - the process of repairing the body when it gets a new burst of energy, preparing for new activities. This process is dominant during periods of active growth and several slows down with aging. It was established that starvation accelerates the metabolism, and after its heavily developed anabolic or constructive phase. Thus, we can say that the total cleansing of the body renews the creative processes of life. It is true that in the experimental conditions are improving life processes short. However, this is the most cases is due to the fact that the experimenter can not return of their patients (at their request) after starvation or to anything else as to their usual lifestyle. 127 127Person's age - is the duration of his life. Term "Age" refers to several different aspects of life: the level of human development (physiological age), level of mental development (mental age), etc. Any other term or an expression that means nothing more than a chronic age introduce uncertainty and confusion of age with body condition or the degree of its growth and development. When we say that a man is 40 years old, and another at 70 years young we actually have in mind their physical and mental state, rather than their age. The proposal to use the expression "Functional age" when speaking about the state of the individual, rather than his birthday, is also based on the same confusion. Correctly, that the day of birth does not say anything either about the state of this organism, nor the extent of his mental development. These indicators are only indirectly related to age and are not important components of its parts. People in 70 years may be young on physical and mental condition, and people in 40 years - old listless and depressed. However, the first 70 years, and the second - only 40. Knowing this, we can not ignore the widespread assertion that "We're trying to turn the clock back." Occurring in the body age-related changes, called aging, is not so much related to over time, how much from factors totally unrelated over time as such. If there was a causal relationship to aging, then people in 70 years would have to have all the characteristics age inherent in this segment of life, and people in 40 years - all symptoms of youth encountered in this age. The fact that these facts are often reversed, forcing us to question the assumption that the condition of the body is irreversibly linked with the number of years lived by us. We should not be hindered in the sense that, although age and is expressed in time, but time is not the cause of the aging process.
[ 55042, 4298, 198, 444, 94376, 315, 452, 1846, 489, 11, 902, 1053, 51077, 279, 328, 31621, 18, 323, 328, 31621, 19, 345, 64, 482, 264, 4261, 315, 892, 279, 2849, 1053, 539, 1205, 4205, 775, 6660, 198, 95444, 279, 4007, 596, 12283, 13, 1115, 25885, 814, 2663, 279, 31178, 198, 1800, 47517, 6757, 86810, 13, 1226, 649, 9855, 430, 1070, 198, 15674, 315, 43030, 430, 1436, 7958, 279, 20545, 198, 45, 1846, 489, 304, 55042, 4298, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 328, 31621, 18, 323, 328, 31621, 19, 13, 3296, 6968, 1778, 264, 198, 76, 55269, 430, 649, 3073, 3432, 12090, 430, 54560, 198, 8823, 82, 73484, 349, 279, 2547, 323, 33482, 2324, 13, 1666, 198, 11439, 311, 14248, 315, 279, 3907, 315, 9784, 11, 6197, 555, 2999, 627, 42042, 16333, 84, 1055, 10481, 64, 11, 39413, 8070, 26677, 198, 2008, 9623, 304, 279, 2547, 323, 279, 17876, 9889, 315, 872, 7347, 198, 998, 279, 7917, 11, 304, 2543, 11, 13334, 872, 6439, 555, 47594, 198, 59888, 65441, 3154, 5237, 82770, 482, 279, 45473, 323, 8863, 198, 15770, 3359, 55042, 4298, 323, 1023, 35693, 14726, 430, 198, 4919, 3010, 387, 1511, 439, 1212, 33001, 1299, 198, 8407, 369, 2324, 1862, 13, 2030, 279, 3995, 7917, 198, 258, 2543, 11, 617, 279, 5845, 311, 6288, 1920, 198, 15770, 3359, 14726, 505, 279, 2362, 7917, 323, 1005, 1124, 311, 198, 48297, 315, 502, 1262, 2444, 645, 11, 477, 70543, 819, 4907, 30600, 13, 19173, 11, 279, 30084, 315, 7917, 9229, 420, 5845, 430, 198, 99470, 311, 279, 46835, 315, 20727, 1262, 2444, 645, 323, 279, 30084, 315, 198, 8629, 2191, 13, 1398, 50732, 527, 13375, 389, 10099, 11, 14248, 345, 485, 8630, 430, 78245, 369, 220, 4364, 4, 5376, 304, 8824, 198, 18207, 7917, 315, 2362, 10099, 311, 81155, 5196, 323, 374, 21907, 198, 27153, 389, 279, 1614, 315, 279, 7917, 315, 3995, 10099, 13, 2057, 8720, 279, 5536, 315, 33994, 23730, 315, 198, 5531, 2490, 389, 279, 7917, 6, 5845, 311, 28490, 315, 21503, 12571, 198, 14789, 14248, 617, 26126, 279, 4442, 304, 2262, 198, 258, 279, 2547, 315, 3738, 28896, 11, 11911, 389, 4325, 198, 438, 10173, 13, 1102, 6656, 704, 430, 7917, 315, 2362, 10099, 345, 14965, 1051, 15246, 311, 78245, 11, 574, 32971, 555, 1633, 1579, 198, 43664, 315, 28896, 430, 527, 7718, 311, 1212, 279, 1920, 198, 2784, 5237, 82770, 13, 1556, 7185, 2144, 374, 430, 279, 15449, 315, 3154, 5237, 82770, 198, 74039, 3062, 5423, 369, 4851, 7917, 11, 902, 198, 53195, 264, 3544, 1396, 315, 55042, 4298, 13, 55738, 70293, 198, 15770, 3359, 1262, 2444, 645, 315, 55042, 4298, 374, 279, 1401, 311, 20958, 198, 6581, 10603, 315, 279, 4851, 16124, 30084, 47120, 198, 300, 264, 4459, 13, 7429, 1766, 430, 279, 409, 10365, 39654, 198, 36311, 398, 50802, 477, 2536, 614, 6714, 6252, 288, 1189, 7917, 520, 198, 408, 53595, 26677, 311, 1935, 6211, 11, 1778, 439, 2849, 6211, 198, 82279, 10099, 13, 3011, 374, 11, 994, 279, 30726, 374, 264, 1920, 315, 13654, 198, 6549, 198, 6549, 2308, 7401, 7917, 13, 578, 1920, 315, 50802, 19019, 50802, 7917, 304, 420, 198, 3306, 4336, 1523, 13, 4567, 495, 20933, 11, 279, 69027, 315, 279, 32011, 780, 1887, 198, 782, 68254, 7319, 35268, 1887, 315, 384, 3018, 306, 7917, 198, 8368, 5976, 77697, 8, 520, 279, 20900, 315, 4367, 16048, 198, 17007, 79809, 315, 1521, 44540, 320, 2464, 461, 58650, 8, 430, 527, 17551, 198, 258, 279, 39654, 315, 7917, 323, 649, 18885, 279, 22881, 734, 1555, 198, 23863, 315, 10805, 65441, 31484, 69044, 272, 16407, 13, 14636, 345, 2000, 356, 5825, 264, 16195, 35093, 315, 22881, 198, 22124, 315, 2849, 79348, 323, 555, 4725, 4954, 279, 8895, 315, 279, 1887, 198, 66, 16407, 13, 24586, 311, 50555, 315, 279, 19465, 41705, 315, 7917, 304, 279, 198, 12134, 61428, 11, 279, 18488, 315, 502, 19646, 7917, 11, 323, 304, 1063, 198, 19041, 527, 5217, 13162, 13, 555, 18054, 279, 2362, 198, 15770, 3359, 7917, 323, 19646, 279, 49179, 315, 502, 36853, 323, 39881, 198, 8629, 2191, 527, 1790, 14992, 13, 5666, 24723, 5884, 64, 198, 43824, 315, 24156, 36788, 14561, 445, 13, 53727, 24752, 352, 5230, 11, 279, 7928, 198, 20989, 380, 60517, 315, 49695, 304, 10099, 430, 8040, 198, 4492, 315, 50203, 5675, 49695, 11, 64614, 11, 369, 3187, 11, 89022, 5493, 345, 86, 5646, 25, 330, 37, 15067, 482, 264, 1920, 315, 7319, 53194, 198, 1610, 17699, 323, 43901, 315, 682, 7917, 11, 872, 31206, 323, 11742, 198, 77907, 13, 58603, 11, 279, 93532, 4442, 2391, 78245, 198, 438, 77026, 1413, 60517, 527, 1633, 4528, 13, 763, 2225, 5157, 11, 1070, 527, 1403, 198, 26199, 25, 279, 19814, 323, 56228, 13, 763, 2225, 5157, 11, 279, 10474, 315, 19814, 198, 285, 30801, 555, 279, 18678, 315, 279, 13128, 323, 31484, 292, 13935, 198, 263, 872, 39975, 11, 264, 6541, 315, 37143, 311, 279, 13935, 3185, 11, 13935, 10934, 11, 5099, 13, 28673, 198, 265, 7601, 304, 2225, 5157, 374, 30801, 555, 198, 20960, 13491, 315, 31484, 292, 33969, 927, 872, 18678, 11, 279, 471, 315, 37143, 198, 998, 264, 21277, 1614, 13, 5046, 279, 33235, 315, 60517, 374, 1664, 3967, 430, 198, 309, 501, 2461, 10474, 315, 19814, 11767, 311, 7319, 13654, 10474, 13, 15636, 29546, 387, 6646, 6593, 198, 9533, 287, 439, 264, 5933, 8331, 51077, 53194, 198, 1610, 17699, 13, 279, 8197, 315, 54560, 374, 4689, 24156, 198, 4734, 430, 11767, 311, 43901, 323, 73484, 367, 315, 279, 4459, 20438, 198, 8629, 2191, 13, 330, 2030, 279, 1455, 70733, 502, 7917, 3139, 304, 279, 4261, 198, 265, 7601, 13, 15483, 459, 2713, 13980, 304, 1023, 36853, 198, 438, 39881, 11, 1606, 315, 430, 54560, 374, 279, 330, 96400, 10896, 1210, 25215, 279, 46098, 374, 12153, 311, 4148, 279, 11754, 3927, 198, 5997, 56071, 477, 8725, 17254, 11, 10494, 42617, 9498, 323, 539, 15061, 198, 1820, 17025, 315, 279, 20438, 13, 578, 8681, 88298, 482, 67636, 482, 32839, 430, 1648, 13, 30160, 33482, 367, 315, 279, 4015, 47, 323, 62129, 6012, 315, 3083, 61094, 198, 2460, 889, 527, 11537, 449, 9235, 78245, 323, 1524, 1120, 449, 264, 41369, 198, 12134, 61428, 11, 13468, 1690, 10507, 315, 7106, 73484, 367, 345, 613, 32077, 2391, 78245, 13, 46402, 11, 279, 7106, 16048, 198, 73087, 22840, 323, 34325, 13, 1102, 8741, 430, 279, 83104, 198, 383, 3329, 1274, 889, 1051, 47842, 369, 1690, 1667, 13, 328, 65607, 198, 9390, 198, 9390, 708, 430, 814, 3719, 539, 1205, 29247, 11, 889, 28670, 264, 2763, 315, 198, 42820, 320, 1820, 35093, 315, 11376, 304, 18507, 1274, 8741, 1633, 19029, 8, 3719, 198, 5589, 261, 5647, 315, 22843, 323, 12945, 690, 387, 26403, 198, 82, 729, 811, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 86139, 315, 279, 49069, 50581, 11, 1070, 198, 64, 21165, 315, 4907, 11, 24872, 10723, 17357, 11, 11293, 198, 4870, 11, 10671, 810, 19428, 16003, 5820, 198, 1820, 2547, 11, 13239, 304, 13241, 74502, 323, 990, 198, 396, 478, 483, 11, 279, 6548, 527, 4335, 323, 64612, 11, 36050, 198, 3506, 315, 279, 6930, 323, 88855, 279, 99316, 323, 52554, 11, 279, 38088, 198, 82279, 11, 15366, 74207, 389, 279, 3663, 11, 25983, 6680, 198, 47074, 11, 36050, 47345, 5178, 11, 11293, 1404, 315, 279, 5376, 198, 782, 2513, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 7392, 73484, 367, 482, 1521, 323, 1690, 198, 1605, 6029, 315, 73484, 367, 374, 10307, 5127, 889, 374, 6532, 304, 198, 12134, 61428, 477, 527, 11537, 449, 420, 3575, 13, 435, 15067, 439, 311, 1893, 198, 16902, 315, 279, 2132, 7342, 11, 312, 64306, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 304, 420, 198, 1712, 11, 682, 279, 7917, 315, 279, 2547, 527, 35294, 291, 11, 505, 279, 1760, 56178, 10753, 315, 7917, 198, 5514, 7362, 5030, 320, 4150, 73389, 1394, 8637, 718, 288, 31422, 7384, 340, 708, 430, 279, 7917, 527, 73484, 660, 323, 3240, 311, 734, 810, 198, 27153, 3210, 13, 4427, 315, 1521, 7362, 7384, 527, 198, 12156, 398, 21503, 323, 1317, 12, 40031, 7913, 304, 279, 8834, 7917, 198, 438, 4667, 535, 20438, 7917, 11, 56755, 8046, 2663, 279, 26964, 198, 28760, 279, 2547, 11, 779, 499, 2011, 4148, 1124, 505, 279, 11618, 198, 44398, 2987, 323, 39097, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 1398, 34206, 505, 1778, 39881, 198, 78672, 36050, 279, 15374, 315, 279, 53194, 17383, 13, 32944, 449, 21686, 315, 279, 2547, 4245, 311, 78245, 374, 3549, 198, 1820, 4754, 369, 13241, 2547, 4375, 198, 10924, 279, 83460, 315, 54560, 13, 42162, 323, 5674, 11, 13023, 323, 70543, 16409, 482, 19815, 323, 4661, 198, 82, 28934, 11618, 304, 682, 5496, 44304, 13, 25681, 374, 3549, 345, 34431, 18808, 1523, 13, 11995, 1521, 11618, 527, 2663, 39097, 198, 438, 8246, 374, 2663, 459, 53904, 2191, 323, 19814, 18722, 66, 2143, 337, 2191, 13, 2391, 18852, 315, 5820, 8031, 6341, 272, 2143, 337, 2191, 345, 276, 53904, 2191, 1890, 482, 304, 279, 18852, 315, 2800, 323, 6212, 13, 1556, 53904, 2191, 482, 279, 1920, 315, 68337, 279, 2547, 994, 433, 5334, 198, 64, 502, 21165, 315, 4907, 11, 20646, 369, 502, 7640, 13, 1115, 1920, 198, 285, 25462, 2391, 18852, 315, 4642, 6650, 323, 3892, 198, 3306, 4336, 1523, 449, 30084, 13, 1102, 574, 9749, 430, 78245, 14511, 988, 279, 39097, 11, 323, 198, 10924, 1202, 17345, 8040, 459, 57565, 477, 198, 7750, 535, 10474, 13, 14636, 11, 584, 649, 2019, 430, 279, 2860, 198, 9326, 598, 287, 315, 279, 2547, 312, 10189, 279, 11782, 11618, 315, 2324, 13, 1102, 374, 837, 430, 304, 279, 22772, 4787, 527, 18899, 198, 14789, 11618, 2875, 13, 4452, 11, 420, 374, 279, 1455, 198, 24857, 374, 4245, 311, 279, 2144, 430, 279, 2183, 318, 1992, 649, 539, 198, 693, 315, 872, 6978, 320, 266, 872, 1715, 8, 1306, 78245, 477, 198, 998, 4205, 775, 439, 311, 872, 13783, 19433, 13, 220, 6804, 198, 6804, 10909, 596, 4325, 482, 374, 279, 8250, 315, 813, 2324, 13, 17978, 198, 1, 17166, 1, 19813, 311, 3892, 2204, 13878, 315, 2324, 25, 279, 2237, 315, 198, 26380, 4500, 320, 42305, 41314, 4325, 705, 2237, 315, 10723, 198, 30671, 320, 93221, 4325, 705, 5099, 13, 5884, 1023, 4751, 198, 269, 459, 7645, 430, 3445, 4400, 810, 1109, 264, 21249, 4325, 198, 396, 48945, 27924, 323, 22047, 315, 4325, 449, 2547, 3044, 477, 198, 1820, 8547, 315, 1202, 6650, 323, 4500, 13, 3277, 584, 2019, 430, 264, 893, 374, 220, 1272, 1667, 2362, 11, 323, 2500, 520, 220, 2031, 1667, 3995, 198, 906, 3604, 617, 304, 4059, 872, 7106, 323, 10723, 198, 2513, 11, 4856, 1109, 872, 4325, 13, 578, 14050, 311, 1005, 279, 7645, 198, 1, 72371, 4325, 1, 994, 12365, 922, 279, 1614, 315, 279, 3927, 11, 4856, 1109, 198, 26301, 15553, 11, 374, 1101, 3196, 389, 279, 1890, 22047, 13, 41070, 398, 11, 430, 279, 1938, 315, 7342, 1587, 539, 2019, 4205, 3060, 922, 279, 1614, 315, 198, 576, 47120, 11, 6463, 279, 13112, 315, 813, 10723, 4500, 13, 4314, 198, 485, 43152, 527, 1193, 46345, 5552, 311, 4325, 323, 527, 539, 198, 15693, 6956, 315, 1202, 5596, 13, 9029, 304, 220, 2031, 1667, 1253, 387, 3995, 198, 263, 7106, 323, 10723, 3044, 11, 323, 1274, 304, 220, 1272, 1667, 482, 2362, 198, 1638, 1752, 323, 42642, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 1176, 220, 2031, 1667, 11, 323, 279, 2132, 482, 1193, 220, 1272, 13, 58733, 420, 11, 584, 649, 539, 10240, 279, 24716, 28519, 430, 198, 10944, 2351, 4560, 311, 2543, 279, 9042, 1203, 1210, 20522, 21081, 304, 279, 2547, 198, 425, 14228, 4442, 11, 2663, 30084, 11, 374, 539, 779, 1790, 5552, 311, 198, 2017, 892, 11, 1268, 1790, 505, 9547, 12756, 46305, 198, 2017, 892, 439, 1778, 13, 1442, 1070, 574, 264, 59557, 5133, 311, 30084, 11, 1243, 198, 16455, 304, 220, 2031, 1667, 1053, 617, 311, 617, 682, 279, 17910, 198, 425, 38088, 304, 420, 10449, 315, 2324, 11, 323, 1274, 304, 220, 1272, 1667, 482, 682, 198, 24738, 52273, 315, 12822, 23926, 304, 420, 4325, 13, 578, 2144, 430, 1521, 198, 69153, 527, 3629, 28537, 11, 25957, 603, 311, 3488, 198, 1820, 25329, 430, 279, 3044, 315, 279, 2547, 374, 25912, 3078, 6623, 10815, 198, 4291, 279, 1396, 315, 1667, 12439, 555, 603, 13, 1226, 1288, 539, 387, 57780, 291, 198, 258, 279, 5647, 430, 11, 8051, 4325, 323, 374, 13605, 304, 892, 11, 719, 892, 198, 285, 539, 279, 5353, 315, 279, 30084, 1920, 13 ]
made from urine. Some however crazy, come from animals for this would give up the secret if hospitals would ask for urine all the time from patients. Then again we have worldwide cosmetics that are created with urine for our high priced beauty. In 1971, in the University of Medicine Kyoto, Japan, they discovered in urine is a hormone called S.P.U. that during sleep, it can create an antibody, help in circulation and stimulate the secretion of other hormones. In 1992 in the institute of Chemistry of Hayashibara in Japan, known Internationally, they initiated formal investigation to study the substances within urine very important for our health such as "Interferon" that has a analgesic and natural antibiotic substances. Next we will call on Dr. B. V. Khare from Mumbai {Bombay}. Dr. Khare is an allopathic Dr. specializing in Urology and is a credited surgeon. He has been a Doctor for over 26 years. He told me he has successfully treated over 8,000 patients with this method therapy and did not have need to put them under the knife. Yes successfully, all back to health with minimal cost. He is also a very thoughtful Dr. that has given many testimonials of his consented patients. A poet is manifested in his poetry, an architect in his architecture, an artist in his art. God is manifest in every particle of his Creation. He is perfect and so his Creation is perfect. We humans are imperfect through free will, so is our vision also imperfect. One who is imperfect cannot grasp perfection. We have lost contact with nature and have failed to mold ourselves according to her laws. It gives hope of health to those who have been told they have no other alternative than to die. In late 1994 Moraji Desai, former prime minister of India was 99 years old when last interviewed. For years he spoke, on his position as prime minister on the therapy that brought him health miracles. He drank a glass of urine every day. He washed himself as well as massaging to keep himself looking very youthful and radiant. His skin looked as if his age was but only 50. Morarji Desai died in March 1995 at the age of 100. 6 / - Dril11t l'Vater from \fO~r OWf1 cisten1, floW'i115 l'Vater from \fO~r OWf1 l'Vell Proverbs ; : 1; lf \fO~ believe ll1 me, \fO~ \t\'ill11ever fh~rst Rivers oflivi115 l'Vater W'ill flow fro-m \fO~r bellies Johl1 7 : 38 {1.} What is tl1is perso11al Pl1armae11? Urine Therapy {English} Shivambu I ManavMootra I Amaroli {Hindi} {Sandscript} U roth era pia {Spanish} The Change of Social taboo to Scientific thinking. Our blood is the life force of our existence. The blood consists of red corpuscles {Hemoglobin carrying oxygen}, and blood serum. This blood serum is 95% water and 5% urine and a mixture of our body hormones, vitamins, and minerals, plus enzymes created by the food that we have consumed and some created by the body. The waste product, or excretion, both solid and liquid that the body no longer can use is vacated by way of the bowels. Those who take alternative vitamins and minerals and pass it out of the system directly into the toilet create expensive waste for their not using their urine as God intended. Urine is not a waste. It is not unhealthy to consume at the proper time. Urine is not dirty. Urine in fact is a clean substance. It is in fact sterile naturally filtered blood. It is 95% water and 5% harmless and mostly beneficial substances. However we will find that as you read there are those of you who range from total disgust to instant enthusiasm. It is in fact our own personal, natural God given pharmacy. "Wash your ears with it warm and it is good against deafness, noises and rriost other ailments of the ears." Wash your eyes with your own water and it cures sore eyes and clears and strengthens the sight." {Murine a classic over the counter for problems of the eyes. M -urine.} "Wash and rub your hands with it and it takes away numbness, chaps and sores and makes the joints limber." "Wash any green wound with it and it is an extraordinary good thing." "Wash any part that itches and it takes it {the itch} away." {From The Water of Life, J.W Armstrong, Health Science Press, London 1971, p.13.} 7 Acids in the system are the very root of most diseases in the human body. The salts in the urine which has naturally twelve destroys these acids, "It opens obstructions of the reins and urinary passages, dissolves tartarous coagulations in those parts, breaks and expels stone and gravel. {From: The Water of Life, J.W Armstrong, Health Science Press, London 1971, p. 13-15.} It saves Doctors from countless mistakes that are made selecting a correct remedy from over three thousand drugs or the drug of the day that is pushed on the Doctors by way of the pharmaceutical vendors. In the early 1960s the Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Gyorgi isolated 3-methyl glyoal in urine. It has now been proven that this very substance destroys cancer cells. The fetus 'breathes' urine into its system and the lungs cannot develop properly without this liquid. We have been aggressively accepting this liquid into our systems as we developed in our Mother's amniotic fluid. Our present Doctors in this new 21st Century who operate on the embryo within the Mother find that the surgical cuts made during the operation cannot be found after birth. Can you now understand how it is so vitally important to use urine on rashes, cuts, scraps, scratches, as well as those who are with gangrene ready for amputation. There comes a period in each of our lives where a special window of time will open to you. Many say we will all have our 15 minutes of glory. This may be that time slot in the next 15 minutes as you read on. You are about to find the most incredible information that will change your way of how you were raised to think of society and your own body. You may take this information as not possible to endure. You may take this information as illegitimate and foolish. Please reconsider centuries of usage, the poor as well as the rich including Kings 'and Queens, Elite and the ordinary, uneducated as well as the highly educated, all keeping themselves or curing themselves for a healthy extended life in secrecy of their ways. Curing themselves from simple to incurable diseases as well as preventative health maintenance. Reconsider the hundreds of testimonials from all over the world. Educate yourself with the findings of this research. Use it. Our Creator gave it to you. Specially designed for each person. This, with God's will, could be your great day of education. Your window may have just opened as you read to a life long Self-therapy without cost. 8 Fu11cflottal Cot1stiturnts at1b Vsc ·Natural ~~ Automatic lmuttc S~stcm Strrnsl1t { 2} Applicatiol1 Vril1c Thcrap\1 As fetus, everybody has drunk urine. { 1} Washing Wash the exterior of the body by means of washing the hair with or without a showercap. Also the washing of the face, neck, hands, and any body part that you have need to be kept clean, soft, pliable, and aiding in the loss of wrinkles. Next morning you will see your hair SHINE, your face feel new, skin tight, radiant, and that was only the first day. My suggestion is two weeks first time straight. After you may go on one week on and one week off. Any moles, scrapes, cuts, freckles you may want to reduce in size or color, or possibly lose, every night continually until you reach your goal. For those who are diabetic and have bruises or cuts that won't heal... Moisten as many times per day the areas as you would have time for. At night place a wet, thin gauze pad on top of your scraps or cuts. If they are on your feet, wear your socks on top and put into ready for wash area in morning. If you get up during night, hey what a better time then now to rewet your washcloth or gauze again. It will cut your time for new skin developing from one month to one week. If you are in serious condition and it would normally take six months for new skin, your development time will be approximately six weeks. This is not only research, I was a diabetic and had cuts and bruises. I know. Shower in the morning or wash face and body parts with water only. Soap is not necessary and is contraindicated for plush skin. We will get into use of fresh urine as a cologne or perfume later. This is not the greatest part of the therapy. It can be used. A
[ 28010, 505, 40335, 13, 4427, 4869, 14599, 11, 2586, 505, 10099, 369, 420, 1053, 720, 47530, 709, 279, 6367, 422, 24461, 1053, 2610, 369, 40335, 682, 279, 892, 505, 6978, 13, 5112, 1578, 584, 617, 15603, 66065, 430, 527, 3549, 449, 40335, 369, 720, 414, 1579, 33705, 13444, 13, 763, 220, 4468, 16, 11, 304, 279, 3907, 315, 19152, 82122, 11, 6457, 11, 814, 11352, 304, 720, 324, 483, 374, 264, 36908, 2663, 328, 1087, 662, 52, 13, 430, 2391, 6212, 11, 433, 649, 1893, 459, 720, 519, 581, 1094, 11, 1520, 304, 35855, 323, 51077, 279, 87067, 315, 1023, 44315, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 17, 304, 279, 44798, 315, 42846, 315, 18276, 1003, 581, 5169, 304, 6457, 11, 3967, 720, 69016, 30154, 11, 814, 33230, 16287, 8990, 311, 4007, 279, 33155, 720, 56950, 40335, 1633, 3062, 369, 1057, 2890, 1778, 439, 330, 3386, 809, 263, 1, 430, 706, 264, 720, 49921, 4282, 292, 323, 5933, 60595, 33155, 13, 9479, 584, 690, 1650, 389, 2999, 13, 426, 13, 650, 13, 20774, 548, 505, 35812, 314, 92826, 352, 7966, 2999, 13, 20774, 548, 374, 459, 63747, 2398, 292, 2999, 13, 58394, 304, 549, 299, 36781, 323, 374, 264, 720, 67309, 46098, 13, 1283, 706, 1027, 264, 19150, 369, 927, 220, 1627, 1667, 13, 1283, 3309, 757, 568, 706, 7946, 12020, 927, 220, 23, 11, 931, 6978, 449, 420, 1749, 720, 46755, 323, 1550, 539, 617, 1205, 311, 2231, 1124, 1234, 279, 22145, 13, 7566, 7946, 11, 682, 1203, 311, 2890, 449, 17832, 2853, 13, 1283, 374, 1101, 264, 1633, 720, 61665, 1285, 2999, 13, 430, 706, 2728, 1690, 84610, 315, 813, 14771, 291, 6978, 13, 362, 40360, 374, 79754, 304, 813, 32349, 11, 459, 11726, 304, 813, 18112, 11, 720, 276, 10255, 304, 813, 1989, 13, 4359, 374, 14794, 304, 1475, 19320, 315, 813, 35386, 13, 1283, 374, 4832, 323, 779, 813, 35386, 374, 4832, 13, 1226, 12966, 527, 69063, 1555, 1949, 690, 11, 779, 374, 1057, 11376, 1101, 69063, 13, 3861, 889, 374, 69063, 4250, 34477, 39143, 13, 1226, 617, 5675, 3729, 449, 7138, 323, 617, 4745, 311, 29561, 13520, 720, 74946, 311, 1077, 7016, 13, 1102, 6835, 3987, 315, 2890, 311, 1884, 889, 617, 1027, 3309, 720, 20670, 617, 912, 1023, 10778, 1109, 311, 2815, 13, 763, 3389, 220, 2550, 19, 8613, 42888, 3959, 2192, 11, 4846, 10461, 13015, 315, 6890, 720, 16514, 220, 1484, 1667, 2362, 994, 1566, 30147, 13, 1789, 1667, 568, 12570, 11, 389, 813, 720, 3571, 439, 10461, 13015, 389, 279, 15419, 430, 7263, 1461, 2890, 71912, 13, 1283, 54244, 264, 9168, 315, 40335, 1475, 1938, 13, 1283, 38593, 5678, 439, 1664, 720, 300, 3148, 4210, 311, 2567, 5678, 3411, 1633, 65655, 323, 77443, 13, 5414, 6930, 7111, 439, 422, 813, 4325, 574, 719, 1193, 220, 1135, 13, 8613, 277, 7910, 3959, 2192, 8636, 304, 5587, 220, 2550, 20, 520, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 1041, 13, 220, 21, 611, 18722, 9023, 321, 806, 83, 326, 6, 53, 977, 505, 1144, 69, 46, 93, 81, 29969, 69, 16, 272, 38222, 16, 11, 720, 90906, 54, 63650, 7322, 326, 6, 53, 977, 505, 1144, 69, 46, 93, 81, 29969, 69, 16, 326, 6, 43712, 657, 720, 1360, 56039, 2652, 551, 220, 16, 26, 720, 11253, 1144, 69, 46, 93, 4510, 9507, 16, 757, 11, 1144, 69, 46, 93, 1144, 83, 10379, 484, 806, 2099, 37175, 93, 59125, 720, 49, 1986, 315, 75, 33920, 7322, 326, 6, 53, 977, 468, 6, 484, 6530, 13091, 1474, 1144, 69, 46, 93, 81, 29519, 552, 720, 41, 40437, 16, 220, 22, 551, 220, 1987, 314, 16, 13, 92, 3639, 374, 30896, 16, 285, 78072, 806, 278, 1856, 16, 20306, 68, 806, 30, 17229, 483, 40143, 314, 23392, 92, 720, 2059, 344, 3042, 84, 358, 2418, 402, 44, 1944, 969, 358, 74757, 14559, 720, 90, 39, 29785, 92, 314, 48144, 2334, 92, 720, 52, 938, 339, 11639, 281, 689, 314, 62897, 92, 720, 791, 10604, 315, 9983, 77045, 720, 998, 720, 51665, 1104, 7422, 13, 5751, 6680, 374, 279, 2324, 5457, 315, 1057, 14209, 13, 578, 6680, 17610, 315, 2579, 43194, 19153, 314, 39, 336, 94855, 15691, 24463, 2186, 720, 438, 6680, 41529, 13, 1115, 6680, 41529, 374, 220, 2721, 4, 3090, 323, 220, 20, 4, 40335, 323, 264, 21655, 315, 1057, 2547, 720, 71, 494, 3233, 11, 46192, 11, 323, 34072, 11, 5636, 56067, 3549, 555, 279, 3691, 430, 720, 906, 617, 27073, 323, 1063, 3549, 555, 279, 2547, 13, 578, 12571, 2027, 11, 720, 269, 506, 89790, 11, 2225, 6573, 323, 14812, 430, 279, 2547, 912, 5129, 649, 1005, 374, 720, 54803, 660, 555, 1648, 315, 279, 15631, 2053, 13, 13266, 889, 1935, 10778, 46192, 323, 34072, 323, 1522, 433, 704, 315, 279, 720, 9125, 6089, 1139, 279, 27306, 1893, 11646, 12571, 369, 872, 539, 1701, 720, 50828, 40335, 439, 4359, 10825, 13, 17229, 483, 374, 539, 264, 12571, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 53808, 311, 25024, 520, 279, 6300, 892, 13, 17229, 483, 374, 539, 19108, 13, 17229, 483, 304, 2144, 374, 264, 4335, 20278, 13, 1102, 374, 304, 2144, 82743, 18182, 18797, 6680, 13, 1102, 374, 220, 2721, 4, 3090, 323, 220, 20, 4, 53997, 323, 10213, 24629, 33155, 13, 4452, 584, 690, 1505, 430, 439, 499, 1373, 1070, 527, 1884, 315, 499, 889, 2134, 720, 1527, 2860, 68162, 311, 9888, 36232, 13, 1102, 374, 304, 2144, 1057, 1866, 4443, 11, 5933, 4359, 2728, 33400, 13, 330, 54, 1003, 701, 25212, 449, 433, 8369, 323, 433, 374, 1695, 2403, 47842, 2136, 11, 58448, 323, 720, 81, 462, 537, 1023, 82907, 315, 279, 25212, 1210, 6113, 701, 6548, 449, 701, 1866, 3090, 323, 433, 272, 1439, 36366, 6548, 323, 57698, 323, 720, 75337, 729, 279, 14254, 1210, 314, 60978, 483, 264, 11670, 927, 279, 5663, 369, 5435, 315, 279, 6548, 13, 386, 482, 324, 483, 13, 92, 330, 54, 1003, 323, 10485, 701, 6206, 449, 433, 323, 433, 5097, 3201, 57371, 2136, 11, 523, 2690, 323, 720, 708, 417, 323, 3727, 279, 35358, 4671, 655, 1210, 330, 54, 1003, 904, 6307, 27653, 449, 433, 323, 433, 374, 459, 24674, 1695, 3245, 1210, 330, 54, 1003, 904, 961, 430, 433, 8696, 323, 433, 5097, 433, 314, 1820, 95856, 92, 3201, 1210, 314, 3915, 578, 10164, 315, 9601, 11, 622, 1196, 45966, 11, 720, 14884, 10170, 8612, 11, 7295, 220, 4468, 16, 11, 281, 13, 1032, 13, 92, 220, 22, 6515, 3447, 304, 279, 1887, 527, 279, 1633, 3789, 315, 1455, 19338, 304, 279, 3823, 2547, 13, 578, 78235, 304, 279, 40335, 902, 706, 18182, 30335, 60832, 1521, 33969, 11, 720, 12348, 16264, 1536, 20232, 315, 279, 90518, 323, 72735, 47869, 11, 14091, 18685, 720, 83, 472, 277, 788, 1080, 351, 7607, 304, 1884, 5596, 11, 18808, 323, 1367, 2053, 9998, 323, 42623, 13, 314, 3915, 25, 578, 10164, 315, 9601, 11, 622, 1196, 45966, 11, 720, 14884, 10170, 8612, 11, 7295, 220, 4468, 16, 11, 281, 13, 220, 1032, 12, 868, 13, 92, 1102, 27024, 54943, 505, 28701, 21294, 430, 527, 1903, 27397, 264, 4495, 720, 1864, 9497, 505, 927, 2380, 16579, 11217, 477, 279, 5623, 315, 279, 1938, 430, 374, 720, 9254, 291, 389, 279, 54943, 555, 1648, 315, 279, 35410, 29629, 13, 763, 279, 4216, 220, 5162, 15, 82, 279, 48078, 32293, 13946, 720, 67722, 328, 38237, 12279, 88, 1813, 72, 25181, 220, 18, 1474, 42972, 37807, 78, 278, 304, 40335, 13, 1102, 706, 1457, 1027, 17033, 430, 420, 1633, 20278, 60832, 9572, 7917, 13, 578, 76688, 364, 21152, 589, 288, 6, 40335, 1139, 1202, 1887, 323, 279, 45274, 4250, 2274, 720, 81768, 398, 2085, 420, 14812, 13, 1226, 617, 1027, 49139, 25694, 420, 720, 54737, 1139, 1057, 6067, 439, 584, 8040, 304, 1057, 21720, 596, 1097, 7907, 14546, 15962, 13, 5751, 3118, 54943, 304, 420, 502, 220, 1691, 267, 28200, 889, 14816, 389, 279, 87701, 720, 56950, 279, 21720, 1505, 430, 279, 34933, 15455, 1903, 2391, 279, 5784, 720, 34360, 387, 1766, 1306, 7342, 13, 3053, 499, 1457, 3619, 1268, 433, 374, 779, 720, 55911, 750, 3062, 311, 1005, 40335, 389, 436, 14380, 11, 15455, 11, 92885, 11, 66839, 11, 439, 1664, 720, 300, 1884, 889, 527, 449, 13481, 48009, 5644, 369, 1097, 13623, 13, 2684, 4131, 264, 4261, 304, 1855, 315, 1057, 6439, 1405, 720, 64, 3361, 3321, 315, 892, 690, 1825, 311, 499, 13, 9176, 2019, 584, 690, 682, 617, 1057, 220, 868, 4520, 315, 27025, 13, 1115, 1253, 387, 430, 892, 9633, 304, 279, 1828, 220, 868, 4520, 439, 499, 1373, 389, 13, 1472, 527, 922, 311, 1505, 279, 1455, 15400, 2038, 430, 690, 2349, 701, 720, 3195, 315, 1268, 499, 1051, 9408, 311, 1781, 315, 8396, 323, 701, 1866, 2547, 13, 1472, 1253, 1935, 420, 2038, 439, 539, 3284, 311, 46753, 13, 1472, 1253, 1935, 420, 2038, 439, 30067, 71850, 323, 46337, 13, 5321, 40175, 24552, 315, 10648, 11, 279, 8009, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 9257, 2737, 720, 42, 826, 364, 438, 28162, 11, 34864, 323, 279, 19664, 11, 653, 66449, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 7701, 720, 66449, 11, 682, 10494, 5694, 477, 97330, 5694, 369, 264, 9498, 720, 42198, 2324, 304, 61059, 315, 872, 5627, 13, 356, 1711, 5694, 505, 4382, 311, 62622, 481, 19338, 720, 300, 1664, 439, 97420, 2890, 13709, 13, 1050, 25742, 279, 11758, 315, 84610, 505, 682, 927, 279, 1917, 13, 10355, 349, 6261, 449, 279, 14955, 315, 420, 3495, 13, 5560, 433, 13, 5751, 36778, 6688, 433, 311, 499, 13, 328, 4899, 6319, 369, 1855, 1732, 13, 1115, 11, 449, 4359, 596, 690, 11, 1436, 387, 701, 2294, 1938, 315, 6873, 13, 4718, 3321, 1253, 617, 1120, 9107, 439, 499, 1373, 311, 264, 2324, 1317, 720, 12363, 12, 46755, 2085, 2853, 13, 220, 23, 30353, 806, 66, 1517, 1751, 278, 720, 34, 354, 16, 3781, 399, 2641, 720, 266, 16, 65, 650, 2445, 9787, 55381, 720, 5940, 35081, 720, 75, 7129, 10630, 720, 50, 93, 267, 6358, 4610, 36722, 3306, 16, 83, 314, 220, 17, 92, 720, 2213, 416, 9491, 337, 16, 650, 31660, 16, 66, 666, 99821, 59, 16, 720, 2170, 76688, 11, 16470, 706, 29850, 40335, 13, 314, 220, 16, 92, 720, 54, 19587, 720, 54, 1003, 279, 28362, 315, 279, 2547, 555, 3445, 315, 28786, 279, 7013, 720, 4291, 477, 2085, 264, 17639, 11600, 13, 7429, 279, 28786, 315, 279, 3663, 11, 13272, 11, 6206, 11, 720, 438, 904, 2547, 961, 430, 499, 617, 1205, 311, 387, 8774, 4335, 11, 8579, 11, 628, 2205, 11, 720, 438, 86387, 304, 279, 4814, 315, 74207, 13, 9479, 6693, 499, 690, 1518, 701, 7013, 6570, 4069, 11, 701, 3663, 2733, 502, 11, 720, 37282, 10508, 11, 77443, 11, 323, 430, 574, 1193, 279, 1176, 1938, 13, 3092, 24710, 374, 1403, 5672, 1176, 892, 7833, 13, 4740, 499, 1253, 733, 389, 832, 2046, 389, 323, 832, 2046, 1022, 13, 5884, 4647, 645, 11, 21512, 288, 11, 15455, 11, 3541, 377, 645, 499, 1253, 1390, 311, 8108, 304, 1404, 477, 1933, 11, 720, 269, 11000, 9229, 11, 1475, 3814, 35611, 3156, 499, 5662, 701, 5915, 13, 1789, 1884, 889, 527, 71975, 323, 617, 98675, 477, 15455, 430, 2834, 956, 27661, 1131, 720, 26694, 38222, 439, 1690, 3115, 824, 1938, 279, 5789, 439, 499, 1053, 617, 892, 369, 13, 2468, 3814, 2035, 264, 14739, 11, 15792, 342, 2933, 3059, 11262, 389, 1948, 315, 701, 92885, 477, 15455, 13, 1442, 814, 527, 389, 701, 7693, 11, 10051, 701, 40086, 389, 1948, 323, 2231, 1139, 5644, 369, 11623, 720, 4903, 304, 6693, 13, 1442, 499, 636, 709, 2391, 3814, 11, 35309, 1148, 264, 2731, 892, 1243, 1457, 720, 998, 79722, 295, 701, 11623, 89054, 477, 342, 2933, 3059, 1578, 13, 1102, 690, 4018, 701, 892, 369, 502, 6930, 11469, 505, 832, 2305, 311, 832, 2046, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 304, 6129, 3044, 323, 433, 1053, 14614, 1935, 4848, 4038, 720, 2000, 502, 6930, 11, 701, 4500, 892, 690, 387, 13489, 4848, 5672, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 1193, 3495, 11, 358, 574, 264, 71975, 323, 1047, 15455, 323, 98675, 13, 358, 1440, 13, 48471, 304, 279, 6693, 477, 11623, 3663, 323, 2547, 5596, 449, 3090, 1193, 13, 61731, 374, 539, 5995, 323, 374, 6155, 467, 67, 10297, 369, 72779, 6930, 13, 1226, 690, 636, 1139, 1005, 315, 7878, 40335, 439, 264, 1400, 96441, 477, 67443, 3010, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 279, 12474, 961, 315, 279, 15419, 13, 1102, 649, 387, 1511, 13, 362 ]
must listen to those feelings, honor them, create safe places to explore them more deeply, and then set goals based on them. Make your goals specific and actionable. “I will get involved in a support group within two weeks,” or “I will take art lessons to cultivate my creative side.”The goals you set must have some emotional punch. They must resonate within you. If you feel them, embrace them, and get excited about them, you will be more likely to follow through with them. Finally, embrace the godly wisdom within. Scripture tells us, “If you look for [wisdom ] as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God” (Proverbs 2:4-5). Isn’t it good to know we can search for and find wisdom? This is a powerful way to face the hidden elephants we’ve ignored. With godly wisdom we will know how to deal with the challenging situations we haven’ t wanted to face. Seeing elephants is never easy. We’ve all got them parading invisibly in our lives. Howe ver, we can face them and own them, creatin g space for healthy living. A Curious Mind There is no better preparation for facing the truth that will set you free than developing a curious, open, and receptive mind. Emotional health is largely based on being open and receptive to what is happening in us and between us so we can embrace that information. We must be curious to understand what we are feeling and what those feelings mean to us. We must be curious as to why we do the things we do, both in healthy ways and unhealthy ways. We must always delve deeper, asking ever harder questions of ourselves to find more complete solutions to our problems. Being curious about our feelings, motives, and behaviors is a potentially powerful journey—one that takes great courage. To go on this journey, you must be willing to face insecurities, weaknesses, and even harmful attitudes. You must be willing to see the part of your personality that is small and frightened, capable of making mistakes. You must be willing to see the shadow side of your nature. Curiosity may also be instrum ental in leading you to a healthier relationship. Curiosity can be the drive that causes you to ask how you arrived at where you are in your marriage. Curiosity prompts you to asktough questions that lead to powerful answers. Brian Grazer, author of A Curious Mind, says, Curiosity is the spark that starts a flirtation—in a bar, at a party, across the lecture hall in Economics 101. And curiosity ultimately nourishes that romance, and all our best human relationships—marriages, friend ships, the bond between parents and children.4 Curiosity—asking what is really happening—will lead you to knowing what you need to know to make your life bigger and better. Seeing What Is Ther e Would have, could have, should have…we have all been stuck in that rut. We wish things had gone differently than they did, that things were different than they are. Stella was particularly stuck in ruminating about a life not lived. Unhappily marri ed to Thomas for 30 years, she seemed to regret everything about her marriage except her three wonderful sons. “I’m angry that I’ve wasted over half of my life,” she said with obvious irritation. “I’ve been married to a man I don’t really like. I shou ld have left him years ago, and now I’m not sure what to do. I’m annoyed that I am stuck.” “Why are you stuck?” I asked. My question seemed to furthe r annoy her. “I’m 50 years old,” she said sharply. “I’m not a young woman, and if I did leave Thomas, any man my age is looking for a woman 20 years younger.” “So you regret having stayed with your husband?” I asked. Again she seemed annoyed. “Heavens, yes,” she said. “I’ve wasted my life. I wish so many things were different. I wish I were younger, that I had more money, and that life was dif ferent.” “I hear your deep regrets and lost opportunities, Stella,” I said. I could see her sadness as she spoke.“What about facing your life and considering what you can do with the life you have?” I asked. “Is it possible that you have more optio ns than you think?” “I can’t see how that could be true,” she said. “I’ve thought over my life from every possible angle. My life is a mess, and I’m a mess. I’m not even sure talking to you about it is going to change anything.” As I listened to Stella, I was struck by her resentment. Was her life really wasted? Did she really have nothing to look forward to? Were her choices as limited as she said? I don’t think so. In fact, healing comes with facing life as it is, facing truth in whatever form it presents itself, and moving forward from there. One of the most powerful tools available to Stella was to face her life honestly. Only in facing the truth of her life and facing real options could she move forward. An answer to changing her perspective was to actually see more —not only to face what was obviously there in her life, but also to open her eyes to seeing what she might be missing. It has been said that what we pay attention to grows larger in our lives. If we focus on resentment and lost opportunities, our grief and resentment grow. However, those who pay attention to spaces and places of gratitude tend to be more satisfied with their lives. Those who open their eyes to new sights and sounds tend to be filled with new possibilities and hope. Thankfully, there are usually many places and spaces of joy in all our lives that we miss because we are not looking for them. When we look for joy and reasons for gratitude, we find them. I have been greatly impacted by the writings of Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’ s Way. Camer on says the answer to many of our problems lies in simply paying attention to life. The reward for attention is always healing…More than anything else, attention is the art of connection…pain is what it took to teach me to pay attention. In times of pain, when the future is too terrifying to contemplate and the past too painful to remember, I have learned to pay attention to right now. The precise moment I was in was always the only safe place for me.5I love this idea. I tried to sell this idea to Stella, with some greater and lesser moments of success. I encouraged her to simply pay attention to her experience and what God may be able to teach her in these moments. As she notic ed what actually existed, what was true, as well as what she might be missing—and be curious about that—she could lean into healing. Embracing T ruth For ever “Life is dif ficult.” These are the opening words to Scott Peck’ s wonderful book The Road Less Traveled. I suspe ct his book gained a huge following because he had the courage to announce these words at the very start of his book. He could have been much more Pollyannaish in his approach, but he chose instead to say what we all know to be true: Life is dif ficult. He follows this profound statem ent with yet another: “This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it.”6 These are remarkable words. Is Peck correct that by embracing truth and the magnitu de of our proble ms, we actually are able to transcend them? His words are similar to those of Jesus: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Was Jesus claiming that knowing the truth—Himself—would set us free? Certainly that seems to be the case. It is also possible that He was saying exactly what Peck was saying—that knowing and embracing truth sets us free. People moan constantly about their lives, complaining about the enormity of their problems, believing life should be easy. Too often people complain about their lives more than they seek solutions. They complain about the unfairness of life more than they buckle down and change what they have the power to change. It is undoubtedly true that we should spend less energy complaining about our problems and more energy solving them. We must take our precious ener gies and utilize them to make changes that enhance our lives. That is certainly the message I conveyed to Stella. A Path ForwardThe truth will most certainly set you free, but only if you are willing to face it. You must look squarely at your problems—even the ones you would rather avoid or deny. Now that you have committed to embracing the truth, you are stronger and better prepared to face challenges. Do you feel more courageous and willing to make changes to save your life? You have one life to save, and that is your own. We are now moving forward and exploring how you can maintain dignity by setting boundaries in your life. OceanofPDF.com12 MAINTAINING DIGNITY WITH BOUNDARIES When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel
[ 2011, 9020, 311, 1884, 16024, 11, 16044, 1124, 11, 1893, 6220, 7634, 311, 198, 4683, 20763, 1124, 810, 17693, 1174, 323, 1243, 743, 9021, 3196, 389, 1124, 13, 7557, 701, 198, 85257, 3230, 323, 92178, 13, 1054, 40, 690, 636, 6532, 304, 264, 1862, 1912, 2949, 198, 20375, 5672, 2476, 477, 1054, 40, 690, 1935, 1989, 18872, 311, 67632, 856, 11782, 3185, 2029, 791, 9021, 499, 743, 2011, 617, 1063, 14604, 21004, 13, 2435, 2011, 89986, 198, 56950, 499, 13, 1442, 499, 2733, 1124, 11, 27830, 1124, 11, 323, 636, 12304, 922, 1124, 345, 9514, 690, 387, 810, 4461, 311, 1833, 1555, 449, 1124, 13, 17830, 1174, 27830, 279, 10087, 398, 24278, 2949, 662, 54250, 10975, 603, 11, 1054, 2746, 499, 198, 7349, 369, 510, 49143, 5717, 2331, 439, 369, 15310, 323, 2778, 369, 433, 439, 369, 8340, 32726, 11, 1243, 198, 9514, 690, 3619, 279, 8850, 315, 279, 58477, 323, 1505, 279, 6677, 315, 4359, 89874, 7, 1360, 56039, 220, 17, 25, 19, 12, 20, 570, 53296, 1431, 433, 1695, 311, 1440, 584, 649, 2778, 369, 323, 1505, 24278, 30, 1115, 374, 264, 198, 13477, 1285, 1648, 311, 3663, 279, 8340, 61866, 584, 4070, 12305, 13, 3161, 10087, 398, 198, 49143, 5717, 584, 690, 1440, 1268, 311, 3568, 449, 279, 17436, 15082, 584, 198, 72012, 529, 259, 4934, 311, 3663, 13, 56124, 61866, 374, 2646, 4228, 13, 1226, 4070, 682, 2751, 1124, 1370, 2277, 100137, 6623, 304, 198, 414, 6439, 13, 86631, 2807, 11, 584, 649, 3663, 1124, 323, 1866, 1124, 11, 6184, 258, 342, 3634, 369, 198, 38128, 5496, 13, 362, 13182, 1245, 23754, 198, 3947, 374, 912, 2731, 18459, 369, 13176, 279, 8206, 430, 690, 743, 499, 1949, 198, 54895, 11469, 220, 264, 22999, 11, 1825, 11, 323, 88651, 4059, 13, 95300, 2890, 374, 198, 27995, 989, 3196, 389, 1694, 1825, 323, 88651, 311, 1148, 374, 12765, 304, 603, 323, 198, 42967, 603, 779, 584, 649, 27830, 430, 2038, 13, 1226, 2011, 387, 22999, 311, 3619, 1148, 584, 527, 8430, 323, 1148, 1884, 198, 57676, 826, 3152, 311, 603, 13, 1226, 2011, 387, 22999, 439, 311, 3249, 584, 656, 279, 2574, 584, 656, 345, 21704, 304, 9498, 5627, 323, 53808, 5627, 13, 1226, 2011, 2744, 82845, 19662, 13801, 71805, 3596, 16127, 4860, 315, 13520, 311, 1505, 810, 4686, 10105, 311, 198, 414, 5435, 13, 21347, 22999, 922, 1057, 16024, 1174, 52140, 11, 323, 28198, 374, 264, 13893, 198, 13477, 1285, 11879, 87671, 430, 5097, 2294, 25775, 13, 2057, 733, 389, 420, 11879, 1174, 499, 198, 25849, 387, 10032, 311, 3663, 54682, 31702, 11, 44667, 11, 323, 1524, 28856, 33726, 13, 1472, 2011, 387, 10032, 311, 1518, 279, 961, 315, 701, 17743, 430, 374, 2678, 323, 198, 69, 1315, 6901, 11, 13171, 315, 3339, 21294, 13, 1472, 2011, 387, 10032, 311, 1518, 279, 198, 34052, 3185, 315, 701, 7138, 13, 13182, 33279, 1253, 1101, 387, 9680, 372, 1218, 278, 304, 6522, 499, 311, 264, 39345, 198, 37195, 13, 13182, 33279, 649, 387, 279, 6678, 430, 11384, 499, 311, 2610, 1268, 499, 198, 1138, 2270, 520, 1405, 499, 527, 304, 701, 11103, 13, 13182, 33279, 52032, 220, 499, 311, 2610, 83, 1409, 4860, 220, 430, 3063, 311, 8147, 11503, 13, 17520, 40113, 7215, 1174, 3229, 315, 362, 198, 17119, 1245, 23754, 1174, 2795, 345, 17119, 33279, 374, 279, 15541, 430, 8638, 264, 53730, 367, 49525, 264, 3703, 11, 520, 264, 4717, 13801, 582, 2177, 279, 31678, 14321, 304, 35300, 220, 4645, 13, 1628, 41328, 198, 495, 7253, 46798, 21168, 430, 30363, 11, 323, 682, 1057, 1888, 3823, 198, 86924, 2345, 5730, 38132, 11, 4333, 18198, 11, 279, 11049, 1990, 6699, 198, 438, 2911, 13, 19, 198, 17119, 33279, 2345, 71805, 1148, 374, 2216, 12765, 2345, 14724, 3063, 499, 311, 14392, 198, 12840, 499, 1205, 311, 1440, 311, 1304, 701, 2324, 11493, 323, 2731, 662, 56124, 3639, 2209, 23258, 384, 198, 29089, 617, 11, 1436, 617, 11, 1288, 220, 617, 1981, 906, 617, 682, 1027, 16075, 220, 304, 430, 198, 70546, 13, 1226, 6562, 2574, 1047, 8208, 22009, 1109, 814, 1550, 11, 430, 2574, 1051, 198, 64750, 1109, 814, 527, 13, 75698, 574, 8104, 16075, 304, 436, 10318, 1113, 922, 264, 2324, 539, 12439, 13, 1252, 71, 680, 1570, 3678, 462, 1608, 311, 11355, 369, 220, 966, 1667, 11, 1364, 9508, 311, 23023, 4395, 198, 9274, 1077, 11103, 3734, 1077, 2380, 11364, 26419, 13, 1054, 40, 4344, 19021, 430, 358, 4070, 39928, 927, 4376, 315, 856, 2324, 2476, 1364, 1071, 449, 8196, 198, 404, 1018, 367, 13, 1054, 40, 4070, 1027, 12502, 311, 264, 893, 358, 1541, 1431, 2216, 1093, 13, 358, 559, 283, 27221, 617, 2163, 198, 40617, 1667, 4227, 11, 323, 1457, 358, 4344, 539, 2771, 1148, 311, 656, 13, 358, 4344, 57130, 430, 358, 1097, 198, 267, 1983, 49216, 2118, 10445, 527, 499, 16075, 12671, 358, 4691, 13, 3092, 3488, 9508, 311, 18742, 1820, 436, 38292, 198, 1964, 13, 1054, 40, 4344, 220, 1135, 1667, 2362, 2476, 1364, 1071, 46473, 13, 1054, 40, 4344, 539, 264, 3995, 5333, 11, 220, 323, 422, 358, 198, 23770, 5387, 11355, 11, 904, 893, 856, 4325, 374, 3411, 369, 264, 5333, 220, 508, 1667, 198, 9514, 65167, 662, 89874, 70214, 499, 23023, 3515, 20186, 449, 701, 10177, 12671, 358, 4691, 13, 14077, 1364, 9508, 57130, 13, 1054, 1548, 402, 729, 11, 10035, 2476, 1364, 1071, 13, 1054, 40, 4070, 39928, 856, 198, 14789, 13, 358, 6562, 779, 1690, 2574, 1051, 2204, 13, 358, 6562, 358, 1051, 14992, 1174, 430, 358, 1047, 198, 6518, 3300, 1174, 323, 430, 2324, 574, 1422, 18728, 306, 49216, 10378, 6865, 701, 5655, 69025, 323, 5675, 10708, 11, 75698, 2476, 358, 1071, 13, 358, 1436, 1518, 1077, 51978, 439, 1364, 12570, 35147, 3923, 922, 13176, 701, 2324, 323, 13126, 1148, 499, 649, 656, 449, 279, 198, 14789, 499, 617, 12671, 358, 4691, 13, 1054, 3957, 433, 3284, 430, 499, 617, 810, 3469, 822, 12548, 1109, 499, 198, 27963, 12671, 198, 10378, 649, 1431, 1518, 1268, 430, 1436, 387, 837, 2476, 1364, 1071, 13, 1054, 40, 4070, 3463, 927, 856, 2324, 198, 1527, 1475, 3284, 9392, 13, 3092, 2324, 374, 264, 9622, 11, 323, 358, 4344, 264, 9622, 13, 358, 4344, 539, 1524, 198, 19643, 7556, 311, 499, 922, 433, 374, 2133, 311, 2349, 4205, 49216, 2170, 358, 34793, 311, 75698, 11, 358, 574, 17948, 555, 1077, 71654, 13, 15148, 1077, 2324, 198, 54760, 39928, 30, 14910, 1364, 2216, 617, 4400, 311, 1427, 4741, 311, 30, 40070, 1077, 198, 25825, 439, 7347, 439, 1364, 1071, 30, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 779, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 21730, 4131, 449, 198, 69, 4628, 2324, 439, 433, 374, 11, 13176, 8206, 304, 8996, 1376, 433, 18911, 220, 5196, 11, 323, 198, 66215, 4741, 505, 1070, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 1455, 8147, 7526, 2561, 311, 75698, 574, 311, 3663, 1077, 2324, 198, 71, 81572, 662, 8442, 304, 13176, 279, 8206, 315, 1077, 2324, 323, 13176, 1972, 2671, 1436, 198, 32158, 3351, 4741, 13, 1556, 4320, 311, 10223, 1077, 13356, 574, 311, 3604, 198, 4151, 810, 2001, 1962, 1193, 311, 3663, 1148, 574, 14224, 1070, 304, 1077, 2324, 11, 719, 1101, 311, 198, 2569, 1077, 6548, 311, 9298, 1148, 1364, 2643, 387, 7554, 13, 1102, 706, 1027, 1071, 430, 1148, 584, 2343, 6666, 311, 28815, 8294, 304, 1057, 6439, 13, 1442, 584, 5357, 389, 71654, 323, 5675, 10708, 11, 1057, 38384, 323, 71654, 198, 67318, 662, 4452, 1174, 1884, 889, 2343, 6666, 311, 12908, 323, 7634, 315, 46135, 198, 83, 408, 311, 387, 810, 20097, 449, 872, 6439, 13, 13266, 889, 1825, 872, 6548, 311, 502, 198, 82, 2866, 323, 10578, 8541, 311, 387, 10409, 449, 502, 24525, 323, 3987, 13, 63554, 1174, 1070, 527, 6118, 1690, 7634, 323, 12908, 315, 16267, 304, 682, 1057, 198, 75, 1924, 430, 584, 3194, 1606, 584, 527, 539, 3411, 369, 1124, 13, 3277, 584, 1427, 369, 198, 4215, 323, 8125, 369, 46135, 11, 584, 1505, 1124, 13, 358, 617, 1027, 19407, 40028, 555, 279, 43422, 315, 40394, 27524, 1174, 3229, 198, 1073, 578, 29459, 529, 274, 12424, 13, 8215, 261, 389, 2795, 279, 4320, 311, 1690, 315, 1057, 5435, 15812, 198, 258, 5042, 12798, 6666, 311, 2324, 13, 578, 11565, 369, 6666, 374, 2744, 21730, 1981, 7816, 1109, 4205, 198, 1531, 11, 6666, 374, 279, 1989, 315, 3717, 1981, 92724, 374, 1148, 433, 3952, 311, 198, 668, 613, 757, 311, 2343, 6666, 13, 763, 3115, 315, 6784, 11, 994, 279, 3938, 374, 198, 37227, 42351, 311, 80907, 323, 279, 3347, 2288, 26175, 311, 198, 30380, 1174, 358, 617, 9687, 311, 2343, 6666, 311, 1314, 1457, 13, 578, 198, 10872, 1082, 4545, 358, 574, 304, 574, 2744, 279, 1193, 6220, 2035, 369, 757, 13, 20, 40, 3021, 420, 4623, 13, 358, 6818, 311, 4662, 420, 4623, 311, 75698, 11, 449, 1063, 7191, 323, 198, 645, 805, 14269, 315, 2450, 13, 358, 21190, 1077, 311, 5042, 2343, 6666, 311, 1077, 198, 50659, 323, 1148, 4359, 1253, 387, 3025, 311, 4639, 1077, 304, 1521, 14269, 13, 1666, 198, 32158, 539, 292, 1608, 1148, 3604, 25281, 11, 1148, 574, 837, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 1148, 1364, 2643, 198, 1395, 7554, 17223, 387, 22999, 922, 430, 2345, 32158, 1436, 16025, 1139, 21730, 13, 5867, 1347, 4628, 350, 54246, 1789, 3596, 198, 2118, 26833, 374, 1422, 282, 3951, 49216, 9673, 527, 279, 8736, 4339, 311, 10016, 5250, 377, 529, 274, 11364, 2363, 578, 9728, 198, 28551, 1183, 29285, 662, 358, 4582, 375, 20864, 813, 2363, 18661, 264, 6908, 2768, 1606, 568, 1047, 198, 1820, 25775, 311, 22203, 1521, 4339, 520, 279, 1633, 1212, 315, 813, 2363, 13, 1283, 1436, 198, 19553, 1027, 1790, 810, 94517, 12930, 819, 304, 813, 5603, 11, 719, 568, 14896, 4619, 311, 198, 37890, 1148, 584, 682, 1440, 311, 387, 837, 25, 9601, 374, 1422, 282, 3951, 13, 1283, 11263, 420, 28254, 2863, 336, 1218, 449, 3686, 2500, 25, 1054, 2028, 374, 264, 2294, 198, 59677, 11, 832, 315, 279, 12474, 53219, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 2294, 8206, 1606, 3131, 584, 9615, 1518, 198, 576, 8206, 11, 584, 74809, 433, 2029, 21, 198, 9673, 527, 23649, 4339, 13, 2209, 5250, 377, 4495, 430, 555, 56501, 8206, 198, 438, 279, 8622, 33462, 409, 315, 1057, 2560, 10030, 11, 584, 3604, 527, 3025, 311, 74809, 1124, 30, 5414, 4339, 527, 4528, 311, 1884, 315, 10811, 25, 1054, 2675, 690, 1440, 279, 8206, 11, 323, 279, 198, 59677, 690, 743, 499, 1949, 863, 320, 13379, 220, 23, 25, 843, 570, 15148, 10811, 21039, 430, 14392, 279, 8206, 2345, 39, 318, 726, 2345, 41450, 743, 603, 198, 10816, 30, 53466, 430, 5084, 311, 387, 279, 1162, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 3284, 430, 1283, 574, 198, 82, 17718, 7041, 1148, 5250, 377, 574, 5605, 41128, 14392, 323, 56501, 8206, 198, 5022, 603, 1949, 13, 9029, 4647, 276, 15320, 922, 872, 6439, 11, 42126, 922, 279, 198, 268, 494, 488, 315, 872, 5435, 11, 35090, 2324, 1288, 387, 4228, 13, 25619, 3629, 1274, 198, 884, 21435, 922, 872, 6439, 810, 1109, 814, 6056, 10105, 13, 2435, 29011, 198, 9274, 279, 28743, 2136, 315, 2324, 810, 1109, 814, 81095, 1523, 323, 2349, 1148, 198, 20670, 617, 279, 2410, 311, 2349, 13, 1102, 374, 38048, 837, 430, 584, 1288, 8493, 2753, 4907, 42126, 198, 9274, 1057, 5435, 323, 810, 220, 4907, 22581, 1124, 13, 1226, 2011, 1935, 1057, 198, 10872, 1245, 38556, 342, 552, 323, 29166, 1124, 311, 1304, 4442, 430, 18885, 1057, 6439, 13, 3011, 374, 7995, 279, 1984, 358, 73897, 311, 75698, 13, 362, 8092, 22952, 791, 8206, 690, 1455, 7995, 743, 499, 1949, 11, 719, 1193, 422, 499, 527, 10032, 311, 198, 1594, 433, 13, 1472, 2011, 1427, 95563, 520, 701, 5435, 80078, 279, 6305, 499, 1053, 198, 74303, 5766, 477, 23973, 662, 4800, 430, 499, 617, 11411, 311, 56501, 279, 8206, 11, 499, 527, 16643, 198, 438, 2731, 10235, 311, 3663, 11774, 13, 3234, 499, 2733, 810, 75748, 323, 198, 86, 9585, 311, 1304, 220, 4442, 311, 3665, 701, 2324, 30, 1472, 617, 832, 2324, 311, 3665, 11, 323, 198, 9210, 374, 701, 1866, 13, 1226, 527, 1457, 7366, 4741, 323, 24919, 1268, 499, 649, 10519, 198, 67, 625, 488, 555, 6376, 23546, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 22302, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 717, 198, 4940, 3301, 6979, 1753, 423, 6399, 3414, 4874, 198, 80851, 946, 5482, 198, 4599, 584, 3775, 311, 743, 23546, 323, 3412, 1274, 36977, 11, 584, 198, 57676 ]
IDNEYS AND BACK The following is a listing of a set of exercises that work both the abdominal ^nuscles, the waist musculature and the lower back. A strong lower back and abdomen are indicative of a strong sexual potential, thus helping to prevent premature ejaculation, lumbago, lower back pain and urogenital problems of all kinds. These exer- cises and the movements work to strengthen the kidney energy as well. Exercise One: Lie with back on the floor or mat with both legs held up, outstretched at a 80-90 degree angle. Begin to slowly lower legs to the left until they reach an angle of 45 degrees. Then bring them back to the beginning position. Then slowly lower them to the right side until they reach a 45 degree angle and bring the legs back to the beginning position. You may perform this exercise at least 10-12 times at each sitting. Exercise Two: Lie with your back to the floor on a mat. Raise both legs so they form a 45 degree angle with the ground. Then cross each leg over the other three to four times. Repeat this exercise ten to twelve times. Exercise Three: Lie with your back on the floor or on a mat. Hold your hands on your waist and lift up the upper half of your body until it forms a forty-five degree angle with the floor. Hold as long as you can, then lower your body to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times or more, if desired. Exercise Four: Lying on your stomach on a mat, with both arms bent at the elbows and hands held out next to your ears, lift the upper half of your body off the floor. Hold this position for as long as you can, then lower your body slowly to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Exercise Five: Lying on your stomach on the floor on a mat, grasp both hands behind your back at the level of the small of the back. Lift the upper half, and the lower half of your body simultaneously off the ground so that just your abdomen touches the ground. Hold for as long as possible. Lower both halves of your body to the floor and repeat ten times eac.240 Taoist Secrets Of Love Exercise Six: Lying on the back, alternately lift the legs one at a time and hold it in the lifted position for as long as you can. Do ten sets of the exercise. The above set of exercises should be performed on a daily basis and in the early A.M. is best. The following is an exercise taken from the Pa Tuan Chin (Chinese Health Exercises), and is very good for the kidneys. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, hands at your sides, with tongue touching the palate. Inhale, bend from the waist, and exhale as you go down, touching the floor with your palms if you can. Inhale while straightening up. At the same time as you straighten up bring your hands out-stretched over your head and stand up on your toes as you reach maximum outstretched reach. Exhale, as you come down off your toes and at the same time place your fists on your kidneys, on the back under the rib cage, relax on both sides,and then inhale as you press your fists into your kidneys while leaning as far back as you can. Exhale as you come back to the starting position and repeat 10 times. HOW TO ENLARGE AND ELONGATE YOUR PENIS Inhale the air through the nose into the throat from there swallow and press it down to the stomach. Do not keep it in the chest. Then the air, which you may experience as energy, is imagined as a ball, and is rolled down the front of the body beneath the abdominal muscles. When the air reaches the lower-most part of the ab- domen, press it into the penis itself. This exercise for enlarging the penis differs from scrotal compression, because in the latter the air is pressed into the scrotum. As you direct the air to the penis take the 3 middle fingers of the left hand and press them to the Hui-Yin midpoint between the anus and the scrotum. This pressure prevents the air power from flowing back into the body. The power lodges in the penis itself. Resume normal breathing while keeping the left fingers on the Hui Yin midpoint. At the same time begin to directly exercise the penis. Pull it forward and backward, stretching it out in a smooth rhythmical movement for 36 times. Next use your thumb to rub the glans of the penis. This should erect the penis. If there is no erec- tion, continue pull and rub the glans until the penis stands.Exercises To Increase Male Potency 241 The right hand then circles the penis firmly at its base and, while holding firmly, slides forward about an inch. In this way the air energy is locked into the body of the penis itself and driven toward the*tip of the head. Feel the pressure pushing forward to- ward the head and maintain it but don't force it too hard. Then the penis is pulled out to the right and rotated with a stirring action thirty six times clockwise and counterclockwise. Then it is pulled out to the left and rotated another thirty six times clockwise and counterclockwise. Simultaneously maintain the out- ward pressure locks in the air. This exercise massages the entire urogenital system including the penis, the prostate gland, and the veins, arteries, and surround- ing nerves; the bladder and even the kidney are beneficially stimu- lated. The energy of many bodily organs flows into the penis, and the tone and function of all are enhanced. In the final penile manipulation, gently beat the inner right thigh with the erect penis 36 times, while simultaneously you are maintaining the air-lock pull. Then beat the inner left thigh 36 times. Upon completion of these calisthenics soak the penis in warm water for one minute. This will help it absorb the warm yang en- ergy and to expand. This completes massage of the organ and should produce growth of a healthy inch during the first month or two of practice. Depending on individual bodily structure, further gains may be realized. HOW TO DECREASE PENIS SENSITIVITY Techniques for reducing penis sensitivity have been sought for millenia as a way of preventing premature ejaculation. I prefer Seminal Kung Fu methods to those surveyed here, yet I do not discourage anyone from trying others, so long as proper precau- tions are observed. (Also see chapters on sharpening Your Weapon and Salvation for Impotence.) Some have worn coarse material inside their underpants. The cloth rubs the penis and nervous sensitivity may gradually subside. Many have counseled thrusting every day into sand or bags of rice. However, sand may get inside of you and cause irritation and infection. Rice may actually cut and abraid the member. These methods may provide a little extra stimulation, but they242 Taoist Secrets Of Love are primitive, painful and dangerous. They miss the point: the naked penis is perfect when used with understanding of its laws, rigorous training and the invincible force of Love. STRENGTHEN YOUR ERECTION This method helps a man to obtain a stronger, healthier, more energetic erection. Place the thumb on the top of the penis at the root, and the index finger at the bottom of the penis at the root. Inhale, hold your breath, then squeeze and grip the shaft in a wave toward the penis tip. The thumb, index finger, pinky finger push so that the blood is forced to the penis head. Hold this grip for as long as you can hold your breath. Do nine repetitions. This forces the blood into the penis and it can't get back out again. As you hold your breath, count to nine and with each count, squeeze more toward the head of the penis. This technique strengthens the penis and reflexively strengthens the entire body. REFLEXOLOGY MASSAGE OF THE PENIS A healthful reflexology massage can be performed on the penis, just as a similar massage can be performed on the hands, feet, and ears. This results from the fact that on some areas of the body there are reflexive zones that refer to other areas of the body and the internal organs. Just as the entire pattern of internal organs is found on the soles of the feet, so is the pattern for the internal organs found on the shaft and head of the penis. This massage is both pleasurable and very beneficial to health. This can be clearly seen when the penis is rubbed and feeling how quickly pleasurable sensations emanate to other areas of the body. There are two parts to this massage, (a) First spot massage with the thumb and fingers starting at the base, and mas- saging along the entire shaft of the penis in both directions with a circular motion on the top sides, under side, to the tip of penis, and back toward the base. (b) "Rubbing the Turtle Head"—To massage the head of the penis, grip the head of penis with index and third fingers. Massage the tip with the thumb in a circular motion while gently pressing in on the head. This reflects to the prostate gland and massages this gland which is very beneficial. Repeat this massage 100-300
[ 926, 4031, 9579, 3651, 33182, 198, 791, 2768, 374, 264, 15182, 315, 264, 743, 315, 23783, 430, 990, 2225, 279, 198, 370, 5717, 992, 6440, 77, 355, 19153, 11, 279, 29142, 3167, 3395, 1598, 323, 279, 4827, 1203, 13, 362, 198, 4620, 4827, 1203, 323, 64772, 527, 64005, 315, 264, 3831, 7392, 198, 93036, 11, 8617, 10695, 311, 5471, 42227, 99302, 11, 326, 3635, 6438, 345, 15115, 1203, 6784, 323, 577, 26252, 2223, 5435, 315, 682, 13124, 13, 4314, 506, 261, 7058, 66, 5014, 323, 279, 19567, 990, 311, 20259, 279, 39042, 4907, 439, 198, 9336, 13, 33918, 3861, 512, 77591, 449, 1203, 389, 279, 6558, 477, 5634, 449, 2225, 14535, 5762, 709, 345, 412, 267, 62837, 520, 264, 220, 1490, 12, 1954, 8547, 9392, 13, 19110, 311, 14297, 4827, 14535, 311, 198, 1820, 2163, 3156, 814, 5662, 459, 9392, 315, 220, 1774, 12628, 13, 5112, 4546, 1124, 198, 1445, 311, 279, 7314, 2361, 13, 5112, 14297, 4827, 1124, 311, 279, 1314, 198, 3002, 3156, 814, 5662, 264, 220, 1774, 8547, 9392, 323, 4546, 279, 14535, 1203, 311, 279, 198, 7413, 1251, 2361, 13, 1472, 1253, 2804, 420, 10368, 520, 3325, 220, 605, 12, 717, 198, 15487, 520, 1855, 11961, 13, 33918, 9220, 512, 77591, 449, 701, 1203, 311, 279, 6558, 389, 264, 5634, 13, 43646, 2225, 14535, 779, 198, 20670, 1376, 264, 220, 1774, 8547, 9392, 449, 279, 5015, 13, 5112, 5425, 1855, 2531, 198, 2017, 279, 1023, 2380, 311, 3116, 3115, 13, 45901, 420, 10368, 5899, 311, 198, 15930, 21903, 3115, 13, 33918, 14853, 512, 77591, 449, 701, 1203, 389, 279, 6558, 477, 389, 264, 5634, 13, 23588, 701, 6206, 198, 263, 701, 29142, 323, 12157, 709, 279, 8582, 4376, 315, 701, 2547, 3156, 433, 7739, 264, 198, 4057, 88, 36399, 8547, 9392, 449, 279, 6558, 13, 23588, 439, 1317, 439, 499, 649, 11, 1243, 198, 15115, 701, 2547, 311, 279, 6558, 13, 45901, 279, 10368, 220, 605, 12, 717, 3115, 477, 198, 6518, 11, 422, 12974, 13, 33918, 13625, 512, 43, 7169, 389, 701, 23152, 389, 264, 5634, 11, 449, 2225, 11977, 30280, 520, 279, 198, 301, 55631, 323, 6206, 5762, 704, 1828, 311, 701, 25212, 11, 12157, 279, 8582, 4376, 315, 198, 22479, 2547, 1022, 279, 6558, 13, 23588, 420, 2361, 369, 439, 1317, 439, 499, 649, 345, 3473, 4827, 701, 2547, 14297, 311, 279, 6558, 13, 45901, 279, 10368, 220, 605, 198, 15487, 13, 33918, 21594, 512, 43, 7169, 389, 701, 23152, 389, 279, 6558, 389, 264, 5634, 11, 34477, 2225, 198, 89112, 4920, 701, 1203, 520, 279, 2237, 315, 279, 2678, 315, 279, 1203, 13, 53535, 198, 1820, 8582, 4376, 11, 323, 279, 4827, 4376, 315, 701, 2547, 25291, 1022, 198, 1820, 5015, 779, 430, 1120, 701, 64772, 29727, 279, 5015, 13, 23588, 369, 198, 300, 1317, 439, 3284, 13, 28636, 2225, 75212, 315, 701, 2547, 311, 279, 6558, 198, 438, 13454, 5899, 3115, 384, 582, 13, 8273, 60608, 380, 53179, 5046, 10919, 198, 53809, 19198, 512, 43, 7169, 389, 279, 1203, 11, 7064, 2718, 12157, 279, 14535, 832, 520, 264, 892, 323, 198, 6416, 433, 304, 279, 30831, 2361, 369, 439, 1317, 439, 499, 649, 13, 3234, 5899, 7437, 315, 198, 1820, 10368, 13, 578, 3485, 743, 315, 23783, 1288, 387, 10887, 389, 264, 7446, 198, 89926, 323, 304, 279, 4216, 362, 1345, 13, 374, 1888, 13, 578, 2768, 374, 459, 10368, 4529, 505, 279, 16056, 350, 10602, 49335, 198, 7, 46023, 6401, 91554, 705, 323, 374, 1633, 1695, 369, 279, 81960, 13, 15948, 449, 7693, 17308, 2430, 10980, 11, 6206, 520, 701, 11314, 11, 449, 198, 83, 647, 361, 31687, 279, 77338, 13, 763, 71, 1604, 11, 37920, 505, 279, 29142, 11, 323, 57759, 1604, 198, 300, 499, 733, 1523, 11, 31687, 279, 6558, 449, 701, 75818, 422, 499, 649, 13, 763, 71, 1604, 1418, 7833, 6147, 709, 13, 2468, 279, 1890, 892, 439, 499, 7833, 268, 198, 455, 4546, 701, 6206, 704, 5594, 62837, 927, 701, 2010, 323, 2559, 709, 389, 198, 22479, 45713, 439, 499, 5662, 7340, 704, 267, 62837, 5662, 13, 1398, 71, 1604, 11, 439, 198, 9514, 2586, 1523, 1022, 701, 45713, 323, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 2035, 701, 81784, 198, 263, 701, 81960, 11, 389, 279, 1203, 1234, 279, 20735, 36460, 11, 12234, 389, 2225, 198, 82, 3422, 51526, 1243, 60537, 1604, 439, 499, 3577, 701, 81784, 1139, 701, 81960, 198, 3556, 49448, 439, 3117, 1203, 439, 499, 649, 13, 1398, 71, 1604, 439, 499, 2586, 1203, 311, 198, 1820, 6041, 2361, 323, 13454, 220, 605, 3115, 13, 24440, 5257, 5301, 43, 30859, 3651, 17705, 7691, 2390, 21592, 81770, 1669, 198, 644, 71, 1604, 279, 3805, 1555, 279, 19689, 1139, 279, 28691, 505, 1070, 42276, 198, 438, 3577, 433, 1523, 311, 279, 23152, 13, 3234, 539, 2567, 433, 304, 279, 15489, 13, 5112, 198, 1820, 3805, 11, 902, 499, 1253, 3217, 439, 4907, 11, 374, 35706, 439, 264, 5041, 345, 438, 374, 23255, 1523, 279, 4156, 315, 279, 2547, 24923, 279, 57056, 198, 38827, 19153, 13, 3277, 279, 3805, 25501, 279, 4827, 63498, 961, 315, 279, 671, 7058, 5717, 268, 11, 3577, 433, 1139, 279, 23806, 5196, 13, 1115, 10368, 369, 41039, 287, 279, 198, 2821, 285, 44642, 505, 1156, 4744, 278, 26168, 11, 1606, 304, 279, 15629, 279, 3805, 198, 285, 17770, 1139, 279, 1156, 4744, 372, 13, 1666, 499, 2167, 279, 3805, 311, 279, 23806, 1935, 279, 220, 18, 6278, 19779, 315, 198, 1820, 2163, 1450, 323, 3577, 1124, 311, 279, 473, 2005, 30237, 258, 83063, 1990, 279, 198, 59063, 323, 279, 1156, 4744, 372, 13, 1115, 7410, 29034, 279, 3805, 2410, 505, 198, 5072, 287, 1203, 1139, 279, 2547, 13, 578, 2410, 36132, 4282, 304, 279, 23806, 5196, 13, 34498, 4725, 27027, 1418, 10494, 279, 2163, 19779, 389, 279, 198, 39, 2005, 83958, 83063, 13, 2468, 279, 1890, 892, 3240, 311, 6089, 10368, 279, 198, 2821, 285, 13, 32928, 433, 4741, 323, 28655, 11, 42949, 433, 704, 304, 264, 11113, 198, 81, 61254, 950, 7351, 369, 220, 1927, 3115, 13, 9479, 1005, 701, 25015, 311, 10485, 279, 198, 6200, 598, 315, 279, 23806, 13, 1115, 1288, 38732, 279, 23806, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 912, 39357, 66, 7058, 28491, 11, 3136, 6958, 323, 10485, 279, 2840, 598, 3156, 279, 23806, 13656, 5231, 48815, 2057, 40733, 19960, 14020, 2301, 220, 13341, 198, 791, 1314, 1450, 1243, 26432, 279, 23806, 32620, 520, 1202, 2385, 323, 345, 3556, 10168, 32620, 11, 22245, 4741, 922, 459, 17560, 13, 763, 420, 1648, 279, 198, 1334, 4907, 374, 16447, 1139, 279, 2547, 315, 279, 23806, 5196, 323, 16625, 198, 83, 83071, 279, 9, 13446, 315, 279, 2010, 13, 32833, 279, 7410, 17919, 4741, 311, 7058, 1637, 279, 2010, 323, 10519, 433, 719, 1541, 956, 5457, 433, 2288, 2653, 13, 5112, 279, 23806, 374, 13541, 704, 311, 279, 1314, 323, 46720, 449, 264, 198, 267, 404, 12928, 1957, 27219, 4848, 3115, 66770, 323, 1797, 3035, 1039, 4583, 13, 5112, 433, 374, 13541, 704, 311, 279, 2163, 323, 46720, 2500, 27219, 4848, 3115, 198, 21321, 4583, 323, 1797, 3035, 1039, 4583, 13, 4567, 495, 20933, 10519, 279, 704, 7058, 1637, 7410, 32776, 304, 279, 3805, 13, 1115, 10368, 64279, 279, 4553, 577, 26252, 2223, 1887, 2737, 198, 1820, 23806, 11, 279, 47447, 67169, 11, 323, 279, 60764, 11, 85648, 11, 323, 9172, 7058, 287, 50581, 26, 279, 62564, 323, 1524, 279, 39042, 527, 24629, 398, 12936, 84, 7058, 22851, 13, 578, 4907, 315, 1690, 48131, 36853, 28555, 1139, 279, 23806, 11, 323, 198, 1820, 16630, 323, 734, 315, 682, 527, 24872, 13, 763, 279, 1620, 5869, 458, 34786, 11, 30373, 9567, 279, 9358, 1314, 198, 339, 1108, 449, 279, 38732, 23806, 220, 1927, 3115, 11, 1418, 25291, 499, 527, 198, 67913, 2101, 279, 3805, 42872, 6958, 13, 5112, 9567, 279, 9358, 2163, 39771, 220, 1927, 198, 15487, 13, 30538, 9954, 315, 1521, 1652, 380, 12301, 1233, 61792, 279, 23806, 304, 8369, 198, 13284, 369, 832, 9568, 13, 1115, 690, 1520, 433, 35406, 279, 8369, 10587, 665, 7058, 43043, 323, 311, 9407, 13, 1115, 45695, 6378, 315, 279, 2942, 323, 198, 5562, 8356, 6650, 315, 264, 9498, 17560, 2391, 279, 1176, 2305, 477, 198, 20375, 315, 6725, 13, 40730, 389, 3927, 48131, 6070, 11, 4726, 198, 70, 1771, 1253, 387, 15393, 13, 24440, 5257, 3467, 80691, 81770, 1669, 328, 20982, 964, 30211, 198, 29356, 8467, 369, 18189, 23806, 27541, 617, 1027, 16495, 369, 198, 26064, 59386, 439, 264, 1648, 315, 27252, 42227, 99302, 13, 358, 10932, 198, 30599, 992, 735, 2234, 30353, 5528, 311, 1884, 49098, 1618, 11, 3686, 358, 656, 539, 198, 17242, 61140, 5606, 505, 4560, 3885, 11, 779, 1317, 439, 6300, 41607, 84, 7058, 83, 919, 527, 13468, 13, 320, 13699, 1518, 30732, 389, 57463, 287, 4718, 28877, 198, 438, 86785, 369, 14727, 98660, 6266, 4427, 617, 24634, 50347, 3769, 4871, 872, 1234, 93037, 13, 578, 198, 89054, 10485, 82, 279, 23806, 323, 23418, 27541, 1253, 27115, 1207, 3002, 13, 9176, 617, 2346, 325, 839, 30985, 287, 1475, 1938, 1139, 9462, 477, 18381, 315, 20228, 13, 4452, 11, 9462, 1253, 636, 4871, 315, 499, 323, 5353, 66510, 323, 198, 258, 13421, 13, 30616, 1253, 3604, 4018, 323, 671, 14152, 279, 4562, 13, 4314, 5528, 1253, 3493, 264, 2697, 5066, 41959, 11, 719, 814, 12754, 60608, 380, 53179, 5046, 10919, 198, 548, 28694, 11, 26175, 323, 11660, 13, 2435, 3194, 279, 1486, 25, 279, 198, 77, 7897, 23806, 374, 4832, 994, 1511, 449, 8830, 315, 1202, 7016, 345, 14746, 20857, 4967, 323, 279, 1558, 77972, 5457, 315, 10919, 13, 4015, 793, 9154, 965, 21592, 469, 793, 3664, 198, 2028, 1749, 8779, 264, 893, 311, 6994, 264, 16643, 11, 39345, 11, 810, 198, 804, 36324, 65146, 13, 11004, 279, 25015, 389, 279, 1948, 315, 279, 23806, 520, 279, 198, 2959, 11, 323, 279, 1963, 14654, 520, 279, 5740, 315, 279, 23806, 520, 279, 3789, 13, 763, 71, 1604, 11, 3412, 701, 11745, 11, 1243, 37663, 323, 25703, 279, 31468, 304, 264, 12330, 198, 83, 83071, 279, 23806, 11813, 13, 578, 25015, 11, 1963, 14654, 11, 18718, 88, 14654, 4585, 779, 198, 9210, 279, 6680, 374, 9770, 311, 279, 23806, 2010, 13, 23588, 420, 25703, 369, 439, 1317, 198, 300, 499, 649, 3412, 701, 11745, 13, 3234, 11888, 86066, 13, 1115, 8603, 279, 198, 51105, 1139, 279, 23806, 323, 433, 649, 956, 636, 1203, 704, 1578, 13, 1666, 499, 3412, 198, 22479, 11745, 11, 1797, 311, 11888, 323, 449, 1855, 1797, 11, 37663, 810, 198, 83, 83071, 279, 2010, 315, 279, 23806, 13, 1115, 15105, 96931, 279, 23806, 198, 438, 33766, 3210, 96931, 279, 4553, 2547, 13, 39129, 36345, 46, 52532, 93713, 3669, 3083, 3247, 81770, 1669, 198, 32, 2890, 1285, 33766, 2508, 6378, 649, 387, 10887, 389, 279, 23806, 345, 4345, 439, 264, 4528, 6378, 649, 387, 10887, 389, 279, 6206, 11, 7693, 11, 323, 198, 7596, 13, 1115, 3135, 505, 279, 2144, 430, 389, 1063, 5789, 315, 279, 2547, 1070, 198, 548, 33766, 535, 26467, 430, 8464, 311, 1023, 5789, 315, 279, 2547, 323, 279, 198, 10701, 36853, 13, 4702, 439, 279, 4553, 5497, 315, 5419, 36853, 374, 1766, 198, 263, 279, 779, 645, 315, 279, 7693, 11, 779, 374, 279, 5497, 369, 279, 5419, 36853, 198, 15456, 389, 279, 31468, 323, 2010, 315, 279, 23806, 13, 1115, 6378, 374, 2225, 7245, 56912, 323, 1633, 24629, 311, 198, 12393, 13, 1115, 649, 387, 9539, 3970, 994, 279, 23806, 374, 67854, 323, 198, 1897, 20659, 1268, 6288, 7245, 56912, 72597, 69239, 349, 311, 1023, 5789, 198, 1073, 279, 2547, 13, 2684, 527, 1403, 5596, 311, 420, 6378, 11, 320, 64, 8, 5629, 7858, 198, 79685, 449, 279, 25015, 323, 19779, 6041, 520, 279, 2385, 11, 323, 9427, 7058, 82, 4210, 3235, 279, 4553, 31468, 315, 279, 23806, 304, 2225, 18445, 449, 264, 198, 66, 22190, 11633, 389, 279, 1948, 11314, 11, 1234, 3185, 11, 311, 279, 11813, 315, 23806, 11, 323, 198, 1445, 9017, 279, 2385, 13, 320, 65, 8, 330, 66814, 7278, 279, 67906, 11452, 66101, 1271, 6378, 279, 2010, 315, 279, 198, 2821, 285, 11, 25703, 279, 2010, 315, 23806, 449, 1963, 323, 4948, 19779, 13, 27483, 198, 1820, 11813, 449, 279, 25015, 304, 264, 28029, 11633, 1418, 30373, 26422, 304, 198, 263, 279, 2010, 13, 1115, 27053, 311, 279, 47447, 67169, 323, 64279, 420, 198, 70, 1974, 902, 374, 1633, 24629, 13, 45901, 420, 6378, 220, 1041, 12, 3101 ]
unbelievable. Without a fixed and fast connection with the source, you can’ t really tell. The key words above are fixed and fast, because you are always connected to source. If you reread the list that describes the nature of the source, every item relates to your life here and now. You exist, you are dynamic. You feel inspired by creativity, you value the truth. The simplest way to explain the source is to call it the compressed concentr ation of the values we alread y live by. In separation, we experience fragme nts of love, compassion, truth, beauty, and creativity that turn out to be fleeting and temporary. But those fragments hint at an important truth, perhaps the most important: The source knows us and wants us to know it. Exercise You can get a feeling for being at the source with a simple exercise. Sit quietly with your eyes closed. Once you feel relaxed, try not to exist.Interpret this challenge any way you wish. You can imagine not existing before you were born or never existing again after you die. You can visualize yourself being vaporized or dissolving into nothingn ess. This is not an exercise in the macabre. It does, however, demonstrate that no matter what tactic you choose or how intently you pursue your imagined non- existence, you can’ t stop existing. “T o be or not to be” isn’ t an option. No matter how terrible or glorious life seems to be, two elements accompany you hand in hand. There is existence, and there is the flow of creative intelligence that provides experiences. Once these elements are compressed and concentrated to the utmost, you will be at the source. TUESDAY Going Beyond Begin by silently repeating today’ s theme: My essence is transcendent. My essence is transcendent. The last three limbs of Yoga are like a tripod, held up by three legs. The first leg, dharana, gives you a fulfilling life while you simultaneously remain at the source. The second leg is dhyana, usually described as “meditation.” That’ s not very helpful, however, since meditation is a vague, amorphous term that we apply in all kinds of situations. Basically, when someone dwells inwardly on any idea, feeling, or experience, they can call that a meditatio n. But in Royal Yoga, dhyana is “transcenden ce,” going beyond the limits of everyday experience. In its most basic form, transcendence is a very common experience. If you are a moth er with a crank y baby who won’ t stop crying, you don’t cry, too (unless, maybe, you are completely exhausted). You transcend the baby’ s crankiness to find out what the real issue is—the child might need sleep, food, or a change of diaper. Without the ability to transcend dailyexperience, humans would never have evolved. We can stand aside from our own actions, analyze them, and move forward to new and unexplored territory. By the route of inquiry and discovery, the human mind transcends itself. Yet the mind can’t take full credit for transcending. Your mind is constantly wrapped up in thoughts and feelings. If Yoga hadn’ t pointed out the possibility of dhyana —transcending to a much deeper level—people would be confined to the mind’ s endless activity, as, indeed, countless people are. The original seers of Yoga, who are nameless and lost to ancient history, realized that there is one element common to all thoughts, which is awareness. This commonality can be seen when we notice that a gold watch, a gold spoon, and a gold coin look totally different, but all are made of gold. Gold is each item’ s essence. Y our essence is awareness. There are signposts to know if you are indeed cultivating a relationship with awareness. Y ou know that you are on the right path when: You go inside for answers. You reflect on your thoughts. You contemplate a new possibility. You have an insight. You experience an “aha” moment. You look for inner peace and quiet. You get a glimpse of wonder. You feel a sudden impulse of joy. You are filled with love. These experiences are momentary, fleeting hints that transcendence is yours to master. On the flip side, there are signs that tell us we are moving around in circles, which leads to dizziness and confusion. Unfortunately, these unaware states are also common, and you experience them when: You feel stressed.You are distracted and scattered. You feel depressed. You get lost in worry and anxiety. You crave escapism. You are tense and can’t relax. What these two lists tell us is that we spend our lives bouncing between two states, between awareness and its opposite. If you swing too far from awareness, your life will be dominated by routine and habit, the same old same old. Yet even if you are fortunate enough that this hasn’ t happened to you, it is a genuine discovery to realize that you experience transcendence in every day life. The meditative state isn’t reserved for a special time of day, set apart for closing your eyes and performing a meditation practice. Life can be spent in a form of total meditation. No meditation practices would ever work if dhyana weren’ t a natural tendency of the human mind. To love, create, be kind, act selflessly, experience wonder, and feel inspired are totally human and natural. They are made possible by dhyana, the impulse to transcend. Once this sinks in, Royal Yoga is here to teach that going beyond is boundless. You can transcend so completely that you reach your source and merge with your true self. Exercise Behind every experience there is awareness, which you can locate anytime you wish. To show yourself how this works, try the following: Sit back and look around you. Focus on any object—a table lamp, a chair, a paperweight, the sky outside. Now tune it out by allowing your eyes to go into soft focus while you move your attention to the center of your chest. Now go back and forth. See the object, then go inward and tune it out. Repeat for a minute or two. The process is simple, and you might have your own way of moving your attention inward. Regardless of how you do it, what we call “tuningout” moves your attention and shifts your focus, which is the critical element in meditation. Once you feel familiar with how to turn your attention inward, you know how to transcend. This is useful whenever you find yourself in an unaware state, such as feeling stressed, distracted, worried, or scattered. Look at an object, put your eyes in soft focus, and move your attention to your heart. By going beyond, you strengthen the habit of being aware until it becomes just as natural as being unaware. WEDNESDAY Being Here Begin by silently repeating today’ s theme: I am grounded in life’s infinite potential. I am grounded in life’s infinite potential. The eighth limb of Yoga, known as samadhi, is about being present, right here, right now, with as much awareness as possible. You can think of samadhi as a deep dive into a state of silent awareness. It is an experience of stillness amid the chaos around you. But you and I crave experiences. We crave a little of the chaos, as does everyone. So what does samadhi mean to us? Imagine Albert Einstein stretched out on a sofa taking a nap. He isn’t thinking about physics; he looks like anyone else taking a nap. But even asleep he has the awareness of a genius, and the potential for great thoughts will be activated once more when he wakes up. In other words, take away any single thought, and what remains is far more valuable: the potential for deep awareness. When you hear a voice in your head, its loudness or softness doesn’ t indicate how deep or expanded your awareness is. If you are new to playing a music al instrument and you think, “I will play the piano,” the result is going to be very different than if a famous virtuoso thinks, “I will play the piano.” The difference is deter mined by samadhi, meaning that it takespractice to reach this level. Some fish stay near the surface of the ocean; others live in its darkest depths. Likewise, your thoughts float up from the level of awareness you have attained and often this is the result of how much you practice going in and out of these transcendent states. The benefits of samadhi are revealed only through personal experience. As your samadhi deepens through meditation, the following changes appear: THE GIFTS OF SAMADHI You are able to detect an underlying bliss in everything. You appreciate your life more fully. You gain satisfaction simply by being here. You settle into silent awareness easily. The outer world no longer dominates your life. Mood swings decrease dramatically, bringing fewer highs and lows. You feel secure in who you are. Though Royal Yoga bestows upon us priceless gifts, they are not entirely welcome by the ego-personality, which thrives on emotional drama, a consta nt stream of desires, a restless search for distraction, and an avoidance of pain and fear. You can easily be persuaded that this whole setup is preferable to the boring sameness of silent awareness. But
[ 52229, 13, 17586, 264, 8521, 323, 5043, 3717, 449, 279, 2592, 11, 499, 649, 529, 259, 2216, 3371, 13, 578, 1401, 4339, 3485, 527, 8521, 323, 5043, 11, 1606, 499, 527, 2744, 198, 15647, 311, 2592, 13, 1442, 499, 436, 486, 329, 279, 1160, 430, 16964, 279, 7138, 315, 279, 198, 2484, 11, 1475, 1537, 36716, 311, 701, 2324, 1618, 323, 1457, 13, 1472, 3073, 11, 499, 527, 198, 22269, 13, 1472, 2733, 14948, 555, 28697, 1174, 499, 907, 279, 8206, 13, 578, 45648, 198, 3195, 311, 10552, 279, 2592, 374, 311, 1650, 433, 279, 31749, 17576, 520, 290, 315, 279, 198, 3745, 584, 453, 888, 379, 3974, 555, 13, 763, 25768, 11, 584, 3217, 8508, 2727, 308, 2641, 315, 3021, 345, 31929, 290, 11, 8206, 11, 13444, 1174, 323, 28697, 430, 2543, 704, 311, 387, 96435, 323, 198, 79190, 662, 2030, 1884, 35603, 13310, 520, 459, 3062, 8206, 11, 8530, 279, 1455, 198, 15693, 25, 578, 2592, 8964, 603, 323, 6944, 603, 311, 1440, 433, 13, 33918, 198, 2675, 649, 636, 264, 8430, 369, 1694, 520, 279, 2592, 449, 264, 4382, 10368, 13, 29508, 198, 44750, 398, 449, 701, 6548, 8036, 13, 9843, 499, 2733, 31467, 11, 1456, 539, 311, 3073, 15767, 8203, 420, 8815, 904, 1648, 499, 6562, 13, 1472, 649, 13085, 539, 6484, 198, 15145, 499, 1051, 9405, 477, 2646, 6484, 1578, 1306, 499, 2815, 13, 1472, 649, 198, 30318, 553, 6261, 1694, 38752, 1534, 477, 14091, 20222, 1139, 4400, 77, 4043, 13, 1115, 374, 198, 1962, 459, 10368, 304, 279, 9155, 370, 265, 13, 1102, 1587, 11, 4869, 1174, 20461, 430, 912, 5030, 198, 12840, 39001, 499, 5268, 477, 1268, 528, 4501, 499, 23564, 701, 35706, 2536, 7058, 93772, 11, 499, 649, 529, 259, 3009, 6484, 13, 1054, 51, 297, 387, 477, 539, 311, 387, 863, 4536, 529, 259, 459, 3072, 13, 2360, 5030, 1268, 17936, 477, 44308, 2324, 5084, 311, 387, 11, 1403, 5540, 198, 582, 10348, 499, 1450, 304, 1450, 13, 2684, 374, 14209, 11, 323, 1070, 374, 279, 6530, 315, 198, 52817, 11478, 430, 5825, 11704, 13, 9843, 1521, 5540, 527, 198, 46803, 323, 38626, 311, 279, 54711, 11, 499, 690, 387, 520, 279, 2592, 13, 350, 11560, 34212, 198, 47439, 31886, 198, 11382, 555, 50494, 40916, 3432, 529, 274, 7057, 512, 5159, 28591, 374, 42590, 29293, 13, 3092, 28591, 374, 42590, 29293, 13, 578, 1566, 2380, 49695, 315, 38673, 527, 1093, 264, 92154, 11, 5762, 709, 555, 2380, 14535, 13, 578, 198, 3983, 2531, 11, 294, 13279, 3444, 1174, 6835, 499, 264, 50698, 2324, 1418, 499, 25291, 198, 48684, 520, 279, 2592, 13, 578, 2132, 2531, 374, 294, 8671, 3444, 1174, 6118, 7633, 439, 198, 2118, 2106, 7709, 2029, 3011, 529, 274, 539, 1633, 11190, 11, 4869, 1174, 2533, 33862, 220, 374, 264, 40146, 345, 309, 16751, 788, 4751, 430, 584, 3881, 304, 682, 13124, 315, 15082, 13, 41812, 1174, 994, 198, 90579, 14156, 6572, 220, 63018, 398, 389, 904, 4623, 11, 8430, 11, 477, 3217, 11, 814, 649, 1650, 198, 9210, 264, 1812, 275, 6400, 308, 13, 2030, 304, 16591, 38673, 11, 294, 8671, 3444, 220, 374, 1054, 1485, 66, 20468, 3846, 2476, 2133, 198, 65, 23478, 279, 13693, 315, 18254, 3217, 13, 763, 1202, 1455, 6913, 220, 1376, 11, 74809, 768, 374, 264, 1633, 4279, 3217, 13, 1442, 198, 9514, 527, 264, 98178, 2781, 449, 264, 51358, 379, 8945, 889, 2834, 529, 259, 3009, 31299, 11, 499, 1541, 1431, 198, 62238, 11, 2288, 320, 39870, 11, 220, 7344, 11, 499, 527, 6724, 39019, 570, 1472, 74809, 279, 198, 79064, 529, 274, 51358, 1918, 311, 1505, 704, 1148, 279, 1972, 4360, 374, 22416, 1716, 2643, 1205, 198, 26894, 11, 3691, 11, 477, 264, 2349, 315, 76853, 13, 17586, 279, 5845, 311, 74809, 7446, 50659, 11, 12966, 1053, 2646, 617, 28995, 13, 1226, 649, 2559, 16038, 505, 198, 414, 1866, 6299, 11, 24564, 1124, 11, 323, 3351, 4741, 311, 502, 323, 653, 69331, 1171, 198, 96315, 683, 662, 3296, 279, 6149, 315, 26981, 323, 18841, 1174, 279, 3823, 4059, 42590, 1438, 198, 275, 726, 13, 14968, 279, 4059, 649, 1431, 1935, 2539, 6807, 369, 42590, 2518, 13, 4718, 4059, 374, 198, 1040, 18007, 20037, 709, 304, 11555, 323, 16024, 13, 1442, 38673, 19117, 529, 259, 14618, 704, 198, 1820, 13336, 315, 294, 8671, 3444, 2001, 1485, 66, 2518, 311, 264, 1790, 19662, 2237, 2345, 16455, 198, 41450, 387, 45408, 311, 279, 4059, 529, 274, 26762, 5820, 1174, 439, 11, 13118, 11, 28701, 198, 16455, 527, 13, 578, 4113, 513, 388, 315, 38673, 11, 889, 527, 836, 1752, 323, 5675, 311, 14154, 198, 19375, 1174, 15393, 220, 430, 1070, 374, 832, 2449, 4279, 311, 682, 11555, 11, 902, 374, 198, 20111, 2136, 13, 1115, 4279, 2786, 649, 387, 3970, 994, 584, 5406, 430, 264, 6761, 198, 14658, 11, 264, 6761, 46605, 11, 323, 264, 6761, 16652, 1427, 12756, 2204, 11, 719, 682, 527, 1903, 198, 1073, 6761, 13, 7573, 374, 1855, 1537, 529, 274, 28591, 13, 816, 1057, 28591, 374, 17985, 13, 2684, 527, 1879, 12953, 311, 1440, 422, 499, 527, 13118, 99139, 264, 5133, 198, 4291, 17985, 13, 816, 6033, 1440, 430, 499, 527, 389, 279, 1314, 1853, 994, 512, 2675, 733, 4871, 369, 11503, 13, 1472, 312, 171, 120912, 440, 389, 701, 11555, 13, 1472, 80907, 264, 502, 13336, 13, 1472, 617, 459, 20616, 13, 1472, 3217, 459, 1054, 13856, 863, 4545, 13, 1472, 1427, 369, 9358, 9096, 323, 11594, 13, 1472, 636, 264, 40942, 315, 5895, 13, 1472, 2733, 264, 11210, 49967, 315, 16267, 13, 1472, 527, 33595, 71831, 75, 839, 449, 3021, 13, 4314, 11704, 527, 4545, 661, 1174, 96435, 31743, 430, 74809, 768, 374, 198, 88, 2530, 311, 7491, 662, 1952, 279, 18791, 3185, 11, 1070, 527, 12195, 430, 3371, 603, 584, 527, 7366, 198, 20019, 304, 26432, 11, 902, 11767, 311, 294, 97745, 323, 22047, 13, 19173, 13801, 45010, 41747, 5415, 527, 1101, 4279, 11, 323, 499, 3217, 1124, 994, 512, 2675, 2733, 32647, 39537, 527, 49804, 323, 38067, 13, 1472, 2733, 42642, 13, 1472, 636, 5675, 304, 11196, 323, 18547, 13, 1472, 81413, 89884, 2191, 13, 1472, 527, 43787, 323, 649, 1431, 12234, 13, 3639, 1521, 1403, 11725, 3371, 603, 374, 430, 584, 8493, 1057, 6439, 65128, 1990, 198, 20375, 5415, 11, 1990, 17985, 323, 1202, 14329, 13, 1442, 499, 19336, 2288, 3117, 505, 198, 20111, 2136, 11, 701, 2324, 690, 387, 30801, 555, 14348, 323, 14464, 11, 279, 1890, 2362, 198, 25030, 2362, 13, 14968, 1524, 422, 499, 527, 40510, 3403, 430, 420, 12775, 529, 259, 7077, 311, 198, 9514, 11, 433, 374, 264, 22785, 18841, 311, 13383, 430, 499, 3217, 74809, 768, 198, 258, 1475, 1938, 2324, 13, 578, 1812, 22018, 1614, 4536, 1431, 4694, 369, 264, 3361, 892, 315, 198, 1316, 11, 743, 10980, 369, 15676, 701, 6548, 323, 16785, 264, 33862, 6725, 13, 9601, 649, 387, 7543, 304, 264, 1376, 315, 2860, 33862, 13, 2360, 33862, 12659, 1053, 3596, 990, 422, 294, 8671, 3444, 220, 15058, 529, 259, 264, 5933, 198, 83, 21906, 315, 279, 3823, 4059, 13, 2057, 3021, 11, 1893, 11, 387, 3169, 11, 1180, 659, 16117, 13801, 50659, 5895, 11, 323, 2733, 14948, 527, 12756, 3823, 323, 5933, 13, 2435, 198, 548, 1903, 3284, 555, 294, 8671, 3444, 1174, 279, 49967, 311, 74809, 13, 9843, 420, 58052, 304, 345, 74872, 38673, 374, 1618, 311, 4639, 430, 2133, 7953, 374, 6965, 1752, 13, 1472, 649, 198, 1485, 66, 408, 779, 6724, 430, 499, 5662, 701, 2592, 323, 11117, 449, 701, 198, 1904, 659, 13, 33918, 198, 74742, 1475, 3217, 1070, 220, 374, 17985, 11, 902, 499, 649, 25539, 198, 3852, 1712, 499, 6562, 13, 2057, 1501, 6261, 1268, 420, 4375, 11, 1456, 279, 2768, 25, 29508, 198, 1445, 323, 1427, 2212, 499, 13, 26891, 389, 904, 1665, 29096, 2007, 29062, 11, 264, 10716, 1174, 264, 198, 19716, 4870, 11, 279, 13180, 4994, 13, 4800, 26306, 433, 704, 555, 10923, 701, 6548, 311, 733, 198, 18614, 8579, 5357, 1418, 499, 3351, 220, 701, 6666, 311, 279, 4219, 315, 701, 15489, 13, 4800, 733, 1203, 323, 13544, 13, 3580, 279, 1665, 11, 1243, 733, 63018, 323, 26306, 433, 704, 13, 45901, 369, 264, 9568, 477, 1403, 13, 578, 1920, 374, 4382, 11, 323, 499, 2643, 617, 701, 1866, 1648, 315, 7366, 198, 22479, 6666, 63018, 13, 44840, 315, 1268, 499, 656, 433, 11, 1148, 584, 1650, 1054, 83, 38302, 412, 863, 11031, 701, 6666, 323, 29735, 701, 5357, 11, 902, 374, 279, 9200, 198, 6229, 304, 33862, 13, 9843, 499, 2733, 11537, 449, 1268, 311, 2543, 701, 198, 54203, 63018, 1174, 499, 1440, 1268, 311, 74809, 13, 1115, 374, 5505, 15716, 499, 198, 3990, 6261, 304, 459, 41747, 1614, 11, 1778, 439, 8430, 32647, 11, 49804, 345, 50810, 4588, 11, 477, 38067, 13, 9372, 520, 459, 1665, 11, 2231, 701, 6548, 304, 8579, 5357, 11, 323, 198, 3479, 701, 6666, 311, 701, 4851, 13, 3296, 2133, 7953, 11, 499, 20259, 279, 198, 97802, 315, 1694, 8010, 3156, 433, 9221, 1120, 439, 5933, 439, 1694, 41747, 13, 468, 1507, 72858, 34212, 198, 34242, 5810, 198, 11382, 555, 50494, 40916, 3432, 529, 274, 7057, 512, 40, 1097, 45445, 304, 2324, 753, 304, 171, 71831, 62664, 4754, 13, 358, 1097, 45445, 304, 2324, 753, 304, 171, 71831, 62664, 4754, 13, 578, 37477, 48694, 315, 38673, 11, 3967, 439, 10167, 329, 6151, 1174, 374, 922, 1694, 3118, 345, 1315, 1618, 11, 1314, 1457, 11, 449, 439, 1790, 17985, 439, 3284, 13, 1472, 649, 1781, 315, 198, 47096, 329, 6151, 220, 439, 264, 5655, 30963, 1139, 264, 1614, 315, 21737, 17985, 13, 1102, 374, 459, 3217, 198, 1073, 2103, 2136, 23442, 279, 28013, 2212, 499, 13, 2030, 499, 323, 358, 81413, 11704, 13, 1226, 81413, 264, 2697, 315, 279, 28013, 11, 220, 439, 1587, 198, 93057, 13, 2100, 1148, 1587, 10167, 329, 6151, 220, 3152, 311, 603, 30, 38891, 17971, 55152, 198, 267, 62837, 704, 389, 264, 32169, 4737, 264, 26944, 13, 1283, 4536, 1431, 7422, 922, 22027, 26, 568, 198, 95373, 1093, 5606, 775, 4737, 264, 26944, 13, 2030, 1524, 33173, 568, 706, 279, 17985, 315, 198, 64, 35201, 1174, 323, 279, 4754, 369, 2294, 11555, 690, 387, 22756, 3131, 810, 198, 9493, 568, 62667, 709, 13, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 1935, 3201, 904, 3254, 3463, 11, 323, 1148, 198, 1864, 1771, 374, 3117, 810, 15525, 25, 279, 4754, 369, 5655, 17985, 13, 3277, 499, 6865, 264, 7899, 304, 701, 2010, 11, 1202, 17813, 2136, 477, 8579, 2136, 220, 3250, 529, 259, 198, 485, 8630, 1268, 5655, 477, 17626, 701, 17985, 374, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 502, 311, 5737, 198, 64, 4731, 453, 14473, 323, 499, 1781, 11, 1054, 40, 690, 1514, 279, 27374, 2476, 279, 1121, 374, 198, 9738, 311, 387, 1633, 2204, 1109, 422, 264, 11495, 13053, 84, 28246, 15849, 11, 1054, 40, 690, 1514, 279, 198, 79, 13389, 2029, 578, 6811, 374, 4130, 68768, 555, 10167, 329, 6151, 1174, 7438, 430, 433, 5097, 60621, 311, 5662, 420, 2237, 13, 4427, 7795, 4822, 3221, 279, 7479, 315, 279, 18435, 280, 59961, 3974, 304, 1202, 77069, 43957, 13, 50487, 11, 701, 11555, 2273, 709, 505, 279, 198, 3374, 315, 17985, 499, 617, 63260, 323, 3629, 420, 374, 279, 1121, 315, 1268, 198, 59178, 499, 6725, 2133, 304, 323, 704, 315, 1521, 42590, 29293, 5415, 13, 578, 7720, 315, 10167, 329, 6151, 220, 527, 10675, 1193, 1555, 4443, 3217, 13, 1666, 701, 10167, 329, 6151, 220, 5655, 729, 1555, 33862, 11, 279, 2768, 4442, 198, 41866, 512, 17673, 47866, 10155, 3083, 47687, 1846, 24860, 198, 2675, 527, 3025, 311, 11388, 459, 16940, 59045, 304, 4395, 13, 1472, 15763, 701, 2324, 810, 7373, 13, 1472, 8895, 24617, 5042, 555, 1694, 1618, 13, 1472, 25760, 1139, 21737, 17985, 6847, 13, 578, 16335, 1917, 912, 5129, 83978, 701, 2324, 13, 94667, 57890, 18979, 29057, 11, 12967, 17162, 54879, 323, 198, 75, 4336, 13, 1472, 2733, 9966, 304, 889, 499, 527, 13, 18056, 16591, 38673, 1888, 4336, 5304, 603, 92044, 21258, 11, 814, 527, 539, 198, 306, 556, 398, 10788, 555, 279, 37374, 29145, 2786, 1174, 902, 8983, 1924, 389, 14604, 20156, 345, 64, 738, 64, 32512, 4365, 315, 32097, 11, 264, 89358, 2778, 369, 54716, 11, 323, 459, 198, 48956, 685, 315, 6784, 323, 8850, 13, 1472, 649, 6847, 387, 65101, 430, 420, 4459, 198, 15543, 374, 70668, 311, 279, 28859, 10167, 24639, 315, 21737, 17985, 13, 2030 ]
Isobe and Osserman 100 in 1976, and since then, a number of reports have confirmed the usefulness of DMSO therapy on organ damage caused by AL.89,101 There has been some controversy that DMSO may inhibit amyloid production or act principally as an anti-inflammatory agent or free radical scavenger in organ damage associated with AL rather than a dissolver of amyloid fibrils.102 By contrast, single-case studies, though anecdotal, are occasionally of interest because they can provide clues as to the effectiveness of DMSO in disorders such as 63 DMSO Clinical Pharmacology AL, where a major clinical trial is not feasible. Such a case study was described of a patient with multiple myeloma who developed pulmonary infiltrates caused by AL and was given transdermal DMSO for 8 weeks, which resulted in a dramatic regres - sion of the pulmonary infiltrates shown by x-ray analysis together with the stabiliza - tion of arterial blood gases. 103 This report received confirmation in another case study of pulmonary AL treated with 10 mL DMSO per day for 2 years 104 (sutani). In a disorder that is known to progress rather aggressively within months of symptom onset, DMSO treatment resulted in significant reduction of pulmonary nodules and slowdown of disease progression. 104 Similarly, it was reported that seven patients with secondary AL showed an unequivocal improvement of renal function following 3–6 months of 7–15 g/day of continuous oral DMSO treatment, which resulted in a 30%–100% rise of creatinine clearance and a decline in amyloid subunits in the urine that suggested breakdown or mobilization of the amyloid fibrils out of the tissue into urine. 105 This improvement in renal function was maintained as long as DMSO treatment was continued.105 Scleroderma is a connective tissue disease that involves changes in the skin, blood vessels, muscles, and internal organs, and it is thought to be caused by the accumula - tion of collagen.106 It should be noted that DMSO application has been reported to reduce collagenous fibers in animals and in scleroderma patients.107,108 Scherbel109 reported that cutaneous ulcers in scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) were seen to resolve after 2 weeks following topical applications of 35% DMSO applied three times daily. Patients receiving 35% DMSO had the topical dose increased to 46% after 2 days, and DMSO applications were reduced as ulcer healing appeared. As ulcers healed during a 6-month observation period, joint motion, grip strength, and skin softening were recorded to improve in 19 of 22 patients who participated in the study. 109 However, a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial that compared topical therapy using 0.85% normal saline, and 70% DMSO for the treatment of digital ulcers in 84 patients with systemic sclerosis failed to show any difference between saline control and DMSO application with respect to total number of open ulcers, total surface area of open ulcers, average surface area per open ulcer, and the number of infected or inflamed ulcers. 110 THROMBOEMBOLIC EVENTS Myocardial infarction (MI) and ischemic stroke are leading causes of death and dis - ability worldwide. Both conditions share a common pathologic process that results from unstable and vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques that form on the inside walls of coronary, peripheral, and cerebral arteries. 111 These plaques can rupture from high shear stress and trigger a thromboembolic event leading to an MI or ischemic stroke. 112 Atherosclerotic plaques are composed mainly of extracellular lipid-rich material inside and outside of cells together with connective tissue components such as cho - lesterol and accumulated macrophages from the bloodstream. Coronary artery dis-ease (CAD) generally precedes MI sometimes by decades, but the harm results when 64 Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) in Trauma and Disease the coronary arteries become partially or totally blocked by atherosclerotic plaque formation. Rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque can activate platelets to form a clot that can dislodge and travel to a coronary or a cerebral artery where partial coronary occlusion can induce anginal pain, and a total occlusion can result in an MI or an ischemic stroke. Thus, apart from their role in primary hemostasis, platelet activation is also criti - cal in atherothrombosis where platelet adhesion and aggregation in the local micro - environment stimulate the release of their own inflammatory mediators to promote life-threatening cardiovascular and cerebrovascular thrombotic events. 113 In addition to their role in acute thrombus formation, platelets are able to foster a complex inflammatory response that influences atherosclerotic lesion progression and induces plaque rupture. 114 Platelets involved in vascular inflammation appear to interact with endothelial cells, macrophages, and smooth muscle cells to create a pathologic fibroproliferative state. 115 The route of entry of platelets into the atherosclerotic plaque and their exact loca - tion inside the plaque are, however, not completely understood. The key role played by platelets in atherothrombosis has led to the search of effective and safe antiplatelet agents that can block platelet aggregation. Platelet-mediated thrombosis is dependent on three steps: (1) activation, (2) aggre - gation, and (3) adhesion, and each of these steps is a potential therapeutic target for the development of antiplatelet agents. Only platelet adhesion antagonists have not been approved for clinical use. Antiplatelet treatment is a clinically crucial mainstay in acute and long-term secondary thromboembolic prevention. Antiplatelet drugs that work on different receptor sites of the platelet have been found to be extremely effective in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events and their recurrence, especially in high-risk patients and patients undergoing a percutaneous coronary intervention. 115,116 These antiplatelet drugs include platelet-activating inhibitors such as aspirin that can irreversibly block cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and the formation of prostaglandin PGH 2, the precursor of the powerful platelet aggregant and vasoconstrictor, throm - boxane A2.117 It has been reported that PGH2 and thromboxane A2 receptors are found to be increased in patients with acute MI.118 The benefit of aspirin used alone or in combination with other antiplatelet drugs has been extensively studied as a primary and secondary prevention of thrombotic events in patients at high risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular embolism. 119,120 The main problem with using aspirin to prevent the recurrence rate of ischemic events, aside from its bleeding potential, is that it targets only the COX-1 pathway and therefore cannot take aim at other pivotal signaling pathways, which can also lead to coronary and cerebrovascular thrombosis. A second group of platelet activation inhibitors currently approved for clinical use are the thienopyridines such as ticlopidine, clopidogrel, and prasugrel, which target the blockade of the platelet ADP receptor P2Y 12.121 It is well known that P2Y12 receptor-mediated signaling processes play a central role in platelet activation and aggregation. 122 ADP is a potent platelet-aggregating agent that was originally shown to induce myocardial ischemia and arrhythmias when injected experimentally into the coronary arteries of pigs. 12365 DMSO Clinical Pharmacology Clopidogrel is currently the PY212 receptor antagonist of choice, although its broad interindividual variability in patients resistant to this antiplatelet drug and its delayed onset of action that can take 4–5 days before reaching its maximum anti - platelet effect has resulted in a considerable number of adverse cardiovascular and ischemic events. 124 These adverse events in patients treated with clopidogrel have reduced its clinical expectations as a safe antiplatelet agent.124,125 Despite this concern, the antagonism of the P2Y12 receptor with clopidogrel has been shown to be clinically effective in the prevention of MI, ischemic stroke, and vascular death. 126 Nevertheless, there is hope that a more clinically effective and safer P2Y12 antagonist will be found to prevent the incidence of ischemic and cardio - vascular events.126 To increase its efficacy, clopidogrel has been combined with aspirin and found more effective than aspirin alone in acute coronary syndrome and stroke.127–129 It is also reasonable to speculate that dual antiplatelet therapy such as the combination of clopidogrel–aspirin is more effective than either monotherapy because it targets two antiplatelet pathways, for example, ADP-induced platelet aggregation (clopidogrel) and thromboxane A 2 platelet aggregation (aspirin). However, there is a rising concern that dual therapy using clopidogrel–aspirin increases the risk of bleeding due to the powerful anti thrombotic effect of using two anticoagulants than using aspirin monotherapy. 130 More importantly, the possible synergy of this dual therapy has been reported to be no better than aspirin alone with respect to lowering the rate of MI, stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes. 122,130 Other antiplatelet agents used clinically include throm
[ 3957, 15784, 323, 507, 784, 4858, 198, 1041, 304, 220, 4468, 21, 11, 323, 2533, 1243, 11, 264, 1396, 315, 6821, 617, 11007, 720, 1820, 76964, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 15419, 389, 2942, 5674, 9057, 555, 8927, 13, 4578, 11, 4645, 2684, 706, 720, 82850, 1063, 26654, 430, 423, 4931, 46, 1253, 69033, 64383, 52196, 5788, 477, 1180, 92381, 720, 300, 459, 7294, 67595, 8479, 477, 1949, 18336, 83750, 10214, 304, 2942, 5674, 5938, 720, 4291, 8927, 4856, 1109, 264, 14091, 8080, 315, 64383, 52196, 95235, 8839, 13, 4278, 198, 1383, 13168, 11, 3254, 39585, 7978, 11, 3582, 50750, 2426, 11, 527, 23781, 315, 2802, 720, 28753, 814, 649, 3493, 43775, 439, 311, 279, 27375, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 24673, 1778, 439, 220, 5495, 423, 4931, 46, 33135, 71881, 2508, 198, 984, 11, 1405, 264, 3682, 14830, 9269, 374, 539, 43303, 13, 15483, 264, 1162, 4007, 574, 7633, 315, 264, 720, 23557, 449, 5361, 856, 301, 7942, 889, 8040, 70524, 43364, 988, 9057, 555, 8927, 323, 574, 2728, 1380, 1126, 14991, 423, 4931, 46, 369, 220, 23, 5672, 11, 902, 19543, 304, 264, 22520, 1239, 417, 18722, 82, 290, 315, 279, 70524, 43364, 988, 6982, 555, 865, 30630, 6492, 3871, 449, 279, 27276, 17528, 18722, 28491, 315, 80935, 6680, 45612, 13, 220, 6889, 198, 2028, 1934, 4036, 20109, 304, 2500, 1162, 4007, 315, 70524, 8927, 12020, 720, 4291, 220, 605, 65170, 423, 4931, 46, 824, 1938, 369, 220, 17, 4194, 42820, 220, 6849, 320, 100120, 5676, 570, 763, 264, 19823, 430, 374, 3967, 311, 5208, 4856, 49139, 2949, 4038, 315, 49648, 42080, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 6514, 19543, 304, 5199, 14278, 315, 70524, 16387, 2482, 323, 75017, 315, 8624, 33824, 13, 220, 6849, 198, 68791, 11, 433, 574, 5068, 430, 8254, 6978, 449, 14580, 8927, 8710, 459, 720, 2957, 15780, 3768, 16048, 315, 63915, 734, 2768, 220, 18, 4235, 21, 4194, 50814, 315, 220, 22, 4235, 868, 342, 45839, 315, 19815, 21308, 423, 4931, 46, 6514, 11, 902, 19543, 304, 264, 220, 966, 4, 4235, 1041, 4, 10205, 315, 6184, 83334, 36654, 323, 264, 18174, 304, 64383, 52196, 1207, 26726, 304, 279, 40335, 430, 12090, 31085, 477, 29905, 2065, 315, 279, 64383, 52196, 95235, 8839, 704, 315, 279, 20438, 1139, 40335, 13, 220, 6550, 1115, 16048, 304, 720, 47738, 734, 574, 18908, 439, 1317, 439, 423, 4931, 46, 6514, 574, 8738, 13, 6550, 198, 50, 566, 261, 4414, 1764, 374, 264, 4667, 535, 20438, 8624, 430, 18065, 4442, 304, 279, 6930, 11, 6680, 720, 85, 434, 2053, 11, 24569, 11, 323, 5419, 36853, 11, 323, 433, 374, 3463, 311, 387, 9057, 555, 279, 15783, 5724, 18722, 28491, 315, 71313, 13, 7461, 1102, 1288, 387, 10555, 430, 423, 4931, 46, 3851, 706, 1027, 5068, 311, 720, 27369, 71313, 788, 49774, 304, 10099, 323, 304, 57219, 261, 4414, 1764, 6978, 13, 7699, 11, 6640, 198, 50, 9211, 9978, 7743, 5068, 430, 4018, 18133, 8725, 17254, 304, 57219, 261, 4414, 1764, 320, 9125, 292, 91357, 8, 1051, 720, 29412, 311, 9006, 1306, 220, 17, 5672, 2768, 66376, 8522, 315, 220, 1758, 4, 423, 4931, 46, 9435, 2380, 3115, 7446, 13, 44430, 12588, 220, 1758, 4, 423, 4931, 46, 1047, 279, 66376, 19660, 7319, 311, 220, 2790, 4, 1306, 220, 17, 4194, 14097, 11, 323, 423, 4931, 46, 8522, 1051, 11293, 439, 96971, 21730, 9922, 13, 1666, 8725, 17254, 62320, 2391, 264, 220, 21, 23086, 22695, 4261, 11, 10496, 11633, 11, 25703, 8333, 11, 323, 6930, 8579, 6147, 1051, 12715, 311, 7417, 304, 220, 777, 315, 220, 1313, 6978, 889, 31408, 304, 279, 4007, 13, 220, 7743, 198, 11458, 11, 264, 33547, 11, 47341, 11, 2033, 95449, 9269, 430, 7863, 66376, 720, 46755, 1701, 220, 15, 13, 5313, 4, 4725, 99107, 11, 323, 220, 2031, 4, 423, 4931, 46, 369, 279, 6514, 315, 7528, 8725, 17254, 304, 220, 5833, 6978, 449, 46417, 91357, 4745, 311, 1501, 904, 6811, 1990, 99107, 2585, 323, 423, 4931, 46, 3851, 449, 5201, 311, 2860, 1396, 315, 1825, 8725, 17254, 11, 2860, 7479, 3158, 315, 1825, 8725, 17254, 11, 5578, 7479, 3158, 824, 1825, 96971, 11, 323, 279, 1396, 315, 29374, 477, 4704, 3690, 8725, 17254, 13, 220, 5120, 198, 3701, 3442, 4782, 2783, 33, 1971, 1341, 59719, 198, 5159, 74378, 532, 4225, 277, 407, 320, 9972, 8, 323, 98108, 292, 12943, 527, 6522, 11384, 315, 4648, 323, 834, 18722, 2968, 15603, 13, 11995, 4787, 4430, 264, 4279, 1853, 39227, 1920, 430, 3135, 505, 45311, 323, 20134, 264, 91882, 566, 261, 14546, 40852, 14295, 430, 1376, 389, 279, 4871, 14620, 315, 66298, 11, 35688, 11, 323, 60745, 85648, 13, 220, 5037, 4314, 40852, 14295, 649, 89869, 505, 720, 12156, 65344, 8631, 323, 8346, 264, 84664, 754, 9034, 7918, 1567, 6522, 311, 459, 18983, 477, 98108, 292, 12943, 13, 220, 7261, 198, 32, 91882, 566, 261, 14546, 40852, 14295, 527, 24306, 14918, 315, 11741, 65441, 68700, 41947, 3769, 720, 42450, 323, 4994, 315, 7917, 3871, 449, 4667, 535, 20438, 6956, 1778, 439, 2665, 18722, 273, 33282, 323, 41165, 18563, 764, 1154, 505, 279, 100216, 13, 48183, 661, 65415, 834, 5773, 521, 320, 49670, 8, 8965, 16599, 288, 18983, 7170, 555, 11026, 11, 719, 279, 11682, 3135, 994, 220, 1227, 8289, 42972, 46962, 15361, 579, 320, 35, 4931, 46, 8, 304, 17747, 13722, 323, 31974, 198, 1820, 66298, 85648, 3719, 26310, 477, 12756, 19857, 555, 264, 91882, 566, 261, 14546, 61464, 720, 1659, 13, 432, 7717, 554, 315, 459, 264, 91882, 566, 261, 14546, 61464, 649, 20891, 12235, 10145, 311, 1376, 264, 94263, 430, 649, 834, 75, 15912, 323, 5944, 311, 264, 66298, 477, 264, 60745, 65415, 1405, 7276, 66298, 18274, 9134, 649, 49853, 6590, 992, 6784, 11, 323, 264, 2860, 18274, 9134, 649, 1121, 304, 459, 18983, 477, 459, 98108, 292, 12943, 13, 14636, 11, 10980, 505, 872, 3560, 304, 6156, 17728, 537, 10949, 11, 12235, 1169, 15449, 374, 1101, 4742, 72, 18722, 5531, 304, 264, 700, 8942, 442, 65, 10934, 1405, 12235, 1169, 1008, 59738, 323, 52729, 304, 279, 2254, 8162, 18722, 24175, 51077, 279, 4984, 315, 872, 1866, 47288, 25098, 3046, 311, 12192, 2324, 62999, 41713, 323, 28091, 15222, 33945, 84664, 6465, 292, 4455, 13, 220, 8190, 198, 644, 5369, 311, 872, 3560, 304, 30883, 84664, 10551, 18488, 11, 12235, 10145, 527, 3025, 311, 31087, 720, 64, 6485, 47288, 2077, 430, 34453, 264, 91882, 566, 261, 14546, 93217, 33824, 323, 90974, 61464, 89869, 13, 220, 8011, 31403, 10145, 6532, 304, 64603, 37140, 5101, 720, 998, 16681, 449, 93329, 59544, 7917, 11, 18563, 764, 1154, 11, 323, 11113, 16124, 7917, 311, 1893, 264, 1853, 39227, 16178, 299, 782, 75, 11691, 1413, 1614, 13, 220, 7322, 198, 791, 6149, 315, 4441, 315, 12235, 10145, 1139, 279, 264, 91882, 566, 261, 14546, 61464, 323, 872, 4839, 1353, 64, 18722, 28491, 4871, 279, 61464, 527, 11, 4869, 11, 539, 6724, 16365, 13, 578, 1401, 3560, 6476, 555, 12235, 10145, 304, 264, 700, 8942, 442, 65, 10934, 706, 6197, 311, 279, 2778, 315, 7524, 323, 6220, 7294, 1787, 1169, 13307, 430, 649, 2565, 12235, 1169, 52729, 13, 31403, 1169, 82076, 84664, 65, 10934, 374, 18222, 389, 2380, 7504, 25, 320, 16, 8, 15449, 11, 320, 17, 8, 945, 15893, 18722, 70, 367, 11, 323, 320, 18, 8, 1008, 59738, 11, 323, 1855, 315, 1521, 7504, 374, 264, 4754, 37471, 2218, 369, 279, 4500, 315, 7294, 1787, 1169, 13307, 13, 8442, 12235, 1169, 1008, 59738, 43215, 1705, 617, 539, 1027, 12054, 369, 14830, 1005, 13, 23853, 1787, 1169, 6514, 374, 264, 70432, 16996, 1925, 60021, 304, 30883, 323, 1317, 9860, 720, 19217, 84664, 754, 9034, 7918, 27344, 13, 23853, 1787, 1169, 11217, 430, 990, 389, 2204, 35268, 6732, 315, 279, 12235, 1169, 617, 1027, 1766, 311, 387, 9193, 7524, 304, 27252, 41713, 323, 28091, 15222, 33945, 4455, 323, 872, 76293, 11, 5423, 304, 1579, 46570, 6978, 323, 6978, 47397, 264, 824, 10453, 18133, 66298, 21623, 13, 220, 7322, 11, 8027, 198, 9673, 7294, 1787, 1169, 11217, 2997, 12235, 1169, 12, 9035, 1113, 68642, 1778, 439, 25689, 258, 430, 720, 4919, 25912, 3078, 6623, 2565, 44448, 48233, 19472, 521, 12, 16, 320, 8445, 55, 12, 16, 8, 323, 279, 18488, 315, 36321, 351, 1974, 258, 31144, 39, 198, 17, 11, 279, 71261, 315, 279, 8147, 12235, 1169, 26263, 519, 323, 348, 40055, 444, 6765, 269, 11, 84664, 18722, 2054, 2194, 362, 17, 13, 8546, 1102, 706, 1027, 5068, 430, 31144, 39, 17, 323, 84664, 2054, 2194, 362, 17, 44540, 527, 720, 15456, 311, 387, 7319, 304, 6978, 449, 30883, 18983, 13, 8899, 198, 791, 8935, 315, 25689, 258, 1511, 7636, 477, 304, 10824, 449, 1023, 7294, 1787, 1169, 11217, 720, 4752, 1027, 42817, 20041, 439, 264, 6156, 323, 14580, 27344, 315, 84664, 6465, 292, 4455, 304, 6978, 520, 1579, 5326, 315, 41713, 323, 28091, 15222, 33945, 8126, 337, 2191, 13, 220, 9079, 11, 4364, 198, 791, 1925, 3575, 449, 1701, 25689, 258, 311, 5471, 279, 76293, 4478, 315, 98108, 292, 720, 12670, 11, 16038, 505, 1202, 35763, 4754, 11, 374, 430, 433, 11811, 1193, 279, 7432, 55, 12, 16, 38970, 323, 9093, 4250, 1935, 9395, 520, 1023, 60850, 43080, 44014, 11, 902, 649, 1101, 3063, 311, 66298, 323, 28091, 15222, 33945, 84664, 65, 10934, 13, 362, 2132, 1912, 315, 12235, 1169, 15449, 68642, 5131, 12054, 369, 14830, 720, 817, 527, 279, 270, 3675, 1289, 1907, 1572, 1778, 439, 62547, 385, 10629, 483, 11, 5405, 10629, 540, 3833, 11, 323, 550, 300, 773, 3833, 11, 902, 2218, 279, 77237, 315, 279, 12235, 1169, 9827, 47, 35268, 393, 17, 56, 198, 717, 13, 7994, 1102, 374, 1664, 3967, 430, 393, 17, 56, 717, 720, 265, 15709, 82076, 43080, 11618, 1514, 264, 8792, 3560, 304, 12235, 1169, 15449, 323, 52729, 13, 220, 8259, 9827, 47, 374, 264, 36875, 12235, 1169, 43085, 8157, 1113, 8479, 430, 574, 13517, 6982, 720, 998, 49853, 95736, 532, 98108, 689, 323, 2961, 61254, 3557, 994, 41772, 9526, 750, 1139, 279, 66298, 85648, 315, 49910, 13, 220, 4513, 2397, 423, 4931, 46, 33135, 71881, 2508, 198, 52336, 10629, 540, 3833, 374, 5131, 279, 43860, 11227, 35268, 82159, 315, 5873, 11, 8051, 1202, 720, 65, 8714, 958, 55977, 54709, 304, 6978, 31785, 311, 420, 7294, 1787, 1169, 5623, 323, 1202, 720, 23059, 291, 42080, 315, 1957, 430, 649, 1935, 220, 19, 4235, 20, 4194, 14097, 1603, 19261, 1202, 7340, 7294, 18722, 1787, 1169, 2515, 706, 19543, 304, 264, 24779, 1396, 315, 31959, 41713, 323, 98108, 292, 4455, 13, 220, 8874, 4314, 31959, 4455, 304, 6978, 12020, 449, 5405, 10629, 540, 3833, 617, 720, 265, 54478, 1202, 14830, 17078, 439, 264, 6220, 7294, 1787, 1169, 8479, 13, 8874, 11, 6549, 198, 20397, 420, 4747, 11, 279, 43215, 2191, 315, 279, 393, 17, 56, 717, 35268, 449, 5405, 10629, 540, 3833, 706, 720, 82850, 6982, 311, 387, 70432, 7524, 304, 279, 27344, 315, 18983, 11, 98108, 292, 12943, 11, 323, 64603, 4648, 13, 220, 9390, 35053, 11, 1070, 374, 3987, 430, 264, 810, 70432, 7524, 323, 720, 9258, 809, 393, 17, 56, 717, 82159, 690, 387, 1766, 311, 5471, 279, 39775, 315, 98108, 292, 323, 32844, 18722, 33945, 4455, 13, 9390, 198, 1271, 5376, 1202, 41265, 11, 5405, 10629, 540, 3833, 706, 1027, 11093, 449, 25689, 258, 323, 1766, 720, 6518, 7524, 1109, 25689, 258, 7636, 304, 30883, 66298, 28439, 323, 12943, 13, 6804, 4235, 9748, 1102, 374, 720, 19171, 13579, 311, 64601, 430, 19091, 7294, 1787, 1169, 15419, 1778, 439, 279, 10824, 315, 5405, 10629, 540, 3833, 4235, 300, 5682, 258, 374, 810, 7524, 1109, 3060, 1647, 42811, 1606, 433, 11811, 1403, 720, 15719, 1787, 1169, 44014, 11, 369, 3187, 11, 9827, 47, 38973, 12235, 1169, 52729, 320, 33678, 10629, 540, 3833, 8, 323, 84664, 2054, 2194, 362, 198, 17, 12235, 1169, 52729, 320, 300, 5682, 258, 570, 4452, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 16448, 4747, 430, 19091, 15419, 1701, 5405, 10629, 540, 3833, 4235, 300, 5682, 258, 720, 43842, 2315, 279, 5326, 315, 35763, 4245, 311, 279, 8147, 7294, 84664, 6465, 292, 2515, 315, 1701, 1403, 3276, 4042, 351, 360, 1821, 1109, 1701, 25689, 258, 1647, 42811, 13, 220, 5894, 4497, 23659, 11, 279, 3284, 720, 23707, 10202, 315, 420, 19091, 15419, 706, 1027, 5068, 311, 387, 912, 2731, 1109, 25689, 258, 7636, 449, 5201, 311, 46301, 279, 4478, 315, 18983, 11, 12943, 11, 477, 4648, 505, 41713, 11384, 13, 220, 8259, 11, 5894, 198, 11663, 7294, 1787, 1169, 13307, 1511, 70432, 2997, 84664 ]
up. Ask that the gift in this experience be revealed to you as soon as you are ready for it. And remember that after a little time passes and you gain perspective, you will once again feel grateful for the amazing journey of your life. Gratitude Is a Sanctuary… Michele Gold Michele Gold is the author of the beautiful coffee-table book ANGELS OF THE SEA: SACRED DOLPHIN ART OF ATLANTIS. Her award-winning spiritual artwork and storytelling reflects dream imagery, visions, myth, and the actual experience of swimming with families of wild dolphins. Her work has appeared in national publications films, and has been exhibited in private and corporate collections around the world. Possessing a deep love and respect for all of life, it is Michele’s greatest hope that others will share her compassion for these exquisite dolphin beings. Michele is a professional fine- art illustrator, writer, photographer, dancer, and musician who believes that love is always the answer. My father told me a wonderful story about a father who gave his young daughter a simple locket and told her that it contained a very valuable diamond sealed inside the locket, so if at any time she was ever in need, she could crack open the locket, sell the diamond, and make it through difficulties. The daughter grew into a woman and struggled alone through terrible times of poverty, but just the mere thought of the diamond resting safely inside the locket she wore around her neck gave her enough courage to pull her through. Many years later, she had finally become a success in all areas of her life and no longer had to struggle for survival. Her curiosity had grown to the point that she had to know how much the diamond was actually worth. The woman took her precious locket to the finest jeweler in the village to have the diamond appraised. The jeweler eyed the plain, tarnished locket with a bit of disdain, raised a mallet, and with one swift blow smashed the little locket into many pieces, releasing a small, shiny piece. The jeweler held it up to the light and said, “Why, this is not a diamond, my lady, but a worthless piece of ordinary glass. ” Stunned by the news, the woman laughed and cried and then laughed some more. “No, kind sir, that is the most valuable diamond in the world. ” she replied, wiping the tears from her eyes. Her father had given her a priceless gem… the gift of hope and the belief that she would always be all right, and for this she would always be grateful. As I searched over the experiences I am most grateful for, my mind travels in a spiral. No matter how unique the experience, the center is always kindness. I was delighted to discover that the definition of gratitude is the appreciation for kindness. I strive to live my life as a practice based on gratitude. My first teachers were my parents, brothers, and all of the little bugs living under the moss garden in our tiny backyard. I remember understanding gratitude when a bright yellow skipper butterfly would light on my hand or when a wild bird would let me get close enough to see her feathers up close. Gratitude is not always instantaneous. There are some things that take time to reveal what was gained, when there can be insight. Many times a lack of gratitude can be a powerful blow back on course. There have been many times that I have wandered too far from my heart and grown dissatisfied; these were signs that a change needed to be made, and that unhappy event became a turning point, a shift back in the direction of love and gratitude. As an adult, several encounters with wild dolphins further opened my heart and mind to the experience of unconditional love and appreciation for the present moment, for which I will always remain awestruck and grateful. A wonderful meditation teacher taught me how to set intent. This is a way of creating a clear signal to the Universe about your direction in life. You set your course and then adjust the sails on your ship headed towards a sacred island, obscured by mist and miles, but your intuition knows it is there. You may be diverted by powerful, whirling winds, but set back on course by gentle tropical breezes. Night may fall again and again, and yet you hold deep inside a map guiding your mystic journey. Eventually, you will reach your destination if you continue to set your intent. I believe that gratitude is the way we reach ourselves. Every morning and night, I focus for a moment and give thanks for the gift of my life and for the presence and love of everyone in it. I give thanks for all that I am given and all that I am learning. I give thanks for all that I wish to accomplish as though it has all been achieved. I offer thanks to all of the guardian angels and NatureDevas for their healing of loved ones and the planet. I ask for guidance and seek dreams for answers. I give thanks for good health and the richness of my senses. I give thanks for the profound beauty and magnificence of the Earth. I give thanks for the gift of creativity and the ability to express my feelings through paint, word, music, and dance. I am grateful for the wisdom, granted through ancient stories, images, and Nature, from centuries of yearning. I give thanks for the exquisite dolphins, birds, trees, and all that is living. I give thanks for the abundance and prosperity that is ever-present. And above all…I give thanks for kindness. Many times, when my life was very painful and difficult, I was very grateful for many gestures of kindness. For years I felt alone in my struggle, and yet some part of me knew deep down that I always had a diamond. I have deep gratitude for the incredible gifts of love and life. Always treat yourself as a precious, priceless being worthy of love. Gratitude is a Sanctuary that allows us to love even deeper. F ULL C IRCLE Swimming for thousands of years, under the many full moons…I searched for you. Lost ships and lost souls land on warm places guided by yearning and the angels of the sea. My heart wanders, I curl in and hold myself, longing for home, not knowing it is always here. And in the moving up and outward, of the pressing of the rain, breathing through my eyes, I sense the coming sweetness, of many trees smiling in the knowing that
[ 60910, 13, 21069, 64442, 33188, 3253, 2130, 17886, 2090, 8285, 13267, 74242, 198, 92076, 5962, 32809, 197, 9514, 61551, 197, 67156, 61551, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 2359, 2066, 24263, 13, 1628, 197, 30380, 64442, 197, 10924, 11575, 198, 56492, 22724, 42531, 288, 53577, 197, 9514, 3253, 467, 3303, 86191, 11, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 197, 13486, 197, 33871, 1186, 96551, 91159, 21508, 198, 2000, 33188, 197, 309, 6795, 12710, 34090, 44323, 14862, 414, 8986, 1643, 13, 2895, 17584, 197, 3957, 11575, 7721, 276, 302, 3620, 90578, 44, 12333, 273, 9796, 820, 198, 44, 12333, 273, 9796, 820, 18108, 285, 33188, 197, 3170, 44323, 33188, 74242, 35777, 197, 79217, 17203, 197, 2239, 197, 5330, 98952, 197, 12766, 198, 17673, 197, 93052, 25, 7721, 1741, 6641, 11198, 1971, 11079, 691, 197, 3065, 197, 12766, 94046, 43, 2891, 1669, 13, 6385, 197, 69706, 27875, 198, 86390, 940, 197, 472, 1816, 53577, 18895, 683, 83, 6427, 197, 36013, 82, 2765, 1259, 197, 29116, 727, 11, 197, 41115, 11, 13938, 339, 11, 53577, 198, 1820, 89914, 8285, 13267, 44323, 78395, 41133, 48048, 1186, 60004, 44323, 6831, 699, 2765, 337, 40772, 13, 6385, 98138, 198, 4752, 197, 99567, 17886, 9215, 1697, 1241, 811, 1186, 321, 1026, 11, 53577, 64355, 74242, 268, 8285, 93617, 17886, 2514, 198, 438, 1470, 39382, 349, 1470, 3184, 197, 20019, 33188, 77608, 13, 42145, 434, 287, 11575, 197, 33980, 197, 31153, 53577, 198, 45734, 2066, 52060, 44323, 8986, 1643, 11, 24263, 20501, 9391, 12333, 273, 753, 3253, 11423, 9793, 2862, 64442, 23021, 3058, 6831, 484, 197, 19930, 197, 1964, 198, 31929, 290, 2066, 197, 45010, 8285, 33524, 2765, 44070, 258, 74242, 826, 13, 74406, 20501, 11575, 197, 66886, 1186, 483, 7058, 472, 197, 83718, 859, 11, 40059, 11, 197, 52399, 42606, 11, 2765, 11967, 11, 53577, 2157, 11785, 1122, 197, 14965, 2282, 301, 39235, 64442, 198, 31153, 20501, 197, 33222, 33188, 73670, 13, 3092, 1186, 1894, 3324, 820, 50394, 11575, 6831, 14518, 1285, 18895, 683, 197, 9274, 11575, 1186, 1894, 197, 14965, 3253, 525, 9793, 285, 197, 82279, 198, 60878, 11575, 1942, 6592, 59971, 295, 53577, 3324, 820, 197, 1964, 64442, 24263, 197, 53615, 11575, 197, 1225, 19860, 13429, 198, 89676, 197, 77040, 197, 42450, 33188, 59971, 295, 11, 197, 708, 748, 36547, 197, 3852, 22724, 1942, 383, 6831, 300, 197, 2099, 17886, 197, 17483, 11, 1942, 383, 198, 29177, 1470, 72785, 53299, 33188, 59971, 295, 11, 1942, 616, 33188, 2765, 18986, 11, 53577, 78538, 24263, 197, 20322, 198, 13798, 3951, 552, 13, 578, 2765, 64, 7490, 3253, 4361, 2129, 78, 11575, 6831, 7053, 53577, 11609, 2661, 839, 197, 32676, 197, 20322, 197, 466, 12560, 3324, 1769, 44323, 198, 5481, 17098, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 4345, 33188, 2157, 486, 197, 61665, 44323, 33188, 2765, 18986, 197, 4014, 287, 1942, 2642, 989, 197, 42450, 33188, 198, 1039, 295, 1942, 383, 6831, 461, 197, 20019, 197, 1964, 197, 63440, 3253, 525, 197, 1964, 82948, 1409, 1470, 61140, 32809, 3303, 620, 197, 1964, 197, 20322, 13, 9176, 197, 42820, 8986, 977, 11, 1942, 383, 9793, 329, 58663, 2282, 52521, 11575, 31653, 17886, 52060, 197, 33637, 44323, 197, 1964, 8986, 1643, 53577, 198, 2201, 17972, 261, 9793, 329, 32809, 11609, 50428, 2066, 1942, 97860, 4023, 13, 6385, 34309, 33279, 9793, 329, 3253, 4935, 32809, 33188, 59574, 198, 9210, 1942, 383, 9793, 329, 32809, 16868, 3409, 197, 5269, 2157, 1412, 33188, 2765, 18986, 6831, 300, 197, 74128, 6831, 2419, 13, 578, 6831, 7053, 32809, 564, 197, 1964, 197, 10872, 1245, 59971, 295, 32809, 33188, 1186, 258, 478, 12710, 365, 8023, 17886, 33188, 5306, 48164, 32809, 198, 19553, 33188, 2765, 18986, 70998, 652, 24917, 13, 578, 12710, 365, 8023, 197, 49059, 33188, 197, 21435, 11, 3324, 1923, 3384, 59971, 295, 48048, 198, 64, 81080, 44323, 2765, 21291, 467, 11, 197, 93613, 11575, 2157, 7616, 11, 53577, 48048, 197, 606, 78395, 2130, 97521, 363, 73123, 13883, 33188, 8986, 2433, 198, 1039, 295, 2129, 78, 197, 35676, 3303, 30865, 11, 17643, 84652, 11575, 1942, 30632, 11, 37296, 6577, 3303, 9286, 13, 578, 12710, 365, 8023, 9793, 789, 24263, 60910, 198, 998, 33188, 95053, 53577, 1942, 3864, 11, 197, 2118, 10445, 11, 2090, 20501, 98366, 11575, 2765, 18986, 11, 13938, 8986, 7759, 11, 2282, 332, 11575, 6831, 2419, 1752, 198, 23164, 44323, 197, 21707, 3253, 448, 13, 19524, 197, 626, 39090, 197, 1729, 33188, 8808, 82, 11, 33188, 6831, 7053, 197, 4355, 7595, 291, 53577, 197, 745, 291, 198, 438, 59733, 197, 4355, 7595, 291, 1942, 638, 2157, 461, 13, 1054, 2822, 11, 197, 15674, 1942, 404, 11, 64442, 20501, 33188, 2157, 537, 19860, 13429, 2765, 18986, 17886, 33188, 77608, 13, 19524, 1942, 383, 17643, 3523, 345, 86, 47195, 33188, 197, 668, 1590, 43827, 197, 1964, 197, 58331, 13, 6385, 1186, 1894, 9793, 329, 3253, 2116, 197, 1964, 11575, 88219, 1752, 3253, 336, 1981, 33188, 3253, 2130, 44323, 9793, 2862, 53577, 33188, 2282, 301, 4843, 64442, 198, 32158, 6831, 619, 197, 33222, 74242, 52060, 49021, 11, 53577, 2066, 2090, 1942, 383, 6831, 619, 197, 33222, 74242, 91159, 21508, 13, 1666, 25494, 46673, 291, 197, 2017, 33188, 8285, 69597, 25494, 197, 309, 2157, 537, 91159, 21508, 2066, 11, 13938, 2157, 485, 26665, 402, 2053, 17886, 198, 64, 1942, 5682, 278, 13, 2360, 2157, 1683, 197, 5269, 197, 9782, 33188, 8285, 13267, 11, 33188, 94651, 20501, 197, 33222, 197, 15674, 2136, 13, 358, 6831, 300, 70609, 65607, 32809, 35697, 3773, 64442, 33188, 7604, 4144, 44323, 91159, 17584, 20501, 1602, 1820, 29336, 2827, 7246, 198, 2000, 197, 15674, 2136, 13, 358, 11609, 535, 32809, 8986, 535, 13938, 8986, 1643, 61551, 11575, 26736, 34101, 2282, 1503, 25653, 91159, 17584, 13, 3092, 43290, 198, 82080, 6831, 486, 13938, 25841, 82, 11, 2282, 299, 3058, 11, 53577, 52060, 44323, 33188, 8986, 2433, 2282, 13602, 8986, 2299, 197, 8154, 33188, 198, 76, 3746, 3253, 8506, 17886, 197, 414, 3324, 6577, 78546, 17884, 13, 358, 197, 30380, 197, 8154, 10276, 91159, 17584, 61280, 11575, 198, 73216, 14862, 5412, 1942, 13694, 716, 2282, 6339, 22374, 6831, 619, 95053, 25653, 13938, 9793, 438, 82266, 61280, 11575, 6831, 699, 2282, 2668, 198, 41450, 10428, 50394, 10582, 28973, 82948, 1409, 32809, 197, 4151, 197, 1964, 1186, 68, 19568, 60910, 28973, 13, 2895, 17584, 20501, 98366, 197, 33222, 17886, 4811, 18133, 13, 2684, 197, 548, 1942, 638, 197, 58174, 64442, 3324, 731, 22724, 32809, 198, 95126, 197, 12840, 6831, 300, 3253, 2692, 11, 61280, 197, 19041, 94036, 74242, 197, 1354, 492, 13, 9176, 3324, 1769, 11575, 8986, 474, 44323, 198, 911, 17584, 94036, 74242, 11575, 3303, 1223, 1285, 97521, 363, 78546, 25653, 1470, 5366, 13, 2684, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 197, 35676, 198, 15487, 64442, 25494, 9793, 525, 6831, 8363, 291, 32809, 78, 1186, 277, 43827, 13938, 197, 18207, 53577, 3253, 4935, 2765, 1056, 47365, 280, 45010, 6831, 486, 70154, 82, 64442, 11575, 69480, 197, 41917, 32809, 74242, 2157, 1037, 11, 53577, 64442, 21113, 57621, 29402, 198, 17106, 373, 11575, 197, 413, 287, 59574, 11, 11575, 197, 13724, 78546, 17886, 33188, 83572, 44323, 197, 31153, 53577, 91159, 17584, 13, 1666, 198, 276, 197, 68956, 11, 85786, 17998, 197, 967, 93102, 48048, 6831, 699, 2765, 337, 40772, 1186, 4004, 53299, 291, 13938, 197, 18207, 53577, 198, 38824, 32809, 33188, 8285, 13267, 44323, 21113, 46468, 197, 31153, 53577, 29336, 2827, 7246, 2066, 33188, 3303, 2762, 198, 29699, 11, 2066, 197, 8370, 25494, 6831, 484, 197, 33222, 197, 48684, 197, 675, 15462, 1983, 53577, 91159, 21508, 13, 362, 6831, 14518, 1285, 197, 2106, 7709, 197, 24247, 197, 2629, 3948, 50394, 197, 5269, 32809, 8360, 92273, 13, 1115, 20501, 11575, 197, 3195, 44323, 198, 46002, 11575, 41508, 82419, 32809, 33188, 197, 1844, 8194, 197, 9274, 14862, 414, 83572, 17886, 8986, 1643, 13, 1472, 8360, 198, 22479, 1470, 5366, 53577, 59733, 197, 39819, 33188, 1942, 6341, 25653, 14862, 414, 197, 5383, 47181, 291, 3324, 71839, 11575, 1942, 582, 1171, 198, 285, 1974, 11, 64453, 2445, 3149, 197, 1729, 2157, 380, 53577, 2157, 3742, 11, 2282, 332, 14862, 414, 2129, 38161, 16868, 3409, 82, 24263, 20501, 197, 19041, 13, 1472, 198, 18864, 74242, 64378, 531, 291, 197, 1729, 3303, 1223, 1285, 11, 197, 1336, 51868, 6831, 8843, 11, 2282, 332, 8360, 78546, 25653, 1470, 5366, 197, 1729, 198, 16149, 273, 3324, 51172, 2282, 770, 32893, 13, 13120, 2157, 352, 1186, 543, 197, 33871, 53577, 197, 33871, 11, 53577, 14862, 295, 197, 9514, 197, 6416, 197, 33980, 198, 42450, 11575, 20138, 3253, 2480, 287, 14862, 414, 2157, 599, 292, 12710, 34090, 13, 38274, 11, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 17643, 613, 14862, 414, 198, 18481, 748, 197, 9514, 11926, 32809, 8360, 14862, 414, 92273, 13, 358, 2282, 301, 19704, 64442, 91159, 17584, 20501, 33188, 197, 3195, 197, 906, 17643, 613, 197, 2530, 4372, 13, 7357, 2157, 80675, 53577, 198, 9471, 11, 25494, 1186, 3466, 2066, 11575, 2157, 13209, 53577, 3253, 535, 197, 46593, 2066, 33188, 3253, 2130, 44323, 13938, 8986, 1643, 53577, 2066, 33188, 198, 74519, 53577, 197, 31153, 44323, 7883, 1225, 606, 17886, 24263, 13, 358, 3253, 535, 197, 46593, 2066, 52060, 64442, 25494, 197, 309, 3253, 2116, 53577, 198, 543, 64442, 25494, 197, 309, 197, 21656, 13, 358, 3253, 535, 197, 46593, 2066, 52060, 64442, 25494, 6831, 819, 32809, 197, 73087, 501, 819, 61551, 197, 4636, 198, 275, 64355, 52060, 74242, 268, 197, 613, 32077, 13, 358, 197, 26133, 197, 46593, 32809, 52060, 44323, 33188, 3253, 11280, 1122, 197, 526, 2053, 53577, 18822, 1598, 1951, 4378, 2066, 33188, 404, 197, 383, 6260, 44323, 197, 385, 2111, 197, 3233, 53577, 33188, 197, 51174, 13, 358, 197, 1091, 2066, 3253, 2480, 685, 53577, 198, 26797, 2765, 1259, 82, 2066, 197, 25739, 13, 358, 3253, 535, 197, 46593, 2066, 3253, 1411, 197, 12393, 53577, 33188, 7145, 718, 2136, 44323, 13938, 198, 82, 4377, 13, 358, 3253, 535, 197, 46593, 2066, 33188, 197, 782, 15456, 74242, 59051, 53577, 2157, 3326, 1104, 768, 44323, 33188, 197, 44924, 13, 358, 198, 47530, 197, 46593, 2066, 33188, 3253, 2130, 44323, 197, 846, 44515, 53577, 33188, 197, 2968, 32809, 8285, 1911, 13938, 1186, 96551, 826, 198, 20322, 3303, 1673, 11, 67398, 11, 2157, 11785, 11, 53577, 2765, 685, 13, 358, 197, 309, 91159, 21508, 2066, 33188, 6831, 285, 5717, 11, 91159, 7719, 198, 20322, 197, 1149, 1188, 18895, 2490, 11, 197, 3726, 11, 53577, 18822, 1598, 11, 43827, 197, 1189, 10612, 44323, 197, 3236, 1251, 13, 358, 3253, 535, 198, 46593, 2066, 33188, 8285, 33524, 2765, 337, 40772, 11, 2282, 2668, 82, 11, 3324, 8016, 11, 53577, 52060, 64442, 20501, 8986, 2299, 13, 358, 3253, 535, 198, 46593, 2066, 33188, 197, 370, 98681, 53577, 197, 782, 82, 716, 488, 64442, 20501, 197, 2099, 49124, 13, 1628, 197, 49532, 52060, 55080, 198, 47530, 197, 46593, 2066, 197, 15674, 2136, 13, 9176, 3324, 1769, 11, 61280, 13938, 8986, 1643, 6831, 300, 197, 1225, 3303, 467, 1285, 53577, 81664, 3951, 11, 25494, 6831, 300, 197, 1225, 91159, 21508, 198, 2000, 197, 35676, 3253, 478, 1439, 44323, 197, 15674, 2136, 13, 1789, 197, 42820, 25494, 1186, 3903, 197, 32676, 17886, 13938, 11609, 50428, 11, 53577, 14862, 295, 198, 15031, 73972, 44323, 50394, 16868, 943, 197, 33980, 2765, 785, 64442, 25494, 197, 33222, 9793, 329, 11575, 2765, 18986, 13, 358, 9793, 525, 197, 33980, 198, 911, 17584, 2066, 33188, 17886, 59041, 3253, 2130, 82, 44323, 197, 31153, 53577, 8986, 1643, 13, 24119, 3324, 1244, 14862, 414, 726, 61551, 11575, 197, 10872, 1245, 11, 88219, 1752, 197, 35214, 6831, 34594, 44323, 197, 31153, 13, 2895, 17584, 20501, 11575, 7721, 276, 302, 3620, 64442, 52060, 4336, 71275, 32809, 197, 31153, 7883, 1055, 59451, 10653, 13, 435, 198, 1452, 198, 6391, 198, 65112, 198, 13521, 41133, 2066, 71579, 40137, 44323, 197, 42820, 11, 197, 8154, 33188, 198, 35676, 95142, 2157, 29639, 55080, 46673, 291, 2066, 197, 9514, 13, 28351, 197, 18143, 53577, 197, 55437, 1942, 283, 4835, 197, 1974, 25653, 6831, 2227, 197, 27170, 198, 66519, 197, 1729, 197, 3236, 1251, 53577, 33188, 197, 526, 2053, 44323, 33188, 197, 37541, 13, 3092, 197, 18207, 6831, 85051, 11, 25494, 46699, 17886, 53577, 197, 6416, 13938, 726, 345, 4930, 287, 2066, 197, 5227, 345, 1962, 16868, 3409, 287, 24263, 20501, 197, 33222, 197, 6881, 13, 1628, 17886, 33188, 2157, 9308, 60910, 53577, 14294, 1637, 345, 1073, 33188, 197, 1911, 287, 44323, 33188, 7145, 467, 345, 21152, 44661, 197, 20322, 13938, 197, 58331, 345, 40, 1942, 1137, 33188, 197, 5065, 1942, 4589, 2136, 11, 44323, 197, 35676, 198, 91512, 73123, 8138, 17886, 33188, 16868, 3409, 287, 64442 ]
as much as 1 to 2 quarts of watermelon juice. The result is that Dad has the blood pressure of a man of 25 – it is 120 over 80 and his pulse is around 60. Weboth have our heart and arteries examined by a hear t specialist ever y year. So far there is not the slightest sign of any hardening of our arteries. W e can jog, run, swim and ride our bikes for miles. W e both have supple, flexible arteries and blood vessels. There are no big, bulging veins on our foreheads, such as we’ve seen on people a third of our calendar years! W e can stand on our heads for minutes at a time with absolutely no dizziness or other reaction. W e also have perfect hearing. Welive as we teach and our Bragg Healthy Lifestyle fights the body’ s worst enemy – hardening of the arteries. W e are enjoying a long, happy, active, healthy life! 118 There are no more important ingredients of a properly constituted diet than organic fruits and vegetables, for they contain vitamins and minerals of every class, recognized and unrecognized. – Sir Robert McCarrison The body and the mind are so closely connected that not even a single word or thought can come into existence without being reflected in the personality and health of the individual. – John Prentiss Paul C. Bragg’ s Prediction Mine is only a small voice in the vast wilderness concerning this matter of drinking only distilled water, but I sincerely wish to save humanity from the dangers of water filled with chemicals and inorganic minerals. I have lived a long life. During this time I have seen some of my relatives and personal friends, as well as some 200 animals and friends pets die of fossilization. I believe I am a hundred years ahead of my time in my theories on the dangers of inorganic water and unhealthy lifestyle. Someday humanity will recognize the dangers in ordinar y water and all water used in homes, schools, hospitals, etc. will be steam distilled! It will be the greatest health advancement this world has ever known! No matter how much a person controls his eating habits... no matter how much juice of organic fruits and vegetables he drinks, no matter if he lives on a raw food, vegetarian or so-called modern scientific diet... as long as he continues to drink spring, well, river, lake or fluoridated and chlorinated water he is going to 119 fossilize himself! In the past 75 years I have met all the greats in the field of nutrition, natural healing, etc., but most of them drank the water filled with chemicals and inorganic mineral water, unaware of the danger and only a few of them have attained an extra long, pain free, healthy life. The same is true of the great athletes of the past 75 years. They had their day in the sun, drank the deadly inorganic mineral water and died at about the same age as non-athletic people. I was personally acquainted with Bill Tilden, the greatest tennis player of all time. In his prime, no man in the world could defeat him. But he would not listen to my lone, small voice when I told him of the viciousness and deadliness of inorganic drinking water. He said that everybody else was drinking or dinar y water, so he saw no reason he should stop. Man is as Old as his Arteries All his athletic strength and prowess didn’ t save him from having a massive cor onar y. He died before he was 60! The autopsy showed that his arteries were like stone. Sandow, the greatest str ong man of all times, was a friend of mine. When I would visit him in his studio in London, England, he would flex his muscles and tell me how powerful he was. But he drank London tap water and at 58 he had a massive cor onar y. His great strength and bulging muscles could not save his life. There is absolutely no way to cir cumvent this power ful truth. Example: back in the Korean war 300 young American soldiers that were killed within a short period, autopsies were performed upon them. And what do you think was revealed? Shocking – all of these young men showed signs of hardening of the arteries! This scientific study is on record. These were young men under 23, in the so- called prime of life, suffering from degeneration (fossilizing) of the body’ s arteries. 120 Life Expectancy – Life Span We are told that a male child bor n today has a life expectancy of 74.4 years, and a female child 79.8. What is the actual life span of the average American? So we can see that when a male reaches 37 years he has lived about half of his lifetime, and when a female reaches 40 years she has lived about half of her lifetime. The sad but true fact is that some people, if not most, never even reach their expected life span. See their informative website: www.worldbank.org/data The U.S. and other western countries are experiencing an epidemic of heart disease and cancer. Consider this startling fact: chances are better than 2 to 1 that, directly or indirectly, the average American adult will die of some form of hear t disease or cancer. You as an individual can reverse this shocking statistic by avoiding or dinar y water that is laced with inorganic minerals and toxins. Also stop using salt, and reduce the saturated fatty foods. Start exer cising regularly, drinking only distilled water (8 glasses daily ) and eating a balanced, healthy diet. Exercise is V ital for Health and Longevity For youthful arteries, exer cise is essential! If you wish to live a long, healthy life it is necessary to build up your cardiovascular endurance and to follow a Stretch, bend, lift, roll, kick and twist 121 program designed to keep your arteries soft and agile. The first step is to get more oxygen into the body which will help dissolve the encrustations that have formed in the arteries. Any physical activity that injects more oxygen is going to help extend your life! Get out and jog, swim, ride a bike or take a brisk 2 to 3 mile healthy walk. Stair-W alking! Take the Stairs Instead of Elevators! Be a Bragg Crusader - copy and share with friends, clubs, etc. KEEP HEAL THY & YOUTHFUL BIOLOGICALL Y WITH EXERCISE & GOOD NUTRITION Always remember you have the following important reasons for following The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle: • The ironclad laws of Mother Nature and God. • Your common sense, which tells you that you are doing right. • Your aim to make your health better and your life longer. • Your resolve to prevent illness so that you may enjoy life. • Make an art of healthy living; you will be you thful a tany age. • You will r etain your faculties and be hale, hear ty, active and useful far beyond the ordinar y length of years. • You will also possess superior mental and physical powers! KILLER Saturated Fats CHOKER Hydrogenated Fats CLOGGER Salt DEADEYED Devitalized Foods DOPEY Caffeine HARD W ATER Inorganic M inerals PLUGGER Frying Pan JERKY T urbulent Emotions DEATH-DEALER Drugs CRAZY Alcohol GREASY Overweight SMOKY T obacco HOGGY Overeating LOAFER Laziness WANTED – For Robbing Health & Life What W ise Men Say Wisdom does not show itself so much I saw few die of hunger – of in precept as in life – a firmness of mind eating, a hundred thousand. and mastery of the appetite. – Seneca – Ben Franklin Gover n well thy appetite, lest Sin surprise thee, Your health is your wealth. and her black attendant, Death. – Milton – Paul C. Bragg Our prayers should be for a sound Health is a blessing that money mind in a healthy body. – Juvenal cannot buy. – Izaak Walton 122 Of all the knowledge, the one most worth having is knowledge about health! The first r equisite of a good life is to be a healthy person. – Herbert Spencer The natural healing for ce within us is the gr eatest for ce in getting well. – Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 BC Protector of Our Oceans, Sea Life and W aters Wyland, Famous Whale W all Artist Patricia visits with Wyland at his celebration in Ha waii. As a young man from Michig an, Wyland sa w a pair of whales barely 100 yards offshore on his f irst P acific Ocean visit. He w as so inspired that he devoted the rest of his life to cr eating art that captures the beauty of these magnif icent creatures. It has been more than 25 y ears since Wyland began painting his landmark marine life murals. Wyland has a passion for whales
[ 439, 1790, 439, 220, 16, 311, 220, 17, 720, 447, 7183, 315, 3090, 72218, 23661, 13, 578, 1121, 374, 430, 33621, 706, 279, 6680, 7410, 315, 264, 720, 1543, 315, 220, 914, 1389, 433, 374, 220, 4364, 927, 220, 1490, 323, 813, 28334, 374, 2212, 220, 1399, 13, 1226, 21704, 617, 1057, 4851, 323, 85648, 25078, 555, 264, 6865, 259, 720, 15495, 380, 3596, 379, 1060, 662, 2100, 3117, 1070, 374, 539, 279, 60147, 1879, 720, 1073, 904, 2653, 6147, 315, 1057, 85648, 13, 468, 384, 649, 31225, 11, 1629, 11, 16587, 720, 438, 12141, 1057, 31553, 369, 8931, 13, 468, 384, 2225, 617, 1043, 698, 11, 720, 12287, 1260, 85648, 323, 6680, 31080, 13, 2684, 527, 912, 2466, 11, 720, 16501, 3252, 60764, 389, 1057, 2291, 36910, 11, 1778, 439, 584, 4070, 3970, 389, 720, 16455, 264, 4948, 315, 1057, 13470, 1667, 0, 468, 384, 649, 2559, 389, 720, 414, 14971, 369, 4520, 520, 264, 892, 449, 11112, 912, 720, 67, 97745, 477, 1023, 13010, 13, 468, 384, 1101, 617, 4832, 11011, 13, 26056, 535, 439, 584, 4639, 323, 1057, 3320, 16094, 44454, 69256, 28533, 720, 1820, 2547, 529, 274, 12047, 9354, 1389, 2653, 6147, 315, 279, 85648, 13, 468, 384, 720, 548, 22128, 264, 1317, 11, 6380, 1174, 4642, 11, 9498, 2324, 0, 220, 8899, 720, 3947, 527, 912, 810, 3062, 14293, 315, 264, 10489, 65591, 10173, 198, 54895, 17808, 26390, 323, 24822, 11, 369, 814, 6782, 46192, 323, 34072, 198, 1073, 1475, 538, 11, 15324, 323, 97239, 13, 1389, 17177, 8563, 14583, 51103, 198, 791, 2547, 323, 279, 4059, 527, 779, 15499, 8599, 430, 539, 1524, 264, 198, 15698, 3492, 477, 3463, 649, 2586, 1139, 14209, 2085, 1694, 198, 1116, 2258, 304, 279, 17743, 323, 2890, 315, 279, 3927, 13, 1389, 3842, 5075, 406, 1056, 198, 26368, 356, 13, 3320, 16094, 529, 274, 62965, 720, 64595, 374, 1193, 264, 2678, 7899, 304, 279, 13057, 49362, 720, 444, 29644, 287, 420, 5030, 315, 16558, 1193, 89867, 3090, 1174, 720, 8248, 358, 59383, 6562, 311, 3665, 22706, 505, 279, 37064, 720, 1073, 3090, 10409, 449, 26333, 323, 304, 61694, 34072, 13, 358, 617, 12439, 264, 1317, 2324, 13, 12220, 420, 892, 358, 617, 3970, 720, 15031, 315, 856, 29658, 323, 4443, 4885, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 720, 15031, 220, 1049, 10099, 323, 4885, 26159, 2815, 315, 31376, 2065, 13, 358, 4510, 358, 1097, 264, 7895, 1667, 8469, 315, 856, 892, 304, 856, 720, 1820, 2490, 389, 279, 37064, 315, 304, 61694, 3090, 323, 53808, 720, 75, 16886, 13, 18024, 46212, 22706, 690, 15641, 279, 37064, 304, 720, 6114, 277, 379, 3090, 323, 682, 3090, 1511, 304, 10632, 11, 8853, 11, 720, 71, 4890, 16664, 11, 5099, 13, 690, 387, 20930, 89867, 0, 1102, 690, 387, 279, 12474, 720, 12393, 50925, 420, 1917, 706, 3596, 3967, 0, 2360, 5030, 1268, 1790, 264, 1732, 11835, 813, 12459, 720, 10796, 1220, 662, 662, 662, 912, 5030, 1268, 1790, 23661, 315, 17808, 26390, 720, 438, 24822, 568, 21662, 11, 912, 5030, 422, 568, 6439, 389, 264, 7257, 720, 14239, 11, 46482, 477, 779, 19434, 6617, 12624, 10173, 662, 662, 662, 439, 1317, 439, 568, 9731, 311, 7172, 10683, 11, 1664, 11, 15140, 1174, 22553, 720, 269, 54736, 307, 660, 323, 37833, 15846, 3090, 568, 374, 2133, 311, 720, 9079, 720, 69, 85061, 553, 5678, 0, 763, 279, 3347, 220, 2075, 1667, 358, 617, 2322, 682, 720, 1820, 2294, 82, 304, 279, 2115, 315, 26677, 11, 5933, 21730, 11, 720, 12380, 2637, 719, 1455, 315, 1124, 54244, 279, 3090, 10409, 449, 720, 32056, 82, 323, 304, 61694, 25107, 3090, 1174, 41747, 315, 720, 1820, 8137, 323, 1193, 264, 2478, 315, 1124, 617, 63260, 720, 276, 5066, 1317, 11, 6784, 1949, 11, 9498, 2324, 13, 578, 1890, 374, 837, 315, 279, 2294, 23579, 315, 720, 1820, 3347, 220, 2075, 1667, 13, 2435, 1047, 872, 1938, 304, 720, 1820, 7160, 11, 54244, 279, 25114, 304, 61694, 720, 1083, 3333, 3090, 323, 8636, 520, 922, 279, 1890, 720, 425, 439, 2536, 12, 589, 22740, 1274, 13, 358, 574, 16102, 73734, 449, 8766, 720, 51, 52965, 11, 279, 12474, 32515, 2851, 315, 682, 720, 1712, 13, 763, 813, 10461, 11, 912, 893, 304, 279, 1917, 720, 29177, 18506, 1461, 13, 2030, 568, 1053, 539, 9020, 720, 998, 856, 47766, 11, 2678, 7899, 994, 358, 3309, 1461, 720, 1073, 279, 43510, 2136, 323, 5710, 49958, 315, 720, 258, 61694, 16558, 3090, 662, 1283, 1071, 430, 720, 30115, 2664, 775, 574, 16558, 477, 11884, 277, 379, 720, 13284, 1174, 779, 568, 5602, 912, 2944, 568, 1288, 3009, 13, 2418, 374, 439, 10846, 439, 813, 1676, 466, 552, 720, 2460, 813, 29703, 8333, 323, 720, 79, 654, 434, 3287, 529, 259, 3665, 1461, 505, 3515, 720, 64, 11191, 1867, 389, 277, 379, 13, 1283, 8636, 1603, 568, 720, 16514, 220, 1399, 0, 578, 76901, 8710, 430, 813, 720, 5408, 552, 1051, 1093, 9998, 13, 8847, 363, 1174, 279, 12474, 610, 127721, 893, 720, 1073, 682, 3115, 11, 574, 264, 4333, 315, 10705, 13, 3277, 358, 1053, 4034, 1461, 304, 813, 14356, 720, 258, 7295, 11, 9635, 11, 568, 1053, 5882, 813, 24569, 323, 3371, 720, 2727, 1268, 8147, 568, 574, 13, 2030, 568, 54244, 7295, 15596, 3090, 720, 438, 520, 220, 2970, 568, 1047, 264, 11191, 1867, 389, 277, 379, 13, 5414, 2294, 8333, 720, 438, 7173, 3252, 24569, 1436, 539, 3665, 813, 2324, 13, 2684, 374, 720, 3518, 9887, 912, 1648, 311, 30570, 12454, 688, 420, 2410, 5716, 8206, 13, 13688, 25, 1203, 304, 279, 16526, 4208, 220, 3101, 3995, 3778, 720, 63578, 4918, 430, 1051, 7577, 2949, 264, 2875, 4261, 11, 3154, 3806, 552, 720, 52898, 10887, 5304, 1124, 13, 1628, 1148, 656, 499, 1781, 574, 720, 92076, 5962, 30, 48083, 287, 1389, 682, 315, 1521, 3995, 3026, 8710, 720, 7908, 82, 315, 2653, 6147, 315, 279, 85648, 0, 1115, 12624, 4007, 720, 285, 389, 3335, 13, 4314, 1051, 3995, 3026, 1234, 220, 1419, 11, 304, 279, 779, 7058, 44982, 10461, 315, 2324, 11, 16066, 505, 5367, 17699, 720, 968, 85061, 4954, 8, 315, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 85648, 13, 220, 4364, 720, 26833, 33185, 6709, 1389, 9601, 12168, 720, 1687, 527, 3309, 430, 264, 8762, 1716, 32732, 308, 3432, 706, 264, 2324, 720, 17557, 6709, 315, 220, 5728, 13, 19, 1667, 11, 323, 264, 8954, 1716, 220, 4643, 13, 23, 13, 3639, 720, 285, 279, 5150, 2324, 9575, 315, 279, 720, 17645, 3778, 30, 2100, 584, 649, 1518, 430, 994, 720, 64, 8762, 25501, 220, 1806, 1667, 568, 720, 4752, 12439, 922, 4376, 315, 813, 720, 98157, 11, 323, 994, 264, 8954, 720, 265, 14576, 220, 1272, 1667, 1364, 706, 720, 75, 2270, 922, 4376, 315, 1077, 720, 98157, 13, 578, 12703, 719, 837, 720, 34210, 374, 430, 1063, 1274, 11, 422, 720, 1962, 1455, 11, 2646, 1524, 5662, 720, 50828, 3685, 2324, 9575, 13, 3580, 872, 39319, 3997, 25, 720, 2185, 662, 14957, 17469, 2726, 13469, 720, 791, 549, 662, 50, 13, 323, 1023, 19001, 5961, 527, 25051, 720, 276, 42620, 315, 4851, 8624, 323, 9572, 662, 21829, 420, 720, 2527, 2785, 2144, 25, 17393, 527, 2731, 1109, 220, 17, 311, 220, 16, 430, 11, 6089, 720, 269, 46345, 1174, 279, 5578, 3778, 6822, 690, 2815, 315, 1063, 720, 630, 315, 6865, 259, 8624, 477, 9572, 662, 1472, 439, 459, 3927, 649, 720, 26992, 420, 34734, 43589, 555, 31526, 477, 11884, 277, 379, 3090, 720, 9210, 374, 326, 4535, 449, 304, 61694, 34072, 323, 62186, 13, 7429, 720, 9684, 1701, 12290, 11, 323, 8108, 279, 50585, 40085, 15657, 13, 5256, 506, 261, 272, 3876, 15870, 1174, 16558, 1193, 89867, 3090, 720, 7, 23, 29247, 7446, 883, 323, 12459, 264, 24770, 11, 9498, 10173, 13, 33918, 374, 650, 433, 278, 369, 6401, 323, 5843, 52779, 720, 2520, 65655, 85648, 11, 506, 261, 272, 1082, 374, 7718, 0, 1442, 499, 720, 82199, 311, 3974, 264, 1317, 11, 9498, 2324, 433, 374, 5995, 311, 1977, 720, 455, 701, 41713, 49286, 323, 311, 1833, 264, 61205, 11, 37920, 11, 12157, 11, 6638, 11, 10536, 323, 27744, 720, 7994, 720, 15252, 6319, 311, 2567, 720, 22479, 85648, 8579, 323, 62565, 13, 578, 1176, 3094, 374, 311, 636, 720, 6518, 24463, 1139, 279, 2547, 720, 8370, 690, 1520, 73739, 720, 1820, 3289, 36888, 811, 430, 617, 720, 10365, 304, 279, 85648, 13, 5884, 7106, 5820, 430, 720, 33233, 82, 810, 24463, 374, 720, 9738, 311, 1520, 13334, 701, 720, 14789, 0, 2175, 704, 323, 31225, 11, 16587, 11, 720, 1425, 264, 13260, 477, 1935, 264, 75491, 720, 17, 311, 220, 18, 14929, 9498, 4321, 13, 800, 1334, 13299, 453, 10789, 0, 12040, 279, 720, 626, 4825, 720, 31887, 315, 720, 36, 3532, 3046, 0, 2893, 264, 3320, 16094, 51203, 1013, 482, 3048, 323, 4430, 449, 4885, 11, 19424, 11, 5099, 13, 96909, 11947, 984, 4534, 56, 612, 816, 41627, 50736, 73166, 7391, 1341, 4006, 816, 720, 45771, 4154, 28534, 9311, 612, 22469, 452, 1406, 49, 7237, 720, 38195, 6227, 499, 617, 279, 2768, 3062, 198, 8125, 369, 2768, 578, 3320, 16094, 44454, 69256, 25, 720, 6806, 578, 11245, 566, 329, 7016, 315, 21720, 22037, 323, 4359, 13, 7436, 4718, 4279, 5647, 11, 902, 10975, 499, 430, 499, 527, 3815, 1314, 13, 7436, 4718, 9395, 311, 1304, 701, 2890, 2731, 323, 701, 2324, 5129, 662, 7436, 4718, 9006, 311, 5471, 17563, 779, 430, 499, 1253, 4774, 2324, 13, 7436, 7557, 459, 1989, 315, 9498, 5496, 26, 220, 499, 690, 387, 499, 270, 1285, 264, 259, 3852, 4325, 13, 7436, 1472, 690, 436, 1880, 467, 701, 98083, 323, 387, 111485, 11, 6865, 13892, 11, 4642, 323, 720, 817, 1285, 3117, 7953, 279, 6141, 14080, 379, 3160, 315, 1667, 13, 7436, 1472, 690, 1101, 15575, 16757, 10723, 323, 7106, 13736, 758, 735, 9410, 643, 328, 35467, 435, 1900, 6969, 4012, 643, 40602, 4469, 660, 435, 1900, 720, 34, 83500, 28138, 3467, 33941, 56, 1507, 6168, 2223, 1534, 40160, 720, 5989, 1777, 56, 356, 38880, 483, 71002, 468, 362, 4292, 763, 61694, 386, 304, 17822, 720, 2989, 3014, 8912, 435, 28609, 11233, 622, 643, 77685, 350, 4433, 16501, 306, 5867, 41356, 720, 1170, 4932, 12, 1170, 89478, 51766, 94767, 81601, 45396, 720, 58163, 53566, 6193, 4870, 14031, 4012, 56, 350, 1536, 20067, 720, 39, 12501, 42570, 6193, 91955, 5125, 8440, 643, 98903, 1918, 468, 50568, 1389, 1789, 4997, 7278, 6401, 612, 9601, 720, 3923, 468, 77193, 11258, 25961, 198, 79848, 5717, 1587, 539, 1501, 5196, 779, 1790, 358, 5602, 2478, 2815, 315, 34906, 1389, 315, 720, 258, 864, 1512, 439, 304, 2324, 220, 1389, 264, 7626, 2136, 315, 4059, 12459, 11, 264, 7895, 16579, 13, 323, 66763, 315, 279, 38575, 13, 1389, 5476, 23637, 1389, 7505, 19372, 720, 38, 2017, 308, 1664, 26236, 38575, 11, 64606, 18098, 13051, 40344, 11, 4718, 2890, 374, 701, 12205, 13, 323, 1077, 3776, 65022, 11, 16290, 13, 1389, 58447, 1389, 7043, 356, 13, 3320, 16094, 720, 8140, 34296, 1288, 387, 369, 264, 5222, 6401, 374, 264, 40149, 430, 3300, 720, 38824, 304, 264, 9498, 2547, 13, 1389, 22410, 1055, 278, 4250, 3780, 13, 1389, 358, 4458, 587, 71509, 720, 8259, 5046, 682, 279, 6677, 11, 279, 832, 1455, 5922, 3515, 374, 6677, 922, 2890, 0, 578, 1176, 436, 3312, 285, 635, 315, 264, 1695, 2324, 374, 311, 387, 264, 9498, 1732, 13, 1389, 58463, 36221, 578, 5933, 21730, 369, 3846, 2949, 603, 374, 279, 1099, 384, 14217, 369, 3846, 304, 3794, 1664, 13, 1389, 75463, 78046, 11, 20941, 315, 19152, 11, 220, 3443, 18531, 82219, 315, 5751, 507, 43320, 11, 15379, 9601, 323, 468, 520, 388, 198, 68007, 1974, 11, 67888, 97102, 468, 682, 29459, 198, 28205, 46291, 21728, 449, 24100, 1974, 520, 813, 720, 70865, 1347, 367, 304, 14433, 289, 2192, 72, 13, 1666, 264, 3995, 720, 1543, 505, 5384, 343, 459, 11, 24100, 1974, 829, 289, 264, 720, 12959, 315, 57874, 20025, 220, 1041, 14006, 720, 1885, 29526, 389, 813, 282, 220, 874, 393, 1645, 1104, 22302, 720, 28560, 13, 1283, 289, 439, 779, 14948, 430, 568, 720, 3667, 9437, 279, 2800, 315, 813, 2324, 311, 1589, 12459, 720, 472, 430, 41255, 279, 13444, 315, 1521, 720, 76, 3326, 333, 18385, 306, 20566, 13, 1102, 706, 1027, 720, 6518, 1109, 220, 914, 379, 25212, 2533, 24100, 1974, 720, 65, 16133, 19354, 813, 38350, 29691, 720, 14789, 8309, 1147, 13, 24100, 1974, 706, 264, 11939, 369, 720, 1336, 3916 ]
experience of her friend, Oxford Professor of English Literature Michael Gearin-Tosh, who was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 1994. His prognosis was poor: 6-9 months’ survival without any treatment, 1-2 years with “appropriate” chemotherapy. Professor Gearin-Tosh refused the latter and after considerable searching chose the Gerson Therapy, boosting it with meditation, acupuncture, and Chinese breathing exercises. He described the process from diagnosis to his then current state in his brilliant, highly amusing book, Living Proof—A Medical Mutiny7 (Against expectations, he lived for 11 years and eventually died of blood poisoning following dental work.) Watching her friend’s progress, Dr. Carmen Wheatley became intrigued by the fact that Dr. Copyright © Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 9 0Healing the Gerson Way—Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases www.thegersonway.comGerson, apparently intuitively, selected foods for his Therapy that have since, some 50 years later, been shown to have anti-cancer properties. She wrote up her findings in an essay, titled “The Case of the 0.005% Survivor,” which was peer-reviewed by four eminent physicians, and appeared as an afterword in Professor Gearin-Tosh’s book. To start with, Dr. Wheatley points out that the Gerson diet contains several foods in which modern research has identified some key cancer- fighting components, e.g. flax seed oil with its important contents of Omega-3 fatty acids, fruits rich in minerals and in bioflavonoids, vegetables of the cruciferous family, namely cauliflower, cabbages and broccoli, whose anti-cancer properties are borne out by current scientific nutritional research. She comments, “ Gerson’s fruit and vegetable diet could be subjected to exhaustive analysis in the light of modern nutritional oncology research. He didn’t have any of this scientific knowledge, yet empirically devised a method which ensures that a large range of these products would be delivered to the cancer patient, intact and in pharmacologically active doses ” (added emphasis). In the rest of her study Dr. Wheatley reviews further components of the Gerson Therapy, from the value of juicing to the importance of coffee enemas and finds all of them scientifically justified. In conclusion let us quote one of her shrewd comments: “ Conventional medical methods of treating cancer—chemotherapy, radiation—routinely wipe out an already depressed immune system and do little to restore it. Yet, as Gerson realized, it is the immune system which is needed to fight cancer, and therefore building it up should enhance chances of survival. ” As time goes on and the lack of success of much of conventional oncology becomes ever more obvious, research into nutritional therapies is bound to expand and take up its due place in mainstream medicine. Its findings are bound to confirm again and again that the principles and practice of the Gerson Therapy are sound and accurate, offering an eminently logical way to heal disease and maintain health. References: 1. Cope, F.W. Physiological Chemistry and Physics, V ol.10, No.5. 1978 2. Ibid V ol.9, No.6, 1977 3. Spain Ward, P. Monograph submitted to the US Office of Technology Assessment, 1988 4. Foster, H.D. International Journal of Biosocial Research, V ol.10, No.1, 1988 5. Sparmins, V.L; Lam, L.K.T; Wattenberg, L.W. Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Researchers and the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 22:114, Abstract 453, 1981 6. Lechner, P. Aktuelle Ernaehrungsmedizin, V ol.2, No.5. 1990 7. Wheatley, C. in Living Proof— Medical Mutiny, by Michael Gearin-Tosh, Scribner, 2002 Copyright © Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 9 1Healing the Gerson Way—Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases www.thegersonway.comCHAPTER 9 The Gerson Household Whether a patient is able to spend some time at a Gerson facility or decides to embark on the therapy at home, the longest part of the healing process—up to two years or more with malignant disease, much less with other chronic conditions—will have to take place in his or her residence. For the duration of the treatment the home needs to be turned into a kind of private clinic, where everything serves the goal of getting well, and nothing is allowed to interfere with that process. How do we go about that? Quite simply by bearing in mind that the twin pillars of the Gerson program are nutrition and detoxification. Since the ill patient suffering from a chronic disease is both toxic and nutritionally deficient, as a first task the household has to be cleared of all toxic chemicals and damaging materials or appliances. These are present in vast arrays in most modern households. Chemical cleansers, gadgets and labor-saving devices emitting harmful radiation or so-called electro-smog are used daily and taken for granted. It’s only when their dire effects on the body are understood that we get rid of them. As the second pillar of the therapy is to provide the patient with hyper-nutrition, a suitably equipped kitchen is the all-important center where all foods and juices are prepared daily in large amounts. Let us start by listing the correct equipment for a smoothly running, efficient Gerson kitchen. Refrigerator : one very large one or two of average size will be needed to store the large quantities of organic produce required. A cool, preferably dark, well-ventilated pantry or laundry room is ideal for storing root vegetables, which don’t need refrigeration. Juice Machines As freshly made organic juices are one of the most important healing components of the Gerson program, they must be of the best possible quality, and therefore it is vital to choose the most efficient juicer—one that will stand up to constant use over two years or so. There are plenty of models on the market. The simplest and cheapest is the centrifugal type, one of the first to become widely available. It is wasteful, produces deficient, enzyme-poor juice and cannot be used for healing. Another type is the Champion juicer, which extracts more minerals as well as more fluid. However, it is not satisfactory in itself, since what it produces is not so much juice as a mushy layer of vegetables on top of a watery base. Even so, the Champion juicer can be used, but as a Copyright © Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 9 2Healing the Gerson Way—Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases www.thegersonway.comgrinder only. The machine comes with a plate that can be placed under the base where the strainer is usually located, releasing the ground up pulpy material. This then has to be put through a hand- operated press, based on a hydraulic jack, to squeeze the juice from the pulped vegetables. The cost of the two items runs at present [2006] at about $400.The Champion is widely available in the US and in several other countries. For the manual press, contact www.juicepressfactory.com. Other machines, imported from Korea but also made in the US use two interlocking helical blades, which grind against each other. They do a better extracting job than the Champion alone and may be used, especially if the patient is not suffering from advanced cancer. However, these “one-process” juicers do not actually conform to Dr. Gerson’s instruction to use a two-process method, consisting of a grinder and a press, for obtaining the best juice. These juicers are claimed to extract more enzymes than the Norwalk (see below), but no mention is made of the equally important mineral extraction. The cost of these machines is between $750-900. The Norwalk : The best two-process juicer is the Norwalk, which is also most attractively styled, with a stainless steel exterior, or a wood grain plastic outer cover. Naturally in either model all parts of the machine that come in contact with food are made from stainless steel. The Norwalk is fully automatic, with a simple lever activating the press. Well serviced and guaranteed, it is also the most expensive juicer, costing at present: $2,100-2,250. The stainless steel exterior model also has a lever that adjusts it to the 220-240 volt current used in Europe. For information call 1-800-405-8423 (outside USA 760-755-8423). http://www.nwjcal.com. Taking Care of Your Juice Machine Aside from your normal routine of maintaining maximum cleanliness in the kitchen, it is especially important to keep your juicer clean and free from dried up juice or fibers. Since these are raw, they can easily spoil, dry, and attract flies and other insects, not to mention germs or worse. To avoid contamination, the juicer must be cleaned after each use. This should not take up much extra
[ 3217, 315, 1077, 4333, 11, 26275, 17054, 315, 720, 23392, 47470, 8096, 28603, 258, 9469, 9451, 11, 889, 574, 29704, 449, 5361, 856, 301, 7942, 304, 220, 2550, 19, 13, 5414, 720, 782, 5010, 10934, 574, 8009, 25, 220, 21, 12, 24, 4038, 529, 20237, 2085, 904, 6514, 11, 220, 16, 12, 17, 1667, 449, 1054, 29228, 863, 720, 2464, 42811, 13, 17054, 28603, 258, 9469, 9451, 16436, 279, 15629, 323, 1306, 24779, 15389, 14896, 720, 1820, 480, 1293, 40143, 11, 56028, 433, 449, 33862, 11, 89538, 11, 323, 8620, 27027, 23783, 13, 1283, 7633, 279, 1920, 505, 23842, 311, 813, 1243, 1510, 1614, 304, 813, 20333, 11, 7701, 60986, 720, 2239, 11, 19048, 38091, 2345, 32, 13235, 32328, 6577, 22, 320, 85417, 17078, 11, 568, 12439, 369, 220, 806, 1667, 323, 720, 3163, 1870, 8636, 315, 6680, 52236, 2768, 29106, 990, 6266, 69676, 1077, 4333, 753, 5208, 11, 2999, 13, 71058, 56738, 3258, 6244, 69118, 555, 279, 2144, 430, 2999, 13, 3028, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 1115, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 24, 220, 15, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 38, 1293, 11, 14132, 97301, 3210, 11, 4183, 15657, 369, 813, 40143, 430, 617, 2533, 11, 1063, 220, 1135, 1667, 3010, 11, 720, 82850, 6982, 311, 617, 7294, 1824, 11967, 6012, 13, 3005, 6267, 709, 1077, 14955, 304, 459, 9071, 11, 25891, 1054, 791, 11799, 720, 1073, 279, 220, 15, 13, 8504, 4, 65580, 2476, 902, 574, 14734, 79804, 555, 3116, 84629, 35944, 11, 323, 9922, 720, 300, 459, 1306, 1178, 304, 17054, 28603, 258, 9469, 9451, 753, 2363, 13, 2057, 1212, 449, 11, 2999, 13, 56738, 3258, 3585, 704, 430, 279, 720, 38, 1293, 10173, 5727, 3892, 15657, 304, 902, 6617, 3495, 706, 11054, 1063, 1401, 9572, 7058, 21828, 287, 6956, 11, 384, 1326, 13, 1344, 710, 10533, 5707, 449, 1202, 3062, 8970, 315, 44409, 12, 18, 40085, 33969, 11, 26390, 720, 14172, 304, 34072, 323, 304, 17332, 1517, 402, 263, 17390, 11, 24822, 315, 279, 15131, 11691, 788, 3070, 11, 32125, 96970, 11, 720, 66, 12806, 1154, 323, 79276, 11, 6832, 7294, 1824, 11967, 6012, 527, 65162, 704, 555, 1510, 12624, 43226, 720, 61564, 13, 3005, 6170, 11, 1054, 480, 1293, 753, 14098, 323, 36581, 10173, 1436, 387, 38126, 311, 73603, 720, 35584, 304, 279, 3177, 315, 6617, 43226, 78970, 2508, 3495, 13, 1283, 3287, 1431, 617, 904, 315, 420, 720, 85930, 6677, 11, 3686, 38969, 2740, 69120, 264, 1749, 902, 26420, 430, 264, 3544, 2134, 315, 720, 45010, 3956, 1053, 387, 12886, 311, 279, 9572, 8893, 11, 35539, 323, 304, 36449, 30450, 720, 3104, 35130, 19524, 320, 17249, 25679, 570, 763, 279, 2800, 315, 1077, 4007, 2999, 13, 56738, 3258, 8544, 4726, 6956, 315, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 11, 720, 1527, 279, 907, 315, 10479, 10332, 311, 279, 12939, 315, 11033, 665, 35262, 323, 14035, 682, 315, 1124, 74647, 720, 4345, 1908, 13, 763, 17102, 1095, 603, 12929, 832, 315, 1077, 559, 4361, 67, 6170, 25, 1054, 1221, 44322, 6593, 720, 36842, 315, 27723, 9572, 2345, 2464, 42811, 11, 25407, 2345, 81, 412, 22870, 40194, 704, 459, 2736, 720, 451, 14655, 22852, 1887, 323, 656, 2697, 311, 15301, 433, 13, 14968, 11, 439, 480, 1293, 15393, 11, 433, 374, 279, 22852, 720, 9125, 902, 374, 4460, 311, 4465, 9572, 11, 323, 9093, 4857, 433, 709, 1288, 18885, 17393, 720, 1073, 20237, 13, 126672, 2170, 892, 5900, 389, 323, 279, 6996, 315, 2450, 315, 1790, 315, 21349, 78970, 2508, 9221, 3596, 720, 6518, 8196, 11, 3495, 1139, 43226, 52312, 374, 6965, 311, 9407, 323, 1935, 709, 1202, 4245, 2035, 304, 720, 3902, 4116, 16088, 13, 11699, 14955, 527, 6965, 311, 7838, 1578, 323, 1578, 430, 279, 16565, 323, 720, 60621, 315, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 527, 5222, 323, 13687, 11, 10209, 459, 121367, 4501, 20406, 1648, 311, 27661, 720, 67, 56407, 323, 10519, 2890, 13, 45178, 512, 16, 13, 356, 2862, 11, 435, 1196, 13, 13101, 41314, 42846, 323, 28415, 1174, 650, 8492, 13, 605, 11, 2360, 13, 20, 13, 220, 4468, 23, 198, 17, 13, 76568, 220, 650, 8492, 13, 24, 11, 2360, 13, 21, 11, 220, 4468, 22, 198, 18, 13, 18157, 27738, 11, 393, 13, 3206, 3257, 14976, 311, 279, 2326, 8410, 315, 12053, 37357, 11, 220, 3753, 23, 198, 19, 13, 39274, 11, 473, 920, 13, 7327, 10139, 315, 77948, 2772, 8483, 1174, 650, 8492, 13, 605, 11, 2360, 13, 16, 11, 220, 3753, 23, 198, 20, 13, 70906, 47796, 11, 650, 662, 43, 26, 33794, 11, 445, 11606, 844, 26, 468, 14795, 7881, 11, 445, 1196, 13, 55227, 315, 279, 3778, 10229, 720, 1073, 26211, 59250, 323, 279, 3778, 13581, 315, 33135, 77854, 2508, 1174, 220, 1313, 25, 8011, 11, 13822, 720, 20235, 11, 220, 3753, 16, 198, 21, 13, 2009, 86677, 11, 393, 13, 50196, 31037, 9939, 3458, 56088, 29222, 2106, 78071, 1174, 650, 8492, 13, 17, 11, 2360, 13, 20, 13, 220, 2550, 15, 198, 22, 13, 56738, 3258, 11, 356, 13, 304, 19048, 38091, 2345, 13235, 32328, 6577, 1174, 555, 8096, 28603, 258, 9469, 9451, 11, 76780, 65, 1215, 11, 220, 1049, 17, 198, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 1115, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 24, 220, 16, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 88539, 220, 24, 198, 791, 480, 1293, 77073, 198, 25729, 264, 8893, 374, 3025, 311, 8493, 1063, 892, 520, 264, 480, 1293, 12764, 477, 28727, 311, 70531, 389, 279, 720, 46755, 520, 2162, 11, 279, 22807, 961, 315, 279, 21730, 1920, 2345, 455, 311, 1403, 1667, 477, 810, 449, 94329, 720, 67, 56407, 11, 1790, 2753, 449, 1023, 21249, 4787, 2345, 14724, 617, 311, 1935, 2035, 304, 813, 477, 1077, 22423, 13, 1789, 279, 8250, 315, 279, 6514, 279, 2162, 3966, 311, 387, 6656, 1139, 264, 3169, 315, 879, 28913, 11, 1405, 720, 73826, 17482, 279, 5915, 315, 3794, 1664, 11, 323, 4400, 374, 5535, 311, 40978, 449, 430, 1920, 13, 2650, 656, 584, 733, 922, 430, 30, 58795, 5042, 555, 18534, 304, 4059, 430, 279, 28497, 64982, 315, 279, 480, 1293, 720, 15252, 527, 26677, 323, 61987, 2461, 13, 8876, 279, 5986, 8893, 16066, 505, 264, 21249, 8624, 374, 720, 21704, 21503, 323, 26677, 750, 87544, 11, 439, 264, 1176, 3465, 279, 14048, 706, 311, 387, 23803, 315, 682, 21503, 720, 32056, 82, 323, 34446, 7384, 477, 34802, 13, 4314, 527, 3118, 304, 13057, 18893, 304, 1455, 6617, 720, 7830, 54219, 13, 36424, 35294, 388, 11, 54475, 323, 9511, 59085, 7766, 90556, 28856, 25407, 477, 720, 708, 19434, 25396, 4773, 540, 527, 1511, 7446, 323, 4529, 369, 11938, 13, 1102, 753, 1193, 994, 872, 13510, 6372, 389, 720, 1820, 2547, 527, 16365, 430, 584, 636, 9463, 315, 1124, 13, 1666, 279, 2132, 62307, 315, 279, 15419, 374, 311, 3493, 279, 8893, 449, 17508, 5392, 332, 17462, 11, 264, 7937, 2915, 720, 26378, 6586, 9979, 374, 279, 682, 98473, 4219, 1405, 682, 15657, 323, 65959, 527, 10235, 7446, 304, 3544, 720, 6173, 82, 13, 6914, 603, 1212, 555, 15182, 279, 4495, 7241, 369, 264, 39511, 4401, 11, 11297, 480, 1293, 720, 74, 7606, 13, 75258, 859, 551, 832, 1633, 3544, 832, 477, 1403, 315, 5578, 1404, 690, 387, 4460, 311, 3637, 279, 3544, 720, 31548, 1385, 315, 17808, 8356, 2631, 13, 362, 7155, 11, 52754, 6453, 11, 1664, 12, 688, 93583, 69357, 477, 35189, 720, 3039, 374, 10728, 369, 28672, 3789, 24822, 11, 902, 1541, 1431, 1205, 30477, 367, 13, 66851, 45004, 198, 2170, 50999, 1903, 17808, 65959, 527, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 3062, 21730, 6956, 315, 279, 720, 38, 1293, 2068, 11, 814, 2011, 387, 315, 279, 1888, 3284, 4367, 11, 323, 9093, 433, 374, 16595, 311, 5268, 279, 720, 3646, 11297, 10479, 13296, 87671, 430, 690, 2559, 709, 311, 6926, 1005, 927, 1403, 1667, 477, 779, 13, 2684, 527, 11510, 315, 4211, 389, 279, 3157, 13, 578, 45648, 323, 43149, 374, 279, 74182, 45284, 955, 11, 720, 606, 315, 279, 1176, 311, 3719, 13882, 2561, 13, 1102, 374, 41421, 52221, 11, 19159, 87544, 11, 49242, 2320, 10922, 23661, 720, 438, 4250, 387, 1511, 369, 21730, 13, 13596, 955, 374, 279, 33597, 10479, 13296, 11, 902, 49062, 810, 34072, 439, 1664, 439, 810, 15962, 13, 4452, 11, 433, 374, 539, 58831, 304, 5196, 11, 2533, 1148, 433, 19159, 374, 539, 779, 1790, 23661, 439, 264, 30823, 88, 720, 10546, 315, 24822, 389, 1948, 315, 264, 30125, 727, 2385, 13, 7570, 779, 11, 279, 33597, 10479, 13296, 649, 387, 1511, 1174, 719, 439, 264, 720, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 1115, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 24, 220, 17, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 911, 5863, 1193, 13, 578, 5780, 4131, 449, 264, 12235, 430, 649, 387, 9277, 1234, 279, 2385, 1405, 279, 610, 1780, 720, 285, 6118, 7559, 11, 28965, 279, 5015, 709, 7893, 3368, 3769, 13, 1115, 1243, 706, 311, 387, 2231, 1555, 264, 1450, 7058, 3376, 660, 3577, 11, 3196, 389, 264, 44175, 26128, 11, 311, 37663, 279, 23661, 505, 279, 7893, 7018, 24822, 13, 578, 720, 16845, 315, 279, 1403, 3673, 8640, 520, 3118, 510, 1049, 21, 60, 520, 922, 400, 3443, 11829, 33597, 374, 13882, 2561, 304, 720, 1820, 2326, 323, 304, 3892, 1023, 5961, 13, 1789, 279, 11630, 3577, 11, 3729, 8604, 1190, 84, 560, 1911, 22348, 916, 662, 7089, 12933, 11, 25973, 505, 12126, 719, 1101, 1903, 304, 279, 2326, 1005, 1403, 958, 90582, 11591, 950, 720, 2067, 3536, 11, 902, 40336, 2403, 1855, 1023, 13, 2435, 656, 264, 2731, 60508, 2683, 1109, 279, 33597, 7636, 720, 438, 1253, 387, 1511, 11, 5423, 422, 279, 8893, 374, 539, 16066, 505, 11084, 9572, 13, 4452, 11, 1521, 720, 2118, 606, 51194, 863, 10479, 36080, 656, 539, 3604, 26965, 311, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 753, 7754, 311, 1005, 264, 1403, 51194, 720, 4492, 11, 31706, 315, 264, 46641, 323, 264, 3577, 11, 369, 19546, 279, 1888, 23661, 13, 4314, 10479, 36080, 527, 11922, 720, 998, 8819, 810, 56067, 1109, 279, 8170, 19599, 320, 4151, 3770, 705, 719, 912, 6420, 374, 1903, 315, 279, 18813, 720, 15693, 25107, 33289, 13, 578, 2853, 315, 1521, 12933, 374, 1990, 400, 11711, 12, 7467, 13, 578, 8170, 19599, 551, 578, 1888, 1403, 51194, 10479, 13296, 374, 279, 8170, 19599, 11, 902, 374, 1101, 1455, 9504, 3210, 720, 23696, 11, 449, 264, 25468, 9699, 28362, 11, 477, 264, 7732, 24875, 12466, 16335, 3504, 13, 60842, 304, 3060, 1646, 720, 543, 5596, 315, 279, 5780, 430, 2586, 304, 3729, 449, 3691, 527, 1903, 505, 25468, 9699, 13, 578, 8170, 19599, 720, 285, 7373, 17392, 11, 449, 264, 4382, 28605, 72192, 279, 3577, 13, 8489, 81223, 323, 19883, 11, 433, 720, 285, 1101, 279, 1455, 11646, 10479, 13296, 11, 54824, 520, 3118, 25, 400, 17, 11, 1041, 12, 17, 11, 5154, 13, 578, 25468, 9699, 28362, 720, 2590, 1101, 706, 264, 28605, 430, 84431, 433, 311, 279, 220, 8610, 12, 8273, 16798, 1510, 1511, 304, 4606, 13, 1789, 2038, 720, 6797, 220, 16, 12, 4728, 12, 16408, 12, 25377, 18, 320, 68090, 7427, 220, 19104, 12, 23532, 12, 25377, 18, 570, 1795, 1129, 2185, 1276, 68054, 5531, 916, 662, 36925, 10852, 315, 4718, 66851, 13257, 198, 71088, 505, 701, 4725, 14348, 315, 20958, 7340, 96391, 304, 279, 9979, 11, 433, 374, 720, 36046, 3062, 311, 2567, 701, 10479, 13296, 4335, 323, 1949, 505, 32720, 709, 23661, 477, 49774, 13, 8876, 1521, 720, 548, 7257, 11, 814, 649, 6847, 65893, 11, 9235, 11, 323, 9504, 38204, 323, 1023, 41911, 11, 539, 311, 6420, 17684, 1026, 477, 720, 86, 11073, 13, 2057, 5766, 47810, 11, 279, 10479, 13296, 2011, 387, 28822, 1306, 1855, 1005, 13, 1115, 1288, 539, 1935, 709, 720, 59178, 5066 ]
your holier -than-thou, better -than- somebody-else, ego-driven kind of thinking, you open yourself up to frequent guidance from the universe. T ake tha t little old lady who’ s d riving in front of you at 20 mile s an hour in her 1976 cream-colored Cad illac, of which she can hardly see over the steering wheel. W ell, she signed an oath that she will drive around aimlessly, testin g your ability to ef fectively deal with her. She is a gift from God. Y ou need to stop being mad at her for being who she is and what she’ s about and understand that she’ s exactly where she’ s supposed to be. She’ s there to teach yo u a very importa nt lesson. In that moment that you’re about to get angry and speed around her (and maybe even have a ca r accident), that’ s the moment she teaches you the lesson: Y ou have to slow down. Relax. There’ s an old s aying that you will not be punished for you r an ger; you will be punished by your anger. That makes a lot of sense to me. It isn’ t like there’ s going to be a Judgment Day in which somebody’ s going to tally up how many times you were angry and give you points or whatever. Instead, what happens is that you find yourself living with that anger. When y ou expect the world to be the way you want it to be instead of honoring it and celebrating it the way it is, you will be punished by your anger. Anger, hatred, and bitterness—as well as all the stuf f that comes out of you in the name of getting som ebody else to change or not liking the way the world is—becomes what you’re constantly marinating in. It is something that you live with a ll the time, so that’ s all you h ave to give away. It intensifies the stress tha t you’re living with, and it raises your heart rate and creates all kinds of physical maladies. So don’ t give anyone else control over the Divine part of you, the intelligence that suf fuses your form and constitutes your entire humanity. Think of yourself as connected to and part of it all, rather than someone who is being victimized. Remem ber, everything that happens is part of the perfection of the Divine plan. That’ s a very nice place to get to. It doesn’ t take away your ability to make choices; it takes away your wanting the world to be as you think itshould be instead of as it is. It’ s all in how you perceive things and choose to proce ss them. If you see everybody as a teacher, then you’ll always be open to the universe’ s education. Even those who cause us deep anger and frustration and might be termed “petty ty rants” c an bring us inv aluable lessons. Society has handed us this idea that they ar e bad, so we should have hatred toward them or, at the very least, ignore them. As we’ve lea rned, however, everyone or everything that comes o ur way has some kind of purpose. W e can’ t be awake beings with heightened spiritual awareness or be authentically free if we believe that only the things that we like and approve of are part of the Divin e plan. No, everything is part of the Divine plan, pe riod. W e don’ t have to like or understand it in order for it to be part of Divinity. My fath er was a petty tyrant, y et he influenced me in dramatic ways. I call him my gre atest teacher, as it was the act of for giving him that brought me to a higher level of awareness. I can also think of many of the people whose lives I have touched as a therapist and as a friend, and see that the person t hey hav e a great deal of enmity and anger toward was one of the greatest teachers of their lives. If you look at the times when yo u have moved to a higher spiritual place in your life, you’ll often find that it was preceded by some kin d of a fall, such as a divorc e, a bankruptcy, or an unexplained illness. This is true not only for each on e of us individually but also for us collectively. V ery often the dif f iculties and conflicts that nations go through teach us how to transcend that level of thinking for resolving our disputes. Every single fall of your life, an d every single petty tyrant that has ever showed up, has really been an opportunity for you to advance spiritually. Believe it or not, the ego is terr ified of your fall—it would rath er that you have a nice, steady stream of misery. It doesn’ t want you to have a major crisis. It doesn’ t want you to have a heart attack. It doesn’ t want you to have a divorc e. Y our ego knows that when you fall, that’ s when you tend to find God. That’ s when you go to t he higher part of yourself, and the ego is terrified of either the higher self or of God being a part of your life. W ith this new p erspective, I’m sure that if you look back you can see how every fall y ou’ve experienced has actually been an ener gy propeller to get y ou to a higher level of awa reness. Therefore, I suggest that when you encounter a petty tyrant in your life now, instead of viewing them as someone to be ignored or angry at, ask, What is this doing for me now sothat I generate ener gy to move me along spiritually. That’ s a great ancient teaching, and it applies in all of our lives. All of the beliefs that I’ve talked about in this chapter are huge. The notions that you are separate, you are important, you are distinct, you need to be of fended, y ou have to cons ume, you have to be in comparison to other people, are all ideas that the false self has used. Such message s have been absorbed collectively in our society as well: The world ego keeps people from knowing the celestial light by focusing whole cultures on what makes us separate from each other, so we can build weapons to destroy each other and therefore stay in constant states of confli ct. It’ s done at the collective level; it’ s done on the individua l level. But these are things that we can all transcend. When y ou shift to a mind-set th at we are all one—and know the peace, bliss, an d joy of harmony that c omes with this—you will perform at higher and higher levels. Again, the iro ny is that you’ll have all you ne ed, coming to you in the amount that is suf ficient to take care of you, yet you will not be a ttached to a nything considered valuable in the world of f orm. When you’re unconcerned about being special and separate, genuine success will be yours. CHAPTER 8 SURRENDER AND GO WITH THE FLOW There is a fundamental understa nding that comes with awakening, which is th at th ere is an order to thing s and each of us is part of this o rder. In the Hindu tradition, this is known as dharma. It refers to our duty, or how we fit into this perfect order, the Divine plan. Here’ s a great story that illustrates this concept. A sage was seated beside a river and noticed a scorpion that had fallen in. He reached down and rescued it, only to be stung. Som etime later, he saw the scorpio n thrashing about in the wat er again. Once more, he reached down and rescued it, and once more he was stung. A bystan der observing all this exclaimed, “Holy one, why do you keep doing that. Don’ t you see that the wretched creature will only sting you in return. ” “Of cou rse,” the sage replied. “It is the dharma of a scorpion to sting. But it is the dharma of a human being to save. ” Understanding t he order of things means that you don’ t susp end your own dha rma—your place in this order, or your purpose as a hum an being— in o rder to fit in with somebody or s omething else’ s behavior or dharma. Y ou alw ays know what you’re about, that this fundamental or der is there, and that who you are and everything that happens to you is all part of the Divine plan of the universe. THE PLACE OF TRUST AND SERENITYBefore I speak to an audience, I like to take the time to get centered rather th an thinking about whether people are going to like what I have to say. I’ve shifted to visualizing them loving what I’m doing and knowing that it’ s going to work. I trust i n the Divineness that I am, not concerned with this package I’m in that is wearing away. I know that I am in harmony with the intellig ence that is suf
[ 701, 24429, 1291, 482, 54895, 7716, 283, 11, 2731, 482, 54895, 7058, 15031, 2664, 12, 1531, 11, 37374, 32505, 3169, 315, 7422, 11, 499, 1825, 6261, 709, 311, 198, 69, 70791, 19351, 505, 279, 15861, 13, 350, 264, 441, 49588, 259, 2697, 2362, 17240, 889, 529, 274, 294, 436, 2299, 304, 4156, 315, 499, 520, 220, 508, 14929, 274, 459, 6596, 198, 258, 1077, 220, 4468, 21, 12932, 58822, 33160, 5986, 582, 11, 315, 902, 1364, 649, 20781, 1518, 927, 279, 198, 5455, 4776, 13587, 13, 468, 26689, 11, 1364, 8667, 459, 49042, 430, 1364, 690, 6678, 2212, 198, 2706, 16117, 11, 1296, 258, 342, 701, 5845, 311, 220, 31469, 282, 440, 3210, 3568, 449, 1077, 13, 3005, 374, 264, 8352, 505, 198, 28622, 13, 816, 6033, 1205, 311, 3009, 1694, 13088, 520, 1077, 369, 1694, 889, 1364, 374, 323, 1148, 1364, 529, 274, 198, 9274, 323, 3619, 430, 1364, 529, 274, 220, 7041, 1405, 1364, 529, 274, 10171, 311, 387, 13, 3005, 529, 274, 198, 19041, 311, 4639, 30596, 577, 264, 1633, 1179, 64, 32512, 18228, 13, 763, 430, 4545, 430, 499, 3207, 922, 198, 998, 636, 19021, 323, 220, 4732, 2212, 1077, 320, 438, 7344, 1524, 617, 264, 2211, 436, 11677, 1350, 9210, 529, 274, 279, 4545, 1364, 33992, 499, 279, 18228, 25, 816, 6033, 617, 311, 6435, 1523, 13, 68685, 13, 2684, 529, 274, 459, 2362, 274, 264, 7169, 430, 499, 690, 539, 387, 41998, 369, 220, 499, 436, 459, 17684, 26, 499, 198, 14724, 387, 41998, 555, 220, 701, 19788, 13, 3011, 3727, 264, 2763, 315, 220, 5647, 311, 757, 13, 1102, 4536, 529, 259, 1093, 198, 19041, 529, 274, 2133, 311, 387, 264, 89662, 6187, 304, 902, 18570, 529, 274, 2133, 220, 311, 53395, 709, 198, 5269, 1690, 3115, 499, 1051, 19021, 323, 3041, 499, 3585, 477, 8996, 13, 12361, 345, 12840, 8741, 374, 430, 499, 1505, 6261, 5496, 449, 430, 19788, 13, 3277, 379, 6033, 1755, 279, 1917, 311, 387, 279, 1648, 499, 1390, 433, 311, 387, 4619, 315, 198, 82649, 5620, 433, 323, 32689, 433, 279, 1648, 433, 374, 11, 499, 690, 387, 41998, 555, 701, 198, 4091, 13, 7568, 261, 11, 35242, 11, 323, 80096, 60654, 1664, 439, 682, 279, 357, 1739, 282, 430, 4131, 704, 198, 1073, 499, 304, 279, 836, 315, 3794, 1794, 384, 2664, 775, 311, 2349, 477, 539, 49837, 279, 1648, 198, 1820, 1917, 374, 2345, 17106, 20969, 1148, 220, 499, 3207, 15320, 3678, 16252, 304, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 34431, 430, 499, 3974, 449, 264, 9507, 279, 892, 11, 779, 430, 529, 274, 682, 499, 305, 42738, 311, 3041, 198, 14075, 13, 1102, 25228, 9803, 279, 8631, 49588, 259, 499, 3207, 5496, 449, 11, 323, 433, 25930, 701, 4851, 198, 7853, 323, 11705, 682, 13124, 315, 7106, 8811, 17491, 13, 2100, 1541, 529, 259, 3041, 5606, 775, 2585, 927, 279, 43361, 961, 315, 499, 11, 279, 198, 93375, 430, 220, 56868, 282, 4881, 701, 1376, 323, 42675, 701, 4553, 22706, 13, 21834, 315, 6261, 439, 8599, 220, 311, 323, 961, 315, 433, 682, 11, 4856, 1109, 4423, 198, 14965, 374, 1694, 11996, 1534, 13, 5031, 336, 10418, 11, 4395, 430, 8741, 374, 961, 315, 279, 198, 716, 13421, 315, 279, 43361, 3197, 13, 3011, 529, 274, 264, 220, 1633, 6555, 2035, 311, 636, 220, 311, 13, 1102, 3250, 529, 259, 1935, 3201, 701, 5845, 311, 198, 7072, 11709, 26, 433, 5097, 3201, 701, 19762, 279, 1917, 311, 387, 439, 499, 1781, 433, 5562, 387, 4619, 315, 439, 433, 374, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 682, 304, 1268, 499, 45493, 2574, 220, 323, 5268, 198, 998, 463, 346, 11107, 1124, 13, 1442, 499, 1518, 16470, 439, 264, 11326, 11, 1243, 499, 4805, 2744, 387, 198, 2569, 311, 279, 15861, 529, 274, 6873, 13, 7570, 1884, 889, 5353, 603, 5655, 19788, 323, 33086, 323, 2643, 387, 61937, 198, 2118, 7005, 1919, 13892, 436, 1821, 863, 272, 459, 4546, 603, 1558, 453, 13429, 18872, 13, 13581, 706, 23415, 603, 420, 198, 42877, 430, 814, 802, 384, 3958, 11, 779, 584, 1288, 617, 35242, 9017, 1124, 477, 11, 520, 279, 1633, 198, 56371, 11, 10240, 1124, 13, 1666, 584, 4070, 514, 64, 436, 19212, 11, 4869, 11, 5127, 477, 4395, 430, 198, 6716, 297, 4433, 1648, 706, 1063, 3169, 315, 7580, 13, 468, 384, 649, 529, 259, 387, 35447, 23837, 449, 198, 2627, 6901, 18330, 17985, 477, 387, 4259, 306, 2740, 1949, 422, 584, 4510, 430, 198, 3323, 279, 2574, 430, 584, 1093, 323, 29251, 315, 527, 961, 315, 279, 8940, 258, 384, 3197, 13, 2360, 345, 73826, 220, 374, 961, 315, 279, 43361, 3197, 11, 1069, 436, 3205, 13, 468, 384, 1541, 529, 259, 617, 311, 1093, 477, 198, 8154, 2752, 433, 304, 2015, 369, 433, 311, 387, 961, 315, 8940, 13797, 13, 3092, 282, 589, 2781, 574, 264, 61585, 43049, 519, 11, 379, 1880, 568, 28160, 757, 304, 22520, 5627, 13, 358, 198, 6797, 1461, 856, 2886, 520, 478, 11326, 11, 439, 433, 574, 279, 1180, 315, 369, 7231, 1461, 430, 7263, 198, 2727, 311, 264, 5190, 2237, 315, 17985, 13, 358, 649, 1101, 1781, 315, 1690, 315, 279, 1274, 198, 86243, 6439, 358, 617, 24891, 439, 264, 42863, 323, 439, 264, 4333, 11, 323, 1518, 430, 279, 198, 9164, 259, 35309, 31081, 384, 264, 2294, 3568, 315, 665, 76, 488, 323, 19788, 9017, 574, 220, 832, 315, 279, 198, 70, 11423, 13639, 315, 872, 220, 6439, 13, 1442, 499, 1427, 520, 279, 3115, 994, 30596, 577, 617, 7882, 311, 264, 5190, 18330, 2035, 198, 258, 701, 2324, 11, 499, 4805, 3629, 1505, 430, 433, 574, 53580, 555, 1063, 24890, 294, 315, 264, 4498, 345, 21470, 439, 264, 41079, 66, 384, 11, 264, 36707, 11, 477, 459, 653, 81950, 17563, 13, 1115, 374, 837, 539, 198, 3323, 369, 1855, 389, 384, 315, 603, 32399, 719, 1101, 369, 603, 45925, 13, 650, 89357, 3629, 198, 1820, 1422, 282, 220, 3951, 552, 323, 26885, 430, 17089, 733, 1555, 4639, 603, 1268, 311, 198, 1485, 66, 408, 430, 2237, 315, 7422, 369, 53583, 1057, 42254, 13, 7357, 3254, 4498, 315, 701, 2324, 11, 459, 294, 1475, 3254, 61585, 43049, 519, 430, 706, 3596, 198, 3528, 291, 709, 11, 706, 2216, 1027, 459, 6776, 369, 499, 311, 12178, 220, 88853, 13, 59121, 433, 477, 539, 11, 279, 37374, 374, 7317, 422, 1142, 315, 701, 4498, 44603, 1053, 436, 589, 2781, 430, 499, 198, 19553, 264, 6555, 11, 24981, 4365, 315, 58701, 13, 1102, 3250, 529, 259, 1390, 499, 311, 617, 264, 3682, 198, 5192, 9667, 13, 1102, 3250, 529, 259, 1390, 499, 311, 617, 264, 4851, 3440, 13, 1102, 3250, 529, 259, 1390, 220, 499, 311, 617, 198, 64, 41079, 66, 384, 13, 816, 1057, 37374, 8964, 430, 994, 499, 4498, 11, 430, 529, 274, 994, 499, 8541, 311, 1505, 198, 28622, 13, 3011, 529, 274, 994, 499, 733, 311, 259, 568, 5190, 961, 315, 6261, 11, 323, 279, 37374, 374, 198, 69769, 1908, 315, 3060, 279, 5190, 659, 477, 315, 4359, 1694, 264, 961, 315, 701, 2324, 13, 468, 78942, 420, 502, 281, 55495, 9262, 11, 358, 4344, 2771, 430, 422, 499, 1427, 1203, 499, 649, 1518, 198, 5269, 1475, 4498, 379, 6033, 4070, 10534, 706, 3604, 1027, 459, 38556, 29720, 2047, 7218, 311, 198, 456, 379, 6033, 311, 264, 5190, 2237, 315, 1384, 64, 312, 2136, 13, 15636, 11, 358, 4284, 430, 994, 499, 198, 967, 41014, 264, 61585, 43049, 519, 304, 701, 2324, 1457, 11, 4619, 315, 20705, 1124, 439, 198, 90579, 311, 387, 12305, 477, 19021, 520, 11, 2610, 11, 3639, 374, 420, 3815, 369, 757, 1457, 779, 9210, 358, 7068, 38556, 29720, 311, 3351, 757, 3235, 88853, 13, 3011, 529, 274, 264, 2294, 14154, 198, 668, 12092, 11, 323, 433, 17208, 304, 682, 315, 1057, 6439, 13, 2052, 315, 279, 21463, 430, 358, 4070, 15243, 922, 304, 420, 12735, 527, 6908, 13, 578, 198, 1962, 919, 430, 499, 527, 8821, 11, 499, 527, 3062, 11, 499, 527, 12742, 11, 499, 1205, 198, 998, 387, 315, 282, 2954, 11, 379, 6033, 617, 311, 1615, 220, 3972, 11, 499, 617, 311, 387, 304, 12593, 311, 1023, 198, 16455, 11, 527, 682, 6848, 430, 279, 905, 659, 706, 1511, 13, 15483, 1984, 274, 617, 1027, 198, 3518, 269, 2788, 45925, 304, 1057, 8396, 439, 1664, 25, 578, 1917, 37374, 13912, 1274, 198, 1527, 14392, 279, 77480, 3177, 220, 555, 21760, 4459, 27833, 389, 1148, 3727, 198, 355, 8821, 505, 1855, 1023, 11, 779, 584, 649, 1977, 10094, 311, 7066, 220, 1855, 1023, 198, 438, 9093, 4822, 304, 6926, 220, 5415, 315, 2389, 747, 20864, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 2884, 520, 279, 22498, 198, 3374, 26, 433, 529, 274, 2884, 389, 279, 23496, 4381, 326, 2237, 13, 2030, 1521, 527, 2574, 430, 584, 649, 682, 198, 1485, 66, 408, 13, 3277, 379, 6033, 6541, 311, 264, 4059, 25063, 270, 520, 584, 527, 682, 832, 17223, 1440, 279, 9096, 345, 2067, 1056, 11, 459, 294, 16267, 315, 26348, 430, 272, 8019, 288, 449, 420, 71480, 690, 2804, 520, 5190, 198, 438, 5190, 5990, 13, 14077, 11, 279, 602, 299, 19541, 374, 430, 499, 4805, 617, 682, 499, 841, 1608, 11, 5108, 198, 998, 499, 304, 279, 3392, 430, 374, 56868, 282, 5499, 311, 1935, 2512, 315, 499, 11, 3686, 499, 690, 539, 198, 1395, 264, 18334, 3939, 311, 264, 19541, 1626, 6646, 15525, 304, 279, 1917, 315, 282, 68702, 13, 3277, 198, 9514, 3207, 26118, 29644, 291, 922, 1694, 220, 3361, 323, 8821, 11, 22785, 2450, 690, 198, 1395, 18821, 13, 96424, 220, 23, 198, 50, 15616, 36789, 3651, 12890, 4874, 198, 17673, 435, 9628, 198, 3947, 374, 220, 264, 16188, 14653, 64, 15953, 287, 430, 4131, 449, 75149, 11, 902, 198, 285, 270, 520, 270, 39357, 374, 459, 2015, 311, 3245, 274, 323, 1855, 315, 603, 374, 961, 315, 420, 297, 436, 1126, 13, 763, 279, 198, 39, 485, 84, 14135, 11, 420, 374, 3967, 439, 294, 78338, 13, 1102, 19813, 311, 1057, 14523, 11, 477, 1268, 584, 5052, 198, 18614, 420, 4832, 2015, 11, 279, 43361, 3197, 13, 5810, 529, 274, 264, 2294, 3446, 430, 46480, 420, 7434, 13, 362, 39361, 574, 47413, 30488, 198, 64, 15140, 323, 14000, 264, 1156, 73575, 430, 1047, 21536, 304, 13, 1283, 8813, 220, 1523, 323, 198, 417, 66, 3340, 433, 11, 1193, 311, 387, 357, 2234, 13, 18024, 1880, 547, 3010, 11, 568, 5602, 279, 62195, 12183, 308, 8983, 19587, 198, 9274, 304, 279, 30125, 2781, 1578, 13, 9843, 810, 11, 568, 8813, 1523, 323, 45433, 433, 11, 323, 198, 13486, 810, 568, 574, 357, 2234, 13, 362, 555, 24986, 2761, 46071, 682, 420, 80608, 11, 1054, 72291, 832, 11, 3249, 656, 499, 2567, 198, 45359, 430, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 499, 1518, 430, 279, 289, 62837, 17661, 690, 1193, 55413, 499, 304, 198, 693, 13, 126672, 2118, 2173, 4020, 436, 325, 2476, 279, 220, 39361, 20592, 13, 1054, 2181, 374, 279, 294, 78338, 315, 264, 1156, 73575, 311, 55413, 13, 2030, 198, 275, 374, 279, 294, 78338, 315, 264, 3823, 1694, 311, 3665, 13, 126672, 71251, 259, 568, 2015, 315, 2574, 3445, 430, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 9482, 842, 701, 198, 785, 294, 4317, 436, 1764, 2345, 22479, 2035, 304, 420, 2015, 11, 477, 701, 7580, 439, 264, 2854, 459, 1694, 2345, 198, 258, 297, 436, 1126, 311, 5052, 304, 449, 18570, 477, 274, 8019, 2350, 775, 529, 274, 7865, 477, 220, 294, 78338, 13, 816, 6033, 453, 86, 264, 1065, 1440, 1148, 499, 3207, 922, 11, 430, 420, 16188, 477, 2761, 374, 1070, 345, 438, 430, 220, 889, 499, 527, 323, 4395, 430, 8741, 311, 499, 374, 682, 961, 315, 279, 198, 12792, 483, 3197, 315, 279, 15861, 13, 3247, 82982, 3083, 5091, 8721, 3651, 14311, 965, 3414, 10438, 358, 6604, 311, 459, 10877, 11, 220, 358, 1093, 311, 1935, 279, 892, 311, 636, 31288, 198, 74303, 270, 459, 7422, 922, 3508, 1274, 527, 2133, 311, 1093, 1148, 358, 617, 311, 198, 37890, 13, 358, 4070, 220, 30073, 311, 9302, 4954, 1124, 21955, 1148, 358, 4344, 3815, 323, 14392, 198, 9210, 433, 529, 274, 2133, 311, 990, 13, 358, 7095, 602, 308, 279, 8940, 17090, 434, 430, 358, 1097, 11, 539, 11920, 198, 4291, 420, 6462, 358, 4344, 304, 430, 374, 12512, 3201, 13, 358, 1440, 430, 358, 1097, 220, 304, 26348, 198, 4291, 279, 220, 60538, 665, 346, 430, 374, 56868 ]
ENDURANCE TESTING MACHINE. After adding a few to the three hundred and fifty I stopped, not because I was suffering fromfatigue, but because the pounding of the ironcollar on the muscles above my knee had madethe place so pummelled very sore, as if hit agreat number of times with a heavysledgehammer. I had doubled the record, andthat seemed sufficient for a starter in thecompetition. As I stood up, Dr. Anderson reached up his arms to support me. But I needed no support.The leg that had been in use felt a trifle lighter,but in no sense weak or tired. Then I was examined for heart-action, steadiness of nerve, muscle, etc., and was foundto be all right, with no evidence of strain. Aglass brimming full of water was placed first inone hand and then in the other, and was heldout at arm's length without spilling any of thewater. Next morning I was examined for evidence of soreness, but none was present. There was thenormal elasticity and tone of muscle. Later in that same year, at the International Young Men's Christian Association TrainingSchool at Springfield, Massachusetts, I liftedseven hundred and seventy pounds with the muscles of the back and legs — a feat thatweight-lifting athletes find hard to perform.And I did these stunts eating two meals a day,one at noon and the other at six o'clock, at anaverage cost of eleven cents a day. Still another examination at the University of Pennsylvania resulted in my breaking theCollege record of lifting power with the backmuscles. I do not cite these instances as feats ofextraordinary prowess, but just to show thedifference in my condition then and twentyyears before. All this I have done simply bykeeping my body free of excess of food and thepoisons that come from the putrefaction of thefood that the organism does not want andcannot take care of. As to myself, I am now past sixty-four. I weigh one hundred and seventy pounds, whichis a good weight for my height. During themany years of experiment I have rangedbetween two hundred and seventeen and onehundred and thirty pounds, but have " settleddown " to my present quite convenient figure. Ifeel perfectly well; I can do as much work as cana man of forty—more than can the average man of forty, I believe. I rarely have a cold, andalthough I am always careless in this regard,my work is never delayed. I do not know what itis to have " that tired feeling," except asexpressed by sleepiness. When I get into bed Iscarce ever remember my head striking thepillow, and after four and one-half hours Iawake from a dreamless slumber with a happywaking thought in process of formation. I usually find it agreeable to court supplemental naps, to be followed by morepleasant waking thoughts : but these are pureluxury. I can do with five hours sleep if need be.CHAPTER III WHAT I AM ASKED ABOUT FLETCHERISM Let Nature Choose the Meals—How many Meals a Day? —Housewives—Fletcherism—The Financial Economy ofFletcherism—Business People and Fletcherism—The True Epicure. WHAT do I eat? When do I eat?How much do I eat?My answer to all these questions is very simple. I eat anything that my appetite calls for; I eat it only when it does call for it; and I eat until my appetite is satisfied and cries " Enough! " With my New England food preferences, my range of selection circulates among a verysimple and inexpensive variety, namely,potatoes, corn-bread, beans, occasionally eggs,milk, cream, toast-and-butter, etc. ; andcombinations of these, such as hashed-brownedpotatoes, potatoes in cream, potatoes au gratin, baked potatoes, potato pats, fish-balls — mainlycomposed of potato; occasionally tomato stewedwith plenty of powdered sugar; oyster stew withthe flavour of celery ; escalloped oysters, etc.The taste for fruits is always suitable to the season, and is intermittent, strong leaningstowards some particular fruit persisting for atime and then waning to give place to someother preference. But with all my fifteen or twenty years of unremitting study of the subject, I cannot nowtell what my body is going to want to-morrow.But Nature knows, and she alone knows. LET NATURE CHOOSE THE MEAL. Once in Venice a group of experimenters, of which I was one, subsisted on milk alone.During seventeen days nothing but milk,always from the same cow, and fresh from themilking, passed my lips in the way of food ordrink. I sipped the milk, and tasted it for all thetaste there was in it, and I learned to be so fondof it that it was with some difficulty that I wentback to a varied diet when the experimentcalled for a change. Good, fresh milk is anexception to Nature's dislike for monotony infood. Milk is the one perfectly-balanced foodmaterial; and while it may not be always thebest food for grown persons, it is the mostacceptable as a monotonous diet, and always is good, sufficient and safe nutriment, if sipped,tasted, and naturally swallowed. I haveforgotten just what the exact quantity was thatI consumed daily during those seventeen days—I believe it was about two quarts. I get away asfar as possible from quantitative amounts,which may influence other persons. Theappetite is the only true guide to bodily need;and if the milk is.tasted and swallowed only by involuntary compulsion as required by rightfeeding, the appetite will gauge the bodily needexactly, and cut off short when enough for themoment has been taken. So I say to all who ask me these questions as applied to themselves: I cannot advise youappropriately what to eat, when to eat, nor howmuch to eat; neither can anybody else. Trust toNature absolutely, and accept her guidance. If she calls for pie, eat pie. If she calls for it at midnight eat it then, but eat it right.Understand the food filter at the back of themouth as I have described it in a previousarticle, and use it in connection with the pie. Ifit is used properly, and all the taste is extractedfrom the pie, and it is swallowed only in response to the natural opening of the gate, andif the ingredients of the pie that are notswallowed naturally are removed from themouth, nothing will happen to disturb profoundsleep. Few persons will crave mince pie or Welsh rarebit late at night. The worker on a morningpaper may do so, and often does. He has earnedhis appetite, and sometimes it is so robust as tocall for mince pie or Welsh rarebit; but if theseare eaten properly they will then be utilised bythe body, eagerly and easily. I dwell purposely upon this extravagance of eating. It is to accentuate the fact that we wantto get as far away as possible, when cultivatingvital economies, from the idea of extraneousadvice in the matter of food. The ordinary person will probably find his appetite leaning towards the simplest of foods,and away from frequency of indulgence. If thebreakfast is postponed until a real, earnedappetite has been secured, the mid-day or laterbreakfast (remember always that breakfastmeans the first meal of the day, no matter whentaken) will be so enjoyable a meal, and the appetite will be so entirely satisfied that therewill be no more demand for food until evening,and possibly not even then. HOW MANY MEALS A DAY? I am often asked if it is true that I eat only two meals a day; that I never eat breakfast, andwhy I have dropped that meal. I have two meals a day more habitually than any other number, but not with any prescribedregularity, for the reason that my activities aremost irregular at times, and my appetiteaccommodates itself to my needs. When I am doing work under the most favourable of conditions, one meal a day is therhythm best appreciated by my body. But thequestion of " How many meals a day? " istantamount to the inquiry as to the amount ofsleep needed : it is a matter of satisfaction of thenatural requirements. The harder one works,the faster one runs, etc., the more air he needs.The same applies to the need for food accordingto the amount of heat eliminated, and the repairmaterial consumed. The really hardest workthat anybody does is done within the body. Muscular effort in normal conditions is not sowaste-provoking and exacting as getting rid ofexcess of food and the counteraction of worry oranger. Likewise, idleness begets uneasiness,uneasiness begets desire for something (nobodyknows just what), and groping around for" Don't know what " causes the temptation toeat and drink something which the body doesnot need ; and then the really hard work of thebody begins in the attempt of Nature to get ridof the excess. Excess of water can be thrown offin perspiration with comparative ease, but withexcess of food it is different. The kidneys,bacteria and fuel furnaces of the body are allover-worked to get rid of it. When I am so busy that I have only time to replenish the real exhausted need of the body,say half an hour at most, I find one meal a dayall that my appetite demands of me. This istaken after I have done my
[ 220, 11424, 1539, 8606, 220, 96635, 198, 44, 42334, 662, 4740, 7999, 264, 2478, 311, 279, 2380, 7895, 323, 198, 69, 39724, 358, 10717, 11, 539, 1606, 358, 574, 16066, 505, 45283, 22711, 11, 719, 1606, 279, 70627, 315, 279, 11245, 17666, 277, 389, 279, 24569, 3485, 856, 22095, 1047, 13088, 19030, 2035, 779, 281, 27054, 15556, 1633, 36366, 11, 439, 422, 4295, 945, 1244, 1396, 315, 3115, 449, 264, 13710, 1065, 4995, 46434, 13, 358, 1047, 35717, 279, 3335, 11, 323, 9210, 9508, 14343, 369, 264, 27795, 304, 279, 79123, 13, 1666, 358, 14980, 709, 11, 2999, 13, 21293, 8813, 709, 813, 198, 16293, 311, 1862, 757, 13, 2030, 358, 4460, 912, 1862, 11829, 2531, 430, 1047, 1027, 304, 1005, 6612, 264, 490, 19636, 30673, 100004, 304, 912, 5647, 7621, 477, 19781, 13, 5112, 358, 574, 25078, 369, 4851, 26115, 345, 43280, 1918, 315, 32015, 11, 16124, 11, 5099, 2637, 323, 574, 1766, 998, 387, 682, 1314, 11, 449, 912, 6029, 315, 26800, 13, 4701, 448, 1437, 41133, 2539, 315, 3090, 574, 9277, 1176, 304, 606, 1450, 323, 1243, 304, 279, 1023, 11, 323, 574, 5762, 412, 520, 6916, 596, 3160, 2085, 993, 9585, 904, 315, 279, 13284, 13, 9479, 6693, 358, 574, 25078, 369, 6029, 315, 198, 82, 461, 2136, 11, 719, 7000, 574, 3118, 13, 2684, 574, 1243, 2553, 95916, 323, 16630, 315, 16124, 13, 25929, 304, 430, 1890, 1060, 11, 520, 279, 7327, 198, 41672, 11258, 596, 9052, 10229, 16543, 33849, 520, 53524, 11, 22108, 11, 358, 30831, 81285, 7895, 323, 71049, 16701, 449, 279, 198, 38827, 19153, 315, 279, 1203, 323, 14535, 2001, 264, 12627, 430, 4870, 2922, 18148, 23579, 1505, 2653, 311, 2804, 32264, 358, 1550, 1521, 357, 38040, 12459, 1403, 21644, 264, 1938, 11, 606, 520, 38245, 323, 279, 1023, 520, 4848, 297, 63510, 11, 520, 459, 17645, 2853, 315, 45314, 31291, 264, 1938, 13, 16782, 2500, 24481, 520, 279, 3907, 315, 198, 82031, 18987, 19543, 304, 856, 15061, 279, 57549, 3335, 315, 33510, 2410, 449, 279, 1203, 38827, 19153, 13, 358, 656, 539, 39396, 1521, 13422, 439, 64401, 315, 15824, 21707, 74160, 11, 719, 1120, 311, 1501, 279, 60351, 304, 856, 3044, 1243, 323, 17510, 42820, 1603, 13, 2052, 420, 358, 617, 2884, 5042, 555, 33494, 856, 2547, 1949, 315, 13937, 315, 3691, 323, 279, 5481, 19941, 430, 2586, 505, 279, 2231, 1116, 1335, 315, 279, 14239, 430, 279, 47120, 1587, 539, 1390, 323, 34360, 1935, 2512, 315, 13, 1666, 311, 7182, 11, 358, 1097, 1457, 3347, 53474, 42117, 13, 358, 198, 57740, 832, 7895, 323, 71049, 16701, 11, 902, 285, 264, 1695, 4785, 369, 856, 2673, 13, 12220, 1124, 3852, 1667, 315, 9526, 358, 617, 41829, 42967, 1403, 7895, 323, 82497, 323, 832, 71, 7259, 323, 27219, 16701, 11, 719, 617, 330, 25760, 634, 785, 330, 311, 856, 3118, 5115, 17125, 7216, 13, 1442, 96551, 14268, 1664, 26, 358, 649, 656, 439, 1790, 990, 439, 649, 64, 893, 315, 36498, 2345, 6518, 1109, 649, 279, 5578, 893, 198, 1073, 36498, 11, 358, 4510, 13, 358, 19029, 617, 264, 9439, 11, 323, 37241, 358, 1097, 2744, 84834, 304, 420, 5363, 11, 2465, 990, 374, 2646, 23540, 13, 358, 656, 539, 1440, 1148, 433, 285, 311, 617, 330, 430, 19781, 8430, 1359, 3734, 264, 11814, 14655, 555, 6212, 1918, 13, 3277, 358, 636, 1139, 4950, 2209, 7063, 346, 3596, 6227, 856, 2010, 21933, 279, 50946, 363, 11, 323, 1306, 3116, 323, 832, 34902, 4207, 358, 675, 731, 505, 264, 8063, 1752, 1776, 900, 449, 264, 6380, 86, 1802, 3463, 304, 1920, 315, 18488, 13, 358, 6118, 1505, 433, 7655, 481, 311, 5590, 198, 13066, 2833, 278, 308, 2690, 11, 311, 387, 8272, 555, 810, 45007, 48728, 11555, 551, 719, 1521, 527, 10748, 63959, 3431, 13, 358, 649, 656, 449, 4330, 4207, 6212, 422, 1205, 387, 38565, 38524, 14767, 198, 60960, 358, 6912, 5871, 42, 1507, 52912, 435, 21419, 2198, 643, 47905, 198, 10267, 22037, 22991, 279, 96350, 2345, 4438, 1690, 96350, 264, 6187, 949, 2001, 29707, 59488, 2345, 37, 61620, 2191, 2345, 791, 17961, 38661, 315, 37, 61620, 2191, 2345, 23562, 9029, 323, 69168, 2191, 2345, 791, 3082, 40467, 554, 13, 38535, 656, 358, 8343, 949, 3277, 656, 358, 8343, 949, 4438, 1790, 656, 358, 8343, 949, 5159, 4320, 311, 682, 1521, 4860, 374, 1633, 198, 23796, 13, 358, 8343, 4205, 430, 856, 38575, 6880, 369, 280, 40, 8343, 433, 1193, 994, 433, 1587, 1650, 369, 433, 26, 323, 358, 8343, 3156, 198, 2465, 38575, 374, 20097, 323, 58845, 330, 62692, 758, 330, 3161, 856, 1561, 9635, 3691, 19882, 11, 856, 198, 9866, 315, 6727, 4319, 24031, 4315, 264, 1633, 23796, 323, 44252, 8205, 11, 32125, 7385, 354, 20798, 11, 14095, 1481, 888, 11, 27994, 11, 23781, 19335, 13387, 34263, 11, 12932, 11, 23211, 9976, 1481, 6339, 11, 5099, 13, 2652, 323, 884, 74729, 315, 1521, 11, 1778, 439, 51776, 1481, 45184, 19644, 20798, 11, 35267, 304, 12932, 11, 35267, 8065, 8902, 258, 345, 65, 7897, 35267, 11, 39834, 281, 1900, 11, 7795, 1481, 5700, 2001, 14918, 93834, 315, 39834, 26, 23781, 42120, 61443, 291, 4291, 11510, 315, 83583, 13465, 26, 297, 22604, 61443, 449, 1820, 47697, 315, 70121, 2652, 27533, 385, 7018, 297, 100163, 11, 5099, 11829, 12945, 369, 26390, 374, 2744, 14791, 311, 279, 198, 17217, 11, 323, 374, 75568, 11, 3831, 49448, 267, 71839, 1063, 4040, 14098, 23135, 287, 369, 520, 547, 323, 1243, 289, 44159, 311, 3041, 2035, 311, 1063, 1605, 22698, 13, 2030, 449, 682, 856, 37755, 477, 17510, 1667, 315, 198, 359, 265, 1800, 1303, 4007, 315, 279, 3917, 11, 358, 4250, 1457, 73457, 1148, 856, 2547, 374, 2133, 311, 1390, 311, 1474, 7924, 53701, 22037, 8964, 11, 323, 1364, 7636, 8964, 13, 36757, 452, 15215, 220, 6969, 84340, 220, 3247, 16691, 984, 662, 9843, 304, 56750, 264, 1912, 315, 9526, 388, 11, 315, 198, 8370, 358, 574, 832, 11, 5258, 13539, 389, 14403, 7636, 920, 1711, 82497, 2919, 4400, 719, 14403, 11, 33222, 505, 279, 1890, 19923, 11, 323, 7878, 505, 1124, 321, 10789, 11, 5946, 856, 23726, 304, 279, 1648, 315, 3691, 477, 98427, 13, 358, 274, 6586, 279, 14403, 11, 323, 61580, 433, 369, 682, 279, 83, 5642, 1070, 574, 304, 433, 11, 323, 358, 9687, 311, 387, 779, 21901, 1073, 433, 430, 433, 574, 449, 1063, 17250, 430, 358, 4024, 1445, 311, 264, 28830, 10173, 994, 279, 9526, 44982, 369, 264, 2349, 13, 7839, 11, 7878, 14403, 374, 459, 7959, 311, 22037, 596, 48969, 369, 78316, 3633, 3630, 347, 13, 44925, 374, 279, 832, 14268, 84225, 4979, 3691, 8407, 26, 323, 1418, 433, 1253, 539, 387, 2744, 279, 16241, 3691, 369, 15042, 11434, 11, 433, 374, 279, 1455, 38116, 439, 264, 1647, 26934, 788, 10173, 11, 323, 2744, 374, 198, 19045, 11, 14343, 323, 6220, 10184, 81, 3904, 11, 422, 274, 6586, 14287, 15386, 11, 323, 18182, 64437, 13, 358, 617, 97944, 10503, 1120, 1148, 279, 4839, 12472, 574, 430, 40, 27073, 7446, 2391, 1884, 82497, 2919, 51757, 4510, 433, 574, 922, 1403, 934, 7183, 13, 358, 636, 3201, 439, 24470, 439, 3284, 505, 47616, 15055, 11, 8370, 1253, 10383, 1023, 11434, 13, 578, 680, 295, 635, 374, 279, 1193, 837, 8641, 311, 48131, 1205, 26, 438, 422, 279, 14403, 374, 662, 83, 15386, 720, 438, 64437, 1193, 555, 198, 258, 12821, 60056, 1391, 34003, 439, 2631, 555, 1314, 46519, 11, 279, 38575, 690, 31990, 279, 48131, 1205, 327, 33839, 11, 323, 4018, 1022, 2875, 994, 3403, 369, 1124, 13209, 706, 1027, 4529, 13, 2100, 358, 2019, 311, 682, 889, 2610, 757, 1521, 4860, 439, 198, 391, 3523, 311, 5694, 25, 358, 4250, 32113, 499, 76571, 2718, 1148, 311, 8343, 11, 994, 311, 8343, 11, 6463, 1268, 59178, 311, 8343, 26, 14188, 649, 21739, 775, 13, 17236, 311, 79519, 11112, 11, 323, 4287, 1077, 19351, 13, 1442, 1364, 6880, 369, 4447, 11, 8343, 4447, 13, 1442, 1364, 6880, 369, 433, 520, 198, 16497, 9471, 8343, 433, 1243, 11, 719, 8343, 433, 1314, 5368, 910, 2752, 279, 3691, 4141, 520, 279, 1203, 315, 1124, 2969, 439, 358, 617, 7633, 433, 304, 264, 3766, 7203, 11, 323, 1005, 433, 304, 3717, 449, 279, 4447, 13, 1442, 275, 374, 1511, 10489, 11, 323, 682, 279, 12945, 374, 28532, 1527, 279, 4447, 11, 323, 433, 374, 64437, 1193, 304, 198, 2376, 311, 279, 5933, 8736, 315, 279, 18618, 11, 323, 333, 279, 14293, 315, 279, 4447, 430, 527, 539, 2332, 21642, 18182, 527, 7108, 505, 1124, 2969, 11, 4400, 690, 3621, 311, 38323, 2848, 3171, 3583, 13, 44015, 11434, 690, 81413, 1332, 346, 4447, 477, 46881, 198, 81, 548, 4590, 3389, 520, 3814, 13, 578, 12128, 389, 264, 6693, 19716, 1253, 656, 779, 11, 323, 3629, 1587, 13, 1283, 706, 15662, 26301, 38575, 11, 323, 7170, 433, 374, 779, 22514, 439, 311, 6797, 369, 1332, 346, 4447, 477, 46881, 9024, 4590, 26, 719, 422, 1521, 548, 35661, 10489, 814, 690, 1243, 387, 4186, 4147, 555, 1820, 2547, 11, 63473, 323, 6847, 13, 358, 44935, 90187, 5304, 420, 74164, 685, 315, 198, 91955, 13, 1102, 374, 311, 30200, 6426, 279, 2144, 430, 584, 1390, 998, 636, 439, 3117, 3201, 439, 3284, 11, 994, 99139, 85, 2223, 37671, 11, 505, 279, 4623, 315, 11741, 18133, 329, 1805, 304, 279, 5030, 315, 3691, 13, 578, 19664, 1732, 690, 4762, 1505, 813, 198, 680, 295, 635, 49448, 7119, 279, 45648, 315, 15657, 51526, 3201, 505, 11900, 315, 37960, 29355, 13, 1442, 279, 9137, 9533, 374, 62720, 3156, 264, 1972, 11, 15662, 680, 295, 635, 706, 1027, 27528, 11, 279, 5209, 11477, 477, 3010, 9137, 9533, 320, 30380, 2744, 430, 17954, 47321, 279, 1176, 15496, 315, 279, 1938, 11, 912, 5030, 421, 306, 3448, 8, 690, 387, 779, 32180, 264, 15496, 11, 323, 279, 198, 680, 295, 635, 690, 387, 779, 11622, 20097, 430, 9139, 365, 484, 387, 912, 810, 7631, 369, 3691, 3156, 11714, 51526, 11000, 539, 1524, 1243, 13, 24440, 99356, 220, 16691, 47837, 220, 362, 38788, 949, 358, 1097, 3629, 4691, 422, 433, 374, 837, 430, 358, 8343, 1193, 198, 20375, 21644, 264, 1938, 26, 430, 358, 2646, 8343, 17954, 11, 323, 35734, 358, 617, 12504, 430, 15496, 13, 358, 617, 1403, 21644, 264, 1938, 810, 14464, 1870, 1109, 198, 3852, 1023, 1396, 11, 719, 539, 449, 904, 32031, 23108, 488, 11, 369, 279, 2944, 430, 856, 7640, 527, 3646, 42408, 520, 3115, 11, 323, 856, 38575, 73087, 2658, 988, 5196, 311, 856, 3966, 13, 3277, 358, 1097, 3815, 990, 1234, 279, 1455, 198, 69, 27089, 481, 315, 4787, 11, 832, 15496, 264, 1938, 374, 9139, 61254, 1888, 26893, 555, 856, 2547, 13, 2030, 279, 7998, 315, 220, 330, 2650, 1690, 21644, 264, 1938, 949, 330, 6127, 519, 6173, 311, 279, 26981, 439, 311, 279, 3392, 315, 26894, 4460, 551, 433, 374, 264, 5030, 315, 24617, 315, 1243, 4688, 8670, 13, 578, 16127, 832, 4375, 63738, 10819, 832, 8640, 11, 5099, 2637, 279, 810, 3805, 568, 3966, 11829, 1890, 17208, 311, 279, 1205, 369, 3691, 4184, 998, 279, 3392, 315, 8798, 34373, 11, 323, 279, 13023, 8407, 27073, 13, 578, 2216, 37554, 990, 9210, 21739, 1587, 374, 2884, 2949, 279, 2547, 13, 5444, 22077, 5149, 304, 4725, 4787, 374, 539, 58565, 5642, 10039, 85, 10979, 323, 4839, 287, 439, 3794, 9463, 315, 327, 1140, 315, 3691, 323, 279, 5663, 1335, 315, 11196, 477, 4091, 13, 50487, 11, 887, 77319, 387, 19209, 6316, 300, 1918, 11, 2957, 300, 1918, 387, 19209, 12876, 369, 2555, 320, 77, 43440, 33134, 82, 1120, 1148, 705, 323, 92441, 287, 2212, 369, 1, 4418, 956, 1440, 1148, 330, 11384, 279, 62461, 31316, 266, 323, 7172, 2555, 902, 279, 2547, 1587, 1962, 1205, 2652, 323, 1243, 279, 2216, 2653, 990, 315, 279, 2664, 12302, 304, 279, 4879, 315, 22037, 311, 636, 9463, 1073, 279, 13937, 13, 1398, 1140, 315, 3090, 649, 387, 15338, 1022, 258, 7565, 29579, 449, 55394, 14553, 11, 719, 449, 327, 1140, 315, 3691, 433, 374, 2204, 13, 578, 81960, 8568, 78852, 323, 10633, 9626, 2492, 315, 279, 2547, 527, 453, 57597, 29721, 291, 311, 636, 9463, 315, 433, 13, 3277, 358, 1097, 779, 13326, 430, 358, 617, 1193, 892, 311, 198, 265, 87635, 819, 279, 1972, 39019, 1205, 315, 279, 2547, 10900, 352, 4376, 459, 6596, 520, 1455, 11, 358, 1505, 832, 15496, 264, 1938, 543, 430, 856, 38575, 18651, 315, 757, 13, 1115, 6127, 3448, 1306, 358, 617, 2884, 856 ]
severe flu epidemic, I only languished for two days. It used to be much longer. For the first three months, I didn't have any special sensations, I just started having regular stools. After about three and a half months, severe pain started in my wrists and knees. I had such pain in my legs that I didn't know how to proceed. Hemorrhoids appeared, sharp pain in the genitals, cutting when urinating, sexual weakness, terrible pain in the back and in the entire spine, cutting in the abdomen, pain in the right side, under the chest and in the solar plexus area, I was troubled by heartburn and pain in the lungs , my heart throbbed, my throat hurt, my right ear hurt, my teeth started to hurt and I was shaking, I had a cold all the time. All kinds of pimples and blackheads popped up all over my body. I developed a fungus between my toes and in my groin. I just had a normal temperature. (This is precisely a symptom indicating a cleansing crisis and not a disease - author's note). All this lasted a little over a month. One problem followed another. I called this period "little hell". At the same time, however, I felt that I had nowhere to retreat. I found in myself a strange coolness, a blind faith bordering on fanaticism, that everything would be normal again. I continued to drink my own, native urine. In addition, I began to wash my mouth, throat and nasopharynx with urine in the morning and in the evening, I took a contrast shower every evening. I still do that today. I was naturally preparing for crisis phenomena, but I did not expect something like this. Perhaps it wasn't even a crisis, but an exorcism. Relief came on the fifth month of urine intake, on the sixth month I tried to start running. In my youth, I mean the years after coming out of the army, I tried to run several times, but after two or three kilometers my muscles hurt so much the next day that I lost the desire to do sports. Now I ran 3 kilometers on the first day like I used to. What was my surprise when the next day I felt no pain in my legs. So the next days I ran 5 and then 6 km. I felt a pleasant fatigue in my whole body and my legs hummed like a transformer. I started running 10 km and stopped there. Today I run this distance every day without rest. There was a strange persistence. At the same time, I weigh 92 kg with a height of 180 cm. I am 31 years old. I continue to use urine and have stopped visiting the asylum. I feel like a twenty year old. Nature gives everyone such a chance to survive, you just have to take it." The author leaves this letter without comment. Judge for yourself. Example: “I've been drinking urine for several months, the middle part. After fasting, I go to the steam bath and only then will I feel the effect of using urine. I'm usually there for three hours and I really enjoy it. I have been going to the couple for 15 years and I eat reasonably well with my family. Therefore, I was convinced that the urine would not cause me any vomiting, poisoning or other negative manifestations, about which there were reports - warnings - condemnations in the press. The neighbor, who literally overeats herself on meat and canned food, throws herself from extreme to extreme and is literally crammed with waste, drank urine for a day and expected an immediate result. Then they took her to the hospital, as if poisoned. I told her that any treatment must be approached with caution, with sensitivity and strictly individually. In addition, when he has inflammation of the intestine and stomach and other problems. Such fools then write in the newspapers and try to dissuade people from real and correct treatment, which alone is capable of sustaining and prolonging life. That makes a person sad.'' Comment: Here, too, the reader can decide for himself whether to use urine or not. The example clearly shows what you may encounter. You just have to keep repeating the motto of the sages of old, don't you urine is a remedy for the brave . And I would like to add: and for those who are wildly curious and want to know a lot.In 1995, a certain magazine published a critique of my book "Myself as a Doctor", in which the editor, with the help of two doctors, criticized not only my cleansing program, but especially the chapter on urinotherapy. It didn't hurt the book too much (it was on the bestseller list for several months and is still sought after), but there remained a certain bitterness and fear of human stupidity that can just throw away a thousand-year -old method that, if used correctly, could bring relief to a huge number of people, certainly more than both doctors combined. Urinotherapy in specific cases Because urine has a strong multifaceted effect on the human body and can be introduced into it in many ways, there are many methods of its use and many combined, mutually reinforcing variants: urine therapy - starvation, urine therapy - clay treatment, etc. Hello one method is suitable for
[ 198, 325, 19846, 198, 27256, 198, 752, 307, 8274, 345, 40, 198, 3323, 198, 75, 2379, 3384, 198, 2000, 198, 20375, 198, 14097, 13, 1102, 198, 2656, 198, 998, 198, 1395, 198, 59178, 198, 4930, 261, 662, 1789, 198, 1820, 198, 3983, 198, 28956, 198, 50814, 345, 40, 198, 97849, 956, 198, 19553, 198, 3852, 198, 15495, 198, 82, 729, 811, 345, 40, 198, 4345, 198, 47823, 198, 69666, 198, 23108, 720, 267, 6309, 13, 4740, 198, 9274, 198, 28956, 198, 438, 198, 64, 198, 38106, 198, 50814, 345, 325, 19846, 198, 92724, 198, 47823, 198, 258, 198, 2465, 198, 19239, 1705, 198, 438, 198, 74, 69819, 13, 358, 198, 32345, 720, 21470, 198, 92724, 198, 258, 198, 2465, 198, 73336, 198, 9210, 198, 40, 198, 97849, 956, 198, 33134, 198, 5269, 198, 998, 198, 782, 4739, 13, 33924, 54308, 17390, 198, 99567, 345, 54017, 198, 92724, 198, 258, 720, 1820, 198, 4469, 16664, 345, 10453, 1303, 198, 9493, 198, 324, 16252, 345, 44687, 198, 13451, 2136, 345, 466, 12560, 198, 92724, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 1445, 198, 438, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 720, 306, 556, 198, 2203, 483, 345, 10453, 1303, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 370, 5717, 268, 345, 92724, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 1315, 198, 3002, 345, 8154, 198, 1820, 198, 27417, 198, 438, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 82, 7569, 720, 9289, 355, 198, 4903, 345, 40, 198, 16514, 198, 376, 5599, 839, 198, 1729, 198, 18207, 22464, 198, 438, 198, 92724, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 75, 29222, 198, 345, 2465, 198, 18207, 198, 339, 23576, 2788, 345, 2465, 198, 87164, 720, 71, 5757, 345, 2465, 198, 1315, 198, 686, 198, 71, 5757, 345, 2465, 198, 668, 774, 198, 47823, 198, 998, 198, 71, 5757, 198, 438, 198, 40, 198, 16514, 198, 939, 1802, 345, 40, 198, 32345, 198, 64, 198, 88172, 198, 543, 198, 1820, 198, 1712, 13, 2052, 720, 74, 8843, 198, 1073, 198, 79, 6802, 645, 198, 438, 198, 11708, 36910, 198, 79, 18033, 198, 455, 198, 543, 198, 2017, 198, 2465, 198, 2664, 662, 358, 198, 16219, 291, 198, 64, 198, 79706, 355, 198, 42967, 720, 2465, 198, 998, 288, 198, 438, 198, 258, 198, 2465, 198, 42511, 258, 13, 358, 198, 4345, 198, 32345, 198, 64, 198, 8416, 198, 35658, 13, 320, 2028, 198, 285, 198, 10872, 285, 989, 198, 64, 198, 24738, 80797, 720, 86184, 1113, 198, 64, 198, 9326, 598, 287, 198, 5192, 9667, 198, 438, 198, 1962, 198, 64, 198, 67, 56407, 198, 7058, 3170, 596, 198, 10179, 570, 2052, 198, 576, 198, 4354, 291, 198, 64, 198, 56492, 198, 2017, 198, 64, 720, 10460, 13, 3861, 198, 35686, 198, 19070, 291, 198, 43063, 662, 358, 198, 44982, 198, 576, 198, 19862, 198, 1, 56492, 198, 57195, 3343, 2468, 198, 1820, 198, 25030, 198, 1712, 11, 720, 98936, 13801, 40, 198, 66922, 198, 9210, 198, 40, 198, 32345, 198, 3409, 6881, 198, 998, 198, 2171, 1244, 13, 358, 198, 15456, 198, 258, 198, 2465, 726, 198, 64, 198, 496, 853, 198, 43296, 2136, 345, 64, 198, 94009, 198, 75710, 720, 9649, 287, 198, 263, 198, 31278, 780, 2191, 345, 9210, 198, 73826, 198, 41450, 198, 1395, 198, 8416, 198, 33871, 13, 358, 198, 86957, 198, 998, 198, 98427, 198, 2465, 198, 785, 11, 720, 30838, 198, 324, 483, 13, 763, 198, 723, 684, 345, 40, 198, 65, 16133, 198, 998, 198, 70545, 198, 2465, 198, 33780, 345, 87164, 198, 438, 198, 46523, 5237, 661, 24244, 198, 4291, 198, 324, 483, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 720, 57902, 1251, 198, 438, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 17206, 287, 345, 40, 198, 91453, 198, 64, 198, 85324, 198, 939, 1223, 198, 30115, 198, 17206, 287, 13, 358, 198, 44466, 198, 3055, 198, 9210, 198, 31213, 662, 358, 198, 16514, 720, 77, 72247, 198, 1762, 45252, 198, 2000, 198, 5192, 9667, 198, 15112, 6431, 64, 345, 8248, 198, 40, 198, 23770, 198, 1962, 198, 17557, 198, 34431, 198, 4908, 198, 576, 13, 19292, 198, 275, 720, 16514, 77, 956, 198, 17206, 198, 64, 198, 5192, 9667, 345, 8248, 198, 276, 198, 327, 50922, 2191, 13, 53495, 198, 6142, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 198, 69, 58710, 198, 10460, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 396, 731, 345, 263, 198, 1820, 720, 51464, 339, 198, 10460, 198, 40, 198, 376, 1142, 198, 998, 198, 2527, 198, 28272, 13, 763, 198, 2465, 198, 88, 2969, 345, 40, 198, 14622, 198, 1820, 198, 42820, 198, 10924, 198, 5065, 198, 412, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 720, 2227, 88, 13801, 40, 198, 376, 1142, 198, 998, 198, 6236, 198, 325, 17998, 198, 15487, 345, 8248, 198, 10924, 198, 20375, 198, 269, 198, 28956, 198, 86626, 33504, 198, 2465, 198, 38827, 19153, 198, 71, 5757, 198, 708, 198, 59178, 720, 1820, 198, 3684, 198, 1316, 198, 9210, 198, 40, 198, 55437, 198, 1820, 198, 5919, 556, 198, 998, 198, 3055, 198, 84660, 13, 4800, 198, 40, 198, 6713, 198, 18, 198, 86626, 33504, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 198, 3983, 198, 1316, 198, 4908, 198, 40, 720, 2656, 198, 998, 13, 3639, 198, 16514, 198, 2465, 198, 20370, 9868, 198, 9493, 198, 1820, 198, 3684, 198, 1316, 198, 40, 198, 66922, 198, 2201, 198, 92724, 198, 258, 198, 2465, 198, 73336, 13, 2100, 198, 1820, 198, 3684, 198, 14097, 198, 40, 720, 6713, 198, 20, 198, 438, 198, 3473, 198, 21, 198, 16400, 13, 358, 198, 66922, 198, 64, 198, 45007, 198, 45283, 22711, 198, 258, 198, 2465, 198, 67733, 198, 2664, 198, 438, 198, 2465, 198, 73336, 198, 28400, 2106, 198, 4908, 198, 64, 720, 4806, 261, 662, 358, 198, 47823, 198, 28272, 198, 605, 198, 16400, 198, 438, 198, 90963, 198, 19041, 13, 11450, 198, 40, 198, 6236, 198, 576, 198, 19909, 198, 30115, 198, 1316, 720, 30096, 198, 4014, 13, 2684, 198, 16514, 198, 64, 198, 496, 853, 198, 79, 8185, 13, 2468, 198, 1820, 198, 25030, 198, 1712, 345, 40, 198, 57740, 198, 6083, 198, 7501, 198, 4291, 198, 64, 198, 2627, 198, 1073, 720, 5245, 198, 6358, 13, 358, 198, 309, 198, 2148, 198, 42820, 198, 820, 13, 358, 198, 9726, 198, 998, 198, 817, 198, 324, 483, 198, 438, 198, 19553, 198, 90963, 198, 2749, 5977, 198, 1820, 198, 300, 28433, 13, 358, 198, 57676, 720, 4908, 198, 64, 198, 95065, 198, 3236, 198, 820, 13, 22037, 198, 70, 1924, 198, 93057, 198, 21470, 198, 64, 198, 331, 685, 198, 998, 198, 20370, 85, 535, 345, 9514, 198, 4345, 198, 19553, 198, 998, 198, 23609, 720, 275, 1210, 578, 198, 3170, 198, 273, 4798, 198, 576, 198, 9638, 198, 30096, 198, 6313, 13, 20819, 198, 2000, 198, 22479, 726, 13, 13688, 512, 10378, 3077, 198, 82850, 198, 3696, 16113, 198, 324, 483, 198, 2000, 198, 325, 17998, 198, 50814, 345, 1820, 198, 20231, 198, 4581, 13, 4740, 198, 9533, 287, 345, 40, 198, 3427, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 47690, 198, 65, 589, 198, 438, 198, 3323, 198, 3473, 198, 14724, 198, 40, 198, 57676, 198, 1820, 198, 27153, 198, 1073, 198, 985, 198, 324, 483, 13, 358, 2846, 198, 44066, 198, 19041, 198, 2000, 198, 28956, 720, 31482, 198, 438, 198, 40, 198, 54760, 198, 268, 4215, 198, 275, 13, 358, 198, 19553, 198, 82850, 198, 9738, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 23045, 698, 198, 2000, 198, 868, 198, 42820, 198, 438, 198, 40, 198, 33166, 198, 20489, 2915, 720, 9336, 198, 4291, 198, 2465, 198, 19521, 662, 15636, 345, 40, 198, 16514, 198, 444, 9799, 2041, 198, 9210, 198, 1820, 198, 324, 483, 198, 41450, 198, 1962, 198, 1593, 198, 2727, 198, 3852, 720, 85, 316, 5977, 345, 5481, 3416, 287, 198, 269, 198, 1605, 198, 43324, 198, 43415, 811, 345, 9274, 198, 8370, 198, 19041, 198, 52898, 198, 38006, 198, 12, 720, 61547, 198, 7058, 1321, 336, 77, 811, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 1911, 13, 578, 198, 37569, 13801, 14965, 198, 69191, 750, 198, 70030, 1900, 198, 71, 388, 491, 198, 263, 198, 2727, 266, 720, 438, 198, 66, 7443, 198, 14239, 345, 8262, 198, 71, 388, 491, 198, 1527, 198, 428, 9831, 198, 998, 198, 428, 9831, 198, 438, 198, 285, 198, 69191, 750, 198, 66, 2453, 2106, 198, 4291, 198, 86, 5642, 11, 720, 3696, 1201, 198, 324, 483, 198, 2000, 198, 64, 198, 1316, 198, 438, 198, 7475, 198, 276, 198, 318, 14978, 198, 1407, 13, 5112, 198, 20670, 198, 91453, 198, 1964, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 71127, 345, 300, 720, 333, 198, 5481, 3416, 291, 13, 358, 198, 83, 820, 198, 1964, 198, 9210, 198, 3852, 198, 83, 35320, 198, 25849, 198, 1395, 198, 16082, 3939, 198, 4291, 198, 936, 1516, 345, 4291, 198, 82, 48937, 720, 438, 198, 6765, 398, 198, 485, 65023, 1870, 662, 763, 198, 723, 684, 345, 9493, 198, 383, 198, 4752, 198, 258, 45864, 367, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 396, 478, 483, 198, 438, 198, 267, 316, 613, 720, 438, 198, 1605, 198, 96440, 13, 15483, 198, 831, 3145, 198, 3473, 198, 5040, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 943, 2203, 9724, 198, 438, 198, 1568, 198, 998, 198, 67, 1056, 84, 1037, 198, 16455, 198, 1527, 720, 8110, 198, 438, 198, 20523, 198, 83, 35320, 345, 8370, 198, 32676, 198, 285, 198, 11600, 481, 198, 1073, 198, 82, 592, 2101, 198, 438, 198, 782, 4930, 287, 198, 14789, 13, 3011, 720, 80785, 198, 64, 198, 9164, 198, 83214, 43584, 12535, 512, 8586, 345, 37227, 345, 1820, 198, 11397, 198, 4919, 198, 8332, 579, 198, 2000, 198, 40617, 726, 198, 49864, 198, 998, 198, 817, 198, 324, 483, 198, 269, 198, 1962, 13, 578, 198, 8858, 198, 7574, 398, 198, 60556, 198, 12840, 198, 9514, 198, 18864, 198, 967, 41014, 662, 1472, 198, 4345, 198, 19553, 198, 998, 198, 13397, 198, 265, 65977, 198, 1820, 198, 76, 36726, 198, 1073, 720, 1820, 198, 82, 1154, 198, 1073, 198, 820, 345, 15357, 956, 198, 9514, 198, 324, 483, 198, 285, 198, 64, 198, 1864, 9497, 198, 2000, 198, 1820, 198, 1347, 525, 198, 13, 1628, 198, 40, 198, 41450, 198, 4908, 198, 998, 198, 723, 512, 438, 198, 2000, 720, 54719, 198, 14965, 198, 548, 198, 68974, 398, 198, 2407, 1245, 198, 438, 198, 53757, 198, 998, 198, 33134, 198, 64, 198, 9363, 5450, 198, 2550, 20, 345, 64, 198, 66, 7770, 198, 31606, 10119, 198, 33966, 198, 64, 198, 38096, 2428, 198, 1073, 198, 2465, 198, 2239, 198, 46240, 726, 198, 300, 198, 64, 198, 43824, 761, 258, 198, 8370, 198, 1820, 198, 9044, 13801, 4291, 198, 1820, 198, 8823, 198, 1073, 198, 20375, 198, 3055, 12816, 345, 38096, 292, 1534, 198, 1962, 198, 3323, 198, 2465, 198, 9326, 598, 287, 198, 15252, 345, 8248, 720, 36046, 198, 1820, 198, 41326, 198, 263, 198, 324, 258, 42811, 662, 1102, 198, 97849, 956, 198, 71, 5757, 198, 1820, 198, 2239, 198, 37227, 198, 59178, 198, 13641, 198, 16514, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 720, 16241, 35199, 198, 1638, 198, 2000, 198, 325, 17998, 198, 50814, 198, 438, 198, 285, 198, 44466, 198, 82, 2509, 198, 10924, 1350, 8248, 198, 19041, 198, 1864, 2692, 198, 64, 198, 66, 7770, 720, 65, 3328, 2136, 198, 438, 198, 69, 686, 198, 1073, 198, 26380, 198, 267, 16263, 488, 198, 9210, 198, 4919, 198, 4345, 198, 7265, 198, 14075, 198, 64, 198, 339, 52949, 4771, 482, 820, 198, 4492, 720, 9210, 345, 333, 198, 2656, 198, 20523, 398, 13801, 29177, 198, 82477, 198, 3833, 4843, 198, 998, 198, 64, 198, 96470, 198, 4174, 198, 1073, 198, 16455, 345, 66, 7770, 398, 198, 6518, 198, 54895, 198, 21704, 720, 3055, 12816, 198, 67407, 13, 17229, 258, 42811, 198, 258, 198, 52340, 198, 24857, 198, 18433, 198, 324, 483, 198, 4752, 198, 64, 198, 4620, 198, 26961, 333, 582, 25489, 198, 27153, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 198, 26380, 198, 2664, 198, 438, 198, 4919, 198, 1395, 198, 396, 30317, 720, 18614, 198, 275, 198, 258, 198, 35676, 198, 2336, 345, 19041, 198, 548, 198, 35676, 198, 36842, 198, 1073, 198, 1220, 198, 817, 198, 438, 198, 35676, 198, 67407, 345, 7129, 1870, 720, 265, 258, 42596, 198, 55711, 512, 324, 483, 198, 46755, 198, 7058, 12134, 61428, 345, 324, 483, 198, 46755, 198, 7058, 566, 352, 198, 83, 35320, 345, 12380, 13, 22691, 198, 606, 720, 4492, 198, 285, 198, 73140, 481, 198, 2000 ]
with saving many lives. All the while, blends of 30 percent carbon dioxide and 70 percent oxygen became a go-to treatment for anxiety, epilepsy, and evenschizophrenia. W ith a few huf fs of the stuf f, patients who’d spent months or years in a catatonic state would suddenly come to. They’d open their eyes, look around, and begin calmly talking with doctors and other patients. “It was a wonderful feeling. It was marvelous. I felt very light and didn’ t know where I was,” one patient reported. “I knew something had happened to me and I wasn’ t sure what it was. ” The patients would stay in this coherent, lucid state for about 30 minutes, until the carbon dioxide wore of f. Then, without warning, they’d stop mid-sentence and freeze, staring into space and striking statue-like poses or sometimes collapsing. The patients were sick again. They’d stay that way until the next hit of carbon dioxide. And then, for reasons nobody quite understands, by the 1950s, a century of scientific research disappeared. Those with skin disorders turned to pills and creams; those with asthma managed symptoms with steroids and bronchodilators. Patients with severe mental disorders were given sedatives. The drugs never cured schizophrenia or other psychoses, but they didn’ t provoke out-of-body experiences or feelings of euphoria, either. They numbed patients, and continued to numb them for weeks, months, and years —as long as they kept taking them. — “What’ s interesting to me is that nobody disproved it,” says Feinstein of carbon dioxide therapy. “The data, the science, still holds today. ” He tells me how he’d stumbled upon some obscure studies by Joseph W olpe, a renowned psychiatrist who rediscovered carbon dioxide therapy as a treatment for anxiety and had written an influential paper about it in the 1980s. W olpe’ s patients shared stunning and long-lasting improvements after just a few huf fs. Donald Klein, another renowned psychiatrist and expert in panic and anxiety, suggested years later that the gas might help reset the chemoreceptors in the brain, allowing patients to breathe normally so they could think normally. Since then, few researchers have studied the treatments. (Feinstein estimates there are about five researching it now. ) He just kept wondering if the early researchers were right, if this ancient gas might be a remedy to modern ailments. “As a psychologist, I think, what are my options, what is the best treatment for these patients. ” Feinstein says. Pills, he tells me, of fer a false promise and do little good for most people. Anxiety disorders and depression are the most common mental illnesses in the United States, and about half of us will suf fer from one or the other in our lifetime. T o help cope, 13 percent of us over the age of 12 will use antidepressants, most often selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, also known as SSRIs. These drugs have been lifesavers for millions, especially those with severe depression and other serious conditions. But less than half the patients who take them get any benefits. * “I keep asking myself,” says Feinstein, “Is this the best we can do. ” Feinstein had explored various non-pharmaceutical therapies; he’d spent a decade learning and teaching mindfulness meditation. A wealth of scientific research shows that meditation can change the structure and function of critical areas of the brain, help relieve anxieties, and boost focus and compassion. It can work wonders, but few of us will ever reap these rewards, because the vast majority of people who try to meditate will give up and move on. For those with chronic anxieties, the percentages are far worse. “Mindful meditation—as it is typically practiced—is just no longer conducive to the new world we live in,” Feinstein explains. Another option, exposure therapy, is a technique that exposes patients repeatedly to their fears so that they become more accepting of them. It’ s highly ef fective but takes a while, usually involving many long sessions over weeks or months. Finding psychologists with that kind of time, and patients with the necessary resources, can be a challenge. But everyone breathes, and, today, few of us breathe well. Those with the worst anxieties consistently suf fer from the worst breathing habits. People with anorexia or panic or obsessive-compulsive disorders consistently have low carbon dioxide levels and a much greater fear of holding their breath. T o avoid another attack, they breathe far too much and eventually become hypersensitized to carbon dioxide and panic if they sense a rise in this gas. They are anxious because they’re overbreathing, overbreathing because they’re anxious. Feinstein found some inspiring recent studies by Alicia Meuret, the Southern Methodist University psychologist who helped her patients blunt asthma attacks by slowing their breathing to increase their carbon dioxide. This technique worked for panic attacks, too. In a randomized controlled trial, she and a group of researchers gave 20 panic suf ferers capnometers, which recorded the amount of carbon dioxidein their breath throughout the day. Meuret crunched the data and found that panic, like asthma, is usually preceded by an increase in breathing volume and rate and a decrease in carbon dioxide. T o stop the attack before it struck, subjects breathed slower and less, increasing their carbon dioxide. This simple and free technique reversed dizziness, shortness of breath, and feelings of suf focation. It could ef fectively cure a panic attack before the attack came on. “‘T ake a deep breath’ is not a helpful instruction,” Meuret wrote. Hold your breath is much better. — W e leave Feinstein’ s of fice and stroll through a labyrinth of elevators and staircases until we enter through soundproofed double doors. This is Feinstein’ s lair. Through the door to the right, he and his team conduct research on floatation, a therapy that involves lying in a salt-water pool in a dark, soundless room. Through the door to the left is Feinstein’ s newest project: a carbon dioxide therapy laboratory. It’ s a tiny windowless box that looks as if it might have held HV AC equipment at one point. W e squeeze into the space like clowns in a phone booth. On a folding desk is the usual array of monitors, computers, wires, EKGs, capnometers, and other stuf f I’ve grown accustomed to wearing over the past few years. A beat-up yellow cylinder that looks like a Cold W ar–era Russian missile sits in the corner. Feinstein tells me it holds 75 pounds of pure carbon dioxide. For the past few months, as part as his NIH research, Feinstein has brought in patients suf fering with anxiety and panic to this lab and given them a few hits of carbon dioxide. So far, he tells me, the results have been promising. Sure, the gas elicited a panic attack in most patients, but this is all part of the baptism-by-fire process. After that initial bout of discomfort, many patients report feeling relaxed for hours, even days. I’ve decided to throw my chemoreceptors into the ring. I’ve signed up to see what a few heavy doses of carbon dioxide would do to my own body and brain. Feinstein sticks a piece of white foamy material with a metal sensor on my middle and ring fingers. This device, called a galvanic skin conductance meter, will measure small amounts of sweat released during states of sympathetic stress. On my other hand, a pulse oximeter will record my heart rate and oxygen levels. The mixture I’ll inhale is 35 percent carbon dioxide, and the rest is room air—about the same percentage of carbon dioxide once used to test schizophrenics, sans the oxygen. Feinstein administered this same dose on S. M., who panicked and hated it. He also tried it out on a few patients early on, but they too suf fered heavy panic attacks. Some patients were so freaked out they refused to take another hit, so Feinstein now reduces the dose to 15 percent—enough to give the chemoreceptors a good workout, but not enough to keep patients from coming back for more. Since I didn’ t suf fer from panic attacks or chronic anxiety, not yet at least, he of fered to crank up my dose to the S.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|> Q: What is the historical context of carbon dioxide therapy?, A: Carbon dioxide therapy has been around for thousands of years, with the ancient Romans and French using it to treat various conditions, including gout and war wounds. Q: Who is Dr. Feinstein, and what is his research focus?, A: Dr. Feinstein is a psychologist who has been studying the effects of carbon dioxide on the body and is now exploring its potential as a treatment for anxiety and panic disorders. Q: What is the concept of "prana" in ancient cultures, and how does it relate to modern medicine?, A: In ancient cultures, "prana" referred to a vital energy or life force that is connected to the breath. This concept is no longer recognized in modern medicine, which focuses on pharmaceuticals and other treatments. Q: What is the purpose of the carbon dioxide therapy laboratory in Tulsa, Oklahoma?, A: The laboratory is a controlled environment where patients can experience and learn to control their breathing, which is designed
[ 449, 14324, 1690, 6439, 13, 2052, 279, 1418, 11, 58943, 315, 220, 966, 3346, 12782, 40589, 323, 220, 2031, 3346, 198, 78, 19472, 6244, 264, 733, 4791, 6514, 369, 18547, 11, 70655, 11, 323, 3721, 47845, 46412, 689, 13, 468, 78942, 264, 2478, 305, 1739, 8789, 315, 279, 357, 1739, 282, 11, 6978, 889, 7070, 7543, 4038, 477, 198, 42820, 304, 264, 8415, 266, 14338, 1614, 1053, 15187, 2586, 311, 13, 2435, 7070, 1825, 872, 6548, 345, 7349, 2212, 11, 323, 3240, 73170, 7556, 449, 16410, 323, 1023, 6978, 13, 1054, 2181, 574, 264, 11364, 8430, 13, 1102, 574, 81292, 13, 358, 6612, 1633, 3177, 323, 3287, 529, 259, 198, 33134, 1405, 358, 574, 2476, 832, 8893, 5068, 13, 1054, 40, 7020, 2555, 1047, 7077, 198, 998, 757, 323, 358, 5828, 529, 259, 2771, 1148, 433, 574, 13, 126672, 791, 6978, 1053, 4822, 304, 420, 56887, 11, 27016, 307, 1614, 369, 922, 220, 966, 198, 38137, 11, 3156, 279, 12782, 40589, 28670, 315, 282, 13, 5112, 11, 2085, 10163, 11, 814, 7070, 198, 9684, 5209, 1355, 18886, 323, 31030, 11, 37874, 1139, 3634, 323, 21933, 35372, 12970, 198, 8449, 477, 7170, 72618, 13, 578, 6978, 1051, 14363, 1578, 13, 2435, 7070, 4822, 198, 9210, 1648, 3156, 279, 1828, 4295, 315, 12782, 40589, 13, 1628, 1243, 11, 369, 8125, 19093, 5115, 31869, 11, 555, 279, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 11, 264, 9478, 198, 1073, 12624, 3495, 29496, 13, 13266, 449, 6930, 24673, 6656, 311, 26153, 198, 438, 81316, 26, 1884, 449, 51643, 9152, 13803, 449, 58161, 323, 198, 68557, 103844, 321, 3046, 13, 44430, 449, 15748, 10723, 24673, 1051, 2728, 11163, 5983, 13, 578, 11217, 2646, 64688, 58533, 477, 1023, 8841, 20274, 11, 719, 814, 3287, 529, 259, 198, 782, 7776, 704, 8838, 9534, 11704, 477, 16024, 315, 65043, 96729, 11, 3060, 13, 2435, 198, 2470, 2788, 6978, 11, 323, 8738, 311, 57371, 1124, 369, 5672, 11, 4038, 11, 323, 1667, 198, 60654, 1317, 439, 814, 8774, 4737, 1124, 13, 107216, 44130, 529, 274, 7185, 311, 757, 374, 430, 19093, 42603, 2111, 433, 2476, 2795, 85889, 315, 198, 74441, 40589, 15419, 13, 1054, 791, 828, 11, 279, 8198, 11, 2103, 10187, 3432, 13, 126672, 1548, 10975, 757, 1268, 568, 7070, 50157, 5304, 1063, 40634, 7978, 555, 15466, 198, 54, 8492, 375, 11, 264, 37048, 73969, 889, 21540, 21468, 12782, 40589, 15419, 439, 198, 64, 6514, 369, 18547, 323, 1047, 5439, 459, 32549, 5684, 922, 433, 304, 279, 198, 3753, 15, 82, 13, 468, 8492, 375, 529, 274, 6978, 6222, 20441, 323, 1317, 65265, 18637, 198, 10924, 1120, 264, 2478, 305, 1739, 8789, 13, 9641, 43241, 11, 2500, 37048, 73969, 323, 198, 74987, 304, 22743, 323, 18547, 11, 12090, 1667, 3010, 430, 279, 6962, 2643, 1520, 198, 9915, 279, 8590, 461, 58650, 304, 279, 8271, 11, 10923, 6978, 311, 37397, 14614, 198, 708, 814, 1436, 1781, 14614, 13, 8876, 1243, 11, 2478, 12074, 617, 20041, 279, 198, 83, 1244, 1392, 13, 320, 6251, 37494, 17989, 1070, 527, 922, 4330, 45243, 433, 1457, 13, 883, 1283, 198, 4345, 8774, 20910, 422, 279, 4216, 12074, 1051, 1314, 11, 422, 420, 14154, 6962, 198, 46068, 387, 264, 40239, 311, 6617, 82907, 13, 1054, 2170, 264, 54595, 11, 358, 1781, 11, 1148, 527, 856, 2671, 11, 1148, 374, 279, 1888, 198, 83, 35320, 369, 1521, 6978, 13, 19524, 85889, 2795, 13, 48965, 11, 568, 10975, 757, 11, 315, 18728, 264, 905, 11471, 323, 656, 2697, 1695, 369, 1455, 198, 16455, 13, 81469, 24673, 323, 18710, 527, 279, 1455, 4279, 10723, 198, 484, 2136, 288, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 323, 922, 4376, 315, 603, 690, 56868, 18728, 505, 832, 477, 198, 1820, 1023, 304, 1057, 19569, 13, 350, 297, 1520, 37586, 11, 220, 1032, 3346, 315, 603, 927, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 717, 198, 14724, 1005, 65211, 1821, 11, 1455, 3629, 44010, 77130, 312, 7717, 731, 68642, 345, 19171, 3967, 439, 96404, 3957, 13, 4314, 11217, 617, 1027, 49785, 22292, 369, 11990, 345, 36046, 1884, 449, 15748, 18710, 323, 1023, 6129, 4787, 13, 2030, 198, 1752, 1109, 4376, 279, 6978, 889, 1935, 1124, 636, 904, 7720, 13, 353, 220, 1054, 40, 2567, 10371, 198, 2465, 726, 2476, 2795, 85889, 11, 1054, 3957, 420, 279, 1888, 584, 649, 656, 13, 126672, 6251, 37494, 1047, 36131, 5370, 2536, 63837, 2227, 26191, 52312, 26, 568, 7070, 7543, 198, 64, 13515, 6975, 323, 12917, 71705, 33862, 13, 362, 12205, 315, 198, 85930, 3495, 5039, 430, 33862, 649, 2349, 279, 6070, 323, 198, 1723, 315, 9200, 5789, 315, 279, 8271, 11, 1520, 48839, 74884, 32606, 11, 323, 7916, 5357, 198, 438, 30481, 13, 1102, 649, 990, 40164, 11, 719, 2478, 315, 603, 690, 3596, 58003, 1521, 198, 265, 4102, 11, 1606, 279, 13057, 8857, 315, 1274, 889, 1456, 311, 1812, 20227, 690, 3041, 198, 455, 323, 3351, 389, 13, 1789, 1884, 449, 21249, 74884, 32606, 11, 279, 54208, 527, 3117, 198, 86, 11073, 13, 1054, 70738, 1285, 33862, 60654, 433, 374, 11383, 44664, 55434, 1120, 912, 5129, 198, 444, 7697, 535, 311, 279, 502, 1917, 584, 3974, 304, 2476, 85889, 15100, 13, 13596, 3072, 11, 14675, 15419, 11, 374, 264, 15105, 430, 59381, 6978, 198, 265, 43054, 398, 311, 872, 24087, 779, 430, 814, 3719, 810, 25694, 315, 1124, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 198, 12156, 398, 31469, 282, 96978, 719, 5097, 264, 1418, 11, 6118, 16239, 1690, 1317, 16079, 198, 2017, 5672, 477, 4038, 13, 43897, 74191, 449, 430, 3169, 315, 892, 11, 323, 198, 81437, 449, 279, 5995, 5070, 11, 649, 387, 264, 8815, 13, 2030, 5127, 11745, 288, 11, 323, 11, 3432, 11, 2478, 315, 603, 37397, 1664, 13, 13266, 449, 198, 1820, 12047, 74884, 32606, 21356, 56868, 18728, 505, 279, 12047, 27027, 26870, 13, 9029, 449, 459, 461, 68294, 477, 22743, 477, 84132, 63250, 58921, 24673, 198, 6387, 380, 4501, 617, 3428, 12782, 40589, 5990, 323, 264, 1790, 7191, 8850, 315, 198, 43591, 872, 11745, 13, 350, 297, 5766, 2500, 3440, 11, 814, 37397, 3117, 2288, 1790, 323, 198, 3163, 1870, 3719, 87752, 729, 84543, 311, 12782, 40589, 323, 22743, 422, 814, 198, 98935, 264, 10205, 304, 420, 6962, 13, 2435, 527, 38100, 1606, 814, 3207, 927, 21152, 44661, 345, 2017, 21152, 44661, 1606, 814, 3207, 38100, 13, 85889, 1766, 1063, 34147, 3293, 7978, 555, 80002, 2206, 554, 83, 11, 279, 198, 86838, 68601, 3907, 54595, 889, 9087, 1077, 6978, 49770, 198, 561, 41453, 8951, 555, 48408, 872, 27027, 311, 5376, 872, 12782, 40589, 13, 1115, 15105, 6575, 369, 22743, 8951, 11, 2288, 13, 763, 264, 47341, 14400, 9269, 11, 1364, 323, 264, 1912, 315, 12074, 6688, 220, 508, 198, 19621, 56868, 18728, 388, 2107, 17101, 2481, 11, 902, 12715, 279, 3392, 315, 12782, 40589, 258, 872, 11745, 6957, 279, 1938, 13, 2206, 554, 83, 1589, 10880, 279, 828, 323, 1766, 430, 198, 19621, 11, 1093, 51643, 11, 374, 6118, 53580, 555, 459, 5376, 304, 27027, 8286, 198, 438, 4478, 323, 264, 18979, 304, 12782, 40589, 13, 350, 297, 3009, 279, 3440, 1603, 433, 198, 496, 1983, 11, 15223, 92266, 29493, 323, 2753, 11, 7859, 872, 12782, 40589, 13, 1115, 4382, 323, 1949, 15105, 28537, 294, 97745, 11, 2875, 2136, 315, 11745, 11, 323, 198, 57676, 826, 315, 56868, 282, 2328, 13, 1102, 1436, 31469, 282, 440, 3210, 27208, 264, 22743, 3440, 1603, 279, 198, 21208, 3782, 389, 13, 1054, 14336, 51, 264, 441, 264, 5655, 11745, 529, 374, 539, 264, 11190, 7754, 2476, 2206, 554, 83, 198, 86, 5646, 13, 23588, 701, 11745, 374, 1790, 2731, 13, 107216, 54, 384, 5387, 85889, 529, 274, 315, 282, 560, 323, 69983, 1555, 264, 99810, 315, 12231, 3046, 323, 198, 267, 1334, 24857, 3156, 584, 3810, 1555, 5222, 16157, 291, 2033, 14365, 13, 1115, 374, 198, 6251, 37494, 529, 274, 1208, 404, 13, 17331, 279, 6134, 311, 279, 1314, 11, 568, 323, 813, 2128, 6929, 198, 61564, 389, 2273, 367, 11, 264, 15419, 430, 18065, 21078, 304, 264, 12290, 55051, 7463, 304, 264, 198, 23449, 11, 5222, 1752, 3130, 13, 17331, 279, 6134, 311, 279, 2163, 374, 85889, 529, 274, 24519, 198, 5094, 25, 264, 12782, 40589, 15419, 27692, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 264, 13987, 3321, 1752, 3830, 430, 198, 95373, 439, 422, 433, 2643, 617, 5762, 49317, 10807, 7241, 520, 832, 1486, 13, 468, 384, 37663, 198, 18614, 279, 3634, 1093, 1206, 43456, 304, 264, 4641, 36506, 13, 1952, 264, 45842, 18496, 374, 279, 13783, 198, 1686, 315, 37577, 11, 19002, 11, 36108, 11, 469, 44016, 82, 11, 2107, 17101, 2481, 11, 323, 1023, 357, 1739, 282, 198, 40, 4070, 15042, 53184, 311, 12512, 927, 279, 3347, 2478, 1667, 13, 362, 9567, 5352, 198, 28969, 35664, 430, 5992, 1093, 264, 24062, 468, 802, 4235, 2473, 8690, 26290, 23874, 304, 279, 198, 74525, 13, 85889, 10975, 757, 433, 10187, 220, 2075, 16701, 315, 10748, 12782, 40589, 13, 1789, 279, 3347, 2478, 4038, 11, 439, 961, 439, 813, 84370, 3495, 11, 85889, 706, 198, 65, 6478, 304, 6978, 56868, 282, 4776, 449, 18547, 323, 22743, 311, 420, 10278, 323, 2728, 198, 49818, 264, 2478, 13280, 315, 12782, 40589, 13, 2100, 3117, 11, 568, 10975, 757, 11, 279, 3135, 617, 1027, 198, 25475, 3876, 13, 23371, 11, 279, 6962, 95360, 1639, 264, 22743, 3440, 304, 1455, 6978, 11, 719, 420, 374, 198, 543, 961, 315, 279, 74927, 14656, 57369, 1920, 13, 4740, 430, 2926, 25646, 315, 44776, 345, 35676, 6978, 1934, 8430, 31467, 369, 4207, 11, 1524, 2919, 13, 358, 4070, 6773, 311, 2571, 856, 8590, 461, 58650, 1139, 279, 10264, 13, 358, 4070, 8667, 709, 311, 198, 4151, 1148, 264, 2478, 8987, 35130, 315, 12782, 40589, 1053, 656, 311, 856, 1866, 2547, 198, 438, 8271, 13, 85889, 34240, 264, 6710, 315, 4251, 12018, 27322, 3769, 449, 264, 9501, 12271, 389, 198, 2465, 6278, 323, 10264, 19779, 13, 1115, 3756, 11, 2663, 264, 15730, 16023, 292, 6930, 6929, 685, 198, 60522, 11, 690, 6767, 2678, 15055, 315, 28566, 6004, 2391, 5415, 315, 198, 23707, 1331, 589, 5411, 8631, 13, 1952, 856, 1023, 1450, 11, 264, 28334, 19488, 26402, 690, 3335, 856, 198, 18207, 4478, 323, 24463, 5990, 13, 578, 21655, 358, 4805, 60537, 1604, 374, 220, 1758, 3346, 12782, 40589, 11, 323, 279, 2800, 374, 3130, 198, 1334, 2345, 9274, 279, 1890, 11668, 315, 12782, 40589, 3131, 1511, 311, 1296, 198, 21740, 46412, 1233, 11, 15878, 279, 24463, 13, 85889, 38018, 420, 1890, 19660, 389, 198, 50, 13, 386, 13, 1174, 889, 94110, 323, 38674, 433, 13, 1283, 1101, 6818, 433, 704, 389, 264, 2478, 6978, 4216, 198, 263, 11, 719, 814, 2288, 56868, 282, 12616, 8987, 22743, 8951, 13, 4427, 6978, 1051, 779, 198, 69, 1127, 291, 704, 814, 16436, 311, 1935, 2500, 4295, 11, 779, 85889, 1457, 26338, 279, 198, 67, 974, 311, 220, 868, 3346, 2345, 268, 1409, 311, 3041, 279, 8590, 461, 58650, 264, 1695, 26308, 345, 8248, 539, 3403, 311, 2567, 6978, 505, 5108, 1203, 369, 810, 13, 8876, 358, 3287, 529, 259, 198, 82, 1739, 18728, 505, 22743, 8951, 477, 21249, 18547, 11, 539, 3686, 520, 3325, 11, 568, 315, 282, 12616, 311, 198, 5192, 1201, 709, 856, 19660, 311, 279, 328, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 13970, 2317, 315, 12782, 40589, 15419, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 22208, 40589, 15419, 706, 1027, 2212, 369, 9214, 315, 1667, 11, 449, 279, 14154, 49817, 323, 8753, 1701, 433, 311, 4322, 5370, 4787, 11, 2737, 342, 412, 323, 4208, 34254, 13, 720, 48, 25, 10699, 374, 2999, 13, 85889, 11, 323, 1148, 374, 813, 3495, 5357, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 2999, 13, 85889, 374, 264, 54595, 889, 706, 1027, 21630, 279, 6372, 315, 12782, 40589, 389, 279, 2547, 323, 374, 1457, 24919, 1202, 4754, 439, 264, 6514, 369, 18547, 323, 22743, 24673, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 7434, 315, 330, 652, 3444, 1, 304, 14154, 27833, 11, 323, 1268, 1587, 433, 29243, 311, 6617, 16088, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 763, 14154, 27833, 11, 330, 652, 3444, 1, 14183, 311, 264, 16595, 4907, 477, 2324, 5457, 430, 374, 8599, 311, 279, 11745, 13, 1115, 7434, 374, 912, 5129, 15324, 304, 6617, 16088, 11, 902, 24400, 389, 35410, 82, 323, 1023, 22972, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 7580, 315, 279, 12782, 40589, 15419, 27692, 304, 75662, 11, 23640, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 27692, 374, 264, 14400, 4676, 1405, 6978, 649, 3217, 323, 4048, 311, 2585, 872, 27027, 11, 902, 374, 6319 ]
, currants), drained1–1/2 cups (375 mL) drained vanilla or plain yogurt 3 tbsp (45 mL) maple syrup 2 tbsp (25 mL) chopped fr esh citrus peppermint, optional In a bowl, combine gooseberries, red berries, yogurt, maple syrup and mint, if using. Pile in the centre of the meringue base. g o o s e b e r r y a n d a l m o n d r e l i s h Even if you start with only gr een gooseberries, the r elish will be tinged with r ed. I like to use this with ham and rich meats like duck and game. It is r efr eshing with egg dishes as well. Some gooseberries have fine hairs on the skin, but they soften in cooking. MAKES 6 CUPS (1.5 L) 1 cup (250 mL) white wine vinegar 1–1/2 cups (375 mL) granulated sugar 1/4 cup (50 mL) lightly packed br own sugar 8 cups (2 L) gooseberries 2 cups (500 mL) chopped onions 2 cups (500 mL) sliver ed almonds 1 tsp (5 mL) grated fr esh gingerr oot 1 tbsp (15 mL) finely chopped fr esh basil or 1 tsp (5 mL) gr ound nutmeg   1. Heat six 1-cup (250 mL) jars in boiling water, and scald the lids, lifter, funnel and tongs ( Boiling W ater Method, Step by Step ). 2. In a M aslin p an or canning k ettle, combine vinegar and granulated and brown s ugars. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring cons tantly. Add gooseberries and onions and boil for 30 minutes, stirring oft en, or untilmost of the liquid has evaporated and mixture is thick. Add almo nds, ginger and basil and boil for 1 minute. 3. F ill hot jars, leaving a 1/4-inch (5 mm) headspace. Run a thin non- metallic utensil around the insid e of the jar to allow air to escape. Add more hot relish, if necessary, to leave a 1/4-inch (5 mm) headspace. W ipe rims, top with flat lids and screw on m etal rings. Return jars to the hot water bath, topping up with hot water if necessary. Bring to a full rolling boil and process jars for 15 minutes ( Boiling W ater Method, Step by Step ). 4. Remo ve cann er lid and wait 5 minutes before removing jars t o a towel or rack to cool com pletely. Check seals, label and store in a cool place for up to 1 year. Use: Ser ve this fruity, rich relish with hot or cold meats, savou ry pastries, meat tar ts and roasted vegetables. It makes a great hamburge r relish and marinade for barbecued meats or vegetables.g o o s e b e r r y g i n g e r s n a p c r u m b l e Using g ingersnap cookies in place of the usual r olled oats puts a new spin on a n old favou rite in our house. I think this may be closer to the original berry desserts, which wer e sim ply sugar ed berries with cookies or stale sweet br ead crumbled and spr ead over top. Y ou can use any berry or combination of berries in this simple dessert. 8-cup (2 L) baking dish, lightly oiled Pr eheat oven to 375°F (190°C) MAKES 6 SER VINGS3 cups (750 mL) fr ozen (thawed) or canned gooseberries, drained 2 cups (500 mL) chopped apples 1/4 cup (50 mL) all-purpose flour 1/4 tsp (1 mL) gr ound cinnamon 1/3 cup (75 mL) butter 1/2 cup (125 mL) lightly packed br own sugar 1–1/4 cups (300 mL) crushed gingersnap cookies (about 18) 1/4 cup (50 mL) chopped almonds   1. In prepared dish, combine gooseberries and apples. Sprinkle flour and cinnamon over top. 2. In a bowl, cream butter with brown sugar. Stir in gingersnaps and almonds, mixing well. Spread the topping evenly over fruit in the dish. Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes or until apples are tender and topping is bubbly and golden brown. Fr eezing Gooseberries 1. Select Equipment: Se lect suitable-size freezer c ontainers, bags or Mason jars ( Freezing ). 2. Fr eezing Whole Gooseberries: If you want whole gooseberries to decorate cakes (example, Berried Pavlova ) or for use in fruit salads, the best way to ensure that they hold their shape during freezing is to fast-freeze them ind ividually. Arrange wash ed, completely dry berries in a single layer, without touching each other, on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Fast-freeze for 1 hour. Pac k into freezer containers (no need to leave headspace); squeeze out air. Seal, label and return to freezer. 3. D ry P ack, Un sweetened: Fill pint (2-cup/500 mL) or quart (1 L) freezer containers with whole gooseber ries, leaving a 1/2-inch (1 cm) headspace. Seal, label and freeze.OR Dry Pack, Sweetened: Fill pint (2-cup/500 mL) or quart (1 L) freezer containers with whole gooseber ries to within 3 to 4 inches (7 to 10 cm) of the top. Pour dry granulated sug ar over top; use 1/2 cup (125 mL ) sugar per quart (1 L) of prepared fruit. Squeeze out air; leave 1-inc h (2.5 cm) headspace. Seal, label and freeze. OR Crush and Strain: U sing a potato masher, crush gooseberries in a non- reactive bowl. Push the fruit through a coarse sieve to remove the seeds. For every quart (1 L) of crushed gooseberry flesh, add 1-1/4 cups (300 mL) granulated suga r (or less if the berries are ripe and sweet). Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Pack into fr eezer containers, leaving a 1-inch (2.5 cm) headspace. Seal, label and freeze.M e l o n s AS P AR T OF THE GOURD F AMIL Y, which includes pumpkins, squash and zucchini, melons usually grow lar ge, with tender fragrant flesh. Melons fall into one of two categories: muskmelon (Cucumis melo) or watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). Muskm elons have rind or skin that is either netted or smooth, wherea s watermelon varieties are all smooth skinned with thick rinds. Good Pr eserving V arieties A vailable all year, with a peak in late summer, muskmelon types include cantaloupe, hon eydew, casaba, Spanish, Persian, winter and Crenshaw varieties. Gener ally, the firmer and fragrant-fleshed types are best for preserves and freezing. W atermelon var ieties usually have a high water content, along with a sweet, mild taste. W atermelons vary in shape and size, in skin, seed and flesh colour, and in taste. The rind can be pickled, but because of its high water content, watermelon flesh does not can or freeze well. Pur chasing/Storing • Melons vary in size and flesh yield.• 1 medium cantaloupe (3 lb/1.5 kg) yields 6 to 7 cups (1.5 to 1.75 L) cubed flesh. It’ s always best to buy locally grown melons because flavour and water loss occur fairly quickly after harves ting. Select firm, ripe fruits tha t are heavy for their size, w ith no cuts, bruises or soft spots. A pleasant, f ruity aroma will escape from the blossom end of a ripe muskmelon. A ripe watermelon will sound hollow (a dull thump or thud) when tapped. Good W ith • Mint and peppermint, tarragon and other anise-flavoured herbs. • Sweet seasonings such as cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, vanilla. • Semi-soft cheeses such as havarti, Boursin; medium-age cheddars, colby. • Other fruit, such as raspberries, peaches, nectarines, blueberries, strawberries. • Hazelnuts, almonds, pecans and pistachio nuts; raisins, dates, currants. • Chicken; mild fish such as tilapia, orange roughy, sole. Pr eparation Melons grow in contact with the soil, so to reduce the risk of co ntaminating the f lesh, always wash melons just before preparing and eating. Using a soft vegetable brush, lightly scrub melons in cool water to which a d
[ 11, 10004, 1821, 705, 61508, 16, 4235, 16, 14, 17, 26446, 320, 12935, 65170, 8, 61508, 33165, 477, 14733, 55575, 198, 18, 64975, 320, 1774, 65170, 8, 55480, 45322, 198, 17, 64975, 320, 914, 65170, 8, 38525, 1448, 1560, 71, 60290, 83804, 94932, 11, 10309, 198, 644, 264, 19763, 11, 16343, 63237, 36989, 1174, 2579, 63494, 11, 55575, 11, 55480, 45322, 323, 29437, 345, 333, 1701, 13, 393, 458, 304, 279, 12541, 315, 279, 296, 4776, 361, 2385, 13, 342, 297, 297, 274, 384, 293, 384, 436, 436, 379, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 264, 326, 296, 297, 308, 294, 220, 436, 384, 326, 602, 274, 305, 198, 13461, 422, 499, 1212, 449, 1193, 1099, 8517, 63237, 36989, 11, 279, 436, 658, 819, 690, 387, 220, 43327, 291, 449, 198, 81, 1608, 13, 358, 1093, 311, 1005, 420, 449, 13824, 323, 9257, 63875, 1093, 37085, 323, 1847, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 81, 384, 1658, 1560, 71, 287, 449, 19151, 26863, 439, 1664, 13, 4427, 63237, 36989, 617, 7060, 66060, 389, 279, 198, 37282, 11, 719, 814, 81045, 304, 17677, 13, 72511, 1600, 220, 21, 356, 77283, 320, 16, 13, 20, 445, 340, 16, 10747, 320, 5154, 65170, 8, 4251, 13378, 47205, 198, 16, 4235, 16, 14, 17, 26446, 320, 12935, 65170, 8, 16109, 7913, 13465, 198, 16, 14, 19, 10747, 320, 1135, 65170, 8, 34504, 19937, 1437, 1866, 13465, 198, 23, 26446, 320, 17, 445, 8, 63237, 36989, 198, 17, 26446, 320, 2636, 65170, 8, 38525, 45697, 198, 17, 26446, 320, 2636, 65170, 8, 1776, 1553, 1608, 88922, 198, 16, 39020, 320, 20, 65170, 8, 97276, 1448, 1560, 71, 67193, 618, 297, 354, 198, 16, 64975, 320, 868, 65170, 8, 61802, 38525, 1448, 1560, 71, 68186, 477, 220, 16, 39020, 320, 20, 65170, 8, 1099, 220, 801, 198, 24217, 71376, 198, 52050, 16, 13, 27162, 4848, 220, 16, 1824, 455, 320, 5154, 65170, 8, 61111, 220, 304, 50937, 3090, 1174, 323, 1156, 4852, 279, 100078, 11, 10345, 466, 13801, 12158, 8301, 323, 259, 13483, 320, 2577, 8138, 468, 264, 466, 6872, 11, 15166, 555, 15166, 7609, 220, 17, 13, 763, 264, 386, 439, 3817, 281, 459, 477, 649, 1251, 597, 1880, 11489, 11, 16343, 47205, 323, 16109, 7913, 323, 198, 65561, 274, 577, 64502, 13, 40224, 311, 264, 44790, 927, 11298, 8798, 11, 55054, 1615, 259, 18007, 662, 2758, 198, 3427, 974, 36989, 323, 45697, 323, 44790, 369, 220, 966, 4520, 11, 55054, 43146, 665, 11, 477, 3156, 3646, 315, 279, 14812, 706, 60150, 660, 323, 21655, 374, 12314, 13, 2758, 453, 6489, 15953, 82, 11, 44768, 198, 438, 68186, 323, 44790, 369, 220, 16, 9568, 13, 220, 18, 13, 435, 5986, 4106, 61111, 11, 9564, 264, 220, 16, 14, 19, 25224, 320, 20, 9653, 8, 2010, 8920, 13, 6588, 264, 15792, 2536, 7058, 55108, 416, 82036, 321, 2212, 279, 1672, 307, 384, 315, 279, 30695, 311, 2187, 3805, 311, 12731, 13, 2758, 810, 198, 10847, 1375, 819, 11, 422, 5995, 1174, 311, 5387, 264, 220, 16, 14, 19, 25224, 320, 20, 9653, 8, 2010, 8920, 13, 468, 602, 375, 98262, 345, 3565, 449, 10269, 100078, 323, 22733, 389, 296, 1880, 278, 25562, 13, 3494, 61111, 311, 279, 4106, 3090, 9061, 345, 3565, 10194, 709, 449, 4106, 3090, 422, 5995, 662, 40224, 311, 264, 2539, 20700, 44790, 323, 198, 4734, 61111, 369, 220, 868, 4520, 320, 2577, 8138, 468, 264, 466, 6872, 11, 15166, 555, 15166, 7609, 220, 19, 13, 5031, 78, 5320, 14068, 2781, 27431, 323, 3868, 220, 20, 4520, 1603, 18054, 61111, 259, 297, 264, 43713, 477, 198, 72785, 311, 7155, 470, 281, 1169, 989, 662, 4343, 57877, 11, 2440, 323, 3637, 304, 264, 7155, 2035, 369, 709, 198, 998, 220, 16, 1060, 662, 5560, 25, 8409, 5320, 420, 93032, 1174, 9257, 1375, 819, 449, 4106, 477, 9439, 63875, 11, 11427, 283, 35019, 3347, 4108, 345, 2727, 266, 12460, 10814, 323, 54662, 24822, 13, 1102, 3727, 264, 2294, 305, 3042, 40923, 436, 1375, 819, 323, 198, 5730, 258, 1037, 369, 3703, 17106, 3340, 63875, 477, 24822, 1326, 297, 297, 274, 384, 293, 384, 436, 436, 379, 220, 342, 602, 308, 342, 384, 436, 274, 308, 264, 281, 220, 272, 436, 577, 296, 293, 326, 384, 198, 16834, 342, 6892, 388, 7004, 8443, 304, 2035, 315, 279, 13783, 436, 8492, 839, 85270, 9711, 264, 502, 12903, 198, 263, 264, 308, 2362, 9428, 283, 436, 635, 304, 1057, 3838, 13, 358, 1781, 420, 1253, 387, 12401, 311, 279, 4113, 198, 15717, 72513, 11, 902, 7205, 384, 1675, 39673, 13465, 1608, 63494, 449, 8443, 477, 51451, 198, 95928, 1437, 384, 329, 1589, 26902, 323, 8314, 384, 329, 927, 1948, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 1005, 904, 86188, 477, 198, 76128, 315, 63494, 304, 420, 4382, 43849, 13, 220, 23, 1824, 455, 320, 17, 445, 8, 28915, 12269, 11, 34504, 297, 2230, 198, 3617, 384, 20559, 24276, 311, 220, 12935, 59572, 320, 7028, 32037, 340, 4940, 42, 1600, 220, 21, 14311, 650, 12124, 18, 26446, 320, 11711, 65170, 8, 1448, 297, 5797, 320, 339, 675, 291, 8, 477, 64114, 63237, 36989, 11, 61508, 198, 17, 26446, 320, 2636, 65170, 8, 38525, 41776, 198, 16, 14, 19, 10747, 320, 1135, 65170, 8, 682, 59338, 20415, 198, 16, 14, 19, 39020, 320, 16, 65170, 8, 1099, 220, 801, 51992, 198, 16, 14, 18, 10747, 320, 2075, 65170, 8, 14432, 198, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 320, 6549, 65170, 8, 34504, 19937, 1437, 1866, 13465, 198, 16, 4235, 16, 14, 19, 26446, 320, 3101, 65170, 8, 33745, 342, 14437, 7004, 8443, 320, 9274, 220, 972, 340, 16, 14, 19, 10747, 320, 1135, 65170, 8, 38525, 88922, 198, 52050, 16, 13, 763, 10235, 12269, 11, 16343, 63237, 36989, 323, 41776, 13, 15883, 36244, 20415, 323, 198, 66, 40435, 927, 1948, 13, 220, 17, 13, 763, 264, 19763, 11, 12932, 14432, 449, 14198, 13465, 662, 65292, 304, 342, 14437, 77, 2690, 323, 198, 278, 55720, 11, 27890, 1664, 13, 48816, 279, 61376, 42147, 927, 14098, 304, 279, 12269, 13, 53174, 304, 864, 383, 660, 24276, 369, 220, 1272, 4520, 477, 3156, 41776, 527, 28682, 323, 198, 3565, 10194, 374, 90712, 398, 323, 21411, 14198, 13, 2939, 384, 10333, 287, 82207, 36989, 198, 16, 13, 8593, 20849, 25, 220, 1369, 16920, 14791, 7321, 50685, 272, 14848, 21211, 11, 18381, 477, 198, 44, 1525, 61111, 320, 3658, 20994, 7609, 220, 17, 13, 2939, 384, 10333, 287, 41593, 82207, 36989, 25, 220, 1442, 499, 1390, 4459, 63237, 36989, 311, 198, 49076, 48669, 320, 8858, 11, 9084, 4588, 43856, 385, 6723, 883, 477, 369, 1005, 304, 14098, 77852, 11, 279, 1888, 198, 3195, 311, 6106, 430, 814, 3412, 872, 6211, 2391, 43318, 374, 311, 5043, 12862, 3059, 198, 49818, 1280, 17967, 307, 1870, 662, 41680, 11623, 1608, 11, 6724, 9235, 63494, 304, 264, 3254, 6324, 13801, 30096, 31687, 1855, 1023, 1174, 389, 264, 87204, 90059, 12829, 11071, 13, 17737, 12862, 3059, 198, 2000, 220, 16, 6596, 662, 12925, 597, 1139, 50685, 24794, 320, 2201, 1205, 311, 5387, 2010, 8920, 317, 53013, 704, 3805, 662, 53625, 11, 2440, 323, 471, 311, 50685, 662, 220, 18, 13, 423, 35019, 393, 10956, 11, 1252, 10437, 6901, 25, 220, 22748, 220, 46746, 320, 17, 1824, 455, 14, 2636, 65170, 8, 477, 41376, 320, 16, 445, 8, 50685, 198, 40499, 449, 4459, 63237, 655, 54698, 11, 9564, 264, 220, 16, 14, 17, 25224, 320, 16, 10166, 8, 2010, 8920, 13, 53625, 11, 2440, 323, 31030, 78997, 198, 86315, 14114, 11, 27687, 6901, 25, 220, 22748, 220, 46746, 320, 17, 1824, 455, 14, 2636, 65170, 8, 477, 41376, 320, 16, 445, 8, 50685, 198, 40499, 449, 4459, 63237, 655, 54698, 311, 2949, 220, 18, 311, 220, 19, 15271, 320, 22, 311, 220, 605, 10166, 8, 315, 198, 1820, 1948, 13, 27058, 9235, 16109, 7913, 31705, 802, 927, 1948, 26, 1005, 220, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 320, 6549, 65170, 883, 13465, 824, 198, 447, 472, 320, 16, 445, 8, 315, 10235, 14098, 13, 328, 19901, 704, 3805, 26, 5387, 220, 16, 86719, 305, 320, 17, 13, 20, 10166, 340, 2025, 8920, 13, 53625, 11, 2440, 323, 31030, 13, 2794, 198, 16384, 1136, 323, 4610, 467, 25, 220, 549, 7936, 264, 39834, 296, 34867, 1174, 5138, 63237, 36989, 304, 264, 2536, 7058, 3007, 535, 19763, 13, 23804, 279, 14098, 1555, 264, 50347, 75436, 311, 4148, 279, 19595, 13, 1789, 198, 30115, 41376, 320, 16, 445, 8, 315, 33745, 63237, 15717, 26000, 11, 923, 220, 16, 12, 16, 14, 19, 26446, 320, 3101, 65170, 340, 68163, 7913, 31705, 64, 436, 320, 269, 2753, 422, 279, 63494, 527, 57796, 323, 10437, 570, 65292, 3156, 279, 198, 82, 8734, 374, 56767, 13, 14114, 1139, 1448, 37443, 7215, 24794, 11, 9564, 264, 220, 16, 25224, 320, 17, 13, 20, 10166, 340, 2025, 8920, 13, 53625, 11, 2440, 323, 31030, 1345, 384, 326, 297, 308, 274, 198, 1950, 393, 6395, 350, 3083, 3247, 480, 6934, 35, 435, 6912, 1750, 816, 1174, 220, 902, 5764, 14155, 11966, 11, 59576, 198, 438, 1167, 86670, 11, 10804, 2439, 6118, 3139, 45555, 3980, 11, 449, 28682, 8508, 35534, 26000, 13, 11220, 2439, 198, 13772, 1139, 832, 315, 1403, 11306, 25, 3167, 16400, 65467, 320, 34, 1791, 372, 285, 10804, 78, 8, 220, 477, 3090, 72218, 198, 3100, 22288, 620, 355, 31791, 1015, 570, 5444, 16400, 658, 2439, 617, 436, 485, 477, 6930, 220, 430, 374, 3060, 4272, 6702, 477, 198, 57966, 11, 1405, 64, 274, 3090, 72218, 36680, 527, 682, 11113, 1940, 21203, 449, 12314, 198, 81, 8843, 13, 7839, 2394, 1560, 20073, 650, 264, 462, 26640, 198, 32, 348, 2141, 682, 1060, 1174, 449, 264, 16557, 220, 304, 3389, 7474, 1174, 3167, 16400, 65467, 4595, 2997, 198, 66, 60793, 283, 375, 11, 5954, 3999, 67, 365, 1174, 4865, 12273, 11, 220, 15506, 11, 50961, 11, 12688, 323, 356, 1466, 51104, 198, 959, 32606, 13, 2672, 31953, 1174, 279, 35092, 1195, 323, 8508, 35534, 2269, 17927, 291, 4595, 527, 1888, 369, 198, 24544, 13583, 323, 43318, 13, 468, 264, 5098, 65467, 767, 602, 26640, 6118, 617, 264, 1579, 3090, 2262, 11, 3235, 449, 264, 10437, 345, 76, 699, 12945, 13, 468, 264, 5098, 301, 2439, 13592, 304, 6211, 323, 1404, 11, 304, 6930, 11, 10533, 323, 26000, 198, 48439, 1174, 323, 304, 12945, 13, 578, 436, 485, 649, 387, 3820, 839, 11, 719, 1606, 315, 1202, 1579, 3090, 198, 1834, 11, 3090, 72218, 26000, 1587, 539, 649, 477, 31030, 1664, 13, 14874, 43931, 85540, 5620, 198, 6806, 11220, 2439, 13592, 304, 1404, 323, 26000, 7692, 98566, 220, 16, 11298, 16869, 278, 283, 375, 320, 18, 19398, 14, 16, 13, 20, 21647, 8, 36508, 220, 21, 311, 220, 22, 26446, 320, 16, 13, 20, 311, 220, 16, 13, 2075, 445, 8, 19250, 291, 198, 69, 17927, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 2744, 1888, 311, 3780, 24392, 15042, 10804, 2439, 1606, 47697, 323, 3090, 4814, 198, 511, 2407, 14470, 6288, 1306, 4960, 2396, 43327, 13, 8593, 7626, 11, 57796, 26390, 49588, 259, 527, 8987, 198, 2000, 872, 1404, 11, 289, 78942, 912, 15455, 11, 98675, 477, 8579, 19300, 13, 362, 24729, 11, 282, 11369, 488, 55279, 198, 14724, 12731, 505, 279, 89858, 842, 315, 264, 57796, 3167, 16400, 65467, 13, 362, 57796, 3090, 72218, 198, 14724, 5222, 42902, 320, 64, 41630, 270, 1538, 477, 270, 664, 8, 994, 49523, 13, 7839, 468, 78942, 198, 6806, 42410, 323, 83804, 94932, 11, 259, 1138, 6241, 323, 1023, 459, 1082, 12556, 402, 21020, 42393, 13, 7436, 27687, 3280, 826, 1778, 439, 51992, 11, 44768, 1174, 85388, 11, 10184, 71376, 11, 33165, 13, 7436, 55738, 12, 3594, 98564, 1778, 439, 31081, 68641, 11, 426, 2530, 258, 26, 11298, 44041, 523, 54637, 1590, 11, 1400, 1729, 662, 7436, 7089, 14098, 11, 1778, 439, 85146, 36989, 11, 1069, 14576, 11, 308, 39916, 1572, 11, 6437, 36989, 345, 496, 675, 36989, 13, 7436, 32595, 17912, 6256, 11, 88922, 11, 31100, 598, 323, 24817, 613, 822, 31049, 26, 6503, 1354, 11, 13003, 11, 10004, 1821, 13, 7436, 34619, 26, 23900, 7795, 1778, 439, 10478, 80470, 11, 19087, 11413, 88, 1174, 13612, 13, 2394, 384, 36235, 198, 40249, 2439, 3139, 304, 3729, 449, 279, 17614, 11, 779, 311, 8108, 279, 5326, 315, 1080, 32512, 8778, 1113, 198, 1820, 282, 514, 939, 11, 2744, 11623, 10804, 2439, 1120, 1603, 20646, 323, 12459, 13, 12362, 264, 8579, 198, 83571, 481, 15998, 11, 34504, 46001, 10804, 2439, 304, 7155, 3090, 311, 902, 264, 294 ]
himself, and thus been upset when it was withheld. • You can break the connecting chain between what others think, say and do, and your own self-worth. Talk to yourself when you encounter disapproval. “This is her stuff. I expect her to behave that way. It has nothing to do with me.” This approach will eliminate the self-hurt that you inflict when you connect someone else’s feeling with your own thoughts. • Ask yourself this important question when you acquire disap- proval. If they agreed with me, would I be better off? The answer is obviously no. Whatever they think can have no effect on you unless you let it. Moreover, you’ll most likely find that you are better liked by those important folks like a boss, or loved one when you can disagree with them without worry. • Accept the simple fact that many won’t ever understand you, and that it is okay. Conversely, you won’t understand70 / Your Erroneous Zonesmany people who are very close to you. You don’t have to. It’s all right for them to be different and the most fundamental understand- ing you can have is that you don’t understand. Gustav Ischheiser makes the point clearly in the following lines from Appearances and Realities: ….If people who do not understand each other at least under- stand that they do not understand each other, then they under- stand each other better than when, not understanding each other, they do not even understand that they do not understand each other. • You can refuse to argue or try to convince anyone of the right- ness of your stance, and simply believe it. • Trust yourself when buying clothes or other personal items without first checking it out with someone whose opinion you value more than your own. • Stop verifying your facts by having them substantiated by a spouse or someone else with sentences like, “Isn’t that right, honey?” or “Didn’t we, Ralph?” or “Just ask Marie, she’ll tell you.” • Correct yourself out loud whenever you’ve behaved in an ap- proval-seeking way, thereby becoming aware of this tendency and practicing new behaviors. • Work at eliminating the numerous apologies that you make even when you aren’t really sorry for what you’ve just said. All apologies are pleas for forgiveness, and requests for forgiveness are approval-seeking which takes the form of, “I know you wouldn’t like me if I really meant what I just did, so please say that I’m still okay.” Apologizing is a waste of time. If you need someone else to forgive you before you can feel better, then you are giving them control over your feelings. While you can resolve not to behave in certain ways again, and see some of your behavior as unfortunate, apologizing behavior is a sickness that invests control of one’s feel- ings in another.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms: That ad- vertisers would encourage you to do this is understandable in light of profits to be made, but that you would buy the products is less easy to understand in view of the fact that you’re choosing to throw away the real you. You can stop hiding the beautiful, natural you. Thus if you choose to use cosmetic aids of any kind, it will not be based on disliking what you are covering up, but for reasons of novelty or personal fulfillment. Being honest with yourself in this realm is not easy, and it takes time to learn to distinguish what pleases us from what the advertising business says should please us. Choosing More Positive Self-Images It is possible to make the same kind of choices with all of your self-images. You can choose to think of yourself as intelligent by applying your very own standards to yourself. In fact, the happier you make yourself, the more intelligent you are. If you are deficient in any areas such as algebra, spelling or writing, it is simply the natural result of choices you have been making up until now. Should you decide to devote enough practice time to any of these tasks, you would undoubtedly be more proficient in them. If your image of yourself is of someone who is not too intelligent, remember what we said about intelligence in Chapter I. If you underestimate your- self, it is because you have bought that notion, and you compare yourself to others on certain school-related variables. It may surprise you to hear this, but you can choose to be as bright as you desire. Aptitude is really a function of time, rather than some inborn quality. One support for this belief can be found in the grade norms for standardized achievement tests. These norms demonstrate that scores achieved by the top stu-36 / Your Erroneous Zonesdents at one grade level are achieved by the majority of students at a later grade level. Further studies show that although most students eventually reach mastery on each learning task, some students achieve mastery much sooner than do others. * Yet the label “defi- cient” or even “retarded” is often attached to those who move more slowly toward absolute mastery of a skill. Listen to John Carroll as he talks on this point in his article, “A Model for School Learning,” which appeared in Teachers College Record: Aptitude is the amount of time required by the learner to attain mastery of a learning task. Implicit in this formulation is the assumption that, given enough time, all students can conceiv- ably attain mastery of a learning task. With enough time and effort you could, if you so chose, master almost any academic skill. But you don’t make that choice, for very good reasons. Why should you put that kind of present-moment energy into solving obscure problems or learning something that doesn’t interest you. Being happy, living effectively and loving are far greater goals. The point is that intelligence is not something that you inherited or had otherwise bestowed upon you. You are as smart as you choose to be. Not liking how smart you’ve chosen to be is mere self-contempt, which can lead only to injurious consequences in your own life. The logic of being able to choose your self-pictures applies to all of the photographs of you that are lodged in your brain. You are as socially adept as you choose to be. If you dislike the way you behave socially, you can work at changing the behavior and not confusing it with your own self-worth. Similarly, your artistic, mechanical, athletic, musical and other abilities are largely the result of choices and should not be confused with your worthiness. (See Chapter IV for a full treatment of your self-descriptions and why you’ve chosen them for yourself. ) In *Benjamin S. Bloom, et al., Handbook on Formative and Summative Evaluation of Student Learning (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971). FIRST LOVE / 37the same light, the preceding chapter made a case for your emotional life being the product of your own choices. Self-acceptance based upon what you believe to be appropriate for you is something you can make a decision about now. Repairing those things that don’t measure up can be a delightful undertaking, and there’s no reason to choose to feel unworthy, just because there are things about yourself that you’re going to improve. Self-dislike can take many forms, and perhaps you engage in some putting-down-of-yourself behavior. Here is a brief list of some typ- ically recurring behavior that falls into this category of the self-veto. • Rejecting compliments directed at you. (“Oh, this old thing…. I’m really not smart, just lucky I guess”…) • Making up excuses for why you look nice. (“It’s my hairdresser, she could make a toad look good”…“Believe me, it’s the wardrobe that does it”…“Green is my color”…) • Giving credit to others when it rightfully belongs to you. (“Thank God for Michael, without him I would be nothing”…“Marie did all the work, I just stood around and supervised”…) • Using other-directed references when speaking. (“My husband says”…“My mother feels”…“George always tells me that”…) • Having your opinions verified by others. (“Isn’t that right dear. ”…“That’s what I said, didn’t I, Martha. ”…“Just ask my hus- band, he’ll tell you”…) • Refusing to order something you want, not because you can’t afford it (although this may be your stated reason) but because you don’t feel that you’re worth it. • Not having orgasms. • Not buying yourself something because you think you have to buy it for someone else, although sacrificing is not necessary;38 / Your Erroneous Zonesor not treating yourself to the things you would like to own, because you’re not worth it. • Avoiding indulgences such as flowers, wine or whatever, which you love because that would be wasteful. • In a crowded room, someone yells out, “Hey, Stupid,” and you turn around. • Using pet names for yourself (and having others use them as well) that are really put-downs, including Dum-dum, Silly, Sweetie- pie or Baby (for an adult), Funny-face, Shorty, Fatty, or
[ 5678, 11, 323, 8617, 1027, 23268, 198, 9493, 433, 574, 77103, 13, 7436, 1472, 649, 1464, 279, 21583, 8957, 1990, 1148, 3885, 1781, 345, 37890, 323, 656, 11, 323, 701, 1866, 659, 2695, 2419, 13, 19513, 311, 6261, 994, 499, 198, 967, 41014, 834, 55539, 13, 1054, 2028, 374, 1077, 6392, 13, 358, 1755, 1077, 311, 36792, 430, 198, 3195, 13, 1102, 706, 4400, 311, 656, 449, 757, 2029, 1115, 5603, 690, 22472, 198, 1820, 659, 2902, 5757, 430, 499, 68568, 994, 499, 4667, 4423, 775, 753, 8430, 198, 4291, 701, 1866, 11555, 13, 7436, 21069, 6261, 420, 3062, 3488, 994, 499, 21953, 14277, 7058, 782, 838, 13, 1442, 814, 7378, 449, 757, 11, 1053, 358, 387, 2731, 1022, 30, 578, 4320, 374, 198, 677, 18785, 912, 13, 33739, 814, 1781, 649, 617, 912, 2515, 389, 499, 7389, 198, 9514, 1095, 433, 13, 23674, 11, 499, 4805, 1455, 4461, 1505, 430, 499, 527, 2731, 15262, 198, 1729, 1884, 3062, 15687, 1093, 264, 13697, 11, 477, 10456, 832, 994, 499, 649, 198, 4338, 69200, 449, 1124, 2085, 11196, 13, 7436, 21496, 279, 4382, 2144, 430, 1690, 2834, 1431, 3596, 3619, 499, 345, 438, 430, 433, 374, 17339, 13, 82671, 11, 499, 2834, 1431, 3619, 2031, 611, 4718, 15863, 606, 788, 95686, 35676, 1274, 889, 527, 1633, 3345, 311, 499, 13, 1472, 1541, 1431, 617, 311, 13, 1102, 753, 682, 198, 1315, 369, 1124, 311, 387, 2204, 323, 279, 1455, 16188, 3619, 7058, 287, 499, 649, 617, 374, 430, 499, 1541, 1431, 3619, 13, 49720, 402, 2209, 331, 383, 12329, 198, 80785, 279, 1486, 9539, 304, 279, 2768, 5238, 505, 5345, 8174, 3095, 323, 198, 13058, 1385, 512, 21060, 2746, 1274, 889, 656, 539, 3619, 1855, 1023, 520, 3325, 1234, 7058, 2752, 430, 814, 656, 539, 3619, 1855, 1023, 11, 1243, 814, 1234, 7058, 2752, 1855, 1023, 2731, 1109, 994, 11, 539, 8830, 1855, 198, 1605, 11, 814, 656, 539, 1524, 3619, 430, 814, 656, 539, 3619, 198, 9739, 1023, 13, 7436, 1472, 649, 26122, 311, 18046, 477, 1456, 311, 28008, 5606, 315, 279, 1314, 7058, 2136, 315, 701, 30031, 11, 323, 5042, 4510, 433, 13, 7436, 17236, 6261, 994, 12096, 15447, 477, 1023, 4443, 3673, 198, 30096, 1176, 13598, 433, 704, 449, 4423, 6832, 9647, 499, 907, 198, 6518, 1109, 701, 1866, 13, 7436, 14549, 69963, 701, 13363, 555, 3515, 1124, 11153, 10234, 555, 264, 198, 2203, 1559, 477, 4423, 775, 449, 23719, 1093, 11, 1054, 89041, 1431, 430, 1314, 11, 26828, 12671, 198, 269, 1054, 87619, 1431, 584, 11, 40904, 12671, 477, 1054, 10156, 2610, 33116, 11, 1364, 4805, 3371, 499, 49216, 6806, 41070, 6261, 704, 17813, 15716, 499, 4070, 89831, 304, 459, 1469, 7058, 782, 838, 99538, 1648, 11, 28592, 10671, 8010, 315, 420, 31954, 323, 198, 652, 533, 10332, 502, 28198, 13, 7436, 5664, 520, 40599, 279, 12387, 73273, 430, 499, 1304, 198, 17206, 994, 499, 7784, 1431, 2216, 14931, 369, 1148, 499, 4070, 1120, 1071, 13, 2052, 198, 391, 9268, 527, 88800, 369, 53150, 11, 323, 7540, 369, 53150, 527, 198, 55539, 99538, 902, 5097, 279, 1376, 315, 11, 1054, 40, 1440, 499, 8434, 1431, 198, 4908, 757, 422, 358, 2216, 8967, 1148, 358, 1120, 1550, 11, 779, 4587, 2019, 430, 358, 4344, 2103, 198, 94317, 2029, 5345, 1640, 4954, 374, 264, 12571, 315, 892, 13, 1442, 499, 1205, 4423, 775, 311, 198, 97944, 535, 499, 1603, 499, 649, 2733, 2731, 11, 1243, 499, 527, 7231, 1124, 198, 2935, 927, 701, 16024, 13, 6104, 499, 649, 9006, 539, 311, 36792, 304, 198, 66, 7770, 5627, 1578, 11, 323, 1518, 1063, 315, 701, 7865, 439, 34707, 345, 391, 1640, 4954, 7865, 374, 264, 54950, 430, 2793, 82, 2585, 315, 832, 753, 2733, 7058, 826, 304, 2500, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 3011, 1008, 7058, 10429, 388, 1053, 15253, 499, 311, 656, 420, 374, 49839, 304, 3177, 198, 1073, 22613, 311, 387, 1903, 11, 719, 430, 499, 1053, 3780, 279, 3956, 374, 2753, 198, 46122, 311, 3619, 304, 1684, 315, 279, 2144, 430, 499, 3207, 19301, 311, 2571, 198, 14075, 279, 1972, 499, 13, 1472, 649, 3009, 26092, 279, 6366, 11, 5933, 499, 13, 14636, 422, 499, 5268, 311, 1005, 46552, 52797, 315, 904, 3169, 11, 433, 690, 539, 387, 198, 31039, 389, 834, 7792, 287, 1148, 499, 527, 18702, 709, 11, 719, 369, 8125, 315, 198, 39142, 301, 1919, 477, 4443, 57383, 13, 21347, 10978, 449, 6261, 304, 420, 198, 70997, 374, 539, 4228, 11, 323, 433, 5097, 892, 311, 4048, 311, 33137, 1148, 198, 698, 2315, 603, 505, 1148, 279, 13172, 2626, 2795, 1288, 4587, 198, 355, 13, 77351, 4497, 45003, 10323, 12, 14562, 198, 2181, 374, 3284, 311, 1304, 279, 1890, 3169, 315, 11709, 449, 682, 315, 701, 198, 726, 52091, 13, 1472, 649, 5268, 311, 1781, 315, 6261, 439, 25530, 555, 198, 680, 6852, 701, 1633, 1866, 10886, 311, 6261, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 279, 44467, 198, 9514, 1304, 6261, 11, 279, 810, 25530, 499, 527, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 87544, 198, 258, 904, 5789, 1778, 439, 47976, 11, 43529, 477, 4477, 11, 433, 374, 5042, 279, 198, 53980, 1121, 315, 11709, 499, 617, 1027, 3339, 709, 3156, 1457, 13, 12540, 198, 9514, 10491, 311, 48772, 3403, 6725, 892, 311, 904, 315, 1521, 9256, 11, 499, 198, 41450, 38048, 387, 810, 69365, 304, 1124, 13, 1442, 701, 2217, 315, 198, 22479, 726, 374, 315, 4423, 889, 374, 539, 2288, 25530, 11, 6227, 1148, 198, 906, 1071, 922, 11478, 304, 15957, 358, 13, 1442, 499, 79583, 701, 7058, 726, 11, 433, 374, 1606, 499, 617, 11021, 430, 23035, 11, 323, 499, 9616, 198, 22479, 726, 311, 3885, 389, 3738, 2978, 14228, 7482, 13, 1102, 1253, 13051, 499, 311, 6865, 420, 11, 719, 499, 649, 5268, 311, 387, 439, 10107, 198, 300, 499, 12876, 13, 98087, 3993, 374, 2216, 264, 734, 315, 892, 11, 4856, 1109, 1063, 198, 258, 16381, 4367, 13, 3861, 1862, 369, 420, 16801, 649, 387, 1766, 304, 279, 12239, 198, 20609, 82, 369, 51114, 26501, 7177, 13, 4314, 40851, 20461, 198, 9210, 12483, 17427, 555, 279, 1948, 55854, 12, 1927, 611, 4718, 15863, 606, 788, 95686, 67, 812, 520, 832, 12239, 2237, 527, 17427, 555, 279, 8857, 315, 4236, 520, 198, 64, 3010, 12239, 2237, 13, 15903, 7978, 1501, 430, 8051, 1455, 4236, 198, 3163, 1870, 5662, 66763, 389, 1855, 6975, 3465, 11, 1063, 4236, 198, 613, 19704, 66763, 1790, 31373, 1109, 656, 3885, 13, 353, 14968, 279, 2440, 1054, 755, 72, 7058, 12575, 863, 477, 1524, 1054, 2171, 21632, 863, 374, 3629, 12673, 311, 1884, 889, 3351, 810, 198, 36311, 398, 9017, 10973, 66763, 315, 264, 10151, 13, 33249, 311, 3842, 47209, 439, 198, 383, 13739, 389, 420, 1486, 304, 813, 4652, 11, 1054, 32, 5008, 369, 6150, 21579, 2476, 198, 8370, 9922, 304, 47802, 9304, 13896, 512, 32, 418, 3993, 374, 279, 3392, 315, 892, 2631, 555, 279, 64060, 311, 36861, 198, 76, 54671, 315, 264, 6975, 3465, 13, 98132, 304, 420, 55986, 374, 279, 198, 395, 61674, 430, 11, 2728, 3403, 892, 11, 682, 4236, 649, 20245, 344, 7058, 2915, 36861, 66763, 315, 264, 6975, 3465, 13, 3161, 3403, 892, 323, 5149, 499, 1436, 11, 422, 499, 779, 14896, 11, 7491, 198, 60301, 904, 14584, 10151, 13, 2030, 499, 1541, 1431, 1304, 430, 5873, 11, 369, 1633, 198, 19045, 8125, 13, 8595, 1288, 499, 2231, 430, 3169, 315, 3118, 1474, 13209, 198, 17947, 1139, 22581, 40634, 5435, 477, 6975, 2555, 430, 198, 73014, 1431, 2802, 499, 13, 21347, 6380, 11, 5496, 13750, 323, 21955, 527, 198, 24470, 7191, 9021, 13, 578, 1486, 374, 430, 11478, 374, 539, 2555, 430, 198, 9514, 28088, 477, 1047, 6062, 95829, 5304, 499, 13, 1472, 527, 439, 7941, 198, 300, 499, 5268, 311, 387, 13, 2876, 49837, 1268, 7941, 499, 4070, 12146, 311, 387, 374, 198, 61031, 659, 35172, 21643, 11, 902, 649, 3063, 1193, 311, 5934, 28626, 16296, 198, 258, 701, 1866, 2324, 13, 578, 12496, 315, 1694, 3025, 311, 5268, 701, 659, 2320, 7641, 17208, 311, 682, 198, 1073, 279, 25232, 315, 499, 430, 527, 74732, 304, 701, 8271, 13, 1472, 527, 439, 198, 23191, 398, 76588, 439, 499, 5268, 311, 387, 13, 1442, 499, 48969, 279, 1648, 499, 36792, 198, 23191, 398, 11, 499, 649, 990, 520, 10223, 279, 7865, 323, 539, 31715, 198, 275, 449, 701, 1866, 659, 2695, 2419, 13, 35339, 11, 701, 32692, 11, 22936, 345, 589, 22740, 11, 18273, 323, 1023, 18000, 527, 14090, 279, 1121, 315, 11709, 198, 438, 1288, 539, 387, 22568, 449, 701, 5922, 1918, 13, 320, 10031, 15957, 17244, 198, 2000, 264, 2539, 6514, 315, 701, 659, 25520, 25712, 323, 3249, 499, 4070, 12146, 198, 49818, 369, 6261, 13, 883, 763, 198, 9, 25584, 26312, 328, 13, 25517, 11, 1880, 453, 13, 1174, 49924, 389, 3459, 1413, 323, 8279, 76, 1413, 40388, 315, 198, 14428, 21579, 220, 320, 3648, 4356, 25, 23778, 1059, 11529, 484, 11, 220, 4468, 16, 570, 35913, 40835, 220, 611, 220, 1806, 1820, 1890, 3177, 11, 279, 38846, 12735, 1903, 264, 1162, 369, 701, 14604, 198, 14789, 1694, 279, 2027, 315, 701, 1866, 11709, 13, 10323, 12, 10543, 685, 3196, 198, 59723, 1148, 499, 4510, 311, 387, 8475, 369, 499, 374, 2555, 499, 198, 4919, 1304, 264, 5597, 922, 1457, 13, 28266, 287, 1884, 2574, 430, 1541, 1431, 198, 48899, 709, 649, 387, 264, 50189, 49326, 11, 323, 1070, 753, 912, 2944, 198, 998, 5268, 311, 2733, 15375, 34594, 11, 1120, 1606, 1070, 527, 2574, 922, 198, 22479, 726, 430, 499, 3207, 2133, 311, 7417, 13, 10323, 10694, 4908, 649, 1935, 1690, 7739, 11, 323, 8530, 499, 16988, 304, 1063, 198, 631, 1303, 15220, 8838, 53246, 726, 7865, 13, 5810, 374, 264, 10015, 1160, 315, 1063, 3666, 7058, 2740, 46350, 7865, 430, 17503, 1139, 420, 5699, 315, 279, 659, 8437, 11269, 13, 7436, 88393, 287, 72739, 15910, 520, 499, 13, 27179, 12174, 11, 420, 2362, 3245, 21060, 358, 4344, 2216, 539, 7941, 11, 1120, 18069, 358, 8101, 863, 1981, 340, 6806, 25274, 709, 55586, 369, 3249, 499, 1427, 6555, 13, 27179, 2181, 753, 856, 7013, 69334, 261, 345, 32158, 1436, 1304, 264, 311, 329, 1427, 1695, 863, 1981, 2118, 22404, 19704, 757, 11, 433, 753, 279, 46846, 198, 9210, 1587, 433, 863, 1981, 2118, 20147, 374, 856, 1933, 863, 1981, 340, 6806, 58951, 6807, 311, 3885, 994, 433, 99124, 17623, 311, 499, 13, 27179, 13359, 198, 28622, 369, 8096, 11, 2085, 1461, 358, 1053, 387, 4400, 863, 1981, 2118, 12331, 648, 1550, 682, 198, 1820, 990, 11, 358, 1120, 14980, 2212, 323, 60089, 863, 1981, 340, 6806, 12362, 1023, 86855, 15407, 994, 12365, 13, 27179, 5159, 10177, 198, 98036, 863, 1981, 2118, 5159, 6691, 11321, 863, 1981, 2118, 40052, 2744, 10975, 757, 430, 863, 1981, 340, 6806, 20636, 701, 18463, 24884, 555, 3885, 13, 27179, 89041, 1431, 430, 1314, 198, 451, 277, 13, 19524, 1981, 2118, 4897, 753, 1148, 358, 1071, 11, 3287, 1431, 358, 11, 51970, 13, 19524, 1981, 2118, 10156, 2610, 856, 9222, 7058, 7198, 11, 568, 4805, 3371, 499, 863, 1981, 340, 6806, 8718, 985, 311, 2015, 2555, 499, 1390, 11, 539, 1606, 499, 649, 1431, 198, 2715, 541, 433, 320, 37241, 420, 1253, 387, 701, 11224, 2944, 8, 719, 1606, 499, 198, 15357, 1431, 2733, 430, 499, 3207, 5922, 433, 13, 7436, 2876, 3515, 52573, 1026, 13, 7436, 2876, 12096, 6261, 2555, 1606, 499, 1781, 499, 617, 311, 198, 20369, 433, 369, 4423, 775, 11, 8051, 73128, 374, 539, 5995, 26, 1987, 611, 4718, 15863, 606, 788, 95686, 269, 539, 27723, 6261, 311, 279, 2574, 499, 1053, 1093, 311, 1866, 11, 1606, 198, 9514, 3207, 539, 5922, 433, 13, 7436, 35106, 287, 37960, 70, 2436, 1778, 439, 19837, 11, 13378, 477, 8996, 11, 902, 198, 9514, 3021, 1606, 430, 1053, 387, 41421, 52221, 13, 7436, 763, 264, 39313, 3130, 11, 4423, 379, 6572, 704, 11, 1054, 19182, 11, 800, 16263, 2476, 323, 499, 198, 413, 2212, 13, 7436, 12362, 6896, 5144, 369, 6261, 320, 438, 3515, 3885, 1005, 1124, 439, 198, 9336, 8, 430, 527, 2216, 2231, 15220, 82, 11, 2737, 65082, 1773, 372, 11, 8211, 398, 11, 27687, 648, 7058, 20898, 477, 21266, 320, 2000, 459, 6822, 705, 53940, 30188, 11, 10928, 88, 11, 435, 23758, 11, 477 ]
for their time to diagnose your condition and to offer an opinion on what to do, but you are clear that you do not need or expect a treatment. Consultations are a good way to meet with a dentist and see how good they are based upon their diagnoses and suggestions for treatments. This can add up cost wise if you consult several dentists. It is also a good time to ask your dentist questions and to get educated while you are paying them for their time to talk. Consultations can be difficult to perform if you have a serious condition and just want the dentist’s opinion. The dentist will want to follow their legal and perhaps moral obligations to treat you. Cavities and X-rays One of my readers was overjoyed to have healed his gum problems. He then went to his conventional dentist for a check-up and was shocked when his dentist told him that one of his teeth needed a rootcanal. “How could this be?” he wondered, when the tooth felt fine. The dentist diagnosed the new cavity using older x-ray technology which can produce shadows or fuzzy images; these images showed a large black spot under one of his tooth fillings, which the dentist claimed was not in the previous x-ray taken 6 months prior. I advised the reader to seek care with a trusted holistic dentist. The holistic dentist used a more modern digital x-ray, which resulted in a clearer picture. The new x- ray showed no cavity at all. It turned out that the conventional dentist mistook a shadow from a tooth filling in the x-ray for a severe tooth cavity. The conventional dentist was obviously happy to show this reader his cavity, because he would make a nice profit for the week doing a root canal procedure. It is even possible his dentist knew that it was a shadow, but the potential for a large financial gain bypassed the dentist’s reasoning process and had him see cavities that were not there. The conclusion I draw from this story and others like it is that there are likely tens of thousands, if not millions, of dental procedures being performed yearly that are totally unnecessary. Not only are they unnecessary from the perspective that they could be healed via nutrition, but fully unnecessary in that no condition exists that requires treatment. In the case of a wrong diagnosis, once the dentist drills into your tooth he is not likely to say, “Whoops, I do not see any tooth decay; sorry to have drilled a huge hole in your tooth.” Instead, he will keep on drilling, put that filling in, and pretend as though everything went as expected. As readers of this book, you are now privileged with dental knowledge that I hope you will share with everyone: all of your relatives, friends, coworkers and second cousins. Then they too can learn how to avoid unnecessary dental procedures. Getting additional copies of Cure Tooth Decay and sharing is a good way to spread this knowledge. Sometimes dental procedures are a good idea, and that’s when you want them; the rest of the time, you of course do not want them. A good dentist should confirm his diagnoses with a second perspective. This means that an x-ray image should not be exclusively relied upon to make the decision to drill. Other testing methods include probing with an examiner, visual inspection, or using electrical or ultrasound tools to test the strength and health of the tooth. The Dental Code of Silence The dental code of silence means that if a dentist sees bad dental work in a patient’s mouth he will remain silent rather than enlighten his patient to his condition. The only time a dentist might comment on previous dental work is if it is extremely poorly done, and perhaps was performed in another country. The only thing we know from going to each dentist we visit is our experience of lying in the dental chair with our heads buzzing with the dental drill, and opening and closing our mouths to varying degrees. We have no idea if the dentist put in the most amazing and clean filling ever, or if he drilled away forever healthy tooth, and then placed the filling ineptly. I heard of a dentist who recently passed away. He would spend five hours working on one crown. He guaranteed his crowns would last 40 or more years. Quality dental work takes time. The dentists’ code of silence allows the profession to stay at low standards of performance since patients are not informed or educated about poor dental work versus good dental work. Bad dentists do not get caught, and they continue performing bad dental work. Mercury fillings are just another example of the dentists’ code of silence. When dentists decline to take a stand against the tyranny ofdental “ethics” boards that obfuscate the toxicity and harm caused by mercury fillings and toxic metals in the mouth, they allow the system to continue with impunity.Root Canals George Meinig, DDS, was one of the founders of the American Association of Endodontists (root canal specialists). When he started in dentistry, everyone simply extracted decayed teeth. Dr. Meinig and other dentists had a great idea to save teeth rather than remove them if they were infected. Endodontists used to be on the fringe of dentistry and they worked hard to become mainstream specialists. Now, each year in the U.S. alone there are more than 30,000,000 root canals performed. That is a 30 billion dollar industry. Dr. Meinig, once a root canal advocate after a lifetime of performing root canals as a dentist, changed his position after he read 1174 pages of detailed research by Dr. Weston Price and his 60-man research team. Meinig discovered that, A high percentage of chronic degenerative disease can originate from root filled teeth. The most frequent were heart and circulatory diseases. The next most common diseases were those of the joints, arthritis and rheumatism. 19 What Dr. Meinig urgently wanted to show people is that in many cases a root canal sets up the body for chronic and degenerative disease. If you have a significant degenerative condition, heart disease, severe headaches, arthritis and so forth, a root canal may be contributing to your condition or even to blame for it. The reason that root canals can be toxic is because each tooth contains about three miles of microscopic tubes. After a root canal procedure, the body’s natural dentinal fluid flow to clean out the microscopic tubes is destroyed. A sick tooth can easily develop toxic substances within the microscopic tubules. It could be food particles or simply the death and putrefaction of the cells within the tiny tubes. This highly toxic substance can then drip down tiny fissures through the root of the tooth and enter your bloodstream. Dr. Price found that when bacteria could be filtered out of toxins extracted from root canals, that the toxin became more potent than when the bacteria were present. Bacteria from a root canalled tooth are not likely the cause of illness, but are simply feeding off and trying to clean up the rotting material. The conclusion of Dr. George Meinig’s book Root Canal Cover-Up is that root canals are a really bad idea, and that they can be a serious source of disease. Not all root canals become infected and not all root canals cause health problems. The most recent studies of root canal success rates over five- and ten-year periods reveal a dismal 30-40%. During the time of Dr. Price, the rate of root canals that definitely had no observable side effects was 25%. 20 Root canals present a catch-22 situation without any good choice. Root canals that are successful in the long run are going to be the ones that are not very infected before the treatment. These non- infected teeth are going to be the teeth that would have been the easiest to heal naturally and therefore did not really need root canals. The very damaged and rotten teeth are the ones that are the most difficult to heal and the most likely needing a root canal to save the tooth. These are cases where the root canal procedure will many times fail. Basically root canals work the best for the teeth that do not need them, and the worst for the teeth that do need them. Why People Have Tooth Infections Your tooth became infected because it is weak and damaged. Material from your mouth environmententered deeply into the tooth, which is now inflamed. As a response to the foreign invader, the interior of the tooth acts to protect itself. This protection is known as an abscess. The body swells around the foreign material, and sends white blood cells to contain the material and dissolve it or to latch onto it and release it by collecting it in pus and then ejecting it out of your gums. The protective mechanism of your body is the swelling, which usually is accompanied by pain. The pain is an additional protection mechanism. Pain prevents you from chewing food in that location, so it minimizes the chances of more material entering into the weakened area. Pain also prevents you from chewing on the tooth so that it can be free from the biting pressure. What a Root Canal Procedure Accomplishes A root canal is the complete removal of the guts of your tooth. A large hole is drilled into the top of your tooth, and the inner pulp of the tooth is removed. The inside of the tooth is then cleaned with chemicals. Once the inside is clean, a synthetic material is placed within the tooth, which is now partially dead, and a crown is placed on top of the tooth. If this crown has stainless steel or another metal in it, then you can have the problem of dissimilar metals in
[ 369, 872, 892, 311, 58681, 701, 3044, 323, 311, 3085, 459, 9647, 389, 1148, 311, 656, 11, 719, 499, 527, 198, 7574, 430, 499, 656, 539, 1205, 477, 1755, 264, 6514, 13, 20556, 811, 527, 264, 1695, 1648, 311, 3449, 449, 264, 50351, 198, 438, 1518, 1268, 1695, 814, 527, 3196, 5304, 872, 85488, 323, 18726, 369, 22972, 13, 1115, 649, 923, 709, 198, 16845, 24219, 422, 499, 8666, 3892, 18653, 1705, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 264, 1695, 892, 311, 2610, 701, 50351, 4860, 323, 311, 636, 198, 66449, 1418, 499, 527, 12798, 1124, 369, 872, 892, 311, 3137, 13, 20556, 811, 649, 387, 5107, 311, 2804, 422, 198, 9514, 617, 264, 6129, 3044, 323, 1120, 1390, 279, 50351, 753, 9647, 13, 578, 50351, 690, 1390, 311, 1833, 872, 198, 6564, 323, 8530, 16033, 30255, 311, 4322, 499, 13, 52166, 1385, 323, 1630, 82817, 198, 4054, 315, 856, 13016, 574, 927, 4215, 291, 311, 617, 62320, 813, 42365, 5435, 13, 1283, 1243, 4024, 311, 813, 21349, 198, 55923, 380, 369, 264, 1817, 5352, 323, 574, 27718, 994, 813, 50351, 3309, 1461, 430, 832, 315, 813, 18311, 4460, 264, 3789, 4919, 278, 13, 1054, 4438, 1436, 420, 387, 12671, 568, 31156, 11, 994, 279, 26588, 6612, 7060, 13, 578, 50351, 29704, 279, 502, 198, 66, 11980, 1701, 9191, 865, 30630, 5557, 902, 649, 8356, 35612, 477, 53833, 5448, 26, 1521, 5448, 198, 3528, 291, 264, 3544, 3776, 7858, 1234, 832, 315, 813, 26588, 5266, 826, 11, 902, 279, 50351, 11922, 574, 539, 304, 279, 198, 20281, 865, 30630, 4529, 220, 21, 4038, 4972, 13, 358, 26160, 279, 6742, 311, 6056, 2512, 449, 264, 22542, 61876, 50351, 13, 578, 61876, 50351, 1511, 264, 810, 6617, 7528, 865, 30630, 11, 902, 19543, 304, 264, 49479, 6945, 13, 578, 502, 865, 7058, 11872, 8710, 912, 56429, 520, 682, 13, 1102, 6656, 704, 430, 279, 21349, 50351, 8770, 1982, 264, 12737, 505, 264, 26588, 198, 7712, 287, 304, 279, 865, 30630, 369, 264, 15748, 26588, 56429, 13, 578, 21349, 50351, 574, 14224, 6380, 311, 1501, 198, 576, 6742, 813, 56429, 11, 1606, 568, 1053, 1304, 264, 6555, 11626, 369, 279, 2046, 3815, 264, 3789, 40021, 10537, 13, 1102, 374, 1524, 3284, 813, 50351, 7020, 430, 433, 574, 264, 12737, 11, 719, 279, 4754, 369, 264, 3544, 6020, 8895, 198, 65, 51011, 291, 279, 50351, 753, 33811, 1920, 323, 1047, 1461, 1518, 57709, 1385, 430, 1051, 539, 1070, 13, 578, 17102, 198, 40, 4128, 505, 420, 3446, 323, 3885, 1093, 433, 374, 430, 1070, 527, 4461, 22781, 315, 9214, 11, 422, 539, 11990, 11, 315, 198, 67, 6430, 16346, 1694, 10887, 45370, 430, 527, 12756, 26225, 13, 2876, 1193, 527, 814, 26225, 198, 1527, 279, 13356, 430, 814, 1436, 387, 62320, 4669, 26677, 11, 719, 7373, 26225, 304, 430, 912, 3044, 198, 16703, 430, 7612, 6514, 13, 763, 279, 1162, 315, 264, 5076, 23842, 11, 3131, 279, 50351, 57648, 1139, 701, 26588, 568, 374, 539, 4461, 311, 2019, 345, 2118, 15546, 3806, 11, 358, 656, 539, 1518, 904, 26588, 31815, 26, 14931, 311, 617, 68865, 264, 6908, 14512, 304, 701, 26588, 2029, 12361, 11, 568, 198, 14724, 2567, 389, 39662, 11, 2231, 430, 21973, 304, 11, 323, 35840, 439, 3582, 4395, 4024, 439, 3685, 13, 1666, 13016, 315, 420, 2363, 11, 499, 527, 1457, 47361, 449, 29106, 6677, 430, 358, 3987, 499, 690, 4430, 198, 4291, 5127, 25, 682, 315, 701, 29658, 11, 4885, 11, 84055, 323, 2132, 61007, 13, 5112, 814, 2288, 649, 4048, 198, 5269, 311, 5766, 26225, 29106, 16346, 13, 25531, 5217, 11236, 315, 720, 34, 554, 83499, 98386, 720, 438, 198, 84746, 374, 264, 1695, 1648, 311, 9041, 420, 6677, 13, 18156, 29106, 16346, 527, 264, 1695, 4623, 11, 323, 198, 9210, 753, 994, 499, 1390, 1124, 26, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 892, 11, 499, 315, 3388, 656, 539, 1390, 1124, 13, 362, 1695, 50351, 1288, 7838, 813, 85488, 449, 264, 2132, 13356, 13, 1115, 3445, 430, 459, 865, 30630, 198, 1843, 1288, 539, 387, 24121, 41013, 5304, 311, 1304, 279, 5597, 311, 31646, 13, 7089, 7649, 5528, 198, 1012, 84072, 449, 459, 84732, 11, 9302, 26767, 11, 477, 1701, 20314, 477, 63859, 7526, 311, 1296, 279, 198, 75337, 323, 2890, 315, 279, 26588, 13, 578, 48804, 6247, 315, 69188, 198, 791, 29106, 2082, 315, 21847, 3445, 430, 422, 264, 50351, 16008, 3958, 29106, 990, 304, 264, 8893, 753, 11013, 568, 690, 198, 48684, 21737, 4856, 1109, 41316, 268, 813, 8893, 311, 813, 3044, 13, 578, 1193, 892, 264, 50351, 2643, 4068, 198, 263, 3766, 29106, 990, 374, 422, 433, 374, 9193, 31555, 2884, 11, 323, 8530, 574, 10887, 304, 2500, 198, 11389, 13, 578, 1193, 3245, 584, 1440, 505, 2133, 311, 1855, 50351, 584, 4034, 374, 1057, 3217, 315, 21078, 304, 279, 198, 67, 6430, 10716, 449, 1057, 14971, 86424, 449, 279, 29106, 31646, 11, 323, 8736, 323, 15676, 1057, 65609, 311, 198, 84076, 287, 12628, 13, 1226, 617, 912, 4623, 422, 279, 50351, 2231, 304, 279, 1455, 8056, 323, 4335, 21973, 3596, 11, 477, 422, 568, 198, 3696, 4473, 3201, 16058, 9498, 26588, 11, 323, 1243, 9277, 279, 21973, 19661, 418, 398, 13, 358, 6755, 315, 264, 50351, 889, 198, 47743, 398, 5946, 3201, 13, 1283, 1053, 8493, 4330, 4207, 3318, 389, 832, 27631, 13, 1283, 19883, 813, 9460, 4511, 198, 41450, 1566, 220, 1272, 477, 810, 1667, 13, 18410, 29106, 990, 5097, 892, 13, 578, 18653, 1705, 529, 2082, 315, 21847, 6276, 279, 4913, 311, 4822, 520, 3428, 10886, 315, 5178, 2533, 198, 81437, 527, 539, 16369, 477, 33142, 922, 8009, 29106, 990, 19579, 1695, 29106, 990, 13, 11717, 18653, 1705, 198, 3055, 539, 636, 10791, 11, 323, 814, 3136, 16785, 3958, 29106, 990, 13, 44662, 5266, 826, 527, 1120, 2500, 198, 8858, 315, 279, 18653, 1705, 529, 2082, 315, 21847, 13, 3277, 18653, 1705, 18174, 311, 1935, 264, 2559, 2403, 279, 78001, 315, 67, 6430, 1054, 774, 1233, 863, 21126, 430, 1536, 52689, 349, 279, 58011, 323, 11682, 9057, 555, 51852, 5266, 826, 323, 21503, 198, 4150, 1147, 304, 279, 11013, 11, 814, 2187, 279, 1887, 311, 3136, 449, 98770, 46445, 3053, 1147, 198, 40052, 60430, 343, 11, 66072, 11, 574, 832, 315, 279, 48727, 315, 279, 3778, 10229, 315, 4060, 86815, 1705, 320, 2959, 198, 4919, 278, 35416, 570, 3277, 568, 3940, 304, 18653, 5050, 11, 5127, 5042, 28532, 31815, 291, 18311, 13, 2999, 13, 60430, 343, 198, 438, 1023, 18653, 1705, 1047, 264, 2294, 4623, 311, 3665, 18311, 4856, 1109, 4148, 1124, 422, 814, 1051, 29374, 13, 4060, 86815, 1705, 1511, 311, 387, 389, 279, 55907, 315, 18653, 5050, 323, 814, 6575, 2653, 311, 3719, 21391, 198, 15495, 1705, 13, 4800, 11, 1855, 1060, 304, 279, 549, 815, 13, 7636, 1070, 527, 810, 1109, 220, 966, 11, 931, 11, 931, 3789, 649, 1147, 10887, 13, 3011, 374, 264, 220, 966, 198, 65, 15068, 18160, 5064, 13, 2999, 13, 60430, 343, 11, 3131, 264, 3789, 40021, 29115, 1306, 264, 19569, 315, 16785, 3789, 198, 4919, 1147, 439, 264, 50351, 11, 5614, 813, 2361, 1306, 568, 1373, 220, 8546, 19, 6959, 315, 11944, 3495, 555, 2999, 13, 91119, 198, 7117, 323, 813, 220, 1399, 21110, 3495, 2128, 13, 60430, 343, 11352, 430, 345, 32, 1579, 11668, 315, 21249, 5367, 75989, 8624, 649, 82316, 505, 3789, 10409, 18311, 13, 578, 1455, 198, 69, 70791, 1051, 4851, 323, 4319, 38220, 19338, 13, 578, 1828, 1455, 4279, 19338, 1051, 1884, 315, 279, 198, 73, 14737, 11, 55652, 323, 68132, 46313, 2191, 13, 220, 777, 198, 3923, 2999, 13, 60430, 343, 77720, 4934, 311, 1501, 1274, 374, 430, 304, 1690, 5157, 264, 3789, 40021, 7437, 709, 279, 2547, 198, 2000, 21249, 323, 5367, 75989, 8624, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 264, 5199, 5367, 75989, 3044, 11, 4851, 8624, 345, 325, 19846, 55403, 11, 55652, 323, 779, 13544, 11, 264, 3789, 40021, 1253, 387, 29820, 311, 701, 3044, 477, 1524, 311, 198, 2067, 373, 369, 433, 13, 578, 2944, 430, 3789, 649, 1147, 649, 387, 21503, 374, 1606, 1855, 26588, 5727, 922, 2380, 8931, 198, 1073, 90090, 34083, 13, 4740, 264, 3789, 40021, 10537, 11, 279, 2547, 753, 5933, 18653, 992, 15962, 6530, 311, 4335, 704, 198, 1820, 90090, 34083, 374, 14763, 13, 362, 14363, 26588, 649, 6847, 2274, 21503, 33155, 2949, 279, 198, 41543, 58510, 15286, 2482, 13, 1102, 1436, 387, 3691, 19252, 477, 5042, 279, 4648, 323, 2231, 1116, 1335, 315, 279, 7917, 2949, 198, 1820, 13987, 34083, 13, 1115, 7701, 21503, 20278, 649, 1243, 73599, 1523, 13987, 95159, 1439, 1555, 279, 3789, 315, 279, 26588, 198, 438, 3810, 701, 100216, 13, 2999, 13, 8650, 1766, 430, 994, 24032, 1436, 387, 18797, 704, 315, 62186, 198, 24396, 291, 505, 3789, 649, 1147, 11, 430, 279, 98534, 6244, 810, 36875, 1109, 994, 279, 24032, 1051, 3118, 13, 426, 78852, 505, 264, 3789, 649, 4841, 26588, 527, 539, 4461, 279, 5353, 315, 17563, 11, 719, 527, 5042, 26040, 1022, 323, 198, 85134, 311, 4335, 709, 279, 5868, 1303, 3769, 13, 578, 17102, 315, 2999, 13, 10058, 60430, 343, 753, 2363, 198, 19385, 53748, 198, 31996, 47197, 198, 374, 430, 3789, 649, 1147, 527, 264, 2216, 3958, 4623, 11, 323, 430, 814, 649, 387, 264, 6129, 2592, 315, 8624, 13, 2876, 682, 3789, 649, 1147, 3719, 29374, 323, 539, 682, 3789, 649, 1147, 5353, 2890, 5435, 13, 578, 1455, 3293, 198, 267, 58787, 315, 3789, 40021, 2450, 7969, 927, 4330, 12, 323, 5899, 4771, 18852, 16805, 264, 94553, 220, 966, 12, 1272, 14697, 12220, 198, 1820, 892, 315, 2999, 13, 8650, 11, 279, 4478, 315, 3789, 649, 1147, 430, 8659, 1047, 912, 40635, 3185, 6372, 574, 220, 914, 14697, 220, 508, 198, 8605, 649, 1147, 3118, 264, 2339, 12, 1313, 6671, 2085, 904, 1695, 5873, 13, 19385, 649, 1147, 430, 527, 6992, 304, 198, 1820, 1317, 1629, 527, 2133, 311, 387, 279, 6305, 430, 527, 539, 1633, 29374, 1603, 279, 6514, 13, 4314, 2536, 7058, 13885, 1599, 18311, 527, 2133, 311, 387, 279, 18311, 430, 1053, 617, 1027, 279, 30689, 311, 27661, 18182, 323, 9093, 198, 23770, 539, 2216, 1205, 3789, 649, 1147, 13, 578, 1633, 20727, 323, 78792, 18311, 527, 279, 6305, 430, 527, 279, 1455, 198, 13798, 3951, 311, 27661, 323, 279, 1455, 4461, 33921, 264, 3789, 40021, 311, 3665, 279, 26588, 13, 4314, 527, 5157, 1405, 279, 198, 2959, 40021, 10537, 690, 1690, 3115, 3775, 13, 41812, 3789, 649, 1147, 990, 279, 1888, 369, 279, 18311, 430, 656, 539, 198, 17483, 1124, 11, 323, 279, 12047, 369, 279, 18311, 430, 656, 1205, 1124, 13, 8595, 9029, 12522, 83499, 763, 25384, 198, 7927, 26588, 6244, 29374, 1606, 433, 374, 7621, 323, 20727, 13, 10441, 505, 701, 11013, 4676, 87143, 17693, 1139, 279, 26588, 11, 902, 374, 1457, 4704, 3690, 13, 1666, 264, 2077, 311, 279, 7362, 1558, 1013, 11, 279, 198, 2295, 2521, 315, 279, 26588, 14385, 311, 6144, 5196, 13, 1115, 9313, 374, 3967, 439, 459, 3731, 1140, 13, 578, 2547, 2064, 6572, 198, 20019, 279, 7362, 3769, 11, 323, 22014, 4251, 6680, 7917, 311, 6782, 279, 3769, 323, 73739, 433, 477, 311, 198, 75, 759, 8800, 433, 323, 4984, 433, 555, 26984, 433, 304, 75676, 323, 1243, 90574, 287, 433, 704, 315, 701, 98754, 13, 578, 29219, 198, 2727, 5776, 2191, 315, 701, 2547, 374, 279, 55307, 11, 902, 6118, 374, 24895, 555, 6784, 13, 578, 6784, 374, 459, 198, 36599, 9313, 17383, 13, 35567, 29034, 499, 505, 75477, 3691, 304, 430, 3813, 11, 779, 433, 198, 1083, 318, 4861, 279, 17393, 315, 810, 3769, 16661, 1139, 279, 58764, 3158, 13, 35567, 1101, 29034, 499, 505, 198, 331, 79510, 389, 279, 26588, 779, 430, 433, 649, 387, 1949, 505, 279, 68196, 7410, 13, 3639, 264, 19385, 53748, 45546, 54064, 501, 21168, 198, 32, 3789, 40021, 374, 279, 4686, 17065, 315, 279, 65973, 315, 701, 26588, 13, 362, 3544, 14512, 374, 68865, 1139, 279, 1948, 315, 198, 22479, 26588, 11, 323, 279, 9358, 64188, 315, 279, 26588, 374, 7108, 13, 578, 4871, 315, 279, 26588, 374, 1243, 28822, 449, 198, 32056, 82, 13, 9843, 279, 4871, 374, 4335, 11, 264, 28367, 3769, 374, 9277, 2949, 279, 26588, 11, 902, 374, 1457, 198, 4581, 34575, 5710, 11, 323, 264, 27631, 374, 9277, 389, 1948, 315, 279, 26588, 13, 1442, 420, 27631, 706, 25468, 9699, 477, 2500, 198, 55108, 304, 433, 11, 1243, 499, 649, 617, 279, 3575, 315, 14091, 79962, 37182, 304 ]
Big Four? Sugar, white flour, processed oils and milk products. Even foods touted as “healthy,” such as multi-grain breads, usually contain impoverished flour. • We eat the cells of unhealthy plants and animals, which cannot create healthy cells in our body. Pigs and other livestock are fed toxic diets. Chemicals used during growing, harvesting, processing, transporting and storing diminish nutrients in produce. In no way can such food support our cell chemistry. • Too little of our food—virtually none for many people—is eaten raw. Cooking damages foods’ nutritional values. Some cooking methods, particularly those that use high heat or that char foods, create powerful mutagens and carcinogens. • Handling and preparation methods—from extended storing of foods in a refrigerator or freezer to chopping and mashing—rob foods of many nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that we believe we are consuming. The average person preparing a meal damages and destroys the power of the food, even food the individual considers to be “fresh.” • Commercial practices used to supply food from farms to supermarkets are overwhelmingly destructive. Produce is often harvested before it is ripe, stored for long periods of time and subjected to harmful methods to ripen or color it artificially for presentation in the “fresh” produce section of the supermarket. Some of this produce has lost nearly all of certain vitaminsand minerals by the time it rolls down the supermarket checkout lines, let alone by the time we eat it. • The way we eat our foods—even how we chew—often prevents us from realizing the best nutrition, even from good diets. We also eat the wrong combinations of foods, which interfere with effective digestion. • Most of the vitamin and mineral supplements sold today are of poor quality and not worth what you pay for them. They do not provide us with the nutrients we think we are buying. Starvation on a Full Stomach According to the State of the World 2000 report from the Worldwatch Institute, the world is in the midst of a nutrition crisis. In the developed countries, 1.2 billion people, including most Americans, are now “starving” and undernourished because they are overfed with too much of the wrong foods. The average American diet does not support the biological needs of human cells. We try to achieve the impossible: We try to maintain health while eating a diet that cannot provide health. Although our stomachs may be full (and our bellies are fat), malnutrition is our leading cause of disease. Ultimately, any level of malnutrition creates susceptibility to disease. However, when we suffer health problems as a result of poor nutrition, almost always we blame our illnesses on aging or on faulty genes rather than on its true cause. We are, indeed, what we eat. That cliché should guide all choices we make about the foods we consume. The average person, however, is poorly informed and confused about what to eat, how to eat and what to avoid. Misinformation tossed about by food manufacturers and even by physicians overwhelms the consumer. Few people truly understand how food helps or fails to keep them healthy. Food manufacturers nearly always favor qualities such as shelf life, taste, appearance and marketability over nutrition and health. Physicians, who typically lack nutrition education themselves, usually tell us that a standard diet gives us all the nutrition we need. With such misinformation, we tend to make irrational and harmful decisions. A diet that focuses on anything other than meeting the nutritional needs of cells allows your body to get sick. The four worst food choices, comprising the bulk of the average American diet and disastrous to the health of our population are:1. sugar 2. white flour 3. processed oils 4. milk products Consuming these foods, especially as a large part of the diet and over time, is virtually guaranteed to cause disease. They provide little nutrition and are toxic as well. If every American were to stop eating these “foods,” our epidemic of chronic diseases would decline dramatically. Problematic in their own right, the real harm caused by these four food failures comes from the fact that we eat them repeatedly, day by day, meal by meal. As highly as we might think of ourselves, on a physical level we are nothing more than an organized mass of about 75 trillion cells, all constantly demanding nutrients. If we consistently choose the Big Four—sugar, white flour, processed oils, milk products or foods containing these as ingredients—we cannot hope to meet the needs of our hungry cells. Every single time you choose an organic, fresh, unprocessed food instead of one of the Big Four, you are doing your cells (and yourself) a great service. Let us have a closer look at the Big Four. Sugar Wreaks Havoc If you make only one change in your diet, let it be to eliminate or at least reduce your intake of sugar. People in our society eat an enormous amount of sugar— probably far more than you realize. As is often the case, our perspective is the real problem; we are so familiar with sugar that we do not think of it as a serious health threat. Furthermore, because in one form or another sugar is contained in an enormous number of processed foods, it is almost impossible to avoid. Sugar even in small amounts is detrimental. Just two teaspoons of sugar (far less than a typical soft drink or bowl of breakfast cereal) has a significant hormonal and nutritional impact for several hours, throwing the body out of balance and into a state of biochemical chaos. If you eat sugar morning, noon and night (as many people do), your body remains in chaos all day, every day. In this state of chaos your body constantly tries to restore its balance but never quite succeeds. Sugar is so damaging to body chemistry that, in his 2000 book, Fit for Life: A New Beginning, Harvey Diamond calls refined sugar “a deadly, virulent poison.” During many thousands of years of human evolution, our ancestors survived fine without any sugar other than sugars naturally occurring in wild fruits andberries. Refined sugar is a comparatively recent invention, and only very recently has it become a dietary staple. In 1750, when it was first introduced to North America, sugar was a rare and expensive commodity,
[ 13083, 343, 13017, 414, 30, 32019, 11, 197, 5902, 1186, 75, 414, 11, 197, 35122, 23021, 8839, 53577, 2157, 34263, 197, 10354, 13, 7570, 197, 96420, 3324, 19042, 61551, 197, 2118, 38128, 2476, 1942, 1412, 61551, 2157, 7213, 25313, 467, 2282, 31458, 11, 197, 44066, 197, 53195, 198, 6802, 2017, 3384, 1186, 75, 414, 13, 7436, 197, 1687, 7883, 266, 33188, 1470, 6572, 44323, 21113, 38128, 197, 64805, 53577, 197, 77896, 11, 197, 8370, 1470, 3483, 40363, 198, 38128, 1470, 6572, 17886, 197, 414, 36502, 13, 393, 14801, 53577, 197, 1605, 8986, 344, 478, 1197, 197, 548, 1186, 291, 32809, 14668, 2765, 81881, 13, 36424, 82, 197, 2656, 2765, 1711, 3253, 25156, 11, 9793, 277, 7164, 287, 11, 197, 21315, 11, 197, 27543, 287, 53577, 198, 267, 5620, 2765, 318, 18675, 9215, 332, 32930, 17886, 197, 98374, 13, 763, 73204, 197, 3195, 94036, 1942, 1412, 197, 14239, 1942, 2870, 197, 414, 198, 5997, 197, 52755, 13, 7436, 197, 32346, 8986, 2433, 44323, 197, 414, 197, 14239, 2345, 48481, 1870, 197, 6836, 2066, 197, 35676, 197, 16455, 55434, 7883, 13827, 77659, 13, 57410, 2765, 309, 1154, 197, 96420, 529, 9215, 332, 37842, 47039, 13, 4427, 197, 1030, 10979, 43357, 82, 345, 74039, 197, 54719, 64442, 42919, 9793, 1108, 197, 20559, 82266, 64442, 7602, 197, 96420, 11, 40363, 3303, 1223, 1285, 198, 7129, 39896, 53577, 1470, 8362, 258, 57118, 13, 7436, 197, 39706, 53577, 41446, 36235, 43357, 82, 88958, 197, 42198, 18895, 5620, 44323, 197, 96420, 17886, 11575, 198, 1116, 65044, 859, 82266, 17389, 7215, 32809, 23918, 7153, 53577, 2157, 19587, 2345, 23576, 197, 96420, 44323, 197, 35676, 198, 24217, 32930, 1942, 1412, 61551, 5306, 275, 38925, 53577, 26388, 17822, 64442, 197, 906, 2282, 301, 19704, 197, 906, 197, 548, 38303, 62217, 13, 578, 197, 17645, 99905, 41446, 45252, 11575, 50394, 278, 2765, 309, 1154, 53577, 50716, 50293, 33188, 3303, 1223, 44323, 198, 1820, 197, 14239, 11, 7883, 1055, 197, 14239, 33188, 197, 55977, 197, 6387, 13572, 32809, 74242, 197, 2118, 72408, 49216, 6806, 197, 60816, 26736, 90290, 197, 2656, 32809, 1942, 85023, 197, 14239, 43827, 1186, 16293, 32809, 12750, 60560, 197, 548, 198, 2017, 94179, 398, 59451, 1257, 535, 13, 87988, 20501, 197, 61917, 9793, 277, 7164, 291, 64334, 24263, 20501, 197, 52191, 345, 72349, 2066, 17972, 197, 19862, 82, 44323, 22724, 53577, 29724, 29403, 32809, 9793, 2227, 1285, 43357, 82, 32809, 197, 462, 2821, 82266, 198, 3506, 24263, 197, 472, 16895, 398, 2066, 3303, 13898, 17886, 33188, 197, 2118, 72408, 863, 197, 98374, 197, 2879, 44323, 33188, 198, 9712, 19859, 13, 4427, 44323, 2090, 197, 98374, 64355, 197, 55437, 9215, 22928, 52060, 44323, 1470, 7770, 5306, 275, 38925, 438, 26388, 17822, 197, 1729, 33188, 22724, 24263, 197, 39374, 2765, 785, 33188, 12750, 19859, 26215, 412, 79490, 11, 10428, 198, 32676, 197, 1729, 33188, 22724, 197, 906, 7883, 266, 24263, 13, 7436, 33026, 197, 3195, 197, 906, 7883, 266, 197, 414, 197, 96420, 80078, 197, 5269, 197, 906, 23918, 365, 2345, 61917, 41446, 48764, 71275, 43827, 198, 8110, 4954, 33188, 93510, 9215, 332, 17462, 11, 7883, 1055, 43827, 3253, 1411, 2765, 81881, 13, 1226, 197, 19171, 7883, 266, 33188, 6831, 14684, 198, 884, 74729, 44323, 197, 96420, 11, 197, 8370, 60015, 69, 486, 48048, 7883, 40784, 2765, 15505, 290, 13, 7436, 9391, 537, 44323, 33188, 5306, 76652, 53577, 26388, 3333, 1942, 455, 4779, 1942, 820, 3324, 6423, 197, 548, 44323, 3303, 10922, 198, 10692, 53577, 98366, 6831, 2419, 197, 12840, 197, 9514, 3303, 352, 2066, 197, 49818, 13, 2435, 20530, 98366, 197, 62556, 71275, 48048, 198, 1820, 9215, 332, 32930, 197, 906, 197, 27963, 197, 906, 197, 548, 2282, 4168, 287, 13, 7834, 61428, 25653, 11575, 197, 9619, 197, 626, 316, 613, 198, 11439, 32809, 33188, 1602, 1423, 44323, 33188, 197, 10343, 197, 1049, 15, 1602, 11998, 43827, 33188, 197, 10343, 14658, 198, 644, 7815, 11, 33188, 77608, 20501, 17886, 33188, 2157, 307, 267, 44323, 11575, 9215, 332, 17462, 1470, 6091, 285, 13, 763, 33188, 197, 16219, 291, 198, 47808, 11, 197, 16, 13, 17, 2282, 15068, 197, 16455, 11, 197, 16564, 2157, 537, 23845, 2165, 598, 11, 197, 548, 82022, 197, 2118, 12134, 4504, 863, 53577, 198, 8154, 77, 414, 3384, 2282, 6769, 197, 20670, 197, 548, 197, 2017, 52223, 48048, 32809, 78, 2157, 1412, 44323, 33188, 6831, 14684, 197, 96420, 13, 578, 198, 17645, 23845, 16093, 2765, 3978, 2765, 7217, 98366, 1942, 2870, 33188, 2282, 41314, 197, 56345, 44323, 9793, 7282, 1470, 6572, 13, 1226, 198, 1568, 32809, 197, 613, 19704, 33188, 55992, 10236, 25, 197, 1687, 6942, 32809, 2157, 1673, 467, 197, 12393, 5329, 7883, 1113, 11575, 2765, 3978, 64442, 198, 34360, 197, 62556, 197, 12393, 13, 10541, 197, 414, 18895, 316, 87973, 2157, 352, 74242, 95142, 197, 61011, 197, 414, 2282, 616, 552, 197, 548, 198, 45283, 705, 2157, 278, 83664, 20501, 197, 414, 197, 21307, 197, 1593, 44323, 2765, 56407, 13, 55106, 11, 197, 3852, 54843, 44323, 2157, 278, 83664, 197, 59619, 1942, 355, 1512, 3225, 32809, 2765, 56407, 13, 4452, 11, 61280, 197, 906, 1942, 2084, 197, 12393, 197, 96440, 61551, 11575, 9753, 44323, 3303, 10922, 9215, 332, 17462, 11, 197, 60301, 198, 33222, 197, 906, 97521, 373, 197, 414, 197, 484, 2136, 288, 25653, 197, 4210, 82266, 25653, 1186, 957, 88, 3253, 22383, 7145, 1894, 197, 54895, 25653, 197, 1220, 43908, 198, 1593, 13, 1226, 197, 548, 11, 17886, 451, 291, 11, 197, 12840, 197, 906, 7883, 266, 13, 3011, 1470, 6915, 978, 197, 5562, 3253, 35805, 52060, 197, 25825, 197, 906, 78538, 198, 9274, 33188, 197, 96420, 197, 906, 38303, 32423, 13, 578, 197, 17645, 99905, 11, 197, 98936, 11, 20501, 3303, 10922, 398, 17886, 10365, 198, 438, 68950, 2656, 197, 9274, 197, 12840, 32809, 7883, 266, 11, 197, 5269, 32809, 7883, 266, 53577, 197, 12840, 32809, 197, 48956, 13, 33659, 26125, 198, 83, 88950, 197, 9274, 197, 1729, 197, 14239, 197, 98550, 12070, 53577, 7883, 1055, 197, 1729, 197, 42305, 9818, 197, 2017, 16005, 1026, 33188, 198, 47864, 13, 44015, 197, 16455, 26665, 3988, 197, 8154, 2752, 197, 5269, 197, 14239, 88740, 82, 82266, 1186, 6341, 32809, 197, 13397, 197, 49818, 198, 38128, 13, 12369, 197, 98550, 12070, 9215, 22928, 197, 33222, 1186, 3372, 197, 83465, 1942, 1412, 61551, 37296, 491, 8986, 1643, 11, 3324, 5642, 345, 97755, 53577, 2157, 55660, 2968, 197, 2017, 9215, 332, 17462, 53577, 197, 12393, 13, 88599, 11, 197, 14965, 198, 87184, 8986, 474, 9215, 332, 17462, 197, 37838, 71579, 12116, 4372, 11, 197, 44066, 3324, 616, 71275, 64442, 11575, 197, 20885, 2765, 3978, 198, 70, 1924, 71275, 52060, 33188, 9215, 332, 17462, 197, 906, 197, 17483, 13, 3161, 1942, 1412, 2157, 285, 26125, 11, 197, 906, 3324, 408, 32809, 78538, 198, 404, 81, 1697, 53577, 9793, 2227, 1285, 197, 8332, 6948, 13, 362, 2765, 3978, 64442, 1186, 3466, 288, 25653, 197, 73254, 197, 1605, 197, 54895, 198, 62349, 33188, 9215, 332, 37842, 197, 56345, 44323, 1470, 6572, 52060, 4336, 14862, 414, 36502, 32809, 10582, 1942, 875, 13, 578, 1186, 414, 6831, 66396, 197, 14239, 197, 25825, 11, 33910, 34754, 33188, 2282, 22537, 44323, 33188, 197, 17645, 23845, 16093, 2765, 3978, 198, 438, 2765, 10994, 496, 788, 32809, 33188, 197, 12393, 44323, 197, 414, 75913, 2987, 197, 548, 25, 16, 13, 1942, 8734, 198, 17, 13, 197, 5902, 1186, 75, 414, 198, 18, 13, 197, 35122, 23021, 8839, 198, 19, 13, 2157, 34263, 197, 10354, 198, 43066, 287, 197, 45010, 197, 96420, 11, 197, 36046, 61551, 11575, 8986, 2812, 73972, 44323, 33188, 2765, 3978, 53577, 197, 2017, 22724, 11, 20501, 198, 48481, 1870, 3253, 19253, 59350, 32809, 197, 1593, 2765, 56407, 13, 2435, 197, 62556, 8986, 2433, 9215, 332, 17462, 53577, 197, 548, 32809, 14668, 198, 300, 6831, 616, 13, 1442, 7883, 1225, 23845, 16093, 6831, 486, 32809, 63744, 7883, 1113, 197, 45010, 197, 2118, 96420, 2476, 197, 414, 97726, 307, 8274, 44323, 198, 7562, 292, 2765, 1082, 2315, 6831, 619, 197, 10210, 483, 2765, 2453, 7167, 13, 22854, 780, 17886, 33188, 404, 197, 785, 49021, 11, 33188, 198, 8110, 9793, 2227, 197, 936, 2656, 197, 1729, 197, 45010, 1186, 414, 197, 14239, 64152, 1439, 197, 6716, 43827, 33188, 1186, 533, 64442, 197, 906, 7883, 266, 198, 49818, 17643, 43054, 398, 11, 99297, 197, 1729, 99297, 11, 50394, 278, 197, 1729, 50394, 278, 13, 1666, 9793, 1108, 398, 61551, 197, 906, 2157, 492, 197, 27963, 44323, 197, 2530, 4372, 11, 25653, 11575, 197, 47692, 54843, 197, 906, 197, 548, 197, 42312, 198, 6518, 197, 54895, 80557, 197, 63316, 2157, 395, 44323, 197, 9274, 197, 2075, 26665, 15068, 1470, 6572, 11, 52060, 4882, 18007, 2765, 20699, 287, 198, 24217, 32930, 13, 1442, 197, 906, 197, 6387, 380, 4501, 197, 28150, 33188, 13083, 343, 13017, 414, 2345, 82, 8734, 11, 197, 5902, 1186, 75, 414, 11, 197, 35122, 198, 78, 8839, 11, 2157, 34263, 197, 10354, 82266, 197, 96420, 93491, 2101, 197, 45010, 61551, 197, 39220, 86319, 1470, 3483, 9793, 2862, 32809, 198, 64510, 33188, 197, 56345, 44323, 197, 414, 9793, 2234, 894, 1470, 6572, 13, 7357, 1942, 2222, 22724, 197, 9514, 197, 28150, 80557, 197, 61694, 345, 72408, 11, 21113, 35122, 197, 14239, 197, 65937, 44323, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 13083, 343, 13017, 414, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 20530, 287, 14862, 414, 1470, 6572, 198, 61011, 14862, 414, 726, 8, 11575, 3253, 1244, 54034, 13, 6914, 71275, 9793, 525, 11575, 1470, 70315, 197, 7349, 36547, 33188, 13083, 343, 13017, 414, 13, 32019, 17749, 1127, 82, 13595, 402, 511, 198, 2746, 197, 9514, 78538, 197, 3323, 197, 606, 69480, 17886, 14862, 414, 2765, 3978, 11, 10428, 24263, 74242, 32809, 197, 40895, 3357, 82266, 36547, 197, 56371, 198, 27369, 14862, 414, 2129, 731, 44323, 1942, 8734, 13, 9029, 17886, 197, 414, 1942, 6180, 7883, 266, 80557, 82948, 494, 788, 197, 6173, 44323, 1942, 8734, 2345, 197, 55540, 1186, 277, 2157, 461, 198, 54895, 197, 9514, 92974, 553, 13, 1666, 20501, 197, 61917, 33188, 2789, 11, 197, 414, 3303, 86191, 20501, 33188, 92974, 197, 35686, 26, 197, 906, 197, 548, 198, 708, 1186, 41505, 48048, 1942, 8734, 64442, 197, 906, 20530, 98366, 197, 27963, 44323, 24263, 61551, 11575, 197, 94427, 197, 12393, 71579, 1244, 13, 24296, 11, 2282, 6769, 17886, 197, 606, 38510, 82266, 197, 43063, 1942, 8734, 20501, 197, 53615, 17886, 80557, 82948, 494, 788, 198, 4174, 44323, 197, 35122, 197, 96420, 11, 24263, 20501, 197, 60301, 55992, 10236, 32809, 197, 48956, 13, 32019, 7883, 1055, 17886, 1942, 30632, 197, 6173, 82, 20501, 2765, 17820, 3904, 278, 13, 4702, 3324, 1146, 197, 668, 300, 83188, 44323, 1942, 8734, 197, 968, 277, 198, 1752, 197, 54895, 11575, 26382, 950, 197, 3594, 2765, 35465, 82266, 2282, 9802, 44323, 3470, 9533, 1470, 44353, 8, 64355, 11575, 70154, 34828, 198, 71, 494, 25180, 53577, 9215, 332, 37842, 197, 58400, 2066, 85786, 17998, 9793, 2530, 11, 9776, 287, 33188, 36502, 14294, 44323, 198, 22298, 53577, 2129, 78, 11575, 25277, 44323, 2282, 822, 32056, 197, 6583, 437, 13, 1442, 197, 9514, 7883, 266, 1942, 8734, 2157, 80675, 11, 197, 12684, 198, 438, 9215, 492, 197, 38051, 197, 35676, 197, 16455, 20530, 705, 14862, 414, 36502, 197, 1864, 1771, 17886, 197, 6583, 437, 52060, 99297, 11, 7883, 1225, 99297, 13, 763, 198, 576, 25277, 44323, 197, 6583, 437, 14862, 414, 36502, 4882, 18007, 197, 4646, 32809, 97127, 197, 1220, 2282, 5085, 2282, 332, 197, 37593, 198, 84270, 1942, 30364, 82, 13, 32019, 20501, 197, 708, 2765, 309, 4210, 32809, 36502, 197, 52755, 64442, 11, 17886, 9793, 285, 197, 1049, 15, 197, 2239, 345, 24231, 2066, 15420, 1643, 25, 23845, 197, 3648, 197, 76390, 11, 1602, 27588, 5735, 11198, 18986, 1470, 5700, 60604, 1619, 1942, 8734, 197, 2118, 64, 197, 34854, 398, 345, 46957, 29580, 3303, 78, 3416, 49216, 16397, 197, 35676, 71579, 40137, 44323, 197, 42820, 44323, 9793, 7282, 75937, 3294, 11, 197, 414, 197, 685, 267, 1105, 1942, 97860, 2270, 198, 63157, 197, 30096, 197, 3852, 1942, 8734, 197, 1605, 197, 54895, 1942, 773, 1590, 9215, 72247, 197, 511, 46839, 17886, 6831, 699, 1186, 68998, 53577, 36989, 13, 432, 4094, 1942, 8734, 20501, 11575, 33910, 1768, 8046, 17643, 1189, 17886, 7611, 11, 53577, 197, 3323, 197, 1225, 198, 47743, 398, 64355, 24263, 2282, 52521, 11575, 2765, 3978, 661, 18895, 391, 273, 13, 763, 197, 10005, 15, 11, 61280, 24263, 6831, 300, 43290, 2129, 30317, 32809, 198, 26287, 23845, 2165, 64, 11, 1942, 8734, 6831, 300, 11575, 7145, 548, 53577, 49658, 4114, 33910, 52302, 11 ]
. Then I related one of Abraham Lincoln’s favorite retorts: “If you counted a sheep’s tail as a leg, how many legs would it have?” Invariably the answer was “five. ” To which Lincoln would respond: “Only four. Counting the tail as a leg doesn’t make it one. ” I think you’ll agree that we are not equipped in any aspect of our being as carnivores. Are We Eaters of Fermented and Rotten Foods?Substantially all of Americans eat fermented and putrefied substances that are called foods. When fats oxidize and decompose they become rancid and repulsive. Carbohydrates ferment when decomposed by fungi (yeast) and bacteria. And proteins putrefy (rot) when decomposed by bacteria and fungi. It is odd that we will discard fermented grapes, yet drink their fermentation end-product called wine. Odder still, most Americans consume with relish something that never oc - curred in nature: a pathogenic putrefactive product called cheese. Cheese represents about all the decomposition products in a single package: r ancid fats, putrefactive prod - ucts and fermentation products. Bacterial and fungal (y east) f ermentation produce alcohol, vinegar (acetic acid) and lactic acid with other byproducts of methane and carbon dioxide. Proteins, decomposed primarily by anaerobic bac - teria but also by fungi and aerobic bacteria, have as dec omposition end-products pt omaines (putr es- cine, muscarine, neurine, cadaverine, ptomatropine and y et other toxic c ompounds), indoles , leukomaines, skatoles, mercaptans, ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide and yet other toxic compounds. You need only to refer to a good dictionary to learn just how poisonous these products are. Yet, Americans eat bil - lions upon billions of pounds of cheese annually. Cheese is made b y taking the casein portion of milk and r otting it with t ypes of bacteria that yield byproducts that many palates have come to treasure. That all these poisons going into the system cause anything less than sicknesses, diseases and debility is mis - representation. Tumors and cancer are often the result. 58 FruiticultureHumans consume many fermentation, rancid and putrefactive products. Most are de - rived from milk. Some are derived from grains (especially the alcohols), fruits (wines and certain vinegars), legumes (especially the soybean and its tr ain of putr efactive prod - ucts), and decomposed meats. As humans could not consume these dec omposed pr oducts in nature without tools and containerization, we may safely categorize them as unnatural. I dare say that you agree.Are We Sucklings of Animals?I doubt that humans ever directly suckled cattle, goats, mares, camels, sheep and other animals. And, of course, the idea of doing this is obnoxious to our disposition. I refer, facetiously, to milk drinkers as secondhand grass eaters although, to be sure, grass has all the nutr ients necessar y t o support life. While we can live on milks (certain Africans, like the Masai, live substantially on milk and blood, thus reducing themselves to parasite status), these are by no means our natural foods. Milk-drinking as a regular part of our intake is only a few hun - dred years old with the exception of certain Arabic and A frican peoples. M ilk -drinking is pathogenic. If milk and milk products were discontinued today, millions of people would cease to suffer sicknesses and pathologies within a short pe - riod. In fact, if this alone was discontinued, the hospitals would virtually empty out and physicians’ w aiting rooms would be mostly vacated. Milk-drinking is also an act by proxy. If we had to get milk directly from the teats of ani - mals by suction, I’m sure we’d skirt milk altogether. I would and I’m sure you would too. Are We F rugivores? Are we a species of fruit eaters? Would you, in nature, relish ripe, vibrant grapes, peach - es, melons, bananas, apples, plums, oranges, mangos, avocados, tomatoes, figs, berries and the thousands of other fruits? Would fruits attr ac t your eye, tantalize your sense of smell, and be a gustatory delight in their raw natural ripe state? Would you prefer any - thing that occurs in nature to a juicy sweet watermelon? 59 FruiticultureMan has always had a love affair going with fruits. Even through all his perver - sions, he has continued to relish fruits. Fruits are the natur al f ood of humans and the only food category ideally suit - ed to all their faculties. This does not mean we should eat fruits totally and e xclusively in our present circumstances, but it does mean that, in nature, that’s all we ate as attested to by anthropo - logical evidence scientists have uncovered, notably Dr. Alan Walker of Johns Hopkins University. Of c ourse, you go for fruits in their raw state regardless of what else your acculturization and circumstances dispose you to eat. Your instincts are still alive and well despite per - versions. Many myths have been built around and about fruits. As a fruitarian I can offer a new dietary for those who say w e ’re not—their own words! Nutritionists, so-called, are the creatures of training dictated by the meat, grain and milk trusts. These trusts are part of the dominant commercial interests that dictate what will be taught in our educational institutions from universities down to kindergarten. Nutritionists are trained like seals to parrot the propaganda which will induce the popu - lace to consume their masters’ products, with the basic five food groups being one of the primary propaganda w eapons put a t their disposal to serve their masters. Of course, there are renegade nutritionists and dietitians who have revolted against the basic four except for the fruit and vegetable category. Most nutritionists are ashamed of the fifth food category and don’t even mention it though it is on the books along with the basic four. The fifth category consists of what might broadly be termed “accessory foods” such as oils, syrups, snack foods, sugars, wines, seasonings, jams, preserves, etc. Even though we are admonished to eat from all five food categories daily by the framers of this scheme to peddle commercial products, nutritionists and dietitians are not keen on mouthing this part of the propaganda even though they include it liberally in their recipes. 60 FruiticultureWhile some nutritionists and dietitians praise fruits and vegetables, they still charac - terize those who point out our biologically correct foods as faddists and nutritional quacks. Yet, ev en in seminars, those who sharply question me must admit that, aestheti - cally, they would eat little besides fruits in nature and that we humans are naturally fruitar ians. All the cr it eria heretofore cited as the requirements of our natural foods are amply met by fruits. In short, they are replete with our nutrient requirements in practically the pro - portions that we need them. We are biological symbionts of fruit-bearing plants, and in nature would ea t v ery little besides fruits. Despite all this, there’s no particular harm in eating green leafy vegetables, stalks, stems and their fresh juices in the raw state. Even some steaming or conservative cooking of tu - bers, stalks, stems, roots, corms and selected legumes and g rains (pref er ably sprouted), are not sufficiently deleterious to seriously harm our health. Of course, there are some toxic re - sults from eating all this fare. We’re better off without them. Yet, I r epea t, there is no great harm in their consumption relative to what is suffered from conventional fare. Dr. Bruce Ames of the University of California, Berkeley, has created a catalog of poi - sons in vegetables and published an extensive article in the September 23, 1983 issue of Science magazine. No indic tmen t of fruits as having toxic substances was made or can be made. Virtually every vegetable was indicted. All were a part of the same study. Humans are biologically equipped to handle most fruits. When ripened, fruits accommodatingly convert their carbohydrate components into glu - cose and fructose, simple sugars we can use without further digestion. Their enzymes conver t their pr oteins into amino acids and their fats into fatty acids and glycerols. Thus, when we eat fruits, all we need do is savor their goodness. The fruit portions, that is, mesocarps, were specifically compounded to attract biological symbionts. Fruits meet their nutrient needs rather ideally with predigested nutrients. For humans, no other food compares with fruits in satisfying all needs including, of course, our requirement for deli - 61 Fruiticultureciously vibrant soul-exalting fare. I’m sure that you will agree through your own senses that fruits would be your primary food in a state of nature. Are We Vegetarian?The average American understands the term vegetarian to mean an “eater of vegetables. ” But, in reality a vegetarian is someone who eats only plant-derived foods. This may in - clude a preponderance of fruits but,
[ 13, 5112, 358, 5552, 832, 315, 37488, 25379, 753, 720, 39590, 2160, 19491, 25, 1054, 2746, 499, 31094, 264, 33012, 753, 9986, 439, 264, 2531, 11, 1268, 1690, 14535, 1053, 433, 617, 12671, 220, 763, 71091, 279, 4320, 574, 1054, 53770, 13, 19524, 2057, 902, 25379, 1053, 6013, 25, 1054, 7456, 3116, 13, 4605, 287, 279, 9986, 439, 264, 2531, 3250, 1431, 1304, 433, 832, 13, 126672, 40, 1781, 499, 4805, 7655, 430, 584, 527, 539, 19167, 304, 904, 13189, 315, 1057, 1694, 439, 97733, 4692, 13, 8886, 1226, 469, 11796, 315, 29562, 28078, 323, 432, 10503, 40160, 30, 3214, 4811, 34575, 682, 315, 9053, 8343, 96080, 323, 2231, 1116, 1142, 33155, 430, 527, 720, 44982, 15657, 13, 3277, 50127, 36172, 553, 323, 29602, 2972, 814, 3719, 436, 1149, 307, 323, 2109, 58921, 13, 3341, 34658, 988, 68736, 994, 29602, 3950, 555, 81540, 320, 9188, 561, 8, 323, 24032, 13, 1628, 28896, 2231, 1116, 88, 320, 4744, 8, 994, 29602, 3950, 555, 24032, 323, 81540, 13, 1102, 374, 10535, 430, 584, 690, 38967, 96080, 66008, 11, 3686, 7172, 872, 74454, 842, 29745, 720, 44982, 13378, 13, 56136, 261, 2103, 11, 1455, 9053, 25024, 449, 1375, 819, 2555, 430, 2646, 18274, 18722, 66, 8293, 304, 7138, 25, 264, 1853, 29569, 2231, 1116, 3104, 2027, 2663, 17604, 13, 45419, 11105, 922, 682, 279, 66266, 3956, 304, 264, 3254, 6462, 25, 436, 198, 1149, 307, 50127, 11, 2231, 1116, 3104, 14814, 18722, 670, 82, 323, 74454, 3956, 13, 426, 71034, 323, 95447, 320, 88, 11226, 8, 282, 198, 261, 32199, 8356, 720, 278, 11353, 11, 47205, 320, 582, 5411, 13935, 8, 323, 326, 24045, 13935, 449, 1023, 555, 10354, 315, 61083, 323, 12782, 40589, 13, 15542, 1354, 11, 29602, 3950, 15871, 555, 41390, 261, 31906, 80980, 18722, 466, 689, 719, 1101, 555, 81540, 323, 91490, 24032, 11, 617, 439, 1654, 8019, 3571, 842, 68973, 11051, 297, 3902, 288, 320, 631, 81, 198, 288, 7058, 66, 483, 11, 3167, 7063, 483, 11, 21850, 483, 11, 19973, 7403, 483, 11, 11051, 81868, 897, 483, 720, 438, 379, 1880, 1023, 21503, 272, 44025, 3171, 705, 1280, 7298, 198, 11, 57381, 3199, 288, 11, 1940, 4428, 645, 11, 16888, 2756, 598, 11, 92003, 11, 720, 69991, 2194, 11, 35784, 40769, 579, 323, 3686, 1023, 21503, 32246, 13, 1472, 1205, 1193, 311, 8464, 311, 264, 1695, 11240, 311, 4048, 1120, 1268, 74508, 1521, 3956, 527, 13, 14968, 11, 9053, 8343, 20934, 18722, 75, 919, 5304, 33151, 315, 16701, 315, 17604, 30171, 13, 45419, 374, 1903, 293, 379, 4737, 279, 1162, 258, 13651, 315, 14403, 323, 436, 14479, 1303, 433, 449, 259, 198, 1842, 315, 24032, 720, 9210, 7692, 555, 10354, 430, 1690, 11091, 988, 617, 2586, 311, 32726, 13, 3011, 682, 1521, 3273, 19941, 720, 9738, 1139, 279, 1887, 5353, 4205, 2753, 1109, 54950, 288, 11, 19338, 323, 4316, 1429, 374, 5906, 18722, 84216, 13, 350, 372, 1105, 323, 9572, 527, 3629, 279, 1121, 13, 220, 2970, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 95668, 25024, 1690, 74454, 11, 436, 1149, 307, 323, 2231, 1116, 3104, 3956, 13, 7648, 527, 409, 18722, 81, 2270, 505, 14403, 13, 4427, 527, 14592, 505, 41936, 320, 36046, 279, 453, 40375, 3145, 705, 26390, 320, 86, 1572, 323, 720, 66, 7770, 30050, 64502, 705, 2531, 19131, 320, 36046, 279, 29839, 17937, 323, 1202, 490, 37202, 315, 2231, 81, 198, 830, 3104, 14814, 18722, 670, 82, 705, 323, 29602, 3950, 63875, 13, 1666, 12966, 1436, 539, 25024, 1521, 1654, 8019, 3950, 550, 198, 347, 670, 82, 304, 7138, 2085, 7526, 323, 720, 3670, 2065, 11, 584, 1253, 21676, 22824, 553, 1124, 439, 81846, 13, 358, 33304, 2019, 430, 499, 7655, 13037, 1226, 328, 1983, 19342, 315, 47966, 30, 40, 10712, 430, 12966, 3596, 6089, 19419, 839, 36952, 11, 71932, 11, 296, 5518, 11, 6730, 2053, 11, 33012, 323, 1023, 720, 77896, 13, 1628, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 279, 4623, 315, 3815, 420, 374, 1536, 95832, 311, 1057, 46096, 13, 358, 8464, 11, 2355, 84623, 13610, 11, 311, 14403, 98976, 439, 2132, 10888, 16763, 8343, 388, 8051, 11, 311, 387, 2771, 11, 16763, 706, 682, 279, 10184, 81, 602, 812, 4541, 277, 379, 259, 198, 78, 1862, 2324, 13, 6104, 584, 649, 3974, 389, 7625, 2857, 320, 66, 7770, 66738, 11, 1093, 279, 20459, 2192, 11, 3974, 32302, 389, 14403, 323, 6680, 11, 8617, 18189, 5694, 311, 85573, 2704, 705, 1521, 527, 555, 912, 3445, 1057, 5933, 15657, 13, 44925, 19158, 16113, 439, 264, 5912, 961, 315, 1057, 23730, 374, 1193, 264, 2478, 11794, 18722, 67, 1171, 1667, 2362, 449, 279, 4788, 315, 3738, 35217, 323, 362, 1448, 7210, 32538, 13, 386, 81438, 198, 19158, 16113, 374, 1853, 29569, 13, 1442, 14403, 323, 14403, 3956, 1051, 65259, 3432, 11, 11990, 315, 1274, 1053, 32616, 311, 7831, 54950, 288, 323, 1853, 9268, 2949, 264, 2875, 1069, 18722, 462, 347, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 422, 420, 7636, 574, 65259, 11, 279, 24461, 1053, 21907, 4384, 704, 323, 35944, 529, 220, 289, 198, 1339, 287, 12295, 1053, 387, 10213, 9467, 660, 13, 44925, 19158, 16113, 374, 1101, 459, 1180, 555, 13594, 13, 1442, 584, 1047, 311, 636, 14403, 6089, 505, 279, 1028, 1900, 315, 53088, 18722, 76, 1147, 555, 84878, 11, 358, 4344, 2771, 584, 7070, 38380, 14403, 31155, 13, 358, 1053, 323, 358, 4344, 2771, 499, 1053, 2288, 13, 8886, 1226, 435, 198, 73047, 344, 4692, 30, 8886, 584, 264, 9606, 315, 14098, 8343, 388, 30, 19418, 499, 11, 304, 7138, 11, 1375, 819, 57796, 11, 34076, 66008, 11, 73188, 18722, 288, 11, 10804, 2439, 11, 68442, 11, 41776, 11, 628, 6370, 11, 85138, 11, 51296, 437, 11, 1860, 511, 5670, 11, 41613, 11, 4237, 82, 11, 63494, 720, 438, 279, 9214, 315, 1023, 26390, 30, 19418, 26390, 6510, 1645, 198, 83, 701, 8071, 11, 95685, 553, 701, 5647, 315, 720, 3647, 616, 11, 323, 387, 264, 30914, 5382, 18454, 304, 872, 7257, 5933, 57796, 1614, 30, 19418, 499, 10932, 904, 18722, 1626, 430, 13980, 304, 7138, 311, 264, 56153, 10437, 3090, 72218, 30, 220, 2946, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 1692, 706, 2744, 1047, 264, 3021, 31017, 2133, 720, 4291, 26390, 13, 7570, 1555, 682, 813, 824, 424, 18722, 82, 919, 11, 568, 706, 8738, 311, 1375, 819, 26390, 13, 435, 68998, 527, 279, 14818, 453, 282, 720, 1411, 315, 12966, 720, 438, 279, 1193, 3691, 5699, 50663, 7937, 18722, 291, 311, 682, 872, 98083, 13, 1115, 1587, 539, 3152, 584, 1288, 8343, 26390, 12756, 323, 2355, 68, 198, 87, 4256, 3210, 304, 1057, 3118, 13463, 11, 720, 8248, 433, 1587, 3152, 430, 11, 304, 7138, 11, 430, 753, 682, 584, 30912, 439, 1651, 10185, 311, 555, 41416, 78, 18722, 31356, 6029, 14248, 617, 43522, 11, 35146, 2999, 13, 26349, 23074, 315, 53240, 45316, 3907, 13, 5046, 272, 198, 5366, 11, 499, 733, 369, 26390, 304, 872, 7257, 1614, 15851, 315, 1148, 775, 701, 1046, 77531, 2065, 720, 438, 13463, 28490, 499, 311, 8343, 13, 4718, 62921, 527, 2103, 13989, 323, 1664, 8994, 824, 18722, 29390, 13, 9176, 51286, 617, 1027, 5918, 2212, 323, 922, 26390, 13, 1666, 264, 14098, 8997, 358, 649, 3085, 720, 64, 502, 34625, 369, 1884, 889, 2019, 289, 384, 198, 3207, 539, 22416, 404, 1866, 4339, 0, 39700, 1705, 11, 779, 19434, 11, 527, 279, 20566, 315, 4967, 81498, 555, 279, 13339, 11, 24875, 323, 14403, 66614, 13, 4314, 66614, 527, 961, 315, 279, 25462, 8518, 12034, 430, 62974, 1148, 690, 387, 15972, 304, 1057, 16627, 14673, 505, 23978, 1523, 311, 68223, 13, 39700, 1705, 527, 16572, 1093, 57877, 311, 1370, 4744, 279, 30617, 902, 690, 49853, 279, 2477, 84, 18722, 27634, 311, 25024, 872, 36467, 529, 3956, 11, 449, 279, 6913, 4330, 3691, 5315, 1694, 832, 315, 279, 6156, 30617, 289, 384, 26862, 2231, 264, 198, 83, 872, 34545, 311, 8854, 872, 36467, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 720, 19041, 527, 5790, 96337, 26677, 1705, 323, 10173, 275, 5493, 889, 617, 65935, 291, 2403, 279, 6913, 3116, 3734, 369, 279, 14098, 323, 36581, 5699, 13, 7648, 26677, 1705, 527, 51975, 315, 279, 18172, 3691, 5699, 323, 1541, 1431, 1524, 6420, 433, 3582, 433, 374, 389, 279, 6603, 3235, 449, 279, 6913, 3116, 13, 578, 18172, 5699, 17610, 315, 1148, 2643, 44029, 387, 61937, 1054, 5323, 683, 15657, 863, 1778, 439, 720, 78, 8839, 11, 6705, 81, 8772, 11, 40459, 15657, 11, 70913, 11, 43855, 11, 3280, 826, 11, 90398, 11, 75998, 11, 5099, 13, 7570, 3582, 584, 527, 83085, 3384, 311, 8343, 505, 682, 4330, 3691, 11306, 7446, 555, 279, 60743, 388, 315, 420, 13155, 311, 10696, 91485, 8518, 3956, 11, 26677, 1705, 323, 10173, 275, 5493, 527, 539, 27989, 389, 54409, 1626, 420, 961, 315, 279, 30617, 1524, 3582, 814, 2997, 433, 34929, 750, 304, 872, 19141, 13, 220, 1399, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 8142, 1063, 26677, 1705, 323, 10173, 275, 5493, 29488, 26390, 323, 24822, 11, 814, 2103, 1181, 582, 18722, 466, 553, 1884, 889, 1486, 704, 1057, 6160, 30450, 4495, 15657, 439, 282, 723, 1705, 323, 43226, 720, 447, 7977, 13, 14968, 1174, 3721, 198, 268, 304, 68569, 11, 1884, 889, 46473, 3488, 757, 2011, 17113, 430, 11, 27914, 14122, 72, 18722, 66, 750, 11, 814, 1053, 8343, 2697, 28858, 26390, 304, 7138, 323, 430, 584, 12966, 527, 18182, 14098, 277, 602, 598, 13, 2052, 279, 1589, 433, 198, 50929, 1077, 295, 1073, 461, 22628, 439, 279, 8670, 315, 1057, 5933, 15657, 527, 1097, 2603, 2322, 720, 1729, 26390, 13, 763, 2875, 11, 814, 527, 312, 5282, 449, 1057, 50123, 8670, 304, 32367, 279, 463, 18722, 403, 919, 430, 584, 1205, 1124, 13, 1226, 527, 24156, 67754, 290, 2641, 315, 14098, 92253, 11012, 11, 323, 304, 7138, 1053, 37646, 259, 348, 720, 727, 2697, 28858, 26390, 13, 18185, 682, 420, 11, 1070, 753, 912, 4040, 11682, 304, 720, 91955, 6307, 16312, 88, 24822, 11, 55972, 82, 11, 44814, 323, 872, 7878, 65959, 304, 279, 7257, 1614, 13, 7570, 1063, 4179, 6605, 477, 15692, 17677, 315, 9964, 18722, 1941, 11, 55972, 82, 11, 44814, 11, 20282, 11, 272, 494, 82, 323, 4183, 2531, 19131, 323, 342, 62555, 320, 31652, 2781, 198, 2915, 8314, 19042, 705, 527, 720, 1962, 40044, 60393, 466, 1245, 311, 14243, 11682, 1057, 2890, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 1070, 527, 1063, 21503, 312, 18722, 82, 122761, 505, 12459, 682, 420, 21057, 13, 1226, 3207, 2731, 1022, 2085, 1124, 13, 14968, 11, 358, 436, 384, 375, 64, 198, 83, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 2294, 720, 71, 2227, 304, 872, 15652, 8844, 311, 1148, 374, 16654, 505, 21349, 21057, 13, 2999, 13, 24785, 96194, 315, 279, 3907, 315, 7188, 11, 33108, 11, 706, 3549, 264, 16808, 315, 48027, 18722, 38448, 304, 24822, 323, 4756, 459, 16781, 4652, 304, 279, 6250, 220, 1419, 11, 220, 3753, 18, 4360, 720, 1073, 10170, 14756, 13, 2360, 4547, 259, 5794, 720, 83, 315, 26390, 439, 3515, 21503, 33155, 574, 1903, 477, 720, 4919, 387, 1903, 13, 48875, 1870, 1475, 36581, 574, 68334, 13, 2052, 1051, 264, 961, 315, 279, 1890, 4007, 13, 66094, 527, 6160, 30450, 19167, 311, 3790, 1455, 26390, 13, 3277, 24169, 6901, 11, 26390, 77141, 398, 5625, 872, 67732, 6956, 1139, 78376, 18722, 66, 974, 323, 1448, 87873, 11, 4382, 70913, 584, 649, 1005, 2085, 4726, 74502, 13, 11205, 56067, 720, 444, 424, 259, 872, 550, 720, 1295, 1354, 1139, 42500, 33969, 323, 872, 50127, 1139, 40085, 33969, 323, 37807, 3913, 3145, 13, 14636, 11, 720, 9493, 584, 8343, 26390, 11, 682, 584, 1205, 656, 374, 274, 3372, 872, 39526, 13, 578, 14098, 19885, 11, 430, 374, 11, 11083, 511, 277, 1725, 11, 1051, 11951, 88424, 311, 9504, 24156, 67754, 290, 2641, 13, 435, 68998, 3449, 872, 50123, 3966, 4856, 50663, 449, 4255, 343, 10185, 37493, 13, 1789, 12966, 11, 912, 1023, 3691, 43565, 449, 26390, 304, 37154, 682, 3966, 2737, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 1057, 16686, 369, 1624, 72, 18722, 5547, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 66, 13610, 34076, 13836, 10397, 278, 1303, 21057, 13, 358, 4344, 2771, 430, 499, 690, 7655, 1555, 701, 1866, 38207, 430, 26390, 1053, 387, 701, 6156, 720, 14239, 304, 264, 1614, 315, 7138, 13, 8886, 1226, 43800, 8997, 30, 791, 5578, 3778, 31869, 279, 4751, 46482, 311, 3152, 459, 1054, 68, 977, 315, 24822, 13, 19524, 5996, 4071, 11, 304, 8903, 264, 46482, 374, 4423, 889, 50777, 1193, 6136, 72286, 15657, 13, 1115, 1253, 304, 18722, 866, 264, 864, 20949, 685, 315, 26390, 719, 11 ]
the senses becomes "intel- lect," the concrete or informational side of intelligence. Functioning inwardly through our deeper consciousness, it becomes what could be better called "true intelligence. " The distinction between intellect and true intelligence is crucial for understanding the condition of the world today Intelligence: The Power of Perception and essential for establishing any real depth psychology. Intellect refers to an intelligence that uses reason, based upon the senses, to determine truth. It extends the range of the senses through various instruments, like telescopes and microscopes, and increases its calculating capacity through various machines, like computers. It invents dif- ferent systems of ideas, temporal and spatial measure- ments, to understand the world. Intellect constructs the idea of an external world as real- ity, noting the names and forms of things in the world and placing them into various categories and hierarchies. The notion of an outer world of enjoyment as our place of ful- fillment derives from it. From it comes a materialistic view of life and a mechanistic view of the universe. Intellect directs us to outer goals in life: enjoyment, wealth, power or mundane knowledge. It creates a bodily idea of exis- tence, in which we become trapped in time and space, sor- row and death. Intellect emphasizes outer distinctions, roles, and identities. Through it we get caught in surface information, status and possessions. Intellect functions under the control of ego and emotion rather than guiding them. It can inhibit our spiritual evolution, making us prefer solid worldly realities over inner experiences. True intelligence is a power of inner or direct percep- tion quite different from the secondhand or mediated knowledge of the intellect. It reveals to us the nature of things, transcending their sensory appearances, the con- tent behind the often misleading package. True intelli- gence takes the eternal to be the real, and perceives tran- sient names and forms as unreal. Through it we go beyond all beliefs, preconceptions, and concepts and leam to see things as they are. True intelligence is keenly aware of the impennanence Ayurveda and the Mind of all external reality and does not attach us to any fixed names and forms. Through it we learn to perceive the con- sciousness behind the shifting movements of matter and energy in the external world. We free ourselves from outer belief structures, authorities and institutions, transcending time and space into the reality of our True Nature. The intellect possesses only an indirect knowledge or mediated knowledge of names, numbers and appearances. For this reason, the intellect cannot solve our human prob- lems or bring peace to the psyche. It is not enough to know what our problems are conceptually. We must understand their origin in our own hearts and souls. With- out an awakening of true intelligence, our society must remain emotionally unstable and spiritually naive. West- em psychology, with some exceptions, shares the limita- tions of an intellectual view of life that the West has gen- erally glorified in its philosophy and science. Ayurveda, based on Yogic philosophy, regards the intellect as a lower or inferior intelligence. It helps us cultivate our deeper intelligence, which takes us beyond the senses to the tmth within our hearts. Conscience Each of us possesses an inherent ethical sense, which we call "conscience" — a feeling that certain things are right and others are wrong. Our conscience causes us not to wish harm to any creature and to feel the pain of others as our own. Conscience is a major part of intelligence, which establishes how we value and treat other people. The more intelligent we are, the stronger a conscience we have and the less we seek to interfere with others or impose our will upon them. Directly outwardly, intelligence creates morality, which Intelligence: The Power of Perception may be little more than the arbitrary customs of a partic- ular society. Directed inwardly, intelligence creates univer- sal ethics like non-violence, which transcend all cultural prejudices. Through our inner intelligence, we act ethical- ly and humanely, not for material or social gain, or even for heavenly reward, but for the good of all. Organized religion, with its dogmas and institutions, is another product of the outward-oriented intelligence. It results in the clash of beliefs and their exclusive claims. It ties us to a particular church, book or savior as truth. On the other hand, directed inwardly, true intelligence creates spirituality or the quest for eternal truth beyond name and form. It leads to the truth of our own inner Being, our higher Self in which the insistence upon a belief, savior or institution appears naive. Intelligence and Awareness True intelligence is the aspect of consciousness that is awake, cognizant, and developed, while consciousness (Chitta) itself is the mental field as a whole, particularly its undeveloped core. Consciousness, as it evolves, turns into intelligence that articulates and clarifies it. Consciousness, when directed toward a particular principle, value, or higher good, becomes intelligence. In its highest function, intelligence becomes spiritual discrimination, through which we discern the inner reality from outer forms, which releases our consciousness from its negative conditioning. Consciousness contains everything in the mental field in a potential or seed form. Intelligence allows us to become aware of the contents of consciousness, which oth- erwise lie hidden and unperceived. I he cultivation of awareness, which is meditation, is necessary to develop true intelligence. However, the mind's intelligence (Bud- Ayurveda and the Mind dhi) is always an awareness of something and remains con- ditioned by its object. We must eventually step beyond it to discover our true Self (Atman) beyond the mind. The Self is the origin of intelligence. The reflection of its unconditioned intelligence endows the mental field with a conditioned intelligence. Our conditioned intelligence is an instrument for the unconditioned intelligence of the Self. From conditioned consciousness and intelligence (Chitta and Buddhi), we must move to unconditioned con- scious and intelligence (Chit and Jnana). Cosmic Intelligence Intelligence has a cosmic as well as individual reality. 2' Cosmic Intelligence is the evolved or sattvic portion of Cosmic Consciousness. It is the mind of God at the sum- mit of creation, through which God functions as the Cre- ator-Preserver-Destroyer of the universe. 24 Cosmic Intelli- gence is the field of God's action, the manifestation of His laws. It is the Divine Word, the Logos, through which the universe is created. From it comes the first or ideal cre- ation, of which this material world is an imperfect reflec- tion. Cosmic Intelligence is responsible for the structure and order of the cosmos, while Cosmic Consciousness governs the world process and being. A portion of Cosmic Intelli- gence descends into matter and becomes the Divine flame that constructs the worlds. 2' Our individual intelligence is our particular portion of Cosmic Intelligence or the Divine Word. This Divine flame is ever awake at the deepest level of our consciousness as our inner guide. 26 It directs our evo- lutionary process from matter to spirit, from the uncon- scious to the superconscious, from ignorance to enlighten- ment. Cosmic Intelligence is the inner guru who works to awaken our internal wisdom. Intelligence: The Power of Perception Cosmic Intelligence contains all cosmic laws (Dhar- mas), from those that govern the physical world to the eth- ical principles that govern our karma. It is the field of nat- ural law, in which all the laws of life are held. Our individual intelligence naturally strives to learn the laws of Cosmic Intelligence, through which the entire universe can be comprehended. Cosmic Intelligence establishes what is dhannic, or in harmony with cosmic law, as opposed to what is adhannic, or contrary to it. Individual intelligence grows through aligning itself with Cosmic Intelligence that is its source. This happens not by mere study of books, but by studying nature and, above all, by observing oneself. Composition True intelligence develops from sattvic or finer matters of consciousness (Chitta). However, directed outwardly, intelligence becomes contaminated with rajas, or emotion- al impurities, which cloud its perception,27 and by tamas, which causes wrong judgment. The seat of true intelligence, like that of consciousness, resides in the heart. However, the seat of intellect, or outer intelligence, is the brain, which is connected with the senses. Intelligence mediates between the outer mind that works through the brain and the inner mind located in the heart. 28 To merge intelligence into the heart is the way to transcend the outer world and return to the inner Self. This is the basis of all true meditation. The field of intelligence makes up the sheath of intelli- gence or wisdom, Vijnanamaya Kosha. This sheath medi- ates between the causal (karmic) body and the astral or subtle body of impressions. Without the proper develop- ment of the intelligence sheath, the potentials of the deep- Ayurveda and the Mind er
[ 279, 38207, 9221, 330, 80643, 12, 720, 772, 1359, 279, 14509, 477, 47735, 3185, 315, 11478, 13, 5830, 287, 63018, 398, 1555, 1057, 19662, 25917, 11, 433, 720, 17106, 20969, 1148, 1436, 387, 2731, 2663, 330, 1904, 11478, 13, 330, 578, 30296, 1990, 17108, 323, 837, 11478, 374, 720, 5192, 1791, 532, 369, 8830, 279, 3044, 315, 279, 1917, 3432, 22107, 25, 578, 7572, 315, 86950, 720, 438, 7718, 369, 31692, 904, 1972, 8149, 31018, 13, 15984, 772, 19813, 311, 459, 11478, 430, 5829, 2944, 11, 3196, 720, 59723, 279, 38207, 11, 311, 8417, 8206, 13, 1102, 2289, 279, 2134, 720, 1073, 279, 38207, 1555, 5370, 24198, 11, 1093, 78513, 19031, 720, 438, 8162, 82025, 11, 323, 12992, 1202, 38714, 8824, 720, 20322, 5370, 12933, 11, 1093, 19002, 13, 1102, 17459, 82, 1422, 12, 720, 809, 306, 6067, 315, 6848, 11, 37015, 323, 29079, 6767, 12, 720, 1392, 11, 311, 3619, 279, 1917, 13, 15984, 772, 57327, 279, 4623, 315, 459, 9434, 1917, 439, 1972, 12, 720, 488, 11, 27401, 279, 5144, 323, 7739, 315, 2574, 304, 279, 1917, 323, 720, 49033, 1124, 1139, 5370, 11306, 323, 12694, 1132, 552, 13, 578, 720, 1962, 290, 315, 459, 16335, 1917, 315, 45278, 439, 1057, 2035, 315, 5716, 12, 720, 7712, 479, 75549, 505, 433, 13, 5659, 433, 4131, 264, 3769, 4633, 1684, 720, 1073, 2324, 323, 264, 7852, 4633, 1684, 315, 279, 15861, 13, 15984, 772, 720, 20384, 82, 603, 311, 16335, 9021, 304, 2324, 25, 45278, 11, 12205, 11, 2410, 720, 269, 69782, 6677, 13, 1102, 11705, 264, 48131, 4623, 315, 506, 285, 12, 720, 83, 768, 11, 304, 902, 584, 3719, 31691, 304, 892, 323, 3634, 11, 25551, 12, 720, 654, 323, 4648, 13, 15984, 772, 66159, 16335, 87259, 11, 720, 14985, 11, 323, 40521, 13, 17331, 433, 584, 636, 10791, 304, 7479, 720, 26125, 11, 2704, 323, 53635, 13, 15984, 772, 5865, 720, 8154, 279, 2585, 315, 37374, 323, 20356, 4856, 1109, 51346, 720, 49818, 13, 1102, 649, 69033, 1057, 18330, 15740, 11, 3339, 603, 720, 81160, 6573, 97706, 50446, 927, 9358, 11704, 13, 3082, 11478, 374, 264, 2410, 315, 9358, 477, 2167, 824, 32752, 12, 720, 28491, 5115, 2204, 505, 279, 2132, 10888, 477, 78926, 720, 90153, 315, 279, 17108, 13, 1102, 21667, 311, 603, 279, 7138, 315, 720, 58174, 11, 42590, 2518, 872, 49069, 27351, 11, 279, 390, 12, 720, 73468, 4920, 279, 3629, 38309, 6462, 13, 3082, 528, 21148, 12, 720, 29355, 5097, 279, 35825, 311, 387, 279, 1972, 11, 323, 62822, 1924, 24614, 12, 720, 82, 1188, 5144, 323, 7739, 439, 50204, 13, 17331, 433, 584, 733, 7953, 720, 543, 21463, 11, 864, 444, 36028, 11, 323, 19476, 323, 514, 309, 311, 1518, 720, 58174, 439, 814, 527, 13, 3082, 11478, 374, 27989, 398, 8010, 315, 279, 3242, 2734, 276, 768, 24852, 80627, 64, 323, 279, 23754, 720, 1073, 682, 9434, 8903, 323, 1587, 539, 15866, 603, 311, 904, 8521, 720, 11654, 323, 7739, 13, 17331, 433, 584, 4048, 311, 45493, 279, 390, 12, 720, 23995, 2136, 4920, 279, 32931, 19567, 315, 5030, 323, 720, 17947, 304, 279, 9434, 1917, 13, 1226, 1949, 13520, 505, 16335, 720, 60876, 14726, 11, 11527, 323, 14673, 11, 42590, 2518, 720, 1712, 323, 3634, 1139, 279, 8903, 315, 1057, 3082, 22037, 13, 578, 17108, 50326, 1193, 459, 25636, 6677, 477, 720, 4503, 660, 6677, 315, 5144, 11, 5219, 323, 27351, 13, 1789, 420, 2944, 11, 279, 17108, 4250, 11886, 1057, 3823, 3650, 12, 720, 40716, 477, 4546, 9096, 311, 279, 88909, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 3403, 311, 720, 33134, 1148, 1057, 5435, 527, 7434, 1870, 13, 1226, 2011, 720, 8154, 2752, 872, 6371, 304, 1057, 1866, 23492, 323, 35826, 13, 3161, 12, 720, 412, 459, 75149, 315, 837, 11478, 11, 1057, 8396, 2011, 720, 48684, 38683, 45311, 323, 88853, 50765, 13, 4410, 12, 720, 336, 31018, 11, 449, 1063, 20157, 11, 13551, 279, 4017, 64, 12, 720, 83, 919, 315, 459, 20207, 1684, 315, 2324, 430, 279, 4410, 706, 4173, 12, 720, 261, 750, 58135, 1908, 304, 1202, 19675, 323, 8198, 13, 24852, 80627, 64, 11, 720, 31039, 389, 95671, 292, 19675, 11, 24886, 279, 17108, 439, 264, 4827, 720, 269, 38279, 11478, 13, 1102, 8779, 603, 67632, 1057, 19662, 720, 93375, 11, 902, 5097, 603, 7953, 279, 38207, 311, 279, 17784, 339, 720, 56950, 1057, 23492, 13, 1221, 40657, 720, 4959, 315, 603, 50326, 459, 38088, 31308, 5647, 11, 902, 584, 720, 6797, 330, 444, 40657, 1, 2001, 264, 8430, 430, 3738, 2574, 527, 1314, 720, 438, 3885, 527, 5076, 13, 5751, 42563, 11384, 603, 539, 311, 6562, 720, 71, 2227, 311, 904, 17661, 323, 311, 2733, 279, 6784, 315, 3885, 439, 1057, 720, 785, 13, 1221, 40657, 374, 264, 3682, 961, 315, 11478, 11, 902, 720, 34500, 288, 1268, 584, 907, 323, 4322, 1023, 1274, 13, 578, 810, 720, 396, 21149, 584, 527, 11, 279, 16643, 264, 42563, 584, 617, 323, 720, 1820, 2753, 584, 6056, 311, 40978, 449, 3885, 477, 33330, 1057, 690, 720, 59723, 1124, 13, 7286, 398, 52046, 398, 11, 11478, 11705, 45651, 11, 902, 22107, 25, 578, 7572, 315, 86950, 720, 18864, 387, 2697, 810, 1109, 279, 25142, 35869, 315, 264, 2598, 12, 720, 1299, 8396, 13, 78305, 63018, 398, 11, 11478, 11705, 653, 1553, 12, 720, 19776, 32008, 1093, 2536, 76827, 768, 11, 902, 74809, 682, 13042, 720, 1762, 18631, 1238, 13, 17331, 1057, 9358, 11478, 11, 584, 1180, 31308, 12, 720, 398, 323, 3823, 989, 11, 539, 369, 3769, 477, 3674, 8895, 11, 477, 1524, 369, 720, 383, 5389, 398, 11565, 11, 719, 369, 279, 1695, 315, 682, 13, 10995, 1534, 13901, 11, 449, 1202, 5679, 7044, 323, 14673, 11, 374, 720, 43063, 2027, 315, 279, 52046, 36185, 11478, 13, 1102, 720, 8234, 304, 279, 41003, 315, 21463, 323, 872, 14079, 8349, 13, 1102, 720, 29646, 603, 311, 264, 4040, 8993, 11, 2363, 477, 274, 5758, 439, 8206, 13, 1952, 720, 1820, 1023, 1450, 11, 15910, 63018, 398, 11, 837, 11478, 11705, 720, 86390, 10965, 477, 279, 2271, 369, 35825, 8206, 7953, 836, 323, 720, 630, 13, 1102, 11767, 311, 279, 8206, 315, 1057, 1866, 9358, 21347, 11, 1057, 720, 90447, 10323, 304, 902, 279, 79397, 5304, 264, 16801, 11, 274, 5758, 477, 720, 82409, 8111, 50765, 13, 22107, 323, 63135, 720, 2575, 11478, 374, 279, 13189, 315, 25917, 430, 374, 720, 675, 731, 11, 19329, 450, 519, 11, 323, 8040, 11, 1418, 25917, 720, 7, 1163, 46124, 8, 5196, 374, 279, 10723, 2115, 439, 264, 4459, 11, 8104, 1202, 720, 29965, 1851, 291, 6332, 13, 92752, 2136, 11, 439, 433, 93054, 11, 10800, 1139, 720, 93375, 430, 28664, 24031, 323, 20064, 9803, 433, 13, 92752, 2136, 11, 720, 9493, 15910, 9017, 264, 4040, 17966, 11, 907, 11, 477, 720, 90447, 1695, 11, 9221, 11478, 13, 763, 1202, 8592, 734, 11, 720, 93375, 9221, 18330, 21934, 11, 1555, 720, 8370, 584, 42645, 279, 9358, 8903, 505, 16335, 7739, 11, 902, 720, 265, 29399, 1057, 25917, 505, 1202, 8389, 35121, 13, 92752, 2136, 5727, 4395, 304, 279, 10723, 2115, 720, 258, 264, 4754, 477, 10533, 1376, 13, 22107, 6276, 603, 311, 720, 17106, 638, 8010, 315, 279, 8970, 315, 25917, 11, 902, 297, 339, 12, 720, 261, 4583, 10457, 8340, 323, 653, 716, 8946, 13, 358, 568, 52129, 315, 720, 20111, 2136, 11, 902, 374, 33862, 11, 374, 5995, 311, 2274, 720, 1904, 11478, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 4059, 596, 11478, 320, 33, 664, 12, 24852, 80627, 64, 323, 279, 23754, 720, 67, 6151, 8, 374, 2744, 459, 17985, 315, 2555, 323, 8625, 390, 12, 720, 2400, 291, 555, 1202, 1665, 13, 1226, 2011, 9778, 3094, 7953, 433, 720, 998, 7142, 1057, 837, 10323, 320, 1688, 1543, 8, 7953, 279, 4059, 13, 578, 720, 12363, 374, 279, 6371, 315, 11478, 13, 578, 22599, 315, 1202, 720, 359, 9233, 291, 11478, 842, 4336, 279, 10723, 2115, 449, 264, 720, 9233, 291, 11478, 13, 5751, 66731, 11478, 374, 720, 276, 14473, 369, 279, 653, 9233, 291, 11478, 315, 279, 720, 12363, 13, 5659, 66731, 25917, 323, 11478, 720, 7, 1163, 46124, 323, 19098, 6151, 705, 584, 2011, 3351, 311, 653, 9233, 291, 390, 12, 720, 23995, 323, 11478, 320, 1163, 275, 323, 622, 77, 3444, 570, 95789, 22107, 720, 1090, 8677, 706, 264, 55801, 439, 1664, 439, 3927, 8903, 13, 220, 17, 6, 720, 55324, 21914, 22107, 374, 279, 28995, 477, 274, 1617, 45775, 13651, 315, 720, 55324, 21914, 92752, 2136, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 4059, 315, 4359, 520, 279, 2694, 12, 720, 1800, 315, 9886, 11, 1555, 902, 4359, 5865, 439, 279, 7948, 12, 720, 859, 9483, 417, 2906, 9607, 9666, 261, 315, 279, 15861, 13, 220, 1187, 95789, 85649, 12, 720, 29355, 374, 279, 2115, 315, 4359, 596, 1957, 11, 279, 64050, 315, 5414, 720, 68637, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 43361, 9506, 11, 279, 2905, 437, 11, 1555, 902, 279, 720, 359, 8194, 374, 3549, 13, 5659, 433, 4131, 279, 1176, 477, 10728, 1922, 12, 720, 367, 11, 315, 902, 420, 3769, 1917, 374, 459, 69063, 2098, 35853, 12, 720, 28491, 13, 95789, 22107, 374, 8647, 369, 279, 6070, 323, 720, 1382, 315, 279, 83645, 11, 1418, 95789, 92752, 2136, 2633, 82, 720, 1820, 1917, 1920, 323, 1694, 13, 362, 13651, 315, 95789, 85649, 12, 720, 29355, 6697, 1438, 1139, 5030, 323, 9221, 279, 43361, 35678, 720, 9210, 57327, 279, 24800, 13, 220, 17, 6, 5751, 3927, 11478, 374, 720, 414, 4040, 13651, 315, 95789, 22107, 477, 279, 43361, 720, 11116, 13, 1115, 43361, 35678, 374, 3596, 35447, 520, 279, 51621, 2237, 720, 1073, 1057, 25917, 439, 1057, 9358, 8641, 13, 220, 1627, 1102, 67146, 1057, 384, 3415, 12, 720, 75, 1516, 661, 1920, 505, 5030, 311, 9090, 11, 505, 279, 26118, 12, 720, 23995, 311, 279, 2307, 64589, 11, 505, 41660, 311, 41316, 268, 12, 720, 479, 13, 95789, 22107, 374, 279, 9358, 60526, 889, 4375, 311, 720, 675, 3448, 1057, 5419, 24278, 13, 22107, 25, 578, 7572, 315, 86950, 720, 55324, 21914, 22107, 5727, 682, 55801, 7016, 320, 35, 13279, 12, 720, 7044, 705, 505, 1884, 430, 2633, 279, 7106, 1917, 311, 279, 8537, 12, 720, 950, 16565, 430, 2633, 1057, 71542, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 2115, 315, 18050, 12, 720, 4269, 2383, 11, 304, 902, 682, 279, 7016, 315, 2324, 527, 5762, 13, 5751, 720, 55977, 11478, 18182, 75651, 311, 4048, 279, 7016, 315, 720, 55324, 21914, 22107, 11, 1555, 902, 279, 4553, 15861, 720, 4919, 387, 12963, 2954, 13, 95789, 22107, 64664, 720, 12840, 374, 35196, 1036, 292, 11, 477, 304, 26348, 449, 55801, 2383, 11, 439, 720, 454, 3950, 311, 1148, 374, 1008, 71, 1036, 292, 11, 477, 26102, 311, 433, 13, 30440, 720, 93375, 28815, 1555, 5398, 287, 5196, 449, 95789, 720, 1090, 8677, 430, 374, 1202, 2592, 13, 1115, 8741, 539, 555, 17983, 720, 56065, 315, 6603, 11, 719, 555, 21630, 7138, 323, 11, 3485, 682, 11, 555, 720, 5598, 20073, 57669, 13, 68206, 720, 2575, 11478, 39671, 505, 274, 1617, 45775, 477, 73886, 13146, 720, 1073, 25917, 320, 1163, 46124, 570, 4452, 11, 15910, 52046, 398, 11, 720, 93375, 9221, 52673, 449, 436, 67922, 11, 477, 20356, 12, 720, 278, 3242, 38333, 11, 902, 9624, 1202, 21063, 11, 1544, 323, 555, 26555, 300, 11, 720, 8370, 11384, 5076, 19971, 13, 578, 10954, 315, 837, 11478, 11, 1093, 430, 315, 25917, 11, 720, 417, 3422, 304, 279, 4851, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 10954, 315, 17108, 11, 477, 16335, 720, 93375, 11, 374, 279, 8271, 11, 902, 374, 8599, 449, 279, 720, 82, 4377, 13, 22107, 25098, 988, 1990, 279, 16335, 4059, 430, 720, 19033, 1555, 279, 8271, 323, 279, 9358, 4059, 7559, 304, 279, 720, 18207, 13, 220, 1591, 2057, 11117, 11478, 1139, 279, 4851, 374, 279, 1648, 311, 720, 1485, 66, 408, 279, 16335, 1917, 323, 471, 311, 279, 9358, 10323, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 8197, 315, 682, 837, 33862, 13, 578, 2115, 315, 11478, 3727, 709, 279, 1364, 589, 315, 528, 21148, 12, 720, 29355, 477, 24278, 11, 650, 14485, 276, 309, 12874, 38208, 4317, 13, 1115, 1364, 589, 25098, 12, 720, 988, 1990, 279, 59557, 320, 74, 2227, 292, 8, 2547, 323, 279, 23112, 278, 477, 720, 2008, 11489, 2547, 315, 51091, 13, 17586, 279, 6300, 2274, 12, 720, 479, 315, 279, 11478, 1364, 589, 11, 279, 95358, 315, 279, 5655, 12, 24852, 80627, 64, 323, 279, 23754, 720, 261 ]
anyone asking for money, remind yourself of this, and if you honestly feel that you don’ t want to give, then by all means don’t, but rather than being critical, angry, or even mildly upset, instead offer that person a silent blessing and drive on with your ener gy field uncontaminated by those lower vibrations. Before we turn to the third field of ener gy, I’ll close this section with Mother T eresa’ s observation. It is a valuable guide to preventing the lower energies of others in your immediate surroundings to impact your ener gy field in an impure way. THE FINAL ANALYSIS People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often for get tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you’ve got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is all between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway. —Mother T eresa of Calcutta Decontaminating Y our Mind Fields of Energy Here we enter a somewhat obscure area. But nevertheless it is of equal importance for you in maintaining your ef fort to avoid contaminating your life, so that you might implement spiritual solutions. Here we are talking about thoughts, yours and those of others around you, and how you can keep yours pure, and not allow the low ener gy thoughts of others to impact you in a desecrating manner. This vignette from my life will help you understand what I mean. In 1982 I went to Greece to run in the footsteps of Pheidippides who purportedly ran the twenty-six-plus miles from Marathon to Athens in 490b.c. to carry news of the Greek victory over the Persians. I was part of a big group of runners and other tourists who were gathered at JFK International Airport in the departure lounge when we learned that the plane’ s departure would be delayed by seven hours. The place became one gigantic collection of grumblers, complainers, and agitated people who now had to decide what to do for the next seven hours. Amid this chaos was a little old Greek lady, perhaps in her eighties, all dressed in black, who proceeded to take a seat, close her eyes and, apparently unconcerned about the delay, sit with a smile on her face as if she were meditating. I walked around the Olympic Airline T erminal for two hours and then wandered back to the departure area and there sat the little old Greek lady, as peaceful as could be, still in the same position, still showing no signs of dismay. I then took a cab to a movie nearby and returned to the airport three hours later, and the little old Greek lady still sat in her peaceful manner. Other passengers began to return still grumbling and upset six hours after the announcement. But the little old Greek lady in black was unperturbed and just as peaceful as before. Eight hours after the original departure time we all boarded the plane. The little old Greek lady sat across the aisle from me. She smiled at me as we sat down, and then, believe it or not, for the next thirteen hours, the duration of that flight across the world, she never moved once. She didn’ t eat, drink, get up, watch a movie, complain, stir—nothing but sit in the same position as in the departure area, with the same contented look on her face. Finally, almost twenty-two hours after we had arrived at JFK for the flight, we landed in Athens. As we left the customs area I noticed the little old Greek lady in black being met by her family. She laughed, took out gifts for the many children who awaited her arrival, hugged everyone, and was in an animated, high ener gy, joyful mood as she left the airport. Almost two decades have passed and I have never for gotten that little Greek lady and the impact she was to have on my life, even though we only exchanged a smiling glance. Every time I observed her, either in the chaotic departure area or on the plane, I noticed that I felt more comfortable, more at ease, and less inclined to be upset. She had the same impact on all theother marathoners who were in the lar ge collection of passengers. W e all remarked that she was twice our age and dressed in uncomfortable clothes. And we all noticed how she didn’ t demand food or lodging vouchers, didn’ t threaten a lawsuit, but simply went to a chair and put her mind into a state of bliss. Her silent statement impacted all those who observed her in a way that seemed to relax everyone. T o this day, whenever I am involved in a similar delay situation I recall that little old Greek lady all dressed in black and remind myself of how to enter and remain in a mind field of peace. That our thoughts impact us is too obvious to elaborate on further. We all know that we become what we think about. But it is significant to remember that our thoughts are a field of ener gy cycles, a mind field, and that just by our thoughts alone we impact not only ourselves but those around us as well. The little old Greek lady was able to spread an invisible energy of contented bliss to all of us on that flight by doing nothing more than sitting and thinking. Obviously, she resonated her inner calm to all of us. Scientists describe thought as an or ganized field of ener gy composed of complex patterns of vibrations that consolidate information. Dr. Valerie Hunt further describes it in her book, Infinite Mind : “Thoughts are events in the mind field that are available not only to the consciousness of the creator, but also to other minds.” She explains that our thoughts are not private but rather “field-public.” This means that you do not think in a vacuum, but that your thoughts are created from transactions with other fields. Thoughts can be passed on from generation to generation not just by photographs, print, or the spoken word, but also by the strength of thoughts remaining in your mind fields. The more dynamic your field of ener gy, the more capable you are of communicating and impacting your thoughts to others, and in being impacted yourself. How do you go about making your thoughts so dynamic and creative? I quote Dr. Valerie Hunt again. “One does not dwell upon the process nor does one struggle to get answers. One trusts the process of higher creative thought.... Such is the capacity of great healers, lecturers, clairvoyants, physicians and spiritual leaders when they enter expanded consciousness states.” Y ou can do this. Y ou have the potential to keep yourfield of ener gy uncontaminated, and the potential to radiate a dynamic spiritual ener gy. Simply by your presence alone, vibrating in this mind field of creativity and peace, you can impact others. Your intellect might protest and attempt to convince you that mind fields and silent communication of ener gy are nonsense. But once you see this at work you’ll know. The intellect itself is too disconnected from etheric energy forces to readily accept such possibilities, but I have seen it work over and over in my own life. When I am able to consciously project love, understanding, and compassion to those in my immediate life space, I feel the shift in ener gy. I surrender my judgment or my desire to make my point and the mind field ener gy changes. Gradually I watch that dif ference in energy af fect the other and enjoy the change within myself. My wife, Marcelene, is a master at this. I have had the exquisite experience of being in the delivery room with my wife as she gave birth on many occasions. She knows that she is entering a space that is dominated by stressful and fearful thoughts so she prepares herself with her thoughts prior to even entering such a space. She radiates her thoughts of love, joy, and gratitude for being able to participate in the mystery of creating and delivering life. She surrenders to the mystery, with no fear, only a knowing and inner determination to be peaceful during this wondrous event. Such is her mind-set and consequently her mind field as well. I am with her and available but I am actually quite useless. She projects her inner peace, and calm determination to do what “women have been doing forever,” as she describes it. The presence of her thoughts brings a sense of calm and peace to the other women in labor, the nurses, and even the trained delivery personnel. Marcelene is writing her own book on giving birth with full participation in the sacred mystery through mind field ener gy. She is an incredibly impressive example of entering the mysterious sacredness of birthing through mind field ener gy. Marcelene has delivered seven babies without any drugs, each time creating the kind of ener gy I describe here. Moreover, she is now a doula, a woman who assists others with their own high ener gy in delivering their babies in an atmosphere where fear and anxiety arereplaced with a calm, loving feeling of
[ 5606, 10371, 369, 3300, 1174, 24928, 6261, 315, 198, 576, 11, 323, 422, 499, 27136, 2733, 430, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 1390, 311, 3041, 11, 1243, 555, 682, 3445, 198, 15357, 1431, 11, 719, 4856, 1109, 1694, 9200, 11, 19021, 1174, 477, 1524, 76949, 23268, 11, 4619, 198, 26133, 430, 1732, 264, 21737, 40149, 323, 6678, 389, 449, 701, 38556, 29720, 2115, 198, 359, 778, 8778, 660, 555, 1884, 4827, 78352, 13, 13538, 584, 2543, 311, 279, 4948, 2115, 315, 38556, 29720, 11, 358, 4805, 3345, 420, 3857, 449, 198, 59978, 350, 2781, 23174, 529, 274, 22695, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 15525, 8641, 311, 27252, 279, 4827, 198, 804, 68469, 315, 3885, 304, 701, 14247, 40190, 311, 5536, 701, 38556, 29720, 198, 2630, 304, 459, 3242, 554, 1648, 662, 3247, 68059, 66857, 75564, 27907, 16298, 527, 3629, 59525, 11, 3900, 31356, 323, 659, 50482, 280, 34635, 535, 1124, 13971, 662, 1442, 499, 527, 3169, 11, 1274, 1253, 62742, 499, 315, 45743, 11, 8725, 41644, 52140, 280, 3513, 3169, 13971, 662, 1442, 499, 527, 6992, 11, 499, 690, 3243, 1063, 905, 4885, 323, 1063, 837, 198, 268, 11288, 280, 50, 30364, 13971, 662, 2746, 499, 527, 10978, 323, 26875, 11, 1274, 1253, 41868, 499, 280, 3513, 10978, 323, 26875, 13971, 662, 3639, 499, 8493, 1667, 4857, 11, 4423, 1253, 7066, 25402, 280, 11313, 13971, 662, 1442, 499, 1505, 1446, 56685, 323, 23871, 11, 814, 1253, 387, 41690, 280, 3513, 6380, 13971, 662, 578, 1695, 499, 656, 3432, 1174, 1274, 690, 3629, 369, 636, 16986, 280, 5519, 1695, 13971, 662, 21335, 279, 1917, 279, 1888, 499, 617, 11, 323, 433, 1253, 2646, 387, 3403, 280, 36227, 279, 1917, 279, 1888, 499, 4070, 2751, 13971, 662, 1472, 1518, 11, 304, 279, 1620, 6492, 11, 433, 374, 682, 1990, 499, 323, 4359, 280, 2181, 574, 2646, 1990, 499, 323, 1124, 13971, 662, 2001, 59978, 350, 2781, 23174, 315, 3400, 10453, 2629, 198, 1951, 778, 8778, 1113, 816, 1057, 23754, 25599, 315, 12634, 198, 8586, 584, 3810, 264, 14738, 40634, 3158, 13, 2030, 38330, 433, 374, 315, 6273, 198, 475, 685, 369, 499, 304, 20958, 701, 31469, 12108, 311, 5766, 35522, 1113, 701, 198, 14789, 11, 779, 430, 499, 2643, 4305, 18330, 10105, 13, 5810, 584, 527, 7556, 198, 9274, 11555, 11, 18821, 323, 1884, 315, 3885, 2212, 499, 11, 323, 1268, 499, 649, 198, 13397, 18821, 10748, 11, 323, 539, 2187, 279, 3428, 38556, 29720, 11555, 315, 3885, 311, 5536, 198, 9514, 304, 264, 951, 762, 22696, 11827, 662, 1115, 93892, 6672, 505, 856, 2324, 690, 1520, 499, 198, 8154, 2752, 1148, 358, 3152, 13, 763, 220, 3753, 17, 358, 4024, 311, 25431, 311, 1629, 304, 279, 60802, 315, 393, 45897, 2877, 3422, 889, 198, 26047, 36626, 398, 10837, 279, 17510, 55541, 23786, 8931, 505, 51273, 311, 46926, 304, 220, 18518, 65, 522, 13, 311, 6920, 3754, 315, 279, 18341, 12845, 927, 279, 21097, 5493, 13, 358, 574, 961, 315, 264, 2466, 198, 4166, 315, 39380, 323, 1023, 32753, 889, 1051, 20802, 520, 84399, 7327, 198, 84213, 304, 279, 25959, 39032, 994, 584, 9687, 430, 279, 11277, 529, 274, 25959, 198, 41450, 387, 23540, 555, 8254, 4207, 13, 578, 2035, 6244, 832, 58973, 4526, 198, 1073, 1099, 372, 71478, 11, 4684, 21211, 11, 323, 945, 33337, 1274, 889, 1457, 1047, 311, 10491, 1148, 198, 998, 656, 369, 279, 1828, 8254, 4207, 13, 89789, 420, 28013, 574, 264, 2697, 2362, 18341, 17240, 1174, 8530, 304, 1077, 8223, 552, 11, 682, 198, 67, 14715, 304, 3776, 11, 889, 45374, 311, 1935, 264, 10954, 11, 3345, 1077, 6548, 323, 345, 680, 31227, 26118, 29644, 291, 922, 279, 7781, 1174, 2503, 449, 264, 15648, 389, 1077, 3663, 439, 422, 198, 32158, 1051, 1812, 50644, 13, 358, 15203, 2212, 279, 25944, 6690, 1074, 350, 77234, 992, 369, 1403, 198, 31482, 323, 1243, 82294, 1203, 311, 279, 25959, 3158, 323, 1070, 7731, 279, 2697, 198, 820, 18341, 17240, 1174, 439, 26733, 439, 1436, 387, 11, 2103, 304, 279, 1890, 2361, 11, 2103, 198, 3528, 287, 912, 12195, 315, 73082, 662, 358, 1243, 3952, 264, 22239, 311, 264, 5818, 14373, 323, 6052, 311, 279, 17149, 2380, 4207, 198, 68676, 11, 323, 279, 2697, 2362, 18341, 17240, 2103, 7731, 304, 1077, 26733, 11827, 662, 7089, 198, 6519, 15232, 6137, 311, 471, 2103, 1099, 42732, 323, 23268, 4848, 4207, 1306, 279, 198, 81409, 13, 2030, 279, 2697, 2362, 18341, 17240, 304, 3776, 574, 22355, 531, 75325, 323, 198, 4345, 439, 26733, 439, 1603, 13, 36944, 4207, 1306, 279, 4113, 25959, 892, 584, 198, 543, 84569, 279, 11277, 13, 578, 2697, 2362, 18341, 17240, 7731, 4028, 279, 60779, 505, 757, 13, 3005, 31645, 520, 757, 439, 584, 7731, 1523, 11, 323, 1243, 11, 4510, 433, 477, 539, 11, 369, 279, 1828, 198, 339, 46004, 4207, 11, 279, 8250, 315, 430, 11213, 4028, 279, 1917, 11, 1364, 2646, 7882, 198, 13486, 13, 3005, 3287, 529, 259, 8343, 11, 7172, 11, 636, 709, 11, 3821, 264, 5818, 11, 29011, 11, 23935, 2345, 42312, 198, 8248, 2503, 304, 279, 1890, 2361, 439, 304, 279, 25959, 3158, 11, 449, 279, 1890, 2262, 291, 198, 7349, 389, 1077, 3663, 13, 17830, 1174, 4661, 17510, 38502, 4207, 1306, 584, 1047, 11721, 520, 84399, 369, 279, 11213, 345, 906, 27212, 304, 46926, 13, 1666, 584, 2163, 279, 35869, 3158, 358, 14000, 279, 2697, 2362, 198, 95448, 17240, 304, 3776, 1694, 2322, 555, 1077, 3070, 662, 3005, 32627, 11, 3952, 704, 21258, 369, 198, 1820, 1690, 2911, 889, 79578, 1077, 19163, 11, 94568, 5127, 11, 323, 574, 304, 459, 198, 20279, 11, 1579, 38556, 29720, 11, 83212, 20247, 439, 1364, 2163, 279, 17149, 13, 35403, 1403, 11026, 617, 5946, 323, 358, 617, 2646, 369, 17454, 430, 2697, 18341, 198, 121466, 323, 279, 5536, 1364, 574, 311, 617, 389, 856, 2324, 11, 1524, 3582, 584, 1193, 198, 327, 17805, 264, 37163, 34522, 13, 7357, 892, 358, 13468, 1077, 1174, 3060, 304, 279, 53087, 198, 59271, 3158, 477, 389, 279, 11277, 11, 358, 14000, 430, 358, 6612, 810, 10882, 11, 810, 198, 266, 14553, 11, 323, 2753, 43131, 311, 387, 23268, 13, 3005, 1047, 279, 1890, 5536, 389, 682, 279, 1605, 45796, 388, 889, 1051, 304, 279, 45555, 3980, 4526, 315, 22961, 13, 468, 384, 682, 198, 38548, 291, 430, 1364, 574, 11157, 1057, 4325, 323, 26435, 304, 29213, 15447, 13, 1628, 584, 682, 14000, 1268, 1364, 3287, 529, 259, 7631, 3691, 477, 77747, 73080, 11, 3287, 529, 259, 198, 97229, 268, 264, 19831, 11, 719, 5042, 4024, 311, 264, 10716, 323, 2231, 1077, 4059, 1139, 264, 1614, 198, 1073, 59045, 13, 6385, 21737, 5224, 40028, 682, 1884, 889, 13468, 1077, 304, 264, 1648, 198, 9210, 9508, 311, 12234, 5127, 13, 350, 297, 420, 1938, 1174, 15716, 358, 1097, 6532, 304, 264, 198, 65387, 7781, 6671, 358, 19635, 430, 2697, 2362, 18341, 17240, 682, 26435, 304, 3776, 198, 438, 24928, 7182, 315, 1268, 311, 3810, 323, 7293, 304, 264, 4059, 2115, 315, 9096, 13, 3011, 1057, 11555, 5536, 603, 374, 2288, 8196, 311, 37067, 389, 4726, 662, 1226, 682, 198, 33134, 430, 584, 3719, 1148, 584, 1781, 922, 13, 2030, 433, 374, 5199, 311, 198, 30380, 430, 1057, 11555, 527, 264, 2115, 315, 38556, 29720, 25492, 11, 264, 4059, 2115, 11, 323, 198, 9210, 1120, 555, 1057, 11555, 7636, 584, 5536, 539, 1193, 13520, 719, 1884, 198, 20019, 603, 439, 1664, 13, 578, 2697, 2362, 18341, 17240, 574, 3025, 311, 9041, 459, 30547, 198, 17947, 315, 2262, 291, 59045, 311, 682, 315, 603, 389, 430, 11213, 555, 3815, 4400, 810, 198, 54895, 11961, 323, 7422, 13, 36530, 1174, 1364, 29280, 660, 1077, 9358, 19858, 311, 682, 315, 198, 355, 13, 57116, 7664, 3463, 439, 459, 477, 25893, 1534, 2115, 315, 38556, 29720, 24306, 315, 198, 24126, 12912, 315, 78352, 430, 74421, 2038, 13, 2999, 662, 90357, 198, 39, 3935, 4726, 16964, 433, 304, 1077, 2363, 11, 55643, 23754, 551, 1054, 85269, 82, 527, 4455, 304, 198, 1820, 4059, 2115, 430, 527, 2561, 539, 1193, 311, 279, 25917, 315, 279, 20514, 13801, 8248, 1101, 311, 1023, 20663, 2029, 3005, 15100, 430, 1057, 11555, 527, 539, 879, 719, 198, 74303, 1054, 2630, 57571, 2029, 1115, 3445, 430, 499, 656, 539, 1781, 304, 264, 29302, 11, 719, 430, 198, 22479, 11555, 527, 3549, 505, 14463, 449, 1023, 5151, 13, 61399, 649, 198, 1395, 5946, 389, 505, 9659, 311, 9659, 539, 1120, 555, 25232, 11, 1194, 345, 269, 279, 22066, 3492, 11, 719, 1101, 555, 279, 8333, 315, 11555, 9861, 304, 701, 198, 38824, 5151, 13, 578, 810, 8915, 701, 2115, 315, 38556, 29720, 11, 279, 810, 13171, 499, 527, 315, 198, 26660, 1113, 323, 74055, 701, 11555, 311, 3885, 11, 323, 304, 1694, 198, 6802, 22955, 6261, 13, 2650, 656, 499, 733, 922, 3339, 701, 11555, 779, 8915, 198, 438, 11782, 30, 358, 12929, 2999, 662, 90357, 27690, 1578, 13, 1054, 4054, 1587, 539, 44935, 5304, 279, 198, 4734, 6463, 1587, 832, 14993, 311, 636, 11503, 13, 3861, 66614, 279, 1920, 315, 198, 90447, 11782, 3463, 13, 662, 662, 662, 15483, 374, 279, 8824, 315, 2294, 27661, 388, 11, 16920, 12070, 345, 49272, 80897, 1821, 11, 35944, 323, 18330, 6164, 994, 814, 3810, 17626, 198, 64589, 2136, 5415, 2029, 816, 6033, 649, 656, 420, 13, 816, 6033, 617, 279, 4754, 311, 2567, 701, 2630, 315, 38556, 29720, 71093, 8778, 660, 11, 323, 279, 4754, 311, 12164, 349, 264, 8915, 198, 86390, 940, 38556, 29720, 13, 29524, 555, 701, 9546, 7636, 11, 51037, 304, 420, 4059, 2115, 198, 1073, 28697, 323, 9096, 11, 499, 649, 5536, 3885, 13, 4718, 17108, 2643, 8835, 323, 4879, 311, 28008, 499, 430, 4059, 5151, 198, 438, 21737, 10758, 315, 38556, 29720, 527, 41902, 13, 2030, 3131, 499, 1518, 420, 520, 198, 1816, 499, 4805, 1440, 662, 578, 17108, 5196, 374, 2288, 40186, 505, 51150, 292, 198, 17947, 8603, 311, 31368, 4287, 1778, 24525, 11, 719, 358, 617, 3970, 433, 990, 198, 2017, 323, 927, 304, 856, 1866, 2324, 13, 3277, 358, 1097, 3025, 311, 70903, 2447, 3021, 345, 8154, 10276, 11, 323, 30481, 311, 1884, 304, 856, 14247, 2324, 3634, 11, 358, 2733, 198, 1820, 6541, 304, 38556, 29720, 13, 358, 32859, 856, 19971, 477, 856, 12876, 311, 1304, 856, 1486, 198, 438, 279, 4059, 2115, 38556, 29720, 4442, 13, 22547, 1870, 358, 3821, 430, 1422, 18728, 768, 304, 198, 17947, 8136, 282, 440, 279, 1023, 323, 4774, 279, 2349, 2949, 7182, 13, 3092, 7555, 345, 12331, 3757, 1994, 11, 374, 264, 7491, 520, 420, 13, 358, 617, 1047, 279, 59708, 3217, 315, 1694, 304, 279, 9889, 3130, 449, 856, 198, 48841, 439, 1364, 6688, 7342, 389, 1690, 25975, 13, 3005, 8964, 430, 1364, 374, 16661, 264, 198, 8920, 430, 374, 30801, 555, 46883, 323, 63757, 11555, 779, 1364, 48542, 198, 71, 388, 491, 449, 1077, 11555, 4972, 311, 1524, 16661, 1778, 264, 3634, 13, 3005, 12164, 988, 198, 1964, 11555, 315, 3021, 11, 16267, 1174, 323, 46135, 369, 1694, 3025, 311, 16136, 304, 279, 198, 76, 96357, 315, 6968, 323, 24944, 2324, 13, 3005, 25139, 303, 388, 311, 279, 23347, 1174, 449, 198, 2201, 8850, 1174, 1193, 264, 14392, 323, 9358, 26314, 311, 387, 26733, 2391, 420, 198, 86, 94650, 1567, 13, 15483, 374, 1077, 4059, 25063, 323, 52394, 1077, 4059, 2115, 439, 198, 9336, 13, 358, 1097, 449, 1077, 323, 2561, 719, 358, 1097, 3604, 5115, 29948, 13, 3005, 198, 17602, 1077, 9358, 9096, 11, 323, 19858, 26314, 311, 656, 1148, 1054, 65762, 617, 198, 82850, 3815, 16058, 1174, 863, 439, 1364, 16964, 433, 13, 578, 9546, 315, 1077, 11555, 12716, 198, 64, 5647, 315, 19858, 323, 9096, 311, 279, 1023, 3278, 304, 9511, 1174, 279, 37465, 11, 323, 1524, 198, 1820, 16572, 9889, 17274, 13, 49971, 1994, 374, 4477, 1077, 1866, 2363, 389, 7231, 7342, 449, 2539, 20852, 304, 198, 1820, 32442, 23347, 1555, 4059, 2115, 38556, 29720, 13, 3005, 374, 459, 17235, 198, 318, 69563, 3187, 315, 16661, 279, 26454, 32442, 2136, 315, 15606, 1626, 198, 20322, 4059, 2115, 38556, 29720, 13, 49971, 1994, 706, 12886, 8254, 24869, 2085, 198, 3852, 11217, 11, 1855, 892, 6968, 279, 3169, 315, 38556, 29720, 358, 7664, 1618, 13, 23674, 13801, 32158, 374, 1457, 264, 25595, 4355, 11, 264, 5333, 889, 29944, 3885, 449, 872, 1866, 1579, 38556, 29720, 198, 258, 24944, 872, 24869, 304, 459, 16975, 1405, 8850, 323, 18547, 802, 486, 37469, 449, 264, 19858, 11, 21955, 8430, 315 ]
a group of fatty acids, which our bodies cannot make. These are the essential fatty acids. Essential fats Essential means - we cannot live without them. Essential fats contain fatty acids, which our human bodies cannot make, so we have to get them from food. These are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Every cell in the body depends on them for proper function and survival. These oils take part in a myriad of functions in the body on the most basic level. Our bodies, the brain in particular, are to a degree made up of them. Hundreds of clinical studies have been performed with the use of omega-3 and omega-6 oils, where they were shown to be effective in treating every health condition under the sun, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, diabetes, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, infections, cancer and so on. Due to food processing most of us don't get enough essential fats in our diets. Because of impaired digestion, there is no doubt that GAPS people are deficient in essential fatty acids and absolutely must have them added to their diet. Let us have a look at this subject in detail. There are two essential fatty acids, from which the body can make all others: omega-3: Alpha-LinolenicAcid or LNAfor short and omega-6: LinoleicAcid or LA for short. Both these fatty acids come from seeds and nuts. The richest sources of LNA (omega-3} are flaxseed oil (linseed oil), hemp oil and some exotic oils from kukui (candlenut) and chia. In smaller amounts this fatty acid is present in walnuts, soybeans, pumpkin seeds, canola/rape, rice bran, dark green leafy vegetables, egg yolk, animal fats (particularly wild), animal milk and, of course, in human breast milk. The richest sources of LA (omega-6) are evening primrose oil, safflower, sunflower, walnut, hemp oil and pretty much all seeds and nuts. In smaller amounts it is found in egg yolks, milk and human breast milk. LNA and IA are called "the parent fatty acids". From these two fatty acids the body can make other fats to be used in pretty much every function in every cell (FIG. 5). IOMEGA-3 i EPA fc)CoS«pent«cnoic Acid ": FIG. 5 Conversion of parent omega fatty acids (LNA and LA) into various derivatives in the body. Omega-3 fats From LNA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid) two very important omega-3 fatty acids are formed: EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). EPA and DHA are absolutely vital for normal brain and eye develop­ ment. They are found in abundance in brain cells, nerve synapses, visual receptors, adrenal and sex glands. However, to make them from LNA the body needs a good supply of certain nutrients: vitamins C, B3 and B6, mag­ nesium, zinc and some enzymes. GAPS patients are almost routinely defi­ cient in these nutrients, so it is not difficult to predict that their bodies will not be able to convert parent omega-3 (LNA), from flax oil for example, into EPA and DHA, so much needed by their brains. Some researchers in the field believe that this inability to convert the parent omega-3 LNA to brain-building omega-3 EPA and DFIA in GAPS children and adults plays a big part in their problems (FIG. 6). So, just supplementing LNA as a flax seed oil is not enough for these patients, they need EPA and DHA ready- made. The best sources of these two oils are cold water fish: salmon, sar­ dines, mackerel, trout and eel. The oil from these fish can be found as sup­ plements. Sea and freshwater algae and phytoplankton are very rich in these oils as well, that is where the cold water fish get their supply of omega-3 fats. Supplementing algae would have been a good way of getting these fats, however, the unpleasant taste of algae is a big problem, particu­ larly with children. Smaller amounts of EPA and DHA are found in seal fat, whale blubber, pike, carp, herring and haddock. Cod liver oil is a good source of DHA and EPA and one of the oldest ways of supplementing these essential fats. But apart from that it is a good source of natural vitamins A and D. Despite concerns about water pollution and quality control in dif­ ferent brands of cod liver oil again and again it has been shown to be most beneficial for GAPS children and adults. What about just eating fish? Eating fresh fish a few times a week is the best way of getting EPA and DHA for healthy individuals. However, for GAPS children and adults that is not enough due to their inability to digest foods properly and an overload of toxins, coming from the gut, which reduce amounts of essential fatty acids in the brain. GAPS people do need supplementing with EPA and DHA in the form of cod liver oil and other fish oils. Most fish oils, including cod liver oil, contain roughly equal amounts of EPA and DHA. However, there is evidence to show that GAPS children and adults need more EPA than DHA In the body DHA can be made from EPA. A British psychiatrist Dr Basant Puri has described a patient with severe drug resistant depression who completely recovered after supplementa­ tion with EPA rich fish oil. But the most astonishing result was seen on this patient's MRI scans of the brain. Before treatment with EPA this patient showed a typical for depression reduction in the thickness of the grey matter in the brain. After nine months on EPA his grey matter was restored to normal thickness. David Horrobin describes a similar example with a schizophrenic patient where, apart from dramatic clinical improvement, restoration of the brain tissue was seen on MRI scans. There are supple­ ments on the market now with a higher ratio of EPA to DHA and many patients report good effect from these oils. DHA is considered to be essen­ tial for building the brain structure, where EPA is considered more impor­ tant for the functioning of the brain. Both need supplementing in order to help GAPS patients. Omega - 6 fats LA (Linoleic acid) is a parent fatty acid for GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid), DGLA (Dihomogamma-Linolenic Acid) and AA (Arachidonic Acid). These fatty acids are essential for the immune system, hormone metabolism, inflammation, blood clotting and many other functions in the body. Many seeds and nuts contain these oils. lust as with omega-3 oils, to convert LA into GLA and DGLA the body needs magnesium, zinc, vitamins B3, B6 and C, so this conversion will also be a problem for GAPS patients, which means that GLA has to be supplemented as well as LA. GLA is found in evening primrose oil (9%), borage oil (24%), blackcurrant seed oil (18%) and hemp oil (2%). Many omega-6 oils can be very efficiently supplied through regular consumption of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, pine, Brazil nuts, etc.) and seeds (sunflower, sesame and pumpkin). Hemp oil, evening primrose oil, unrefined sunflower oil, borage oil and safflower oil are concentrated sources of omega-6 fatty acids, available on the market. One omega-6 fatty acid deserves particular attention as far as the GAPS conditions are concerned, Arachidonic Acid (AA), which makes up 12% of all brain fat. It is by far the most abundant fatty acid in the brain. Research shows that patients with autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression have low levels of AA in their bodies. What is happening in these patients is that AA and other fatty acids leak out of the cell mem­ branes, where they are naturally located. This deficiency in AA means that any function, no matter how small or large cannot be accomplished effi­ ciently between the brain cells, immune cells and other cells in the body. Why are GAPS patients loosing AA and other fatty acids from their cell membranes? The reason is not yet clear. However, a lot of research points in the direction of an enzyme, called Phospholipase A2 or PLA2, whose function is to release AA from the cell membranes. In GAPS patients this enzyme is overactive, leaching AA from brain cells leaving them deficient in this vital fatty acid. There are a number of things which can cause PIA2 overactivity. Bio-toxins coming from bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites in the gut are usually the major cause. Chronic inflammation in the body activates PLA2 and we know that GAPS patients have chronic inflamma­ tion in their digestive systems. Exposure to heavy metals, pesticides and other chemicals is known to cause PLA2 overactivity. High levels of insulin, caused by the consumption of processed carbohydrates
[ 264, 1912, 315, 40085, 720, 582, 3447, 11, 902, 1057, 13162, 4250, 1304, 13, 4314, 527, 279, 7718, 40085, 33969, 13, 48833, 50127, 720, 38538, 2335, 3445, 482, 584, 4250, 3974, 2085, 1124, 13, 48833, 50127, 6782, 40085, 720, 582, 3447, 11, 902, 1057, 3823, 13162, 4250, 1304, 11, 779, 584, 617, 311, 636, 1124, 505, 720, 14239, 13, 4314, 527, 34998, 12, 18, 323, 34998, 12, 21, 40085, 33969, 13, 7357, 2849, 304, 279, 2547, 720, 59047, 389, 1124, 369, 6300, 734, 323, 20237, 13, 4314, 32462, 1935, 961, 304, 264, 720, 2465, 47639, 315, 5865, 304, 279, 2547, 389, 279, 1455, 6913, 2237, 13, 5751, 13162, 11, 279, 720, 54160, 304, 4040, 11, 527, 311, 264, 8547, 1903, 709, 315, 1124, 13, 73436, 315, 14830, 720, 267, 58787, 617, 1027, 10887, 449, 279, 1005, 315, 34998, 12, 18, 323, 34998, 12, 21, 32462, 11, 720, 2940, 814, 1051, 6982, 311, 387, 7524, 304, 27723, 1475, 2890, 3044, 720, 8154, 279, 7160, 11, 2737, 38281, 11, 52564, 11, 22709, 2635, 689, 11, 22709, 652, 710, 689, 11, 20335, 11, 720, 451, 4099, 11, 84132, 63250, 58921, 19823, 11, 58533, 11, 30020, 11, 720, 66, 11967, 323, 779, 389, 13, 24586, 311, 3691, 8863, 1455, 315, 603, 1541, 956, 636, 3403, 720, 49582, 50127, 304, 1057, 41943, 13, 9393, 315, 50160, 74502, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 10712, 720, 9210, 480, 49045, 1274, 527, 87544, 304, 7718, 40085, 33969, 323, 11112, 2011, 720, 19553, 1124, 3779, 311, 872, 10173, 13, 6914, 603, 617, 264, 1427, 520, 420, 3917, 304, 7872, 13, 2684, 527, 1403, 7718, 40085, 33969, 11, 505, 902, 279, 2547, 649, 1304, 682, 720, 59961, 25, 720, 33796, 12, 18, 25, 25737, 8288, 258, 17648, 292, 11916, 307, 477, 445, 7476, 2000, 2875, 323, 720, 33796, 12, 21, 25, 8732, 1286, 292, 11916, 307, 477, 13256, 369, 2875, 13, 11995, 1521, 40085, 33969, 2586, 505, 19595, 323, 31049, 13, 578, 57471, 8336, 315, 445, 7476, 320, 33796, 12, 18, 92, 527, 1344, 710, 23425, 5707, 320, 3817, 23425, 5707, 705, 42063, 720, 74913, 323, 1063, 39418, 32462, 505, 94377, 2005, 320, 66, 438, 2963, 332, 8, 323, 107361, 13, 763, 9333, 720, 6173, 82, 420, 40085, 13935, 374, 3118, 304, 41926, 64866, 11, 29839, 28440, 11, 50625, 19595, 11, 720, 4919, 8083, 14, 20432, 11, 20228, 53358, 11, 6453, 6307, 16312, 88, 24822, 11, 19151, 379, 23427, 11, 10065, 50127, 720, 30213, 49257, 8545, 705, 10065, 14403, 323, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 304, 3823, 17659, 14403, 13, 578, 57471, 8336, 315, 13256, 320, 33796, 12, 21, 8, 527, 11714, 9036, 25888, 5707, 11, 829, 544, 15115, 11, 720, 40619, 39853, 11, 93729, 11, 42063, 5707, 323, 5128, 1790, 682, 19595, 323, 31049, 13, 763, 9333, 720, 6173, 82, 433, 374, 1766, 304, 19151, 94582, 2857, 11, 14403, 323, 3823, 17659, 14403, 13, 445, 7476, 323, 44190, 527, 2663, 330, 1820, 2748, 40085, 33969, 3343, 5659, 1521, 1403, 40085, 33969, 720, 1820, 2547, 649, 1304, 1023, 50127, 311, 387, 1511, 304, 5128, 1790, 1475, 734, 304, 720, 30115, 2849, 320, 6507, 13, 220, 20, 570, 358, 1937, 89096, 12, 18, 602, 720, 36, 8201, 720, 8480, 8, 7489, 50, 24633, 46225, 24633, 66, 2201, 292, 50234, 13320, 720, 6507, 13, 220, 20, 43609, 315, 2748, 34998, 40085, 33969, 320, 43, 7476, 323, 13256, 8, 1139, 5370, 720, 83595, 5983, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 44409, 12, 18, 50127, 720, 3915, 445, 7476, 320, 19947, 8288, 258, 17648, 292, 50234, 8, 1403, 1633, 3062, 34998, 12, 18, 40085, 33969, 720, 548, 14454, 25, 27250, 320, 36, 17038, 391, 16985, 12052, 292, 50234, 8, 323, 423, 17455, 320, 9743, 437, 1494, 327, 64, 12052, 292, 720, 11916, 307, 570, 27250, 323, 423, 17455, 527, 11112, 16595, 369, 4725, 8271, 323, 8071, 2274, 5879, 198, 479, 13, 2435, 527, 1766, 304, 37492, 304, 8271, 7917, 11, 32015, 6925, 79390, 11, 9302, 720, 265, 58650, 11, 60564, 323, 1877, 82375, 13, 4452, 11, 311, 1304, 1124, 505, 445, 7476, 279, 720, 2664, 3966, 264, 1695, 8312, 315, 3738, 37493, 25, 46192, 356, 11, 426, 18, 323, 426, 21, 11, 4983, 5879, 198, 4978, 2411, 11, 49601, 323, 1063, 56067, 13, 480, 49045, 6978, 527, 4661, 40076, 711, 72, 5879, 198, 12575, 304, 1521, 37493, 11, 779, 433, 374, 539, 5107, 311, 7168, 430, 872, 13162, 690, 720, 1962, 387, 3025, 311, 5625, 2748, 34998, 12, 18, 320, 43, 7476, 705, 505, 1344, 710, 5707, 369, 3187, 11, 720, 18614, 27250, 323, 423, 17455, 11, 779, 1790, 4460, 555, 872, 35202, 13, 4427, 12074, 304, 720, 1820, 2115, 4510, 430, 420, 38550, 311, 5625, 279, 2748, 34998, 12, 18, 445, 7476, 311, 720, 54160, 52499, 34998, 12, 18, 27250, 323, 44476, 5987, 304, 480, 49045, 2911, 323, 12884, 11335, 264, 720, 16548, 961, 304, 872, 5435, 320, 6507, 13, 220, 21, 570, 2100, 11, 1120, 22822, 287, 445, 7476, 439, 264, 1344, 710, 720, 23425, 5707, 374, 539, 3403, 369, 1521, 6978, 11, 814, 1205, 27250, 323, 423, 17455, 5644, 7058, 28010, 13, 578, 1888, 8336, 315, 1521, 1403, 32462, 527, 9439, 3090, 7795, 25, 41420, 11, 29147, 5879, 198, 67, 1572, 11, 296, 9881, 301, 11, 80827, 323, 384, 301, 13, 578, 5707, 505, 1521, 7795, 649, 387, 1766, 439, 1043, 5879, 198, 4779, 13, 15379, 323, 80744, 68951, 323, 37555, 99705, 1201, 783, 527, 1633, 9257, 304, 720, 45010, 32462, 439, 1664, 11, 430, 374, 1405, 279, 9439, 3090, 7795, 636, 872, 8312, 315, 720, 33796, 12, 18, 50127, 13, 43491, 287, 68951, 1053, 617, 1027, 264, 1695, 1648, 315, 3794, 720, 45010, 50127, 11, 4869, 11, 279, 47989, 12945, 315, 68951, 374, 264, 2466, 3575, 11, 2598, 84, 5879, 198, 14115, 398, 449, 2911, 13, 4487, 14283, 15055, 315, 27250, 323, 423, 17455, 527, 1766, 304, 26418, 8834, 11, 720, 1336, 1604, 1529, 92986, 11, 281, 3043, 11, 39739, 11, 305, 14782, 323, 305, 80534, 13, 34777, 26587, 5707, 374, 264, 1695, 720, 2484, 315, 423, 17455, 323, 27250, 323, 832, 315, 279, 24417, 5627, 315, 22822, 287, 1521, 720, 49582, 50127, 13, 2030, 10980, 505, 430, 433, 374, 264, 1695, 2592, 315, 5933, 46192, 362, 720, 438, 423, 13, 18185, 10742, 922, 3090, 25793, 323, 4367, 2585, 304, 1422, 5879, 198, 809, 306, 16097, 315, 20950, 26587, 5707, 1578, 323, 1578, 433, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 387, 1455, 720, 68244, 7235, 369, 480, 49045, 2911, 323, 12884, 13, 3639, 922, 1120, 12459, 7795, 30, 60638, 720, 72408, 7795, 264, 2478, 3115, 264, 2046, 374, 279, 1888, 1648, 315, 3794, 27250, 323, 423, 17455, 369, 720, 38128, 7931, 13, 4452, 11, 369, 480, 49045, 2911, 323, 12884, 430, 374, 539, 720, 268, 1409, 4245, 311, 872, 38550, 311, 21552, 15657, 10489, 323, 459, 43284, 315, 720, 998, 87, 1354, 11, 5108, 505, 279, 18340, 11, 902, 8108, 15055, 315, 7718, 40085, 33969, 720, 258, 279, 8271, 13, 480, 49045, 1274, 656, 1205, 22822, 287, 449, 27250, 323, 423, 17455, 304, 720, 1820, 1376, 315, 20950, 26587, 5707, 323, 1023, 7795, 32462, 13, 7648, 7795, 32462, 11, 2737, 20950, 26587, 5707, 11, 6782, 17715, 6273, 15055, 315, 720, 36, 8201, 323, 423, 17455, 13, 4452, 11, 1070, 374, 6029, 311, 1501, 430, 480, 49045, 2911, 323, 720, 68956, 82, 1205, 810, 27250, 1109, 423, 17455, 763, 279, 2547, 423, 17455, 649, 387, 1903, 505, 27250, 13, 362, 8013, 73969, 2999, 15004, 519, 393, 6198, 706, 7633, 264, 8893, 449, 15748, 5623, 31785, 18710, 889, 6724, 26403, 1306, 22822, 64, 5879, 198, 28491, 449, 27250, 9257, 7795, 5707, 13, 2030, 279, 1455, 50013, 1121, 574, 3970, 389, 420, 720, 23557, 596, 52460, 43739, 315, 279, 8271, 13, 13538, 6514, 449, 27250, 420, 8893, 720, 3528, 291, 264, 14595, 369, 18710, 14278, 304, 279, 26839, 315, 279, 20366, 720, 60065, 304, 279, 8271, 13, 4740, 11888, 4038, 389, 27250, 813, 20366, 5030, 574, 28101, 720, 998, 4725, 26839, 13, 6941, 15083, 299, 7006, 16964, 264, 4528, 3187, 449, 264, 720, 21740, 46412, 292, 8893, 1405, 11, 10980, 505, 22520, 14830, 16048, 11, 720, 4014, 7769, 315, 279, 8271, 20438, 574, 3970, 389, 52460, 43739, 13, 2684, 527, 1043, 698, 5879, 198, 1392, 389, 279, 3157, 1457, 449, 264, 5190, 11595, 315, 27250, 311, 423, 17455, 323, 1690, 720, 81437, 1934, 1695, 2515, 505, 1521, 32462, 13, 423, 17455, 374, 6646, 311, 387, 95755, 5879, 198, 83, 532, 369, 4857, 279, 8271, 6070, 11, 1405, 27250, 374, 6646, 810, 3242, 269, 5879, 198, 61512, 369, 279, 31301, 315, 279, 8271, 13, 11995, 1205, 22822, 287, 304, 2015, 311, 720, 8823, 480, 49045, 6978, 13, 44409, 482, 220, 21, 50127, 720, 18326, 320, 51697, 1286, 292, 13935, 8, 374, 264, 2748, 40085, 13935, 369, 5705, 32, 320, 41557, 8288, 258, 17648, 292, 50234, 705, 720, 35, 3910, 32, 320, 35, 7141, 316, 540, 13400, 8288, 258, 17648, 292, 50234, 8, 323, 29334, 320, 7098, 613, 307, 14338, 50234, 570, 4314, 720, 69, 23758, 33969, 527, 7718, 369, 279, 22852, 1887, 11, 36908, 39097, 11, 720, 258, 45864, 367, 11, 6680, 94263, 1303, 323, 1690, 1023, 5865, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 9176, 720, 325, 6910, 323, 31049, 6782, 1521, 32462, 13, 41202, 439, 449, 34998, 12, 18, 32462, 11, 311, 5625, 13256, 720, 18614, 5705, 32, 323, 423, 3910, 32, 279, 2547, 3966, 61933, 11, 49601, 11, 46192, 426, 18, 11, 426, 21, 323, 720, 34, 11, 779, 420, 14747, 690, 1101, 387, 264, 3575, 369, 480, 49045, 6978, 11, 902, 720, 47321, 430, 5705, 32, 706, 311, 387, 89804, 439, 1664, 439, 13256, 13, 5705, 32, 374, 1766, 304, 720, 17206, 287, 9036, 25888, 5707, 320, 24, 34971, 293, 2747, 5707, 320, 1187, 34971, 3776, 15789, 519, 10533, 5707, 320, 972, 11587, 720, 438, 42063, 5707, 320, 17, 53172, 9176, 34998, 12, 21, 32462, 649, 387, 1633, 30820, 17665, 720, 20322, 5912, 15652, 315, 31049, 320, 27495, 64866, 11, 20750, 17912, 6256, 11, 31100, 598, 11, 34697, 11, 720, 68299, 31049, 11, 5099, 6266, 323, 19595, 320, 40619, 39853, 11, 92223, 323, 50625, 570, 57308, 5707, 11, 720, 17206, 287, 9036, 25888, 5707, 11, 653, 1116, 1619, 7160, 39853, 5707, 11, 293, 2747, 5707, 323, 829, 544, 15115, 5707, 720, 548, 38626, 8336, 315, 34998, 12, 21, 40085, 33969, 11, 2561, 389, 279, 3157, 13, 3861, 34998, 12, 21, 40085, 13935, 30675, 4040, 6666, 439, 3117, 439, 279, 480, 49045, 720, 16902, 527, 11920, 11, 1676, 613, 307, 14338, 50234, 320, 6157, 705, 902, 3727, 709, 220, 717, 4, 315, 720, 543, 8271, 8834, 13, 1102, 374, 555, 3117, 279, 1455, 44611, 40085, 13935, 304, 279, 8271, 13, 8483, 720, 60556, 430, 6978, 449, 38281, 11, 58533, 11, 65919, 19823, 323, 720, 451, 4099, 617, 3428, 5990, 315, 29334, 304, 872, 13162, 13, 3639, 374, 12765, 304, 720, 45010, 6978, 374, 430, 29334, 323, 1023, 40085, 33969, 24237, 704, 315, 279, 2849, 1871, 5879, 198, 1347, 14997, 11, 1405, 814, 527, 18182, 7559, 13, 1115, 48294, 304, 29334, 3445, 430, 720, 3852, 734, 11, 912, 5030, 1268, 2678, 477, 3544, 4250, 387, 27332, 3369, 72, 5879, 198, 12575, 398, 1990, 279, 8271, 7917, 11, 22852, 7917, 323, 1023, 7917, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 8595, 527, 480, 49045, 6978, 781, 14759, 29334, 323, 1023, 40085, 33969, 505, 872, 2849, 720, 10759, 1347, 14997, 30, 578, 2944, 374, 539, 3686, 2867, 13, 4452, 11, 264, 2763, 315, 3495, 3585, 720, 258, 279, 5216, 315, 459, 49242, 11, 2663, 2405, 24527, 337, 575, 521, 362, 17, 477, 98066, 17, 11, 6832, 720, 1723, 374, 311, 4984, 29334, 505, 279, 2849, 79348, 13, 763, 480, 49045, 6978, 420, 720, 65728, 374, 927, 3104, 11, 514, 12092, 29334, 505, 8271, 7917, 9564, 1124, 87544, 720, 258, 420, 16595, 40085, 13935, 13, 2684, 527, 264, 1396, 315, 2574, 902, 649, 5353, 393, 5987, 17, 720, 2017, 7323, 13, 24432, 4791, 87, 1354, 5108, 505, 24032, 11, 42068, 11, 81540, 323, 79383, 720, 258, 279, 18340, 527, 6118, 279, 3682, 5353, 13, 73782, 37140, 304, 279, 2547, 720, 9035, 988, 98066, 17, 323, 584, 1440, 430, 480, 49045, 6978, 617, 21249, 4704, 13400, 5879, 198, 28491, 304, 872, 60071, 6067, 13, 71866, 311, 8987, 37182, 11, 61257, 323, 720, 1605, 26333, 374, 3967, 311, 5353, 98066, 17, 927, 7323, 13, 5234, 5990, 315, 32152, 11, 720, 936, 2656, 555, 279, 15652, 315, 15590, 62345 ]
which it is not) or to refer the patient to a rheumatologist because they think it is an inflammatory condition (which it is not). Because of the associated fatigue, people with fibromyalgia are also frequently diagnosed as having chronic fatigue syndrome. However, chronic fatigue syndrome is most likely viral in origin and is associated with low-grade fevers and swollen lymph glands. Of course, some people may have both conditions. There are no laboratory tests to directly diagnose fibromyalgia, but several tests help rule out other conditions. For example, the results of the C-reactive protein and sedimentation rate tests are elevated in inflammatory conditions but should be normal in fibromyalgia. The ANA (antinuclear antibiodies) test, which screens for autoimmune conditions like lupus, should also be normal in fibromyalgia. There is one lab test, however, that offers indirect evidence for fibromyalgia. This is the morning plasma cortisol test, which can indicate an elevated adrenaline level. The standard | 71 ExCESS ADRENALINE: THE UgLy “normal” level (up to 19.4) for this test I believe is misleading; instead, I feel that any level greater than 11.5 suggests an overproduction of adrenaline. This is because the normal ranges for many lab tests were originally established by testing the blood of medical students. Because adrenaline enhances intelligence and medical students tend to be intelligent, their a.m. cortisol levels would have likely been relatively high. In my view, there are two main causes of fibromyalgia. The less common of the two is related to the displacement of the first cervical vertebra (C1), also called the atlas. The atlas sits at the top of the cervical spine, directly supporting the skull, and nerves pass through a hole in the atlas on the way to the brain. It is not uncommon for the atlas to be displaced when there has been a neck injury caused by, for instance, a whiplash or falling off a horse or bicycle. Displacement of the atlas can lead to irritation of the nerves passing through it, which can cause headaches, neck pain, upper shoulder pain, or arm pain. The pain can cause muscles to tense up, resulting in a buildup of lactic acid, which exacerbates the pain further. The importance of considering this cause of fibromyalgia is that it is best treated by chiropractors specially trained to manipulate the atlas either manually or by using an activator. (See the website www.nucca.org for names of chiropractors in various locations trained in this method.) Alternatively, specially trained orthodontists can supply a prosthesis that may realign the atlas. However, the more common cause of fibromyalgia, in my view, is the internalization of anger, associated with excess adrenaline. Adrenaline, known as the fight-or-flight hormone, should also be called the rage hormone, or anger hormone. Anger created by this powerful hormone is an intense feeling ADRENALINE DOMINANCE 72 | that, when suppressed, can cause persistent muscle tension with associated pain and fatigue. Because the anger is internalized, many people with fibromyalgia may not even realize that they have anger issues. Interestingly, they occasionally exhibit anger when someone suggests that they have anger issues. The more common cause of fibromyalgia is internalization of anger associated with excess adrenaline. The underlying anger can cause persistent tensing of muscles, which constricts circulation and prevents the buildup of lactic acid from being cleared. Eliminating the cause of the anger will, in most cases, eliminate the fibromyalgia, as the following stories of two of my fibromyalgia patients demonstrate. Their stories bring to mind one of my favorite quotes from Wayne Dyer: “Every moment of your life you spend upset, in despair, in anguish, angry, or hurt because of the behavior of anybody else in your life is the moment you have given up control of your life.” A 52-year-old woman with severe fibromyalgia came to see me. When I asked her about anger issues, she said her only known source of anger was her five-month-old puppy, which she had brought to my office with her. She happened to be a perfectionist, and the dog, she said, kept urinating on her carpet. She would not allow the dog to sleep on her bed because she worried he would urinate there. She could not visit her daughter because her daughter had two large dogs. In other words, the puppy was controlling her life. I suggested that since she did not have the temperament to live with a dog, she should give her dog away. Hearing that, she handed the | 73 ExCESS ADRENALINE: THE UgLy puppy to one of my nurses. When she came back two days later to give some of the dog paraphernalia to the nurse, she commented: “I cannot believe how much better I feel.” A 38-year-old woman came in with severe fibromyalgia. I had seen her six years prior and had diagnosed her then as having fibromyalgia. At that time, our discussion uncovered the fact that the source of her anger was her husband, who was abusive. Since I approach illness by addressing its cause, I recommended that she consider dissolving their relationship. Now she was back, six years later, still with severe fibromyalgia and still with the same husband—who was still abusing her. So again, I suggested that she consider dissolving their relationship because he clearly was not going to change his behavior. One week later she returned—laughing and smiling. Her fibromyalgia was completely gone. She had left her husband. These two cases represent a type of fibromyalgia that could be called “reactive fibromyalgia,” comparable to the condition “reactive depression.” However, I suspect that most clinically relevant fibromyalgia is from internalized anger due to excess adrenaline. People with this type of fibromyalgia may have other excess adrenaline problems as well, such as depression, irritable bowel syndrome, or insomnia. They may wind up on multiple medications, which can add to their malaise by causing weight gain, impotence, confusion, additional fatigue, and other symptoms. For example, a pastor who came to see me was on 15 different medications for treatment of severe fibromyalgia, depression, and sleeping problems. His congregation thought he had Alzheimer’s disease because his speech was slurred and he appeared demented—though these were actually side effects from the drugs. I helped him to quickly wean ADRENALINE DOMINANCE 74 | himself off all his medications and also treated the underlying excess adrenaline. His fibromyalgia, depression, slurred voice, cognitive impairment, and insomnia disappeared. His congregation thought a miracle had happened. The next time he came into the office I chided him, “Do you realize that Jesus is getting all the credit for what I did for you?” He looked at me and replied, “Jesus sent me to you.” Spoken like a true pastor. I have seen a number of pastors in my practice. One thing they all had in common is the symptoms of creative type ADHD, which is associated with intelligence and enhanced creativity. The patient who wrote the following letter found that her fibromyalgia was gone three days after she first came to my office. When I asked how she got better so quickly, she responded that as soon as she had insight as to the cause, she was able to take the steps to eliminate it. Patient C.C. My first visit to Dr. Platt was in June of 2003, seven years ago. I suffered from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I had seen multiple physicians, but none of them ever had a solution for me. It took my last doctor five years to figure out the above problems, and all he did was put me on drugs to mask the problems. I was missing five or six weeks of work at a time. I went to see Dr. Platt, who took the time to talk and explain that I was not crazy. I did everything he asked. In just days I had more energy, no brain fog, and NO PAIN. I have not missed one day of work in the last seven years and I have never felt better. Dr. Platt gave me back my life, and I will forever be grateful.| 75 ExCESS ADRENALINE: THE UgLy The following letter shows how important it is for patients to understand why they are not well. It is actually part of the healing process. Patient L.C. My recent visit with you is still in the forefront of my mind. I have been to many medical doctors, osteopaths, and chiropractors in my 64 years, and I wanted to tell you that the best doctor I have ever had an appointment with is definitely you. As you know, I was suffering very badly with fibromyalgia. My energy level was nil. The program that you put me on has worked miracles. I no longer have the fibromyalgia pain all over my body. I am no longer falling asleep for two hours after I eat my breakfast and my lunch. I am actually sleeping for seven hours plus
[ 8370, 433, 374, 539, 8, 477, 311, 8464, 279, 8893, 720, 998, 264, 68132, 46313, 16549, 1606, 814, 1781, 433, 374, 459, 47288, 720, 9233, 320, 8370, 433, 374, 539, 570, 9393, 315, 279, 5938, 36709, 11, 720, 16455, 449, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 527, 1101, 14134, 29704, 439, 720, 69666, 21249, 36709, 28439, 13, 4452, 11, 21249, 36709, 720, 23707, 303, 6786, 374, 1455, 4461, 29962, 304, 6371, 323, 374, 5938, 449, 3428, 41327, 1172, 3078, 323, 76193, 43745, 82375, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 1063, 1274, 1253, 617, 2225, 4787, 13, 2684, 527, 912, 27692, 7177, 311, 6089, 58681, 720, 76426, 442, 16858, 55901, 11, 719, 3892, 7177, 1520, 6037, 704, 1023, 4787, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 279, 3135, 315, 279, 356, 31696, 535, 13128, 323, 720, 32424, 3904, 367, 4478, 7177, 527, 32389, 304, 47288, 4787, 720, 8248, 1288, 387, 4725, 304, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 13, 578, 2147, 32, 320, 519, 258, 9834, 720, 519, 581, 3205, 552, 8, 1296, 11, 902, 15670, 369, 88191, 4787, 720, 4908, 99889, 355, 11, 1288, 1101, 387, 4725, 304, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 13, 2684, 374, 832, 10278, 1296, 11, 4869, 11, 430, 6209, 25636, 6029, 720, 2000, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 6693, 32426, 89942, 1296, 11, 720, 8370, 649, 13519, 459, 32389, 79492, 2237, 13, 578, 5410, 765, 256, 220, 6028, 1398, 5359, 220, 9827, 41992, 984, 4069, 25, 3247, 220, 47430, 48412, 198, 2118, 8416, 863, 2237, 320, 455, 311, 220, 777, 13, 19, 8, 369, 420, 1296, 358, 4510, 374, 38309, 26, 720, 65937, 11, 358, 2733, 430, 904, 2237, 7191, 1109, 220, 806, 13, 20, 13533, 459, 720, 2017, 23452, 315, 79492, 13, 1115, 374, 1606, 279, 4725, 720, 67662, 369, 1690, 10278, 7177, 1051, 13517, 9749, 555, 7649, 720, 1820, 6680, 315, 6593, 4236, 13, 9393, 79492, 57924, 11478, 323, 6593, 4236, 8541, 311, 387, 25530, 11, 872, 264, 749, 13, 89942, 5990, 1053, 617, 4461, 1027, 12309, 1579, 13, 763, 856, 1684, 11, 1070, 527, 1403, 1925, 11384, 315, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 13, 578, 2753, 4279, 315, 279, 1403, 374, 5552, 311, 279, 44153, 315, 279, 1176, 67827, 5309, 51313, 320, 34, 16, 705, 1101, 2663, 279, 62032, 13, 578, 62032, 720, 82, 1220, 520, 279, 1948, 315, 279, 67827, 35776, 11, 6089, 12899, 279, 720, 4991, 620, 11, 323, 50581, 1522, 1555, 264, 14512, 304, 279, 62032, 389, 279, 1648, 311, 279, 8271, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 41296, 369, 279, 62032, 311, 387, 49246, 994, 1070, 706, 1027, 264, 13272, 11134, 9057, 555, 11, 369, 2937, 11, 264, 720, 1336, 10567, 1003, 477, 16054, 1022, 264, 15580, 477, 36086, 13, 4185, 16491, 315, 279, 720, 266, 14833, 649, 3063, 311, 66510, 315, 279, 50581, 12579, 1555, 433, 11, 720, 8370, 649, 5353, 55403, 11, 13272, 6784, 11, 8582, 17308, 6784, 11, 720, 269, 6916, 6784, 13, 578, 6784, 649, 5353, 24569, 311, 43787, 709, 11, 13239, 720, 258, 264, 86765, 315, 326, 24045, 13935, 11, 902, 52875, 988, 279, 6784, 4726, 13, 578, 12939, 315, 13126, 420, 5353, 315, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 720, 285, 430, 433, 374, 1888, 12020, 555, 77301, 21846, 35426, 16572, 311, 720, 1543, 575, 6468, 279, 62032, 3060, 20684, 477, 555, 1701, 459, 4197, 859, 13, 320, 10031, 279, 3997, 8604, 1276, 14912, 64, 2726, 369, 5144, 315, 77301, 21846, 720, 258, 5370, 10687, 16572, 304, 420, 1749, 6266, 39578, 11, 720, 82, 4899, 16572, 30299, 86815, 1705, 649, 8312, 264, 463, 31177, 14093, 430, 720, 18864, 1972, 625, 279, 62032, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 810, 4279, 5353, 315, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 11, 304, 856, 720, 1068, 11, 374, 279, 5419, 2065, 315, 19788, 11, 5938, 449, 13937, 720, 329, 47738, 483, 13, 2467, 47738, 483, 11, 3967, 439, 279, 4465, 27609, 77303, 36908, 11, 720, 5562, 1101, 387, 2663, 279, 34049, 36908, 11, 477, 19788, 36908, 13, 7568, 261, 3549, 555, 420, 8147, 36908, 374, 459, 19428, 8430, 9827, 41992, 984, 4069, 18542, 691, 8606, 220, 5332, 220, 765, 720, 9210, 11, 994, 56089, 11, 649, 5353, 26048, 16124, 24408, 449, 720, 50187, 6784, 323, 36709, 13, 9393, 279, 19788, 374, 5419, 1534, 11, 720, 35676, 1274, 449, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 1253, 539, 1524, 13383, 430, 814, 720, 19553, 19788, 4819, 13, 58603, 11, 814, 23781, 31324, 19788, 720, 9493, 4423, 13533, 430, 814, 617, 19788, 4819, 13, 578, 810, 4279, 5353, 315, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 374, 720, 10701, 2065, 315, 19788, 5938, 449, 2355, 327, 1140, 79492, 13, 578, 16940, 19788, 649, 5353, 26048, 22781, 287, 315, 720, 38827, 19153, 11, 902, 390, 6765, 82, 35855, 323, 29034, 279, 86765, 720, 1073, 326, 24045, 13935, 505, 1694, 23803, 13, 43420, 16252, 279, 5353, 315, 720, 1820, 19788, 690, 11, 304, 1455, 5157, 11, 22472, 279, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 11, 720, 300, 279, 2768, 7493, 315, 1403, 315, 856, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 6978, 720, 67, 7439, 71015, 13, 11205, 7493, 4546, 311, 4059, 832, 315, 856, 7075, 720, 54382, 505, 28640, 423, 27253, 25, 1054, 11769, 4545, 315, 701, 2324, 499, 720, 2203, 408, 23268, 11, 304, 46996, 11, 304, 96022, 11, 19021, 11, 477, 13194, 1606, 315, 720, 1820, 7865, 315, 21739, 775, 304, 701, 2324, 374, 279, 4545, 499, 617, 2728, 709, 2585, 315, 701, 2324, 2029, 720, 32, 220, 4103, 4771, 6418, 5333, 449, 15748, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 3782, 311, 720, 4151, 757, 13, 3277, 358, 4691, 1077, 922, 19788, 4819, 11, 1364, 1071, 1077, 720, 3323, 3967, 2592, 315, 19788, 574, 1077, 4330, 23086, 6418, 42289, 11, 720, 8370, 1364, 1047, 7263, 311, 856, 5274, 449, 1077, 13, 3005, 7077, 311, 387, 264, 39143, 380, 11, 323, 279, 5679, 11, 1364, 1071, 11, 8774, 4433, 16252, 389, 1077, 28954, 13, 3005, 1053, 539, 2187, 279, 5679, 311, 6212, 389, 1077, 4950, 720, 28753, 1364, 18290, 568, 1053, 4433, 3357, 1070, 13, 3005, 1436, 539, 720, 28560, 1077, 10003, 1606, 1077, 10003, 1047, 1403, 3544, 12875, 13, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 279, 42289, 574, 26991, 1077, 2324, 13, 358, 12090, 720, 9210, 2533, 1364, 1550, 539, 617, 279, 79964, 311, 3974, 449, 264, 5679, 11, 720, 32158, 1288, 3041, 1077, 5679, 3201, 13, 66550, 430, 11, 1364, 23415, 279, 765, 256, 220, 5958, 1398, 5359, 220, 9827, 41992, 984, 4069, 25, 3247, 220, 47430, 48412, 198, 79, 65129, 311, 832, 315, 856, 37465, 13, 3277, 1364, 3782, 1203, 1403, 2919, 720, 68676, 311, 3041, 1063, 315, 279, 5679, 63330, 3051, 689, 311, 279, 29198, 11, 1364, 720, 6313, 291, 25, 1054, 40, 4250, 4510, 1268, 1790, 2731, 358, 2733, 49216, 32, 220, 1987, 4771, 6418, 5333, 3782, 304, 449, 15748, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 13, 358, 1047, 3970, 1077, 4848, 1667, 4972, 323, 1047, 29704, 1077, 1243, 439, 3515, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 13, 2468, 430, 892, 11, 1057, 10430, 43522, 720, 1820, 2144, 430, 279, 2592, 315, 1077, 19788, 574, 1077, 10177, 11, 889, 720, 16514, 43658, 13, 8876, 358, 5603, 17563, 555, 28118, 1202, 5353, 11, 358, 720, 86447, 430, 1364, 2980, 14091, 20222, 872, 5133, 13, 4800, 1364, 574, 1203, 11, 4848, 1667, 3010, 11, 2103, 449, 15748, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 720, 438, 2103, 449, 279, 1890, 10177, 84941, 574, 2103, 69579, 1077, 13, 2100, 720, 33871, 11, 358, 12090, 430, 1364, 2980, 14091, 20222, 872, 5133, 720, 28753, 568, 9539, 574, 539, 2133, 311, 2349, 813, 7865, 13, 3861, 2046, 3010, 1364, 6052, 2345, 4355, 7595, 287, 323, 37163, 13, 6385, 720, 76426, 442, 16858, 55901, 574, 6724, 8208, 13, 3005, 1047, 2163, 1077, 10177, 13, 4314, 1403, 5157, 4097, 264, 955, 315, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 430, 1436, 720, 1395, 2663, 1054, 3007, 535, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 2476, 30139, 311, 279, 3044, 720, 2118, 3007, 535, 18710, 2029, 4452, 11, 358, 15562, 430, 1455, 70432, 9959, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 374, 505, 5419, 1534, 19788, 4245, 311, 13937, 720, 329, 47738, 483, 13, 9029, 449, 420, 955, 315, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 1253, 617, 720, 1605, 13937, 79492, 5435, 439, 1664, 11, 1778, 439, 18710, 11, 720, 404, 23349, 66358, 28439, 11, 477, 83511, 13, 2435, 1253, 10160, 709, 720, 263, 5361, 31010, 11, 902, 649, 923, 311, 872, 8811, 4105, 555, 720, 936, 985, 4785, 8895, 11, 3242, 98660, 11, 22047, 11, 5217, 36709, 11, 720, 438, 1023, 13803, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 264, 44044, 889, 3782, 311, 1518, 757, 574, 389, 220, 868, 720, 64750, 31010, 369, 6514, 315, 15748, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 11, 720, 451, 4099, 11, 323, 21811, 5435, 13, 5414, 59635, 3463, 720, 383, 1047, 44531, 753, 8624, 1606, 813, 8982, 574, 1776, 8293, 720, 438, 568, 9922, 294, 1133, 291, 2345, 4636, 1521, 1051, 3604, 720, 3002, 6372, 505, 279, 11217, 13, 358, 9087, 1461, 311, 6288, 584, 276, 9827, 41992, 984, 4069, 18542, 691, 8606, 220, 5728, 220, 765, 720, 40617, 726, 1022, 682, 813, 31010, 323, 1101, 12020, 279, 16940, 720, 327, 1140, 79492, 13, 5414, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 11, 18710, 11, 1776, 8293, 720, 10063, 11, 25702, 53317, 11, 323, 83511, 29496, 13, 5414, 720, 444, 35542, 3463, 264, 45125, 1047, 7077, 13, 578, 1828, 892, 720, 383, 3782, 1139, 279, 5274, 358, 523, 4591, 1461, 11, 1054, 5519, 499, 13383, 430, 10811, 720, 285, 3794, 682, 279, 6807, 369, 1148, 358, 1550, 369, 499, 12671, 1283, 7111, 520, 757, 720, 438, 20592, 11, 1054, 55065, 3288, 757, 311, 499, 2029, 3165, 1713, 1093, 264, 837, 44044, 13, 358, 617, 3970, 264, 1396, 315, 92420, 304, 856, 6725, 13, 3861, 3245, 720, 20670, 682, 1047, 304, 4279, 374, 279, 13803, 315, 11782, 955, 52564, 1174, 720, 8370, 374, 5938, 449, 11478, 323, 24872, 28697, 13, 578, 8893, 889, 6267, 279, 2768, 6661, 1766, 430, 720, 1964, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 574, 8208, 2380, 2919, 1306, 1364, 1176, 3782, 311, 720, 2465, 5274, 13, 3277, 358, 4691, 1268, 1364, 2751, 2731, 779, 6288, 11, 1364, 720, 6961, 291, 430, 439, 5246, 439, 1364, 1047, 20616, 439, 311, 279, 5353, 11, 1364, 720, 16514, 3025, 311, 1935, 279, 7504, 311, 22472, 433, 13, 30024, 356, 732, 13, 3092, 1176, 4034, 311, 2999, 13, 95778, 574, 304, 5651, 315, 220, 1049, 18, 11, 8254, 720, 42820, 4227, 13, 358, 16654, 505, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 323, 21249, 36709, 720, 23707, 303, 6786, 13, 358, 1047, 3970, 5361, 35944, 11, 719, 7000, 315, 1124, 720, 2099, 1047, 264, 6425, 369, 757, 13, 1102, 3952, 856, 1566, 10896, 4330, 1667, 720, 998, 7216, 704, 279, 3485, 5435, 11, 323, 682, 568, 1550, 574, 2231, 757, 389, 11217, 311, 7056, 279, 5435, 13, 358, 574, 7554, 4330, 477, 4848, 5672, 315, 990, 520, 264, 892, 13, 358, 4024, 311, 1518, 2999, 13, 95778, 11, 889, 3952, 279, 892, 311, 3137, 720, 438, 10552, 430, 358, 574, 539, 14599, 13, 358, 1550, 4395, 568, 720, 1091, 291, 13, 763, 1120, 2919, 358, 1047, 810, 4907, 11, 912, 8271, 31349, 11, 323, 2355, 9173, 393, 6979, 13, 358, 617, 539, 13942, 832, 1938, 315, 990, 304, 279, 1566, 8254, 720, 42820, 323, 358, 617, 2646, 6612, 2731, 13, 2999, 13, 95778, 6688, 757, 1203, 856, 2324, 11, 323, 358, 690, 16058, 387, 26259, 57370, 256, 220, 2075, 1398, 5359, 220, 9827, 41992, 984, 4069, 25, 3247, 220, 47430, 48412, 198, 791, 2768, 6661, 5039, 1268, 3062, 433, 374, 369, 6978, 720, 998, 3619, 3249, 814, 527, 539, 1664, 13, 1102, 374, 3604, 961, 315, 279, 720, 383, 6260, 1920, 13, 30024, 445, 732, 13, 3092, 3293, 4034, 449, 499, 374, 2103, 304, 279, 52301, 315, 856, 720, 38824, 13, 358, 617, 1027, 311, 1690, 6593, 16410, 11, 52368, 454, 27382, 11, 720, 438, 77301, 21846, 304, 856, 220, 1227, 1667, 11, 323, 358, 4934, 311, 3371, 720, 9514, 430, 279, 1888, 10896, 358, 617, 3596, 1047, 459, 18101, 449, 374, 8659, 499, 13, 1666, 499, 1440, 11, 358, 574, 16066, 1633, 25587, 449, 720, 76426, 442, 16858, 55901, 13, 3092, 4907, 2237, 574, 2139, 13, 578, 2068, 430, 720, 9514, 2231, 757, 389, 706, 6575, 71912, 13, 358, 912, 5129, 617, 720, 1820, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 6784, 682, 927, 856, 2547, 13, 358, 1097, 912, 5129, 720, 13772, 287, 33173, 369, 1403, 4207, 1306, 358, 8343, 856, 17954, 323, 720, 2465, 16163, 13, 358, 1097, 3604, 21811, 369, 8254, 4207, 5636 ]
impertinent cab driver, are suf ficient to ruin the day for many of us. Why is our happiness so fragile that commonplace occurrences can “ruin” the whole day. In the section on the anatomy of emotions, we have already looked at the reasons for this. As a result of negative feelings, thoughts, and attitudes, together with the constant judgment and criticism of other people, we often feel separated from others. Because of this feeling of inner aloneness and separation, relationships take on the form of attachments, with all the fear, anger, and jealousy that accompany any threat to those attachments. The inner negativity results in such commonly held beliefs as, “Y ou are born alone and you die alone. ” Nothing, in fact, is farther from the truth. As recent books on near -death experiences reveal, it is during life that one often feels alone and, at the moment of death, there is an absolute feeling of oneness and connectedness (Eadie, 1992; Neal, 2011). Because of attachments, dependencies, and inner smallness, we may feel weak and limited. The guilty intolerance of our inner thoughts and feelings are projected onto the world, making the world look like a fearful place. Because these fears are held in mind, fearful events and experiences are literally brought into our life experience. Fear results in chronic anger and makes us prone to attack and to inner emotional chaos. Pain and suf fering occur, with periodic despair and proneness to emotional upset. The ego-mind, which sees everyone as separate, is envious of anyone else who appears happier, more successful, or with a better relationship, a better body, or better connections. Soon, because of a lack of inner clarity about goals, there is confusion leading to self-pity, envy, and further resentment. Self-condemnation gets endlessly projected onto the world, taking the form of condemnation from others, which increases further the guilt and feeling of smallness. For some of us, the only escape is through grandiosity, intolerance, bigotry, arrogance, and anger, which take the form of cruelty, over -bearingness, brutality, and insensitivity to the feelings of others. Often the insensitivity comes with self-excuses, such as: “I am an upfront person who speaks my mind,” or “I am the frank type; you always know where you stand with me. ” These comments are a cover -up for insensitivity, which might be better described as gauche. The low self-esteem results in criticism of self and others, constant competition and comparison, analyzing, contempt, intellectualization, doubt, and fantasies of revenge. When all of those mechanisms fail, there is the recurrence of apathy and feelings of hopelessness and victimization. In such a state, we become progressively alienated because there is so much of ourselves that we must hide. Our behavior leads to isolation from others and an imbalance due to over -valuation of the areas of life that do seem to work. Because of this inner chaos, the average person must of necessity stay unconscious at all times. It is interesting to watch the means that the mind has invented to accomplish this end. W e watch as a person gets up in the morning and flips on the radio or the television to immediately get the mind of f the self and its mental chatter. Despite the extra amusement, thoughts and feelings tend to arise until the mind becomes preoccupied with the projects of the day, work, and various schemes of accomplishment or pleasure. It starts the preoccupation with the body—all of the brushing, washing, perfuming, powdering, deodorizing and carefully selecting the clothes for the day. The choosing of clothes brings up all the schedules of the day, its busyness with activities that have all been crowded into the day: the endless appointments, phone calls, errands, social engagements, home responsibilities, and emails. On the way to work or the day’ s activities, there is the chatting with companions, listening to the car radio, making the cell phone calls, sending text-messages, and reading the morning newspaper on the subway. Once at the destination, there follows the preoccupation with the external events of the day: the business, the deals, the bar gains, the arrangements, the worries, the manipulations, the endless search for power, the quest for “strokes,” and the ever -present fear of survival. All of this is motivated by the desire to somehow derive meaning and security, and to increase our self-esteem and ensure our self-worth by whatever means. The franticness of the struggle is not really realized until we are suddenly forced to discontinue it by some external event. Then, we are confronted with the internal emptiness. This calls for the incessant ingestion of novels, magazines, television, and websites. Or, the emptiness is avoidedby the constant going to parties, escaping through drugs, numbing out with a few drinks, watching movies, and pursuing other amusements. W e tend to do just about anything to avoid facing that feeling of inner emptiness. There is nothing wrong with any of these activities, in and of themselves. What we want to examine is only the state of consciousness, the state of awareness, and the manner in which the activities are perceived, pursued, and experienced. In a state of inner freedom, these same events and experiences take on a totally dif ferent significance. The identical activities can stem from an inner sense of happiness, self- worth, and completeness. The same goals can be fulfilled through the realization of our inner achievement rather than competition with others. Relationships become sharing and loving rather than jealous, competitive, and driven by the seeking of “strokes” and approval. When we are free of negative drives, we enjoy gratifying relationships because we love people, not because we are attached to them. W e can allow the other person to be free, not subject to jealousy and threat. W e are not the victims of manipulation by others because we have already found an inner fulfillment. As negative thoughts, feelings, and attitudes are relinquished, we re- own the power that we had given over to the world. Much of the attraction of the world is due to the glamorization that we have projected onto it. Questions arise for self-reflection: “Is it really all that money that I want, or is it the glamour that I have attached to it. What is it that I want from that job title or from that designation of “Dr. ” and “Esq. ” and “Rev. ”. Is it the responsibility and activities that go along with it, or is it the glamour and esteem associated with it. Do I really love that person, or am I in love with the glamour I have projected onto him or her. ” The more we let go, the more we de-glamorize the world. The more it is de-glamorized, the less it runs us. W e are not at the ef fect of glamour and can no longer be manipulated by it. W e are no longer vulnerable to the professional programmers of the media and the political and social arenas. W e are no longer at the ef fect of an inner need for approval from others. W e begin to love people for what they are, not for what they can do for us. W e no longer need to exploit others or try to win them over. As our own level of guilt decreases, our self-esteem expands. Relationships are now based on integrity, and we are no longer subject to emotional blackmail. As a corollary, we stop trying to blackmail others with emotional pressure. Because relationships are based on honesty, and they exist and function on ahigher plane, there is no longer a fear of alienation or feeling of aloneness. The surrendered person no longer needs others for personal fulfillment but is with them out of choice because of love and enjoyment. Compassion for others and for their humanness transforms life and all relationships. The State of Inner Fr eedom What does life become when one continuously surrenders. What is possible. In the surrendered state, we are independent of the outer world as a source of satisfaction because the source of happiness has been found within us. Happiness is shared with others so that, in relationships, the surrendered person is supportive, sympathetic, encouraging, patient, and tolerant. There is an ef fortless appreciation of the worth and values of others and a consideration for their feelings. Power struggles, being “right,” and proving our point have been relinquished. There is an automatic nonjudgmental attitude and the supporting of others to grow, learn, experience, and fulfill their own potentialities. There is an easy-going, nurturing acceptance of others. W e feel relaxed, vibrant, and full of ener gy. Life events flow automatically and ef fortlessly. W e no longer respond from a motive of sacrifice or “giving up” something for others; instead, we see ourselves as being of loving service to others and the world. Life events are seen as opportunities rather than challenges. The personality is gentle and open with a willingness to let go and surrender nonstop because of the unfolding and ongoing inner process of continuous revelation. As the process unfolds, we feel an inner transformation. This leads to a consistent feeling of gratitude, pleasure, and certainty about our goals. There is a living in the present rather than a preoccupation with the past or the future. There
[ 3242, 531, 14168, 22239, 5696, 11, 527, 56868, 282, 5499, 311, 38339, 279, 1938, 369, 1690, 198, 1073, 603, 13, 8595, 374, 1057, 23871, 779, 45350, 430, 78014, 57115, 649, 198, 2118, 2739, 258, 863, 279, 4459, 1938, 13, 763, 279, 3857, 389, 279, 62690, 315, 21958, 11, 584, 617, 2736, 7111, 520, 198, 1820, 8125, 369, 420, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 315, 8389, 16024, 11, 11555, 11, 323, 33726, 345, 998, 3522, 449, 279, 6926, 19971, 323, 19347, 315, 1023, 1274, 11, 584, 3629, 198, 57676, 19180, 505, 3885, 13, 9393, 315, 420, 8430, 315, 9358, 453, 263, 24639, 323, 198, 325, 36235, 11, 12135, 1935, 389, 279, 1376, 315, 34779, 11, 449, 682, 279, 8850, 345, 4091, 11, 323, 80822, 430, 19780, 904, 6023, 311, 1884, 34779, 13, 578, 198, 4481, 93795, 3135, 304, 1778, 17037, 5762, 21463, 439, 11, 1054, 56, 6033, 527, 9405, 198, 32676, 323, 499, 2815, 7636, 13, 19524, 12334, 11, 304, 2144, 11, 374, 43726, 505, 279, 8206, 13, 1666, 198, 47743, 6603, 389, 3221, 482, 63007, 11704, 16805, 11, 433, 374, 2391, 2324, 430, 832, 198, 61917, 11321, 7636, 323, 11, 520, 279, 4545, 315, 4648, 11, 1070, 374, 459, 10973, 8430, 315, 198, 263, 24639, 323, 8599, 2136, 320, 36, 329, 648, 11, 220, 2550, 17, 26, 66549, 11, 220, 679, 16, 570, 9393, 315, 34779, 11, 20113, 11, 323, 9358, 2678, 2136, 11, 584, 1253, 198, 57676, 7621, 323, 7347, 13, 578, 16390, 75431, 315, 1057, 9358, 11555, 323, 198, 57676, 826, 527, 28448, 8800, 279, 1917, 11, 3339, 279, 1917, 1427, 1093, 264, 63757, 198, 2050, 13, 9393, 1521, 24087, 527, 5762, 304, 4059, 11, 63757, 4455, 323, 11704, 198, 548, 16280, 7263, 1139, 1057, 2324, 3217, 13, 43067, 3135, 304, 21249, 19788, 198, 438, 3727, 603, 38097, 311, 3440, 323, 311, 9358, 14604, 28013, 13, 35567, 323, 198, 82, 1739, 282, 4776, 12446, 11, 449, 39445, 46996, 323, 19126, 24639, 311, 14604, 23268, 13, 578, 37374, 1474, 485, 11, 902, 16008, 5127, 439, 8821, 11, 374, 665, 2528, 315, 5606, 775, 198, 14965, 8111, 44467, 11, 810, 6992, 11, 477, 449, 264, 2731, 5133, 11, 264, 2731, 198, 2664, 11, 477, 2731, 13537, 13, 32862, 11, 1606, 315, 264, 6996, 315, 9358, 32373, 922, 198, 85257, 11, 1070, 374, 22047, 6522, 311, 659, 2320, 488, 11, 66533, 11, 323, 4726, 71654, 13, 10323, 84476, 336, 99895, 5334, 79837, 28448, 8800, 279, 1917, 11, 4737, 279, 1376, 198, 1073, 72106, 505, 3885, 11, 902, 12992, 4726, 279, 34951, 323, 8430, 198, 1073, 2678, 2136, 13, 1789, 1063, 315, 603, 11, 279, 1193, 12731, 374, 1555, 6800, 33279, 11, 75431, 345, 16548, 354, 894, 11, 83843, 11, 323, 19788, 11, 902, 1935, 279, 1376, 315, 54680, 11, 927, 482, 88450, 2136, 11, 63132, 11, 323, 1672, 48937, 311, 279, 16024, 315, 3885, 13, 36016, 279, 198, 1354, 48937, 4131, 449, 659, 98033, 4881, 11, 1778, 439, 25, 1054, 40, 1097, 459, 65451, 1732, 889, 198, 34474, 10011, 856, 4059, 2476, 477, 1054, 40, 1097, 279, 26875, 955, 26, 499, 2744, 1440, 1405, 499, 198, 2752, 449, 757, 13, 19524, 4314, 6170, 527, 264, 3504, 482, 455, 369, 1672, 48937, 11, 902, 198, 46068, 387, 2731, 7633, 439, 96721, 13, 578, 3428, 659, 65906, 3135, 304, 198, 38096, 42914, 315, 659, 323, 3885, 11, 6926, 10937, 323, 12593, 345, 44803, 20994, 11, 46454, 11, 20207, 2065, 11, 10712, 11, 323, 60277, 315, 37169, 13, 3277, 682, 315, 1884, 24717, 3775, 11, 1070, 374, 279, 76293, 315, 1469, 19682, 323, 198, 57676, 826, 315, 3987, 33028, 323, 11996, 2065, 13, 763, 1778, 264, 1614, 11, 584, 3719, 198, 14703, 3210, 20167, 660, 1606, 1070, 374, 779, 1790, 315, 13520, 430, 584, 2011, 198, 8727, 13, 5751, 7865, 11767, 311, 31398, 505, 3885, 323, 459, 68331, 4245, 311, 198, 2017, 482, 24756, 315, 279, 5789, 315, 2324, 430, 656, 2873, 311, 990, 13, 9393, 315, 420, 9358, 28013, 11, 279, 5578, 1732, 2011, 315, 32961, 4822, 198, 359, 64589, 520, 682, 3115, 13, 1102, 374, 7185, 311, 3821, 279, 3445, 430, 279, 4059, 198, 4752, 36592, 311, 22829, 420, 842, 13, 468, 384, 3821, 439, 264, 1732, 5334, 709, 304, 279, 198, 57902, 1251, 323, 86286, 389, 279, 9063, 477, 279, 12707, 311, 7214, 636, 279, 4059, 198, 1073, 282, 279, 659, 323, 1202, 10723, 70457, 13, 18185, 279, 5066, 62468, 11, 11555, 198, 438, 16024, 8541, 311, 31889, 3156, 279, 4059, 9221, 864, 41456, 449, 279, 198, 17602, 315, 279, 1938, 11, 990, 11, 323, 5370, 31956, 315, 61238, 477, 198, 698, 4058, 13, 1102, 8638, 279, 864, 59362, 449, 279, 2547, 87247, 315, 279, 77826, 345, 98191, 11, 22535, 30589, 11, 17138, 287, 11, 409, 50017, 4954, 323, 15884, 27397, 279, 198, 33678, 6509, 369, 279, 1938, 13, 578, 19301, 315, 15447, 12716, 709, 682, 279, 37869, 315, 198, 1820, 1938, 11, 1202, 5951, 1910, 434, 449, 7640, 430, 617, 682, 1027, 39313, 1139, 279, 1938, 512, 1820, 26762, 37256, 11, 4641, 6880, 11, 1886, 2914, 11, 3674, 79971, 11, 2162, 198, 82689, 13757, 11, 323, 14633, 13, 1952, 279, 1648, 311, 990, 477, 279, 1938, 529, 274, 7640, 345, 19041, 374, 279, 52067, 449, 41957, 11, 14624, 311, 279, 1841, 9063, 11, 3339, 279, 198, 5997, 4641, 6880, 11, 11889, 1495, 89242, 11, 323, 5403, 279, 6693, 17222, 198, 263, 279, 44346, 13, 9843, 520, 279, 9284, 11, 1070, 11263, 279, 864, 59362, 198, 4291, 279, 9434, 4455, 315, 279, 1938, 25, 279, 2626, 11, 279, 12789, 11, 279, 3703, 20192, 11, 279, 198, 1138, 526, 3808, 11, 279, 38145, 11, 279, 14951, 7607, 11, 279, 26762, 2778, 369, 2410, 345, 1820, 2271, 369, 1054, 267, 56137, 2476, 323, 279, 3596, 482, 29844, 8850, 315, 20237, 13, 2052, 315, 420, 374, 198, 47928, 55786, 555, 279, 12876, 311, 17354, 43530, 7438, 323, 4868, 11, 323, 311, 198, 79601, 1057, 659, 65906, 323, 6106, 1057, 659, 2695, 2419, 555, 8996, 3445, 13, 578, 89706, 2136, 315, 279, 14993, 374, 539, 2216, 15393, 3156, 584, 527, 198, 82, 44806, 9770, 311, 834, 9726, 433, 555, 1063, 9434, 1567, 13, 5112, 11, 584, 527, 198, 444, 7096, 291, 449, 279, 5419, 54169, 1918, 13, 1115, 6880, 369, 279, 92947, 519, 88447, 198, 1073, 32963, 11, 32947, 11, 12707, 11, 323, 13335, 13, 2582, 11, 279, 54169, 1918, 374, 31890, 1729, 279, 6926, 2133, 311, 9875, 11, 53754, 1555, 11217, 11, 1661, 7278, 704, 449, 198, 64, 2478, 21662, 11, 10307, 9698, 11, 323, 34118, 1023, 1097, 817, 1392, 13, 468, 384, 8541, 311, 198, 3055, 1120, 922, 4205, 311, 5766, 13176, 430, 8430, 315, 9358, 54169, 1918, 13, 2684, 374, 4400, 5076, 449, 904, 315, 1521, 7640, 11, 304, 323, 315, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 13, 3639, 584, 1390, 311, 21635, 374, 1193, 279, 1614, 315, 25917, 345, 1820, 1614, 315, 17985, 11, 323, 279, 11827, 304, 902, 279, 7640, 527, 26617, 345, 79, 1759, 3340, 11, 323, 10534, 13, 763, 264, 1614, 315, 9358, 11542, 11, 1521, 1890, 4455, 198, 438, 11704, 1935, 389, 264, 12756, 1422, 18728, 306, 26431, 13, 578, 20086, 7640, 649, 19646, 505, 459, 9358, 5647, 315, 23871, 11, 659, 7058, 20069, 11, 323, 80414, 13, 578, 1890, 9021, 649, 387, 41834, 1555, 279, 198, 8110, 2065, 315, 1057, 9358, 26501, 4856, 1109, 10937, 449, 3885, 13, 69668, 3719, 11821, 323, 21955, 4856, 1109, 41690, 11, 15022, 345, 438, 16625, 555, 279, 11125, 315, 1054, 267, 56137, 863, 323, 14765, 13, 3277, 584, 527, 1949, 315, 198, 43324, 20722, 11, 584, 4774, 8902, 7922, 12135, 1606, 584, 3021, 1274, 345, 1962, 1606, 584, 527, 12673, 311, 1124, 13, 468, 384, 649, 2187, 279, 1023, 1732, 311, 387, 198, 10816, 11, 539, 3917, 311, 80822, 323, 6023, 13, 468, 384, 527, 539, 279, 12697, 315, 198, 1543, 575, 2987, 555, 3885, 1606, 584, 617, 2736, 1766, 459, 9358, 57383, 13, 1666, 8389, 11555, 11, 16024, 11, 323, 33726, 527, 85498, 3384, 11, 584, 312, 7058, 785, 279, 2410, 430, 584, 1047, 2728, 927, 311, 279, 1917, 13, 24191, 315, 279, 33464, 198, 1073, 279, 1917, 374, 4245, 311, 279, 42112, 269, 2065, 430, 584, 617, 28448, 8800, 433, 13, 24271, 31889, 369, 659, 44107, 1191, 25, 1054, 3957, 433, 2216, 682, 430, 3300, 430, 358, 1390, 11, 477, 198, 285, 433, 279, 80049, 430, 358, 617, 12673, 311, 433, 13, 3639, 374, 433, 430, 358, 1390, 505, 430, 198, 8975, 2316, 477, 505, 430, 43851, 315, 1054, 9023, 13, 19524, 323, 1054, 17812, 80, 13, 19524, 323, 1054, 37284, 13, 19524, 13, 2209, 433, 279, 198, 82689, 3225, 323, 7640, 430, 733, 3235, 449, 433, 11, 477, 374, 433, 279, 80049, 323, 198, 64717, 5938, 449, 433, 13, 3234, 358, 2216, 3021, 430, 1732, 11, 477, 1097, 358, 304, 3021, 449, 198, 1820, 80049, 358, 617, 28448, 8800, 1461, 477, 1077, 13, 126672, 791, 810, 584, 1095, 733, 11, 279, 810, 584, 409, 2427, 24705, 269, 553, 279, 1917, 13, 578, 810, 433, 198, 285, 409, 2427, 24705, 269, 1534, 11, 279, 2753, 433, 8640, 603, 13, 468, 384, 527, 539, 520, 279, 31469, 282, 440, 315, 80049, 323, 198, 4919, 912, 5129, 387, 55315, 555, 433, 13, 468, 384, 527, 912, 5129, 20134, 311, 279, 198, 66886, 55946, 315, 279, 3772, 323, 279, 5054, 323, 3674, 98767, 13, 468, 384, 527, 912, 5129, 520, 279, 31469, 282, 440, 315, 459, 9358, 1205, 369, 14765, 505, 3885, 13, 468, 384, 3240, 311, 3021, 1274, 369, 1148, 814, 527, 11, 539, 369, 1148, 814, 649, 656, 369, 198, 355, 13, 468, 384, 912, 5129, 1205, 311, 33294, 3885, 477, 1456, 311, 3243, 1124, 927, 13, 1666, 1057, 1866, 198, 3374, 315, 34951, 43154, 11, 1057, 659, 65906, 52956, 13, 69668, 527, 1457, 198, 31039, 389, 17025, 11, 323, 584, 527, 912, 5129, 3917, 311, 14604, 88263, 13, 1666, 198, 64, 1867, 980, 661, 11, 584, 3009, 4560, 311, 88263, 3885, 449, 14604, 7410, 13, 9393, 12135, 527, 3196, 389, 48948, 11, 323, 814, 3073, 323, 734, 389, 264, 90447, 11277, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 5129, 264, 8850, 315, 20167, 367, 477, 8430, 315, 453, 263, 24639, 13, 578, 71044, 1732, 912, 5129, 3966, 3885, 369, 4443, 57383, 719, 198, 285, 449, 1124, 704, 315, 5873, 1606, 315, 3021, 323, 45278, 13, 60680, 290, 369, 198, 59961, 323, 369, 872, 2854, 83133, 29575, 2324, 323, 682, 12135, 13, 578, 3314, 315, 37456, 2939, 384, 8944, 198, 3923, 1587, 2324, 3719, 994, 832, 31978, 25139, 303, 388, 13, 3639, 374, 198, 10236, 13, 763, 279, 71044, 1614, 11, 584, 527, 9678, 315, 279, 16335, 1917, 439, 264, 198, 2484, 315, 24617, 1606, 279, 2592, 315, 23871, 706, 1027, 1766, 198, 56950, 603, 13, 79244, 374, 6222, 449, 3885, 779, 430, 11, 304, 12135, 11, 279, 198, 82, 852, 910, 291, 1732, 374, 33445, 11, 53464, 11, 26921, 11, 8893, 11, 323, 198, 21220, 261, 519, 13, 2684, 374, 459, 31469, 12108, 1752, 35996, 315, 279, 5922, 323, 2819, 315, 198, 59961, 323, 264, 18361, 369, 872, 16024, 13, 7572, 28970, 11, 1694, 1054, 1315, 2476, 198, 438, 39858, 1057, 1486, 617, 1027, 85498, 3384, 13, 2684, 374, 459, 17392, 198, 6414, 18631, 9247, 278, 19451, 323, 279, 12899, 315, 3885, 311, 3139, 11, 4048, 345, 50659, 11, 323, 21054, 872, 1866, 4754, 1385, 13, 2684, 374, 459, 4228, 65912, 345, 77, 5757, 1711, 26586, 315, 3885, 13, 468, 384, 2733, 31467, 11, 34076, 11, 323, 2539, 315, 38556, 29720, 13, 9601, 4455, 6530, 9651, 323, 31469, 12108, 16117, 13, 468, 384, 912, 5129, 6013, 505, 198, 64, 47094, 315, 28235, 477, 1054, 70, 2299, 709, 863, 2555, 369, 3885, 26, 4619, 11, 584, 1518, 198, 2530, 4372, 439, 1694, 315, 21955, 2532, 311, 3885, 323, 279, 1917, 13, 9601, 4455, 527, 198, 29412, 439, 10708, 4856, 1109, 11774, 13, 578, 17743, 374, 22443, 323, 198, 2569, 449, 264, 39375, 311, 1095, 733, 323, 32859, 2536, 9684, 1606, 315, 279, 198, 359, 69, 15345, 323, 14529, 9358, 1920, 315, 19815, 40010, 13, 1666, 279, 1920, 90765, 11, 584, 2733, 459, 9358, 18475, 13, 1115, 11767, 311, 264, 198, 79499, 8430, 315, 46135, 11, 17069, 11, 323, 44743, 922, 1057, 9021, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 5496, 304, 279, 3118, 4856, 1109, 264, 864, 59362, 449, 279, 3347, 477, 198, 1820, 3938, 13, 2684 ]
ending. He believed that she was wrong a nd he was right. He refu sed to accept his wife's decision to choose for h erself. Because he would not stop contacting his wife, he w as arrested and sentenced to jail. The man eventual ly realized that he was not giving love when he denied his wife her freedom to choose what she wanted, and that he lost his freedom as a result. The law of attraction is the law of lov e and you cannot break it. If you violate it, you break yourself.I am sha ring thi s story because the ending of intimate relationships is very challenging for some people. Y ou cannot deny someone else's right to choose w hat the y want, because that is not giving love. It is a bit ter p ill to swallow when your heart is breaking, but you must respect everyone's freedom and right to choose. What you give to another person you receive yourself, and when you deny another person's freedom to choose, you will attract negative things that deny your own freedom. Maybe the flow of money to you decreases, or your health weakens, or your job takes a downturn, becau se all of these things would af fect your freedom. There is no "other person" for the law of attraction. What you give out to others, you give to yourself. Giving love to other people doe s not mean you let people walk all over you or abuse you in any way, because that's not giving love either. Allowing another person to use you doesn 't help that person, and it surely doesn't help you. Love is tough, a nd we learn and grow through its law, and as part of that lear ning we experience consequences. So it is not love to al low another person to use or abuse you. The answer is, get yourself onto the highest frequency of good feelings that you can, and the force of love will resolve the situation for you. "Whenever anyo ne has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot r each it." (Rene Descartes 1596- 1650) The Secr et to Relationships Life pre sents ev erything to you so that you can choose what yo u love. And part of the gift of life is that you are given all kinds of people, so you can choose what you love in those people and turn away from what you don't love. Y ou are not meant to manufacture love for qualities in a person you don't love, but simply to turn away without giving them any feeling. T urning away from what you don't love in someone means you're relaxed about it, and you know life is giving you a choice. It doesn't me an that youar gue with them to prove they'r e wrong or you criticize or blame them, or that you want to change them because you think you're right. Because if you do any of these things, you are not giving love - big time! "Y our ow n soul is nourished wh en you ar e kind; it is destr oyed when you ar e cruel." (King Solomon Cir ca 10th Century BC in Pr overbs 1 1:17) When you are on a feeling frequency of love, then only people who are on the same feeling frequency as you are can come into your life. Y ou know some days you feel really happy, some days you feel irritated, and othe rs you feel sad. Y ou can be many dif ferent versions of yourself. A person in a relationship with you can also be many versions, including happy, irritated, or sad. No doubt you will have seen them being many dif ferent version s, but every version is still that person. When you're ha ppy, then only the ha ppy version of other people can come into your life. But you have to be happy to rece ive the happy versions of other people! It doesn 't mean you are respon sible for other people's happiness, because everyone is responsible for their own lives and happiness. What it means is there's nothing else for you to do but to feel happy yourself, and the law of attraction will do the rest. "Happiness depends upon ourselves." (Aristotle 384-322 BC) PET s One way to take the sting out of confrontational or dif ficult relationships is to imagi ne peop le as your own "Personal Emotional T rainers"! T he force oflove presents you with a who le array of Personal Emotional T rainers, disguised as everyday people, but they are all training you to choose love! Some pe ople may be soft Perso nal Emotional T rainers because they don't push you very hard and they're so easy to love. Some people may be tough Personal Emotio nal T rainers because they push you to your lim its, as some personal physica l trainers do, but they are the ones who are making you stronger to choose love no matter what. Personal Emotio nal T rainers can use all kinds of situations and tactics to challenge you, but the thing to remember is that every challenge is presented so you will choose love and turn away from negativity and blame. Some trainers may challenge you to judge them or others, but don't fall for that trap. Judgment is negative a nd it's not giving love, so if you can't love the good in someone or something, simply turn away. Some tr ainers m ay test you by provoking you to feel reveng e, anger, or hatred. T urn away by looking fo r the things you love in life. So me trainers may eve n hit you with guilt, feelings of unworthiness, or fear. D on't fall for any of them, because negativity of any kind is not love. "Hatr ed paralyzes life; love r eleases it. Hatr ed confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatr ed darkens life; love illuminates it." (Martin Luther King 1929-1968) If you imagine the people in your life as your Personal Emotional T rainers, it will help you with any dif ficult rela tionships. It's the tough trainers who make yo u stronger and determined to choose love no matter what, but they're also giving you a message. They're telling you that you've gotten yourself onto a negative feeling frequenc y - and you need to feel better to move of f it! No one can com e into your life and af fect you negatively, unless you are already on the same negative feeling frequency. If you're on a fee ling frequency of love, it w on't matter how tough or negati ve someone is, they will not and cannot af fect you!Each person is just doing their job, just as you are doing your job of being a Personal Emotio nal T rainer to o thers. There are no enemies, there are only some great PET s, and some tough PET s who are making you great.The Law of Attraction Is a Sticky Business The law of attraction is a sticky business. When you rejoice in another person's good fortune, their good fortune sticks to you! When you admire or appreciate anyth ing about another person, you're sticking those qualities to yourself. But when you think or discuss negative things about someone else, yo u're sticking those negative things to you too, and you're putting them into your own life. The law of attraction is responding to your feelings. Whatever you give, you receive, and so if yo u stick a label on any per son, circumstance, or event in life, you are sticking the label on you, and that's wh at you will receive. Now thi s is fantastic news, because it means you can stick everything you love and want to you by looking for the things you love in other people, and saying yes to them with all of your heart! The world is your catalogue, and when " you understand the power of your love, it is a ful l-time job n oticing everything you love in other people. But it's the easiest and best way to change your whole li fe. It beats struggle and suf fering. All you have to do is no tice the thin gs you love in other people, and turn away from the things you don't so you don't give them any feeling. How easy is that? "T aking the first footstep with a good thought, the second with a good wor d, and the thir d with a good deed, I enter ed Paradise.” (Cir ca 6th Century Zor oastrian Religious T ext) Gossip Is Sticky T ooGossip seems harmless on the surface, but it can cause a lot of negative things in people's lives. Gossip is not giving love. Gossip is giving negativity and that's exactly what you receive back. Gossip is not harmful to the person who is being spoken of; gossip harms those gossiping! When y ou are talking with a fa mily member or a friend, and they tell you about some negative thing that someone said or did they are gossiping and they are giving out negativity. As you listen to them, you are giving out negativity too because you are a feeling being, and you can't hear negative things without your feelings dro p
[ 13696, 13, 1283, 11846, 430, 1364, 574, 198, 35970, 264, 15953, 568, 574, 1314, 13, 1283, 2098, 84, 11163, 311, 4287, 813, 7555, 596, 5597, 311, 5268, 198, 2000, 305, 55495, 491, 13, 9393, 568, 1053, 539, 3009, 47208, 813, 7555, 11, 568, 289, 439, 12800, 198, 438, 30231, 311, 17999, 13, 578, 893, 42835, 14869, 15393, 430, 568, 574, 539, 7231, 3021, 994, 568, 15164, 198, 26301, 7555, 1077, 11542, 311, 5268, 1148, 1364, 4934, 11, 323, 430, 568, 5675, 813, 198, 25746, 8944, 439, 264, 1121, 13, 578, 2383, 315, 33464, 220, 374, 279, 2383, 315, 98892, 384, 323, 499, 4250, 198, 9137, 433, 13, 1442, 499, 41587, 433, 11, 499, 1464, 6261, 2506, 1097, 220, 16249, 10264, 62428, 274, 3446, 1606, 279, 13696, 315, 32487, 12135, 374, 1633, 198, 331, 34869, 287, 369, 1063, 1274, 13, 816, 6033, 4250, 23973, 4423, 775, 596, 1314, 311, 198, 28150, 289, 9072, 279, 379, 1390, 11, 1606, 430, 374, 539, 7231, 3021, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 2766, 2024, 281, 5986, 311, 198, 2332, 7331, 994, 701, 4851, 374, 15061, 11, 719, 499, 2011, 5201, 5127, 596, 198, 25746, 8944, 323, 1314, 311, 5268, 13, 3639, 499, 3041, 311, 2500, 1732, 499, 5371, 198, 22479, 726, 11, 323, 994, 499, 23973, 2500, 1732, 596, 11542, 311, 5268, 11, 499, 690, 198, 266, 2193, 8389, 2574, 430, 23973, 701, 1866, 11542, 662, 10926, 279, 6530, 315, 198, 29359, 311, 499, 43154, 11, 477, 701, 2890, 7621, 729, 11, 477, 701, 2683, 5097, 264, 198, 67, 13197, 399, 11, 387, 936, 84, 513, 682, 315, 1521, 2574, 1053, 8136, 282, 440, 701, 11542, 13, 2684, 374, 198, 2201, 330, 1605, 1732, 1, 369, 279, 2383, 315, 33464, 13, 3639, 499, 3041, 704, 311, 220, 3885, 11, 499, 198, 47530, 311, 6261, 13, 58951, 3021, 311, 1023, 1274, 99553, 274, 539, 3152, 499, 1095, 1274, 4321, 682, 927, 499, 198, 269, 11737, 499, 304, 904, 1648, 1174, 1606, 430, 596, 539, 7231, 3021, 3060, 662, 2052, 24060, 198, 43063, 1732, 311, 1005, 499, 3250, 364, 83, 1520, 430, 1732, 11, 323, 433, 22225, 3250, 956, 1520, 198, 9514, 13, 10919, 374, 11292, 11, 264, 15953, 584, 4048, 323, 3139, 1555, 1202, 2383, 1174, 323, 439, 961, 315, 198, 9210, 35499, 46607, 584, 220, 3217, 16296, 13, 2100, 433, 374, 539, 3021, 311, 453, 3428, 2500, 198, 9164, 311, 1005, 477, 11737, 499, 13, 578, 4320, 374, 11, 636, 6261, 8800, 279, 8592, 198, 47621, 315, 1695, 16024, 430, 499, 649, 11, 323, 279, 5457, 315, 3021, 690, 9006, 198, 1820, 6671, 369, 499, 13, 330, 65361, 904, 78, 841, 706, 54221, 757, 11, 358, 1456, 311, 4933, 856, 13836, 779, 1579, 430, 279, 198, 1885, 1137, 4250, 436, 1855, 433, 1210, 320, 49, 1994, 32285, 472, 288, 220, 11068, 21, 12, 220, 10680, 15, 340, 720, 791, 4621, 81, 1880, 311, 69668, 198, 26833, 864, 274, 812, 3721, 89357, 1626, 311, 499, 779, 430, 499, 649, 5268, 1148, 30596, 577, 3021, 13, 1628, 198, 4581, 315, 279, 8352, 315, 2324, 374, 430, 499, 527, 2728, 682, 13124, 315, 1274, 11, 220, 779, 499, 649, 198, 28150, 1148, 499, 3021, 304, 1884, 1274, 323, 2543, 3201, 505, 1148, 499, 1541, 956, 198, 31153, 13, 816, 6033, 527, 539, 8967, 311, 30847, 3021, 369, 29600, 304, 264, 1732, 499, 198, 15357, 956, 3021, 11, 719, 5042, 311, 2543, 3201, 2085, 7231, 1124, 904, 8430, 13, 350, 220, 54444, 3201, 505, 1148, 499, 1541, 956, 3021, 304, 4423, 3445, 499, 2351, 31467, 198, 9274, 433, 11, 323, 499, 1440, 2324, 374, 7231, 499, 264, 5873, 13, 1102, 3250, 956, 757, 459, 430, 499, 277, 342, 361, 449, 1124, 311, 12391, 814, 97670, 384, 5076, 477, 499, 61730, 477, 19065, 1124, 11, 477, 198, 9210, 499, 220, 1390, 311, 2349, 1124, 1606, 499, 1781, 499, 2351, 1314, 13, 9393, 422, 198, 9514, 656, 904, 315, 1521, 2574, 11, 499, 527, 539, 7231, 3021, 482, 2466, 892, 0, 330, 56, 1057, 15941, 308, 13836, 374, 46798, 3384, 421, 665, 499, 802, 384, 3169, 26, 433, 374, 409, 496, 70448, 291, 994, 499, 198, 277, 384, 28128, 1210, 320, 34655, 50899, 42009, 2211, 220, 605, 339, 28200, 18531, 304, 2394, 927, 1302, 220, 16, 220, 16, 25, 1114, 340, 720, 4599, 499, 527, 389, 264, 8430, 11900, 315, 3021, 11, 1243, 1193, 1274, 889, 527, 389, 198, 1820, 1890, 8430, 11900, 439, 499, 527, 649, 2586, 1139, 701, 2324, 13, 816, 6033, 1440, 1063, 2919, 499, 2733, 2216, 6380, 1174, 1063, 2919, 499, 2733, 84971, 345, 438, 297, 1820, 10242, 499, 2733, 12703, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 387, 1690, 1422, 18728, 306, 11028, 315, 6261, 13, 362, 198, 9164, 304, 264, 5133, 449, 499, 649, 1101, 387, 1690, 11028, 11, 2737, 198, 57621, 1174, 84971, 11, 477, 12703, 13, 2360, 10712, 499, 690, 617, 3970, 1124, 1694, 1690, 198, 88564, 18728, 306, 2373, 274, 11, 719, 1475, 2373, 374, 2103, 430, 1732, 13, 3277, 499, 2351, 6520, 281, 3368, 13801, 3473, 1193, 279, 6520, 281, 3368, 2373, 315, 1023, 1274, 649, 2586, 1139, 701, 2324, 13, 2030, 198, 9514, 617, 311, 387, 6380, 311, 2215, 99677, 279, 6380, 11028, 315, 1023, 1274, 0, 1102, 3250, 364, 83, 3152, 499, 527, 594, 621, 274, 1260, 369, 1023, 1274, 596, 23871, 11, 1606, 198, 93057, 374, 8647, 369, 872, 1866, 6439, 323, 23871, 13, 3639, 433, 3445, 374, 198, 19041, 364, 82, 4400, 775, 369, 499, 311, 656, 719, 311, 2733, 6380, 6261, 11, 323, 279, 2383, 315, 198, 3064, 1335, 690, 656, 279, 2800, 13, 330, 39, 67391, 14117, 5304, 13520, 1210, 320, 32, 2889, 51626, 220, 12910, 12, 15805, 18531, 340, 33006, 80504, 274, 198, 4054, 1648, 220, 311, 1935, 279, 55413, 704, 315, 17302, 1697, 477, 1422, 282, 3951, 12135, 374, 198, 998, 6669, 72, 841, 1069, 454, 514, 439, 701, 1866, 330, 35127, 95300, 350, 11422, 388, 1, 0, 350, 568, 5457, 315, 31153, 18911, 499, 449, 264, 889, 514, 1358, 315, 19758, 95300, 350, 11422, 388, 345, 4338, 8890, 4147, 439, 18254, 1274, 11, 719, 814, 527, 682, 4967, 499, 311, 5268, 3021, 0, 4427, 1069, 297, 698, 1253, 387, 8579, 21097, 78, 85633, 95300, 350, 11422, 388, 1606, 814, 1541, 956, 198, 9254, 499, 220, 1633, 2653, 323, 814, 2351, 779, 4228, 311, 3021, 13, 4427, 1274, 1253, 387, 11292, 198, 35127, 5867, 354, 822, 85633, 350, 11422, 388, 1606, 814, 4585, 499, 311, 701, 4671, 1202, 11, 439, 1063, 198, 30712, 4571, 3074, 326, 51191, 656, 1174, 719, 814, 527, 279, 6305, 889, 527, 3339, 499, 198, 4620, 261, 311, 5268, 3021, 912, 5030, 1148, 13, 19758, 5867, 354, 822, 85633, 350, 11422, 388, 649, 1005, 682, 13124, 315, 15082, 323, 26411, 311, 198, 58465, 499, 11, 719, 279, 3245, 311, 6227, 374, 430, 1475, 8815, 374, 198, 29844, 291, 779, 499, 690, 5268, 3021, 323, 2543, 3201, 505, 93795, 323, 19065, 13, 4427, 51191, 1253, 8815, 499, 311, 11913, 1124, 477, 3885, 11, 719, 1541, 956, 4498, 369, 198, 9210, 23709, 13, 89662, 374, 8389, 264, 15953, 433, 596, 539, 7231, 3021, 11, 779, 422, 499, 649, 956, 3021, 198, 1820, 1695, 304, 4423, 477, 2555, 11, 5042, 2543, 3201, 662, 4427, 490, 37202, 388, 296, 19432, 1296, 499, 555, 220, 2605, 10979, 499, 311, 2733, 5891, 833, 384, 11, 19788, 1174, 477, 198, 9379, 1171, 13, 350, 66967, 3201, 555, 3411, 12018, 436, 279, 2574, 499, 3021, 304, 2324, 13, 2100, 757, 51191, 198, 18864, 49996, 308, 4295, 499, 449, 34951, 11, 16024, 315, 15375, 2419, 1918, 11, 477, 8850, 662, 423, 389, 956, 4498, 369, 198, 3852, 315, 1124, 11, 1606, 93795, 315, 904, 3169, 374, 539, 3021, 13, 330, 39, 62078, 1608, 1370, 5893, 32893, 2324, 26, 3021, 436, 10732, 2315, 433, 13, 22050, 81, 1608, 2389, 4881, 2324, 26, 3021, 18249, 4861, 433, 13, 22050, 81, 1608, 6453, 729, 2324, 26, 3021, 44087, 988, 433, 1210, 320, 50219, 36302, 6342, 220, 5926, 24, 12, 5162, 23, 340, 720, 2746, 499, 13085, 279, 1274, 304, 701, 2324, 439, 701, 19758, 95300, 350, 11422, 388, 345, 275, 690, 1520, 499, 220, 449, 904, 1422, 282, 3951, 1375, 64, 259, 919, 34322, 13, 1102, 596, 279, 11292, 51191, 889, 198, 7072, 30596, 577, 16643, 323, 11075, 311, 5268, 3021, 912, 5030, 1148, 11, 719, 198, 20670, 2351, 1101, 7231, 499, 264, 1984, 13, 2435, 2351, 11890, 499, 430, 499, 3077, 17454, 198, 22479, 726, 8800, 264, 8389, 8430, 6297, 967, 379, 482, 323, 499, 1205, 311, 2733, 2731, 311, 198, 3479, 315, 282, 433, 0, 2360, 832, 649, 470, 384, 1139, 701, 2324, 323, 8136, 282, 440, 499, 48291, 13801, 39870, 499, 527, 2736, 389, 279, 1890, 8389, 8430, 11900, 662, 1442, 499, 2351, 389, 198, 64, 11307, 38172, 11900, 315, 3021, 11, 433, 289, 389, 956, 5030, 1268, 11292, 477, 4277, 9491, 5320, 4423, 198, 285, 11, 814, 690, 539, 323, 4250, 8136, 282, 440, 499, 0, 4959, 1732, 374, 1120, 3815, 872, 2683, 11, 1120, 439, 499, 527, 3815, 701, 2683, 315, 1694, 264, 198, 35127, 5867, 354, 822, 85633, 350, 436, 1780, 311, 297, 270, 388, 13, 2684, 527, 912, 14207, 11, 1070, 527, 1193, 198, 15031, 2294, 50359, 274, 11, 323, 1063, 11292, 50359, 274, 889, 527, 3339, 499, 2294, 11829, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 2209, 264, 93743, 198, 23562, 198, 791, 2383, 315, 33464, 374, 264, 28502, 2626, 13, 3277, 499, 92859, 304, 2500, 198, 9164, 596, 1695, 33415, 11, 872, 1695, 220, 33415, 34240, 311, 499, 0, 3277, 499, 50863, 477, 198, 680, 2827, 6629, 904, 339, 6892, 922, 2500, 1732, 11, 499, 2351, 38072, 1884, 29600, 311, 198, 22479, 726, 13, 2030, 994, 499, 1781, 477, 4358, 8389, 2574, 922, 4423, 198, 1531, 11, 30596, 577, 2351, 38072, 1884, 8389, 2574, 311, 499, 2288, 11, 323, 499, 2351, 10917, 198, 49818, 1139, 701, 1866, 2324, 13, 578, 2383, 315, 33464, 374, 30438, 311, 701, 16024, 13, 33739, 499, 3041, 345, 9514, 5371, 11, 323, 779, 422, 30596, 577, 9396, 264, 2440, 389, 904, 824, 4538, 11, 53237, 11, 477, 198, 3163, 304, 2324, 11, 499, 527, 38072, 279, 2440, 389, 499, 11, 323, 430, 596, 421, 520, 499, 690, 198, 42993, 13, 4800, 62428, 274, 374, 14964, 3754, 11, 1606, 433, 3445, 499, 649, 9396, 4395, 499, 198, 31153, 323, 220, 1390, 311, 499, 555, 3411, 220, 369, 279, 2574, 499, 3021, 304, 1023, 1274, 11, 323, 198, 82, 17718, 10035, 311, 1124, 449, 682, 315, 701, 4851, 0, 578, 1917, 374, 701, 49639, 11, 323, 198, 9493, 330, 499, 3619, 279, 2410, 315, 701, 3021, 11, 433, 374, 264, 5716, 326, 7394, 2683, 308, 14479, 10332, 198, 73826, 499, 3021, 304, 1023, 1274, 13, 2030, 433, 596, 279, 30689, 323, 1888, 1648, 311, 198, 3455, 701, 4459, 908, 1172, 13, 1102, 34427, 14993, 323, 56868, 282, 4776, 13, 2052, 499, 617, 311, 656, 198, 285, 912, 259, 560, 279, 15792, 29181, 499, 3021, 304, 1023, 1274, 11, 323, 2543, 3201, 505, 279, 2574, 198, 9514, 1541, 956, 779, 499, 1541, 956, 3041, 1124, 904, 8430, 13, 2650, 4228, 374, 430, 30, 330, 51, 264, 10789, 279, 1176, 4579, 9710, 449, 264, 1695, 3463, 11, 279, 2132, 449, 264, 220, 1695, 4191, 294, 345, 438, 279, 270, 404, 294, 449, 264, 1695, 56408, 1174, 358, 3810, 1608, 48691, 2029, 320, 34, 404, 2211, 220, 21, 339, 28200, 198, 57, 269, 297, 561, 7414, 53176, 350, 1327, 340, 38, 42573, 2209, 93743, 350, 57009, 38, 42573, 5084, 53997, 389, 279, 7479, 11, 719, 433, 649, 5353, 264, 2763, 315, 8389, 198, 58174, 304, 1274, 596, 6439, 13, 480, 42573, 374, 539, 7231, 3021, 13, 480, 42573, 374, 7231, 198, 29875, 44515, 323, 430, 596, 7041, 1148, 499, 5371, 1203, 13, 480, 42573, 374, 539, 28856, 311, 198, 1820, 1732, 889, 374, 1694, 22066, 315, 26, 58587, 84496, 1884, 58587, 287, 0, 3277, 379, 6033, 527, 7556, 449, 264, 2267, 296, 1570, 4562, 477, 264, 4333, 11, 323, 814, 3371, 499, 198, 9274, 1063, 8389, 3245, 430, 4423, 1071, 477, 1550, 814, 527, 58587, 287, 323, 198, 20670, 527, 7231, 704, 93795, 662, 1666, 499, 9020, 311, 1124, 11, 499, 527, 7231, 704, 198, 29875, 44515, 2288, 1606, 499, 527, 264, 8430, 1694, 11, 323, 499, 649, 956, 6865, 8389, 198, 58174, 2085, 701, 16024, 7118, 281 ]
middle. Haakaa breast pump. This pump attaches to your breasts easily and lets you express milk naturally through suction. You can put it on the breast that babe is not feeding from to catch the extra milk that comes out. Muslin cotton swaddle blankets. Even if you do not swaddle your babe, these light cotton blankets are cozy and are the perfect small blanket for use in the house or while traveling (even if just in the stroller or car seat!). Burp cloths. Keep these by your bed, near your nursing station, in the diaper bag, and in any common area around your house. Burpcloths are great not only for catching spit-up but also to catch any leaking breast milk while nursing! Soft, light, bamboo pajamas for baby. Organic cotton is lovely, but there is something even lovelier about a newborn in buttery soft bamboo footie pajamas! The light fabric feels nice on their skin and can end up being what little babe wears for the first six to eight weeks of their life, if they wear anything at all! Boppy nursing pillow. This will save your back while nursing! Even when not nursing, I would use this for my baby to sleep on me without having to use my arms to hold him. It can also be used to prop your newborn up after nursing if they are spitting up quite a bit. And finally, these pillows are useful when baby starts to sit up on their own but needs a little assistance not to fall over. Tip: Get an extra cover for laundry day. Baby carriers and wraps. You will get great use out of hands-free carriers once you start moving around the house more. Baby will benefit from being close to mama’ s heartbeat for as long as possible and as often as possible. Again, Ayurveda says a baby should not leave the mother ’s auric field for at least the first six weeks, so this is a great way to keep them close. Diaper changing pads. You will likely want some portable diaper changing pads, a plastic foldable one, and some cloth washable ones (three or four). Changing pads are great to keep next to your bed or your baby’ s sleeping space during the first few weeks for midnight diaper changes. And remember to store one in your diaper bag for on-the-go changes for months to come! Baby lounger. Baby will feel so cozy napping in this little pillow anywhere around the house in the first several months. It can also be used as a cosleeper in your bed.Baby bathtub. This can be placed right in your bathtub or sink and can be used from the first bath to the hundredth! Washable incontinence pads. Get two to four of these and put them on your mattress under your sheets where you sleep. From postpartum bleeding, baby poop explosions, leaky pee diapers, and puddles of breast milk, these will save your mattress. Bedside basket. Get a nice basket and place it next to your bed so that is easy to access without you having to get up when the baby is with you. In the basket put everything you might need for you and your little one—diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, waterproof changing pads, a few onesies, and anything else that you will be using frequently. IS THAT NORMAL? During the early days of motherhood, you will likely find yourself repeating the phrase “Is that normal?” for just about everything. Of course, always go with your intuition, and when in doubt, ask for guidance. Call your midwives, your doctors, your pediatrician, your doula, your lactation consultant, your mom, your mom friends, or anyone you can get advice from. It is always better to be safe than sorry and it eases worry to hear “Y es, that is normal” when you are feeling nervous. Here is a list of questions that may come up, and I can assure you: “Y es, that is normal.” “Why is her heart beating so fast? Is that normal?” Babies’ tiny hearts beat faster than ours. They commonly beat around 120 beats per minute, which will sound and feel very fast to you. It is normal. “He keeps forgetting to take a breath! Is that normal?” After being accustomed to life in the womb, babies need time to learn how to breathe. They can sometimes forget to take a breath, for up to ten seconds. If you are noticing this frequently, keep them close to youor even on you, so that hearing your breathing reminds them to take a breath. If the suspension of breath is longer than ten seconds at a time, call your pediatrician. Otherwise, it is likely to be normal. “Sometimes she snores in her sleep. Is that normal?” Babies have tiny noses. Sometimes they snore until they grow out of it a month or so after birth. If the snoring seems concerning to you, contact your pediatrician. If it is just due to their tiny nose, they will grow out of it—it is normal. “My newborn’ s poop was black and sticky for several days and now it’ s watery and yellow! It looks like diarrhea!” The first few poops after birth will be a black, sticky, tar-like substance called meconium. This can pass within a few hours, days, or within the first week or so. After that, the poop will gradually become a yellowish waterier substance that may be a little mucousy. A breastfed baby may have poop that looks like it could be diarrhea, but it is just the normal consistency of baby poop. In fact, for a breastfed baby, yellow liquidy poop is healthy! “She keeps throwing up all the time! Is that normal?” Spitting up and throwing up are two dif ferent things for babies. If your baby is regurgitating milk or even what looks like curdled milk after eating, this is spitting up and is likely to be normal. If they are projectile vomiting (the milk comes out forcefully in a straight line out of their mouth), call the pediatrician. See this page on “Spitting up (in Breastfed Babies)” for more info on this. “He is constantly drinking milk! I feel like I am nursing all day long! Is that normal?” Newborn breastfed babies will drink milk every two or three hours—sometimes more, sometimes less. During the typical growth spurts—at three days, five days, seven days, three weeks, and five weeks of age—which can last anywhere from one day to several days, they may do what is called cluster feeding. Cluster feeding means they nurse constantly on and of f for hours ata time. This is normal and natural, and if your baby wants to cluster feed, cozy up with a good book to pass the time. They will benefit from the nourishment of the extra milk, so best to allow them to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. “His skin is peeling. Is that normal?” Newborn babies’ skin goes through a lot in the first few weeks. Peeling is a normal occurrence, as their skin is used to the watery womb, and our world in comparison is dry and cold. Starting with baby abhyangas after the umbilical cord falls of f may help with peeling skin. However, it is nothing to be concerned about and is totally normal. “Her poop is green!” Yes, green poop is normal for babies! Their digestion may simply be adjusting to changes in your diet or they may be teething. In fact, almost all colors of poop can be normal for newborns. In general, the only color to call your doctor about would be white poop. “She has blood in her diaper! Is she okay?!” Sometimes female infants will get what looks like a mini period in their diaper. It will probably only show up once or twice. This is normal spotting of blood due to the hormones in mama’ s milk and not a cause for concern. If it lasts more than a few days, call your doctor to be sure. BABY BATH TIME When your baby is first born, you may notice a whitish, waxy coating on their skin—a protective layer called vernix. In a hospital setting, the standard practice is to wash this coating of f. Ayurveda advises to leave the vernix rather than washing it, and instead to massage it gently into the baby’ s skin until it is absorbed. This natural external barrier has many benefits including protecting the baby from pathogens, regulating their body temperature, keeping their skin moisturized, and balancing their pH. According to Ayurveda, a newborn baby can have an herbal bath any time after birth. The herbs can be the same ones that mama uses for herherbal baths. Fill the bath with lukewarm water, or water just warmer than body temperature. When you add the boiling water from the herbal infusion, wait for the bath to cool before putting your baby in. Remember that their skin is very sensitive and if it feels hot at all to you, it will feel extra hot to them. The bath given immediately after birth is considered more of a ritual than a wash to clean them of f. A bath can be calming for your baby and allow them a smooth transition out of the watery womb and into the world. Once the bath is prepared with the herbal infusion
[ 20231, 13, 14433, 587, 5418, 17659, 14155, 13, 1115, 14155, 85603, 311, 701, 37449, 6847, 198, 438, 15714, 499, 3237, 14403, 18182, 1555, 84878, 13, 1472, 649, 2231, 433, 389, 198, 1820, 17659, 430, 41346, 374, 539, 26040, 505, 311, 2339, 279, 5066, 14403, 430, 198, 6716, 704, 13, 5444, 3817, 24428, 2064, 20741, 65712, 13, 7570, 422, 499, 656, 539, 2064, 20741, 701, 198, 65, 8393, 11, 1521, 3177, 24428, 65712, 527, 43535, 323, 527, 279, 4832, 2678, 198, 10399, 295, 369, 1005, 304, 279, 3838, 477, 1418, 21646, 320, 17206, 422, 1120, 304, 279, 198, 267, 1496, 477, 1841, 10954, 43492, 12649, 79, 5405, 17323, 13, 13969, 1521, 555, 701, 4950, 11, 3221, 701, 28456, 8216, 11, 304, 198, 1820, 76853, 9145, 11, 323, 304, 904, 4279, 3158, 2212, 701, 3838, 13, 12649, 4080, 385, 17323, 527, 2294, 539, 1193, 369, 34168, 57087, 5352, 719, 1101, 311, 2339, 904, 198, 273, 1802, 17659, 14403, 1418, 28456, 0, 25046, 11, 3177, 11, 59982, 91710, 29189, 369, 8945, 662, 44037, 24428, 374, 17104, 1174, 719, 198, 19041, 374, 2555, 1524, 781, 899, 1291, 922, 264, 46397, 304, 14432, 88, 8579, 198, 81667, 34093, 4579, 648, 91710, 29189, 0, 578, 3177, 13354, 11321, 6555, 389, 872, 6930, 323, 198, 4919, 842, 709, 1694, 1148, 2697, 41346, 38400, 369, 279, 1176, 4848, 311, 8223, 198, 82089, 315, 872, 2324, 11, 422, 814, 10051, 4205, 520, 682, 0, 426, 454, 3368, 28456, 43425, 662, 1115, 690, 3665, 701, 1203, 1418, 28456, 0, 7570, 198, 9493, 539, 28456, 11, 358, 1053, 1005, 420, 369, 856, 8945, 311, 6212, 389, 757, 198, 30096, 3515, 311, 1005, 856, 11977, 311, 3412, 1461, 13, 1102, 649, 1101, 387, 1511, 311, 198, 2741, 701, 46397, 709, 1306, 28456, 422, 814, 527, 993, 15154, 709, 5115, 264, 2766, 13, 1628, 5616, 1174, 1521, 67026, 527, 5505, 994, 8945, 8638, 311, 2503, 709, 389, 198, 50828, 1866, 719, 3966, 264, 2697, 13291, 539, 311, 4498, 927, 662, 30973, 25, 2175, 459, 198, 15824, 3504, 369, 35189, 1938, 662, 21266, 35991, 323, 40809, 13, 1472, 690, 636, 2294, 1005, 704, 315, 6206, 12862, 198, 7063, 17740, 3131, 499, 1212, 7366, 2212, 279, 3838, 810, 13, 21266, 690, 198, 68244, 275, 505, 1694, 3345, 311, 57264, 529, 274, 53205, 369, 439, 1317, 439, 3284, 198, 438, 439, 3629, 439, 3284, 13, 14077, 11, 24852, 80627, 64, 2795, 264, 8945, 1288, 539, 198, 22233, 279, 6691, 18217, 82, 44521, 292, 2115, 369, 520, 3325, 279, 1176, 4848, 5672, 11, 779, 420, 374, 198, 64, 2294, 1648, 311, 2567, 1124, 3345, 13, 7923, 3271, 10223, 37095, 13, 1472, 690, 4461, 1390, 1063, 23665, 76853, 198, 52813, 37095, 11, 264, 12466, 11816, 481, 832, 11, 323, 1063, 28392, 11623, 481, 198, 3233, 320, 28956, 477, 3116, 570, 51269, 37095, 527, 2294, 311, 2567, 1828, 311, 701, 198, 2788, 477, 701, 8945, 529, 274, 21811, 3634, 2391, 279, 1176, 2478, 5672, 369, 198, 16497, 9471, 76853, 4442, 13, 1628, 6227, 311, 3637, 832, 304, 701, 76853, 198, 21946, 369, 389, 10826, 20521, 4442, 369, 4038, 311, 2586, 0, 21266, 29740, 65167, 662, 21266, 690, 2733, 779, 43535, 308, 3713, 304, 420, 2697, 43425, 198, 3852, 2940, 2212, 279, 3838, 304, 279, 1176, 3892, 4038, 13, 1102, 649, 1101, 198, 1395, 1511, 439, 264, 8119, 8669, 716, 304, 701, 4950, 1823, 6243, 81188, 13, 1115, 649, 387, 9277, 1314, 304, 701, 81188, 477, 19868, 323, 198, 4919, 387, 1511, 505, 279, 1176, 9061, 311, 279, 7895, 339, 0, 6113, 481, 304, 22025, 768, 37095, 13, 2175, 1403, 311, 3116, 315, 1521, 323, 2231, 198, 49818, 389, 701, 33326, 1234, 701, 25112, 1405, 499, 6212, 13, 5659, 198, 2252, 4581, 372, 35763, 11, 8945, 76916, 56506, 11, 24237, 88, 65238, 83962, 11, 323, 198, 5701, 634, 645, 315, 17659, 14403, 11, 1521, 690, 3665, 701, 33326, 13, 13394, 3002, 14351, 13, 2175, 264, 6555, 14351, 323, 2035, 433, 1828, 311, 701, 4950, 779, 198, 9210, 374, 4228, 311, 2680, 2085, 499, 3515, 311, 636, 709, 994, 279, 8945, 374, 198, 4291, 499, 13, 763, 279, 14351, 2231, 4395, 499, 2643, 1205, 369, 499, 323, 198, 22479, 2697, 832, 2345, 8747, 9724, 11, 84638, 11, 76853, 57342, 12932, 11, 47519, 198, 52813, 37095, 11, 264, 2478, 6305, 552, 11, 323, 4205, 775, 430, 499, 690, 387, 198, 985, 14134, 662, 3507, 26336, 53531, 30, 12220, 279, 4216, 2919, 315, 6691, 5812, 11, 499, 690, 4461, 1505, 6261, 40916, 198, 1820, 17571, 1054, 3957, 430, 4725, 12671, 369, 1120, 922, 4395, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 2744, 733, 449, 701, 57351, 11, 323, 994, 304, 10712, 11, 2610, 369, 198, 24343, 685, 13, 7290, 701, 5209, 59488, 11, 701, 16410, 11, 701, 53166, 1122, 11, 701, 25595, 4355, 345, 22479, 51644, 367, 31760, 11, 701, 3450, 11, 701, 3450, 4885, 11, 477, 5606, 499, 649, 198, 456, 9650, 505, 13, 1102, 374, 2744, 2731, 311, 387, 6220, 1109, 14931, 323, 433, 384, 2315, 11196, 198, 998, 6865, 1054, 56, 1560, 11, 430, 374, 4725, 863, 994, 499, 527, 8430, 23418, 13, 5810, 374, 264, 1160, 315, 4860, 430, 1253, 2586, 709, 11, 323, 358, 649, 36015, 499, 25, 1054, 56, 1560, 345, 9210, 374, 4725, 49216, 2118, 10445, 374, 1077, 4851, 27242, 779, 5043, 30, 2209, 430, 4725, 12671, 220, 93792, 529, 220, 13987, 198, 383, 7183, 9567, 10819, 1109, 11604, 13, 2435, 17037, 9567, 2212, 220, 4364, 34427, 198, 716, 9568, 11, 902, 690, 5222, 323, 2733, 1633, 5043, 311, 499, 13, 1102, 374, 4725, 13, 1054, 1548, 13912, 66127, 311, 1935, 264, 11745, 0, 2209, 430, 4725, 12671, 220, 4740, 198, 35214, 53184, 311, 2324, 304, 279, 73937, 11, 24869, 1205, 892, 311, 4048, 1268, 198, 998, 37397, 13, 2435, 649, 7170, 10894, 311, 1935, 264, 11745, 11, 369, 709, 311, 5899, 198, 17859, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 62464, 420, 14134, 1174, 2567, 1124, 3345, 311, 499, 269, 1524, 389, 499, 11, 779, 430, 11011, 701, 27027, 35710, 1124, 311, 1935, 198, 64, 11745, 13, 1442, 279, 25288, 315, 11745, 374, 5129, 1109, 5899, 6622, 520, 264, 198, 1712, 11, 1650, 701, 53166, 1122, 13, 18715, 11, 433, 374, 4461, 311, 387, 4725, 13, 1054, 32148, 1364, 66184, 417, 304, 1077, 6212, 13, 2209, 430, 4725, 12671, 220, 93792, 198, 19553, 13987, 97814, 13, 18156, 814, 4224, 461, 3156, 814, 3139, 704, 315, 433, 264, 198, 10460, 477, 779, 1306, 7342, 13, 1442, 279, 4224, 5620, 5084, 18815, 311, 499, 345, 6421, 701, 53166, 1122, 13, 1442, 433, 374, 1120, 4245, 311, 872, 13987, 19689, 11, 814, 690, 198, 67318, 704, 315, 433, 44603, 374, 4725, 13, 1054, 5159, 46397, 529, 274, 76916, 574, 3776, 323, 28502, 369, 3892, 2919, 323, 198, 3409, 433, 529, 274, 30125, 727, 323, 14071, 0, 1102, 5992, 1093, 69393, 18319, 220, 578, 1176, 2478, 198, 5481, 3806, 1306, 7342, 690, 387, 264, 3776, 11, 28502, 1174, 12460, 12970, 20278, 2663, 198, 2727, 444, 2411, 13, 1115, 649, 1522, 2949, 264, 2478, 4207, 11, 2919, 11, 477, 2949, 279, 1176, 198, 10476, 477, 779, 13, 4740, 430, 11, 279, 76916, 690, 27115, 3719, 264, 14071, 819, 198, 13284, 1291, 20278, 430, 1253, 387, 264, 2697, 65104, 94623, 662, 362, 17659, 52223, 8945, 198, 18864, 617, 76916, 430, 5992, 1093, 433, 1436, 387, 69393, 11, 719, 433, 374, 1120, 279, 198, 8416, 29237, 315, 8945, 76916, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 369, 264, 17659, 52223, 8945, 13801, 28969, 14812, 88, 76916, 374, 9498, 0, 1054, 8100, 13912, 21939, 709, 682, 279, 892, 0, 2209, 430, 4725, 12671, 220, 3165, 15154, 709, 198, 438, 21939, 709, 527, 1403, 1422, 18728, 306, 2574, 369, 24869, 13, 1442, 701, 8945, 374, 198, 1610, 5673, 50644, 14403, 477, 1524, 1148, 5992, 1093, 2917, 67, 839, 14403, 1306, 12459, 345, 576, 374, 993, 15154, 709, 323, 374, 4461, 311, 387, 4725, 13, 1442, 814, 527, 39057, 198, 85, 316, 5977, 320, 1820, 14403, 4131, 704, 87078, 304, 264, 7833, 1584, 704, 315, 872, 198, 33780, 705, 1650, 279, 53166, 1122, 13, 3580, 420, 2199, 220, 389, 1054, 6540, 15154, 709, 320, 258, 198, 51329, 561, 52223, 93792, 99382, 369, 810, 3630, 389, 420, 13, 1054, 1548, 374, 15320, 16558, 14403, 0, 358, 2733, 1093, 358, 1097, 28456, 682, 1938, 198, 4930, 0, 2209, 430, 4725, 12671, 220, 1561, 16381, 17659, 52223, 24869, 690, 7172, 14403, 198, 30115, 1403, 477, 2380, 4207, 2345, 57753, 810, 11, 7170, 2753, 13, 12220, 198, 1820, 14595, 6650, 60131, 2641, 99563, 2380, 2919, 11, 4330, 2919, 11, 8254, 2919, 11, 2380, 198, 82089, 11, 323, 4330, 5672, 315, 4325, 50004, 649, 1566, 12660, 505, 832, 198, 1316, 311, 3892, 2919, 11, 814, 1253, 656, 1148, 374, 2663, 10879, 26040, 13, 36480, 26040, 3445, 814, 29198, 15320, 389, 323, 315, 282, 369, 4207, 74576, 892, 13, 1115, 374, 4725, 323, 5933, 11, 323, 422, 701, 8945, 6944, 311, 10879, 198, 11432, 11, 43535, 709, 449, 264, 1695, 2363, 311, 1522, 279, 892, 13, 2435, 690, 8935, 198, 1527, 279, 46798, 16409, 315, 279, 5066, 14403, 11, 779, 1888, 311, 2187, 1124, 311, 8343, 198, 9493, 814, 527, 30056, 323, 3009, 994, 814, 527, 2539, 13, 1054, 16366, 6930, 374, 1069, 20659, 13, 2209, 430, 4725, 12671, 220, 1561, 16381, 24869, 529, 220, 6930, 5900, 198, 20322, 264, 2763, 304, 279, 1176, 2478, 5672, 13, 5250, 20659, 374, 264, 4725, 32659, 345, 300, 872, 6930, 374, 1511, 311, 279, 30125, 727, 73937, 11, 323, 1057, 1917, 304, 198, 55805, 374, 9235, 323, 9439, 13, 28757, 449, 8945, 671, 8671, 526, 300, 1306, 279, 198, 3635, 321, 950, 23125, 17503, 315, 282, 1253, 1520, 449, 1069, 20659, 6930, 13, 4452, 1174, 433, 374, 198, 42312, 311, 387, 11920, 922, 323, 374, 12756, 4725, 13, 1054, 21364, 76916, 374, 6307, 18319, 220, 7566, 11, 6307, 76916, 374, 4725, 369, 24869, 0, 11205, 198, 37439, 290, 1253, 5042, 387, 43468, 311, 4442, 304, 701, 10173, 477, 814, 198, 18864, 387, 1028, 2350, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 4661, 682, 8146, 315, 76916, 649, 387, 4725, 369, 198, 943, 16381, 82, 13, 763, 4689, 11, 279, 1193, 1933, 311, 1650, 701, 10896, 922, 1053, 198, 1395, 4251, 76916, 13, 1054, 8100, 706, 6680, 304, 1077, 76853, 0, 2209, 1364, 17339, 30, 758, 863, 220, 18156, 8954, 198, 13885, 1821, 690, 636, 1148, 5992, 1093, 264, 13726, 4261, 304, 872, 76853, 662, 1102, 690, 198, 55540, 1193, 1501, 709, 3131, 477, 11157, 13, 1115, 374, 4725, 90319, 315, 6680, 198, 24567, 311, 279, 44315, 304, 57264, 529, 274, 14403, 323, 539, 264, 5353, 369, 4747, 13, 1442, 198, 275, 40758, 810, 1109, 264, 2478, 2919, 11, 1650, 701, 10896, 311, 387, 2771, 13, 60411, 56, 426, 4932, 23029, 198, 4599, 701, 8945, 374, 1176, 9405, 11, 499, 1253, 5406, 264, 34799, 819, 11, 289, 14092, 41394, 389, 198, 50828, 6930, 29096, 29219, 6324, 2663, 72693, 953, 13, 763, 264, 8952, 6376, 11, 279, 198, 20885, 6725, 374, 311, 11623, 420, 41394, 315, 282, 13, 24852, 80627, 64, 70074, 311, 5387, 279, 198, 76852, 953, 4856, 1109, 28786, 433, 11, 323, 4619, 311, 6378, 433, 30373, 1139, 279, 198, 79064, 529, 274, 6930, 3156, 433, 374, 42101, 13, 1115, 5933, 9434, 22881, 706, 1690, 198, 68244, 1220, 2737, 22973, 279, 8945, 505, 78284, 11, 58499, 872, 198, 2664, 9499, 11, 10494, 872, 6930, 54902, 1534, 11, 323, 44463, 872, 37143, 13, 10771, 311, 24852, 80627, 64, 11, 264, 46397, 8945, 649, 617, 459, 51487, 9061, 904, 198, 1712, 1306, 7342, 13, 578, 42393, 649, 387, 279, 1890, 6305, 430, 57264, 5829, 369, 1077, 1964, 13616, 59300, 13, 22748, 279, 9061, 449, 82380, 365, 2227, 3090, 1174, 477, 3090, 1120, 46039, 1109, 198, 2664, 9499, 13, 3277, 499, 923, 279, 50937, 3090, 505, 279, 51487, 198, 13885, 7713, 11, 3868, 369, 279, 9061, 311, 7155, 1603, 10917, 701, 8945, 304, 13, 20474, 198, 9210, 872, 6930, 374, 1633, 16614, 323, 422, 433, 11321, 4106, 520, 682, 311, 499, 11, 433, 690, 2733, 198, 15824, 4106, 311, 1124, 13, 578, 9061, 2728, 7214, 1306, 7342, 374, 6646, 810, 315, 264, 28278, 198, 54895, 264, 11623, 311, 4335, 1124, 315, 282, 13, 362, 9061, 649, 387, 78729, 369, 701, 8945, 323, 198, 7331, 1124, 264, 11113, 9320, 704, 315, 279, 30125, 727, 73937, 323, 1139, 279, 1917, 13, 9843, 279, 9061, 374, 10235, 449, 279, 51487, 71308 ]
temperament, always a handicap upon thorough and efficient ac complishment. And it is interesting to speculate upon the kind and the amount of labor with which the genius in ill health might have enriched the world had he been the possessor of a physical ly normal body. Would this work have been of a quality surpassin g that which was produced by forced concentration; or would the physical ease of health have removed the spur of accomplishment. We cannot, if we would not eventually fall short of our desired achievements, afford to discriminate in favor of either m ind or body. The development of each is equally essential to the greatest and best results from the other. Hence, given a body free from any organic trouble, the successful enjoyment and prolongation of life is as much dependent upon intellectual developme nt as upon physical, and vice versa. It is thus apparent that the work that the brain can perform is in highest degree proportional to and dependent upon the phys ical condition of its body. To repeat, a functionally perfect brain is the product only of a physically perfect body. And it is to be emphasized that the brain is not a producer of energy, nor of vitality, nor of the mental processes. It acts but as a medium of reception and transmission, and it in itself no more thinks than do the words that express a thought. Mind, as received from the creative source, is perfect; its expression is affected by the functional ability or inability of its human instrument. The mysterious forces, energy and vitality, which are seen manifested in the life o f the body, exist outside of and independent of the human vehicle. A healthy organism is one that is in position to liberate these principles in the form of power, mental an d physical, as it is needed in the activities. Human beings possess what are known as the conscious and subconscious minds. The conscious mind controls those acts which are subject to the will and those thoughts which are produced by brain effort in conscious moments. The subconscious mind cov ers that which occurs without conscious perception. The conscious mind could not possibly send messages to the numerous glands that fit the body for action, nor attend to all the delicate adjustments that enter into the process. The conscious mind in m ost of us does not even know of the existen ce of the organs and secretions involved. But there is a something in mentality that is without conscious perception, and that takes advantage of all of the past, gauging means to an end with perfect nicety. Page 60 of 72 All processes of healing are subconscious. Even pain and the distressing symptoms of sickness are to be regarded as benevolent warnings that sharply remind us of our condition, and that compel the repose which we require, or that deter us from admittin g into the system substances which are injurio us. They not only point to the existence of a mind that is subconscious, but they indicate how great a part that mind plays in the curing of every form of disease. Anything that weakens or depresses the subconscious mind exposes us to disease by making us less able to resist its encroachments. And, on the other hand, we possess such allies and resources within ourselves that the chief function of the physician should be to awaken in his patients the will to live, and to employ every element of resistance wh ich the system itself affords. If humanity since its creation had constantly been caring for its individual bodies, no condition of disease could make its appearance suddenly. There could be no physical collapse, for cancers, tumors, Bright's disease, diabetes, etc., all require time to develop, and in a body that is both mentally and physically conscious, their beginnings cannot help but be observed, understo od, and remedied. For he who is in the habit of caring properly for his body, who understands and obeys natural physical law, cannot for one day neglect his course of action, because, subconsciously if not consciously, he is subjected to irritation and disco mfort. To illustrate, he who is used to pure air cannot endure a vitiated atmosphere, and h e who bathes his body daily, in case of omission, finds his skin figuratively talking to him because of its neglect. A diseased body is the product of a process development that began with its birth, for every symptom in its finality is cumulative. T he colds and fevers of infancy and adolescence, the causes of which are imperfectly eliminated, leave their residue to accumulate until the eventual crisis occurs. And, as in the physical so in the mental realm, disease of the mind, and in it w e include crime as well as insanity, are symptoms of unbalance, often produced because of physical reaction. Crime begins in small acts, develops like a cancer, and in reality it is to be regarded as a cancer of the conscious mind, and hence should be treated as is disease. Instead, society punishes the discovered victim. Insanity is but another form of unbalance that in many instances aris es from functional physical disturbance, yet it, too, is handled as is crime, its sufferers being subjected to police authority in ways that are reminders of the dark ages. And since brain troubles in great part arise from functional physical derangement, their alleviation and cure is to be sought in systemic bodily purification. The text fully covers the manner in which the lat ter process may best be accomplished, in fact the only way in which it can be done. And, could the fast and its hygienic accessories be introduced and scientifically administe red in all asylums, insane as well as criminal, of the land, numbers of their inm ates would be restored both in mind and in body. And further, in those in whom mental incapacity is due to organic structural defects that hamper normal function, the form and de gree of the latter would at once be revealed, and the knowledge thus gained wo uld determine to what extent treatment should be carried. And it is probable that among even these severely afflicted sufferers there might be many who could be brought to mental responsibility. Apart from its therapeutic worth, a trial of the method in pu blic institutions offers two other points of merit, viz., it would ameliorate much of the suffering now undergone by stimulated unruly patients who need restraint, and it would lower by many thousands of dollars the expense of caring for these wards of the state. But, if not for the sake of those who pay taxes, at least for the salvation of those detained in asylums for the insane and criminal, the method is entitled to a thorough investigatio n and trial at the hands of government. To many minds the thought that human life is in any way connected with or dependent upon ordinary natural agencies carries with it denial of faith in the divine. Reasoning thus, these intellects segregate in toto spirituality from materiality, refu sing to recognize their manifest interdependence. A calm retrospect of the history of the Christ causes one to know that Jesus, apart from his spiritual endowment, was a man in the flesh and of the flesh; that he was subject to the laws of the body, to its nec essities and to its temptations. It is written, "Jesus was led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when h e had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered. " The application of this fragment of sac red history to the subject matter of the text may not be obvious, but brief explanation will serve to show that the related incident is distinctly pertinent. Fasting the body for the sake of health was understood and f ollowed by the older civilizations; an d fasting for the attainment of that higher mentality which borders upon spirituality is still employed by the members of that system of philosophy known as Yoga, in which meditation upon the supreme spirit is inculcated as the w ay to final beatitude. That the Christ acquainted with and was learned in these practices is fully substantiated by the evident purpose and scientific completion of a period of forty days and nights of abstinence from food. Jesus never overturned natural law; h e worked with it alway s, and his statement concerning prayer and fasting in disease is easy of analysis. "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of. " And fasting, physical in application, conduces to the highest degree of mental clarity. Th e body, purified of its dross, approaches more nearly the spiritual vehicle it is intended to be. Successfully conducted to the point of the return of hunger, the body and its brain are enhanced in substance and in function. In this condition difficulties are solved, decision s are made, and conclusions are reached with marvelous clearness and despatch. The Gospel relates that Jesus was led up into the wilderness for the purpose of being tempted --a test through which mere man passes daily, and ofttimes daily fails to meet. But Jesus, before temptation assailed, fasted for the approximate time needful for physiological purification of the adult body, and the fast concluded, we are specifically told, with its physiologically corr ect symptom, the return of hunger. We do not e rr, we think, in attributing to the Christ in the flesh the experiences of the flesh. Why Page 61 of 72 else should he have been subjected to temptation. And physically there must have been need for regeneration, for the incident occurred just before the beginning of hi s active ministry, when all of his power of endurance was to be called forth, and mental acuity more than normal was to be commanded at every future moment of
[ 880, 716, 2908, 11, 2744, 264, 75379, 5304, 17879, 323, 11297, 1645, 4684, 16409, 13, 1628, 433, 374, 7185, 311, 64601, 5304, 279, 3169, 323, 720, 1820, 3392, 315, 9511, 449, 902, 279, 35201, 304, 5986, 2890, 2643, 617, 69671, 279, 1917, 1047, 568, 1027, 279, 2278, 8473, 315, 264, 7106, 14869, 720, 8416, 2547, 13, 19418, 420, 990, 617, 1027, 315, 264, 4367, 53120, 258, 342, 430, 902, 574, 9124, 555, 9770, 20545, 26, 477, 1053, 279, 720, 47692, 14553, 315, 2890, 617, 7108, 279, 60131, 315, 61238, 13, 1226, 4250, 11, 422, 584, 1053, 539, 9778, 4498, 2875, 315, 1057, 12974, 33997, 11, 10150, 311, 60541, 304, 4799, 315, 3060, 296, 1280, 477, 720, 2664, 13, 578, 4500, 315, 1855, 374, 18813, 7718, 311, 279, 12474, 323, 1888, 3135, 505, 279, 1023, 13, 32140, 11, 2728, 264, 2547, 1949, 505, 720, 3852, 17808, 12544, 11, 279, 6992, 45278, 323, 33482, 367, 315, 2324, 374, 439, 1790, 18222, 5304, 20207, 2274, 2727, 32512, 439, 720, 59723, 7106, 11, 323, 17192, 46391, 13, 1102, 374, 8617, 10186, 430, 279, 990, 430, 279, 8271, 649, 2804, 374, 304, 8592, 8547, 55272, 311, 323, 18222, 5304, 279, 4571, 220, 950, 720, 9233, 315, 1202, 2547, 13, 2057, 13454, 11, 264, 734, 750, 4832, 8271, 374, 279, 2027, 1193, 315, 264, 22655, 4832, 2547, 13, 1628, 433, 374, 311, 387, 720, 336, 51480, 1534, 430, 279, 8271, 374, 539, 264, 17276, 315, 4907, 11, 6463, 315, 75716, 11, 6463, 315, 279, 10723, 11618, 13, 1102, 14385, 719, 439, 264, 11298, 315, 720, 265, 1010, 323, 18874, 11, 323, 433, 304, 5196, 912, 810, 15849, 1109, 656, 279, 4339, 430, 220, 3237, 264, 3463, 13, 23754, 11, 439, 4036, 505, 279, 720, 52817, 2592, 11, 374, 4832, 26, 1202, 7645, 374, 11754, 555, 279, 16003, 5845, 477, 38550, 315, 1202, 3823, 14473, 13, 578, 26454, 8603, 11, 4907, 323, 75716, 11, 902, 527, 3970, 79754, 304, 279, 2324, 297, 282, 279, 2547, 11, 3073, 4994, 315, 323, 9678, 315, 720, 1820, 3823, 7458, 13, 362, 9498, 47120, 374, 832, 430, 374, 304, 2361, 311, 34929, 349, 1521, 16565, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 2410, 11, 10723, 459, 294, 720, 47692, 11, 439, 433, 374, 4460, 304, 279, 7640, 13, 11344, 23837, 15575, 1148, 527, 3967, 439, 279, 17371, 323, 84951, 20663, 13, 578, 17371, 4059, 11835, 1884, 14385, 902, 720, 548, 3917, 311, 279, 690, 323, 1884, 11555, 902, 527, 9124, 555, 8271, 5149, 304, 17371, 14269, 13, 578, 84951, 4059, 22590, 55495, 720, 9210, 902, 13980, 2085, 17371, 220, 21063, 13, 578, 17371, 4059, 1436, 539, 11000, 3708, 6743, 311, 279, 12387, 82375, 720, 9210, 5052, 279, 2547, 369, 1957, 11, 6463, 9604, 311, 682, 279, 36301, 34074, 430, 3810, 1139, 279, 1920, 13, 578, 17371, 4059, 304, 296, 37996, 315, 603, 720, 28156, 539, 1524, 1440, 315, 279, 3073, 268, 3846, 315, 279, 36853, 323, 6367, 919, 6532, 13, 2030, 1070, 374, 264, 2555, 304, 49395, 430, 374, 2085, 720, 64589, 21063, 11, 323, 430, 5097, 9610, 315, 682, 315, 279, 3347, 11, 13819, 773, 287, 3445, 311, 459, 842, 449, 4832, 17778, 2676, 13, 5874, 220, 1399, 315, 220, 220, 5332, 257, 2052, 11618, 315, 21730, 527, 84951, 13, 7570, 6784, 323, 279, 35104, 287, 13803, 315, 54950, 527, 311, 387, 27458, 439, 20331, 72137, 720, 61547, 430, 46473, 24928, 603, 315, 1057, 3044, 11, 323, 430, 83173, 279, 2109, 974, 902, 584, 1397, 11, 477, 430, 4130, 603, 505, 14933, 1468, 258, 342, 1139, 720, 1820, 1887, 33155, 902, 527, 5934, 324, 822, 603, 13, 2435, 539, 1193, 1486, 311, 279, 14209, 315, 264, 4059, 430, 374, 84951, 11, 719, 814, 13519, 720, 5269, 2294, 264, 961, 430, 4059, 11335, 304, 279, 97330, 315, 1475, 1376, 315, 8624, 13, 42033, 430, 7621, 729, 477, 39300, 288, 279, 84951, 4059, 720, 327, 8449, 603, 311, 8624, 555, 3339, 603, 2753, 3025, 311, 22884, 1202, 3289, 65600, 1392, 13, 1628, 11, 389, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 584, 15575, 1778, 20724, 323, 720, 13035, 2949, 13520, 430, 279, 10388, 734, 315, 279, 28378, 1288, 387, 311, 42518, 304, 813, 6978, 279, 690, 311, 3974, 11, 323, 220, 311, 720, 7823, 1475, 2449, 315, 13957, 421, 10864, 279, 1887, 5196, 3611, 2311, 13, 1442, 22706, 2533, 1202, 9886, 1047, 15320, 1027, 30598, 369, 1202, 3927, 13162, 11, 912, 3044, 315, 8624, 1436, 1304, 1202, 720, 97755, 15187, 13, 2684, 1436, 387, 912, 7106, 18678, 11, 369, 51423, 11, 56071, 11, 27508, 596, 8624, 11, 20335, 11, 5099, 13, 1174, 682, 1397, 892, 311, 720, 16219, 11, 323, 304, 264, 2547, 430, 374, 2225, 34325, 323, 22655, 17371, 11, 872, 67482, 4250, 1520, 719, 387, 13468, 11, 14653, 78, 11018, 11, 720, 438, 34630, 1142, 13, 1789, 568, 889, 374, 304, 279, 14464, 315, 30598, 10489, 369, 813, 2547, 11, 889, 31869, 220, 323, 98502, 1065, 5933, 7106, 2383, 11, 4250, 720, 2000, 832, 1938, 39332, 813, 3388, 315, 1957, 11, 1606, 11, 1207, 444, 71888, 422, 539, 70903, 11, 568, 374, 38126, 311, 66510, 323, 54969, 296, 4057, 13, 2057, 720, 83718, 349, 11, 568, 889, 374, 1511, 311, 10748, 3805, 4250, 46753, 264, 13458, 10234, 16975, 11, 323, 305, 384, 889, 9061, 288, 813, 2547, 7446, 11, 304, 1162, 315, 84218, 11, 720, 3990, 82, 813, 6930, 56755, 8046, 7556, 311, 1461, 1606, 315, 1202, 39332, 13, 362, 6759, 1503, 2547, 374, 279, 2027, 315, 264, 1920, 4500, 430, 6137, 449, 1202, 7342, 11, 369, 1475, 49648, 304, 1202, 1620, 488, 374, 720, 60353, 22948, 13, 350, 568, 9439, 82, 323, 1172, 3078, 315, 86617, 323, 83909, 11, 279, 11384, 315, 902, 527, 69063, 398, 34373, 11, 5387, 872, 49232, 311, 720, 99487, 3156, 279, 42835, 11501, 13980, 13, 1628, 11, 439, 304, 279, 7106, 779, 304, 279, 10723, 22651, 11, 8624, 315, 279, 4059, 11, 323, 304, 433, 289, 384, 2997, 720, 85454, 439, 1664, 439, 73153, 11, 527, 13803, 315, 653, 22298, 11, 3629, 9124, 1606, 315, 7106, 13010, 13, 24845, 12302, 304, 2678, 14385, 11, 720, 16219, 82, 1093, 264, 9572, 11, 323, 304, 8903, 433, 374, 311, 387, 27458, 439, 264, 9572, 315, 279, 17371, 4059, 11, 323, 16472, 1288, 387, 12020, 439, 220, 374, 720, 67, 56407, 13, 12361, 11, 8396, 8474, 21168, 279, 11352, 11996, 13, 9925, 39370, 374, 719, 2500, 1376, 315, 653, 22298, 430, 304, 1690, 13422, 802, 285, 1560, 720, 1527, 16003, 7106, 65858, 11, 3686, 433, 11, 2288, 11, 374, 18073, 439, 374, 9977, 11, 1202, 96460, 1694, 38126, 311, 4379, 11447, 304, 5627, 430, 720, 548, 66697, 315, 279, 6453, 17051, 13, 1628, 2533, 8271, 35665, 304, 2294, 961, 31889, 505, 16003, 7106, 2761, 57733, 11, 872, 46649, 7246, 323, 27208, 374, 311, 387, 16495, 220, 304, 720, 9125, 292, 48131, 94536, 13, 578, 1495, 7373, 14861, 279, 11827, 304, 902, 279, 6987, 2024, 1920, 1253, 1888, 387, 27332, 11, 304, 2144, 279, 720, 3323, 1648, 304, 902, 433, 649, 387, 2884, 13, 1628, 11, 1436, 279, 5043, 323, 1202, 6409, 88364, 292, 23090, 387, 11784, 323, 74647, 4074, 17194, 2579, 304, 720, 543, 439, 4010, 6370, 11, 35118, 439, 1664, 439, 9337, 11, 315, 279, 4363, 11, 5219, 315, 872, 304, 76, 520, 288, 1053, 387, 28101, 2225, 304, 4059, 323, 304, 2547, 13, 1628, 720, 69, 4004, 11, 304, 1884, 304, 8884, 10723, 40968, 4107, 374, 4245, 311, 17808, 24693, 42655, 430, 13824, 716, 4725, 734, 11, 279, 1376, 323, 409, 342, 770, 720, 1073, 279, 15629, 1053, 520, 3131, 387, 10675, 11, 323, 279, 6677, 8617, 18661, 24670, 8725, 67, 8417, 311, 1148, 13112, 6514, 1288, 387, 11953, 13, 1628, 433, 374, 35977, 430, 4315, 1524, 1521, 35906, 92268, 96460, 1070, 2643, 387, 1690, 889, 1436, 387, 7263, 311, 10723, 720, 82689, 3225, 13, 35802, 505, 1202, 37471, 5922, 11, 264, 9269, 315, 279, 1749, 304, 18757, 293, 416, 14673, 6209, 1403, 1023, 3585, 315, 38559, 11, 48850, 13, 1174, 433, 720, 41450, 126641, 2521, 349, 1790, 315, 279, 16066, 1457, 64238, 555, 81471, 41480, 3988, 6978, 889, 1205, 59456, 11, 323, 433, 1053, 4827, 555, 720, 35676, 9214, 315, 11441, 279, 20900, 315, 30598, 369, 1521, 78251, 315, 279, 220, 1614, 13, 2030, 11, 422, 539, 369, 279, 25491, 315, 1884, 889, 2343, 13426, 11, 520, 3325, 720, 2000, 279, 46035, 315, 1884, 37993, 304, 439, 4010, 6370, 369, 279, 35118, 323, 9337, 11, 279, 1749, 374, 20458, 311, 264, 17879, 4770, 6400, 308, 323, 720, 48447, 520, 279, 6206, 315, 3109, 13, 2057, 1690, 20663, 279, 3463, 430, 3823, 2324, 374, 304, 904, 1648, 8599, 449, 477, 18222, 5304, 19664, 5933, 13607, 24266, 720, 4291, 433, 35013, 315, 10082, 304, 279, 30467, 13, 27857, 287, 8617, 11, 1521, 17108, 82, 44167, 349, 304, 117807, 75456, 505, 3769, 488, 11, 2098, 84, 7936, 311, 720, 34551, 553, 872, 14794, 958, 91746, 13, 362, 19858, 77653, 315, 279, 3925, 315, 279, 3771, 11384, 832, 311, 1440, 430, 10811, 11, 10980, 220, 505, 720, 26301, 18330, 842, 76555, 11, 574, 264, 893, 304, 279, 26000, 323, 315, 279, 26000, 26, 430, 568, 574, 3917, 311, 279, 7016, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 311, 1202, 19591, 4043, 1385, 323, 720, 998, 1202, 26032, 811, 13, 1102, 374, 5439, 11, 330, 55065, 574, 6197, 709, 315, 279, 9090, 1139, 279, 49362, 311, 387, 54980, 315, 279, 38736, 13, 1628, 994, 305, 384, 1047, 720, 9533, 291, 36498, 2919, 323, 36498, 22178, 11, 568, 574, 49043, 459, 34906, 291, 13, 330, 578, 3851, 315, 420, 12569, 315, 11347, 2579, 3925, 311, 279, 3917, 5030, 315, 279, 1495, 1253, 539, 387, 8196, 11, 719, 10015, 16540, 690, 720, 13570, 311, 1501, 430, 279, 5552, 10672, 374, 71249, 62623, 13, 435, 15067, 279, 2547, 369, 279, 25491, 315, 2890, 574, 16365, 323, 282, 297, 657, 13111, 720, 1729, 279, 9191, 86569, 26, 459, 294, 54560, 369, 279, 93965, 315, 430, 5190, 49395, 902, 24743, 5304, 75456, 374, 2103, 20011, 720, 1729, 279, 3697, 315, 430, 1887, 315, 19675, 3967, 439, 38673, 11, 304, 902, 33862, 5304, 279, 44222, 9090, 374, 304, 3395, 66, 660, 439, 279, 289, 19432, 720, 998, 1620, 9567, 3993, 13, 3011, 220, 279, 3771, 73734, 449, 323, 574, 9687, 304, 1521, 12659, 374, 7373, 11153, 10234, 555, 279, 30576, 7580, 720, 438, 12624, 9954, 315, 264, 4261, 315, 36498, 2919, 323, 22178, 315, 671, 95821, 505, 3691, 13, 10811, 2646, 69098, 5933, 2383, 26, 305, 384, 720, 71214, 449, 433, 453, 3195, 274, 11, 323, 813, 5224, 18815, 23788, 323, 54560, 304, 8624, 374, 4228, 315, 6492, 13, 330, 7816, 2574, 527, 79703, 555, 720, 652, 1155, 1109, 420, 1917, 19226, 315, 13, 330, 1628, 54560, 11, 7106, 304, 3851, 11, 76069, 1634, 311, 279, 8592, 8547, 315, 10723, 32373, 13, 666, 384, 2547, 11, 720, 26047, 1908, 315, 1202, 294, 2177, 11, 20414, 810, 7154, 279, 18330, 7458, 433, 374, 10825, 311, 387, 13, 35691, 13375, 311, 279, 1486, 315, 279, 720, 693, 315, 34906, 11, 279, 2547, 323, 1202, 8271, 527, 24872, 304, 20278, 323, 304, 734, 13, 763, 420, 3044, 27129, 527, 29056, 11, 720, 65038, 274, 527, 1903, 11, 323, 31342, 527, 8813, 449, 81292, 2867, 2136, 323, 951, 3482, 13, 578, 44468, 36716, 430, 10811, 574, 6197, 709, 1139, 279, 49362, 369, 279, 7580, 315, 1694, 54980, 1198, 64, 1296, 1555, 902, 17983, 893, 720, 95423, 7446, 11, 323, 315, 5683, 1769, 7446, 14865, 311, 3449, 13, 2030, 10811, 11, 1603, 62461, 1089, 5805, 11, 5043, 291, 369, 279, 45968, 892, 1205, 1285, 369, 720, 42305, 41314, 94536, 315, 279, 6822, 2547, 11, 323, 279, 5043, 20536, 11, 584, 527, 11951, 3309, 11, 449, 1202, 4571, 72, 30450, 45453, 77594, 720, 24738, 80797, 11, 279, 471, 315, 34906, 13, 1226, 656, 539, 384, 35493, 11, 584, 1781, 11, 304, 17780, 10831, 311, 279, 3771, 304, 279, 26000, 279, 11704, 315, 279, 26000, 13, 8595, 720, 2732, 220, 5547, 315, 220, 220, 5332, 775, 1288, 568, 617, 1027, 38126, 311, 62461, 13, 1628, 22655, 1070, 2011, 617, 1027, 1205, 369, 60517, 11, 369, 279, 10672, 2355, 14310, 8293, 1120, 1603, 279, 7314, 315, 15960, 274, 4642, 25887, 11, 994, 682, 315, 813, 2410, 315, 49286, 574, 311, 387, 2663, 13544, 11, 323, 10723, 720, 582, 35594, 810, 1109, 4725, 574, 311, 387, 54757, 520, 1475, 3938, 4545, 315 ]
cold by regular treatment of urine therapy.” Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel STUFFY NOSE “The benefits of breast milk are unlimited I'm currently breastfeeding my 11 month old and he loves it I would never give him formula..when he gets a stuffy nose I put it up his nose,when he has gunky eyes I put it in them its amazing,we have not had to visit the so called docs once yet and hope to not ever..his immune system is benefiting so much.” Letter to Andrew Norton Webber 178 SUN ALLERGY Mr. L.C., Germany "I was regularly suffering from sun allergy. Since I heard about urine therapy, I just rub my urine on the affected skin parts and usually the allergy rapidly disappears and the skin stops itching." The Golden Fountain by Coen van der Kroon SURVIVAL “During the nine-day war in Jordan, the Red Crescent, the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross, advised people against drinking polluted water by radio broadcasts, saying, ‘Your children are expiring of thirst, we cannot help you except by telling you that you may be able to save their lives by letting them drink their own urine.’ ” Drink Your Own Water by Tony Scazzero SURVIVAL “...two men were forced to spend 13 days on a life raft after their fishing boat sank in the Gulf of Mexico. The article said the two men ‘drank their own urine to stay alive.’ ” The Outdoorsman’s Emergency Manual by Anthony J Acerrano SURVIVAL "A male cook was pulled out of the rubble of the Hyatt Hotel early Monday morning, 14 days after a powerful earthquake devastated the northern Philippines, officials said. Dry, with only minor bruises on his body, he told reporters he survived by drinking his own urine." Kyodo News Service, Tokyo, July 30, 1990, World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward SURVIVAL “Luisa Mallorca and Arnel Calabia survived 11 days after being buried by the same disaster. (Hyatt Hotel earthquake) 179 All three survived in part by drinking their own urine.” Caribarena Antigua, January 27, 2010 SURVIVAL When Ferdinand Magellan's fleet of five set out to circumnavigate the globe in 1519, the manifest gave each ship "50 casks of water, fresh and pure." It wasn't enough. Of course his crew knew they would have to locate water along the way. Unfortunately, finding themselves in uncharted waters and out of water 18 months into the voyage, they became desperate. With no hope of a fresh water source, they took what was the only recourse. They drank their own urine. Wrote one crewman, "It was surprisingly not unsavory, having no worse a taste than a flagon most foul with rancid port, as many I have tasted before." And after all, it did save their lives. --- From Heartland Healing Center, http://www.heartlandhealing.com/pages/archive/urine_therapy/ SURVIVAL "In Egypt, rescue workers found a 37-year-old man alive in earthquake rubble. He survived almost 82 hours by drinking his own urine. His wife, daughter and mother would not and they died." ---Tom Brokaw, NBC Nightly News, October 16, 1992, from World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward SURVIVAL "Four Sri Lankan commandos who drifted in a boat more than 1,000 miles to Thailand after they had been ambushed and given up for dead were given a rapturous welcome when they returned home. 'They managed to survive on the boat by catching turtles and drinking urine,'a military officer said. Reuter Report, August 14, 1990, World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward SYPHILIS 180 “One Hariji Shri Raja Arjan aged 35 had syphilis and he was fully cured by urine therapy.” Manav Mootra by R.M. Patel SYPHILIS “Shri Chhaganlal (Mangrol) informs that a farmer aged 30 had syphilis. He was completely cured by urine treatment.” Manav Mootra by R.M. Patel SYPHILIS “R. Chaudbari, age 60, had syphilis, and there was pus formation and burning sensation on the spot. He suffered from this disease for two years. He began Urine Therapy by drinking it three times daily and putting urine-soaked pads on the spot during the whole night. He cured himself in only three weeks and cured himself completely from the deadly disease.” Urine Therapy by Dr. John O'Quinn SYPHILIS Raojibhai has described an interesting case of skin disease of his friend, Shri Juthabhai. He was an old but healthy man living in a jarijan Ashram. Somehow he got syphilis and its eruptions spread everywhere on the body. Shri Juthabhai started fasting with urine and anointing the body with two-three days stored urine. As a result his body became full of big yellow blisters. His appearance became horrible. It continued for six days. Blisters were not subsiding. He then asked one of his friend to anoint the body with force so as to break open the blisters. When his friend did this, Shri Juthabhai's body became white with pus. After this he took bath with luke-warn water and felt immediate relief. Now his skin started regaining its normal condition and in six more days he was completely all right. Shri Juthabhai further disclosed that he had never fasted in his life and it was his first fast but he did not feel any weakness. Urine keeps body nourishing during fast. Miracles of Urine Therapy by Morarji Desai 181 ***************************** T ***************************** TEETH LOOSE Once I advised a young man with loose teeth to rinse his teeth with urine. He followed the advice but after fifteen days when I met him, he seemed to be discouraged about the results. According to him there was no improvement in his condition and he thought of discontinuing urine therapy. On further inquiry it was revealed that he was taking very hot tea at least four times a day. Hot tea uses to burn his guns and tongue and they were in injured condition perpetually. I asked him how could he hope to get cured under these circumstances. He showed his inability to discontinue the practice of taking tea. However he promised to reduce the quantity and also stop taking very hot tea. After about a month I again met with him. This time he was happy that his condition was better. He was planning to stop the tea altogether to get full benefit from water of life. "Miracles of Urine Therapy" by Morarji Desai TESTICLE PAIN “B. Fande, had pain and swelling in his right testicle and thigh. Medicine could not cure him. He fasted on urine for two days, massaged with urine for 15 minutes daily, used to drink urine about four times a day, and was particular about dieting. He was completely cured.” Urine Therapy by Dr. John O'Quinn THORN IN FOOT Shri Mangilal Malviya who is a naturopath related his experience of urine therapy to Raojibhai. Once he was going through a forest on foot. He was wearing a chapel. A long thorn suddenly penetrated into his left foot. Pain was unbearable. With great difficulty and force he could take out that thorn. Removal of thorn resulted in a gush of blood. He urinated on it and tied a piece of cloth at the spot. Pain vanished and was healed with any pus. Miracles of Urine Therapy by Morarji Desai THYROID 182 Ma. Rosalba C. of Ramirez. Mexico "I am 47 years old, I had 5 children. I give thanks to God for the knowledge of urine therapy. Want to give my testimony to all the people of how I am and how I healed. In 1980, I had a very strong car accident, I had to remove the spleen; from there I became sick. In July 1993, after passing through a very sad situation, two brothers were killed and other family problems. I began to suffer from depression, headaches and neck, cramps in the hands and feet, also felt some palpitations too strong, my eyes were deformed, were swollen and exalted. There were nights I could not sleep and suffered from insomnia, I started to lose a lot of weight, I felt like I was drowning, I could not go to the bathroom alone and was very thirsty. I have a brother who is a doctor and started giving me medication, serum injected me and healed me. He had to stay in the hospital where he works after several studies, doctors there told me that my thyroid gland was not working well. I was prescribed pills and was taking them for a year or so. I improved a little, but if I stopped taking the pills, I became shaky. I was sent to another hospital with a specialist to see if he could cure this disease. By then I had a tumor in the neck that was growing and if I stopped taking the medicine the symptoms would return, but I could not take the medication, it was like a drug. In this hospital I was sent to another, to apply nuclear medicine. Radioactive iodine was what I had to take, with which I felt very tired and various other symptoms. I was alone, I was
[ 9439, 555, 5912, 6514, 315, 40335, 15419, 2029, 220, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 4015, 9001, 56, 5782, 937, 220, 1054, 791, 7720, 315, 17659, 14403, 527, 27862, 358, 2846, 5131, 65864, 856, 220, 806, 2305, 2362, 323, 568, 16180, 433, 358, 1053, 2646, 3041, 1461, 15150, 497, 9493, 568, 5334, 264, 6392, 88, 19689, 358, 2231, 433, 709, 813, 19689, 11, 9493, 568, 706, 342, 70305, 6548, 358, 2231, 433, 304, 1124, 1202, 8056, 11, 906, 617, 539, 1047, 311, 4034, 279, 779, 2663, 27437, 3131, 3686, 323, 3987, 311, 539, 3596, 497, 26301, 22852, 1887, 374, 84015, 779, 1790, 2029, 220, 27757, 311, 13929, 60364, 5000, 655, 256, 220, 11256, 57328, 13398, 61541, 256, 4491, 13, 445, 732, 2637, 10057, 330, 40, 574, 15870, 16066, 505, 7160, 60754, 13, 8876, 358, 6755, 922, 40335, 15419, 11, 358, 1120, 10485, 856, 40335, 389, 279, 11754, 6930, 5596, 323, 6118, 279, 60754, 19019, 61370, 323, 279, 6930, 18417, 86075, 1210, 578, 18288, 78324, 555, 3623, 268, 5355, 2761, 68917, 263, 220, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 1054, 16397, 279, 11888, 11477, 4208, 304, 17527, 11, 279, 3816, 77569, 11, 279, 15558, 13890, 315, 279, 3816, 11511, 11, 26160, 1274, 2403, 16558, 95869, 3090, 555, 9063, 66198, 11, 5605, 11, 3451, 7927, 2911, 527, 1367, 6322, 315, 50690, 11, 584, 4250, 1520, 499, 3734, 555, 11890, 499, 430, 499, 1253, 387, 3025, 311, 3665, 872, 6439, 555, 20806, 1124, 7172, 872, 1866, 40335, 14639, 19524, 220, 48573, 4718, 21189, 10164, 555, 19036, 328, 936, 10616, 2382, 220, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 1054, 1131, 20375, 3026, 1051, 9770, 311, 8493, 220, 1032, 2919, 389, 264, 2324, 53555, 1306, 872, 20543, 15688, 65330, 304, 279, 27945, 315, 12550, 13, 578, 4652, 1071, 279, 1403, 3026, 3451, 3696, 1201, 872, 1866, 40335, 311, 4822, 13989, 14639, 19524, 220, 578, 4470, 28404, 1543, 753, 32708, 14881, 555, 21353, 622, 6515, 618, 5770, 220, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 330, 32, 8762, 4394, 574, 13541, 704, 315, 279, 74535, 315, 279, 10320, 1617, 14894, 4216, 7159, 6693, 11, 220, 975, 2919, 1306, 264, 8147, 38413, 59097, 279, 18671, 26363, 11, 7510, 1071, 13, 31941, 11, 449, 1193, 9099, 98675, 389, 813, 2547, 11, 568, 3309, 19578, 568, 26968, 555, 16558, 813, 1866, 40335, 1210, 23727, 6132, 5513, 5475, 11, 27286, 11, 5887, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2550, 15, 11, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 220, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 1054, 43, 9425, 64, 32498, 93259, 323, 1676, 8301, 3400, 370, 689, 26968, 220, 806, 2919, 1306, 1694, 28016, 555, 279, 1890, 21426, 13, 320, 31916, 1617, 14894, 38413, 8, 220, 220, 11128, 2052, 2380, 26968, 304, 961, 555, 16558, 872, 1866, 40335, 2029, 220, 3341, 581, 31627, 6898, 91846, 11, 6186, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 679, 15, 262, 53083, 53, 91593, 256, 3277, 93607, 7023, 85886, 596, 26155, 315, 4330, 743, 704, 311, 10408, 71939, 279, 24867, 304, 220, 9690, 24, 11, 279, 14794, 6688, 1855, 8448, 330, 1135, 272, 4707, 315, 3090, 11, 7878, 323, 10748, 1210, 1102, 5828, 956, 3403, 13, 5046, 3388, 813, 13941, 7020, 814, 1053, 617, 311, 25539, 3090, 3235, 279, 1648, 13, 19173, 11, 9455, 5694, 304, 653, 91918, 21160, 323, 704, 315, 3090, 220, 972, 4038, 1139, 279, 45640, 11, 814, 6244, 28495, 13, 3161, 912, 3987, 315, 264, 7878, 3090, 2592, 11, 814, 3952, 1148, 574, 279, 1193, 93370, 13, 2435, 54244, 872, 1866, 40335, 13, 468, 5646, 832, 13941, 1543, 11, 330, 2181, 574, 29392, 539, 7120, 402, 683, 11, 3515, 912, 11201, 264, 12945, 1109, 264, 5292, 263, 1455, 40884, 449, 436, 1149, 307, 2700, 11, 439, 1690, 358, 617, 61580, 1603, 1210, 1628, 1306, 682, 11, 433, 1550, 3665, 872, 6439, 13, 12730, 5659, 18449, 1974, 49741, 5955, 11, 1795, 1129, 2185, 13, 18207, 1974, 383, 6260, 916, 30178, 72727, 14, 324, 483, 62, 46755, 14, 220, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 330, 644, 15212, 11, 17629, 7487, 1766, 264, 220, 1806, 4771, 6418, 893, 13989, 304, 38413, 74535, 13, 1283, 26968, 4661, 220, 6086, 4207, 555, 16558, 813, 1866, 40335, 13, 5414, 7555, 11, 10003, 323, 6691, 1053, 539, 323, 814, 8636, 1210, 12730, 25763, 6031, 74, 675, 11, 24426, 13120, 398, 5513, 11, 6664, 220, 845, 11, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 505, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 262, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 330, 28070, 34445, 445, 76182, 3290, 437, 889, 92662, 304, 264, 15688, 810, 1109, 220, 16, 11, 931, 8931, 311, 30567, 1306, 814, 1047, 1027, 9049, 53078, 323, 2728, 709, 369, 5710, 1051, 2728, 264, 436, 2756, 55709, 10788, 994, 814, 6052, 2162, 13, 364, 7009, 9152, 311, 18167, 389, 279, 15688, 555, 34168, 72503, 323, 16558, 40335, 11, 364, 264, 6411, 9640, 1071, 13, 1050, 29051, 8423, 11, 6287, 220, 975, 11, 220, 2550, 15, 11, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 256, 328, 10158, 39, 1750, 1669, 220, 5245, 220, 1054, 4054, 98545, 7910, 1443, 462, 432, 19580, 1676, 23685, 20330, 220, 1758, 1047, 6705, 46185, 285, 323, 568, 574, 7373, 64688, 555, 40335, 15419, 2029, 220, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 1345, 13, 63855, 220, 328, 10158, 39, 1750, 1669, 220, 1054, 2059, 462, 921, 71, 18851, 122591, 320, 44, 526, 1098, 8, 64252, 430, 264, 37500, 20330, 220, 966, 1047, 6705, 46185, 285, 13, 1283, 574, 6724, 64688, 555, 40335, 6514, 2029, 220, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 1345, 13, 63855, 220, 328, 10158, 39, 1750, 1669, 220, 1054, 49, 13, 921, 8039, 2308, 72, 11, 4325, 220, 1399, 11, 1047, 6705, 46185, 285, 11, 323, 1070, 574, 75676, 18488, 323, 20252, 37392, 389, 279, 7858, 13, 1283, 16654, 505, 420, 8624, 369, 1403, 1667, 13, 1283, 6137, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 16558, 433, 2380, 3115, 7446, 323, 10917, 40335, 34119, 7897, 37095, 389, 279, 7858, 2391, 279, 4459, 3814, 13, 1283, 64688, 5678, 304, 1193, 2380, 5672, 323, 64688, 5678, 6724, 505, 279, 25114, 8624, 2029, 220, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 2999, 13, 3842, 507, 6, 2232, 6258, 220, 328, 10158, 39, 1750, 1669, 220, 89000, 73, 581, 26279, 706, 7633, 459, 7185, 1162, 315, 6930, 8624, 315, 813, 4333, 11, 1443, 462, 622, 952, 370, 26279, 13, 1283, 574, 459, 2362, 719, 9498, 893, 5496, 304, 264, 503, 2850, 23685, 14937, 2453, 13, 80147, 568, 2751, 6705, 46185, 285, 323, 1202, 61354, 1324, 9041, 17277, 389, 279, 2547, 13, 1443, 462, 622, 952, 370, 26279, 3940, 54560, 449, 40335, 323, 459, 787, 287, 279, 2547, 449, 1403, 49493, 2919, 9967, 40335, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 813, 2547, 6244, 2539, 315, 2466, 14071, 1529, 9487, 13, 5414, 11341, 6244, 28201, 13, 1102, 8738, 369, 4848, 2919, 13, 426, 1638, 388, 1051, 539, 5258, 6714, 13, 1283, 1243, 4691, 832, 315, 813, 4333, 311, 459, 787, 279, 2547, 449, 5457, 779, 439, 311, 1464, 1825, 279, 1529, 9487, 13, 3277, 813, 4333, 1550, 420, 11, 1443, 462, 622, 952, 370, 26279, 596, 2547, 6244, 4251, 449, 75676, 13, 4740, 420, 568, 3952, 9061, 449, 326, 10647, 2695, 1923, 3090, 323, 6612, 14247, 16337, 13, 4800, 813, 6930, 3940, 1239, 2101, 1202, 4725, 3044, 323, 304, 4848, 810, 2919, 568, 574, 6724, 682, 1314, 13, 1443, 462, 622, 952, 370, 26279, 4726, 36489, 430, 568, 1047, 2646, 5043, 291, 304, 813, 2324, 323, 433, 574, 813, 1176, 5043, 719, 568, 1550, 539, 2733, 904, 23948, 13, 17229, 483, 13912, 2547, 46798, 11218, 2391, 5043, 13, 14603, 18709, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 8613, 277, 7910, 3959, 2192, 220, 220, 10562, 256, 55276, 18778, 350, 55276, 18778, 18793, 7780, 5125, 76734, 220, 9843, 358, 26160, 264, 3995, 893, 449, 20784, 18311, 311, 74341, 813, 18311, 449, 40335, 13, 1283, 8272, 279, 9650, 719, 1306, 37755, 2919, 994, 358, 2322, 1461, 11, 568, 9508, 311, 387, 64770, 922, 279, 3135, 13, 10771, 311, 1461, 1070, 574, 912, 16048, 304, 813, 3044, 323, 568, 3463, 315, 45980, 7623, 40335, 15419, 13, 1952, 4726, 26981, 433, 574, 10675, 430, 568, 574, 4737, 1633, 4106, 15600, 520, 3325, 3116, 3115, 264, 1938, 13, 8166, 15600, 5829, 311, 8395, 813, 16766, 323, 25466, 323, 814, 1051, 304, 15902, 3044, 22313, 1870, 13, 358, 4691, 1461, 1268, 1436, 568, 3987, 311, 636, 64688, 1234, 1521, 13463, 13, 1283, 8710, 813, 38550, 311, 834, 9726, 279, 6725, 315, 4737, 15600, 13, 4452, 568, 19487, 311, 8108, 279, 12472, 323, 1101, 3009, 4737, 1633, 4106, 15600, 13, 4740, 922, 264, 2305, 358, 1578, 2322, 449, 1461, 13, 1115, 892, 568, 574, 6380, 430, 813, 3044, 574, 2731, 13, 1283, 574, 9293, 311, 3009, 279, 15600, 31155, 311, 636, 2539, 8935, 505, 3090, 315, 2324, 13, 330, 59561, 18709, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 1, 555, 8613, 277, 7910, 3959, 2192, 220, 13916, 33738, 393, 6979, 220, 1054, 33, 13, 435, 23775, 11, 1047, 6784, 323, 55307, 304, 813, 1314, 1296, 2045, 323, 39771, 13, 19152, 1436, 539, 27208, 1461, 13, 1283, 220, 5043, 291, 389, 40335, 369, 1403, 2919, 11, 3148, 3359, 449, 40335, 369, 220, 868, 4520, 7446, 11, 1511, 311, 7172, 40335, 922, 3116, 3115, 264, 1938, 11, 323, 574, 4040, 922, 10173, 287, 13, 1283, 574, 6724, 64688, 2029, 220, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 2999, 13, 3842, 507, 6, 2232, 6258, 220, 4534, 47052, 2006, 81137, 220, 1443, 462, 60148, 321, 278, 8560, 10176, 7911, 889, 374, 264, 18050, 84, 897, 589, 5552, 813, 3217, 315, 40335, 15419, 311, 89000, 73, 581, 26279, 13, 9843, 568, 574, 2133, 1555, 264, 13952, 389, 4579, 13, 1283, 574, 12512, 264, 83249, 13, 362, 1317, 270, 1540, 15187, 97922, 1139, 813, 2163, 4579, 13, 35567, 574, 99930, 13, 3161, 2294, 17250, 323, 5457, 568, 1436, 1935, 704, 430, 270, 1540, 13, 57817, 315, 270, 1540, 19543, 304, 264, 342, 1136, 315, 6680, 13, 1283, 4433, 15846, 389, 433, 323, 17791, 264, 6710, 315, 28392, 520, 279, 7858, 13, 35567, 59581, 323, 574, 62320, 449, 904, 75676, 13, 14603, 18709, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 8613, 277, 7910, 3959, 2192, 220, 4534, 56, 36267, 220, 10828, 220, 11583, 13, 16870, 278, 4749, 356, 13, 315, 72093, 13, 12550, 220, 330, 40, 1097, 220, 2618, 1667, 2362, 11, 358, 1047, 220, 20, 2911, 13, 358, 3041, 9523, 311, 4359, 369, 279, 6677, 315, 40335, 15419, 13, 24133, 311, 3041, 856, 24365, 311, 682, 279, 1274, 315, 1268, 358, 1097, 323, 1268, 358, 62320, 13, 763, 220, 3753, 15, 11, 358, 1047, 264, 1633, 3831, 1841, 11677, 11, 358, 1047, 311, 4148, 279, 87450, 268, 26, 505, 1070, 358, 6244, 14363, 13, 763, 5887, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 1306, 12579, 1555, 264, 1633, 12703, 6671, 11, 1403, 20820, 1051, 7577, 323, 1023, 3070, 5435, 13, 358, 6137, 311, 7831, 505, 18710, 11, 55403, 323, 13272, 11, 1589, 14989, 304, 279, 6206, 323, 7693, 11, 1101, 6612, 1063, 75649, 31767, 2288, 3831, 11, 856, 6548, 1051, 409, 10365, 11, 1051, 76193, 323, 506, 62334, 13, 2684, 1051, 22178, 358, 1436, 539, 6212, 323, 16654, 505, 83511, 11, 358, 3940, 311, 9229, 264, 2763, 315, 4785, 11, 358, 6612, 1093, 358, 574, 74537, 11, 358, 1436, 539, 733, 311, 279, 15197, 7636, 323, 574, 1633, 98208, 13, 358, 617, 264, 10868, 889, 374, 264, 10896, 323, 3940, 7231, 757, 24099, 11, 41529, 41772, 757, 323, 62320, 757, 13, 1283, 1047, 311, 4822, 304, 279, 8952, 1405, 568, 4375, 1306, 3892, 7978, 11, 16410, 1070, 3309, 757, 430, 856, 54060, 67169, 574, 539, 3318, 1664, 13, 358, 574, 32031, 26153, 323, 574, 4737, 1124, 369, 264, 1060, 477, 779, 13, 358, 13241, 264, 2697, 11, 719, 422, 358, 10717, 4737, 279, 26153, 11, 358, 6244, 84513, 13, 358, 574, 3288, 311, 2500, 8952, 449, 264, 24687, 311, 1518, 422, 568, 1436, 27208, 420, 8624, 13, 3296, 1243, 358, 1047, 264, 36254, 304, 279, 13272, 430, 574, 7982, 323, 422, 358, 10717, 4737, 279, 16088, 279, 13803, 1053, 471, 11, 719, 358, 1436, 539, 1935, 279, 24099, 11, 433, 574, 1093, 264, 5623, 13, 763, 420, 8952, 358, 574, 3288, 311, 2500, 11, 311, 3881, 11499, 16088, 13, 13792, 3104, 80087, 483, 574, 1148, 358, 1047, 311, 1935, 11, 449, 902, 358, 6612, 1633, 19781, 323, 5370, 1023, 13803, 13, 358, 574, 7636, 11, 358, 574 ]
1½ c. celery ½ c. chopped parsley • Place the corn silk, tangerine peel, ginger peel, and a bunch of parsley in a muslin bag and simmer them in the stock along with the poria and barley for 1 hour.• Diagonally slice the aspara gus and celery into bite-size pieces and add them to the herb stew, simmering this an additional 15 minutes. • Remove the muslin bag. • Garnish with parsley and serve. Decongest Blood Promotes circulation, reduces fatty accumulations, count eracts constriction Especially benecial for Liver, Heart 1 oz. white peony ½ oz. ligusticum rhz. 3 tsp. turmeric 5 medallions fresh ginger 7 c. vegetable or chicken stock ( this page –this page ) 2 leeks (white and pale green portions only) ½ oz. saower 1 c. beets 2 c. eggplant chunks (1 globe or 2 Japanese eggplants) ½ c. rice wine ¼ c. rice vinegar • Place all the herbs in a muslin bag, and simmer in the stock for 30 minutes.• Chop the leeks, peel and dice the beets, and cut the eggplant into 1-inch chunks • Add the beets, leeks, and eggplant, and continue to simmer for 15 minutes. • Add the rice wine and vinegar, simmer 5 more minutes, and serve. INGREDIENTS TO ELIMINATE HEAT, COLD, W IND, AND PHLEGM The following are some suggested groupings of ingredients to address specic conditions. You may devise your own recipes and prepare these foods in one or more dierent dishes. Dispel Heat Cools the body, reduces inammation, neutralizes toxins Benets Heart, Liver, Lung, Small Intestine, Gallbladder, Large Intestin e, and Bladder 2 burdock roots 1 daikon radish 1 c. tofu 1 c. mung bean sprouts 1 cucumber Dispel Cold Warms the body, stimulates circulation Benets Spleen, Lung, Kidney, Stomach, Large Intestine 1 oz. fresh ginger ¼ oz. cardamom seeds (grated)1 oz. fresh coriander 1 c. mustard greens ½ c. chives ½ c. rice wine or vinegar Dispel Wind Soothes the nerves, relaxes the muscles, promotes perspiration Benets Liver, Lung, Gallbladder 1. oz. Pueraria root ½ oz. chrysanthemum owers, steeped ½ oz. peppermint or ¼ oz. rosemary leaves 2 whole scallions 1 c. celery Dispel Phlegm Helps expectoration and elimination of excess mucus Benets Lung, Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine, Gallbladder ½ oz. orange or tangerine peel (1 oz. fresh) ½ oz. apricot or almond seeds 1 fresh pear (diced) 1 c. daikon radish 2 inches fresh gingerRECIPES FOR THE FIVE PHASES: SEASONS AND CLIMATES In winter Qi consol idates at the core, and in summer it disperses toward the surface. In sprin g Qi mobilizes and begins to expand outward, and in fall it begins to coalesce and sink inward. Seasonal recipes promote these processes, smoothing our transition from one state to the next. Through the law of correspondence, the foods for each season benet the Organ Network associated with it. Spring recipes assist the Liver in moving and discharging Qi and Blood. Summ er recipes help the Heart to circulate Blood and eliminate Heat. Fall recipes aid the Lung in tightening the surface (skin) and moistening the Qi, while winter recipes support the Kidney in storing, replenishing, and concentrating Essence. Recipes that benet the Spleen are good throughout the year, since it is the job of the Spleen to generate Qi and Blood and harmonize the interaction of all Organ Networks. Regardless of the season, foods that counteract Wind, Heat, Dampness, Dryness, and Cold protect the body from sudden changes in the weather. Spring and fall are usually associated with dramatic variations in temperature, pressure, humidity, and wind, so cooking with herbs like astragalus, white peony, dioscorea, and fresh ginger improve the body’s resistan ce to Wind, Dampness, and Cold and defend it against the acute, infectious illness that often occur at these times. Even in the tropics, during the winter season, it is still important to eat foods like dioscorea, lotus seed, and cornus, which will help the Kidney to consolidate Qi and Essence but will notgenerate additional Heat and Dampness. The coolness of northern regions, even in the summer, may require that warming herbs and foods continue to be eaten in order to protect the body’s interior from Cold and Dampness and to ensure sucient Qi and Essence to survive an even colder winter. Five-Phase Yin-Yang Correspondences (see larger image) The following recipes sustain the Organ Networks and buer seasonal stress es. If you are unsure which one to try rst, start with the recipe to supplement and harmonize Earth —it has a pleasant, hardy taste and is a choice general tonic.Supplement and Harmonize Earth Spleen congestion occurs when food and uids accumulate, causing stagnation of Qi and Moisture. Foods that decongest Qi, promote peristalsis, and eliminate Dampness are needed. Spleen depletion results from deciency and stagnation of Qi, persistent Dampness, and accumulation of Cold. Foods that tonify and disperse Qi and eliminate Dampness and Cold are required. Remedial principle: Tonify Qi and Moisture, disperse Moisture, activate digestion 1 oz. astragalus root 1 oz. codonopsis root 1 oz. dioscorea rhizome 1 oz. lotus seeds 1 oz. poria curls 12 red dates, soaked and pitted 1 in. fresh ginger, chopped 7–8 c. vegetable or chicken stock ( this page –this page ) ¼ c. uncooked white rice 2 carrots 1 yam ½ c. black or shiitake mushrooms (if dry, soaked), slivered ½ c. spinach• Place the astragalus and codonopsis in a muslin bag or tie them in a bundle with string. Break the dioscorea into half-inch pieces. • Place the muslin bag, dioscorea, the remaining herbs, and the rice in the stock and simmer for 1 hour. • While the stock is simmering, dice the carrots and yam and cut the spinach leaves into 1-inch sections. • Add the carrots, yam, and mushrooms to the herbal stew, and simmer for 30 minutes. • Remove the muslin bag. Option: After the codonop sis has cooked it can be removed from the muslin bag and cut into ¼- inch lengths and added to the stew. • Add the spinach for 5 additional minutes, and serve. The following variations on the basic Earth recipe substitutes ingredients that more particularly address specic disharmonies. For Congested Earth 1 oz. astragalus root 1 oz. lotus seeds 1 oz. poria curls 1 oz. white peony root 12 red dates, soaked and pitted ½ oz. dried tangerine or orange peel, soaked and slivered 7–8 c. vegetable stock 1 in. fresh ginger 1 c. radish 2 beets ½ c. black or shiitake mushrooms (if dry, soaked), slivered ½ c. brown rice ½ c. spinachFor Damp Earth 2 oz. astragalus root 2 oz. poria curls 1 oz. corn silk (place in bag, along with astragalus) 1 oz. lotus seeds 12 red dates, soaked and pitted 1 in. fresh ginger 7–8 c. vegetable or chicken stock 2 carrots ½ c. turnip ½ c. black or shiitake mushrooms (if dry, soaked), slivered ½ c. chopped parsley or cilantro ½ c. pearl barley For Dry Earth 1 oz. polygonatum rhizome 1 oz. lotus seeds 1 oz. poria curls 12 red dates, soaked and pitted 1 in. fresh ginger 7–8 c. vegetable stock ½ c. uncooked white rice 2 carrots 2 zucchini 1 c. tofu ½ c. fresh basil For Cold EarthFollow the basic recipe, but delete mushrooms and spinach add another inch of fresh ginger, ½ oz. cardamom, and ½ c. rice wine Supplement and Harmonize Wood Liver congestion occurs when Heat and Wind plus stagnation of Qi and Blood persist. Foods that clear Heat, moisten Dryness
[ 16, 27154, 272, 13, 70121, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 38525, 88621, 198, 6806, 11004, 279, 14095, 41044, 11, 259, 4091, 483, 58212, 11, 44768, 58212, 11, 323, 264, 15860, 315, 198, 73480, 3258, 304, 264, 3167, 3817, 9145, 323, 62915, 1124, 304, 279, 5708, 3235, 198, 4291, 279, 4247, 689, 323, 81817, 369, 220, 16, 6596, 98566, 7923, 6241, 750, 16363, 279, 439, 15138, 342, 355, 323, 70121, 1139, 23556, 7321, 9863, 198, 438, 923, 1124, 311, 279, 39999, 61443, 11, 62915, 287, 420, 459, 5217, 220, 868, 198, 38137, 13, 7436, 11016, 279, 3167, 3817, 9145, 13, 7436, 65132, 819, 449, 88621, 323, 8854, 13, 1611, 444, 7114, 20671, 198, 36286, 6429, 35855, 11, 26338, 40085, 15783, 7607, 11, 1797, 2781, 11613, 198, 444, 52230, 198, 17812, 4899, 20331, 188, 16158, 369, 22617, 11, 18449, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 4251, 1069, 3633, 198, 27154, 25616, 13, 29413, 592, 86231, 22408, 89, 13, 220, 18, 39020, 13, 13535, 2165, 198, 20, 1812, 543, 919, 7878, 44768, 198, 22, 272, 13, 36581, 477, 16553, 5708, 320, 420, 2199, 1389, 576, 2199, 1763, 17, 514, 21854, 320, 5902, 323, 28639, 6307, 19885, 1193, 340, 27154, 25616, 13, 829, 188, 1223, 198, 16, 272, 13, 387, 1441, 198, 17, 272, 13, 19151, 21494, 27855, 320, 16, 24867, 477, 220, 17, 198, 52566, 19151, 64805, 340, 27154, 272, 13, 20228, 13378, 198, 42973, 272, 13, 20228, 47205, 198, 6806, 11004, 682, 279, 42393, 304, 264, 3167, 3817, 9145, 11, 323, 62915, 304, 279, 5708, 369, 198, 966, 4520, 98566, 65097, 279, 514, 21854, 11, 58212, 323, 22901, 279, 387, 1441, 11, 323, 4018, 279, 19151, 21494, 198, 18614, 220, 16, 25224, 27855, 198, 6806, 2758, 279, 387, 1441, 11, 514, 21854, 11, 323, 19151, 21494, 11, 323, 3136, 311, 62915, 369, 198, 868, 4520, 13, 7436, 2758, 279, 20228, 13378, 323, 47205, 11, 62915, 220, 20, 810, 4520, 11, 323, 198, 13570, 13, 2006, 38, 96494, 50, 5257, 220, 17705, 1829, 691, 2390, 220, 11947, 835, 11, 356, 8021, 11, 468, 19877, 11, 3651, 220, 15001, 877, 21287, 198, 791, 2768, 527, 1063, 12090, 1912, 826, 315, 14293, 311, 198, 5102, 118020, 188, 66, 4787, 13, 1472, 1253, 53165, 701, 1866, 19141, 323, 198, 13923, 1521, 15657, 304, 832, 477, 810, 1891, 188, 261, 306, 26863, 13, 4185, 48624, 27162, 198, 34, 6309, 279, 2547, 11, 26338, 304, 188, 8836, 367, 11, 21277, 4861, 62186, 198, 33, 1994, 188, 2641, 18449, 11, 22617, 11, 78336, 11, 15344, 1357, 478, 483, 11, 25919, 2067, 21473, 11, 20902, 198, 1090, 478, 258, 384, 11, 323, 2563, 21473, 198, 17, 7951, 78155, 20282, 198, 16, 3067, 62714, 9038, 819, 198, 16, 272, 13, 80247, 198, 16, 272, 13, 296, 2234, 21059, 8314, 11934, 198, 16, 66032, 198, 4944, 48624, 24062, 198, 54, 16293, 279, 2547, 11, 95455, 35855, 198, 33, 1994, 188, 2641, 328, 698, 268, 11, 78336, 11, 32666, 3520, 11, 800, 316, 613, 11, 20902, 1357, 478, 483, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 7878, 44768, 198, 42973, 25616, 13, 3786, 309, 316, 19595, 320, 911, 660, 8, 16, 25616, 13, 7878, 1867, 72, 8363, 198, 16, 272, 13, 65407, 52011, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 523, 1924, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 20228, 13378, 477, 47205, 198, 4944, 48624, 22862, 198, 50, 2689, 6509, 279, 50581, 11, 12234, 288, 279, 24569, 11, 39990, 7565, 29579, 198, 33, 1994, 188, 2641, 22617, 11, 78336, 11, 25919, 2067, 21473, 198, 16, 13, 25616, 13, 393, 8977, 10649, 220, 3789, 198, 27154, 25616, 13, 523, 42426, 32329, 336, 372, 220, 188, 16345, 11, 32366, 291, 198, 27154, 25616, 13, 83804, 94932, 477, 220, 42973, 25616, 13, 16392, 1563, 11141, 198, 17, 4459, 1156, 543, 919, 198, 16, 272, 13, 70121, 198, 4944, 48624, 2405, 1978, 76, 198, 12978, 82, 1755, 7769, 323, 44032, 315, 13937, 296, 38601, 198, 33, 1994, 188, 2641, 78336, 11, 328, 698, 268, 11, 800, 316, 613, 11, 20902, 1357, 478, 483, 11, 25919, 2067, 21473, 198, 27154, 25616, 13, 19087, 477, 259, 4091, 483, 58212, 320, 16, 25616, 13, 7878, 340, 27154, 25616, 13, 21726, 87537, 477, 63168, 19595, 198, 16, 7878, 38790, 320, 67, 7725, 340, 16, 272, 13, 3067, 62714, 9038, 819, 198, 17, 15271, 7878, 44768, 67713, 3378, 1600, 4716, 3247, 220, 435, 6674, 15001, 4157, 50, 25, 5161, 1950, 30626, 3651, 220, 7121, 1829, 31404, 198, 644, 12688, 58094, 1615, 337, 887, 988, 520, 279, 6332, 11, 323, 304, 7474, 433, 79835, 288, 198, 83, 83071, 279, 7479, 13, 763, 8314, 258, 342, 58094, 29905, 4861, 323, 12302, 311, 9407, 198, 412, 1637, 11, 323, 304, 4498, 433, 12302, 220, 311, 1080, 74350, 323, 19868, 63018, 13, 14598, 278, 198, 50959, 12192, 1521, 11618, 11, 63061, 1057, 9320, 505, 832, 198, 2513, 311, 279, 1828, 13, 17331, 279, 2383, 315, 44818, 11, 279, 15657, 369, 198, 9739, 3280, 20331, 188, 83, 279, 10995, 8304, 220, 5938, 449, 433, 13, 12531, 19141, 7945, 279, 22617, 304, 7366, 323, 834, 63459, 58094, 323, 198, 52586, 662, 8279, 76, 2781, 19141, 1520, 279, 18449, 220, 311, 4319, 6468, 20671, 220, 323, 198, 40895, 3357, 27162, 13, 15128, 19141, 12576, 279, 78336, 304, 77880, 279, 7479, 198, 1161, 8148, 8, 323, 21147, 6147, 279, 58094, 11, 1418, 12688, 19141, 1862, 279, 198, 99608, 3520, 220, 304, 28672, 11, 70543, 11218, 11, 323, 76387, 84870, 662, 45302, 198, 9210, 20331, 188, 83, 279, 328, 698, 268, 220, 527, 1695, 6957, 279, 1060, 11, 2533, 433, 374, 279, 198, 8975, 315, 279, 328, 698, 268, 220, 311, 7068, 58094, 323, 20671, 220, 323, 18249, 553, 279, 198, 69175, 315, 682, 10995, 39810, 662, 44840, 315, 279, 3280, 11, 15657, 430, 5663, 533, 22862, 11, 27162, 345, 35, 1141, 2136, 11, 31941, 2136, 1174, 323, 24062, 6144, 279, 2547, 505, 11210, 4442, 198, 258, 279, 9282, 13, 12531, 323, 4498, 527, 6118, 5938, 449, 22520, 198, 959, 17583, 304, 9499, 11, 7410, 11, 38193, 11, 323, 10160, 11, 779, 17677, 198, 4291, 42393, 1093, 23112, 69212, 355, 11, 4251, 1069, 3633, 11, 1891, 437, 2202, 64, 11, 323, 7878, 44768, 198, 318, 35563, 279, 2547, 753, 594, 9121, 3846, 311, 22862, 11, 423, 1141, 2136, 1174, 323, 24062, 323, 198, 755, 408, 433, 2403, 279, 30883, 11, 50600, 17563, 430, 3629, 12446, 520, 198, 45010, 3115, 13, 7570, 304, 279, 21965, 1233, 11, 2391, 279, 12688, 3280, 11, 433, 374, 2103, 198, 15693, 311, 8343, 15657, 1093, 1891, 437, 2202, 64, 11, 2763, 355, 10533, 11, 323, 14095, 355, 11, 902, 198, 14724, 1520, 279, 32666, 3520, 220, 311, 74421, 58094, 323, 84870, 220, 719, 690, 539, 19927, 5217, 27162, 323, 423, 1141, 2136, 662, 578, 7155, 2136, 315, 18671, 198, 58808, 11, 1524, 304, 279, 7474, 11, 1253, 1397, 430, 24808, 42393, 323, 198, 96420, 3136, 311, 387, 35661, 304, 2015, 311, 6144, 279, 2547, 753, 15135, 198, 1527, 24062, 323, 423, 1141, 2136, 220, 323, 311, 6106, 220, 924, 188, 12575, 58094, 323, 84870, 220, 311, 198, 20370, 85, 535, 459, 1524, 76214, 12688, 13, 21594, 12, 31833, 83958, 30237, 526, 52042, 2436, 198, 7, 4151, 8294, 2217, 340, 791, 2768, 220, 19141, 14201, 279, 10995, 39810, 220, 323, 1048, 188, 261, 198, 17217, 278, 8631, 1560, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 44003, 902, 832, 311, 1456, 220, 188, 59125, 11, 1212, 449, 198, 1820, 11363, 311, 22822, 323, 18249, 553, 9420, 2001, 275, 706, 264, 24729, 345, 19221, 88, 12945, 323, 374, 264, 5873, 4689, 99305, 39836, 2833, 323, 40759, 553, 220, 9420, 198, 50, 698, 268, 220, 55146, 13980, 994, 3691, 323, 220, 188, 92316, 47376, 11, 14718, 198, 267, 3326, 367, 315, 58094, 323, 82804, 554, 662, 40160, 430, 409, 444, 7114, 58094, 11, 12192, 198, 716, 380, 1147, 285, 11, 323, 22472, 423, 1141, 2136, 220, 527, 4460, 13, 328, 698, 268, 220, 92948, 3135, 505, 409, 188, 5979, 2301, 220, 323, 54363, 367, 315, 58094, 345, 70489, 423, 1141, 2136, 1174, 323, 46835, 315, 24062, 13, 40160, 430, 8941, 1463, 198, 438, 834, 82344, 58094, 323, 22472, 423, 1141, 2136, 220, 323, 24062, 527, 2631, 13, 97970, 532, 17966, 25, 31816, 1463, 58094, 323, 82804, 554, 1174, 834, 82344, 82804, 554, 345, 17281, 74502, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 23112, 69212, 355, 3789, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 20950, 263, 33906, 3789, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 1891, 437, 2202, 64, 22408, 450, 638, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 2763, 355, 19595, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 4247, 689, 90049, 198, 717, 2579, 13003, 11, 69975, 323, 281, 3847, 198, 16, 304, 13, 7878, 44768, 11, 38525, 198, 22, 4235, 23, 272, 13, 36581, 477, 16553, 5708, 320, 420, 2199, 1389, 576, 2199, 1763, 42973, 272, 13, 653, 99797, 4251, 20228, 198, 17, 62517, 198, 16, 379, 309, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 3776, 477, 559, 72, 275, 731, 48251, 320, 333, 9235, 11, 69975, 705, 1776, 44156, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 68798, 6806, 11004, 279, 23112, 69212, 355, 323, 20950, 263, 33906, 304, 264, 3167, 3817, 9145, 477, 18623, 1124, 198, 258, 264, 13190, 449, 925, 13, 15996, 279, 1891, 437, 2202, 64, 1139, 4376, 25224, 198, 47568, 13, 7436, 11004, 279, 3167, 3817, 9145, 11, 1891, 437, 2202, 64, 11, 279, 9861, 42393, 11, 323, 279, 198, 23994, 304, 279, 5708, 323, 62915, 369, 220, 16, 6596, 13, 7436, 6104, 279, 5708, 374, 62915, 287, 11, 22901, 279, 62517, 323, 379, 309, 323, 4018, 198, 1820, 68798, 11141, 1139, 220, 16, 25224, 14491, 13, 7436, 2758, 279, 62517, 11, 379, 309, 11, 323, 48251, 311, 279, 51487, 61443, 11, 323, 198, 15124, 1195, 369, 220, 966, 4520, 13, 7436, 11016, 279, 3167, 3817, 9145, 13, 7104, 25, 4740, 279, 20950, 263, 454, 53415, 706, 198, 99797, 433, 649, 387, 7108, 505, 279, 3167, 3817, 9145, 323, 4018, 1139, 220, 42973, 7058, 37850, 29416, 323, 3779, 311, 279, 61443, 13, 7436, 2758, 279, 68798, 369, 220, 20, 5217, 4520, 11, 323, 8854, 13, 578, 2768, 27339, 389, 279, 6913, 9420, 220, 11363, 91362, 198, 39220, 430, 810, 8104, 2686, 118020, 188, 66, 12269, 277, 1677, 552, 13, 1789, 7409, 10185, 220, 9420, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 23112, 69212, 355, 3789, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 2763, 355, 19595, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 4247, 689, 90049, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 4251, 1069, 3633, 3789, 198, 717, 2579, 13003, 11, 69975, 323, 281, 3847, 198, 27154, 25616, 13, 32720, 259, 4091, 483, 477, 19087, 58212, 11, 69975, 323, 1776, 44156, 198, 22, 4235, 23, 272, 13, 36581, 5708, 198, 16, 304, 13, 7878, 44768, 198, 16, 272, 13, 9038, 819, 198, 17, 387, 1441, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 3776, 477, 559, 72, 275, 731, 48251, 320, 333, 9235, 11, 69975, 705, 1776, 44156, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 14198, 20228, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 68798, 2520, 423, 1141, 220, 9420, 198, 17, 25616, 13, 23112, 69212, 355, 3789, 198, 17, 25616, 13, 4247, 689, 90049, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 14095, 41044, 320, 2050, 304, 9145, 11, 3235, 449, 23112, 69212, 355, 340, 16, 25616, 13, 2763, 355, 19595, 198, 717, 2579, 13003, 11, 69975, 323, 281, 3847, 198, 16, 304, 13, 7878, 44768, 198, 22, 4235, 23, 272, 13, 36581, 477, 16553, 5708, 198, 17, 62517, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 2543, 575, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 3776, 477, 559, 72, 275, 731, 48251, 320, 333, 9235, 11, 69975, 705, 1776, 44156, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 38525, 88621, 477, 62444, 87290, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 70723, 81817, 198, 2520, 31941, 220, 9420, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 30472, 27349, 22408, 450, 638, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 2763, 355, 19595, 198, 16, 25616, 13, 4247, 689, 90049, 198, 717, 2579, 13003, 11, 69975, 323, 281, 3847, 198, 16, 304, 13, 7878, 44768, 198, 22, 4235, 23, 272, 13, 36581, 5708, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 653, 99797, 4251, 20228, 198, 17, 62517, 198, 17, 1167, 86670, 198, 16, 272, 13, 80247, 198, 27154, 272, 13, 7878, 68186, 198, 2520, 24062, 220, 9420, 12763, 279, 6913, 11363, 11, 719, 198, 4644, 220, 48251, 323, 68798, 198, 723, 2500, 17560, 315, 7878, 44768, 11, 220, 27154, 25616, 13, 3786, 309, 316, 11, 323, 220, 27154, 272, 13, 20228, 198, 72537, 198, 10254, 2833, 323, 40759, 553, 220, 12404, 198, 83995, 55146, 13980, 994, 27162, 323, 22862, 220, 5636, 54363, 367, 315, 58094, 198, 438, 20671, 220, 23135, 662, 40160, 430, 2867, 27162, 11, 21147, 268, 31941, 2136 ]
is desired is the witnessing of a sequence; then causality is implied as operating through that sequence. When observed closely, it will be realized that sequence itself, like heliotropism, is merely an intellectual construct. There is neither a sequence nor a happening but, instead, successive points of observation on an imaginary time scale. At best, one could see that they obscure what appears to be a change of appearance. To let go of assuming an arbitrary, artificial point of observation in time,the illusion of change disappears. The assumption of a ‘this’ as compared to a ‘that’ is an artifact of duality and an arbitrary point of observation. In Reality, there is no ‘this’ or ‘that’, no ‘here’ or ‘there’, no ‘now’ or ‘then’. These are only mechanisms of mentation, just as locality cannot be described without a basic point of reference. In Reality, there is no ‘this’ to become a ‘that’, nor is there either time or distance other than the illusion created by the arbitrary selection of a point of reference. The arbitrarily selected point-of-reference locality is not possible or describable; therefore, Reality is spoken of as nonlocal, beyond space and time. It is not describable in those terms that are only categories of thought and abstractions of the reasoning process. These are useful, however, to the levels of consciousness that calibrate primarily in the 400s. At 500, there is a major paradigm jump so that what was real now seems unreal, and what is unreal now seems to become ‘the real’. Each level of awareness has its own understanding of truth, and clarity comes from understanding this quality of levels of consciousness. If causality has no reality and mechanistic determination is not the explanation for what we observe, what other explanation could be substituted in the interim until a greater awareness reveals itself? The mind is life’s conundrum, so we can answer its questions with the temporary but obviously satisfactory explanation of Creation. If the unmanifest becomes manifest through continuous creation, then no other intellectual devices or premises are required as attempts to explain the obvious. We could say that everything is created to be self-evolving because that is intrinsic to its existence and the nature of Creation itself. This explanation then imputes another duality, that of ‘created’ versus ‘creator’. This can be transcended easily by seeing the obvious, that Creation and Creator are identical. In nonduality, there is no separation between a creator and that which is created. As limitations are released, the universe reveals itself to not be different from Divinity. As the Self is realized, the divinity of all Creation in all its expressions goes forth with shining power and absoluteness. It is self-effulgent, self-revealing, self-identical, and complete in total unity and oneness. The Absolute is exactly that. The infinite Presence within all that exists is beyond all time and space, forever complete, perfect, and whole. All points of observation disappear and there is the omnipresence of that which Knows All by the fact that it Is All. As Reality stands forth in its stunning self-evidence and infinite peace, it appears that the block to Realization was the mind itself, which is not different from the ego; they are one and the same. The state of Awareness is the level of ‘no mindedness,’ which is not thesame as ‘void’ or ‘nothingness’. Those terms refer to form. The Ultimate is the realm of nonform, nonlimitation, and nonlocality, and therefore of the ever presence of the totality of the All. There is only Existence. Existence requires no cause, and to think as much is to create a fallacy of logic. By Existence, we mean discernible through observation, and it imputes a hypothetical change of conditions from nonexistent to existent. However, that which is always was in its completeness beyond all time; looking for a primary cause is an artifact of mentation that arises along with the concepts of time and space. Beyond time and space, there are no events, no beginnings, and no endings, which are beyond the categories of human thought or reason.CHAPTER 8 Beyond Causality By watching the phenomenon of the mind in its operations, its mechanisms become apparent and then tend to dissolve. The presumptions of the mind are its separateness, its belief in a progression of time with its beginnings and endings, and the categories of thought that constitute and ensure its survival. To survive, the ego has to believe it is real, and that it has a separate, independent existence. The other motive for its continuance is the belief that through the ego and its betterment, happiness can be found at last and the perfect conditions for it are secured. Therefore, the ego/mind constantly seeks control and gain in all its various forms and appearances. It seeks successes by whatever yardstick it measures that illusory goal. Happiness is always around the next corner, so it strains harder to achieve its goals. At some point, the illusion breaks down and the opening for the start of the spiritual quest commences. The quest turns from without to within, and the search for answers begins. With good fortune, one comes upon the teachings of true enlightenment and does not deviate from the core of those teachings. Over time, many of the explanations and understandings that were presented along with the original teachings have been lost and have slid instead into misunderstandings. Over the centuries, some of the greatest teachings have been distorted to arrive, amazingly, at their exact opposite meaning. These then become the basis of strife and the obstruction of truth. It is not only useful but also critical to have some authoritative source available to recheck one’s bearings and what directions to follow. It cannot be said often enough that the calibrated level of truth of any teacher or teaching should be obtained and confirmed before becoming a student or follower, much less a devotee or initiate. One’s commitment should be to God and Truth only. Teachers are to be respected, but devotion should be restricted to only the Truth. As Buddha said, “Put no head above your own,” meaning that one’s only true guru is the Self (the Buddha nature). The Self of the teacher and one’s own Self are one and the same. The teacher becomes a source of inspiration and information. It is the inspiration that supports the quest. Does spiritual commitment mean one has to give up the world? No, of course not. It means merely that worldly life needs to be recontextualized, restructured, and envisioned differently. It is not the world that is a trap butone
[ 20501, 54012, 2757, 20501, 33188, 6831, 8251, 287, 44323, 11575, 197, 15880, 26, 59733, 197, 936, 355, 2786, 20501, 198, 318, 3523, 61551, 197, 3376, 1113, 197, 20322, 64442, 197, 15880, 13, 3277, 197, 5598, 2841, 1470, 2353, 989, 11, 24263, 6831, 484, 74242, 92974, 1534, 64442, 197, 15880, 24263, 726, 11, 197, 4908, 198, 50222, 11345, 897, 2191, 11, 20501, 197, 1195, 989, 80557, 2129, 301, 59517, 197, 7750, 13, 2684, 20501, 197, 818, 2544, 11575, 197, 15880, 198, 45807, 11575, 9793, 680, 6147, 2282, 332, 11, 197, 65937, 11, 31653, 535, 68599, 44323, 197, 79060, 25653, 80557, 198, 29116, 3367, 22724, 71880, 13, 2468, 93510, 11, 197, 606, 1470, 619, 197, 4151, 64442, 197, 20670, 64453, 2445, 554, 197, 12840, 197, 34531, 1590, 32809, 198, 1395, 11575, 69480, 44323, 70998, 13322, 13, 2057, 10428, 31780, 44323, 197, 66463, 80557, 70440, 88951, 11, 197, 472, 16895, 59574, 44323, 197, 79060, 17886, 22724, 63738, 197, 82262, 44323, 69480, 35697, 34531, 1590, 13, 578, 197, 395, 61674, 44323, 11575, 197, 14336, 576, 529, 61551, 197, 5807, 1636, 32809, 11575, 198, 14336, 9210, 529, 20501, 80557, 197, 64822, 44323, 2765, 10965, 53577, 80557, 70440, 88951, 59574, 44323, 197, 79060, 13, 763, 197, 47264, 11, 197, 19041, 20501, 73204, 197, 14336, 576, 529, 82266, 197, 14336, 9210, 20182, 73204, 197, 14336, 6881, 529, 82266, 197, 14336, 19041, 20182, 73204, 197, 14336, 3409, 529, 82266, 198, 14336, 3473, 24535, 4314, 197, 548, 197, 3323, 2157, 112939, 13978, 44323, 197, 32199, 11, 197, 4345, 61551, 9030, 488, 1470, 3483, 74242, 198, 5919, 17890, 197, 30096, 11575, 2282, 6099, 59574, 44323, 197, 16690, 13, 763, 197, 47264, 11, 197, 19041, 20501, 73204, 197, 14336, 576, 529, 32809, 198, 17106, 638, 11575, 197, 14336, 9210, 20182, 9215, 269, 20501, 197, 19041, 7883, 2544, 22724, 82266, 99152, 197, 1605, 197, 54895, 33188, 197, 82262, 198, 7266, 197, 1729, 33188, 70440, 88951, 197, 24536, 44323, 11575, 59574, 44323, 197, 16690, 13, 578, 70440, 4590, 81, 6751, 198, 4626, 59574, 8838, 73723, 9030, 488, 20501, 98366, 197, 10236, 82266, 54012, 745, 60151, 26, 197, 19041, 1348, 345, 47264, 20501, 42478, 1713, 44323, 61551, 197, 6414, 2497, 11, 2282, 23478, 1942, 1330, 53577, 22724, 13, 1102, 20501, 98366, 54012, 745, 60151, 198, 258, 197, 54719, 197, 18853, 64442, 197, 548, 197, 3323, 1470, 5381, 44323, 197, 61665, 53577, 197, 370, 65790, 44323, 33188, 198, 20489, 287, 54414, 13, 4314, 197, 548, 42919, 1285, 11, 197, 98936, 11, 32809, 33188, 197, 43664, 44323, 38303, 23995, 2136, 198, 9210, 92853, 44192, 197, 18375, 6751, 17886, 33188, 197, 3443, 82, 13, 2468, 197, 2636, 11, 197, 19041, 20501, 11575, 2157, 3111, 197, 1768, 329, 25100, 12710, 1538, 197, 708, 198, 9210, 197, 12840, 6831, 300, 92974, 82022, 85786, 12116, 21113, 8110, 11, 53577, 197, 12840, 20501, 21113, 8110, 82022, 85786, 12116, 32809, 198, 17106, 638, 197, 14336, 1820, 92974, 24535, 9062, 54843, 44323, 197, 20111, 2136, 64355, 197, 1220, 197, 785, 197, 8154, 10276, 44323, 26665, 952, 345, 438, 40507, 10981, 197, 6716, 43827, 197, 8154, 10276, 2090, 197, 10692, 44323, 197, 43664, 44323, 38303, 23995, 2136, 13, 1442, 197, 936, 355, 2786, 64355, 73204, 17643, 2786, 53577, 2157, 112939, 4633, 2765, 82137, 20501, 98366, 33188, 198, 327, 36990, 2066, 197, 12840, 197, 906, 197, 49133, 11, 197, 12840, 197, 1605, 8285, 36990, 1470, 619, 74242, 29724, 3781, 2844, 198, 258, 33188, 60015, 318, 21113, 1678, 11575, 3253, 29462, 197, 20111, 2136, 17643, 588, 1147, 24263, 726, 30, 578, 2157, 485, 20501, 8986, 1643, 753, 198, 444, 1263, 10952, 11, 197, 708, 197, 906, 94036, 73670, 197, 1220, 197, 17800, 48048, 33188, 16679, 7746, 2282, 332, 64453, 18785, 198, 82, 7630, 2992, 8285, 36990, 44323, 6391, 27551, 13, 1442, 33188, 21113, 43415, 2282, 762, 20969, 197, 43415, 197, 20322, 197, 79689, 197, 38475, 11, 59733, 73204, 198, 1605, 2129, 301, 59517, 28402, 1238, 82266, 41446, 76, 5014, 197, 548, 59283, 61551, 36547, 34372, 32809, 8285, 21435, 33188, 198, 677, 2528, 13, 1226, 1470, 619, 1942, 352, 64442, 7883, 1225, 1626, 20501, 197, 7266, 32809, 74242, 5311, 91345, 20222, 2282, 6769, 198, 9210, 20501, 17886, 46102, 32809, 197, 1220, 8285, 81624, 53577, 33188, 9215, 1598, 44323, 6391, 27551, 24263, 726, 13, 1115, 198, 327, 36990, 59733, 55992, 631, 288, 197, 43063, 2765, 10965, 11, 64442, 44323, 197, 14336, 7266, 529, 197, 3078, 355, 197, 14336, 33498, 24535, 1115, 94036, 74242, 73553, 66, 2954, 7883, 38367, 197, 1729, 197, 66154, 33188, 64453, 2528, 11, 64442, 6391, 27551, 53577, 198, 32965, 197, 548, 197, 1748, 950, 13, 763, 9215, 2159, 10965, 11, 197, 19041, 20501, 73204, 85786, 36235, 2282, 10259, 11575, 197, 33498, 198, 438, 64442, 197, 8370, 20501, 197, 7266, 13, 1666, 8986, 2408, 811, 197, 548, 17643, 4778, 11, 33188, 21113, 8194, 17643, 588, 1147, 198, 275, 726, 32809, 98366, 74242, 2765, 18780, 43827, 11198, 344, 13797, 13, 1666, 33188, 7721, 491, 20501, 92974, 1534, 11, 33188, 64378, 13797, 44323, 198, 543, 6391, 27551, 17886, 52060, 197, 1220, 8285, 40973, 3253, 7217, 2066, 339, 48048, 37296, 5859, 3303, 1223, 53577, 198, 3518, 9218, 24639, 13, 1102, 20501, 5311, 53465, 360, 16149, 11, 5311, 5621, 588, 6260, 11, 5311, 12, 1748, 950, 11, 53577, 197, 15079, 17886, 198, 5143, 197, 2498, 53577, 25653, 24639, 13, 578, 23845, 17280, 20501, 8285, 33839, 64442, 13, 578, 17886, 26806, 10230, 417, 768, 48048, 258, 52060, 64442, 8285, 1705, 20501, 198, 65, 23478, 52060, 22724, 53577, 1942, 1330, 11, 1186, 461, 424, 197, 15079, 11, 197, 64185, 11, 53577, 197, 67733, 13, 2052, 68599, 44323, 198, 79060, 35697, 41866, 53577, 197, 19041, 20501, 33188, 197, 316, 70873, 417, 768, 44323, 64442, 197, 8370, 197, 39512, 82, 197, 2460, 198, 1729, 33188, 1186, 533, 64442, 24263, 197, 3957, 197, 2460, 13, 1666, 197, 47264, 197, 97815, 2066, 339, 17886, 197, 1220, 18895, 11465, 5311, 5773, 28580, 53577, 17886, 26806, 197, 55225, 11, 24263, 198, 34531, 1590, 64442, 33188, 49096, 32809, 197, 13058, 2065, 6831, 300, 33188, 2157, 485, 24263, 726, 11, 197, 8370, 20501, 98366, 198, 64750, 43827, 33188, 197, 13546, 26, 197, 20670, 197, 548, 197, 606, 53577, 33188, 1942, 373, 13, 578, 25277, 44323, 23845, 1698, 2136, 20501, 33188, 54843, 44323, 197, 14336, 2201, 2157, 17003, 2136, 23189, 197, 8370, 20501, 98366, 197, 6509, 373, 61551, 197, 14336, 1019, 529, 82266, 197, 14336, 42312, 2136, 24535, 13266, 197, 18853, 17643, 809, 32809, 38510, 13, 578, 16360, 4937, 3509, 20501, 198, 1820, 17643, 7828, 44323, 197, 6414, 630, 11, 197, 6414, 9696, 367, 11, 53577, 197, 6414, 2497, 488, 11, 53577, 197, 19041, 1348, 44323, 33188, 198, 2099, 3303, 417, 768, 44323, 33188, 35593, 488, 44323, 33188, 197, 2460, 13, 2684, 20501, 197, 3323, 197, 26695, 768, 13, 62909, 768, 197, 42475, 73204, 197, 1593, 11, 53577, 32809, 197, 27963, 61551, 2157, 1412, 198, 285, 32809, 40363, 11575, 1186, 543, 2826, 44323, 6867, 292, 13, 3296, 197, 26695, 768, 11, 197, 906, 2157, 5420, 2765, 3510, 944, 1260, 197, 20322, 198, 79060, 11, 53577, 24263, 55992, 631, 288, 11575, 9793, 1100, 8942, 45608, 69480, 44323, 197, 16902, 43827, 198, 6414, 65185, 32809, 8285, 18620, 13, 4452, 11, 64442, 197, 8370, 20501, 197, 33222, 6831, 300, 17886, 197, 1220, 198, 884, 698, 64197, 2282, 23478, 52060, 22724, 26, 197, 20986, 2066, 11575, 197, 6682, 197, 1593, 20501, 80557, 197, 64822, 44323, 198, 32199, 64442, 70440, 5014, 197, 39393, 48048, 33188, 38303, 58871, 44323, 22724, 53577, 1942, 1330, 13, 31886, 22724, 198, 438, 1942, 1330, 11, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 73204, 91973, 11, 73204, 81531, 39569, 11, 53577, 73204, 6379, 826, 11, 197, 8370, 197, 548, 198, 65, 23478, 33188, 1470, 5381, 44323, 9793, 7282, 197, 61665, 82266, 17643, 1525, 38565, 38524, 197, 23, 198, 56441, 6391, 12119, 2786, 198, 1383, 6831, 33024, 33188, 197, 15112, 6431, 263, 44323, 33188, 2157, 485, 17886, 197, 1220, 197, 39263, 11, 197, 1220, 2157, 112939, 13978, 198, 17106, 638, 29336, 1415, 53577, 59733, 3324, 408, 32809, 2765, 1056, 4035, 13, 578, 3303, 417, 372, 1324, 44323, 33188, 2157, 485, 197, 548, 198, 1220, 85786, 1768, 13827, 434, 11, 197, 1220, 2282, 301, 4843, 17886, 11575, 90071, 290, 44323, 22724, 48048, 197, 1220, 81531, 39569, 53577, 198, 408, 826, 11, 53577, 33188, 1470, 5381, 44323, 197, 61665, 64442, 4882, 275, 1088, 53577, 197, 28389, 197, 1220, 1942, 97860, 4023, 13, 2057, 1942, 97860, 535, 11, 33188, 197, 13546, 64355, 32809, 2282, 301, 19704, 24263, 20501, 92974, 11, 53577, 64442, 24263, 64355, 11575, 85786, 68698, 345, 258, 38655, 8285, 81624, 13, 578, 197, 1605, 2157, 24766, 2066, 197, 1220, 197, 22025, 84, 685, 20501, 33188, 2282, 301, 4843, 64442, 198, 20322, 33188, 197, 13546, 53577, 197, 1220, 2282, 22120, 479, 11, 9793, 67391, 94036, 74242, 59202, 36547, 34196, 53577, 33188, 198, 64185, 197, 16902, 2066, 24263, 197, 548, 197, 85408, 13, 15636, 11, 33188, 197, 13546, 3262, 485, 4882, 18007, 85786, 21854, 198, 2935, 53577, 3253, 467, 17886, 52060, 197, 1220, 2462, 1245, 197, 10008, 53577, 197, 41866, 3095, 13, 1102, 85786, 21854, 31653, 288, 198, 1729, 197, 69386, 14862, 569, 30133, 24263, 50394, 24368, 64442, 197, 87437, 683, 31780, 278, 13, 79244, 20501, 197, 33222, 198, 20019, 33188, 29244, 1470, 269, 1215, 11, 197, 708, 24263, 11609, 1771, 9793, 569, 261, 32809, 197, 613, 19704, 197, 1220, 31780, 1147, 13, 2468, 1942, 638, 59574, 11, 33188, 197, 82262, 3470, 82, 2765, 785, 53577, 33188, 53299, 287, 2066, 33188, 22087, 44323, 198, 1820, 1942, 53829, 940, 197, 724, 197, 3705, 2436, 13, 578, 197, 724, 197, 413, 82, 43827, 197, 30096, 32809, 48048, 258, 11, 53577, 198, 1820, 46673, 2066, 197, 25739, 2282, 797, 1354, 13, 3161, 3253, 1411, 1186, 371, 2957, 11, 197, 606, 197, 6716, 197, 59723, 33188, 198, 668, 613, 826, 44323, 43908, 82948, 4238, 53061, 53577, 2765, 7217, 98366, 28402, 6629, 43827, 33188, 72982, 44323, 197, 54719, 198, 668, 613, 826, 13, 6193, 22724, 11, 197, 35676, 44323, 33188, 8285, 10609, 811, 53577, 197, 8154, 2752, 826, 64442, 6831, 486, 198, 29844, 291, 197, 39393, 48048, 33188, 197, 10090, 197, 668, 613, 826, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 197, 55437, 53577, 9793, 525, 1942, 62306, 198, 65937, 2129, 78, 2157, 285, 8154, 2752, 826, 13, 6193, 33188, 197, 1189, 10612, 11, 1942, 638, 44323, 33188, 3253, 11423, 198, 668, 613, 826, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 75582, 13909, 32809, 37611, 535, 11, 197, 309, 6795, 398, 11, 36547, 33188, 404, 8285, 533, 40803, 13921, 198, 57865, 13, 4314, 59733, 2282, 52521, 33188, 2282, 10949, 44323, 11609, 1643, 53577, 33188, 64453, 3099, 44323, 26665, 952, 13, 1102, 20501, 98366, 197, 3323, 42919, 1285, 2282, 332, 197, 19171, 1470, 14849, 32809, 9793, 525, 1942, 638, 197, 3170, 22018, 48518, 198, 10547, 32809, 17643, 2071, 197, 606, 753, 2282, 686, 826, 53577, 197, 12840, 83572, 82, 32809, 1186, 1573, 13, 1102, 1470, 3483, 74242, 198, 84359, 197, 61917, 82948, 1409, 64442, 33188, 92853, 61666, 54843, 44323, 26665, 952, 44323, 197, 3852, 197, 24247, 82266, 197, 668, 12092, 198, 5562, 74242, 64453, 83, 2692, 53577, 197, 42128, 64334, 2282, 762, 18238, 11575, 197, 12307, 82266, 1186, 30134, 345, 59178, 197, 1752, 11575, 28402, 1295, 68, 82266, 29348, 6629, 13, 3861, 753, 197, 17869, 479, 197, 5562, 74242, 32809, 9796, 347, 53577, 198, 25025, 197, 3323, 13, 47802, 197, 548, 32809, 74242, 10413, 4136, 11, 2282, 332, 28402, 6082, 197, 5562, 74242, 17643, 74172, 32809, 198, 3323, 33188, 197, 25025, 13, 1666, 13083, 8512, 4317, 1942, 3864, 11, 197, 2118, 19648, 73204, 47181, 197, 49532, 14862, 414, 197, 785, 2476, 2157, 5420, 287, 64442, 198, 606, 753, 197, 3323, 43908, 3253, 21585, 20501, 33188, 7721, 491, 197, 31524, 13083, 8512, 4317, 9215, 1598, 570, 578, 7721, 491, 44323, 33188, 197, 24247, 53577, 197, 606, 753, 197, 785, 7721, 491, 197, 548, 197, 606, 53577, 33188, 1942, 373, 13, 578, 198, 24247, 2282, 762, 20969, 11575, 48518, 44323, 197, 1354, 29579, 53577, 17886, 1659, 13, 1102, 20501, 33188, 197, 1354, 29579, 198, 9210, 1942, 2870, 82, 33188, 197, 724, 13, 12838, 1942, 53829, 940, 197, 17869, 479, 2157, 5420, 197, 606, 64355, 32809, 3253, 535, 60910, 33188, 77608, 30, 2360, 11, 44323, 198, 12120, 98366, 13, 1102, 50394, 598, 197, 1195, 989, 64442, 77608, 398, 8986, 1643, 197, 56345, 32809, 74242, 17643, 2196, 940, 1534, 345, 265, 52243, 11, 53577, 58638, 1854, 291, 2765, 14657, 4501, 13, 1102, 20501, 98366, 33188, 77608, 64442, 20501, 11575, 26665, 391, 2282, 332, 606 ]
a stubbor n realist, and he r efused. “ Let him hit r ock bottom,” he said. “That’s his only r eal hope. Short of that, you won’t be helping him by making this less painful. ” You and I might think of this as callous advice. But the phenomenon of hitting r ock bottom is well known in addiction cir cles. It can pose a ter rible risk, because when the shadow’s bluff is called, it r esorts to e xtremes of self - destruction. Ther e is no practical limit to how much suffering the unconscious can cr eate, and we ar e all fragile. Addicts—or any in the grip of shadow ener gies—ar e trapped in a fog of illusion. Inside that fog, nothing e xists but craving and the ter ror of not getting a fix. When the perilous jour ney of hitting r ock bottom works, the reason is that this fog clears. The addict begins to have thoughts that ar e actually r ealistic: “I am mor e than my addiction. I don’t want to lose everything. F ear can be overcome. It’s time for this to end. ” In such moments of clarity, the power of healing comes fr om the clarity itself. The person smashes thr ough the allur e of self -destruction and sees how ir rational it is. In clarity the self comes together and sees itself without blinders. You have only one self. It is the r eal you. It is beyond good and evil. The shadow loses its power when consciousness stops being divided. When you ar e no longer split, ther e’s nothing to see but one self in all dir ections. Ther e are no hidden compartments, dungeons, tortur e cells, or mossy r ocks to hide under. Consciousness sees itself. That is its most basic function, but, as we will discover, fr om this simple function a new self and eventually a new world can be bor n. The Collective Shadow Jung’s naming of the shadow wasn’t his major achievement; neither was his theory of ar chetypes. His major achievement was to show that human beings shar e a self. “Who am I. ” depends on “Who ar e we. ” Human beings ar e the only cr eatur es who can cr eate a self. In fact, we must create one, because the self gives us a point of view, a unique focus on the world. W ithout a self, our brains would be bombar ded with a bewildering flood of sensory images that would not mak e sense. Infants lack a self and spend the first thr ee years cr eating it, fashioning their personalities and pr eferences, temperaments and inter ests. Every mother can testif y that the time her baby spends as a blank slate is minimal, if it e xists at all. W e enter the world not as passive receivers of sense data, but as eager cr eators. Once you become a single self with needs, beliefs, impulses, drives, wishes, dr eams, and fears, suddenly the world mak es sense. “I, me, and mine” e xists for one purpose, to give you a personal stak e in the world. We all have a self, and we go to gr eat lengths to defend its right to e xist. But our cr eation is fragile. W e have all experienced personal crises, such as the sudden death of a loved one or the discovery that we ar e seriously ill. Any crisis that attacks our sense of well-being also attacks our sense of self. If you lose your house or all your money or your spouse, this e xternal event sends tr emors of fear and doubt thr oughout the self. At any moment when you feel that your world is falling apart, what is r eally falling apart is the self and its confidence that it understands r eality. After any major trauma to body or mind, it tak es time for the fragile ego -personality to r ecover. (We are very luck y that an old adage is true: “Souls don’t br eak; they bounce. ”) Because we don’t know how we cr eated the self that we cling to so desperately, the self can surprise and amaze us. Freud sprang a major surprise when he said that the self hasa hidden dimension filled with drives and desir es that we hardly recognize. A fter becoming F reud’s most pr ominent disciple, Jung r ealized that his mentor had made a mistak e. The unconscious isn’t about me. It’s about us. When a person has unconscious impulses and drives, they come from the entir e history of humankind. Each of us, accor ding to Jung, is link ed to a “collective unconscious,” as he called it. The notion that you and I cr eated our separate, isolated selves is an illusion. W e tapped into the vast r eservoir of all human aspirations, drives, and myths. This shar ed unconscious is also wher e the shadow lives. Some people ar e social, others asocial, but no one can stand outside the collective self. “We” is a constant reminder that no man is an island. Jung peeled away the social surface to e xpose the hidden dimension of “ we. ” Calling this r ealm the collective unconscious made it sound more technical, per haps, but the self you and I shar e with everyone else is basic to our survival. Think of the ways you fall back on the collective self. Her e are just a few : When you need the support of your family and closest friends When you join a political party When you volunteer for a charity or a community When you choose to fight for your country or otherwise defend it When you identif y with your nationality When you think in ter ms of “us versus them” When a disaster somewher e else affects you personally When you ar e gripped by collective fear It’s a fantasy to believe that you can opt out of “ we,” even though all of us try to. We want to be seen as Americans butnot the Ugly American. W e sympathize with other ethnic groups but also feel differ ent, separate, and usually better. In a crisis we want our families as close as possible, yet on other occasions we insist on being individu als with a life outside the family. The coalition between “I” and “ we” is an uneasy one. Jung made it even mor e uneasy. When it comes to the collective shadow, people struggle to opt out. (Society will never stop moving in ways we disappr ove of. ) But this is actually har der than opting out of a family r ole; indeed, the family is only the first unit or level of the collective self, the one we tend to see fairly easily. At Thanksgiving you can announce that you’ve changed, that you don’t deserve to be treated lik e a spoiled five- year-old or r ebellious teenager. You may not feel that you ar e being hear d. Your family may have too much invested in k eeping you inside your old bo x. Society, however, is even harsher and less understanding. Society has its invisible hooks in all of us. Y ou can become a pacifist in times of war. That’s an individual choice. Y et it doesn’t automatically e xtract you fr om the collective shadow, wher e war is bor n out of rage, pr ejudice, resentment, old grievances, and the dark underbelly of nationalism. P erhaps the discr edited ter m of “ racial memory” is viable, even though it mak es us feel e xtremely uncomfortable. Y et millions of people ar en’t uncomfortable making statements lik e “a typical male r esponse” or “women drivers. ” Gender has tur ned into a hotly contested allegiance. The collective unconscious has you entangled at this moment. On the surface Citizen X may be wildly opposed to Citizen Y, but at the unconscious level they ar e conjoined, lik e the two ends of a tug- of-war. The choice to opt in or opt out becomes the central issue of the collective shadow. It gives rise to many questions in everyday life: What is my social obligation. What is my patriotic duty. How much should I confor m to or r esist society. How connected am I to other people. What do I owe to the less fortunate. Can I change the world. Asking any of these questions, your conscious mind cannot give the whole answer—or even the truest answer. Beneath the surface, the collective unconscious is r oiling with drives, pr ejudices, frustrated desir es, fears, and memories that ar e part of you because “ we” is your identity as much as “I. ” Where’s the Proof. For a long time the concept of the collective unconscious remained an intriguing theory without much pr oof. No one
[ 198, 64, 13947, 9552, 308, 1972, 380, 11, 323, 568, 436, 31469, 2656, 13, 1054, 6914, 1461, 4295, 436, 297, 377, 198, 15205, 2476, 568, 1071, 13, 1054, 4897, 753, 813, 1193, 436, 384, 278, 3987, 13, 10928, 315, 430, 345, 9514, 2834, 1431, 387, 10695, 1461, 555, 3339, 420, 2753, 26175, 13, 126672, 2675, 323, 358, 2643, 1781, 315, 420, 439, 1650, 788, 9650, 13, 2030, 279, 198, 15112, 6431, 263, 315, 20129, 436, 297, 377, 5740, 374, 1664, 3967, 304, 198, 723, 2538, 30570, 272, 645, 13, 1102, 649, 17477, 264, 2024, 436, 1260, 5326, 11, 1606, 994, 198, 1820, 12737, 753, 1529, 84, 171, 105, 222, 374, 2663, 11, 433, 436, 1560, 19491, 311, 384, 63490, 1864, 288, 315, 659, 18722, 451, 3099, 13, 23258, 384, 374, 912, 15325, 4017, 311, 1268, 1790, 198, 28149, 171, 105, 222, 4776, 279, 40711, 649, 1589, 384, 349, 11, 323, 584, 802, 384, 682, 45350, 13, 2758, 31095, 51749, 904, 304, 279, 25703, 315, 12737, 38556, 342, 552, 2345, 277, 384, 31691, 198, 258, 264, 31349, 315, 41919, 13, 28468, 430, 31349, 11, 4400, 384, 865, 1705, 719, 64804, 198, 438, 279, 2024, 436, 269, 315, 539, 3794, 264, 33595, 71831, 87, 13, 3277, 279, 60392, 788, 9880, 841, 88, 315, 20129, 436, 297, 377, 5740, 4375, 345, 1820, 2944, 374, 430, 420, 31349, 57698, 13, 578, 39326, 12302, 311, 617, 198, 61665, 82, 430, 802, 384, 3604, 436, 384, 278, 4633, 25, 1054, 40, 1097, 4411, 384, 1109, 856, 198, 723, 2538, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1390, 311, 9229, 4395, 13, 435, 2487, 649, 387, 198, 2017, 2063, 13, 1102, 753, 892, 369, 420, 311, 842, 13, 19524, 763, 1778, 14269, 315, 198, 566, 10981, 11, 279, 2410, 315, 21730, 4131, 1448, 8019, 279, 32373, 5196, 13, 578, 1732, 1554, 14380, 8983, 220, 1409, 279, 682, 324, 384, 315, 659, 482, 451, 3099, 198, 438, 16008, 1268, 6348, 25442, 433, 374, 13, 763, 32373, 279, 659, 4131, 198, 998, 3522, 323, 16008, 5196, 2085, 18507, 388, 13, 1472, 617, 1193, 832, 659, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 436, 384, 278, 499, 13, 1102, 374, 7953, 1695, 198, 438, 14289, 13, 578, 12737, 33291, 1202, 2410, 994, 25917, 18417, 198, 35214, 18255, 13, 3277, 499, 802, 384, 912, 5129, 6859, 11, 9139, 384, 753, 4400, 198, 998, 1518, 719, 832, 659, 304, 682, 5534, 384, 5247, 13, 23258, 384, 527, 912, 8340, 198, 884, 4581, 1392, 11, 83485, 11, 16831, 324, 384, 7917, 11, 477, 78343, 88, 436, 297, 14895, 311, 198, 8727, 1234, 13, 92752, 2136, 16008, 5196, 13, 3011, 374, 1202, 1455, 6913, 198, 1723, 11, 719, 11, 439, 584, 690, 7142, 11, 1448, 8019, 420, 4382, 734, 264, 198, 943, 659, 323, 9778, 264, 502, 1917, 649, 387, 32732, 308, 13, 578, 60018, 25284, 198, 41, 2234, 753, 36048, 315, 279, 12737, 5828, 1431, 813, 3682, 26501, 280, 818, 2544, 574, 813, 10334, 315, 802, 523, 68653, 13, 5414, 3682, 198, 75708, 574, 311, 1501, 430, 3823, 23837, 26708, 384, 264, 659, 13, 1054, 15546, 1097, 358, 13, 19524, 14117, 389, 1054, 15546, 802, 384, 584, 13, 19524, 11344, 23837, 802, 384, 198, 1820, 1193, 1589, 384, 2693, 1560, 889, 649, 1589, 384, 349, 264, 659, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 584, 2011, 198, 3261, 832, 11, 1606, 279, 659, 6835, 603, 264, 1486, 315, 1684, 11, 264, 198, 9782, 5357, 389, 279, 1917, 13, 468, 78942, 412, 264, 659, 11, 1057, 35202, 1053, 198, 1395, 18665, 2308, 7836, 449, 264, 99774, 4776, 33595, 120912, 1411, 315, 49069, 5448, 198, 9210, 1053, 539, 52016, 384, 5647, 13, 15268, 1821, 6996, 264, 659, 323, 8493, 279, 198, 171, 71831, 59125, 8983, 37443, 1667, 1589, 12459, 433, 11, 11401, 287, 872, 44908, 198, 438, 550, 384, 5006, 11, 6940, 24469, 323, 958, 1826, 82, 13, 7357, 6691, 198, 4919, 1296, 333, 379, 430, 279, 892, 1077, 8945, 38202, 439, 264, 10321, 51680, 374, 198, 93707, 11, 422, 433, 384, 865, 1705, 520, 682, 13, 468, 384, 3810, 279, 1917, 539, 439, 28979, 198, 54487, 1986, 315, 5647, 828, 11, 719, 439, 24450, 1589, 384, 3046, 13, 9843, 499, 198, 17106, 638, 264, 3254, 659, 449, 3966, 11, 21463, 11, 87633, 11, 20722, 345, 86, 21168, 11, 1377, 384, 4214, 11, 323, 24087, 11, 15187, 279, 1917, 52016, 1560, 5647, 13, 1054, 40, 11, 757, 11, 323, 10705, 863, 384, 865, 1705, 369, 832, 7580, 11, 311, 3041, 499, 264, 198, 30712, 357, 587, 384, 304, 279, 1917, 13, 1226, 682, 617, 264, 659, 11, 323, 584, 733, 311, 1099, 8343, 29416, 311, 10726, 198, 1220, 1314, 311, 384, 865, 380, 13, 2030, 1057, 1589, 384, 367, 374, 45350, 13, 468, 384, 617, 682, 198, 327, 45933, 4443, 58187, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 11210, 4648, 315, 264, 198, 385, 2111, 832, 477, 279, 18841, 430, 584, 802, 384, 14243, 5986, 13, 5884, 198, 5192, 9667, 430, 8951, 1057, 5647, 315, 1664, 33851, 1101, 8951, 1057, 198, 98935, 315, 659, 13, 1442, 499, 9229, 701, 3838, 477, 682, 701, 3300, 477, 198, 22479, 32080, 11, 420, 384, 865, 15702, 1567, 22014, 490, 991, 1105, 315, 8850, 323, 198, 67, 5599, 83, 8983, 220, 1409, 412, 279, 659, 13, 2468, 904, 4545, 994, 499, 2733, 198, 9210, 701, 1917, 374, 16054, 10980, 11, 1148, 374, 436, 384, 750, 16054, 10980, 374, 198, 1820, 659, 323, 1202, 390, 171, 71831, 67, 768, 430, 433, 31869, 436, 384, 2786, 13, 4740, 198, 3852, 3682, 30988, 311, 2547, 477, 4059, 11, 433, 18608, 1560, 892, 369, 279, 198, 34298, 458, 37374, 482, 9164, 2786, 311, 436, 384, 3773, 13, 320, 1687, 527, 1633, 15369, 379, 430, 459, 198, 820, 1008, 425, 374, 837, 25, 1054, 58532, 4835, 1541, 1431, 1437, 384, 587, 26, 814, 34782, 13, 19524, 340, 18433, 584, 1541, 1431, 1440, 1268, 584, 1589, 384, 660, 279, 659, 430, 584, 198, 63198, 311, 779, 38643, 11, 279, 659, 649, 13051, 323, 1097, 10033, 603, 13, 72634, 8314, 526, 264, 3682, 13051, 994, 568, 1071, 430, 279, 659, 706, 64, 8340, 13167, 33595, 71831, 75, 839, 449, 20722, 323, 951, 404, 1560, 430, 584, 198, 19221, 398, 15641, 13, 362, 282, 466, 10671, 435, 312, 664, 753, 1455, 550, 297, 47507, 198, 17242, 3863, 11, 50432, 436, 384, 278, 1534, 430, 813, 36528, 1047, 1903, 264, 8770, 587, 384, 13, 578, 40711, 4536, 1431, 922, 757, 13, 1102, 753, 922, 603, 13, 3277, 264, 198, 9164, 706, 40711, 87633, 323, 20722, 11, 814, 2586, 198, 1527, 279, 1218, 404, 384, 3925, 315, 2854, 70370, 13, 9062, 315, 603, 11, 1046, 269, 67542, 198, 998, 50432, 11, 374, 2723, 1608, 311, 264, 1054, 17840, 535, 40711, 2476, 439, 568, 2663, 198, 275, 13, 578, 23035, 430, 499, 323, 358, 1589, 384, 660, 1057, 8821, 11, 25181, 198, 82, 4372, 374, 459, 41919, 13, 468, 384, 49523, 1139, 279, 13057, 436, 1560, 76950, 315, 682, 198, 26380, 58522, 11, 20722, 11, 323, 51286, 13, 1115, 26708, 1608, 198, 359, 64589, 374, 1101, 421, 261, 384, 279, 12737, 6439, 13, 4427, 1274, 802, 384, 3674, 11, 3885, 439, 2772, 11, 719, 912, 832, 649, 198, 2752, 4994, 279, 22498, 659, 13, 1054, 1687, 863, 374, 264, 6926, 198, 79005, 430, 912, 893, 374, 459, 13218, 13, 50432, 83612, 3201, 279, 198, 23191, 7479, 311, 384, 865, 2972, 279, 8340, 13167, 315, 1054, 584, 13, 126672, 49953, 420, 436, 384, 7828, 279, 22498, 40711, 1903, 433, 5222, 198, 6518, 11156, 11, 824, 305, 2690, 11, 719, 279, 659, 499, 323, 358, 26708, 384, 449, 198, 93057, 775, 374, 6913, 311, 1057, 20237, 13, 21834, 315, 279, 5627, 499, 198, 13772, 1203, 389, 279, 22498, 659, 13, 6385, 384, 527, 1120, 264, 2478, 6394, 4599, 499, 1205, 279, 1862, 315, 701, 3070, 323, 18585, 198, 30562, 198, 4599, 499, 5249, 264, 5054, 4717, 198, 4599, 499, 26202, 369, 264, 23693, 477, 264, 4029, 198, 4599, 499, 5268, 311, 33595, 71831, 2121, 369, 701, 3224, 477, 198, 61036, 10726, 433, 198, 4599, 499, 3608, 333, 379, 449, 701, 59343, 198, 4599, 499, 1781, 304, 2024, 10030, 315, 1054, 355, 19579, 1124, 89874, 4599, 264, 21426, 9179, 1964, 384, 775, 264, 171, 105, 222, 115192, 499, 198, 9164, 750, 198, 4599, 499, 802, 384, 23854, 7069, 555, 22498, 8850, 198, 2181, 753, 264, 18884, 311, 4510, 430, 499, 649, 3469, 704, 315, 1054, 584, 2476, 1524, 198, 4636, 682, 315, 603, 1456, 311, 13, 1226, 1390, 311, 387, 3970, 439, 9053, 719, 1962, 279, 549, 23797, 3778, 13, 468, 384, 33818, 553, 449, 1023, 22277, 198, 17171, 719, 1101, 2733, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 261, 1218, 11, 8821, 11, 323, 6118, 2731, 13, 763, 264, 11501, 584, 1390, 1057, 8689, 439, 3345, 439, 3284, 11, 3686, 389, 198, 1605, 25975, 584, 32262, 389, 1694, 23496, 84, 10942, 449, 264, 2324, 198, 68090, 279, 3070, 13, 578, 26283, 1990, 1054, 40, 863, 323, 1054, 584, 863, 374, 459, 198, 2957, 6539, 832, 13, 50432, 1903, 433, 1524, 4411, 384, 83372, 13, 3277, 433, 4131, 311, 279, 198, 17840, 535, 12737, 11, 1274, 14993, 311, 3469, 704, 13, 320, 50, 6180, 690, 198, 37593, 3009, 7366, 304, 5627, 584, 14277, 652, 297, 588, 315, 13, 883, 2030, 420, 374, 198, 74128, 4960, 2761, 1109, 75701, 704, 315, 264, 3070, 436, 32878, 26, 13118, 11, 279, 198, 19521, 374, 1193, 279, 33595, 71831, 59125, 5089, 477, 2237, 315, 279, 22498, 659, 11, 279, 198, 606, 584, 8541, 311, 1518, 14470, 6847, 13, 2468, 37250, 499, 649, 198, 66612, 430, 499, 4070, 5614, 11, 430, 499, 1541, 1431, 23528, 311, 387, 198, 83, 2920, 3208, 384, 264, 72524, 33595, 71831, 588, 12, 1060, 6418, 477, 436, 384, 17696, 1245, 32639, 13, 1472, 1253, 539, 2733, 430, 499, 802, 384, 1694, 6865, 294, 13, 4718, 3070, 1253, 198, 19553, 2288, 1790, 29091, 304, 597, 384, 55323, 499, 4871, 701, 2362, 712, 865, 13, 13581, 11, 4869, 11, 374, 1524, 25984, 261, 323, 2753, 8830, 13, 13581, 706, 1202, 30547, 30777, 304, 682, 315, 603, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 3719, 198, 64, 112139, 171, 71831, 267, 304, 3115, 315, 4208, 13, 3011, 753, 459, 3927, 5873, 13, 816, 1880, 433, 198, 73014, 1431, 9651, 384, 865, 2193, 499, 1448, 8019, 279, 22498, 198, 34052, 11, 421, 261, 384, 4208, 374, 32732, 308, 704, 315, 34049, 11, 550, 384, 18631, 560, 345, 2762, 479, 11, 2362, 88036, 11, 323, 279, 6453, 1234, 9978, 398, 315, 198, 42240, 2191, 13, 393, 2781, 6356, 279, 2624, 81, 19685, 2024, 296, 315, 1054, 19739, 198, 17717, 863, 374, 31528, 11, 1524, 3582, 433, 52016, 1560, 603, 2733, 384, 63490, 54358, 198, 359, 19975, 481, 13, 816, 1880, 11990, 315, 1274, 802, 665, 1431, 29213, 198, 28936, 12518, 3208, 384, 1054, 64, 14595, 8762, 436, 1560, 1042, 863, 477, 198, 2118, 65762, 12050, 13, 19524, 29317, 706, 13535, 54805, 1139, 264, 4106, 398, 57310, 198, 278, 1978, 5397, 13, 578, 22498, 40711, 706, 499, 1218, 40040, 520, 198, 576, 4545, 13, 1952, 279, 7479, 47317, 1630, 1253, 387, 48295, 198, 454, 3950, 311, 47317, 816, 11, 719, 520, 279, 40711, 2237, 814, 802, 384, 198, 444, 72254, 11, 3208, 384, 279, 1403, 10548, 315, 264, 82715, 12, 315, 48260, 13, 578, 5873, 311, 3469, 304, 477, 3469, 704, 9221, 279, 8792, 4360, 198, 1073, 279, 22498, 12737, 13, 1102, 6835, 10205, 311, 1690, 4860, 304, 198, 30115, 1316, 2324, 512, 3923, 374, 856, 3674, 29672, 13, 3639, 374, 856, 77784, 14523, 13, 2650, 1790, 1288, 358, 390, 2000, 296, 311, 477, 436, 1560, 380, 8396, 13, 2650, 8599, 1097, 358, 311, 1023, 1274, 13, 3639, 656, 358, 42210, 311, 279, 2753, 40510, 13, 3053, 358, 2349, 279, 1917, 13, 96249, 904, 315, 1521, 4860, 11, 701, 17371, 4059, 198, 34360, 3041, 279, 4459, 4320, 51749, 1524, 279, 837, 267, 4320, 13, 87691, 589, 279, 7479, 11, 279, 22498, 40711, 374, 436, 5707, 287, 198, 4291, 20722, 11, 550, 384, 18631, 1238, 11, 33630, 951, 404, 1560, 11, 24087, 11, 323, 198, 10759, 2490, 430, 802, 384, 961, 315, 499, 1606, 1054, 584, 863, 374, 701, 9764, 198, 300, 1790, 439, 1054, 40, 13, 126672, 9241, 753, 279, 38091, 13, 1789, 264, 1317, 892, 279, 7434, 315, 279, 22498, 40711, 198, 1864, 2692, 459, 41765, 10334, 2085, 1790, 550, 297, 1073, 13, 2360, 832 ]
Kidney Exercis e Liver Exerc ise Sola r Plexus Exer cise Mer idia n Massage Deer Exerc ise Crane Exercis e Turtle Exe rcis e Regular Health Maintenance To be done daily throughout one's life: Five Ani mal Exer cises Eight Directional Exerc ises Twelve Zodia c Exer cises Twe lve Nerve Exer cises Meditation Upon feeling the subtle ener gy flow in the body, one may begin practicing the meditation : Meridian Medita tion Only after masteri ng the Mer idia n Meditation shou ld one begin to practice the Immortal Breath ing techniqu es. Specific Healing Exercises These may be practic ed in conjunction with the general health mai ntenance exerc ises or just for corr ecting spec ific ailments. Weight Reduction Exer cise Lower Back Exer cises Stomac h Healing Exerci se Heart Exerc ises Abd ominal Strength ening Exer cise Lung Exer cise Lower Body and Sexual Gla nds Exercis e Tec hniques for Relieving Pain Hand, Arm, and Upper Body Exer cises 209 Taoi.ft Healing Prescriptions Sun Worship Exercise Eye Exercises Internal Organ Relaxation Relaxation exercises Breathing Exercises Include: Crane Exercise Heart Healing Exercise Reverse Crane I Reverse Crane II Bone Breathing Brain Cleansing I Brain Cleansing II Imm ortal Breathing: Small Heav enly Cycle Large Hea venly Cycle HEALING PRESCRIPTIONS Arthritis, Rheumati sm, Bursitis, Tennis Elbow: Turtle Crane Deer Ann stimula ting exerc ises (for tennis elbow, rub until you feel the ann become hot around the elbo w-f eel the heat in the elbow) Leg stimula ting exerc ises Ann and Hand Pressing Exercise (for bursitis or arthri tis in anns or han ds) Tec hniques for Relievin g Pain Asthma: Crane, Turtle, Dee r-al l practiced together Lung Exercise Liver Exerc ise (soothes and stre ngthe ns the nerve s) 210 Taoist Healing Prescriptions Back Pain: Lower Back Exercises Kidney Exercise Beauty and Fitn ess (rejuvenation) Deer, Crane, Turtle Eye Exercises (for wrinkles) Gum Pressure Exercise Tongue and Saliva Exercise Beating the Heavenly Drum Teeth Clicking Exercise Weight Reduction Exercise Solar Plexus Exercise Head Rubbing Exercise Breathing exercises Blood Press ure- High: Crane, Turtle (avoid Deer until pressure falls to normal) Brain Cleansing I Toe wiggling exercise Blood Pressure-Low: Deer, Turtle (avoid Crane until pressure comes up) Brain Cleansing II Toe wiggling exercise Bronchitis (throat pains): Lung exercises Meridian Massage (especially downwa rd along lung meridian) Solar Plexus Exercise Cancer, Bone: Kidney Exercise Lower Back Exercises Liver Exercise 211 Taoist Healing Prescri ptions Prev ention : Crane, Turt le, Deer Ann stimula ting exer cises Knea ding shoulder muscles (releases tensi on and stress and opens meridians which may be blocked) CelluUte: Leg stimulating exer cises (rub downward on outside only) Lower Body and Sexual Gla nds Exerc ise Common Cold (sneezing, coughing, sinus headache): Internal Organ Relaxation (brings blood into head and lungs to fight head cold) Nose Exercis e (for sinus) Head Rubbi ng Exercise (pressing points behind head for headache and tension) Pressing on either side of the throat on stomach meridian points (this may cause you to cough at first, but it will eventually stop the coughing) Meridian Massage (rubbing downward along the lung meridian for temporary relief of cold symptoms and lung congestion) Concentration Problems: Five Anima l Exerc ises Concentration Exerc ise Constipation: Crane brea thin g Solar Plexus Exerc ise Twelve Zodia c Exercis es Diabetes: Liver and pancreas rubbing exerc ise Leg stimulating exercises (espe cially upward rubbing on the inside of the leg to bring energy into the body) Deer Exerc ise 212 Taoist Healing Prescriptions Tongue and Saliva Exercise (for relief of symptoms of thirst caused by diabetes) Diarrhea: Deer Leg stimulating exercises (upward rubbing on inside of leg only) Solar Plexus Exer cise Dizziness (vertigo, nerve imbalance): Bone Breathing Ear Exercise Brain Cleansing ll Turtle, Crane Emphysema: See Asthma Eye Problems (glaucoma, cataract, near-and far-sightedness, etc. ): Eye Exercises Female Problems: Deer Kidney Exercise Leg stimulating exercise (on the inside of legs only) Sola r Plexus Exer cise Headache: Bone Breathing Eye Exercises Nose Exercise Standing Crane Brain Clea nsin g II Head Rubbing Exercise (rub points behind head) Hearing Problems: Ear Exercise 213 Taoist Hea ling Prescri ptions Heart Problems: Heart Exercises Hepatitis Oiver problems): Liver Exercise Hemorrhoi ds: Deer Exercise (squeezing anal muscles) Sun Worship Exercise Impotence (premature ejaculation): Deer Brain Cleansing I Sexual gland exercise Insomnia Toe wiggling exercise Crane breathing Bone Breathing Solar Plexus Exercise Kidney Problems: Kidney Exercise Deer Leg stimulating exercis e (upward on the inside only) Menstrual Problems: See Female Problems Nerve Problems (numbn ess and paralysis): See also Liver Problems Crane, Deer, Turtle Liver Exercise Rubbing local area until warm to bring in fresh blood and energy Twelve Nerve Exercises 214 Taoist H�aling Prescriptio ns Obesity: Weight Reduction Exercise Solar Plexus Exercise Overaci dity: Crane Liver Exercis e (calms and balances stomach) Pneumo nia: Crane breathing (to help rest lungs, very slowly) Rubbing downwar d along lung meridian (for temporary relief) Prostate Problems: Deer Refreshing Yourse lf: Five Animal Exer cises Eight Directional Exercises Twelve Nerve Exercises Deer, Crane, Turtle Reverse Crane I Reverse Crane II Bone Breathing Energizing and Relaxing Breathing Exercises Internal Organ Relaxation Eye Exercises Sciat ica: Leg stimulating exercise Lower Back Exercises Lower Body and Sexual Glands Exercise Stomach Problems (ulcers, pain, vomiti ng): See also Diarrhea Crane Solar Plexus Exercise 215 Taoist Healing Prescri ptions Stomach Healing Exercise Stomach Problems (nausea from hypoglycemia ): Liver Exercise Rubbing across pancreas Tennis Elbow : See Arthritis Teeth and Gum Prob lems: Mouth Exercises Thyroid Problems: Thyroid Exercise Tonsilitis: Turtle Throat rubbing Tuberculosis: Crane Coughing complications: Rubbing down inside of anns Throat rubbing Sweating complications: Toe wiggling exercise (calming) Diarrhea complications: Solar Plexus Exercise Crane, Deer Ulcer: See Stomach Problems and Nerve Problems 216 Taoist Healing Prescriptions Vomiting : Crane Stomach exercises All illnesses: Five Ani mal Exer cises Eight Directiona l Exer cises Twe lve Zod iac Exer cises Twe lve Nerve Exer cises Conclusion When thinking about integrating the system of Internal Exercises (or the Tao of Revitalization) into our daily lives, it is important to keep in mind the ancient Taoist proverb which states simply: ulf you do external ex­ ercises, you must do internal exercises''. External exercises expend energy without replacing it, and therefore we feel a need to rest after strenuous physical activity. On the other hand, Internal Exercises work to conserve and build up our energy. The proverb continues: ''If you do internal exercises, you may forget to practice external exercises' '-because one benefits complet ely through the practice of Internal Exercises. This is not to imply that one should not practice external exercises such as tennis, running, or golf. The Taoists were only recognizing the fact that, by themselves, external exercises are incomplete and need to be balanced by the addition of these simple techniques for rebalancing and supplanting the loss of energy incurred through external exercises. The Internal Exercises energize, train, and strengthen the internal organs and tissues so they may become strong and healthy. When
[ 99608, 3520, 1398, 3035, 285, 384, 720, 83995, 1398, 3035, 77193, 720, 50, 8083, 436, 96832, 355, 1398, 261, 272, 1082, 720, 27814, 887, 689, 308, 27483, 720, 1951, 261, 1398, 3035, 77193, 720, 16384, 2194, 1398, 3035, 285, 384, 720, 51, 22492, 1398, 68, 10402, 285, 384, 720, 31504, 6401, 39306, 720, 1271, 387, 2884, 7446, 6957, 832, 596, 2324, 25, 720, 38120, 1556, 72, 8811, 1398, 261, 272, 5014, 720, 60185, 19438, 278, 1398, 3035, 374, 288, 720, 23662, 21903, 1901, 47428, 272, 1398, 261, 272, 5014, 720, 51, 906, 326, 588, 452, 5976, 1398, 261, 272, 5014, 720, 44, 3671, 367, 720, 50384, 8430, 279, 27545, 38556, 29720, 6530, 304, 279, 2547, 1174, 832, 1253, 3240, 36666, 720, 1820, 33862, 551, 720, 27814, 36742, 3344, 6388, 73352, 720, 7456, 1306, 7491, 72, 7933, 279, 8930, 887, 689, 308, 77571, 559, 283, 27221, 832, 3240, 311, 720, 60621, 279, 15695, 34472, 58292, 6892, 2869, 5118, 1560, 13, 29362, 49741, 91554, 720, 9673, 1253, 387, 3856, 292, 1608, 304, 32546, 449, 279, 4689, 2890, 17154, 308, 2002, 685, 720, 327, 3035, 374, 288, 477, 1120, 369, 45453, 77594, 287, 1424, 422, 292, 82907, 662, 16923, 59200, 1398, 261, 272, 1082, 720, 9230, 6984, 1398, 261, 272, 5014, 720, 626, 316, 582, 305, 49741, 1398, 3035, 72, 513, 720, 46484, 1398, 3035, 374, 288, 720, 5953, 67, 8019, 992, 32937, 665, 287, 1398, 261, 272, 1082, 720, 43, 2234, 1398, 261, 272, 1082, 720, 9230, 14285, 323, 39767, 480, 4355, 15953, 82, 1398, 3035, 285, 384, 720, 51, 762, 96338, 8467, 369, 6649, 84446, 35567, 720, 2367, 1174, 13287, 11, 323, 31714, 14285, 1398, 261, 272, 5014, 720, 12652, 60608, 72, 54923, 49741, 4203, 25712, 720, 31192, 87222, 33918, 720, 51158, 91554, 720, 11830, 10995, 68685, 367, 720, 6882, 710, 367, 23783, 720, 51329, 44661, 91554, 30834, 25, 720, 16384, 2194, 33918, 720, 46484, 49741, 33918, 720, 46795, 73999, 358, 720, 46795, 73999, 8105, 720, 63429, 11681, 44661, 720, 66177, 86762, 287, 358, 720, 66177, 86762, 287, 8105, 720, 51839, 220, 34472, 11681, 44661, 25, 720, 26375, 1283, 402, 665, 398, 42392, 720, 35353, 1283, 64, 11457, 398, 42392, 720, 1837, 984, 1753, 21626, 24300, 50, 720, 7098, 40485, 11, 71636, 372, 9491, 1554, 11, 426, 1759, 20000, 1174, 58251, 4072, 15802, 25, 720, 51, 22492, 720, 16384, 2194, 720, 1951, 261, 720, 28192, 12936, 5724, 43327, 7584, 374, 288, 320, 2000, 32515, 46811, 1174, 10485, 3156, 499, 2733, 279, 720, 1036, 3719, 4106, 2212, 279, 658, 754, 289, 2269, 384, 301, 279, 8798, 304, 279, 46811, 8, 720, 19444, 12936, 5724, 43327, 7584, 374, 288, 720, 28192, 323, 8704, 8612, 287, 33918, 320, 2000, 293, 1759, 20000, 477, 802, 339, 462, 259, 285, 304, 720, 1036, 82, 477, 19538, 11729, 8, 720, 51, 762, 96338, 8467, 369, 6649, 648, 9799, 342, 35567, 720, 32, 31177, 1764, 25, 720, 16384, 2194, 1174, 67906, 1174, 56004, 436, 19308, 326, 44664, 3871, 720, 43, 2234, 33918, 720, 83995, 1398, 3035, 77193, 320, 708, 78, 6509, 323, 5527, 7933, 1820, 12548, 279, 32015, 274, 8, 720, 8848, 60608, 380, 49741, 4203, 25712, 720, 3792, 35567, 25, 720, 9230, 6984, 91554, 720, 99608, 3520, 33918, 720, 94909, 323, 30990, 77, 4043, 320, 265, 63231, 367, 8, 720, 1951, 261, 11, 73999, 11, 67906, 720, 51158, 91554, 320, 2000, 74207, 8, 720, 38, 372, 40090, 33918, 720, 51, 647, 361, 323, 8375, 10126, 33918, 720, 3513, 1113, 279, 88150, 46506, 720, 6777, 774, 9369, 287, 33918, 720, 8459, 59200, 33918, 720, 72041, 96832, 355, 33918, 720, 12626, 13134, 7278, 33918, 720, 51329, 44661, 23783, 720, 52586, 8612, 53560, 12, 5234, 25, 720, 16384, 2194, 11, 67906, 320, 48956, 64191, 3156, 7410, 17503, 311, 4725, 8, 720, 66177, 86762, 287, 358, 720, 91557, 289, 20831, 2785, 10368, 720, 52586, 40090, 8288, 363, 25, 720, 1951, 261, 11, 67906, 320, 48956, 73999, 3156, 7410, 4131, 709, 8, 720, 66177, 86762, 287, 8105, 720, 91557, 289, 20831, 2785, 10368, 720, 42059, 331, 20000, 320, 87164, 51266, 1680, 720, 43, 2234, 23783, 720, 27814, 36742, 27483, 320, 36046, 1523, 10196, 23527, 3235, 21271, 4809, 36742, 8, 720, 72041, 96832, 355, 33918, 720, 34, 11967, 11, 720, 63429, 25, 720, 99608, 3520, 33918, 720, 9230, 6984, 91554, 720, 83995, 33918, 720, 11483, 60608, 380, 49741, 4203, 745, 11051, 919, 720, 34628, 1218, 290, 551, 720, 16384, 2194, 1174, 350, 5757, 514, 11, 64191, 720, 28192, 12936, 5724, 43327, 506, 261, 272, 5014, 720, 42, 33252, 67542, 17308, 24569, 320, 265, 29399, 22781, 72, 389, 323, 8631, 323, 16264, 720, 1195, 307, 5493, 902, 1253, 387, 19857, 8, 720, 3683, 84, 52, 668, 25, 720, 19444, 65792, 506, 261, 272, 5014, 320, 60530, 45578, 389, 4994, 1193, 8, 720, 9230, 14285, 323, 39767, 480, 4355, 15953, 82, 1398, 3035, 77193, 720, 11076, 24062, 320, 82, 818, 10333, 287, 11, 40700, 287, 11, 76914, 47846, 1680, 720, 11830, 10995, 68685, 367, 320, 1347, 826, 6680, 1139, 2010, 323, 45274, 311, 4465, 720, 2025, 9439, 8, 720, 45, 974, 1398, 3035, 285, 384, 320, 2000, 76914, 8, 720, 12626, 13134, 8385, 7933, 33918, 320, 1911, 287, 3585, 4920, 2010, 369, 47846, 720, 438, 24408, 8, 720, 6010, 287, 389, 3060, 3185, 315, 279, 28691, 389, 23152, 4809, 36742, 3585, 320, 576, 720, 18864, 5353, 499, 311, 40700, 520, 1176, 1174, 719, 433, 690, 9778, 3009, 279, 720, 66, 1409, 287, 8, 720, 27814, 36742, 27483, 320, 60530, 7278, 45578, 3235, 279, 21271, 4809, 36742, 369, 720, 79190, 16337, 315, 9439, 13803, 323, 21271, 55146, 8, 720, 1128, 94376, 45635, 25, 720, 38120, 1556, 7675, 326, 1398, 3035, 374, 288, 720, 1128, 94376, 1398, 3035, 77193, 720, 19717, 49686, 25, 720, 16384, 2194, 293, 5325, 15792, 342, 720, 72041, 96832, 355, 1398, 3035, 77193, 720, 23662, 21903, 1901, 47428, 272, 1398, 3035, 285, 1560, 720, 22427, 16629, 25, 720, 83995, 323, 62268, 300, 57035, 7584, 77193, 720, 19444, 65792, 23783, 320, 288, 375, 272, 34575, 40872, 57035, 389, 279, 4871, 315, 720, 1820, 2531, 311, 4546, 4907, 1139, 279, 2547, 8, 720, 1951, 261, 1398, 3035, 77193, 720, 11227, 60608, 380, 49741, 4203, 25712, 720, 51, 647, 361, 323, 8375, 10126, 33918, 320, 2000, 16337, 315, 13803, 315, 50690, 9057, 720, 1729, 20335, 8, 720, 22427, 1138, 41033, 25, 720, 1951, 261, 720, 19444, 65792, 23783, 320, 455, 1637, 57035, 389, 4871, 315, 2531, 1193, 8, 720, 72041, 96832, 355, 1398, 261, 272, 1082, 720, 35, 97745, 320, 1653, 7992, 11, 32015, 68331, 1680, 720, 63429, 11681, 44661, 720, 18292, 33918, 720, 66177, 86762, 287, 9507, 720, 51, 22492, 11, 73999, 720, 2321, 12989, 325, 1764, 25, 720, 10031, 20717, 41453, 720, 51158, 45635, 320, 6200, 2933, 82945, 11, 272, 6526, 533, 11, 3221, 9976, 3117, 1355, 65607, 2136, 11, 5099, 13, 16919, 720, 51158, 91554, 720, 41818, 45635, 25, 720, 1951, 261, 720, 99608, 3520, 33918, 720, 19444, 65792, 10368, 320, 263, 279, 4871, 315, 14535, 1193, 8, 720, 50, 8083, 436, 96832, 355, 1398, 261, 272, 1082, 720, 12626, 1815, 25, 720, 63429, 11681, 44661, 720, 51158, 91554, 720, 45, 974, 33918, 720, 94742, 73999, 720, 66177, 37102, 64, 12548, 258, 342, 8105, 720, 12626, 13134, 7278, 33918, 320, 60530, 3585, 4920, 2010, 8, 720, 39, 13992, 45635, 25, 720, 18292, 33918, 720, 11702, 60608, 380, 1283, 64, 38172, 4203, 745, 11051, 919, 720, 46484, 45635, 25, 720, 46484, 91554, 720, 39, 752, 82801, 507, 1553, 5435, 1680, 720, 83995, 33918, 720, 39, 336, 17847, 6292, 72, 11729, 25, 720, 1951, 261, 33918, 320, 82, 593, 10333, 287, 3260, 24569, 8, 720, 31192, 87222, 33918, 720, 26282, 98660, 320, 1762, 76, 1598, 99302, 1680, 720, 1951, 261, 720, 66177, 86762, 287, 358, 720, 20004, 940, 67169, 10368, 720, 15841, 50405, 720, 91557, 289, 20831, 2785, 10368, 720, 16384, 2194, 27027, 720, 63429, 11681, 44661, 720, 72041, 96832, 355, 33918, 720, 99608, 3520, 45635, 25, 720, 99608, 3520, 33918, 720, 1951, 261, 720, 19444, 65792, 7584, 285, 384, 320, 455, 1637, 389, 279, 4871, 1193, 8, 720, 29819, 496, 940, 45635, 25, 720, 10031, 29738, 45635, 720, 45, 5976, 45635, 320, 2470, 11328, 4043, 323, 86139, 1680, 720, 10031, 1101, 22617, 45635, 720, 16384, 2194, 11, 64191, 11, 67906, 720, 83995, 33918, 720, 66814, 7278, 2254, 3158, 3156, 8369, 311, 4546, 304, 7878, 6680, 323, 4907, 720, 23662, 21903, 452, 5976, 91554, 720, 11584, 60608, 380, 473, 5809, 6260, 4203, 1250, 822, 12548, 720, 4213, 28222, 25, 720, 8459, 59200, 33918, 720, 72041, 96832, 355, 33918, 720, 1959, 25471, 294, 488, 25, 720, 16384, 2194, 720, 83995, 1398, 3035, 285, 384, 320, 5531, 1026, 323, 39954, 23152, 8, 720, 47, 818, 65725, 308, 689, 25, 720, 16384, 2194, 27027, 320, 998, 1520, 2800, 45274, 11, 1633, 14297, 8, 720, 66814, 7278, 1523, 11710, 294, 3235, 21271, 4809, 36742, 320, 2000, 13643, 16337, 8, 720, 1360, 2513, 45635, 25, 720, 1951, 261, 720, 52504, 4718, 325, 59180, 25, 720, 38120, 21995, 1398, 261, 272, 5014, 720, 60185, 19438, 278, 91554, 720, 23662, 21903, 452, 5976, 91554, 720, 1951, 261, 11, 73999, 11, 67906, 720, 46795, 73999, 358, 720, 46795, 73999, 8105, 720, 63429, 11681, 44661, 720, 36, 39624, 4954, 323, 68685, 287, 11681, 44661, 91554, 720, 11830, 10995, 68685, 367, 720, 51158, 91554, 720, 3407, 10574, 220, 3074, 25, 720, 19444, 65792, 10368, 720, 9230, 6984, 91554, 720, 9230, 14285, 323, 39767, 480, 8329, 33918, 720, 626, 316, 613, 45635, 320, 360, 17254, 1174, 6784, 11, 22752, 12583, 7933, 1680, 720, 10031, 1101, 7923, 1138, 41033, 720, 16384, 2194, 720, 72041, 96832, 355, 33918, 720, 12112, 60608, 380, 49741, 4203, 745, 11051, 919, 720, 626, 316, 613, 49741, 33918, 720, 626, 316, 613, 45635, 320, 3458, 817, 64, 505, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 22689, 16919, 720, 83995, 33918, 720, 66814, 7278, 4028, 62268, 300, 720, 51, 16550, 4072, 15802, 551, 720, 10031, 1676, 40485, 720, 6777, 774, 323, 75589, 26709, 514, 1026, 25, 720, 44, 2969, 91554, 720, 1016, 88, 1607, 45635, 25, 720, 1016, 88, 1607, 33918, 720, 51, 2439, 3748, 285, 25, 720, 51, 22492, 720, 1016, 18283, 57035, 720, 51, 392, 74554, 25, 720, 16384, 2194, 720, 34, 1409, 287, 36505, 25, 720, 66814, 7278, 1523, 4871, 315, 3008, 82, 720, 1016, 18283, 57035, 720, 50, 906, 1113, 36505, 25, 720, 91557, 289, 20831, 2785, 10368, 320, 5531, 5424, 8, 720, 22427, 1138, 41033, 36505, 25, 720, 72041, 96832, 355, 33918, 720, 16384, 2194, 11, 64191, 720, 92159, 3913, 25, 720, 10031, 800, 316, 613, 45635, 323, 452, 5976, 45635, 720, 12463, 60608, 380, 49741, 4203, 25712, 720, 53, 316, 5977, 551, 720, 16384, 2194, 720, 626, 316, 613, 23783, 720, 2460, 49909, 25, 720, 38120, 1556, 72, 8811, 1398, 261, 272, 5014, 720, 60185, 19438, 64, 326, 1398, 261, 272, 5014, 720, 51, 906, 326, 588, 1901, 347, 602, 582, 1398, 261, 272, 5014, 720, 51, 906, 326, 588, 452, 5976, 1398, 261, 272, 5014, 74977, 720, 4599, 7422, 922, 54952, 279, 1887, 315, 15774, 91554, 320, 269, 279, 720, 51, 3524, 315, 10315, 2223, 2065, 8, 1139, 1057, 7446, 6439, 11, 433, 374, 3062, 311, 2567, 304, 4059, 720, 1820, 14154, 60608, 380, 79538, 902, 5415, 5042, 25, 8725, 69, 499, 656, 9434, 506, 5879, 198, 48815, 11, 499, 2011, 656, 5419, 23783, 98722, 32036, 23783, 28410, 4907, 720, 30096, 25935, 433, 11, 323, 9093, 584, 2733, 264, 1205, 311, 2800, 1306, 93319, 9373, 720, 47692, 5820, 13, 1952, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 15774, 91554, 990, 311, 78548, 720, 438, 1977, 709, 1057, 4907, 13, 578, 79538, 9731, 25, 3436, 2746, 499, 656, 5419, 720, 327, 48815, 1174, 499, 1253, 10894, 311, 6725, 9434, 23783, 6, 7944, 28753, 832, 720, 68244, 1220, 3543, 658, 88, 1555, 279, 6725, 315, 15774, 91554, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 311, 34608, 430, 832, 1288, 539, 6725, 9434, 23783, 1778, 720, 300, 32515, 11, 4401, 1174, 477, 19665, 13, 578, 60608, 1705, 1051, 1193, 49183, 279, 2144, 430, 11, 720, 1729, 5694, 11, 9434, 23783, 527, 33243, 323, 1205, 311, 387, 24770, 720, 1729, 279, 5369, 315, 1521, 4382, 12823, 369, 12646, 278, 9151, 323, 1043, 21494, 287, 720, 1820, 4814, 315, 4907, 52872, 1555, 9434, 23783, 13, 578, 15774, 91554, 4602, 553, 11, 5542, 11, 323, 20259, 279, 5419, 36853, 720, 438, 39881, 779, 814, 1253, 3719, 3831, 323, 9498, 662, 3277 ]
thedroppingoftheatomicbombonJapaninWorldWarII.Formanyyears,healsohelpednegotiatetherelease ofimportantpoliticalandreligiousprisonersthroughouttheworld. Oneday,afterservingasamediatorduringthefamousSALTtreatytalksbetweenPresidentJohnF.KennedyandNikitaKrushchev,CousinsreturnedhomefromtheSovietUnioncompletelyexhausted,physically,mentally,andemotionally.Hewasextremely upsetthatthetalkshadnotgonewellandthattheSovietsweredefiantlymovingforwardonthebuildupofnuclearweapons.Itwasa verystressfultimeforCousins.Severaldayslater,amysteriousfeversurfaced. Inadditiontohisfeverandexhaustion,Cousins’spinebegantostiffenandbecomeextremelypainful.Aftermanytests,hewasdiagnosedashavinganadvancedcaseofankylosingspondylitis,asevereformofspinalarthritisthatcausesaprogressivestiffeningandfusion ofallofthevertebraeofthespine.Cardiacinvolvementanddeath wereadistinctpossibility~Cousins’familydoctorcheckedhimintooneofthecountry’sfinesthospitals,andsummonedandconsultedthebestspecialistsof theday.Theexpertmedicalopinionswereunanimous:Nothingcouldbedone;hiswasahopelesslyterminalcase.Cousinswasgiven sixmonthstolive. Thedoctorsmonitoredhissedimentationrate,whichwasaspecificbloodtestthatmarkedtheseverityofthisdisease.Alreadyhigh, theratecontinuedtoriseeachday.Everyday,theblood-drawing teamwouldstickaneedleinhisarmtobiochemicallyconfirmhis YourHeahr~gSystematWork 229 progressive,deterioratingcondition.Inhisrarelightermoments,becausetheblood-drawingteamwasn’treallyhelpinghim,Cousinsjokinglyreferredtothemas“thevampiresquad.”Duringthistime,Cousinsrealizedthat,becausehehadonlysixmonthstolive,hemightaswellenjoyhisfinaldays.Inhisstateofdespairandhopelessness,heaccidentallystumbledontothesecrethealingpowerofhumorandlaughterasantidotestopainandmisery.Cousinswasafriendtomanycelebrities,fromU.S.presidents toHollywoodmoviestars.OneofthesefriendswasAllenFunt,theproducerofthehitTVcomedyseriesCandidCamera.FuntsuppliedCousinswithfilmsoftheshow’smostmemorableepisodes.Cousins alsowatchedotherfunnymovies,includingMarxbrothers’films.As helayinhishospitalroom,lostinthegaietyandlaughterofthemovies,hebegantonoticehispainlessening.Specifically,hediscov eredthatforevery15minutesofsolidbellylaughter,hecouldget twohoursofpain-freesleep.Atthesametime,LinusPauling,NobelLaureatechemistandaclosefriendofCousins,insistedthathetakevitaminCeveryday. AsCousinscontinuedonthisprogram,heslowlynoticedhissymptomsimproving.The“vampiresquad”alsoreportedthathissedimentationratestartedtodrop,indicatingthathisinternalbiochemistrywaschangingforthegood.Withinseveralmonths,hecouldgetoutofbedandwalkwithoutacaneorcrutches.Withina year,hewascompletelypainfree,hissedimentationratewasbacktonormal,andhewasdeclared“cured,”notonlybyhisdoctor,but alsobythetopspecialistsoftheday,whohadpreviouslydeclaredhis casehopeless.Afterwritinghisbest-sellingbookAnatomyofanIllness,whichdescribesthedetailsofhismiraculoushealingjourneyandtriumph overankylosingspondylitis,Cousinswentontospearheadpioneer ingresearchinanewfieldofmedicineknownaspsychoneuroimmunology,which,asnotedearlier,studieshowthemindandnervous systemcanaffecttheimmunesystemandinfluencethecourseofill nessandhealth.ManyAIDSandcancerpatientshavebenefited fromthesestudies.Aswithallthesystemsinthebody,theimmune systemdependsonthehealingsystemtodoitsbestwork.Astronghealingsystemisnecessaryfortheimmunesystemtofunctionoptimally—asitdidinNormanCousins’case.After10yearsofworkin 230 YourExtraordinaryHealingSystem thisfield,Cousins’nextbest-sellingbookwasappropriatelytitledHeadFirst:TheBiologyofHopeandtheHealingPoweroftheHumanSpirit. Arthur’sStoryofExtraordinaryHealing Dr.BernieSiegelisawell-knowncancersurgeon,internationallyacclaimedspeaker,andbest-sellingauthorofnumerousbooks,includingtheimmenselyinspirational,timelessclassic,Love,Medicine,andMiracles.OneoftheearliercasesthathelpedinspirehiminvolvedamannamedArthur.ArthurwasapatientofDr.Siegel’swhohadbeendiagnosedwithanadvancedcancer.Hisconditionwasdescribedasterminal,andhewasgivensixmonthsto live.Dr.Siegeldidnotexpecttoseeorhearfromhimagain.Onedayfiveyearslater,however,Dr.SiegelranintoArthurin thelocalgrocerystore,andhewasastonished.Hethoughthe’dseen aghost.HetoldArthurthathewassupposedtobedead—whatwas hedoingstillalive?Arthurreplied,“Dr.Siegel,youprobablydon’trememberwhat youtoldme,butyousaidIhadonlysixmonthstolive,andthatit wasimportantformetomakeitthebestsixmonthsofmylife.”Arthurwenton,“Itookyouradvice.Iquitmyjob,whichIneverreallyliked.Iwentonacruise,whichwassomethingIhadalwayswantedtodo,andIbegantakingpianolessons,whichwassomethingelseI’dalwayswantedtodo.Aftersixmonths,Ifeltsogood, IdecidedIdidn’thavetodie.I’venotbeensickinthepastfiveyears,andIhaveneverfeltbetterinmywholelife.” Dr.Siegelstoodtherescratchinghisheadandthought,“IwonderhowmanymoreofmypatientswhoIsenthometodieare stillalive,likeArthur.” Thenextmorning,hehadhismedical-officestaffcallthefami liesofhundredsofhispatientswhowereassumeddead.Tohissurprise,hediscoveredthatabout20percentoftheseterminalcases werestilllivingandwerecompletelyhealthy. Hethoughtagainandwonderedwhytheyhadn’tcomebackto seehim.Thenithithim:Ifyouwereapatient,yourdoctorsaidyou’dbedeadinsixmonths,andaftersixmonthsyoufeltbetter YourHealingSystematWork 231 thanyoueverhadinyourwholelife,thelastplaceyou’dgoisyourdoctor’soffice. Dr.Siegelthenpersonallycalledallofthesepatientsandaskedthemifthey’dbewillingtoattendweeklygroupmeetings.Overthe courseofthenext12years,thesepatients,whowereallsurvivorsof cancer,metasagroup.Dr.SiegelcalledthemExceptionalCancerPatients,andtheyservedashisteachers.Theirstories,andthemanythingstheydidtoactivatetheirhealingsystemswhileovercomingterminalcasesofcancer,aredescribedinLove,Medicine,andMiracles. ThebeautyofDr.Siegel’sworkisthatithasgivenhopetomil lionsafflictedwithterminal,life-threateningillnesses.Inhiswords:“Therearenosuchthingsasincurableillnesses,onlyincurablepeople.”Hebacksupthesewordsbypointingtothescientificliter ature,whichcontainscasereportsofpeoplefromallwalksoflifebeatingeveryso-calledincurableillnessknowntoman.ItisDr.Siegel’sopinionthatifonepersoncanbeatanincurabledisease,bydefinition,thediseasecannolongerbecalledincurable.Dr.Siegel’sExceptionalCancerPatientsprovidestrongevidencethatourheal ingsystemscanbeaccessedandactivatedthroughavarietyofmeans andways,andthat,onceactivated,theycanovercomeeventhemost severeoflife’safflictions. LouiseHay’sStoryofExtraordinaryHealing LouiseHaywasayoungwomanwhobarelyfinishedhighschool. Atayoungage,shedevelopedcervicalcancer,andshewastoldthat ifshedidn’tundergoimmediatesurgeryandchemotherapy,shewoulddie.Louisewasreluctanttohaveanoperationandputstrangechemicalswithpotentiallytoxicsideeffectsintoherbody.Instead, shedecidedtopursuealternativemethodsofhealing.Sheresearched theimpactofnutritiousfoodsonherhealth,andshechangedher diet.Shealsoexploredthemind-bodyconnectionanddiscovered
[ 79371, 81304, 1073, 1820, 6756, 79444, 263, 49852, 258, 10343, 29784, 5660, 1848, 3852, 42820, 11, 383, 19171, 8823, 291, 29875, 354, 10574, 774, 486, 1655, 198, 1073, 15693, 75785, 438, 97250, 652, 98120, 88001, 412, 16142, 1410, 13, 1952, 46212, 15362, 728, 388, 20073, 300, 3690, 10574, 541, 1711, 339, 830, 23333, 50, 36930, 83, 1244, 16820, 1727, 17319, 10259, 27229, 13379, 37, 11606, 2734, 9497, 438, 45, 1609, 6388, 42, 78277, 1557, 85, 11541, 788, 1354, 78691, 5227, 1527, 1820, 50, 869, 3978, 33758, 884, 50268, 327, 15424, 291, 11, 42305, 2740, 11, 479, 750, 51526, 74453, 750, 3924, 365, 300, 428, 54358, 198, 455, 751, 9210, 339, 295, 1727, 939, 329, 1962, 11932, 365, 616, 438, 9210, 1820, 50, 46188, 1441, 6703, 4313, 5485, 398, 66215, 13741, 263, 1820, 5957, 455, 1073, 77, 9834, 85865, 28628, 86, 15790, 198, 424, 599, 676, 69, 495, 547, 2000, 34, 788, 1354, 815, 2099, 4852, 954, 68676, 11, 309, 97499, 1897, 3078, 30463, 4535, 13, 763, 723, 684, 998, 26301, 1897, 424, 45626, 15424, 290, 11541, 788, 1354, 753, 39138, 52253, 519, 537, 3168, 268, 438, 17106, 638, 428, 54358, 92724, 1285, 37992, 35676, 24781, 20393, 365, 300, 8747, 3326, 20158, 1003, 2370, 276, 42879, 5756, 1073, 92916, 2353, 826, 3595, 4010, 20000, 11, 521, 19846, 630, 1073, 2203, 992, 47601, 1018, 380, 9379, 936, 4881, 59948, 2542, 344, 478, 3168, 6147, 438, 55665, 198, 1073, 37037, 69, 1820, 65932, 14720, 78694, 6509, 39138, 49713, 18029, 258, 12821, 7986, 438, 63007, 198, 52898, 329, 380, 7956, 9007, 3225, 93, 34, 788, 1354, 529, 19521, 38083, 7702, 40617, 18614, 606, 1073, 339, 762, 5083, 753, 5589, 478, 71, 4890, 16664, 51526, 1264, 1677, 291, 438, 49512, 291, 1820, 16241, 15495, 380, 708, 69, 198, 339, 46212, 11829, 74987, 69216, 454, 84996, 52898, 359, 16348, 788, 25, 24714, 29177, 2788, 606, 26, 26301, 16514, 1494, 2862, 16117, 37427, 5756, 732, 788, 1354, 16514, 43068, 198, 51464, 10460, 267, 337, 535, 13, 666, 66981, 12816, 1677, 37301, 71, 1056, 291, 3904, 367, 7853, 11, 8370, 16514, 300, 15934, 51105, 1985, 9210, 47462, 6509, 2099, 488, 1073, 576, 67, 56407, 9833, 2359, 12156, 345, 700, 349, 86957, 11222, 1082, 9739, 1316, 5253, 1225, 1316, 63738, 51105, 1773, 1731, 198, 9376, 41450, 30133, 2194, 291, 273, 21538, 285, 2227, 83, 677, 822, 2464, 2740, 14119, 26301, 198, 7927, 1548, 15464, 93, 70, 2374, 266, 6919, 220, 14378, 198, 14703, 535, 12260, 1430, 2521, 1113, 9233, 5450, 26301, 81, 548, 4238, 4289, 316, 812, 8568, 762, 12119, 19030, 51105, 1773, 1731, 9376, 16514, 77, 1431, 54760, 8823, 287, 40617, 11541, 788, 1354, 73, 10979, 398, 265, 5671, 998, 339, 35262, 2118, 1820, 85, 1141, 3946, 32710, 2029, 16397, 339, 380, 547, 11541, 788, 1354, 8110, 1534, 9210, 8568, 6769, 383, 32345, 3323, 51464, 10460, 267, 337, 535, 20393, 336, 492, 300, 9336, 268, 4215, 26301, 12085, 14097, 5450, 26301, 2513, 1073, 5919, 12959, 438, 61893, 33028, 11, 383, 4575, 57222, 267, 26902, 10138, 6509, 762, 265, 1820, 6260, 13477, 1073, 28400, 269, 438, 52883, 15969, 94369, 478, 454, 467, 438, 34965, 727, 732, 788, 1354, 16514, 2642, 5147, 38501, 3852, 70865, 35795, 11, 1527, 52, 815, 44965, 7024, 198, 998, 39, 14447, 31061, 13744, 1590, 38167, 1073, 6509, 830, 12337, 16514, 80977, 37, 3935, 11, 339, 752, 4653, 3913, 1073, 1820, 23306, 16027, 884, 9497, 20473, 34, 4654, 13751, 1006, 38040, 455, 3523, 34, 788, 1354, 4291, 31255, 708, 69, 339, 4385, 363, 753, 3646, 10759, 25745, 752, 15081, 732, 788, 1354, 198, 1147, 363, 35344, 1605, 12158, 49221, 12831, 11, 16564, 12331, 8088, 299, 3058, 529, 66502, 20855, 198, 71, 7040, 21538, 819, 6432, 3039, 11, 55437, 48121, 797, 2192, 2676, 438, 52883, 1073, 49818, 12831, 11, 383, 52253, 32054, 354, 560, 71, 13391, 16864, 6147, 815, 15934, 750, 20393, 291, 3510, 869, 198, 12616, 9210, 1348, 1225, 868, 38137, 1073, 32127, 9978, 398, 52883, 11, 383, 29177, 456, 198, 20375, 25704, 708, 11089, 467, 2269, 8016, 3583, 15913, 6509, 309, 4199, 31214, 71956, 26368, 287, 22812, 78206, 8921, 554, 349, 75188, 438, 582, 1497, 10931, 1073, 34, 788, 1354, 11, 1354, 13539, 339, 589, 295, 731, 55911, 8778, 34, 30115, 1316, 13, 1666, 34, 788, 1354, 86957, 263, 576, 15252, 11, 17082, 10516, 398, 75375, 71, 1056, 1631, 52273, 318, 782, 4504, 11829, 2118, 85, 1141, 3946, 32710, 863, 1147, 461, 36626, 339, 589, 1056, 291, 3904, 367, 7853, 47823, 68987, 897, 11, 86184, 1113, 339, 589, 285, 10701, 38423, 52755, 16514, 52813, 71627, 797, 1411, 27216, 258, 325, 17998, 50814, 11, 383, 29177, 456, 412, 1073, 2788, 438, 19599, 30096, 582, 2194, 269, 5192, 88449, 27216, 2259, 198, 3236, 20393, 365, 300, 884, 50268, 92724, 10816, 20393, 1056, 291, 3904, 367, 7853, 16514, 1445, 783, 2553, 51526, 71, 365, 300, 10210, 1636, 2118, 66, 3149, 2476, 1962, 3323, 1729, 26301, 38083, 100004, 198, 1147, 28113, 339, 295, 3806, 3037, 380, 708, 69, 339, 46212, 11, 1336, 2319, 329, 1762, 18785, 10210, 1636, 26301, 198, 5756, 61893, 1752, 37992, 26372, 26301, 16241, 48724, 2239, 2127, 41895, 1073, 276, 52815, 2136, 11, 8370, 5919, 745, 16241, 42109, 1660, 708, 32204, 2191, 404, 582, 13850, 383, 6260, 30362, 3520, 438, 376, 2411, 764, 198, 2017, 92916, 2353, 826, 3595, 4010, 20000, 11541, 788, 1354, 42700, 546, 437, 8174, 2025, 79, 56498, 198, 287, 61564, 74276, 365, 2630, 1073, 83543, 5391, 300, 92109, 606, 2868, 12828, 359, 2508, 11, 8370, 11, 300, 1962, 291, 686, 5741, 91359, 58787, 5269, 49818, 485, 438, 77, 651, 788, 198, 9125, 66, 3444, 1740, 1820, 12828, 8699, 615, 51701, 27256, 967, 19030, 12120, 1073, 484, 198, 2136, 438, 12393, 40734, 32, 26696, 438, 66, 11967, 81437, 19553, 68244, 1639, 198, 1527, 6509, 478, 58787, 885, 22966, 543, 6509, 615, 16319, 1820, 2664, 63738, 70155, 198, 9125, 20080, 942, 1820, 383, 278, 826, 615, 17825, 1220, 16241, 1816, 885, 4620, 383, 278, 826, 615, 285, 95317, 2000, 1820, 12828, 8699, 615, 998, 1723, 19680, 750, 60654, 275, 23770, 258, 26042, 276, 34, 788, 1354, 529, 5756, 37992, 605, 3236, 708, 69, 1816, 258, 198, 9870, 4718, 11873, 21707, 1548, 6260, 2374, 198, 576, 2630, 11541, 788, 1354, 529, 3684, 16241, 48724, 2239, 16514, 76571, 2718, 83, 15621, 12626, 5451, 75145, 33, 31226, 1073, 39115, 438, 1820, 1548, 6260, 15335, 1073, 1820, 35075, 87475, 13, 28686, 753, 18422, 1073, 11873, 21707, 1548, 6260, 198, 9023, 1823, 944, 648, 51955, 29952, 285, 675, 616, 22015, 66, 32842, 81562, 10072, 944, 30154, 582, 8017, 6910, 66574, 51526, 16241, 48724, 3170, 1073, 76696, 788, 12383, 11, 16564, 1820, 12828, 61132, 1354, 5682, 1697, 54815, 1752, 80809, 11, 29351, 11, 13613, 55103, 51526, 59561, 18709, 38167, 1073, 1820, 686, 747, 3035, 300, 478, 71, 589, 1290, 291, 1354, 23772, 40617, 14386, 8905, 309, 1036, 3690, 60762, 72987, 22173, 16514, 391, 16794, 1073, 9023, 815, 76047, 753, 1336, 2319, 329, 1395, 41124, 3326, 20158, 4291, 276, 42879, 66, 11967, 3924, 285, 9233, 16514, 5919, 17890, 2352, 76, 992, 51526, 71, 365, 300, 70, 344, 729, 953, 10460, 34152, 198, 25859, 920, 81, 815, 36110, 789, 307, 1962, 17557, 83, 974, 24274, 87160, 1527, 71, 29116, 467, 8231, 46212, 53770, 3236, 3306, 977, 11, 98936, 11, 9023, 815, 76047, 6713, 18614, 60762, 258, 198, 339, 301, 3768, 42511, 3913, 64473, 51526, 71, 365, 300, 96091, 3384, 3924, 774, 1409, 1820, 7070, 29412, 198, 351, 3875, 3924, 295, 820, 60762, 339, 589, 365, 395, 455, 3950, 83, 677, 291, 3228, 2345, 12840, 16514, 198, 42109, 78, 287, 44466, 52061, 30, 7098, 339, 852, 3523, 102305, 9023, 815, 76047, 7509, 283, 55540, 15357, 1431, 30380, 12840, 198, 88, 412, 820, 2727, 100004, 88, 788, 3864, 40, 32345, 3323, 51464, 10460, 267, 337, 535, 51526, 9210, 275, 198, 16514, 15693, 630, 295, 316, 731, 275, 1820, 16241, 51464, 10460, 708, 69, 2465, 14789, 2029, 60762, 42700, 263, 102305, 40, 91453, 22479, 329, 1805, 2506, 32637, 2465, 8975, 11, 8370, 644, 2099, 54760, 44336, 2506, 42700, 263, 582, 93753, 11, 8370, 86, 395, 11793, 40, 32345, 33222, 87692, 17825, 51526, 40, 52253, 519, 1802, 79, 1122, 7298, 38448, 11, 8370, 86, 395, 11793, 1531, 40, 7070, 33222, 87692, 17825, 885, 728, 388, 953, 50814, 11, 2746, 85128, 540, 1411, 345, 40, 8332, 4591, 769, 307, 77, 529, 339, 402, 295, 86449, 2506, 529, 1055, 354, 1395, 729, 875, 48121, 752, 561, 53770, 42820, 51526, 40, 71, 402, 31845, 66922, 58234, 258, 2465, 67733, 14789, 49216, 9023, 815, 76047, 52784, 700, 3380, 81, 33024, 26301, 2025, 438, 61665, 102305, 40, 86, 14518, 5269, 1543, 1631, 461, 1073, 87234, 266, 4167, 14965, 3957, 21341, 4512, 86449, 548, 198, 44466, 52061, 11, 4908, 60762, 49216, 12487, 428, 57902, 1251, 11, 383, 32345, 26301, 69216, 12744, 292, 478, 2715, 6797, 339, 830, 10830, 198, 49201, 1073, 71, 7259, 708, 69, 26301, 81437, 1336, 363, 486, 395, 39255, 34854, 844, 2319, 1056, 324, 9868, 20393, 42925, 21468, 339, 2143, 412, 508, 25426, 1073, 6509, 1430, 76, 992, 24857, 198, 6703, 478, 484, 64275, 438, 52898, 884, 50268, 38128, 13, 473, 774, 2509, 33871, 438, 86, 14518, 291, 35734, 20670, 32345, 77, 1431, 2063, 1445, 998, 198, 325, 2701, 318, 99065, 411, 411, 318, 25, 2746, 9514, 52898, 391, 16794, 7509, 414, 3055, 12816, 3864, 9514, 529, 2042, 291, 3228, 1354, 953, 50814, 11, 10018, 728, 388, 953, 50814, 9514, 66922, 58234, 198, 7927, 1548, 6260, 2374, 266, 6919, 220, 12245, 198, 339, 3852, 283, 2099, 32345, 6577, 414, 67733, 14789, 11, 339, 301, 561, 2050, 9514, 7070, 3427, 285, 22479, 38083, 529, 708, 544, 560, 13, 2999, 815, 76047, 3473, 9164, 750, 44982, 37037, 69, 6509, 752, 266, 4167, 438, 1091, 291, 49818, 333, 20670, 529, 2042, 365, 9585, 998, 57558, 72867, 4166, 64510, 826, 13, 1959, 1820, 198, 12120, 1073, 3473, 428, 717, 42820, 11, 6509, 752, 266, 4167, 11, 1336, 363, 486, 5700, 97860, 50775, 708, 69, 198, 66, 11967, 11, 4150, 300, 351, 896, 920, 81, 815, 76047, 44982, 49818, 1378, 278, 34, 11967, 86245, 51526, 1820, 1065, 2841, 1003, 380, 9739, 388, 11829, 874, 2490, 51526, 49818, 73254, 267, 36661, 23770, 998, 9035, 266, 19030, 404, 383, 278, 826, 95890, 3556, 2017, 5065, 37427, 24857, 1073, 66, 11967, 11, 1636, 288, 17890, 258, 29351, 11, 13613, 55103, 51526, 59561, 18709, 13, 578, 1395, 59051, 1073, 9023, 815, 76047, 753, 1816, 380, 9379, 411, 300, 43068, 26172, 295, 316, 321, 198, 75, 919, 2715, 42443, 4291, 37427, 11, 14789, 62999, 484, 2136, 288, 5450, 26301, 5880, 25, 2118, 3947, 9329, 437, 1412, 58174, 51410, 2407, 481, 484, 2136, 288, 11, 3323, 258, 2407, 481, 16455, 2029, 1548, 1445, 13066, 6509, 365, 2311, 65, 1100, 787, 287, 998, 339, 3380, 1188, 1104, 69191, 198, 1598, 11, 8370, 13676, 25295, 486, 403, 708, 69, 16455, 1527, 543, 19599, 708, 1517, 1643, 1395, 1113, 30115, 708, 19434, 258, 2407, 481, 484, 2136, 33134, 406, 7053, 28628, 285, 9023, 815, 76047, 753, 454, 37400, 9210, 333, 606, 9164, 4919, 1395, 16623, 258, 2407, 2364, 56407, 11, 1729, 18881, 11, 79371, 56407, 66, 1036, 337, 647, 261, 17106, 4841, 258, 2407, 481, 920, 81, 815, 76047, 753, 1378, 278, 34, 11967, 86245, 782, 1325, 478, 14684, 68, 1325, 967, 774, 266, 414, 383, 278, 198, 826, 615, 16810, 1395, 5323, 291, 438, 31262, 20322, 402, 2850, 2676, 1073, 47321, 198, 438, 2336, 51526, 9210, 11, 13486, 31262, 11, 20670, 4919, 2017, 2063, 3163, 30132, 537, 198, 325, 19846, 1073, 14789, 753, 2715, 21937, 919, 13, 56578, 57564, 753, 18422, 1073, 11873, 21707, 1548, 6260, 198, 93906, 1082, 57564, 16514, 352, 283, 983, 22803, 1336, 677, 548, 398, 12402, 12156, 22606, 13, 2468, 352, 283, 983, 425, 11, 939, 15686, 1851, 291, 66, 651, 950, 66, 11967, 51526, 939, 365, 561, 820, 9210, 198, 333, 70561, 307, 77, 1431, 8154, 3427, 318, 4503, 988, 85392, 438, 2464, 42811, 11, 939, 365, 619, 27591, 1236, 49090, 365, 300, 3833, 670, 519, 998, 19553, 276, 9446, 438, 631, 496, 853, 32056, 22966, 19644, 31668, 998, 87, 1233, 579, 81524, 18614, 1964, 2664, 5450, 43280, 345, 70561, 79741, 3565, 1759, 361, 41512, 20053, 336, 1086, 708, 69, 383, 6260, 815, 1964, 288, 686, 2454, 198, 1820, 58400, 1073, 24217, 1018, 1245, 14239, 942, 1964, 12393, 11, 2914, 383, 17805, 1964, 198, 94942, 99641, 19171, 69331, 1171, 49818, 485, 9534, 7898, 438, 4338, 21468 ]
to be taking place. While your cognitive apparatus remains totally befuddled, mysteriously benevolent forces begin to come to your aid. Synchronistic, unexplainable happenings become more easily accepted, and things that you were taught are impossible and outside the realm of reality show up. I’ve had to address this questio n of being open to infinite possibilities during some meaningful and unanticipated events in my recent life. Since I’ve been practicing what I’ve written about throughout this book, and living from this God perspective, I’ve experienced many things and events that I probably would have rejected without this awareness. Then again, I very likely wouldn’ t have been able to permit these new awarenesses to penetrate my ego-dominated shell. I am choosing three examples of my personal experiences that have recently occurred as I’ve progressed on this path—as a man, a teacher, and a spiritual being. The First Personal Experience As I reported earlier in this book, there have been a significant number of unexplainable orbs showing up in photographs taken of me, particularlywhen I’m speaking before audiences on the subject matter that comprises the totality of the information in this book. Similarly, these orbs have also been appearing in photographs when I’m surrounded by people at these events—either signing books or simply enjoying the loving, friendly, and compassionate conversation that occurs at these gatherings. I have no idea what these orbs are, why they appear now and apparently haven’ t at earlier times, or if they have any hidden meanings. (See photo insert. ) I have read Klaus and Gundi Heinemann’ s book Orbs: Their Mission and Messages of Hope, and I encourag e you to do the same. They’ve included their commenta ry on many photographs taken of these orbs at various functions throughout the world. Klaus holds a Ph. D. in experimental physics and has taught at Stanford University, and his wife is a respected educator in California. Obviously, these are thoughtful, informed people, whose inquiry into this phenomenon comes from a well-grounded perspective. The orbs began appearing in my life recently during speeches and subsequent conv ersational groups. They seem to me to coincide with my decision to help myself and others live from a higher place of God- realization throu gh exploring, living, and writing about aspects of God- consciousness. If you look at the pictures of the orbs in this book’ s photo insert carefully, you see that a larger one appe ars above my head, and often the room is filled with small er orbs, almost as a confirmation that the messages of love that infiltrate the occasion are being witnessed by these mysterious circles of light. I do not pretend to know what they are or why they are now making themselves known to me in the manner that they are appearing in my life. They could be emanations from spirit beings that could be surrounding me with new energy to heighten my awareness and help me to clarify my messages. I have no idea—all I know for certain is that all things are possible, and I’m open to what they may or may not be about. My frien d Linda Millek first acquainted me with these photographic light emanations during a Hay House Caribbean cruise not long ago. She told me that 18 years ago, her son had died while saving a friend in an auto accident. Her son communicat es with her in a channeling fashion, and circular orbs and other orb shapes appear in her photos when she feels he’s close to her. As she was telling me this, she said she could feel his presencethere on the ship docked at St. Maarten. She took my picture, and there on my left and right hips was a megaphone-shaped orb identical to the ones she had seen in photos at her home. It was on this cruise that the first orb appeared, which I wrote about earlier in this book.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|> Q: What is the author's advice on what to think about before going to sleep?, A: The author advises against reviewing the day's frustrations and disappointments, and instead recommends assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Q: What is the author's opinion on the role of the subconscious mind?, A: The author believes that the subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can create reality, but it can only respond to what you put into it. Q: What is the author's perspective on the concept of "I am" statements?, A: The author emphasizes the importance of affirming "I am" statements that align with your highest self, and not the ego. Q: What is the author's advice on prayer?, A: The author suggests that one should not ask for something and hope for a response, but instead, one should acknowledge and assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Q: What is the author's perspective on the concept of "I am" and the subconscious mind?, A: The author emphasizes the importance of assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled and aligning with the one universal subconscious mind, rather than trying to force the outcome.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>I agreed to go to Abadiania with her, but as the time approached, I made the decision to stay here in America, largely because I felt so compelled to write this book. I needed uninterru pted time to do the work of sitting down and disciplining myself each and every day for several months in order to complete the manuscript for the book you are now reading. Rayna spent two weeks at the casa where John of God performs his surgeries. Although her original reason for going to Abadiania was for my healing, she received a surgical procedure herself. While there she sent a message asking that I have four photographs taken of me. I was instructed to dress in white outer garments and have the pictures taken from both sides, and from the front and back. On Friday she presented them to John of God and asked if he would allow surgery on me from these photos and from the long distance between Braz il and Hawaii where I was writing. John of God looked at the photos and said that he could not do the sur gery because I needed to be taking special herbs, and without them it would be futile. Rayna, God bless this Divine angel of a woman, doctor, and friend, obtained the special herbs, and then took them in a cab to a FedEx station.When they arrived three days later, I was told to take eight capsules over a 48-hour period, then have the photos retaken in white and e-mailed to her immediately. My daughter Serena took the four photos and e-mailed them to Rayn a. The next day Rayna called and excitedly told me that John of God had agreed to participate in the surgery. It would be performed Thursday at 7 A.M. (2 P.M. in Brazil), and she gave me very specific instructions on what I was to do in preparation for the sur gery. At 7 A.M. that Thursday, I was in bed while this long-distance activity took place using the new photos. I was open-minded, yet I must confess that a smidgen of perplexity and skepticism wafted over me at this unusual transmission of long-distance surgery requiring four photos of me dressed in white, and that I swallow herb capsules FedExed from Brazil! My cell phone began buzzing with messages from Rayna. I was to go back to bed and sleep for the next 24 hours. Eat no pepper, pork, or spicy foods. No exercise, no phones, no writing, no sex, and no massages for seven days when the sutures were to be removed. My first react ion was that I couldn’t go back to sleep for 24 straight hours, as I had just awoken from 8 solid hours of sleep. Rayna told me that if I couldn’ t sleep, I was to pretend that I was sleeping, and the entities who do the healing would anesthetize me. Within five minutes I felt overwhelming fatigue. I lay down in bed and stayed there for the next 24 hours, only getting up twice to eat something light and to pee. The next day, the idea of doing my normal routine of walking, swimming, stair-climbing, and weight lifting—which I’ve done daily for the past 35 years—seemed totally out of sync with what I was feeling. Even walking a few steps took my breath away. When I spoke to Rayna about this, she said, “You have had surgery. You absolutely must rest for the next seven days, or you will mess up everything that John of God has done for you.” So the entire week passed, and my daughter Serena simply took care of me while I did nothing but rest. My body was detoxifying in a very big way. I went from feeling just fine to coughing up phlegm and having flu-like symptoms, difficulty breathing, exhaustion, watery eyes, and many other symptoms. Exer cising in any way was totally out of the question. I spent one week in a total state of rest. Rayna then told me that the following Wednesday night I would be having my “sutures” removed, and gave me very specific instructions ofprecisely what I was to do in preparation for my eight hours of sleep while the entities removed their sutures. Of course I did exactly as I was instructed, but that modicum of doubt still swirled around in my mind about spirits
[ 311, 387, 198, 89894, 2035, 13, 6104, 701, 25702, 41705, 8625, 12756, 58046, 85201, 345, 76, 22604, 13610, 20331, 72137, 8603, 3240, 311, 2586, 311, 701, 12576, 13, 328, 14445, 4633, 345, 359, 95444, 481, 3621, 826, 3719, 810, 6847, 11928, 11, 323, 2574, 430, 198, 9514, 1051, 15972, 527, 12266, 323, 4994, 279, 22651, 315, 8903, 1501, 709, 13, 358, 4070, 1047, 311, 2686, 420, 2271, 822, 308, 315, 1694, 1825, 311, 24746, 24525, 198, 82977, 1063, 23222, 323, 653, 93878, 4455, 304, 856, 3293, 2324, 13, 8876, 198, 40, 4070, 1027, 36666, 1148, 358, 4070, 5439, 922, 6957, 420, 2363, 11, 323, 198, 64275, 505, 420, 4359, 13356, 11, 358, 4070, 10534, 1690, 2574, 323, 4455, 198, 9210, 358, 4762, 1053, 617, 18010, 2085, 420, 17985, 13, 5112, 1578, 11, 358, 198, 1225, 4461, 8434, 529, 259, 617, 1027, 3025, 311, 11810, 1521, 502, 17985, 288, 311, 198, 2821, 295, 7853, 856, 37374, 90723, 12811, 13, 358, 1097, 19301, 2380, 10507, 220, 315, 856, 4443, 11704, 430, 617, 198, 47743, 398, 10222, 439, 358, 4070, 62916, 389, 420, 1853, 60654, 264, 893, 11, 264, 11326, 11, 323, 198, 64, 18330, 1694, 13, 578, 5629, 19758, 21460, 198, 2170, 358, 5068, 6931, 304, 420, 2363, 11, 1070, 617, 1027, 264, 5199, 1396, 315, 198, 359, 95444, 481, 99505, 9204, 709, 304, 25232, 4529, 315, 757, 11, 8104, 9493, 358, 4344, 12365, 1603, 30994, 389, 279, 3917, 5030, 430, 41095, 198, 1820, 2458, 2786, 315, 279, 2038, 304, 420, 2363, 13, 35339, 11, 1521, 99505, 617, 1101, 198, 82850, 26449, 304, 25232, 220, 994, 358, 4344, 23712, 555, 1274, 520, 1521, 198, 12670, 2345, 50998, 16351, 6603, 477, 5042, 22128, 279, 21955, 11, 11919, 11, 323, 198, 31929, 85999, 10652, 430, 13980, 520, 1521, 66237, 13, 358, 617, 912, 4623, 198, 12840, 1521, 99505, 527, 11, 3249, 814, 5101, 1457, 323, 14132, 9167, 529, 259, 520, 6931, 198, 15487, 11, 477, 422, 814, 617, 904, 8340, 50800, 13, 320, 10031, 6685, 5774, 13, 883, 358, 617, 1373, 82197, 323, 480, 56998, 64782, 80998, 529, 274, 2363, 2582, 1302, 25, 11205, 24098, 323, 198, 16198, 315, 18231, 11, 323, 358, 8037, 351, 384, 499, 311, 656, 279, 1890, 13, 2435, 4070, 5343, 198, 50828, 4068, 64, 35019, 389, 1690, 25232, 4529, 315, 1521, 99505, 520, 5370, 198, 22124, 6957, 279, 1917, 13, 82197, 10187, 264, 2405, 13, 423, 13, 304, 22772, 198, 67865, 323, 706, 15972, 520, 31788, 3907, 11, 323, 813, 7555, 374, 264, 31387, 198, 25802, 859, 304, 7188, 13, 36530, 11, 1521, 527, 43766, 11, 16369, 1274, 345, 86243, 26981, 1139, 420, 25885, 4131, 505, 264, 1664, 79255, 291, 198, 32390, 9262, 13, 578, 99505, 6137, 26449, 304, 856, 2324, 6051, 2391, 44440, 323, 198, 2008, 72457, 5804, 55495, 1697, 5315, 13, 2435, 2873, 311, 757, 311, 72359, 449, 856, 198, 65038, 311, 1520, 7182, 323, 3885, 3974, 505, 264, 5190, 2035, 315, 4359, 7058, 8110, 2065, 270, 583, 37224, 24919, 11, 5496, 11, 323, 4477, 922, 13878, 315, 4359, 7058, 64589, 2136, 13, 1442, 499, 1427, 520, 279, 9364, 315, 279, 99505, 304, 420, 2363, 529, 274, 6685, 5774, 15884, 345, 9514, 1518, 430, 264, 8294, 832, 2708, 802, 82, 3485, 856, 2010, 11, 323, 3629, 279, 3130, 374, 198, 28611, 449, 2678, 2781, 99505, 11, 4661, 439, 264, 20109, 430, 279, 6743, 315, 3021, 198, 9210, 43364, 349, 279, 13402, 527, 1694, 32126, 555, 1521, 26454, 26432, 198, 1073, 3177, 13, 358, 656, 539, 35840, 311, 1440, 1148, 814, 527, 477, 3249, 814, 527, 1457, 198, 28936, 5694, 3967, 311, 757, 304, 279, 11827, 430, 814, 527, 26449, 304, 198, 2465, 2324, 13, 2435, 1436, 387, 69239, 811, 505, 9090, 23837, 430, 1436, 387, 198, 20370, 1067, 287, 757, 449, 502, 4907, 311, 2673, 268, 856, 17985, 323, 1520, 757, 311, 198, 13115, 1463, 856, 6743, 13, 358, 617, 912, 4623, 87247, 358, 1440, 369, 3738, 374, 430, 682, 2574, 198, 548, 3284, 11, 323, 358, 4344, 1825, 311, 1148, 814, 1253, 477, 1253, 539, 387, 922, 13, 3092, 2698, 268, 294, 39162, 386, 4618, 74, 1176, 73734, 757, 449, 1521, 70164, 3177, 198, 16357, 811, 2391, 264, 18276, 4783, 35374, 31551, 539, 1317, 4227, 13, 3005, 3309, 757, 198, 9210, 220, 972, 1667, 4227, 11, 1077, 4538, 1047, 8636, 1418, 14324, 264, 4333, 304, 459, 3313, 198, 4575, 1748, 13, 6385, 4538, 6057, 266, 1560, 449, 1077, 304, 264, 5613, 287, 11401, 11, 323, 198, 66, 22190, 99505, 323, 1023, 37466, 21483, 5101, 304, 1077, 7397, 994, 1364, 11321, 568, 753, 198, 5669, 311, 1077, 13, 1666, 1364, 574, 11890, 757, 420, 11, 1364, 1071, 1364, 1436, 2733, 813, 1685, 967, 774, 486, 389, 279, 8448, 28649, 291, 520, 800, 13, 11583, 23992, 13, 3005, 3952, 856, 6945, 11, 323, 1070, 389, 198, 2465, 2163, 323, 1314, 43523, 574, 264, 19262, 1366, 606, 35831, 37466, 20086, 311, 279, 6305, 1364, 198, 32345, 3970, 304, 7397, 520, 1077, 2162, 13, 1102, 574, 389, 420, 31551, 430, 279, 1176, 37466, 198, 99567, 11, 902, 358, 6267, 922, 6931, 304, 420, 2363, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 9650, 389, 1148, 311, 1781, 922, 1603, 2133, 311, 6212, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 70074, 2403, 34988, 279, 1938, 596, 90034, 323, 14429, 1392, 11, 323, 4619, 40912, 26619, 279, 8430, 315, 279, 6562, 41834, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 9647, 389, 279, 3560, 315, 279, 84951, 4059, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 13919, 430, 279, 84951, 4059, 374, 264, 8147, 5507, 430, 649, 1893, 8903, 11, 719, 433, 649, 1193, 6013, 311, 1148, 499, 2231, 1139, 433, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 13356, 389, 279, 7434, 315, 330, 40, 1097, 1, 12518, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 66159, 279, 12939, 315, 33449, 287, 330, 40, 1097, 1, 12518, 430, 5398, 449, 701, 8592, 659, 11, 323, 539, 279, 37374, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 9650, 389, 23788, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 13533, 430, 832, 1288, 539, 2610, 369, 2555, 323, 3987, 369, 264, 2077, 11, 719, 4619, 11, 832, 1288, 25670, 323, 9855, 279, 8430, 315, 279, 6562, 41834, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 13356, 389, 279, 7434, 315, 330, 40, 1097, 1, 323, 279, 84951, 4059, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 66159, 279, 12939, 315, 26619, 279, 8430, 315, 279, 6562, 41834, 323, 5398, 287, 449, 279, 832, 20789, 84951, 4059, 11, 4856, 1109, 4560, 311, 5457, 279, 15632, 13, 128009, 128000, 40, 7378, 311, 733, 311, 198, 5953, 10272, 689, 449, 1077, 11, 719, 439, 279, 892, 25735, 11, 358, 1903, 279, 5597, 311, 4822, 198, 6881, 304, 5270, 1174, 14090, 1606, 358, 6612, 779, 48984, 311, 3350, 420, 2363, 13, 358, 198, 41917, 35877, 618, 84, 281, 6702, 892, 311, 656, 279, 990, 315, 11961, 1523, 323, 15869, 5859, 198, 2465, 726, 1855, 323, 1475, 1938, 369, 3892, 4038, 304, 2015, 311, 4686, 279, 198, 1543, 355, 1250, 369, 279, 2363, 499, 527, 1457, 5403, 13, 13558, 3458, 7543, 1403, 5672, 520, 279, 25233, 1405, 3842, 315, 4359, 27772, 813, 198, 20370, 61488, 13, 10541, 1077, 4113, 220, 2944, 369, 2133, 311, 3765, 10272, 689, 574, 369, 856, 198, 383, 6260, 11, 1364, 4036, 264, 34933, 10537, 11937, 13, 6104, 1070, 1364, 3288, 264, 198, 2037, 10371, 430, 358, 617, 3116, 25232, 4529, 315, 757, 13, 358, 574, 42075, 198, 998, 8679, 220, 304, 4251, 16335, 67556, 323, 617, 279, 9364, 4529, 505, 2225, 198, 82, 3422, 11, 323, 505, 279, 4156, 323, 1203, 13, 1952, 6740, 1364, 10666, 1124, 311, 3842, 315, 198, 28622, 323, 4691, 422, 568, 1053, 2187, 15173, 389, 757, 505, 1521, 7397, 323, 505, 198, 1820, 1317, 6138, 1990, 73411, 3900, 323, 28621, 1405, 358, 574, 4477, 13, 3842, 315, 198, 28622, 7111, 520, 279, 7397, 323, 1071, 430, 568, 1436, 539, 656, 279, 1765, 342, 727, 1606, 358, 198, 41917, 311, 387, 4737, 3361, 42393, 11, 323, 2085, 1124, 433, 1053, 387, 85627, 13, 13558, 3458, 11, 4359, 16458, 420, 43361, 34426, 315, 264, 5333, 11, 10896, 1174, 323, 4333, 345, 677, 83, 2692, 279, 3361, 42393, 11, 323, 1243, 3952, 1124, 304, 264, 22239, 311, 264, 86335, 8216, 51861, 814, 11721, 2380, 2919, 3010, 11, 358, 574, 3309, 311, 1935, 8223, 65879, 927, 264, 198, 2166, 21925, 4261, 11, 1243, 617, 279, 7397, 2160, 3448, 304, 4251, 323, 384, 1474, 5805, 311, 1077, 198, 318, 44287, 662, 3092, 10003, 92090, 3952, 279, 3116, 7397, 323, 384, 1474, 5805, 1124, 198, 998, 13558, 77, 264, 13, 578, 1828, 1938, 13558, 3458, 220, 2663, 323, 12304, 398, 3309, 757, 430, 3842, 315, 198, 28622, 1047, 7378, 311, 16136, 304, 279, 15173, 13, 1102, 1053, 387, 10887, 198, 38888, 520, 220, 22, 362, 1345, 13, 220, 320, 17, 393, 1345, 13, 304, 16327, 705, 323, 1364, 6688, 757, 1633, 3230, 198, 63395, 389, 1148, 358, 574, 311, 656, 304, 18459, 369, 279, 1765, 342, 727, 13, 2468, 220, 22, 362, 1345, 13, 220, 430, 7950, 1174, 358, 574, 304, 4950, 1418, 420, 1317, 74908, 5820, 198, 91453, 2035, 1701, 279, 502, 7397, 13, 358, 574, 1825, 34423, 11, 3686, 358, 2011, 48466, 430, 198, 64, 1554, 307, 4469, 315, 74252, 488, 323, 67233, 10667, 728, 291, 927, 757, 520, 420, 19018, 198, 1485, 2796, 315, 1317, 74908, 15173, 23537, 3116, 7397, 315, 757, 26435, 198, 258, 4251, 11, 323, 430, 358, 42276, 39999, 65879, 86335, 291, 505, 16327, 0, 3092, 2849, 4641, 6137, 86424, 449, 6743, 505, 13558, 3458, 13, 358, 574, 311, 733, 198, 1445, 311, 4950, 323, 6212, 369, 279, 1828, 220, 1187, 4207, 13, 45614, 912, 25349, 1174, 36167, 11, 477, 48351, 198, 96420, 13, 2360, 10368, 11, 912, 18084, 11, 912, 4477, 11, 912, 1877, 11, 323, 912, 64279, 369, 198, 81285, 2919, 994, 279, 35312, 1439, 1051, 311, 387, 7108, 13, 3092, 1176, 14085, 28772, 574, 430, 198, 40, 7846, 1431, 733, 1203, 311, 6212, 369, 220, 1187, 7833, 4207, 11, 439, 358, 1047, 1120, 1384, 1713, 505, 198, 23, 6573, 4207, 315, 6212, 13, 13558, 3458, 3309, 757, 430, 422, 358, 7846, 529, 259, 6212, 11, 358, 574, 311, 198, 8203, 408, 220, 430, 358, 574, 21811, 11, 323, 279, 15086, 889, 656, 279, 21730, 1053, 198, 276, 478, 14122, 553, 757, 13, 25218, 4330, 4520, 358, 6612, 22798, 36709, 13, 358, 11203, 1523, 198, 258, 4950, 323, 20186, 1070, 369, 279, 1828, 220, 1187, 4207, 11, 1193, 3794, 709, 11157, 311, 8343, 198, 34431, 3177, 323, 311, 65238, 13, 578, 1828, 1938, 11, 279, 4623, 315, 3815, 856, 4725, 14348, 315, 11689, 11, 24269, 345, 267, 1334, 31717, 318, 7278, 11, 323, 4785, 33510, 50004, 358, 4070, 2884, 7446, 369, 279, 3347, 220, 1758, 198, 42820, 2345, 325, 16809, 12756, 704, 315, 13105, 449, 1148, 358, 574, 8430, 13, 7570, 11689, 264, 198, 71830, 7504, 3952, 856, 11745, 3201, 662, 3277, 358, 12570, 311, 13558, 3458, 922, 420, 11, 1364, 1071, 345, 33672, 617, 1047, 15173, 13, 1472, 11112, 2011, 2800, 369, 279, 1828, 8254, 2919, 11, 477, 198, 9514, 690, 9622, 709, 4395, 430, 3842, 315, 4359, 706, 2884, 369, 499, 49216, 4516, 279, 4553, 2046, 5946, 11, 323, 856, 10003, 92090, 5042, 3952, 2512, 315, 198, 2727, 1418, 358, 1550, 4400, 719, 2800, 13, 3092, 2547, 574, 61987, 7922, 304, 264, 1633, 2466, 1648, 662, 358, 4024, 505, 8430, 1120, 7060, 311, 40700, 287, 709, 1343, 1978, 76, 323, 3515, 20236, 12970, 198, 24738, 52273, 11, 17250, 27027, 11, 70663, 11, 30125, 727, 6548, 11, 323, 1690, 1023, 198, 24738, 52273, 13, 1398, 261, 272, 3876, 304, 904, 1648, 574, 12756, 704, 315, 279, 3488, 13, 358, 7543, 198, 606, 2046, 304, 264, 2860, 1614, 315, 2800, 13, 13558, 3458, 1243, 3309, 757, 430, 279, 2768, 8079, 3814, 358, 1053, 387, 198, 69666, 856, 1054, 82, 75706, 863, 7108, 11, 323, 6688, 757, 1633, 3230, 11470, 315, 10872, 285, 989, 1148, 358, 574, 311, 656, 304, 18459, 369, 856, 8223, 4207, 315, 6212, 1418, 198, 1820, 15086, 7108, 872, 35312, 1439, 13, 5046, 3388, 358, 1550, 7041, 220, 439, 358, 574, 198, 258, 1257, 291, 11, 719, 430, 1491, 86231, 315, 10712, 2103, 2064, 404, 839, 2212, 304, 856, 4059, 922, 198, 50177, 1220 ]
what happened? Why is it that we r eached a certain age, look ed ar ound, and the enchantment was gone? Because we wer e taught to focus elsewher e. We wer e taught to think unnaturally. We wer e taught a very bad philosophy, a way of looking at the world that contradicts who we ar e. We wer e taught to think thoughts lik e competition, struggle, sickness, finite r esour ces, limitation, guilt, bad, death, scar city, and loss. W e began to think these things, and so we began to know them. W e wer e taught that things like grades, being good enough, money, and doing things the right way, ar e mor e important than love. W e wer e taught that we’r e separate fr om other people, that we have to compete to get ahead, that we’r e not quite good enough the way we ar e. We wer e taught to see the world the waythat others had come to see it. It’s as though, as soon as we got her e, we wer e given a sleeping pill. The thinking of the world, which is not based on love, began pounding in our ears the moment we hit shor e. Love is what we wer e bor n with. F ear is what we have learned her e. The spiritual jour ney is the r elinquishment—or unlear ning—of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts. L ove is the essential e xistential fact. It is our ultimate r eality and our purpose on earth. T o be consciously awar e of it, to e xperience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning doesn’t lie in things. Meaning lies in us. When we attach value to things that ar en’t love—the money, the car, the house, the pr estige—we ar e loving things that can’t love us back. W e are sear ching for meaning in the meaningless. Money, of itself, means nothing. Material things, of themselves, mean nothing. It’s not that they’r e bad. It’s that they’r e nothing. We came her e to co -create with God by e xtending love. Life spent with any other purpose in mind is meaningless, contrary to our natur e, and ultimately painful. It’s as though we’ve been lost in a dark, parallel universe wher e things ar e loved mor e than people. W e overvalue what we per ceive with our physical senses, and undervalue what we know to be true in our hearts. Love isn’t seen with the physical eyes or hear d with physical ears. The physical senses can’t per ceive it; it’s perceived thr ough another kind of vision. Metaphysicians call it the Thir d Eye, esoteric Christians call it the vision of the Holy Spirit, and others call it the Higher Self. Regardless of what it’s called, love r equir es a differ ent kind of “seeing” than we’r e used to—a differ ent kind of knowing or thinking.Love is the intuitive knowledge of our hearts. It’s a “ world beyond” that we all secr etly long for. An ancient memory of this love haunts all of us all the time, and beck ons us to return. Love isn’t material. It’s ener gy. It’s the feeling in a r oom, a situation, a person. Money can’t buy it. Se x doesn’t guarantee it. It has nothing at all to do with the physical world, but it can be e xpressed nonetheless. W e experience it as kindness, giving, mer cy, compassion, peace, joy, acceptance, non-judgment, joining, and intimacy. Fear is our shar ed lovelessness, our individual and collective hells. It’s a world that seems to pr ess on us fr om within and without, giving constant false testimony to the meaninglessness of love. When fear is e xpressed, we recognize it as anger, abuse, disease, pain, greed, addiction, selfishness, obsession, cor ruption, violence, and war. Love is within us. It cannot be destr oyed, but can only be hidden. The world we knew as childr en is still buried within our minds. I once r ead a delightful book called The Mists of Avalon. The mists of A valon ar e a mythical allusion to the tales of King Arthur. Avalon is a magical island that is hidden behind huge impenetrable mists. Unless the mists part, there is no way to navigate your way to the island. But unless you believe the island is ther e, the mists won’t part. Avalon symbolizes a world beyond the world we see with our physical eyes. It r epresents a miraculous sense of things, the enchanted r ealm that we knew as childr en. Our childlik e self is the deepest level of our being. It is who we really ar e and what is r eal doesn’t go away. The truth doesn’t stop being the truth just because we’r e not looking at it. L ove mer ely becomes clouded over, or sur rounded by mental mists.Avalon is the world we knew when we wer e still connected to our sof tness, our innocence, our spirit. It’s actually the same world we see now, but infor med by love, interpr eted gently, with hope and faith and a sense of wonder. It’s easily r etrieved, because per ception is a choice. The mists part when we believe that A valon is behind them. And that’s what a miracle is: a parting of the mists, a shift in per ception, a r eturn to love. OceanofPDF.comPART I Principles OceanofPDF.comCHAPTER 1 Hell “Ther e is no place for hell in a world whose loveliness can yet be so intense and so inclusive it is but a step fr om ther e to Heaven.”   Those passages with double quotation marks ar e quoted dir ectly fr om A Course in Miracles. Those passages with single quotation marks ar e paraphrased interpr etations of that book. A complete listing of citations to A Course in Miracles appears beginning on p. 301. M.W. 1. THE DARKNES S “The jour ney into darkness has been long and cruel, and you have gone deep into it.” What happened to my generation is that we never gr ew up. The pr oblem isn’t that we’r e lost or apathetic, nar cissistic ormaterialistic. The pr oblem is we’r e terrified. A lot of us know we have what it tak es—the looks, the education, the talent, the cr edentials. But in certain ar eas, we’re paralyzed. W e’re not being stopped by something on the outside, but by something on the inside. Our oppr ession is inter nal. The gover nment isn’t holding us back, or hunger or poverty. We’re not afraid we’ll get sent to Siberia. W e’re just afraid, period. Our fear is fr ee-floating. W e’re afraid this isn’t the right r elationship or we’r e afraid it is. W e’re afraid they won’t lik e us or we’r e afraid they will. W e’re afraid of failur e or we’r e afraid of success. W e’re afraid of dying young or we’r e afraid of gr owing old. W e’re mor e afraid of life than we ar e of death. You’d think we’d have some compassion for ourselves, bound up in emotional chains the way we ar e, but we don’t. We’re just disgusted with ourselves, because we think we should be better by now. Sometimes we mak e the mistak e of thinking other people don’t have as much fear as we do, which only mak es us mor e afraid. Maybe they know something we don’t know. Maybe we’r e missing a chromosome. It’s become popular these days to blame practically everything on our par ents. W e figur e it’s because of them that our self -esteem is so low. If only they’d been differ ent, we’d be brimming with self -love. But if you tak e a close look at how our par ents tr eated us, whatever abuse they gave us was of ten mild compar ed to the way we abuse ourselves today. It’s true that your mother might have said r epeatedly, “You’ll never be able to do that, dear.” But now you say to yourself, “Y ou’re a jerk. Y ou never do it right. Y ou blew it. I hate you.” They might have been mean, but we’r e vicious.Our generation has slipped into a bar ely camouflaged vorte x of self -loathing. And we’r e always, even desperately, seeking a way out
[ 1148, 7077, 30, 8595, 374, 433, 430, 584, 436, 1855, 291, 264, 3738, 198, 425, 11, 1427, 1608, 802, 220, 801, 11, 323, 279, 48025, 479, 574, 8208, 30, 9393, 584, 7205, 384, 15972, 311, 5357, 775, 1336, 261, 384, 13, 1226, 7205, 384, 198, 2629, 3948, 311, 1781, 17380, 72247, 662, 1226, 7205, 384, 15972, 264, 1633, 3958, 198, 46185, 11597, 88, 11, 264, 1648, 315, 3411, 520, 279, 1917, 430, 23093, 31095, 198, 14965, 584, 802, 384, 627, 1687, 7205, 384, 15972, 311, 1781, 11555, 3208, 384, 10937, 345, 496, 50428, 11, 54950, 11, 33595, 71831, 62664, 436, 1560, 414, 27750, 11, 20893, 11, 34951, 11, 3958, 345, 63007, 11, 23087, 3363, 11, 323, 4814, 13, 468, 384, 6137, 311, 1781, 1521, 2574, 345, 438, 779, 584, 6137, 311, 1440, 1124, 13, 468, 384, 7205, 384, 15972, 430, 2574, 198, 4908, 28711, 11, 1694, 1695, 3403, 11, 3300, 11, 323, 3815, 2574, 198, 1820, 1314, 1648, 11, 802, 384, 4411, 384, 3062, 1109, 3021, 13, 468, 384, 7205, 384, 198, 2629, 3948, 430, 584, 529, 81, 384, 8821, 1448, 8019, 1023, 1274, 11, 430, 584, 617, 198, 998, 20874, 311, 636, 8469, 11, 430, 584, 529, 81, 384, 539, 5115, 1695, 3403, 198, 1820, 1648, 584, 802, 384, 13, 1226, 7205, 384, 15972, 311, 1518, 279, 1917, 279, 1648, 9210, 3885, 1047, 2586, 311, 1518, 433, 13, 1102, 753, 439, 3582, 11, 439, 5246, 439, 584, 198, 23196, 1077, 384, 11, 584, 7205, 384, 2728, 264, 21811, 15530, 13, 578, 7422, 315, 279, 198, 14957, 11, 902, 374, 539, 3196, 389, 3021, 11, 6137, 70627, 304, 1057, 198, 7596, 279, 4545, 584, 4295, 559, 269, 384, 627, 29351, 374, 1148, 584, 7205, 384, 32732, 308, 449, 13, 435, 2487, 374, 1148, 584, 617, 198, 12964, 291, 1077, 384, 13, 578, 18330, 9880, 841, 88, 374, 279, 436, 658, 53988, 16409, 51749, 198, 359, 1576, 46607, 2345, 1073, 8850, 323, 279, 26586, 315, 3021, 1203, 1139, 1057, 198, 383, 7183, 13, 445, 297, 588, 374, 279, 7718, 384, 865, 380, 2335, 2144, 13, 1102, 374, 1057, 198, 67666, 436, 384, 2786, 323, 1057, 7580, 389, 9578, 13, 350, 297, 387, 70903, 198, 675, 277, 384, 315, 433, 11, 311, 384, 865, 13267, 3021, 304, 13520, 323, 3885, 11, 374, 198, 1820, 7438, 315, 2324, 13, 49203, 3250, 1431, 10457, 304, 2574, 13, 49203, 15812, 304, 603, 13, 3277, 198, 906, 15866, 907, 311, 2574, 430, 802, 665, 1431, 3021, 22416, 3300, 11, 279, 198, 7063, 11, 279, 3838, 11, 279, 550, 1826, 7404, 86319, 802, 384, 21955, 2574, 430, 649, 1431, 198, 31153, 603, 1203, 13, 468, 384, 527, 513, 277, 523, 287, 369, 7438, 304, 279, 198, 57865, 1752, 13, 18099, 11, 315, 5196, 11, 3445, 4400, 13, 10441, 198, 58174, 11, 315, 5694, 11, 3152, 4400, 13, 1102, 753, 539, 430, 814, 529, 81, 384, 198, 14176, 13, 1102, 753, 430, 814, 529, 81, 384, 4400, 13, 1226, 3782, 1077, 384, 311, 1080, 482, 3261, 449, 4359, 555, 384, 63490, 2518, 3021, 13, 9601, 7543, 449, 904, 1023, 7580, 304, 4059, 374, 57026, 345, 8386, 661, 311, 1057, 14818, 384, 11, 323, 13967, 26175, 13, 1102, 753, 439, 3582, 198, 906, 4070, 1027, 5675, 304, 264, 6453, 11, 15638, 15861, 421, 261, 384, 2574, 802, 384, 198, 385, 2111, 4411, 384, 1109, 1274, 13, 468, 384, 927, 970, 1148, 584, 824, 3846, 535, 198, 4291, 1057, 7106, 38207, 11, 323, 2073, 651, 542, 1148, 584, 1440, 311, 198, 1395, 837, 304, 1057, 23492, 13, 10919, 4536, 1431, 3970, 449, 279, 7106, 6548, 477, 6865, 294, 449, 198, 47692, 25212, 13, 578, 7106, 38207, 649, 1431, 824, 3846, 535, 433, 26, 433, 753, 198, 716, 8946, 8983, 220, 1409, 2500, 3169, 315, 11376, 13, 6344, 1366, 1065, 9818, 198, 6797, 433, 279, 666, 404, 294, 28929, 11, 1560, 83775, 22125, 1650, 433, 279, 11376, 315, 198, 1820, 19229, 17326, 11, 323, 3885, 1650, 433, 279, 35321, 10323, 662, 44840, 198, 1073, 1148, 433, 753, 2663, 11, 3021, 436, 3312, 404, 1560, 264, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 261, 1218, 3169, 315, 1054, 66154, 89874, 54895, 584, 529, 81, 384, 1511, 311, 29096, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 261, 1218, 3169, 315, 14392, 477, 7422, 1236, 1009, 374, 279, 42779, 6677, 315, 1057, 23492, 13, 1102, 753, 264, 1054, 1917, 198, 65, 23478, 863, 430, 584, 682, 513, 5192, 1880, 398, 1317, 369, 662, 1556, 14154, 5044, 315, 198, 576, 3021, 6520, 38040, 682, 315, 603, 682, 279, 892, 11, 323, 92186, 49549, 603, 311, 198, 693, 13, 10919, 4536, 1431, 3769, 13, 1102, 753, 38556, 29720, 13, 1102, 753, 279, 8430, 304, 264, 436, 297, 316, 345, 64, 6671, 11, 264, 1732, 13, 18099, 649, 1431, 3780, 433, 13, 1369, 865, 3250, 1431, 198, 8890, 277, 14164, 433, 13, 1102, 706, 4400, 520, 682, 311, 656, 449, 279, 7106, 198, 14957, 11, 719, 433, 649, 387, 384, 865, 14655, 38913, 13, 468, 384, 3217, 198, 275, 439, 45972, 11, 7231, 11, 4809, 9693, 11, 30481, 11, 9096, 11, 16267, 345, 10543, 685, 11, 2536, 13636, 664, 9247, 11, 18667, 11, 323, 66264, 662, 43067, 374, 1057, 26708, 1608, 3021, 33028, 11, 1057, 3927, 323, 198, 17840, 535, 305, 6572, 13, 1102, 753, 264, 1917, 430, 5084, 311, 550, 4043, 389, 603, 1448, 8019, 198, 56950, 323, 2085, 11, 7231, 6926, 905, 24365, 311, 279, 198, 57865, 33028, 315, 3021, 13, 3277, 8850, 374, 384, 865, 14655, 11, 584, 198, 34551, 553, 433, 439, 19788, 11, 11737, 11, 8624, 11, 6784, 11, 56926, 11, 27471, 345, 9697, 171, 71831, 939, 2136, 11, 49635, 11, 1867, 11369, 562, 11, 9349, 11, 323, 4208, 662, 10919, 374, 2949, 603, 13, 1102, 4250, 387, 409, 496, 70448, 291, 11, 719, 649, 1193, 387, 198, 6397, 13, 578, 1917, 584, 7020, 439, 1716, 81, 665, 374, 2103, 28016, 2949, 198, 414, 20663, 13, 358, 3131, 436, 384, 329, 264, 50189, 2363, 2663, 578, 386, 1705, 315, 198, 32, 838, 263, 662, 578, 296, 1705, 315, 362, 1062, 263, 802, 384, 264, 84219, 682, 7713, 311, 279, 198, 2629, 645, 315, 6342, 28686, 662, 50078, 263, 374, 264, 24632, 13218, 430, 374, 8340, 198, 30998, 485, 6908, 737, 2821, 17820, 481, 296, 1705, 13, 11115, 279, 296, 1705, 961, 345, 19041, 374, 912, 1648, 311, 21546, 701, 1648, 311, 279, 13218, 13, 2030, 198, 39870, 499, 4510, 279, 13218, 374, 9139, 384, 11, 279, 296, 1705, 2834, 1431, 961, 13, 50078, 263, 7891, 4861, 264, 1917, 7953, 279, 1917, 584, 1518, 449, 198, 414, 7106, 6548, 13, 1102, 436, 4248, 9773, 264, 91813, 5647, 315, 198, 58174, 11, 279, 98411, 436, 384, 7828, 430, 584, 7020, 439, 1716, 81, 665, 13, 5751, 198, 3124, 7792, 384, 659, 374, 279, 51621, 2237, 315, 1057, 1694, 13, 1102, 374, 889, 584, 198, 54760, 802, 384, 323, 1148, 374, 436, 384, 278, 3250, 1431, 733, 3201, 662, 578, 8206, 198, 73014, 1431, 3009, 1694, 279, 8206, 1120, 1606, 584, 529, 81, 384, 539, 3411, 198, 266, 433, 13, 445, 297, 588, 4809, 658, 88, 9221, 9624, 291, 927, 11, 477, 1765, 18460, 555, 198, 93221, 296, 1705, 885, 838, 263, 374, 279, 1917, 584, 7020, 994, 584, 7205, 384, 2103, 198, 15647, 311, 1057, 86906, 259, 2136, 11, 1057, 57311, 11, 1057, 9090, 13, 1102, 753, 198, 74128, 279, 1890, 1917, 584, 1518, 1457, 11, 719, 304, 2000, 1812, 555, 3021, 345, 2295, 652, 1880, 291, 30373, 11, 449, 3987, 323, 10082, 323, 264, 5647, 315, 198, 86, 14518, 662, 1102, 753, 6847, 436, 1880, 83712, 11, 1606, 824, 3846, 562, 374, 264, 5873, 13, 578, 296, 1705, 961, 994, 584, 4510, 430, 362, 1062, 263, 374, 4920, 1124, 13, 1628, 430, 753, 1148, 264, 45125, 374, 25, 264, 961, 287, 315, 279, 296, 1705, 11, 264, 198, 13724, 304, 824, 3846, 562, 11, 264, 436, 1880, 399, 311, 3021, 13, 22302, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 34590, 358, 198, 3617, 5824, 645, 198, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 88539, 220, 16, 198, 81394, 198, 2118, 1016, 261, 384, 374, 912, 2035, 369, 15123, 304, 264, 1917, 6832, 198, 385, 899, 1918, 649, 3686, 387, 779, 19428, 323, 779, 29408, 198, 275, 374, 719, 264, 3094, 1448, 8019, 9139, 384, 311, 32450, 662, 89874, 4194, 27907, 720, 23025, 47869, 449, 2033, 55331, 15785, 802, 384, 198, 64825, 5534, 77594, 398, 1448, 8019, 362, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 13, 13266, 198, 6519, 1154, 449, 3254, 55331, 15785, 802, 384, 198, 1768, 1366, 81, 1503, 958, 652, 1880, 811, 315, 430, 2363, 13, 362, 198, 15079, 15182, 315, 52946, 311, 362, 17026, 304, 198, 59561, 18709, 8111, 7314, 389, 281, 13, 220, 12405, 662, 386, 1196, 13, 220, 16, 13, 3247, 89752, 72858, 328, 198, 14305, 9880, 841, 88, 1139, 27394, 706, 1027, 1317, 323, 198, 66, 2739, 301, 11, 323, 499, 617, 8208, 5655, 1139, 433, 662, 89874, 3923, 7077, 311, 856, 9659, 374, 430, 584, 2646, 1099, 37990, 709, 13, 578, 550, 297, 10329, 4536, 1431, 430, 584, 529, 81, 384, 5675, 477, 1469, 589, 5411, 11, 44669, 272, 1056, 4633, 477, 8407, 4633, 13, 578, 550, 297, 10329, 374, 584, 529, 81, 384, 2024, 462, 171, 71831, 291, 13, 362, 2763, 315, 603, 1440, 584, 617, 1148, 433, 18608, 1560, 22416, 5992, 11, 279, 198, 37838, 11, 279, 11005, 11, 279, 1589, 1608, 8643, 13, 2030, 304, 3738, 802, 2593, 345, 906, 3207, 88968, 13, 468, 384, 3207, 539, 1694, 10717, 555, 2555, 389, 198, 1820, 4994, 11, 719, 555, 2555, 389, 279, 4871, 13, 5751, 4083, 81, 220, 1362, 198, 285, 958, 85633, 13, 578, 2372, 308, 479, 4536, 1431, 10168, 603, 1203, 11, 477, 34906, 198, 269, 19542, 662, 1226, 3207, 539, 16984, 584, 4805, 636, 3288, 311, 68600, 689, 13, 468, 384, 3207, 198, 4345, 16984, 11, 4261, 13, 5751, 8850, 374, 1448, 37443, 12, 171, 120912, 78, 1113, 13, 468, 384, 3207, 16984, 420, 198, 285, 77, 1431, 279, 1314, 436, 658, 15838, 477, 584, 529, 81, 384, 16984, 433, 374, 13, 468, 384, 3207, 16984, 198, 20670, 2834, 1431, 3208, 384, 603, 477, 584, 529, 81, 384, 16984, 814, 690, 13, 468, 384, 3207, 16984, 315, 198, 18910, 324, 384, 477, 584, 529, 81, 384, 16984, 315, 2450, 13, 468, 384, 3207, 16984, 315, 23069, 198, 82279, 477, 584, 529, 81, 384, 16984, 315, 1099, 56612, 2362, 13, 468, 384, 3207, 4411, 384, 16984, 315, 198, 14789, 1109, 584, 802, 384, 315, 4648, 13, 1472, 7070, 1781, 584, 7070, 617, 1063, 30481, 369, 13520, 345, 11130, 709, 304, 14604, 27271, 279, 1648, 584, 802, 384, 11, 719, 584, 1541, 1431, 13, 1226, 3207, 1120, 91174, 449, 13520, 11, 1606, 584, 1781, 584, 198, 5562, 387, 2731, 555, 1457, 662, 18156, 584, 52016, 384, 279, 8770, 587, 384, 198, 1073, 7422, 1023, 1274, 1541, 1431, 617, 439, 1790, 8850, 439, 584, 656, 345, 8370, 1193, 52016, 1560, 603, 4411, 384, 16984, 13, 10926, 814, 1440, 198, 34431, 584, 1541, 1431, 1440, 662, 10926, 584, 529, 81, 384, 7554, 264, 198, 41484, 32554, 13, 1102, 753, 3719, 5526, 1521, 2919, 311, 19065, 32367, 198, 73826, 389, 1057, 1370, 37952, 13, 468, 384, 33595, 71831, 70, 324, 384, 433, 753, 1606, 315, 1124, 198, 9210, 1057, 659, 482, 64717, 374, 779, 3428, 662, 1442, 1193, 814, 7070, 1027, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 261, 1218, 345, 906, 7070, 387, 1437, 41133, 449, 659, 482, 31153, 13, 2030, 422, 499, 18608, 384, 264, 3345, 1427, 198, 266, 1268, 1057, 1370, 37952, 490, 384, 660, 603, 11, 8996, 11737, 814, 6688, 603, 198, 16514, 315, 5899, 23900, 7809, 1608, 311, 279, 1648, 584, 11737, 13520, 198, 31213, 662, 1102, 753, 837, 430, 701, 6691, 2643, 617, 1071, 436, 384, 43054, 398, 345, 33672, 4805, 2646, 387, 3025, 311, 656, 430, 11, 25237, 662, 863, 2030, 1457, 499, 2019, 311, 198, 22479, 726, 11, 1054, 56, 6033, 3207, 264, 54524, 13, 816, 6033, 2646, 656, 433, 1314, 13, 816, 6033, 42423, 433, 13, 358, 198, 71, 349, 499, 2029, 2435, 2643, 617, 1027, 3152, 11, 719, 584, 529, 81, 384, 43510, 95113, 9659, 706, 43578, 1139, 264, 3703, 658, 88, 6730, 283, 171, 120912, 3359, 198, 85, 16977, 865, 315, 659, 482, 385, 44661, 13, 1628, 584, 529, 81, 384, 2744, 11, 1524, 38643, 345, 26797, 287, 264, 1648, 704 ]
gy that has split of f from your total ene r gy fiel d and has temp orarily become autonomous thr ough the unnatural process of mind identification. It has turned in on itself and become anti-life, like an anima l trying to devour its own tail. Why do you thin k our civilization has b ecome so life-destructive. But even the life-destructive forces are still life-ener gy. When you start to disidentify and become the watcher, the pain-body will continue to operate for a while and will try to trick you into identifying with it again. Although you are no longer ener gizing it through your identification, it has a certain momentum, just like a spinning wheel that will keep turning for a while even when it is no longer being propelled. At this stage, it may also create physical aches and pains in dif ferent parts of the body, but they won’ t last. Stay present, stay conscious. Be the ever -aler t guardian of your inner space. Y ou need to be present en ough to be able to watch the pain-body directly and feel its ener gy. It then cannot con trol your thinking. The moment your thinking is aligned with the e ner gy field of the pain-body, you are identified with it and again feeding it with your thoughts. For example, if anger is the predominant ener gy vibration of the pain- body an d you think angry thoughts, dwelling on what someon e did to you or what you are going to d o to him or her, then you have become unconscious, and the pain-body has become “you. ” Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath. Or when a dark mood comes upon you and you start getting into a negative mind-pattern and think ing how dreadful your life is, your thinking has become aligned with the pain- body, and you have become u nconscious and vulnerable to the pain- body’ s a ttack. “U nconscious,” th e way that I use the word here, means tobe iden tified with some mental or emotional pattern. It implies a complete absence of the watcher. Sustained conscious attention severs the link between the pain-body and your thought processes and brin gs about the process of transmu tation. It is as if the pain becomes fuel fo r the flame of your consciousness, which then bur ns more brightly as a result. This is the esoteric meani ng of the ancient art of alchemy: the transmutation of base metal into gold, of suf fering into consciousness. Th e split within is healed, and you become whole again. Y our responsibility then is not to create further pain. Let me summarize the process. Focus attention on the feeling inside you. Know that it is the pain-body. Accept that it is there. Don’ t think about it — d on’ t let the feeling turn into thinking. Don’ t judge or analy ze. Don’ t make an identity for yourself out of it. Stay present, and contin ue to be the o bserver of w hat is happening inside you. Become aware not only of the emotional pain but also o f “the one who observes,” t he silent watcher. This is the power of the Now, the power of your own conscious presence. Then see what happens. For many women, the pain-b ody awakens particularly at the time preceding the menstrual flow. I will talk about this and the reason for it in more detail later. Right now, let me just say this: If you are able to stay alert and present at that time and watch whatever you feel within, rather than be taken ov er by it, it af fords an opportunity for the most powerful spiritual practic e, and a rapid transmutation of all past pain becomes possible. EGO IDENTIFICA TION WITH THE P AIN-BODY The proc ess that I have just described is profoundly powerful ye t simple. It could be taught to a child, and hopefully one day it will be one of the first things children learn in school. Once you have understood the basicprinciple of being present as the watcher of what happens inside you — and you “unders tand” it by expe riencing it — you have at your disposal the most potent transformational tool. This is not to deny that you may encounter intense inner resistance to disidentifying from your pain. This will be the case par ticularly if you have lived closely identified wi th your emotional pain-body for most of your life and the whole or a lar ge part of your sense of self is invested in it. What this means is that you have made an unhappy self out of your pain-body and believe that this mind-made fiction is who you are. In that case, unconscious fear of losing your identity will create strong resistance to any disidentification. In other words, you would rat her be in pain — be the pain-body — than take a leap into the unknown and risk losing the familiar unhappy self. If th is applies to you, observe the resistance within yourself. Ob serve the attachment to your pain. Be very alert. Observe the peculiar pleasure you derive from being unhappy. O bserve the compulsion to talk or think about it. The res istance will cease if you make it conscious. Y ou can then take you r attenti on into the pain -body, stay present as the witnes s, and so initiate its transmutation. Only you can do this. Nobody can do it for you. Bu t if you are fortunate enough to find someone who is intensely conscious, if you can be with them an d join them in the state of presence, that can be helpful and will accelerate things. In this way, yo ur own light will quickly grow stronger. When a log that has only just started to burn is placed next to one that is burning fiercely, and after a while they are separated again, the first log will be burning with much greater intensity. After all, it is the same fire. T o b e such a fire is one of the functions of a spiritual teach er. Some therapists may also be able to fulfill that function, provided that they have gone beyond the level of m ind and can create and sustain a state of intense conscious presence while they are working with you. THE ORIGIN OF FEAR Y ou mentioned fear as being part of our basic underlying emotional pain. How does fear arise, and why is ther e so much of it in people’ slives. A nd isn’ t a certain amount of fear just healthy self-pr otection. If I didn’ t have a fear of fir e, I might put my hand in it and get burned. The reason why you don’ t put your hand in the fire is not because of fear, it’ s beca use you know that you ’ll get burned. Y ou don’ t nee d fear to avoid u nnecessary danger — just a minimum of intelligence and common sense. For such practical matters, it is useful to apply the lessons learned in the past. Now if someone thr eatened you with fire or with phy sical violence, you might experience something like fear. This is an instinctive shrinking back f rom danger, but not the psychological condition of fear that we are talking about here. The psychological condition of fear is divorced from any concrete and true im mediate danger. It comes in many form s: unease, worry, anxiety, nervousness, tension, dread, phobia, and so on. This kind of psychologica l fear is always of something that might happen, not of something that is happening now. Y ou are in the here and now, while your mind is in the future. T his crea tes an anxiety g ap. And if you are identified with your mind and have lost touch with the power and simplicity of the N ow, that anxiety gap will be your constant companion. Y ou can always cope with the present moment, but you cannot cope with something that is only a mind projection — you cannot cope with the future. Moreover, as long as you are i dentified with your mind, the ego runs your life, as I pointed out earlier. Because of its phantom nature, and despite elaborate defense mechanisms, the ego is very vulnerable and insecure, and it sees itself as con stantly under threat. This, by the way, is the c ase even if the ego is outwa rdly very confident. Now remember that an emot ion is the body’ s reaction to your mind. What message is the body receiving continuously fr om the ego, the false, mind-made self. Danger, I am un der threat. And what is the emotion generated by this continuous message. Fear, of course. Fear see ms to have many caus es. Fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of being hurt, and s o on, but ultima tely all fear is the ego’ s fear of death, of annihilation. T o the ego, death is always just around the corner. In this mind-identified state, fear of death af fects every aspect of your life. For example, even such a seemin gly trivial and “normal” thing as thecompulsive need to be right in an ar gument and make the other person wrong — defending the mental position with which you have i dentified
[ 29720, 430, 706, 6859, 315, 282, 505, 701, 198, 5143, 665, 68, 436, 29720, 9314, 301, 294, 323, 706, 2798, 477, 6751, 3719, 39293, 8983, 220, 1409, 279, 198, 15278, 4688, 1920, 315, 4059, 22654, 13, 1102, 706, 6656, 304, 389, 5196, 323, 198, 17106, 638, 7294, 26928, 11, 1093, 459, 4039, 64, 326, 4560, 311, 88289, 1202, 1866, 9986, 13, 8595, 656, 198, 9514, 15792, 597, 1057, 36017, 706, 293, 384, 2063, 779, 2324, 97322, 535, 13, 2030, 1524, 279, 198, 14789, 97322, 535, 8603, 527, 2103, 2324, 12, 804, 29720, 13, 3277, 499, 1212, 311, 834, 81496, 323, 3719, 279, 56827, 11, 279, 6784, 9534, 198, 14724, 3136, 311, 14816, 369, 264, 1418, 323, 690, 1456, 311, 14397, 499, 1139, 198, 1748, 7922, 449, 433, 1578, 13, 10541, 499, 527, 912, 5129, 38556, 342, 4954, 433, 198, 20322, 701, 22654, 11, 433, 706, 264, 3738, 24151, 11, 1120, 1093, 264, 198, 2203, 20353, 13587, 430, 690, 2567, 13353, 369, 264, 1418, 1524, 994, 433, 374, 912, 198, 4930, 261, 1694, 92785, 13, 2468, 420, 6566, 11, 433, 1253, 1101, 1893, 7106, 264, 8696, 198, 438, 51266, 304, 1422, 18728, 306, 5596, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 719, 814, 2834, 529, 259, 1566, 13, 29837, 3118, 345, 60021, 17371, 13, 2893, 279, 3596, 482, 13412, 259, 47132, 315, 701, 9358, 3634, 13, 816, 6033, 1205, 198, 998, 387, 3118, 665, 220, 1409, 311, 387, 3025, 311, 3821, 279, 6784, 9534, 6089, 323, 2733, 198, 1220, 38556, 29720, 13, 1102, 1243, 4250, 390, 259, 1098, 701, 7422, 13, 578, 4545, 701, 198, 83360, 374, 27210, 449, 279, 384, 41283, 29720, 2115, 315, 279, 6784, 9534, 11, 499, 527, 198, 43360, 449, 433, 323, 1578, 26040, 433, 449, 701, 11555, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 422, 19788, 374, 279, 96531, 38556, 29720, 48913, 315, 279, 6784, 7058, 2664, 459, 294, 499, 1781, 19021, 11555, 11, 51688, 389, 1148, 1063, 263, 384, 1550, 311, 198, 9514, 477, 1148, 499, 527, 2133, 311, 294, 297, 311, 1461, 477, 1077, 11, 1243, 499, 617, 3719, 198, 359, 64589, 11, 323, 279, 6784, 9534, 706, 3719, 1054, 9514, 13, 19524, 11208, 1070, 374, 19788, 345, 19041, 374, 2744, 6784, 30456, 13, 2582, 994, 264, 6453, 20247, 4131, 5304, 499, 198, 438, 499, 220, 1212, 3794, 1139, 264, 8389, 4059, 80669, 323, 1781, 6892, 1268, 198, 67, 888, 1285, 701, 2324, 374, 11, 701, 7422, 706, 3719, 27210, 449, 279, 6784, 7058, 2664, 11, 323, 499, 617, 3719, 577, 308, 64589, 323, 20134, 311, 279, 6784, 7058, 2664, 529, 274, 264, 18334, 474, 13, 1054, 52, 308, 64589, 2476, 270, 384, 1648, 430, 358, 1005, 279, 3492, 1618, 11, 3445, 311, 1395, 887, 268, 259, 1908, 449, 1063, 10723, 477, 14604, 5497, 13, 1102, 24897, 264, 198, 15079, 19821, 315, 279, 56827, 13, 328, 592, 2692, 17371, 6666, 513, 3078, 279, 2723, 1990, 279, 6784, 9534, 323, 198, 22479, 3463, 11618, 323, 1437, 258, 29181, 922, 279, 1920, 315, 1380, 15479, 259, 367, 13, 1102, 198, 285, 439, 220, 422, 279, 6784, 9221, 10633, 12018, 436, 279, 35678, 315, 701, 25917, 11, 902, 198, 3473, 7951, 12548, 810, 76389, 439, 264, 1121, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 1560, 83775, 3152, 72, 7933, 315, 279, 198, 1149, 1188, 1989, 315, 453, 25055, 25, 279, 1380, 32071, 315, 2385, 9501, 1139, 6761, 11, 315, 198, 82, 1739, 282, 4776, 1139, 25917, 13, 666, 384, 6859, 2949, 374, 62320, 11, 323, 499, 3719, 198, 67733, 1578, 13, 816, 1057, 12014, 1243, 374, 539, 311, 1893, 4726, 6784, 13, 6914, 757, 63179, 279, 1920, 13, 26891, 6666, 389, 279, 8430, 4871, 499, 13, 14521, 430, 433, 374, 279, 6784, 9534, 13, 21496, 430, 433, 374, 1070, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 1781, 220, 922, 433, 198, 2345, 294, 389, 529, 259, 1095, 279, 8430, 2543, 1139, 7422, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 11913, 477, 8678, 14017, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 198, 7072, 459, 220, 9764, 369, 6261, 704, 315, 433, 13, 29837, 3118, 11, 323, 2018, 61198, 311, 387, 198, 1820, 297, 293, 4120, 315, 289, 9072, 374, 12765, 4871, 499, 13, 51378, 8010, 539, 1193, 315, 198, 1820, 14604, 6784, 719, 1101, 297, 282, 1054, 1820, 832, 889, 81299, 2476, 259, 568, 21737, 198, 14658, 261, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 2410, 315, 279, 220, 4800, 11, 279, 2410, 315, 701, 1866, 17371, 198, 74519, 13, 5112, 1518, 1148, 8741, 13, 1789, 1690, 3278, 11, 279, 6784, 1481, 297, 10470, 1384, 71837, 8104, 520, 279, 892, 198, 27244, 287, 279, 78727, 6530, 13, 358, 690, 3137, 922, 420, 323, 279, 2944, 369, 433, 198, 258, 810, 7872, 3010, 13, 10291, 1457, 11, 1095, 757, 1120, 2019, 420, 25, 1442, 499, 527, 3025, 311, 4822, 198, 5193, 323, 3118, 520, 430, 892, 323, 3821, 220, 8996, 499, 2733, 2949, 11, 4856, 198, 54895, 387, 4529, 25568, 2781, 555, 433, 11, 433, 8136, 369, 5469, 459, 6776, 369, 279, 1455, 8147, 198, 86390, 940, 3856, 292, 384, 11, 323, 264, 11295, 1380, 32071, 315, 682, 3347, 6784, 9221, 198, 10236, 13, 469, 15881, 73854, 2843, 32101, 350, 1294, 4874, 3247, 393, 362, 691, 7826, 21727, 198, 791, 13988, 4043, 430, 220, 358, 617, 1120, 7633, 374, 66278, 8147, 20043, 259, 4382, 13, 1102, 1436, 387, 15972, 311, 264, 1716, 11, 323, 23127, 832, 1938, 433, 690, 387, 832, 315, 279, 198, 3983, 2574, 2911, 4048, 304, 2978, 13, 9843, 499, 617, 16365, 279, 6913, 652, 16379, 315, 1694, 3118, 439, 279, 56827, 315, 1148, 8741, 4871, 499, 107216, 438, 499, 220, 1054, 32109, 54667, 863, 433, 555, 506, 375, 25160, 11627, 433, 2001, 499, 617, 520, 701, 34545, 198, 1820, 1455, 36875, 18475, 278, 5507, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 311, 23973, 430, 499, 1253, 13123, 19428, 9358, 13957, 311, 198, 4338, 1748, 7922, 505, 701, 6784, 13, 1115, 690, 387, 279, 1162, 1370, 259, 49257, 422, 499, 198, 19553, 12439, 15499, 11054, 24129, 270, 701, 14604, 6784, 9534, 369, 1455, 315, 198, 22479, 2324, 323, 279, 4459, 477, 264, 45555, 3980, 961, 315, 701, 5647, 315, 659, 374, 29091, 304, 198, 275, 13, 3639, 420, 3445, 374, 430, 499, 617, 1903, 459, 43251, 659, 704, 315, 701, 198, 92724, 9534, 323, 4510, 430, 420, 4059, 27975, 17422, 374, 889, 499, 527, 13, 763, 430, 198, 5756, 11, 40711, 8850, 315, 13490, 701, 9764, 690, 1893, 3831, 198, 417, 4011, 311, 904, 834, 92677, 13, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 499, 1053, 11494, 1077, 387, 304, 198, 92724, 2001, 387, 220, 279, 6784, 9534, 2001, 1109, 1935, 264, 32571, 1139, 279, 9987, 323, 5326, 198, 18310, 279, 11537, 43251, 659, 13, 1442, 270, 374, 17208, 311, 499, 11, 23846, 279, 13957, 2949, 6261, 13, 4761, 8854, 279, 198, 22751, 311, 701, 6784, 13, 2893, 1633, 220, 5225, 13, 4761, 13570, 279, 44797, 17069, 499, 198, 28197, 505, 1694, 43251, 13, 507, 293, 13570, 279, 1391, 34003, 311, 3137, 477, 1781, 198, 9274, 433, 13, 578, 594, 220, 4011, 690, 32616, 422, 499, 1304, 433, 17371, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 1243, 198, 23609, 499, 436, 1651, 23202, 389, 1139, 279, 6784, 482, 2664, 11, 4822, 3118, 439, 279, 38467, 4978, 274, 11, 323, 779, 198, 2381, 6629, 1202, 1380, 32071, 13, 8442, 499, 220, 649, 656, 420, 13, 37558, 649, 656, 433, 369, 220, 499, 13, 28326, 259, 422, 499, 527, 40510, 198, 268, 1409, 311, 1505, 4423, 889, 374, 70733, 17371, 11, 422, 499, 649, 387, 449, 198, 49818, 459, 294, 5249, 1124, 304, 279, 1614, 315, 9546, 11, 430, 649, 387, 11190, 220, 323, 690, 198, 44988, 59768, 2574, 13, 763, 420, 1648, 11, 30596, 4433, 1866, 3177, 690, 6288, 3139, 16643, 13, 3277, 264, 1515, 430, 706, 1193, 1120, 3940, 311, 8395, 374, 9277, 1828, 311, 832, 430, 374, 198, 22464, 287, 79045, 11, 323, 1306, 264, 1418, 814, 527, 19180, 1578, 11, 279, 1176, 1515, 198, 14724, 387, 20252, 449, 1790, 7191, 21261, 13, 4740, 682, 11, 433, 374, 279, 1890, 4027, 13, 350, 297, 293, 384, 1778, 264, 4027, 374, 832, 315, 279, 5865, 315, 264, 18330, 4639, 2781, 13, 4427, 198, 700, 391, 1705, 1253, 1101, 387, 3025, 311, 21054, 430, 734, 11, 3984, 430, 814, 198, 19553, 8208, 7953, 279, 2237, 315, 296, 1280, 323, 649, 1893, 323, 14201, 264, 1614, 315, 198, 396, 1137, 17371, 9546, 1418, 814, 527, 3318, 449, 499, 13, 3247, 2794, 56629, 3083, 435, 21176, 198, 56, 6033, 9932, 8850, 439, 1694, 961, 315, 1057, 6913, 16940, 14604, 198, 92724, 13, 2650, 1587, 8850, 31889, 11, 323, 220, 3249, 374, 9139, 384, 779, 1790, 315, 433, 304, 1274, 529, 1776, 1924, 13, 362, 15953, 4536, 529, 259, 264, 3738, 3392, 315, 8850, 1120, 9498, 659, 27748, 297, 40241, 13, 1442, 358, 198, 97849, 529, 259, 617, 264, 8850, 315, 35092, 384, 11, 358, 2643, 2231, 856, 1450, 304, 433, 323, 636, 27724, 13, 578, 2944, 3249, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 2231, 701, 1450, 304, 279, 4027, 374, 539, 1606, 315, 8850, 345, 275, 529, 274, 387, 936, 1005, 499, 220, 1440, 430, 499, 18217, 657, 636, 27724, 13, 816, 6033, 1541, 529, 259, 841, 68, 294, 8850, 311, 198, 48956, 577, 11120, 20726, 8137, 2001, 1120, 264, 8187, 315, 11478, 323, 198, 5581, 5647, 13, 1789, 1778, 15325, 13146, 11, 433, 374, 5505, 311, 3881, 279, 198, 73412, 9687, 304, 279, 3347, 13, 4800, 422, 4423, 8983, 8343, 6901, 220, 499, 449, 4027, 477, 198, 4291, 37555, 274, 950, 9349, 11, 499, 2643, 3217, 2555, 1093, 8850, 13, 1115, 374, 198, 276, 31655, 535, 63185, 1203, 282, 10083, 8137, 11, 719, 539, 279, 24064, 198, 9233, 315, 8850, 430, 584, 527, 7556, 922, 1618, 13, 578, 24064, 198, 9233, 315, 8850, 374, 50592, 505, 904, 14509, 323, 837, 737, 1812, 6629, 198, 32550, 13, 1102, 4131, 304, 1690, 1376, 274, 25, 6316, 521, 11, 11196, 11, 18547, 11, 23418, 2136, 345, 83, 2711, 11, 36075, 11, 1343, 41163, 11, 323, 779, 389, 13, 1115, 3169, 315, 8841, 1640, 3074, 326, 8850, 374, 198, 33222, 315, 2555, 430, 2643, 220, 3621, 11, 539, 315, 2555, 430, 374, 198, 71, 680, 6147, 1457, 13, 816, 6033, 220, 527, 304, 279, 1618, 323, 1457, 11, 1418, 220, 701, 4059, 374, 304, 279, 198, 21733, 13, 350, 813, 81870, 51309, 459, 18547, 342, 1469, 13, 1628, 422, 499, 527, 11054, 449, 701, 198, 38824, 323, 617, 5675, 5916, 449, 279, 2410, 323, 40075, 315, 279, 452, 15941, 11, 430, 198, 276, 16708, 13225, 690, 387, 701, 6926, 22489, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 2744, 37586, 449, 198, 1820, 3118, 4545, 11, 719, 499, 4250, 37586, 449, 2555, 430, 374, 1193, 264, 198, 38824, 22343, 2001, 499, 4250, 37586, 449, 279, 3938, 13, 23674, 11, 439, 1317, 439, 499, 527, 602, 18653, 1908, 449, 701, 4059, 11, 279, 37374, 8640, 198, 22479, 2324, 11, 439, 358, 14618, 704, 6931, 13, 9393, 315, 1202, 70808, 7138, 11, 323, 198, 5919, 6100, 37067, 9232, 24717, 11, 279, 37374, 374, 1633, 20134, 323, 198, 258, 26189, 11, 323, 433, 16008, 5196, 439, 390, 357, 18007, 1234, 6023, 13, 1115, 11, 555, 279, 1648, 11, 374, 198, 1820, 272, 264, 325, 1524, 422, 279, 37374, 374, 704, 10196, 23527, 398, 1633, 16913, 13, 4800, 6227, 430, 198, 276, 10382, 28772, 374, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 13010, 311, 701, 4059, 13, 3639, 1984, 374, 279, 198, 2664, 12588, 31978, 1448, 8019, 279, 37374, 11, 279, 905, 11, 4059, 27975, 659, 13, 48399, 11, 358, 1097, 653, 2761, 6023, 13, 1628, 1148, 374, 279, 20356, 8066, 555, 420, 198, 79689, 1984, 13, 43067, 11, 315, 3388, 13, 43067, 1518, 10030, 311, 617, 1690, 25540, 1560, 13, 43067, 315, 4814, 11, 8850, 315, 8060, 11, 8850, 315, 198, 35214, 13194, 11, 323, 274, 297, 389, 11, 719, 8675, 7675, 259, 989, 682, 8850, 374, 279, 37374, 529, 274, 8850, 315, 4648, 11, 315, 198, 1036, 92341, 13, 350, 297, 220, 279, 37374, 11, 4648, 374, 2744, 1120, 2212, 279, 9309, 13, 763, 420, 198, 38824, 12, 43360, 1614, 11, 8850, 315, 4648, 8136, 282, 115192, 1475, 13189, 315, 701, 2324, 13, 1789, 198, 8858, 11, 1524, 1778, 264, 2873, 258, 37807, 36747, 323, 1054, 8416, 863, 3245, 439, 279, 5807, 58921, 1205, 311, 387, 1314, 304, 459, 802, 342, 1143, 323, 1304, 279, 1023, 1732, 198, 35970, 2001, 29269, 279, 10723, 2361, 449, 902, 499, 617, 602, 18653, 1908, 198 ]
’ s text frightened her at first, but Mrs. Lennox telephoned the Gerson Institute in Bonita, California, and four days later arrived at a Tijuana, Mexico, hospital that offered medically supervised Gerson Therapy. She came alone, accompanied by a great deal of negativity voiced in letters and telephone calls from her family. Still, the woman persisted. Over time, laboratory tests showed her steady improvement and eventually she returned to Sacramento to treat herself.After two years on the Gerson Therapy, Alexandra Lennox finally could consider herself as having succeeded against breast cancer. She had saved both of her breasts and was flourishing. Sexual relationships with men began again. Her girlfriends described her to others as vivaci ous, verbal, intelligent, and looking “really fabulous.” After some two years more, she felt at the peak of her abilities. SUMMARIZING THE STANDARD GERSON THERAPY FOR DEGENERA TIVE DISEASES What did Mrs. Alexandra Lennox do to restore her health and eliminate cancer as well as her other healt h problems? Following is a summary of the standard Gerson Therapy for degenerative diseases. This chapter presents the standard Gerson Therapy protocol being followed by those degenerative disease patients not attempting to cope with treatment complications. The chapter discusses: • Why avoid drinking water when following the Gerson Therapy for eliminating serious health problems; • Why take thyr oid extract on a regular basis five times per day; • Why take Lugol (potassium iodide, half-strength ) at the rate of eighteen drops per day as cancer therapy; • Why drink liquid potassium compound solution, 4 teaspoonfuls (tsp), ten times per day, representing 2 grams or 50 mEq each of potassium acetate, potassium gluconate, and potassium monophosphate (but not for certain cancer patients); • Why consume cold-pr essed flaxseed oil, 1 tablespoonful (tbs) twice daily (with a reduction of this food oil after four weeks to 1 tbs per day); • Why follow the juicing procedur e which requires the daily drinking of thirteen 8-ounce glasses of apple/carrot, carrot alone, green leaf, and/or orange juices; • Why ingest niacin in a dose of 50 mg six times per day; • Why supplement with porcine pancr eatin, three 325-mg enzyme tablets four times per day; • Why receive a crude liver/B12 intramuscular injection of 100 mcg B12 with 3 cc of crude liver extract each day;• Why take Acidol® (betaine hydrochloride and pepsin ), two capsules three times per day before meals; • Why take coenzyme Q10, with its variable dosage; • Why take laetrile (amygdalin), useful for all primary cance rs but specifically indicated for bone cancer metastases; • Why use Wobe-Mugos® or Megazyme Forte®, the enzymes for counteracting gastrointestinal gas and for reducing tumor masses; • Why take brewer ’s yeast with both its positive and negative effects (for instance, it’ s contraindicated for cancer patients); • Why receive five 32-ounce coffee enemas administered daily for a variable period of up to two years; • Why ingest castor oil (orally and rectally) every other day as a treatment; • Why under go changes in medications within the first year. Considered the foundation for the Gerson Therapy, brief sketches of the topics we provide in this chapter only slightly duplicate treatment instructions which have gone before (or may come after). Indeed, this chapter could be considered the pivot for our entire book and likely will be referred to often by readers attempting to help themselves or loved ones conquer degenerative diseases of all types, but most especially the various cancers and leukemias. THE REASONS FOR AVOIDING WATER AS A BEVERAGE Usually, the public is told that, in order to maintain body functions at optimum levels, people should drink about eight 8-ounce glasses (64 ounces or 2 quarts) of water daily. On the Gerson Therapy the rules are different. We must study water from a number of angles to understand why this rule changes. First, when people eat a salty diet, they are naturally thirsty, for our human physiology forces them to drink enough water to hold excess sodium in solution. If it is too concentrated, sodium buildup causes problems in the blood serum as well as in the cells. The sodium in salt can kill. As reported worldwide, on July 27, 1999, Leroy Elders, a three-month-old baby boy in Great Britain, died of a salt overdose after his young paren ts fed him adult food. London newspapersexplained that the child’ s paren ts fed him oat breakfast cereal and mashed potato with gravy because they found infant food too expensiv e. After an autopsy, the baby’ s pediatrician said, “Leroy’ s body contained nine grams of salt, compared with a recommended daily maximum of seven grams for adult males. The amount of sodium was too high for the baby’ s kidneys to process, and it poisoned him to death.”1 Second, another cause of thirst is eating a diet high in animal proteins and fats. The intermediate or end-products of protein and fat digestion are disturbing to the system and cause the person consuming them to feel thirsty. Nutritionists have observed that fruitarians (people who eat only fruit) don’t usually become thirsty. Fruit contains natural distilled water and is easily digested without causing any toxic residue; therefore, the body does not require additional liquids. Dr. Max Gerson prohibited patie nts on the Gerson Therapy from drinking water for several reasons. First, Gerson patients consume thirteen 8-ounce glasses (225 cc) of freshly squeezed juices each day—a lot of liquid. Second, Gerson patients also eat unsalted soup twice a day, giving them additional liquids. These two particular components of the Gerson Therapy diet add up to about 4 liters of fluid intake daily, which is more than adequate for human needs. Some patients on the Gerson program, however, still request additional liquids, or they awaken during some nights with the need to drink more fluids. Since ill persons such as these are not allowed to drink water, they should be provided with herbal teas, such as peppermint, orange blossom, linden blossom, and/or tahebo (lapacho or pau d’arco). A quan tity of such teas should be stored in a therm os bottle on a night table, right next to the bed. Also, if the patient has difficulty falling to sleep, certain herbs such as valerian make sleep-inducing teas. Third, Dr. Gerson did not allow patients to drink water because it tends to dilute stomach acid and the gastrointestinal tract’ s own digestive juices. It is well known that patients suffering from chronic diseases generally are low in gastric acid, which makes it unwise to allow them to drink water. Dr. Gerson observed that if his patients drank water, their digestion suffered, creating gas and other intestinal discomforts. In contrast, if someone already in intestinal distress drinks peppermint tea, it stimulates digestion and relieves gas or other digestive problems.Please note: All black and/or green teas containing caffeine (similar to coffee) should be considered drugs, and their consumption on the Gerson Therapy is forbidden. Fourth, the quality of tap water in the United States is often toxic. In fact, fluoridated or chlorinated tap water in more than 60 percent of American cities or larger communities is responsible for illnesses. Chlorine and especially fluorine are highly detrimental substances; both are in the chemical family of the halogens and have similar properties. Fluorine, second in toxicity only to arsenic, is extremely active and can displace the less active elements in the halogen family, chlorine and iodine. Fluorine is a carcinogen and deadly poison foisted on United States residents with support from the American Dental Association.2,3,4,5 Fluoride was originally a highly toxic by-product of the aluminum industry. When it was released into the regular sewer syste m, it killed millions of fish downstream, which eventually led to the prohibition of this practice. From then on, fluoride had to be specially disposed of, a very expensive process. The alumin um industry figured out a way to sell the fluoride in large amounts, rather than having to dispose of it, and hit on the idea of adding it to the drinking water. They, in turn, enlisted the American Dental Associat ion to support the idea (this was not the original idea of the ADA). HOW DRINKING FLUORIDA TED WATER CAN DAMAGE THE THYROID Because iodine is an essential element in the body, it’s needed by the thyroid gland to produce the hormone thyroxine. This hormone is extremely important since it controls meta bolism, the rate at which food is burned. It is also an essent ial part of the immune system. Thyroxine contr ols, through body temperature variations, an individual’ s normal temperature or fever if needed to overcome infection. When the thyroid gland
[ 529, 274, 1495, 60178, 1077, 520, 1176, 11, 719, 18083, 627, 11522, 42503, 8122, 764, 20262, 279, 480, 1293, 10181, 304, 13789, 6388, 11, 7188, 11, 323, 3116, 2919, 198, 68676, 11721, 520, 264, 350, 64274, 3444, 11, 12550, 11, 8952, 430, 9076, 78269, 198, 13066, 79090, 480, 1293, 40143, 662, 3005, 3782, 7636, 11, 24895, 555, 264, 2294, 3568, 315, 93795, 52468, 304, 198, 21731, 323, 21186, 6880, 505, 1077, 3070, 662, 16782, 11, 279, 5333, 54095, 13, 6193, 198, 1712, 11, 27692, 7177, 8710, 1077, 24981, 16048, 323, 9778, 1364, 198, 78691, 311, 41334, 311, 4322, 11937, 37992, 1403, 1667, 389, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 1174, 75116, 25234, 42503, 5616, 1436, 198, 25742, 11937, 439, 3515, 26399, 2403, 17659, 9572, 662, 3005, 1047, 6924, 198, 21704, 315, 1077, 37449, 323, 574, 99359, 13, 39767, 12135, 449, 3026, 198, 65, 16133, 1578, 13, 6385, 85612, 7633, 1077, 311, 3885, 439, 18434, 25471, 220, 788, 11, 36870, 345, 396, 21149, 11, 323, 3411, 1054, 54760, 35631, 2029, 4740, 1063, 1403, 1667, 810, 11, 1364, 198, 66922, 520, 279, 16557, 315, 1077, 18000, 13, 31835, 61761, 2913, 1753, 3247, 220, 77457, 220, 90321, 2770, 220, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 4716, 220, 3467, 11332, 26763, 350, 6674, 198, 35, 9311, 4157, 50, 198, 3923, 1550, 18083, 13, 75116, 25234, 42503, 656, 311, 15301, 1077, 2890, 323, 22472, 198, 66, 11967, 439, 1664, 439, 1077, 1023, 568, 3223, 305, 5435, 30, 23548, 374, 264, 12399, 315, 279, 198, 20885, 480, 1293, 40143, 369, 5367, 75989, 19338, 13, 1115, 12735, 18911, 279, 5410, 480, 1293, 40143, 11766, 1694, 198, 19070, 291, 555, 1884, 5367, 75989, 8624, 6978, 539, 19969, 311, 37586, 449, 198, 83, 35320, 36505, 13, 578, 12735, 35434, 512, 6806, 8595, 5766, 16558, 3090, 220, 994, 2768, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 369, 198, 40895, 16252, 6129, 2890, 5435, 280, 6806, 8595, 1935, 270, 11160, 49866, 8819, 220, 389, 264, 5912, 8197, 4330, 3115, 824, 1938, 280, 6806, 8595, 1935, 93590, 337, 320, 19644, 49163, 80087, 579, 11, 4376, 5594, 18323, 883, 520, 279, 4478, 315, 63134, 198, 91612, 824, 1938, 439, 9572, 15419, 280, 6806, 8595, 7172, 14812, 62275, 24549, 6425, 11, 220, 220, 19, 42384, 1285, 82, 320, 83, 2203, 1350, 2002, 3115, 824, 1938, 11, 14393, 220, 220, 17, 34419, 477, 220, 1135, 296, 28412, 1855, 315, 62275, 198, 68323, 349, 11, 62275, 78376, 444, 349, 11, 323, 62275, 1647, 5237, 93473, 320, 8248, 539, 369, 198, 66, 7770, 9572, 6978, 317, 6806, 8595, 25024, 9439, 27748, 4043, 291, 1344, 710, 23425, 5707, 11, 220, 16, 62611, 1285, 320, 83, 1302, 8, 11157, 198, 49174, 320, 4291, 264, 14278, 315, 420, 3691, 5707, 1306, 3116, 5672, 311, 220, 16, 259, 1302, 824, 1938, 317, 6806, 8595, 1833, 279, 10479, 10332, 7248, 324, 384, 902, 7612, 279, 7446, 16558, 315, 198, 339, 46004, 220, 23, 12, 9933, 220, 29247, 315, 24149, 66759, 4744, 11, 75294, 7636, 11, 6307, 16312, 11, 323, 5255, 198, 35264, 65959, 280, 6806, 8595, 89372, 13080, 40488, 220, 304, 264, 19660, 315, 220, 1135, 14060, 4848, 3115, 824, 1938, 280, 6806, 8595, 22822, 449, 4247, 66, 483, 54574, 81, 8343, 258, 1174, 2380, 220, 15257, 1474, 70, 49242, 29679, 198, 35124, 3115, 824, 1938, 280, 6806, 8595, 5371, 264, 35750, 26587, 16675, 717, 10805, 56455, 22077, 26127, 220, 315, 220, 1041, 19777, 70, 426, 717, 198, 4291, 220, 18, 12810, 315, 35750, 26587, 8819, 1855, 1938, 26, 6806, 8595, 1935, 50234, 337, 12175, 320, 29651, 8511, 17055, 72967, 579, 323, 281, 7270, 258, 7026, 1403, 65879, 198, 28956, 3115, 824, 1938, 1603, 21644, 280, 6806, 8595, 1935, 1080, 65728, 1229, 605, 11, 449, 1202, 3977, 47040, 280, 6806, 8595, 1935, 1208, 17820, 458, 320, 27322, 29684, 36207, 705, 220, 5505, 369, 682, 6156, 649, 346, 10242, 719, 198, 52340, 750, 16717, 369, 17685, 9572, 68370, 2315, 280, 6806, 8595, 1005, 468, 15784, 5364, 773, 437, 12175, 477, 28443, 1394, 31218, 11246, 68, 67457, 279, 56067, 369, 198, 8456, 36022, 80311, 6962, 323, 369, 18189, 36254, 32738, 280, 6806, 8595, 1935, 17109, 261, 18217, 82, 41580, 220, 449, 2225, 1202, 6928, 323, 8389, 6372, 320, 2000, 198, 4956, 11, 433, 529, 274, 6155, 467, 67, 10297, 369, 9572, 6978, 317, 6806, 8595, 5371, 4330, 220, 843, 12, 9933, 11033, 665, 35262, 220, 38018, 7446, 369, 264, 198, 10014, 4261, 315, 709, 311, 1403, 1667, 280, 6806, 8595, 89372, 6445, 269, 5707, 320, 269, 750, 323, 7763, 750, 8, 1475, 1023, 1938, 439, 264, 198, 83, 35320, 280, 6806, 8595, 1234, 733, 4442, 304, 31010, 2949, 279, 1176, 1060, 662, 21829, 291, 279, 16665, 369, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 1174, 10015, 68782, 315, 279, 198, 56252, 584, 3493, 304, 420, 12735, 1193, 10284, 23329, 6514, 198, 63395, 902, 617, 8208, 1603, 320, 269, 1253, 2586, 1306, 570, 23150, 11, 420, 198, 41326, 1436, 387, 6646, 279, 27137, 369, 1057, 4553, 2363, 323, 4461, 690, 387, 198, 265, 5671, 311, 3629, 555, 13016, 19969, 311, 1520, 5694, 477, 10456, 6305, 198, 444, 16339, 5367, 75989, 19338, 315, 682, 4595, 11, 719, 1455, 5423, 279, 5370, 198, 66, 32842, 323, 57381, 336, 3557, 13, 3247, 3680, 1950, 30626, 4716, 220, 362, 25019, 1753, 220, 76347, 5871, 362, 220, 7354, 61927, 198, 71744, 1174, 279, 586, 374, 3309, 430, 11, 304, 2015, 311, 10519, 2547, 5865, 520, 198, 2985, 3375, 5990, 11, 1274, 1288, 7172, 922, 8223, 220, 23, 12, 9933, 29247, 320, 1227, 49138, 198, 269, 220, 17, 934, 7183, 8, 315, 3090, 7446, 662, 1952, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 279, 5718, 527, 2204, 13, 1226, 2011, 4007, 3090, 505, 264, 1396, 315, 27030, 311, 3619, 3249, 420, 6037, 198, 19926, 13, 5629, 11, 994, 1274, 8343, 264, 74975, 10173, 11, 814, 527, 18182, 98208, 1174, 369, 1057, 198, 26380, 78152, 8603, 1124, 311, 7172, 3403, 3090, 311, 3412, 13937, 39695, 198, 258, 6425, 13, 1442, 433, 374, 2288, 38626, 11, 39695, 86765, 11384, 5435, 304, 279, 198, 51105, 41529, 439, 1664, 439, 304, 279, 7917, 13, 578, 39695, 304, 12290, 649, 5622, 13, 1666, 5068, 15603, 11, 389, 5887, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 2550, 24, 345, 43, 261, 2303, 27965, 388, 11, 264, 2380, 23086, 6418, 8945, 8334, 304, 8681, 13527, 11, 8636, 315, 264, 12290, 198, 2017, 67, 974, 1306, 813, 3995, 39040, 10814, 23114, 1461, 6822, 3691, 13, 7295, 17222, 11814, 501, 2692, 430, 279, 1716, 529, 274, 39040, 10814, 23114, 1461, 72754, 17954, 62233, 323, 96234, 198, 19644, 4428, 449, 88864, 1606, 814, 1766, 31383, 3691, 2288, 1367, 729, 344, 384, 13, 4740, 459, 198, 2784, 49292, 1174, 279, 8945, 529, 274, 53166, 1122, 220, 1071, 11, 1054, 43, 261, 2303, 529, 274, 2547, 13282, 11888, 34419, 198, 1073, 12290, 11, 7863, 449, 264, 11349, 7446, 7340, 315, 8254, 34419, 369, 198, 68956, 25000, 13, 578, 3392, 315, 39695, 574, 2288, 1579, 369, 279, 8945, 529, 274, 81960, 311, 198, 4734, 11, 323, 433, 71598, 1461, 311, 4648, 2029, 16, 198, 16041, 11, 2500, 5353, 315, 50690, 374, 12459, 264, 10173, 1579, 304, 10065, 28896, 198, 438, 50127, 13, 578, 29539, 477, 842, 68973, 315, 13128, 323, 8834, 74502, 527, 198, 12489, 324, 7278, 311, 279, 1887, 323, 5353, 279, 1732, 35208, 1124, 311, 2733, 198, 339, 874, 88, 662, 39700, 1705, 617, 13468, 430, 14098, 30627, 320, 16455, 889, 8343, 1193, 198, 36698, 8, 1541, 1431, 6118, 3719, 98208, 13, 44187, 5727, 5933, 89867, 3090, 323, 198, 285, 6847, 220, 4170, 10185, 2085, 14718, 904, 21503, 49232, 26, 9093, 11, 279, 2547, 198, 28156, 539, 1397, 5217, 67849, 13, 2999, 13, 7639, 480, 1293, 27010, 3352, 648, 308, 2641, 389, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 505, 220, 16558, 198, 13284, 369, 3892, 8125, 13, 5629, 11, 480, 1293, 6978, 25024, 61759, 220, 23, 12, 9933, 198, 70, 34968, 320, 11057, 12810, 8, 315, 50999, 65262, 65959, 1855, 1938, 29096, 2763, 315, 14812, 13, 10657, 11, 480, 1293, 220, 6978, 1101, 8343, 7120, 62334, 19724, 11157, 264, 1938, 11, 7231, 1124, 198, 36599, 67849, 13, 4314, 1403, 4040, 6956, 315, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 198, 94942, 923, 709, 311, 922, 220, 19, 93966, 315, 15962, 23730, 7446, 1174, 902, 374, 810, 1109, 198, 1037, 19684, 369, 3823, 3966, 13, 4427, 6978, 389, 279, 480, 1293, 2068, 11, 4869, 1174, 2103, 1715, 5217, 198, 41093, 3447, 11, 477, 814, 42518, 2391, 1063, 22178, 449, 279, 1205, 311, 7172, 810, 198, 67125, 82, 13, 8876, 5986, 11434, 1778, 439, 1521, 527, 539, 5535, 311, 7172, 3090, 1174, 814, 198, 5562, 387, 3984, 449, 51487, 30668, 11, 1778, 439, 83804, 94932, 11, 19087, 89858, 345, 75, 59317, 89858, 11, 220, 323, 5255, 9637, 383, 754, 320, 16338, 64529, 477, 84295, 294, 529, 277, 1030, 570, 362, 100809, 259, 488, 315, 1778, 198, 668, 300, 1288, 387, 9967, 304, 264, 30945, 2709, 16893, 389, 264, 3814, 2007, 11, 1314, 1828, 311, 279, 198, 2788, 13, 7429, 11, 422, 279, 8893, 706, 17250, 16054, 311, 6212, 11, 3738, 42393, 1778, 439, 198, 838, 261, 1122, 1304, 6212, 18251, 59144, 30668, 13, 21530, 11, 2999, 13, 480, 1293, 1550, 539, 2187, 6978, 311, 7172, 3090, 1606, 433, 28335, 311, 198, 67, 321, 1088, 23152, 13935, 323, 279, 80311, 42929, 529, 274, 1866, 60071, 65959, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 9336, 3967, 430, 6978, 16066, 505, 21249, 19338, 8965, 527, 3428, 198, 258, 89385, 13935, 11, 902, 3727, 433, 653, 4583, 311, 2187, 1124, 311, 7172, 3090, 662, 2999, 627, 38, 1293, 13468, 430, 422, 813, 6978, 54244, 3090, 1174, 872, 74502, 16654, 345, 46002, 6962, 323, 1023, 63900, 44776, 82, 13, 763, 13168, 11, 422, 4423, 198, 46584, 304, 63900, 35104, 21662, 83804, 94932, 15600, 11, 433, 95455, 74502, 198, 438, 1375, 39235, 6962, 477, 1023, 60071, 5435, 82927, 5296, 25, 2052, 3776, 323, 5255, 6307, 30668, 8649, 49750, 320, 65387, 311, 198, 79217, 8, 1288, 387, 6646, 11217, 11, 323, 872, 15652, 389, 279, 480, 1293, 198, 1016, 261, 9864, 374, 37913, 13, 36174, 11, 279, 4367, 315, 15596, 3090, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 374, 3629, 21503, 13, 763, 2144, 345, 27256, 269, 307, 660, 477, 37833, 15846, 15596, 3090, 304, 810, 1109, 220, 1399, 3346, 315, 3778, 198, 54109, 477, 8294, 10977, 374, 8647, 369, 49909, 13, 92479, 483, 323, 198, 36046, 54736, 483, 527, 7701, 65069, 33155, 26, 2225, 527, 304, 279, 198, 32056, 3070, 315, 279, 15104, 57118, 323, 617, 4528, 6012, 13, 61626, 269, 483, 345, 5686, 304, 58011, 1193, 311, 87364, 292, 11, 374, 9193, 4642, 323, 649, 834, 2050, 279, 198, 1752, 4642, 5540, 304, 279, 15104, 11968, 3070, 1174, 85206, 323, 80087, 483, 13, 61626, 269, 483, 374, 264, 198, 7063, 18595, 11968, 323, 25114, 21109, 220, 12018, 13539, 389, 3723, 4273, 11062, 449, 198, 24249, 505, 279, 3778, 48804, 10229, 13, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 11, 20, 198, 3968, 84, 269, 579, 574, 13517, 264, 7701, 21503, 555, 29745, 315, 279, 25674, 198, 71864, 662, 3277, 433, 574, 6004, 1139, 279, 5912, 63020, 42345, 68, 296, 11, 433, 7577, 198, 26064, 919, 315, 7795, 52452, 11, 902, 9778, 6197, 311, 279, 50967, 315, 420, 198, 60621, 13, 5659, 1243, 389, 11, 89230, 1047, 311, 387, 35426, 26655, 315, 11, 264, 1633, 198, 4683, 4114, 1920, 13, 578, 453, 10318, 4543, 5064, 25720, 704, 264, 1648, 311, 4662, 279, 198, 27256, 269, 579, 304, 3544, 15055, 11, 4856, 220, 1109, 3515, 311, 28490, 315, 433, 11, 323, 4295, 389, 279, 198, 42877, 315, 7999, 433, 311, 279, 16558, 3090, 662, 2435, 1174, 304, 2543, 11, 69576, 279, 3778, 198, 35, 6430, 7303, 266, 28772, 311, 1862, 279, 4623, 320, 576, 574, 539, 279, 4113, 4623, 315, 279, 198, 33393, 570, 24440, 14644, 11898, 1753, 220, 13062, 52, 878, 52271, 84296, 76347, 20076, 29304, 3247, 220, 4534, 56, 36267, 198, 18433, 80087, 483, 374, 459, 7718, 2449, 304, 279, 2547, 1174, 433, 753, 4460, 555, 279, 198, 27520, 1607, 67169, 311, 8356, 279, 36908, 26236, 55889, 483, 13, 1115, 36908, 374, 9193, 198, 15693, 2533, 433, 11835, 8999, 21434, 2191, 11, 279, 4478, 520, 902, 3691, 374, 27724, 13, 1102, 198, 285, 1101, 459, 4043, 306, 220, 532, 961, 315, 279, 22852, 1887, 13, 67675, 55889, 483, 6155, 297, 4835, 11, 1555, 198, 2664, 9499, 27339, 11, 459, 3927, 529, 274, 4725, 9499, 477, 34653, 422, 198, 41917, 311, 23075, 19405, 13, 3277, 279, 54060, 67169 ]
. Stay away from sour fruits. Similarly, avoid vegetables that are hot (peppers, for instance), sour, or pungent. Favor those that are mild, sweet, and bitter. •   Certa in spices can inflame an already strong pitta. You can imagine the effect chili peppers and cayenne would have on you, for instance. In general, Ayurveda recommends that this dosha usespices in moderation. Some spices with cooling properties — coriander, cardamom, and fennel, to name a few — are fine. fruits FriendliestEat in ModerationOkay if Eaten RarelyAvoid Apples (sweet) Applesauce Apricots (sweet) Avocados Berries (sweet) Cherries (sweet) Coconut Dates Figs Grapes (red and purple) Mangoes (ripe) Melons Olives (black) Oranges (sweet) Pears Pineapple (sweet) Pomegranates Prunes Raisins WatermelonLimes PapayaKiwi Apples (sour) Apricots (sour) Bananas Berries (sour) Cherries (sour) Cranberries Grapefruit Grapes (green) Lemons Mangoes (green) Olives (green) Oranges (sour) Peaches Persimmons Pineapple (sour) Plums (sour) Rhubarb Strawberries Tamarind vegetables FriendliestEat in ModerationOkay if Eaten RarelyAvoid Artichoke Asparagus Beets (cooked) Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrots (cooked) Cauliflower Celery Cilantro Cucumber Fennel Green beans Jerusalem artichoke Kale Leafy greens Lettuce Okra Parsley Parsnips Peas Peppers (sweet) Potatoes (white) Sweet potatoesCarrots (raw)Corn Eggplant Kohlrabi Spinach (cooked)Beet greens Beets (raw) Daikon radish Garlic Green chilies Horseradish Mustard greens Onions (raw) Peppers (hot) Radishes Spinach (raw) Tomatoes Turnip greens Turnipslegumes FriendliestOkay Once in a WhileAvoid Adzuki beans Black beans Black-eyed peas Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) Kidney beans Lentils (brown and red) Lima beans Mung beans (whole bean) Mung dal (split mung bean) Navy beans Peas (dried) Pinto beans Soybeans Soy cheese Soy milk Split peas Tofu White beansSoy flour Soy powderSoy sauce Tur dal (split yellow lentils) Urad dal (split black lentils) dairy products FriendliestOkay Once in a WhileAvoidButter (unsalted) Cheese (soft, not aged, unsalted) Cottage cheese Cow’ s milk Ghee Goat cheese (soft and unsalted) Goat’ s milk Ice creamYogurt (freshly made and diluted)Butter (salted) Buttermilk Cheese (hard) Sour cream Yogurt (plain, frozen, or with fruit) grains FriendliestOkay if Eaten RarelyAvoid Amaranth Barley Cereal (dry) Couscous Crackers Durum wheat flour Granola Oat bran Oats (cooked) Pancakes Pasta Rice (basmati, white, wild) Rice cakes Sago Spelt Tapioca Muesli Polenta Rice (brown)Bread (with yeast) Buckwheat Corn Millet Oats Quinoa RyeWheat Wheat bran beverages Friendliest Drink in Moderation Avoid Almond milk Aloe vera juice Apple juice Apricot juice Berry juice (sweet) Black tea Blackberry tea Chamomile tea Cherry juice (sweet) Cool dairy drinks Grain “cof fee” Grape juice Mango juice Mixed vegetable juice Peach nectar Pear juice Pomegranate juice Prune juice Rice milk Soy milk Vegetable bouillonChai (hot spiced milk) Cinnamon tea Orange juiceApple cider Berry juice (sour) Caffeinated beverages Carbonated drinks Carrot juice Cherry juice (sour) Chocolate milk Coffee Cranberry juice Ginger tea (dry) Ginseng tea Grapefruit juice Iced drinks Iced tea Lemonade Papaya juice Sour juices Tomato juice nutsFriendliest Avoid Almonds (soaked and peeled) Almonds (with skin) Black walnuts Brazil nuts Cashews Hazelnuts Macadamia nuts Pecans Pine nuts Pistachios Walnuts seeds Friendliest Okay Once in a While Avoid Flax Popcorn (no salt, buttered) Psyllium SunflowerPumpkin Sesameoils Friendliest (for Internal and External Use)External Use OnlyAvoid Canola Flaxseed Avocado CoconutAlmond Apricot Ghee Olive Primrose Soy Sunflower WalnutCorn Safflower Sesame sweeteners Friendliest Okay if Used Rar ely Avoid Barley malt Fructose Fruit-juice concentrate Maple syrup Rice syrup TurbinadoHoney (raw and not processed) White sugarJaggery Molasses kapha General Guidelines •   Low-fat milk balances kapha. Make sure you consume it in the way it should be: boiled, then cooled to room temperature. Adding a pinch or two of turmeric before boiling reduces the kapha- generating qualities of even whole milk. •   Kapha is a heavy dosha. Balance it with such light fruits as apples and pears. Stay away from heavy, juicy, sour fruits. Most vegetables are good for you, except those that are seen as “sweet” — cucumber and tomatoes, for instance. •   Kapha is already rich in “sweetness,” so it does not need sugar - based products. Y our sweetener of choice should be honey. •   Beans are generally good for kapha, but nuts can aggravate the heaviness of this dosha; eat them as sparingly as possible. Most grains will benefit you, but avoid eating too much wheat or rice, which can increase mucus production and make you feel heavier. •   Rejoice. There is almost no spice that you cannot consume in abundance. “Hot” spices such as cayenne and black pepper flush out mucus, thus balancing kapha. Even mild spices will help you digest and assimilate your food better. fruits FriendliestEat in ModerationOkay if Eaten RarelyAvoid Apples Applesauce Apricots Berries Cherries Cranberries Peaches Pears Persimmons Pomegranates Prunes RaisinsFigs (dried) Grapes Lemons Limes StrawberriesMangoes Avocados Bananas Coconut Dates Figs (fresh) Grapefruit Kiwi Melons Olives (black or green) Oranges Papaya Pineapple Plums Rhubarb Tamarind Watermelon vegetablesFriendliest Avoid Artichoke Asparagus Beet greens Beets Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Cilantro Corn Daikon radish Eggplant Fennel Green beans Green chilies Horseradish Jerusalem artichoke Kale Kohlrabi Leafy greens Lettuce Mustard greens OkraCucumber Squash (winter) Sweet potatoes Tomatoes (raw) Zucchini legumes FriendliestEat in ModerationAvoid Adzuki beans Mung beans (whole Kidney beans Black beans Black-eyed peas Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) Lentils (red and brown) Lima beans Navy beans Peas (dried) Pinto beans Soy milk Split peas Tur dal (split yellow lentils) White beansbeans) Mung dal (split mung bean) Tofu (hot)Soybeans Soy cheese Soy flour Soy powder S
[ 13, 29837, 3201, 198, 1527, 20897, 26390, 13, 35339, 11, 5766, 24822, 430, 527, 4106, 320, 375, 36623, 345, 2000, 2937, 705, 20897, 11, 477, 281, 2234, 306, 13, 74887, 1884, 430, 527, 23900, 11, 10437, 11, 220, 323, 198, 65, 3328, 13, 7436, 9421, 116545, 23463, 304, 49659, 649, 4704, 373, 459, 2736, 3831, 281, 46124, 13, 1472, 649, 13085, 198, 1820, 2515, 59717, 58573, 323, 272, 352, 26193, 1053, 617, 389, 499, 11, 369, 198, 4956, 13, 763, 4689, 11, 24852, 80627, 64, 40912, 430, 420, 8924, 4317, 5829, 79, 1238, 304, 64382, 13, 4427, 49659, 449, 28015, 6012, 107216, 6133, 72, 8363, 11, 3786, 309, 316, 11, 323, 282, 2734, 301, 11, 311, 836, 264, 2478, 2001, 527, 7060, 13, 26390, 198, 42737, 24013, 89711, 304, 2355, 69723, 367, 33413, 422, 469, 13827, 198, 67511, 398, 53216, 198, 2213, 645, 320, 95928, 8, 2355, 2213, 645, 76890, 2355, 21383, 292, 2469, 320, 95928, 8, 2355, 10066, 511, 5670, 2355, 39379, 4108, 320, 95928, 8, 2355, 1163, 261, 4108, 320, 95928, 8, 2355, 7489, 27357, 2355, 56338, 2355, 37, 14801, 720, 38, 4714, 288, 320, 1171, 323, 198, 57607, 8, 2355, 44, 5281, 288, 320, 52191, 8, 2355, 40249, 2439, 2355, 43819, 1924, 320, 11708, 8, 2355, 2244, 5637, 320, 95928, 8, 2355, 47, 7596, 2355, 47, 483, 23182, 320, 95928, 8, 2355, 47, 638, 68163, 988, 2355, 3617, 8699, 2355, 49, 2852, 1354, 2355, 29353, 72218, 43, 1769, 198, 47, 391, 12874, 73672, 17043, 1883, 645, 198, 1161, 414, 8, 2355, 21383, 292, 2469, 198, 1161, 414, 8, 2355, 51341, 26997, 2355, 39379, 4108, 198, 1161, 414, 8, 2355, 1163, 261, 4108, 198, 1161, 414, 8, 2355, 34, 6713, 36989, 2355, 38, 20432, 36698, 2355, 38, 4714, 288, 198, 3348, 4542, 8, 2355, 43, 59396, 2355, 44, 5281, 288, 198, 3348, 4542, 8, 2355, 43819, 1924, 198, 3348, 4542, 8, 2355, 2244, 5637, 198, 1161, 414, 8, 2355, 47, 9739, 288, 2355, 59742, 318, 24483, 2355, 47, 483, 23182, 198, 1161, 414, 8, 2355, 2169, 6370, 320, 82, 414, 8, 2355, 49, 27780, 76370, 220, 57944, 36989, 2355, 51, 15924, 485, 198, 83571, 4893, 198, 42737, 24013, 89711, 304, 2355, 69723, 367, 33413, 422, 469, 13827, 198, 67511, 398, 53216, 198, 9470, 718, 4845, 2355, 2170, 94789, 2355, 3513, 1441, 320, 99797, 8, 2355, 27368, 60803, 2355, 6971, 32964, 8314, 11934, 2355, 34, 57589, 2355, 9028, 90329, 320, 99797, 8, 2355, 34, 5049, 77873, 2355, 88716, 727, 2355, 34, 321, 87290, 2355, 34, 42012, 2355, 37, 2734, 301, 2355, 20147, 27994, 2355, 45057, 25245, 198, 472, 718, 4845, 2355, 42, 1604, 2355, 32561, 88, 52011, 2355, 43, 7211, 10743, 2355, 11839, 969, 2355, 47, 1590, 3258, 2355, 47, 1590, 77, 3153, 2355, 10407, 300, 720, 10407, 36623, 320, 95928, 8, 2355, 45716, 20798, 320, 5902, 8, 2355, 59522, 35267, 9028, 90329, 198, 23269, 8, 91641, 2355, 36, 14736, 21494, 2355, 42, 2319, 19555, 26140, 2355, 42838, 613, 320, 99797, 8, 3513, 295, 52011, 2355, 3513, 1441, 320, 1059, 8, 2355, 31516, 62714, 198, 13584, 819, 2355, 45030, 416, 2355, 20147, 523, 7751, 2355, 40701, 805, 329, 819, 2355, 32876, 569, 198, 82826, 2355, 1966, 919, 320, 1059, 8, 2355, 10407, 36623, 320, 10847, 8, 2355, 43031, 21168, 2355, 42838, 613, 198, 23269, 8, 2355, 25763, 20798, 2355, 19952, 575, 198, 82826, 2355, 19952, 3153, 1978, 19131, 198, 42737, 24013, 33413, 9843, 304, 264, 198, 8142, 53216, 198, 2654, 89, 22227, 27994, 2355, 14755, 27994, 2355, 14755, 53613, 47136, 2355, 1163, 875, 375, 300, 320, 12440, 6993, 13028, 198, 28440, 8, 2355, 99608, 3520, 27994, 2355, 43, 306, 8839, 320, 65561, 323, 198, 1171, 8, 720, 43, 7675, 27994, 2355, 44, 2234, 27994, 320, 67733, 198, 17937, 8, 2355, 44, 2234, 25769, 320, 7105, 220, 296, 2234, 198, 17937, 8, 2355, 45, 5781, 27994, 2355, 10407, 300, 320, 67, 4588, 8, 2355, 47, 18614, 27994, 2355, 50, 2303, 28440, 2355, 50, 2303, 17604, 2355, 50, 2303, 14403, 2355, 20805, 47136, 2355, 51, 1073, 84, 720, 14404, 27994, 50, 2303, 20415, 2355, 50, 2303, 17138, 50, 2303, 19737, 2355, 38062, 25769, 320, 7105, 14071, 198, 75, 306, 8839, 8, 2355, 52, 13584, 25769, 320, 7105, 3776, 198, 75, 306, 8839, 340, 67, 22704, 3956, 198, 42737, 24013, 33413, 9843, 304, 264, 198, 8142, 53216, 4071, 466, 320, 11099, 62334, 8, 2355, 27941, 2423, 320, 3594, 11, 539, 198, 3359, 11, 7120, 62334, 8, 2355, 34, 34795, 17604, 2355, 91015, 529, 274, 14403, 2355, 38, 50153, 2355, 11087, 266, 17604, 320, 3594, 198, 438, 7120, 62334, 8, 2355, 11087, 266, 529, 274, 14403, 2355, 52430, 12932, 56, 540, 5757, 320, 72408, 398, 1903, 198, 438, 80703, 8, 4071, 466, 320, 43326, 291, 8, 2355, 4071, 5098, 34263, 2355, 27941, 2423, 320, 19221, 8, 2355, 50, 414, 12932, 2355, 56, 540, 5757, 320, 21435, 11, 20268, 345, 269, 449, 14098, 340, 911, 1771, 198, 42737, 24013, 33413, 422, 469, 13827, 198, 67511, 398, 53216, 198, 32, 5730, 32329, 2355, 3511, 3258, 2355, 34, 44353, 320, 54310, 8, 2355, 34, 788, 66, 788, 2355, 16384, 88512, 2355, 54133, 372, 34153, 20415, 2355, 91823, 8083, 2355, 46, 266, 53358, 2355, 46, 1900, 320, 99797, 8, 2355, 47, 1149, 2094, 2355, 47, 14635, 2355, 49, 560, 320, 18275, 8637, 72, 11, 4251, 345, 68974, 8, 2355, 49, 560, 48669, 2355, 50, 6438, 2355, 6540, 3903, 2355, 51, 2113, 17270, 220, 386, 1157, 747, 2355, 15000, 16985, 2355, 49, 560, 320, 65561, 8, 33, 888, 320, 4291, 198, 9188, 561, 8, 2355, 33, 1983, 86, 20559, 2355, 91641, 2355, 44, 41984, 2355, 46, 1900, 720, 2232, 80094, 2355, 49, 9188, 54, 20559, 2355, 54, 20559, 53358, 198, 1395, 43968, 198, 42737, 24013, 48573, 304, 44527, 367, 35106, 198, 2149, 12669, 14403, 2355, 32, 35598, 92344, 23661, 2355, 27665, 23661, 2355, 21383, 87537, 23661, 2355, 51302, 23661, 320, 95928, 8, 2355, 14755, 15600, 2355, 14755, 15717, 15600, 2355, 1163, 309, 316, 458, 15600, 2355, 1163, 5515, 23661, 2355, 1161, 4589, 8, 2355, 57850, 34479, 21662, 2355, 6600, 467, 1054, 1030, 69, 11307, 863, 720, 38, 20432, 23661, 2355, 44, 5281, 23661, 2355, 87533, 36581, 2355, 8783, 560, 2355, 47, 9739, 308, 39916, 2355, 92140, 23661, 2355, 47, 638, 68163, 349, 23661, 2355, 3617, 2957, 23661, 2355, 49, 560, 14403, 2355, 50, 2303, 14403, 2355, 43712, 456, 481, 30870, 43588, 1163, 2192, 320, 10847, 993, 7725, 14403, 8, 2355, 34, 40435, 15600, 2355, 43069, 23661, 27665, 66155, 2355, 51302, 23661, 320, 82, 414, 8, 2355, 34, 38880, 15846, 2355, 1395, 43968, 2355, 37707, 660, 21662, 2355, 9028, 4744, 23661, 2355, 1163, 5515, 23661, 2355, 1161, 414, 8, 2355, 94064, 14403, 2355, 83380, 720, 34, 6713, 15717, 23661, 2355, 38, 5248, 15600, 320, 54310, 8, 2355, 38, 1354, 833, 15600, 2355, 38, 20432, 36698, 23661, 2355, 40, 2041, 21662, 2355, 40, 2041, 15600, 2355, 43, 7439, 1037, 2355, 47, 391, 12874, 23661, 2355, 50, 414, 65959, 2355, 25763, 4428, 23661, 198, 64866, 42737, 24013, 35106, 198, 2149, 55720, 320, 708, 7897, 323, 83612, 8, 1708, 55720, 320, 4291, 6930, 8, 2355, 14755, 41926, 64866, 2355, 68299, 31049, 2355, 48541, 28844, 2355, 100144, 17912, 6256, 2355, 20122, 52054, 689, 31049, 2355, 47, 762, 598, 2355, 47, 483, 31049, 2355, 47, 380, 613, 3614, 2355, 89398, 64866, 198, 325, 6910, 198, 42737, 24013, 36539, 9843, 304, 264, 6104, 35106, 198, 3968, 710, 720, 11859, 39730, 320, 2201, 12290, 11, 14432, 291, 8, 2355, 21051, 25734, 2411, 2355, 31192, 39853, 47, 1538, 8148, 64027, 373, 78, 8839, 198, 42737, 24013, 320, 2000, 15774, 323, 198, 27002, 5560, 8, 27002, 5560, 198, 7456, 53216, 198, 6854, 8083, 2355, 3968, 710, 23425, 220, 7671, 47282, 2355, 7489, 27357, 2149, 12669, 2355, 21383, 87537, 220, 480, 50153, 2355, 46, 25859, 2355, 67291, 25888, 2355, 50, 2303, 720, 31192, 39853, 2355, 89398, 24217, 91641, 2355, 50, 2715, 15115, 2355, 50, 288, 373, 198, 95928, 18724, 198, 42737, 24013, 36539, 422, 12477, 432, 277, 658, 88, 35106, 198, 3511, 3258, 55756, 2355, 23376, 87873, 2355, 37, 21702, 12, 8783, 560, 37455, 2355, 2276, 273, 45322, 2355, 49, 560, 45322, 2355, 38062, 7006, 2172, 39, 2596, 320, 1059, 323, 539, 15590, 8, 2355, 14404, 13465, 41, 16094, 727, 2355, 44, 337, 52090, 198, 74, 1366, 64, 198, 15777, 48528, 198, 6806, 9421, 4194, 25162, 64354, 14403, 39954, 597, 1366, 64, 13, 7557, 2771, 499, 25024, 433, 304, 279, 1648, 198, 275, 1288, 387, 25, 66185, 11, 1243, 65410, 311, 3130, 9499, 13, 31470, 264, 198, 13576, 331, 477, 1403, 315, 13535, 2165, 1603, 50937, 26338, 279, 597, 1366, 64, 7058, 7642, 1113, 29600, 315, 1524, 4459, 14403, 13, 7436, 9421, 109354, 1366, 64, 374, 264, 8987, 8924, 4317, 13, 31946, 433, 449, 1778, 3177, 26390, 439, 41776, 198, 438, 281, 7596, 13, 29837, 3201, 505, 8987, 11, 56153, 11, 20897, 26390, 13, 7648, 24822, 198, 548, 1695, 369, 499, 11, 3734, 1884, 430, 527, 3970, 439, 1054, 95928, 863, 2001, 66032, 198, 438, 41613, 11, 369, 2937, 13, 7436, 9421, 109354, 1366, 64, 374, 2736, 9257, 304, 1054, 95928, 2136, 2476, 779, 433, 1587, 539, 1205, 220, 13465, 18722, 31039, 3956, 13, 816, 1057, 10437, 804, 315, 5873, 1288, 387, 26828, 13, 7436, 9421, 4194, 82658, 527, 8965, 1695, 369, 597, 1366, 64, 11, 719, 31049, 649, 46041, 349, 279, 198, 383, 402, 1918, 315, 420, 8924, 4317, 26, 8343, 1124, 439, 96055, 398, 439, 3284, 13, 7648, 198, 911, 1771, 690, 8935, 499, 11, 719, 5766, 12459, 2288, 1790, 34153, 477, 20228, 345, 8370, 649, 5376, 296, 38601, 5788, 323, 1304, 499, 2733, 44922, 13, 7436, 9421, 4194, 697, 7453, 560, 13, 2684, 374, 4661, 912, 42786, 430, 499, 4250, 25024, 304, 198, 370, 98681, 13, 1054, 20780, 863, 49659, 1778, 439, 272, 352, 26193, 323, 3776, 25349, 18698, 704, 198, 76, 38601, 11, 8617, 44463, 597, 1366, 64, 13, 7570, 23900, 49659, 690, 1520, 499, 21552, 198, 438, 40054, 76457, 701, 3691, 2731, 13, 26390, 198, 42737, 24013, 89711, 304, 2355, 69723, 367, 33413, 422, 469, 13827, 198, 67511, 398, 53216, 198, 2213, 645, 2355, 2213, 645, 76890, 2355, 21383, 292, 2469, 2355, 39379, 4108, 2355, 1163, 261, 4108, 2355, 34, 6713, 36989, 2355, 47, 9739, 288, 2355, 47, 7596, 2355, 59742, 318, 24483, 2355, 47, 638, 68163, 988, 2355, 3617, 8699, 2355, 49, 2852, 1354, 37, 14801, 320, 67, 4588, 8, 2355, 38, 4714, 288, 2355, 43, 59396, 2355, 43, 1769, 2355, 2645, 675, 36989, 44, 5281, 288, 7671, 511, 5670, 2355, 51341, 26997, 2355, 7489, 27357, 2355, 56338, 2355, 37, 14801, 320, 72408, 8, 2355, 38, 20432, 36698, 2355, 73672, 17043, 2355, 40249, 2439, 2355, 43819, 1924, 320, 11708, 477, 198, 13553, 8, 2355, 2244, 5637, 2355, 47, 391, 12874, 2355, 47, 483, 23182, 2355, 2169, 6370, 2355, 49, 27780, 76370, 2355, 51, 15924, 485, 198, 29353, 72218, 198, 83571, 4893, 42737, 24013, 35106, 198, 9470, 718, 4845, 2355, 2170, 94789, 2355, 3513, 295, 52011, 2355, 3513, 1441, 2355, 27368, 60803, 2355, 6971, 32964, 8314, 11934, 2355, 34, 57589, 2355, 9028, 90329, 2355, 34, 5049, 77873, 2355, 88716, 727, 2355, 34, 321, 87290, 2355, 91641, 2355, 31516, 62714, 9038, 819, 2355, 36, 14736, 21494, 2355, 37, 2734, 301, 2355, 20147, 27994, 2355, 20147, 523, 7751, 2355, 40701, 805, 329, 819, 2355, 45057, 25245, 1989, 718, 4845, 2355, 42, 1604, 2355, 42, 2319, 19555, 26140, 2355, 32561, 88, 52011, 2355, 43, 7211, 10743, 2355, 32876, 569, 52011, 2355, 11839, 969, 34, 42012, 2355, 50, 447, 1003, 320, 84028, 8, 2355, 59522, 35267, 2355, 25763, 20798, 320, 1059, 8, 2355, 57, 86670, 198, 1978, 19131, 198, 42737, 24013, 89711, 304, 2355, 69723, 367, 53216, 198, 2654, 89, 22227, 27994, 220, 386, 2234, 27994, 320, 67733, 32666, 3520, 27994, 220, 5348, 27994, 2355, 14755, 53613, 47136, 2355, 1163, 875, 375, 300, 320, 12440, 6993, 13028, 198, 28440, 8, 2355, 43, 306, 8839, 320, 1171, 323, 198, 65561, 8, 2355, 43, 7675, 27994, 2355, 45, 5781, 27994, 2355, 10407, 300, 320, 67, 4588, 8, 2355, 47, 18614, 27994, 2355, 50, 2303, 14403, 2355, 20805, 47136, 2355, 38062, 25769, 320, 7105, 14071, 198, 75, 306, 8839, 8, 2355, 14404, 27994, 28440, 8, 2355, 44, 2234, 25769, 320, 7105, 296, 2234, 198, 17937, 8, 2355, 51, 1073, 84, 320, 10847, 8, 50, 2303, 28440, 2355, 50, 2303, 17604, 2355, 50, 2303, 20415, 2355, 50, 2303, 17138, 2355, 50 ]
The inner terrain includes our immune system, organ tissues, and blood cells. Those who stepped out of line from Pasteur`s dogma asserted that the inner terrain was more vital for remaining disease free than searching for new antibiotics and vaccines to kill bacteria and viruses. As an analogy, flies don`t create garbage. Bu t garbage attracts flies that breed maggots to create even more flies. Removing garbage is more effective than spraying toxic chemicals, which endanger human and animal life, around the house. Similarly, adding toxins to humans is not as effective as clean ing out the inner terrain. Conventional medicine`s toxic efforts at killing microbes instead of creating better inner terrains result in creating even m ore disease. The human inner terrain supports health by maintaining a balanced, slightly alkaline pH. The opposite leads to acidosis, a breading ground for disease. Diet, digestion, exercise, detox, and stress reduction should support the inner terrain`s pH. All the alt ernative healing arts, current and ancient, are aware of this as they focus on bringing the body into balance. The Medical Mafia and Big Pharma have ignored this in favor of continuing their profitable disease care racket with its domin o effect of cures that cause more disease. Pleomorphism The inner terrain argument against Pasteur`s germ theory gained more ground with pleomorphism. Independent research determined that microbes morph according to their cellular environment. At first benign, they become pathogenic as they`re fo rced to survive in a damaged cellular environment. The waste pr oducts of these microbes create even more damage. Further research determined that these microbes often already exist in human cells in benign states. They don`t all come from out there, and they`re not pathogenic in healthy environments. They become so i n diseased environments. What does come from out there are environmental toxins and toxic foods that make it difficult for benign microbes to survive. Then they morph into those nasty little critters. Royal Raymond Rife developed his regular light Univer sal Microscope in order to observe living microbes as they were destroyed by different frequencies from his radio frequency generator. Before that, electronic magnification killed microbes. Only one form of microbe could be observed for each disease. Rife supported pleomorphism by allowing micro -biologists to see microbes change from benign to harmful and back to benign according to the host cell`s condition. Rife had observed up to 16 different shape changes with one microbe. More recently, micro -biolo gists have made further discoveries observing live blood using dark field microscopy, confirming Rife`s research and validating pleomorphism. On his deathbed, Pasteur reportedly endorsed Bernard`s claim that the "germ was nothing ; the inner terrain was all ". This was not recorded for orthodox medical education. The proven fact that microbes exist in all living things and become pathogenic by adapting to toxic environments demonstrates the folly of focusing on microbes as the only source of disease. For fu rther information, check out these sources The Mystery of Pleomorphic Microbial Organisms by Christopher Bird http://www. herbdatanz. com/pasteur_or_bechamp -pleomorphic_o rganisms -1. htm Amazing Inner Terrain Article - http://www. mnwelldir. org/docs/terrain/lost_history_of_medicine. htm Pasteur Fraud http://thebovine. wordpress. com/pasteur More on Pasteur http://www.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|> Q: Who developed a regular light Universal Microscope to observe the changes in microbes, supporting the concept of pleomorphism?, A: Royal Raymond Rife Q: What is the main argument of the inner terrain theory, according to the passage?, A: The inner terrain, including the immune system, organ tissues, and blood cells, plays a more significant role in remaining disease-free than searching for new antibiotics and vaccines to kill bacteria and viruses. Q: According to the passage, what is the result of adding toxins to humans instead of focusing on cleaning the inner terrain?, A: It leads to creating even more disease. Q: What is the key point made by the author regarding the origin of microbes that cause disease?, A: Microbes that are benign in healthy environments can become pathogenic when forced to survive in a damaged cellular environment. Q: Who reportedly endorsed Claude Bernard's claim that the "germ was nothing; the inner terrain was all" on his deathbed?, A: Louis Pasteur<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>1 2 The POWER of Your Subconscious Mind Joseph Murphy D.R.S., D.D., Ph.D., LL.D. Fellow of the Andhra Research University of India How This Book Can Work Miracles in Your Life I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of life all over the world. Miracles will happen to you, t oo— when you begin using the magic power of your subconscious mind. This book is designed to teach you that your habitual thinking and imagery mold, fashion, and create your destiny; for as a man thinketh in his sub-conscious mind, so is he. • Do you know the answers? Why is one man sad and another man happy? Why is one man joyous and prosperous and another man poor and miserable? Why is one man fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confide nce? Why does one man have a beautiful, lux-urious home while another man lives out a meager existence in a slum? Why is one ma n a great success and another an ab-ject failure? Why is one speaker outstanding and immensely popular and another mediocre and unpopular? Why is one man a genius in his work or profession whi le the other man toils and moils all his life without doing or accomplishing anything worthwhile? Why is one man healed of a s o- called incurable disease and another isn’t? Why is it so many good, kind religious people suffer the tortures of the damned in th eir mind and body? Why is it many immoral and irreligious people succeed and prosper and enjoy radiant health? Why is one woman happily ma rried and her sister very unhappy and frustrated? Is there an answer to these questions in the workings of your conscious and subconscious minds? There most certainly is. 3 • Reason for writing this book It is for the express purpose of answering and clarifying the above questions and many others of a similar nature that mo-tivated m e to write this book. I have endeavored to explain the great fundame ntal truths of your mind in the simplest language possible. I belie ve that it is perfectly possible to explain the basic, foundational, and fundamental laws of life and of your mind in ordinary everyday language. You will find that the language of this book is that us ed in your daily papers, current periodicals, in your business offic es, in your home, and in the daily work-shop. I urge you to study this book and apply the techniques outlined therein; and as you do, I feel a bsolutely convinced that you will lay hold of a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure, and gui de you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mind. This miracle-working power of your subconscious mind can heal you of your sickness; make you vital and strong again. In learning how to use your inner powers, you will open the prison door of fear and enter into a life described by Pau l as the glorious liberty of the sons of God. • Releasing the miracle-working power A personal healing will ever be the most convincing evi-dence of our subconscious powers. Over forty-two years ago I resolved a malignancy—in medical terminology it was called a sarcoma—by using the healing power of my subconscious mind, which created me and still maintains and governs all my vital functions. The techn ique I applied is elaborated on in this book, and I feel sure that it will help others to trust the same Infinite Healing Presence lodged in the subconscious depths of all men. Through the kindly offices of my doctor friend, I suddenly real-ized that it was natural to assum e that the Creative Intelligence which made all my organs, fashion ed my body, and started my heart, could heal its own handiwork. The ancient proverb says, “The doctor dresses the wound and God heals it.” 4 • Wonders happen when you pray effectively Scientific prayer is the harmonious interaction of the con-sc ious and subconscious levels of mind scientifically directed for a s pecific purpose. This book will teach you the scientific way to tap the real m of infinite power within you enabling you to get what you really wan t in life. You desire a happier, fuller, and richer life. Begin to use this miracle-working power and smooth your way in daily affairs, sol ve business problems, and bring harmony in family relationships. Be sure that you read this book several times. The many chapters wil l show you how this won-derful power works, and how you can draw out the hidden in-spiration and wisdom that is within you. Learn the simpl e tech-niques of impressing the subconscious mind. Follow the new scientific way in tapping the infinite storehous e. Read this book carefully, earnestly, and lovingly. Prove to
[ 720, 791, 9358, 25911, 5764, 1057, 22852, 1887, 11, 2942, 39881, 11, 323, 6680, 7917, 13, 13266, 889, 25319, 704, 315, 1584, 505, 58325, 324, 40929, 5679, 1764, 720, 2256, 291, 430, 279, 9358, 25911, 574, 810, 16595, 369, 9861, 8624, 1949, 1109, 15389, 369, 502, 46850, 323, 40300, 311, 5622, 720, 65, 78852, 323, 42068, 13, 1666, 459, 56203, 11, 38204, 1541, 80215, 1893, 26964, 13, 28326, 259, 26964, 61191, 38204, 430, 28875, 88999, 2469, 311, 1893, 1524, 810, 38204, 13, 67803, 720, 12440, 21305, 374, 810, 7524, 1109, 83636, 21503, 26333, 11, 902, 38037, 3823, 323, 10065, 2324, 11, 2212, 279, 3838, 13, 35339, 11, 720, 3071, 62186, 311, 12966, 374, 539, 439, 7524, 439, 4335, 6892, 704, 279, 9358, 25911, 13, 1221, 44322, 16088, 40929, 21503, 9045, 520, 13419, 80727, 4619, 315, 6968, 2731, 9358, 7317, 1771, 1121, 304, 6968, 1524, 296, 16536, 720, 67, 56407, 13, 578, 3823, 9358, 25911, 11815, 2890, 555, 20958, 264, 24770, 11, 10284, 66787, 483, 37143, 13, 578, 14329, 11767, 311, 13935, 10934, 11, 264, 293, 6285, 720, 1993, 369, 8624, 13, 27304, 11, 74502, 11, 10368, 11, 61987, 11, 323, 8631, 14278, 1288, 1862, 279, 9358, 25911, 40929, 37143, 13, 2052, 279, 4902, 93029, 1413, 720, 383, 6260, 19071, 11, 1510, 323, 14154, 11, 527, 8010, 315, 420, 439, 814, 5357, 389, 12967, 279, 2547, 1139, 8335, 13, 578, 13235, 81995, 323, 6295, 79881, 617, 12305, 420, 304, 4799, 315, 14691, 872, 34235, 8624, 2512, 82612, 449, 1202, 11358, 297, 720, 27153, 315, 272, 1439, 430, 5353, 810, 8624, 13, 33540, 316, 53907, 2355, 720, 791, 9358, 25911, 5811, 2403, 58325, 324, 40929, 82986, 220, 10334, 18661, 810, 5015, 449, 7245, 316, 53907, 13, 22765, 3495, 720, 67, 47737, 430, 80727, 27448, 4184, 311, 872, 35693, 4676, 13, 2468, 1176, 65309, 11, 814, 3719, 1853, 29569, 439, 814, 63, 265, 12018, 436, 2041, 720, 998, 18167, 304, 264, 20727, 35693, 4676, 13, 578, 12571, 550, 297, 1076, 82, 315, 1521, 80727, 1893, 1524, 810, 5674, 13, 15903, 3495, 11075, 430, 1521, 80727, 3629, 2736, 3073, 304, 3823, 7917, 304, 65309, 5415, 13, 2435, 1541, 80215, 682, 2586, 505, 220, 704, 720, 19041, 11, 323, 814, 63, 265, 539, 1853, 29569, 304, 9498, 22484, 13, 2435, 3719, 779, 602, 308, 6759, 1503, 22484, 13, 3639, 1587, 2586, 505, 704, 1070, 527, 12434, 62186, 323, 21503, 15657, 430, 1304, 433, 5107, 369, 65309, 80727, 311, 18167, 13, 5112, 814, 27448, 1139, 1884, 35507, 2697, 4742, 5153, 13, 16591, 43670, 432, 1643, 8040, 813, 5912, 3177, 1252, 1553, 4371, 18654, 4280, 304, 2015, 311, 23846, 5496, 80727, 439, 814, 1051, 14763, 720, 1729, 2204, 34873, 505, 813, 9063, 11900, 14143, 13, 13538, 430, 11, 14683, 8622, 2461, 7577, 80727, 13, 8442, 832, 1376, 720, 1073, 8162, 1395, 1436, 387, 13468, 369, 1855, 8624, 13, 432, 1643, 7396, 7245, 316, 53907, 555, 10923, 8162, 482, 8385, 22012, 311, 1518, 80727, 2349, 505, 65309, 311, 28856, 323, 1203, 311, 65309, 720, 74946, 311, 279, 3552, 2849, 40929, 3044, 13, 432, 1643, 1047, 13468, 709, 311, 220, 845, 2204, 6211, 4442, 449, 832, 8162, 1395, 13, 4497, 6051, 11, 8162, 482, 8385, 10216, 342, 1705, 617, 1903, 4726, 54098, 46071, 3974, 6680, 1701, 6453, 2115, 92914, 11, 50096, 432, 1643, 40929, 720, 61564, 323, 69772, 7245, 316, 53907, 13, 1952, 813, 4648, 2788, 11, 58325, 324, 18307, 40728, 35352, 40929, 3802, 430, 279, 330, 1414, 76, 574, 4400, 2652, 720, 1820, 9358, 25911, 574, 682, 6058, 1115, 574, 539, 12715, 369, 92342, 6593, 6873, 13, 578, 17033, 2144, 430, 80727, 3073, 304, 682, 5496, 2574, 323, 3719, 1853, 29569, 555, 70817, 311, 21503, 22484, 32216, 220, 279, 720, 8566, 398, 315, 21760, 389, 80727, 439, 279, 1193, 2592, 315, 8624, 13, 1789, 18922, 436, 700, 2038, 11, 1817, 704, 1521, 8336, 2355, 720, 791, 49105, 315, 33540, 71017, 18654, 48059, 10995, 13978, 555, 26035, 24214, 2355, 1277, 1129, 2185, 13, 39999, 6036, 12341, 13, 470, 4420, 5642, 324, 8908, 890, 4842, 1141, 482, 698, 71017, 14513, 18867, 276, 13978, 482, 16, 13, 305, 14046, 2355, 720, 66173, 37456, 63118, 13659, 482, 2355, 1277, 1129, 2185, 13, 29038, 90563, 509, 404, 13, 1262, 27057, 14, 47882, 14, 55437, 20389, 3659, 722, 92001, 13, 305, 14046, 2355, 720, 75070, 324, 67047, 2355, 1277, 1129, 1820, 754, 62301, 13, 76213, 13, 470, 4420, 5642, 324, 2355, 720, 7816, 389, 58325, 324, 2355, 1277, 1129, 2185, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 10699, 8040, 264, 5912, 3177, 26581, 18654, 4280, 311, 23846, 279, 4442, 304, 80727, 11, 12899, 279, 7434, 315, 7245, 316, 53907, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 16591, 43670, 432, 1643, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 1925, 5811, 315, 279, 9358, 25911, 10334, 11, 4184, 311, 279, 21765, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 9358, 25911, 11, 2737, 279, 22852, 1887, 11, 2942, 39881, 11, 323, 6680, 7917, 11, 11335, 264, 810, 5199, 3560, 304, 9861, 8624, 12862, 1109, 15389, 369, 502, 46850, 323, 40300, 311, 5622, 24032, 323, 42068, 13, 720, 48, 25, 10771, 311, 279, 21765, 11, 1148, 374, 279, 1121, 315, 7999, 62186, 311, 12966, 4619, 315, 21760, 389, 16204, 279, 9358, 25911, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 1102, 11767, 311, 6968, 1524, 810, 8624, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 1401, 1486, 1903, 555, 279, 3229, 9002, 279, 6371, 315, 80727, 430, 5353, 8624, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 18654, 9620, 430, 527, 65309, 304, 9498, 22484, 649, 3719, 1853, 29569, 994, 9770, 311, 18167, 304, 264, 20727, 35693, 4676, 13, 720, 48, 25, 10699, 18307, 40728, 75430, 35352, 596, 3802, 430, 279, 330, 1414, 76, 574, 4400, 26, 279, 9358, 25911, 574, 682, 1, 389, 813, 4648, 2788, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 12140, 58325, 324, 128009, 128000, 16, 2355, 720, 220, 17, 578, 43737, 315, 4718, 3804, 64589, 720, 70738, 720, 61760, 31053, 720, 35, 2056, 815, 2637, 423, 920, 2637, 2405, 920, 2637, 20072, 920, 13, 37946, 315, 279, 1628, 73010, 8483, 3907, 315, 6890, 33006, 4438, 1115, 6017, 3053, 5664, 14603, 18709, 304, 4718, 9601, 720, 40, 617, 3970, 71912, 3621, 311, 3026, 323, 3278, 304, 682, 23291, 720, 1073, 2324, 682, 927, 279, 1917, 13, 14603, 18709, 690, 3621, 311, 499, 11, 259, 57009, 2345, 198, 9493, 499, 3240, 1701, 279, 11204, 2410, 315, 701, 84951, 720, 38824, 13, 1115, 2363, 374, 6319, 311, 4639, 499, 430, 701, 84820, 720, 83360, 323, 41545, 29561, 11, 11401, 11, 323, 1893, 701, 47176, 26, 720, 2000, 439, 264, 893, 1781, 774, 304, 813, 1207, 66666, 4059, 11, 779, 374, 568, 13, 7436, 3234, 499, 1440, 279, 11503, 30, 8595, 374, 832, 893, 12703, 323, 2500, 893, 6380, 30, 8595, 374, 832, 893, 720, 4215, 788, 323, 71407, 323, 2500, 893, 8009, 323, 50739, 30, 8595, 374, 720, 606, 893, 63757, 323, 38100, 323, 2500, 2539, 315, 10082, 323, 2389, 579, 308, 346, 30, 8595, 1587, 832, 893, 617, 264, 6366, 11, 14379, 12, 28626, 2162, 1418, 2500, 720, 1543, 6439, 704, 264, 757, 1435, 14209, 304, 264, 1776, 372, 30, 8595, 374, 832, 7643, 308, 264, 2294, 720, 5748, 323, 2500, 459, 671, 12, 585, 8060, 30, 8595, 374, 832, 19114, 720, 412, 10276, 323, 63689, 5526, 323, 2500, 68480, 323, 720, 359, 44348, 30, 8595, 374, 832, 893, 264, 35201, 304, 813, 990, 477, 4913, 421, 72, 514, 720, 1820, 1023, 893, 311, 8839, 323, 4647, 8839, 682, 813, 2324, 2085, 3815, 477, 720, 73087, 501, 11218, 4205, 48776, 30, 8595, 374, 832, 893, 62320, 315, 264, 274, 297, 7058, 44982, 62622, 481, 8624, 323, 2500, 4536, 1431, 30, 8595, 374, 433, 779, 1690, 1695, 11, 720, 15674, 10597, 1274, 7831, 279, 16831, 1439, 315, 279, 68465, 304, 270, 384, 404, 4059, 720, 438, 2547, 30, 8595, 374, 433, 1690, 79254, 323, 6348, 97250, 1274, 12265, 323, 720, 782, 82, 716, 323, 4774, 77443, 2890, 30, 8595, 374, 832, 5333, 37875, 7643, 436, 4588, 720, 438, 1077, 13219, 1633, 43251, 323, 33630, 30, 2209, 1070, 459, 4320, 311, 1521, 720, 17800, 304, 279, 79236, 315, 701, 17371, 323, 84951, 20663, 30, 2684, 1455, 7995, 374, 13, 220, 18, 7436, 27857, 369, 4477, 420, 2363, 720, 2181, 374, 369, 279, 3237, 7580, 315, 36864, 323, 20064, 7922, 279, 3485, 720, 17800, 323, 1690, 3885, 315, 264, 4528, 7138, 430, 4647, 2442, 55786, 296, 384, 311, 720, 5040, 420, 2363, 13, 358, 617, 29705, 76486, 311, 10552, 279, 2294, 3887, 373, 32512, 278, 720, 59677, 82, 315, 701, 4059, 304, 279, 45648, 4221, 3284, 13, 358, 2888, 5320, 430, 433, 720, 285, 14268, 3284, 311, 10552, 279, 6913, 11, 89328, 11, 323, 720, 58703, 44186, 7016, 315, 2324, 323, 315, 701, 4059, 304, 19664, 18254, 720, 11789, 13, 1472, 690, 1505, 430, 279, 4221, 315, 420, 2363, 374, 430, 603, 1608, 304, 720, 22479, 7446, 16064, 11, 1510, 4261, 53703, 11, 304, 701, 2626, 2856, 1560, 11, 304, 701, 720, 5227, 11, 323, 304, 279, 7446, 990, 76014, 13, 358, 33147, 499, 311, 4007, 420, 2363, 323, 720, 10492, 279, 12823, 33740, 58179, 26, 323, 439, 499, 656, 11, 358, 2733, 264, 17502, 9887, 720, 444, 9799, 2041, 430, 499, 690, 11203, 3412, 315, 264, 45125, 64992, 2410, 430, 220, 690, 720, 36069, 499, 709, 505, 22047, 11, 58701, 11, 87163, 5849, 11, 323, 8060, 11, 323, 19783, 409, 720, 9514, 311, 701, 837, 2035, 11, 11886, 701, 27129, 11, 3285, 499, 505, 720, 336, 41964, 323, 7106, 43594, 11, 323, 2035, 499, 389, 279, 30336, 5754, 311, 720, 25746, 8944, 11, 23871, 11, 323, 9096, 315, 4059, 13, 1115, 45125, 64992, 2410, 2355, 1073, 701, 84951, 4059, 649, 27661, 499, 315, 701, 54950, 26, 1304, 499, 720, 85, 2223, 323, 3831, 1578, 13, 763, 6975, 1268, 311, 1005, 701, 9358, 13736, 1174, 499, 720, 14724, 1825, 279, 9527, 6134, 315, 8850, 323, 3810, 1139, 264, 2324, 7633, 555, 393, 2933, 326, 720, 300, 279, 44308, 31220, 315, 279, 26419, 315, 4359, 13, 7436, 1050, 84652, 279, 45125, 64992, 2410, 720, 32, 4443, 21730, 690, 3596, 387, 279, 1455, 40661, 3721, 72, 1773, 768, 315, 2355, 414, 84951, 13736, 13, 6193, 36498, 38502, 1667, 4227, 358, 20250, 264, 720, 76, 6750, 6709, 49525, 6593, 57726, 433, 574, 2663, 264, 29147, 82945, 2345, 1729, 2355, 985, 279, 21730, 2410, 315, 856, 84951, 4059, 11, 902, 3549, 757, 720, 438, 2103, 33095, 323, 2633, 82, 682, 856, 16595, 5865, 13, 578, 2869, 602, 593, 358, 720, 391, 3523, 374, 25985, 660, 389, 304, 420, 2363, 11, 323, 358, 2733, 2771, 430, 220, 433, 690, 1520, 720, 59961, 311, 7095, 279, 1890, 55643, 49741, 79723, 74732, 304, 279, 2355, 2008, 64589, 43957, 315, 682, 3026, 13, 17331, 279, 47626, 19672, 315, 856, 720, 38083, 4333, 11, 358, 15187, 1972, 12, 1534, 430, 433, 574, 5933, 311, 7892, 384, 430, 720, 1820, 25248, 22107, 902, 1903, 682, 856, 36853, 11, 11401, 1608, 856, 720, 2664, 11, 323, 3940, 856, 4851, 11, 1436, 27661, 1202, 1866, 1450, 72, 1816, 13, 578, 14154, 720, 782, 23129, 2795, 11, 1054, 791, 10896, 37862, 279, 27653, 323, 4359, 88084, 433, 2029, 2355, 220, 19, 7436, 468, 28413, 3621, 994, 499, 24739, 13750, 720, 51665, 1104, 23788, 374, 279, 18249, 1245, 16628, 315, 279, 390, 31419, 602, 788, 323, 720, 2008, 64589, 5990, 315, 4059, 74647, 15910, 369, 264, 274, 31100, 1104, 720, 77763, 13, 1115, 2363, 690, 4639, 499, 279, 12624, 1648, 311, 15596, 279, 1972, 296, 315, 720, 258, 26806, 2410, 2949, 499, 28462, 499, 311, 636, 1148, 499, 2216, 78853, 259, 304, 720, 14789, 13, 1472, 12876, 264, 44467, 11, 88018, 11, 323, 59774, 2324, 13, 19110, 311, 1005, 220, 420, 720, 20531, 8061, 64992, 2410, 323, 11113, 701, 1648, 304, 7446, 22747, 11, 2092, 5320, 720, 27243, 5435, 11, 323, 4546, 26348, 304, 3070, 12135, 13, 2893, 220, 2771, 720, 9210, 499, 1373, 420, 2363, 3892, 3115, 13, 578, 1690, 30732, 31331, 326, 1501, 720, 9514, 1268, 420, 2834, 12, 1126, 1285, 2410, 4375, 11, 323, 1268, 499, 649, 4128, 704, 279, 720, 6397, 304, 1355, 29579, 323, 24278, 430, 374, 2949, 499, 13, 15281, 279, 15858, 384, 720, 18261, 5392, 8467, 315, 10098, 287, 279, 84951, 4059, 13, 11359, 279, 502, 12624, 1648, 304, 53728, 279, 24746, 3637, 71, 788, 384, 13, 720, 4518, 420, 2363, 15884, 11, 55349, 398, 11, 323, 21955, 398, 13, 1322, 588, 311 ]
will rem ember that times will ch ange. If there is conflict, I will p ray for a miracle. If there is fear, I will pour forth my love. Every moment is part of a divi ne curriculum, and I do not wish to avoid it s lesson s. I open my heart today to the fullness of e xistence, praying to receive its blessings no matter what they are. I d o not walk alo ne thr ough life, for God is within me and ar oun d me. I am blessed and pr otected in all I do. Every moment carries a gift for me. May I r eceive it and pass it on.DA Y 255 FOR REFLECTION O n t h e M i r a c u l o u s A u t h o r i t y o f a n A w a k e n e d H e a r t U ntil we rememb er that each of us is entitled to miracles, it’ s easy to despair a bout the state of the world. If we think of power only in external terms, it’ s easy to feel hopeless when unjust systems have power. But whe n we remember the magic of our inner selves—activ ating otherworldly forces through devotion and for giveness and love—we rise to realms of mir aculous authorit y that can, and always do, transcend and cast out the injustices of the w orld. No external system of tyr anny can stand fo rever in the space of an awakened heart. In the space of light, darkness disappe ars. In the spac e of love, fear disappears. In the space of people who have remembered who we are, why we are here, and who lives wit hin us, it’ s only a matter of time before the cruelties of t he world begin at last to recede from our midst.DA Y 256 M a y G o d ’ s p e a c e e x t e n d t h r o u g h m e. I do not s eek peace for myself al one, for I am not alone in the universe. May Go d’ s man tle of peace be placed upon me, and extend through me to bless the world. God’ s greatest gift to me is a calm in my heart. W ithin that calm, may I find my wisdom. Through my wisdom, may I find my strength. And seeing my strength, may others find a strength within themselves. God’ s gifts ar e never meant for any of us alone, for we ar e blessed and healed together. I r e ceive God’ s gifts today on behalf of everyo ne. May my life be a channel thr ough which they emer g e into the world.DA Y 257 A w a r e o f m y w e a k n e s s e s, I s u r r e n d e r t h e m t o G o d. I nstead o f trying to hide my faults, I consciously aim to find them in order to deliver them to God. W hat I give to Him, He will take from me. He will not punish me but corre ct me. I do not fear God’ s venge ance, for God is never vengeful. My greatest gift to Him and others is to be who I am capable of being. M ay today be a day of growth for me. May I not re peat old patterns, but break through into the regions of my highest self. M ay God take awa y from me all that is false, and fortify in me His beauty and His truth. Dear God, I seek to be Who I am capable of being. T ake away fr om me The things I think That hide Y our light in me. May today be a day When I br eak fr ee Of old habits of fear That bind me. Amen.DA Y 258 I i n c r e a s e m y f a i t h i n m i r a c l e s t o d a y. L ooking a round m e, there are re asons to believe in the power of my problems and the problems of th e world. But I place my faith in miracles instead. There is no problem that love will not solve; my knowing this, attesting to this, and practicing this makes me a miracle-worker. Thinking of one thing that seems to be an intractable problem, and I place the light of God around it. I use my mind to af firm that in Him all things ar e possible. I leave no room in my mind for doubt that this is so. W ith this refusal, I increase the possibility that a miracle will occur. May I not be tem pted to believe the testimony of my senses befor e the testimony of God. In any situation, may I r emember th e possibility of infinite possibility. May my mind thus be a condu it of mirac les, as I have faith tha t they exist in God in unlimited supply.DA Y 259 I u s e t h e p o w e r o f a p o s i t i v e a t t i t u d e t o u p l i f t a n y s i t u a t i o n. M y doubt, fear, ne gativity, and judgment have destructive power. My faith, lov e, posit ivity, and blessing have miraculous power. I will use my power wisely today. Sometimes it’ s just an encouraging word, a tender touch, or a friendly smile that can bring h ope to someone’ s heart. Such moments represent God’ s love on earth. I will be His representative today, as I try my best to bring love and hope to any circumstance. Wher ever I go, may ther e be mor e love and peace because I’ m ther e. M ay my mind be ever ale rt to ways I can ease the path for someone. Dear God, please save me fr om a life lived only for myself.DA Y 260 FOR REFLECTION O n B u r n i n g T h r o u g h P a i n C haos often fosters the greatest creativity. Breakdowns often precede the g reatest breakthroughs. And when the pain is greatest is of ten when we’re on the brink of the greatest realization. The ego would prefer that we not look directly into the darkness. It would not have us investigate our pain, for th at is when we can learn from it. The ego knows that crisis often leads to that pivotal moment when we fall to our knees and a sk God for help. The ego is endangered by crisis, prefer ring that a mild river of misery simply run through the background of our lives, never bad enough to make us question where it comes from or what it means. Y et that painful moment, endured and transformed, is our chance to “rout Satan and remove him forever.” When th e pain is burned through rather than numbed, when our darkness is brought to light and then for given, then and only then can we move on. And move on w e do. The ego knows this, and stakes its life on the fact that we don’ t.DA Y 261 W h a t I g i v e t o o t h e r s I w i l l r e c e i v e. W hat I put into the universe, the universe will put to me. I cannot escape the law o f Cause and Ef fect, which is my protection when I am loving a nd my teacher when I am not. T oday I choose to be gene rous, for generosity is in my self-interest. What I give to others I receive. I will not be tempted today to deny, however subtly, the ways I withhold love from others. I will not feign confusion about the g enesis of unfortunate even ts in my life, when I know in my heart what I did or did not do to cause them. I atone for my errors and begin aga in today, knowing love and love alone will guide me truly. I seek to give today what I wish to r eceive. May I give love, understanding, for giveness, and encouragement. May I liste n well, nurtur e well, and speak w ith kindness. And when I deviat e, may I be for given.DA Y 262 M a y I r e m e m b e r t h a t e v e r y h e a r t i s f r a g i l e. I am always so sensitive to my own fragile heart, while for getting that others are as fragile as I am. All of us fear at times, and all of us love. All of u s struggle, and all of us year n. All of us hurt at times, and all of us at times hurt others. May I be less sensitive to my every emotional cut and bruise, and more se nsitive t o the pain of others. May the scope of my com passion extend
[ 198, 14724, 1323, 99384, 430, 3115, 690, 523, 33275, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 12324, 11, 358, 690, 281, 18803, 369, 264, 198, 20531, 8061, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 8850, 1174, 358, 690, 5019, 13544, 856, 3021, 13, 7357, 4545, 374, 961, 315, 264, 3512, 72, 841, 30676, 11, 323, 358, 656, 539, 6562, 311, 198, 48956, 433, 274, 18228, 274, 13, 358, 1825, 856, 4851, 3432, 311, 279, 2539, 2136, 315, 384, 865, 81624, 345, 652, 17718, 311, 5371, 1202, 56650, 912, 5030, 1148, 814, 527, 13, 358, 294, 297, 539, 4321, 54266, 841, 8983, 220, 1409, 2324, 11, 369, 4359, 374, 2949, 757, 323, 802, 220, 1656, 294, 198, 2727, 13, 358, 1097, 33944, 323, 550, 14479, 1599, 304, 682, 358, 656, 13, 7357, 4545, 24266, 198, 64, 8352, 369, 757, 13, 3297, 358, 436, 384, 8402, 433, 323, 1522, 433, 389, 920, 32, 816, 220, 3192, 198, 32002, 39129, 29117, 198, 46, 308, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 386, 602, 436, 264, 272, 577, 326, 297, 577, 274, 220, 362, 577, 259, 305, 297, 436, 602, 259, 379, 220, 297, 282, 220, 264, 308, 220, 362, 289, 264, 597, 384, 308, 384, 294, 198, 39, 384, 264, 436, 259, 198, 52, 308, 1678, 584, 1323, 9034, 2781, 430, 1855, 315, 603, 374, 20458, 311, 71912, 11, 433, 529, 274, 4228, 311, 198, 5919, 12959, 264, 25646, 279, 1614, 315, 279, 1917, 13, 1442, 584, 1781, 315, 2410, 1193, 304, 9434, 198, 18853, 11, 433, 529, 274, 4228, 311, 2733, 75323, 994, 52583, 6067, 617, 2410, 662, 2030, 15240, 308, 584, 6227, 279, 11204, 315, 1057, 9358, 84137, 2345, 9035, 520, 287, 198, 1605, 14957, 398, 8603, 1555, 56357, 323, 369, 2728, 434, 323, 3021, 86319, 10205, 198, 998, 77563, 315, 8822, 1645, 13850, 3229, 275, 379, 430, 649, 11, 323, 2744, 656, 11, 74809, 323, 198, 3914, 704, 279, 98753, 1238, 315, 279, 289, 477, 509, 13, 2360, 9434, 1887, 315, 43049, 3008, 88, 649, 198, 2752, 12018, 36237, 304, 279, 3634, 315, 459, 90347, 4851, 13, 763, 279, 3634, 220, 315, 3177, 345, 23449, 2136, 21504, 802, 82, 13, 763, 279, 100108, 384, 315, 3021, 11, 8850, 61370, 13, 763, 279, 3634, 315, 198, 16455, 889, 617, 27569, 889, 584, 527, 11, 3249, 584, 527, 1618, 11, 323, 889, 198, 75, 1924, 38467, 52821, 603, 11, 433, 529, 274, 1193, 264, 5030, 220, 315, 892, 1603, 279, 23010, 3903, 552, 315, 259, 568, 1917, 198, 7413, 520, 1566, 311, 1421, 15686, 505, 1057, 35446, 920, 32, 816, 220, 4146, 198, 44, 264, 379, 220, 480, 297, 294, 18217, 274, 220, 281, 384, 264, 272, 384, 220, 384, 865, 259, 384, 308, 294, 220, 259, 305, 436, 297, 577, 342, 305, 220, 296, 384, 662, 358, 220, 656, 539, 274, 384, 1247, 9096, 369, 7182, 453, 832, 11, 369, 358, 1097, 539, 7636, 304, 279, 15861, 13, 3297, 6122, 294, 529, 274, 893, 259, 273, 315, 9096, 387, 9277, 5304, 757, 11, 323, 13334, 1555, 757, 198, 998, 16458, 279, 1917, 13, 4359, 529, 274, 12474, 8352, 311, 757, 374, 264, 19858, 304, 856, 4851, 13, 468, 78942, 258, 430, 19858, 345, 18864, 358, 1505, 856, 24278, 13, 17331, 856, 24278, 11, 1253, 358, 1505, 856, 8333, 13, 1628, 9298, 856, 8333, 11, 1253, 3885, 1505, 264, 8333, 2949, 5694, 13, 4359, 529, 274, 21258, 802, 384, 2646, 8967, 369, 904, 315, 603, 7636, 11, 369, 584, 802, 384, 198, 65, 1752, 291, 323, 62320, 3871, 662, 358, 436, 384, 3846, 535, 4359, 529, 274, 21258, 3432, 389, 17981, 198, 1073, 1475, 78, 841, 13, 3297, 856, 2324, 387, 264, 5613, 8983, 220, 1409, 902, 814, 991, 261, 342, 384, 198, 18614, 279, 1917, 920, 32, 816, 220, 15574, 198, 32, 289, 264, 436, 384, 220, 297, 282, 220, 296, 379, 220, 289, 384, 264, 597, 308, 384, 274, 274, 384, 274, 1174, 220, 358, 220, 274, 577, 436, 436, 384, 308, 294, 384, 436, 220, 259, 305, 384, 296, 220, 259, 297, 220, 480, 297, 294, 662, 358, 308, 43280, 297, 282, 4560, 311, 10477, 856, 57790, 11, 358, 70903, 9395, 311, 1505, 1124, 304, 198, 1382, 311, 6493, 1124, 311, 4359, 13, 468, 9072, 358, 3041, 311, 21058, 11, 1283, 690, 1935, 505, 757, 13, 1283, 690, 539, 32151, 757, 719, 12603, 20864, 757, 13, 358, 656, 539, 8850, 4359, 529, 274, 348, 6443, 44260, 11, 369, 198, 28622, 374, 2646, 348, 6443, 1285, 13, 3092, 12474, 8352, 311, 21058, 323, 3885, 374, 311, 387, 889, 358, 1097, 13171, 315, 198, 35214, 13, 386, 19432, 3432, 387, 264, 1938, 315, 6650, 369, 757, 13, 3297, 358, 539, 312, 1069, 266, 2362, 198, 27061, 11, 719, 1464, 1555, 1139, 279, 13918, 315, 856, 8592, 659, 13, 386, 19432, 4359, 198, 23609, 1384, 64, 379, 505, 757, 682, 430, 374, 905, 11, 323, 12108, 1463, 304, 757, 5414, 13444, 323, 5414, 198, 59677, 13, 43922, 4359, 13801, 40, 6056, 311, 387, 198, 15546, 358, 1097, 13171, 315, 1694, 13, 350, 264, 441, 3201, 1448, 8019, 757, 198, 791, 2574, 358, 1781, 198, 4897, 10477, 816, 1057, 3177, 304, 757, 13, 3297, 3432, 387, 264, 1938, 198, 4599, 358, 1437, 384, 587, 1448, 37443, 198, 2173, 2362, 26870, 315, 8850, 198, 4897, 10950, 757, 13, 62496, 920, 32, 816, 220, 15966, 198, 40, 220, 602, 308, 272, 436, 384, 264, 274, 384, 220, 296, 379, 220, 282, 264, 602, 259, 305, 220, 602, 308, 220, 296, 602, 436, 264, 272, 326, 384, 274, 220, 259, 297, 294, 264, 379, 662, 445, 297, 10979, 264, 4883, 296, 384, 11, 1070, 527, 312, 439, 2439, 311, 4510, 304, 279, 2410, 315, 856, 198, 96440, 323, 279, 5435, 315, 270, 384, 1917, 13, 2030, 358, 2035, 856, 10082, 304, 71912, 198, 65937, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 3575, 430, 3021, 690, 539, 11886, 26, 856, 14392, 420, 345, 1617, 60955, 311, 420, 11, 323, 36666, 420, 3727, 757, 264, 45125, 66616, 662, 53389, 315, 832, 3245, 430, 5084, 311, 387, 459, 304, 2193, 481, 3575, 11, 323, 358, 198, 2050, 279, 3177, 315, 4359, 2212, 433, 13, 358, 1005, 856, 4059, 311, 8136, 7626, 430, 304, 21058, 682, 198, 58174, 802, 384, 3284, 13, 358, 5387, 912, 3130, 304, 856, 4059, 369, 10712, 430, 420, 374, 779, 13, 468, 78942, 420, 44251, 11, 358, 5376, 279, 13336, 430, 264, 45125, 690, 12446, 662, 3297, 358, 539, 387, 1592, 281, 6702, 311, 4510, 279, 24365, 315, 856, 38207, 387, 2000, 384, 198, 1820, 24365, 315, 4359, 13, 763, 904, 6671, 11, 1253, 358, 436, 991, 1402, 270, 384, 198, 9007, 3225, 315, 24746, 13336, 662, 3297, 856, 4059, 8617, 387, 264, 76069, 433, 198, 1073, 66066, 3625, 11, 439, 358, 617, 10082, 49588, 259, 814, 3073, 304, 4359, 304, 27862, 198, 95783, 662, 6486, 816, 220, 15537, 198, 40, 220, 577, 274, 384, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 281, 297, 289, 384, 436, 220, 297, 282, 220, 264, 220, 281, 297, 274, 602, 259, 602, 348, 384, 220, 264, 259, 259, 602, 259, 577, 294, 384, 220, 259, 297, 220, 577, 281, 326, 602, 282, 259, 220, 264, 308, 379, 198, 82, 602, 259, 577, 264, 259, 602, 297, 308, 662, 386, 379, 10712, 11, 8850, 1174, 841, 342, 44515, 1174, 323, 19971, 617, 40652, 2410, 662, 3092, 198, 75710, 11, 98892, 384, 11, 20940, 220, 1968, 1174, 323, 40149, 617, 91813, 2410, 662, 358, 690, 1005, 856, 198, 13477, 66713, 3432, 662, 18156, 433, 529, 274, 1120, 459, 26921, 3492, 11, 264, 28682, 5916, 11, 477, 264, 198, 82630, 15648, 430, 649, 4546, 305, 297, 375, 311, 4423, 529, 274, 4851, 13, 15483, 14269, 198, 36369, 4359, 529, 274, 3021, 389, 9578, 13, 358, 220, 690, 387, 5414, 18740, 3432, 1174, 439, 358, 1456, 198, 2465, 1888, 311, 4546, 3021, 323, 3987, 311, 904, 53237, 13, 1254, 261, 3596, 358, 733, 11, 1253, 9139, 384, 387, 4411, 384, 3021, 323, 9096, 1606, 358, 529, 296, 198, 700, 384, 13, 386, 19432, 856, 4059, 387, 3596, 22180, 17091, 311, 5627, 358, 649, 14553, 279, 1853, 369, 198, 90579, 13, 43922, 4359, 11, 4587, 3665, 757, 1448, 8019, 264, 2324, 12439, 1193, 369, 198, 2465, 726, 920, 32, 816, 220, 11387, 198, 32002, 39129, 29117, 198, 46, 308, 220, 426, 577, 436, 308, 602, 308, 342, 220, 350, 305, 436, 297, 577, 342, 305, 220, 393, 264, 602, 308, 198, 34, 6520, 437, 3629, 37413, 388, 279, 12474, 28697, 662, 15996, 2996, 82, 3629, 16599, 68, 198, 1820, 342, 312, 14217, 42445, 82, 13, 1628, 220, 994, 279, 6784, 374, 12474, 374, 315, 5899, 994, 198, 906, 3207, 389, 279, 68215, 315, 279, 12474, 49803, 13, 578, 37374, 1053, 10932, 430, 584, 539, 1427, 6089, 1139, 279, 27394, 13, 1102, 198, 41450, 539, 617, 603, 19874, 220, 1057, 6784, 11, 369, 270, 520, 374, 994, 584, 649, 4048, 198, 1527, 433, 13, 578, 37374, 8964, 430, 11501, 3629, 11767, 311, 430, 60850, 4545, 198, 9493, 584, 4498, 311, 1057, 31624, 323, 264, 1940, 4359, 369, 1520, 13, 578, 37374, 374, 52356, 198, 1729, 11501, 1174, 10932, 10264, 430, 264, 23900, 220, 15140, 315, 58701, 5042, 1629, 1555, 279, 198, 6884, 315, 1057, 6439, 11, 2646, 3958, 3403, 311, 1304, 603, 3488, 1405, 433, 198, 6716, 505, 477, 1148, 433, 3445, 13, 816, 1880, 430, 26175, 4545, 11, 56224, 323, 198, 4806, 291, 11, 374, 1057, 6140, 311, 1054, 81, 412, 44451, 323, 4148, 1461, 16058, 662, 89874, 4599, 270, 384, 6784, 374, 27724, 1555, 4856, 1109, 1661, 2788, 11, 994, 1057, 27394, 198, 285, 7263, 311, 3177, 323, 1243, 369, 2728, 11, 1243, 323, 1193, 1243, 649, 584, 3351, 389, 13, 1628, 3351, 389, 289, 384, 656, 13, 578, 37374, 8964, 420, 11, 323, 45525, 1202, 2324, 389, 279, 2144, 198, 9210, 584, 1541, 529, 259, 920, 32, 816, 220, 15602, 198, 54, 305, 264, 259, 220, 358, 220, 342, 602, 348, 384, 220, 259, 297, 220, 297, 259, 305, 384, 436, 274, 220, 358, 220, 289, 602, 326, 326, 220, 436, 384, 272, 384, 602, 348, 384, 662, 468, 9072, 358, 2231, 1139, 279, 15861, 11, 279, 15861, 690, 2231, 311, 757, 13, 358, 4250, 198, 13295, 279, 2383, 297, 282, 45446, 323, 95189, 282, 440, 11, 902, 374, 856, 9313, 994, 358, 1097, 198, 385, 4504, 264, 15953, 856, 11326, 994, 358, 1097, 220, 539, 13, 350, 297, 1316, 358, 5268, 311, 387, 15207, 436, 788, 11, 369, 198, 7642, 22828, 374, 304, 856, 659, 65873, 13, 3639, 358, 3041, 311, 3885, 358, 5371, 13, 358, 690, 539, 387, 54980, 3432, 311, 23973, 1174, 4869, 87417, 1174, 279, 5627, 358, 198, 4291, 6416, 3021, 505, 3885, 13, 358, 690, 539, 1172, 625, 22047, 922, 279, 342, 665, 14093, 315, 198, 359, 33174, 1524, 10814, 304, 856, 2324, 11, 994, 358, 1440, 304, 856, 4851, 1148, 358, 1550, 477, 1550, 198, 1962, 656, 311, 5353, 1124, 13, 358, 520, 606, 369, 856, 6103, 323, 3240, 945, 64, 304, 3432, 13801, 33134, 287, 3021, 323, 3021, 7636, 690, 8641, 757, 9615, 662, 358, 6056, 311, 3041, 3432, 1148, 358, 6562, 311, 436, 384, 8402, 13, 3297, 358, 3041, 3021, 345, 8154, 10276, 11, 369, 2728, 434, 11, 323, 51475, 13, 3297, 358, 34024, 308, 198, 9336, 11, 60196, 324, 384, 1664, 11, 323, 6604, 289, 78942, 45972, 13, 1628, 994, 358, 3567, 10574, 384, 345, 18864, 358, 387, 369, 2728, 920, 32, 816, 220, 14274, 198, 44, 264, 379, 220, 358, 220, 436, 384, 296, 384, 296, 293, 384, 436, 220, 259, 305, 264, 259, 220, 384, 348, 384, 436, 379, 220, 305, 384, 264, 436, 259, 220, 602, 274, 220, 282, 436, 264, 342, 602, 326, 384, 662, 358, 220, 1097, 2744, 779, 16614, 311, 856, 1866, 45350, 4851, 11, 1418, 369, 3794, 430, 198, 59961, 527, 439, 45350, 439, 358, 1097, 13, 2052, 315, 603, 8850, 520, 3115, 11, 323, 682, 315, 603, 3021, 13, 2052, 198, 1073, 577, 274, 14993, 11, 323, 682, 315, 603, 1060, 308, 13, 2052, 315, 603, 13194, 520, 3115, 11, 323, 682, 315, 603, 520, 198, 15487, 13194, 3885, 13, 3297, 358, 387, 2753, 16614, 311, 856, 1475, 14604, 4018, 323, 43100, 1082, 11, 323, 198, 6518, 513, 12548, 3486, 259, 297, 279, 6784, 315, 3885, 13, 3297, 279, 7036, 315, 856, 470, 11939, 198, 26103 ]
shall be consumed together saith the Lord. " "For they that sanctify themselves," is like saying: "Many people do it and if they do it, I can too. " In other words, they justify themselves. This also speaks of our leaders, they are spoken of as being a tree. In Psalm One we are told "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. " Psalm one is speaking of a man who is happy be-cause he has not listened to the counsel of the ungodly, has not sat in the seat of the scornful, and that he has found favor with God. He is classified as a tree. A weak person says, "Because this great man eats pork it’s all right for me. " Maybe he's the preacher of the church, a. Sunday school teacher, or a Sunday school superintendent. Holiness means absolute obedience, and sanctification means that I will walk in the steps of Je- sus regardless of what it means to me. I will walk a little closer to Him today than I did yesterday so that I may be my brother's keeper. I love my country and I'll die for it if necessary to preserve the lib- erty of America. I will not be th reatened by the devil worshippers. I will do everything I can to keep th e devil worshippers from taking my children. I will not be threatened by the homosexuals in all of their or-ganizations demanding civil rights. I will do everything I can to keep homosexuals from being school teachers. I will do everything I can to protect the very foundations of the Constitution of this country. Unless you believe that a religious nation and the Bible are insepa- rable, you are being deceived. The devil says separate the church from government. If you separate the church from the government then you can control the government and the government can control you and 147 close all the churches. It is impossible to close the churches, separate the principles of the royal law from the government and retain our lib- erties. Let us now stand firm in the faith. Let us now stand firm for liberty. Stand firm for a referendum of all our laws, and obey the rules, regulations and suggestions given in this chapter. This chapter does not deal dir ectly with the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization. However, it has everything to do with your di-gestive system because if you will stand each day for the rights and liberty of yours and others, then your food will digest better. You will become stronger because of the problems that God has given you, and you have laid them at His feet and He has handled them for you, or you will become weaker from running from the problems, and the more you run from the problems the more you will worry about the problem. Worry is found cancerous in all souls. The Bible says "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Matt. 7: 14). Are you. willing to be among the few, or are you going to be among the masses of lukewarm Christians that will be spewed out of His mouth. When the Lord comes, are you going to be the one who says, "Lord, did I not do this for You. " He is going to say, "Depart from me you cursed, I never knew you. " Unless you are ready now to stand up and be counted as a follower of God and proclaim Him before all men, He will not proclaim you before His Heavenly Father (Luke 12:9). You might ask, "Why do you continue in this field of the healing arts in the field of diet. Why do you care whether America lives or dies. At your age, does it really matter to you. What IS your motive in defying those people that you say falsely accuse you. What do you hope to gain. ",Jesus has commanded us to be fishers of men, not only for men s souls, but for their faith, for their works and for better health. He also said to "show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. " This I do, to the best of my knowledge. Also, Jesus said, to seek to know the truth and 148 "the truth would make you free. " Then, too, He said in Luke 10 and in other places in the Bible, "to heal the sick. " So this is why I do what I do. This is why I enjoy the persecution, because I am obeying my Lord and Master. I will serve Him as long as I have breath. If I have liberty I will serve Him wherever I am. If I am confined to a prison then I will start a revival meeting and preach to the lost and serve them with whatever I have. Even though I be persecuted, I will not hate. For I know that those who pers ecute me do not know what they are doing. There is not enough gold in Fort Knox for me to trade shoes with them. The Bible says, "if they persecute you in one place, flee to another. " Jesus did not have a place to lay His head, neither do I except as friends offer me a place here and there. I will do everything in my ability to make America the healthiest nation on earth, to keep our children from being sick, and from having unnecessary operations. There is a time for operations, but the opera-tions should be a means of last resort. • Do you not know that all illnesses are caused by a mineral defi- ciency. The cells simply begin to decay because there are not enough minerals to replace those cells that are worn-out. • Do you not know that heart attacks are caused because the worn- out cells are not washed out of the system and the salt within the sys-tem is turning it to urea, which causes the heart to beat too hard and sometimes causes pain in the left arm, in the chest, and then ends in a pectoris heart attack. (The word PECTORIS is a Latin word which means pain in the chest. However, I am classifying the word pectoris to mean only a heart attack because of too much urea in the system. ) • When our bodies retain too much salt, the blood vessels lose their ability to expand and contract and cholesterol forms in them, and it causes the intestines to lose their ability to expand and contract and they form pockets or diverticulitis. Nature is robbing from one part of the intestines to supply mineral for another part. • This is also the cause of cancer of the bone. There is not enough mineral to supply the other elements so nature will rob a bone here and there in order to supply the mineral to maintain life. 149 • Women lose their teeth in pregnancy because there is not enough mineral to supply the bone of the fetu s, so nature takes from the moth- er in mineral and puts it in the fetu s; consequently, there are cavities. • Bones break down because the mineral in Our foods are deficient today. • A number of diseases today are attributed to lack of minerals and lack of exercise. We cannot take the roughness and exercise that our forefathers and fathers took. We ride everywhere we go, and conse-quently we do not take enough exercise. Hysterectomies could proba-bly be omitted if women did more walking. Their menopause condi-tions could possibly be prevented in a large measure if there was more walking. • Cancer of the prostate could like ly almost be eliminated if people did more walking. By walking we get more minerals from our foods. The more we walk, the more energy we use. If we do more walking than we take in minerals, then walking could do us harm. • Many of the above mentioned items have to be under supervision and under the guidance of instruments that are available to us today. IT IS EASY TO BE WELL. At the present the RBTI test has not been approved by the drug es- tablishment. However, there are no laws that say that anything has to be approved by anyone. If there is such a law then we have lost our liberty. However, there are dangerous drugs, insecticides, and chemi-cals that should be even more closely guarded than is being done. We cannot separate life from religion, nor can we separate health from religion. The Word of God tells us: bear ye one another's burden, and that we are our brothers' keeper. Surely religious people are happy people. One of the problems with Americans today is its citizens are not happy. There are a number of reasons: They have lost faith in the church as being the agent of healing. They have lost faith in those medical doctors who give co. alt, chemotherapy, radiation and drugs and surgery unnecessarily. They have lost faith in our government because churches are. permitted to be formed under the guise of religion, such as devil wor-150 shipers. Devil worshippers are deceivers to this country and to God. The Bible tells us that "the old serpent is a liar and the truth is not in rum. " So any church that is devoted to devil worship, you cannot de-pend on what they say. It is sad that the government permits sabotage in the name of the church and yet persecutes the saints who are trying to make America the healthiest nation on earth. Does this make sense. Is it logical. Is this constitutional. Do we not still have the freedom of speech. Do we not still have the freedom of religion to worship as we see fit. Do we not have a right to
[ 4985, 387, 27073, 3871, 829, 411, 279, 10425, 13, 330, 330, 2520, 814, 430, 35589, 1463, 5694, 1359, 374, 1093, 5605, 25, 330, 8607, 1274, 656, 433, 323, 422, 814, 656, 433, 11, 358, 649, 2288, 13, 330, 763, 1023, 720, 5880, 11, 814, 9541, 5694, 13, 1115, 1101, 21881, 315, 1057, 6164, 11, 814, 527, 22066, 315, 439, 1694, 264, 5021, 13, 763, 82976, 3861, 584, 527, 3309, 330, 1548, 4985, 387, 1093, 264, 5021, 39441, 555, 279, 36617, 720, 1073, 3090, 430, 4546, 774, 13544, 813, 14098, 304, 813, 3280, 26, 323, 36734, 568, 656, 774, 4985, 29761, 13, 330, 82976, 832, 374, 12365, 315, 264, 893, 889, 374, 6380, 387, 12, 1593, 568, 706, 539, 34793, 311, 279, 16467, 315, 279, 653, 40811, 398, 11, 706, 539, 7731, 304, 279, 10954, 315, 279, 88106, 1285, 11, 323, 430, 568, 706, 1766, 4799, 449, 4359, 13, 1283, 374, 21771, 439, 264, 5021, 13, 362, 7621, 1732, 2795, 11, 330, 18433, 420, 2294, 893, 50777, 36167, 433, 753, 682, 720, 1315, 369, 757, 13, 330, 10926, 568, 596, 279, 89853, 315, 279, 8993, 11, 264, 13, 7418, 2978, 11326, 11, 477, 264, 7418, 2978, 74133, 13, 16071, 1918, 3445, 10973, 67194, 11, 323, 35589, 2461, 3445, 430, 220, 358, 690, 4321, 304, 279, 7504, 315, 14465, 7058, 86521, 15851, 315, 1148, 433, 3445, 311, 757, 13, 358, 690, 4321, 264, 2697, 12401, 311, 21058, 3432, 1109, 358, 1550, 13985, 779, 430, 358, 1253, 387, 856, 10868, 596, 54516, 13, 358, 3021, 856, 3224, 323, 358, 3358, 2815, 369, 433, 422, 5995, 311, 21813, 279, 3127, 7058, 1368, 315, 5270, 13, 358, 690, 539, 387, 270, 312, 266, 6901, 555, 279, 38736, 83078, 32997, 13, 358, 720, 14724, 656, 4395, 358, 649, 311, 2567, 270, 384, 38736, 83078, 32997, 505, 4737, 856, 720, 5988, 13, 358, 690, 539, 387, 21699, 555, 279, 97223, 304, 682, 315, 872, 477, 2427, 276, 8200, 26192, 8431, 3268, 13, 358, 690, 656, 4395, 358, 649, 311, 2567, 97223, 505, 1694, 2978, 13639, 13, 358, 690, 656, 4395, 358, 649, 311, 6144, 279, 1633, 41582, 315, 279, 18039, 315, 420, 3224, 13, 11115, 499, 4510, 430, 264, 10597, 7140, 323, 279, 17377, 527, 54682, 6733, 7058, 81, 481, 11, 499, 527, 1694, 98884, 13, 578, 38736, 2795, 8821, 279, 8993, 505, 3109, 13, 1442, 499, 8821, 279, 8993, 505, 279, 3109, 1243, 499, 649, 2585, 279, 3109, 323, 279, 3109, 649, 2585, 499, 323, 220, 10288, 3345, 682, 279, 31012, 13, 1102, 374, 12266, 311, 3345, 279, 31012, 11, 8821, 720, 1820, 16565, 315, 279, 30336, 2383, 505, 279, 3109, 323, 14389, 1057, 3127, 7058, 2774, 13, 6914, 603, 1457, 2559, 7626, 304, 279, 10082, 13, 6914, 603, 1457, 2559, 7626, 369, 31220, 13, 15948, 7626, 369, 264, 30798, 315, 682, 1057, 7016, 11, 323, 41701, 279, 5718, 11, 720, 1610, 7607, 323, 18726, 2728, 304, 420, 12735, 13, 1115, 12735, 1587, 539, 3568, 5534, 77594, 398, 449, 279, 1050, 4214, 63711, 720, 64199, 315, 45905, 2065, 13, 4452, 11, 433, 706, 4395, 311, 656, 449, 701, 1891, 2427, 478, 535, 1887, 1606, 422, 499, 690, 2559, 1855, 1938, 369, 279, 3268, 323, 31220, 315, 18821, 323, 3885, 11, 1243, 701, 3691, 690, 21552, 2731, 13, 1472, 690, 3719, 16643, 1606, 315, 279, 5435, 430, 4359, 706, 2728, 499, 11, 323, 499, 617, 17551, 1124, 520, 5414, 7693, 323, 1283, 706, 18073, 1124, 369, 499, 11, 477, 499, 690, 3719, 43383, 505, 4401, 505, 279, 5435, 11, 323, 279, 810, 499, 1629, 505, 279, 5435, 279, 810, 499, 690, 11196, 922, 279, 3575, 13, 468, 8635, 374, 1766, 9572, 788, 304, 682, 35826, 13, 578, 17377, 2795, 330, 18433, 610, 1339, 374, 279, 18618, 11, 323, 15376, 374, 279, 1648, 11, 720, 8370, 3063, 774, 30449, 2324, 11, 323, 2478, 1070, 387, 430, 1505, 433, 1, 320, 40917, 13, 220, 22, 25, 220, 975, 570, 8886, 499, 13, 10032, 311, 387, 4315, 279, 2478, 11, 477, 527, 499, 2133, 311, 387, 4315, 279, 32738, 315, 82380, 365, 2227, 22125, 430, 690, 387, 993, 93176, 704, 315, 5414, 11013, 13, 3277, 279, 10425, 4131, 11, 527, 499, 2133, 311, 387, 279, 832, 889, 2795, 11, 330, 52182, 11, 1550, 358, 539, 656, 420, 369, 1472, 13, 330, 1283, 374, 2133, 311, 2019, 11, 330, 50041, 505, 757, 499, 63971, 11, 358, 2646, 7020, 499, 13, 330, 11115, 499, 527, 5644, 1457, 311, 2559, 709, 323, 387, 31094, 439, 264, 49307, 315, 4359, 323, 66084, 21058, 1603, 682, 3026, 11, 1283, 690, 539, 66084, 499, 1603, 5414, 88150, 20941, 320, 59447, 220, 717, 25, 24, 570, 1472, 2643, 2610, 11, 330, 10445, 656, 499, 3136, 304, 420, 2115, 315, 279, 21730, 720, 7183, 304, 279, 2115, 315, 10173, 13, 8595, 656, 499, 2512, 3508, 5270, 6439, 477, 8898, 13, 2468, 701, 4325, 11, 1587, 433, 2216, 5030, 311, 499, 13, 3639, 3507, 701, 47094, 304, 711, 7169, 1884, 1274, 430, 499, 2019, 61456, 62742, 499, 13, 3639, 656, 499, 3987, 311, 8895, 13, 3755, 55065, 706, 54757, 603, 311, 387, 7795, 388, 315, 3026, 11, 539, 1193, 369, 3026, 274, 720, 105270, 4835, 11, 719, 369, 872, 10082, 11, 369, 872, 4375, 323, 369, 2731, 2890, 13, 1283, 1101, 1071, 311, 330, 3528, 26236, 726, 12054, 30449, 4359, 11, 264, 990, 1543, 430, 1205, 774, 539, 311, 387, 51975, 11, 54466, 50802, 279, 3492, 315, 8206, 13, 330, 1115, 358, 656, 11, 311, 279, 1888, 315, 856, 6677, 13, 7429, 11, 10811, 1071, 11, 311, 6056, 311, 1440, 279, 8206, 323, 220, 10410, 330, 1820, 8206, 1053, 1304, 499, 1949, 13, 330, 5112, 11, 2288, 11, 1283, 1071, 304, 25459, 220, 605, 323, 304, 720, 1605, 7634, 304, 279, 17377, 11, 330, 998, 27661, 279, 14363, 13, 330, 2100, 420, 374, 3249, 358, 656, 1148, 358, 720, 3055, 13, 1115, 374, 3249, 358, 4774, 279, 56529, 11, 1606, 358, 1097, 41701, 287, 856, 10425, 323, 11060, 13, 358, 690, 8854, 21058, 439, 1317, 439, 358, 617, 11745, 13, 1442, 358, 617, 31220, 358, 690, 8854, 21058, 28578, 358, 1097, 13, 1442, 358, 1097, 45408, 311, 264, 9527, 1243, 358, 690, 1212, 264, 57105, 6574, 323, 71721, 311, 279, 5675, 323, 8854, 1124, 449, 8996, 358, 617, 13, 7570, 3582, 358, 387, 93698, 11, 358, 690, 539, 12491, 13, 1789, 358, 1440, 430, 1884, 889, 7565, 12208, 1088, 757, 656, 539, 1440, 1148, 814, 720, 548, 3815, 13, 2684, 374, 539, 3403, 6761, 304, 11246, 54450, 369, 757, 311, 6696, 15653, 449, 1124, 13, 578, 17377, 2795, 11, 330, 333, 814, 38568, 1088, 499, 304, 832, 2035, 11, 28500, 311, 2500, 13, 330, 10811, 1550, 539, 617, 264, 2035, 311, 11203, 5414, 2010, 11, 14188, 656, 358, 3734, 439, 720, 30562, 3085, 757, 264, 2035, 1618, 323, 1070, 13, 358, 690, 656, 4395, 304, 856, 5845, 311, 1304, 5270, 279, 2890, 13744, 720, 99895, 389, 9578, 11, 311, 2567, 1057, 2911, 505, 1694, 14363, 11, 323, 505, 3515, 26225, 7677, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 892, 369, 7677, 11, 719, 279, 43516, 2442, 919, 1288, 387, 264, 3445, 315, 1566, 22541, 13, 7436, 3234, 499, 539, 1440, 430, 682, 49909, 527, 9057, 555, 264, 25107, 711, 72, 7058, 5979, 2301, 13, 578, 7917, 5042, 3240, 311, 31815, 1606, 1070, 527, 539, 3403, 34072, 311, 8454, 1884, 7917, 430, 527, 24634, 9994, 13, 7436, 3234, 499, 539, 1440, 430, 4851, 8951, 527, 9057, 1606, 279, 24634, 7058, 412, 7917, 527, 539, 38593, 704, 315, 279, 1887, 323, 279, 12290, 2949, 279, 5826, 12, 880, 374, 13353, 433, 311, 53560, 64, 11, 902, 11384, 279, 4851, 311, 9567, 2288, 2653, 323, 7170, 11384, 6784, 304, 279, 2163, 6916, 11, 220, 304, 279, 15489, 11, 323, 1243, 10548, 304, 264, 720, 19534, 285, 4851, 3440, 13, 320, 791, 3492, 393, 36511, 1669, 374, 264, 20023, 3492, 902, 3445, 6784, 304, 279, 15489, 13, 4452, 11, 358, 1097, 538, 7922, 279, 3492, 281, 1279, 285, 311, 3152, 1193, 264, 4851, 3440, 1606, 315, 2288, 1790, 53560, 64, 304, 279, 1887, 13, 883, 7436, 3277, 1057, 13162, 14389, 2288, 1790, 12290, 11, 279, 6680, 31080, 9229, 720, 50828, 5845, 311, 9407, 323, 5226, 323, 39086, 7739, 304, 1124, 11, 323, 433, 11384, 279, 39408, 1572, 311, 9229, 872, 5845, 311, 9407, 323, 5226, 323, 814, 1376, 30278, 477, 37098, 292, 360, 20000, 13, 22037, 374, 938, 68441, 505, 832, 961, 315, 279, 39408, 1572, 311, 8312, 25107, 369, 2500, 961, 13, 7436, 1115, 374, 1101, 279, 5353, 315, 9572, 315, 279, 17685, 13, 2684, 374, 539, 3403, 720, 1083, 3333, 311, 8312, 279, 1023, 5540, 779, 7138, 690, 10773, 264, 17685, 1618, 323, 1070, 304, 2015, 311, 8312, 279, 25107, 311, 10519, 2324, 13, 220, 10161, 7436, 11215, 9229, 872, 18311, 304, 20209, 1606, 1070, 374, 539, 3403, 720, 1083, 3333, 311, 8312, 279, 17685, 315, 279, 16872, 84, 274, 11, 779, 7138, 5097, 505, 279, 98178, 7058, 261, 304, 25107, 323, 9711, 433, 304, 279, 16872, 84, 274, 26, 52394, 11, 1070, 527, 57709, 1385, 13, 7436, 72399, 1464, 1523, 1606, 279, 25107, 304, 5751, 15657, 527, 87544, 720, 31213, 13, 7436, 362, 1396, 315, 19338, 3432, 527, 30706, 311, 6996, 315, 34072, 323, 720, 105516, 315, 10368, 13, 1226, 4250, 1935, 279, 11413, 2136, 323, 10368, 430, 1057, 2291, 69, 19568, 323, 40317, 3952, 13, 1226, 12141, 17277, 584, 733, 11, 323, 31025, 74801, 4501, 584, 656, 539, 1935, 3403, 10368, 13, 473, 22604, 440, 316, 552, 1436, 3650, 64, 1481, 398, 387, 40542, 422, 3278, 1550, 810, 11689, 13, 11205, 3026, 84110, 87556, 2442, 919, 1436, 11000, 387, 32098, 304, 264, 3544, 6767, 422, 1070, 574, 810, 11689, 13, 7436, 26211, 315, 279, 47447, 1436, 1093, 14869, 4661, 387, 34373, 422, 1274, 720, 23770, 810, 11689, 13, 3296, 11689, 584, 636, 810, 34072, 505, 1057, 15657, 13, 578, 810, 584, 4321, 11, 279, 810, 4907, 584, 1005, 13, 1442, 584, 656, 810, 11689, 1109, 584, 1935, 304, 34072, 11, 1243, 11689, 1436, 656, 603, 11682, 13, 7436, 9176, 315, 279, 3485, 9932, 3673, 220, 617, 311, 387, 1234, 38217, 720, 438, 1234, 279, 19351, 315, 24198, 430, 527, 2561, 311, 603, 3432, 13, 8871, 3507, 469, 53566, 5257, 7354, 91252, 13, 2468, 279, 3118, 279, 432, 18066, 40, 1296, 706, 539, 1027, 12054, 555, 279, 5623, 1560, 7058, 83, 5212, 479, 13, 4452, 11, 1070, 527, 912, 7016, 430, 2019, 430, 4205, 706, 311, 387, 12054, 555, 5606, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 1778, 264, 2383, 1243, 584, 617, 5675, 1057, 31220, 13, 4452, 11, 1070, 527, 11660, 11217, 11, 27080, 76195, 11, 323, 8590, 72, 1824, 1147, 430, 1288, 387, 1524, 810, 15499, 64263, 1109, 374, 1694, 2884, 13, 1226, 4250, 8821, 2324, 505, 13901, 11, 6463, 649, 584, 8821, 2890, 720, 1527, 13901, 13, 578, 9506, 315, 4359, 10975, 603, 25, 11984, 20043, 832, 2500, 596, 23104, 11, 323, 430, 584, 527, 1057, 20820, 6, 54516, 13, 65288, 10597, 1274, 527, 6380, 1274, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 5435, 720, 4291, 9053, 3432, 374, 1202, 10495, 527, 539, 6380, 13, 2684, 527, 264, 1396, 315, 8125, 25, 720, 7009, 617, 5675, 10082, 304, 279, 8993, 439, 1694, 279, 8479, 315, 21730, 13, 2435, 617, 5675, 10082, 304, 1884, 6593, 16410, 889, 3041, 1080, 13, 4902, 11, 62730, 11, 25407, 323, 11217, 323, 15173, 83474, 13, 2435, 617, 5675, 10082, 304, 1057, 3109, 1606, 31012, 527, 13, 15480, 311, 387, 14454, 1234, 279, 84163, 315, 13901, 11, 1778, 439, 38736, 4191, 12, 3965, 8448, 388, 13, 40301, 83078, 32997, 527, 31952, 1986, 311, 420, 3224, 323, 311, 4359, 13, 578, 17377, 10975, 603, 430, 330, 1820, 2362, 92942, 374, 264, 73724, 323, 279, 8206, 374, 539, 304, 720, 10952, 13, 330, 2100, 904, 8993, 430, 374, 29329, 311, 38736, 24863, 11, 499, 4250, 409, 2320, 408, 389, 1148, 814, 2019, 13, 1102, 374, 12703, 430, 279, 3109, 29790, 80753, 304, 279, 836, 315, 279, 720, 65294, 323, 3686, 38568, 2142, 279, 68220, 889, 527, 4560, 311, 1304, 5270, 279, 2890, 13744, 7140, 389, 9578, 13, 12838, 420, 1304, 5647, 13, 2209, 433, 20406, 13, 2209, 420, 25543, 13, 3234, 584, 539, 2103, 617, 279, 11542, 315, 8982, 13, 3234, 584, 539, 2103, 617, 279, 11542, 315, 13901, 311, 24863, 439, 584, 1518, 5052, 13, 3234, 584, 539, 617, 264, 1314, 311 ]
I am ocean.” There is no separation between the two, whatever the wave might suppose. When a wave settles down, then it instantly recognizes that its source in ocean—infinite, silent, and unchanging—was always there. The same holds true for the mind. When it is thinking, it is all activity; when it stops thinking, it returns to its source in silence. Only then, when the mind touches pure awareness, will the real storehouse of Veda be located. The experience of Veda therefore is not ancient or even particularly Indian. It is universal and can be had at any moment by any person. The whole trick is not to move horizontally, which is how the stream of consc iousness normally moves, but to sink vertically. This vertical descent is transcend ing, meditation, dhyan, “going beyond”—all manifestations of a mind that ceases to identify with waves and begins to identify with ocean. If this argument is right, then the nature of the mind and the mind-body connection have to be reconside red. The point that Archimedes was looking for—a place to stand on and move the world—actu ally exists. It is inside us, coveredup by the fascinating but misleading moving-picture show of the waking state. This may explain why mind-body medicine has proved so inconsistent. We casually assume that a person who survives cancer or can cure himself of a fatal disease operates with the same mental machinery as anyone else, but this is not true: mental processes can be deep or shallow. To go deep means to contact the hidden blueprint of intelligence and change it—only then can visualization of fighting cancer, for example, be strong enough to defeat the disease. But most people cannot do that; their thought power is too weak to trigger the appropriate mechanisms. — The practical question is whether meditation is strong enough to radically improve our thought power. Several studies cond ucted by scientists have shown that meditation may in fact induce profound change, far beyond the simple relaxation that most people use it for in the West, even beyond the medical applications of relieving stress, reducing blood pressure, and so on. The first Western scientist to make any major breakthrough with the fourth state was an American physiologist, Robert Keith Wallace, who proved that it existed. In 1967, Wallace was a doctoral student at UCLA, where he began his Ph.D. research on the physiological changes that take place during Transcendental Meditation (a form of mantra meditation). Using the methods of modern biomedical research, he compiled data from meditators over a period of several years. Without causing any discomfort, he wired them up to measure their brain waves, blood pressure, heart rate, and other indices of physical change.Wallace soon began to build a considerable body of unique results. First, he discovered that something real was indeed happening to the body in meditation. Within a few minutes of beginning their practice, his subjects entered a state of deep relaxation, marked by slower breathing and heartbeat, by the appearance of alpha waves in their EEGs (electroe ncephalograms), and decreased oxygen consumption detected in the breath. This last measure was particularly important because it showed that the body’s metabolic rate, tied to the total consumption of fuel in the cells, had dropped—physiologists refer to this metabolic reduction as a “hypometabolic” state. Meditators achieved their deepest relaxation quickly. It takes four to six hours after falling asleep to reach the period where oxygen consumption falls to its lowest levels, while medita tors took only a few minutes. Moreover, in sleep the drop is usuall y less than 16 percent, whereas meditators achieved relative reductions that momentarily dipped almo st twice as low. Wallace was impressed by these figures because such a deep state of relaxation had never been recorded before. What this showed was that the subjective feelings reported during meditation—inner silence, peac efulness, and relaxation—had a real physical basis. It was also very important that these subjects had not fallen asleep or gone into a trance. They were fully awake insid e, even feeling a sense of heightened awareness. Wallace concluded therefore that meditation was a state of “hypometabolic wakefulness.” Since his measurements were different from any seen in waking, dreaming, or sleeping, he concluded that he had verified an entirely new state of consciousness—the fourth state. Certain of the meditators had exhibited physical changes that went far beyond the average. As with the yogis measured in India and the Himalayas, their breathing seemed to stop for long stretches. At the subjective level,these deeper states were experienced as absolute inner silence, a feeling of vast expansion, and a profound knowingness. The mind was emptie d of all specific thoughts but left with the clear awareness of “I know everything.” No one could explain these experiences, because scientific instruments are too crude to analyze or even detect them. To anyone versed in the Vedic literature, however, it was obvious that these subjects were experiencing transcendental awarene ss of a deep sort. The Yoga Vasishtha, one of the greatest sources on direct experience of the transcendent, says of the fourth state, “When there is effortless suspension of breath, that is the supreme state. It is the Self. It is pure, infinite consc iousness. He who reaches this does not grieve.” It would be hard to find a better descr iption of what the physiologists were seeing. Wallace looked at physical measurements made with Zen meditators in Japan and found comparable results; what was astonish ing, howeve r, was that his American subjects, most of them young, posthippie, and new to meditation, were achieving the same scores as Zen adepts who had practiced meditating for ten years. Seen in a different light, what Wallace did was to legitimize the mind-body connection. It is now accepted fact that one’s body spontaneously responds to one’s state of awareness, just as the rishis said. The paradox is that we have to learn to dive inside at all. Meditation teaches us to control a process that is constantly influencing us every day, whether we realize it or not. Recently I saw a Boston woman in her sixties who for several years had been suffering from a slow degeneration of the heart muscle called cardiomyopathy. There are various kinds of cardio myopathy; hers was considered idiopathic, meaning that no cause could be found for it. Her main symptom at the time of diagnosis was shortness ofbreath whenever she exerted herself—she was experiencing heart failure from the enlargemen t of her heart. Medicine can do little or nothing for this disease, which greatly worried her, but when she had last seen her cardiologist two months earlier, he had suggested that she go into the hospital for an angiogram. The purpose of an angiogram is to determine if the coronary arteries, the vessels sending oxygen to the heart, are blocked. The cardiolo gist was reasoning that if there was any blockage, some of her problem might be due to arterial disease, which is treatable. Apprehensively she underwent the test. The angiogr apher, who was also a physician, came to her room afterward. “I have good news,” he said. “Your vessels are clean— you don’t have coronary artery disease. As far as I’m concerned, there is no need for surgery.” As he was leaving, he turned to her and remarked, “If your condition gets any worse, the only thing that really can be done is to have a heart transplant.” The woman had never been told this before, and within a few days she began to have shortness of breath not just on exertion but whenever she lay down. Unable to sleep and getting more and more anxious, she returned to her cardiologist, who could find no reason for the worsening of her symptoms. Finally he confronted her one day, and she told him she was afraid of having a heart transplant. He assured her that her fears were groundless—her condition was by no means advanced enough for such a drastic procedure. From that day on, her new symptoms disappeared. — Once again we see that subjective reality and objective reality are tightly bound together. When the mind shifts,the body cannot help but follow. Objective reality looks obviously more fixed than our subjective moods, fleeting desires, and swings of emotion. Yet perhaps it is not; it is more like a violin string that can hold one pitch but also change pitch as your finger slides along it—that image occurred to me thinking about Chitra’s case at the beginning of this book, but it holds true for all of us. What the pitch on the string stands for is your level of consciousness. This is a very basic inner attribute, like a focal point on which all your thoughts
[ 40, 1097, 18435, 2029, 2684, 374, 912, 198, 325, 36235, 1990, 279, 1403, 11, 8996, 279, 12330, 2643, 198, 13066, 2972, 13, 3277, 264, 12330, 93018, 1523, 11, 1243, 433, 22571, 198, 34551, 4861, 430, 1202, 2592, 304, 18435, 49525, 171, 71831, 62664, 11, 21737, 11, 323, 198, 3265, 8764, 2345, 16514, 2744, 1070, 13, 578, 1890, 10187, 837, 369, 279, 4059, 13, 3277, 433, 374, 7422, 11, 433, 198, 285, 682, 5820, 26, 994, 433, 18417, 7422, 11, 433, 4780, 311, 1202, 2592, 198, 258, 21847, 13, 8442, 1243, 11, 994, 279, 4059, 29727, 10748, 198, 20111, 2136, 11, 690, 279, 1972, 3637, 7830, 315, 650, 14151, 387, 7559, 13, 578, 198, 50659, 315, 650, 14151, 9093, 374, 539, 14154, 477, 1524, 198, 74039, 7904, 13, 1102, 374, 20789, 323, 649, 387, 1047, 520, 904, 198, 29699, 555, 904, 1732, 13, 578, 4459, 14397, 374, 539, 311, 3351, 198, 20100, 51501, 1174, 902, 374, 1268, 279, 4365, 315, 13902, 602, 788, 2136, 198, 86336, 11031, 11, 719, 311, 19868, 52035, 662, 1115, 12414, 38052, 198, 285, 74809, 6892, 11, 33862, 11, 35196, 8503, 11, 1054, 9738, 7953, 63750, 543, 198, 43415, 811, 315, 264, 4059, 430, 3846, 2315, 311, 10765, 449, 17301, 198, 438, 12302, 311, 10765, 449, 18435, 13, 1442, 420, 5811, 374, 1314, 11, 1243, 279, 7138, 315, 279, 4059, 323, 198, 1820, 4059, 9534, 3717, 617, 311, 387, 16456, 3002, 2579, 13, 578, 198, 2837, 430, 9683, 318, 59626, 574, 3411, 369, 29096, 2035, 311, 2559, 389, 198, 438, 3351, 279, 1917, 2345, 533, 84, 31953, 6866, 13, 1102, 374, 4871, 603, 11, 9960, 455, 555, 279, 27387, 719, 38309, 7366, 80758, 1501, 198, 1073, 279, 48728, 1614, 13, 1115, 1253, 10552, 3249, 4059, 9534, 16088, 706, 19168, 779, 198, 258, 79499, 13, 1226, 65714, 9855, 430, 264, 1732, 889, 198, 20370, 85, 1924, 9572, 477, 649, 27208, 5678, 315, 264, 19094, 8624, 198, 3376, 988, 449, 279, 1890, 10723, 26953, 439, 5606, 775, 345, 8248, 420, 374, 539, 837, 25, 10723, 11618, 649, 387, 5655, 477, 198, 939, 7331, 662, 2057, 733, 5655, 3445, 311, 3729, 279, 8340, 54029, 198, 1073, 11478, 323, 2349, 433, 2345, 3323, 1243, 649, 42148, 315, 198, 171, 71831, 2121, 287, 9572, 1174, 369, 3187, 11, 387, 3831, 3403, 311, 18506, 198, 1820, 8624, 13, 2030, 1455, 1274, 4250, 656, 430, 26, 872, 3463, 198, 13477, 374, 2288, 7621, 311, 8346, 279, 8475, 24717, 13, 107216, 791, 15325, 3488, 374, 3508, 33862, 374, 3831, 198, 268, 1409, 311, 61127, 7417, 1057, 3463, 2410, 662, 26778, 198, 267, 58787, 9955, 577, 302, 291, 555, 14248, 617, 6982, 430, 33862, 198, 18864, 304, 2144, 49853, 28254, 2349, 11, 3117, 7953, 279, 4382, 198, 3833, 710, 367, 430, 1455, 1274, 1005, 433, 369, 304, 279, 4410, 11, 1524, 198, 65, 23478, 279, 6593, 8522, 315, 59644, 4504, 8631, 345, 265, 1072, 6253, 6680, 7410, 11, 323, 779, 389, 13, 578, 33595, 71831, 59125, 11104, 28568, 311, 1304, 904, 3682, 198, 9137, 20322, 449, 279, 11999, 1614, 574, 459, 3778, 198, 42305, 72, 16549, 11, 8563, 32602, 39956, 11, 889, 19168, 220, 430, 433, 198, 327, 13539, 13, 763, 220, 5162, 22, 11, 39956, 574, 264, 74657, 5575, 520, 50751, 345, 2940, 568, 6137, 813, 2405, 920, 13, 3495, 389, 279, 53194, 198, 19926, 430, 1935, 2035, 2391, 4149, 66, 408, 6430, 77571, 198, 2948, 1376, 315, 68009, 33862, 570, 12362, 279, 5528, 315, 198, 50889, 94612, 3495, 11, 568, 20276, 828, 505, 198, 2106, 275, 3046, 927, 264, 4261, 315, 3892, 1667, 13, 17586, 14718, 198, 3852, 44776, 11, 568, 53221, 220, 1124, 709, 311, 6767, 872, 8271, 198, 58365, 11, 6680, 7410, 11, 4851, 4478, 11, 323, 1023, 15285, 315, 198, 47692, 2349, 1196, 543, 580, 5246, 6137, 311, 1977, 264, 24779, 2547, 315, 198, 9782, 3135, 13, 5629, 11, 568, 11352, 430, 2555, 1972, 198, 16514, 13118, 12765, 311, 279, 2547, 304, 33862, 13, 25218, 264, 198, 71830, 4520, 315, 7314, 872, 6725, 11, 813, 15223, 198, 87143, 264, 1614, 315, 5655, 43685, 11, 13160, 555, 29493, 198, 21152, 44661, 323, 53205, 11, 555, 279, 11341, 315, 8451, 17301, 198, 258, 872, 76908, 82, 320, 19493, 35804, 308, 59822, 278, 56485, 705, 323, 25983, 198, 78, 19472, 15652, 16914, 304, 279, 11745, 13, 1115, 1566, 198, 48899, 574, 8104, 220, 3062, 1606, 433, 8710, 430, 198, 1820, 2547, 753, 41861, 4478, 11, 17791, 311, 279, 2860, 15652, 315, 198, 64475, 304, 279, 7917, 11, 1047, 12504, 2345, 42305, 72, 22012, 8464, 311, 420, 198, 4150, 57565, 14278, 439, 264, 1054, 79343, 4512, 57565, 863, 1614, 13, 3344, 275, 3046, 17427, 872, 51621, 43685, 6288, 662, 1102, 198, 79079, 3116, 311, 4848, 4207, 1306, 16054, 33173, 311, 5662, 279, 198, 19862, 1405, 24463, 15652, 17503, 311, 1202, 15821, 5990, 345, 3556, 1812, 6388, 95560, 3952, 1193, 264, 2478, 4520, 13, 23674, 1174, 304, 198, 26894, 279, 6068, 374, 41388, 543, 379, 2753, 1109, 220, 845, 3346, 11, 20444, 198, 2106, 275, 3046, 17427, 8844, 47311, 430, 99497, 198, 67, 6586, 453, 6489, 357, 11157, 439, 3428, 13, 39956, 574, 25408, 555, 198, 45010, 33595, 71831, 70, 1439, 1606, 1778, 264, 5655, 1614, 315, 43685, 1047, 198, 37593, 1027, 12715, 1603, 13, 3639, 420, 8710, 574, 430, 279, 198, 11760, 535, 16024, 5068, 2391, 33862, 2345, 4481, 198, 35904, 768, 11, 1069, 582, 384, 31514, 11, 323, 43685, 2345, 32345, 264, 1972, 7106, 198, 89926, 13, 1102, 574, 1101, 1633, 3062, 430, 1521, 15223, 1047, 198, 1962, 21536, 33173, 477, 8208, 1139, 264, 98531, 13, 2435, 1051, 7373, 198, 675, 731, 1672, 307, 384, 11, 1524, 8430, 264, 5647, 315, 60487, 198, 20111, 2136, 13, 39956, 20536, 9093, 430, 33862, 198, 16514, 264, 1614, 315, 1054, 79343, 4512, 57565, 15508, 31514, 2029, 8876, 813, 198, 48899, 1392, 1051, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 261, 306, 505, 904, 3970, 304, 48728, 345, 57291, 287, 11, 477, 21811, 11, 568, 20536, 430, 568, 1047, 113985, 171, 71831, 291, 459, 198, 306, 556, 398, 502, 1614, 315, 25917, 22416, 11999, 1614, 13, 35211, 315, 279, 1812, 275, 3046, 1047, 51713, 7106, 4442, 198, 9210, 4024, 3117, 7953, 279, 5578, 13, 1666, 449, 279, 42453, 285, 198, 2727, 40412, 304, 6890, 323, 279, 76438, 98440, 11, 872, 27027, 198, 325, 16809, 311, 3009, 369, 1317, 50699, 13, 2468, 279, 44122, 2237, 11, 45010, 19662, 5415, 1051, 10534, 439, 10973, 9358, 198, 35904, 768, 11, 264, 8430, 315, 13057, 14800, 11, 323, 264, 28254, 198, 33134, 287, 2136, 13, 578, 4059, 574, 54169, 648, 294, 315, 682, 118020, 171, 71831, 66, 198, 61665, 82, 719, 2163, 449, 279, 2867, 17985, 315, 1054, 40, 1440, 198, 73826, 2029, 2360, 832, 1436, 10552, 1521, 11704, 345, 28753, 7330, 72, 171, 71831, 66, 24198, 527, 2288, 35750, 311, 24564, 477, 198, 17206, 11388, 1124, 13, 2057, 5606, 5553, 291, 304, 279, 650, 34383, 17649, 11, 4869, 1174, 433, 574, 198, 677, 2528, 430, 1521, 15223, 1051, 25051, 198, 1485, 66, 408, 6430, 8010, 818, 11107, 315, 264, 5655, 3460, 13, 578, 38673, 198, 53, 300, 819, 23218, 11, 832, 315, 279, 12474, 8336, 389, 2167, 3217, 198, 1073, 279, 42590, 29293, 11, 2795, 315, 279, 11999, 1614, 11, 1054, 4599, 1070, 198, 285, 384, 171, 105, 222, 371, 1752, 25288, 315, 11745, 11, 430, 374, 279, 44222, 1614, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 10323, 13, 1102, 374, 10748, 11, 304, 171, 71831, 62664, 13902, 602, 788, 2136, 13, 1283, 889, 198, 265, 14576, 420, 1587, 539, 342, 46104, 2029, 1102, 1053, 387, 2653, 311, 33595, 71831, 303, 264, 198, 58234, 57317, 602, 562, 315, 1148, 279, 4571, 72, 22012, 1051, 9298, 13, 39956, 7111, 520, 7106, 22323, 1903, 449, 32889, 198, 2106, 275, 3046, 304, 6457, 323, 1766, 30139, 3135, 26, 1148, 198, 16514, 37473, 819, 6892, 11, 1268, 83148, 436, 11, 574, 430, 813, 3778, 15223, 345, 3646, 315, 1124, 3995, 11, 1772, 2200, 20898, 11, 323, 502, 311, 33862, 345, 52898, 32145, 279, 1890, 12483, 439, 32889, 17546, 13044, 889, 1047, 198, 652, 533, 7725, 1812, 50644, 369, 5899, 1667, 13, 74612, 304, 264, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 261, 306, 3177, 11, 1148, 39956, 1550, 574, 311, 198, 1978, 275, 12117, 279, 4059, 9534, 3717, 13, 1102, 374, 1457, 11928, 198, 34210, 430, 832, 753, 2547, 88558, 31680, 311, 832, 753, 1614, 198, 1073, 17985, 1174, 1120, 439, 279, 436, 819, 285, 1071, 13, 578, 52313, 374, 430, 584, 198, 19553, 311, 4048, 311, 30963, 4871, 520, 682, 13, 77571, 33992, 603, 311, 198, 2935, 264, 1920, 430, 374, 15320, 304, 171, 120912, 84, 11627, 603, 1475, 198, 1316, 11, 3508, 584, 13383, 433, 477, 539, 13, 42096, 358, 5602, 264, 10406, 5333, 304, 1077, 4848, 29646, 889, 369, 198, 325, 17998, 1667, 1047, 1027, 924, 171, 105, 222, 4776, 505, 264, 6435, 5367, 17699, 198, 1073, 279, 4851, 16124, 2663, 73151, 5650, 54042, 662, 2684, 527, 198, 959, 1245, 13124, 315, 32844, 856, 54042, 26, 11074, 574, 6646, 198, 12558, 62209, 11, 7438, 430, 912, 5353, 1436, 387, 1766, 369, 433, 13, 6385, 198, 3902, 49648, 520, 279, 892, 315, 23842, 574, 2875, 2136, 315, 21152, 589, 15716, 1364, 43844, 291, 11937, 2345, 32158, 574, 198, 327, 32836, 11627, 4851, 8060, 505, 279, 41039, 16737, 259, 315, 1077, 198, 18207, 13, 19152, 649, 656, 2697, 477, 4400, 369, 420, 8624, 345, 8370, 19407, 18290, 1077, 11, 719, 994, 1364, 1047, 1566, 3970, 1077, 198, 5057, 72, 16549, 1403, 4038, 6931, 1174, 568, 1047, 12090, 430, 1364, 198, 3427, 1139, 279, 8952, 369, 459, 92962, 13255, 13, 578, 7580, 315, 459, 92962, 13255, 374, 311, 8417, 422, 279, 198, 6133, 263, 661, 85648, 11, 279, 31080, 11889, 24463, 311, 279, 4851, 345, 548, 19857, 13, 578, 73151, 10216, 91600, 574, 33811, 430, 422, 1070, 198, 16514, 904, 2565, 425, 11, 1063, 220, 315, 1077, 3575, 2643, 387, 4245, 311, 198, 5408, 532, 8624, 11, 902, 374, 4322, 481, 13, 1883, 11310, 28014, 1364, 198, 8154, 42700, 279, 1296, 13, 578, 92962, 74646, 264, 29182, 1174, 889, 574, 1101, 264, 198, 42305, 12734, 11, 3782, 311, 1077, 3130, 49043, 13, 1054, 40, 617, 1695, 3754, 2476, 568, 1071, 13, 1054, 7927, 31080, 527, 4335, 2345, 499, 198, 15357, 1431, 617, 66298, 65415, 8624, 13, 1666, 3117, 439, 358, 4344, 198, 444, 29644, 291, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 1205, 369, 15173, 662, 863, 1666, 568, 574, 198, 273, 2370, 11, 568, 6656, 311, 1077, 323, 61414, 11, 1054, 2746, 701, 3044, 198, 19209, 904, 11201, 11, 279, 1193, 3245, 430, 2216, 649, 387, 2884, 374, 311, 198, 19553, 264, 4851, 43929, 49216, 791, 5333, 1047, 2646, 1027, 3309, 420, 1603, 11, 323, 2949, 264, 198, 71830, 2919, 1364, 6137, 311, 617, 2875, 2136, 315, 11745, 539, 1120, 389, 198, 327, 531, 290, 719, 15716, 1364, 11203, 1523, 13, 42544, 311, 6212, 323, 198, 51210, 810, 323, 810, 38100, 11, 1364, 6052, 311, 1077, 198, 5057, 72, 16549, 11, 889, 1436, 33595, 71831, 303, 912, 2944, 369, 279, 93405, 315, 198, 1964, 13803, 13, 17830, 568, 41782, 1077, 832, 1938, 11, 323, 1364, 198, 83, 820, 1461, 1364, 574, 16984, 315, 3515, 264, 4851, 43929, 13, 1283, 198, 395, 3149, 1077, 430, 1077, 24087, 1051, 5015, 1752, 2345, 1964, 3044, 198, 16514, 555, 912, 3445, 11084, 3403, 369, 1778, 264, 60883, 198, 21826, 13, 5659, 430, 1938, 389, 11, 1077, 502, 13803, 198, 4338, 99567, 13, 107216, 12805, 1578, 584, 1518, 430, 44122, 8903, 323, 16945, 198, 265, 2786, 527, 40069, 6965, 220, 3871, 662, 3277, 279, 4059, 29735, 63738, 2547, 4250, 1520, 719, 1833, 662, 55389, 8903, 5992, 198, 677, 18785, 810, 33595, 71831, 52419, 1109, 1057, 44122, 296, 9242, 11, 33595, 120912, 68, 11880, 198, 5919, 3946, 11, 323, 57890, 315, 20356, 13, 14968, 8530, 433, 374, 539, 26, 433, 374, 198, 6518, 1093, 264, 63137, 925, 430, 649, 3412, 832, 9846, 719, 1101, 198, 3455, 9846, 439, 701, 33595, 71831, 65167, 22245, 3235, 433, 41128, 2217, 198, 14310, 8293, 311, 757, 7422, 922, 921, 37529, 753, 1162, 520, 279, 198, 7413, 1251, 315, 420, 2363, 11, 719, 433, 10187, 837, 369, 682, 315, 603, 13, 3639, 279, 9846, 389, 279, 925, 13656, 369, 374, 701, 2237, 315, 198, 64589, 2136, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 1633, 6913, 9358, 7180, 11, 1093, 264, 198, 69, 3768, 1486, 389, 902, 682, 701, 11555 ]
which is sometimes translated as the b reath of life. Likewise, your body is ever in transformation, always and eternally in dynamic relations hip with the elements and fo rces of the universe. This is known in A yurveda as T ejas (tĕ’′-jäs), the internal fire of transformation. F inally, your body is the physical manifestation of universal intelligence, wh ich is supreme, divine, and immortal. The A yu rvedic word for this is Ojas (ō’′-jäs), the infinitely flexible, fluid expression of the physical body. T o reverse the aging process, begin using the words ener gy, transformation, and intelligence as reinforcements to experience your body as it really is— a field of inexh austible ener gy, in constant transformation, and as a physica l expression of pure intelligence. If you prefer, you can use the A yurvedic terms Prana, T ejas, and Ojas as mantras to anchor your new interpretation. A s you begin to experience your body in its true form, your beliefs a bout it will also change, and your new beliefs will create your new biology. EXERCISE—YOUR BODY OF LIGHT Look at the picture below. Pictur e A Picture A is the conventional view of the human body as a modern physician might envision it. This picture reflects how, on a subconscious level, yo u perceive your body at this moment. Although this perception is accurate at the gross level, it i s an incomplete representation of the true nature of your b ody. Therefore, it is not the way you should envision your body. Pictur e B Now loo k at picture B, a good r epresentation of how your body really is at a quantum lev el: a field of ener gy, transformation, and intelligence. This is how the ancient V edic seers saw it. They referred to it as the “subtle” body. Th is subtle or quantum m echanical body is inextricably woven into, and is one with, the ener gy and intelligence fields of the cosmos. Look once again at picture B. N ow close your eyes and see if you can clearly v isualize it. Can you. Op en your eyes. Look once again. Repeat this procedure as many times as you want, until you can see your subtle (quantum) body as clearly with your eyes closed as with your eyes open. When y ou are absolutely sure t hat you can do this, close your eyes againand mentally repeat to yourself: “Ener gy (Prana), transformation (T ejas), intelligence (Ojas). ” Whenever you consciously take a deep breath (and make it a point to do this several times each day), close your eyes and mentally repeat the word Ener gy while at the sam e time visualizing your ener gy or light body as represented in picture B. Similarly, when you consciously eat food, mentally repeat the word T ransformation, visualizing the light body in transformation. Finally, every time you take a sip of water, silently repeat the word Intelligence and envision once again the lig ht body as fluid and flexible. As you repeat this ritual with breathing, eating, and drinking, you will be starting the process o f restructuring your perception and the experience of your body from material to subtle. PERCEIVING YOUR LIGHT BODY Enlivening Ener gy (Prana) Y our vital ener gy animates both mind and body. Throughout the day, use the word Ener gy and experience the life force rejuvenating every cell, tissue, and or gan in your body. Think “Ener gy” whenever you: W alk through a garden. Go from indoors to outdoors. Practice breathing exercises (see Chapter 7) Enlivening T ransformation (T ejas) The essential transformational force is the primordial fire of life. Throughout the day, use th e word T ransformation to enliven thetransformational process that continuously converts ener gy from one form into another. Think “T ransformation” whenever you: T ake a mouthful of food. Feel the sun on your body Gaze into the stars at night. Enlivening Intelligence (Ojas) When intelligen ce is abundant and freely circulating in your body, all your physiological systems—cardiovascular, digestive, neurological, hormonal, and immune—function at their optimal level. Throughout the day, use the word Intelligence to enliven nourishment in every cell of your body. Think “Intelligence” whenever you: T ake a sip of water. W alk along a natural body of water. Drink fresh fruit juices or other healthy beverages. In addition to silently repea ting these words to enliven ener gy, transformation, and intelligence while you breathe, eat, and drink, use them when yo u are exercising. Whenever you are performing a rhythmic activity —walking, jogg ing, swimming, riding your bicycle, or using a treadmill— silently repeat “Ener gy, T ransformation, Intelligence. Ener gy, T ransformation, Intelligence. ” or “Prana, T ejas, Ojas. Prana, T ejas, Ojas. ” with your full attention on your body. After a while, y our habitual way of experiencing your body will change because your perc eptions will have shifted. The Body as a River of Renewal Y our body is not a mechanical structure fixed in time and space. It is a field of ener gy, information, and intelligence in dynamic exchange with your environment, capable of perpetual healing, renewal, and transformation. Sitting comfortably, close your eyes and take a full deep inhalation. Now, as you slowly exhale the air from your lungs, visualize your breath as a flow of molecules being released from every cell in your body. W ith each outgoing breath you are releasing atoms from every or gan in your body, and with each ingoing breath you are bringing atoms to every cell and or gan in your body. Y ou are renewing your body and replacing parts with every breath that you take. Continue to breathe in and out and imagine your body as a continual stream of ener gy and transformation, constantly renewing and refreshing itself. Bring your attention to your stomach and know that the entire stomach lining will be renewed in less than a week. Now bring your attention to your skin and know that within one month the cells will be entirely replaced and you will have new skin. See your skeleton in your mind’ s eye. The atoms that currently comprise it will be replaced by new ones in three months. Bring your attention to your liver. Y ou will have a new one in six weeks. Now feel your whole body. In one year almost all of it will have been replaced. Now say to yourself: “I am renewing my body with every breath I take. ” See your body as it really is— infinitely flexible, fluid, and forever in renewal. Every day in every way, I am incr easing my mental and physical capacity.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|> Q: What is the purpose of this book?, A: The book is intended to help readers improve their overall well-being and is not a substitute for medical care. It provides a consciousness-based approach to reversing aging. Q: What is the author's perspective on aging?, A: The authors believe that aging is not a natural process and that it is possible to reverse it by changing one's perception and habits. Q: What is the author's opinion on the concept of time?, A: The author states that time is a subjective experience and that it is possible to change one's perception of time and thereby change one's biological age. Q: What is the concept of "Biostat"?, A: The "Biostat" is a concept that refers to the idea that one's perception of their biological age can be changed by shifting one's consciousness and intention. It is not a physical age, but rather a subjective experience. Q: What is the author's view on the relationship between stress and aging?, A: The author states that chronic stress accelerates the aging process and that it is essential to manage stress through practices like meditation to reverse the aging process.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Although you may wonder when yo u’ll eve r find the time to meditate, we strongly encou rage you to make m editation an important part of your life. It will actually create more time for you, because you will be much more ef ficient when y our mind is calm and centered. W e recommend twenty minutes of restful awareness (sitting meditation with your eyes closed) twice a day. The best times to meditate are shortly after awakening in the morning, and again in the later afternoon or early evening. The morning meditation starts your day with a fresh, calm mental attitude. The late afternoon or evening session helps freshen your mind after a day’ s activity. The time you ta ke to experience restful awareness will yield im mediate rewards. Y ou will notice relax ation during the meditation and increased ener gy a nd creativity during your day. If you have not meditated before, start with the So Hum meditation technique. After you have practiced this procedure for a while, we recommend you learn a more specific and personalized process called Primordial Sound Meditation (PSM), taught by one of our
[ 902, 374, 7170, 25548, 439, 198, 1820, 293, 312, 589, 315, 2324, 13, 50487, 11, 701, 2547, 374, 3596, 304, 18475, 11, 2744, 323, 198, 295, 944, 750, 304, 8915, 4398, 18638, 449, 279, 5540, 323, 12018, 436, 1634, 315, 279, 198, 359, 8194, 13, 1115, 374, 3967, 304, 362, 379, 80627, 64, 439, 350, 19835, 300, 320, 83, 128, 243, 529, 39615, 12, 73, 55940, 705, 279, 5419, 4027, 315, 198, 1485, 1659, 13, 435, 304, 750, 11, 701, 2547, 374, 279, 7106, 64050, 315, 20789, 198, 93375, 11, 421, 10864, 374, 44222, 11, 30467, 11, 323, 60214, 13, 578, 362, 126201, 436, 2111, 292, 3492, 198, 2000, 420, 374, 507, 30826, 220, 320, 56761, 529, 39615, 12, 73, 55940, 705, 279, 72600, 19303, 11, 15962, 7645, 315, 279, 198, 47692, 2547, 13, 350, 297, 10134, 279, 30084, 1920, 11, 3240, 1701, 279, 4339, 38556, 29720, 345, 1485, 1659, 11, 323, 11478, 439, 99600, 311, 3217, 701, 2547, 198, 300, 433, 2216, 374, 2345, 264, 2115, 315, 55981, 71, 100206, 1260, 38556, 29720, 11, 304, 6926, 18475, 345, 438, 439, 264, 4571, 3074, 326, 7645, 315, 10748, 11478, 13, 1442, 499, 10932, 11, 499, 649, 1005, 198, 1820, 362, 379, 80627, 292, 3878, 2394, 3444, 11, 350, 19835, 300, 11, 323, 507, 30826, 220, 439, 893, 13811, 311, 17543, 701, 502, 198, 17324, 367, 13, 362, 274, 499, 3240, 311, 3217, 701, 2547, 304, 1202, 837, 1376, 11, 701, 198, 9978, 30921, 264, 25646, 433, 690, 1101, 2349, 11, 323, 701, 502, 21463, 690, 1893, 701, 502, 198, 81162, 13, 4154, 28534, 9311, 2345, 73613, 69683, 3083, 53303, 198, 10596, 520, 279, 6945, 3770, 13, 393, 858, 324, 384, 362, 198, 25696, 362, 374, 279, 21349, 1684, 315, 279, 3823, 2547, 439, 264, 6617, 198, 42305, 12734, 2643, 220, 48146, 433, 13, 1115, 6945, 27053, 1268, 11, 389, 264, 84951, 198, 3374, 11, 30596, 577, 45493, 701, 2547, 520, 420, 4545, 13, 10541, 420, 21063, 374, 198, 37021, 349, 520, 279, 20547, 2237, 11, 433, 602, 274, 459, 33243, 13340, 220, 315, 279, 837, 198, 67812, 315, 701, 293, 297, 10470, 13, 15636, 11, 220, 433, 374, 539, 279, 1648, 499, 1288, 48146, 701, 198, 2664, 13, 393, 858, 324, 384, 426, 198, 7184, 781, 78, 597, 520, 6945, 426, 11, 264, 1695, 436, 4248, 13898, 315, 1268, 701, 2547, 2216, 374, 198, 266, 264, 31228, 23464, 658, 25, 264, 2115, 315, 38556, 29720, 11, 18475, 11, 323, 11478, 13, 1115, 198, 285, 1268, 279, 14154, 650, 1608, 292, 513, 388, 5602, 433, 13, 2435, 14183, 311, 433, 439, 279, 1054, 2008, 11489, 89874, 2664, 13, 666, 374, 27545, 477, 31228, 296, 384, 5776, 950, 2547, 374, 304, 39749, 292, 2915, 56874, 1139, 345, 438, 374, 832, 449, 11, 279, 38556, 29720, 323, 11478, 5151, 315, 279, 83645, 13, 9372, 3131, 1578, 520, 6945, 426, 13, 452, 15941, 3345, 701, 6548, 323, 1518, 422, 499, 649, 198, 7574, 398, 348, 374, 940, 553, 433, 13, 3053, 499, 13, 10901, 665, 701, 6548, 13, 9372, 3131, 1578, 13, 45901, 420, 198, 21826, 439, 1690, 3115, 439, 499, 1390, 11, 3156, 499, 649, 1518, 701, 27545, 198, 7, 31548, 372, 8, 2547, 220, 439, 9539, 449, 220, 701, 6548, 8036, 439, 449, 701, 6548, 1825, 13, 3277, 379, 6033, 527, 11112, 2771, 259, 9072, 499, 649, 656, 420, 11, 3345, 701, 6548, 1578, 438, 34325, 13454, 311, 6261, 25, 1054, 36, 1215, 29720, 320, 3617, 3444, 705, 18475, 320, 51, 19835, 300, 1350, 93375, 320, 46, 30826, 570, 126672, 65361, 499, 70903, 1935, 264, 5655, 11745, 320, 438, 1304, 433, 264, 1486, 311, 656, 198, 576, 3892, 3115, 1855, 1938, 705, 3345, 701, 6548, 323, 34325, 13454, 279, 3492, 198, 36, 1215, 29720, 1418, 520, 279, 10167, 384, 892, 9302, 4954, 701, 38556, 29720, 477, 3177, 2547, 220, 439, 198, 53859, 304, 6945, 426, 13, 35339, 11, 994, 499, 70903, 220, 8343, 3691, 345, 479, 750, 13454, 279, 3492, 350, 436, 598, 1659, 11, 9302, 4954, 279, 3177, 2547, 304, 198, 1485, 1659, 13, 17830, 11, 1475, 892, 499, 1935, 264, 47715, 315, 3090, 11, 50494, 13454, 198, 1820, 3492, 22107, 323, 48146, 3131, 1578, 279, 29413, 35423, 2547, 439, 15962, 323, 198, 12287, 1260, 13, 1666, 499, 13454, 420, 28278, 449, 27027, 11, 12459, 11, 323, 16558, 11, 499, 198, 14724, 387, 6041, 220, 279, 1920, 297, 282, 69027, 701, 21063, 323, 279, 198, 50659, 315, 701, 2547, 505, 3769, 311, 27545, 13, 18335, 2152, 73246, 21592, 53303, 69683, 198, 1737, 75, 2116, 287, 469, 1215, 29720, 320, 3617, 3444, 340, 56, 1057, 16595, 38556, 29720, 4039, 988, 2225, 220, 4059, 323, 2547, 13, 46982, 279, 220, 1938, 11, 1005, 198, 1820, 3492, 469, 1215, 29720, 323, 3217, 279, 2324, 5457, 73484, 1113, 1475, 2849, 345, 83, 11407, 11, 323, 477, 25893, 304, 701, 2547, 13, 21834, 1054, 36, 1215, 29720, 863, 15716, 499, 512, 54, 58998, 1555, 264, 13863, 13, 6122, 505, 55154, 311, 34632, 13, 28082, 27027, 23783, 320, 4151, 15957, 220, 22, 340, 1737, 75, 2116, 287, 350, 436, 598, 1659, 320, 51, 19835, 300, 340, 791, 7718, 18475, 278, 220, 5457, 374, 279, 9036, 93773, 4027, 315, 2324, 13, 46982, 279, 220, 1938, 11, 1005, 270, 384, 3492, 350, 436, 598, 1659, 311, 665, 75, 2116, 279, 1485, 1659, 278, 1920, 430, 31978, 33822, 38556, 29720, 505, 832, 1376, 198, 18614, 2500, 13, 21834, 1054, 51, 436, 598, 1659, 863, 15716, 499, 512, 51, 264, 441, 264, 11013, 1285, 315, 3691, 13, 32833, 279, 7160, 389, 701, 2547, 198, 38, 10033, 1139, 279, 9958, 520, 3814, 13, 2998, 75, 2116, 287, 22107, 320, 46, 30826, 340, 4599, 528, 616, 6569, 3846, 374, 44611, 323, 26662, 54828, 304, 701, 2547, 11, 682, 198, 22479, 53194, 6067, 2345, 5057, 822, 33945, 11, 60071, 11, 64908, 345, 71, 494, 25180, 11, 323, 22852, 2345, 1723, 520, 872, 23669, 2237, 13, 46982, 279, 198, 1316, 11, 1005, 279, 3492, 22107, 311, 665, 75, 2116, 46798, 16409, 304, 1475, 220, 2849, 315, 701, 198, 2664, 13, 21834, 1054, 1090, 8677, 863, 15716, 499, 512, 51, 264, 441, 264, 47715, 315, 3090, 13, 468, 58998, 3235, 264, 5933, 2547, 315, 3090, 13, 48573, 7878, 14098, 65959, 477, 1023, 9498, 47497, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 50494, 6351, 64, 43327, 1521, 4339, 311, 665, 75, 2116, 38556, 29720, 345, 1485, 1659, 11, 323, 11478, 1418, 499, 37397, 11, 8343, 11, 323, 7172, 11, 1005, 1124, 198, 9493, 30596, 577, 527, 51582, 13, 43633, 499, 527, 16785, 264, 29171, 21914, 5820, 198, 2345, 81749, 11, 503, 16499, 6892, 11, 24269, 11, 220, 20427, 701, 36086, 11, 477, 1701, 264, 85746, 2345, 198, 35904, 4501, 13454, 1054, 36, 1215, 29720, 11, 350, 436, 598, 1659, 11, 22107, 13, 469, 1215, 29720, 345, 51, 436, 598, 1659, 11, 22107, 13, 19524, 477, 1054, 3617, 3444, 11, 350, 19835, 300, 11, 507, 30826, 13, 2394, 3444, 11, 350, 19835, 300, 345, 46, 30826, 13, 19524, 449, 701, 2539, 6666, 389, 701, 2547, 13, 4740, 264, 1418, 11, 379, 1057, 84820, 198, 3195, 315, 25051, 701, 2547, 220, 690, 2349, 1606, 701, 44563, 384, 1324, 690, 198, 19553, 30073, 13, 578, 14285, 439, 264, 11188, 315, 50086, 278, 198, 56, 1057, 2547, 374, 539, 264, 22936, 6070, 8521, 304, 892, 323, 3634, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 198, 2630, 315, 38556, 29720, 11, 2038, 11, 323, 11478, 304, 8915, 9473, 449, 198, 22479, 4676, 11, 13171, 315, 66693, 21730, 11, 43901, 11, 323, 198, 1485, 1659, 13, 84854, 45769, 11, 3345, 701, 6548, 323, 1935, 264, 2539, 5655, 77773, 367, 13, 4800, 11, 439, 499, 14297, 57759, 1604, 279, 3805, 505, 701, 45274, 11, 51187, 701, 11745, 198, 300, 264, 6530, 315, 35715, 1694, 6004, 505, 1475, 2849, 304, 701, 2547, 13, 468, 78942, 198, 9739, 37798, 11745, 499, 527, 28965, 33299, 505, 1475, 477, 25893, 304, 701, 198, 2664, 11, 323, 449, 1855, 6892, 78, 287, 11745, 499, 527, 12967, 33299, 311, 1475, 2849, 198, 438, 477, 25893, 304, 701, 2547, 13, 816, 6033, 527, 14195, 287, 701, 2547, 323, 25935, 5596, 198, 4291, 1475, 11745, 430, 499, 1935, 13, 15353, 311, 37397, 304, 323, 704, 323, 13085, 701, 2547, 439, 264, 77975, 198, 4116, 315, 38556, 29720, 323, 18475, 11, 15320, 14195, 287, 323, 37018, 198, 275, 726, 13, 40224, 701, 6666, 311, 701, 23152, 323, 1440, 430, 279, 4553, 23152, 198, 35981, 690, 387, 36646, 304, 2753, 1109, 264, 2046, 13, 4800, 4546, 701, 6666, 311, 198, 22479, 6930, 323, 1440, 430, 2949, 832, 2305, 279, 7917, 690, 387, 11622, 198, 265, 37469, 323, 499, 690, 617, 502, 6930, 13, 3580, 701, 30535, 304, 701, 4059, 529, 274, 8071, 13, 578, 33299, 430, 5131, 198, 884, 9868, 433, 690, 387, 12860, 555, 502, 6305, 304, 2380, 4038, 13, 40224, 701, 198, 54203, 311, 701, 26587, 13, 816, 6033, 690, 617, 264, 502, 832, 304, 4848, 5672, 13, 4800, 2733, 701, 4459, 2547, 13, 763, 832, 1060, 4661, 682, 315, 433, 690, 617, 1027, 198, 265, 37469, 13, 4800, 2019, 311, 6261, 25, 1054, 40, 1097, 14195, 287, 856, 2547, 449, 1475, 198, 21152, 589, 358, 1935, 13, 19524, 3580, 701, 2547, 439, 433, 2216, 374, 2345, 72600, 19303, 11, 15962, 345, 438, 16058, 304, 43901, 13, 7357, 1938, 304, 1475, 1648, 11, 358, 1097, 67926, 45404, 198, 2465, 10723, 323, 7106, 8824, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 7580, 315, 420, 2363, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 2363, 374, 10825, 311, 1520, 13016, 7417, 872, 8244, 1664, 33851, 323, 374, 539, 264, 28779, 369, 6593, 2512, 13, 1102, 5825, 264, 25917, 6108, 5603, 311, 76283, 30084, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 13356, 389, 30084, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 12283, 4510, 430, 30084, 374, 539, 264, 5933, 1920, 323, 430, 433, 374, 3284, 311, 10134, 433, 555, 10223, 832, 596, 21063, 323, 26870, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 9647, 389, 279, 7434, 315, 892, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 5415, 430, 892, 374, 264, 44122, 3217, 323, 430, 433, 374, 3284, 311, 2349, 832, 596, 21063, 315, 892, 323, 28592, 2349, 832, 596, 24156, 4325, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 7434, 315, 330, 37196, 109524, 1, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 330, 37196, 109524, 1, 374, 264, 7434, 430, 19813, 311, 279, 4623, 430, 832, 596, 21063, 315, 872, 24156, 4325, 649, 387, 5614, 555, 32931, 832, 596, 25917, 323, 14944, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 264, 7106, 4325, 11, 719, 4856, 264, 44122, 3217, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 1684, 389, 279, 5133, 1990, 8631, 323, 30084, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 5415, 430, 21249, 8631, 14511, 988, 279, 30084, 1920, 323, 430, 433, 374, 7718, 311, 10299, 8631, 1555, 12659, 1093, 33862, 311, 10134, 279, 30084, 1920, 13, 128009, 128000, 16179, 499, 1253, 5895, 198, 9493, 30596, 577, 4805, 49996, 436, 1505, 279, 892, 311, 1812, 20227, 11, 584, 16917, 3289, 283, 34049, 499, 311, 198, 7072, 296, 4600, 367, 459, 3062, 961, 315, 701, 2324, 13, 1102, 690, 3604, 1893, 810, 198, 1712, 369, 499, 11, 1606, 499, 690, 387, 1790, 810, 31469, 282, 5499, 994, 379, 1057, 4059, 374, 198, 5531, 76, 323, 31288, 13, 468, 384, 7079, 17510, 4520, 315, 2800, 1285, 17985, 198, 1161, 15154, 33862, 449, 701, 6548, 8036, 8, 11157, 264, 1938, 662, 578, 1888, 3115, 311, 198, 2106, 20227, 527, 20193, 1306, 75149, 304, 279, 6693, 11, 323, 1578, 304, 279, 3010, 198, 10924, 12684, 477, 4216, 11714, 13, 578, 6693, 33862, 8638, 701, 1938, 449, 264, 198, 72408, 11, 19858, 10723, 19451, 13, 578, 3389, 13658, 477, 11714, 3882, 8779, 198, 72408, 268, 701, 4059, 1306, 264, 1938, 529, 274, 5820, 662, 578, 892, 499, 9637, 2004, 311, 3217, 2800, 1285, 17985, 690, 7692, 737, 1812, 6629, 198, 265, 4102, 13, 816, 6033, 690, 5406, 12234, 520, 290, 2391, 279, 33862, 323, 7319, 198, 804, 29720, 264, 15953, 28697, 2391, 701, 1938, 662, 1442, 499, 617, 539, 1812, 33337, 1603, 345, 2527, 449, 279, 2100, 220, 20449, 33862, 15105, 13, 4740, 499, 617, 44664, 420, 198, 21826, 369, 264, 1418, 11, 584, 7079, 499, 4048, 264, 810, 3230, 323, 198, 30712, 1534, 1920, 2663, 36283, 93773, 14936, 77571, 320, 5119, 44, 705, 15972, 555, 198, 606, 315, 1057 ]
your body. The intensity of all types of exercise must be moderated. In warmup and aerobics, an extended workout of moderate intensity is preferable to a brief, heart-pounding, sweat-pouring one. Just as a frying pan needs to be warm to cook food, your body needs to be warm for good performance—warm enough to do the job, without “burning.” During weight-bearing exercise, build strength and endurance without excessive resistance or repetition. Try holding a weight-bearing pose until the muscles begin to fatigue, then perform the weight-lifting repetitions. Holding prior to repetitions maximizes strength and endurance while minimizing wear and tear. Your exercise routine should be challenging, but reasonable for individual limits. Avoid approaches such as, “I had better make this a good workout, since I haven’t been exercising lately,” or “the more strenuously I exercise, the better it will be.” During your workout, moderate your intensity by keeping in mind how you will feel afterward. You want to feel like you accomplished a good workout but did not beatyourself up. Consistency, rather than extreme intensity, produces the benefits of exercise. Challenge yourself, but be realistic. Even for people who hate exercise or think they don’t have time to exercise, a simple solution, which I use, is rebounding. Bouncing up and down on a minitrampoline has almost magical effects. The activity is simple, surprisingly easy to do, a lot of fun, safe and can be done by almost anyone regardless of age or physical condition. Rebounding sounds like a panacea, which is what it is! Rebounding tones, conditions, strengthens and heals the entire body, in as little as fifteen minutes per day. Rebounding is so good for you because it exercises and moves every cell in your entire body. We have always known that exercise is good for health but have never understood why until now: Research presented in 2000 at the annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society found that physically stretching cells has a profound impact on their biochemistry and behavior. Moving and stretching a cell—as rebounding does—helps to supply essential nutrients and to eliminate toxic waste products. When you bounce on a rebounder, your entire body (internal organs, bones, connective tissue and skin) becomes stronger, more flexible and healthier. Both blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are vastly improved. James White, M.D., of the University of California, San Diego, says that rebounding exercise is “the closest thing to the Fountain of Youth that science has discovered.” Visualize a balloon filled with water. Hold the balloon by its stem and observe how gravity pulls on the water, slightly stretching the balloon. Now, move your hand rapidly up and down and observe how the extra gravitational force causes the balloon to stretch and distort. When you bounce up and down on a rebounder, this effect happens to every cell in your body. Rebounding alternately puts pressure on and takes pressure off body cells, like squeezing a sponge. This moving and stretching of the cells facilitates nutrient delivery and toxin removal, which is exactly what you need to be healthy—without having to go to the gym, work up a sweat, or end up with sore muscles and possible injuries. Rebounding is so efficient because it applies weight and movement to every cell. The extra force of gravity caused by the bouncing strengthens bones and joints, yet without the jarring and potential damage of most impact activities. (For more information on what I selected for my own use, see appendix C.) Another physical technique is skin brushing. Simply take a natural-bristle bath brush and move it along your skin, up the arms and legs and toward the chest. Doing this activity for a few minutes before taking a bath or shower helps circulate lymphatic fluid and is especially important for people who do not get enough regular exercise. Good physical fitness is much more than a fashion statement and much more thana way to burn calories and sculpt muscles. Exercise is a fundamental physical need, and you need it every day. What if your job requires sitting at a desk? Sitting for extended periods causes physical health to deteriorate. When sitting for extended periods, take time to stand up and stretch the body (along with relaxing your eyes). Even standing up for a minute or two each hour can make a big difference. Remember, your body is a living, breathing, moving organism; when you sit motionless for hours on end, metaphorically speaking, you begin to die. Sleep: The Antidrug Adequate sleep is also a deep physical need and a biological necessity. Adequate sleep is critical for building new cells, repairing damaged ones and replenishing cellular energy levels. Our lives have become so busy that sometimes we forget what it feels like to be fully rested and awake. We have forgotten what a good night’s rest really is. Busy with the constant call of life’s duties, sleep is often pushed aside for more “pressing” needs. A study by the National Sleep Foundation found that 64 percent of the adult population does not sleep the recommended eight hours per night, and 32 percent sleep less than six hours. To compensate, people use coffee, sugar and other stimulants, which worsens a bad situation. For some people, better health can be achieved simply by sleeping more. Needs are different for each person, some requiring less sleep than others, and much depends on the quality of the sleep: whether the sleep is deep and refreshing or fitful and nonenergizing. For our biological ancestors, sleeping enough was much less of a challenge. The sun’s rising and setting determined sleep habits. In centuries past, sleeping was about all you could do once the sun went down. Only in recent years has the simple flick of a switch given us light whenever we wanted it. Now, we live in cities that never sleep. Modern technology excites and stimulates our lives, and often we find ourselves awake at all hours of the night. One hundred years ago, people in developed countries slept nine hours each night. Now, the average American sleeps about seven, which is insufficient for most people. Sometimes, people think they can “accomplish more” if they sleep less. Not so. Being deprived of sleep actually makes people less productive. Furthermore, because the body repairs and rejuvenates itself during sleep, lack of sleep invites sickness and injury. Being deprived of adequate sleep for even a few nights dulls the brain, lowers energy levels, increases irritability and depression, and makes people more accident- prone. A Louis Harris and Associates poll found that people who sleep less than eight hours each night often experience problems on the job. Sleep deprivation is a major factor in an estimated one hundred thousand automobile accidents per year. In the short term, sleep deprivation produces unpleasant side effects; long-term, itcontributes to cellular malfunction and disease. Lack of adequate sleep also causes hormone imbalances and interferes with other body functions. A study reported in the October 1999 issue of Lancet found that just one week of getting too few hours of sleep per night significantly altered hormone levels and compromised the body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates properly. Chronic disruption of the body’s hormone balance invites disease. For example, a potentially harmful hormone called cortisol increases in the brain of an under-rested person. High cortisol levels can damage cells in the brain that control learning and memory. If you are overtired, take that “spaced-out,” forgetful feeling seriously; you may be suffering brain damage. Two other hormones (beneficial ones) normally are produced during sleep and decrease if you are under-rested. One is human growth hormone or HGH, which helps to rebuild tissue. Lack of HGH accelerates the aging process. The other beneficial hormone produced during sleep is prolactin, which governs the immune system. A lack of prolactin can impair immunity. Sleeping enough and normalizing your sleep patterns help to keep these critical hormones balanced properly. Sleep also serves to replenish energy. While asleep, the body creates large amounts of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a high-energy compound that our cells need, much like a car needs gasoline. If you are tired and cannot sleep enough at night, take a nap—perhaps right after lunch or when you get home from work. Sometimes people avoid napping, because they feel like they are “being lazy.” If you lack the energy necessary to do the task at hand, get some rest. If you have boundless natural energy, consider it a very good sign. How energetic or tired we feel is a good general indicator of how well our bodies are functioning. If you are tired all the time, listen to your body’s cry for help. Resting is important, but so is considering how diet, toxic exposure, lack of exercise and other factors affect your overall energy levels. Fatigue is often a symptom of disease—physical, psychological or both. As health improves, fatigue goes away. Consuming coffee and other stimulants to compensate for fatigue interferes with health and productivity. Even if you do function well on “minimum sleep” (and probably maximum caffeine), long-term damage is still being inflicted, the aging process is being accelerated and probably you are not achieving your optimum potential. Also, be sure to normalize your sleep pattern. Go to bed and wake up at approximately the same time each day, even on weekends. The body prefers regularity. Before going to bed, avoid caffeine, alcohol and any drugs that may interfere with
[ 701, 2547, 13, 578, 21261, 315, 682, 4595, 315, 10368, 2011, 387, 87316, 13, 763, 8369, 455, 323, 34548, 677, 1233, 345, 276, 11838, 26308, 315, 24070, 21261, 374, 70668, 311, 264, 10015, 11, 4851, 2320, 13900, 345, 82, 906, 266, 2320, 414, 287, 832, 13, 4702, 439, 264, 87196, 7363, 3966, 311, 387, 8369, 311, 4394, 3691, 11, 701, 2547, 198, 56345, 311, 387, 8369, 369, 1695, 5178, 2345, 83697, 3403, 311, 656, 279, 2683, 11, 2085, 198, 2118, 22464, 287, 2029, 12220, 4785, 92253, 10368, 11, 1977, 8333, 323, 49286, 2085, 198, 327, 87728, 13957, 477, 54515, 13, 9934, 10168, 264, 4785, 92253, 17477, 3156, 279, 198, 38827, 19153, 3240, 311, 36709, 11, 1243, 2804, 279, 4785, 2922, 18148, 86066, 13, 55777, 4972, 198, 998, 86066, 31127, 4861, 8333, 323, 49286, 1418, 77391, 10051, 323, 18036, 13, 4718, 10368, 14348, 1288, 387, 17436, 11, 719, 13579, 369, 3927, 13693, 13, 35106, 20414, 1778, 439, 11, 1054, 40, 1047, 2731, 1304, 420, 264, 1695, 26308, 11, 2533, 358, 9167, 1431, 198, 82850, 51582, 31445, 2476, 477, 1054, 1820, 810, 93319, 66735, 358, 10368, 11, 279, 2731, 433, 690, 387, 49216, 16397, 701, 26308, 11, 24070, 701, 21261, 555, 10494, 304, 4059, 1268, 499, 690, 2733, 198, 10924, 1637, 13, 1472, 1390, 311, 2733, 1093, 499, 27332, 264, 1695, 26308, 719, 1550, 539, 9567, 22479, 726, 709, 13, 7440, 48194, 11, 4856, 1109, 14560, 21261, 11, 19159, 279, 7720, 315, 198, 64562, 13, 26323, 6261, 11, 719, 387, 26569, 13, 7570, 369, 1274, 889, 12491, 10368, 477, 1781, 814, 1541, 1431, 617, 892, 311, 10368, 11, 264, 198, 23796, 6425, 11, 902, 358, 1005, 11, 374, 42632, 287, 13, 426, 37857, 709, 323, 1523, 389, 264, 198, 1083, 22288, 60452, 706, 4661, 24632, 6372, 13, 578, 5820, 374, 4382, 11, 29392, 4228, 198, 998, 656, 11, 264, 2763, 315, 2523, 11, 6220, 323, 649, 387, 2884, 555, 4661, 5606, 15851, 315, 4325, 477, 198, 47692, 3044, 13, 1050, 62679, 10578, 1093, 264, 7363, 83682, 11, 902, 374, 1148, 433, 374, 0, 1050, 62679, 43076, 11, 4787, 11, 96931, 323, 88084, 279, 4553, 2547, 11, 304, 439, 2697, 439, 198, 69, 333, 15247, 4520, 824, 1938, 13, 1050, 62679, 374, 779, 1695, 369, 499, 1606, 433, 23783, 323, 11031, 1475, 2849, 304, 701, 198, 306, 556, 2547, 13, 1226, 617, 2744, 3967, 430, 10368, 374, 1695, 369, 2890, 719, 617, 2646, 198, 8154, 52784, 3249, 3156, 1457, 25, 8483, 10666, 304, 220, 1049, 15, 520, 279, 9974, 6574, 315, 279, 198, 29518, 29550, 94257, 13581, 1766, 430, 22655, 42949, 7917, 706, 264, 28254, 198, 58400, 389, 872, 17332, 52755, 323, 7865, 13, 38727, 323, 42949, 264, 2849, 60654, 198, 265, 62679, 1587, 2345, 8823, 82, 311, 8312, 7718, 37493, 323, 311, 22472, 21503, 12571, 198, 10354, 13, 3277, 499, 34782, 389, 264, 42632, 261, 11, 701, 4553, 2547, 320, 10701, 36853, 11, 25896, 345, 6595, 535, 20438, 323, 6930, 8, 9221, 16643, 11, 810, 19303, 323, 39345, 13, 11995, 198, 51105, 35855, 323, 43745, 780, 58592, 527, 53108, 13241, 13, 7957, 5929, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 315, 279, 3907, 315, 7188, 11, 5960, 18842, 11, 2795, 430, 198, 265, 62679, 10368, 374, 1054, 1820, 18585, 3245, 311, 279, 78324, 315, 30160, 430, 8198, 706, 198, 4338, 21468, 49216, 9789, 553, 264, 47856, 10409, 449, 3090, 13, 23588, 279, 47856, 555, 1202, 19646, 323, 23846, 198, 5269, 24128, 34145, 389, 279, 3090, 11, 10284, 42949, 279, 47856, 13, 4800, 11, 3351, 701, 1450, 198, 86812, 398, 709, 323, 1523, 323, 23846, 1268, 279, 5066, 71019, 5457, 11384, 279, 198, 13616, 32435, 311, 14841, 323, 70584, 13, 3277, 499, 34782, 709, 323, 1523, 389, 264, 42632, 261, 11, 420, 198, 27153, 8741, 311, 1475, 2849, 304, 701, 2547, 13, 1050, 62679, 7064, 2718, 9711, 7410, 389, 198, 438, 5097, 7410, 1022, 2547, 7917, 11, 1093, 88807, 264, 69448, 13, 1115, 7366, 323, 198, 73184, 287, 315, 279, 7917, 73633, 50123, 9889, 323, 98534, 17065, 11, 902, 374, 198, 327, 33839, 1148, 499, 1205, 311, 387, 9498, 2345, 30096, 3515, 311, 733, 311, 279, 19343, 11, 990, 709, 264, 198, 82, 906, 266, 11, 477, 842, 709, 449, 36366, 24569, 323, 3284, 15319, 13, 1050, 62679, 374, 779, 11297, 198, 28753, 433, 17208, 4785, 323, 7351, 311, 1475, 2849, 13, 578, 5066, 5457, 315, 24128, 198, 936, 2656, 555, 279, 65128, 96931, 25896, 323, 35358, 11, 3686, 2085, 279, 503, 20450, 323, 198, 93036, 5674, 315, 1455, 5536, 7640, 13, 320, 2520, 810, 2038, 389, 1148, 358, 198, 4626, 369, 856, 1866, 1005, 11, 1518, 88677, 356, 29275, 14364, 7106, 15105, 374, 6930, 77826, 13, 29524, 1935, 264, 5933, 31217, 29400, 9061, 198, 37161, 323, 3351, 433, 3235, 701, 6930, 11, 709, 279, 11977, 323, 14535, 323, 9017, 279, 15489, 13, 44245, 198, 576, 5820, 369, 264, 2478, 4520, 1603, 4737, 264, 9061, 477, 17639, 8779, 4319, 6468, 198, 398, 56102, 780, 15962, 323, 374, 5423, 3062, 369, 1274, 889, 656, 539, 636, 3403, 5912, 198, 64562, 13, 7839, 7106, 17479, 374, 1790, 810, 1109, 264, 11401, 5224, 323, 1790, 810, 1109, 64, 1648, 311, 8395, 25247, 323, 27863, 24569, 13, 33918, 374, 264, 16188, 7106, 1205, 345, 438, 499, 1205, 433, 1475, 1938, 13, 3639, 422, 701, 2683, 7612, 11961, 520, 264, 18496, 30, 84854, 369, 198, 42198, 18852, 11384, 7106, 2890, 311, 39436, 349, 13, 3277, 11961, 369, 11838, 198, 19862, 82, 11, 1935, 892, 311, 2559, 709, 323, 14841, 279, 2547, 320, 39393, 449, 34948, 701, 6548, 570, 7570, 11509, 709, 369, 264, 9568, 477, 1403, 1855, 6596, 649, 1304, 264, 2466, 6811, 13, 20474, 11, 701, 2547, 374, 264, 5496, 11, 27027, 11, 7366, 47120, 26, 994, 499, 2503, 198, 49975, 1752, 369, 4207, 389, 842, 11, 46450, 2740, 12365, 11, 499, 3240, 311, 2815, 13, 24708, 25, 578, 6898, 307, 73047, 198, 32, 451, 19684, 6212, 374, 1101, 264, 5655, 7106, 1205, 323, 264, 24156, 32961, 13, 63140, 19684, 198, 26894, 374, 9200, 369, 4857, 502, 7917, 11, 68337, 20727, 6305, 323, 70543, 11218, 198, 5997, 1299, 4907, 5990, 13, 5751, 6439, 617, 3719, 779, 13326, 430, 7170, 584, 10894, 1148, 198, 275, 11321, 1093, 311, 387, 7373, 66529, 323, 35447, 13, 1226, 617, 25565, 1148, 264, 1695, 3814, 753, 2800, 198, 54760, 374, 13, 95809, 449, 279, 6926, 1650, 315, 2324, 753, 22006, 11, 6212, 374, 3629, 15753, 16038, 369, 198, 6518, 1054, 1911, 287, 863, 3966, 13, 362, 4007, 555, 279, 5165, 24708, 5114, 1766, 430, 220, 1227, 198, 25426, 315, 279, 6822, 7187, 1587, 539, 6212, 279, 11349, 8223, 4207, 824, 198, 9471, 11, 323, 220, 843, 3346, 6212, 2753, 1109, 4848, 4207, 13, 2057, 46794, 11, 1274, 1005, 11033, 345, 82, 8734, 323, 1023, 12936, 360, 1821, 11, 902, 47293, 729, 264, 3958, 6671, 13, 1789, 1063, 1274, 11, 2731, 198, 12393, 649, 387, 17427, 5042, 555, 21811, 810, 13, 44240, 527, 2204, 369, 1855, 1732, 345, 15031, 23537, 2753, 6212, 1109, 3885, 11, 323, 1790, 14117, 389, 279, 4367, 315, 279, 6212, 512, 49864, 279, 6212, 374, 5655, 323, 37018, 477, 5052, 1285, 323, 2536, 804, 70, 4954, 13, 1789, 1057, 24156, 38618, 11, 21811, 3403, 574, 1790, 2753, 315, 264, 8815, 13, 578, 198, 40619, 753, 16448, 323, 6376, 11075, 6212, 26870, 13, 763, 24552, 3347, 11, 21811, 574, 198, 9274, 682, 499, 1436, 656, 3131, 279, 7160, 4024, 1523, 13, 8442, 304, 3293, 1667, 706, 279, 4382, 198, 69, 1228, 315, 264, 3480, 2728, 603, 3177, 15716, 584, 4934, 433, 13, 4800, 11, 584, 3974, 304, 9919, 430, 2646, 6212, 13, 18766, 5557, 3521, 3695, 323, 95455, 198, 414, 6439, 11, 323, 3629, 584, 1505, 13520, 35447, 520, 682, 4207, 315, 279, 3814, 13, 3861, 7895, 198, 42820, 4227, 11, 1274, 304, 8040, 5961, 46498, 11888, 4207, 1855, 3814, 13, 4800, 11, 279, 198, 17645, 3778, 72490, 922, 8254, 11, 902, 374, 39413, 369, 1455, 1274, 13, 18156, 11, 1274, 1781, 814, 649, 1054, 73087, 501, 819, 810, 863, 422, 814, 6212, 2753, 13, 2876, 779, 13, 21347, 62683, 315, 6212, 3604, 3727, 1274, 2753, 27331, 13, 24296, 345, 28753, 279, 2547, 31286, 323, 73484, 988, 5196, 2391, 6212, 11, 6996, 315, 6212, 45510, 198, 82, 26989, 323, 11134, 13, 21347, 62683, 315, 26613, 6212, 369, 1524, 264, 2478, 22178, 41630, 82, 279, 8271, 11, 73115, 198, 17947, 5990, 11, 12992, 30118, 2968, 323, 18710, 11, 323, 3727, 1274, 810, 11677, 7058, 652, 606, 13, 362, 12140, 21750, 323, 40201, 7230, 1766, 430, 1274, 889, 6212, 2753, 1109, 198, 68632, 4207, 1855, 3814, 3629, 3217, 5435, 389, 279, 2683, 13, 24708, 69764, 374, 264, 198, 37605, 8331, 304, 459, 13240, 832, 7895, 16579, 35528, 33788, 824, 1060, 13, 763, 198, 1820, 2875, 4751, 11, 6212, 69764, 19159, 47989, 3185, 6372, 26, 1317, 9860, 11, 433, 444, 3688, 311, 35693, 72287, 323, 8624, 13, 68502, 315, 26613, 6212, 1101, 11384, 36908, 737, 76527, 323, 41305, 288, 449, 1023, 198, 2664, 5865, 13, 362, 4007, 5068, 304, 279, 6664, 220, 2550, 24, 4360, 315, 720, 43, 1149, 295, 720, 15456, 430, 1120, 198, 606, 2046, 315, 3794, 2288, 2478, 4207, 315, 6212, 824, 3814, 12207, 29852, 36908, 198, 43664, 323, 44500, 279, 2547, 753, 5845, 311, 28168, 553, 62345, 10489, 13, 73782, 44219, 315, 279, 2547, 753, 36908, 8335, 45510, 8624, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 264, 198, 19644, 31668, 28856, 36908, 2663, 89942, 12992, 304, 279, 8271, 315, 459, 1234, 77333, 291, 198, 9164, 13, 5234, 89942, 5990, 649, 5674, 7917, 304, 279, 8271, 430, 2585, 6975, 323, 198, 17717, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 43661, 2757, 11, 1935, 430, 1054, 2203, 4535, 9994, 2476, 10894, 1285, 8430, 14243, 26, 499, 198, 18864, 387, 16066, 8271, 5674, 13, 9220, 1023, 44315, 320, 68244, 7235, 6305, 8, 14614, 527, 198, 8723, 2041, 2391, 6212, 323, 18979, 422, 499, 527, 1234, 77333, 291, 13, 3861, 374, 3823, 6650, 198, 71, 494, 606, 477, 473, 45776, 11, 902, 8779, 311, 32593, 20438, 13, 68502, 315, 473, 45776, 14511, 988, 279, 30084, 198, 4734, 13, 578, 1023, 24629, 36908, 9124, 2391, 6212, 374, 29520, 533, 258, 11, 902, 198, 70, 2017, 4511, 279, 22852, 1887, 13, 362, 6996, 315, 29520, 533, 258, 649, 38974, 40368, 13, 75247, 198, 268, 1409, 323, 4725, 4954, 701, 6212, 12912, 1520, 311, 2567, 1521, 9200, 44315, 198, 59502, 10489, 13, 24708, 1101, 17482, 311, 70543, 819, 4907, 13, 6104, 33173, 11, 279, 2547, 11705, 3544, 198, 6173, 82, 315, 67656, 320, 21825, 437, 483, 2463, 764, 93473, 705, 264, 1579, 65487, 24549, 430, 1057, 7917, 198, 17483, 11, 1790, 1093, 264, 1841, 3966, 46595, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 19781, 323, 4250, 6212, 3403, 520, 198, 9471, 11, 1935, 264, 26944, 2345, 66372, 1314, 1306, 16163, 477, 994, 499, 636, 2162, 505, 990, 13, 18156, 1274, 5766, 308, 3713, 11, 1606, 814, 2733, 1093, 814, 527, 1054, 35214, 16053, 2029, 1442, 499, 198, 105516, 279, 4907, 5995, 311, 656, 279, 3465, 520, 1450, 11, 636, 1063, 2800, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 6965, 1752, 5933, 4907, 11, 2980, 433, 264, 1633, 1695, 1879, 13, 2650, 45955, 198, 269, 19781, 584, 2733, 374, 264, 1695, 4689, 21070, 315, 1268, 1664, 1057, 13162, 527, 31301, 13, 1442, 198, 9514, 527, 19781, 682, 279, 892, 11, 9020, 311, 701, 2547, 753, 16106, 369, 1520, 13, 9240, 287, 374, 3062, 11, 719, 198, 708, 374, 13126, 1268, 10173, 11, 21503, 14675, 11, 6996, 315, 10368, 323, 1023, 9547, 7958, 198, 22479, 8244, 4907, 5990, 13, 26417, 22711, 374, 3629, 264, 49648, 315, 8624, 2345, 47692, 345, 92109, 5848, 477, 2225, 13, 1666, 2890, 36050, 11, 36709, 5900, 3201, 13, 42062, 287, 11033, 323, 1023, 12936, 360, 1821, 311, 46794, 369, 36709, 41305, 288, 449, 198, 12393, 323, 26206, 13, 7570, 422, 499, 656, 734, 1664, 389, 1054, 39088, 6212, 863, 320, 438, 198, 55540, 7340, 49750, 705, 1317, 9860, 5674, 374, 2103, 1694, 69177, 11, 279, 30084, 198, 4734, 374, 1694, 49858, 323, 4762, 499, 527, 539, 32145, 701, 54767, 198, 93036, 13, 7429, 11, 387, 2771, 311, 22436, 701, 6212, 5497, 13, 6122, 311, 4950, 323, 15508, 709, 520, 198, 97836, 279, 1890, 892, 1855, 1938, 11, 1524, 389, 38102, 13, 578, 2547, 55064, 198, 23108, 488, 13, 13538, 2133, 311, 4950, 11, 5766, 49750, 11, 13200, 323, 904, 11217, 430, 1253, 198, 2295, 69, 486, 449 ]
not far away. I am right here, in every particle of your own being. If you thus fulll My will, you and I become more one, and I can fulll your will. OceanofPDF.comBackground: The Guide, Eva, and the Pathwork Foundation The Guide never identied himself by name. He maintained that his identity was not important, that no matter what he said, we would not be able to verify that identity anyway. All that we should be concerned with were his teachings. Even those we should not believe merely because they come from a spirit entity. We should consult our hearts, and only if we nd an echo inside that arms their truth should we accept his words. Eva Pierrakos was born in Vienna in 1915, daughter of the well- known novelist Jakob Wassermann. She grew up among the intellectual elite of Vienna; her rst husband was the son of another famous writer, Hermann Broch. A bright, outgoing young woman, Eva loved to dance and ski; she later became a dance instructor. The last thing she would have imagined was to be chosen to serve as an instrument for spiritual communication. Eva managed to leave Austria before the Nazi takeover. She received a United States visa and moved to New York. It was, however, in Switzerland, where she lived for a while, that her psychic talent began rst to manifest in the form of automatic writing. By meditating for long hours, changing her diet, and making the commitment to use her gift only for helping people— even taking the risk of losing her friends, who thought she was losing her wits—she eventually succeeded in becoming a pure channel so that a spirit entity of high wisdom like the Guide was able to manifest through her and oer us the gift of his teachings. When Eva moved back to the United States, a small group formed around her. She gave indiv idual “Guide sessions,” and twice amonth a lecture or a question-and-answer session. She was a dark-haired, small woman with luminous dark eyes and a dancer’s body. Usually sun-tanned, she was very healthy-looking, and had a wonderful capacity for enjoying herself. When John Pierrakos, a psychiatrist working in the Reiehian tradition, and co- founder of bioenergetics, met her, both his work and Eva’s became enriched. Their marriage, in addition to bringing personal happiness, helped John to transform his practice of bioenergetics into core energetics by incorporating into it the Guide’s teachings. In turn, the introduction of the energetic element into the practice of the Pathwork process contributed to its eectiveness. More and more people were drawn to the teachings of the Guide, and a home for the Pathwork was found in one of the secluded valleys in the Catskills, where deep transformation work can be done in the beauty and stillness of nature. In 1972, the Pathwork was incorporated as a not-for-prot educational foundation. Eva died in 1979, leaving us a rich heritage of channeled material. In addition to the 258 lectures delineating the Pathwork, there are hundreds of recorded question-and-answer sessions and private consultations with the Guide. By now tens of thousands have read the lectures—they are available individually—and thousands of people have been following this path, though the Pathwork has not sought wide publicity. There are a number of very active Pathwork Centers in North and South America and Europe, and a network of many groups which study and work with the Guide lectures around the globe. We welcome the opportunity to support you in connecting with others who are interested in exploring this material further. For more information please contact the following regional centers: California & Southwest: Pathwork of California, Inc. 1355 Stratford Court #16 Del Mar, California 92014 (619) 793-1246 Fax (619) 259-5224 Path to the Real Self/Pathwork Box 3753 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501-0753 (505) 455-2533 Central: Pathwork of Iowa 24 Highland Drive Iowa City, Iowa 52246 (319) 338-9878 Great Lakes Region: Great Lakes Pathwork 1117 Fernwood Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 (810) 585-3984 Mid-Atlantic: Sevenoaks Pathwork Center Route 1, Box 86 Madison, Virginia 22727 (540) 948-6544 Fax (703) 948-5508 New York, New Jersey, New England: Phoenicia Pathwork Center Box 66 Phoenicia, New York 12464 (914) 688-2211 Fax (914) 688-2007 Northwest: Northwest Pathwork/Core Energetics 811 NW 20th, Suite 103C Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 223-0018 Philadelphia: Philadelphia Pathwork 910 S. Bellevue Avenue Hulmeville, Pennsylvania 19407 (215) 752-9894 Southeast: Pathwork of Georgia 1765 Blue Pond Drive Canton, Georgia 30115 (770) 889-8790 Brazil: Aidda Pustilnik Rua da Graviola #264, Apt. 1003 41810-420 Itaigara, Salvador, Brasil Ph. 71-247-0068 Fax 71-245-3089 Canada: Ottawa/Montreal Pathwork Roddy Duchesne 604-222 Guigues Ave. Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5J2 Canada Ph. (613) 241-4982 Germany: Pfadgruppe Kiel Rendsburger Landstrasse 395 24111 Kiel, Germany Alf Girtler Ph. 0431-69-74-73 Paul Czempin Ph. 0431-66-58-07 Italy: Il Sentiero Raaele Iandolo Campodivivo, 43. 04020 Spigno Saturnia (LT) Italy Ph. (39) 771-64463 Fax 39-771-64693 Luxembourg: Pathwork Luxembourg Maria van Eyken 21 rue de Capellen L-8279 Holzem, Luxembourg Ph. 0/352-38515 Mexico: Andres Leites Pino 1, Col Rancho Cortes Cuernavaca, Mor 62130 Mexico Ph. 73-131395 Fax 73-113592The Netherlands: Padwerk Johan Kos Boerhaavelaan 9 1401 VR Bussum, Holland Ph/Fax 02159-35222 Argentina: Claudia Boatti Editorial Primera Linea S.R.I. Ballarco 353 1-B Buenos Aires, Argentina 54-1-3422296 Fax 54-1-3433344 OceanofPDF.comList of Pathwork Lectures * 1. The Sea of Life 2. Decisions and Tests 3. Choosing Your Destiny 4. World Weariness 5. Happiness as a Link in the Chain of Life 6. God as Father-Image—Negative Attachment to Matter 7. Asking for Help and Helping Others 8. Mediumship 9. The Lord’s Prayer 10. Male and Female Incarnations: Their Rhythms and Causes 11. Know Yourself 12. The Order and Diversity of the Spiritual Worlds—The Process of Reincarnation 13. Positive Thinking 14. The Higher Self, the Lower Self, and the Mask 15. Inuence Between the Spiritual and the Material Worlds 16. Spiritual Nourishment 17. The Call 18. Free Will 19. Jesus Christ 20. The Communication of Spiritual Truth to Humanity—God and the Creation21. The Fall 22. Salvation 25. Fundamentals of the Pathwork—Purication Through Self- Knowledge 26. Finding One’s Faults 27. Escape Also Possible on the Path 28. Communication with God—Daily Review 29. Activity and Passivity—Finding God’s Will Through the Right Use of Inner and Outer Will 30. Selfwill, Pride, and Fear 31. Shame 32. Decision-Making 33. Occupation with Self 34. Preparation for Reincarnation 35. Turning to God 36. Prayer 37. Acceptance—Dignity in Humility 38. Images: Erroneous Assumptions About Life and Self 39. Image-Finding 40. More on Images 41. Images: The Damage They Do 42. Objectivity and Subjectivity 43. Three Basic Personality Types: Reason, Will, Emotion 44. The Forces of Love, Eros, and Sex 45. Conscious and Unconscious Desires 46. Authority 47. The Wall Within 48. The Life Force 49. Guilt: Justied and Unjustied—Obstacles on the Path50. The Great Vicious Circle of Immature Love 51. Independent Opinions 52. The God-Image 53. Self-Love 55. Three Cosmic Principles: The
[ 539, 3117, 3201, 662, 358, 1097, 1314, 1618, 11, 304, 1475, 19320, 315, 701, 1866, 1694, 662, 1442, 499, 8617, 5716, 188, 657, 3092, 690, 1174, 720, 9514, 323, 358, 3719, 810, 832, 1174, 720, 438, 358, 649, 5716, 188, 657, 701, 690, 662, 22302, 1073, 24317, 916, 8879, 25, 578, 13002, 11, 55492, 11, 323, 279, 198, 1858, 1816, 5114, 198, 791, 13002, 2646, 3608, 72, 188, 291, 5678, 555, 836, 13, 1283, 18908, 430, 198, 26301, 9764, 574, 539, 3062, 11, 430, 912, 5030, 1148, 568, 1071, 11, 584, 198, 41450, 539, 387, 3025, 311, 10356, 430, 9764, 13971, 13, 2052, 430, 584, 1288, 198, 1395, 11920, 449, 1051, 813, 45572, 13, 7570, 1884, 584, 1288, 539, 198, 9978, 19704, 16632, 1606, 814, 2586, 505, 264, 9090, 5502, 13, 1226, 1288, 198, 49512, 1057, 23492, 11, 323, 1193, 422, 584, 220, 188, 303, 459, 1722, 4871, 430, 264, 188, 91969, 198, 50828, 8206, 1288, 584, 4287, 813, 4339, 13, 55492, 21286, 618, 587, 437, 574, 9405, 304, 47387, 304, 220, 7529, 20, 11, 10003, 315, 279, 1664, 7058, 5391, 81747, 35934, 677, 75619, 92550, 13, 3005, 14264, 709, 4315, 279, 198, 80643, 59517, 21342, 315, 47387, 26, 1077, 220, 188, 59125, 10177, 574, 279, 4538, 315, 2500, 198, 69, 23333, 7061, 11, 32565, 1036, 6031, 331, 13, 362, 10107, 11, 37798, 3995, 5333, 345, 36, 6723, 10456, 311, 15612, 323, 29779, 26, 1364, 3010, 6244, 264, 15612, 33315, 13, 578, 198, 4354, 3245, 1364, 1053, 617, 35706, 574, 311, 387, 12146, 311, 8854, 439, 459, 198, 67468, 369, 18330, 10758, 13, 55492, 9152, 311, 5387, 35998, 1603, 279, 32527, 64310, 13, 3005, 198, 42923, 264, 3723, 4273, 27753, 323, 7882, 311, 1561, 4356, 13, 1102, 574, 345, 98936, 11, 304, 30221, 11, 1405, 1364, 12439, 369, 264, 1418, 1174, 430, 1077, 198, 92109, 292, 11005, 6137, 220, 188, 59125, 311, 14794, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 17392, 198, 26372, 13, 3296, 1812, 50644, 369, 1317, 4207, 11, 10223, 1077, 10173, 11, 323, 198, 28936, 279, 15507, 311, 1005, 1077, 8352, 1193, 369, 10695, 1274, 2345, 198, 17206, 4737, 279, 5326, 315, 13490, 1077, 4885, 11, 889, 3463, 1364, 574, 198, 18310, 1077, 289, 1220, 2345, 32158, 9778, 26399, 304, 10671, 264, 10748, 198, 10327, 779, 430, 264, 9090, 5502, 315, 1579, 24278, 1093, 279, 13002, 574, 198, 481, 311, 14794, 1555, 1077, 323, 297, 188, 261, 603, 279, 8352, 315, 813, 45572, 13, 3277, 55492, 7882, 1203, 311, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 264, 2678, 1912, 220, 14454, 198, 20019, 1077, 13, 3005, 6688, 3687, 887, 940, 1054, 42110, 16079, 2476, 323, 11157, 1097, 6167, 264, 31678, 477, 264, 3488, 9976, 96877, 3882, 13, 3005, 574, 264, 6453, 68479, 11, 2678, 5333, 449, 46058, 788, 6453, 6548, 323, 198, 64, 64682, 753, 2547, 13, 34067, 7160, 2442, 7443, 11, 1364, 574, 1633, 9498, 31348, 345, 438, 1047, 264, 11364, 8824, 369, 22128, 11937, 13, 3277, 3842, 198, 35867, 618, 587, 437, 11, 264, 73969, 3318, 304, 279, 1050, 648, 71, 1122, 14135, 11, 323, 1080, 7058, 15456, 261, 315, 17332, 804, 456, 1233, 11, 2322, 1077, 11, 2225, 813, 990, 323, 55492, 753, 6244, 198, 268, 14172, 291, 13, 11205, 11103, 11, 304, 5369, 311, 12967, 4443, 198, 71, 67391, 11, 9087, 3842, 311, 5276, 813, 6725, 315, 17332, 804, 456, 1233, 198, 18614, 6332, 38556, 456, 1233, 555, 52913, 1139, 433, 279, 13002, 753, 45572, 13, 763, 2543, 11, 279, 17219, 315, 279, 45955, 2449, 1139, 279, 6725, 198, 1073, 279, 8092, 1816, 1920, 20162, 311, 1202, 384, 188, 440, 13071, 13, 4497, 323, 810, 1274, 1051, 15107, 311, 279, 45572, 315, 279, 13002, 345, 438, 264, 2162, 369, 279, 8092, 1816, 574, 1766, 304, 832, 315, 279, 89115, 198, 838, 48779, 304, 279, 51849, 62025, 11, 1405, 5655, 18475, 990, 649, 387, 198, 10655, 304, 279, 13444, 323, 2103, 2136, 315, 7138, 13, 763, 220, 4468, 17, 11, 279, 8092, 1816, 198, 16514, 32762, 439, 264, 539, 15548, 10039, 188, 83, 16627, 16665, 13, 55492, 8636, 304, 220, 4468, 24, 11, 9564, 220, 603, 264, 9257, 28948, 315, 523, 20991, 839, 198, 8407, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 279, 220, 15966, 46232, 91784, 1113, 279, 8092, 1816, 345, 19041, 527, 11758, 315, 12715, 3488, 9976, 96877, 16079, 323, 198, 2039, 75537, 449, 279, 13002, 13, 3296, 1457, 22781, 315, 9214, 220, 617, 1373, 279, 46232, 71201, 527, 198, 10547, 32399, 17223, 220, 9214, 315, 1274, 617, 1027, 198, 44018, 420, 1853, 11, 3582, 279, 8092, 1816, 706, 539, 16495, 7029, 198, 898, 488, 13, 2684, 527, 264, 1396, 315, 1633, 4642, 8092, 1816, 41991, 304, 198, 26287, 323, 4987, 5270, 323, 4606, 11, 323, 264, 4009, 315, 1690, 198, 17171, 902, 4007, 323, 990, 449, 279, 13002, 46232, 2212, 279, 198, 70, 64097, 13, 1226, 10788, 279, 6776, 311, 1862, 499, 304, 21583, 449, 198, 59961, 889, 527, 8173, 304, 24919, 420, 3769, 4726, 13, 1789, 198, 6518, 2038, 4587, 3729, 279, 2768, 15481, 19169, 512, 46510, 612, 46785, 25, 2355, 1858, 1816, 315, 7188, 11, 4953, 13, 2355, 8878, 20, 54035, 8350, 7301, 674, 845, 220, 7462, 2947, 11, 7188, 220, 18485, 975, 320, 23388, 8, 220, 24531, 12, 8874, 21, 2355, 61409, 320, 23388, 8, 220, 15537, 12, 20936, 19, 198, 1858, 311, 279, 8976, 10323, 14, 1858, 1816, 2355, 1642, 220, 12935, 18, 2355, 64248, 3926, 11, 1561, 12550, 220, 17419, 1721, 12, 22679, 18, 2355, 7, 17786, 8, 220, 20325, 12, 14022, 18, 198, 44503, 25, 2355, 1858, 1816, 315, 21357, 2355, 1187, 65187, 16542, 2355, 40, 13780, 4409, 11, 21357, 220, 20936, 2790, 2355, 7, 16874, 8, 220, 18633, 12, 22207, 23, 198, 22111, 42679, 17593, 25, 2355, 22111, 42679, 8092, 1816, 2355, 5037, 22, 27077, 6798, 2355, 74872, 18787, 11, 14972, 220, 11738, 3080, 2355, 7, 19232, 8, 220, 21535, 12, 19838, 19, 198, 34748, 12, 78625, 25, 2355, 60628, 78, 10011, 8092, 1816, 5955, 2355, 5004, 220, 16, 11, 8425, 220, 4218, 2355, 38136, 3416, 11, 13286, 220, 14206, 1544, 2355, 7, 17048, 8, 220, 26979, 12, 21969, 19, 2355, 61409, 320, 20436, 8, 220, 26979, 12, 13506, 23, 198, 3648, 4356, 11, 1561, 16228, 11, 1561, 9635, 25, 2355, 3438, 16355, 24985, 8092, 1816, 5955, 2355, 1642, 220, 2287, 2355, 3438, 16355, 24985, 11, 1561, 4356, 220, 8874, 1227, 220, 320, 24579, 8, 220, 23292, 12, 12425, 16, 2355, 61409, 320, 24579, 8, 220, 23292, 12, 1049, 22, 198, 26287, 11285, 25, 2355, 26287, 11285, 8092, 1816, 55264, 469, 1215, 456, 1233, 198, 22588, 42174, 220, 508, 339, 11, 21652, 220, 6889, 34, 2355, 96088, 11, 19313, 220, 24425, 2545, 2355, 7, 17735, 8, 220, 12533, 12, 4119, 23, 198, 90524, 25, 2355, 90524, 8092, 1816, 2355, 21056, 328, 13, 86705, 361, 17569, 2355, 39, 360, 2727, 8078, 11, 20355, 220, 6393, 2589, 2355, 7, 12112, 8, 220, 23644, 12, 25350, 19, 198, 58532, 15102, 25, 2355, 1858, 1816, 315, 16272, 198, 10967, 20, 8868, 71965, 16542, 2355, 34, 32054, 11, 16272, 220, 12405, 868, 2355, 7, 20772, 8, 220, 25354, 12, 25622, 15, 198, 68299, 25, 2355, 32, 1810, 64, 393, 125853, 22212, 2355, 66381, 3067, 2895, 6321, 8083, 674, 12815, 11, 98087, 13, 220, 1041, 18, 2355, 19770, 605, 12, 12819, 1102, 64, 343, 5169, 11, 49459, 11, 43025, 2355, 3438, 13, 220, 6028, 12, 14125, 12, 11030, 23, 2355, 61409, 220, 6028, 12, 13078, 12, 14498, 24, 198, 37031, 25, 2355, 46, 5683, 14406, 10482, 546, 8110, 8092, 1816, 2355, 60207, 10470, 61122, 288, 818, 2355, 20354, 12, 9716, 4673, 343, 1157, 21998, 13, 220, 33266, 11, 21193, 735, 16, 45, 220, 20, 41, 17, 7008, 2355, 3438, 13, 320, 22922, 8, 220, 13341, 12, 21962, 17, 198, 51270, 25, 2355, 47, 84159, 911, 59598, 735, 13327, 2355, 49, 1438, 63552, 11680, 496, 13559, 220, 19498, 2355, 13341, 806, 735, 13327, 11, 10057, 2355, 2149, 69, 480, 2154, 1565, 2405, 13, 220, 17776, 16, 12, 3076, 12, 5728, 12, 5958, 2355, 26368, 123203, 3342, 258, 2405, 13, 220, 17776, 16, 12, 2287, 12, 2970, 12, 2589, 198, 71603, 25, 720, 12319, 24248, 44688, 2355, 56635, 188, 6043, 273, 358, 438, 10216, 2355, 34955, 347, 344, 6632, 11, 220, 3391, 13, 220, 12505, 508, 3165, 625, 78, 2355, 35982, 399, 689, 320, 28504, 8, 15704, 2355, 3438, 13, 320, 2137, 8, 220, 24876, 12, 21975, 5495, 2355, 61409, 220, 2137, 12, 24876, 12, 22642, 6365, 198, 78379, 56118, 25, 2355, 1858, 1816, 65971, 2355, 69656, 5355, 44511, 2779, 2355, 1691, 56949, 409, 8171, 16046, 2355, 43, 12, 24920, 24, 16071, 95233, 11, 65971, 2355, 3438, 13, 220, 15, 14, 16482, 12, 18695, 868, 198, 69931, 25, 2355, 3112, 417, 2009, 3695, 2355, 47, 3394, 220, 16, 11, 4349, 39431, 971, 36775, 288, 2355, 45919, 944, 402, 17544, 11, 8613, 220, 22488, 966, 12550, 2355, 3438, 13, 220, 5958, 12, 9263, 19498, 2355, 61409, 220, 5958, 12, 8190, 20128, 791, 26746, 25, 2355, 14047, 59964, 2355, 41, 57572, 38208, 2355, 1255, 261, 4317, 3963, 42802, 220, 24, 2355, 6860, 16, 19718, 19111, 1264, 11, 38915, 2355, 3438, 12598, 710, 220, 11592, 2946, 12, 16482, 1313, 198, 96517, 25, 2355, 65217, 664, 689, 2577, 32055, 2355, 9597, 532, 36283, 2473, 7228, 64, 2355, 50, 2056, 2506, 13, 13131, 277, 1030, 220, 17228, 220, 16, 7826, 2355, 33, 10529, 437, 65717, 11, 32164, 2355, 4370, 12, 16, 12, 17590, 14378, 21, 2355, 61409, 220, 4370, 12, 16, 12, 16522, 17153, 19, 198, 97283, 1073, 24317, 916, 861, 315, 8092, 1816, 42043, 1439, 1235, 16, 13, 578, 15379, 315, 9601, 198, 17, 13, 3799, 6948, 323, 20756, 198, 18, 13, 77351, 4718, 51497, 198, 19, 13, 4435, 42162, 1918, 198, 20, 13, 79244, 439, 264, 6074, 304, 279, 29625, 315, 9601, 198, 21, 13, 4359, 439, 20941, 12, 1945, 2345, 39589, 56848, 311, 34464, 198, 22, 13, 96249, 369, 11736, 323, 91801, 26080, 198, 23, 13, 25352, 5383, 198, 24, 13, 578, 10425, 753, 56060, 198, 605, 13, 19960, 323, 29738, 4953, 1923, 811, 25, 11205, 432, 23394, 1026, 323, 74105, 198, 806, 13, 14521, 60005, 198, 717, 13, 578, 7365, 323, 66071, 315, 279, 63849, 52947, 2345, 791, 8773, 315, 198, 697, 2910, 55149, 198, 1032, 13, 45003, 53389, 198, 975, 13, 578, 35321, 10323, 11, 279, 28636, 10323, 11, 323, 279, 20519, 198, 868, 13, 763, 188, 84, 768, 28232, 279, 63849, 323, 279, 10441, 52947, 198, 845, 13, 63849, 452, 414, 16409, 198, 1114, 13, 578, 7290, 198, 972, 13, 3658, 4946, 198, 777, 13, 10811, 3771, 198, 508, 13, 578, 31966, 315, 63849, 30198, 311, 83695, 2345, 28622, 323, 198, 1820, 35386, 1691, 13, 578, 15128, 198, 1313, 13, 86785, 198, 914, 13, 13492, 78114, 315, 279, 8092, 1816, 2345, 47, 6198, 188, 65982, 17331, 10323, 7058, 81434, 198, 1627, 13, 43897, 3861, 753, 60249, 82, 198, 1544, 13, 46743, 7429, 37207, 389, 279, 8092, 198, 1591, 13, 31966, 449, 4359, 2345, 44653, 10506, 198, 1682, 13, 15330, 323, 10175, 1968, 2345, 52522, 4359, 753, 4946, 17331, 279, 10291, 198, 10464, 315, 37456, 323, 56297, 4946, 198, 966, 13, 10323, 14724, 11, 43246, 11, 323, 43067, 198, 2148, 13, 88635, 198, 843, 13, 41525, 5364, 1802, 198, 1644, 13, 99452, 449, 10323, 198, 1958, 13, 74435, 369, 1050, 2910, 55149, 198, 1758, 13, 72633, 311, 4359, 198, 1927, 13, 56060, 198, 1806, 13, 21496, 685, 2345, 35, 625, 488, 304, 20449, 1429, 198, 1987, 13, 12041, 25, 15863, 606, 788, 2755, 372, 1324, 10180, 9601, 323, 10323, 198, 2137, 13, 4758, 7424, 4049, 198, 1272, 13, 4497, 389, 12041, 198, 3174, 13, 12041, 25, 578, 21428, 2435, 3234, 198, 2983, 13, 3075, 1968, 323, 17908, 1968, 198, 3391, 13, 14853, 14967, 65915, 21431, 25, 27857, 11, 4946, 11, 5867, 6082, 198, 2096, 13, 578, 30500, 315, 10919, 11, 469, 3714, 11, 323, 6834, 198, 1774, 13, 92752, 323, 1252, 64589, 3959, 3946, 198, 2790, 13, 22677, 198, 2618, 13, 578, 9935, 25218, 198, 2166, 13, 578, 9601, 11994, 198, 2491, 13, 4673, 3036, 25, 4702, 72, 188, 291, 323, 1252, 4345, 72, 188, 291, 2345, 4213, 75079, 389, 279, 8092, 1135, 13, 578, 8681, 650, 9824, 21918, 315, 15695, 1598, 10919, 198, 3971, 13, 22765, 10901, 84996, 198, 4103, 13, 578, 4359, 12, 1945, 198, 4331, 13, 10323, 8288, 1009, 198, 2131, 13, 14853, 95789, 58014, 25, 578 ]
 agree  on this point, for a doctor once  said in my presence  that he left college with sixty remedies  for every disease, and found in  the first  ten years of his practice that he had  sixty or more  serious  diseases to match his drugs, but no cures. It was this man  who also said  he found people who had  no treatment  lived the longest  and  suffered  the least, the inference  to be drawn being that most  people died  of the  doctor and not of the disease. This worthy physician  was a very candid  man. But he would not have needed to make this admission  had  he  employed  urine‐therapy  instead of his sixty drugs. The advantage  of  urine‐therapy  is its extreme simplicity  as anyone can see without the  telling. It is not a specific for any given disease, it is a specific for health. It is also a prophylaxis  against a number of annoying "trifles" which  are 125   not the less  annoying on that account. I do not exaggerate  when I say  that some thousands  of peole in Europe and America  now know from  experience  that there  is nothing to equal  urine, especially  old urine, for  chapped  hands, blisters, stings, sores, protection  against "barber's  rash," woolsorters'  diseases, perspiring  feet, the loss of hair, dandruff,   and  various other  unpleasant  afflictions. Gargling with  fresh  urine both  prevents and  cures "clergyman's  throat," whilst  to drink autogenous   urine freely  every day acts  as a preventive  against  impeded flow of  urine. It also facilitates  evacuation. And this  priceless remedy  costs  absolutely  nothing, except at first a little self‐discipline  in the  overcoming  of what seems to be an "unpleasant"  idea. Those who read that widely known  book Mother India may  remember   some passages therein  devoted to the "filthy habits" of the  native  peoples. Among the health "superstitions"  its authoress  pointed  out,  was the belief that the waters of one part of a famous  river in North  Middle India possesses  healing properties. People bathed in and  drank  its waters. Wondering  whether there could be something  more  than  faith in the cures effected,  she had  samples of the water analysed by  European  analysts. The healing liquid proved to be nothing more  than a  weak solution of urine and aqua pura. And with this startling denouement  I will end this chapter. 126   CHAPTER  XXI. CONCLUDING  REFLECTIONS. It seems unnecessary  to increase the volume of this book. If the  successful  treatment  of very many thousands  of cases of a large variety  of diseases, including a liberal  percentage  of so‐called  incurable  ones,  does not prove  se efficacy of urine‐therapy,  then nothing else can. Moreover,  as we have seen, many of the patients had previously  tried  other  methods,  both orthodox  and unorthodox,  without  success. This is  not to say that the therapy  can without  exception  cure  every patient of  every diseased  condition. Severe arthritic conditions  have proved very  difficult to cure, whilst  diabetic conditions  have in many cases not  yielded to the treatment  at all. On the other  hand, which  may  seem  strange,  growths, and  tumours  said to be cancerous,  as also cataracts,   have yielded quickly. As for those patients who might have been saved  by urine‐therapy  they  probably run into larg: figures. These are chiefly  cases I had to decline to help, not because I regarded them as hopeless  in themselves,  but because I feared the interference  of well‐meaning  but timid relatives at a vital moment when such interference  might well  have proved fatal, and they  and I should have then, been faced with an  inquest. In short  I was taking no chances, for only qualified doctors can  do this without risk to themselves. In other  words, doctors are allowed  to experiment  on their patients either with drugs or with the knife, and  if the patients die, so much the worse for their relatives, whilst the  doctor is credited with having done his best  with a hopeless  case. One  may  perhaps argue  that a layman who has found an efficacious  cure  for 127   diseases should qualify himself  to be an orthodox doctor, at least in  name if not in fact. But how can a man  with any pretentions  to  uprightness  bring himself  to study a system of medicine in which  he  does not believe, and which  he regards as a menace  to his health. And  for what. Merely that he should be able to diagnose a given number  of  diseases and  call them by polysyllabic  names. And supposing,  as with  urine‐therapy,  the name of the disease has nothing to do with the  selection  of the treatment. What then. Indeed,  the necessity for a  correct diagnosis  before a line of treatment  can be decided upon, is one  of the drawbacks  and limitations  of allopathy. For example, if a woman  has a growth  in her breast, the first thing a doctor wants  to determine  is whether it is malignant  or "benign. " But with urine‐therapy such  a  question  is not of the least importance,  since, as we have witnessed,   the treatment  for all diseases is virtually the same procedure,  seeing  that in the patient lies the "magic fluid" to cure  his or her ills, and  the  only prerequisite  is to refrain from food  (like 
[ 4194, 69200, 4194, 389, 4194, 576, 4194, 2837, 11, 4194, 2000, 4194, 64, 4194, 38083, 4194, 13486, 4194, 1071, 115235, 4194, 2465, 4194, 74519, 52050, 9210, 4194, 383, 4194, 2414, 4194, 68534, 4194, 4291, 4194, 51464, 1919, 4194, 1864, 291, 552, 220, 4194, 2000, 4194, 30115, 108839, 56407, 11, 4194, 438, 4194, 15456, 115235, 52050, 1820, 4194, 3983, 4194, 5899, 4194, 42820, 4194, 1073, 4194, 26301, 4194, 60621, 4194, 9210, 4194, 383, 4194, 32345, 4194, 53474, 4194, 269, 4194, 6518, 4194, 6129, 52050, 67, 1082, 2315, 4194, 998, 4194, 6481, 4194, 26301, 4194, 3696, 13602, 11, 4194, 8248, 4194, 2201, 117155, 1439, 13, 1102, 4194, 16514, 4194, 576, 4194, 1543, 4194, 889, 4194, 19171, 4194, 84359, 52050, 383, 4194, 15456, 4194, 16455, 4194, 14965, 4194, 32345, 4194, 912, 108135, 35320, 220, 4194, 75, 2270, 4194, 1820, 4194, 4930, 478, 4194, 323, 4194, 16654, 52050, 1820, 4194, 56371, 11, 4194, 1820, 115235, 2251, 220, 4194, 998, 4194, 1395, 4194, 7788, 77, 4194, 35214, 4194, 9210, 4194, 3646, 4194, 1274, 108839, 1142, 4194, 315, 4194, 1820, 52050, 38083, 4194, 438, 4194, 1962, 4194, 1073, 4194, 1820, 108839, 56407, 13, 1115, 4194, 43629, 4194, 42305, 12734, 4194, 574, 4194, 64, 4194, 1225, 117155, 4654, 52050, 1543, 13, 2030, 4194, 383, 4194, 41450, 4194, 1962, 4194, 19553, 4194, 41917, 4194, 998, 4194, 7072, 4194, 576, 4194, 329, 2796, 220, 4194, 32345, 4194, 568, 52050, 36242, 220, 4194, 324, 483, 31021, 46755, 4194, 4619, 4194, 1073, 4194, 26301, 4194, 51464, 1919, 4194, 3696, 13602, 13, 578, 4194, 14625, 25843, 4194, 315, 52050, 324, 483, 31021, 46755, 4194, 374, 4194, 1220, 4194, 428, 9831, 4194, 21514, 25814, 220, 4194, 300, 4194, 3852, 606, 4194, 4919, 4194, 4151, 4194, 30096, 4194, 1820, 52050, 83, 6427, 13, 1102, 4194, 285, 4194, 1962, 4194, 64, 4194, 52340, 4194, 2000, 4194, 3852, 4194, 43068, 108839, 56407, 11, 4194, 275, 4194, 285, 4194, 64, 4194, 52340, 4194, 2000, 4194, 12393, 13, 1102, 4194, 285, 4194, 19171, 4194, 64, 4194, 782, 110231, 7332, 220, 4194, 69849, 4194, 64, 4194, 4174, 4194, 1073, 4194, 1036, 2303, 287, 4194, 1, 376, 333, 645, 1, 4194, 8370, 4194, 527, 4194, 6549, 52050, 4194, 1962, 4194, 1820, 4194, 1752, 4194, 30931, 4194, 263, 4194, 9210, 4194, 4711, 13, 358, 4194, 3055, 4194, 1962, 4194, 327, 10322, 349, 4194, 994, 4194, 40, 4194, 37890, 52050, 9210, 4194, 15031, 4194, 339, 40137, 220, 4194, 1073, 4194, 375, 1286, 115235, 4194, 31880, 4194, 438, 4194, 32132, 4194, 1457, 4194, 33134, 4194, 1527, 52050, 50659, 220, 4194, 9210, 4194, 19041, 4194, 374, 4194, 42312, 4194, 998, 4194, 26880, 4194, 40335, 11, 4194, 36046, 220, 4194, 820, 4194, 324, 483, 11, 4194, 2000, 52050, 331, 5795, 4194, 6206, 11, 115648, 1638, 388, 11, 4194, 267, 826, 11, 4194, 708, 417, 11, 4194, 782, 40241, 220, 4194, 69849, 4194, 1, 2308, 655, 596, 52050, 81, 1003, 1359, 4194, 1146, 3145, 371, 388, 6, 220, 108839, 1082, 2315, 11, 4194, 32390, 79863, 220, 4194, 1897, 295, 11, 4194, 1820, 4194, 9563, 4194, 1073, 4194, 51729, 11, 108839, 74976, 1386, 11, 106050, 438, 4194, 5370, 4194, 1605, 4194, 47989, 220, 4194, 2715, 21937, 919, 13, 480, 867, 2785, 4194, 4291, 4194, 7878, 4194, 40335, 4194, 21704, 52050, 1762, 48764, 4194, 438, 4194, 272, 1439, 4194, 1, 566, 43043, 1543, 596, 220, 4194, 87164, 1359, 4194, 1336, 19839, 4194, 311, 4194, 98427, 4194, 2784, 53595, 106050, 324, 483, 4194, 25746, 989, 4194, 1475, 4194, 1316, 4194, 11613, 4194, 439, 4194, 64, 4194, 93755, 535, 4194, 2403, 4194, 3242, 31035, 4194, 5072, 4194, 1073, 52050, 324, 483, 13, 1102, 4194, 19171, 4194, 22974, 3748, 988, 220, 4194, 5230, 582, 4090, 13, 1628, 4194, 576, 4194, 92044, 4194, 1864, 9497, 4194, 7194, 52050, 3518, 9887, 220, 4194, 42312, 11, 4194, 11945, 4194, 266, 4194, 3983, 4194, 64, 4194, 56492, 4194, 726, 31021, 17242, 48529, 220, 115235, 4194, 1820, 52050, 2017, 5065, 220, 4194, 1073, 4194, 12840, 4194, 325, 12116, 4194, 998, 4194, 1395, 4194, 276, 4194, 1, 359, 45007, 1, 220, 4194, 42877, 13, 13266, 4194, 14965, 4194, 888, 4194, 9210, 4194, 44715, 989, 4194, 5391, 4194, 2363, 4194, 59978, 4194, 34648, 4194, 18864, 4194, 6227, 106050, 15031, 4194, 6519, 1154, 4194, 19041, 258, 4194, 29329, 4194, 998, 4194, 1820, 4194, 1, 12723, 27520, 4194, 10796, 1220, 1, 4194, 1073, 4194, 1820, 4194, 10068, 52050, 375, 27522, 13, 22395, 4194, 1820, 4194, 12393, 4194, 1, 9712, 267, 6055, 1, 220, 4194, 1220, 4194, 3322, 78, 676, 220, 4194, 2837, 291, 4194, 704, 11, 52050, 16514, 4194, 1820, 4194, 60876, 4194, 9210, 4194, 1820, 4194, 99759, 4194, 1073, 4194, 606, 4194, 4581, 4194, 1073, 4194, 64, 4194, 69, 23333, 4194, 15140, 115235, 4194, 26287, 52050, 45035, 4194, 34648, 4194, 9007, 65970, 4194, 21730, 4194, 13495, 13, 9029, 115648, 70737, 115235, 4194, 438, 4194, 54244, 52050, 1220, 4194, 99759, 13, 27205, 287, 220, 4194, 49864, 4194, 19041, 4194, 29177, 4194, 1395, 4194, 34431, 220, 4194, 6518, 4194, 1109, 52050, 75710, 115235, 4194, 1820, 117155, 1439, 4194, 6581, 1599, 11, 4194, 1364, 4194, 32345, 4194, 10688, 4194, 1073, 4194, 1820, 4194, 13284, 4194, 49921, 1065, 291, 4194, 1729, 52050, 64469, 220, 4194, 49921, 99335, 13, 578, 4194, 383, 6260, 4194, 54737, 4194, 96608, 4194, 998, 4194, 1395, 4194, 42312, 4194, 6518, 4194, 1109, 4194, 64, 52050, 13451, 4194, 50560, 4194, 1073, 4194, 324, 483, 4194, 438, 4194, 64, 44932, 102988, 5808, 13, 1628, 4194, 4291, 4194, 576, 4194, 2527, 2785, 4194, 5294, 283, 1133, 4194, 358, 4194, 14724, 4194, 408, 4194, 576, 4194, 41326, 13, 220, 9390, 52050, 4194, 88539, 4194, 30388, 40, 13, 3501, 10972, 220, 4194, 6124, 29117, 50, 13, 1102, 4194, 325, 12116, 4194, 15278, 20726, 4194, 311, 4194, 79601, 4194, 1820, 4194, 26116, 4194, 1073, 4194, 576, 4194, 2239, 13, 1442, 4194, 1820, 52050, 32050, 220, 108135, 35320, 220, 4194, 1073, 4194, 1225, 4194, 35676, 4194, 339, 40137, 220, 4194, 1073, 4194, 24857, 4194, 1073, 4194, 64, 4194, 17185, 4194, 30265, 2676, 52050, 1073, 108839, 1082, 2315, 11, 4194, 16564, 4194, 64, 4194, 2808, 3333, 4194, 11668, 220, 4194, 1073, 4194, 708, 31021, 44982, 4194, 62622, 481, 220, 4194, 3233, 11, 52050, 28156, 4194, 1962, 4194, 35563, 4194, 513, 4194, 6581, 292, 2826, 4194, 1073, 4194, 324, 483, 31021, 46755, 11, 4194, 1243, 4194, 42312, 4194, 1531, 4194, 4919, 13, 23674, 11, 4194, 439, 4194, 906, 4194, 19553, 4194, 29412, 11, 4194, 35676, 4194, 1073, 4194, 1820, 4194, 81437, 4194, 32345, 4194, 1762, 18785, 220, 4194, 376, 1142, 52050, 1605, 4194, 5528, 11, 220, 4194, 21704, 4194, 2419, 31162, 220, 4194, 438, 4194, 359, 2419, 31162, 11, 220, 4194, 30096, 4194, 2450, 13, 1115, 4194, 285, 52050, 1962, 4194, 998, 4194, 37890, 4194, 9210, 4194, 1820, 4194, 46755, 4194, 649, 4194, 30096, 4194, 4788, 4194, 27208, 4194, 1475, 4194, 23557, 4194, 1073, 52050, 30115, 108839, 1082, 1503, 4194, 3044, 13, 1369, 19846, 4194, 47601, 50308, 4194, 16902, 220, 4194, 19553, 4194, 96608, 4194, 1225, 52050, 13798, 3951, 4194, 998, 117155, 554, 11, 4194, 1336, 19839, 4194, 71975, 4194, 16902, 220, 4194, 19553, 115235, 4194, 35676, 4194, 24857, 4194, 1962, 52050, 30796, 291, 4194, 998, 4194, 1820, 108135, 35320, 220, 4194, 266, 4194, 543, 13, 1952, 4194, 1820, 4194, 1605, 4194, 1450, 11, 4194, 8370, 4194, 1253, 4194, 2873, 52050, 496, 853, 11, 4194, 6650, 82, 11, 4194, 438, 4194, 15756, 2530, 4194, 1071, 4194, 998, 4194, 1395, 117155, 11967, 788, 11, 220, 4194, 300, 4194, 19171, 4194, 4719, 277, 11613, 11, 106050, 19553, 4194, 30796, 291, 4194, 28863, 398, 13, 1666, 4194, 2000, 4194, 54719, 4194, 81437, 4194, 14965, 4194, 46068, 4194, 19553, 4194, 82850, 4194, 33802, 52050, 1729, 4194, 324, 483, 31021, 46755, 4194, 814, 4194, 4762, 4194, 6236, 4194, 18614, 4194, 27995, 25, 4194, 99127, 13, 4314, 4194, 548, 4194, 62626, 398, 52050, 24857, 4194, 40, 4194, 32345, 4194, 998, 4194, 10210, 483, 4194, 998, 4194, 8823, 11, 4194, 1962, 4194, 28753, 4194, 40, 4194, 1610, 21632, 4194, 49818, 4194, 300, 4194, 61893, 1752, 52050, 258, 4194, 339, 12116, 4372, 11, 4194, 719, 4194, 28753, 4194, 40, 4194, 1897, 1636, 4194, 1820, 4194, 2295, 2251, 220, 4194, 1073, 4194, 9336, 31021, 57865, 52050, 8248, 4194, 20693, 307, 4194, 3833, 5983, 4194, 266, 4194, 64, 109279, 2223, 4194, 29699, 4194, 9493, 4194, 21470, 4194, 2295, 2251, 220, 4194, 46068, 4194, 9336, 52050, 19553, 4194, 96608, 4194, 75494, 11, 4194, 438, 4194, 20670, 4194, 323, 4194, 40, 4194, 5562, 4194, 19553, 4194, 3473, 11, 4194, 82850, 4194, 69, 4535, 4194, 4291, 4194, 276, 52050, 258, 724, 13, 763, 4194, 8846, 4194, 358, 4194, 16514, 4194, 89894, 4194, 2201, 4194, 331, 3095, 11, 4194, 2000, 4194, 3323, 4194, 37435, 4194, 3055, 12816, 4194, 4919, 52050, 3055, 4194, 576, 4194, 30096, 4194, 82043, 4194, 998, 4194, 339, 12116, 4372, 13, 763, 4194, 1605, 4194, 4339, 11, 4194, 3055, 12816, 4194, 548, 4194, 21642, 52050, 998, 4194, 60529, 220, 4194, 263, 4194, 50828, 4194, 81437, 4194, 50998, 4194, 4291, 4194, 3696, 13602, 4194, 269, 4194, 4291, 4194, 1820, 4194, 43820, 11, 4194, 438, 52050, 333, 4194, 1820, 4194, 81437, 4194, 27591, 11, 4194, 708, 4194, 59178, 4194, 1820, 4194, 86, 11073, 4194, 2000, 4194, 50828, 4194, 3833, 5983, 11, 4194, 1336, 19839, 4194, 1820, 52050, 38083, 4194, 285, 4194, 67309, 4194, 4291, 4194, 69666, 4194, 10655, 4194, 26301, 4194, 16241, 4194, 449, 4194, 64, 4194, 61893, 1752, 4194, 1162, 13, 3861, 52050, 18864, 4194, 8530, 4194, 867, 361, 4194, 430, 4194, 64, 4194, 6789, 1543, 4194, 14965, 4194, 4752, 4194, 15456, 4194, 276, 4194, 6581, 292, 19995, 4194, 27208, 4194, 369, 4194, 6804, 52050, 108839, 1082, 2315, 4194, 5562, 4194, 1788, 1463, 4194, 40617, 726, 4194, 311, 4194, 1395, 4194, 276, 4194, 2419, 31162, 4194, 38083, 11, 4194, 266, 4194, 56371, 115235, 52050, 609, 4194, 333, 4194, 1962, 115235, 4194, 34210, 13, 2030, 4194, 5269, 4194, 4919, 4194, 64, 4194, 1543, 4194, 449, 4194, 3852, 4194, 8203, 64801, 4194, 311, 52050, 455, 37730, 220, 4194, 82477, 4194, 40617, 726, 4194, 311, 4194, 56065, 4194, 64, 4194, 9125, 4194, 1073, 4194, 83543, 115235, 4194, 8370, 4194, 568, 52050, 28156, 4194, 1962, 4194, 9978, 19704, 11, 4194, 438, 4194, 8370, 4194, 568, 4194, 1610, 2402, 4194, 300, 4194, 64, 4194, 5794, 580, 4194, 311, 4194, 26301, 4194, 12393, 13, 1628, 52050, 2000, 4194, 12840, 13, 8930, 989, 4194, 9210, 4194, 383, 4194, 5562, 4194, 1395, 4194, 481, 4194, 998, 4194, 8747, 3326, 974, 4194, 64, 4194, 43068, 4194, 4174, 4194, 315, 52050, 67, 1082, 2315, 4194, 438, 4194, 1650, 4194, 49818, 4194, 1729, 4194, 10097, 1065, 25734, 69391, 220, 4194, 11654, 13, 1628, 4194, 13066, 8478, 11, 220, 4194, 300, 4194, 4291, 52050, 324, 483, 31021, 46755, 11, 4194, 279, 4194, 609, 4194, 1073, 4194, 1820, 108839, 56407, 4194, 4752, 4194, 42312, 4194, 998, 4194, 3055, 4194, 4291, 4194, 1820, 52050, 24536, 4194, 315, 4194, 1820, 108135, 35320, 13, 3639, 4194, 3473, 13, 23150, 11, 4194, 279, 109485, 4093, 488, 4194, 2000, 4194, 64, 52050, 20523, 4194, 8747, 50915, 220, 4194, 15145, 4194, 64, 4194, 1074, 4194, 1073, 108135, 35320, 220, 4194, 4919, 4194, 1395, 4194, 8332, 4591, 4194, 59723, 11, 4194, 285, 4194, 606, 52050, 1073, 4194, 1820, 4194, 7788, 25082, 220, 4194, 438, 4194, 74268, 220, 4194, 1073, 4194, 37037, 2398, 88, 13, 1789, 4194, 8858, 11, 4194, 333, 4194, 64, 4194, 22803, 52050, 4752, 4194, 64, 4194, 74189, 4194, 304, 4194, 1964, 4194, 21152, 561, 11, 4194, 1820, 4194, 3983, 4194, 1626, 4194, 64, 4194, 38083, 4194, 86, 1821, 4194, 311, 108839, 25296, 52050, 285, 4194, 49864, 4194, 275, 4194, 285, 105275, 6750, 519, 220, 4194, 269, 4194, 1, 8123, 625, 13, 330, 2030, 4194, 4291, 4194, 324, 483, 31021, 46755, 4194, 21470, 4194, 264, 52050, 7998, 4194, 374, 4194, 1962, 4194, 1073, 4194, 1820, 4194, 56371, 4194, 475, 685, 11, 220, 4194, 11536, 11, 4194, 300, 4194, 906, 4194, 19553, 4194, 86, 8251, 291, 11, 106050, 1820, 108135, 35320, 220, 4194, 2000, 4194, 543, 108839, 1082, 2315, 4194, 285, 4194, 48481, 1870, 4194, 1820, 4194, 25030, 4194, 21826, 11, 4194, 9298, 52050, 9210, 115235, 4194, 1820, 4194, 23557, 4194, 49201, 4194, 1820, 4194, 1, 38551, 4194, 67125, 1, 4194, 998, 117155, 554, 4194, 813, 4194, 269, 4194, 1964, 4194, 3385, 11, 4194, 438, 4194, 279, 52050, 3323, 4194, 652, 91475, 220, 4194, 285, 4194, 998, 4194, 1116, 30193, 4194, 1527, 4194, 14239, 4194, 320, 4908, 4194 ]
the conscious and subconscious minds. In later chapters we will deeply explore how these blocked energy patterns, samskaras, also block your natural energy flow. When you comm it to spiritual growth, you work on letting go of the stored blockages from the past and not storing any more from the present. This does not mean the mind’ s normal memory storage proce ss does not take place. You are not willfu lly forgetting life’s experiences. You are simply not resist ing or clinging to the experiences, and thus not storing them as samskaras. They remain harmless, objective memories. Let’s take an example very close to home for some people. You have an ex-husband: “I don’t want to see him. I don’t want to talk about him ever again. I don’t even like it when someone says his name. It makes me uncomfortable, even years after the divorce. ” This is not object ive memory talking—it is definitely a samskara. You say you divorced your ex-husband, but you really didn’t. He’s still inside bothering you. You don’t even want to go to a party if you think he might be there. You have kept these impressions blocked in your mind, and ultimately you have created an alternate univer se in which you are still dealing with your ex. Normal memory is not like this; it is well behaved. Like a computer ’s memory, it does not pop up by itself. It does not have blocked energies that need to be released. Normal memory is there when you need it—it does not haunt you throughout your life. Fortunately, most things you encounter in life are neutral to you. They pass through unblocked and are available for recall when appropriate. You have driven by white lines on the road many times, but they don’t come back up by themselves at inopportune times. Neither do the cars, trees, buildings, and myriad other objects you encounter each day. They come in, and they pass through. But there are a few things that are harder to deal with inside, and therefore you resist them or you cling to them. This is how you fell out of the garden of reality. Impressions stayed inside your mind and became the foundation blocks upon which you built your psyche. Chapter 14. The Veil of the Psyche Your psyche is like a computer program running in your mind based on your samskaras. It’s in there talking to you about things that happened before, what you wish would happen now, and what you hope does or doesn’ t happen tomorrow. You’ve actually created an alternate reality inside your mind that is very complex. It’s a tremendous menagerie of the stored moments you were not able to let go of. At this point, you don’t even need another rattlesna ke to get you disturbed. The fact that the experience of the snake is stuck in your mind means other things will remind you of it. In fact, you can remind yourself of it without the need of an external reminder. You’re driving down the street, minding your own business. Suddenly, you remember how scary that snake was, and you get scared again. We’re not dealing with reality anymore. We have such a mess built up in there that it’s no wond er we have so much trouble with life. Such is the nature of the personal mind. Regardless of how messy it gets in there, the fact remains that the personal mind is not you—no more than your TV screen is you. But it’s much more difficult to objectiv ely watch your mind than your TV screen. This is because of the power of the impressions you have stored in your mind. These past impressions compete with the image of realit y coming in from the outside and make it hard to tell which is which. It is difficult to maintain a seat of objective observation when it gets so confusing in there. Samskaras are not to be taken lightly; they seriously distort your experience of life. Let’s take the example of a psychological Rorschach test, often referred to as an inkblot test. The psychologist holds up an inkblot and asks what you see. You immediately respond that you see people making love or, perhaps, mommy and daddy fighting. In other words, the Rorschach teststimulates the patterns you’ve stored inside your mind, causing you to see what’ s not actually there. The truth is the whole world is a giant Rorschach test. The world is a flow of atoms unfolding in front of you. It’s no more personal than the inkblots. But it’s hitting your samskaras, and that stimulates stored mental and emotional reactions. Now, instead of experiencing what is passing by outside, you are experiencing the likes, dislikes, beliefs, and judgments stored inside. These impress ions are so strong that you actually think they are what is really out there, just like the inkblots. The personal mind has taken over your entire life. You are no longer free to enjoy the experie nces that are actually happening—you are forced to deal with what your mind says is happening. Let’s look a little deeper into how samskaras affect your life. We have discussed that what is coming in from the outside stimulates your mental blockages from the past. Past experiences were uncomfortable when you first resisted them, and they are going to be uncomfortable when they come back up. To make matters worse, just as with the Rorschach test, you are not seeing what is actually outside—you are seeing your inner issues projected onto the outside. That’ s why life seems so scary and why it seem s to always be hitting your weak spots. The truth is, life is not hitting your weak spots, you are projecting your weak spots onto life. Yet not everyth ing you stored in there was negative. You held on to some positive things from the past. The problem is they’re not happening anymore, and that is disappointing. If you go back to the same place where you saw the butterfly, and it’s not there, it becomes a negative experience. Understand, you have just made life a lose-lose situation. If anything reminds you of what bothered you before, you lose. If you are not getting to reexperience what you liked before, you lose. This is in drastic contrast to what Zen calls beginner ’s mind. If you are not expecting anything in particular from a situation, and then something special happens, it can touch you really deeply. It could be a beautiful sunset, the first unexpe cted kiss, or some other welcome surprise. If it touches you so deeply because you have no sams karas in your mind about the event—you have beginner ’s mind. Otherwise, you will be expecting something based on prior experiences, and that will interfere with the spontaneity of the event. The end result is that these samskaras have ruined your life. You’ve made it so that unless something drastically different happens to pull you out of this preference system, you can’t feel anything fully. That’ s whysome people must go to the extremes to get a rush. It is also why some people try to keep everything exactly the same so life doesn’ t disturb their samskaras. In either case, trying to keep the mind a decent place to live in can force people to look for escapes, such as drinking and drugs. You get to the point where you’re running around trying to appease your mind. Eventually, you will come to realize that it’s not the job, the spouse, or the car that gets old—it’ s listen ing to the mess in your mind that gets old. While all of these patterns from the past are blocked in your mind, you in there can neither experience the miracle of life unfolding before you, nor can you experience the natural beauty within you. Your awareness is completely distracted by these stored mental patterns, and you must devote your days and nights to serving them. You can no longer exper ience reality —you are stuck experiencing yourself. There’ s a concept in Zen known as “just tree. ” It fits perfectly with our discussion. The story goes as follows: There was a young Buddhist monk in a monastery who would go for daily sessions with the Zen master. The master would ask him some questions, and the monk would leave. One time when the young monk walked in, the master looked at him and remarked, “What happened to you. Y ou look so alive and filled with light. ” The monk was surprised. “What do you mean. ” “I see a dif ference in you, my son. What happened. ” The monk told him, “I was walking across the courtyard and saw the big oak tree. I stopped and looked at it. I had seen it many times before, but this time I saw just tree. I just saw the tree. Somehow, it took me to such a deep place that I felt an awakening. I felt a moment of enlig htenment. It took me beyond myself. ” “That tree has been there for a hundred years,” the master reflected. “You have walked by that tree every single day since you’ve been here. ” “Yes,” the stude nt said, “but when I previously walked by the tree, it often reminded me of the tree Buddha sat under when he reached enlightenment. Other times, the tree reminded me of the one I fell out of
[ 279, 198, 64589, 323, 84951, 20663, 13, 763, 3010, 30732, 584, 690, 17693, 13488, 198, 5269, 1521, 19857, 4907, 12912, 11, 274, 4214, 29234, 300, 11, 1101, 2565, 701, 5933, 198, 17947, 6530, 13, 3277, 499, 1081, 433, 311, 18330, 6650, 11, 499, 990, 389, 20806, 733, 315, 279, 198, 72349, 2565, 1154, 505, 279, 3347, 323, 539, 28672, 904, 810, 505, 279, 3118, 13, 1115, 1587, 539, 3152, 279, 4059, 529, 274, 4725, 5044, 5942, 463, 346, 11107, 1587, 539, 198, 23609, 2035, 13, 1472, 527, 539, 690, 33721, 326, 398, 66127, 2324, 753, 11704, 13, 1472, 527, 198, 15124, 2603, 539, 22884, 6892, 477, 97458, 311, 279, 11704, 11, 323, 8617, 539, 28672, 1124, 198, 300, 274, 4214, 29234, 300, 13, 2435, 7293, 53997, 11, 16945, 19459, 13, 6914, 753, 1935, 459, 3187, 1633, 3345, 311, 2162, 369, 1063, 1274, 13, 1472, 617, 198, 276, 506, 2902, 92081, 25, 1054, 40, 1541, 1431, 1390, 311, 1518, 1461, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1390, 311, 3137, 922, 1461, 3596, 198, 33871, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1524, 1093, 433, 994, 4423, 2795, 813, 836, 13, 1102, 3727, 757, 198, 359, 19975, 481, 11, 1524, 1667, 1306, 279, 25549, 13, 19524, 1115, 374, 539, 1665, 99677, 5044, 198, 83, 30855, 44603, 374, 8659, 264, 274, 4214, 107486, 13, 1472, 2019, 499, 50592, 701, 506, 2902, 92081, 345, 8248, 499, 2216, 3287, 1431, 13, 1283, 753, 2103, 4871, 91259, 499, 13, 1472, 1541, 1431, 1524, 1390, 311, 198, 3427, 311, 264, 4717, 422, 499, 1781, 568, 2643, 387, 1070, 13, 1472, 617, 220, 8774, 1521, 198, 318, 40973, 19857, 304, 701, 4059, 11, 323, 13967, 499, 617, 3549, 459, 198, 76462, 653, 1553, 513, 304, 902, 499, 527, 2103, 14892, 449, 701, 506, 13, 18944, 198, 17717, 374, 539, 1093, 420, 26, 433, 374, 1664, 89831, 13, 9086, 264, 6500, 18217, 82, 5044, 11, 433, 198, 28156, 539, 2477, 709, 555, 5196, 13, 1102, 1587, 539, 617, 19857, 49969, 430, 1205, 311, 387, 198, 78038, 13, 18944, 5044, 374, 1070, 994, 499, 1205, 433, 44603, 1587, 539, 84758, 499, 198, 20322, 412, 701, 2324, 13, 42536, 11, 1455, 2574, 499, 13123, 304, 2324, 527, 21277, 311, 499, 13, 2435, 198, 6519, 1555, 653, 62448, 323, 527, 2561, 369, 19635, 994, 8475, 13, 1472, 198, 19553, 16625, 555, 4251, 5238, 389, 279, 5754, 1690, 3115, 11, 719, 814, 1541, 1431, 2586, 198, 1445, 709, 555, 5694, 520, 304, 454, 403, 2957, 3115, 13, 25215, 656, 279, 9515, 11, 12690, 345, 5957, 826, 11, 323, 52909, 1023, 6302, 499, 13123, 1855, 1938, 13, 2435, 2586, 304, 345, 438, 814, 1522, 1555, 13, 2030, 1070, 527, 264, 2478, 2574, 430, 527, 16127, 311, 3568, 449, 198, 42450, 11, 323, 9093, 499, 22884, 1124, 477, 499, 78264, 311, 1124, 13, 1115, 374, 1268, 499, 198, 67643, 704, 315, 279, 13863, 315, 8903, 13, 97883, 919, 20186, 4871, 701, 4059, 323, 198, 17106, 373, 279, 16665, 10215, 5304, 902, 499, 5918, 701, 88909, 13, 15957, 220, 975, 13, 578, 23404, 321, 315, 279, 41118, 1557, 198, 7927, 88909, 374, 1093, 220, 264, 6500, 2068, 4401, 304, 701, 4059, 3196, 389, 701, 198, 82, 4214, 29234, 300, 13, 1102, 753, 304, 1070, 7556, 311, 499, 922, 2574, 430, 7077, 1603, 345, 12840, 499, 6562, 1053, 3621, 1457, 11, 323, 1148, 499, 3987, 1587, 477, 3250, 529, 259, 198, 71, 64860, 16986, 13, 1472, 4070, 3604, 3549, 459, 25631, 8903, 220, 4871, 701, 198, 38824, 430, 374, 1633, 6485, 13, 1102, 753, 264, 28040, 3026, 1435, 648, 315, 279, 9967, 198, 61874, 812, 499, 1051, 539, 3025, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 13, 2468, 420, 1486, 11, 499, 1541, 1431, 1524, 1205, 198, 43063, 57645, 645, 3458, 2004, 311, 636, 499, 56507, 13, 578, 2144, 430, 279, 3217, 315, 279, 198, 73239, 374, 16075, 304, 701, 4059, 3445, 1023, 2574, 690, 24928, 499, 315, 433, 13, 763, 2144, 345, 9514, 649, 24928, 220, 6261, 315, 433, 2085, 279, 1205, 315, 459, 9434, 27626, 13, 1472, 3207, 10043, 1523, 279, 8761, 11, 296, 4049, 701, 1866, 2626, 13, 58801, 11, 499, 198, 30380, 1268, 29565, 430, 26332, 574, 11, 323, 499, 636, 27207, 1578, 13, 1226, 3207, 539, 198, 451, 6260, 449, 8903, 14926, 13, 1226, 617, 1778, 264, 9622, 5918, 709, 304, 1070, 430, 433, 753, 198, 2201, 289, 2159, 2781, 584, 617, 779, 1790, 12544, 449, 2324, 13, 15483, 374, 279, 7138, 315, 279, 198, 30712, 4059, 13, 44840, 315, 1268, 46946, 433, 5334, 304, 1070, 11, 279, 2144, 8625, 430, 279, 198, 30712, 4059, 374, 539, 499, 2345, 2201, 810, 1109, 701, 6007, 4264, 374, 499, 13, 2030, 433, 753, 198, 59178, 810, 5107, 311, 1665, 344, 658, 88, 3821, 701, 4059, 1109, 701, 6007, 4264, 13, 1115, 374, 1606, 315, 279, 2410, 315, 279, 51091, 499, 617, 9967, 304, 701, 198, 38824, 13, 4314, 3347, 51091, 20874, 449, 279, 2217, 315, 1972, 275, 379, 5108, 304, 198, 1527, 279, 4994, 323, 1304, 433, 2653, 311, 3371, 902, 374, 902, 13, 1102, 374, 5107, 311, 198, 67913, 467, 264, 10954, 315, 16945, 22695, 994, 433, 5334, 779, 31715, 304, 1070, 13, 328, 4214, 29234, 300, 527, 539, 311, 387, 4529, 34504, 26, 814, 14243, 70584, 701, 3217, 198, 1073, 2324, 13, 6914, 753, 1935, 279, 3187, 315, 264, 24064, 432, 81085, 613, 1296, 11, 3629, 14183, 198, 998, 439, 459, 27513, 2067, 354, 1296, 13, 578, 54595, 10187, 709, 459, 27513, 2067, 354, 323, 17501, 1148, 198, 9514, 1518, 13, 1472, 7214, 6013, 430, 499, 1518, 1274, 3339, 3021, 477, 345, 66372, 11, 82240, 323, 57642, 11039, 13, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 279, 432, 81085, 613, 1296, 54754, 24031, 279, 12912, 499, 4070, 9967, 4871, 701, 4059, 11, 14718, 499, 311, 1518, 198, 12840, 529, 274, 539, 3604, 1070, 13, 578, 8206, 374, 279, 4459, 1917, 374, 264, 14880, 432, 81085, 613, 198, 1985, 13, 578, 1917, 374, 264, 6530, 315, 33299, 33831, 304, 4156, 315, 499, 13, 1102, 753, 912, 810, 198, 30712, 1109, 279, 27513, 2067, 2469, 13, 2030, 433, 753, 20129, 701, 274, 4214, 29234, 300, 11, 323, 430, 198, 54754, 24031, 9967, 10723, 323, 14604, 25481, 13, 4800, 11, 4619, 315, 198, 327, 32836, 11627, 1148, 374, 12579, 555, 4994, 11, 499, 527, 25051, 279, 13452, 345, 4338, 26094, 11, 21463, 11, 323, 59358, 9967, 4871, 13, 4314, 10098, 65125, 527, 779, 198, 4620, 430, 499, 3604, 1781, 814, 527, 1148, 374, 2216, 704, 1070, 11, 1120, 1093, 279, 198, 771, 2067, 2469, 13, 578, 4443, 4059, 706, 4529, 927, 701, 4553, 2324, 13, 1472, 527, 912, 198, 4930, 261, 1949, 311, 4774, 279, 2183, 648, 308, 1634, 430, 527, 3604, 12765, 71480, 527, 198, 25229, 311, 3568, 449, 1148, 701, 4059, 2795, 374, 12765, 13, 6914, 753, 1427, 264, 2697, 19662, 1139, 1268, 274, 4214, 29234, 300, 7958, 701, 2324, 13, 1226, 617, 198, 17242, 59942, 430, 1148, 374, 5108, 304, 505, 279, 4994, 95455, 701, 10723, 198, 4677, 1154, 505, 279, 3347, 13, 24561, 11704, 1051, 29213, 994, 499, 198, 3983, 67414, 1124, 11, 323, 814, 527, 2133, 311, 387, 29213, 994, 814, 2586, 198, 1445, 709, 13, 2057, 1304, 13146, 11201, 11, 1120, 439, 449, 279, 432, 81085, 613, 1296, 11, 499, 527, 539, 198, 66154, 1148, 374, 3604, 4994, 71480, 527, 9298, 701, 9358, 4819, 28448, 198, 10138, 279, 4994, 13, 3011, 529, 274, 3249, 2324, 5084, 779, 29565, 323, 3249, 433, 2873, 274, 311, 2744, 198, 1395, 20129, 701, 7621, 19300, 13, 578, 8206, 374, 11, 2324, 374, 539, 20129, 701, 7621, 19300, 345, 9514, 527, 82382, 701, 7621, 19300, 8800, 2324, 13, 14968, 539, 1475, 339, 6892, 499, 9967, 198, 258, 1070, 574, 8389, 13, 1472, 5762, 389, 311, 1063, 6928, 2574, 505, 279, 3347, 13, 578, 3575, 374, 814, 3207, 539, 12765, 14926, 11, 323, 430, 374, 39223, 13, 1442, 198, 9514, 733, 1203, 311, 279, 1890, 2035, 220, 1405, 499, 5602, 279, 56269, 11, 323, 433, 753, 539, 198, 19041, 11, 433, 9221, 264, 8389, 3217, 13, 71994, 11, 499, 617, 1120, 1903, 2324, 264, 9229, 12, 1497, 6671, 13, 1442, 4205, 198, 1864, 8843, 499, 315, 1148, 46376, 499, 1603, 11, 499, 9229, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 539, 3794, 311, 198, 265, 50659, 1148, 499, 15262, 1603, 11, 499, 9229, 13, 1115, 374, 304, 60883, 13168, 311, 198, 12840, 32889, 6880, 50048, 18217, 82, 4059, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 539, 23132, 4205, 304, 198, 4581, 24553, 505, 264, 6671, 11, 323, 1243, 2555, 3361, 8741, 11, 433, 649, 5916, 198, 9514, 2216, 17693, 13, 1102, 1436, 387, 264, 6366, 44084, 11, 279, 1176, 653, 327, 375, 272, 6702, 21735, 11, 477, 198, 15031, 1023, 10788, 13051, 13, 1442, 433, 29727, 499, 779, 17693, 1606, 499, 617, 198, 2201, 274, 4214, 24318, 300, 304, 701, 4059, 922, 279, 1567, 71480, 617, 50048, 18217, 82, 4059, 13, 18715, 11, 499, 690, 387, 23132, 2555, 3196, 389, 4972, 11704, 11, 323, 198, 9210, 690, 40978, 449, 279, 37391, 2194, 488, 315, 279, 1567, 13, 578, 842, 1121, 374, 430, 1521, 274, 4214, 29234, 300, 617, 47168, 701, 2324, 13, 1472, 4070, 198, 28010, 433, 779, 430, 7389, 2555, 48863, 2204, 8741, 311, 6958, 499, 198, 412, 315, 420, 22698, 1887, 11, 499, 649, 1431, 2733, 4205, 7373, 13, 3011, 529, 274, 421, 1065, 638, 1274, 2011, 733, 311, 279, 69971, 311, 636, 264, 13270, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 3249, 1063, 198, 16455, 1456, 311, 2567, 4395, 7041, 279, 1890, 779, 2324, 3250, 529, 259, 38323, 872, 198, 82, 4214, 29234, 300, 13, 763, 3060, 1162, 11, 4560, 220, 311, 2567, 279, 4059, 264, 15326, 2035, 311, 3974, 304, 198, 4919, 5457, 1274, 220, 311, 1427, 369, 66209, 11, 1778, 439, 16558, 323, 11217, 13, 1472, 636, 311, 198, 1820, 1486, 1405, 499, 3207, 4401, 2212, 4560, 311, 2708, 521, 701, 4059, 13, 38274, 11, 499, 690, 2586, 311, 13383, 430, 433, 753, 539, 279, 2683, 11, 279, 32080, 11, 477, 198, 1820, 1841, 430, 5334, 2362, 44603, 529, 274, 9020, 6892, 311, 279, 9622, 304, 701, 4059, 430, 5334, 2362, 13, 6104, 682, 315, 1521, 12912, 505, 220, 279, 3347, 527, 19857, 304, 701, 4059, 11, 499, 304, 198, 19041, 649, 14188, 3217, 279, 45125, 315, 2324, 33831, 1603, 499, 11, 6463, 198, 4919, 499, 3217, 279, 5933, 13444, 2949, 499, 13, 4718, 17985, 374, 198, 884, 50268, 49804, 555, 1521, 9967, 10723, 12912, 11, 323, 499, 2011, 48772, 198, 22479, 2919, 323, 22178, 311, 13788, 1124, 13, 1472, 649, 912, 5129, 2183, 602, 768, 8903, 198, 71480, 527, 16075, 25051, 6261, 13, 2684, 529, 274, 264, 7434, 304, 32889, 3967, 439, 1054, 4345, 5021, 13, 19524, 1102, 18809, 14268, 449, 1057, 198, 70969, 13, 578, 3446, 5900, 439, 11263, 25, 2684, 574, 264, 3995, 47841, 63772, 304, 198, 64, 85861, 889, 1053, 733, 369, 7446, 16079, 449, 279, 32889, 7491, 13, 578, 198, 13943, 1053, 2610, 1461, 1063, 4860, 11, 323, 279, 63772, 1053, 5387, 13, 3861, 892, 198, 9493, 279, 3995, 63772, 15203, 304, 11, 279, 7491, 7111, 520, 1461, 323, 61414, 345, 44130, 7077, 311, 499, 13, 816, 6033, 1427, 779, 13989, 323, 10409, 449, 3177, 13, 126672, 791, 63772, 574, 14792, 13, 1054, 3923, 656, 499, 3152, 13, 126672, 10378, 1518, 264, 1422, 18728, 768, 304, 499, 11, 856, 4538, 13, 3639, 7077, 13, 126672, 791, 63772, 3309, 1461, 11, 1054, 40, 574, 11689, 4028, 279, 66385, 323, 5602, 279, 198, 16548, 38971, 5021, 13, 358, 10717, 323, 7111, 520, 433, 13, 358, 1047, 3970, 433, 1690, 3115, 1603, 11, 719, 198, 576, 892, 358, 5602, 1120, 5021, 13, 358, 1120, 5602, 279, 5021, 13, 80147, 11, 433, 3952, 757, 311, 1778, 264, 198, 33980, 2035, 430, 358, 6612, 459, 75149, 13, 358, 6612, 264, 4545, 315, 665, 7864, 305, 2002, 479, 13, 1102, 198, 91453, 757, 7953, 7182, 13, 126672, 49977, 5021, 706, 1027, 1070, 369, 264, 7895, 1667, 2476, 279, 7491, 27000, 13, 1054, 2675, 617, 15203, 555, 430, 5021, 1475, 3254, 1938, 2533, 499, 4070, 1027, 1618, 13, 126672, 86508, 2476, 279, 357, 799, 32512, 1071, 11, 1054, 8248, 994, 358, 8767, 15203, 555, 279, 5021, 11, 433, 198, 61917, 31256, 757, 315, 279, 5021, 46054, 7731, 1234, 994, 568, 8813, 198, 268, 4238, 53061, 13, 7089, 3115, 11, 279, 5021, 31256, 757, 315, 279, 832, 358, 11299, 704, 315, 198 ]
starting progesterone. Progesterone does not cause bleeding, but it does“heal” the uterus, that is, it prepares the uterus for menstrualperiods or for pregnancy. The only hormone that causesmenstrual bleeding is estrogen, and if estrogen levels are highenough when a woman starts progesterone, bleeding mayoccur. But this too will pass after one or two months. THE TREATMENT OF ESTROGEN DOMINANCE Prior to menopause, all symptoms related to an over-production of estrogen, which include menstrual cramps, breast tenderness,PMS, migraine headaches, mood swings, and asthma, can beeliminated using natural progesterone. The dosage in this case isthe same as for menopause: 100 mg/ ¼tsp twice a day. For those patients who feel more comfortable mimicking how the bodynaturally produces hormones, they can skip the progesteronecream the first seven to ten days after their cycle starts. In fact,this is necessary for those women wishing to get pregnant.93 HORMONES FOR WOMEN FERTILITY One of the areas, I believe, where modern medicine’s tragic lack of hormonal knowledge is demonstrated is in the field offertility. Please note the following: 1. The number one reason why women fail to get pregnant or have trouble getting pregnant is alow progesterone level. 2. The number one reason why women have mis- carriages is a low progesterone level. 3. The only reason women experience nausea when they are pregnant is a low progesterone level (thenausea is actually caused by estrogen). 4. A frequent cause of premature birth is a low progesterone level. 5. The only cause of postpartum depression, also known as the “baby blues,” is a drop in proges-terone levels. For women who want to be pro-active about their problems with fertility, conception. and maintaining theirpregnancies, natural progesterone is often the answer. Forthose who wish to avoid the expense and pain of in vitrofertilization, why not try natural progesterone? The uterus requires progesterone for the fertilized egg to implant. It requires progesterone to sustain the pregnancy.Cramps, PMS, and breast tenderness with the monthly cycle—all are classic symptoms indicative of low progesterone levels.Taking natural progesterone not only eliminates these symp-toms but it “heals” the uterus, which allows pregnancy to occur.94 THE MIRACLE OF BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONES In cases where conception is desired, I recommend the same dosage of progesterone:100 mg/ ¼tsp twice a day, applied topically to the inner forearm or wrist. Using this daily for twomonths gives the uterus a chance to fully “heal” and be wellprepared for a pregnancy. At the onset of the third cycle, theprogesterone can be stopped for ten days and then restarted. Ifthe woman becomes pregnant, she should increase the amountof progesterone (to support the pregnancy) as soon as she knowsconception has occurred. This is best done with a vaginalprogesterone suppository, in a dose of 400 mg twice a day,which must be maintained for at least four months. It shouldbe used frequently enough to prevent nausea. Around thefourth or fifth month, the placenta starts pouring out proges-terone, so the woman can discontinue the cream, but it may bewise to continue it through the whole pregnancy. /Eswashvery person’s hormone pattern is unique; there is no one-size-fits-all dosage. In my view, using high dosages of progesterone after becoming pregnant offers three exceptional benefits:1) no feelings of nausea, 2) prevention of miscarriage, and3) a highly intelligent, usually very happy baby. Progesteroneis particularly important for brain function development.In this regard, it is my feeling that premature infants mightalso benefit from progesterone, since they are prematurelydeprived of the normally high levels of progesterone put outby the placenta in the final weeks of pregnancy.95 HORMONES FOR WOMEN PERI/POSTMENOPAUSAL REPLACEMENT OF ESTROGEN My approach to hormone replacement for women is admittedly different from most others. My mother died of breast cancerand had been on estrogen therapy, so I have reason to doubtthe rationale for estrogen replacement. However, my recom-mendations are based soundly on medical logic, somewhat onintuition, and a lot on personal experience with thousands ofpatients. In the remainder of the chapter I discuss variousaspects of hormone replacement for women and explain myapproach to each one. EARLY TESTING FOR HORMONE LEVELS T esting hormone levels and starting a woman on bio-identical hormones while she is in perimenopause helps ease her transi-tion into menopause, a time when her body’s chemistry isshifting. If a woman is still having periods, the ideal time todo a panel is about seven days prior to the onset of her cycle.If her menopausal symptoms are mild, I will have her startusing a progesterone cream, possibly testosterone cream, andpossibly DHEA. My preferred approach is to try to eliminatesymptoms like hot flashes or night sweats without using estro-gen. (As we saw earlier, a reduction in estrogen as well as otherhormones triggers the pituitary to release luteinizing hormone,which seems to be the cause of hot flashes.) If symptoms are severe, however, I will add BiEst cream (a combination of 20% estradiol and 80% estriol) at a dosageof 1.25 mg/ ¼tsp. This can be applied to the skin once or twice a day. As soon as the symptoms abate, I recommendgradually decreasing the dosage. The eventual aim is to stopthe hormone if possible. Remember, that in my approach the96 THE MIRACLE OF BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONES woman is also using progesterone cream, which protects her against the negative effects of estradiol. Women never stop making estrogen. It continues to be manufactured by their fat cells, skin cells, and the adrenalglands even after menopause. The majority of women I havetreated have not required it. However, there are women whofeel better with the replacement of estrogen. For women who do not have a major problem with hot flashes but do have vaginal dryness, I also prescribe estriolcream, 2.5 mg/ ¼tsp, along with a vaginal applicator. This is applied intra-vaginally on a daily basis until the dryness isgone, then it is used perhaps once a week or once every otherweek, depending on dryness. FOR WOMEN ON ESTROGEN As far as I can decipher, the primary clinical necessity for replacing estrogen is to achieve levels of estrogen high enoughfor a woman to get pregnant. Such high estrogen levels offerno other benefits to the human body that I am aware of. When a woman takes high levels of replacement estrogen, especially for a number of years, the pituitary is tricked intothinking she is still trying to get pregnant. Stopping estrogenat this point often results in severe hot flashes and night sweats.Very often, coming off Premarin is like detoxing from heroin.In these cases my approach is to maintain estrogen usage butchange to a natural bio-identical estrogen in the form of BiEstcream 1.25 mg/ ¼tsp, used twice a day to start, then gradually trying to wean off of it. The BiEst cream, of course, is taken in conjunction with the natural bio-identical formulations of other hormones that mightbe needed, such as progesterone, DHEA, and testosterone.97 HORMONES FOR WOMEN Let me repeat: Women never stop making estrogen— though admittedly, they do not continue making high enoughlevels to become pregnant. If getting pregnant is a woman’sgoal even though she is menopausal, then she should followthe advice of Suzanne Somers’ physician and take high levels ofestrogen. Of course, since there are no eggs left, gettingpregnant might be tough. It has been my observation that women who are thin are more likely to benefit from or require estrogen replacement,because they have fewer fat cells to produce it. Women who areover-weight are generally loath to take it because, in most cases,giving them any type of estrogen, whether synthetic or bio-identical, creates fat and prevents them from losing weight. THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT HORMONE As we have seen, progesterone, in my view, is the most impor- tant hormone in a hormone replacement regimen during andafter menopause. T estosterone is the second most importanthormone. As with estrogen, women continue to make testos-terone as they age, but at reduced levels. The level of freetestosterone (the biologically active form of testosterone) in amenopausal woman is usually around 1.6. pg/nl Thiscompares to a level of 6.4 pg/nl during the teenage years. The benefits of testosterone are manifold. This is the number one hormone needed by the bones for the preventionand treatment of osteoporosis. It is also the number onehormone for heart health. As I mentioned earlier, there aremore testosterone receptor sites in heart muscle than anywhereelse in the body. Some 250,000 deaths are attributed to conges-tive heart failure (weakening of the heart muscle) every year.98 THE MIRACLE
[ 6041, 198, 34092, 5302, 606, 13, 1322, 70, 5302, 606, 1587, 539, 5353, 35763, 11, 719, 433, 1587, 2118, 383, 278, 863, 279, 85656, 11, 430, 374, 11, 433, 48542, 279, 85656, 369, 78727, 19862, 82, 477, 369, 20209, 13, 578, 1193, 36908, 430, 11384, 5794, 496, 940, 35763, 374, 70180, 11, 323, 422, 70180, 5990, 527, 1579, 268, 1409, 994, 264, 5333, 8638, 30371, 5302, 606, 11, 35763, 1253, 511, 2407, 13, 2030, 420, 2288, 690, 1522, 1306, 832, 477, 1403, 4038, 13, 3247, 350, 31832, 5441, 3083, 26963, 1308, 11332, 198, 15599, 691, 8606, 720, 50571, 311, 3026, 84110, 11, 682, 13803, 5552, 311, 459, 927, 70666, 198, 1073, 70180, 11, 902, 2997, 78727, 1589, 14989, 11, 17659, 8541, 29668, 28494, 4931, 11, 92981, 55403, 11, 20247, 57890, 11, 323, 51643, 11, 649, 387, 40895, 15846, 1701, 5933, 30371, 5302, 606, 13, 578, 47040, 304, 420, 1162, 6127, 383, 1890, 439, 369, 3026, 84110, 25, 220, 1041, 14060, 6018, 42973, 83, 2203, 11157, 264, 1938, 13, 1789, 1884, 198, 81437, 889, 2733, 810, 10882, 28003, 16671, 1268, 279, 2547, 77, 72247, 19159, 44315, 11, 814, 649, 10936, 279, 30371, 5302, 606, 47100, 279, 1176, 8254, 311, 5899, 2919, 1306, 872, 11008, 8638, 13, 763, 2144, 23224, 374, 5995, 369, 1884, 3278, 46227, 311, 636, 20895, 13, 6365, 473, 4463, 61389, 4716, 81375, 965, 220, 435, 3481, 5140, 720, 4054, 315, 279, 5789, 11, 358, 4510, 11, 1405, 6617, 16088, 753, 35279, 198, 105516, 315, 74218, 6677, 374, 21091, 374, 304, 279, 2115, 1022, 62587, 13, 5321, 5296, 279, 2768, 25, 720, 16, 13, 578, 1396, 832, 2944, 3249, 3278, 3775, 311, 636, 198, 30585, 52985, 477, 617, 12544, 3794, 20895, 374, 453, 363, 30371, 5302, 606, 2237, 13, 220, 17, 13, 578, 1396, 832, 2944, 3249, 3278, 617, 5906, 7058, 7063, 38132, 374, 264, 3428, 30371, 5302, 606, 2237, 13, 220, 18, 13, 578, 1193, 2944, 3278, 3217, 61880, 994, 198, 20670, 527, 20895, 374, 264, 3428, 30371, 5302, 606, 2237, 320, 3473, 3538, 64, 374, 3604, 9057, 555, 70180, 570, 220, 19, 13, 362, 21420, 5353, 315, 42227, 7342, 374, 264, 3428, 198, 34092, 5302, 606, 2237, 13, 220, 20, 13, 578, 1193, 5353, 315, 1772, 4581, 372, 18710, 11, 1101, 198, 5391, 439, 279, 1054, 79064, 44695, 2476, 374, 264, 6068, 304, 463, 4282, 12, 466, 606, 5990, 13, 1789, 3278, 889, 1390, 311, 387, 463, 32344, 922, 872, 198, 96440, 449, 48111, 11, 43656, 13, 323, 20958, 872, 30585, 77, 32737, 11, 5933, 30371, 5302, 606, 374, 3629, 279, 4320, 13, 1789, 54719, 889, 6562, 311, 5766, 279, 20900, 323, 6784, 315, 304, 55004, 69, 86795, 2065, 11, 3249, 539, 1456, 5933, 30371, 5302, 606, 30, 578, 85656, 7612, 30371, 5302, 606, 369, 279, 36214, 1534, 19151, 311, 198, 6517, 519, 13, 1102, 7612, 30371, 5302, 606, 311, 14201, 279, 20209, 732, 81, 14989, 11, 393, 4931, 11, 323, 17659, 8541, 29668, 449, 279, 15438, 11008, 87247, 527, 11670, 13803, 64005, 315, 3428, 30371, 5302, 606, 5990, 844, 1802, 5933, 30371, 5302, 606, 539, 1193, 60944, 1521, 22176, 2442, 7085, 719, 433, 1054, 383, 1147, 863, 279, 85656, 11, 902, 6276, 20209, 311, 12446, 13, 6281, 3247, 386, 2871, 75801, 3083, 73166, 12, 20398, 15942, 473, 4463, 61389, 220, 763, 5157, 1405, 43656, 374, 12974, 11, 358, 7079, 279, 198, 25030, 47040, 315, 30371, 5302, 606, 25, 1041, 14060, 14, 220, 42973, 83, 2203, 11157, 264, 1938, 11, 9435, 198, 3565, 2740, 311, 279, 9358, 91665, 477, 33271, 13, 12362, 420, 7446, 369, 4483, 316, 6167, 82, 6835, 279, 85656, 264, 6140, 311, 7373, 1054, 383, 278, 863, 323, 387, 1664, 61212, 369, 264, 20209, 13, 2468, 279, 42080, 315, 279, 4948, 11008, 11, 279, 34092, 5302, 606, 649, 387, 10717, 369, 5899, 2919, 323, 1243, 81754, 13, 1442, 1820, 5333, 9221, 20895, 11, 1364, 1288, 5376, 279, 3392, 1073, 30371, 5302, 606, 320, 998, 1862, 279, 20209, 8, 439, 5246, 439, 1364, 8964, 444, 1010, 706, 10222, 13, 1115, 374, 1888, 2884, 449, 264, 58159, 34092, 5302, 606, 1043, 3176, 11, 304, 264, 19660, 315, 220, 3443, 14060, 11157, 264, 1938, 11, 8370, 2011, 387, 18908, 369, 520, 3325, 3116, 4038, 13, 1102, 1288, 1395, 1511, 14134, 3403, 311, 5471, 61880, 13, 33916, 279, 35124, 339, 477, 18172, 2305, 11, 279, 29960, 16985, 8638, 51513, 704, 463, 4282, 12, 466, 606, 11, 779, 279, 5333, 649, 834, 9726, 279, 12932, 11, 719, 433, 1253, 293, 25346, 311, 3136, 433, 1555, 279, 4459, 20209, 13, 611, 36, 2332, 1003, 1225, 1732, 753, 36908, 5497, 374, 5016, 26, 720, 19041, 374, 912, 832, 7321, 2269, 1220, 23148, 47040, 13, 763, 856, 1684, 11, 1701, 1579, 8924, 1154, 315, 30371, 5302, 606, 1306, 198, 17106, 18238, 20895, 6209, 2380, 25363, 7720, 25, 16, 8, 912, 16024, 315, 61880, 11, 220, 17, 8, 27344, 315, 80662, 8950, 11, 323, 18, 8, 264, 7701, 25530, 11, 6118, 1633, 6380, 8945, 13, 1322, 70, 5302, 606, 285, 8104, 3062, 369, 8271, 734, 4500, 5450, 420, 5363, 11, 433, 374, 856, 8430, 430, 42227, 42534, 2643, 19171, 8935, 505, 30371, 5302, 606, 11, 2533, 814, 527, 89019, 451, 652, 2270, 315, 279, 14614, 1579, 5990, 315, 30371, 5302, 606, 2231, 704, 1729, 279, 29960, 16985, 304, 279, 1620, 5672, 315, 20209, 13, 2721, 473, 4463, 61389, 4716, 81375, 965, 220, 18335, 40, 14, 3019, 44, 965, 3143, 32, 2078, 984, 93680, 89906, 198, 12766, 26963, 1308, 11332, 720, 5159, 5603, 311, 36908, 14039, 369, 3278, 374, 79813, 198, 64750, 505, 1455, 3885, 13, 3092, 6691, 8636, 315, 17659, 9572, 438, 1047, 1027, 389, 70180, 15419, 11, 779, 358, 617, 2944, 311, 10712, 1820, 57916, 369, 70180, 14039, 13, 4452, 11, 856, 38301, 1474, 408, 811, 527, 3196, 5222, 398, 389, 6593, 12496, 11, 14738, 389, 396, 38161, 11, 323, 264, 2763, 389, 4443, 3217, 449, 9214, 315, 81437, 13, 763, 279, 27410, 315, 279, 12735, 358, 4358, 5370, 300, 8132, 315, 36908, 14039, 369, 3278, 323, 10552, 856, 16082, 613, 311, 1855, 832, 13, 91396, 9109, 96635, 4716, 473, 4463, 5338, 43809, 50, 720, 51, 1826, 287, 36908, 5990, 323, 6041, 264, 5333, 389, 17332, 12, 1748, 950, 198, 71, 494, 3233, 1418, 1364, 374, 304, 824, 27236, 84110, 8779, 14553, 1077, 1380, 72, 2442, 290, 1139, 3026, 84110, 11, 264, 892, 994, 1077, 2547, 753, 30903, 374, 939, 18148, 13, 1442, 264, 5333, 374, 2103, 3515, 18852, 11, 279, 10728, 892, 12067, 264, 7090, 374, 922, 8254, 2919, 4972, 311, 279, 42080, 315, 1077, 11008, 34001, 1077, 3026, 454, 80174, 13803, 527, 23900, 11, 358, 690, 617, 1077, 1212, 985, 264, 30371, 5302, 606, 12932, 11, 11000, 40032, 12932, 11, 323, 54228, 423, 1837, 32, 13, 3092, 15236, 5603, 374, 311, 1456, 311, 60944, 1631, 52273, 1093, 4106, 62385, 477, 3814, 10769, 1900, 2085, 1701, 1826, 299, 37564, 13, 320, 2170, 584, 5602, 6931, 11, 264, 14278, 304, 70180, 439, 1664, 439, 1023, 71, 494, 3233, 31854, 279, 20428, 3159, 661, 311, 4984, 326, 1088, 258, 4954, 36908, 11, 8370, 5084, 311, 387, 279, 5353, 315, 4106, 62385, 6266, 1442, 13803, 527, 15748, 11, 4869, 11, 358, 690, 923, 12371, 14101, 12932, 198, 2948, 10824, 315, 220, 508, 4, 30607, 2836, 337, 323, 220, 1490, 4, 1826, 462, 337, 8, 520, 264, 47040, 1073, 220, 16, 13, 914, 14060, 6018, 42973, 83, 2203, 13, 1115, 649, 387, 9435, 311, 279, 6930, 3131, 477, 198, 15930, 560, 264, 1938, 13, 1666, 5246, 439, 279, 13803, 671, 349, 11, 358, 7079, 6902, 1870, 44649, 279, 47040, 13, 578, 42835, 9395, 374, 311, 3009, 1820, 36908, 422, 3284, 13, 20474, 11, 430, 304, 856, 5603, 279, 4161, 3247, 386, 2871, 75801, 3083, 73166, 12, 20398, 15942, 473, 4463, 61389, 220, 5333, 374, 1101, 1701, 30371, 5302, 606, 12932, 11, 902, 36236, 1077, 198, 69849, 279, 8389, 6372, 315, 30607, 2836, 337, 13, 11215, 2646, 3009, 3339, 70180, 13, 1102, 9731, 311, 387, 198, 98550, 3149, 555, 872, 8834, 7917, 11, 6930, 7917, 11, 323, 279, 1008, 1466, 24823, 8329, 1524, 1306, 3026, 84110, 13, 578, 8857, 315, 3278, 358, 31081, 295, 2920, 617, 539, 2631, 433, 13, 4452, 11, 1070, 527, 3278, 889, 57676, 2731, 449, 279, 14039, 315, 70180, 13, 1789, 3278, 889, 656, 539, 617, 264, 3682, 3575, 449, 4106, 198, 1517, 14380, 719, 656, 617, 58159, 9235, 2136, 11, 358, 1101, 72333, 1826, 462, 337, 47100, 11, 220, 17, 13, 20, 14060, 6018, 42973, 83, 2203, 11, 3235, 449, 264, 58159, 4666, 859, 13, 1115, 374, 198, 391, 3523, 50938, 8437, 351, 38745, 389, 264, 7446, 8197, 3156, 279, 9235, 2136, 374, 46696, 11, 1243, 433, 374, 1511, 8530, 3131, 264, 2046, 477, 3131, 1475, 1023, 10476, 11, 11911, 389, 9235, 2136, 13, 4716, 81375, 965, 6328, 26963, 1308, 11332, 198, 2170, 3117, 439, 358, 649, 75277, 11, 279, 6156, 14830, 32961, 369, 198, 265, 49033, 70180, 374, 311, 11322, 5990, 315, 70180, 1579, 3403, 2000, 264, 5333, 311, 636, 20895, 13, 15483, 1579, 70180, 5990, 3085, 2201, 1023, 7720, 311, 279, 3823, 2547, 430, 358, 1097, 8010, 315, 13, 3277, 264, 5333, 5097, 1579, 5990, 315, 14039, 70180, 345, 36046, 369, 264, 1396, 315, 1667, 11, 279, 20428, 3159, 661, 374, 14397, 291, 1139, 83360, 1364, 374, 2103, 4560, 311, 636, 20895, 13, 800, 7153, 70180, 266, 420, 1486, 3629, 3135, 304, 15748, 4106, 62385, 323, 3814, 10769, 1900, 5168, 727, 3629, 11, 5108, 1022, 12029, 43840, 374, 1093, 61987, 287, 505, 42734, 5450, 1521, 5157, 856, 5603, 374, 311, 10519, 70180, 10648, 719, 3455, 311, 264, 5933, 17332, 12, 1748, 950, 70180, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 12371, 14101, 47100, 220, 16, 13, 914, 14060, 6018, 42973, 83, 2203, 11, 1511, 11157, 264, 1938, 311, 1212, 11, 1243, 27115, 198, 85134, 311, 584, 276, 1022, 315, 433, 13, 578, 12371, 14101, 12932, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 374, 4529, 304, 32546, 449, 279, 198, 53980, 17332, 12, 1748, 950, 98077, 315, 1023, 44315, 430, 2643, 1395, 4460, 11, 1778, 439, 30371, 5302, 606, 11, 423, 1837, 32, 11, 323, 40032, 13, 3534, 473, 4463, 61389, 4716, 81375, 965, 6914, 757, 13454, 25, 11215, 2646, 3009, 3339, 70180, 2345, 198, 4636, 79813, 11, 814, 656, 539, 3136, 3339, 1579, 3403, 43664, 311, 3719, 20895, 13, 1442, 3794, 20895, 374, 264, 5333, 753, 35039, 1524, 3582, 1364, 374, 3026, 454, 80174, 11, 1243, 1364, 1288, 1833, 1820, 9650, 315, 85252, 18024, 388, 529, 28378, 323, 1935, 1579, 5990, 315, 478, 26252, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 2533, 1070, 527, 912, 19335, 2163, 11, 3794, 30585, 52985, 2643, 387, 11292, 13, 1102, 706, 1027, 856, 22695, 430, 3278, 889, 527, 15792, 527, 198, 6518, 4461, 311, 8935, 505, 477, 1397, 70180, 14039, 8568, 6769, 814, 617, 17162, 8834, 7917, 311, 8356, 433, 13, 11215, 889, 527, 2017, 12923, 527, 8965, 781, 589, 311, 1935, 433, 1606, 11, 304, 1455, 5157, 22377, 2299, 1124, 904, 955, 315, 70180, 11, 3508, 28367, 477, 17332, 12, 1748, 950, 11, 11705, 8834, 323, 29034, 1124, 505, 13490, 4785, 13, 3247, 69795, 198, 88178, 68240, 473, 4463, 5338, 198, 2170, 584, 617, 3970, 11, 30371, 5302, 606, 11, 304, 856, 1684, 11, 374, 279, 1455, 3242, 269, 7058, 61512, 36908, 304, 264, 36908, 14039, 68128, 2391, 323, 10924, 3026, 84110, 13, 350, 1826, 33574, 374, 279, 2132, 1455, 1179, 32329, 494, 606, 13, 1666, 449, 70180, 11, 3278, 3136, 311, 1304, 1296, 437, 12, 466, 606, 439, 814, 4325, 11, 719, 520, 11293, 5990, 13, 578, 2237, 315, 3541, 58924, 33574, 320, 1820, 6160, 30450, 4642, 1376, 315, 40032, 8, 304, 30219, 454, 80174, 5333, 374, 6118, 2212, 220, 16, 13, 21, 13, 17953, 9809, 75, 1115, 5807, 5518, 311, 264, 2237, 315, 220, 21, 13, 19, 17953, 9809, 75, 2391, 279, 34268, 1667, 13, 578, 7720, 315, 40032, 527, 73929, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 198, 4174, 832, 36908, 4460, 555, 279, 25896, 369, 279, 27344, 438, 6514, 315, 52368, 89766, 10934, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 279, 1396, 832, 71, 494, 606, 369, 4851, 2890, 13, 1666, 358, 9932, 6931, 11, 1070, 527, 6518, 40032, 35268, 6732, 304, 4851, 16124, 1109, 12660, 1531, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 4427, 220, 5154, 11, 931, 16779, 527, 30706, 311, 390, 4282, 2442, 535, 4851, 8060, 320, 906, 74462, 315, 279, 4851, 16124, 8, 1475, 1060, 13, 3264, 3247, 386, 2871, 75801 ]
attention in the late 1960s when Western visitors were invited to meet the “supercentenarians” of Russia. These were rural villagers, almost all of them illiterate field workers, who were reputed to have reache d incredible ages of 120, 130, and upward of 170. Outside the Soviet Union, such claims hardly seemed credible. It was widely accepted by gerontologists that the upper limit of human life span was betw een 115 and 120. Even that was a theoretical limit, since at that time no one with a reliable birth certificate had ever lived beyond 113. But in Russia the oldest of the supercentenarians, a man named Shirali Mislimov, was reputed to have been born in 1805, seven years before Napoleon march ed on Moscow. Mislimov lived in a remote village in the state of Azerbaijan west of the Caspian Sea, where he died in 1973 at the incredible age of 168. Toward the end, he had been secluded from visitors due to ill health. If they could not visit the oldest man who had ever lived, Westerners could interview the oldest woman of all time. She was Khfaf Lazuria, a native of Abkhasia who claimed to be approximately 140. With a mixture of fascination and skepticism, foreign visitors, including doctors and news correspondents, began to trickle in. From the first moment, Abkhasia was an enchanting place to anyone who came there from the crowded, polluted cities of the United States and Europe. The countryside was green and idyllic. Most Abkhasians lived at altitudes between seven hundred and a thousand feet above sea level, in neat two-story homes, often built out of walnut, with wide verandas and airy rooms.The climate in the hills just inland from the Black Sea was temperate year-round, somewhat on the brisk side at a mean temperature of 50 to 55 degrees. But the rugged Abkhasians relished this slightly chilled air, claiming that it contributed to their long life. Except for the kitchen stove, their houses generally had no heat. Although the region had suffered from malaria and typhus epidemics until the lowland swamps were drained by Soviet engineers in the 1930s, Abkhasia boasted five times more centenarians than any other part of the world, and 80 percent of the “long-living”—the word old was never appli ed to them —were active and vigorous. It was common for both men and women to work in the local tea fields for decades past the official Soviet retirement age of 60—champion tea pickers were given certif icates when they reached 100. In his book The Methuselah Factors, Dan Geor gakas describes his meeting with Abkhasian centenarian Vanacha Temur: “Wearing a snappy leather hat, the venerable, alway s referred to only by his first name, walked smartly across the garden and took up the responsibilities of a host. Spotting an infan t among his guests, Vanacha insisted that a cow be milked so the baby could have some wholesom e country refreshment. For the other guests baskets of apples from his best tree and a round of drinks were brought out. Only when these essentials were accomplished was he prepared to speak…. “Unlike most of the other centenarians, [Vanacha] had a baptismal certificate. Acco rding to the dates of this document, he was 106, but he explained that his baptism had been delayed until he was in his fourth year because his parents lacked funds to pay the priests. Although this was an echo of an excuse [the visitors] had frequently encountered, Vanacha’ s vigor, even at 106, was incredib le. A man of about five feet with twinkling blue eyes and an elegant white mustache, he was the personification of a kindly and playful grandfather. He credited his slim, wiry body to light eating, horseback riding, farmi ng, and walking in the mountains. These days he slept more than he used to, but he felt fine and was looking forward to the sixty-first anniversary of the Revolution.” Although Vanacha Temur was considered one of the healthiest of the long-living (an American docto r measured his blood pressure at a youthful 120/84), he was not atypical. In Geor gakas’ s analysis of a survey of allAbkhasians over age 90, 85 percent were judged to be mentally and socially active, only 10 percent had difficulty hearing, and only 4 percent had eyesight found to be poor. Both men and women in the culture shared a passion for racing horses, and it was a point of pride for centenarians to appear on horseback in village parades. In America the concept of remaining extremely active into old age was just beginning to gain medical credence, but for centuries in Abkhasia sedentary retirement was unknown except in cases of disability. Typically, older workers shortened their hours in the fields as they approached 80 and 90; inste ad of laboring for ten to fifteen hours, they might quit after three to five hours. Yet, this toil was not forced on them. Love of hard work was deeply ingrained among the Abkhasians, and records showed that a woman of 109 was paid for forty-nine full workdays in the tea fields one summer. The entire Caucasus mountain range had been famed for centuries as a “longevity belt.” Bordered by the Black Sea on the west and the Caspian Sea on the east, three separate Russian states laid claim to supercentenarians: Geor gia (which contains the state of Abkhasia), Azerbaijan, and Armenia. A mixture of races lives throughout this whole area, which is only sparsely industrialized; the religion shifts from Moslem to Christian depending on where you go, and the climate varies widely from high alpine (the Caucasus is the tallest range in Europe, cresting at eighteen thousand feet) to subtropical. These details were important to gerontologists, because with such a wide diversity of culture, race, and climate, there was no isolated gene pool to account for the longevity of the region, nor was there one favored geographical locale—a Shangri-la in Russia—responsible. In the late 1960 s and early 1970s, the heart-attack epidemic following World War II reached its peak, and cancer rates had not significantly changed since the 1930s (the same holds true today, after another three decades of lavishly funded research). The long-living had avoided both scour ges to a remarkable degree, and much of the credit for this, besides frequent exercise, went to diet. Favored with rich land and a climate suitable for corn, tomatoes, and all manner of truck produce, the population subsisted on home-grown vegetables and dairy products, with small amounts of nuts, grains, and meat to round out the fare. (Yogurt, a staple intheir diet, has long had a reputation as a longevity food; to capitalize on this, one American yogurt comp any ran a series of delightful ads showing an 89-year -old Abkhasian sampling their product while his cheek is being pinched by his 1 17-year -old mother.) Despite the fact that most of the long-living consumed cheese, milk, and yogurt every day, total intake of fat and calories was unusually low by Western standar ds, between fifteen hundred and two thousand calories a day. In order to eat that frugally, many Americans would have to cut fifteen hundred to two thousand calories from their diets! Daily fat intake for Abkhasians was sixty grams, exactly half of the U.S. average. Although they liked to drink the local applejack, only a few supercentenarians smoked, and this rarely includ ed women, who traditionally shunned this practice as a prerogative of male life. Almost all were married and had been since their twenties. Since the region had few paved roads, it was customary for people to walk distances up to twenty miles a day. One of the first Americans to penetrate this amazingly healthy culture was Dr. Alexander Leaf, an enlightened Harvard Medical School professor who was an early champion of prevention. T o bolster his belief that exercise and diet were the cornerstones of lifelong good health, Leaf made a pilgrimage to all the places in the world where legendary longevity was to be found. Abkhasia excited him enormously; there Leaf witnessed firsthand people surviving in good health to unheard-of old age. On his visit to Abkhasia in 1972, Leaf struggled to keep up with Gabriel Chapnian, a short, sprightly elder who easily climbed a steep hill to reach his garden at the age of 117. At 104, Markhti Tarkhil still rose at dawn and plunged into an icy stream for his morning bath. Leaf wrote, “Markhti attributes his long life to God, to the mountains, and to a good diet—and he warns against eating without pepper! His ‘best’ age was 18, but he agrees with Vanacha that he regarded himself as a young man until the age of 60
[ 6666, 304, 198, 1820, 3389, 220, 5162, 15, 82, 994, 11104, 15613, 1051, 18719, 311, 3449, 279, 198, 2118, 9712, 1189, 268, 30627, 863, 315, 8524, 13, 4314, 1051, 19624, 61921, 11, 4661, 682, 315, 198, 49818, 5986, 42612, 2115, 7487, 11, 889, 1051, 93072, 311, 617, 312, 1815, 294, 15400, 198, 1154, 315, 220, 4364, 11, 220, 5894, 11, 323, 40872, 315, 220, 8258, 13, 42251, 279, 19953, 9323, 11, 1778, 8349, 20781, 9508, 43010, 13, 1102, 574, 198, 44715, 989, 11928, 220, 555, 17684, 546, 22012, 430, 279, 8582, 4017, 315, 3823, 2324, 9575, 198, 16514, 1297, 86, 8517, 220, 7322, 323, 220, 4364, 13, 7570, 430, 574, 264, 32887, 4017, 11, 2533, 520, 430, 198, 1712, 912, 832, 449, 264, 15062, 7342, 16125, 1047, 3596, 12439, 7953, 220, 8190, 13, 2030, 198, 258, 8524, 279, 24417, 315, 279, 2307, 1189, 268, 30627, 11, 264, 893, 7086, 50356, 8115, 198, 84259, 4763, 869, 1174, 574, 93072, 311, 617, 1027, 9405, 304, 220, 5245, 20, 11, 8254, 1667, 1603, 198, 45, 391, 60203, 15572, 1608, 389, 23223, 662, 33659, 4763, 869, 12439, 304, 264, 8870, 14458, 304, 279, 198, 2513, 315, 74577, 9909, 315, 279, 11301, 79, 1122, 15379, 11, 1405, 568, 8636, 304, 220, 4468, 18, 520, 279, 198, 258, 59041, 4325, 315, 220, 8953, 13, 41493, 569, 279, 842, 11, 568, 1047, 1027, 89115, 505, 15613, 198, 24567, 311, 5986, 2890, 13, 1442, 814, 1436, 539, 4034, 279, 24417, 893, 889, 1047, 3596, 12439, 345, 55924, 388, 1436, 7274, 279, 24417, 5333, 315, 682, 892, 13, 3005, 574, 20774, 77576, 98903, 75884, 11, 264, 10068, 315, 3765, 74, 4752, 689, 889, 11922, 311, 387, 198, 97836, 220, 6860, 13, 3161, 264, 21655, 315, 75444, 323, 67233, 11, 7362, 198, 2749, 12170, 11, 2737, 16410, 323, 3754, 8024, 812, 11, 6137, 311, 98444, 304, 13, 5659, 279, 1176, 4545, 11, 3765, 74, 4752, 689, 574, 459, 48025, 287, 2035, 311, 5606, 889, 198, 6142, 1070, 505, 279, 39313, 11, 95869, 9919, 315, 279, 3723, 220, 4273, 323, 198, 31880, 13, 578, 47967, 574, 6307, 323, 887, 4010, 416, 13, 7648, 3765, 74, 4752, 5493, 12439, 520, 198, 3223, 21237, 1990, 8254, 7895, 323, 264, 16579, 7693, 3485, 9581, 2237, 11, 304, 198, 818, 266, 1403, 46199, 10632, 11, 3629, 5918, 704, 315, 93729, 11, 449, 7029, 2807, 56533, 323, 198, 22704, 12295, 11829, 10182, 304, 279, 35231, 1120, 77289, 505, 279, 5348, 15379, 574, 6940, 349, 198, 3236, 21691, 11, 14738, 389, 279, 75491, 3185, 520, 264, 3152, 9499, 315, 220, 1135, 311, 220, 2131, 198, 70849, 13, 2030, 279, 55883, 3765, 74, 4752, 5493, 1375, 3384, 420, 10284, 85042, 3805, 345, 8017, 287, 430, 433, 20162, 311, 872, 1317, 2324, 13, 38267, 369, 279, 9979, 45115, 345, 50828, 15316, 8965, 1047, 912, 8798, 13, 10541, 279, 5654, 1047, 16654, 505, 69263, 323, 13892, 764, 355, 28817, 38305, 198, 39830, 279, 3428, 1974, 2064, 14989, 1051, 61508, 555, 19953, 25175, 304, 279, 220, 7285, 15, 82, 345, 5953, 74, 4752, 689, 84312, 4330, 3115, 810, 2960, 268, 30627, 1109, 904, 1023, 961, 315, 279, 198, 14957, 11, 323, 220, 1490, 3346, 315, 279, 1054, 4930, 2922, 2299, 63750, 1820, 3492, 2362, 574, 2646, 17537, 72, 1608, 198, 998, 1124, 2001, 52898, 4642, 323, 71920, 13, 1102, 574, 4279, 369, 2225, 3026, 323, 198, 65762, 311, 990, 304, 279, 2254, 15600, 5151, 369, 11026, 3347, 279, 4033, 19953, 198, 2171, 47668, 4325, 315, 220, 1399, 2345, 331, 13580, 15600, 3820, 388, 1051, 2728, 121491, 18385, 988, 994, 198, 20670, 8813, 220, 1041, 13, 763, 813, 2363, 578, 57175, 355, 76077, 68318, 11, 220, 11824, 4323, 269, 342, 587, 300, 16964, 813, 198, 62349, 449, 3765, 74, 4752, 1122, 2960, 268, 8997, 13000, 52676, 8817, 324, 25, 1054, 54, 13992, 264, 4224, 11392, 198, 273, 1894, 9072, 11, 279, 91231, 481, 11, 453, 3195, 274, 14183, 311, 1193, 555, 813, 1176, 836, 11, 15203, 198, 40903, 398, 4028, 279, 13863, 323, 3952, 709, 279, 28423, 315, 264, 3552, 13, 24178, 1303, 198, 276, 4225, 276, 259, 4315, 220, 813, 15051, 11, 13000, 52676, 29676, 430, 264, 19923, 387, 14403, 291, 779, 279, 198, 79064, 1436, 617, 1063, 26276, 316, 384, 3224, 10625, 479, 13, 1789, 279, 1023, 15051, 198, 65, 49240, 315, 41776, 505, 813, 1888, 5021, 323, 264, 4883, 315, 21662, 1051, 7263, 704, 13, 8442, 994, 1521, 59886, 1051, 27332, 574, 568, 10235, 311, 6604, 21060, 1054, 44179, 1455, 315, 279, 1023, 2960, 268, 30627, 11, 510, 46324, 52676, 60, 1047, 264, 74927, 278, 198, 64686, 13, 11683, 78, 436, 7113, 311, 279, 13003, 315, 420, 2246, 11, 568, 574, 220, 7461, 11, 719, 568, 198, 81950, 430, 813, 74927, 1047, 1027, 23540, 3156, 568, 574, 304, 813, 11999, 1060, 198, 28753, 813, 6699, 49101, 10736, 311, 2343, 279, 42963, 13, 10541, 420, 574, 459, 198, 3123, 315, 459, 28391, 510, 1820, 15613, 60, 1047, 14134, 23926, 11, 13000, 52676, 529, 274, 198, 85, 71070, 1174, 1524, 520, 220, 7461, 11, 574, 9850, 581, 514, 13, 362, 893, 315, 922, 4330, 7693, 449, 97500, 2785, 198, 12481, 6548, 323, 459, 26861, 4251, 2011, 1815, 11, 568, 574, 279, 1732, 2461, 315, 264, 198, 15674, 398, 323, 57169, 38950, 662, 1283, 41857, 813, 30453, 11, 16502, 88, 2547, 311, 3177, 198, 91955, 11, 15580, 1445, 20427, 11, 8961, 72, 7933, 11, 323, 11689, 304, 279, 24405, 13, 4314, 198, 14097, 568, 46498, 810, 1109, 568, 1511, 311, 11, 719, 568, 6612, 7060, 323, 574, 3411, 4741, 198, 998, 279, 53474, 38043, 22310, 315, 279, 22910, 49216, 16179, 13000, 52676, 8817, 324, 574, 6646, 832, 315, 279, 2890, 13744, 315, 279, 198, 4930, 2922, 2299, 320, 276, 3778, 656, 302, 78, 436, 17303, 813, 6680, 7410, 520, 264, 65655, 198, 4364, 14, 5833, 705, 568, 574, 539, 520, 89215, 13, 763, 4323, 269, 342, 587, 300, 529, 274, 6492, 315, 264, 10795, 315, 682, 5953, 74, 4752, 5493, 927, 4325, 220, 1954, 11, 220, 5313, 3346, 1051, 45487, 311, 387, 34325, 323, 40418, 198, 3104, 11, 1193, 220, 605, 3346, 1047, 17250, 11011, 11, 323, 1193, 220, 19, 3346, 1047, 198, 58331, 492, 1766, 311, 387, 8009, 13, 11995, 3026, 323, 3278, 304, 279, 7829, 6222, 264, 198, 6519, 290, 369, 22019, 27928, 11, 323, 433, 574, 264, 1486, 315, 22519, 369, 2960, 268, 30627, 311, 198, 41866, 389, 15580, 1445, 304, 14458, 1370, 3536, 13, 763, 5270, 279, 7434, 315, 9861, 9193, 4642, 1139, 2362, 4325, 574, 198, 4345, 7314, 311, 8895, 6593, 4281, 768, 11, 719, 369, 24552, 304, 3765, 74, 4752, 689, 198, 32424, 306, 661, 21624, 574, 9987, 3734, 304, 5157, 315, 28353, 662, 46402, 13801, 2061, 7487, 66663, 872, 4207, 304, 279, 5151, 439, 814, 25735, 220, 1490, 323, 198, 1954, 26, 1798, 68, 1008, 315, 9511, 287, 369, 5899, 311, 37755, 4207, 11, 814, 2643, 17257, 1306, 2380, 311, 198, 53770, 4207, 13, 14968, 11, 420, 311, 321, 574, 539, 9770, 389, 1124, 13, 10919, 315, 2653, 990, 574, 198, 33980, 398, 81336, 2692, 4315, 279, 3765, 74, 4752, 5493, 11, 323, 7576, 8710, 430, 264, 5333, 198, 1073, 220, 7743, 574, 7318, 369, 36498, 86703, 2539, 990, 14097, 304, 279, 15600, 5151, 832, 7474, 662, 578, 4553, 60532, 355, 16700, 2134, 1047, 1027, 61403, 369, 24552, 439, 264, 198, 2118, 4930, 52779, 19671, 2029, 220, 426, 10767, 555, 279, 5348, 15379, 389, 279, 9909, 323, 279, 11301, 79, 1122, 198, 60261, 389, 279, 11226, 11, 2380, 8821, 8690, 5415, 17551, 3802, 311, 198, 9712, 1189, 268, 30627, 25, 4323, 269, 96095, 320, 8370, 5727, 279, 1614, 315, 3765, 74, 4752, 689, 1350, 32, 57860, 23685, 11, 323, 72630, 13, 362, 21655, 315, 21234, 6439, 6957, 420, 4459, 198, 4903, 11, 902, 374, 1193, 993, 1590, 989, 13076, 1534, 26, 279, 13901, 29735, 505, 12847, 3516, 198, 998, 9052, 11911, 389, 1405, 220, 499, 733, 11, 323, 279, 10182, 35327, 13882, 505, 198, 12156, 453, 39138, 320, 1820, 60532, 355, 374, 279, 82717, 2134, 304, 4606, 11, 73024, 287, 520, 63134, 198, 339, 52949, 7693, 8, 311, 42129, 51172, 13, 4314, 3649, 1051, 3062, 311, 198, 1414, 546, 22012, 11, 1606, 449, 1778, 264, 7029, 20057, 315, 7829, 11, 7102, 11, 323, 198, 94874, 11, 1070, 574, 912, 25181, 15207, 7463, 311, 2759, 369, 279, 58219, 315, 279, 198, 4030, 11, 6463, 574, 1070, 832, 46603, 54001, 19076, 29096, 1443, 526, 462, 53926, 304, 198, 45606, 2345, 417, 43419, 13, 763, 279, 3389, 220, 5162, 15, 274, 323, 4216, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 11, 279, 4851, 12, 21208, 42620, 2768, 198, 10343, 5111, 8105, 8813, 1202, 16557, 11, 323, 9572, 7969, 1047, 539, 12207, 198, 17805, 2533, 279, 220, 7285, 15, 82, 320, 1820, 1890, 10187, 837, 3432, 1174, 1306, 2500, 2380, 198, 8332, 3536, 315, 30583, 65923, 24853, 3495, 570, 578, 1317, 2922, 2299, 1047, 31890, 2225, 198, 2445, 414, 14748, 311, 264, 23649, 8547, 11, 323, 1790, 315, 279, 6807, 369, 420, 11, 28858, 198, 69, 70791, 10368, 11, 4024, 311, 10173, 13, 435, 76486, 449, 9257, 4363, 323, 264, 10182, 198, 73140, 481, 369, 14095, 11, 41613, 11, 323, 682, 11827, 315, 11092, 8356, 11, 279, 7187, 198, 65898, 13539, 389, 2162, 2427, 4935, 24822, 323, 34479, 3956, 11, 449, 2678, 198, 6173, 82, 315, 31049, 11, 41936, 11, 323, 13339, 311, 4883, 704, 279, 21057, 13, 320, 56, 540, 5757, 11, 264, 50056, 304, 50828, 10173, 11, 706, 1317, 1047, 264, 17444, 439, 264, 58219, 3691, 26, 311, 53825, 389, 198, 576, 11, 832, 3778, 55575, 1391, 904, 10837, 264, 4101, 315, 50189, 14058, 9204, 198, 276, 220, 4578, 4771, 482, 820, 3765, 74, 4752, 1122, 25936, 872, 2027, 1418, 813, 41803, 374, 1694, 198, 13576, 2454, 555, 813, 220, 16, 220, 1114, 4771, 482, 820, 6691, 662, 8, 18185, 279, 2144, 430, 1455, 315, 279, 1317, 2922, 2299, 27073, 17604, 11, 14403, 11, 323, 198, 88, 540, 5757, 1475, 1938, 11, 2860, 23730, 315, 8834, 323, 25247, 574, 57899, 3428, 555, 198, 55924, 2559, 277, 11729, 11, 1990, 37755, 7895, 323, 1403, 16579, 25247, 264, 198, 1316, 13, 763, 2015, 311, 8343, 430, 1448, 773, 750, 1174, 1690, 9053, 1053, 617, 311, 4018, 37755, 198, 71, 7259, 311, 1403, 16579, 25247, 505, 872, 41943, 0, 13690, 8834, 23730, 369, 198, 5953, 74, 4752, 5493, 574, 53474, 34419, 11, 7041, 4376, 315, 279, 549, 815, 13, 5578, 13, 10541, 198, 20670, 15262, 311, 7172, 279, 2254, 24149, 28233, 11, 1193, 264, 2478, 2307, 1189, 268, 30627, 198, 3647, 11059, 11, 323, 420, 19029, 1836, 1608, 3278, 11, 889, 36342, 559, 39090, 420, 198, 60621, 439, 264, 99961, 540, 1413, 315, 8762, 2324, 13, 35403, 682, 1051, 12502, 323, 1047, 1027, 198, 11536, 872, 97696, 13, 8876, 279, 5654, 1047, 2478, 63675, 19795, 11, 433, 574, 73348, 198, 2000, 1274, 311, 4321, 27650, 709, 311, 17510, 8931, 264, 1938, 662, 3861, 315, 279, 1176, 9053, 311, 64855, 420, 63615, 9498, 7829, 198, 16514, 2999, 13, 20643, 27967, 11, 459, 82315, 25996, 13235, 6150, 14561, 198, 14965, 574, 459, 4216, 18824, 315, 27344, 13, 350, 297, 48227, 813, 16801, 430, 10368, 198, 438, 10173, 1051, 279, 9309, 33610, 315, 51263, 1695, 2890, 11, 27967, 1903, 264, 198, 79, 321, 911, 1843, 311, 682, 279, 7634, 304, 279, 1917, 1405, 28812, 58219, 574, 311, 198, 1395, 1766, 13, 3765, 74, 4752, 689, 12304, 1461, 84563, 26, 1070, 27967, 32126, 83668, 198, 16455, 40746, 304, 1695, 2890, 311, 86560, 8838, 2362, 4325, 13, 1952, 813, 4034, 311, 3765, 74, 4752, 689, 304, 220, 4468, 17, 11, 27967, 28214, 311, 2567, 709, 449, 39843, 198, 1163, 391, 77, 1122, 11, 264, 2875, 11, 8314, 73048, 22916, 889, 6847, 45519, 264, 32366, 24898, 311, 5662, 198, 26301, 13863, 520, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 8546, 13, 2468, 220, 6849, 11, 4488, 95948, 350, 847, 76423, 2103, 16392, 520, 39493, 323, 198, 501, 2234, 291, 1139, 459, 67004, 4365, 369, 813, 6693, 9061, 13, 27967, 6267, 11, 1054, 9126, 95948, 198, 12620, 813, 1317, 2324, 311, 4359, 11, 311, 279, 24405, 11, 323, 311, 264, 1695, 10173, 17223, 568, 198, 34581, 82, 2403, 12459, 2085, 25349, 0, 5414, 3451, 16241, 529, 4325, 574, 220, 972, 11, 719, 568, 34008, 198, 4291, 13000, 52676, 430, 568, 27458, 5678, 439, 264, 3995, 893, 3156, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 1399 ]
thepoppy. ThepoppywassacredtoCeres,thegoddessof harvestandfertility,becauseoftheabundanceof seedscontainedinthecapsules.Theseedscontainno morphia,onlypaleyellowoilwhichartistsuseasa dryingoil.Theyarealsousedinthekitcheninpastry andbreadmaking. Theplantandpreparationsfromitwereemployed inmedicineasearlyasthedaysofHippocrates, thoughitwasrecognisedaspoisonousandgreatcare wastakeninitsadministration. Itwasusedasa sedativeandapainreliever,externallyforgoutand earacheandheadaches,internallyfordysenteryand certaintypesofcough.Insmalldosesopiumactsasastimulant;ideasflow,exhilaration isexperienced,as wellasacapabilityofgreaterexertionandagreat abilitytoendure,butthisisfollowedbyalossof mentalandphysicalpower,anirresistibledesireto sleep,anddependency. Thehomeopathicpreparation ismadebydissolving opiuminalcoholandsuccussing. GENERALSYMPTOMS Eyesglassy.Facedarkredorblue.Faintness:after excitement;afterfright.Painsabsent.Pupils contracted.Shockfrominjury.Sweat:profuse;hot; onsinglepartofthebody;fromfright. Worseforalcohol;duringsleep;ongettingup;for warmthofbed.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms: Thehomeopathicremedyismadefromthewhole plantwhichisdriedandpowderedthenmixedwith alcoholandleftforeightdays;theclearliquoristhen decantedandsuccussed. GENERALSYMPTOMS Painswandering. Betterforcoldbathing. Worseforheat;formovement;fortouch;forwalking; forwine. Ledumiseffectiveintreatingacuterheumaticand goutyafflictionsofthejoints,aswellaspreventing sepsisdevelopinginaparticulartypeofinjury. The injuredorpainfulpartpuffsup,becomesnumbandis sensitivetobeingtouched. Itmaylookmottledor bluish,orcanbecomepale. AlthoughLedumtypesare chilly,andalthoughthepainfulpartmayfeelcold (bothinternallyandexternally),thepainsareactually relievedbycoldcompressesorbybeingbathedincold (andevenicy-cold)water. Thepainsaregenerally worseformovementandwarmthandtherewillbea generalaggravationafterdrinkingwine. Therearenomarkedemotional/mental symptoms. PHYSICALCOMPLAINTS Bites/stings Betterforcold. Worseforheat. Causesinsects/animals. Ledumpreventsasepticstatesettinginandshould alwaysberoutinelyadministered afterapersonhas beenbittenbyanyanimal,poisonousornot. Givealso foranyinsectbiteorstingunlessanotherremedyis stronglyindicated,andusetheappropriateexternal remedyatthesametime. 108•Lycopodium(Lye. ) INTERNALMATERIAMEDICA Bruises/blackeye SymptomsBlackeye. Withdiscolouration*. Causesinjury. IfArnicahasbeengivenbutthebruisingcomesout, thengiveLedum. Eyeinjury SymptomsWithbruising;discolouration. Betterforcold. Injuries SymptomsCutswounds:lacerated;punctured;to palmofhandsoleoffoot. Betterforcoldcompresses.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|> Q: What is the remedy made from the whole plant, which is dried and powdered, mixed with alcohol and left for 8 days?, A: Ledum Q: What is the typical remedy for a child who has a fever and is having trouble sleeping, and has a constant, severe pain in the bladder?, A: Merc-c. Q: What is the common cold remedy that is caused by swimming in the sea?, A: Merc-c. Q: What is the remedy that is made from a combination of magnesium chloride and sodium phosphate?, A: Nat-m. Q: What is the remedy that is prepared by dissolving pure, pulsed nitric acid in water and then heating?, A: Nat-m. Q: What is the remedy that is made by dissolving opium in alcohol and then succussing?, A: Opium<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Opiumischaracterisedbyanabnormallackofpain,as ifthesenseshavebeenblunted.Afterashock,people needingOpiumappearglassyeyedandstupefied,and sufferfromgreatinertia.Theyfeelfaint,numband/ ortrembly.Theirfacesgoredandbecomedrawn, sunkenandoldlooking,possiblywithabluishtinge. Childrenwhohavejustexperiencedafrightorshock willbeunabletourinate. Generally,thereisprofusesweatingwithscanty urinationandinafeverOpiumtypeswillbecome heatedinbedandfeelworsefortheheatandthe sweatingandwillkickoffthecovers. Theshockthatfollowsalcoholpoisoningwiththese symptomsmaywellcallforOpium-thisisonlyuseful inanunusual,mistakenaccidentandnotforhabitual drinkers. EMOTIONAL/MENTALSYMPTOMS Apatheticduringfever.Complaintsfrom:anger; reprimands;shock.Confused.Dreamy.Drowsy. Exhilarated.Expressionsleepy.Indifferentduringa fever.Lively.Senses:dull;acute.Sensitivetonoise. Stupor. Inanacuteillnesslikeafever,Opiumpatientsaredull andapathetic,dullerthananyotherremedy-tothe pointofstupor.Theydon'tcomplainorevenaskfor anythingandmaybeoverwhelmingly sleepy.Before reachingthisstateofstupor,however,theymaybe- comeexhilaratedanddeliriousandimaginetheysee things,especiallyonclosingtheireyes. Peoplewhohavebecomestuckintoastateoffear afterabadfrightorshockmaybenefitfromOpium. TheylooksimilartoAconite(thatis,enormously shocked)buttheyarealsoinadream-likestatethat theycannotsnapoutof.Thisiscommonafteran operationandOpiumwillhelppeopleafterageneral anaestheticwheretheyfeel'spacedout'anddrowsyto 128•Petroleum(Petr.) INTERNALMATERIAMEDICA getbacktotheirnormalstates.TheOpiumpersonwill recreatetheimageorsituationthatcausedtheshock, butduringwakinghours;hewillnothavebad dreams.Arnicatypes,ontheotherhand,willbefine duringthedaybutwillhavebaddreamsrelatingtothe fright. Childrenwhohavebeenseverelytoldoffsome- timesdevelopanOpium'acute'. PHYSICALCOMPLAINTS Constipation SymptomsDesiretopassstoolabsent.Stools: black;hard;smallballs;likesheep'sdung/droppings; 'shy'(recede).Withunfinishedfeeling. Thestoolwilllieinthebowelandthepersonhasno desiretopassit.Noristhereanypainthatwould normallybeassociatedwithsuchconstipation.The constipationmaybeacuteafteranoperation. Itmay alternatewithdiarrhoea,whichmaycomeonafter suddenjoyorafterfright. Cough SymptomsBreathingdifficult;slow;snoring. Worseduringsleep;onfallingasleep;onwaking. Thebreathingslowsdownduringsleepandwhenthe feverisstrong;itbecomesirregularandlaboured,like awakingsnoring.Thisaspectisverymarkedinthis remedypictureandneedstobepresentforittowork successfully. Fever SymptomsHeat:burning;intense.Withdeepsleep; sweating(seeGeneralSymptoms). Betterforuncovering. Worseduringsleep;forsweating. Apersonwiththisfeverwillexperienceoverpowering sleepinessandyawning,willfallasleepandthen breatheslowlyandloudlyasifsnoring.Heatcomeson duringsleep,andsweatingwhichdoesnotrelievethe symptoms. Ifwoken,thepersonwillbedazedand confused,willwanttouncover,andiseitherdelirious andexcitableorstupefiedandsemi-consciousduring thefever. Insomnia SymptomsWithsleepiness. Sleepslightlyandrestlesslyandhearseverysound.Is sleepybutcannotfallasleep,andthebedmayfeelhot. Retentionofurine Causesshock. Afterashockorfrightthepersonisunabletopass urine.Petroleum (Petr.) Othernames:petra-rock;oleumoil;coaloil;rockoil Theword
[ 339, 752, 454, 3368, 13, 578, 8539, 3368, 86, 395, 582, 1171, 998, 34, 13213, 11, 339, 797, 14898, 434, 1073, 198, 13279, 7164, 438, 69, 62587, 8568, 6769, 1073, 1820, 370, 98681, 1073, 198, 325, 6910, 53615, 48121, 762, 2690, 2482, 5221, 2423, 6910, 53195, 2201, 198, 90933, 689, 11, 3323, 79, 1604, 28969, 74913, 8370, 77735, 817, 15790, 198, 67, 28609, 74913, 76369, 548, 1147, 788, 31501, 339, 1247, 7606, 258, 6733, 4720, 198, 438, 48616, 28936, 13, 578, 21494, 438, 1762, 1768, 811, 1527, 275, 52898, 36242, 198, 258, 83543, 521, 277, 398, 561, 42109, 352, 708, 69, 39, 2877, 78046, 345, 4636, 275, 16514, 34551, 4147, 300, 5481, 3416, 52949, 47991, 10727, 198, 86, 561, 3448, 258, 1220, 91690, 13, 1102, 16514, 2656, 15790, 198, 32424, 1413, 438, 391, 467, 3833, 82121, 11, 4399, 750, 97944, 412, 438, 198, 686, 1815, 438, 2025, 14576, 10072, 944, 750, 8350, 1065, 306, 727, 438, 198, 12525, 1673, 1842, 1073, 66, 1409, 5450, 3647, 278, 509, 20274, 454, 2411, 11613, 300, 561, 318, 69733, 26, 94784, 5072, 11, 327, 71, 3653, 367, 374, 327, 45933, 11, 300, 198, 9336, 300, 582, 391, 2968, 1073, 66335, 327, 531, 290, 438, 351, 1244, 198, 2968, 998, 408, 554, 100004, 576, 285, 19070, 291, 1729, 278, 437, 708, 69, 198, 479, 15697, 47692, 13477, 11, 276, 404, 417, 380, 581, 839, 288, 556, 998, 198, 26894, 51526, 54790, 13, 578, 5227, 62209, 1762, 36235, 374, 28010, 1729, 67, 1056, 20222, 198, 454, 2411, 992, 11353, 2914, 14912, 1892, 287, 13, 53412, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 36, 9891, 59536, 88, 1006, 4535, 847, 1171, 269, 12481, 1006, 1673, 2136, 25, 10924, 198, 40541, 275, 1133, 26, 10924, 69, 1315, 1087, 1771, 3518, 306, 1087, 455, 8839, 198, 20871, 291, 11086, 1197, 1527, 258, 42861, 815, 906, 266, 25, 22579, 817, 26, 10847, 280, 2439, 2222, 4581, 1073, 1820, 2664, 26, 1527, 69, 1315, 13, 87904, 2000, 278, 11353, 26, 71792, 826, 3583, 26, 263, 51210, 455, 26, 2000, 198, 83697, 339, 1073, 2788, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 578, 5227, 62209, 1864, 9497, 2191, 329, 830, 442, 16142, 31520, 198, 21494, 8370, 21291, 4588, 438, 22491, 1126, 291, 3473, 57785, 4291, 198, 278, 11353, 438, 2414, 1348, 492, 14097, 26, 339, 762, 1576, 41093, 269, 380, 12301, 198, 8332, 7719, 2914, 14912, 59942, 13, 53412, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 47, 1771, 86, 61380, 13, 24327, 10676, 820, 65, 44661, 13, 87904, 2000, 20559, 26, 630, 14797, 26, 4057, 3102, 26, 2000, 81749, 280, 2000, 72537, 13, 32755, 372, 1082, 40784, 396, 73910, 582, 29051, 383, 33030, 438, 198, 70, 412, 88, 2715, 21937, 290, 708, 69, 1820, 73, 14737, 11, 300, 9336, 300, 1762, 82920, 198, 325, 1725, 285, 16219, 287, 258, 391, 81987, 360, 472, 500, 1073, 258, 42861, 13, 578, 198, 258, 80491, 31215, 467, 1285, 4581, 79, 1386, 13066, 8568, 762, 20969, 2470, 7198, 285, 198, 82, 729, 275, 99754, 15784, 76019, 34170, 13, 1102, 18864, 7349, 76, 1751, 839, 269, 198, 2067, 51220, 11, 269, 4919, 17106, 638, 79, 1604, 13, 10541, 61950, 372, 9426, 548, 198, 331, 14722, 51526, 37241, 339, 752, 467, 1285, 4581, 18864, 57676, 88172, 198, 7, 21704, 56544, 750, 438, 4399, 750, 705, 339, 752, 1771, 548, 74128, 198, 3833, 32077, 1729, 88172, 39460, 48935, 1729, 35214, 65, 70737, 2910, 820, 198, 61011, 17206, 2912, 1824, 820, 8, 13284, 13, 578, 79, 1771, 548, 7642, 750, 198, 86, 11073, 630, 14797, 438, 83697, 339, 438, 700, 365, 484, 1395, 64, 198, 25615, 351, 36490, 367, 10924, 3696, 16113, 72537, 13, 2684, 9329, 316, 43161, 336, 41964, 14, 93221, 13803, 13, 85087, 15942, 8867, 2989, 32, 3301, 50, 198, 33, 3695, 14607, 826, 198, 56351, 10676, 820, 13, 87904, 2000, 20559, 13, 74105, 258, 55529, 14, 77896, 13, 32755, 1538, 265, 48764, 521, 27330, 33169, 52189, 76831, 5562, 198, 33222, 655, 412, 22870, 2953, 1601, 291, 1306, 391, 1293, 4752, 198, 82850, 65, 23257, 1729, 3852, 48999, 11, 5481, 3416, 788, 1540, 354, 13, 21335, 19171, 198, 2000, 3852, 258, 9885, 91035, 66396, 287, 39870, 43063, 1864, 9497, 285, 198, 4620, 398, 485, 10297, 51526, 18686, 383, 29228, 21591, 198, 1864, 9497, 266, 6509, 309, 4199, 13, 220, 6640, 6806, 43, 67866, 47876, 5063, 9188, 13, 883, 73755, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 198, 68977, 5014, 99645, 19494, 198, 29012, 52273, 14755, 19494, 13, 3161, 4338, 48439, 367, 20517, 74105, 258, 42861, 13, 1442, 7098, 11851, 93066, 1395, 833, 2116, 8248, 1820, 33713, 3876, 6716, 412, 345, 339, 833, 535, 61950, 372, 13, 28929, 258, 42861, 198, 29012, 52273, 2409, 33713, 3876, 26, 4338, 48439, 367, 13, 24327, 10676, 820, 13, 763, 90927, 198, 29012, 52273, 38766, 2332, 3171, 89497, 9779, 660, 57013, 20526, 3149, 26, 998, 198, 79, 7828, 1073, 10888, 1575, 1885, 1944, 13, 24327, 10676, 820, 39460, 288, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 40239, 1903, 505, 279, 4459, 6136, 11, 902, 374, 32720, 323, 83583, 11, 9709, 449, 13200, 323, 2163, 369, 220, 23, 2919, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 32755, 372, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 14595, 40239, 369, 264, 1716, 889, 706, 264, 34653, 323, 374, 3515, 12544, 21811, 11, 323, 706, 264, 6926, 11, 15748, 6784, 304, 279, 62564, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 25145, 1824, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 4279, 9439, 40239, 430, 374, 9057, 555, 24269, 304, 279, 9581, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 25145, 1824, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 40239, 430, 374, 1903, 505, 264, 10824, 315, 61933, 82882, 323, 39695, 79106, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 24772, 1474, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 40239, 430, 374, 10235, 555, 14091, 20222, 10748, 11, 7893, 32424, 25719, 2265, 13935, 304, 3090, 323, 1243, 24494, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 24772, 1474, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 40239, 430, 374, 1903, 555, 14091, 20222, 1200, 2411, 304, 13200, 323, 1243, 20639, 1892, 287, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 10901, 2411, 128009, 128000, 7271, 2411, 285, 19740, 4147, 1729, 276, 370, 20609, 543, 474, 1073, 92724, 11, 300, 198, 333, 6509, 4377, 19553, 82850, 2067, 28736, 37992, 1003, 1197, 11, 16455, 198, 818, 16490, 7271, 2411, 34531, 867, 448, 88, 49059, 438, 61782, 375, 69, 1142, 51526, 198, 82, 2084, 1527, 47991, 258, 41222, 76369, 1897, 491, 1673, 36524, 7198, 6018, 371, 1864, 65, 398, 11829, 404, 7760, 70, 3093, 438, 17106, 25111, 68668, 345, 40619, 2779, 438, 820, 20986, 11, 54228, 4291, 62573, 9425, 427, 18177, 13, 15394, 1336, 2319, 525, 4345, 327, 45933, 2642, 1315, 269, 939, 1197, 198, 14724, 1395, 47028, 52439, 3357, 13, 44493, 11, 19041, 285, 22579, 4881, 906, 1113, 4291, 2445, 519, 88, 198, 324, 2617, 438, 2259, 1897, 424, 7271, 2411, 9426, 14724, 17106, 638, 198, 383, 660, 258, 2788, 438, 57676, 86, 11073, 2000, 1820, 20559, 438, 1820, 198, 82, 906, 1113, 438, 14724, 56893, 1885, 339, 762, 9146, 13, 666, 4385, 1197, 9210, 19070, 19776, 11353, 5481, 3416, 287, 4291, 45010, 198, 24738, 80797, 3647, 352, 9336, 6797, 2000, 7271, 2411, 61291, 285, 3323, 817, 1285, 198, 74276, 359, 81324, 13387, 380, 3448, 4575, 1748, 438, 1962, 2000, 97802, 940, 198, 98427, 388, 13, 17329, 55101, 984, 14, 5441, 984, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 32, 2398, 5411, 82977, 1897, 424, 3034, 32397, 82, 1527, 25, 4091, 280, 265, 18375, 2914, 26, 939, 1197, 4906, 69, 2656, 920, 1259, 88, 920, 1849, 88, 13, 1398, 71, 3653, 660, 68193, 3583, 88, 13, 1451, 18780, 82977, 64, 198, 1897, 424, 1236, 3210, 815, 4377, 41522, 620, 26, 32590, 815, 729, 275, 99754, 10358, 1082, 13, 800, 455, 269, 13, 763, 276, 32590, 484, 2136, 4908, 5763, 424, 75449, 2554, 1538, 266, 4167, 1636, 620, 198, 438, 391, 589, 5411, 12260, 620, 261, 54895, 3852, 1605, 1864, 9497, 4791, 1820, 198, 2837, 1073, 102289, 269, 76369, 15357, 956, 884, 21435, 461, 1055, 1091, 2000, 198, 73254, 438, 37860, 2017, 94179, 398, 82893, 32253, 198, 265, 12092, 576, 2513, 1073, 102289, 269, 11, 98936, 11, 20670, 37860, 7058, 2063, 327, 71, 3653, 660, 438, 9783, 404, 1245, 438, 80224, 19030, 88, 4151, 198, 58174, 11, 36046, 263, 86877, 1820, 556, 9891, 13, 9029, 1336, 2319, 525, 17106, 316, 478, 1983, 18614, 561, 349, 1885, 686, 198, 10924, 28447, 69, 1315, 269, 939, 1197, 18864, 68244, 275, 1527, 7271, 2411, 13, 2435, 7349, 15124, 321, 37043, 32, 444, 635, 25364, 3689, 88531, 494, 7162, 198, 939, 68485, 8, 8248, 20670, 548, 19171, 258, 329, 1259, 12970, 10079, 774, 266, 198, 20670, 66, 1036, 2469, 7004, 412, 1073, 5221, 9667, 5581, 10924, 276, 198, 9446, 438, 7271, 2411, 14724, 8823, 16455, 10924, 351, 18958, 198, 3444, 71109, 1336, 261, 19030, 88, 57676, 596, 69652, 412, 6, 438, 67, 1849, 88, 998, 198, 4386, 6806, 35919, 41099, 5417, 17820, 6266, 73755, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 198, 456, 1445, 998, 50828, 8416, 33169, 11829, 46, 2554, 1538, 1293, 14724, 198, 265, 95839, 19030, 1843, 1105, 275, 4090, 9210, 936, 2656, 339, 4385, 1197, 345, 8248, 82977, 86, 1802, 31482, 26, 71, 365, 484, 2201, 339, 525, 14176, 198, 57291, 82, 72987, 11851, 62013, 97325, 1820, 1605, 10888, 11, 14724, 58747, 483, 198, 82977, 339, 46212, 8248, 14724, 19553, 65, 723, 1259, 82, 3833, 1113, 998, 1820, 198, 69, 1315, 13, 15394, 1336, 2319, 525, 1395, 1137, 424, 989, 83, 820, 1885, 15031, 7058, 15487, 16219, 276, 7271, 2411, 6, 32590, 4527, 85087, 15942, 8867, 2989, 32, 3301, 50, 198, 19717, 49686, 198, 29012, 52273, 5001, 556, 3565, 395, 267, 1786, 3518, 306, 7914, 6309, 512, 11708, 26, 19221, 26, 9181, 46618, 26, 26094, 383, 752, 596, 67, 2234, 3529, 76156, 826, 280, 596, 8671, 59436, 265, 95974, 570, 2409, 15442, 1897, 20659, 13, 578, 267, 1786, 14724, 11828, 258, 1820, 15802, 18615, 339, 752, 1293, 4752, 2201, 198, 5919, 556, 3565, 395, 275, 2112, 269, 380, 6881, 276, 1100, 467, 9210, 41450, 198, 86336, 1395, 50187, 4291, 21470, 1040, 49686, 11829, 198, 1040, 49686, 37860, 32590, 10924, 276, 9446, 13, 1102, 18864, 198, 76462, 4291, 8747, 1138, 77035, 64, 11, 8370, 18864, 2063, 6863, 1064, 198, 82, 39095, 4215, 6347, 1064, 69, 1315, 13, 356, 1409, 198, 29012, 52273, 51329, 44661, 13798, 3951, 26, 36311, 26, 9810, 5620, 13, 468, 1105, 291, 324, 826, 3583, 26, 263, 13772, 287, 300, 3583, 26, 263, 86, 1802, 13, 578, 21152, 589, 826, 75, 4336, 67, 363, 303, 324, 826, 3583, 438, 1336, 306, 383, 198, 1897, 424, 285, 4620, 26, 275, 17106, 20969, 404, 23108, 438, 14717, 21020, 11, 4908, 198, 675, 587, 826, 77, 5620, 29845, 58158, 285, 1225, 4075, 31501, 576, 198, 1864, 291, 1100, 3911, 438, 17483, 267, 677, 752, 2762, 2000, 1468, 363, 672, 198, 61605, 13, 85001, 198, 29012, 52273, 62406, 25, 22464, 287, 26, 396, 1137, 27216, 451, 7270, 3583, 280, 82, 906, 1113, 7, 4151, 15777, 29012, 52273, 570, 24327, 2000, 359, 93013, 13, 468, 1105, 291, 324, 826, 3583, 26, 69, 1105, 906, 1113, 13, 5345, 1293, 4291, 576, 1897, 424, 65736, 2635, 13267, 2017, 13477, 287, 198, 26894, 1918, 13634, 51946, 11, 14724, 13772, 300, 3583, 438, 3473, 198, 21152, 589, 288, 10516, 398, 438, 53278, 398, 300, 333, 9810, 5620, 52425, 266, 6716, 263, 198, 71792, 826, 3583, 11, 2914, 906, 1113, 8370, 28156, 1962, 3833, 648, 17553, 383, 198, 24738, 52273, 13, 1442, 86, 1713, 11, 339, 752, 1293, 14724, 2788, 28109, 438, 198, 6263, 2656, 11, 14724, 53757, 83, 1656, 3773, 11, 31770, 2544, 9783, 404, 1245, 198, 438, 40541, 15729, 269, 61782, 375, 69, 1142, 438, 87698, 66666, 82977, 198, 339, 830, 2099, 13, 9925, 50405, 198, 29012, 52273, 2409, 26894, 1918, 13, 24708, 3306, 73048, 438, 4014, 16117, 438, 383, 2648, 424, 1065, 801, 4607, 198, 26894, 88, 8248, 34360, 13772, 300, 3583, 51526, 1820, 2788, 18864, 57676, 10847, 13, 10608, 3012, 1073, 324, 483, 198, 34, 12119, 434, 71, 1197, 13, 4740, 1003, 1197, 33942, 1315, 339, 752, 1293, 285, 47028, 3565, 395, 198, 324, 483, 1087, 295, 41099, 320, 47, 17820, 6266, 507, 6456, 986, 25, 7005, 969, 80437, 26, 1286, 65725, 321, 26, 1030, 12812, 321, 26, 21161, 74913, 198, 1016, 365, 541 ]
to be part of you. It may be that the most effective way to trust your reality is through the power of prayer. Prayer and trust offer us seemingly magical methods for manifesting the divine desire. But, first you may have to shift old perceptions concerning prayer and discover a whole new inner vision about praying and prayer. 25 WAYNE W. DYER PRAYER AND TRUST In the matter of prayer it seems that we often view God as a gigan- tic vending machine in the sky who will grant us our wishes when we put in the proper tokens in the form of prayers. We expect to insert prayers, then pull on the knob and hope that God will dispense the goodies. The God vending machine becomes the object of our vener- ation. We tell the machine how good it is and how much we worship it and expect it to be good to us in return. The basic premise here is that God is outside us and therefore, what we need and want is also outside us. This form of prayer is like practicing the absence rather than the presence of God. If we believe that we are separate from God, the vending machine approach to prayer reinforces and deepens that belief. I prefer to promote the idea of prayer in its essence as a commu- nion with God. Praying at the spiritual level then becomes com- muning with and knowing that God is as close as our breath. What we seek in prayer is the experience of co-existing with God. Prayer is our communication of readiness for the desires of this sacred energy to manifest through our human form. No separation, no absence of God within, simply the presence of this force within ourselves. Therefore, the true experience of God does not change or alter God, but it changes us. It heals our sense of separation. If we are not changed by prayer, we have denied ourselves the opportunity to know the wisdom that created us. The search for happiness outside ourselves rekindles an idea that we are not whole and relegates prayer to the status of a plea to a boss/God. We are then asking for favors rather than seeking a mani- festation of our invisible, inspired self. Prayer, at the spiritual level I am writing about, is not asking for something any more than the attempt to become a manifester is ask- ing for something to show up in your life. What I call authentic prayer is inviting divine desire to express itself through me. It is a 26 Manifest Your Destiny prayer for what it is that is for my highest purpose and good, or for the greater benefit of all mankind. Prayer at this level expresses my experience of oneness with the divine energy. This may sound like a radical or even blasphemous notion to you, but it is the source of all spiritual traditions. Here are a few examples. Christianity: The kingdom of heaven is within you. Islam: Those who know themselves know their God. Buddhism: Look within, you are the Buddha. Vedanta (part of Hinduism): Atman (individual consciousness) and Brahman (universal consciousness) are one. Yoga (part of Hinduism): God dwells within you as you. Confucianism: Heaven, earth and human are of one body. Upanishads (part of Hinduism): By understanding the self, all this universe is known. Overcoming your conditioning in this area is crucially important. At first, you may be able to accept this idea on an intellectual level, but be unable to make it your authentic experience. So, I suggest you make prayer your.experience by using it to replace the random, con- tinuous thoughts that you have all day. Use your trust to commune with God rather than to be in a constant state of chatter. Replace thoughts about your experiences with the experience of prayer. For instance, praying in this sense can be a sentence such as “Sacredness guide me now” or “Sacred love flow through me now” silently recited instead of thinking thoughts. Prayer in this form is tilling and clearing the inner self of ego chatter so that what you desire and what desires you can grow. My personal practice of prayer is participating in a communion with God wherein I see God within me and ask for the strength.and the inner awareness to handle what- ever confronts me. I know that I am not separate from this vital force 27 WAYNE W. DYER that we call God. I know that this force connects me to everything in the universe and that by placing my attention on what it is that I want to attract to myself I am really doing nothing more than manifesting a new aspect of myself. I then let go of the results and let the universe handle the details. I retreat in peace and keep reminding myself that heaven on earth is a choice that I must make, not a place I must find.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms: YOUR DESTINY The Nine Spiritual Principles for Getting Everything You Want WAYNE W, DYER | The New York Times Bestselling Author. USA $23. 00 CANADA — $32. 50 “Within you is a divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need and desire. In international bestsellers from Your Sacred Self to the classic Your Erroneous Zones, inspirational leader and author Wayne W. Dyer established new ideas that changed people’s lives. In Manifest Your Destiny, he explores his most astonishing subject yet: the power of attracting one’s needs and desires into one’s life. Manifest Your Destiny is a stunning work that focuses on the ancient principle of manifesting through the timeless art of meditation. With char- acteristic insight and clarity, Dyer teaches the process of meditation as a way to streamline our thoughts, desires, and goals, and to bring what we most desire into our lives. Whether we realize it or not, we all struggle with built-in societal barriers that obstruct our inner potential. When we fall into a dream state— either in sleep or during a down moment of the day— we conceive of goals and desires that are more spectacular than those we entertain when “awake,” yet we always wake thinking, “I can’t do that. ” It is this conditioned response that prevents us from achieving what we want, and it is this response that Dyer teaches us to overcome through the Nine Spiritual Principles of Manifesting. From “Becoming Aware of Your Highest Self” to “Trusting Yourself Is Trusting the Wisdom That Created You” to “Meditating to the Sound of Creation,” the Nine Spiritual Principles of Manifesting clear away what constricts us and illuminate a new path to achieving our truest goals. Manifest Your Destiny is Wayne W: Dyer’s most exciting and accessible work, a remarkable guidebook that shows us how to obtain what we truly desire. oe Se AIP Mears F a 7 ; ’ a _. a hip > af ae. 1p ee ie : : am, ;'; : oy rl yy Ye Ri rs " ‘a ie, J 4 J ee ra ‘ ; ij P es | sols evo ra Maree RGN pene * ’ Abe) ii : wats cy r y: = " tala to 7 “ ws : PI ut ee Ge J ; ay & r a : i", i baa | na Pe 5 ’ +L Y. ‘te A Ms 4 7 e. 8° Dap ie ea aS 7 ¥ — yer 7 1 _ g op * + PN ak) re. ie ee ~~ i a |. c Oey a) TTeur 7 ce ise sae >». cas Ni MANIFEST YOUR DESTINY Also by Wayne W. Dyer Your Sacred Self A Promise Is a Promise Real Magic You'll See It When You Believe It What Do You Really Want for Your Children. No More Holiday Blues Gifts from Eykis The Sky’s the Limit Pulling Your Own Strings Your Erroneous Zones MANIFEST YOUR DESTINY The Nine Spiritual Principles for Getting Everything You Want WAYNE W. DYER & HarperCollinsPublishers MANIFEST YOUR DESTINY. Copyright © 1997 by Wayne W. Dyer. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or repro- duced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022. HarperCollins books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. For information please write: Special Markets Department, HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|> Q: Who is the author of the book "Manifest Your Destiny"?, A: Wayne W. Dyer Q: What is the main focus of the book "Manifest Your Destiny"?, A: The power of attracting one's needs and desires into one's life through meditation and the nine spiritual principles. Q: What is the author's experience with the principles he is teaching?, A:
[ 311, 720, 1395, 961, 315, 499, 13, 1102, 1253, 387, 430, 279, 1455, 7524, 1648, 311, 7095, 701, 8903, 374, 720, 20322, 279, 2410, 315, 23788, 13, 56060, 323, 7095, 3085, 603, 23490, 720, 31606, 950, 5528, 369, 14794, 287, 279, 30467, 12876, 13, 2030, 11, 1176, 499, 1253, 720, 19553, 311, 6541, 2362, 51866, 18815, 23788, 323, 7142, 264, 4459, 720, 943, 9358, 11376, 922, 52232, 323, 23788, 13, 220, 914, 720, 42903, 4031, 468, 13, 96958, 643, 720, 6616, 15108, 3651, 5091, 8721, 720, 644, 279, 5030, 315, 23788, 433, 5084, 430, 584, 3629, 1684, 4359, 439, 264, 342, 11118, 12, 720, 29150, 86144, 5780, 304, 279, 13180, 889, 690, 13500, 603, 1057, 25223, 994, 584, 720, 631, 304, 279, 6300, 11460, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 34296, 13, 1226, 1755, 311, 5774, 720, 652, 5184, 11, 1243, 6958, 389, 279, 59672, 323, 3987, 430, 4359, 690, 13262, 1137, 279, 720, 19045, 552, 13, 578, 4359, 86144, 5780, 9221, 279, 1665, 315, 1057, 91231, 12, 720, 367, 13, 1226, 3371, 279, 5780, 1268, 1695, 433, 374, 323, 1268, 1790, 584, 24863, 720, 275, 323, 1755, 433, 311, 387, 1695, 311, 603, 304, 471, 13, 578, 6913, 41302, 1618, 374, 430, 4359, 374, 4994, 603, 323, 9093, 11, 720, 12840, 584, 1205, 323, 1390, 374, 1101, 4994, 603, 13, 1115, 1376, 315, 23788, 374, 1093, 720, 652, 533, 10332, 279, 19821, 4856, 1109, 279, 9546, 315, 4359, 13, 1442, 584, 4510, 720, 9210, 584, 527, 8821, 505, 4359, 11, 279, 86144, 5780, 5603, 311, 720, 652, 1155, 95593, 323, 5655, 729, 430, 16801, 13, 358, 10932, 311, 12192, 279, 4623, 315, 23788, 304, 1202, 28591, 439, 264, 1081, 84, 12, 720, 77, 290, 449, 4359, 13, 2394, 17718, 520, 279, 18330, 2237, 1243, 9221, 470, 12, 720, 26046, 287, 449, 323, 14392, 430, 4359, 374, 439, 3345, 439, 1057, 11745, 13, 3639, 720, 906, 6056, 304, 23788, 374, 279, 3217, 315, 1080, 50457, 449, 4359, 13, 56060, 374, 720, 414, 10758, 315, 62792, 369, 279, 32097, 315, 420, 32442, 4907, 720, 998, 14794, 1555, 1057, 3823, 1376, 13, 2360, 25768, 11, 912, 19821, 315, 720, 28622, 2949, 11, 5042, 279, 9546, 315, 420, 5457, 2949, 13520, 13, 15636, 11, 279, 837, 3217, 315, 4359, 1587, 539, 2349, 477, 11857, 720, 28622, 11, 719, 433, 4442, 603, 13, 1102, 88084, 1057, 5647, 315, 25768, 13, 1442, 584, 527, 539, 720, 17805, 555, 23788, 11, 584, 617, 15164, 13520, 279, 6776, 311, 720, 33134, 279, 24278, 430, 3549, 603, 13, 578, 2778, 369, 23871, 4994, 13520, 312, 15674, 645, 459, 4623, 430, 720, 906, 527, 539, 4459, 323, 312, 54479, 23788, 311, 279, 2704, 315, 264, 40067, 311, 264, 720, 34414, 16169, 347, 13, 1226, 527, 1243, 10371, 369, 54947, 4856, 1109, 11125, 264, 893, 72, 12, 720, 53864, 367, 315, 1057, 30547, 11, 14948, 659, 13, 56060, 11, 520, 279, 18330, 2237, 358, 1097, 4477, 922, 11, 374, 539, 10371, 369, 720, 34431, 904, 810, 1109, 279, 4879, 311, 3719, 264, 893, 333, 5302, 374, 2610, 12, 720, 287, 369, 2555, 311, 1501, 709, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 3639, 358, 1650, 13513, 720, 652, 1155, 374, 42292, 30467, 12876, 311, 3237, 5196, 1555, 757, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 720, 1627, 720, 39595, 4718, 51497, 720, 652, 1155, 369, 1148, 433, 374, 430, 374, 369, 856, 8592, 7580, 323, 1695, 11, 477, 369, 720, 1820, 7191, 8935, 315, 682, 43384, 13, 56060, 520, 420, 2237, 61120, 856, 720, 50659, 315, 389, 24639, 449, 279, 30467, 4907, 13, 1115, 1253, 5222, 1093, 264, 18336, 477, 1524, 49677, 61041, 788, 23035, 311, 499, 11, 720, 8248, 433, 374, 279, 2592, 315, 682, 18330, 32006, 13, 5810, 527, 264, 2478, 10507, 13, 32186, 25, 578, 26135, 315, 23070, 374, 2949, 499, 13, 15256, 25, 13266, 889, 1440, 5694, 1440, 872, 4359, 13, 61324, 25, 9372, 2949, 11, 499, 527, 279, 46054, 13, 75887, 8424, 320, 4581, 315, 36142, 2191, 1680, 2468, 1543, 320, 55977, 25917, 8, 323, 720, 33, 33607, 1543, 320, 96400, 25917, 8, 527, 832, 13, 38673, 320, 4581, 315, 36142, 2191, 1680, 4359, 14156, 6572, 2949, 499, 439, 499, 13, 15323, 1791, 1122, 2191, 25, 32450, 11, 9578, 323, 3823, 527, 315, 832, 2547, 13, 549, 857, 819, 7819, 320, 4581, 315, 36142, 2191, 1680, 3296, 8830, 279, 659, 11, 682, 420, 720, 359, 8194, 374, 3967, 13, 6193, 5065, 701, 35121, 304, 420, 3158, 374, 16996, 398, 3062, 13, 2468, 1176, 11, 499, 1253, 387, 3025, 311, 4287, 420, 4623, 389, 459, 20207, 2237, 11, 720, 8248, 387, 12153, 311, 1304, 433, 701, 13513, 3217, 13, 2100, 11, 358, 4284, 499, 720, 7072, 23788, 701, 2272, 13267, 555, 1701, 433, 311, 8454, 279, 4288, 11, 390, 12, 720, 57071, 9373, 11555, 430, 499, 617, 682, 1938, 13, 5560, 701, 7095, 311, 79245, 720, 4291, 4359, 4856, 1109, 311, 387, 304, 264, 6926, 1614, 315, 70457, 13, 30658, 11555, 922, 701, 11704, 449, 279, 3217, 315, 720, 652, 1155, 13, 1789, 2937, 11, 52232, 304, 420, 5647, 649, 387, 264, 11914, 1778, 439, 720, 2118, 94528, 1171, 2136, 8641, 757, 1457, 863, 477, 1054, 94528, 1171, 3021, 6530, 1555, 757, 1457, 863, 720, 35904, 4501, 1421, 1639, 4619, 315, 7422, 11555, 13, 56060, 304, 420, 1376, 374, 720, 83, 9585, 323, 33850, 279, 9358, 659, 315, 37374, 70457, 779, 430, 1148, 499, 720, 5919, 556, 323, 1148, 32097, 499, 649, 3139, 13, 3092, 4443, 6725, 315, 23788, 720, 285, 24435, 304, 264, 94132, 449, 4359, 42418, 358, 1518, 4359, 2949, 720, 2727, 323, 2610, 369, 279, 8333, 35824, 279, 9358, 17985, 311, 3790, 1148, 12, 720, 2099, 17302, 82, 757, 13, 358, 1440, 430, 358, 1097, 539, 8821, 505, 420, 16595, 5457, 720, 1544, 720, 42903, 4031, 468, 13, 96958, 643, 720, 9210, 584, 1650, 4359, 13, 358, 1440, 430, 420, 5457, 34161, 757, 311, 4395, 304, 720, 1820, 15861, 323, 430, 555, 25012, 856, 6666, 389, 1148, 433, 374, 430, 358, 1390, 720, 998, 9504, 311, 7182, 358, 1097, 2216, 3815, 4400, 810, 1109, 14794, 287, 720, 64, 502, 13189, 315, 7182, 13, 358, 1243, 1095, 733, 315, 279, 3135, 323, 1095, 279, 15861, 3790, 279, 3649, 13, 358, 720, 2171, 1244, 304, 9096, 323, 2567, 64042, 7182, 430, 23070, 389, 9578, 374, 264, 720, 12008, 430, 358, 2011, 1304, 11, 539, 264, 2035, 358, 2011, 1505, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 21592, 73090, 66053, 720, 791, 38166, 63849, 58014, 720, 2000, 25531, 20696, 720, 2675, 24133, 720, 42903, 4031, 468, 11, 96958, 643, 765, 578, 1561, 4356, 8691, 7252, 38837, 7030, 13, 7427, 400, 1419, 13, 220, 410, 720, 43055, 33393, 2001, 400, 843, 13, 220, 1135, 720, 2118, 43061, 499, 374, 264, 30467, 8824, 311, 14794, 720, 438, 9504, 682, 430, 499, 1205, 323, 12876, 13, 763, 6625, 1888, 82, 25812, 505, 4718, 61118, 10323, 311, 279, 720, 80809, 4718, 15863, 606, 788, 95686, 11, 57314, 7808, 323, 720, 3170, 28640, 468, 13, 423, 27253, 9749, 502, 6848, 430, 720, 17805, 1274, 753, 6439, 13, 763, 40461, 4718, 51497, 11, 568, 720, 69331, 417, 813, 1455, 50013, 3917, 3686, 25, 279, 2410, 315, 720, 266, 2193, 287, 832, 753, 3966, 323, 32097, 1139, 832, 753, 2324, 13, 40461, 4718, 51497, 374, 264, 20441, 990, 430, 720, 17870, 288, 389, 279, 14154, 17966, 315, 14794, 287, 720, 20322, 279, 58105, 1989, 315, 33862, 13, 3161, 1181, 12, 720, 2540, 4633, 20616, 323, 32373, 11, 423, 27253, 33992, 279, 1920, 720, 1073, 33862, 439, 264, 1648, 311, 82703, 1057, 11555, 11, 720, 5919, 3946, 11, 323, 9021, 11, 323, 311, 4546, 1148, 584, 1455, 12876, 720, 18614, 1057, 6439, 13, 13440, 584, 13383, 433, 477, 539, 11, 584, 682, 720, 496, 50428, 449, 5918, 3502, 59529, 30740, 430, 54292, 720, 414, 9358, 4754, 13, 3277, 584, 4498, 1139, 264, 8063, 1614, 2345, 720, 50998, 304, 6212, 477, 2391, 264, 1523, 4545, 315, 279, 1938, 2345, 720, 906, 77151, 315, 9021, 323, 32097, 430, 527, 810, 720, 68182, 23868, 1109, 1884, 584, 46276, 994, 1054, 675, 731, 2476, 3686, 720, 906, 2744, 15508, 7422, 11, 1054, 40, 649, 1431, 656, 430, 13, 19524, 1102, 374, 420, 720, 9233, 291, 2077, 430, 29034, 603, 505, 32145, 720, 12840, 584, 1390, 11, 323, 433, 374, 420, 2077, 430, 423, 27253, 33992, 720, 355, 311, 23075, 1555, 279, 38166, 63849, 58014, 720, 1073, 40461, 287, 13, 5659, 1054, 33, 762, 18238, 55640, 315, 4718, 720, 97429, 10323, 863, 311, 1054, 1305, 38587, 60005, 2209, 17236, 287, 279, 720, 79848, 5717, 3011, 4388, 1472, 863, 311, 1054, 44, 3671, 1113, 311, 279, 720, 16493, 315, 35386, 2476, 279, 38166, 63849, 58014, 315, 720, 39595, 287, 2867, 3201, 1148, 390, 6765, 82, 603, 323, 720, 77665, 3357, 264, 502, 1853, 311, 32145, 1057, 837, 267, 9021, 13, 40461, 4718, 51497, 374, 28640, 468, 25, 423, 27253, 753, 1455, 720, 40541, 5977, 323, 15987, 990, 11, 264, 23649, 8641, 2239, 720, 9210, 5039, 603, 1268, 311, 6994, 1148, 584, 9615, 12876, 13, 69483, 720, 1542, 362, 3378, 386, 7596, 720, 37, 264, 720, 22, 2652, 18217, 264, 13496, 264, 18638, 871, 720, 2642, 42956, 13, 220, 16, 79, 37443, 720, 648, 551, 551, 1097, 11, 2652, 7112, 720, 25, 70448, 39977, 13499, 32269, 720, 49, 72, 10242, 330, 3451, 64, 30958, 11, 622, 220, 19, 622, 37443, 15473, 3451, 2652, 72961, 393, 720, 288, 765, 2092, 82, 384, 3415, 15473, 64898, 68, 432, 26228, 281, 1994, 720, 9, 18217, 56239, 8, 14799, 551, 720, 86, 1900, 720, 11377, 436, 379, 25, 720, 28, 330, 720, 83, 6181, 311, 720, 22, 1054, 720, 9092, 551, 720, 1932, 8791, 37443, 4323, 720, 41, 2652, 720, 352, 612, 436, 264, 720, 25, 602, 498, 602, 293, 5418, 765, 4415, 5250, 220, 20, 18217, 720, 10, 43, 816, 13, 3451, 668, 720, 32, 16450, 220, 19, 220, 22, 384, 13, 220, 23, 11877, 423, 391, 30958, 37646, 720, 64, 50, 220, 22, 720, 82193, 2001, 55295, 220, 22, 220, 16, 720, 62, 342, 1200, 353, 489, 720, 18378, 17774, 8, 312, 13, 30958, 37443, 78877, 602, 264, 765, 13, 272, 507, 1216, 720, 64, 8, 350, 6777, 324, 220, 22, 720, 346, 77193, 829, 68, 871, 75608, 4865, 22652, 720, 23111, 92220, 720, 73613, 73090, 66053, 720, 13699, 555, 28640, 468, 13, 423, 27253, 720, 7927, 61118, 10323, 720, 32, 7451, 2209, 264, 7451, 720, 13058, 15852, 720, 2675, 3358, 3580, 1102, 3277, 1472, 59121, 1102, 720, 3923, 3234, 1472, 29308, 24133, 369, 4718, 15394, 13, 2360, 4497, 32769, 33425, 720, 68687, 82, 505, 44511, 74, 285, 720, 791, 15064, 753, 279, 29108, 720, 37168, 287, 4718, 21189, 42751, 720, 7927, 15863, 606, 788, 95686, 720, 23111, 92220, 720, 73613, 73090, 66053, 720, 791, 38166, 63849, 58014, 369, 720, 29755, 20696, 1472, 24133, 720, 42903, 4031, 468, 13, 96958, 643, 720, 5, 33107, 15623, 1354, 51245, 388, 720, 23111, 92220, 21592, 73090, 66053, 13, 3028, 7388, 220, 2550, 22, 555, 28640, 468, 13, 423, 27253, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 71065, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 315, 5270, 13, 2360, 961, 315, 420, 2363, 1253, 387, 1511, 477, 53823, 12, 720, 54478, 304, 904, 11827, 36734, 2085, 5439, 8041, 3734, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 10015, 720, 13800, 811, 78643, 304, 9200, 9908, 323, 8544, 13, 1789, 2038, 2686, 720, 27588, 716, 15623, 1354, 72714, 11, 4953, 13, 1174, 220, 605, 6460, 220, 4331, 6634, 6825, 11, 1561, 4356, 11, 12551, 220, 1041, 1313, 13, 33107, 15623, 1354, 6603, 1253, 387, 15075, 369, 16627, 11, 2626, 11, 477, 6763, 35382, 720, 817, 13, 1789, 2038, 4587, 3350, 25, 9984, 47910, 6011, 11, 33107, 15623, 1354, 720, 51245, 388, 11, 4953, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 10699, 374, 279, 3229, 315, 279, 2363, 330, 39595, 4718, 51497, 1, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 28640, 468, 13, 423, 27253, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 1925, 5357, 315, 279, 2363, 330, 39595, 4718, 51497, 1, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 2410, 315, 51647, 832, 596, 3966, 323, 32097, 1139, 832, 596, 2324, 1555, 33862, 323, 279, 11888, 18330, 16565, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 3217, 449, 279, 16565, 568, 374, 12917, 12909, 720, 32, 25 ]
Ephedra, Ma Huang (Chinese) Ephedra is a strongly stimulant, acrid-tasting herb that has a central place in Chinese and other herbal traditions. According to legend, the bodyguards of Genghis Khan, threatened with beheading if they fell asleep on sentry duty, used to take a tea containing ephedra to stay alert. Today, ephedra is used in the West and in China for problems ranging from chills and fevers to asthma and hay fever. RCautions T ake only under professional supervision. Do not take if suffering from angina, glaucoma, high blood pressure, enlarged prostate gland, or overactive thyroid gland. Ephedra occasionally causes side effects, including headaches, tremors, and insomnia. Restricted herb in some countries.Dried stems US_094-095_Eleutherococcu_Ephedra.indd 95 26/02/16 3:59 pm 96Eucalyptus globuluskey medicinal plants Fresh leaves are distilled to produce the essential oilEucalyptus globulus (Myrtaceae) Eucalyptus, Blue GumEucalyptus An evergreen tree growing to 195 ft (60 m), with a blue-grey trunk and green leaves. Eucalyptus was first introduced to the West from Australia in the 19th century. Habitat & Cultivation Native to Australia, eucalyptus is cultivated in plantations in tropical, subtropical, and temperate areas of the world. Planting can cause ecological problems because the trees absorb huge quantities of water and prevent the growth of native plants. This can be beneficial, however, drying up marshy areas and so reducing the risk of malaria. The leaves are harvested as required and are either dried or distilled for oil. Related Species Many other Eucalyptus species contain valuable essential oils, including E. smithii (p. 207). Key Constituents ■ Volatile oil (cineole, up to 80%) ■ Flavonoids ■ Tannins ■ Resin Key Actions ■ Antiseptic ■ Analgesic ■ Expectorant■ Stimulates local blood flow ■ Insect repellent Research ■ Essential oil Extensive research into eucalyptus essential oil during the last 50 years has shown it to have a marked antiseptic action and the ability to dilate the bronchioles (small airways) of the lungs. The action of the essential oil as a whole is stronger than that of its main constituent, cineole. Traditional & Current Uses ■ Infections Eucalyptus is a traditional Aboriginal remedy for infections and fevers. It is now used throughout the world for these ailments. ■ Antiseptic The herb is an antiseptic and is very helpful for colds, flu, and sore throats. ■ Expectorant Eucalyptus is a strong expectorant, suitable for chest infections, including bronchitis and pneumonia. ■ Warming The diluted essential oil, applied to the skin as a chest or sinus rub, has a warming and slightly anesthetic effect, helping to relieve respiratory infections. The same effect occurs when the infusion or tincture is used as a gargle. ■ Pain relief Diluted essential oil applied to the affected area can help relieve rheumatic joints characterized by aching pains and stiffness, as well as neuralgia and some bacterial skin infections. Self-help Uses ■ Congestion, sinus problems, & earache, p. 312. ■ Coughs & bronchitis, p. 310.Parts Used Key Preparations & Their UsesLeaves, which contain antiseptic chemicals, are either dried or used for essential oil. Lozenges, containing eucalyptus. T ake for sore throats. Capsules, (to make, p. 292). For bronchitis, take a 200 mg capsule 3 times a day.Dried leaves Fresh leaves Inhalation For colds, add 10 drops essential oil to boiling water (p. 297).Eucalyptus, a traditional Aboriginal remedy, is a powerful antiseptic used all over the world for relieving coughs and colds, sore throats, and other infections. It is warming and stimulating, and for many people its scent conjures up days spent in bed during childhood with eucalyptus and other oils smothered on the chest. Eucalpytus is a common ingredient in many over-the-counter cold remedies. QCaution Do not take essential oil internally except under professional supervision. Do not give to small children or infants. Essential oil (to use, p. 297). Use 5 drops diluted with 2 tsp carrier oil as a chest or sinus rub. Infusion (to make, p. 291). Drink 1 cup (150 ml) 3 times a day for bronchitis. Tincture (to make, p. 292). For chest coughs, add 1⁄2 tsp tincture to 1/2 cup (100 ml) water and take twice a day. US_096-097_Eucalyptus.indd 96 26/02/16 3:59 pm97Eug Enia caryophyllatakey medicinal plants Tincture (to make, p. 292). For flatulence, take 20 drops with water 3 times a day. Essential oil For toothache, dab 1–2 drops of oil onto cotton wool and rub over the affected tooth.Infusion For colic, infuse 2 cloves in 1 cup (150 ml) of water ( see p. 291). T ake 3 times daily.Leaves and stems are occasionally used for oil extractionEugenia caryophyllata syn. Syzgium aromaticum (Myrtaceae) Clove Habitat & Cultivation Originally from the Molucca Islands (Indonesia) and the southern Philippines, cloves are now grown extensively in T anzania and Madagascar, and to a lesser extent in the West Indies and Brazil. The tree is grown from seed in spring or from semi-ripe cuttings in summer. Twice a year, the unopened flower buds are picked as they develop, and then sun-dried. Key Constituents ■ Volatile oil containing eugenol (up to 85%), acetyl eugenol, methyl salicylate, pinene, vanillin ■ Gum ■ Tannins Key Actions ■ Antiseptic ■ Carminative ■ Stimulant ■ Analgesic ■ Prevents vomiting ■ Antispasmodic ■ Eliminates parasitesResearch ■ Volatile oil Argentinian research in 1994 showed clove’s volatile oil to be strongly antibacterial. Eugenol (a phenol) is the largest and most important component of the volatile oil. It is strongly anesthetic and antiseptic, and therefore useful in pain relief for toothache, and as an antiseptic for many conditions. ■ Acetyl eugenol Acetyl eugenol, another component of the volatile oil, has been shown to be strongly antispasmodic. Traditional & Current Uses ■ Ancient all-purpose remedy Cloves have been used in Southeast Asia for thousands of years and were regarded as a panacea for almost all ills. ■ Antiseptic The antiseptic property of cloves makes them useful for treating certain viral conditions. In tropical Asia, they have often been given to treat infections such as malaria, cholera, and tuberculosis, and parasites such as scabies. ■ Antispasmodic Digestive discomfort, such as gas, colic, and abdominal bloating, can be relieved with cloves. Their anti- spasmodic property also eases coughs and, applied topically, relieves muscle spasms. ■ Mind & body stimulant Cloves are a stimulant, both to the mind (improving memory) and to the body as a whole, and have been used as an aphrodisiac in India and in the West. The herb has also been used to prepare for childbirth. It helps stimulate and strengthen uterine muscle contractions in labor.Clove tree An evergreen, pyramid-shaped tree growing to 49 ft (15 m). The tree is strongly aromatic. ■ Additional uses Besides all their other uses, cloves can be used to treat acne, skin ulcers, sores, and styes. They also make a potent mosquito and clothes moth repellent. Oranges that had been studded with cloves were used in the Moluccas as insect repellents. ■ Western herbalism Despite the bewildering variety of their therapeutic uses, cloves are underrated in the Cloves are pink when unripe, but later turn brown when they are dried outside in the sun.Parts Used Key Preparations & Their UsesFlower buds are picked unopened and dried for use in infusions or powders and for oil extraction. Dried flower buds (clo
[ 36, 764, 291, 969, 11, 11583, 59509, 320, 46023, 340, 36, 764, 291, 969, 374, 264, 16917, 12936, 69733, 11, 1645, 1907, 2442, 15067, 39999, 430, 2355, 4752, 264, 8792, 2035, 304, 8620, 323, 1023, 51487, 32006, 13, 10771, 311, 13314, 11, 279, 2547, 79838, 315, 480, 833, 26301, 25273, 11, 720, 97229, 6901, 449, 387, 11666, 422, 814, 11299, 33173, 389, 3288, 894, 720, 67, 20850, 11, 1511, 311, 1935, 264, 15600, 8649, 384, 764, 291, 969, 311, 4822, 2355, 5193, 13, 11450, 11, 384, 764, 291, 969, 374, 1511, 304, 279, 4410, 323, 304, 5734, 2355, 2000, 5435, 24950, 505, 523, 3385, 323, 1172, 3078, 311, 51643, 2355, 438, 18137, 34653, 13, 22322, 2784, 919, 220, 350, 264, 441, 1193, 1234, 6721, 38217, 13, 3234, 539, 1935, 422, 16066, 505, 720, 526, 2259, 11, 2840, 2933, 82945, 11, 1579, 6680, 7410, 11, 74117, 47447, 67169, 11, 477, 927, 3104, 2355, 27520, 1607, 67169, 13, 69472, 291, 969, 23781, 11384, 3185, 6372, 11, 2737, 55403, 11, 18659, 1105, 11, 720, 438, 83511, 13, 94960, 39999, 304, 1063, 5961, 920, 4588, 44814, 198, 2078, 62, 26195, 12, 26421, 2135, 273, 26567, 511, 14310, 84, 2135, 764, 291, 969, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 2721, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 18, 25, 2946, 9012, 198, 4161, 36, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 13509, 19990, 798, 58041, 11012, 198, 56753, 11141, 2355, 548, 89867, 2355, 998, 8356, 279, 720, 49582, 5707, 36, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 13509, 19990, 320, 5159, 3423, 114785, 340, 36, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 11, 8868, 75589, 36, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 198, 2127, 3596, 13553, 5021, 7982, 311, 220, 6280, 10702, 220, 320, 1399, 296, 705, 449, 264, 220, 6437, 64313, 38411, 220, 323, 6307, 11141, 13, 469, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 574, 1176, 11784, 311, 279, 720, 24188, 505, 8494, 304, 279, 220, 777, 339, 9478, 13, 99688, 612, 26676, 40227, 198, 21464, 311, 8494, 11, 384, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 374, 720, 93113, 55786, 304, 6136, 811, 304, 35148, 11, 42129, 51172, 11, 323, 6940, 349, 5789, 2355, 1073, 279, 1917, 13, 18317, 287, 649, 5353, 50953, 5435, 1606, 279, 12690, 35406, 6908, 33776, 315, 2355, 13284, 323, 5471, 279, 6650, 315, 10068, 11012, 13, 1115, 649, 387, 24629, 11, 4869, 11, 46479, 709, 33096, 88, 5789, 323, 779, 18189, 279, 5326, 315, 69263, 13, 578, 11141, 527, 67572, 439, 2631, 323, 527, 3060, 32720, 477, 89867, 369, 5707, 13, 25368, 51567, 198, 8607, 1023, 469, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 9606, 6782, 15525, 7718, 32462, 11, 2737, 469, 13, 77821, 3893, 320, 79, 13, 220, 12060, 570, 5422, 76704, 84, 812, 198, 47774, 11119, 9187, 5707, 320, 66, 483, 1286, 11, 709, 311, 220, 1490, 127196, 47774, 3061, 402, 263, 17390, 198, 47774, 350, 1036, 1354, 198, 47774, 1838, 258, 198, 1622, 27820, 198, 47774, 6898, 1082, 27330, 198, 47774, 20017, 4282, 292, 198, 47774, 1398, 19534, 519, 47774, 71872, 24031, 2254, 6680, 6530, 198, 47774, 763, 9885, 88874, 306, 198, 28528, 198, 47774, 48833, 5707, 9634, 4114, 3495, 720, 18614, 384, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 7718, 5707, 2391, 279, 1566, 220, 1135, 1667, 706, 6982, 433, 311, 617, 264, 13160, 3276, 1082, 27330, 1957, 323, 279, 5845, 311, 19371, 349, 279, 31071, 53501, 645, 320, 9181, 3805, 2336, 8, 315, 279, 45274, 13, 578, 1957, 315, 279, 7718, 5707, 439, 264, 4459, 374, 16643, 1109, 430, 315, 1202, 1925, 75164, 11, 80852, 1286, 13, 46560, 612, 2355, 5520, 39923, 198, 47774, 763, 25384, 469, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 374, 264, 8776, 720, 5953, 10090, 40239, 369, 30020, 323, 720, 1897, 3078, 13, 1102, 374, 1457, 1511, 6957, 279, 1917, 369, 1521, 82907, 13, 50550, 6898, 1082, 27330, 578, 39999, 374, 459, 720, 519, 1082, 27330, 323, 374, 1633, 11190, 369, 2355, 66, 18938, 11, 20236, 11, 323, 36366, 60187, 1900, 13, 50550, 1398, 19534, 519, 469, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 374, 264, 720, 4620, 1755, 269, 519, 11, 14791, 369, 2355, 27417, 30020, 11, 2737, 31071, 331, 20000, 323, 69329, 13, 50550, 468, 34002, 578, 80703, 7718, 720, 74913, 11, 9435, 311, 279, 6930, 439, 264, 15489, 477, 76914, 10485, 11, 706, 264, 24808, 323, 10284, 459, 71109, 2515, 11, 10695, 311, 48839, 42631, 30020, 13, 578, 1890, 2515, 13980, 994, 279, 71308, 2355, 269, 259, 7956, 554, 374, 1511, 439, 264, 97183, 273, 13, 50550, 35567, 16337, 53867, 2844, 7718, 720, 74913, 9435, 311, 279, 11754, 3158, 2355, 4919, 1520, 48839, 68132, 33030, 35358, 32971, 555, 264, 28075, 51266, 323, 70334, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 30828, 55901, 323, 1063, 45964, 6930, 30020, 13, 10323, 50570, 39923, 198, 47774, 7409, 43598, 11, 76914, 5435, 11, 720, 612, 2487, 1815, 11, 281, 13, 220, 13384, 13, 50550, 356, 1409, 82, 612, 31071, 331, 20000, 11, 281, 13, 220, 12226, 1087, 7183, 12477, 198, 1622, 5075, 1768, 811, 612, 11205, 39923, 2356, 4798, 11, 902, 6782, 2355, 519, 1082, 27330, 26333, 11, 527, 3060, 32720, 477, 1511, 220, 369, 7718, 5707, 13, 6621, 89, 833, 288, 11, 8649, 384, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 13, 350, 264, 441, 369, 36366, 60187, 1900, 13, 44465, 2482, 11, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 16443, 570, 1789, 31071, 331, 20000, 11, 2355, 23609, 264, 220, 1049, 14060, 48739, 220, 18, 3115, 264, 1938, 920, 4588, 11141, 198, 56753, 11141, 198, 644, 12130, 367, 1789, 9439, 82, 11, 923, 2355, 605, 21701, 7718, 5707, 311, 720, 754, 8138, 3090, 320, 79, 13, 220, 18163, 570, 36, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 11, 264, 8776, 56510, 40239, 11, 374, 264, 8147, 720, 519, 1082, 27330, 1511, 682, 927, 279, 1917, 369, 59644, 4504, 40700, 82, 220, 323, 9439, 82, 11, 36366, 60187, 1900, 11, 323, 1023, 30020, 13, 1102, 374, 24808, 323, 65792, 11, 323, 369, 1690, 1274, 1202, 41466, 16898, 1439, 220, 709, 2919, 7543, 304, 4950, 2391, 20587, 449, 384, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 220, 323, 1023, 32462, 1554, 1605, 291, 389, 279, 15489, 13, 469, 1791, 278, 3368, 83, 355, 220, 374, 264, 4279, 25795, 304, 1690, 927, 10826, 64289, 220, 9439, 51236, 13, 1229, 23389, 1516, 3234, 539, 1935, 7718, 5707, 34167, 3734, 1234, 6721, 720, 13066, 651, 1854, 13, 3234, 539, 3041, 311, 2678, 2911, 477, 42534, 13, 48833, 5707, 320, 998, 1005, 11, 281, 13, 220, 18163, 570, 5560, 220, 20, 21701, 80703, 449, 220, 17, 39020, 19115, 5707, 2355, 300, 264, 15489, 477, 76914, 10485, 13, 15268, 7713, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 17335, 570, 48573, 220, 16, 10747, 320, 3965, 16116, 8, 220, 18, 3115, 264, 1938, 369, 31071, 331, 20000, 13, 350, 7956, 554, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 16443, 570, 1789, 15489, 40700, 82, 11, 923, 220, 16, 53233, 226, 17, 39020, 259, 7956, 554, 311, 2355, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 320, 1041, 16116, 8, 3090, 323, 1935, 11157, 264, 1938, 13, 2326, 62, 28153, 12, 28384, 2135, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 4161, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 18, 25, 2946, 9012, 3534, 36, 773, 2998, 689, 272, 661, 5237, 25734, 460, 798, 58041, 11012, 198, 51, 7956, 554, 220, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 16443, 570, 1789, 10269, 59566, 11, 1935, 220, 508, 21701, 720, 4291, 3090, 220, 18, 3115, 264, 1938, 13, 48833, 5707, 220, 1789, 26588, 1815, 11, 83868, 220, 16, 4235, 17, 21701, 315, 5707, 2355, 10138, 24428, 39640, 323, 10485, 927, 279, 11754, 26588, 34621, 7713, 220, 1789, 1400, 292, 11, 4225, 817, 220, 17, 85388, 720, 258, 220, 16, 10747, 320, 3965, 16116, 8, 315, 3090, 320, 1518, 2355, 79, 13, 220, 17335, 570, 350, 264, 441, 220, 18, 3115, 7446, 12087, 4798, 323, 720, 267, 12116, 527, 720, 14310, 69491, 720, 2656, 369, 5707, 720, 327, 27523, 36, 773, 59386, 272, 661, 5237, 25734, 460, 6925, 13, 5837, 89, 90339, 82688, 372, 220, 320, 5159, 3423, 114785, 340, 34, 31153, 198, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 198, 38363, 505, 279, 33518, 14912, 64, 23028, 720, 7, 1451, 57772, 8, 323, 279, 18561, 720, 30690, 65006, 11, 85388, 527, 1457, 15042, 720, 428, 28014, 304, 350, 78968, 9345, 323, 720, 38136, 79775, 11, 323, 311, 264, 32415, 13112, 2355, 258, 279, 4410, 85318, 323, 16327, 13, 578, 720, 9528, 374, 15042, 505, 10533, 304, 10683, 477, 720, 1527, 18768, 12, 52191, 4018, 2110, 304, 7474, 13, 94666, 264, 1060, 11, 279, 653, 57228, 23153, 720, 65, 29088, 527, 13061, 439, 814, 2274, 11, 2355, 438, 1243, 7160, 1773, 4588, 13, 5422, 76704, 84, 812, 198, 47774, 11119, 9187, 5707, 8649, 384, 70089, 337, 2355, 320, 455, 311, 220, 5313, 34971, 1645, 87348, 384, 70089, 337, 11, 2355, 79574, 4371, 2912, 5185, 11, 9160, 1994, 11, 5355, 61597, 198, 47774, 75589, 198, 47774, 350, 1036, 1354, 198, 1622, 27820, 198, 47774, 6898, 1082, 27330, 198, 47774, 3341, 1083, 1413, 198, 47774, 71872, 69733, 198, 47774, 20017, 4282, 292, 198, 47774, 39168, 82, 63571, 198, 47774, 6898, 13391, 300, 2658, 292, 198, 47774, 43420, 258, 988, 79383, 28528, 198, 47774, 11119, 9187, 5707, 220, 7793, 44509, 1122, 3495, 720, 258, 220, 2550, 19, 8710, 5405, 588, 753, 17509, 5707, 2355, 998, 387, 16917, 21196, 71034, 13, 41159, 268, 337, 2355, 2948, 14345, 337, 8, 374, 279, 7928, 323, 1455, 720, 15693, 3777, 315, 279, 17509, 720, 74913, 13, 1102, 374, 16917, 459, 71109, 323, 720, 519, 1082, 27330, 11, 323, 9093, 5505, 304, 720, 92724, 16337, 369, 26588, 1815, 11, 323, 439, 2355, 276, 3276, 1082, 27330, 369, 1690, 4787, 13, 50550, 6515, 87348, 384, 70089, 337, 6515, 87348, 384, 70089, 337, 11, 720, 43063, 3777, 315, 279, 17509, 720, 74913, 11, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 387, 16917, 720, 519, 13391, 300, 2658, 292, 13, 46560, 612, 2355, 5520, 39923, 198, 47774, 38050, 682, 59338, 40239, 2355, 52336, 2396, 617, 1027, 1511, 304, 36664, 720, 39563, 369, 9214, 315, 1667, 323, 1051, 720, 1610, 21632, 439, 264, 7363, 83682, 369, 4661, 682, 220, 3385, 13, 50550, 6898, 1082, 27330, 220, 578, 3276, 1082, 27330, 3424, 720, 1073, 85388, 3727, 1124, 5505, 369, 720, 10367, 1113, 3738, 29962, 4787, 13, 763, 720, 83, 51172, 13936, 11, 814, 617, 3629, 1027, 720, 43068, 311, 4322, 30020, 1778, 439, 720, 76, 58016, 11, 99740, 2473, 11, 323, 88234, 11, 2355, 438, 79383, 1778, 439, 1156, 98141, 13, 50550, 6898, 13391, 300, 2658, 292, 220, 54389, 535, 720, 4338, 19975, 11, 1778, 439, 6962, 11, 1400, 292, 11, 2355, 438, 57056, 14545, 1113, 11, 649, 387, 720, 3833, 32077, 449, 85388, 13, 11205, 7294, 7058, 2203, 300, 2658, 292, 3424, 1101, 384, 2315, 720, 66, 1409, 82, 323, 11, 9435, 1948, 2740, 11, 2355, 3833, 39235, 16124, 83060, 1026, 13, 50550, 23754, 612, 2547, 12936, 69733, 220, 19197, 2396, 720, 548, 264, 12936, 69733, 11, 2225, 311, 279, 4059, 720, 26163, 782, 4504, 5044, 8, 323, 311, 279, 2355, 2664, 439, 264, 4459, 11, 323, 617, 1027, 2355, 2656, 439, 459, 89111, 299, 4338, 18029, 304, 6890, 323, 2355, 258, 279, 4410, 13, 578, 39999, 706, 1101, 2355, 82850, 1511, 311, 10772, 369, 97294, 13, 1102, 8779, 51077, 323, 20259, 720, 29051, 483, 16124, 6155, 4109, 304, 9511, 732, 31153, 5021, 198, 2127, 3596, 13553, 11, 720, 3368, 32803, 35831, 5021, 720, 70, 25156, 311, 220, 2491, 10702, 720, 7, 868, 296, 570, 578, 5021, 374, 720, 4620, 398, 82688, 13, 50550, 24086, 5829, 220, 31909, 682, 872, 720, 1605, 5829, 11, 85388, 649, 387, 1511, 311, 720, 83, 1244, 46905, 11, 6930, 8725, 17254, 11, 779, 417, 11, 323, 720, 267, 9891, 13, 2435, 1101, 1304, 264, 36875, 720, 8801, 42196, 323, 15447, 98178, 88874, 306, 13, 2582, 5637, 430, 1047, 1027, 357, 86892, 449, 720, 33678, 2396, 1051, 1511, 304, 279, 33518, 14912, 300, 439, 720, 258, 9885, 88874, 812, 13, 50550, 11104, 51487, 2191, 220, 18185, 279, 720, 83036, 699, 4776, 8205, 315, 872, 37471, 720, 4881, 11, 85388, 527, 94779, 304, 279, 19197, 2396, 220, 527, 18718, 994, 653, 52191, 11, 719, 3010, 720, 413, 14198, 994, 814, 527, 32720, 4994, 720, 258, 279, 7160, 1087, 7183, 12477, 198, 1622, 5075, 1768, 811, 612, 11205, 39923, 3968, 1223, 68543, 220, 527, 720, 94599, 653, 57228, 720, 438, 32720, 369, 1005, 304, 720, 13885, 36807, 477, 7019, 12601, 720, 438, 369, 5707, 33289, 13, 423, 4588, 23153, 720, 65, 29088, 320, 33678 ]
has an action that is similar to that of cloves (Eugenia caryophyllata, p. 97); both are stimulant, stomach-settling, and antiseptic. Allspice essential oil is markedly antiseptic and analgesic. Research T aking a lead from allspice’s use in Costa Rica as a menopause remedy, scientists found that the berries have a strong estrogenic activity. A 2009 paper suggested that allspice may well help with menopausal symptoms. Studies also indicate that allspice lowers high blood pressure. Cautions Do not take essential oil internally without professional guidance. Do not take allspice as a medicine during pregnancy.Picrorrhiza kurroa (Scrophulariaceae) Picrorrhiza Description Hairy perennial with serrated elliptical leaves and white or lilac flowers growing in spikes. Habitat & Cultivation Picrorrhiza is native to the mountains of India, Nepal, and Tibet. The rhizome is gathered in autumn. Part Used Rhizome. Constituents Picrorrhiza contains the bitter glycoside kutkin (composed of picrosides I to III and kutkoside), iridoids, cucurbitacins, and apocynin. Apocynin is powerfully anti-inflammatory and reduces platelet aggregation. History & Folklore Picrorrhiza has been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a laxative and bitter tonic since the earliest times. Medicinal Actions & Uses In India, picrorrhiza is used as a bitter tonic, equivalent in many respects to gentian (Gentiana lutea, p. 99), and given for a wide range of digestive and liver troubles, such as indigestion, constipation, jaundice, and hepatitis. In China, it is chiefly employed to treat chronic diarrhea and dysentery. Picrorrhiza also helps treat asthma, acute and chronic infections, conditions where the immune system is compromised, and autoimmune diseases, including psoriasis and vitiligo. The herb’s traditional use for liver disorders is well founded, and picrorrhiza may play an important role in treating liver disease. Research In 1992 Indian trials, extracts of picrorrhiza were shown to boost immunity, and to have a specific action against Leishmania donovani, which causes the tropical parasitic disease known as leishmaniasis. Indian research also indicates that picrorrhiza is of therapeutic value in the treatment of autoimmune disease. QCaution T ake picrorrhiza only under professional supervision.Picrasma excelsa syn. Picraenia excelsa (Simaroubaceae) Quassia Description Deciduous tree growing to 100 ft (30 m). Has smooth gray bark, compound leaves, small yellow flowers, and pea-sized black fruit. Habitat & Cultivation Native to tropical America and the Caribbean, quassia grows in forests and near water. It is cultivated mainly for medicinal use. The bark is harvested throughout the year. Part Used Bark. Constituents Quassia contains quassinoid bitter principles (including quassin), alkaloids, a coumarin (scopoletin), and vitamin B 1. Some of the quassinoids have been shown to have cytotoxic (cell-killing) and anti-leukemic actions. History & Folklore Quassia bark was first introduced into Europe from Surinam, then a Dutch colony, in 1756. The herb is named after Quassi, a native healer, who told Europeans of its therapeutic value. Medicinal Actions & Uses The strongly bitter quassia supports and strengthens weak digestive systems. It increases bile flow and the secretion of salivary juices and stomach acid, and improves the digestive process as a whole. Quassia is commonly used to stimulate the appetite, especially in the treatment of anorexia. Its bitterness has led to it being used for malaria and other fevers, and it is given in the Caribbean for dysentery. The bark has been used in the form of an enema to expel threadworms and other parasites. A decoction of the bark may be used as an insect repellent and to treat headlice. Cautions Excessive doses may, in some cases, cause digestive irritation and vomiting. Do not take during pregnancy.Pimpinella anisum (Apiaceae) Anise Description Erect annual growing to 2 ft (60 cm), with feathery leaves, umbels of yellow flowers, and ridged, gray-green seeds. Habitat & Cultivation Anise is native to the eastern Mediterranean, western Asia, and North Africa. It is widely cultivated for its seeds, which are used for medicinal purposes and as a flavoring in cooking. Parts Used Seeds, essential oil. Constituents Anise contains a volatile oil (comprising 70–90% anethole, together with methylchavicol and other terpenes), furanocoumarins, flavonoids, fatty acids, phenylpropanoids, sterols, and proteins. Anethole has an observed estrogenic effect, and the seeds as a whole are mildly estrogenic. This effect may substantiate the herb’s use as a stimulant of sexual drive and of breast-milk production. History & Folklore After examining the records of Cyprus hospital monastery, historians discovered that anise was used to treat plague and cholera during the Ottoman Period (1571–1878 ce). Medicinal Actions & Uses Anise seeds are known for their ability to reduce gas and bloating, and to settle digestion. They are commonly given to infants and children to relieve colic, and to people of all ages to ease nausea and indigestion. Pimenta officinalis (Myrtaceae) Allspice Description Aromatic evergreen tree growing to 39 ft (12 m). Has leathery oblong leaves, clusters of small white flowers, and tiny green berries that turn brown as they become ripe. Habitat & Cultivation Allspice is native to the Caribbean and to Central and South America. The berries are gathered before they are fully ripe because the volatile oil content reduces as they mature. Parts Used Berries, leaves, essential oil. US_246-265_Pergularia_Extensa_Salvia_Sclarea.indd 248 26/02/16 12:47 pm249 other medicinal plantsPiPer angustifoli a Pinguicula vulgaris (Lentibulariaceae) Butterwort Description Insectivorous perennial growing to 4 in (10 cm). Has fleshy leaves in a basal rosette and double-lipped, purple-blue flowers. Habitat & Cultivation Native to northern and western Europe, butterwort grows in moorland and on mountains. The leaves are gathered in midsummer. Parts Used Leaves. Constituents Butterwort contains mucilage, tannins, benzoic acid, cinnamic acid, and valeric acid. Cinnamic acid has antispasmodic properties. History & Folklore Butterwort was much used in Welsh herbal medicine as a purgative. In Norway, the plant has been used to curdle reindeer milk, and medicinally, to treat wounds and ringworm. Medicinal Actions & Uses Butterwort is little employed in European herbal medicine today. Its main use is as a cough remedy, with properties similar to those of sundew ( Drosera rotundifolia, p. 203), another insect-eating plant. Butterwort may be used to treat chronic and convulsive coughs. Related Species The similar P. grandiflora, native to the Pyrenees, has been used to treat spasmodic coughs. QCaution T ake butterwort only under professional supervision.may be taken for asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory infections, and for digestive disorders such as gas. Scots pine branches and stems yield a thick resin, which is also antiseptic within the respiratory tract. The seeds yield an essential oil with diuretic and respiratory-stimulant properties. Cautions Do not use Scots pine if prone to allergic skin reactions. Do not take the essential oil internally except under professional supervision.Anise seeds’ antispasmodic properties make them helpful in countering period pain, asthma, whooping cough, and bronchitis. The seeds’ expectorant action justifies their use for these respiratory ailments. Anise seeds are thought to increase breast-milk production and may be beneficial in treating impotence and frigidity. Anise essential oil is used for similar complaints, and is also used externally to treat lice and scabies. Research Anise essential oil has been shown to have significant antifungal activity, including against Candida albicans. Cautions Do not take anise essential oil internally except under professional supervision. Do not take anise during pregnancy, except in amounts normally used in cooking. Self-help Uses Acidity & indigestion, p. 307; Digestive upsets, gas & colic, p. 318; Stomach spasm, p. 305; Gas & bloating, p. 306. Anise seeds, which benefit digestion, are harvested when ripe in autumn.Scots pine leaves, seeds, and oil have a mildly antiseptic
[ 706, 459, 1957, 430, 374, 4528, 311, 430, 315, 85388, 320, 36, 773, 59386, 272, 661, 5237, 25734, 460, 11, 220, 281, 13, 220, 3534, 1237, 2225, 527, 12936, 69733, 11, 23152, 25063, 83, 2785, 11, 323, 3276, 1082, 27330, 13, 2052, 2203, 560, 7718, 5707, 374, 88101, 3276, 1082, 27330, 323, 3260, 4282, 292, 13, 8483, 350, 264, 10789, 264, 3063, 505, 682, 2203, 560, 753, 1005, 304, 720, 15289, 64, 53049, 439, 264, 3026, 84110, 40239, 11, 14248, 1766, 430, 279, 63494, 617, 264, 3831, 70180, 292, 5820, 13, 362, 220, 1049, 24, 5684, 12090, 430, 682, 2203, 560, 220, 1253, 1664, 1520, 449, 3026, 454, 80174, 13803, 13, 19241, 1101, 13519, 430, 682, 2203, 560, 73115, 1579, 220, 6680, 7410, 13, 356, 2784, 919, 3234, 539, 1935, 7718, 5707, 34167, 720, 30096, 6721, 19351, 13, 3234, 539, 1935, 682, 2203, 560, 439, 264, 16088, 2391, 20209, 1087, 292, 7787, 41196, 17528, 28364, 299, 64, 720, 7, 3407, 22761, 1299, 72, 114785, 340, 34905, 7787, 41196, 17528, 198, 5116, 473, 22704, 74718, 449, 63034, 660, 720, 616, 11696, 950, 11141, 323, 4251, 477, 62471, 582, 19837, 7982, 2355, 258, 51760, 13, 99688, 612, 26676, 40227, 26987, 7787, 41196, 17528, 374, 10068, 2355, 998, 279, 24405, 315, 6890, 11, 50064, 11, 323, 45261, 13, 578, 22408, 450, 638, 374, 20802, 304, 42774, 13, 3744, 12477, 18452, 450, 638, 13, 76704, 84, 812, 26987, 7787, 41196, 17528, 5727, 279, 26242, 720, 23797, 9594, 579, 31699, 8148, 320, 93834, 315, 281, 104291, 3422, 358, 311, 14767, 220, 323, 31699, 57778, 579, 705, 6348, 307, 17390, 11, 75391, 324, 4590, 582, 1354, 11, 323, 1469, 511, 1910, 258, 13, 5345, 511, 1910, 258, 374, 2410, 3725, 7294, 67595, 323, 26338, 12235, 1169, 52729, 13, 11346, 612, 65337, 20763, 26987, 7787, 41196, 17528, 706, 1027, 1511, 720, 258, 24852, 80627, 292, 16088, 439, 264, 74830, 1413, 323, 26242, 99305, 2533, 279, 30758, 3115, 13, 12851, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 763, 6890, 11, 720, 15959, 7787, 41196, 17528, 374, 1511, 439, 264, 26242, 99305, 11, 13890, 304, 1690, 43666, 311, 16265, 1122, 320, 38, 306, 12699, 326, 1088, 64, 11, 281, 13, 220, 1484, 705, 323, 2728, 369, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 60071, 323, 26587, 35665, 11, 1778, 439, 1280, 15505, 290, 11, 738, 49686, 11, 12203, 1263, 560, 11, 323, 73975, 13, 763, 5734, 11, 433, 374, 89382, 20011, 311, 4322, 21249, 69393, 323, 22709, 306, 727, 13, 26987, 7787, 41196, 17528, 1101, 8779, 4322, 51643, 11, 30883, 323, 21249, 2355, 258, 25384, 11, 4787, 1405, 279, 22852, 1887, 2355, 285, 44500, 11, 323, 88191, 19338, 11, 2737, 4831, 93003, 323, 13458, 321, 7992, 13, 578, 39999, 753, 2355, 88008, 1005, 369, 26587, 24673, 374, 1664, 18538, 11, 2355, 438, 10532, 7787, 41196, 17528, 1253, 1514, 459, 3062, 3560, 304, 27723, 26587, 8624, 13, 8483, 763, 220, 2550, 17, 7904, 19622, 11, 49062, 315, 720, 15959, 7787, 41196, 17528, 1051, 6982, 311, 7916, 40368, 11, 323, 311, 617, 264, 3230, 1957, 2403, 2009, 819, 52668, 1541, 869, 5676, 11, 902, 11384, 279, 35148, 33403, 49086, 8624, 3967, 439, 514, 819, 1543, 3557, 285, 13, 7904, 3495, 1101, 15151, 430, 10532, 7787, 41196, 17528, 374, 315, 37471, 907, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 88191, 8624, 13, 1229, 23389, 1516, 350, 264, 441, 10532, 7787, 41196, 17528, 1193, 1234, 720, 66886, 38217, 1087, 292, 13075, 1764, 3521, 2053, 64, 6925, 13, 26987, 969, 59386, 720, 40541, 2053, 64, 320, 14354, 277, 5599, 114785, 340, 2232, 395, 689, 198, 5116, 3799, 307, 9373, 5021, 7982, 311, 2355, 1041, 10702, 320, 966, 296, 570, 11697, 11113, 18004, 54842, 11, 24549, 720, 273, 4798, 11, 2678, 14071, 19837, 11, 323, 98763, 28935, 2355, 11708, 14098, 13, 99688, 612, 26676, 40227, 220, 17118, 311, 35148, 720, 32132, 323, 279, 35374, 11, 934, 395, 689, 28815, 304, 36658, 323, 3221, 3090, 13, 1102, 374, 67166, 14918, 369, 58041, 1005, 13, 578, 54842, 374, 67572, 6957, 279, 1060, 13, 3744, 12477, 60629, 13, 76704, 84, 812, 3489, 395, 689, 5727, 934, 44823, 590, 2355, 65, 3328, 16565, 320, 16564, 934, 44823, 705, 66787, 17390, 11, 264, 4020, 5730, 258, 320, 2445, 56809, 1169, 258, 705, 323, 28170, 426, 198, 16, 13, 4427, 315, 2355, 1820, 934, 44823, 17390, 617, 1027, 6982, 311, 617, 79909, 91676, 320, 5997, 12934, 9585, 8, 323, 7294, 31307, 3178, 8274, 6299, 13, 11346, 612, 65337, 20763, 3489, 395, 689, 54842, 574, 1176, 720, 396, 30317, 1139, 4606, 505, 8242, 258, 309, 11, 1243, 264, 24113, 42036, 11, 304, 220, 10005, 21, 13, 578, 39999, 374, 7086, 1306, 3489, 82643, 11, 264, 10068, 98211, 11, 889, 3309, 51607, 315, 2355, 1220, 37471, 907, 13, 12851, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 578, 16917, 720, 65, 3328, 934, 395, 689, 11815, 323, 96931, 7621, 60071, 6067, 13, 1102, 12992, 73394, 6530, 323, 279, 87067, 315, 4371, 344, 661, 65959, 323, 23152, 13935, 11, 220, 323, 36050, 279, 60071, 1920, 439, 264, 4459, 13, 3489, 395, 689, 374, 17037, 1511, 311, 51077, 279, 38575, 11, 5423, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 459, 461, 68294, 13, 11699, 80096, 706, 6197, 311, 433, 1694, 1511, 369, 69263, 323, 1023, 1172, 3078, 11, 323, 433, 374, 2728, 304, 279, 35374, 369, 22709, 306, 727, 13, 578, 54842, 706, 1027, 1511, 304, 279, 220, 1376, 315, 459, 665, 9355, 311, 1367, 301, 4617, 56741, 82, 323, 1023, 79383, 13, 362, 68652, 407, 315, 279, 54842, 1253, 220, 387, 1511, 439, 459, 27080, 88874, 306, 323, 311, 4322, 2010, 4859, 13, 356, 2784, 919, 1398, 87728, 35130, 1253, 11, 304, 1063, 5157, 11, 720, 1593, 60071, 66510, 323, 63571, 13, 3234, 539, 220, 1935, 2391, 20209, 1087, 6802, 258, 6985, 459, 285, 372, 320, 6700, 114785, 340, 2127, 1082, 198, 5116, 80255, 9974, 7982, 311, 220, 17, 10702, 2355, 7, 1399, 10166, 705, 449, 1172, 589, 727, 11141, 11, 37781, 2053, 315, 14071, 19837, 11, 323, 9463, 3640, 11, 18004, 39368, 19595, 13, 99688, 612, 26676, 40227, 1556, 1082, 374, 10068, 311, 2355, 1820, 24024, 38785, 11, 19001, 13936, 11, 323, 4892, 10384, 13, 1102, 374, 13882, 67166, 369, 1202, 19595, 11, 902, 527, 1511, 369, 58041, 10096, 323, 439, 264, 17615, 287, 304, 17677, 13, 27399, 12477, 74089, 11, 7718, 5707, 13, 76704, 84, 812, 1556, 1082, 5727, 264, 17509, 5707, 720, 14426, 34754, 220, 2031, 4235, 1954, 4, 459, 774, 1286, 11, 3871, 449, 79574, 331, 402, 27561, 323, 1023, 2024, 2821, 288, 705, 18742, 276, 511, 283, 5730, 1354, 11, 18779, 263, 17390, 11, 40085, 33969, 11, 14345, 4010, 782, 857, 17390, 11, 22562, 3145, 11, 323, 28896, 13, 1556, 774, 1286, 706, 459, 13468, 70180, 292, 2515, 11, 323, 279, 19595, 439, 264, 4459, 527, 76949, 70180, 292, 13, 1115, 2515, 1253, 11153, 6629, 279, 39999, 753, 1005, 439, 264, 12936, 69733, 315, 7392, 6678, 323, 315, 17659, 1474, 34263, 5788, 13, 11346, 612, 65337, 20763, 4740, 38936, 279, 720, 27295, 315, 57784, 8952, 85861, 11, 51801, 11352, 430, 459, 1082, 574, 1511, 311, 4322, 55537, 220, 323, 99740, 2473, 2391, 279, 70110, 26572, 220, 320, 10895, 16, 4235, 9674, 23, 3846, 570, 12851, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 1556, 1082, 19595, 527, 720, 5391, 369, 872, 5845, 311, 8108, 6962, 323, 14545, 1113, 11, 323, 311, 25760, 74502, 13, 2435, 527, 17037, 2728, 311, 42534, 323, 2911, 311, 48839, 1400, 292, 11, 323, 311, 2355, 16455, 315, 682, 17051, 311, 14553, 61880, 323, 1280, 15505, 290, 13, 393, 3904, 64, 2856, 992, 285, 2355, 38585, 3423, 114785, 340, 2460, 2203, 560, 198, 5116, 362, 99866, 3596, 13553, 5021, 7982, 720, 998, 220, 2137, 10702, 320, 717, 296, 570, 11697, 514, 589, 727, 1536, 4930, 11141, 11, 28066, 720, 1073, 2678, 4251, 19837, 11, 323, 13987, 6307, 63494, 430, 2543, 14198, 439, 814, 3719, 57796, 13, 99688, 612, 26676, 40227, 2052, 2203, 560, 374, 10068, 311, 279, 720, 9028, 33159, 323, 311, 10913, 323, 4987, 5270, 13, 578, 63494, 527, 20802, 1603, 814, 527, 7373, 220, 57796, 1606, 279, 17509, 5707, 2262, 26338, 439, 814, 15196, 13, 27399, 12477, 9084, 4108, 11, 11141, 11, 7718, 5707, 13, 2326, 62, 14205, 12, 14374, 1106, 2431, 1299, 689, 62, 6899, 58925, 1117, 278, 20708, 1117, 566, 4903, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 14185, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 717, 25, 2618, 9012, 14735, 1023, 58041, 11012, 35867, 3976, 6590, 592, 333, 14559, 264, 198, 47, 13102, 292, 5724, 74260, 285, 720, 5063, 306, 581, 1299, 72, 114785, 340, 4071, 466, 32251, 198, 5116, 763, 9885, 344, 20857, 74718, 7982, 2355, 998, 220, 19, 304, 320, 605, 10166, 570, 11697, 282, 645, 8671, 11141, 304, 264, 80710, 938, 751, 668, 720, 438, 2033, 2922, 6586, 11, 25977, 32754, 19837, 13, 99688, 612, 26676, 40227, 17118, 311, 18671, 720, 438, 19001, 4606, 11, 14432, 32251, 28815, 304, 4647, 269, 1974, 720, 438, 389, 24405, 13, 578, 11141, 527, 20802, 2355, 258, 5209, 63666, 13, 27399, 12477, 78614, 13, 76704, 84, 812, 31457, 32251, 5727, 65104, 88076, 11, 720, 83, 1036, 1354, 11, 3399, 13028, 292, 13935, 11, 272, 6258, 4079, 13935, 11, 323, 1062, 11893, 2355, 58156, 13, 356, 6258, 4079, 13935, 706, 3276, 13391, 300, 2658, 292, 6012, 13, 11346, 612, 65337, 20763, 31457, 32251, 574, 1790, 720, 2656, 304, 46881, 51487, 16088, 439, 264, 4087, 70, 1413, 13, 763, 32603, 11, 279, 6136, 706, 1027, 1511, 311, 2917, 91485, 720, 265, 28074, 261, 14403, 11, 323, 8249, 38745, 11, 311, 4322, 34254, 2355, 438, 10264, 56741, 13, 12851, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 31457, 32251, 374, 2355, 56492, 20011, 304, 7665, 51487, 16088, 2355, 31213, 13, 11699, 1925, 1005, 374, 439, 264, 40700, 40239, 11, 449, 720, 13495, 4528, 311, 1884, 315, 51682, 365, 320, 57967, 805, 64, 720, 4744, 1263, 333, 39260, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 9639, 705, 2500, 27080, 5773, 1113, 6136, 13, 31457, 32251, 1253, 387, 1511, 311, 4322, 21249, 323, 720, 12296, 58921, 40700, 82, 13, 25368, 51567, 578, 4528, 393, 13, 6800, 333, 75, 6347, 1174, 720, 30838, 311, 279, 5468, 48009, 288, 11, 706, 1027, 1511, 311, 4322, 720, 2203, 300, 2658, 292, 40700, 82, 13, 1229, 23389, 1516, 350, 264, 441, 14432, 32251, 1193, 1234, 720, 66886, 38217, 749, 352, 387, 4529, 369, 51643, 11, 31071, 331, 20000, 11, 323, 1023, 720, 417, 5682, 5382, 30020, 11, 323, 369, 60071, 24673, 720, 21470, 439, 6962, 13, 75367, 34697, 23962, 323, 44814, 7692, 2355, 64, 12314, 54614, 11, 902, 374, 1101, 3276, 1082, 27330, 2949, 279, 720, 417, 5682, 5382, 42929, 13, 578, 19595, 7692, 459, 7718, 5707, 720, 4291, 1891, 554, 29150, 323, 42631, 5594, 318, 69733, 6012, 13, 356, 2784, 919, 3234, 539, 1005, 75367, 34697, 422, 38097, 311, 720, 543, 75439, 6930, 25481, 13, 3234, 539, 1935, 279, 7718, 5707, 720, 56544, 750, 3734, 1234, 6721, 38217, 8794, 1082, 19595, 529, 3276, 13391, 300, 2658, 292, 6012, 1304, 2355, 49818, 11190, 304, 1797, 4776, 4261, 6784, 11, 51643, 11, 720, 14965, 34807, 40700, 11, 323, 31071, 331, 20000, 13, 578, 19595, 529, 720, 17557, 269, 519, 1957, 1120, 9803, 872, 1005, 369, 1521, 720, 417, 5682, 5382, 82907, 13, 1556, 1082, 19595, 527, 3463, 2355, 998, 5376, 17659, 1474, 34263, 5788, 323, 1253, 387, 720, 68244, 7235, 304, 27723, 3242, 98660, 323, 1448, 343, 19025, 13, 1556, 1082, 720, 49582, 5707, 374, 1511, 369, 4528, 21859, 11, 323, 374, 720, 19171, 1511, 69442, 311, 4322, 326, 560, 323, 1156, 98141, 13, 8483, 1556, 1082, 7718, 5707, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 720, 19553, 5199, 3276, 333, 58267, 5820, 11, 2737, 2403, 720, 34, 4654, 64, 82698, 38473, 13, 356, 2784, 919, 3234, 539, 1935, 459, 1082, 7718, 5707, 2355, 56544, 750, 3734, 1234, 6721, 38217, 13, 3234, 539, 1935, 459, 1082, 2391, 720, 30585, 77, 6709, 11, 3734, 304, 15055, 720, 86336, 1511, 304, 17677, 13, 10323, 50570, 39923, 6515, 19025, 612, 720, 485, 15505, 290, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 14777, 26, 54389, 535, 720, 455, 5022, 11, 6962, 612, 1400, 292, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 17592, 26, 720, 626, 316, 613, 993, 10753, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 13364, 26, 21523, 2355, 5, 14545, 1113, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 12879, 13, 1556, 1082, 19595, 11, 902, 720, 68244, 275, 74502, 11, 527, 720, 13279, 7164, 291, 994, 57796, 720, 258, 42774, 18832, 2469, 34697, 11141, 11, 19595, 11, 323, 5707, 617, 264, 76949, 3276, 1082, 27330, 2355 ]
) Ulcers, duodenal Urinary incontinence Urination, sudden urges Vision, easy to focus Warts Typical Characteristics of Parasympathetic Metaboli zers: Above normal appetites Actions are relaxed, calm, firm and positive Bowel movements are easy to start Cough frequently Crave butter Crave fatty meats Crave salty food Deep cough often Desire fatty foods like cream sauces Desire to be cautious Difficulty in holding urine Dislike exercise very much Dream frequently Dreams are vivid and often in color Ears are pink or flushed Eating at bedtime makes them feel better Eating fruit makes them feel jittery or jumpy Emotionally stable Energy is elevated after eating meat Energy loss after eating sweets Excess saliva Extremely sluggish Eyebrows are thin and scanty Eyelids look droopy or saggy Eyes look sunken in Eyestrain causes headaches Faces flush easily Fall asleep quickly Feel better and satisfies when eating meat Frequently cough up mucus Gums are dark pink or bluish Hard to get going in the morning Intestines rumble and growl a lot Marked endurance More than one bowel movement per day Not much "get-up-and-go" Often feel sad or dejected Oily skin Prefer large egg and bacon breakfasts Recall most dreams Ruddy complexions — good face color Seldom get angry Slow breathing rates Slow to make decisions Strong hunger pains Urinate several times a day Very enlarged round chests Very good digestion Very little fear General Nutritional Guidelines for Parasympathetic Dominant Carnivore Types (Group B) Metabolic Types Two, Five and Seven need some of th e same nutritional support as do the vegetarian types, but for the most part, they need entirely different vitamins, minerals and foods. Type Seven’s need more nutritional support than typ es Two and Five. Type Two’s have such strong parasympathetic dominance that they need alm ost as much support as Type Seven’s. Type Five metabolizers are more balanced and their suppl emental support is not as much as the Types Two and Seven. Parasympathetic dominant metabolizers most often ne ed such nutritional support as: Vitamins E and B-12; Niacinamide, Pantothenic Acid, Choline, I nositol, Calcium, Phosphorus, Calcium Ascorbate, Bioflavonoid Complex, Zinc and Ribonucle ic Acid. These metabolizers should eat at bedtime enough to carry them through the night. The y should not eat leafy green vegetables or take large quantities of the B vitamins. Metabolic Type Two Type Two metabolizers come the closest of all the t ypes to being purely parasympathetic dominant people. One of the chief characteristics o f Type Two metabolizers is that they burn carbohydrates very rapidly. Their pancreases work s o well that carbohydrates and sugars burn or metabolize so rapidly that these people have a tend ency to develop hypoglycemia — low blood sugar. When they eat only fruits, vegetables and sw eets, their blood sugar rises and drops many times a day and their energy goes up and down like a yo-yo. When Type Two’s eat carbohydrates and sugars, which are metabolized so quickly, they become very weak and shaky after a spurt of energy. Type Two metabolizers must have meat — preferably f atty, heavy, high purine meats such as lamb, beef, salmon, and sardines. They are usually the people who order their steaks very rare. By eating these fatty meats, they slow down their c arbohydrate/sugar metabolisms. They feel they have eaten something that will "stick to their ribs." Their energy is released at a normal rate and they don’t suffer the ups and downs energy-wise that fruits and sweets cause them to have. Normally, these metabolizers don’t care much for sw eets. They do well on root vegetables, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carrot juic e, and beans. They enjoy butter, cream, Danish pastries, cream puffs and foods with cream or butte r added. They can do well by adding a small amount of whole grains. Type Two people do very poorly on leafy green veget ables, candies, fruits, sweets, high carbohydrate diets and sugar pastries. They should limit the B vitamins and intake of potassium supplements. Type Two metabolizers usually have a g enetic background from German, Scandinavian and Northern European ancestry. Metabolic Type Five Type Five metabolizers are those persons who have s trong parasympathetic nervous systems, but not nearly as strong as Type Two metabolizers. Type Five metabolizers are more toward the normal or balanced metabolism. They can tolerate a wide variety of foods. Type Five metabolizers do well on beef or lamb several times a week, seafood, salmon, tuna, raw (unpasteurized) goat cheese, avocado, beans, peas, lentils, celery, carrots, asparagus, butter, whole grain cereals and breads, some nuts and occas ionally Danish pastry and raw (unpasteurized) goats’ milk cheesecake. Type Five metabolizers are not as prone to hypoglyc emia as are the Type Two metabolizers. However, Type Five’s can easily develop hypoglycemi a if they indulge in too many candies and sweets. Many Americans fall into this class and do not do well as vegetarians. Metabolic Type Seven Type Seven metabolizers are the sickly, weak, ineff icient parasympathetic metabolizers. Their bodies do not utilize their food well and as a resu lt they function very poorly. They almost always feel bad or sickly, functioning very sluggis hly. It is difficult for them to maintain adequate nutrition to their individual body cells. Their body chemistry systems are quite inefficient and more than normal supplementation mu st be maintained at all times. Care must be given to the intake of whole and complete natural f oods. All refined, processed, synthetic food and food additives must be avoided constantly. Type Seven metabolizers are encouraged to stress th e following foods in their diets: seafoods, sardines, salmon, brains, liver, heart, meat gravie s and soups, non-colored unprocessed (unpasteurized) goat cheeses, beans, lentils, carro ts, celery, butter, and cauliflower. Small amounts of Danish pastries, raw (unpasteurized) goa ts’ milk cheesecake and an occasional alcoholic beverage may be taken. Type Seven metabol izers function best on purine meats such as salmon, tuna, beef, lamb, and wild game. These meat s should be preferred over others and used whenever possible and practical. Care should be giv en to adequately detoxify the bodies of these metabolizers. Group C — Balanced Sympathetic/Parasympathetic Type s Group C metabolizers are classified as Types Three, Eight, Nine and Ten. These types have balanced autonomic nervous systems. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work well together in a normal balance of glandular activity and metabolic function. Group C metabolizers have balanced metabolisms, which are n either strongly meat eating nor strongly vegetarian — they fall in the middle. They are both vegetarian and meat eating. Metabolizers in this category have the greatest freedom in what the y can eat. Indeed, they enjoy and thrive equally on foods from both the vegetarian and meat- eating categories. The balanced metabolizers burn their food neither t oo fast nor too slow. This is one of the reasons they do equally well on all varieties of fo od. Balanced metabolizers generally need such nutrition al support as Vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-6, B- 12, Niacinamide, Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, PABA, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese, Ch romium and Zinc. Each of the balanced Types Three, Five, Nine and Ten needs thes e supplements but each type needs different amounts and in different ratios. They also require extra amounts of Hydrochloric Acid and Pancreatic Enzymes. The balanced metabolizers can suffer from the condi tions and disorders of either the vegetarian groups or the carnivore groups of metabolizers. The y are prone to the following conditions and have the following characteristics, all of course, in moderation and generally not to the extreme. Balanced Metabolizers Are More Prone To: Catch cold occasionally Coating tongue sometimes Fairly good digestion Hay fever once in a while Infection once in a while Maintain normal weight Normal appetite Normal blood pressure Normal blood sugar — not diabetic or hypoglycemic Normal cholesterol level Normal pulse rate — 72-80 per minute Normal reactions to insect stings or bites Normal skin texture — not too rough and not too sof t Occasional acne Occasional asthma attacks Occasional cold sores Occasional emotional upsets. Occasional fever blisters Occasional headaches from eyestrain Occasional hiccoughs Occasional indigestion
[ 8, 720, 92159, 17254, 11, 3930, 55836, 278, 720, 55615, 3367, 304, 22025, 768, 720, 55615, 2617, 11, 11210, 63937, 720, 69162, 11, 4228, 311, 5357, 720, 54, 7183, 2355, 13129, 950, 85084, 315, 4366, 6539, 1331, 589, 5411, 6344, 370, 14559, 1167, 388, 25, 2355, 59907, 4725, 30168, 3695, 720, 13245, 527, 31467, 11, 19858, 11, 7626, 323, 6928, 720, 33, 68157, 19567, 527, 4228, 311, 1212, 720, 34, 1409, 14134, 720, 16384, 525, 14432, 720, 16384, 525, 40085, 63875, 720, 16384, 525, 74975, 3691, 720, 34564, 40700, 3629, 720, 5001, 556, 40085, 15657, 1093, 12932, 91070, 720, 5001, 556, 311, 387, 46878, 720, 73209, 304, 10168, 40335, 720, 4944, 4908, 10368, 1633, 1790, 720, 65454, 14134, 720, 65454, 82, 527, 43120, 323, 3629, 304, 1933, 720, 36, 1590, 527, 18718, 477, 74820, 720, 36, 1113, 520, 89607, 3727, 1124, 2733, 2731, 720, 36, 1113, 14098, 3727, 1124, 2733, 85492, 88, 477, 503, 6895, 720, 2321, 6082, 750, 15528, 720, 33775, 374, 32389, 1306, 12459, 13339, 720, 33775, 4814, 1306, 12459, 76657, 720, 849, 1140, 85657, 720, 6899, 54358, 88046, 720, 98554, 3141, 1849, 527, 15792, 323, 84955, 88, 720, 98554, 301, 3447, 1427, 7118, 1289, 477, 30811, 4680, 720, 36, 9891, 1427, 7160, 2779, 304, 720, 98554, 15462, 467, 11384, 55403, 720, 73040, 18698, 6847, 720, 50872, 33173, 6288, 720, 34027, 2731, 323, 69001, 994, 12459, 13339, 720, 37, 70941, 40700, 709, 296, 38601, 720, 38, 6370, 527, 6453, 18718, 477, 1529, 51220, 720, 28005, 311, 636, 2133, 304, 279, 6693, 720, 1090, 478, 1572, 14322, 901, 323, 3139, 75, 264, 2763, 720, 9126, 291, 49286, 4497, 1109, 832, 66358, 7351, 824, 1938, 720, 2688, 1790, 330, 456, 5352, 9976, 20521, 1, 720, 78013, 2733, 12703, 477, 409, 29403, 720, 46, 1570, 6930, 720, 4808, 809, 3544, 19151, 323, 41452, 17954, 82, 720, 3905, 543, 1455, 19226, 720, 49, 35017, 6485, 919, 2001, 1695, 3663, 1933, 720, 50, 53734, 636, 19021, 720, 59389, 27027, 7969, 720, 59389, 311, 1304, 11429, 720, 48686, 34906, 51266, 720, 55615, 3357, 3892, 3115, 264, 1938, 720, 26840, 74117, 4883, 84418, 720, 26840, 1695, 74502, 720, 26840, 2697, 8850, 720, 15777, 18878, 37842, 48528, 369, 4366, 6539, 1331, 589, 5411, 23286, 519, 32749, 344, 461, 21431, 320, 2878, 426, 8, 2355, 35773, 57565, 21431, 9220, 11, 21594, 323, 31048, 1205, 1063, 315, 270, 384, 1890, 43226, 1862, 439, 656, 279, 720, 83571, 8997, 4595, 11, 719, 369, 279, 1455, 961, 11, 814, 1205, 11622, 2204, 46192, 11, 34072, 323, 15657, 13, 4078, 31048, 753, 1205, 810, 43226, 1862, 1109, 3666, 1560, 9220, 323, 21594, 13, 4078, 9220, 753, 617, 1778, 720, 4620, 1370, 6539, 1331, 589, 5411, 44592, 430, 814, 1205, 90584, 37996, 439, 1790, 1862, 439, 4078, 31048, 753, 13, 4078, 720, 38120, 28168, 12509, 527, 810, 24770, 323, 872, 82113, 991, 6430, 1862, 374, 539, 439, 1790, 439, 279, 21431, 720, 11874, 323, 31048, 13, 4366, 6539, 1331, 589, 5411, 25462, 28168, 12509, 1455, 3629, 841, 1608, 1778, 43226, 1862, 439, 25, 29560, 38925, 469, 720, 438, 426, 12, 717, 26, 452, 18029, 258, 66796, 11, 393, 13873, 3473, 292, 50234, 11, 921, 22671, 11, 358, 12155, 27094, 11, 96104, 11, 2405, 24527, 30969, 11, 96104, 720, 2170, 6133, 71629, 11, 24432, 1517, 402, 263, 590, 22872, 11, 96499, 323, 64205, 263, 22935, 18385, 50234, 13, 4314, 28168, 12509, 1288, 8343, 520, 720, 2788, 1712, 3403, 311, 6920, 1124, 1555, 279, 3814, 13, 578, 379, 1288, 539, 8343, 16312, 88, 6307, 24822, 477, 720, 23609, 3544, 33776, 315, 279, 426, 46192, 13, 6344, 57565, 4078, 9220, 2355, 941, 9220, 28168, 12509, 2586, 279, 18585, 315, 682, 279, 259, 379, 20975, 311, 1694, 32227, 1370, 6539, 1331, 589, 5411, 720, 5717, 86396, 1274, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 10388, 17910, 297, 282, 4078, 9220, 28168, 12509, 374, 430, 814, 8395, 720, 7063, 34658, 988, 1633, 19019, 13, 11205, 62268, 2315, 990, 274, 297, 1664, 430, 62345, 323, 70913, 8395, 477, 720, 4150, 53904, 553, 779, 19019, 430, 1521, 1274, 617, 264, 8541, 3289, 88, 311, 2274, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 22689, 2001, 3428, 6680, 720, 82, 8734, 13, 3277, 814, 8343, 1193, 26390, 11, 24822, 323, 2064, 384, 1441, 11, 872, 6680, 13465, 38268, 323, 21701, 1690, 720, 15487, 264, 1938, 323, 872, 4907, 5900, 709, 323, 1523, 1093, 264, 30596, 12303, 78, 13, 3277, 4078, 9220, 753, 8343, 720, 7063, 34658, 988, 323, 70913, 11, 902, 527, 28168, 1534, 779, 6288, 11, 814, 3719, 1633, 7621, 323, 84513, 720, 10924, 264, 993, 5757, 315, 4907, 13, 4078, 9220, 28168, 12509, 2011, 617, 13339, 2001, 52754, 282, 1651, 88, 11, 8987, 11, 1579, 4087, 483, 63875, 1778, 439, 720, 75, 3042, 11, 25309, 11, 41420, 11, 323, 274, 569, 1572, 13, 2435, 527, 6118, 279, 1274, 889, 2015, 872, 4179, 10011, 1633, 9024, 13, 3296, 12459, 1521, 40085, 63875, 11, 814, 6435, 1523, 872, 272, 802, 34658, 349, 2754, 8734, 28168, 13978, 13, 2435, 2733, 814, 617, 35661, 2555, 430, 690, 330, 30133, 311, 872, 220, 56249, 1210, 11205, 4907, 374, 6004, 520, 264, 4725, 4478, 720, 438, 814, 1541, 1431, 7831, 279, 33834, 323, 40291, 4907, 45539, 220, 430, 26390, 323, 76657, 5353, 1124, 311, 617, 13, 52783, 11, 1521, 28168, 12509, 1541, 1431, 2512, 1790, 369, 2064, 384, 1441, 13, 2435, 656, 1664, 389, 3789, 24822, 11, 720, 66, 57589, 11, 38269, 8314, 11934, 11, 96970, 11, 75294, 10479, 292, 384, 11, 323, 27994, 13, 2435, 4774, 14432, 11, 12932, 11, 44780, 720, 53520, 4108, 11, 12932, 281, 33668, 323, 15657, 449, 12932, 477, 719, 668, 436, 3779, 13, 2435, 649, 656, 1664, 555, 7999, 264, 2678, 720, 6173, 315, 4459, 41936, 13, 4078, 9220, 1274, 656, 1633, 31555, 389, 16312, 88, 6307, 13294, 671, 645, 11, 98497, 11, 26390, 11, 76657, 11, 1579, 720, 7063, 34658, 349, 41943, 323, 13465, 3347, 4108, 13, 2435, 1288, 4017, 279, 426, 46192, 323, 23730, 315, 62275, 720, 13066, 4779, 13, 4078, 9220, 28168, 12509, 6118, 617, 264, 342, 665, 5411, 4092, 505, 6063, 11, 720, 3407, 51701, 60278, 323, 17355, 7665, 66004, 13, 6344, 57565, 4078, 21594, 2355, 941, 21594, 28168, 12509, 527, 1884, 11434, 889, 617, 274, 70186, 1370, 6539, 1331, 589, 5411, 23418, 6067, 11, 719, 720, 1962, 7154, 439, 3831, 439, 4078, 9220, 28168, 12509, 13, 4078, 220, 21594, 28168, 12509, 527, 810, 9017, 279, 720, 8416, 477, 24770, 39097, 13, 2435, 649, 50134, 264, 7029, 8205, 315, 15657, 13, 4078, 21594, 720, 4150, 53904, 12509, 656, 1664, 389, 25309, 477, 39406, 3892, 3115, 264, 2046, 11, 53405, 11, 41420, 11, 75057, 11, 7257, 720, 18870, 57968, 324, 1534, 8, 54392, 17604, 11, 68346, 11, 27994, 11, 47136, 11, 48907, 8839, 11, 70121, 11, 62517, 11, 439, 94789, 11, 14432, 11, 720, 67733, 24875, 28091, 1147, 323, 16385, 82, 11, 1063, 31049, 323, 9163, 28772, 750, 44780, 74155, 323, 7257, 720, 18870, 57968, 324, 1534, 8, 71932, 529, 14403, 43932, 79356, 13, 4078, 21594, 28168, 12509, 527, 539, 439, 38097, 311, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 991, 689, 439, 527, 279, 4078, 9220, 28168, 12509, 13, 4452, 11, 4078, 21594, 753, 649, 6847, 2274, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 22530, 264, 422, 814, 68190, 304, 2288, 1690, 98497, 323, 720, 82, 26488, 13, 9176, 9053, 4498, 1139, 420, 538, 323, 656, 539, 656, 1664, 439, 13294, 30627, 13, 6344, 57565, 4078, 31048, 2355, 941, 31048, 28168, 12509, 527, 279, 14363, 398, 11, 7621, 11, 90325, 220, 5499, 1370, 6539, 1331, 589, 5411, 28168, 12509, 13, 11205, 720, 65, 10233, 656, 539, 29166, 872, 3691, 1664, 323, 439, 264, 594, 84, 26237, 814, 734, 1633, 31555, 13, 2435, 4661, 720, 33222, 2733, 3958, 477, 14363, 398, 11, 31301, 1633, 80122, 285, 305, 398, 13, 1102, 374, 5107, 369, 1124, 311, 10519, 720, 1037, 19684, 26677, 311, 872, 3927, 2547, 7917, 13, 11205, 2547, 30903, 6067, 527, 5115, 720, 483, 544, 5499, 323, 810, 1109, 4725, 73796, 12097, 357, 387, 18908, 520, 682, 3115, 13, 10852, 2011, 387, 720, 43068, 311, 279, 23730, 315, 4459, 323, 4686, 5933, 282, 297, 30797, 13, 2052, 38291, 11, 15590, 11, 28367, 3691, 720, 438, 3691, 85286, 2011, 387, 31890, 15320, 13, 4078, 31048, 28168, 12509, 527, 21190, 311, 8631, 270, 384, 2768, 15657, 304, 872, 41943, 25, 53405, 82, 11, 720, 82, 569, 1572, 11, 41420, 11, 35202, 11, 26587, 11, 4851, 11, 13339, 29059, 648, 274, 323, 5945, 1725, 11, 2536, 58822, 653, 35122, 720, 18870, 57968, 324, 1534, 8, 54392, 98564, 11, 27994, 11, 48907, 8839, 11, 45000, 10814, 11, 70121, 11, 14432, 11, 323, 96970, 13, 15344, 720, 6173, 82, 315, 44780, 3347, 4108, 11, 7257, 320, 359, 57968, 324, 1534, 8, 733, 64, 10814, 529, 14403, 43932, 79356, 323, 459, 28961, 720, 278, 45494, 43450, 1253, 387, 4529, 13, 4078, 31048, 28168, 220, 12509, 734, 1888, 389, 4087, 483, 63875, 1778, 439, 720, 19776, 1677, 11, 75057, 11, 25309, 11, 39406, 11, 323, 8545, 1847, 13, 4314, 13339, 274, 1288, 387, 15236, 927, 3885, 323, 1511, 720, 1336, 31845, 3284, 323, 15325, 13, 10852, 1288, 387, 342, 344, 665, 311, 49672, 61987, 1463, 279, 13162, 315, 1521, 720, 4150, 53904, 12509, 13, 5856, 356, 2001, 98209, 5837, 1331, 589, 5411, 14, 4368, 6539, 1331, 589, 5411, 4078, 274, 220, 5856, 356, 28168, 12509, 527, 21771, 439, 21431, 14853, 11, 220, 36944, 11, 38166, 323, 18165, 13, 4314, 4595, 617, 720, 59502, 3154, 48228, 23418, 6067, 13, 578, 53464, 220, 323, 1370, 6539, 1331, 589, 5411, 23418, 6067, 720, 1816, 1664, 3871, 304, 264, 4725, 8335, 315, 67169, 1299, 220, 5820, 323, 41861, 734, 13, 5856, 356, 720, 4150, 53904, 12509, 617, 24770, 28168, 13978, 11, 902, 527, 308, 3060, 16917, 13339, 12459, 6463, 16917, 720, 83571, 8997, 2001, 814, 4498, 304, 279, 6278, 13, 2435, 527, 2225, 220, 46482, 323, 13339, 12459, 13, 6344, 53904, 12509, 304, 720, 576, 5699, 617, 279, 12474, 11542, 304, 1148, 279, 379, 649, 8343, 13, 23150, 11, 814, 4774, 323, 41972, 720, 26378, 750, 389, 15657, 505, 2225, 279, 46482, 323, 13339, 12, 12459, 11306, 13, 578, 24770, 28168, 12509, 8395, 872, 3691, 14188, 259, 57009, 5043, 6463, 2288, 6435, 13, 1115, 374, 832, 315, 279, 720, 20489, 82, 814, 656, 18813, 1664, 389, 682, 36680, 315, 12018, 11018, 13, 98209, 28168, 12509, 8965, 1205, 1778, 26677, 453, 1862, 439, 29560, 38925, 362, 11, 426, 12, 16, 11, 426, 12, 17, 11, 426, 12, 21, 11, 426, 7058, 717, 11, 452, 18029, 258, 66796, 11, 45774, 356, 11, 24432, 1517, 402, 263, 17390, 11, 45774, 469, 11, 435, 7918, 50234, 11, 426, 11345, 258, 11, 393, 13873, 3473, 292, 50234, 11, 720, 47, 57650, 11, 96104, 11, 2405, 24527, 30969, 11, 20918, 41930, 11, 386, 66964, 11, 921, 10083, 2411, 323, 96499, 13, 9062, 315, 279, 720, 59502, 21431, 14853, 11, 21594, 11, 38166, 323, 18165, 3966, 279, 82, 384, 33690, 719, 1855, 955, 3966, 2204, 720, 6173, 82, 323, 304, 2204, 42338, 13, 2435, 1101, 1397, 5066, 15055, 315, 40602, 72967, 292, 50234, 323, 720, 36793, 846, 780, 2998, 21436, 288, 13, 578, 24770, 28168, 12509, 649, 7831, 505, 279, 87556, 259, 919, 323, 24673, 315, 3060, 279, 46482, 720, 17171, 477, 279, 97733, 461, 5315, 315, 28168, 12509, 13, 578, 379, 527, 38097, 311, 279, 2768, 4787, 323, 720, 19553, 279, 2768, 17910, 11, 682, 315, 3388, 11, 304, 64382, 323, 8965, 539, 311, 279, 14560, 13, 98209, 6344, 53904, 12509, 8886, 4497, 2394, 606, 2057, 25, 2355, 58860, 9439, 23781, 720, 7489, 1113, 25466, 7170, 720, 61895, 398, 1695, 74502, 720, 57564, 34653, 3131, 304, 264, 1418, 720, 644, 13421, 3131, 304, 264, 1418, 2355, 67834, 467, 4725, 4785, 720, 12484, 38575, 720, 12484, 6680, 7410, 720, 12484, 6680, 13465, 2001, 539, 71975, 477, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 8274, 720, 12484, 39086, 2237, 720, 12484, 28334, 4478, 2001, 220, 5332, 12, 1490, 824, 9568, 720, 12484, 25481, 311, 27080, 357, 826, 477, 49433, 720, 12484, 6930, 10651, 2001, 539, 2288, 11413, 323, 539, 2288, 86906, 259, 720, 22513, 300, 4001, 46905, 720, 22513, 300, 4001, 51643, 8951, 720, 22513, 300, 4001, 9439, 779, 417, 720, 22513, 300, 4001, 14604, 709, 5022, 13, 20522, 300, 4001, 34653, 1529, 9487, 720, 22513, 300, 4001, 55403, 505, 3999, 15462, 467, 720, 22513, 300, 4001, 305, 48738, 1409, 82, 720, 22513, 300, 4001, 1280, 15505, 290, 720 ]
thousand dif ferent ways. It is the Actual Truth. When we talk more about that Actual Truth a bit later, this whole concept will come together more fully. Then you will see a quantum leap in your ability to deal with all change peacefully. But for now let’s do as I sug gested. Let’s look at two of the Three Brands of Truth: Apparent Truth and Imagined Truth. It’s important that we do, because this is the key to everything. So... as I was saying...... most people live in their Imagined Truth when things change, h aving been held down there by their past. This Imagined Truth births a thought, out of which arises an emotion, which produces an experience —which seems to them to be reality. As it turns out, it is a Distorted Reality. This gets us back to where you might be right now. Because of what has just happened to you —this huge change that has been visited upon you that is not something you would have chosen, that is something that just came down out of the blue, out of thin air —you’re angry, or sad, or frustrated, or disappointed, or disillusioned, or “all of the above”... all because you are afraid. And you are afraid... all because you are in love. You’re in love with yourself (even though you don’t think you are) and you’re in love with life (even though y ou say you hate it right now). You’re afraid of trading in a past that you knew for a future you do not. Afraid of what might happen. Afraid of how things could be. And afraid that you may never find this kind of situation again (this kind of job, this kin d of person, this kind of home); that you may never have this kind of experience again. Well, you may never find this kind of situation again —but you may very well have this kind of experience again. (For instance, you may never be with the same mate again, but you may very well have the same experience —the experience of joy and happiness —with another mate. It all depends on what you buy into: your Imagined Truth or the Apparent Truth.) Remember that the experience of happiness has nothing to do with a given situation. This is hard to accept because we are absolutely certain that it does. Yet there is no connection between exterior events and interior experiences, except in your head. Your capacity to know joy is not connected to this one person or to th at one place of employment, for instance. You just think that it is. The Apparent Truth and the Imagined Truth are not identical. Ever. Ever. Events do not have meanings. Events are events, and meanings are thoughts. Nothing has any meaning save the meanin g you give it. And the meaning you give to things does not derive from any event, circumstance, condition, or situation exterior to yourself. The Giving of Meaning is entirely an internal process. Entirely. Know Your Self as Light. Bigger even, than Breath. Larger even, than the Whole. Quieter even, than the Quiet that holds You. Know Your Self as Held. Softer even, than as before; Deeper even, than any Darkness. When the Lightbody of You breathes without borders knows not even of the concept or of any bounds at all When you Know Your Self as only Light summoning the Mystery to move through You exquisite, innocent instrument of the long long eternity of song then Know Your Self as Life’s greatest Laughter; Life’s greatest Lover, beckoning the Mystery com e hither... —‘Know Your Self as Light’ © 2006 Em Claire 10. ALL ABOUT THE AFTEREFFECT WHAT WE’VE BEEN TALKING about here is the technology of thought —or what I call the Mechanics of the Mind. And this exploration is more than you and I ambling down Philo sophy Lane. When you deeply understand how your mind works, you will understand how to make it work for you. This is something your mind does not want to do. Or, more accurately, it is something that your ego does not want you to do. Your ego is the part o f your mind that thinks that you are your mind. And it knows that once you figure out how the mind works, you will become very clear that you are not your mind —and that with that knowledge will come the gradual disassembling of the ego in its present form. Because the ego knows this, it will work overtime to get you to take your mind off all this. Somewhere in the next few chapters, for instance, it will try to cause you to feel “bored” with this entire exploration. Or “annoyed” that it’s taking so long to be explained. Or “frustrated” that even after wading through the explanation, you’re still not through with gathering what you need to know to change everything about the way to change the way you are experiencing change. So watch your ego work here. Just watch your ego work on you to put this book down, to just drop this whole line of inquiry. If it succeeds, this wouldn’t be the first time that your own ego has been your greatest enemy. It is as that wonderful comic strip character, Pogo, created by the l ate Walt Kelly, used to say: “We have met the enemy, and they is us.” Now let me explain what the ego is and what it is not. The ego is the part of your mind that differentiates “you” from “everything else.” As such, it is a vital part of the technology of thought. It is that part that can conceive not only of a thought, but of the thinker of the thought. The ego is, therefore, one of your greatest gifts, because it allows you to experience “you” as you, and not everybody and everything else. The Actual Tru th is that you ARE everybody and everything else... but the Part Of The All that calls itself “you” must be able to experience Itself separately, or It cannot do what It became physical to do; It cannot experience what it came to experience. Therefore, It individuates Itself —and the ego is the tool with which It does this. The ego knows that Who You Really Are is bigger than the part of your self -awareness that resides only in your mind. In this, the ego is a great gift, a wonderful device, an incredible tool. Yet your ego can run amok, and when it does this it is like one of those runaway computers in science -fiction stories that suddenly thinks IT is your master, rather than you being its owner. When your ego runs amok it not only continues to do the jo b of separating you from Everything Else, it separates you from your Self. It makes you think that you are IT, not that IT is a part of you. Your ego has then confused its job, imagining that it must protect you from knowing your very Self. So when your eg o tries to get you to feel bored, or that this narrative is not moving fast enough, that is your signal to get out of your mind. You need to be out of your mind to understand the Mechanics of the Mind and the System of the Soul. So just step away from your thoughts at that moment and keep reading. You will hear the incessant pleading of your ego to drop all this already, but pay it no mind. Now I have said here that experience is not an outward thing, experience is an inward thing. That’s why different people can have a different experience of the same event. Everybody’s experience is the same only when people don’t have time to think. Whoops, wait a minute... that was an interesting idea. What was that —? I said ... when people don’t have time to think, they become identical. They are driven to react rather than respond — as when people panic. Mass panic is virtually impossible to produce when people remain calm, stop, and think. While I was writing this book a US Airways plane leaving New York City had birds fly into its engines, quickly and totally disabling it. That jetliner, piloted by a genuine hero, Captain Chesley B. “Sulley” Sullenberger, was forced to ditch in the Hudson R iver. After a picture -perfect emergency water landing, all 155 passengers on board left the plane and stood on its wings, waiting to be picked up by nearby boats. All survived. It was called a miracle. But the survivors said it like it is. It was simple, t hey reported. Nobody panicked. Everybody kept a cool head. People were responding, rather than reacting. In an article in Newsweek magazine a few weeks after the incident, Captain Sullenberger offered this personal observation: “We never gave up. Having a plan enabled us to keep our hope alive. Perhaps in a similar fashion, people who are in their own personal crises —a pink slip, a foreclosure —can be reminded that no matter how dire the circumstance, or how little time you have to deal with it, further acti on is always possible. There’s always a way out of even the tightest spot. You can survive.” Thank you, Captain. You captured the essence of this whole book in a single
[ 16579, 1422, 18728, 306, 5627, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 720, 29223, 30198, 13, 3277, 584, 3137, 810, 922, 430, 34459, 30198, 264, 2766, 3010, 11, 420, 4459, 7434, 690, 720, 2063, 3871, 810, 7373, 13, 5112, 499, 690, 1518, 264, 31228, 32571, 304, 701, 5845, 311, 3568, 449, 682, 720, 3455, 67879, 13, 2030, 369, 1457, 1095, 753, 656, 439, 358, 31705, 342, 10185, 13, 6914, 753, 1427, 520, 1403, 315, 279, 14853, 55332, 315, 30198, 25, 720, 2213, 1415, 30198, 323, 77533, 1619, 30198, 13, 1102, 753, 3062, 430, 584, 656, 11, 1606, 420, 374, 279, 1401, 311, 720, 73826, 13, 2100, 662, 662, 662, 439, 358, 574, 5605, 662, 662, 662, 662, 662, 662, 1455, 1274, 3974, 304, 872, 77533, 1619, 30198, 994, 2574, 2349, 11, 305, 1860, 287, 1027, 5762, 1523, 720, 19041, 555, 872, 3347, 13, 1115, 77533, 1619, 30198, 66332, 264, 3463, 11, 704, 315, 902, 48282, 459, 20356, 11, 720, 8370, 19159, 459, 3217, 2001, 8370, 5084, 311, 1124, 311, 387, 8903, 13, 1666, 433, 10800, 704, 11, 433, 374, 264, 720, 24243, 13909, 44874, 13, 1115, 5334, 603, 1203, 311, 1405, 499, 2643, 220, 387, 1314, 1457, 13, 9393, 315, 1148, 706, 1120, 7077, 311, 499, 2001, 576, 6908, 2349, 430, 706, 1027, 12263, 5304, 720, 9514, 430, 374, 539, 2555, 499, 1053, 617, 12146, 11, 430, 374, 2555, 430, 1120, 3782, 1523, 720, 412, 315, 279, 6437, 11, 704, 315, 15792, 3805, 2001, 9514, 3207, 19021, 11, 477, 12703, 11, 477, 33630, 11, 220, 477, 25406, 11, 477, 720, 4338, 82262, 291, 11, 477, 1054, 543, 315, 279, 3485, 863, 662, 662, 662, 682, 1606, 499, 527, 16984, 13, 1628, 499, 527, 16984, 662, 662, 662, 682, 720, 28753, 499, 527, 304, 3021, 13, 1472, 3207, 304, 3021, 449, 6261, 320, 17206, 3582, 499, 1541, 1431, 1781, 499, 527, 8, 720, 438, 499, 3207, 304, 3021, 449, 2324, 320, 17206, 3582, 379, 6033, 2019, 499, 12491, 433, 1314, 1457, 570, 1472, 3207, 16984, 315, 11380, 304, 264, 3347, 430, 499, 7020, 369, 264, 3938, 499, 656, 539, 13, 13203, 14152, 315, 1148, 720, 46068, 3621, 13, 13203, 14152, 315, 1268, 2574, 1436, 387, 13, 1628, 16984, 430, 499, 1253, 2646, 1505, 420, 3169, 720, 1073, 6671, 1578, 320, 576, 3169, 315, 2683, 11, 420, 24890, 294, 315, 1732, 11, 420, 3169, 315, 2162, 1237, 430, 499, 1253, 720, 37593, 617, 420, 3169, 315, 3217, 1578, 13, 8489, 11, 499, 1253, 220, 2646, 1505, 420, 3169, 315, 6671, 1578, 2001, 8248, 499, 1253, 1633, 1664, 617, 420, 720, 15674, 315, 3217, 220, 1578, 13, 320, 2520, 2937, 11, 499, 1253, 2646, 387, 449, 279, 1890, 30276, 1578, 1174, 719, 720, 9514, 1253, 1633, 1664, 617, 279, 1890, 3217, 2001, 1820, 3217, 315, 16267, 323, 23871, 2001, 4291, 720, 43063, 30276, 13, 1102, 682, 14117, 389, 1148, 499, 3780, 1139, 25, 701, 77533, 1619, 30198, 477, 279, 1883, 1415, 720, 25025, 6266, 20474, 430, 279, 3217, 315, 23871, 706, 4400, 311, 656, 449, 264, 2728, 6671, 13, 1115, 374, 2653, 311, 4287, 1606, 584, 527, 11112, 3738, 430, 433, 1587, 13, 14968, 1070, 374, 912, 720, 7898, 1990, 28362, 4455, 323, 15135, 11704, 11, 3734, 304, 701, 2010, 13, 4718, 8824, 311, 1440, 16267, 374, 539, 8599, 311, 420, 832, 1732, 477, 311, 270, 520, 832, 2035, 315, 720, 21093, 11, 369, 2937, 13, 1472, 1120, 1781, 220, 430, 433, 374, 13, 578, 1883, 1415, 30198, 323, 279, 77533, 1619, 720, 25025, 527, 539, 20086, 13, 18374, 13, 18374, 13, 18093, 656, 539, 617, 50800, 13, 18093, 527, 4455, 11, 323, 50800, 527, 11555, 13, 12334, 2355, 4752, 904, 7438, 3665, 279, 3152, 258, 342, 499, 3041, 433, 662, 1628, 279, 7438, 499, 3041, 311, 2574, 1587, 539, 720, 28197, 505, 904, 1567, 11, 53237, 11, 3044, 11, 477, 6671, 28362, 311, 6261, 13, 578, 58951, 720, 1073, 49203, 374, 11622, 459, 5419, 1920, 13, 80340, 398, 13, 14521, 4718, 10323, 439, 8828, 662, 426, 4601, 1524, 11, 1109, 58292, 662, 81908, 1524, 11, 1109, 279, 41593, 13, 42215, 1430, 1524, 11, 1109, 279, 68587, 430, 10187, 1472, 13, 14521, 4718, 10323, 439, 83531, 662, 2100, 1064, 1524, 11, 1109, 439, 1603, 26, 2355, 1951, 10653, 1524, 11, 1109, 904, 54796, 13, 3277, 279, 8828, 2664, 315, 1472, 2355, 21152, 589, 288, 2085, 24743, 2355, 33134, 82, 539, 2355, 17206, 315, 279, 7434, 2355, 269, 315, 904, 14597, 520, 682, 2355, 4599, 499, 14521, 4718, 10323, 2355, 300, 1193, 8828, 2355, 1264, 1677, 287, 279, 49105, 2355, 998, 3351, 1555, 1472, 2355, 327, 33524, 11, 25226, 14473, 2355, 1073, 279, 1317, 2355, 4930, 64482, 315, 5609, 2355, 3473, 2355, 39512, 4718, 10323, 439, 2355, 26833, 753, 12474, 5034, 7490, 26, 2355, 26833, 753, 12474, 90590, 11, 2355, 55177, 20324, 279, 49105, 2355, 884, 384, 305, 2544, 13, 662, 662, 2001, 14336, 39512, 4718, 10323, 439, 8828, 529, 220, 7388, 220, 1049, 21, 5867, 43675, 220, 220, 605, 13, 13398, 52912, 3247, 49364, 36, 26105, 2355, 60960, 20255, 529, 4592, 75753, 350, 37550, 1753, 220, 922, 1618, 374, 279, 5557, 315, 3463, 2001, 269, 1148, 358, 1650, 279, 720, 58167, 276, 1233, 315, 279, 23754, 13, 1628, 420, 27501, 374, 810, 1109, 499, 323, 358, 1097, 9894, 1523, 720, 3438, 18536, 19219, 88, 27109, 13, 3277, 499, 17693, 3619, 1268, 701, 4059, 4375, 11, 499, 690, 3619, 720, 5269, 311, 1304, 433, 990, 369, 499, 13, 1115, 374, 2555, 701, 4059, 1587, 539, 1390, 311, 656, 13, 2582, 11, 810, 30357, 11, 433, 374, 2555, 720, 9210, 701, 37374, 1587, 539, 1390, 499, 311, 656, 13, 4718, 37374, 374, 279, 961, 297, 282, 701, 4059, 430, 15849, 430, 720, 9514, 527, 701, 4059, 662, 1628, 433, 8964, 430, 3131, 499, 7216, 704, 1268, 279, 4059, 4375, 11, 499, 690, 720, 17106, 638, 1633, 2867, 430, 499, 527, 539, 701, 4059, 2001, 438, 430, 449, 430, 220, 6677, 690, 2586, 279, 720, 6902, 940, 834, 300, 43064, 315, 279, 37374, 304, 1202, 3118, 1376, 13, 9393, 279, 37374, 8964, 420, 11, 433, 690, 990, 39599, 311, 636, 499, 311, 1935, 701, 4059, 1022, 682, 420, 662, 18024, 61752, 304, 279, 1828, 2478, 30732, 11, 369, 2937, 11, 433, 690, 1456, 311, 5353, 499, 311, 2733, 1054, 65, 3093, 863, 720, 4291, 420, 4553, 27501, 13, 2582, 1054, 1036, 2303, 291, 863, 430, 433, 753, 4737, 779, 1317, 311, 387, 11497, 13, 2582, 720, 2118, 1658, 3497, 660, 863, 430, 1524, 1306, 289, 2277, 1555, 279, 16540, 11, 499, 3207, 2103, 539, 1555, 449, 720, 70, 83895, 1148, 499, 1205, 311, 1440, 311, 2349, 4395, 922, 279, 1648, 311, 2349, 279, 1648, 720, 9514, 527, 25051, 2349, 13, 2100, 3821, 701, 37374, 990, 1618, 13, 4702, 3821, 701, 37374, 990, 389, 499, 311, 2231, 420, 2363, 1523, 11, 311, 720, 4345, 6068, 420, 4459, 1584, 315, 26981, 662, 1442, 433, 51181, 11, 420, 8434, 1431, 387, 279, 1176, 892, 430, 701, 720, 785, 37374, 706, 1027, 701, 12474, 9354, 13, 1102, 374, 439, 430, 11364, 20303, 13619, 3752, 11, 393, 24404, 11, 3549, 555, 279, 326, 30912, 36367, 19178, 11, 1511, 311, 720, 37890, 25, 1054, 1687, 617, 2322, 279, 9354, 11, 323, 814, 374, 603, 2029, 2355, 7184, 1095, 757, 10552, 1148, 279, 37374, 374, 323, 1148, 433, 374, 539, 13, 578, 37374, 374, 279, 961, 315, 701, 4059, 720, 9210, 2204, 43398, 1054, 9514, 863, 505, 1054, 73826, 775, 2029, 1666, 1778, 11, 433, 374, 264, 16595, 961, 315, 279, 5557, 720, 1073, 3463, 13, 1102, 374, 430, 961, 430, 649, 77151, 539, 1193, 315, 264, 3463, 11, 719, 315, 279, 98636, 315, 279, 720, 61665, 13, 578, 37374, 374, 11, 9093, 11, 832, 315, 701, 12474, 21258, 11, 1606, 433, 6276, 499, 311, 3217, 720, 2118, 9514, 863, 439, 499, 11, 323, 539, 16470, 323, 4395, 775, 13, 578, 34459, 102287, 270, 374, 430, 499, 16202, 720, 30115, 2664, 323, 4395, 775, 662, 662, 662, 719, 279, 3744, 5046, 578, 2052, 430, 6880, 5196, 1054, 9514, 863, 2011, 387, 3025, 720, 998, 3217, 1102, 726, 26214, 1174, 477, 1102, 4250, 656, 1148, 1102, 6244, 7106, 311, 656, 26, 1102, 4250, 720, 50659, 1148, 433, 3782, 311, 3217, 13, 15636, 11, 1102, 23496, 52085, 220, 1102, 726, 2001, 438, 279, 37374, 374, 279, 720, 14506, 449, 902, 1102, 1587, 420, 13, 578, 37374, 8964, 430, 10699, 1472, 29308, 8886, 374, 11493, 1109, 279, 961, 315, 701, 659, 482, 20111, 2136, 720, 9210, 54068, 1193, 304, 701, 4059, 13, 763, 420, 11, 279, 37374, 374, 264, 2294, 8352, 11, 264, 11364, 3756, 11, 459, 720, 258, 59041, 220, 5507, 13, 14968, 701, 37374, 649, 1629, 1097, 564, 11, 323, 994, 433, 1587, 420, 433, 374, 1093, 832, 315, 1884, 720, 6236, 14075, 19002, 304, 8198, 482, 58162, 7493, 430, 15187, 15849, 8871, 374, 701, 7491, 1174, 4856, 720, 54895, 499, 1694, 1202, 6506, 13, 3277, 701, 37374, 8640, 1097, 564, 433, 539, 1193, 9731, 311, 656, 279, 7802, 293, 315, 50545, 499, 505, 720, 36064, 19334, 11, 433, 62849, 499, 505, 701, 10323, 662, 1102, 3727, 499, 1781, 430, 499, 527, 8871, 11, 539, 430, 8871, 374, 264, 961, 315, 499, 13, 4718, 37374, 706, 1243, 22568, 1202, 2683, 11, 77724, 430, 433, 2011, 6144, 499, 720, 1527, 14392, 701, 1633, 10323, 13, 2100, 994, 701, 8866, 297, 16696, 311, 636, 499, 311, 2733, 34386, 11, 477, 430, 420, 19775, 374, 539, 7366, 5043, 720, 268, 1409, 11, 430, 374, 701, 8450, 311, 636, 704, 315, 701, 4059, 13, 1472, 1205, 311, 387, 704, 315, 701, 4059, 311, 720, 8154, 2752, 279, 77923, 315, 279, 23754, 323, 279, 744, 315, 279, 30242, 13, 2100, 1120, 3094, 3201, 505, 720, 22479, 220, 11555, 520, 430, 4545, 323, 2567, 5403, 13, 1472, 690, 6865, 279, 92947, 519, 74073, 315, 720, 22479, 37374, 311, 6068, 682, 420, 2736, 11, 719, 2343, 433, 912, 4059, 13, 4800, 358, 617, 1071, 1618, 430, 3217, 374, 539, 459, 52046, 3245, 11, 3217, 374, 459, 63018, 720, 1626, 13, 3011, 753, 3249, 2204, 1274, 649, 617, 264, 2204, 3217, 315, 279, 1890, 1567, 13, 51898, 753, 3217, 374, 279, 1890, 1193, 994, 1274, 1541, 1431, 617, 892, 311, 1781, 13, 10699, 3806, 11, 3868, 264, 9568, 662, 662, 662, 430, 220, 574, 459, 7185, 4623, 13, 3639, 574, 430, 2001, 30, 358, 1071, 220, 662, 662, 662, 994, 1274, 1541, 1431, 617, 892, 311, 1781, 11, 814, 3719, 20086, 13, 2435, 527, 16625, 311, 720, 3007, 220, 4856, 1109, 6013, 2001, 439, 994, 1274, 22743, 13, 9346, 22743, 374, 21907, 12266, 311, 720, 98374, 994, 1274, 7293, 19858, 11, 3009, 11, 323, 1781, 13, 6104, 358, 574, 4477, 420, 2363, 264, 2326, 70502, 11277, 9564, 1561, 4356, 4409, 1047, 20229, 11722, 720, 18614, 1202, 21787, 11, 6288, 323, 12756, 61584, 433, 13, 3011, 17004, 62898, 11, 11715, 9437, 555, 264, 22785, 12084, 11, 720, 62158, 74754, 3258, 426, 13, 1054, 50, 360, 3258, 863, 328, 42574, 49120, 11, 574, 9770, 311, 50104, 304, 279, 39253, 432, 220, 1553, 13, 4740, 264, 720, 27581, 482, 64185, 13147, 3090, 20948, 11, 682, 220, 9992, 22961, 389, 4580, 2163, 279, 11277, 323, 720, 52784, 389, 1202, 27296, 11, 8748, 311, 387, 13061, 709, 555, 14373, 32731, 13, 2052, 26968, 13, 1102, 574, 2663, 264, 720, 20531, 8061, 13, 2030, 279, 32696, 1071, 433, 1093, 433, 374, 13, 1102, 574, 4382, 11, 259, 35309, 5068, 13, 37558, 94110, 13, 51898, 8774, 264, 7155, 2010, 13, 9029, 1051, 30438, 11, 4856, 1109, 74150, 13, 763, 459, 4652, 304, 5513, 10476, 220, 14756, 264, 2478, 5672, 1306, 279, 10672, 11, 22022, 328, 42574, 49120, 720, 1885, 12616, 420, 4443, 22695, 25, 1054, 1687, 2646, 6688, 709, 13, 20636, 264, 3197, 9147, 603, 311, 2567, 1057, 720, 61893, 13989, 13, 19292, 304, 264, 4528, 11401, 11, 1274, 889, 527, 304, 872, 1866, 4443, 58187, 2001, 64, 720, 64349, 21818, 11, 264, 81382, 2001, 4919, 387, 31256, 430, 912, 5030, 1268, 13510, 279, 53237, 11, 477, 720, 5269, 2697, 892, 499, 617, 311, 3568, 449, 433, 11, 4726, 1180, 72, 389, 374, 2744, 3284, 13, 2684, 753, 2744, 264, 720, 3195, 704, 315, 1524, 279, 10508, 478, 7858, 13, 1472, 649, 18167, 2029, 2355, 13359, 499, 11, 22022, 13, 1472, 17439, 279, 28591, 315, 420, 4459, 2363, 304, 264, 3254 ]
If you are Catholic, you exclude all other faiths, and so on. What’s wrong with this. If stories were held lightly, the way we experience The Hobbit or The Great Gatsby, being diverted for a while before moving on, vexing problems wouldn’t arise. It’s not the story that i s responsible; it’s our attachment to it. Atta chment falsifies experience by freezing it in place. The weight of the past becomes a burden. The pres ent moment is lost in the clutter of memory, belief, and old conditioning. How many older people crave to be young again. How many regrets do we harbor that we refuse to let g o of. These attachments exist in everyone’s life, leaving aside the misery and violence created by an us-versus- them mentality. Prying someon e loose from a cherished story lies at the heart of one of the most popular best sellers in the 1980s, M. Scott Peck’s The Ro ad Le ss Traveled. The book begins with a gripping sentence: “Life is difficult. ” Immediately, Peck expands on what he means: “This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it… [and] the fact that life is difficult no longer matters. ” In o ther words, we are hearing the call to go beyond. But Peck, who wa s a psychiatrist, knew that just because a truth is great doesn’t mean people can face it—quite the opposite. In his view, after ye ars of treating patients in therapy, the biggest obstacle to getting better his patients faced was their refusal to take responsibility. Why. “We cannot solve life’s problems except by solving them,” Peck writes. Yet this fact “is seemingly bey ond the comprehension of much of the human race…. Many, so many, seek to a void the pain of their problems by saying to themselv es: ‘This problem was caused by other people, or by social circumstances beyond my control, and therefore it is up to other people to solve this problem for me. ’ ” Peck gi ves vivid examples to illustrate his point, such as the case of a woma n who had jus t tried to slash her wrists. She was an army w ife on the Pacific isla nd of Okinawa, where the younger Peck was an army psychiatrist. In the emergency room he asked the woman, who had managed to i nflict only superficial cu ts on herself, why she wa nted to commit suicide. She said it all came down to living “on th is dumb island. ” Not satisfied with her answer, Peck began a dialogue that would b e comical if the woma n weren’t so miserable and unhappy. The back-and-forth between him and his patient can be summarized as follows: P ECK: Why do you find being on Okinawa so painful. P ATIENT: I have no friends, and I’m alone all the time. P ECK: Why don’t you have any friends. P ATIENT: I live off bas e in the villag e, and nobody speaks English. P ECK: Wh y don’t yo u drive to the American base to find some friends. P ATIENT: My husband needs the car to drive to work. P ECK: You could drive him to work. P ATIENT: It’s a stick shift. I only know how to drive an automatic. P ECK: You could learn to drive a stick shift. P ATIENT: Are you crazy. Not on these roads. What m ade the scene tragic and comical at the same time is that the woman, despite her absurd stubbornness, was in genuine pain; sh e was crying during most of their conversation. We all believe in our story, almos t at any cost. From a therapist’s perspective thi s woman was skirting any hope of getting b etter by exhibiting all the classic signs of denial. Who among us hasn’t shut our eye s when a situation was simply too hard to face. Lif e would be m uch easier if our proble ms had cut-and-dried solutions, but they don’t. Denial is only one element in the big picture, which is that we live by stories. Denial comes down to ignoring anything that disrupts your story or contradicts it. Even the healthiest person psychologically ignores an enormous part of reality. If we see, once and for all, th at being attached to stories is what we want toovercome, we recognize that there are people who have done just that. Their inner world isn’t cluttered with the baggage of the past. They do n’t def end “I am X” as if their survival depende d on it. Rather, they live effortlessly in the present. The real issue isn’t whether such people exist; th e real issue is why we have ignored them for so long. T h e A w a k e n e d States of awareness long considered mystical in the West—if not bogus—exist all around us, affecting ordinary people who almost always keep their ex periences private. A few years ago I became acquainted with Dr. Jeffery Martin, a PhD social researcher who had conducted groundbreaking research into higher consciousness. What made his studies revolutionary is a single b asic dis covery: many more people are awake than anyone ever supposed. Martin gave them a voice. After gaining his doctorate at Harvard’s School of Education, he started publishing his findings, which in dicated the prevalenc e of enlightenment as a natu ral state of awareness, one that many people have already accessed. Martin’s resear ch began with him posting an online query asking for responses from people who thought they were enlightened. To h is surprise, he got more than 2,500 replies, and from this pool Martin intensively inter viewed around 50 subjects. At first it was ha rd to find a comm on language. Feeling that you are enlightened is personal, and it also sets you apart from normal society. Martin’s subjects were sensitized by being outsiders, often being stigmatized in adolescence for being different. They also knew o n the inside that the y weren’t normal according to the social standards around them. For many, revealing their unusual mental state had led to such things as being sent to a psychiatrist, put on medication, or even being committed to a mental hospital. However, very early on, Martin realized that as different as each of his su bjects was, their experiences fell on a con tinuum. There wasn’t a single enlight ened state, but rather a slidin g scale. To find some common ground, and to fit the accepted model of what do ctoral research in psychology must look like, he dropped the loaded term enlightenment, an d in its place adopted the cumbersome tag persistent non-symbolic experience. When someone begins to have such experiences, “[t]here is a shift in what it feels like to be you,” Martin notes. “You move away from an individual sense of self, which is considered normal, to something else. ” Defining what that “something else” is wasn’t easy, because these people came from different backgrounds an d were influenced by diverse cultural factors. However, Martin was able to ident ify specific areas that seemed to stand out as markers of higher consciousness. Typically these people said they had lost a sense of being a separate self—they had no lingering notion of personal identity. Putting himself in his subjects’ shoes, Martin comments, “I would be sayin g, ‘There’s no Jeffery here talking to you. ’ That’s literally what they would say to me. ” Another comm on experience was a dramatic reduction in thinking. “In fact,” Martin sa ys, “they would often report having no thoughts. ” This wasn’t lite rally true, as Martin discovered when he did further research, but as a self-report, having no thoughts at all is startling. Another common experience was a sense of unity, oneness, and wholeness. This state of completeness, Martin says, led to a tremendous sense of personal freedom. “There’s a loss of fear tha t comes with this, a loss of identification with a p ersonal story. ” Many felt that their b odies were no longer bounded by the skin but extended beyond the physical body. So now we have an objecti ve profile of shifting into h igher consciousness in everyday life, the state of metahuman. Personal awakening isn’t rare, and according to those who have actually experienced it, their awakenin g led to a wide range of possibilities. The implications for human nature are intriguing, beginning with what it feels like not to defen d “I, me, and mine. ” The source of so much anger, fear, greed, and jealousy is rooted in the insecurity of the ego and its endless demands. Putting ourselves in their shoes, these awakened people don’t keep a runnin g story in the ir heads about what’s happening to “me. ” W hen they think about themselves, “me” fades away as soon as they notice it. The same i s true for their emotions,
[ 1442, 220, 499, 527, 198, 34, 96430, 11, 499, 22429, 682, 1023, 10082, 82, 11, 323, 779, 389, 13, 3639, 753, 5076, 449, 420, 13, 1442, 7493, 1051, 5762, 34504, 11, 279, 1648, 584, 198, 50659, 578, 37876, 4590, 220, 477, 578, 8681, 480, 36614, 11, 1694, 86494, 369, 264, 198, 3556, 1603, 7366, 389, 11, 84265, 287, 5435, 8434, 1431, 31889, 13, 1102, 753, 539, 198, 1820, 3446, 430, 602, 274, 8647, 26, 433, 753, 1057, 20581, 311, 433, 13, 2468, 2629, 523, 479, 198, 69, 1147, 9803, 3217, 555, 43318, 433, 304, 2035, 13, 578, 4785, 315, 279, 3347, 198, 17106, 20969, 264, 23104, 13, 578, 1685, 1218, 4545, 374, 5675, 304, 279, 54916, 315, 198, 17717, 11, 16801, 11, 323, 2362, 35121, 13, 2650, 1690, 9191, 1274, 198, 5192, 525, 311, 220, 387, 3995, 1578, 13, 2650, 1690, 69025, 656, 584, 57511, 430, 584, 198, 1116, 817, 311, 1095, 342, 297, 315, 13, 4314, 34779, 3073, 304, 5127, 753, 2324, 345, 273, 2370, 16038, 279, 58701, 323, 9349, 3549, 555, 459, 603, 95036, 355, 7058, 49818, 49395, 13, 393, 28609, 1063, 263, 384, 20784, 505, 264, 220, 81171, 3446, 15812, 520, 279, 4851, 315, 198, 606, 315, 279, 1455, 5526, 1888, 37249, 304, 279, 220, 3753, 15, 82, 11, 386, 13, 10016, 5250, 377, 753, 198, 791, 12093, 1008, 2009, 11107, 1183, 29285, 13, 578, 2363, 12302, 449, 264, 81291, 198, 52989, 25, 1054, 26833, 374, 5107, 13, 19524, 69352, 11, 5250, 377, 52956, 389, 220, 1148, 568, 198, 47321, 25, 1054, 2028, 374, 264, 2294, 8206, 11, 832, 315, 279, 12474, 53219, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 198, 47991, 8206, 1606, 3131, 584, 9615, 1518, 420, 8206, 11, 584, 74809, 433, 90578, 58, 438, 60, 279, 2144, 430, 2324, 374, 5107, 912, 5129, 13146, 13, 126672, 644, 297, 9139, 4339, 11, 584, 527, 11011, 279, 1650, 311, 733, 7953, 13, 2030, 5250, 377, 345, 14965, 10667, 274, 264, 73969, 11, 7020, 430, 1120, 1606, 264, 8206, 374, 2294, 198, 73014, 1431, 3152, 1274, 649, 3663, 433, 2345, 84270, 279, 14329, 13, 763, 813, 1684, 345, 10924, 20043, 802, 82, 315, 27723, 6978, 304, 15419, 11, 279, 8706, 33287, 311, 198, 51210, 2731, 813, 6978, 220, 17011, 574, 872, 44251, 311, 1935, 198, 82689, 3225, 13, 8595, 13, 1054, 1687, 4250, 11886, 2324, 753, 5435, 3734, 555, 198, 82, 20222, 1124, 2476, 220, 5250, 377, 14238, 13, 14968, 420, 2144, 1054, 285, 23490, 7888, 389, 67, 279, 198, 884, 31882, 2711, 315, 1790, 315, 279, 3823, 7102, 21060, 9176, 11, 779, 1690, 11, 6056, 198, 998, 264, 742, 279, 6784, 315, 872, 5435, 555, 5605, 311, 5685, 301, 85, 1560, 25, 3451, 2028, 198, 35686, 574, 9057, 555, 1023, 1274, 11, 477, 555, 3674, 13463, 198, 65, 23478, 856, 2585, 11, 323, 9093, 433, 374, 709, 311, 1023, 1274, 311, 11886, 198, 576, 3575, 369, 757, 13, 18217, 126672, 10407, 377, 13845, 65635, 43120, 10507, 311, 41468, 813, 1486, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 198, 5756, 315, 264, 2413, 64, 308, 889, 1047, 45907, 259, 6818, 311, 37726, 1077, 86878, 13, 3005, 574, 459, 198, 2227, 88, 289, 422, 68, 389, 279, 16867, 374, 4355, 15953, 315, 7777, 258, 14406, 11, 1405, 279, 14992, 198, 10407, 377, 574, 459, 13695, 73969, 13, 763, 279, 13147, 3130, 568, 4691, 279, 5333, 11, 889, 1047, 9152, 198, 998, 602, 43228, 21937, 1193, 59915, 7015, 10814, 389, 11937, 11, 3249, 1364, 10667, 308, 6702, 311, 198, 17869, 18639, 13, 3005, 1071, 433, 682, 3782, 1523, 311, 5496, 1054, 263, 270, 374, 30355, 198, 285, 1974, 13, 19524, 2876, 20097, 449, 1077, 4320, 11, 5250, 377, 6137, 264, 21976, 430, 198, 41450, 293, 384, 470, 950, 422, 279, 2413, 64, 308, 15058, 1431, 779, 50739, 323, 43251, 13, 578, 1203, 9976, 15548, 339, 1990, 1461, 323, 813, 8893, 649, 387, 198, 1264, 5730, 1534, 439, 11263, 512, 47, 469, 3096, 25, 220, 8595, 656, 499, 1505, 1694, 389, 7777, 258, 14406, 779, 26175, 13, 393, 7520, 10990, 25, 220, 358, 617, 912, 4885, 11, 323, 358, 4344, 7636, 682, 279, 892, 13, 393, 469, 3096, 25, 220, 8595, 1541, 1431, 499, 617, 904, 4885, 13, 393, 7520, 10990, 25, 220, 358, 220, 3974, 1022, 3122, 384, 304, 279, 9077, 351, 384, 11, 323, 19093, 21881, 198, 23392, 13, 393, 469, 3096, 25, 220, 1254, 379, 1541, 1431, 30596, 577, 6678, 311, 279, 3778, 2385, 311, 1505, 198, 15031, 4885, 13, 393, 7520, 10990, 25, 220, 3092, 10177, 3966, 279, 1841, 311, 6678, 311, 990, 13, 393, 469, 3096, 25, 220, 1472, 1436, 6678, 1461, 311, 990, 13, 393, 7520, 10990, 25, 220, 1102, 753, 264, 9396, 6541, 13, 358, 1193, 1440, 1268, 311, 6678, 459, 198, 84556, 13, 393, 469, 3096, 25, 220, 1472, 1436, 4048, 311, 6678, 264, 9396, 6541, 13, 393, 7520, 10990, 25, 220, 8886, 499, 14599, 13, 2876, 389, 1521, 19795, 13, 3639, 296, 17546, 279, 6237, 35279, 323, 470, 950, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 374, 198, 9210, 279, 5333, 11, 8994, 1077, 32677, 52496, 2136, 11, 574, 304, 22785, 198, 92724, 26, 559, 384, 574, 31299, 2391, 1455, 315, 872, 10652, 13, 1226, 682, 198, 9978, 19704, 304, 1057, 3446, 11, 453, 8801, 259, 520, 904, 2853, 13, 5659, 264, 42863, 753, 198, 32390, 9262, 62428, 274, 5333, 574, 1940, 68039, 904, 3987, 315, 3794, 293, 56916, 555, 198, 327, 5923, 5977, 682, 279, 11670, 12195, 315, 35013, 13, 10699, 4315, 603, 12775, 1431, 9495, 198, 414, 8071, 274, 994, 264, 6671, 574, 5042, 2288, 2653, 311, 3663, 13, 65863, 384, 1053, 198, 1395, 296, 125738, 8831, 422, 1057, 2560, 10030, 1047, 4018, 9976, 1773, 4588, 10105, 11, 719, 198, 20670, 1541, 1431, 13, 9973, 532, 374, 1193, 832, 2449, 304, 279, 2466, 6945, 11, 902, 374, 430, 584, 198, 25859, 555, 7493, 13, 9973, 532, 4131, 1523, 311, 32003, 4205, 430, 198, 4338, 6722, 82, 701, 3446, 477, 23093, 31095, 433, 13, 7570, 279, 2890, 13744, 1732, 198, 92109, 30450, 49378, 459, 23205, 961, 315, 8903, 13, 1442, 584, 1518, 11, 3131, 198, 438, 369, 682, 11, 270, 520, 1694, 12673, 311, 7493, 374, 1148, 584, 1390, 311, 2017, 2063, 11, 584, 15641, 430, 1070, 527, 1274, 889, 617, 2884, 1120, 198, 9210, 13, 11205, 9358, 1917, 4536, 1431, 54916, 291, 449, 279, 61649, 315, 279, 3347, 13, 2435, 656, 308, 1431, 711, 842, 1054, 40, 1097, 1630, 863, 220, 439, 422, 872, 20237, 6904, 68, 294, 389, 433, 13, 26848, 11, 814, 3974, 69704, 304, 279, 3118, 13, 578, 1972, 4360, 4536, 1431, 198, 49864, 1778, 1274, 3073, 26, 270, 384, 1972, 4360, 374, 3249, 584, 617, 12305, 198, 49818, 369, 779, 1317, 13, 350, 305, 384, 220, 362, 289, 264, 597, 384, 308, 384, 294, 198, 24137, 315, 17985, 1317, 6646, 69532, 304, 279, 4410, 90863, 198, 1962, 61020, 2345, 29675, 682, 2212, 603, 11, 28987, 19664, 1274, 889, 198, 60301, 2744, 2567, 872, 506, 824, 12242, 879, 13, 362, 2478, 1667, 4227, 358, 198, 17106, 373, 73734, 449, 2999, 13, 12149, 727, 11826, 11, 264, 30661, 3674, 198, 61564, 261, 889, 1047, 13375, 64955, 3495, 1139, 198, 90447, 25917, 13, 3639, 1903, 813, 7978, 30191, 374, 264, 198, 15698, 293, 439, 292, 834, 1080, 1225, 25, 1690, 810, 1274, 527, 35447, 1109, 5606, 198, 2099, 10171, 13, 11826, 6688, 1124, 264, 7899, 13, 4740, 30240, 813, 10896, 349, 520, 198, 27588, 22329, 753, 6150, 315, 11930, 11, 568, 3940, 23763, 813, 14955, 345, 8370, 304, 294, 10297, 279, 26413, 967, 384, 315, 81869, 439, 264, 18050, 84, 436, 278, 1614, 198, 1073, 17985, 11, 832, 430, 1690, 1274, 617, 2736, 25790, 13, 11826, 753, 312, 325, 277, 523, 6137, 449, 1461, 17437, 459, 2930, 3319, 10371, 198, 2000, 14847, 505, 1274, 889, 3463, 814, 1051, 82315, 13, 2057, 305, 374, 13051, 11, 568, 2751, 810, 1109, 220, 17, 11, 2636, 31737, 11, 323, 505, 220, 420, 198, 10497, 11826, 25228, 3210, 958, 19894, 2212, 220, 1135, 15223, 13, 2468, 1176, 433, 198, 16514, 6520, 23527, 311, 1505, 264, 1081, 389, 4221, 13, 74658, 430, 499, 527, 198, 268, 4238, 6901, 374, 4443, 11, 323, 220, 433, 1101, 7437, 499, 10980, 505, 4725, 198, 82, 6180, 13, 11826, 753, 15223, 1051, 74633, 1534, 555, 1694, 73289, 11, 3629, 198, 35214, 357, 98671, 1534, 304, 83909, 369, 1694, 2204, 13, 2435, 1101, 198, 74, 943, 297, 308, 279, 4871, 430, 279, 379, 15058, 1431, 4725, 4184, 311, 279, 198, 23191, 10886, 2212, 1124, 13, 1789, 1690, 11, 31720, 872, 19018, 198, 93221, 1614, 1047, 6197, 311, 1778, 2574, 439, 1694, 3288, 311, 264, 73969, 345, 631, 389, 24099, 11, 477, 1524, 1694, 11411, 311, 264, 10723, 8952, 13, 4452, 11, 1633, 4216, 389, 11, 11826, 15393, 430, 439, 2204, 439, 198, 9739, 315, 813, 924, 293, 585, 82, 574, 11, 872, 11704, 11299, 389, 264, 390, 25826, 21066, 13, 2684, 5828, 1431, 264, 3254, 41316, 665, 291, 1614, 11, 719, 4856, 264, 61014, 258, 342, 5569, 13, 2057, 1505, 1063, 4279, 5015, 11, 323, 311, 5052, 279, 11928, 1646, 315, 198, 12840, 656, 20864, 10020, 3495, 304, 31018, 2011, 1427, 1093, 11, 568, 12504, 198, 1820, 6799, 4751, 81869, 11, 459, 294, 304, 1202, 2035, 18306, 279, 198, 60353, 94524, 4877, 26048, 2536, 88422, 292, 3217, 13, 3277, 198, 90579, 12302, 311, 617, 1778, 11704, 11, 66850, 83, 60, 6881, 374, 264, 6541, 304, 198, 12840, 433, 11321, 1093, 311, 387, 499, 2476, 11826, 8554, 13, 1054, 2675, 3351, 3201, 505, 198, 276, 3927, 5647, 315, 659, 11, 902, 374, 6646, 4725, 11, 311, 198, 34431, 775, 13, 126672, 2685, 5859, 1148, 430, 1054, 34431, 775, 863, 374, 5828, 1431, 4228, 11, 1606, 198, 45010, 1274, 3782, 505, 2204, 36576, 459, 294, 1051, 198, 258, 27256, 5886, 555, 17226, 13042, 9547, 13, 4452, 11, 11826, 574, 3025, 198, 998, 3608, 422, 88, 3230, 5789, 430, 9508, 311, 2559, 704, 439, 24915, 315, 198, 90447, 25917, 13, 46402, 1521, 1274, 1071, 814, 1047, 5675, 264, 5647, 315, 1694, 264, 198, 325, 68698, 659, 71201, 1047, 912, 64610, 23035, 315, 4443, 9764, 13, 78990, 5678, 304, 813, 15223, 529, 15653, 11, 11826, 6170, 11, 1054, 40, 1053, 198, 1395, 2019, 258, 342, 11, 3451, 3947, 753, 912, 12149, 727, 1618, 7556, 311, 499, 13, 18217, 3011, 753, 16280, 198, 12840, 814, 1053, 2019, 311, 757, 13, 126672, 14364, 1081, 389, 3217, 574, 264, 22520, 14278, 304, 198, 83360, 13, 1054, 644, 2144, 2476, 11826, 829, 32910, 11, 1054, 20670, 1053, 3629, 1934, 3515, 198, 2201, 11555, 13, 19524, 1115, 5828, 1431, 50772, 19768, 837, 11, 439, 11826, 11352, 994, 198, 383, 1550, 4726, 3495, 11, 719, 439, 264, 659, 48511, 11, 3515, 912, 11555, 520, 198, 543, 374, 68834, 13, 13596, 4279, 3217, 574, 264, 5647, 315, 31426, 345, 263, 24639, 11, 323, 421, 17648, 434, 13, 1115, 1614, 315, 80414, 11, 11826, 2795, 345, 839, 311, 264, 28040, 5647, 315, 4443, 11542, 13, 1054, 3947, 753, 264, 4814, 315, 198, 69, 686, 49588, 259, 4131, 449, 420, 11, 264, 4814, 315, 22654, 449, 264, 281, 220, 1293, 278, 198, 27583, 13, 19524, 9176, 6612, 430, 872, 293, 11018, 552, 1051, 912, 5129, 62215, 555, 279, 198, 37282, 719, 11838, 7953, 279, 7106, 2547, 13, 2100, 1457, 220, 584, 617, 459, 1665, 72, 5320, 5643, 315, 32931, 1139, 305, 220, 1108, 261, 198, 64589, 2136, 304, 18254, 2324, 11, 279, 1614, 315, 2322, 1494, 7282, 13, 19758, 198, 675, 74462, 4536, 1431, 9024, 11, 323, 4184, 311, 1884, 889, 617, 3604, 198, 327, 45933, 433, 11, 872, 42518, 258, 342, 6197, 311, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 24525, 13, 578, 25127, 369, 3823, 7138, 527, 41765, 11, 7314, 449, 198, 12840, 433, 11321, 1093, 539, 311, 711, 268, 294, 1054, 40, 11, 757, 11, 323, 10705, 13, 19524, 578, 2592, 315, 779, 198, 59178, 19788, 11, 8850, 11, 56926, 11, 323, 80822, 374, 41976, 304, 279, 74935, 315, 198, 1820, 37374, 323, 1202, 26762, 18651, 13, 78990, 13520, 304, 872, 15653, 11, 1521, 90347, 1274, 1541, 1431, 198, 13397, 264, 1629, 79560, 342, 3446, 304, 279, 6348, 14971, 922, 1148, 753, 12765, 311, 198, 2118, 2727, 13, 19524, 468, 48916, 814, 1781, 922, 5694, 11, 1054, 2727, 863, 87509, 3201, 439, 5246, 198, 300, 814, 220, 5406, 433, 13, 578, 1890, 602, 274, 837, 369, 872, 21958, 11 ]
loser to nature, you will experience more of your natural beauty. Information on the Harvard Health Publications site references the work by Robert H. Lustig, an obesity specialist at the University of California, San Francisco. Lustig asserts that the fructose that occurs in smaller quantities naturally in fruits is not harmful, because one also gets the fiber from the fruit, which “affects the biochemical outcome.” 26 As you work on balancing your diet, you will find that you crave fewer junky and refined sugars and foods. The fruit you eat will largely replace those foods and satisfy your natural cravings for sweets. The high amounts of vitamin C, antioxidants, and countless other phytonutrients in the fruit (many of which haven’t even been identified yet) outweigh its sugar.Some say that all sugar is the same in the body, but that is not true if you look at it from the holistic perspective of the overall impact of a given food you eat. Fruit has so many fantastic beauty benefits; you can’t just take the reductionist approach and compare it to table sugar. It’s best to eat fruit alone and on an empty stomach to help it digest completely and easily. This also tends to reduce bloating. If you have blood sugar issues (such as diabetes) or a candida imbalance issue, then you need to lay off fruit, with the possible exception (if permitted by your doctor) of non-sweet fruits, such as lemons and cucumbers, and sour fruits, such as cranberries and green apples (which are low in sugar), until you work toward a healthier balance. But a healthy body will be better able to handle natural foods, which very much include the peak of nature’s beauty, the fruit. 3. Fiber These indigestible carbohydrates are not broken down finely enough for your body to absorb them, and therefore are not a source of energy or calories. But fiber, as we discussed on this page – this page , is still important to your daily diet, as it lets you feel full and satisfied, helps you to sustain energy, and has stabilizing effects. Besides, fiber from veggies and fruit, green smoothies and oatmeal, for example, is extremely important for beauty because of its ability to help sweep out toxins. It’s an amazing natural cleanser that forces wastes and toxins to keep moving along so that your true beauty can shine through. Finding the Balance So how many carbohydrates should you eat? Balance it out. As a general ratio, 50 to 70 percent of your diet can be made up from beauty carbohydrates, which include complex carbohydrates, vegetables, legumes (including beans, chickpeas, and lentils), and fruits. As with fat, customize this percentage to the right amount for your body. Refined carbs don’t have a place in this ratio. As with fat, experiment and see what works best for you and your body type and constitution. Eat unlimited veggies, especially green veggies, throughout the day. You can have them in salads, green smoothies, steamed, or lightly sautéed. Starchy root vegetables also digest well and can be paired with greens and other nonstarchy veggies. Beans and grains don’t have to be everyday foods (although some cultures and people do great consuming them on a daily basis), but they can be worked into your weekly rotation a few times a week at around one cup (cooked) or more, depending on your constitution, activity levels, and how you deal with digesting certain foods. Pay attention to your own body’s needs and how you feel. Your body is unique to you. PROTEINProtein is made of amino acids, the building blocks of every cell. Amino acids are found in all natural foods in varying amounts, from romaine lettuce to kale to almonds. Amino acids are like alphabet blocks; they can be combined from smaller units into whole proteins, like letters being combined to form whole words. Therefore, a totally vegetarian or vegan diet, by combining amino acid groups, can achieve the full complement of proteins needed for health and beauty. Because protein isn’t used for energy by the body, we need much less of it than people believe when they consume steaks and burgers. Only a few ounces are really needed; there isn’t much protein deficiency today in developed societies except among the very poor and malnourished. If your diet contains enough calories, it will be virtually impossible not to get enough protein, even without trying. The old belief that vegetarianism was dangerous because of protein deficiency was never true. There are no innate drawbacks to a plant- based diet. The most complete protein source in the vegetable kingdom is soy, and for decades soy burgers, tofu, and soy-based supplements and bars were a mainstay of vegetarian diets, not to mention traditional regular diets in China and Japan. But current research casts doubt on consuming excessive amounts of soy as a major part of our diet, with the risk of genetically modified soy and inflammation being the most recent concerns (but as mentioned on this page , organic forms of fermented soy, such as tempeh, natto, and miso, are easier-to- digest options that can be worked into your diet in moderation if you don’t have a soy allergy). But virtually all foods contain varying levels of protein, and you can get a hefty amount on a plant-based diet. For instance, a cup of cooked lentils has around 18 grams of protein, and a cup of cooked spinach has around 5 grams of plant protein. Brussels sprouts, mushrooms—you name it—all whole foods contain protein-building amino acids that are easily assimilated into your body. (Long before amino acid combining became scientific, traditional diets delivered complete proteins by serving grains and legumes together, the classic combination of rice and beans or rice and lentils that is still the staple for billions of people around the world.) WHAT ABOUT THE PALEOLITHIC (CAVE MAN) DIET? One of the newer iterations of the high protein / low carb diet is the so-called Paleo diet, which was first outlined by Loren Cordain, an exercise physiology professor at Colorado State University. The views of this plan are founded on the extremely hypothetical habits of the Paleolithic (Stone Age) people and modern-day hunter- gatherers, which he suggested could be
[ 70315, 32809, 9215, 1598, 11, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 8285, 13267, 2157, 461, 44323, 14862, 414, 9215, 4688, 198, 1395, 59051, 13, 8245, 25653, 33188, 1602, 27588, 22329, 197, 14884, 74246, 811, 1942, 635, 17643, 5006, 33188, 98138, 197, 1729, 198, 35632, 13595, 13, 15420, 592, 343, 11, 80557, 64453, 28222, 1942, 3037, 380, 36547, 33188, 197, 31272, 44323, 1602, 46510, 11, 7721, 276, 13017, 81, 1149, 9652, 13, 74355, 343, 7093, 82, 64442, 33188, 98814, 87873, 64442, 197, 14310, 1759, 17886, 73123, 14283, 197, 31548, 1385, 9215, 72247, 17886, 1186, 68998, 198, 285, 98366, 9793, 2227, 1285, 11, 2282, 6769, 197, 606, 197, 19171, 10582, 82, 33188, 1186, 8799, 43827, 33188, 1186, 21702, 11, 197, 8370, 197, 2118, 64, 41027, 33188, 198, 38423, 32056, 14294, 2063, 49216, 1627, 198, 2170, 197, 9514, 98138, 25653, 2282, 278, 9151, 14862, 414, 2765, 3978, 11, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 81703, 64442, 197, 9514, 92592, 525, 1186, 365, 261, 12710, 70305, 53577, 198, 1116, 1619, 1942, 773, 1590, 53577, 197, 96420, 13, 578, 1186, 21702, 197, 9514, 7883, 266, 6831, 484, 8986, 867, 989, 197, 8319, 197, 54719, 197, 96420, 53577, 198, 82, 7630, 88, 14862, 414, 9215, 4688, 92592, 46851, 2066, 1942, 26488, 13, 578, 9793, 1108, 197, 6173, 82, 44323, 5306, 76652, 6391, 345, 519, 42651, 1821, 11, 53577, 18523, 1752, 197, 1605, 197, 12989, 783, 332, 32930, 17886, 33188, 1186, 21702, 197, 1278, 3852, 44323, 197, 8370, 9793, 5389, 1431, 198, 17206, 74242, 268, 197, 43360, 14862, 295, 8, 14294, 57740, 197, 1220, 1942, 8734, 87933, 1942, 352, 64442, 52060, 1942, 8734, 20501, 33188, 1942, 373, 17886, 33188, 36502, 11, 2282, 332, 64442, 20501, 98366, 43908, 748, 197, 9514, 197, 7349, 36547, 198, 275, 43827, 33188, 197, 8619, 4633, 3303, 86191, 44323, 33188, 197, 75555, 197, 58400, 44323, 11575, 3253, 2116, 197, 14239, 197, 9514, 7883, 266, 13, 44187, 198, 4752, 197, 708, 197, 35676, 1186, 519, 5174, 74242, 59051, 2282, 51565, 1220, 26, 197, 9514, 94036, 1431, 197, 4345, 3324, 731, 33188, 17643, 23985, 380, 198, 16082, 613, 53577, 197, 19484, 24263, 32809, 27579, 1942, 8734, 13, 1102, 753, 93510, 32809, 7883, 266, 1186, 21702, 197, 32676, 53577, 25653, 80557, 198, 3274, 18895, 316, 613, 32809, 88740, 24263, 2765, 15505, 33910, 50268, 53577, 7883, 38367, 13, 1115, 197, 19171, 3324, 1438, 32809, 17643, 13677, 198, 65, 29593, 13, 1442, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 2282, 4659, 1942, 8734, 197, 18934, 197, 1161, 1412, 61551, 2765, 72, 16629, 8, 82266, 11575, 1470, 4654, 64, 197, 21495, 5085, 197, 11407, 345, 3473, 197, 9514, 197, 17483, 32809, 197, 6789, 197, 1885, 1186, 21702, 11, 48048, 33188, 197, 10236, 197, 7959, 197, 34433, 197, 716, 5600, 197, 1729, 14862, 414, 198, 38083, 8, 44323, 197, 6414, 1355, 4589, 1186, 68998, 11, 1942, 1412, 61551, 197, 273, 24483, 53577, 1470, 1791, 372, 1941, 11, 53577, 1942, 414, 1186, 68998, 11, 1942, 1412, 61551, 198, 73085, 36989, 53577, 3253, 4542, 29336, 645, 197, 83894, 197, 548, 8986, 363, 17886, 1942, 8734, 705, 21113, 1678, 197, 9514, 98138, 3324, 83071, 11575, 198, 12393, 1291, 2282, 5085, 13, 2030, 11575, 197, 38128, 36502, 6831, 484, 74242, 2282, 22120, 197, 481, 32809, 54922, 9215, 4688, 197, 96420, 345, 8370, 197, 1225, 2157, 1412, 25728, 33188, 197, 23635, 44323, 9215, 1598, 753, 74242, 59051, 11, 33188, 1186, 21702, 13, 220, 18, 13, 54727, 198, 9673, 197, 485, 15505, 1260, 1470, 277, 34658, 988, 197, 548, 98366, 2282, 82809, 2765, 785, 1186, 22870, 82948, 1409, 2066, 14862, 414, 198, 2664, 32809, 197, 3518, 30986, 197, 49818, 11, 53577, 197, 19041, 1348, 197, 548, 98366, 11575, 48518, 44323, 197, 17947, 82266, 92853, 2490, 13, 2030, 198, 84045, 11, 61551, 197, 906, 2765, 3510, 59942, 25653, 1602, 576, 36372, 198, 4235, 198, 576, 36372, 198, 11, 20501, 18895, 484, 197, 15693, 32809, 14862, 414, 2765, 5179, 2765, 3978, 345, 300, 24263, 197, 10145, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 95142, 53577, 1942, 47365, 11, 88740, 82, 197, 9514, 32809, 1942, 31873, 197, 17947, 11, 53577, 64355, 198, 267, 13052, 4954, 7883, 41027, 13, 31909, 11, 1186, 8799, 43827, 197, 588, 14736, 552, 53577, 1186, 21702, 11, 3253, 4542, 73123, 6627, 552, 53577, 198, 78, 266, 42880, 11, 2066, 8285, 1545, 11, 20501, 96550, 54358, 197, 15693, 2066, 74242, 59051, 2282, 6769, 44323, 197, 1220, 197, 2968, 32809, 198, 8823, 1942, 49642, 14294, 32809, 87, 1354, 13, 1102, 753, 80557, 197, 309, 6795, 9215, 4688, 1470, 22451, 261, 64442, 2066, 1634, 6831, 28006, 53577, 198, 998, 87, 1354, 32809, 197, 13397, 2157, 9308, 197, 39393, 197, 708, 64442, 14862, 414, 43908, 74242, 59051, 94036, 197, 31338, 197, 20322, 13, 43897, 33188, 13083, 5085, 198, 4516, 197, 5269, 197, 35676, 1470, 277, 34658, 988, 197, 5562, 197, 9514, 7883, 266, 30, 31946, 24263, 14294, 13, 1666, 11575, 3253, 18958, 7145, 6400, 345, 1135, 32809, 197, 2031, 197, 25426, 44323, 14862, 414, 2765, 3978, 94036, 74242, 2157, 1037, 60910, 43827, 74242, 59051, 1470, 277, 34658, 988, 11, 197, 8370, 198, 1012, 197, 24126, 1470, 277, 34658, 988, 11, 197, 83571, 4893, 11, 197, 1978, 19131, 197, 6024, 11150, 197, 28440, 11, 23918, 875, 375, 300, 345, 438, 8986, 306, 8839, 705, 53577, 1186, 68998, 13, 1666, 48048, 1186, 266, 11, 1470, 1476, 553, 2090, 197, 41650, 32809, 33188, 49021, 198, 6173, 2066, 1602, 22479, 198, 36502, 13, 432, 4094, 1470, 277, 1302, 2765, 263, 1431, 9793, 525, 11575, 197, 2050, 17886, 2090, 7145, 6400, 13, 1666, 48048, 198, 45283, 11, 8285, 14666, 53577, 197, 4151, 197, 12840, 197, 19033, 93510, 2066, 197, 9514, 53577, 14862, 414, 36502, 13459, 53577, 198, 44103, 13, 45614, 21113, 18736, 197, 588, 14736, 552, 11, 197, 36046, 3253, 4542, 197, 588, 14736, 552, 11, 197, 20322, 412, 33188, 198, 1316, 13, 1472, 94036, 9793, 525, 197, 49818, 17886, 1942, 278, 7819, 11, 3253, 4542, 73123, 6627, 552, 11, 197, 5455, 3690, 11, 82266, 197, 80598, 1942, 94943, 291, 13, 800, 15630, 34798, 197, 83571, 4893, 197, 19171, 2765, 15505, 6831, 616, 53577, 94036, 74242, 3303, 25260, 48048, 3253, 265, 729, 53577, 197, 1605, 198, 6414, 267, 15630, 197, 588, 14736, 552, 13, 81836, 53577, 91159, 1771, 2765, 263, 1431, 9793, 525, 32809, 74242, 7883, 1225, 1316, 197, 96420, 197, 7, 37241, 198, 15031, 1602, 93113, 1439, 53577, 197, 16455, 20530, 3253, 1244, 38303, 62217, 197, 49818, 25653, 11575, 2765, 5179, 2282, 10949, 705, 2282, 332, 197, 20670, 198, 4919, 74242, 197, 71214, 2129, 78, 14862, 414, 197, 72867, 197, 13848, 11575, 1186, 365, 3324, 1769, 11575, 197, 10476, 36547, 197, 20019, 197, 606, 1470, 455, 198, 20059, 11059, 8, 82266, 2157, 461, 11, 197, 81580, 25653, 14862, 414, 4882, 34790, 11, 197, 7323, 197, 43664, 11, 53577, 197, 5269, 197, 9514, 198, 30739, 48048, 2765, 15505, 287, 1470, 7770, 197, 96420, 13, 11728, 197, 54203, 32809, 14862, 414, 197, 785, 36502, 753, 197, 56345, 53577, 198, 5269, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 13, 4718, 36502, 20501, 197, 9782, 32809, 197, 9514, 13, 5421, 2505, 691, 1360, 39340, 20501, 2157, 1037, 44323, 197, 309, 3394, 82300, 3447, 11, 33188, 70471, 287, 2282, 36036, 44323, 7883, 1225, 47087, 13, 362, 32924, 82300, 3447, 198, 548, 59202, 17886, 52060, 9215, 4688, 197, 96420, 17886, 5306, 661, 287, 197, 6173, 82, 11, 43827, 197, 442, 8511, 10428, 83, 10743, 32809, 16868, 1604, 198, 998, 70671, 55720, 13, 362, 32924, 82300, 3447, 197, 548, 197, 4908, 70671, 18992, 2282, 36036, 26, 197, 20670, 94036, 74242, 197, 67407, 43827, 198, 9181, 261, 21113, 1220, 2129, 78, 197, 67733, 197, 782, 668, 1354, 11, 197, 4908, 10428, 5153, 197, 35214, 197, 67407, 32809, 38510, 197, 67733, 198, 5880, 13, 15636, 11, 11575, 3324, 354, 750, 197, 83571, 8997, 82266, 197, 588, 30528, 2765, 3978, 11, 197, 1729, 197, 22631, 5859, 197, 309, 3394, 197, 58156, 198, 17171, 11, 94036, 197, 613, 19704, 33188, 95142, 33910, 2833, 44323, 197, 782, 668, 1354, 197, 41917, 2066, 197, 12393, 53577, 198, 1395, 59051, 13, 9393, 197, 79565, 20501, 77, 1431, 197, 2656, 2066, 197, 17947, 197, 1729, 33188, 36502, 11, 197, 906, 197, 17483, 2157, 1412, 197, 1752, 44323, 24263, 198, 54895, 197, 16455, 2282, 301, 19704, 61280, 197, 20670, 38303, 32423, 1602, 5455, 10011, 53577, 2282, 5673, 388, 13, 8442, 11575, 1186, 365, 197, 31044, 198, 548, 17643, 750, 197, 41917, 26, 197, 19041, 20501, 77, 1431, 2157, 1412, 197, 79565, 7604, 10603, 3324, 6423, 17886, 197, 16219, 291, 198, 82, 2168, 26640, 35699, 197, 77405, 33188, 197, 1225, 3303, 10922, 53577, 2157, 106295, 414, 3384, 13, 1442, 14862, 414, 2765, 3978, 197, 13676, 198, 268, 1409, 92853, 2490, 11, 24263, 6831, 484, 74242, 5306, 2154, 1870, 55992, 10236, 98366, 32809, 10582, 82948, 1409, 197, 79565, 11, 7883, 1055, 198, 30096, 6942, 287, 13, 578, 62928, 2282, 301, 4843, 64442, 197, 83571, 8997, 2191, 6831, 300, 2765, 4091, 788, 2282, 6769, 44323, 198, 79565, 7604, 10603, 6831, 300, 197, 37593, 43908, 13, 2684, 197, 548, 73204, 197, 6258, 349, 40810, 25082, 32809, 11575, 197, 21494, 7058, 31039, 2765, 3978, 13, 578, 2157, 537, 197, 15079, 197, 79565, 48518, 17886, 33188, 197, 83571, 481, 197, 10789, 5717, 20501, 1602, 708, 88, 11, 53577, 2066, 198, 8332, 3536, 197, 708, 88, 2282, 5673, 388, 11, 32809, 33721, 11, 53577, 197, 708, 88, 6108, 1942, 455, 4779, 53577, 2282, 1590, 6831, 486, 11575, 37741, 60021, 198, 1073, 197, 83571, 8997, 2765, 81881, 11, 98366, 32809, 197, 30348, 26665, 329, 3079, 197, 23108, 2765, 81881, 17886, 1602, 23078, 53577, 1602, 49852, 13, 2030, 20725, 17643, 1874, 1470, 12019, 2765, 5599, 83, 25653, 38303, 62217, 8285, 87728, 197, 6173, 82, 44323, 197, 708, 88, 61551, 11575, 198, 37605, 73972, 44323, 197, 414, 2765, 3978, 11, 48048, 33188, 7145, 3267, 44323, 83381, 37774, 43328, 1908, 197, 708, 88, 53577, 198, 258, 45864, 367, 197, 35214, 33188, 2157, 537, 17643, 1189, 38303, 29644, 82, 197, 1921, 332, 61551, 197, 37691, 25653, 1602, 576, 36372, 198, 345, 61694, 197, 10008, 44323, 197, 809, 28078, 197, 708, 88, 11, 1942, 1412, 1602, 300, 1602, 880, 375, 71, 11, 9215, 17173, 11, 53577, 2157, 15782, 11, 197, 548, 7883, 77783, 4791, 7058, 37439, 36600, 64442, 94036, 74242, 197, 71214, 2129, 78, 14862, 414, 2765, 3978, 17886, 2157, 4414, 367, 748, 197, 9514, 2765, 263, 1431, 198, 19553, 11575, 197, 708, 88, 52060, 43043, 570, 2030, 5306, 2154, 1870, 52060, 197, 96420, 197, 53195, 5306, 661, 287, 197, 43664, 44323, 197, 79565, 11, 53577, 198, 9514, 94036, 10582, 11575, 197, 383, 38058, 197, 6173, 25653, 11575, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 13, 1789, 57356, 11, 11575, 1470, 455, 44323, 197, 99797, 198, 75, 306, 8839, 64355, 197, 20019, 197, 972, 197, 51870, 44323, 197, 79565, 11, 53577, 11575, 1470, 455, 44323, 197, 99797, 45675, 613, 64355, 197, 20019, 198, 20, 197, 51870, 44323, 197, 21494, 197, 79565, 13, 38269, 1942, 652, 11934, 11, 2157, 1136, 9949, 71480, 11870, 24263, 87247, 197, 67733, 198, 96420, 197, 53195, 197, 79565, 52499, 197, 309, 3394, 82300, 3447, 64442, 197, 548, 7883, 38367, 197, 395, 318, 93583, 2129, 78, 14862, 414, 198, 2664, 13, 320, 6720, 64334, 197, 309, 3394, 197, 58156, 197, 22631, 5859, 2282, 762, 373, 1942, 12575, 1104, 11, 26665, 329, 3079, 2765, 81881, 198, 9783, 44156, 1602, 15079, 197, 782, 668, 1354, 197, 1729, 1942, 20073, 91159, 1771, 53577, 197, 1978, 19131, 32809, 3522, 11, 33188, 15854, 292, 198, 76128, 44323, 7145, 560, 53577, 197, 28440, 82266, 7145, 560, 53577, 8986, 306, 8839, 64442, 20501, 18895, 484, 33188, 18895, 391, 273, 2066, 198, 30742, 919, 44323, 197, 16455, 197, 20019, 33188, 77608, 6266, 38535, 197, 76630, 10473, 1837, 197, 8201, 877, 1971, 4243, 1341, 197, 3100, 9682, 9391, 1111, 8, 11198, 40, 1372, 30, 3861, 44323, 33188, 8808, 261, 197, 68684, 44323, 33188, 9793, 1108, 197, 79565, 197, 14, 8986, 363, 1470, 76370, 2765, 3978, 20501, 33188, 197, 708, 19434, 1602, 78666, 78, 198, 94942, 11, 197, 8370, 6831, 300, 43290, 14294, 15472, 197, 1729, 1602, 43, 24568, 6391, 541, 467, 11, 80557, 8285, 18865, 197, 42305, 31226, 197, 22579, 8473, 36547, 198, 78569, 77524, 197, 31272, 13, 578, 197, 5182, 44323, 2090, 197, 10609, 197, 548, 1186, 13382, 25653, 33188, 96550, 54358, 198, 79343, 8942, 45608, 9793, 370, 1220, 44323, 33188, 1602, 78666, 66470, 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[ 10230, 64, 337, 3394, 11, 23845, 13, 9796, 265, 1030, 11, 197, 295, 70671, 2637, 197, 2118, 26375, 58252, 65050, 13083, 71034, 198, 1959, 74189, 17886, 11391, 437, 83682, 25, 6391, 3817, 950, 197, 7894, 13071, 44323, 197, 37220, 23626, 13584, 20901, 2476, 1602, 96830, 198, 38, 23834, 1992, 2508, 53577, 13595, 752, 75014, 198, 197, 21, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 22, 197, 16772, 3988, 197, 1049, 23, 1680, 197, 26439, 4235, 1227, 345, 48886, 25, 605, 13, 4645, 21, 4537, 522, 876, 13, 1049, 23, 13, 2437, 13, 25230, 13, 220, 1691, 13, 432, 13, 13595, 13, 7721, 1553, 11, 197, 2118, 43, 533, 677, 582, 87437, 2066, 33188, 197, 3353, 44323, 197, 11916, 818, 2476, 1602, 44594, 44323, 33188, 9391, 291, 950, 198, 50, 6180, 44323, 197, 3648, 17538, 261, 8674, 198, 197, 2946, 197, 7, 5162, 16, 1680, 197, 4103, 4235, 4331, 13, 220, 1313, 13, 435, 13, 9391, 1132, 29037, 11, 11391, 13, 6391, 391, 450, 8510, 11, 53577, 23845, 13, 10473, 620, 72, 11, 197, 2118, 36, 21264, 2826, 44323, 197, 3561, 42391, 44323, 33188, 198, 1090, 65050, 13083, 71034, 197, 3968, 6347, 17886, 33188, 197, 1016, 261, 9864, 44323, 197, 11916, 818, 17904, 360, 12440, 285, 2476, 1602, 8921, 6391, 3817, 3074, 198, 21902, 27596, 3074, 198, 197, 8259, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 20, 197, 7, 30649, 197, 868, 11, 197, 3753, 22, 1680, 197, 17887, 4235, 3391, 13, 220, 1419, 13, 350, 13, 13017, 13, 197, 6777, 86400, 9008, 11, 9391, 13, 6391, 13, 6391, 980, 2172, 11, 6391, 13, 15420, 13, 13017, 67100, 9008, 11, 197, 295, 70671, 2637, 197, 2118, 96711, 9391, 112939, 13978, 198, 2000, 33188, 23626, 1195, 3252, 197, 4026, 13083, 10259, 197, 4213, 28222, 53577, 197, 97941, 58252, 65050, 198, 3976, 2727, 2968, 2476, 1602, 79570, 17462, 197, 28528, 198, 197, 843, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 24, 197, 7, 30649, 197, 679, 17, 1680, 197, 21788, 4235, 2618, 345, 48886, 25, 605, 13, 4645, 21, 4537, 1276, 332, 417, 13, 679, 17, 13, 2589, 13, 6268, 13, 220, 1187, 13, 76568, 13, 220, 914, 13, 423, 13, 17538, 13, 17538, 58106, 11, 6391, 13, 17749, 13, 40440, 408, 543, 11, 11198, 13, 9796, 13, 10230, 454, 51214, 11, 197, 295, 70671, 2637, 197, 2118, 7894, 44323, 11575, 17904, 727, 7058, 12243, 7424, 8799, 17904, 68, 456, 481, 11, 13017, 21702, 11, 53577, 18822, 332, 11198, 3978, 25653, 7721, 261, 372, 15420, 575, 3447, 53577, 197, 6255, 14338, 198, 5263, 2476, 1602, 35773, 53904, 2191, 198, 197, 1135, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 19, 197, 4444, 652, 321, 197, 1049, 16, 1680, 197, 22054, 4235, 17735, 345, 1277, 1129, 2185, 99916, 89488, 70521, 14489, 60592, 2106, 14, 7261, 19272, 2491, 198, 13, 220, 1627, 13, 15341, 18822, 70, 11, 197, 2118, 33, 17904, 275, 38925, 53577, 33188, 15420, 1553, 2476, 1602, 96654, 478, 14684, 916, 198, 11, 34196, 197, 12030, 198, 31294, 197, 1313, 11, 197, 679, 20, 11, 1602, 1277, 1129, 2185, 929, 344, 478, 14684, 916, 39281, 14, 11209, 24222, 1481, 8437, 275, 38925, 7058, 1820, 2922, 1553, 6018, 13, 220, 1544, 13, 1054, 99729, 17749, 6431, 753, 25494, 784, 1157, 48048, 197, 46023, 9391, 92001, 2476, 10230, 41583, 197, 57549, 44323, 46, 462, 6430, 9391, 92001, 11, 197, 5323, 291, 197, 33877, 197, 972, 11, 197, 679, 21, 345, 1277, 1129, 2185, 558, 41583, 68534, 12871, 70571, 69562, 1474, 39336, 46351, 55134, 14, 22159, 7058, 1543, 4210, 2695, 56641, 12, 18934, 27281, 11843, 7496, 1474, 92001, 2628, 198, 13, 220, 1591, 13, 23809, 23626, 13, 197, 2356, 62301, 11, 17538, 6809, 23845, 13, 7721, 84, 39614, 11, 197, 1542, 37597, 197, 28268, 20100, 267, 11, 197, 295, 70671, 2637, 197, 2118, 25162, 198, 1360, 39340, 58252, 731, 197, 3957, 197, 54069, 48048, 11575, 9391, 3111, 197, 6161, 2720, 17886, 197, 1953, 37, 12, 16, 11, 6391, 11967, 345, 438, 197, 28589, 9391, 76052, 17886, 33188, 197, 2397, 53577, 197, 41672, 261, 2282, 332, 197, 2688, 197, 18788, 261, 10230, 454, 2987, 2476, 198, 3683, 9391, 295, 53904, 2191, 198, 197, 777, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 18, 197, 3269, 1132, 197, 19, 11, 197, 679, 19, 1680, 197, 18501, 4235, 1114, 13, 220, 1682, 13, 30505, 9796, 13, 17749, 278, 783, 11, 197, 2118, 10445, 197, 12243, 58186, 39340, 11198, 81881, 9391, 352, 197, 3513, 197, 22845, 32809, 6391, 11967, 198, 86407, 2476, 1602, 2520, 9620, 198, 11, 1602, 1277, 1129, 2185, 6272, 9620, 916, 68602, 53220, 560, 70, 27495, 783, 14, 679, 19, 14, 2839, 14, 2371, 52357, 7058, 79565, 2320, 15294, 1474, 33166, 9976, 1773, 22704, 1474, 352, 29053, 98864, 3502, 20542, 1824, 11967, 46570, 6018, 13, 220, 966, 13, 30755, 77383, 11198, 40895, 42960, 11, 197, 2118, 2654, 4550, 197, 40882, 197, 54069, 48048, 197, 1360, 39340, 58252, 731, 23845, 32024, 198, 1820, 197, 57627, 11198, 3978, 661, 197, 19118, 685, 2066, 197, 53130, 82, 2476, 1602, 1669, 51295, 18822, 332, 17462, 198, 197, 679, 18, 345, 7203, 30680, 197, 9390, 25344, 197, 7, 679, 18, 705, 2765, 6870, 25, 605, 13, 17048, 17, 14, 679, 18, 14, 9390, 25344, 13, 220, 2148, 13, 1054, 35773, 57565, 197, 26272, 44323, 33188, 15420, 1553, 2476, 1602, 10714, 916, 198, 11, 197, 5323, 291, 197, 33877, 197, 972, 345, 679, 21, 11, 1602, 1277, 1129, 81162, 58063, 916, 46546, 42461, 598, 3554, 509, 15505, 75, 1553, 20, 24165, 198, 13, 220, 843, 13, 83358, 11391, 21046, 1354, 11, 197, 2118, 12243, 58186, 39340, 11198, 3978, 53577, 33188, 15420, 1553, 2476, 1602, 96654, 478, 14684, 916, 198, 11, 34196, 198, 12030, 197, 31294, 197, 23, 11, 197, 679, 20, 11, 1602, 1277, 1129, 2185, 929, 344, 478, 14684, 916, 39281, 14, 11209, 26114, 28661, 7058, 79565, 1773, 3978, 9976, 10826, 2922, 1553, 6018, 13, 220, 1644, 13, 8375, 59360, 197, 1255, 2552, 11, 197, 2118, 49812, 25, 10473, 88, 2963, 337, 15420, 1553, 197, 7894, 197, 48686, 261, 2476, 197, 6109, 6204, 11, 17538, 3988, 197, 20, 345, 1049, 21, 11, 1602, 1277, 1129, 2185, 6545, 2329, 916, 28455, 14, 1049, 21996, 2304, 14607, 18339, 12, 1919, 2963, 337, 2922, 1553, 23937, 7058, 4620, 261, 198, 13, 220, 1958, 13, 7043, 13017, 56692, 11, 197, 2118, 33787, 197, 26197, 82, 197, 10445, 197, 2675, 197, 15346, 197, 86037, 17749, 2227, 15420, 7439, 82266, 15420, 547, 198, 29353, 11198, 5179, 2476, 1602, 55381, 197, 14710, 198, 11, 197, 32559, 197, 1691, 11, 197, 679, 16, 345, 1277, 1129, 2185, 1276, 4688, 10189, 916, 14, 13103, 19230, 12013, 1677, 5487, 84, 560, 54094, 290, 2628, 198, 13, 220, 1758, 13, 735, 13, 23626, 13, 9391, 1155, 11, 11391, 13, 10230, 13, 79569, 388, 11, 53577, 7721, 13, 7721, 13, 15420, 2176, 11, 197, 2118, 50, 1570, 5730, 258, 10473, 35320, 44323, 17904, 37478, 198, 39, 752, 82801, 25, 23845, 5939, 780, 197, 19997, 2476, 1602, 44594, 44323, 17904, 37478, 13595, 752, 82801, 198, 197, 717, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 21, 198, 8368, 869, 1402, 197, 1049, 20, 1680, 197, 22424, 4235, 3080, 13, 220, 1927, 13, 34492, 46082, 13083, 1617, 3394, 11, 17538, 437, 978, 15420, 13, 197, 2232, 3742, 11, 17538, 288, 34862, 11391, 13, 13595, 84, 53530, 11, 197, 295, 70671, 2637, 197, 2118, 6251, 16490, 13017, 4588, 198, 78009, 197, 11569, 197, 17555, 42651, 519, 53577, 13017, 23758, 197, 11916, 307, 10230, 3307, 44323, 11391, 266, 53577, 23845, 41027, 11391, 266, 198, 83995, 9391, 275, 47517, 6757, 197, 1079, 5682, 5382, 197, 19368, 197, 10660, 2476, 1602, 44594, 44323, 198, 60360, 804, 456, 1233, 53577, 13083, 34695, 60163, 14997, 198, 197, 1958, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 17, 197, 4444, 652, 321, 197, 1049, 17, 1680, 197, 6804, 4235, 1958, 13, 220, 1806, 13, 11097, 15420, 13, 197, 2232, 3742, 11, 17538, 43493, 11391, 13, 13595, 84, 53530, 11, 9391, 4202, 46082, 13083, 1617, 3394, 11, 197, 295, 70671, 2637, 197, 14305, 58252, 731, 44323, 198, 37, 4588, 17904, 404, 8326, 49149, 25859, 82266, 7721, 359, 39853, 49149, 8839, 11198, 14657, 31668, 197, 1451, 63371, 49149, 87, 307, 1413, 198, 626, 676, 17886, 11391, 266, 15420, 1553, 9391, 104291, 20969, 2476, 1602, 52961, 17538, 5036, 44323, 18822, 332, 17462, 198, 197, 2421, 197, 7, 1049, 17, 1680, 197, 3226, 4235, 198, 2397, 11, 2765, 6870, 25, 605, 13, 7699, 24, 14, 15327, 45, 1049, 15966, 23, 13, 1987, 13, 4946, 9391, 582, 49862, 53577, 17538, 2194, 15420, 91238, 15989, 11, 1602, 96830, 197, 2367, 2239, 44323, 197, 11830, 9391, 92001, 512, 791, 10473, 35320, 44323, 11198, 56407, 48048, 197, 85782, 197, 46023, 9391, 92001, 198, 11, 5306, 337, 13, 220, 17, 11, 1602, 50, 698, 268, 53577, 198, 626, 316, 613, 198, 197, 3844, 88, 19316, 11, 23845, 29139, 25, 197, 31272, 44323, 17749, 478, 944, 7721, 88, 19316, 11, 197, 1049, 17, 570, 220, 2137, 13, 358, 13, 197, 2149, 85, 39614, 12279, 28143, 44045, 11, 23626, 13, 9391, 329, 14746, 278, 7826, 9832, 3864, 277, 11, 53577, 17904, 13, 66422, 13, 7721, 29097, 89, 12279, 8362, 689, 345, 46233, 5923, 10843, 197, 7894, 44323, 9796, 20432, 36698, 17538, 84, 560, 25653, 33188, 9796, 268, 91676, 11198, 9814, 197, 1451, 24921, 198, 1729, 52792, 437, 69, 66796, 17886, 9391, 1559, 2476, 1602, 55747, 13017, 9242, 13595, 7282, 18822, 332, 17462, 198, 197, 2397, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 19, 198, 7, 33246, 197, 679, 15, 1680, 197, 19929, 4235, 5958, 13, 220, 1272, 13, 3842, 15420, 13, 71267, 911, 1494, 309, 11, 197, 2118, 71251, 6391, 647, 18724, 17886, 17749, 483, 25, 197, 4438, 197, 22186, 13017, 355, 301, 198, 78009, 197, 1876, 11, 53577, 197, 4438, 197, 53380, 197, 3957, 62635, 12671, 1602, 54, 1572, 197, 5, 17904, 1572, 198, 11, 9391, 352, 197, 679, 15, 11, 197, 5323, 291, 198, 33877, 197, 777, 11, 197, 679, 21, 11, 1602, 1277, 1129, 2185, 1444, 1572, 438, 85, 1572, 916, 38194, 522, 21796, 30, 3857, 28, 20922, 5, 1834, 28, 23800, 2137, 5, 728, 1017, 28, 71251, 198, 13, 220, 3174, 13, 1054, 1671, 71804, 13595, 526, 2017, 197, 14336, 54, 11073, 197, 27159, 17904, 57640, 23189, 197, 49812, 7721, 3884, 82, 2476, 13083, 5002, 197, 14710, 11, 34196, 198, 12030, 197, 33246, 197, 777, 11, 197, 1049, 24, 345, 1277, 1129, 10189, 960, 9081, 6973, 15549, 14, 17, 14, 6151, 14, 12393, 14, 25496, 22956, 16, 1258, 76, 198, 13, 220, 2983, 13, 1054, 10086, 11575, 17904, 76652, 82266, 7721, 455, 2833, 25, 13595, 3806, 2476, 197, 6109, 6204, 11, 197, 5323, 291, 197, 33877, 197, 777, 345, 679, 21, 11, 1602, 1277, 1129, 2185, 6545, 2329, 916, 5574, 275, 38925, 59615, 4779, 14, 39625, 57501, 7058, 25505, 11529, 36746, 25688, 30, 3104, 45851, 769, 28, 25505, 5, 3104, 45851, 678, 28, 39, 36746, 198, 13, 27608, 197, 18, 25, 11391, 329, 950, 197, 94909, 11391, 266, 3614, 53577, 9391, 582, 2298, 332, 13283, 13083, 5085, 198, 16, 13, 47859, 337, 437, 10230, 680, 300, 11, 197, 14305, 197, 51922, 44323, 11198, 3978, 53577, 197, 11916, 818, 25, 23845, 197, 19997, 2476, 198, 35, 4289, 4428, 12, 3812, 91153, 2508, 198, 197, 16, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 20, 197, 7, 1049, 24, 1680, 197, 14274, 4235, 3080, 13, 220, 17, 13, 356, 13, 6391, 13, 36953, 5599, 11206, 285, 11, 197, 2118, 3957, 197, 11916, 818, 17904, 360, 12440, 285, 11575, 9796, 64312, 71267, 55097, 11198, 56407, 12671, 198, 35, 4289, 75014, 198, 197, 9639, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 19, 197, 7, 1049, 16, 1680, 197, 16367, 4235, 4643, 13, 220, 18, 13, 362, 13, 10230, 13, 7721, 318, 57995, 11, 197, 14305, 197, 11772, 685, 44323, 33188, 11391, 6400, 44323, 49149, 43610, 12, 21, 17991, 43610, 12, 18, 198, 38538, 2335, 13017, 23758, 197, 11916, 3447, 2476, 1602, 37196, 25111, 55103, 53577, 197, 3438, 72482, 42811, 198, 197, 3487, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 23, 197, 7, 31294, 198, 1049, 17, 1680, 197, 12676, 4235, 4643, 13, 220, 19, 13, 469, 13, 9391, 13, 94170, 1215, 53577, 9391, 13, 13083, 13, 197, 6600, 819, 309, 11, 197, 46233, 45864, 367, 11, 197, 11180, 11391, 329, 53703, 11, 53577, 198, 17555, 42651, 1821, 2476, 1602, 79570, 17462, 198, 197, 717, 11, 73204, 13, 220, 19, 197, 4444, 652, 321, 197, 2550, 21, 1680, 197, 16590, 4235, 2813, 13, 220, 20, 13, 88770, 197, 1163, 268, 53577, 197, 13379, 15420, 88, 6885, 11, 197, 2118, 66177, 6354, 8148 ]
incredulous shock wave of disbelief about a series of happenstances. But before you can begin to get this principle working at all times, you need to let go of some old beliefs. Here are a few of the reasons you may find it difficult to start applying the principle of synchronicity in your life. Examine them carefully to test your willingness for allowing these “miracles” into your life. WHY YOU MA Y FIND IT DIFFICUL T TO EMBRACE SYNCHRONICITY We have been taught not to believe something until we see it with our own eyes. Since we cannot see synchronicity or experience it directlywith our own senses, we become skeptical of it. Our Western culture teaches that all of the mysterious connections are really only random happenstance, and it is easier to believe in these coincidences than in something which eludes our senses. We belie ve very strongly in our separation from the rest of humanity, as well as in our individuality. We see synchronicity as a conflict with our need to be our own unique individual, separated out from the rest of humanity. If everything is synchronized and perfect, then somehow fate is playing a very large role in our lives. If it is all in the hands of fate, then we do not have the ability to make individual decisions and exercise a free will. Many people find it exceedingly difficult to embrace both the concept of free will and that of a larger intelligence in the universe that is total and complete. If we believe that one principle precludes the other, we will find the universal principle of synchronicity dif ficult to embrace. Form rather than thought is the guiding principle of our lives. If we identify solely with our form and are unable to imagine a dimen sion of being beyond our form, we will have tremendous difficulty with the entire business of synchronicity. The world of formlessness may make us unco mfortable, since it all seems to center on our faith, and very little else. For those who work in the business world where facts and profits are the true bottom line, skepticism about universal synchronicity is not only understandable but expected. (Although the evidence for synchronicity is becoming more and more clear each day, even to the most hardened linear scientists of our academic and business communities.) We may find this universal principle of synchronicity in conflict with our traditional religious upbring ing. If we have been trained to believe that God watches over everyth ing, keeping track of our sins, and is ready to punish those who have disobeyed the rules of our particular church, then a belief in a unive rsal intelligence which is a part of us will be trouble some. Furtherm ore, the idea that all is perfectly synchronized may not fit in with beliefs that man is imperfect and that he must spend a lifetime suffering to atone for his imperfection. Whenwe know we are in a perfect universe, and that God is not only outside but also very much a divine part of us, and that it all hangs together perfectly, there is very little need to be dictated to by anyone who has an interest in keeping us and our lives controlled. If our traditional religious practices teach somet hing else, then we are bound to find ourselves in conflict over synchronization. Finally, it is difficult to begin to comprehend the enormousness of this universe, and how it could all be perfectly synchronized. Trying to imagine the behavior of subat omic particles so tiny that there are trillions of them in the tiniest speck imaginable, and then seeing that they all behave in ways which indicate that they are each making decisions, and that those decisions are made based upon decisions made elsewhere, can be quite beyond our capacities. Then to imagine that each of us as a human being is nothing more than an energy system, made up of these infini te subatomic particles, and that if they are capable of such “magic” by behaving based upon decisions made elsewhere, then why not us as well, is similarly difficult. And that is only a look inward to the smallest imaginable, and we stop looking further inward because of the limitations of our measuring devices. It is conce ivable, I suppose, that a subatomic particle has zillions of sub- subatomic particles, and inwar d to infinity. Then to look outward, through the telescope, knowing that the universe is endless, which makes us sub-su b-sub-subatomic particles in a context of forev er, and then trying to imagine us behaving just like those particles, is all quite overwhelming indeed. Yet it is all possible, rather quite probab le, rather definite, if you give yourself permission to get this fabulous perspective. Your resistance may come from the need to stay with what is familiar to you and leave all this speculating to others! SOME IDEAS FOR PUTTING SYNCHRONICITY TO WORK Tell yourself you do not have to give up being the protagonist in your own life drama. You do not have to give up a belief in your ability to make choices and possess a free will. All you need do is accept the paradox that we live in both form and formlessness simultaneously at all times, and the rules for each dimension are quite opposite, even though they are operating at the same time for us. Once you know that you have a free will within a perfect universe, you can stop the stressful thinking that occupies so much of life. As you start to become stressed out about one thing or another, gently remind yourself that it is all perfect, that you could not have changed one iota of it, and that there is a marvelous lesson to learn in whatever transpires. This attitude of knowing that everything happens as it is supposed to, that there are no accidents, and that we are precisely where we are supposed to be, doing what we are supposed to do, takes a tremendous amount of pressure off, and it eliminates our need to be judgmental. Just try standin g back in your mind and imagining how stupen dous a thing it is to be a part of this living pattern of perfection. See it all as a magnificent tapestry playing out before and through everyone, and stop second-gu essing any of it. This will not lull you into complacency. Rather it will vitalize you with the energy of someone who is at once participating in this enormous drama as an extra in God’ s dream, while simultaneously creating whatever you choose within that dream. Your awe will allow you to flow with it, rather than to judge or question any of it. Take responsibility for your role within the larger drama at all times. Do not view that apparent accident as being in the wrong place at the wrong time. See it as something that you can learn from and something that you created. When you know that you create your own reality within a perfectly synchronized universe, and you refuse to blame anyone or anything for your experiences, and when you know that what you put out there into the world is what is flowing back to you in a perfec t energy pattern, then you will see a shift in your “luck.” You will not endless ly encounter the same negative happenings when you are willing to absorb the lesson s inherent in the happening. And once you are willing to learn from your “misfortune,” you will not need tokeep repeating it. When you receive that traffic ticket and you know in your heart that this is a message for you to slow down and drive more cautiously, you will have learne d the lesson. If you simply gripe about it endlessly, you may have to participate in something more drastic. That is, you will continue to drive carelessly until you create that accident, or lose your driving privileges, or whatever. By knowing within that there can be no accidents, that even the tiniest subatomic particles are working on purpos e, and so are you, you can genuinely turn your life around. Try it! Give it a few months’ tryout. If you would like to see something different, even if it is only a change in your “luck,” try believing something new, and I can assure you that you will start manifesting in your life what you believe. I know this to be true for me, and I am absolutely certain that you can make it true for yourself. Stop worrying! What do you have to worry about in this perfectly synchronized universe? It make s no sense to worry about those things over which you believe you have no control. And it makes no sense to worry about the things over which you have control, because if you have control over them, there is no reason to worry. Moral of the story: there is nothing to worry about. It is all handled for you already. So just flow with it, rather than fighting anything. Quiet your mind to experience the perfect rhythm of the universe. When you go within and allow yourself the freedom to be at peace without judgment, simply meditating and experiencing the oneness of it all, you soon start to connect to that energy that I have been alluding to throu ghout this book. That quiet mind state, if practiced enough, will convince you of the perfection of it all. I have created what others would call miracles in moments of quiet meditation. I have gone into the incredible light that is part of my meditation, and felt
[ 198, 258, 11081, 13850, 10988, 12330, 315, 74354, 922, 264, 4101, 315, 3621, 9623, 13, 2030, 1603, 499, 649, 3240, 311, 636, 420, 17966, 3318, 520, 682, 3115, 11, 499, 198, 17483, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 1063, 2362, 21463, 13, 5810, 527, 264, 2478, 315, 279, 8125, 499, 1253, 198, 3990, 433, 5107, 311, 1212, 19486, 279, 17966, 315, 14453, 62791, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 1398, 20588, 1124, 15884, 311, 1296, 701, 39375, 369, 10923, 1521, 198, 2118, 20531, 18709, 863, 1139, 701, 2324, 13, 82794, 220, 15334, 9917, 816, 64858, 8871, 220, 69649, 1341, 1112, 350, 5257, 469, 8578, 49, 5693, 198, 18923, 45, 2198, 42814, 1341, 3414, 27907, 720, 1687, 617, 220, 1027, 15972, 539, 311, 4510, 2555, 3156, 584, 1518, 433, 449, 1057, 198, 785, 6548, 13, 8876, 584, 4250, 1518, 14453, 62791, 477, 3217, 433, 6089, 4291, 1057, 1866, 38207, 11, 584, 3719, 44929, 315, 433, 13, 5751, 11104, 7829, 198, 668, 14576, 430, 682, 315, 279, 26454, 13537, 527, 2216, 1193, 4288, 198, 71, 64860, 1333, 11, 323, 433, 374, 8831, 311, 4510, 304, 1521, 23828, 85096, 1109, 304, 198, 34431, 902, 658, 29246, 1057, 38207, 13, 1226, 2888, 5320, 1633, 16917, 304, 1057, 25768, 505, 279, 2800, 315, 22706, 13801, 300, 1664, 439, 304, 1057, 3927, 488, 662, 1226, 1518, 14453, 62791, 439, 264, 12324, 449, 198, 414, 1205, 220, 311, 387, 1057, 1866, 5016, 3927, 11, 19180, 704, 505, 279, 2800, 198, 1073, 22706, 662, 1442, 4395, 374, 22183, 323, 4832, 11, 1243, 17354, 198, 69, 349, 374, 5737, 264, 1633, 3544, 3560, 304, 1057, 6439, 13, 1442, 433, 374, 682, 304, 279, 6206, 315, 198, 69, 349, 11, 1243, 584, 656, 539, 617, 279, 5845, 311, 1304, 3927, 11429, 323, 198, 64562, 264, 1949, 690, 13, 9176, 1274, 1505, 433, 76821, 5107, 311, 198, 336, 32337, 2225, 279, 7434, 315, 1949, 690, 323, 430, 315, 264, 8294, 11478, 198, 258, 279, 15861, 430, 374, 2860, 323, 4686, 13, 1442, 584, 4510, 430, 832, 198, 652, 16379, 864, 7548, 279, 1023, 1174, 584, 690, 1505, 279, 20789, 17966, 315, 198, 82, 14445, 62791, 1422, 282, 3951, 311, 27830, 13, 3459, 4856, 1109, 3463, 374, 279, 51346, 17966, 315, 1057, 6439, 662, 1442, 584, 198, 81496, 21742, 449, 1057, 1376, 323, 527, 12153, 311, 13085, 264, 5213, 268, 274, 290, 315, 198, 35214, 7953, 1057, 1376, 11, 584, 690, 617, 28040, 17250, 449, 279, 198, 306, 556, 2626, 315, 14453, 62791, 662, 578, 1917, 315, 1376, 33028, 1253, 1304, 198, 355, 653, 1030, 296, 4057, 481, 11, 2533, 433, 682, 5084, 311, 4219, 389, 1057, 10082, 11, 323, 1633, 198, 56492, 775, 13, 1789, 1884, 889, 990, 304, 279, 2626, 1917, 1405, 13363, 323, 198, 77601, 527, 279, 837, 5740, 1584, 11, 67233, 922, 20789, 198, 82, 14445, 62791, 374, 539, 1193, 49839, 719, 3685, 13, 320, 16179, 279, 198, 68, 28580, 369, 14453, 62791, 374, 10671, 810, 323, 810, 2867, 1855, 1938, 345, 17206, 311, 279, 1455, 71836, 13790, 14248, 315, 1057, 14584, 323, 198, 27243, 10977, 6266, 1226, 1253, 1505, 420, 20789, 17966, 315, 14453, 62791, 304, 12324, 449, 198, 414, 8776, 10597, 709, 82477, 6892, 13, 1442, 584, 617, 1027, 16572, 311, 4510, 198, 9210, 4359, 32860, 927, 1475, 339, 6892, 11, 10494, 3839, 315, 1057, 40444, 11, 323, 374, 198, 2359, 311, 32151, 1884, 889, 617, 220, 68735, 49059, 279, 5718, 315, 1057, 4040, 198, 65294, 11, 1243, 264, 16801, 304, 264, 653, 535, 10242, 278, 11478, 902, 374, 264, 961, 315, 603, 198, 14724, 387, 12544, 1063, 13, 15903, 76, 16536, 11, 279, 4623, 430, 682, 374, 14268, 198, 82, 43264, 1253, 539, 5052, 304, 449, 21463, 430, 893, 374, 69063, 323, 430, 198, 383, 2011, 8493, 264, 19569, 16066, 311, 520, 606, 369, 813, 17190, 13421, 662, 3277, 906, 1440, 584, 527, 304, 264, 4832, 15861, 11, 323, 430, 4359, 374, 539, 1193, 4994, 198, 8248, 1101, 1633, 1790, 264, 30467, 961, 315, 603, 11, 323, 430, 433, 682, 59441, 3871, 198, 64185, 398, 1174, 1070, 374, 1633, 2697, 1205, 311, 387, 81498, 311, 555, 5606, 889, 706, 198, 276, 2802, 304, 10494, 603, 323, 1057, 6439, 14400, 13, 1442, 1057, 8776, 198, 97250, 12659, 4639, 1794, 295, 305, 287, 775, 11, 1243, 584, 527, 6965, 311, 1505, 198, 2530, 4372, 304, 12324, 927, 59012, 13, 17830, 1174, 433, 374, 5107, 311, 3240, 311, 58389, 279, 23205, 2136, 315, 420, 198, 359, 8194, 11, 323, 1268, 433, 1436, 682, 387, 14268, 22183, 13, 50958, 311, 198, 318, 24281, 279, 7865, 315, 1207, 266, 8019, 292, 19252, 779, 13987, 430, 1070, 527, 198, 376, 91387, 315, 1124, 304, 279, 259, 6729, 478, 2395, 377, 90267, 11, 323, 1243, 9298, 430, 198, 20670, 682, 36792, 220, 304, 5627, 902, 13519, 430, 814, 527, 1855, 3339, 198, 8332, 6948, 11, 323, 430, 1884, 11429, 527, 1903, 3196, 5304, 11429, 198, 28010, 18403, 11, 649, 387, 5115, 7953, 1057, 59539, 13, 5112, 311, 13085, 198, 9210, 1855, 315, 603, 439, 264, 3823, 1694, 374, 4400, 810, 1109, 459, 4907, 198, 9125, 11, 1903, 709, 315, 1521, 4225, 6729, 1028, 1207, 6756, 19252, 11, 323, 430, 422, 814, 198, 548, 13171, 315, 1778, 1054, 38551, 863, 555, 87657, 3196, 5304, 11429, 1903, 198, 1531, 2940, 11, 1243, 3249, 539, 603, 439, 1664, 11, 374, 30293, 5107, 13, 1628, 430, 374, 198, 3323, 264, 1427, 63018, 311, 279, 25655, 90267, 11, 323, 584, 3009, 3411, 198, 69, 4004, 63018, 1606, 315, 279, 9669, 315, 1057, 30090, 7766, 13, 1102, 198, 285, 20245, 17967, 481, 11, 358, 23289, 11, 430, 264, 1207, 6756, 19320, 706, 1167, 91387, 315, 1207, 7058, 2008, 6756, 19252, 11, 323, 304, 11710, 294, 311, 56010, 662, 5112, 311, 1427, 52046, 345, 20322, 279, 56925, 11, 14392, 430, 279, 15861, 374, 26762, 11, 902, 198, 80785, 603, 1207, 87229, 293, 18451, 18451, 6756, 19252, 304, 264, 2317, 315, 2291, 85, 2781, 11, 323, 198, 3473, 4560, 311, 13085, 603, 87657, 1120, 1093, 1884, 19252, 11, 374, 682, 5115, 198, 2017, 94179, 13118, 13, 14968, 433, 374, 682, 3284, 11, 4856, 5115, 3650, 370, 514, 11, 4856, 44870, 11, 422, 499, 3041, 198, 22479, 726, 8041, 311, 636, 420, 35631, 13356, 13, 4718, 13957, 198, 18864, 2586, 505, 279, 1205, 311, 4822, 449, 1148, 374, 11537, 311, 499, 323, 5387, 198, 543, 420, 1424, 15853, 311, 3885, 0, 66655, 29075, 1950, 4716, 35480, 26098, 62794, 2198, 42814, 1341, 3414, 220, 5257, 32904, 27907, 25672, 6261, 499, 656, 539, 617, 311, 3041, 709, 1694, 279, 46684, 304, 701, 198, 785, 2324, 20156, 13, 1472, 656, 539, 617, 311, 3041, 709, 264, 16801, 304, 701, 5845, 311, 198, 7072, 11709, 323, 15575, 264, 1949, 690, 13, 2052, 499, 1205, 656, 374, 4287, 279, 198, 1768, 40197, 430, 584, 3974, 304, 2225, 1376, 323, 1376, 33028, 25291, 520, 198, 543, 3115, 11, 323, 279, 5718, 369, 1855, 13167, 527, 5115, 14329, 11, 1524, 198, 4636, 814, 527, 10565, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 369, 603, 13, 9843, 499, 1440, 430, 198, 9514, 617, 264, 1949, 690, 2949, 264, 4832, 15861, 11, 499, 649, 3009, 279, 198, 95290, 1285, 7422, 430, 76854, 779, 1790, 315, 2324, 13, 1666, 499, 1212, 311, 3719, 32647, 704, 922, 832, 3245, 477, 2500, 13801, 70, 4501, 24928, 6261, 430, 433, 374, 682, 4832, 11, 430, 499, 1436, 539, 617, 198, 17805, 832, 83010, 315, 433, 11, 323, 430, 1070, 374, 264, 81292, 18228, 311, 4048, 304, 198, 69386, 1380, 19505, 13, 1115, 19451, 315, 14392, 430, 4395, 8741, 198, 300, 433, 374, 10171, 311, 11, 430, 1070, 527, 912, 33788, 11, 323, 430, 584, 527, 198, 10872, 285, 989, 1405, 584, 527, 10171, 311, 387, 11, 3815, 1148, 584, 527, 10171, 311, 198, 3055, 11, 5097, 264, 28040, 3392, 315, 7410, 1022, 11, 323, 433, 60944, 1057, 198, 17483, 311, 387, 19971, 278, 13, 4702, 1456, 2559, 258, 342, 1203, 304, 701, 4059, 323, 77724, 1268, 91132, 268, 294, 788, 264, 198, 1626, 433, 374, 311, 387, 264, 961, 315, 420, 5496, 5497, 315, 39143, 13, 3580, 433, 682, 439, 264, 198, 76, 3326, 37243, 17401, 4720, 5737, 704, 1603, 323, 1555, 5127, 11, 323, 198, 9684, 2132, 2427, 84, 4043, 287, 904, 315, 433, 13, 1115, 690, 539, 326, 620, 499, 1139, 198, 884, 501, 41724, 662, 26848, 433, 690, 16595, 553, 499, 449, 279, 4907, 315, 4423, 198, 14965, 374, 520, 3131, 24435, 304, 420, 23205, 20156, 439, 459, 5066, 304, 198, 28622, 529, 274, 8063, 11, 1418, 25291, 6968, 8996, 499, 5268, 198, 56950, 430, 8063, 13, 4718, 51517, 690, 2187, 499, 311, 6530, 449, 433, 11, 4856, 1109, 198, 998, 11913, 477, 3488, 904, 315, 433, 13, 12040, 12014, 369, 701, 3560, 2949, 279, 8294, 20156, 520, 682, 3115, 13, 3234, 539, 1684, 430, 10186, 11677, 439, 1694, 304, 279, 5076, 2035, 520, 279, 198, 35970, 892, 13, 3580, 433, 439, 2555, 220, 430, 499, 649, 4048, 505, 323, 2555, 198, 9210, 499, 3549, 13, 3277, 499, 1440, 430, 499, 1893, 701, 1866, 8903, 198, 56950, 264, 14268, 22183, 15861, 11, 323, 499, 26122, 311, 19065, 198, 3852, 606, 477, 4205, 369, 701, 11704, 11, 323, 994, 499, 1440, 430, 198, 12840, 499, 2231, 704, 1070, 1139, 279, 1917, 374, 1148, 374, 36612, 1203, 311, 499, 304, 198, 64, 22535, 762, 259, 4907, 5497, 11, 1243, 499, 690, 1518, 264, 6541, 304, 701, 1054, 86476, 662, 863, 1472, 198, 14724, 539, 26762, 14869, 13123, 279, 1890, 8389, 3621, 826, 994, 499, 198, 548, 10032, 311, 35406, 279, 18228, 274, 38088, 304, 279, 12765, 13, 1628, 3131, 198, 9514, 527, 10032, 311, 4048, 505, 701, 1054, 34965, 84612, 2476, 499, 690, 539, 1205, 311, 13397, 40916, 433, 13, 3277, 499, 5371, 430, 9629, 11989, 323, 499, 1440, 304, 198, 22479, 4851, 430, 420, 374, 264, 1984, 369, 499, 311, 6435, 1523, 323, 6678, 810, 198, 936, 332, 13610, 1174, 499, 690, 617, 35499, 818, 294, 279, 18228, 13, 1442, 499, 5042, 23854, 375, 922, 198, 275, 79837, 1174, 499, 1253, 617, 311, 16136, 304, 2555, 810, 60883, 13, 3011, 374, 11, 499, 690, 3136, 311, 6678, 2512, 16117, 3156, 499, 1893, 430, 198, 4575, 1748, 11, 477, 9229, 701, 10043, 36832, 11, 477, 8996, 662, 3296, 14392, 198, 56950, 430, 1070, 649, 387, 912, 33788, 11, 430, 1524, 279, 259, 6729, 478, 1207, 6756, 198, 69598, 527, 3318, 389, 84896, 384, 11, 323, 779, 527, 499, 11, 499, 649, 36297, 198, 413, 701, 2324, 2212, 13, 9934, 433, 0, 21335, 433, 264, 2478, 4038, 529, 220, 1456, 412, 13, 1442, 499, 1053, 1093, 311, 1518, 198, 34431, 2204, 11, 1524, 422, 433, 374, 1193, 264, 2349, 304, 701, 1054, 86476, 2476, 1456, 198, 32898, 4504, 2555, 502, 11, 323, 358, 649, 36015, 499, 430, 499, 690, 1212, 198, 43415, 287, 304, 701, 2324, 1148, 499, 4510, 13, 358, 1440, 420, 311, 387, 837, 369, 198, 2727, 11, 323, 358, 1097, 11112, 3738, 430, 499, 649, 1304, 433, 837, 369, 6261, 13, 14549, 40876, 0, 3639, 656, 499, 617, 311, 11196, 922, 304, 420, 14268, 198, 82, 43264, 15861, 30, 1102, 1304, 274, 912, 5647, 311, 11196, 922, 1884, 2574, 198, 2017, 902, 499, 4510, 499, 617, 912, 2585, 13, 1628, 433, 3727, 912, 5647, 311, 198, 86, 8635, 922, 279, 2574, 927, 902, 499, 617, 2585, 11, 1606, 422, 499, 198, 19553, 2585, 927, 1124, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 2944, 311, 11196, 662, 89606, 315, 279, 3446, 512, 19041, 374, 4400, 220, 311, 11196, 922, 13, 1102, 374, 682, 18073, 369, 499, 2736, 662, 2100, 198, 4345, 6530, 449, 433, 11, 4856, 1109, 11039, 4205, 13, 68587, 701, 4059, 311, 3217, 220, 279, 4832, 37390, 315, 279, 15861, 13, 3277, 499, 733, 2949, 323, 2187, 6261, 279, 11542, 311, 387, 520, 9096, 198, 30096, 19971, 11, 5042, 1812, 50644, 323, 25051, 279, 389, 24639, 315, 198, 275, 682, 11, 499, 5246, 1212, 311, 4667, 311, 430, 4907, 430, 358, 617, 1027, 682, 51867, 198, 998, 270, 583, 37224, 412, 420, 2363, 13, 3011, 11594, 4059, 1614, 11, 422, 44664, 3403, 345, 14724, 28008, 499, 315, 279, 39143, 315, 433, 682, 13, 358, 617, 220, 3549, 220, 1148, 3885, 1053, 1650, 71912, 304, 14269, 315, 11594, 198, 2106, 7709, 13, 358, 617, 8208, 1139, 279, 15400, 3177, 430, 374, 961, 315, 856, 198, 2106, 7709, 11, 323, 6612 ]
·f ·t· odour and taste could be refined. I have no obJectiOn purpose 1 1 " f h b · to this suggestion. But it should not be at th: ~ost o t e asiC f ·ne I believe that any refinement m ItS odour and taste potency o un. might mitigate its efficacy.. - Some Vaidyas have suggested that it would?e bette~ If so~e herbs or other things also are used as concomitant ~ecipes ":"lt_h urine I cannot accept even this suggestion because m c~se It IS : d with herbs it would be difficult to judge the real efficacy ~f ~,xhe f the two. '11 would result in intellectual discus?ions and th1s e1t er o d f -· money The natural substance would be misuse o :arnmg. God-given medicine should refl'ain withm_ the approach ~: ever body 2nd serve as the domestic remedy In every home. 1: ~s ossible only when neither its dour nor tast~ is change~ nor It IS ~ixed with anything else. The number of ailments has Increased since the medical profession has fallen into the hands of t~e mercenaries. It is necessary that urine does not become a monopo y of the professionals if we wish it to be saved from them. CHAPTER VII THE SCIENTIFIC VIEW OF URINE n day I was going in a car with two friends. A discussion vne · h One of the started about my present activities about unne t er~py._. d f friends said, "Raojibhai, we should mak~ a a sCientific stu y o urine" The other frined replied, "What IS the nee~ of. such" an exam-ination? 't is itself a science. Its benefits are quit~ evident. I was surprised at this decisive answer. One who _claims_ tha~ a subject in itself is s::ientific may not know v.'hat SCI·~~ce ISd T e above reply expressed the opinion of a responsl,,f' an a 20 : AUTO-URINE THERAPY thoughtful man and it indicated his firm faith in urine therapy. I was not only encouraged with that reply but at the same time, it set me a thinking about the urin therapy and its profound sigr.ificances. I have become a student agai" in this subject after seventy-two years of age. I do not possess any co'nsiderable literature on the subject. Only i few references here and there have inspired me to undertake this work. I believe that a great deal of material can be found on it in the old literature of Ayurveda. but the students of A~·urveda also are blindly following. the modern medical science or they have lost the courage to challenge the so-called modern scientific medicine. Truth has been obscured by the dark curtain of such euphemism. Urine · which is highly useful anct quite pure is denounced as dirty and poisonous by the so-called scientists as they wish to grind their own stone. Let them do as they like. I an anxious even at the risk Qf my life to propagate what can be proved a boon to humanity. My propagation of urine therapy will by quite reasonable and will have a scientific approach. While engaged in!luch a propaganda, I have received a lette: from Mr. Jhaveri, a resident of Rander (Surat). He is eighty years old. He has studied the theory of the five e~ements in detail and has written in English a big voulume and a number of articles on this subject. After coming to know of my present activities, he wrote to me affection<He ly -"While deliberating on five elements 1 have come to the conclusion that the earth cannot exist without the sea. After going through your book on urine therapy, I have realized a new fact which I did not recognize til now and it is this: Urine is the support of every living organism, whether human or sub-human, just as the ocean is the support of the earth. The earth cannot exist without urine. The urine therapy is a science in itself; it is self-evident." A fact based on right self-experience should be called knowledge at first hand. But when the same is testified by many it can be called.S(i~nce. It is.obvious that urine occupies the same place in tht human body as does ocean in relation to earth. The THE SCIENTlFIC VIEW OF URINE : 21 element of water is so powerful that it can absorb the other fou. This is why it supports every small and big part of the?ody. The entire organism is maintained by this element ~f :'ater. Th l~ element is not lifeless but is full of life. This is why It IS present In all ~h~ cells of the body and possesses the power to protect and n_ouns f them. As a matter of fact, nature has allotted it the function o protecting the body from diseases. But urin~ is far more than mere water and so it acts as the healer of the organism. In spite of this very apparent truth about ur~ne, the old prejudice about it cannot be removed easily. The votanse _of allopathy hold that urine is a waste matter of the body and contams toxiC elements ... s to the body Its use is therefore harmful. Some naturopaths lllJUriOU. • · h' t also in this country hold the same view. They, In t IS respec, endorse the views of the allopaths. I only ask all of them whether they have investigated its properties.scientifically? On.the contr~ry the fact is that many a doctor and Valdya are already usmg the unne of certain animals for treating several diseases. I do not want to discuss here whether the ap~ lic~tion of ur~ne is scientific or not. If there is no objection in dn nkmg th~.u~me of cow, goat, camel and donkey, there is no reason for prohibiting the intake of auto-urine. All the professiona l doctors generally advance the self-same reply that urine is a waste substance ~f the human body. This is absurd. The human organism does not. differ from that of animals like the cow, goat etc. Shri Bapalal Valdya, a.learne? and experienced Vaidya of Gujarat, has proved _a~ the basiS of.his own experience that auto-urine is far more benefiCial t~an t~e ur~ne of a cow, as cows in India are given dirty food,. are kept In dirty places and their is collected in dirty post or ut:nslis. Those "':'ho do not know anything about the properties of unne, have no nght to denounce urine as a poison or as a waste product of the body. Can they be called scientists?. On scientific investigation, it has been proved that urine cantams a number of constituents that are useful and nourishing. D~ctor Fehren states in his world-famous book, lntrouction to Biochemtstry, 22 : AUTO-URINE THERAPY that human urine contains nineteen ingredients in different proportions. They will be discussed in details in the next chapter. According to dieticians and biochemists, all these ingredients are extremely useful to the health and nourishment of the body. One of them is urea which as the highest percentage, i.e. the quantity of urea is 1459 milligrams in 3400 milligrams of urine. It is highly nourishing to the human body. It may be admitted for a while that the chemical urea when mixed with a medicine can make up its deficiency in the body. But it cannot make up all the deficiencies of other alkalies. But alomst all of them are present in urine. So is it not advisable to utilize urine and to get full benefit of all the alkalies contained therein? My purpose for this discussion is to establish the fact that the urine is in no way harmful even according to the medical science. Auto-urine is a living solution and contains the substances which build, nourish and enliven the flesh, blood and the tissues of the body. Ayurveda describes urine as anti-poison and a tonic. there is no laboratory in the entire world can prepare a pure anti-poisonous and harmless solution like urine. It can be prepared in a laboratory like the living organism only. Another characteristic of urine is that it is a germicide and harmless. The germicides such as tincture-benzoin, acids, etc. are not harmless internally. But urine is quite free from all such dangers. Any disease of the body pulls down health and pushes out health-preseNing elements of the body through urine. So the urine of a diseased person contains this health-preserving ingredients of which urea is very important. It also contains ingredients which cause the disease. By drinking his urine, the patient gets both of these. The health-preserving elements help him to regain his health and the others act as anti
[ 14260, 69, 9787, 83, 14260, 11018, 414, 323, 12945, 1436, 387, 38291, 13, 358, 617, 912, 1536, 41, 440, 72, 1966, 7580, 220, 16, 220, 16, 330, 282, 305, 293, 9787, 720, 998, 420, 24710, 13, 2030, 433, 1288, 539, 387, 520, 270, 25, 4056, 537, 297, 259, 384, 47731, 34, 720, 69, 9787, 818, 358, 4510, 430, 904, 74013, 296, 1102, 50, 11018, 414, 323, 12945, 77229, 297, 653, 662, 2643, 50460, 1202, 41265, 13, 662, 18722, 8538, 650, 3864, 82553, 617, 12090, 430, 433, 1053, 949, 68, 1297, 668, 93, 1442, 779, 93, 68, 720, 1964, 1302, 477, 1023, 2574, 1101, 527, 1511, 439, 390, 884, 52044, 4056, 762, 9100, 24320, 4937, 1552, 720, 324, 483, 358, 4250, 4287, 1524, 420, 24710, 1606, 296, 272, 93, 325, 1102, 3507, 551, 294, 449, 42393, 433, 1053, 387, 5107, 311, 11913, 279, 1972, 41265, 4056, 69, 720, 55597, 87, 383, 282, 279, 1403, 13, 364, 806, 1053, 1121, 304, 20207, 2624, 355, 30, 919, 323, 270, 16, 82, 720, 68, 16, 83, 2781, 297, 294, 282, 482, 14260, 3300, 578, 5933, 20278, 1053, 387, 62851, 297, 551, 1923, 12591, 662, 4359, 2427, 2116, 16088, 1288, 83535, 6, 467, 449, 76, 62, 279, 5603, 4056, 25, 720, 2099, 2547, 220, 17, 303, 8854, 439, 279, 13018, 40239, 763, 1475, 2162, 13, 220, 16, 25, 4056, 82, 720, 24576, 1193, 994, 14188, 1202, 294, 414, 6463, 58172, 93, 374, 2349, 93, 6463, 1102, 3507, 720, 93, 3366, 449, 4205, 775, 13, 578, 1396, 315, 82907, 706, 62697, 720, 11536, 279, 6593, 4913, 706, 21536, 1139, 279, 6206, 315, 259, 93, 68, 720, 1195, 48422, 5548, 13, 1102, 374, 5995, 430, 40335, 1587, 539, 3719, 264, 1647, 56809, 379, 720, 1073, 279, 15749, 422, 584, 6562, 433, 311, 387, 6924, 505, 1124, 13, 96424, 46069, 720, 17673, 7683, 10990, 34735, 41756, 3083, 35514, 4069, 720, 77, 1938, 358, 574, 2133, 304, 264, 1841, 449, 1403, 4885, 13, 362, 10430, 720, 85, 818, 9787, 305, 3861, 315, 279, 3940, 922, 856, 3118, 7640, 922, 653, 818, 259, 2781, 93, 3368, 1462, 662, 294, 282, 720, 30562, 1071, 11, 330, 49, 3524, 73, 581, 26279, 11, 584, 1288, 52016, 93, 264, 264, 274, 34, 1188, 1104, 55854, 379, 297, 720, 324, 483, 1, 578, 1023, 1448, 1619, 20592, 11, 330, 3923, 3507, 279, 841, 68, 93, 315, 13, 1778, 1, 459, 720, 42716, 12, 2617, 30, 364, 83, 374, 5196, 264, 8198, 13, 11699, 7720, 527, 17257, 93, 30576, 13, 358, 574, 14792, 520, 420, 51391, 4320, 13, 3861, 889, 721, 49661, 62, 49588, 93, 264, 720, 11760, 304, 5196, 374, 274, 487, 1188, 1104, 1253, 539, 1440, 348, 3238, 9379, 81563, 14260, 5940, 346, 3507, 67, 350, 384, 720, 49532, 10052, 13605, 279, 9647, 315, 264, 4294, 75, 11, 1174, 69, 6, 459, 264, 220, 508, 551, 36440, 12, 1539, 4069, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 720, 61665, 1285, 893, 323, 433, 16717, 813, 7626, 10082, 304, 40335, 15419, 13, 358, 574, 720, 1962, 1193, 21190, 449, 430, 10052, 719, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 433, 743, 757, 720, 64, 7422, 922, 279, 4433, 258, 15419, 323, 1202, 28254, 274, 5346, 13, 1104, 3095, 13, 358, 720, 19553, 3719, 264, 5575, 945, 2192, 1, 304, 420, 3917, 1306, 71049, 38502, 1667, 720, 1073, 4325, 13, 358, 656, 539, 15575, 904, 1080, 6, 4511, 1814, 481, 17649, 389, 279, 3917, 13, 8442, 602, 2478, 15407, 1618, 323, 1070, 617, 14948, 757, 311, 49643, 720, 576, 990, 13, 358, 4510, 430, 264, 2294, 3568, 315, 3769, 649, 387, 1766, 389, 433, 304, 720, 1820, 2362, 17649, 315, 24852, 80627, 64, 13, 719, 279, 4236, 315, 362, 93, 14260, 80627, 64, 1101, 527, 720, 94009, 398, 2768, 13, 279, 6617, 6593, 8198, 477, 814, 617, 5675, 279, 720, 66, 61140, 311, 8815, 279, 779, 19434, 6617, 12624, 16088, 13, 30198, 720, 4752, 1027, 96801, 555, 279, 6453, 46866, 315, 1778, 65043, 30132, 2191, 13, 17229, 483, 9787, 720, 8370, 374, 7701, 5505, 459, 302, 5115, 10748, 374, 71617, 439, 19108, 323, 720, 5481, 3416, 788, 555, 279, 779, 19434, 14248, 439, 814, 6562, 311, 40336, 872, 720, 785, 9998, 13, 6914, 1124, 656, 439, 814, 1093, 13, 358, 459, 38100, 1524, 520, 279, 5326, 1229, 69, 720, 2465, 2324, 311, 58514, 1148, 649, 387, 19168, 264, 87101, 311, 22706, 13, 3092, 720, 2741, 28236, 315, 40335, 15419, 690, 555, 5115, 13579, 323, 690, 617, 720, 64, 12624, 5603, 13, 6104, 17045, 304, 758, 75, 1412, 264, 30617, 1174, 358, 617, 4036, 264, 1095, 668, 25, 720, 1527, 4491, 13, 622, 71, 7403, 72, 11, 264, 19504, 315, 432, 8363, 320, 23912, 266, 570, 1283, 374, 80679, 1667, 2362, 13, 1283, 706, 20041, 279, 10334, 315, 279, 4330, 384, 93, 3808, 304, 7872, 323, 706, 720, 26650, 304, 6498, 264, 2466, 348, 11206, 3972, 323, 264, 1396, 315, 9908, 389, 420, 720, 11760, 13, 4740, 5108, 311, 1440, 315, 856, 3118, 7640, 11, 568, 6267, 311, 720, 2727, 37805, 27, 1548, 14869, 482, 1, 8142, 21835, 1113, 389, 4330, 5540, 220, 16, 617, 720, 2063, 311, 279, 17102, 430, 279, 9578, 4250, 3073, 2085, 279, 9581, 13, 4740, 2133, 1555, 701, 2363, 389, 40335, 15419, 11, 358, 617, 15393, 264, 720, 943, 2144, 902, 358, 1550, 539, 15641, 10478, 1457, 323, 433, 374, 420, 25, 17229, 483, 374, 279, 720, 24249, 315, 1475, 5496, 47120, 11, 3508, 3823, 477, 1207, 70095, 11, 1120, 720, 300, 279, 18435, 374, 279, 1862, 315, 279, 9578, 13, 578, 9578, 4250, 3073, 720, 30096, 40335, 13, 578, 40335, 15419, 374, 264, 8198, 304, 5196, 26, 433, 374, 720, 726, 5773, 1325, 306, 1210, 362, 2144, 3196, 389, 1314, 659, 10397, 13267, 1288, 387, 2663, 720, 90153, 520, 1176, 1450, 13, 2030, 994, 279, 1890, 374, 39873, 555, 1690, 433, 720, 4919, 387, 2663, 662, 50, 1998, 93, 16848, 662, 1102, 374, 662, 677, 2528, 430, 40335, 76854, 279, 1890, 720, 2050, 304, 270, 83, 3823, 2547, 439, 1587, 18435, 304, 12976, 311, 9578, 13, 578, 3247, 7683, 10990, 75, 37, 1341, 41756, 3083, 35514, 4069, 551, 220, 1691, 720, 6229, 315, 3090, 374, 779, 8147, 430, 433, 649, 35406, 279, 1023, 57625, 13, 1115, 374, 3249, 433, 11815, 1475, 2678, 323, 2466, 961, 315, 279, 949, 1094, 13, 578, 720, 306, 556, 47120, 374, 18908, 555, 420, 2449, 4056, 69, 54646, 977, 13, 666, 326, 93, 2449, 720, 285, 539, 2324, 1752, 719, 374, 2539, 315, 2324, 13, 1115, 374, 3249, 1102, 3507, 3118, 763, 682, 4056, 71, 93, 720, 37791, 315, 279, 2547, 323, 50326, 279, 2410, 311, 6144, 323, 308, 62, 60086, 282, 720, 49818, 13, 1666, 264, 5030, 315, 2144, 11, 7138, 706, 92643, 433, 279, 734, 297, 720, 47079, 287, 279, 2547, 505, 19338, 13, 2030, 4433, 258, 93, 374, 3117, 810, 1109, 17983, 720, 13284, 323, 779, 433, 14385, 439, 279, 98211, 315, 279, 47120, 13, 763, 34781, 315, 420, 1633, 10186, 8206, 922, 4433, 93, 818, 11, 279, 2362, 48786, 720, 9274, 433, 4250, 387, 7108, 6847, 13, 578, 4263, 70754, 721, 1073, 63747, 2398, 88, 3412, 720, 9210, 40335, 374, 264, 12571, 5030, 315, 279, 2547, 323, 687, 4214, 311, 11927, 34, 5540, 720, 13, 662, 662, 274, 311, 279, 2547, 11699, 1005, 374, 9093, 28856, 13, 4427, 18050, 84, 897, 27382, 326, 657, 41, 14223, 12188, 662, 7436, 9787, 305, 6, 259, 720, 19171, 304, 420, 3224, 3412, 279, 1890, 1684, 13, 2435, 11, 763, 259, 3507, 594, 1007, 11, 720, 8188, 325, 279, 6325, 315, 279, 63747, 22354, 13, 358, 1193, 2610, 682, 315, 1124, 3508, 720, 20670, 617, 27313, 1202, 6012, 662, 85930, 750, 949, 1952, 662, 1820, 6155, 93, 894, 720, 1820, 2144, 374, 430, 1690, 264, 10896, 323, 4196, 67, 7911, 527, 2736, 603, 12591, 279, 653, 818, 720, 1073, 3738, 10099, 369, 27723, 3892, 19338, 13, 358, 656, 539, 1390, 311, 4358, 1618, 3508, 279, 1469, 93, 12553, 93, 28491, 315, 4433, 93, 818, 374, 720, 85930, 477, 539, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 912, 46655, 304, 48588, 80591, 12591, 270, 93, 662, 84, 93, 2727, 315, 720, 19457, 11, 54392, 11, 50252, 323, 1541, 798, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 2944, 369, 79466, 279, 720, 396, 731, 315, 3313, 12, 324, 483, 13, 2052, 279, 4913, 64, 326, 16410, 8965, 12178, 720, 1820, 659, 1355, 373, 10052, 430, 40335, 374, 264, 12571, 20278, 4056, 69, 279, 3823, 720, 2664, 13, 1115, 374, 32677, 13, 578, 3823, 47120, 1587, 539, 13, 1782, 505, 430, 720, 1073, 10099, 1093, 279, 19923, 11, 54392, 5099, 13, 1443, 462, 426, 391, 278, 278, 4196, 67, 7911, 11, 264, 662, 1576, 818, 30, 323, 10534, 650, 3864, 7911, 315, 62953, 11, 706, 19168, 721, 64, 93, 279, 3122, 72, 50, 315, 662, 26301, 720, 785, 3217, 430, 3313, 12, 324, 483, 374, 3117, 810, 4270, 72, 34, 532, 259, 93, 276, 259, 93, 68, 4433, 93, 818, 720, 1073, 264, 19923, 11, 439, 46266, 304, 6890, 527, 2728, 19108, 3691, 17974, 527, 8774, 763, 19108, 720, 27170, 323, 872, 374, 14890, 304, 19108, 1772, 477, 8791, 19822, 3306, 285, 13, 13266, 330, 10192, 6292, 656, 720, 1962, 1440, 4205, 922, 279, 6012, 315, 653, 818, 11, 617, 912, 308, 2121, 311, 720, 5294, 9933, 40335, 439, 264, 21109, 477, 439, 264, 12571, 2027, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 3053, 720, 20670, 387, 2663, 14248, 949, 662, 1952, 12624, 8990, 11, 433, 706, 1027, 19168, 430, 40335, 16869, 4214, 720, 64, 1396, 315, 51720, 430, 527, 5505, 323, 46798, 11218, 13, 423, 93, 5009, 720, 37, 2701, 1466, 5415, 304, 813, 1917, 2269, 23333, 2363, 11, 30490, 376, 283, 407, 311, 24432, 2464, 83, 4720, 11, 220, 1313, 551, 36440, 12, 1539, 4069, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 720, 9210, 3823, 40335, 5727, 94935, 14293, 304, 2204, 720, 782, 403, 919, 13, 2435, 690, 387, 14407, 304, 3649, 304, 279, 1828, 12735, 13, 10771, 311, 10173, 9818, 323, 17332, 2464, 1705, 11, 682, 1521, 14293, 527, 720, 428, 54358, 5505, 311, 279, 2890, 323, 46798, 16409, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 3861, 315, 720, 49818, 374, 53560, 64, 902, 439, 279, 8592, 11668, 11, 602, 1770, 13, 279, 12472, 315, 720, 554, 64, 374, 220, 9591, 24, 2606, 84209, 304, 220, 13679, 15, 2606, 84209, 315, 40335, 13, 1102, 374, 7701, 720, 77, 414, 11218, 311, 279, 3823, 2547, 13, 1102, 1253, 387, 16584, 369, 264, 1418, 430, 279, 11742, 53560, 64, 994, 720, 57785, 449, 264, 16088, 649, 1304, 709, 1202, 48294, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 2030, 720, 275, 4250, 1304, 709, 682, 279, 72946, 315, 1023, 66787, 552, 13, 2030, 453, 316, 267, 720, 543, 315, 1124, 527, 3118, 304, 40335, 13, 2100, 374, 433, 539, 69919, 311, 29166, 720, 324, 483, 323, 311, 636, 2539, 8935, 315, 682, 279, 66787, 552, 13282, 58179, 949, 3092, 720, 77763, 369, 420, 10430, 374, 311, 5813, 279, 2144, 430, 279, 40335, 374, 304, 720, 2201, 1648, 28856, 1524, 4184, 311, 279, 6593, 8198, 13, 9156, 12, 324, 483, 720, 285, 264, 5496, 6425, 323, 5727, 279, 33155, 902, 1977, 11, 720, 77, 414, 819, 323, 665, 75, 2116, 279, 26000, 11, 6680, 323, 279, 39881, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 24852, 80627, 64, 16964, 40335, 439, 7294, 75488, 3416, 323, 264, 99305, 13, 1070, 374, 912, 720, 75, 4422, 5382, 304, 279, 4553, 1917, 649, 10772, 264, 10748, 7294, 75488, 3416, 788, 720, 438, 53997, 6425, 1093, 40335, 13, 1102, 649, 387, 10235, 304, 264, 27692, 720, 4908, 279, 5496, 47120, 1193, 13, 13596, 29683, 315, 40335, 374, 430, 720, 275, 374, 264, 82986, 14842, 323, 53997, 13, 578, 82986, 76195, 1778, 439, 720, 83, 7956, 554, 1481, 17007, 2003, 11, 33969, 11, 5099, 13, 527, 539, 53997, 34167, 13, 2030, 40335, 374, 720, 84270, 1949, 505, 682, 1778, 37064, 13, 5884, 8624, 315, 279, 2547, 34145, 1523, 2890, 323, 41802, 704, 720, 12393, 22041, 325, 45, 287, 5540, 315, 279, 2547, 1555, 40335, 13, 2100, 279, 40335, 315, 720, 64, 6759, 1503, 1732, 5727, 420, 2890, 80876, 20073, 14293, 315, 720, 8370, 53560, 64, 374, 1633, 3062, 13, 1102, 1101, 5727, 14293, 902, 720, 1593, 279, 8624, 13, 3296, 16558, 813, 40335, 11, 279, 8893, 5334, 2225, 315, 720, 45010, 13, 578, 2890, 80876, 20073, 5540, 1520, 1461, 311, 49655, 813, 2890, 720, 438, 279, 3885, 1180, 439, 7294 ]
than a dream; it has a kind of invisible landscape. The structure of Akasha cannot bedescribed in physical terms, yet if we look inside ourselves, the seemingly random flow of our minds also obeys a kind of invisible structure. Let’s say someone walks up to you and greets you by name. The person is smiling; there’s an expectant look on her face. How do you come up with a response. Your mind does several things at once. It consults its stored picture files for familiar faces. It looks for a name to attach to the right face. If neither can be found immediately, the mind doesn’t feel stymied yet—it has backup resources. It rummages through faces that could fit this person but are younger or fuzzily recorded. It tosses up sample names that might jog your memory. It runs through recent events that this apparent stranger may have played a part in. If all this doesn’t work, the mind starts thinking of what to say to cover up your memory lapse. We’re all familiar with such situations, and we are so accustomed to matching names and faces that we don’t marvel at how astonishing the whole process is. Not only can the mind Google itself for information with incredible swiftness, it performs multiple operations with backup plans if they fail. This implies an amazingly complex but invisible structure. In the afterlife the same structure continues to exist. In near-death experiences the dying person, suddenly confronted with an unknown situation, searches inside for familiar landmarks: deceased relatives, recognizable voices, a divine light, the presence of a fatherly (or motherly) God. In other words, we all have a built-in map that we consult. This map prepares us to convert any unknown experience into something meaningful. (As I was writing this chapter a TV special about heaven came on, and one woman being interviewed was certain that she had been to heaven. Her near- death experience occurred when she was giving birth, had a crisis, and fell briefly into a coma. Describe heaven, the interviewer said. The woman’s face grew rapturous at the memory. She described an endless stairway going up to the sky, and along the stairway happy animals pranced around. She added that the blue of the sky was like no color that could be found on earth. To me, she chose to interpret her experience by drawing from a scrapbook of childhood images. ) Psychologists have conducted experiments that illustrate how we automatically create meaning. In one, a group of subjects sits in a room before a tape recorder. They are told to listen to a tape of someone talking and to take notes on what’s being said as best they can. They are also told that the voice on the tape will be very soft, since the experiment is testing how well the brain can register the faintest spoken words. The tape is turned on and is barely audible. The subjects crane forward and take their notes, which are then collected. What they haven’t been told is that the voice is speaking nonsense. Only random words are coming out of the machine. Yet each subject will take notes that make sense, because anexpectation of hearing meaningful words leads to the creation of meaning. In the afterlife the creative possibilities are enormously expanded. Instead of asking one question— What is the voice on the tape saying. —the mind has a host of questions to ask: Where am I. What’s happening to me. Who have I become. What lies ahead. In the afterlife the mind is multidimensional. Akasha takes us out of all time-space limitations. In truth we always were multidimensional, only we were so convinced by inhabiting the material world that we conformed to its rules. Now we need to adapt ourselves to Akasha, where there is structure without rigid rules and creative possibility without cultural dogma. 7 T HE I NVISIBLE T HREAD TO TELL THE truth, the things that Ramana had told Savitri didn’t come as a total surprise. She had been raised to believe in the soul. She had heard about how the higher self, the “inward dweller” as Lord Krishna called it, was immortal. But these lessons had seemed remote. “How do I know I have a soul. ” she asked. “You cannot know by seeing it or touching it,” Ramana said. “Your soul might whisper to you, but even then you could just be hearing echoes of your own voice. ” “So the soul may be a fiction. ” Savitri asked, with a sinking feeling. “The soul isn’t a fiction just because it’s invisible,” Ramana said. “Look. ” Suspended in a shaft of light was the outline of an intricate spiderweb anchored between two bushes. It gleamed and rippled with the slightest breeze. “A spider made this web,” said Ramana. “You see his work but you don’t see the spider. He holds a tiny thread that tells him when anything lands in the web. Where has the soul gone. It doesn’t matter as long as the connection exists. ” Savitri couldn’t help being stubborn. “I still may be imagining I have a soul. ” “Ah, but that’s the wonder. ” Ramana’s face was suddenly aglow with inspiration. “Nature imagines spiders. Big ones were imagined and small ones, smooth ones and hairy ones, those that live in the air, water, and earth, those colored white and black and every shade in between. Think of baby spiders that fly on gossamer threads in the spring while giant water spiders dive to the bottom of a pond and catch fish. We are foolish to think the spider is a thing. It is a shifting whirl of qualities, ever changing and fascinating. The soul is like that, too. However you imagine it, it will take on that quality and still have infinite potential left over. When you ask, ‘Where is my soul. ’ the answer isn’t a place but a potential. The soul is wherever it is, has been, and will be. ” Ramana’s eyes remained fixed on the web rippling in the sunlight, and through his fascination Savitri began to be fascinated, too. She couldn’t know for certain if the spider that made this web was white, yellow, or red, big orsmall, male or female, yet that didn’t stop her from knowing that it was real. She had no idea of what her soul looked like, either, or
[ 197, 54895, 11575, 198, 57291, 26, 24263, 64355, 11575, 197, 15674, 44323, 17886, 12887, 197, 89491, 13, 578, 6608, 554, 44323, 23845, 74, 31543, 1470, 3483, 2282, 59626, 17890, 17886, 197, 47692, 197, 18853, 11, 14862, 295, 748, 197, 906, 197, 7349, 197, 42450, 197, 2530, 4372, 11, 33188, 85786, 336, 11559, 198, 11719, 1186, 10516, 44323, 197, 414, 2157, 8843, 197, 19171, 197, 15784, 1065, 11575, 197, 15674, 44323, 17886, 12887, 6608, 554, 13, 6914, 753, 1942, 352, 1942, 638, 606, 6831, 1727, 82, 60910, 32809, 197, 9514, 53577, 3253, 265, 1441, 197, 9514, 197, 1729, 11870, 13, 578, 99905, 20501, 198, 3647, 8138, 26, 197, 19041, 753, 80557, 25997, 519, 197, 7349, 25653, 197, 1964, 1186, 580, 13, 2650, 20530, 197, 9514, 1470, 638, 60910, 48048, 11575, 198, 2376, 13, 4718, 2157, 485, 2765, 7217, 85786, 17998, 197, 58174, 36547, 197, 13486, 13, 1102, 197, 49512, 82, 197, 1220, 18895, 3093, 3303, 3911, 198, 7346, 2066, 1186, 41505, 1186, 2492, 13, 1102, 197, 95373, 2066, 11575, 11870, 32809, 197, 16732, 32809, 33188, 49021, 1186, 580, 13, 1442, 197, 818, 2544, 198, 4919, 74242, 59202, 55992, 44287, 11, 33188, 2157, 485, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 1186, 96551, 18895, 1631, 1142, 14862, 295, 44603, 64355, 197, 32471, 198, 13035, 13, 1102, 7145, 27054, 1154, 197, 20322, 1186, 2492, 64442, 1470, 619, 1186, 275, 2090, 99905, 2282, 332, 197, 548, 198, 9514, 65167, 82266, 1186, 9065, 1570, 73052, 291, 13, 1102, 3324, 3746, 288, 60910, 1942, 1545, 95040, 64442, 2157, 492, 12710, 540, 14862, 414, 198, 17717, 13, 1102, 1602, 54410, 198, 197, 20322, 17643, 1189, 91973, 64442, 2090, 29336, 1415, 11609, 4091, 2157, 352, 9793, 525, 198, 51908, 11575, 73972, 17886, 13, 1442, 52060, 2090, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 98138, 11, 33188, 2157, 485, 22087, 82, 71579, 16113, 44323, 197, 12840, 32809, 198, 37890, 32809, 197, 3773, 60910, 14862, 414, 2157, 4836, 8986, 7629, 13, 1226, 3207, 52060, 1186, 41505, 48048, 1942, 1412, 1942, 33462, 811, 11, 53577, 197, 906, 197, 548, 197, 708, 197, 4575, 50786, 32809, 198, 90143, 95040, 53577, 1186, 2492, 64442, 197, 906, 2765, 263, 1431, 2157, 277, 899, 36547, 197, 5269, 89936, 263, 11218, 33188, 197, 67733, 198, 4734, 20501, 13, 2876, 197, 3323, 94036, 33188, 2157, 485, 9796, 2738, 24263, 726, 2066, 17886, 1659, 48048, 198, 258, 59041, 78395, 333, 1546, 434, 11, 24263, 197, 716, 10008, 2157, 12508, 197, 39263, 48048, 197, 32471, 73313, 598, 748, 197, 20670, 198, 18910, 13, 1115, 197, 6517, 552, 80557, 197, 309, 6795, 398, 197, 24126, 2282, 332, 17886, 12887, 6608, 554, 13, 763, 33188, 197, 10924, 14789, 33188, 1942, 373, 6608, 554, 197, 22025, 1157, 32809, 8285, 380, 13, 763, 9215, 686, 97586, 198, 327, 69597, 33188, 2765, 7169, 99905, 11, 1942, 44806, 38303, 7096, 291, 48048, 80557, 197, 16476, 198, 47965, 4090, 11, 46673, 288, 197, 42450, 2066, 1186, 41505, 197, 1974, 15914, 25, 59451, 95304, 197, 3833, 5983, 345, 34551, 8499, 197, 41783, 11, 11575, 64378, 483, 95053, 11, 33188, 3303, 417, 768, 44323, 11575, 1186, 1894, 398, 197, 81020, 2157, 1605, 398, 340, 28622, 13, 763, 197, 1605, 197, 5880, 11, 197, 906, 52060, 9793, 525, 11575, 2282, 11476, 3502, 20138, 64442, 197, 906, 197, 49512, 13, 1115, 20138, 198, 72874, 5518, 71275, 32809, 197, 14500, 197, 3852, 197, 16476, 8285, 13267, 2129, 78, 1942, 11793, 2157, 5420, 287, 1285, 13, 320, 2170, 25494, 6831, 300, 6831, 12479, 2090, 23918, 2943, 11575, 10473, 53, 1942, 3037, 197, 9274, 197, 383, 5389, 1470, 373, 25653, 11, 53577, 197, 606, 198, 22803, 197, 35214, 2129, 13169, 291, 6831, 300, 1470, 7770, 64442, 1942, 383, 9793, 329, 74242, 268, 32809, 197, 383, 5389, 13, 6385, 9215, 686, 7058, 63007, 8285, 13267, 197, 14310, 8293, 61280, 1942, 383, 6831, 300, 3253, 2299, 2282, 4914, 11, 9793, 329, 11575, 1470, 6091, 285, 11, 53577, 1186, 616, 198, 6796, 398, 2129, 78, 11575, 33910, 64, 13, 61885, 197, 383, 5389, 11, 33188, 2129, 13169, 261, 1942, 3864, 13, 578, 6831, 7053, 753, 1186, 580, 198, 70, 4361, 7145, 2756, 55709, 36547, 33188, 2157, 4836, 13, 3005, 54012, 17890, 80557, 6379, 1752, 18895, 1334, 3195, 31780, 287, 60910, 32809, 198, 1820, 1942, 8050, 11, 53577, 197, 39393, 33188, 18895, 1334, 3195, 9793, 11392, 197, 77896, 26736, 4979, 197, 20019, 13, 3005, 13008, 291, 64442, 198, 1820, 197, 12481, 44323, 33188, 1942, 8050, 6831, 300, 197, 4908, 73204, 22201, 64442, 1470, 619, 74242, 59202, 25653, 197, 28641, 13, 2057, 50394, 11, 1942, 383, 198, 971, 325, 32809, 60015, 8203, 197, 1964, 8285, 13267, 197, 1729, 2765, 1731, 43827, 11575, 31028, 4714, 2239, 44323, 59491, 5812, 198, 3726, 13, 883, 17680, 22012, 9793, 525, 38303, 55015, 8285, 50732, 64442, 197, 83718, 349, 197, 5269, 197, 906, 198, 28172, 7167, 40363, 2157, 5420, 287, 13, 763, 197, 606, 11, 11575, 45360, 44323, 29724, 585, 82, 1942, 1220, 17886, 11575, 197, 3039, 64334, 198, 64, 3324, 2070, 69004, 1382, 13, 2435, 197, 548, 3324, 820, 32809, 14779, 268, 32809, 11575, 3324, 2070, 44323, 1942, 638, 606, 3324, 30855, 53577, 32809, 3324, 731, 198, 18790, 25653, 197, 12840, 753, 197, 35214, 1942, 3864, 61551, 93510, 197, 20670, 94036, 13, 2435, 197, 548, 197, 19171, 3324, 820, 64442, 33188, 197, 10063, 198, 263, 33188, 3324, 2070, 6831, 484, 74242, 197, 1225, 197, 3594, 11, 1942, 1736, 33188, 8285, 14666, 20501, 197, 9016, 197, 5269, 6831, 616, 33188, 198, 54160, 94036, 30522, 33188, 1186, 1673, 478, 42478, 1713, 197, 5880, 13, 578, 3324, 2070, 20501, 197, 42286, 25653, 53577, 20501, 2282, 548, 398, 197, 8039, 1260, 13, 578, 29724, 585, 82, 92592, 2194, 2066, 1637, 198, 438, 3324, 731, 33188, 404, 197, 18790, 11, 197, 8370, 197, 548, 59733, 47740, 2258, 13, 3639, 197, 20670, 9793, 5389, 1431, 74242, 268, 3324, 820, 20501, 198, 9210, 33188, 197, 10063, 20501, 1942, 375, 1802, 9215, 98833, 13, 8442, 84728, 197, 5880, 197, 548, 197, 5065, 14294, 44323, 33188, 198, 33156, 13, 14968, 7883, 613, 29724, 585, 6831, 484, 3324, 731, 197, 18790, 64442, 78538, 1942, 1137, 11, 2282, 6769, 80557, 17557, 367, 44323, 197, 383, 3329, 2157, 5420, 287, 1285, 197, 5880, 197, 99470, 32809, 33188, 1602, 38475, 198, 44323, 2157, 5420, 287, 13, 763, 33188, 197, 10924, 14789, 33188, 197, 52817, 197, 9007, 13757, 197, 548, 82948, 494, 7162, 197, 36583, 13, 12361, 198, 1073, 197, 71805, 197, 606, 197, 7998, 2345, 198, 3923, 20501, 33188, 197, 10063, 25653, 33188, 3324, 2070, 1942, 17718, 13, 2001, 1820, 2157, 485, 64355, 198, 64, 64204, 44323, 197, 17800, 32809, 197, 1091, 25, 1602, 9241, 197, 309, 25494, 13, 3639, 753, 9793, 680, 6147, 32809, 50394, 13, 10699, 9793, 525, 25494, 198, 17106, 638, 13, 3639, 8986, 552, 11575, 2025, 13, 763, 33188, 197, 10924, 14789, 33188, 2157, 485, 20501, 2157, 495, 307, 29321, 13, 16762, 31543, 3324, 2094, 71275, 14294, 44323, 52060, 198, 1712, 29047, 8986, 2408, 811, 13, 763, 26665, 952, 197, 906, 197, 33222, 6831, 486, 2157, 495, 307, 29321, 11, 197, 3323, 197, 906, 198, 52898, 197, 708, 38303, 9799, 2041, 197, 1729, 17886, 10796, 5977, 33188, 2157, 2229, 77608, 64442, 197, 906, 38303, 10365, 32809, 197, 1220, 198, 22746, 13, 4800, 197, 906, 197, 17483, 32809, 197, 89171, 197, 2530, 4372, 32809, 23845, 74, 31543, 11, 56842, 197, 19041, 20501, 6608, 554, 198, 30096, 7145, 21596, 7145, 2482, 53577, 197, 52817, 197, 9007, 3225, 197, 30096, 1470, 44547, 2765, 540, 1764, 13, 220, 22, 198, 51, 198, 1837, 198, 25494, 198, 37426, 16978, 198, 10473, 198, 39, 9754, 198, 5319, 197, 2505, 4178, 10473, 1837, 198, 26665, 952, 11, 33188, 197, 58174, 64442, 11391, 309, 3444, 9793, 329, 3324, 820, 7721, 44210, 462, 2765, 307, 77, 1431, 1470, 638, 61551, 11575, 198, 5143, 1942, 324, 9868, 13, 3005, 9793, 329, 74242, 268, 197, 93613, 32809, 2282, 301, 19704, 17886, 33188, 1942, 11206, 13, 3005, 9793, 329, 197, 55603, 197, 9274, 198, 5269, 33188, 9793, 1108, 261, 5311, 11, 33188, 197, 2118, 258, 1637, 2765, 86, 7218, 863, 61551, 15420, 541, 40440, 95007, 3458, 1470, 4841, 24263, 11, 6831, 300, 198, 12828, 34472, 13, 2030, 197, 45010, 197, 73412, 9793, 329, 85786, 16809, 197, 18643, 13, 1054, 4438, 20530, 25494, 16868, 3409, 25494, 9793, 525, 11575, 1942, 11206, 13, 19524, 1942, 383, 197, 1091, 291, 13, 1054, 2675, 1470, 3483, 16868, 3409, 197, 1729, 197, 66154, 24263, 82266, 3324, 3102, 287, 24263, 2476, 11391, 309, 3444, 1942, 3864, 13, 1054, 7927, 1942, 11206, 198, 46068, 197, 1336, 28470, 32809, 197, 9514, 11, 2282, 332, 7883, 1055, 59733, 197, 9514, 1470, 619, 197, 4345, 74242, 197, 383, 3329, 5459, 288, 44323, 14862, 414, 198, 785, 197, 10063, 13, 126672, 70214, 33188, 1942, 11206, 2157, 352, 74242, 11575, 1186, 2538, 13, 19524, 7721, 44210, 462, 197, 1091, 291, 11, 48048, 11575, 1942, 16113, 1186, 68, 20659, 13, 1054, 791, 1942, 11206, 20501, 77, 1431, 11575, 1186, 2538, 197, 4345, 2282, 6769, 24263, 753, 17886, 12887, 2476, 11391, 309, 3444, 1942, 3864, 13, 1054, 10596, 13, 126672, 50, 67449, 17886, 11575, 197, 97513, 44323, 95053, 6831, 300, 33188, 14294, 1074, 44323, 80557, 17886, 376, 8630, 42478, 1814, 2984, 198, 3581, 3093, 2282, 10259, 3324, 1146, 2282, 1136, 288, 13, 1102, 3253, 273, 3690, 53577, 197, 55789, 839, 48048, 33188, 1942, 4238, 478, 198, 65, 28733, 13, 1054, 32, 42478, 1814, 2157, 1037, 2090, 98350, 2476, 1942, 3864, 11391, 309, 3444, 13, 1054, 2675, 197, 4151, 9793, 285, 98138, 2282, 332, 197, 9514, 2765, 263, 1431, 198, 4151, 33188, 42478, 1814, 13, 1283, 197, 54219, 11575, 3324, 6577, 69314, 64442, 3324, 6572, 9793, 318, 61280, 197, 73254, 197, 8329, 17886, 33188, 198, 2984, 13, 11208, 64355, 33188, 1942, 11206, 3253, 606, 13, 1102, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 2157, 1683, 61551, 17972, 61551, 33188, 55690, 198, 16703, 13, 126672, 50, 44210, 462, 1470, 619, 77, 1431, 88740, 197, 35214, 18895, 392, 16381, 13, 1054, 40, 18895, 484, 2157, 352, 74242, 197, 29116, 5859, 25494, 9793, 525, 11575, 198, 82, 11206, 13, 126672, 2118, 25797, 11, 2282, 332, 64442, 753, 33188, 6831, 14518, 13, 126672, 64948, 3444, 753, 1186, 580, 6831, 300, 1942, 44806, 197, 351, 10516, 48048, 197, 1354, 29579, 13, 1054, 79519, 197, 29116, 1572, 198, 2203, 13572, 13, 6295, 197, 3233, 6831, 486, 197, 29116, 1619, 53577, 1942, 30632, 197, 3233, 11, 73123, 6627, 197, 3233, 53577, 9793, 22704, 197, 3233, 345, 54719, 64442, 8986, 535, 17886, 33188, 197, 1334, 11, 6831, 977, 11, 53577, 197, 28641, 11, 197, 54719, 47740, 3093, 197, 5902, 53577, 197, 11708, 53577, 198, 30115, 37296, 1037, 17886, 2282, 10259, 13, 21834, 44323, 2282, 6243, 1942, 10629, 388, 64442, 1186, 398, 25653, 3253, 3746, 15589, 197, 28386, 17886, 198, 1820, 1942, 2702, 5329, 3253, 5485, 6831, 977, 1942, 10629, 388, 2765, 535, 32809, 33188, 2282, 2896, 44323, 11575, 197, 3595, 53577, 18353, 198, 18668, 13, 1226, 197, 548, 197, 831, 337, 819, 32809, 197, 27963, 33188, 42478, 1814, 20501, 11575, 197, 1626, 13, 1102, 20501, 11575, 37296, 18148, 197, 1336, 2881, 44323, 198, 83465, 11, 197, 2099, 23918, 8764, 53577, 1186, 5171, 16252, 13, 578, 1942, 11206, 20501, 197, 4908, 64442, 11, 32809, 78, 13, 4452, 198, 9514, 55992, 24281, 24263, 11, 24263, 6831, 484, 3324, 731, 25653, 64442, 197, 10692, 53577, 18895, 484, 9793, 525, 17886, 26806, 3303, 354, 2335, 36357, 198, 2017, 13, 3277, 197, 9514, 197, 1091, 11, 197, 14336, 9241, 20501, 13938, 1942, 11206, 13, 18217, 33188, 73670, 20501, 77, 1431, 11575, 197, 2050, 2282, 332, 11575, 198, 93036, 13, 578, 1942, 11206, 20501, 56842, 424, 24263, 20501, 11, 64355, 74242, 268, 11, 53577, 6831, 484, 74242, 13, 126672, 64948, 3444, 753, 197, 58331, 197, 1864, 2692, 1186, 3366, 25653, 33188, 98350, 197, 91871, 17886, 33188, 1942, 359, 4238, 11, 53577, 198, 20322, 9793, 285, 1186, 5171, 2617, 7721, 44210, 462, 2282, 16133, 32809, 74242, 1186, 5171, 15846, 11, 32809, 78, 13, 3005, 1470, 619, 77, 1431, 16868, 3409, 198, 2000, 1470, 7770, 748, 33188, 42478, 1814, 64442, 2157, 1037, 2090, 98350, 6831, 300, 197, 5902, 11, 14862, 5412, 11, 82266, 197, 1171, 11, 2282, 343, 197, 1105, 30632, 11, 2157, 1604, 82266, 1186, 12011, 11, 14862, 295, 64442, 2765, 307, 77, 1431, 63744, 197, 1964, 43827, 16868, 3409, 287, 64442, 24263, 6831, 300, 92974, 13, 3005, 9793, 329, 73204, 197, 42877, 44323, 197, 12840, 197, 1964, 1942, 11206, 197, 7349, 291, 197, 4908, 11, 7883, 2544, 11, 82266, 197 ]
a prelude to finding its antidote. COPING WITH STRESS It’s often said that stress is one of the most destructive elements in people’ s daily lives, but that’ s only a half truth. The way we react to stress appears to be more important than the stress itself. This was borne out in the experience of Hans Selye, the scientist who developed the entire concept of stress and its ef fects on the body. At age sixty-five, Selye developed reticulum cell sarcoma, a type of cancer whose cure rate is extremely low. This is perhaps the ultimate stress, but in an interview Selye discussed how he reacted to it in an exceptional way: “I was sure I was going to die, so I said to myself, ‘All right now, this is about the very worst thing that could happen to you, but there are two ways you can handle this; either you can go around feeling like a miserable candidate on death row and whimper away a year, or else you can try to squeeze as much from life now as you can. ’ I chose the latter because I’m a fighter, and cancer provided me with the biggest fight of my life. I took it as a natural experiment that pushed me to the ultimate test whether I was right or wrong. Then a strange thing happened. A year went by, then two, then three, and look what happened. It turned out that I was that fortunate exception…. ” “Afterward I made a particular ef fort to cut down my stress level. I have to be very careful what I say here because I am a scientist, and no statistics now exist to say whether stress is related to cancer. Apart from the genetic and environmental causes of cancer, I can only say that the relationship between stress and cancer is rather complicated. In just the same way that electricity can both cause and prevent heat, depending on how things are balanced, stress can both initiate and prevent illness. ” [The interviewer asked,] “Some people have described cancer as a disease that is somewhat like the body’ s way of rejecting itself. Now to carry that premise one step further, could it be that when people drastically reject their basic needs they are possibly more apt to develop cancer. In other words, if a person rejects his own needs, can his body rebel and reject itself. ” [Selye said,] “I don’ t say yes and I don’ t say no. I’m a scientist, not a philosopher. All I can say as a scientist is that the great majority of physical illnesses have in part some psychosomatic origin. ” The evidence gathered since Dr. Selye wrote these words suggests he was overly cautious. In particular, the onset and course of disease are strongly linked to a person’ s ability and willingness to cope with stress. Stresses that we choose evoke a response totally dif ferent from those we’dlike to avoid but cannot. Helplessness is worse than the stress itself. This is probably why the rate of cancer is higher for blacks in America than for whites, and why cancer is associated with grief and depression. Those most likely to die of heart attacks are not the hard-driving Type A executives but rather those who are driven, the underlings and factory workers who have no autonomy and whose shortened lives give new meaning to the phrase “deadly boredom. ” The interpretation of stress is always tricky for an outsider, for the same circumstances can be detrimental to one and neutral or even beneficial to another. Johns Hopkins University psychiatrist Jerome Frank, citing a 1961 study by L. E. Hinkle, notes that “stress comes mainly from the patient’ s interpretation of events. ” In Hinkle’ s long-term study of the subject, life experiences that seemed benign to an objective observer were often felt as stressful by the patients and associated with illness. Conversely, stresses that appeared horrendous to the observer—such as poverty, bereavement, alcoholism in the family—usually were not associated with illnesses if the patients did not report them as stressful. This is especially true in the case of children. Adults often assume that children are happy when they are actually being traumatized by events, even though they often don’ t show it. Children have been known to commit suicide over receiving a B instead of an A on a report card, because they internalized their parents’ expectations, or reacted to a comment that made them feel unloved. But the scientific mind is seldom convinced by psychological studies on humans. There are just too many variables for a researcher to control them all. Tests on animals have yielded conclusive evidence, however. In the mid-1970s the late Vernon Riley, at Seattle’ s Pacific Northwest Research Foundation, completed a thorough series of experiments with a strain of mice bred to be susceptible to breast cancer. By raising some in sheltered, stress-free environments and others in stressful surroundings, he was able to vary the rate of cancer from 7 to 92 percent. A 1981 experiment by a team of three psychologists proved the point with an even better simulation of the human experience. Madelon Visintainer and two co-workers injected three groups of rats with live tumor cells. One day later they subjected two of the groups to electric shock. The stress was administered so that one group could not evade it, while the other rats were warned by a signal so they could escape by jumping over abarrier. Of the helpless rats, 73 percent came down with the cancer, while only 37 percent of the other group developed it. They did slightly better than the control group, which received no shocks at all. The level of stress is determined partly by society. Cultures that place the highest value on a combination of individualism and competition are the most stressful. Those that seem to produce the least stress and have the lowest rates of cancer are close-knit communities in which supportive, loving relationships are the norm, and the elderly retain an active role. Religious faith and a fairly open, accepting attitude toward sexuality are two other common characteristics of low-cancer societies. These are some of the same circumstances that favor longevity. Soviet Geor gia, the Hunza valley, Mormon communities in America, and the villages of the Abujmarhia tribe of central India are excellent examples. The Abujmarhia enjoy a pollution-free environment, a wholesome natural diet, abundantly loving sexual relationships beginning premaritally in early adolescence, relaxed but occasionally strenuous work in the fields by day, dancing and storytelling by evening, and plenty of rest. Cancer is absolutely unknown among them. It must be noted that these societies don’ t invest time and ef fort to help malformed infants survive, so physical factors determined by natural selection also influence disease rates. Still, externals are not the whole story. Environmental purity and death from genetic defects still prevail in other undeveloped areas, but cancer is more common among tribes who regularly engage in warfare than among those who live at peace. The security of routine also seems to help limit serious disease. Closed structured societies in which all members know what is expected of them, even when deviation from the norm is not tolerated—Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, and Mennonites in the United States, for example—have lower rates of disease than the surrounding, more open society. When individuals leave the cluster for a life with more unknowns, their incidence of disease reaches that in the culture they enter. In a society like ours, the response to stress is left to the individual, who must learn to disconnect psychologically from external pressures. Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School has shown that the ability to maintain a healthy cholesterol level is directly related to the ability to handle stress through relaxation. With meditation and exercise, we can teach hard-driving, success-oriented (T ype A) persons to avoid heart attackswhile keeping their Type A behavior. Studies of people who meditate regularly have shown that their physiological age is much lower than their chronological age. These techniques do people no good without the motivation to use them. The first requirement is to get people to love themselves enough to care for their bodies and minds. Stress can be measured. One of the yardsticks for it, developed by Drs. Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe, uses a list of forty-three stressful changes to assess a person’ s likelihood of becoming ill. The evaluation begins with a history of the persons’ s recent emotional life, then assigns a certain number of “points” to each life crisis, such as changing or losing a job, children leaving for college, marriage or divorce, moving to a new house, and so on. The highest value, 100 points, is attached to the most grievous loss, the death of one’ s spouse. This most traumatic of events is often followed by cancer or other catastrophic illness in one or two years. Recent studies have confirmed that grieving spouses have depressed immune systems for over a year. Additional work has shown that within one day any uncontrollable stress lowers the ef ficiency of the body’ s disease-fighting killer cells. New evidence suggests that divorce may be even more devastating to many people, since it’ s harder to accept that the relationship is really over. Indeed, divorced people have higher rates of cancer, heart disease, pneumonia, high blood pressure, and accidental death than married, single, or widowed persons.
[ 264, 864, 53638, 311, 9455, 1202, 90687, 1295, 13, 68672, 1753, 4874, 4015, 7973, 198, 2181, 753, 3629, 1071, 430, 8631, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 40652, 5540, 304, 198, 16455, 529, 274, 7446, 6439, 11, 719, 430, 529, 274, 1193, 264, 4376, 8206, 13, 578, 1648, 584, 14085, 311, 8631, 198, 34531, 1590, 311, 387, 810, 3062, 1109, 279, 8631, 5196, 13, 1115, 574, 65162, 704, 304, 279, 198, 50659, 315, 25844, 328, 989, 68, 11, 279, 28568, 889, 8040, 279, 4553, 7434, 315, 198, 95290, 323, 1202, 31469, 282, 115192, 389, 279, 2547, 13, 2468, 4325, 53474, 36399, 11, 328, 989, 68, 8040, 2160, 292, 16903, 2849, 29147, 82945, 11, 264, 955, 315, 198, 66, 11967, 6832, 27208, 4478, 374, 9193, 3428, 13, 1115, 374, 8530, 279, 17139, 8631, 345, 8248, 304, 459, 7274, 328, 989, 68, 14407, 1268, 568, 55841, 311, 433, 304, 459, 25363, 198, 3195, 512, 720, 10378, 574, 2771, 358, 574, 2133, 311, 2815, 11, 779, 358, 1071, 311, 7182, 11, 3451, 2460, 1314, 1457, 11, 420, 374, 198, 9274, 279, 1633, 12047, 3245, 430, 1436, 3621, 311, 499, 11, 719, 1070, 527, 1403, 5627, 198, 9514, 649, 3790, 420, 26, 3060, 499, 649, 733, 2212, 8430, 1093, 264, 50739, 198, 47374, 389, 4648, 2872, 323, 74571, 716, 3201, 264, 1060, 11, 477, 775, 499, 649, 1456, 311, 198, 53013, 439, 1790, 505, 2324, 1457, 439, 499, 649, 13, 18217, 220, 358, 14896, 279, 15629, 1606, 358, 4344, 264, 198, 73431, 11, 323, 9572, 3984, 757, 449, 279, 8706, 4465, 315, 856, 2324, 13, 358, 3952, 433, 439, 198, 64, 5933, 9526, 430, 15753, 757, 311, 279, 17139, 1296, 3508, 358, 574, 1314, 198, 269, 5076, 13, 5112, 264, 15234, 3245, 7077, 13, 362, 1060, 4024, 555, 11, 1243, 1403, 11, 1243, 198, 28956, 11, 323, 1427, 1148, 7077, 13, 1102, 6656, 704, 430, 358, 574, 430, 40510, 198, 7959, 21060, 126672, 2118, 6153, 1637, 358, 1903, 264, 4040, 31469, 12108, 311, 4018, 1523, 856, 8631, 2237, 13, 358, 617, 198, 998, 387, 1633, 16994, 1148, 358, 2019, 1618, 1606, 358, 1097, 264, 28568, 11, 323, 912, 13443, 198, 3409, 3073, 311, 2019, 3508, 8631, 374, 5552, 311, 9572, 13, 35802, 505, 279, 19465, 198, 438, 12434, 11384, 315, 9572, 11, 358, 649, 1193, 2019, 430, 279, 5133, 198, 42967, 8631, 323, 9572, 374, 4856, 17395, 13, 763, 1120, 279, 1890, 1648, 430, 198, 64465, 488, 649, 2225, 5353, 323, 5471, 8798, 11, 11911, 389, 1268, 2574, 527, 198, 59502, 11, 8631, 649, 2225, 39201, 323, 5471, 17563, 13, 126672, 58, 791, 87935, 4691, 11, 60, 1054, 8538, 1274, 617, 7633, 9572, 439, 264, 198, 67, 56407, 430, 374, 14738, 1093, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 1648, 315, 63686, 5196, 13, 4800, 311, 198, 74865, 430, 41302, 832, 3094, 4726, 11, 1436, 433, 387, 430, 994, 1274, 48863, 198, 48096, 872, 6913, 3966, 814, 527, 11000, 810, 20697, 311, 2274, 9572, 13, 763, 198, 1605, 4339, 11, 422, 264, 1732, 60515, 813, 1866, 3966, 11, 649, 813, 2547, 36417, 323, 8007, 198, 275, 726, 13, 126672, 43574, 989, 68, 1071, 11, 60, 1054, 40, 1541, 529, 259, 2019, 10035, 323, 358, 1541, 529, 259, 2019, 912, 13, 358, 4344, 264, 28568, 11, 539, 264, 198, 46185, 46459, 13, 2052, 358, 649, 2019, 439, 264, 28568, 374, 430, 279, 2294, 8857, 315, 7106, 198, 484, 2136, 288, 617, 304, 961, 1063, 8841, 437, 13795, 6371, 13, 126672, 720, 791, 6029, 20802, 2533, 2999, 13, 328, 989, 68, 6267, 1521, 4339, 13533, 568, 198, 16514, 39532, 46878, 13, 763, 4040, 11, 279, 42080, 323, 3388, 315, 8624, 527, 198, 4620, 398, 10815, 311, 264, 1732, 529, 274, 5845, 323, 39375, 311, 37586, 449, 8631, 13, 800, 44357, 430, 584, 5268, 220, 95263, 264, 2077, 12756, 1422, 18728, 306, 505, 1884, 584, 7070, 4908, 311, 5766, 719, 4250, 13, 11736, 33028, 374, 11201, 1109, 279, 8631, 5196, 13, 1115, 374, 198, 55540, 3249, 279, 4478, 315, 9572, 374, 5190, 369, 40077, 304, 5270, 1109, 369, 198, 1336, 3695, 11, 323, 3249, 9572, 374, 5938, 449, 38384, 323, 18710, 13, 13266, 1455, 198, 14617, 311, 2815, 315, 4851, 8951, 527, 539, 279, 2653, 60811, 4078, 362, 29509, 719, 198, 74303, 1884, 889, 527, 16625, 11, 279, 1234, 19342, 323, 8803, 7487, 889, 617, 198, 2201, 51360, 323, 6832, 66663, 6439, 3041, 502, 7438, 311, 279, 17571, 198, 2118, 34854, 398, 90926, 13, 126672, 791, 23692, 315, 8631, 374, 2744, 34553, 369, 459, 75683, 11, 369, 279, 1890, 198, 44398, 372, 9623, 649, 387, 65069, 311, 832, 323, 21277, 477, 1524, 24629, 311, 198, 43063, 13, 53240, 45316, 3907, 73969, 70874, 9454, 11, 33264, 264, 220, 5162, 16, 198, 56065, 555, 445, 13, 469, 13, 473, 36244, 11, 8554, 430, 1054, 95290, 4131, 14918, 505, 279, 8893, 529, 274, 198, 17324, 367, 315, 4455, 13, 19524, 763, 473, 36244, 529, 274, 1317, 9860, 4007, 315, 279, 3917, 11, 2324, 198, 327, 69597, 430, 9508, 65309, 311, 459, 16945, 22842, 1051, 3629, 6612, 439, 198, 95290, 1285, 555, 279, 6978, 323, 5938, 449, 17563, 13, 82671, 11, 59623, 198, 9210, 9922, 93840, 788, 311, 279, 22842, 2345, 21470, 439, 19542, 11, 28031, 402, 1133, 345, 278, 11353, 2191, 304, 279, 3070, 2345, 44066, 1051, 539, 5938, 449, 49909, 422, 279, 198, 81437, 1550, 539, 1934, 1124, 439, 46883, 13, 1115, 374, 5423, 837, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 2911, 13, 58338, 3629, 9855, 430, 198, 5988, 527, 6380, 994, 814, 527, 3604, 1694, 99136, 1534, 555, 4455, 345, 17206, 3582, 814, 3629, 1541, 529, 259, 1501, 433, 13, 15394, 617, 1027, 3967, 311, 5379, 198, 28149, 14842, 927, 12588, 264, 426, 4619, 315, 459, 362, 389, 264, 1934, 3786, 11, 1606, 814, 198, 10701, 1534, 872, 6699, 529, 220, 17078, 11, 477, 55841, 311, 264, 4068, 430, 1903, 198, 49818, 2733, 653, 385, 2111, 13, 2030, 279, 12624, 4059, 374, 56452, 22954, 555, 24064, 7978, 389, 198, 28400, 598, 13, 2684, 527, 1120, 2288, 1690, 7482, 369, 264, 32185, 311, 2585, 1124, 198, 543, 13, 20756, 389, 10099, 617, 58487, 98586, 6029, 11, 4869, 13, 763, 279, 198, 16497, 12, 4468, 15, 82, 279, 3389, 60237, 47935, 11, 520, 16759, 529, 274, 16867, 40505, 8483, 198, 19137, 11, 8308, 264, 17879, 4101, 315, 21896, 449, 264, 26800, 315, 198, 76, 560, 55187, 311, 387, 47281, 311, 17659, 9572, 13, 3296, 19054, 1063, 304, 23756, 291, 345, 95290, 12862, 22484, 323, 3885, 304, 46883, 40190, 11, 568, 574, 3025, 311, 198, 84076, 279, 4478, 315, 9572, 505, 220, 22, 311, 220, 6083, 3346, 13, 362, 220, 3753, 16, 9526, 555, 264, 2128, 315, 2380, 74191, 19168, 279, 1486, 198, 4291, 459, 1524, 2731, 19576, 315, 279, 3823, 3217, 13, 9671, 65467, 198, 3198, 396, 1780, 323, 1403, 1080, 63384, 41772, 2380, 5315, 315, 32510, 449, 3974, 36254, 198, 37791, 13, 3861, 1938, 3010, 814, 38126, 1403, 315, 279, 5315, 311, 9249, 10988, 13, 578, 198, 95290, 574, 38018, 779, 430, 832, 1912, 1436, 539, 77753, 433, 11, 1418, 279, 1023, 198, 64037, 1051, 19201, 555, 264, 8450, 779, 814, 1436, 12731, 555, 30102, 927, 671, 277, 7401, 13, 5046, 279, 63628, 32510, 11, 220, 5958, 3346, 3782, 1523, 449, 279, 9572, 11, 1418, 198, 3323, 220, 1806, 3346, 315, 279, 1023, 1912, 8040, 433, 13, 2435, 1550, 10284, 2731, 198, 54895, 279, 2585, 1912, 11, 902, 4036, 912, 68260, 520, 682, 13, 578, 2237, 315, 8631, 374, 11075, 28135, 555, 8396, 13, 26676, 1439, 430, 2035, 198, 1820, 8592, 907, 389, 264, 10824, 315, 3927, 2191, 323, 10937, 527, 279, 198, 3646, 46883, 13, 13266, 430, 2873, 311, 8356, 279, 3325, 8631, 323, 617, 279, 198, 90998, 7969, 315, 9572, 527, 3345, 12934, 45168, 10977, 304, 902, 33445, 345, 385, 4504, 12135, 527, 279, 7617, 11, 323, 279, 29920, 14389, 459, 4642, 3560, 13, 53176, 10082, 323, 264, 14470, 1825, 11, 25694, 19451, 9017, 39275, 527, 198, 20375, 1023, 4279, 17910, 315, 3428, 1824, 11967, 34775, 13, 4314, 527, 1063, 315, 279, 1890, 13463, 430, 4799, 58219, 13, 19953, 198, 9688, 269, 96095, 11, 279, 14834, 4458, 34681, 11, 37697, 10977, 304, 5270, 11, 323, 279, 198, 85, 484, 1154, 315, 279, 3765, 9832, 5730, 71, 689, 34671, 315, 8792, 6890, 527, 9250, 10507, 13, 578, 198, 5953, 9832, 5730, 71, 689, 4774, 264, 25793, 12862, 4676, 11, 264, 88318, 5933, 10173, 345, 370, 1263, 18007, 21955, 7392, 12135, 7314, 864, 5730, 275, 750, 304, 4216, 198, 2172, 645, 36634, 11, 31467, 719, 23781, 93319, 9373, 990, 304, 279, 5151, 555, 1938, 345, 67, 9151, 323, 48929, 555, 11714, 11, 323, 11510, 315, 2800, 13, 26211, 374, 11112, 198, 16476, 4315, 1124, 13, 1102, 2011, 387, 10555, 430, 1521, 34775, 1541, 529, 259, 2793, 892, 323, 31469, 12108, 311, 1520, 198, 14991, 10365, 42534, 18167, 11, 779, 7106, 9547, 11075, 555, 5933, 198, 24536, 1101, 10383, 8624, 7969, 13, 16782, 11, 16011, 1147, 527, 539, 279, 4459, 198, 27583, 13, 25027, 53500, 323, 4648, 505, 19465, 42655, 2103, 66828, 304, 198, 1605, 59995, 1851, 291, 5789, 11, 719, 9572, 374, 810, 4279, 4315, 39503, 889, 198, 23108, 398, 16988, 304, 39307, 1109, 4315, 1884, 889, 3974, 520, 9096, 13, 578, 4868, 315, 14348, 1101, 5084, 311, 1520, 4017, 6129, 8624, 13, 45779, 198, 52243, 34775, 304, 902, 682, 3697, 1440, 1148, 374, 3685, 315, 1124, 345, 17206, 994, 38664, 505, 279, 7617, 374, 539, 66441, 2345, 44, 494, 2439, 11, 75725, 198, 10369, 21182, 1705, 11, 323, 386, 64025, 3695, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 369, 3187, 2345, 19553, 198, 15115, 7969, 315, 8624, 1109, 279, 14932, 11, 810, 1825, 8396, 13, 3277, 198, 55977, 82, 5387, 279, 10879, 369, 264, 2324, 449, 810, 9987, 82, 11, 872, 39775, 198, 1073, 8624, 25501, 430, 304, 279, 7829, 814, 3810, 13, 763, 264, 8396, 1093, 11604, 11, 279, 2077, 311, 8631, 374, 2163, 311, 279, 3927, 11, 889, 198, 25849, 4048, 311, 30069, 96655, 505, 9434, 40850, 13, 2999, 13, 58463, 72288, 315, 25996, 13235, 6150, 706, 6982, 430, 279, 5845, 311, 198, 67913, 467, 264, 9498, 39086, 2237, 374, 6089, 5552, 311, 279, 5845, 311, 198, 8355, 8631, 1555, 43685, 13, 3161, 33862, 323, 10368, 11, 584, 649, 198, 668, 613, 2653, 60811, 11, 2450, 36185, 320, 51, 379, 375, 362, 8, 11434, 311, 5766, 4851, 8951, 3556, 10494, 872, 4078, 362, 7865, 13, 19241, 315, 1274, 889, 1812, 20227, 198, 23108, 398, 617, 6982, 430, 872, 53194, 4325, 374, 1790, 4827, 1109, 872, 198, 7562, 5848, 4325, 13, 4314, 12823, 656, 1274, 912, 1695, 2085, 279, 198, 47928, 40227, 311, 1005, 1124, 13, 578, 1176, 16686, 374, 311, 636, 1274, 311, 3021, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 3403, 311, 2512, 369, 872, 13162, 323, 20663, 13, 51568, 649, 387, 17303, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 20085, 70045, 369, 433, 11, 8040, 555, 2999, 82, 13, 11355, 40401, 323, 12131, 18989, 383, 11, 5829, 264, 1160, 315, 36498, 49493, 46883, 198, 19926, 311, 8720, 264, 1732, 529, 274, 29736, 315, 10671, 5986, 13, 578, 16865, 198, 52253, 1354, 449, 264, 3925, 315, 279, 11434, 529, 274, 3293, 14604, 2324, 11, 1243, 51012, 264, 198, 66, 7770, 1396, 315, 1054, 7862, 863, 311, 1855, 2324, 11501, 11, 1778, 439, 10223, 477, 13490, 264, 198, 8975, 11, 2911, 9564, 369, 7926, 11, 11103, 477, 25549, 11, 7366, 311, 264, 502, 198, 7830, 11, 323, 779, 389, 13, 578, 8592, 907, 11, 220, 1041, 3585, 11, 374, 12673, 311, 279, 1455, 51013, 788, 4814, 11, 279, 198, 63007, 315, 832, 529, 274, 32080, 13, 1115, 1455, 54286, 315, 4455, 374, 3629, 8272, 555, 198, 66, 11967, 477, 1023, 54677, 17563, 304, 832, 477, 1403, 1667, 13, 35390, 7978, 617, 198, 42128, 430, 91844, 66312, 617, 42642, 22852, 6067, 369, 927, 264, 198, 3236, 13, 24086, 990, 706, 6982, 430, 2949, 832, 1938, 220, 904, 71093, 69855, 198, 95290, 73115, 279, 31469, 282, 10603, 315, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 8624, 2269, 45850, 25534, 7917, 13, 1561, 6029, 13533, 430, 25549, 1253, 387, 1524, 810, 33318, 311, 198, 35676, 1274, 11, 2533, 433, 529, 274, 16127, 311, 4287, 430, 279, 5133, 374, 2216, 927, 13, 23150, 11, 50592, 1274, 617, 5190, 7969, 315, 9572, 11, 4851, 8624, 345, 79, 126261, 21947, 11, 1579, 6680, 7410, 11, 323, 50016, 4648, 1109, 12502, 11, 3254, 345, 269, 9923, 13111, 11434, 13 ]
is known to Indians since 2,500 years. Ayurvedic classical literature refers use of Atasi in the form of vegetable as well as the oil. Its botanical name is – Linum usitatissimum. It is high in protein and help in strengthening the nerves and building the muscles. It is also found to be good for the proper functioning of the heart, brain, skin, and reproductive system. e scientic studies have shown that the Atasi is useful to reduce pain, swelling, cough, weak digestion, urination difficulties, high cholesterol, blood sugar, constipation and fat. It is a very good anti oxidant and helps to expel out phlegm. e axseed is considered to be a condent drug in the treatment of several diseases like Atherosclerosis, Backache, Constipation, Piles, Fistula, Cough, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Gonorrhoea, Gout, Rheumatism, High Cholesterol, Obesity etc. Some of the important home remedies and its health benets are referred here below –1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Atasi Seed Soaked in Water in Urinary Disorders 1–2 teaspoons of Atasi seeds are soaked in a cup of water for overnight. Next day it is macerated well and ltered. is is consumed before food for the treatment of burning urination. Linseed Oil Added to Warm Water in Obesity and Hyper Cholesterol Early in the morning 2–3 ml linseed oil is added to a cup of warm water and taken in empty stomach. is helps to reduce the total cholesterol, and to reduce the mass in case of obesity. Linseed, Cumin Seeds and Fenugreek Mixture for Increasing the Breast Milk Equal amount of seeds of Linseed, cumin seeds and fenugreek are taken and ne powder is made. is is mixed thoroughly and taken twice a day in the dose of 5 grams along with milk. is improves lactation. Linseed Leaf Juice in Wasp Sting Fresh, mature ax leaves are crushed to obtain fresh juice. In case of emergency, as a rst aid this is applied over the wasp sting area. is quickly relieves burning sensation and pain. Flower Paste of Linseed in roat Pain 2–3 fresh owers are collected and added with a pinch of salt it is made into ne paste. is is applied around the throat. is pacies throat pain in signicant way. Linseed Soaked in Butter Milk (Paste) in case of Arthritis One stful of seeds are soaked in sour buttermilk. On proper moistening this is made into ne paste and applied over the joints. isrelieves joint pain by one or two weeks. 108. 6 Shatavari Home Remedies: Aphrodisiac Urine Infection, Fatigue By Dr. M.S. Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), Ph.D. Y Shatavari is a very useful, safe and much researched Ayurvedic herb. It is a coolant, tonic, aphrodisiac and also improves lactation. Common name – wild asparagus, Indian Asparagus Botanical name – Asparagus racemosus. Shatavari is used in Ayurveda to balance pitta and vata dosha. So excess intake may provoke Kapha dosha. It can be found in the tropical areas of Asia, India, Australia, and African countries. e tender leaves and owers are so beautiful that many plant this herb in their garden without being aware that it has tremendous health benets! e steroidal saponins of the plant are commonly known as shatavarins. Flavonoids such as quercetin and rutin are also resent in Shatavari fruits and owers. It is a known Adaptogenic effect and an excellent anti oxidant. Effective Shatavari Remedies1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Shatavari Medicated Milk in Breast Feeding Mothers 1 or 2 fresh or dry roots of asparagus is added to a cup of milk and it is cooked for 5–10 minutes. Filtered. It is given to the new mothers, early in the morning to improve breast milk production. Even in cattle, this practice is found where the veterinary doctors advice to administer raw Shatavari to the cattle. Shatavari Root Powder Remedy for Fatigue, Lethargy, Loss of Libido 3–5 Grams of root powder of Shatavari is administered along with powdered sugar candy, twice a day. is relieves work exhaustion, numbness, neuritis, fatigue, lethargy, loss of libido etc. Root Powder with Honey in Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections 5 Grams of the powder of Shatavari if consumed regularly during night time recurrent UTI, spermaturia, haematuria and backache are cured successfully. Asparagus Cold Infusion in Burning Urination and Bleeding from Urethra Fresh asparagus is cut into small pieces and soaked in water or else the 5–10 grams powder is added to 300 ml water and kept for a while. is is macerated and ltered. is is given to the individuals, suffering from burning urination and bleeding from urethra. Good health benets are assured in such conditions. Shatavari – Ashwagandha Remedy to Improve Sperm Count Fine powder of equal quantity of Shatavari, Ashwagandha and Kapikacchu are taken and mixed together. is is taken in the dose of6.3–5 grams of else this is cooked with a cup of milk for 5 minutes, ltered and consumed. is promotes sexual libido and increases the sperm count too. Shatavari and Pippali Powder to Improve Weight is is a simple and effective practice of North Karnataka. Equal quantity of Shatavari and Pippali powder is taken and mixed well. is is taken in a dose of 3–5 grams during night or early in the morning along with Banana juice/Banana milkshake. Good weight gain is observed if this is carried for 30–40 days.1. 2.109. 6 Soapnut (Reetha) Remedies for Menstrual Pain, Eczema By Dr. M.S. Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), Ph.D. Y Soapnut (Sapindus latifolia) is an age old seed which was used as a substitute to soap. e alkaline nature of this fruit made them to take benet as a detergent. It is known as Arishtaka in Sanskrit which means that is capable of removing the blemishes or dirt. ough oral Ayurvedic containing reetha (soapnut) are very rare, it is used as single herb remedy in many diseases. It is used as an emetic agent in several diseased conditions in animals. In veterinary practice it is used abundantly as external and internal remedy. Here are few such simple remedies of my practice – Seed Marrow in Abdominal Pain and Menstrual Pain e seed of soap nut has a small white or greenish yellow marrow. is is slightly bitter and is a very good anti atulent. 3–4 seeds are crushed and made into ne paste. is is administered along with 1–2 t easpoon of sesame oil in case of abdominal pain and menstrual pain. Soapnut Water in Food Poisoning 4–5 seeds are crushed and soaked in 1–2 litres of water. is water is given to drink in the individuals who are poisoned (internally). is3. 4. 5. 6.induces vomiting and hence the poisonous effects are reduced. After complete emesis ash gourd juice is given so as to counter act the irritation of the soap nut juice. It is useful in treating food poisoning as well. Soapnut Seed with Jaggery in Gaseous Dissention of Abdomen Soapnut seed marrow is mixed with jaggery and administered in the dose of 500–600 mg, once or twice a day. is can be used by making it into tablet also. is pacies recurrent cases of abdominal distension. Soapnut Tree Bark in Wound Washing 1–2 small pieces of fresh bark (a palm size each) is taken and crushed well. is is made into decoction. is decoction is used to wash the wounds. (decoction = 1 tablespoon of powder is boiled with 2 cups of water, reduced to half a cup, ltered). e same decoction is
[ 374, 3967, 311, 30507, 2533, 220, 17, 11, 2636, 1667, 13, 24852, 80627, 292, 29924, 198, 69191, 1598, 19813, 1005, 315, 2468, 10426, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 36581, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 5707, 13, 11699, 98302, 836, 374, 1389, 8732, 372, 603, 48877, 1056, 3375, 13, 1102, 374, 1579, 304, 13128, 323, 1520, 304, 48513, 279, 50581, 323, 4857, 279, 198, 38827, 19153, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 1766, 311, 387, 1695, 369, 279, 6300, 31301, 315, 279, 4851, 345, 54160, 11, 6930, 11, 323, 42889, 1887, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 68, 7330, 72, 188, 66, 7978, 617, 6982, 430, 279, 2468, 10426, 374, 5505, 311, 8108, 6784, 345, 2332, 6427, 11, 40700, 11, 7621, 74502, 11, 4433, 2617, 1891, 171, 105, 225, 93113, 552, 11, 1579, 39086, 11, 6680, 198, 82, 8734, 11, 738, 49686, 323, 8834, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 1633, 1695, 7294, 36172, 519, 323, 8779, 311, 1367, 301, 704, 1343, 1978, 76, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 68, 220, 188, 710, 23425, 374, 6646, 311, 387, 264, 390, 188, 55923, 5623, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 3892, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 1093, 362, 91882, 91711, 11, 6984, 1815, 11, 25538, 49686, 11, 393, 3742, 11, 82519, 5724, 11, 356, 1409, 345, 47, 36077, 29113, 11, 393, 126261, 21947, 11, 80806, 54308, 4748, 64, 11, 480, 412, 11, 71636, 46313, 2191, 11, 5234, 921, 35244, 345, 4213, 28222, 5099, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 3062, 2162, 51236, 323, 1202, 2890, 20331, 188, 2641, 527, 14183, 198, 6881, 3770, 1389, 16, 13, 220, 17, 13, 220, 18, 13, 220, 19, 13, 220, 20, 13, 220, 21, 15913, 10426, 36922, 2100, 7897, 304, 10164, 304, 17229, 3367, 73133, 198, 16, 4235, 17, 93200, 315, 2468, 10426, 19595, 527, 69975, 304, 264, 10747, 315, 3090, 369, 25402, 13, 9479, 1938, 433, 374, 9155, 261, 660, 1664, 323, 220, 188, 75, 34259, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 374, 27073, 1603, 198, 14239, 369, 279, 6514, 315, 20252, 4433, 2617, 13, 8732, 23425, 15895, 18152, 311, 46863, 10164, 304, 95171, 323, 33832, 198, 1163, 35244, 198, 42298, 304, 279, 6693, 220, 17, 4235, 18, 16116, 10006, 23425, 5707, 374, 3779, 311, 264, 10747, 315, 8369, 198, 13284, 323, 4529, 304, 4384, 23152, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 8779, 311, 8108, 279, 2860, 198, 971, 273, 33282, 11, 323, 311, 8108, 279, 3148, 304, 1162, 315, 33048, 13, 8732, 23425, 11, 356, 10318, 74089, 323, 45406, 773, 10957, 386, 13025, 369, 74540, 279, 198, 51329, 561, 44925, 198, 3066, 3392, 315, 19595, 315, 8732, 23425, 11, 272, 10318, 19595, 323, 44585, 773, 10957, 527, 198, 83261, 323, 220, 188, 818, 17138, 374, 1903, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 374, 9709, 27461, 323, 4529, 198, 15930, 560, 264, 1938, 304, 279, 19660, 315, 220, 20, 34419, 3235, 449, 14403, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 36050, 198, 75, 533, 367, 13, 8732, 23425, 27967, 66851, 304, 468, 13671, 83970, 198, 56753, 11, 15196, 220, 188, 710, 11141, 527, 33745, 311, 6994, 7878, 23661, 13, 763, 1162, 315, 198, 99908, 11, 439, 264, 220, 188, 59125, 12576, 420, 374, 9435, 927, 279, 574, 79, 55413, 3158, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 198, 28863, 398, 1375, 39235, 20252, 37392, 323, 6784, 13, 43786, 58325, 315, 8732, 23425, 304, 101274, 222, 224, 18283, 35567, 198, 17, 4235, 18, 7878, 220, 188, 16345, 527, 14890, 323, 3779, 449, 264, 50346, 315, 12290, 433, 374, 1903, 198, 18614, 220, 188, 818, 25982, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 374, 9435, 2212, 279, 28691, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 112139, 188, 288, 28691, 198, 92724, 304, 1879, 72, 188, 66363, 1648, 13, 8732, 23425, 2100, 7897, 304, 31457, 44925, 320, 75070, 8, 304, 1162, 315, 1676, 40485, 198, 4054, 220, 188, 267, 1285, 315, 19595, 527, 69975, 304, 20897, 719, 5098, 34263, 13, 1952, 6300, 198, 6489, 380, 6147, 420, 374, 1903, 1139, 220, 188, 818, 25982, 323, 9435, 927, 279, 35358, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 3833, 39235, 10496, 6784, 555, 832, 477, 1403, 5672, 13, 220, 6640, 13, 220, 21, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 5492, 198, 6728, 291, 552, 25, 98408, 299, 4338, 18029, 198, 52, 40101, 763, 13421, 11, 26417, 22711, 198, 1383, 2999, 13, 386, 815, 13, 62064, 12682, 324, 27520, 14306, 320, 32, 41101, 705, 2405, 920, 627, 56, 198, 2059, 266, 402, 2850, 374, 264, 1633, 5505, 11, 6220, 323, 1790, 57098, 24852, 80627, 292, 39999, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 198, 43296, 519, 11, 99305, 11, 89111, 299, 4338, 18029, 323, 1101, 36050, 51644, 367, 13, 7874, 836, 1389, 8545, 439, 94789, 11, 7904, 1666, 94789, 198, 24406, 45983, 836, 1389, 1666, 94789, 9148, 15295, 355, 13, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 374, 1511, 304, 24852, 80627, 64, 311, 8335, 281, 46124, 323, 348, 460, 8924, 4317, 13, 2100, 13937, 23730, 198, 18864, 73093, 735, 1366, 64, 8924, 4317, 13, 1102, 649, 387, 1766, 304, 279, 35148, 5789, 315, 13936, 11, 6890, 11, 8494, 11, 323, 11904, 198, 47808, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 68, 28682, 11141, 323, 220, 188, 16345, 527, 779, 6366, 430, 1690, 6136, 420, 198, 1964, 65, 304, 872, 13863, 2085, 1694, 8010, 430, 433, 706, 28040, 2890, 198, 65, 1994, 188, 2641, 0, 101274, 223, 241, 68, 22562, 71916, 274, 10969, 1354, 315, 279, 6136, 527, 17037, 3967, 439, 559, 266, 37332, 1354, 13, 3061, 402, 263, 17390, 1778, 439, 934, 3035, 115324, 323, 55719, 258, 527, 1101, 47540, 304, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 26390, 323, 198, 188, 16345, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 3967, 59531, 29569, 384, 171, 105, 222, 440, 323, 459, 9250, 7294, 36172, 519, 13, 469, 171, 105, 222, 96978, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 97970, 552, 16, 13, 220, 17, 13, 220, 18, 13, 220, 19, 13, 220, 20, 815, 9379, 402, 2850, 3344, 10297, 44925, 304, 57598, 3926, 16490, 86035, 198, 16, 477, 220, 17, 7878, 477, 9235, 20282, 315, 439, 94789, 374, 3779, 311, 264, 10747, 315, 14403, 323, 433, 374, 198, 99797, 369, 220, 20, 4235, 605, 4520, 13, 12619, 291, 13, 1102, 374, 2728, 311, 279, 502, 27698, 11, 4216, 198, 258, 279, 6693, 311, 7417, 17659, 14403, 5788, 13, 7570, 304, 36952, 11, 420, 6725, 374, 1766, 1405, 279, 69340, 16410, 198, 329, 1805, 311, 27185, 7257, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 311, 279, 36952, 13, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 19385, 44756, 5031, 9497, 369, 26417, 22711, 11, 445, 774, 867, 88, 11, 25733, 315, 198, 9374, 5362, 198, 18, 4235, 20, 29937, 82, 315, 3789, 17138, 315, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 374, 38018, 3235, 449, 198, 22491, 1126, 291, 13465, 32656, 11, 11157, 264, 1938, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 1375, 39235, 990, 70663, 345, 2470, 65, 2136, 11, 21850, 20000, 11, 36709, 11, 98522, 867, 88, 11, 4814, 315, 94482, 5099, 13, 19385, 44756, 449, 40715, 304, 4158, 963, 17229, 3367, 1183, 533, 763, 25384, 198, 20, 29937, 82, 315, 279, 17138, 315, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 422, 27073, 15870, 2391, 3814, 198, 1712, 65174, 26639, 40, 11, 40699, 2693, 689, 11, 6520, 336, 2693, 689, 323, 1203, 1815, 527, 64688, 198, 61605, 13, 1666, 94789, 24062, 15268, 7713, 304, 55792, 17229, 2617, 323, 39285, 16490, 505, 198, 52, 265, 339, 969, 198, 56753, 439, 94789, 374, 4018, 1139, 2678, 9863, 323, 69975, 304, 3090, 477, 775, 279, 198, 20, 4235, 605, 34419, 17138, 374, 3779, 311, 220, 3101, 16116, 3090, 323, 8774, 369, 264, 1418, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 374, 9155, 261, 660, 323, 220, 188, 75, 34259, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 374, 2728, 311, 279, 7931, 11, 924, 171, 105, 222, 4776, 505, 20252, 4433, 2617, 198, 438, 35763, 505, 53560, 339, 969, 13, 7839, 2890, 20331, 188, 2641, 527, 28478, 304, 1778, 198, 16902, 13, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 1389, 14937, 86, 351, 438, 4317, 5031, 9497, 311, 65184, 328, 20508, 4605, 198, 64816, 17138, 315, 6273, 12472, 315, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 11, 14937, 86, 351, 438, 4317, 323, 198, 42, 391, 1609, 582, 66852, 527, 4529, 323, 9709, 3871, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 374, 4529, 304, 279, 19660, 315, 21, 13, 18, 4235, 20, 34419, 315, 775, 420, 374, 30205, 449, 264, 10747, 315, 14403, 369, 220, 20, 4520, 345, 188, 75, 34259, 323, 27073, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 39990, 7392, 94482, 323, 12992, 279, 40699, 1797, 2288, 13, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 323, 393, 2877, 8115, 44756, 311, 65184, 16923, 198, 170, 223, 241, 285, 374, 264, 4382, 323, 384, 171, 105, 222, 96978, 6725, 315, 4892, 79149, 13, 39574, 198, 13832, 315, 1443, 266, 402, 2850, 323, 393, 2877, 8115, 17138, 374, 4529, 323, 9709, 1664, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 198, 285, 4529, 304, 264, 19660, 315, 220, 18, 4235, 20, 34419, 2391, 3814, 477, 4216, 304, 279, 6693, 198, 39393, 449, 76924, 23661, 16675, 276, 3444, 14403, 30761, 13, 7839, 4785, 8895, 374, 198, 5598, 2841, 422, 420, 374, 11953, 369, 220, 966, 4235, 1272, 2919, 13, 16, 13, 220, 17, 13, 7743, 13, 220, 21, 61731, 24217, 320, 697, 774, 64, 340, 6728, 291, 552, 369, 11258, 496, 940, 198, 47, 467, 11, 469, 14088, 9355, 198, 1383, 2999, 13, 386, 815, 13, 62064, 12682, 324, 27520, 14306, 320, 32, 41101, 705, 2405, 920, 627, 56, 198, 96631, 24217, 320, 50, 391, 485, 355, 6987, 333, 39260, 8, 374, 459, 4325, 2362, 10533, 902, 574, 1511, 439, 264, 28779, 311, 198, 36112, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 68, 66787, 483, 7138, 315, 420, 14098, 1903, 1124, 311, 1935, 20331, 188, 83, 439, 264, 91234, 13, 1102, 374, 3967, 439, 1676, 285, 427, 13637, 304, 15089, 88650, 902, 3445, 430, 374, 13171, 315, 18054, 198, 1820, 293, 3516, 21168, 477, 26351, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 1409, 21308, 24852, 80627, 292, 8649, 312, 774, 64, 320, 36112, 24217, 8, 527, 1633, 9024, 11, 433, 374, 1511, 439, 198, 15698, 39999, 40239, 304, 1690, 19338, 13, 1102, 374, 1511, 439, 459, 991, 5411, 8479, 304, 3892, 198, 67, 1082, 1503, 4787, 304, 10099, 13, 763, 69340, 6725, 433, 374, 1511, 23325, 18007, 439, 198, 21591, 323, 5419, 40239, 13, 5810, 527, 2478, 1778, 4382, 51236, 315, 856, 6725, 115972, 42571, 2947, 654, 304, 3765, 5717, 992, 35567, 323, 11258, 496, 940, 35567, 198, 170, 223, 241, 68, 10533, 315, 27883, 10184, 706, 264, 2678, 4251, 477, 6307, 819, 14071, 83748, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 198, 285, 10284, 26242, 323, 374, 264, 1633, 1695, 7294, 220, 188, 266, 29580, 13, 220, 18, 4235, 19, 19595, 527, 33745, 198, 438, 1903, 1139, 220, 188, 818, 25982, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 374, 38018, 3235, 449, 220, 16, 4235, 17, 259, 2593, 33076, 198, 1073, 92223, 5707, 304, 1162, 315, 57056, 6784, 323, 78727, 6784, 13, 61731, 24217, 10164, 304, 12369, 52212, 287, 198, 19, 4235, 20, 19595, 527, 33745, 323, 69975, 304, 220, 16, 4235, 17, 89016, 315, 3090, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 3090, 374, 198, 43068, 311, 7172, 304, 279, 7931, 889, 527, 71598, 320, 56544, 750, 570, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 18, 13, 220, 19, 13, 220, 20, 13, 220, 21, 29573, 63371, 63571, 323, 16472, 279, 74508, 384, 171, 105, 222, 115192, 527, 11293, 13, 4740, 198, 15079, 991, 14093, 24767, 342, 77492, 23661, 374, 2728, 779, 439, 311, 5663, 1180, 279, 198, 404, 1018, 367, 315, 279, 27883, 10184, 23661, 13, 1102, 374, 5505, 304, 27723, 3691, 52236, 439, 198, 9336, 13, 61731, 24217, 36922, 449, 622, 16094, 727, 304, 480, 521, 788, 52132, 3012, 315, 3765, 5717, 268, 198, 96631, 24217, 10533, 83748, 374, 9709, 449, 503, 16094, 727, 323, 38018, 304, 279, 198, 67, 974, 315, 220, 2636, 4235, 5067, 14060, 11, 3131, 477, 11157, 264, 1938, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 649, 387, 1511, 555, 3339, 198, 275, 1139, 21354, 1101, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 112139, 188, 288, 65174, 5157, 315, 57056, 1612, 2711, 13, 61731, 24217, 9119, 60629, 304, 468, 801, 82238, 198, 16, 4235, 17, 2678, 9863, 315, 7878, 54842, 320, 64, 33552, 1404, 1855, 8, 374, 4529, 323, 33745, 198, 9336, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 374, 1903, 1139, 68652, 407, 13, 101274, 223, 241, 285, 68652, 407, 374, 1511, 311, 11623, 279, 198, 86, 3171, 13, 320, 451, 1030, 407, 284, 220, 16, 62611, 315, 17138, 374, 66185, 449, 220, 17, 26446, 315, 198, 13284, 11, 11293, 311, 4376, 264, 10747, 11, 220, 188, 75, 34259, 570, 101274, 223, 241, 68, 1890, 68652, 407, 374 ]
p time: About 3 min • Blending time: 1 min • Yield: 2 servings Ingr edients 1/2 cup pineapple juice1/4 cup coconut cream or coconut milk 3/4 cup frozen pineapple chunks 1/4 cup crushed ice Dir ections 1 Combine the pineapple juice, coconut cream or milk, and pineapple chunks in the blender container. 2 Secure the lid on the container. 3 Starting on a low speed and gradually easing toward high, blend the ingredients for 30 seconds. Add ice and pulse for 20 seconds or until ice is evenly mixed in. 4 Pour the smoothie into 2 glasses, and enjoy! Per serving: Calories 135 (From Fat 62); Fat 7g (Saturated 6g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 20mg; Carbohydrate 19g (Dietary Fiber 2g); Protein 1g. Tip: Coconut cream is a thick, pastelike liquid that is pressed from the coconut flesh, so it’s similar to and yet thicker than coconut milk. You can make your own coconut cream by blending fresh coconut flesh with a small amount of water. P e a c h M i x e r Prep time: About 3 min • Blending time: 1 min • Yield: 2 servings Ingr edients 1/2 cup peach or apricot nectar 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 ounces rum, gin, or vodka 3/4 cup frozen peach slices 1/4 cup crushed iceDir ections 1 Combine the nectar, lemon juice, alcohol, and peaches in the blender container. 2 Secure the lid on the container. 3 Starting on a low speed and gradually easing toward high, blend the ingredients for 30 seconds. Add ice and pulse for 20 seconds or until ice is evenly mixed in. 4 Pour the smoothie into 2 glasses, and enjoy! Per serving: Calories 130 (From Fat 0); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 5mg; Carbohydrate 17g (Dietary Fiber 2g); Protein 1g. Vary It! You can use pineapple or apple juice in place of the nectar. Peaches, nectarines, plums, and apricots may be sliced, frozen, and substituted in this recipe. Preparing fruit If you really want to get everything ready for a smoothie in advance, try these tips: Buy organic ingredients so that you don’ t have to peel them. Wash fruit and vegetables the night before, but leave them whole unless they take a long time to cut up. Store peeled and cut produce in an airtight bag in the refrigerator and use within 24 hours. Wash, core, peel (if not organic), and cut fruit and veget ables into pieces. Flash-freeze by layering the fruit or veget ables in one layer on a baking sheet in the coldest part of the freeze r for an hour or until solid. Then store them in an airtight bag in the freeze r for up to three months. Use as needed. B e r r y M i x e r Prep time: About 3 min • Blending time: 1 min • Yield: 2 servings Ingr edients 1/2 cup cranberry or pomegranate juice 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 tablespoons honey 2 ounces rum, gin, or vodka 3/4 cup frozen berries (see Tip) 1/4 cup crushed ice Dir ections 1 Combine the cranberry or pomegranate juice, lime juice, honey, alcohol, and berries in the blender container. 2 Secure the lid on the container. 3 Starting on a low speed and gradually easing toward high, blend the ingredients for 30 seconds. Add ice and pulse for 20 seconds or until ice is evenly mixed in. 4 Pour the smoothie into 2 glasses, and enjoy! Per serving: Calories 193 (From Fat 3); Fat 0g (Saturated 0g); Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 3mg; Carbohydrate 33g (Dietary Fiber 3g); Protein 1g.Tip: This drink may be tart tasting, so you can use honey or agave nectar or brown rice syrup to sweeten it to taste. Vary It! Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, acai berries, and even cherries work well in this mixer. Don’t speed The key to preserving your blender and making great smoothies is to start at a low speed in order to get the blades moving, and then turn up the speed to medium and watch as the larger chunk s of ingredients begi n to break up. When the pieces of fruits and veget ables are liquidizing and being forced up and around the sides of the cont ainer, ease the dial up toward High. If you increase the speed too quickly, a large air bubbl e will form, and the blades will just spin around inside it.Chapter 16 Vegetable Smoothies In This Chapter Drinking your veggies throughout the day Getting the party started with savory smoothies Recipes in This Chapter Green Energy Breakfast Vita-E Tomato Energizer Red Vitality Beans and Carrots Spiced Parsnip Berry Broccoli Coconut Green Lentil Soup ▶ Vegetable Soup ▶ Bean Soup Cabbage Slaw Minted Carrot Mocktail Spicy Tomato Mocktail Carrot Mock Mimosa No-jito Red Velvet Grape Cocktail Crème de Cocao Cucumber Gin Let’s face it: We just don’t eat enough vegetables. A 2007 study from Johns Hopkins University showed that among U.S. adults, fruit consumption is holding steady, but vegetable consumption is headed down. So, how many do you need? Some experts say five fruits and vegetables a day. If you’re not eating five fruits and vegetables every day, this is an excellent goal to set to start. However, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) actually recommends two to four servings of fruit and three to five servings of vegetables every day. For optimum health and disease prevention, aim for as many as ten or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day. What can you do if you’re part of that group of people who aren’t eating enough veggies? You can start drinking them! Because they include the carbohydrate and fiber along with the nutrients, smoothies give you a feeling of fullness that stays with you longer than juices. The average vegetable smoothie will supply two to three servings of vegetables (or fruit and vegetables), so you get a double or triple hit of these valuable foods with every drink. Br eakfast and Snack Smoothies Vegetables at breakfast? Why not? Although the traditional breakfast drink is orange juice, a raw vegetable or green smoothie provides antioxidants and phytonutrients in a convenient and much more digestible form, because the blender has done all the work of breaking down the plant cellulose. You wake up in the morning dehydrated, with your blood slightly acidic, so raw vegetable smoothies not only feed and nourish your cells, but also rehydrate and help to balance your pH levels. For morning vegetable smoothies, leafy greens such as spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and fresh herbs are a good choice to blend with carrots, zucchini, or tomatoes and one fruit, such as pineapple, mango, kiwi, banana, berries, or cherries. Yogurt or cottage cheese is a good addition at breakfast, because the protein takes longer to digest. Combining yogurt or cottage cheese with non-starchy vegetables is usually tolerable for people with very sensitive digestive systems, too — so even if you can’t tolerate fruit and protein together in the same meal or drink, you may be able to consume vegetables like summer squash, cucumber, tomatoes, broccoli, green beans, and sweet peppers along with yogurt or cottage cheese in a cool vegetable smoothie. Foods to avoid if you’re prone to yeast or viral infections If you have a yeast infection, you’ve recent ly taken antibiotics, or if you’ve recently suffered a viral infection (like a cold), avoid the following foods — they feed yeast, bacteria, and viruses: All sweet foods: Sugar, candy, syrups, toppings, ice cream, sweetened desserts, and sweetened breakfast cereals All refined grains: White bread, cakes, cookies, tarts, pies, and baked goods Pasta: Wheat and gluten-free noodles, rice, lasagna, and spaghet ti Fruits: All fruits except sour fruits, such as pomegranate, acai berries, cranberries, and lemon Root vegetables: Beets, carrots, parsnips, and potatoes G r e e n E n e r g y B r e a k f a s t Prep time: About 3 min • Blending time: 1 min • Yield: 2 servings Ingr edients 1 cucumber 2 cups fresh or 1 cup frozen spinach 1/2 cup almond milk 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves 2/3 cup plain low-fat yogurt 1
[ 79, 892, 25, 10180, 220, 18, 1332, 7436, 2563, 2518, 892, 25, 220, 16, 1332, 7436, 78478, 25, 220, 17, 79049, 198, 644, 911, 1608, 4167, 198, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 78182, 23661, 16, 14, 19, 10747, 34557, 12932, 477, 34557, 14403, 198, 18, 14, 19, 10747, 20268, 78182, 27855, 198, 16, 14, 19, 10747, 33745, 10054, 198, 6315, 384, 5247, 198, 16, 47912, 279, 78182, 23661, 11, 34557, 12932, 477, 14403, 11, 323, 198, 39138, 23182, 27855, 304, 279, 62895, 5593, 13, 220, 17, 35602, 279, 27431, 389, 279, 5593, 13, 220, 18, 28757, 389, 264, 3428, 4732, 323, 27115, 45404, 9017, 1579, 11, 20955, 198, 1820, 14293, 369, 220, 966, 6622, 13, 2758, 10054, 323, 28334, 369, 220, 508, 6622, 198, 269, 3156, 10054, 374, 42147, 9709, 304, 13, 220, 19, 27058, 279, 11113, 648, 1139, 220, 17, 29247, 11, 323, 4774, 0, 3700, 13788, 25, 84037, 220, 8878, 320, 3915, 26417, 220, 5538, 1237, 26417, 220, 22, 70, 320, 50, 35467, 220, 21, 70, 1237, 921, 35244, 220, 15, 12591, 26, 83541, 220, 508, 12591, 280, 9028, 34658, 349, 220, 777, 70, 320, 35, 3978, 661, 54727, 220, 17, 70, 1237, 49475, 220, 16, 70, 13, 30973, 25, 72379, 12932, 374, 264, 12314, 11, 3347, 301, 3043, 14812, 430, 374, 17770, 505, 198, 1820, 34557, 33595, 120912, 4385, 11, 779, 433, 753, 4528, 311, 323, 3686, 59884, 1109, 34557, 198, 76, 34263, 13, 1472, 649, 1304, 701, 1866, 34557, 12932, 555, 56941, 7878, 198, 1030, 27357, 33595, 120912, 4385, 449, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 3090, 13, 393, 384, 264, 272, 305, 220, 386, 602, 865, 384, 436, 198, 4808, 79, 892, 25, 10180, 220, 18, 1332, 7436, 2563, 2518, 892, 25, 220, 16, 1332, 7436, 78478, 25, 220, 17, 79049, 198, 644, 911, 1608, 4167, 198, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 73188, 477, 21726, 87537, 308, 39916, 198, 17, 56588, 7878, 30564, 23661, 198, 17, 49138, 14322, 11, 47283, 11, 477, 76524, 198, 18, 14, 19, 10747, 20268, 73188, 35354, 198, 16, 14, 19, 10747, 33745, 10054, 6315, 384, 5247, 198, 16, 47912, 279, 308, 39916, 11, 30564, 23661, 11, 13200, 11, 323, 1069, 14576, 304, 279, 198, 2067, 1693, 5593, 13, 220, 17, 35602, 279, 27431, 389, 279, 5593, 13, 220, 18, 28757, 389, 264, 3428, 4732, 323, 27115, 45404, 9017, 1579, 11, 20955, 198, 1820, 14293, 369, 220, 966, 6622, 13, 2758, 10054, 323, 28334, 369, 220, 508, 6622, 198, 269, 3156, 10054, 374, 42147, 9709, 304, 13, 220, 19, 27058, 279, 11113, 648, 1139, 220, 17, 29247, 11, 323, 4774, 0, 3700, 13788, 25, 84037, 220, 5894, 320, 3915, 26417, 220, 15, 1237, 26417, 220, 15, 70, 320, 50, 35467, 220, 15, 70, 1237, 921, 35244, 220, 15, 12591, 26, 83541, 220, 20, 12591, 280, 9028, 34658, 349, 220, 1114, 70, 320, 35, 3978, 661, 54727, 220, 17, 70, 1237, 49475, 220, 16, 70, 13, 650, 661, 1102, 0, 1472, 649, 1005, 78182, 477, 24149, 23661, 304, 2035, 315, 279, 198, 2375, 277, 13, 5250, 14576, 11, 308, 39916, 1572, 11, 628, 6370, 11, 323, 21726, 292, 2469, 1253, 387, 48715, 345, 69, 43340, 11, 323, 63196, 304, 420, 11363, 13, 5075, 45252, 14098, 198, 2746, 499, 2216, 1390, 311, 636, 4395, 5644, 220, 369, 264, 11113, 648, 304, 12178, 11, 220, 1456, 198, 45010, 10631, 512, 11544, 17808, 14293, 779, 430, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 617, 311, 58212, 220, 1124, 662, 6113, 14098, 323, 24822, 279, 3814, 1603, 11, 719, 5387, 1124, 220, 4459, 198, 39870, 814, 1935, 264, 1317, 892, 311, 4018, 709, 13, 9307, 83612, 323, 4018, 8356, 304, 459, 264, 2154, 492, 9145, 304, 279, 46044, 198, 438, 1005, 2949, 220, 1187, 4207, 13, 6113, 11, 6332, 11, 58212, 320, 333, 539, 17808, 705, 323, 4018, 14098, 323, 13294, 671, 645, 1139, 198, 47568, 13, 17710, 12862, 3059, 555, 6324, 287, 279, 14098, 477, 13294, 671, 645, 304, 832, 6324, 389, 264, 198, 65, 1802, 11071, 304, 279, 1400, 5086, 961, 315, 279, 31030, 436, 369, 459, 6596, 220, 477, 3156, 6573, 13, 5112, 3637, 1124, 304, 459, 264, 2154, 492, 9145, 304, 279, 31030, 436, 369, 709, 311, 2380, 4038, 13, 5560, 439, 4460, 13, 426, 384, 436, 436, 379, 220, 386, 602, 865, 384, 436, 198, 4808, 79, 892, 25, 10180, 220, 18, 1332, 7436, 2563, 2518, 892, 25, 220, 16, 1332, 7436, 78478, 25, 220, 17, 79049, 198, 644, 911, 1608, 4167, 198, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 70637, 15717, 477, 281, 638, 68163, 349, 23661, 198, 17, 56588, 7878, 42819, 23661, 198, 17, 56588, 26828, 198, 17, 49138, 14322, 11, 47283, 11, 477, 76524, 198, 18, 14, 19, 10747, 20268, 63494, 320, 4151, 30973, 340, 16, 14, 19, 10747, 33745, 10054, 198, 6315, 384, 5247, 198, 16, 47912, 279, 70637, 15717, 477, 281, 638, 68163, 349, 23661, 11, 42819, 23661, 11, 26828, 345, 278, 11353, 11, 323, 63494, 304, 279, 62895, 5593, 13, 220, 17, 35602, 279, 27431, 389, 279, 5593, 13, 220, 18, 28757, 389, 264, 3428, 4732, 323, 27115, 45404, 9017, 1579, 11, 20955, 198, 1820, 14293, 369, 220, 966, 6622, 13, 2758, 10054, 323, 28334, 369, 220, 508, 6622, 198, 269, 3156, 10054, 374, 42147, 9709, 304, 13, 220, 19, 27058, 279, 11113, 648, 1139, 220, 17, 29247, 11, 323, 4774, 0, 3700, 13788, 25, 84037, 220, 7285, 320, 3915, 26417, 220, 18, 1237, 26417, 220, 15, 70, 320, 50, 35467, 220, 15, 70, 1237, 921, 35244, 220, 15, 12591, 26, 83541, 220, 18, 12591, 280, 9028, 34658, 349, 220, 1644, 70, 320, 35, 3978, 661, 54727, 220, 18, 70, 1237, 49475, 220, 16, 70, 844, 575, 25, 1115, 7172, 1253, 387, 45915, 47500, 11, 779, 499, 649, 1005, 26828, 477, 945, 525, 198, 2375, 277, 477, 14198, 20228, 45322, 311, 10437, 268, 433, 311, 12945, 13, 650, 661, 1102, 0, 8868, 36989, 11, 85146, 36989, 11, 76203, 11, 3776, 36989, 11, 264, 96250, 198, 36989, 11, 323, 1524, 23008, 4108, 990, 1664, 304, 420, 38878, 13, 4418, 1431, 4732, 198, 791, 1401, 311, 47995, 701, 62895, 323, 3339, 2294, 11113, 552, 374, 311, 1212, 198, 266, 264, 3428, 4732, 304, 2015, 311, 636, 279, 42742, 220, 7366, 11, 323, 1243, 2543, 709, 279, 198, 20997, 311, 11298, 323, 3821, 439, 279, 8294, 12143, 274, 315, 14293, 2197, 72, 308, 311, 198, 9137, 709, 13, 3277, 279, 9863, 315, 26390, 323, 13294, 671, 645, 527, 14812, 4954, 323, 198, 35214, 9770, 709, 323, 2212, 279, 11314, 315, 279, 687, 264, 10670, 11, 14553, 279, 28960, 709, 198, 83, 83071, 5234, 13, 1442, 499, 5376, 279, 4732, 2288, 6288, 11, 264, 3544, 3805, 78869, 2067, 384, 690, 198, 630, 11, 323, 279, 42742, 690, 1120, 12903, 2212, 4871, 433, 6487, 2943, 220, 845, 198, 43712, 456, 481, 51825, 552, 198, 644, 1115, 15957, 198, 83681, 701, 60399, 6957, 279, 1938, 198, 25531, 279, 4717, 3940, 449, 94760, 11113, 552, 198, 70953, 304, 1115, 15957, 198, 7997, 12634, 44291, 198, 55724, 13737, 198, 94091, 75101, 3213, 198, 3816, 55371, 488, 198, 81836, 323, 3341, 90329, 198, 3165, 7725, 53811, 70873, 198, 44685, 6031, 60803, 198, 72379, 7997, 198, 84470, 321, 61434, 198, 10634, 114, 95392, 61434, 198, 10634, 114, 34823, 61434, 198, 356, 57589, 6995, 675, 198, 42410, 291, 3341, 4744, 14905, 14928, 198, 3165, 2912, 94091, 14905, 14928, 198, 3341, 4744, 14905, 92946, 12252, 198, 2360, 13636, 6491, 198, 3816, 74127, 198, 80629, 93816, 4656, 25253, 409, 77488, 3524, 198, 356, 42012, 51683, 198, 10267, 753, 3663, 433, 25, 1226, 1120, 1541, 1431, 8343, 3403, 24822, 13, 362, 220, 1049, 22, 4007, 198, 1527, 53240, 45316, 3907, 8710, 430, 4315, 549, 815, 13, 12884, 345, 36698, 15652, 374, 10168, 24981, 11, 719, 36581, 15652, 198, 285, 19946, 1523, 13, 2100, 11, 1268, 1690, 656, 499, 1205, 30, 4427, 11909, 2019, 33595, 71831, 588, 26390, 323, 198, 83571, 4893, 264, 1938, 13, 1442, 499, 3207, 539, 12459, 33595, 71831, 588, 26390, 323, 24822, 198, 30115, 1938, 11, 420, 374, 459, 9250, 5915, 311, 743, 311, 1212, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 198, 52, 815, 13, 6011, 315, 37963, 320, 2078, 6486, 8, 3604, 40912, 198, 20375, 311, 3116, 79049, 315, 14098, 323, 2380, 311, 33595, 71831, 588, 79049, 315, 198, 83571, 4893, 1475, 1938, 13, 1789, 54767, 2890, 323, 8624, 198, 1762, 7611, 11, 9395, 369, 439, 1690, 439, 5899, 477, 810, 79049, 315, 26390, 198, 438, 24822, 824, 1938, 13, 3639, 649, 499, 656, 422, 499, 3207, 961, 315, 430, 1912, 315, 1274, 889, 198, 9329, 1431, 12459, 3403, 60399, 30, 1472, 649, 1212, 16558, 1124, 0, 9393, 814, 2997, 279, 67732, 323, 33595, 71831, 655, 3235, 449, 279, 198, 24217, 32930, 11, 11113, 552, 3041, 499, 264, 8430, 315, 2539, 2136, 430, 27656, 198, 4291, 499, 5129, 1109, 65959, 13, 578, 5578, 36581, 11113, 648, 198, 14724, 8312, 1403, 311, 2380, 79049, 315, 24822, 320, 269, 14098, 323, 198, 83571, 4893, 705, 779, 499, 636, 264, 2033, 477, 24657, 4295, 315, 1521, 15525, 198, 96420, 449, 1475, 7172, 13, 3320, 384, 587, 9533, 323, 13358, 474, 51825, 552, 198, 43712, 456, 4893, 520, 17954, 30, 8595, 539, 30, 10541, 279, 8776, 198, 9137, 9533, 7172, 374, 19087, 23661, 11, 264, 7257, 36581, 477, 6307, 198, 57966, 648, 5825, 81115, 323, 37555, 783, 332, 32930, 304, 264, 198, 444, 48239, 323, 1790, 810, 21552, 1260, 1376, 11, 1606, 279, 198, 2067, 1693, 706, 2884, 682, 279, 990, 315, 15061, 1523, 279, 6136, 198, 5997, 360, 974, 13, 1472, 15508, 709, 304, 279, 6693, 409, 26233, 660, 11, 449, 701, 6680, 198, 3306, 73048, 84903, 11, 779, 7257, 36581, 11113, 552, 539, 1193, 5510, 198, 438, 46798, 819, 701, 7917, 11, 719, 1101, 312, 88478, 323, 1520, 311, 198, 22298, 701, 37143, 5990, 13, 1789, 6693, 36581, 11113, 552, 11, 16312, 88, 52011, 1778, 439, 68798, 345, 74, 1604, 11, 30791, 523, 569, 11, 323, 7878, 42393, 527, 264, 1695, 5873, 311, 20955, 198, 4291, 62517, 11, 1167, 86670, 11, 477, 41613, 323, 832, 14098, 11, 1778, 439, 198, 39138, 23182, 11, 70368, 11, 20548, 17043, 11, 44196, 11, 63494, 11, 477, 23008, 4108, 13, 95671, 5757, 477, 46722, 17604, 374, 264, 1695, 5369, 520, 17954, 345, 28753, 279, 13128, 5097, 5129, 311, 21552, 13, 23262, 5859, 55575, 477, 198, 66, 34795, 17604, 449, 2536, 5594, 15630, 24822, 374, 6118, 15230, 481, 198, 2000, 1274, 449, 1633, 16614, 60071, 6067, 11, 2288, 2001, 779, 1524, 198, 333, 499, 649, 1431, 50134, 14098, 323, 13128, 3871, 304, 279, 1890, 15496, 198, 269, 7172, 11, 499, 1253, 387, 3025, 311, 25024, 24822, 1093, 7474, 198, 98507, 1003, 11, 66032, 11, 41613, 11, 79276, 11, 6307, 27994, 11, 323, 10437, 198, 375, 36623, 3235, 449, 55575, 477, 46722, 17604, 304, 264, 7155, 36581, 198, 57966, 648, 13, 40160, 311, 5766, 422, 499, 3207, 38097, 311, 41580, 477, 198, 85, 37478, 30020, 198, 2746, 499, 617, 264, 41580, 19405, 11, 499, 4070, 3293, 14869, 4529, 46850, 11, 477, 422, 499, 4070, 198, 47743, 398, 16654, 264, 29962, 19405, 320, 4908, 264, 9439, 705, 5766, 279, 2768, 15657, 198, 2345, 814, 5510, 41580, 11, 24032, 11, 323, 42068, 512, 2052, 10437, 15657, 25, 32019, 11, 32656, 11, 6705, 81, 8772, 11, 90771, 11, 10054, 12932, 13801, 95928, 6901, 72513, 11, 323, 10437, 6901, 17954, 28091, 1147, 198, 2052, 312, 171, 71831, 19212, 41936, 25, 5929, 16385, 11, 48669, 11, 8443, 11, 259, 7183, 11, 61777, 11, 323, 198, 65, 7897, 11822, 198, 98446, 25, 56738, 323, 38455, 12862, 61260, 11, 20228, 11, 5252, 56057, 11, 220, 323, 993, 351, 14122, 9165, 435, 68998, 25, 2052, 26390, 3734, 20897, 26390, 11, 1778, 439, 281, 638, 68163, 349, 11, 264, 96250, 198, 36989, 11, 70637, 36989, 11, 323, 30564, 198, 19385, 24822, 25, 2893, 1441, 11, 62517, 11, 1370, 9810, 3153, 11, 323, 35267, 198, 38, 436, 384, 384, 308, 220, 469, 308, 384, 436, 342, 379, 220, 426, 436, 384, 264, 597, 282, 264, 274, 259, 198, 4808, 79, 892, 25, 10180, 220, 18, 1332, 7436, 2563, 2518, 892, 25, 220, 16, 1332, 7436, 78478, 25, 220, 17, 79049, 198, 644, 911, 1608, 4167, 198, 16, 66032, 198, 17, 26446, 7878, 477, 220, 16, 10747, 20268, 68798, 198, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 63168, 14403, 198, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 7878, 68186, 11141, 198, 17, 14, 18, 10747, 14733, 3428, 64354, 55575, 198, 16 ]
technique to the pituitary area on the thumb. If needed, also pinch the inner ear reflex area (see pp30-31).1 Thumb-walk through the liver reflex area technique. Make multiple passes.2 Make multiple thumb- walking passes through the pancreas reflex area.3 Thumb-walk up the side of the big toe, the brain stem reflex area. Make several passes.256 health concernsEnvironmental sensitivity The symptoms are allergic reaction or malaise. Cortisol from the adrenal glands reduces inflammation, while the liver rids the body of toxins, and the pancreas aids digestion. Eye disorders For eyestrain, you can simply work the eye reflex areas until your eyes feel more comfortable. If you have conjunctivitis or another eye problem, work the eye reflex areas three to four times a day for several minutes.1Work the adrenal gland and pancreas reflex areas by rolling a golf ball throughout the palm of the hand below the thumb.2To help rid the body of toxins, position the golf ball in the center of the palm and roll it throughout the liver reflex area. Use the thumb-walking technique to work the eye reflex area at the base of the toes.Pinch the eye reflex area, which is located in between the ring and middle fingers. selF-helP common health concerns 257Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition with symptoms including undue fatigue as well as pain, stiffness, and tenderness of muscles, tendons, and joints. The lower back, shoulder, and neck are commonly affected. Insomnia Repeated epsiodes of insomnia can leave the sufferer feeling exhausted. Reflexology applied shortly before bedtime can bring relaxation and promote restful sleep.1Position your thumb at the lower back reflex area. Thumb-walk through the area several times.2Thumb-walk through the adrenal gland reflex area, making multiple passes to help with inflammation. 1Position your thumb on the kidney reflex area. Use the thumb-walking technique to make several passes. 2Thumb-walk across the thyroid reflex area. Make several passes, both high and low, on the stem of the toe. 1Make several light thumb- walking passes over the solar plexus area on both feet.2Thumb-walk over the head and brain reflex areas. In addition, make several passes over the brain stem area.Psoriasis To treat this disorder, target the endocrine glands, particularly the thyroid and adrenal glands, which contribute to production of skin cells. Waste products are eliminated by the skin and kidneys, so stimulating the latter will help bring relief.258 health concernsShingles Shingles is an acute skin infection that is caused by the virus herpes zoster. Tension and stress can frequently be an aggravating contributor. The outbreak of rash occurs along a segment of skin related to a nerve, or nerves, that branches off the spine. It is important to find the reflex area that reflects this portion of the spine. Apply the thumb-walking technique to the spinal reflex area that is associated with the skin segment. Experiment in order to find the appropriate segment. selF-helP Roll a golf ball through the adrenal gland reflex areas for several minutes.Gently press the adrenal gland reflex areas several times in order to help relieve symptoms. Then move on to try the side-to- side dessert. Sinus problems Sinus problems and headaches are often the result of excess mucus clogging the sinus cavities. Working the adrenal gland reflex areas may help to relieve symptoms. Also try the side-to-side dessert, which may help unclog the sinus cavities and ease symptoms.common health concerns 259Sore throat If you have a sore throat you can try applying technique to the neck reflex area and to the adrenal gland reflex area to help soothe symptoms and reduce inflammation. If the hand reflex areas are overly sensitive, treat the corresponding areas on the foot; if the foot is sensitive, treat the hand. Apply thumb-walking technique to the ear reflex area until the symptoms subside.Tinnitus This condition causes a ringing, hissing, or buzzing in the ear. Apply thumb-walking technique to the hand or foot ear reflex area on the same side as the ringing ear and work until noise subsides. Note the time needed to get results. Work three to four times a day for several minutes as a preventive measure. Thumb-walk over the neck reflex area making several passes to cover the area. Pinpoint the adrenal gland reflex area with the index finger and press gently several times.Pinch the ear reflex area in between your little finger and ring finger.The cardiovascular system The cardiovascular system −the heart and blood vessels−is responsible for the constant flow of blood and other bodily fluids. The heart acts as a pump to keep the blood circulating around the body, carrying nutrients, hormones, antibodies, heat, and oxygen to the tissues and taking away waste materials. 260 health concernsDisorders of the cardiovascular system include: stroke (interruption of the blood supply to part of the brain), arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), congestive heart failure (an inability of the heart to pump blood effectively), high blood pressure or low blood pressure, heart attack (an interruption of the blood supply to the heart), and angina pectoris (an insufficient supply of blood and therefore oxygen to part of the heart). 42Hand orientation left Hand 1 heart 2 solar plexus 3 brain stem 4 adrenal glandfoot orientation BodY orientationIn reflexology, the heart reflex area is targeted to affect the heart. Work on the solar plexus reflex area helps ease tension which may contribute to high blood pressure. The brain stem regulates some of the heart’s activities, such as the heartbeat, while the adrenal gland produces adrenaline, which stimulates the heart, the blood vessels, and the respiratory system. Consequently, work on these two reflex areas can be beneficial.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms: 2Go on to gently press your thumb several times in the webbing between the second and third toes, the eye reflex area. 3Work the inner ear reflex area by pressing your thumb into the webbing between the third and fourth toes several times. 4Move on to the ball of the foot. Use several gentle thumb-presses to work the solar plexus and lung reflex areas. 5To work the heart reflex area, apply a few gentle presses to the ball of the foot. reflexology for your baby 203The foot sequence The techniques used here involve presses that are more gentle than others presented in this book. The techniques are simplified because a baby’s feet are small and you’ll be working with a moving target. 10 Work the tooth reflex areas by pressing gently several times on the top of the foot at the stem of the toe. 7Give several gentle presses of the thumb to the stomach reflex area. Reposition your thumb and cover the whole area. 8Next, work the reflex area corresponding to the pancreas by pressing it gently with your thumb several times. 9Now use a few gentle presses of your thumb to work the kidney reflex area. 6Continue your work with a few gentle presses of the thumb to the adrenal gland reflex area. 204 reflexology for every life stagereflexology for your baby 205The hand sequence A baby’s hands are tiny and simply worked. The areas worked in this sequence cover reflex areas representing much of the body in a few presses. Go on to gently press areas of the hand not pictured. Also a few gentle finger-pulls can add to your work. 1 Begin with a gentle thumb-press to the center of the thumb, which is the pituitary reflex area. Go on to gently press the centers of each of the fingers. 2 Now press your thumb gently several times in the webbing between the second and third fingers, working the eye reflex area. 3 Continue by applying a few gentle thumb- presses to the webbing between the third and fourth fingers, the inner ear reflex area. 206 reflexology for every life stage4 Apply a few gentle thumb-presses to the solar plexus and lung reflex areas. Reposition your thumb and work the areas below each finger. 5 Press your thumb gently into the heel of the hand
[ 15105, 720, 998, 279, 20428, 3159, 661, 220, 3158, 720, 263, 279, 25015, 13, 1442, 4460, 11, 720, 19171, 50346, 279, 9358, 2487, 2355, 1116, 2635, 3158, 320, 4151, 12086, 966, 12, 2148, 570, 16, 93356, 2695, 1727, 1555, 279, 720, 75, 1553, 220, 33766, 3158, 15105, 13, 7557, 5361, 16609, 13, 17, 7557, 5361, 25015, 7058, 81749, 16609, 1555, 279, 720, 857, 846, 300, 220, 33766, 3158, 13, 18, 93356, 2695, 1727, 709, 279, 3185, 315, 720, 1820, 2466, 31316, 11, 279, 8271, 19646, 2355, 1116, 2635, 3158, 13, 7557, 3892, 16609, 13, 4146, 2890, 10742, 83166, 27541, 198, 791, 13803, 527, 57596, 13010, 477, 8811, 4105, 13, 36775, 61023, 505, 279, 60564, 82375, 26338, 720, 258, 171, 120912, 8836, 367, 11, 1418, 279, 26587, 436, 3447, 279, 2547, 2355, 1073, 62186, 11, 323, 279, 62268, 300, 52797, 74502, 13, 28929, 24673, 198, 2520, 3999, 15462, 467, 11, 499, 649, 5042, 720, 1816, 279, 8071, 33766, 5789, 720, 39830, 701, 6548, 2733, 810, 720, 19975, 481, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 720, 93540, 20526, 344, 20000, 477, 2500, 8071, 720, 35686, 11, 990, 279, 8071, 33766, 720, 33637, 2380, 311, 3116, 3115, 264, 720, 1316, 369, 3892, 4520, 13, 16, 6919, 279, 60564, 67169, 220, 323, 62268, 300, 2355, 265, 171, 120912, 327, 5789, 555, 20700, 264, 19665, 5041, 6957, 279, 720, 79, 7828, 315, 279, 1450, 3770, 279, 25015, 13, 17, 1271, 1520, 9463, 279, 2547, 315, 62186, 11, 2361, 279, 2355, 70, 8255, 5041, 304, 279, 4219, 315, 279, 33552, 323, 6638, 433, 720, 20322, 412, 279, 26587, 220, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 3158, 13, 5560, 279, 25015, 2695, 30855, 2355, 26522, 2428, 311, 990, 279, 8071, 33766, 720, 4903, 520, 279, 2385, 315, 279, 45713, 1087, 37850, 279, 8071, 33766, 3158, 1174, 902, 720, 285, 7559, 304, 1990, 279, 10264, 323, 720, 20231, 19779, 13, 12069, 37, 2902, 301, 47, 4279, 2890, 10742, 220, 15574, 37, 581, 442, 16858, 55901, 198, 37, 581, 442, 16858, 55901, 374, 264, 21249, 3044, 449, 13803, 720, 16564, 91642, 36709, 439, 1664, 439, 6784, 11, 70334, 11, 323, 720, 83, 408, 29668, 315, 24569, 11, 8541, 2439, 11, 323, 35358, 13, 578, 4827, 720, 1445, 11, 17308, 11, 323, 13272, 527, 17037, 11754, 13, 9925, 50405, 198, 92089, 18470, 72, 2601, 315, 83511, 649, 5387, 279, 7831, 261, 8430, 720, 327, 15424, 291, 13, 94493, 2508, 9435, 20193, 1603, 89607, 649, 720, 82477, 43685, 323, 12192, 2800, 1285, 6212, 13, 16, 3897, 701, 25015, 520, 279, 720, 15115, 1203, 220, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 3158, 13, 93356, 2695, 1727, 1555, 279, 3158, 720, 325, 17998, 3115, 13, 17, 63799, 2695, 1727, 1555, 279, 720, 329, 47738, 67169, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 720, 4903, 11, 3339, 5361, 16609, 311, 720, 8823, 449, 37140, 13, 220, 16, 3897, 701, 25015, 389, 279, 720, 64381, 3520, 220, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 3158, 13, 5560, 279, 720, 26091, 2695, 30855, 15105, 311, 1304, 720, 325, 17998, 16609, 13, 220, 17, 63799, 2695, 1727, 4028, 279, 720, 27520, 1607, 220, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 3158, 13, 7557, 720, 325, 17998, 16609, 11, 2225, 1579, 323, 3428, 11, 720, 263, 279, 19646, 315, 279, 31316, 13, 220, 16, 8238, 3892, 3177, 25015, 7058, 81749, 16609, 927, 279, 720, 82, 7569, 281, 2635, 355, 220, 3158, 389, 2225, 7693, 13, 17, 63799, 2695, 1727, 927, 279, 2010, 720, 438, 8271, 220, 33766, 5789, 13, 763, 720, 723, 684, 11, 1304, 3892, 16609, 927, 720, 1820, 8271, 19646, 220, 3158, 1087, 82, 93003, 198, 1271, 4322, 420, 19823, 11, 2218, 720, 1820, 842, 78738, 82375, 11, 720, 74039, 279, 54060, 323, 720, 329, 47738, 82375, 11, 902, 720, 444, 2248, 311, 5788, 315, 720, 37282, 7917, 13, 49522, 3956, 527, 720, 40895, 15846, 555, 279, 6930, 323, 720, 64381, 36371, 11, 779, 65792, 279, 720, 75, 1683, 690, 1520, 4546, 16337, 13, 15966, 2890, 10742, 2059, 50703, 198, 2059, 50703, 374, 459, 30883, 6930, 19405, 430, 374, 720, 936, 2656, 555, 279, 17188, 70085, 1167, 11975, 662, 350, 2711, 323, 720, 95290, 649, 14134, 387, 459, 46041, 1113, 720, 48210, 4936, 13, 578, 31188, 315, 57342, 13980, 720, 39393, 264, 10449, 315, 6930, 5552, 311, 264, 32015, 11, 2355, 269, 50581, 11, 430, 23962, 1022, 279, 35776, 13, 1102, 374, 720, 15693, 311, 1505, 279, 33766, 3158, 430, 27053, 720, 576, 13651, 315, 279, 35776, 13, 21194, 279, 25015, 2695, 30855, 220, 15105, 311, 279, 50112, 2355, 1116, 2635, 3158, 430, 374, 5938, 449, 279, 6930, 10449, 13, 47893, 304, 2015, 311, 1505, 279, 8475, 10449, 13, 12069, 37, 2902, 301, 47, 198, 33455, 264, 19665, 5041, 220, 1555, 279, 720, 329, 47738, 67169, 220, 33766, 5789, 369, 720, 325, 17998, 4520, 1246, 4501, 3577, 220, 279, 720, 329, 47738, 67169, 220, 33766, 720, 33637, 3892, 3115, 304, 720, 1382, 311, 1520, 48839, 720, 24738, 52273, 13, 5112, 3351, 720, 263, 311, 1456, 279, 3185, 4791, 7058, 3002, 43849, 13, 18098, 355, 5435, 198, 49368, 355, 5435, 323, 55403, 527, 3629, 279, 720, 1407, 315, 13937, 296, 38601, 272, 26330, 279, 76914, 720, 66, 402, 1385, 13, 22938, 279, 60564, 67169, 33766, 720, 33637, 1253, 1520, 311, 48839, 13803, 13, 7429, 1456, 720, 1820, 3185, 4791, 25034, 43849, 11, 902, 1253, 1520, 720, 1371, 848, 279, 76914, 57709, 1385, 323, 14553, 13803, 6488, 2890, 10742, 220, 15537, 50, 461, 28691, 198, 2746, 499, 617, 264, 36366, 28691, 499, 649, 1456, 720, 680, 6852, 15105, 311, 279, 13272, 33766, 3158, 720, 438, 311, 279, 60564, 67169, 33766, 3158, 311, 1520, 720, 708, 78, 1820, 13803, 323, 8108, 37140, 13, 1442, 279, 1450, 33766, 5789, 527, 39532, 16614, 11, 720, 83, 1244, 279, 12435, 5789, 389, 279, 4579, 26, 422, 720, 1820, 4579, 374, 16614, 11, 4322, 279, 1450, 13, 21194, 25015, 2695, 30855, 220, 15105, 311, 279, 2487, 33766, 720, 4903, 3156, 279, 13803, 1207, 3002, 844, 98439, 198, 2028, 3044, 11384, 264, 68143, 11, 813, 80407, 11, 477, 720, 87226, 287, 304, 279, 2487, 13, 21194, 25015, 2695, 30855, 720, 26522, 2428, 311, 279, 1450, 477, 4579, 2487, 33766, 3158, 720, 263, 279, 1890, 3185, 439, 279, 68143, 2487, 323, 990, 720, 39830, 12248, 5258, 3422, 13, 7181, 279, 892, 4460, 311, 720, 456, 3135, 13, 5664, 2380, 311, 3116, 3115, 264, 1938, 720, 2000, 3892, 4520, 439, 264, 71123, 6767, 13, 93356, 2695, 1727, 927, 220, 279, 13272, 220, 33766, 3158, 220, 3339, 720, 325, 17998, 16609, 311, 3504, 279, 3158, 13, 17929, 2837, 279, 60564, 67169, 220, 33766, 3158, 449, 279, 720, 1275, 14654, 323, 3577, 30373, 3892, 3115, 1087, 37850, 279, 2487, 33766, 3158, 220, 304, 1990, 701, 2697, 720, 80216, 323, 10264, 14654, 11829, 41713, 1887, 198, 791, 41713, 1887, 25173, 1820, 4851, 323, 6680, 31080, 34363, 285, 8647, 720, 2000, 279, 6926, 33595, 120912, 363, 315, 6680, 323, 1023, 48131, 33595, 120912, 92316, 13, 578, 4851, 14385, 439, 264, 14155, 720, 998, 2567, 279, 6680, 54828, 2212, 279, 2547, 11, 15691, 37493, 11, 44315, 11, 720, 519, 581, 10233, 11, 8798, 11, 323, 24463, 311, 279, 39881, 323, 4737, 3201, 12571, 7384, 13, 220, 11387, 2890, 10742, 4944, 8076, 315, 279, 41713, 1887, 2997, 25, 720, 29341, 320, 396, 618, 84, 562, 315, 279, 6680, 8312, 311, 961, 720, 1073, 279, 8271, 705, 2961, 61254, 689, 320, 404, 23108, 53205, 705, 720, 444, 7114, 535, 4851, 8060, 320, 276, 38550, 315, 279, 4851, 720, 998, 14155, 6680, 13750, 705, 1579, 6680, 7410, 720, 269, 3428, 6680, 7410, 11, 4851, 3440, 320, 276, 720, 396, 618, 84, 562, 315, 279, 6680, 8312, 311, 279, 4851, 705, 720, 438, 6590, 2259, 281, 1279, 285, 320, 276, 1672, 1739, 171, 71831, 12575, 8312, 315, 720, 51105, 323, 9093, 24463, 311, 961, 315, 279, 4851, 570, 220, 2983, 2367, 17140, 198, 2414, 8704, 198, 16, 4851, 198, 17, 13238, 281, 2635, 355, 198, 18, 8271, 19646, 198, 19, 60564, 220, 67169, 5447, 17140, 45702, 56, 17140, 644, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 2508, 11, 279, 4851, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 3158, 374, 17550, 311, 720, 64, 1740, 279, 4851, 13, 5664, 389, 279, 13238, 281, 2635, 355, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 720, 4903, 8779, 14553, 24408, 902, 1253, 17210, 2355, 998, 1579, 6680, 7410, 13, 578, 8271, 19646, 80412, 720, 15031, 315, 279, 4851, 753, 7640, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 720, 73571, 11, 1418, 279, 60564, 67169, 19159, 720, 329, 47738, 483, 11, 902, 95455, 279, 4851, 11, 279, 6680, 720, 85, 434, 2053, 11, 323, 279, 42631, 1887, 13, 53123, 11, 720, 1816, 389, 1521, 1403, 33766, 5789, 649, 387, 24629, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 220, 17, 11087, 389, 311, 30373, 3577, 701, 720, 26091, 3892, 3115, 304, 279, 720, 2984, 7278, 1990, 279, 2132, 323, 720, 32827, 45713, 11, 279, 8071, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 220, 3158, 13, 220, 18, 6919, 279, 9358, 2487, 220, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 720, 4903, 555, 26422, 701, 25015, 720, 18614, 279, 3566, 7278, 1990, 279, 720, 32827, 323, 11999, 45713, 3892, 3115, 13, 220, 19, 10061, 389, 311, 279, 5041, 315, 279, 720, 5447, 13, 5560, 3892, 22443, 720, 26091, 12, 1911, 288, 311, 990, 279, 13238, 720, 9289, 355, 220, 323, 21271, 220, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 5789, 13, 220, 20, 1271, 990, 279, 4851, 220, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 720, 4903, 11, 3881, 264, 2478, 22443, 720, 1911, 288, 311, 279, 5041, 315, 279, 4579, 13, 33766, 2508, 369, 701, 8945, 220, 9639, 791, 4579, 8668, 2355, 791, 12823, 1511, 1618, 21736, 54063, 430, 527, 810, 720, 16149, 273, 1109, 3885, 10666, 304, 420, 2363, 13, 578, 12823, 720, 548, 15858, 72, 171, 71831, 291, 1606, 264, 8945, 753, 7693, 527, 2678, 323, 499, 4805, 720, 1395, 3318, 449, 264, 7366, 2218, 13, 220, 605, 5664, 279, 26588, 220, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 720, 33637, 555, 26422, 30373, 720, 325, 17998, 3115, 389, 279, 1948, 315, 279, 4579, 720, 266, 279, 19646, 315, 279, 31316, 13, 220, 22, 36227, 3892, 22443, 54063, 315, 720, 1820, 25015, 311, 279, 23152, 2355, 265, 171, 120912, 327, 3158, 13, 3402, 2161, 701, 25015, 720, 438, 3504, 279, 4459, 3158, 13, 220, 23, 5971, 11, 990, 279, 33766, 3158, 720, 6133, 6961, 287, 311, 279, 720, 857, 846, 300, 220, 555, 26422, 433, 30373, 720, 4291, 701, 25015, 3892, 3115, 13, 220, 24, 7184, 1005, 264, 2478, 22443, 54063, 720, 1073, 701, 25015, 311, 990, 279, 720, 64381, 3520, 220, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 3158, 13, 220, 21, 24433, 701, 990, 449, 264, 720, 71830, 22443, 54063, 315, 279, 720, 26091, 311, 279, 60564, 67169, 2355, 265, 171, 120912, 327, 3158, 13, 220, 7854, 33766, 2508, 369, 1475, 2324, 77536, 486, 12287, 2508, 369, 701, 8945, 220, 10866, 791, 1450, 8668, 198, 32, 8945, 753, 6206, 527, 13987, 323, 5042, 6575, 13, 578, 5789, 6575, 304, 420, 8668, 3504, 720, 1116, 2635, 5789, 14393, 1790, 315, 279, 2547, 720, 258, 264, 2478, 54063, 13, 6122, 389, 311, 30373, 3577, 5789, 720, 1073, 279, 1450, 539, 42666, 13, 7429, 264, 2478, 22443, 720, 80216, 2320, 71523, 649, 923, 311, 701, 990, 13, 220, 16, 19110, 449, 264, 22443, 25015, 12, 1911, 311, 720, 1820, 4219, 315, 279, 25015, 11, 902, 374, 279, 720, 33686, 3159, 661, 220, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 3158, 13, 6122, 389, 311, 30373, 720, 1911, 279, 19169, 315, 1855, 315, 279, 19779, 13, 220, 17, 4800, 3577, 701, 25015, 30373, 3892, 3115, 304, 720, 1820, 3566, 7278, 1990, 279, 2132, 323, 4948, 720, 171, 71831, 983, 388, 11, 3318, 279, 8071, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 3158, 13, 220, 18, 15353, 555, 19486, 264, 2478, 22443, 25015, 12, 720, 1911, 288, 311, 279, 3566, 7278, 1990, 279, 4948, 323, 720, 35124, 339, 33595, 71831, 983, 388, 11, 279, 9358, 2487, 220, 312, 171, 120912, 327, 3158, 13, 220, 11056, 33766, 2508, 369, 1475, 2324, 6566, 19, 21194, 264, 2478, 22443, 720, 26091, 12, 1911, 288, 311, 279, 720, 82, 7569, 281, 2635, 355, 220, 323, 21271, 2355, 265, 171, 120912, 327, 5789, 13, 3402, 2161, 701, 720, 26091, 323, 990, 279, 5789, 720, 54277, 1855, 33595, 71831, 65167, 13, 220, 20, 8612, 701, 25015, 30373, 1139, 720, 1820, 35428, 315, 279, 1450 ]
“scorch” the competition. As you look at the history of the United States, it m akes sense that we embody third chakra ener gy.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms: Y ou can use a y oga block to sit on in this pose if your hips are tight or the squat is hard o n your knees. Practicing Kegels or mula b andha (see description above) is ideal in th is pose. If you can, hold this pose for up to one minute. Pelvic T ilts: Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on t he floor, hip-width apart an d parallel, with your toes pointi ng forward. W alk your heels close to your bottom. Place your arms alongside you with your pal ms faci ng down. The position looks like a preparation for bridge pose ( setu bandhasana ), a yoga asana you may be familiar with (describedon page 130 ). Begin the tilt by squeezing your buttocks and lifting your tailbone and first three vertebrae, one vertebra at a time. Then sq ueeze, hold for five seconds, lower, and rele ase. Repeat this exercise twenty-five times. Pelvic t ilts brin g heat and ene r gy to the first chakra, stimula ting all the nerves. Standing Mountain Pose — T adasana : S tand tall with your feet paral lel and toes pointed forward. A gre at way to do this grounding pose is to use a yoga block and place it between your upper thighs. Spread out your toes, and firm ly plant your feet on the floor. Draw the ener gy up through your legs. Squeeze your buttocks while slightly opening your thighs outward. Stack yo ur verte brae, each one on top of the one below, and lift the crown of your head with your head in a neutral position. Roll your sho ulders back and down, and allow your arms to hang like plumb lines. Close your eyes and feel the dynamic of your feet firmly rooted to the earth an d the crown of your head flo ating upward toward the sky. Notice how good it feels to be balanced, grounded, and immovable. B ALANCING THE F IRST C HAKRA THROUGH F OOD It’ s impo rtant on your healing journey to eat only whole foods that are fresh and com e directly from the eart h. Reduce your consumption of processed, packaged, canned, or frozen food. When y ou’re fe eling unground ed, eat heavier foods such as proteins, hearty soups, bread, oils, and sw eet fruit. Y ou can also focus on eating root vegetables and potatoes. If you’ re feeling too heavy and sluggish, try eating what A yurveda calls a Kapha-p acifying diet: focus on bitter, p ungent, and astringent tastes; e at more beans, lentils, leafy green vegetables, and whol e grains such as quinoa; reduce meat consumption. W EIGHT L IFTING T O B ALANCE M ULADHARA Those w ho live mainly focused on the first chakra instinctual ly build up their muscles through weight tra ining. In fact, lifting weights is an excellent way to physical ly balance the first chakra. Y ou must be grounded to liftweights; otherw ise you would topple over under the weight. Th e heaviness (even with lighter weights) will make you stronger and more rooted to the earth. W eight training is a grea t way to play around with gravity, the first chakra ener gy. Healing the Emotional and Energetic Body When it comes to mental and emotional healing in the first chakra, you need to think about three basic thought concepts: worry, trust, and security. W ORR Y W e all suf fer from worry at on e time or another. It’ s not always easy to delve into the past and think about our development of trust and security, but i t might be worth doing this if you struggle with issues of tru st or worry. Concern is valid at times, such as when you have dif ficulty paying bills on time or your ma rriage is on shak y ground. Y et worry isn’ t warr anted if you can do nothing to change the situation. In many dif ferent religions and spiritual practices we’re warned not to worry. In the Bible, Jesus says in Matthew 6:27, “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life. ” In all 12-step programs, the meetings conclude with the Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the ser enity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the differ ence. W orry i s a blockage in and of itself. It blocks the flow of en er gy to creative solution s. W orry causes us to act out of fear instead of love. When we act out of fear — or rather react, in most cases — we usually create new problems and obstacles. Maybe you developed worry from your upbringing — maybe your parents constant ly worried. Or perhaps you developed worry from uncertain circumstances i n your past, such as parents divorcing, poverty, or adysfunctional family home. Whatever the case, you have the power to change i t now. Y ou can start by saying the Serenity Prayer to yourself daily and truly thinking about the things you can change versus the things you can’ t. T RUST If you didn’ t gro w up with a healthy sense of trust, you may fin d it dif ficult to tr ust others a nd your environment. There is no magic bullet to building trust bac k to a n ormal level. But if you’re open to learning, y ou can take baby ste ps towa rd its attainment. As you think about the concept of trust, think about things in the environment that are certain. For example, you can trust that the sun will rise each morning and set each night. Y ou can trust that you have twenty-four hours in the day. Y ou can trust that there are four seasons and certain celebrations or milestones on the calendar. Y ou can trust that your body will need be tween s ix and nine hou rs of sleep per night, depending on your personal nee ds. Y ou can trust that you will need to eat about th ree times per day and that if you follow the principle s of healthy living, your body will perform for you. Think a bout all the things you already trust but take for granted. For example, do you have a bank account. Do you deposit money into it. If you do, you trust that the bank will eventually give you back the m oney when you need it. Do you drive a car. If so, you trust all the other drivers to stay in their lanes and not run into you. When it comes to people and loved ones, first try noticing little things you trust. When a boyfriend shows up on time for a date, you l earn to trust him. Or when a new friend remembers it’ s your birthday, you b egin to trust that she cares fo r you. Do you see how trust is a flowing dynamic. W e tend to overlo ok the little gestures in relationships, even though trus t building is usually an accumulation of a lot of little things. When y ou approach “feeling” concepts such as trust from the perspective of the first chakra, you might believe that things are cut-and- dry. Ins tead of trust being a flowing quality, it stays concrete and categorical. T ake for example a two-year -old child, who can change like or dislike o f a person depending on an individual experience. If a parent takesaway a toy beca use of bad behav ior, the small child might shout out, “I hate you, Daddy. ” In that moment, the child feels hate because of a single experience that was displeasing to her. First chakra people behave in a similar way. They tend to be m ore rigid when it comes to deeper concepts like trust. But as you move up the chakras, you will notice that things get a little fuzzier, without well-defined boundaries, when it comes to emotional matters. For now, allow yoursel f to be open to taking steps to trust and see where it takes you. S ECURITY T ied into trust, feelings of secur ity or lack thereof can be a prob lem in first chakra b alancing. When you experience life through the first chakra alone, you might think you have to do it all alone. Y ou might fal l under the illusion that the world is a scary place and you have to fend for yourself or else you will die. (That is, by the way, the essence of survival of the fittest. ) Until you can b egin thinking otherwise, try living in the present moment. Present-moment awareness is n ot even a spiritual practice at this point. It simply means looking around y ou and looking at yourself. Are you living. Are you breathing. Do you have clothes on.
[ 1054, 2445, 22312, 863, 279, 198, 79123, 13, 1666, 499, 1427, 520, 279, 3925, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 433, 296, 264, 12841, 5647, 198, 9210, 584, 81658, 220, 4948, 523, 52503, 38556, 29720, 662, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 816, 6033, 649, 220, 1005, 264, 379, 297, 6885, 2565, 311, 2503, 220, 389, 304, 420, 17477, 422, 701, 43523, 527, 10508, 477, 279, 198, 82, 74083, 374, 2653, 297, 308, 701, 31624, 13, 18373, 10332, 735, 797, 2053, 477, 296, 5724, 293, 323, 4317, 320, 4151, 198, 4789, 3485, 8, 374, 10728, 304, 270, 374, 17477, 13, 1442, 499, 649, 11, 3412, 420, 17477, 369, 709, 311, 198, 606, 9568, 13, 24587, 45775, 350, 3900, 2641, 25, 220, 22213, 220, 10269, 220, 389, 701, 1203, 449, 701, 31624, 30280, 323, 701, 7693, 10269, 198, 263, 259, 568, 6558, 11, 18638, 9531, 10980, 459, 294, 15638, 11, 449, 701, 45713, 1486, 72, 7933, 4741, 13, 468, 58998, 701, 34460, 3345, 311, 701, 5740, 13, 11004, 701, 11977, 16662, 499, 449, 198, 22479, 11091, 10030, 3547, 72, 7933, 1523, 13, 578, 2361, 5992, 1093, 264, 18459, 369, 14497, 198, 2972, 320, 743, 84, 7200, 4752, 3444, 7026, 264, 220, 27102, 439, 3444, 499, 1253, 387, 11537, 449, 320, 5919, 17890, 263, 2199, 220, 5894, 7609, 19110, 220, 279, 37300, 555, 88807, 701, 98035, 14895, 323, 33510, 701, 198, 14928, 20337, 323, 1176, 2380, 5309, 51313, 68, 11, 832, 5309, 51313, 520, 264, 892, 13, 5112, 18522, 61198, 68, 3059, 11, 3412, 198, 2000, 4330, 6622, 11, 4827, 11, 323, 14049, 264, 325, 13, 45901, 420, 10368, 17510, 36399, 3115, 13, 24587, 45775, 259, 3900, 2641, 1437, 258, 342, 8798, 323, 665, 68, 436, 29720, 311, 279, 1176, 523, 52503, 11, 12936, 5724, 43327, 682, 279, 198, 77, 13583, 13, 46327, 19149, 51473, 2001, 350, 1008, 300, 3444, 551, 220, 328, 54667, 16615, 449, 701, 7693, 1370, 278, 514, 75, 198, 438, 45713, 220, 14618, 220, 4741, 13, 362, 2886, 520, 1648, 311, 656, 420, 95841, 17477, 374, 311, 1005, 264, 198, 88, 14361, 2565, 323, 2035, 433, 1990, 701, 8582, 60611, 13, 48816, 704, 701, 45713, 345, 438, 7626, 14869, 6136, 701, 7693, 389, 279, 6558, 13, 12261, 279, 38556, 29720, 709, 1555, 701, 198, 73336, 13, 328, 19901, 701, 98035, 14895, 1418, 10284, 8736, 701, 60611, 52046, 13, 14619, 30596, 4433, 67861, 20716, 68, 11, 1855, 832, 389, 1948, 315, 279, 832, 3770, 11, 323, 12157, 279, 27631, 198, 1073, 701, 2010, 449, 701, 2010, 304, 264, 21277, 2361, 13, 15028, 701, 72619, 8725, 12601, 1203, 198, 438, 1523, 11, 323, 2187, 701, 11977, 220, 311, 15020, 1093, 628, 3635, 5238, 13, 13330, 701, 6548, 198, 438, 2733, 279, 8915, 315, 701, 7693, 32620, 41976, 311, 279, 9578, 459, 294, 279, 27631, 198, 1073, 701, 2010, 9943, 520, 287, 40872, 9017, 279, 13180, 13, 25773, 1268, 1695, 433, 11321, 311, 387, 198, 59502, 11, 45445, 11, 323, 4998, 33055, 13, 426, 8927, 27267, 1753, 3247, 220, 435, 16646, 790, 220, 356, 473, 12173, 5726, 94205, 220, 435, 507, 2114, 198, 2181, 529, 274, 3242, 78, 17091, 519, 389, 220, 701, 21730, 11879, 311, 8343, 1193, 4459, 15657, 430, 527, 7878, 198, 438, 470, 384, 6089, 505, 279, 384, 472, 305, 13, 53253, 701, 15652, 315, 15590, 345, 4853, 3359, 11, 64114, 11, 477, 20268, 3691, 13, 3277, 379, 6033, 3207, 1172, 658, 287, 653, 1993, 1608, 11, 8343, 44922, 15657, 1778, 439, 28896, 345, 383, 6862, 5945, 1725, 11, 16385, 11, 32462, 11, 323, 2064, 384, 295, 14098, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 1101, 5357, 389, 12459, 3789, 198, 83571, 4893, 323, 35267, 13, 1442, 499, 529, 312, 8430, 2288, 8987, 323, 88046, 11, 1456, 12459, 198, 12840, 362, 379, 80627, 64, 6880, 264, 735, 1366, 64, 2320, 1645, 7922, 10173, 25, 5357, 389, 26242, 11, 281, 653, 16149, 11, 323, 198, 64, 928, 306, 36263, 26, 384, 520, 810, 27994, 11, 48907, 8839, 11, 16312, 88, 6307, 24822, 11, 323, 421, 337, 384, 198, 911, 1771, 1778, 439, 934, 80094, 26, 8108, 13339, 15652, 13, 468, 469, 4735, 220, 445, 358, 4082, 1753, 350, 507, 220, 426, 8927, 8606, 220, 386, 22931, 1846, 39, 55062, 198, 23025, 289, 11640, 3974, 14918, 10968, 389, 279, 1176, 523, 52503, 31655, 940, 14869, 1977, 709, 198, 50828, 24569, 1555, 4785, 9781, 304, 287, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 33510, 14661, 374, 459, 9250, 198, 3195, 311, 7106, 14869, 8335, 279, 1176, 523, 52503, 13, 816, 6033, 2011, 387, 45445, 311, 12157, 13630, 26, 1023, 86, 77193, 499, 1053, 45141, 273, 927, 1234, 279, 4785, 13, 666, 384, 13710, 1918, 198, 2069, 1055, 449, 30673, 14661, 8, 690, 1304, 499, 16643, 323, 810, 41976, 311, 279, 198, 28641, 13, 468, 8223, 4967, 374, 264, 2886, 64, 259, 1648, 311, 1514, 2212, 449, 24128, 11, 279, 1176, 198, 331, 52503, 38556, 29720, 13, 49741, 279, 95300, 323, 469, 1215, 36324, 14285, 198, 4599, 433, 4131, 311, 10723, 323, 14604, 21730, 304, 279, 1176, 523, 52503, 11, 499, 198, 17483, 311, 1781, 922, 2380, 6913, 3463, 19476, 25, 11196, 11, 7095, 11, 323, 4868, 13, 468, 2794, 49, 816, 198, 54, 384, 682, 56868, 18728, 505, 11196, 520, 389, 384, 892, 477, 2500, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 539, 2744, 4228, 311, 198, 9783, 588, 1139, 279, 3347, 323, 1781, 922, 1057, 4500, 315, 7095, 323, 4868, 345, 8248, 602, 259, 2643, 387, 5922, 3815, 420, 422, 499, 14993, 449, 4819, 315, 490, 84, 357, 477, 11196, 13, 52347, 374, 2764, 520, 3115, 11, 1778, 439, 994, 499, 617, 1422, 282, 27081, 12798, 19123, 389, 198, 1712, 477, 701, 7643, 436, 8950, 374, 389, 559, 587, 379, 5015, 13, 816, 1880, 11196, 4536, 529, 259, 289, 1138, 3276, 291, 422, 499, 198, 4919, 656, 4400, 311, 2349, 279, 6671, 13, 763, 1690, 1422, 18728, 306, 44230, 323, 18330, 12659, 584, 3207, 19201, 539, 311, 198, 86, 8635, 13, 763, 279, 17377, 11, 10811, 2795, 304, 19475, 220, 21, 25, 1544, 11, 1054, 6854, 682, 701, 38145, 220, 923, 264, 198, 15698, 4545, 311, 701, 2324, 13, 19524, 763, 682, 220, 717, 30308, 7620, 11, 279, 16659, 32194, 198, 4291, 279, 8409, 56685, 56060, 512, 28622, 11, 13500, 757, 279, 1446, 665, 488, 311, 4287, 279, 2574, 358, 4250, 2349, 345, 791, 25775, 311, 2349, 279, 2574, 358, 649, 345, 3112, 279, 24278, 311, 1440, 279, 1782, 665, 346, 13, 468, 477, 894, 602, 274, 264, 2565, 425, 304, 323, 315, 5196, 13, 1102, 10215, 279, 6530, 315, 665, 2781, 29720, 311, 198, 52817, 6425, 274, 13, 468, 477, 894, 11384, 603, 311, 1180, 704, 315, 8850, 4619, 315, 3021, 13, 3277, 198, 906, 1180, 704, 315, 8850, 2001, 477, 4856, 14085, 11, 304, 1455, 5157, 2001, 584, 6118, 1893, 502, 198, 96440, 323, 32116, 13, 10926, 499, 8040, 11196, 505, 701, 92385, 2001, 7344, 701, 198, 26534, 6926, 14869, 18290, 13, 2582, 8530, 499, 8040, 11196, 505, 36218, 198, 44398, 372, 9623, 602, 308, 701, 3347, 11, 1778, 439, 6699, 41079, 6253, 11, 19542, 11, 477, 1008, 1065, 50328, 3070, 2162, 13, 33739, 279, 1162, 11, 499, 617, 279, 2410, 311, 198, 3455, 602, 259, 1457, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 1212, 555, 5605, 279, 8409, 56685, 56060, 311, 6261, 7446, 198, 438, 9615, 7422, 922, 279, 2574, 499, 649, 2349, 19579, 279, 2574, 499, 198, 4919, 529, 259, 13, 350, 432, 8721, 198, 2746, 499, 3287, 529, 259, 10707, 289, 709, 449, 264, 9498, 5647, 315, 7095, 11, 499, 1253, 1913, 294, 433, 1422, 282, 3951, 198, 998, 490, 88689, 3885, 264, 15953, 701, 4676, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 11204, 17889, 311, 4857, 198, 57755, 80980, 597, 311, 264, 308, 477, 14991, 2237, 13, 2030, 422, 499, 3207, 1825, 311, 6975, 11, 379, 6033, 649, 1935, 198, 79064, 4179, 4831, 311, 10196, 23527, 1202, 93965, 13, 1666, 499, 1781, 922, 279, 7434, 315, 7095, 345, 27963, 922, 2574, 304, 279, 4676, 430, 527, 3738, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 499, 649, 198, 57755, 430, 279, 7160, 690, 10205, 1855, 6693, 323, 743, 1855, 3814, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 7095, 198, 9210, 499, 220, 617, 17510, 42117, 4207, 304, 279, 1938, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 7095, 430, 1070, 527, 3116, 198, 17217, 82, 323, 3738, 47674, 477, 69376, 389, 279, 13470, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 7095, 198, 9210, 701, 2547, 690, 1205, 387, 66617, 274, 27962, 323, 11888, 305, 283, 10242, 315, 6212, 824, 3814, 345, 81580, 389, 701, 4443, 841, 68, 11729, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 7095, 430, 499, 690, 1205, 311, 8343, 198, 9274, 270, 312, 68, 3115, 824, 1938, 323, 430, 422, 499, 1833, 279, 17966, 274, 315, 9498, 198, 64275, 11, 701, 2547, 690, 2804, 369, 499, 13, 21834, 264, 25646, 682, 220, 279, 2574, 499, 2736, 7095, 719, 1935, 369, 11938, 13, 1789, 198, 8858, 11, 656, 499, 617, 264, 6201, 2759, 13, 3234, 499, 16946, 3300, 1139, 433, 13, 1442, 499, 198, 3055, 11, 499, 7095, 430, 279, 6201, 690, 9778, 3041, 499, 1203, 279, 296, 832, 88, 994, 198, 9514, 1205, 220, 433, 13, 3234, 499, 6678, 264, 1841, 13, 1442, 779, 11, 499, 7095, 682, 279, 1023, 12050, 311, 4822, 198, 258, 872, 34125, 323, 539, 1629, 1139, 499, 13, 3277, 433, 4131, 311, 1274, 323, 10456, 6305, 11, 1176, 1456, 62464, 2697, 2574, 198, 9514, 7095, 13, 3277, 264, 26923, 5039, 709, 389, 892, 369, 264, 2457, 11, 499, 326, 7380, 311, 7095, 198, 40617, 13, 2582, 994, 264, 502, 4333, 43457, 433, 529, 274, 701, 15553, 11, 499, 293, 384, 8326, 311, 7095, 198, 9210, 1364, 34672, 12018, 436, 499, 13, 3234, 499, 1518, 1268, 7095, 374, 264, 36612, 8915, 13, 468, 384, 8541, 198, 998, 927, 385, 5509, 279, 2697, 53492, 304, 12135, 11, 1524, 3582, 490, 355, 259, 4857, 374, 198, 44066, 459, 46835, 315, 264, 2763, 315, 2697, 2574, 13, 3277, 379, 6033, 5603, 1054, 1897, 20659, 863, 19476, 1778, 439, 7095, 505, 279, 198, 32390, 9262, 315, 279, 1176, 523, 52503, 11, 499, 2643, 4510, 430, 2574, 527, 4018, 9976, 7058, 54310, 13, 9925, 1028, 329, 315, 7095, 1694, 264, 220, 36612, 4367, 11, 433, 27656, 14509, 323, 198, 66, 47147, 13, 350, 264, 441, 369, 3187, 264, 1403, 4771, 482, 820, 1716, 11, 889, 649, 2349, 1093, 477, 198, 4338, 4908, 297, 282, 264, 1732, 11911, 389, 459, 3927, 3217, 13, 1442, 264, 2748, 5097, 14075, 264, 22068, 387, 936, 1005, 315, 3958, 2824, 402, 602, 269, 11, 279, 2678, 1716, 2643, 42223, 704, 11, 1054, 40, 12491, 198, 9514, 11, 54546, 13, 19524, 763, 430, 4545, 11, 279, 1716, 11321, 12491, 1606, 315, 264, 3254, 198, 50659, 430, 574, 85334, 4522, 220, 311, 1077, 13, 5629, 523, 52503, 1274, 36792, 304, 264, 198, 65387, 1648, 13, 2435, 8541, 311, 387, 296, 16536, 33956, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 19662, 19476, 198, 4908, 7095, 13, 2030, 439, 499, 3351, 709, 279, 523, 587, 13075, 11, 499, 690, 5406, 430, 2574, 636, 264, 2697, 198, 69, 9065, 1291, 11, 2085, 220, 1664, 39817, 23546, 11, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 14604, 198, 76, 10385, 13, 1789, 1457, 11, 2187, 701, 9697, 282, 311, 387, 1825, 311, 4737, 7504, 311, 7095, 323, 1518, 198, 2940, 433, 5097, 499, 13, 328, 21283, 38331, 198, 51, 602, 291, 1139, 220, 7095, 11, 16024, 315, 513, 2407, 433, 88, 477, 6996, 34366, 649, 387, 264, 3650, 85074, 304, 1176, 198, 331, 52503, 293, 453, 9151, 13, 3277, 499, 3217, 2324, 1555, 279, 1176, 523, 52503, 7636, 345, 9514, 2643, 1781, 499, 617, 311, 656, 433, 682, 7636, 13, 816, 6033, 2643, 26564, 326, 1234, 279, 198, 82262, 430, 279, 1917, 374, 264, 29565, 2035, 323, 499, 617, 311, 95127, 369, 6261, 477, 198, 1531, 499, 690, 2815, 13, 320, 4897, 374, 11, 555, 279, 1648, 11, 279, 28591, 315, 20237, 315, 279, 282, 14602, 13, 883, 30070, 499, 649, 293, 384, 8326, 7422, 6062, 11, 1456, 5496, 304, 279, 3118, 4545, 13, 27740, 1474, 13209, 17985, 374, 308, 14479, 1524, 264, 18330, 6725, 520, 420, 1486, 13, 1102, 198, 15124, 2603, 3445, 3411, 2212, 379, 6033, 323, 3411, 520, 6261, 13, 8886, 499, 5496, 13, 8886, 499, 27027, 13, 3234, 499, 617, 220, 15447, 389, 13 ]
in life, not as a diversion you make time for if work—or the loss of it—allows. From my perspective, Jarret’ s being forced into retirement at this young age is the best thing that ever happened to you.” Jarret looked thoughtful. His mood, which had been self-pitying and introverted, had changed. He looked somewhat angry (which at least had brought him to life), but his whole life had been centered on challenge. If he could take my words as a challenge, I knew he would rise to it. “I know that a lot of fear surrou nds you now,” I said more gently to him. “But the best way to get throug h fear is to find a new purpose, otherwise fear will just increase its hold on you. The highest purpose you can have is with your wife. The merging of two energies, male and fema le, is much greater than what can be expressed just through sex or friendship. There’ s a spiritual potenti al here waiting to be fulfilled. Enter into it. Find out what you can gain from your marriage that goes beyond individual personality and isolated need.” I turned to Gail. “And the same is true for you. Make your motto one word—courage. Love and tenderness are not powerless; patience and tolerance can produce tremendo us change. Yet these energies have to be used not in submissiveness or resignation but in passion.”A passion for life is a passion for completeness. This means, at the most primal level, merging the male and female within oneself. The marriage of Shiva and Shakti is about spiritual potential, nothing less. In men this means the advent of tenderness, nurturing, and trust. Having a woman supply these qualities is not enough. Male attributes of force and violence have become grotesquely exaggerated in this world because men leave the feminine energies to women. Aggression and violence will become unnecessary as the shadow energies they disguise—fear and impotence—come to the surface to be recognized and healed. Being vulnerable will then be seen as a human quality, not a weakness that makes a man only half a man. Competi tion based on raging (and insecu re) ego will diminish with healing, and the ability to cooperate will increase. The worth of women in men’ s eyes will rise as men stop defining themselves as the opposite of female. Spiritually, male is the complement of female. Once this is accepted the awakening of male spirituality can come about, since it takes an infusion of female energy before our bodies and minds can totally merge with the silent field of pure awareness. By welcoming Shakti a man can truly be Shiva. For wom en the journey to wholeness is different, because it first entails raising female qualities to full dignity with male. A woman must build up her energies, so long forced into submission by society, whereas a man typically has to diminish the dominance of his. In both instances what is being achieved is balance. No one has ever claimed that the world had too much affection, tenderness, nurturing, intuition, and beauty— all female spiritual qualities—while it is all too obvious that aggression, force, struggle, and competition—exaggerated male qualities—have gone too far. A woman needs to allow herself however much time it takes to use Shakti energy to accomplish what has been reserved for the male ego. Shakti energy runs in everyo ne, but women have been given their femaleness to accentuate the difference between Shakti, which is subtle and spiritual, and brute force. This dif ference can be summarized as follows: Shakti understands. Instead of imposing, she communicates. Shakti has patience. Instead of forcing an answer, she waits for spirit to produce one. Shakti is tender. Instead of ignoring emotions, she uses emotion to tell when someone else is ready to listen and act. Shakti is peaceful. No situation ever requires force. Shakti is creative. She creates answers where none were seen before.Shakti is wise. She considers the whole picture rather than a few parts; she takes the cosmic perspective, which always comes from love. I saw these very qualities being displayed in the way Gail appro ached her husband’ s predicament. She had the ability to sympathize, to be patient, to offer emotional support, to allow, and to be tender. These aren’ t just ways to find a solution— they ar e the solution. “If you were as kind to yourself as Gail is,” I said at the end of our meeting, “if you wanted to understand yourself as much as she does, with as much love and lack of ego, you would have solved your predicament months ago. I hope you’ll be able to accept her perspective for the cherished thing it really is.” Jarret nodded, not quite able to say, “I’ll try,” because he was still too stuck in his old ways to admit he might have been wrong. But I sensed that he knew he was at a crossroads. Leaving defeat and bitterness behind would be his way to open up to the new. THE MARRIAGE OF SHIVA AND SHAKTI Having already touched on the concept of a sacred marriage, now we can expand that concept by looking at the energies of Shiva and Shakti. It is totally inadequate to call Shiva male and Shakti female, since these terms limit God, who cannot be limited. Our minds are limited to seeing masculine and feminine as polar opposites, but Shiva and Shakti have been married since before the dawn of creation. They are a divine whole that chooses to express itself by taking on the appearance of being masculine and feminine. You and I do the same thing. Although my body may be male, my inner self identifies with spirit as a whole, and therefore my soul must include both Shiva and Shakti: Shiva is silence. Shakti is power. Shiva is creativity. Shakti is creation. Shiva is love. Shakti is loving. These qualities aren’ t opposites but complements, which is a perfect description of a sacred marriage. Mature love consists of being able to see yourself in your beloved and your beloved in yourself. To remain stuck ingender stereoty pes, to defend one’s maleness or femaleness, to aim criticism at the other sex for causing problems—these are all betrayals of marriage’ s sacred foundation. A sacr ed marriage draws its passion fr om its inclusiveness. Passion for another person has to fade, but passion for life itself is eternal. When the two cosmic energies, Shiva and Shakti, are connected, the flow of passion brings unlimited creative potential. The poles of silence and power set up a tension between them, like the yearning felt between a man and a woman that can only be satisfied by the exchange of love. The current that connects them is the creative force of the universe, which is concentrated nowhere more than in you. You are the ground for this current to flow, it needs no one else. Only when Shiva and Shakti are married in you will you be able to enter a sacred marriage with someone else. Setting Shiva aside for the moment, since that energy is more abstract than Shakti, let’s explore why Shakti is feminine. In our culture a woman’ s role has long been to serve as helpmate, mother, attendant, and supplicant, not to wield power herself. Power in the Vedic sense, however, is always creative, and creativity is always sexual. Out of a divine sexual act the world was born; therefore the feminine, as birth giver, is the natural vehicle of power. Shakti can be extremely viscera l and physical, as anyone who has ever attended a birth knows. At the moment of delivery the whole room is charged with a vibrant, raw energy that emanates directly from the mother, and the appeara nce of the baby is like nothing so much as the birth of the world in miniature. Even though the fetus has been gestating, in the womb for nine months, this sudden appearance of a fully formed human being is miraculous. That is the concepti on of Shakti I hold in my mind —the force that can create out of nothing. Shakti can totally transform, melting away features of our inner landscape and creating new ones in their place. Yogis report tingling energy running up the spine in meditation (its esoteric name is Kundalini, one of the thousand names of the divine mother). The presence of this ener gy gives direct knowledge of God, perception of other worlds, and ecstatic fusionwith the divine. But if you aren’t a yogi or a mother in the delivery room, what is the experience of Shakti like? Shakti is the hidden power that turns matter into life. She is the divine spark, the flow of God’ s love. Anyone who is connected with spirit has Shakti, which manifests in five ways that the God Herself manifests. (For the sake of simplicity I will use the word God and apply feminine pronouns whenever I have the goddess Shakti in mind.) As described in the ancient Shiva Sutras —“teaching about Shiva”—these are the five
[ 304, 2324, 11, 539, 439, 264, 77364, 499, 1304, 892, 369, 422, 990, 51749, 198, 1820, 4814, 315, 433, 2345, 56967, 13, 5659, 856, 13356, 11, 31651, 2171, 529, 274, 1694, 9770, 1139, 198, 2171, 47668, 520, 420, 3995, 4325, 374, 279, 1888, 3245, 430, 3596, 7077, 311, 499, 49216, 72835, 2171, 7111, 43766, 13, 5414, 20247, 11, 902, 1047, 1027, 659, 2320, 488, 287, 323, 198, 37542, 22361, 11, 1047, 5614, 13, 1283, 7111, 14738, 19021, 320, 8370, 520, 3325, 1047, 198, 65, 6478, 1461, 311, 2324, 705, 719, 813, 4459, 2324, 1047, 1027, 31288, 389, 8815, 13, 1442, 568, 198, 29177, 1935, 856, 4339, 439, 264, 8815, 11, 358, 7020, 568, 1053, 10205, 311, 433, 13, 1054, 40, 1440, 430, 264, 2763, 315, 8850, 1765, 583, 15953, 82, 499, 1457, 2476, 358, 1071, 810, 30373, 311, 1461, 13, 1054, 4071, 279, 1888, 1648, 311, 636, 270, 583, 70, 305, 8850, 374, 311, 1505, 264, 502, 7580, 1174, 6062, 198, 69, 686, 690, 1120, 5376, 1202, 3412, 389, 499, 13, 578, 8592, 7580, 499, 649, 617, 374, 198, 4291, 701, 7555, 13, 578, 54477, 315, 1403, 49969, 11, 8762, 323, 5103, 64, 514, 11, 374, 1790, 198, 66335, 1109, 1148, 649, 387, 13605, 1120, 1555, 1877, 477, 27607, 13, 2684, 529, 274, 264, 198, 86390, 940, 3419, 23202, 453, 1618, 8748, 311, 387, 41834, 13, 11502, 1139, 433, 13, 7531, 704, 1148, 198, 9514, 649, 8895, 505, 701, 11103, 430, 5900, 7953, 3927, 17743, 198, 438, 25181, 1205, 49216, 40, 6656, 311, 480, 607, 13, 1054, 3112, 279, 1890, 374, 837, 369, 499, 13, 7557, 701, 63426, 832, 198, 1178, 2345, 66, 61140, 13, 10919, 323, 8541, 29668, 527, 539, 85452, 26, 30401, 323, 198, 21220, 261, 685, 649, 8356, 18659, 8862, 603, 2349, 13, 14968, 1521, 49969, 617, 311, 387, 198, 2656, 539, 304, 1207, 1869, 13071, 477, 44734, 719, 304, 11939, 2029, 32, 11939, 369, 2324, 374, 264, 11939, 369, 80414, 13, 1115, 3445, 11, 520, 279, 1455, 198, 652, 2931, 2237, 11, 54477, 279, 8762, 323, 8954, 2949, 57669, 13, 578, 11103, 315, 198, 2059, 10126, 323, 1443, 10114, 72, 374, 922, 18330, 4754, 11, 4400, 2753, 13, 763, 3026, 420, 3445, 279, 11599, 315, 8541, 29668, 11, 84911, 11, 323, 7095, 13, 20636, 198, 64, 5333, 8312, 1521, 29600, 374, 539, 3403, 13, 19960, 8365, 315, 5457, 323, 198, 56251, 768, 617, 3719, 96279, 447, 989, 62258, 304, 420, 1917, 1606, 3026, 198, 22233, 279, 46284, 49969, 311, 3278, 13, 4701, 30840, 323, 9349, 690, 198, 17106, 638, 26225, 439, 279, 12737, 49969, 814, 65081, 2345, 69, 686, 323, 198, 6802, 98660, 2345, 2063, 311, 279, 7479, 311, 387, 15324, 323, 62320, 13, 21347, 198, 85, 94007, 690, 1243, 387, 3970, 439, 264, 3823, 4367, 1174, 539, 264, 23948, 220, 430, 3727, 198, 64, 893, 1193, 4376, 264, 893, 13, 26517, 72, 73352, 3196, 389, 70517, 320, 438, 304, 5132, 84, 312, 8, 37374, 690, 198, 13223, 18675, 449, 21730, 11, 323, 279, 5845, 311, 47903, 690, 5376, 13, 578, 5922, 315, 3278, 304, 3026, 529, 274, 6548, 690, 10205, 439, 3026, 3009, 27409, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 439, 279, 14329, 315, 8954, 13, 17326, 1870, 1174, 8762, 374, 279, 23606, 315, 198, 43734, 13, 9843, 420, 374, 11928, 279, 75149, 315, 8762, 75456, 649, 2586, 198, 9274, 11, 2533, 433, 5097, 459, 71308, 315, 8954, 4907, 1603, 1057, 13162, 323, 198, 76, 8843, 649, 12756, 11117, 449, 279, 21737, 2115, 315, 10748, 17985, 13, 3296, 198, 90563, 5065, 1443, 10114, 72, 264, 893, 649, 9615, 387, 1443, 10126, 13, 1789, 2413, 665, 279, 11879, 311, 421, 17648, 434, 374, 2204, 11, 1606, 433, 1176, 71204, 198, 94780, 8954, 29600, 311, 2539, 38929, 449, 8762, 13, 362, 5333, 2011, 1977, 709, 198, 1964, 49969, 11, 779, 1317, 9770, 1139, 21142, 555, 8396, 1174, 20444, 264, 893, 198, 87184, 706, 311, 57160, 279, 44592, 315, 813, 13, 763, 2225, 13422, 1148, 374, 198, 35214, 17427, 374, 8335, 13, 2360, 832, 706, 3596, 11922, 430, 279, 1917, 1047, 2288, 198, 59178, 37805, 11, 220, 8541, 29668, 11, 84911, 11, 57351, 11, 323, 13444, 2345, 682, 8954, 198, 86390, 940, 29600, 2345, 3556, 433, 374, 682, 2288, 8196, 430, 40307, 11, 5457, 345, 496, 50428, 11, 323, 10937, 2345, 327, 10322, 660, 8762, 29600, 2345, 19553, 8208, 2288, 3117, 662, 362, 5333, 3966, 311, 2187, 11937, 4869, 1790, 892, 433, 5097, 311, 1005, 198, 2059, 10114, 72, 4907, 311, 22829, 1148, 706, 1027, 4694, 369, 279, 8762, 37374, 13, 1443, 10114, 72, 4907, 8640, 304, 1475, 78, 841, 11, 719, 3278, 617, 1027, 2728, 872, 198, 69, 336, 278, 24639, 311, 30200, 6426, 279, 6811, 1990, 1443, 10114, 72, 11, 902, 374, 27545, 323, 198, 86390, 940, 11, 323, 65198, 5457, 13, 1115, 1422, 18728, 768, 649, 387, 69729, 439, 11263, 512, 2059, 10114, 72, 31869, 13, 12361, 315, 49941, 11, 1364, 92606, 13, 1443, 10114, 72, 706, 30401, 13, 12361, 315, 25957, 459, 4320, 1174, 1364, 48036, 369, 9090, 311, 8356, 832, 13, 1443, 10114, 72, 374, 28682, 662, 12361, 315, 32003, 21958, 11, 1364, 5829, 20356, 311, 3371, 994, 4423, 775, 374, 5644, 198, 998, 9020, 323, 1180, 13, 1443, 10114, 72, 374, 26733, 13, 2360, 6671, 3596, 7612, 5457, 13, 1443, 10114, 72, 374, 11782, 13, 3005, 11705, 11503, 1405, 7000, 1051, 3970, 1603, 11086, 10114, 72, 374, 24219, 13, 3005, 32238, 279, 4459, 6945, 4856, 1109, 264, 2478, 5596, 26, 1364, 5097, 279, 55801, 198, 32390, 9262, 11, 902, 2744, 4131, 505, 3021, 13, 358, 5602, 1521, 1633, 29600, 1694, 12882, 304, 279, 1648, 480, 607, 3057, 264, 2454, 1077, 198, 13092, 7198, 529, 274, 79434, 2908, 13, 3005, 1047, 279, 5845, 311, 33818, 553, 11, 311, 387, 8893, 11, 311, 198, 26133, 14604, 1862, 11, 311, 2187, 1174, 323, 311, 387, 28682, 662, 4314, 7784, 529, 259, 1120, 5627, 311, 198, 3990, 264, 6425, 2345, 814, 802, 384, 279, 6425, 662, 1054, 2746, 499, 1051, 439, 3169, 311, 6261, 439, 480, 607, 374, 2476, 358, 1071, 520, 279, 842, 315, 1057, 198, 62349, 11, 1054, 333, 499, 4934, 311, 3619, 6261, 439, 1790, 439, 1364, 1587, 11, 449, 439, 198, 59178, 3021, 323, 6996, 315, 37374, 11, 499, 1053, 617, 29056, 701, 79434, 2908, 198, 50814, 4227, 13, 358, 3987, 499, 4805, 387, 3025, 311, 4287, 1077, 13356, 369, 279, 198, 9211, 3384, 3245, 433, 2216, 374, 49216, 72835, 2171, 36065, 11, 539, 5115, 3025, 311, 2019, 11, 1054, 40, 4805, 1456, 2476, 1606, 568, 574, 2103, 2288, 198, 267, 1983, 304, 813, 2362, 5627, 311, 17113, 568, 2643, 617, 1027, 5076, 13, 2030, 358, 89542, 430, 198, 383, 7020, 568, 574, 520, 264, 5425, 43791, 13, 74062, 18506, 323, 80096, 4920, 1053, 198, 1395, 813, 1648, 311, 1825, 709, 311, 279, 502, 662, 3247, 386, 4002, 40, 3669, 3083, 220, 6570, 92440, 3651, 220, 6570, 12173, 27712, 198, 29132, 2736, 24891, 389, 279, 7434, 315, 264, 32442, 11103, 11, 1457, 584, 649, 198, 33417, 430, 7434, 555, 3411, 220, 520, 279, 49969, 315, 1443, 10126, 323, 1443, 10114, 72, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 28879, 750, 46579, 311, 1650, 1443, 10126, 8762, 323, 1443, 10114, 72, 8954, 11, 2533, 1521, 3878, 198, 9696, 4359, 11, 889, 4250, 387, 7347, 13, 5751, 20663, 527, 7347, 311, 9298, 198, 7044, 3395, 483, 323, 46284, 439, 25685, 220, 8081, 3695, 11, 719, 1443, 10126, 323, 1443, 10114, 72, 617, 1027, 198, 70582, 2533, 1603, 279, 39493, 315, 9886, 13, 2435, 527, 264, 30467, 4459, 430, 198, 971, 20274, 311, 3237, 5196, 555, 4737, 389, 279, 11341, 315, 1694, 61165, 198, 438, 46284, 13, 1472, 323, 358, 656, 279, 1890, 3245, 13, 10541, 856, 2547, 1253, 387, 8762, 11, 856, 9358, 198, 726, 36611, 449, 9090, 439, 264, 4459, 11, 323, 9093, 856, 13836, 2011, 2997, 198, 21704, 1443, 10126, 323, 1443, 10114, 72, 512, 2059, 10126, 374, 21847, 13, 1443, 10114, 72, 374, 2410, 662, 1443, 10126, 374, 28697, 662, 1443, 10114, 72, 374, 9886, 13, 1443, 10126, 374, 3021, 13, 1443, 10114, 72, 374, 21955, 13, 4314, 29600, 7784, 529, 259, 8081, 3695, 719, 1946, 1392, 11, 902, 374, 264, 4832, 198, 4789, 315, 264, 32442, 11103, 13, 43259, 3021, 17610, 315, 1694, 3025, 311, 1518, 198, 22479, 726, 304, 701, 28530, 323, 701, 28530, 304, 6261, 13, 2057, 7293, 16075, 6892, 1693, 23473, 115966, 18541, 11, 311, 10726, 832, 753, 8811, 24639, 477, 5103, 278, 24639, 11, 311, 9395, 198, 38096, 42914, 520, 279, 1023, 1877, 369, 14718, 5435, 2345, 45010, 527, 682, 34568, 1147, 315, 198, 5730, 8950, 529, 274, 32442, 16665, 13, 362, 17475, 1608, 11103, 27741, 1202, 11939, 1448, 8019, 1202, 45409, 13071, 13, 64888, 369, 2500, 1732, 706, 311, 198, 17976, 11, 719, 11939, 369, 2324, 5196, 374, 35825, 13, 3277, 279, 1403, 55801, 49969, 11, 1443, 10126, 323, 1443, 10114, 72, 11, 527, 8599, 1174, 279, 6530, 198, 1073, 11939, 12716, 27862, 11782, 4754, 13, 578, 51879, 315, 21847, 323, 198, 13477, 743, 709, 264, 24408, 1990, 1124, 11, 1093, 279, 1060, 1251, 6612, 1990, 264, 893, 198, 438, 264, 5333, 430, 649, 1193, 387, 20097, 555, 279, 9473, 315, 3021, 13, 578, 1510, 198, 9210, 34161, 1124, 374, 279, 11782, 5457, 315, 279, 15861, 11, 902, 374, 198, 444, 1189, 55373, 28211, 810, 1109, 304, 499, 13, 1472, 527, 279, 5015, 369, 420, 1510, 198, 998, 6530, 11, 433, 3966, 220, 912, 832, 775, 13, 8442, 994, 1443, 10126, 323, 1443, 10114, 72, 527, 12502, 304, 198, 9514, 690, 499, 387, 3025, 311, 3810, 264, 32442, 11103, 449, 4423, 775, 13, 20638, 1443, 10126, 16038, 369, 279, 4545, 11, 2533, 430, 4907, 374, 810, 8278, 198, 54895, 1443, 10114, 72, 11, 1095, 753, 13488, 3249, 1443, 10114, 72, 374, 46284, 13, 763, 1057, 7829, 220, 264, 5333, 529, 274, 198, 5898, 706, 1317, 1027, 311, 8854, 439, 1520, 18543, 11, 6691, 1174, 65022, 11, 323, 91135, 36337, 345, 1962, 311, 42945, 2410, 11937, 13, 7572, 304, 279, 650, 34383, 5647, 11, 4869, 1174, 374, 2744, 198, 52817, 11, 323, 28697, 374, 2744, 7392, 13, 4470, 315, 264, 30467, 7392, 1180, 279, 198, 14957, 574, 9405, 26, 220, 9093, 279, 46284, 11, 439, 7342, 95615, 1174, 374, 279, 5933, 7458, 198, 1073, 2410, 662, 1443, 10114, 72, 649, 387, 9193, 59665, 2473, 326, 323, 7106, 11, 439, 5606, 889, 706, 3596, 198, 86006, 264, 7342, 8964, 13, 2468, 279, 4545, 315, 9889, 279, 4459, 3130, 374, 198, 38061, 449, 264, 34076, 11, 7257, 4907, 430, 69239, 988, 6089, 505, 279, 6691, 13801, 438, 279, 5101, 64, 308, 346, 315, 279, 8945, 220, 374, 1093, 4400, 779, 1790, 439, 279, 7342, 315, 279, 198, 14957, 304, 57863, 13, 7570, 3582, 279, 76688, 706, 1027, 13033, 1113, 11, 304, 279, 73937, 198, 2000, 11888, 4038, 11, 420, 11210, 11341, 315, 264, 7373, 14454, 3823, 1694, 374, 198, 20531, 582, 13850, 13, 3011, 374, 279, 7434, 72, 389, 315, 1443, 10114, 72, 358, 3412, 304, 856, 4059, 2001, 1820, 5457, 198, 9210, 649, 1893, 704, 315, 4400, 13, 1443, 10114, 72, 649, 12756, 5276, 11, 50684, 3201, 4519, 315, 1057, 9358, 198, 89491, 323, 6968, 502, 6305, 304, 872, 2035, 13, 95671, 285, 1934, 43327, 2785, 4907, 198, 28272, 709, 279, 35776, 304, 33862, 320, 1220, 1560, 83775, 836, 374, 93987, 278, 6729, 1174, 832, 315, 198, 1820, 16579, 5144, 315, 279, 30467, 6691, 570, 578, 9546, 315, 420, 38556, 29720, 6835, 198, 20384, 6677, 315, 4359, 11, 21063, 315, 1023, 24800, 11, 323, 98392, 37608, 4291, 279, 30467, 13, 2030, 422, 499, 7784, 1431, 264, 42453, 72, 477, 264, 6691, 304, 279, 9889, 3130, 345, 12840, 374, 279, 3217, 315, 1443, 10114, 72, 1093, 30, 1443, 10114, 72, 374, 279, 8340, 2410, 430, 10800, 5030, 1139, 2324, 13, 3005, 374, 279, 30467, 198, 54882, 11, 279, 6530, 315, 4359, 529, 274, 3021, 13, 33634, 889, 374, 8599, 449, 9090, 706, 1443, 10114, 72, 11, 902, 84332, 304, 4330, 198, 2336, 430, 279, 4359, 65466, 491, 84332, 13, 320, 2520, 279, 25491, 315, 40075, 358, 690, 1005, 198, 1820, 3492, 4359, 323, 3881, 46284, 19126, 60086, 15716, 358, 617, 279, 52190, 198, 2059, 10114, 72, 304, 4059, 6266, 1666, 7633, 304, 279, 14154, 1443, 10126, 328, 332, 13075, 2001, 2118, 668, 12092, 922, 198, 2059, 10126, 63750, 45010, 527, 279, 4330 ]
magical minds are therefore the healthiest. OceanofPDF. com4 Bending the Arrow of Time As ill fortune would have it, the two worst days in Malcolm’s life came back to back. On Monday his brother was jogging in the park, as he did every morning, when another runner saw him suddenly collapse onto the path. The man rushed to help, but Malcolm’s brother was already dead, the victim of a massive heart attack. He was fty years old, seven years younger than Malcolm, and he had no previous history of heart disease. On Tuesday, the wife of Malcolm’s best friend, who was a local pediatrician in his late forties, called up weeping incoherently. Her husband was driving home from the hospital that afternoon when he slumped over the wheel of his car. He, too, had been struck with a fatal heart attack without anyone suspecting that he had heart disease. These two losses aected Malcolm deeply. Numbed and shaken, he began to dwell moodily on the uncertainty of life. By week’s end, he decided to consult a doctor about his own heart. His cardiologist ran an EKG, which proved normal, but since his brother’s heart attack might point to a famil y predisposition, Malcolm was asked to take a treadm ill test. He performed extremely well, taking his heartbeat up to 180 without suering pain, nor were there indications of any distortions in his heartbea t. “Stop worrying,” his cardiologist reassured him, “you have the heart of a twenty-year- old. ” The next day, however, Malcolm was sitting at a red light in morning trac, continuing to obsess over the two deaths that hadleft such a gaping hole in his life. He missed the light turning green. Suddenly he found himself at the head of three lanes of angrily honking cars trying to zoom around him. Confused and disoriented, he took a few seconds to regain his composure, and as he shifted into gear, he noticed a funny sensation in the middle of his chest— he couldn’t tell whether it was pain or pressure, but it made him feel momentarily dizzy. Malcolm decided to consult another cardiologist, who spotted some potential irregularities in the way the rst treadmi ll test had been conducte d. “Why don’t you have another stress test. ” he advised. “Just to make sure. ” Malcolm showed up early at the testing laboratory and was told that he would have to wait for the patient in front of him. He sat down and peered in through the lab window to see a t-looking man in running shorts walking briskly on the treadmi ll. As if in a silent movie, the man opened his mouth without emitting a sound, clutched spasmodically at his chest, and fell to the oor. The nurse hustled Malcolm away. In a few minutes he learn ed that the man had died of a coronary. His own test was postponed for another week. Malcolm feared that he was being followed by a curse. Greatly distressed, he returned home and for the rst time began to notice denite twing es of pain in the area of his breas tbone. He immediately reported this symptom to his new cardiologist. “Look,” the doctor said, “no treadmill test is all that reliable. If you really want to be sure about your heart, let’s do an angio gram. ” An angiogram, which allows the heart to be observed on a monitor while the coronary arteries are illuminated with an injection of dye, is considered the gold standard for assessing coronary heart disease. The test was run, and if Malcolm had feared the worst, it now came true. Two of his coron ary arteries were 85 percent blocked, causing blood ow to his heart to be dangerously restricted. His chest pain suddenly increased in intensity and frequency. It began to show the prole of typical angina, coming on whenever he exerted himself physically. Alarmed, his cardiologist put him on nitroglycerine pills to control the attacks. All next week Malcolm stayed home from work, but to combat his dejection, he decided tonish some home repairs, which required climbing a ladder and setting in some heavy window sashes. On his next visit to the doctor, he mentioned that he had been doing this work without any chest discomfort. His cardiologist looked aghast. “You can’t do that kind of thing. Don’t you realize that with coronary arteries as blocked as yours, you could suer a heart attack at any moment. ” Upon hearing these words, Malcolm felt squeezing chest pain that left him breathless—it was his rst attack of unstable angina, a late and very serious symptom of heart disease. It is called “unstable” because the bouts of pain start coming unpredictably, with or without physic al exertion. His cardiologist felt that they had no choice but to operate. Malcolm underwent a double bypass graft that Friday. It was less than a month after the two fatal heart attacks that had sent him into a tailspin. Nor was this the end. When I saw him four months later, Malcolm’s newly grafted coronary vessels were still open, but his chest pain had not abated. Today he still exhibits all the classic signs of unstable angina. He has to avoid even the least stress and therefore has been forced into early retirement. Since a stroll to the refrigerator is now enough to trigger a burst of chest pain, he is almost completely housebound. Presumably his high anxiety level triggers his attacks, either by causing spasms of the coronary arteries or by creating psychosomatic pain. “What do you think caused all this. ” I asked him. “I lie awake thinking about it,” he said mournfully. “Did I do this to myself, or am I just incredibly unlucky. No one’s given me any kind of acceptable explanation. Let’s call it a mystery and leave it at that. ” Time and the Perceiver If Malcolm’s condition had taken forty years to develop instead of four weeks, there would be no mystery. We would just say that he grew old. Coronary artery disease aicts so many old people that it was long considered a norm al part of the aging process, and evennow, when heart disease is known to be preventable and therefore is not, strictly speaking, norm al, it remains the leading cause of mortality among the elderly. Historically, medicine has not been able to hunt down the cause of aging or even describe it well, but by denition getting old is something that takes a long time to happen. A heart that ages in a month is acting in a fashion that is highly abnormal, even bizarre. There is more than a hint that Malcolm somehow gener ated the series of event s that victimized him, although his consciousness did not recognize the fact. To begin with, explaining his case as the product of random chance is not convincing. The timing and orchestration of events following the death of his brother is just too perfect. They unfold like a well-crafted play, with rising dramatic tension and a swift, gripping denouement. Malcolm has no knowledge of how he might have done all this. To hasten the aging process implies the ability to control it, but that implies control over time itself, which is clearly impossible—or so we assume. If we step outside the limited world view of science, explanations do exist. First we can challe nge the basic assumption that time is objective. The clocks we depend upon to tell us the time appear to tick their hours and minutes independent of our inuence, and daily events appear to be jumbled up with no rhyme or reason; but from another viewp oint, all this is only the conventional treatment of time which all of us happen to share. We have made a collective agreement that time has certain unalterable features: it moves forward, it is measured by clocks, it is uniform everywhe re, it waits for no man. Yet this agreement is not ironclad, and at certain moments time turns inexplicably exible. Recently a Swiss friend of mine, also a physician, read me a curious and moving newspaper story about a coal mine disaster in Germany. A small group of miners were trapped underg round after a massive cave-in. They realized that the air in the mine shaft would last only a limited number of hours. As it turned out, just one of the group was wearing a wristwatch, and he began to announce the time while the men anxiously awaited rescue. To sustain hope in the others, he did not announce the righttime, however ; he called out one hour whenever two hours had passed. Six days later, a rescue team found the trapped miners; astonishingly, they were all still alive with one exception—the man who wore the watch. In essence, the man with the watch fooled the others into breaking their agreement about what constitutes real time. Tragically, he could not fool himself. Can it be that time will wait for one man and overtake another, depending on what each one expects. In the spring of 1990, sociologists from the University of California at
[ 198, 31606, 950, 20663, 527, 9093, 279, 2890, 13744, 13, 22302, 1073, 24317, 13, 470, 19, 198, 33, 2518, 279, 34812, 315, 4212, 198, 2170, 5986, 33415, 1053, 617, 433, 11, 279, 1403, 12047, 2919, 304, 48069, 753, 2324, 198, 6142, 1203, 311, 1203, 13, 1952, 7159, 813, 10868, 574, 99738, 304, 279, 6246, 345, 300, 568, 1550, 1475, 6693, 11, 994, 2500, 23055, 5602, 1461, 15187, 198, 18391, 8800, 279, 1853, 13, 578, 893, 33341, 311, 1520, 11, 719, 48069, 753, 198, 15222, 700, 574, 2736, 5710, 11, 279, 11996, 315, 264, 11191, 4851, 3440, 13, 1283, 198, 16514, 220, 188, 38058, 1667, 220, 2362, 11, 8254, 1667, 14992, 1109, 48069, 11, 323, 568, 1047, 198, 2201, 3766, 3925, 315, 4851, 8624, 13, 1952, 7742, 11, 279, 7555, 315, 48069, 753, 1888, 4333, 11, 889, 574, 264, 2254, 198, 7018, 23336, 1122, 304, 813, 3389, 12108, 552, 11, 2663, 709, 584, 55323, 304, 1030, 1964, 4501, 13, 6385, 198, 13092, 7198, 574, 10043, 2162, 505, 279, 8952, 430, 13658, 994, 198, 383, 1776, 61292, 927, 279, 13587, 315, 813, 1841, 13, 1283, 11, 2288, 11, 1047, 1027, 17948, 449, 198, 64, 19094, 4851, 3440, 2085, 5606, 15562, 287, 430, 568, 1047, 4851, 198, 67, 56407, 13, 4314, 1403, 18151, 264, 188, 1599, 48069, 17693, 13, 16610, 2788, 323, 66900, 345, 383, 6137, 311, 44935, 20247, 1570, 389, 279, 27924, 315, 2324, 13, 3296, 2046, 753, 842, 345, 383, 6773, 311, 8666, 264, 10896, 922, 813, 1866, 4851, 13, 5414, 73151, 16549, 198, 6713, 459, 469, 44016, 11, 902, 19168, 4725, 11, 719, 2533, 813, 10868, 753, 4851, 198, 21208, 2643, 1486, 311, 264, 44526, 379, 80632, 3571, 11, 48069, 574, 4691, 311, 198, 23609, 264, 48814, 76, 5986, 1296, 13, 1283, 10887, 9193, 1664, 11, 4737, 813, 198, 73571, 709, 311, 220, 5245, 2085, 924, 188, 4776, 6784, 11, 6463, 1051, 1070, 198, 86184, 811, 315, 904, 70584, 919, 304, 813, 4851, 1395, 64, 259, 13, 1054, 10903, 40876, 2476, 813, 198, 5057, 72, 16549, 32834, 3149, 1461, 11, 1054, 9514, 617, 279, 4851, 315, 264, 17510, 4771, 7058, 820, 13, 126672, 791, 1828, 1938, 11, 4869, 11, 48069, 574, 11961, 520, 264, 2579, 3177, 304, 198, 57902, 1251, 9781, 188, 66, 11, 14691, 311, 56359, 927, 279, 1403, 16779, 430, 1047, 2414, 1778, 264, 100036, 14512, 304, 813, 2324, 13, 1283, 13942, 279, 3177, 13353, 6307, 13, 58801, 568, 1766, 5678, 520, 279, 2010, 315, 2380, 34125, 315, 87625, 198, 82649, 10789, 9515, 4560, 311, 15932, 2212, 1461, 13, 15323, 2656, 323, 834, 33536, 345, 383, 3952, 264, 2478, 6622, 311, 49655, 813, 470, 12313, 11, 323, 439, 568, 30073, 198, 18614, 14787, 11, 568, 14000, 264, 15526, 37392, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 813, 15489, 2345, 198, 383, 7846, 1431, 3371, 3508, 433, 574, 6784, 477, 7410, 11, 719, 433, 1903, 1461, 198, 57676, 99497, 85184, 13, 48069, 6773, 311, 8666, 2500, 73151, 16549, 11, 889, 30652, 198, 15031, 4754, 42408, 1385, 304, 279, 1648, 279, 220, 188, 59125, 48814, 8318, 9507, 1296, 1047, 198, 82850, 6929, 68, 294, 13, 1054, 10445, 1541, 1431, 499, 617, 2500, 8631, 1296, 13, 19524, 568, 198, 329, 26451, 13, 1054, 10156, 220, 311, 1304, 2771, 13, 19524, 48069, 8710, 709, 4216, 520, 279, 198, 9016, 27692, 323, 574, 3309, 430, 568, 1053, 617, 311, 3868, 369, 279, 198, 23557, 304, 4156, 315, 1461, 13, 1283, 7731, 1523, 323, 1069, 12616, 304, 1555, 279, 10278, 198, 5624, 311, 1518, 264, 220, 188, 83, 31348, 893, 304, 4401, 36876, 11689, 75491, 398, 198, 263, 279, 48814, 8318, 9507, 13, 1666, 422, 304, 264, 21737, 5818, 11, 279, 893, 9107, 813, 11013, 198, 30096, 90556, 264, 5222, 11, 1206, 332, 2454, 83060, 2658, 2740, 520, 813, 15489, 11, 323, 198, 67643, 311, 279, 220, 188, 10922, 13, 578, 29198, 59750, 839, 48069, 3201, 13, 763, 264, 2478, 4520, 198, 383, 4048, 1608, 430, 279, 893, 1047, 8636, 315, 264, 66298, 13, 5414, 1866, 1296, 574, 198, 2252, 621, 291, 369, 2500, 2046, 13, 48069, 38569, 430, 568, 574, 1694, 8272, 555, 264, 41100, 13, 8681, 398, 198, 12489, 14715, 11, 568, 6052, 2162, 323, 369, 279, 220, 188, 59125, 892, 6137, 220, 311, 5406, 198, 451, 188, 62664, 4483, 287, 1560, 315, 6784, 304, 279, 3158, 315, 813, 5395, 300, 16767, 606, 13, 1283, 198, 318, 44287, 5068, 420, 49648, 311, 813, 502, 73151, 16549, 13, 1054, 10596, 2476, 198, 1820, 10896, 1071, 11, 1054, 2201, 85746, 1296, 374, 682, 430, 15062, 13, 1442, 499, 2216, 198, 53757, 311, 387, 2771, 922, 701, 4851, 11, 1095, 753, 656, 459, 6590, 822, 23882, 13, 19524, 1556, 198, 79428, 13255, 11, 902, 6276, 279, 4851, 311, 387, 13468, 389, 264, 8891, 198, 3556, 279, 66298, 85648, 527, 75648, 449, 459, 26127, 315, 54631, 345, 285, 6646, 279, 6761, 5410, 369, 47614, 66298, 4851, 8624, 13, 578, 1296, 574, 1629, 11, 323, 422, 48069, 1047, 38569, 279, 12047, 11, 433, 1457, 198, 6142, 837, 13, 9220, 315, 813, 22760, 74021, 85648, 1051, 220, 5313, 3346, 19857, 345, 936, 985, 6680, 220, 188, 363, 311, 813, 4851, 311, 387, 59594, 22486, 13, 5414, 198, 27417, 6784, 15187, 7319, 304, 21261, 323, 11900, 13, 1102, 6137, 311, 198, 3528, 279, 463, 188, 273, 315, 14595, 6590, 2259, 11, 5108, 389, 15716, 568, 43844, 291, 198, 40617, 726, 22655, 13, 1708, 31372, 11, 813, 73151, 16549, 2231, 1461, 389, 198, 45168, 12184, 68590, 483, 26153, 311, 2585, 279, 8951, 13, 2052, 1828, 2046, 48069, 198, 267, 43995, 2162, 505, 990, 11, 719, 311, 12896, 813, 409, 7761, 11, 568, 6773, 311, 188, 97939, 1063, 2162, 31286, 11, 902, 2631, 30608, 264, 36865, 323, 198, 15680, 304, 1063, 8987, 3321, 274, 14380, 13, 1952, 813, 1828, 4034, 311, 279, 10896, 11, 568, 9932, 430, 568, 1047, 1027, 198, 45359, 420, 990, 2085, 904, 15489, 44776, 13, 5414, 73151, 16549, 198, 7349, 291, 264, 876, 561, 13, 1054, 2675, 649, 1431, 656, 430, 3169, 315, 3245, 13, 4418, 1431, 499, 13383, 198, 9210, 449, 66298, 85648, 439, 19857, 439, 18821, 11, 499, 1436, 924, 188, 261, 264, 198, 18207, 3440, 520, 904, 4545, 13, 126672, 50384, 11011, 1521, 4339, 11, 48069, 6612, 88807, 15489, 6784, 430, 198, 2414, 1461, 11745, 1752, 44603, 574, 813, 220, 188, 59125, 3440, 315, 45311, 6590, 2259, 11, 264, 3389, 198, 438, 1633, 6129, 49648, 315, 4851, 8624, 13, 1102, 374, 2663, 1054, 359, 29092, 89874, 28753, 279, 96271, 315, 6784, 1212, 5108, 44696, 2915, 11, 449, 477, 198, 30096, 55124, 453, 43844, 290, 13, 5414, 73151, 16549, 6612, 430, 814, 1047, 912, 198, 12008, 719, 311, 14816, 13, 48069, 55093, 264, 2033, 31818, 69413, 198, 9210, 6740, 13, 1102, 574, 2753, 1109, 264, 2305, 1306, 279, 1403, 19094, 4851, 8951, 198, 9210, 1047, 3288, 1461, 1139, 264, 9986, 42682, 13, 8170, 574, 420, 279, 842, 13, 3277, 358, 5602, 1461, 3116, 4038, 3010, 345, 30700, 42937, 753, 13945, 342, 61869, 66298, 31080, 1051, 2103, 1825, 11, 719, 813, 198, 27417, 6784, 1047, 539, 671, 660, 13, 11450, 568, 2103, 50829, 682, 279, 11670, 12195, 198, 1073, 45311, 6590, 2259, 13, 1283, 706, 311, 5766, 1524, 279, 3325, 8631, 323, 198, 19041, 1348, 706, 1027, 9770, 1139, 4216, 21624, 13, 8876, 264, 69983, 311, 279, 198, 1116, 65044, 859, 374, 1457, 3403, 311, 8346, 264, 21165, 315, 15489, 6784, 11, 568, 374, 198, 60301, 6724, 3838, 11130, 13, 4203, 76051, 813, 1579, 18547, 2237, 198, 376, 22099, 813, 8951, 11, 3060, 555, 14718, 83060, 1026, 315, 279, 66298, 198, 5408, 552, 477, 555, 6968, 8841, 437, 13795, 6784, 13, 1054, 3923, 656, 499, 1781, 9057, 682, 420, 13, 19524, 358, 4691, 1461, 13, 1054, 40, 10457, 35447, 7422, 922, 433, 2476, 568, 1071, 60234, 3725, 13, 1054, 7131, 358, 656, 420, 198, 998, 7182, 11, 477, 1097, 358, 1120, 17235, 89544, 13, 2360, 832, 753, 2728, 757, 904, 198, 15674, 315, 22281, 16540, 13, 6914, 753, 1650, 433, 264, 23347, 323, 5387, 433, 520, 198, 9210, 13, 126672, 1489, 323, 279, 3700, 13158, 198, 2746, 48069, 753, 3044, 1047, 4529, 36498, 1667, 311, 2274, 4619, 315, 198, 35124, 5672, 11, 1070, 1053, 387, 912, 23347, 13, 1226, 1053, 1120, 2019, 430, 568, 198, 70, 4361, 2362, 13, 48183, 661, 65415, 8624, 264, 188, 31095, 779, 1690, 2362, 1274, 430, 433, 198, 16514, 1317, 6646, 264, 7617, 453, 961, 315, 279, 30084, 1920, 11, 323, 1524, 3409, 11, 994, 4851, 8624, 374, 3967, 311, 387, 5471, 481, 323, 9093, 374, 198, 1962, 11, 26549, 12365, 11, 7617, 453, 11, 433, 8625, 279, 6522, 5353, 315, 198, 76, 76052, 4315, 279, 29920, 13, 22425, 2740, 11, 16088, 706, 539, 1027, 198, 481, 311, 19614, 1523, 279, 5353, 315, 30084, 477, 1524, 7664, 433, 1664, 11, 719, 555, 198, 451, 188, 77, 684, 3794, 2362, 374, 2555, 430, 5097, 264, 1317, 892, 311, 3621, 13, 362, 4851, 220, 430, 17051, 304, 264, 2305, 374, 15718, 304, 264, 11401, 430, 374, 7701, 198, 370, 8416, 11, 1524, 33288, 13, 2684, 374, 810, 1109, 264, 13310, 430, 48069, 17354, 1803, 520, 291, 279, 198, 20473, 315, 1567, 274, 430, 11996, 1534, 1461, 11, 8051, 813, 25917, 1550, 198, 1962, 15641, 279, 2144, 13, 2057, 3240, 449, 11, 26073, 813, 1162, 439, 279, 198, 3107, 315, 4288, 6140, 374, 539, 40661, 13, 578, 18912, 323, 198, 22312, 478, 2214, 315, 4455, 2768, 279, 4648, 315, 813, 10868, 374, 1120, 2288, 198, 64185, 13, 2435, 28572, 1093, 264, 1664, 1824, 61869, 1514, 11, 449, 16448, 220, 22520, 198, 83, 2711, 323, 264, 30462, 11, 81291, 3453, 283, 1133, 13, 48069, 706, 912, 198, 90153, 315, 1268, 568, 2643, 617, 2884, 682, 420, 13, 2057, 34143, 268, 279, 30084, 198, 4734, 24897, 220, 279, 5845, 311, 2585, 433, 11, 719, 430, 24897, 2585, 927, 198, 1712, 5196, 11, 902, 374, 9539, 12266, 51749, 779, 584, 9855, 13, 1442, 584, 3094, 4994, 279, 7347, 1917, 1684, 315, 8198, 11, 41941, 198, 3055, 3073, 13, 5629, 584, 649, 523, 5164, 308, 713, 279, 6913, 25329, 430, 892, 374, 198, 85611, 13, 578, 51437, 584, 6904, 5304, 311, 3371, 603, 279, 892, 5101, 311, 198, 35255, 872, 4207, 323, 4520, 9678, 315, 1057, 304, 188, 84, 768, 11, 323, 7446, 198, 12670, 5101, 311, 387, 503, 26902, 709, 449, 912, 98034, 477, 2944, 26, 719, 505, 198, 43063, 1684, 79, 297, 396, 11, 682, 420, 374, 1193, 279, 21349, 6514, 315, 198, 1712, 902, 682, 315, 603, 3621, 220, 311, 4430, 13, 1226, 617, 1903, 264, 22498, 198, 351, 17589, 430, 892, 706, 3738, 653, 38377, 481, 4519, 25, 433, 11031, 198, 13741, 11, 433, 374, 17303, 555, 51437, 11, 433, 374, 14113, 1475, 86, 383, 312, 11, 433, 48036, 198, 2000, 912, 893, 13, 14968, 420, 9306, 374, 539, 11245, 566, 329, 11, 323, 520, 3738, 14269, 892, 198, 413, 82, 34678, 416, 2915, 220, 188, 327, 1260, 13, 42096, 264, 30791, 4333, 315, 10705, 11, 1101, 264, 198, 42305, 12734, 11, 1373, 757, 264, 22999, 323, 7366, 17222, 3446, 922, 264, 198, 41565, 10705, 21426, 304, 10057, 13, 362, 2678, 1912, 315, 43243, 1051, 198, 376, 5795, 1234, 70, 4883, 1306, 264, 11191, 26457, 3502, 13, 2435, 15393, 430, 279, 198, 1334, 304, 279, 10705, 31468, 1053, 1566, 1193, 264, 7347, 1396, 315, 4207, 13, 1666, 198, 275, 6656, 704, 11, 1120, 832, 315, 279, 1912, 574, 12512, 264, 33271, 14658, 11, 323, 198, 383, 6137, 311, 22203, 279, 892, 1418, 279, 3026, 74884, 13610, 79578, 198, 417, 32824, 13, 2057, 14201, 3987, 304, 279, 3885, 11, 568, 1550, 539, 22203, 279, 1314, 1712, 11, 4869, 2652, 568, 2663, 704, 832, 6596, 15716, 1403, 4207, 1047, 198, 36522, 13, 19198, 2919, 3010, 11, 264, 17629, 2128, 1766, 279, 31691, 43243, 280, 96091, 11218, 398, 11, 814, 1051, 682, 2103, 13989, 449, 832, 4788, 22416, 893, 198, 14965, 28670, 279, 3821, 13, 763, 28591, 11, 279, 893, 449, 279, 3821, 80647, 279, 3885, 1139, 198, 37757, 872, 9306, 922, 1148, 42675, 1972, 892, 13, 1183, 351, 2740, 11, 568, 1436, 539, 24931, 5678, 13, 3053, 433, 387, 430, 892, 690, 3868, 198, 2000, 832, 893, 323, 927, 23609, 2500, 11, 11911, 389, 1148, 220, 1855, 832, 198, 38731, 13, 763, 279, 10683, 315, 220, 2550, 15, 11, 15983, 22012, 505, 279, 3907, 315, 198, 46510, 520 ]
the form of little pills and capsules) commonly known as vitamins or food supplements. Interestingly, acceptance of these methods by my clients runs in exact opposition to their effectiveness. People prefer taking vitamins because they seem like the allopaths' pills, taking pills demands little or no responsibility for change. The least popular prescript ion I can write is a monodiet of water for several weeks or a month. Yet this is my most powerful medicine. It is possible to resolve many health complaints without fasting, simply by cleansing the colon and regaining normal lower bowel function. Colo nics take little personal effort and are much easier to get people to accept than fasting. So I can fully understand how perfectly honest and ethical naturopaths have developed obsessions with colon cleansing. Some healers have loudly and repeatedly (and w rongly) proclaimed that constipation is the sole cause of disease, and thus, the only real cure for any illness is colon cleansing. Even though it is possible to have a lot of successes with the simple (though unpleasant to administer) technique of co lon cleansing, degenerated lower bowels are the only cause of disease. I prefer to use bowel cleansing as an adjunct to more comp lete healing programs. However, old classics of hygiene and even a few new books strongly make the case for colonics. Some of t hese books are entirely one -sided, single -cause single -cure approaches, and sound convincing to the layperson. For this reason, I think I should take a few paragraphs and explain why some otherwise well -intentioned health professionals have overly -advocate d colonics (and other practices as well). Most Diseases Cure Themselves If you ask any honest medical doctor how they cure diseases, they will tell you that most acute disease conditions and a smal ler, though significant percentage (probably a majorit y) of chronic disease conditions are self -limiting and will, given time, get better all by themselves. So for most complaints, the honest allopathic doctor sees their job as giving comfort and easing the sever ity of the symptoms until a cure happens. This same scenario, when viewed from a hygienist's perspective, is that almost all acute and many chronic conditions are simpl y the body's attempt to handle a crisis of toxemia. For two reasons the current crisis will probably go away by itself. The pos itive reason is that the toxic overload will be resolved: the person changes their dietary habits or the stressor that temporarily lowered their vital force and produced enervation is removed, then digestion improves and the level of self -generated toxins is r educed. The negative reason for a complaint to "cure" itself is that the suffering person's vital force drops below the level that the sy mptom can be manifested and the complaint goes away because a new, more serious disease is developing. I view this second possibility as highly undesirable because strong, healthy bodies possessing a high degree of vital force are able to eliminate toxins rather violently, frequently producing very uncomfortable symptoms that are not life -threatening. However, as the vital force drops, the body changes its routes of secondary elimination and begins using more centrally located vital organs and systems to dispose of toxemia. This degeneration producing less unpleasant symptoms, but in the long run, damages essential org ans and moves the person closer to their final disease. A young vigorous body possessing a large degree of vital force will almost always route surplus toxins through skin tissues a nd skin-like mucus membranes, producing repeated bouts of sinusitis, or asthma, or colds, or a combination of all these. Each acute manifestation will "cure" itself by itself eventually. But eventually the body's vital force can no longer create these aggre ssive cleansing phenomena and the toxemia begins to go deeper. When th e allopathic doctor gets a patient complaining of sinusitis, they know they will eventually get a cure. The "cure" however, might well be a case of arthritis. This unfortunate reality tends to make young, idealistic physicians become rather disillusio ned about treating degenerative conditions because the end result of all their efforts is, in the end, death anyway. The best they can do is to alleviate suf fering and to a degree, prolong life. The worst they can do is to prolong suffering. Thus, the physicians main job is to get the patient to be patient, to wait until the body corrects itself and stops manifesting the undesired symptom. Thus comes the prime rule of all humane medicine: first of all, do no harm! If the doctor simply refrains from making the body worse, it will probably get better by itself. But the patient, rarely resigned to quiet suffering, comes in dema nding fast relief, demanding a cure. In fact, if the patient were resigned to quiet suffering they would not consult a doctor. So i f the doctor wants to keep this patient and make a living they must do something. If that something the doctor must do does little or no harm and better yet, can also alleviate the symptoms, the doctor is practicing good medicine and will have a very high cure rate and be financially successful if they have a good bedside manner. This kind of doctor may be allopathic and/or "natural," may use herbs or practice homeopathy. The story of Dr. Jennings, a very successful and famous or infamous (depending on your viewpoint) physician, who practiced in Connecticut in the early 1800s exemplifies this type of approach. Dr. Jennings had his own unique medicines. Their composition was of his own devising, and were absolutely secret. He had pills and colored b itter drops of various sorts that were compounded himself in his own pharmacy. Dr. Jennings' patients generally recovered and had few or no complications. This must be viewed in contrast to the practices of his fellow doctors of that era, whose black bags were full of mercury and arsenic and strychnine, whose practices included obligatory bleeding. These techniques and medicines "worked" by poisoning the body or by reducing its blood supply and thus lowering its vital force, ending the bo dy's ability to man ifest the undesirable symptom. If the poor patient survived being victimized by their own physician, they were tough enough to survive both their disease and the doctor's cure. Typically, the sick had many, lengthy complications, long illness es, and many " setbacks" requiring many visits, earning the physician a great living. Dr. Jennings operated differently. He would prescribe one or two secret medicines from his black bag and instruct the patient to stay in bed, get lots of rest, drink lots of water, eat little and lightly, and continue taking the medicine until they were well. His cure rate was phenomenal. Demand they might, but Dr. Jennings would never reveal what was in his pills and vials. Finally at the e nd of his career, to instruct his fellow m an, Dr. Jennings confessed. His pills were made from flour dough, various bitter but harmless herbal substances, and a little sugar. His red and green and black tinctures, prescribed five or ten drips at a time mixed in a glass of water several times daily, were only water and alcohol, some colorant and something bitter tasting, but harmless. Placebos in other words. Upon confessing, Dr. Jennings had to run for his life. I believe he ended up retiring on the western frontier, in Indiana. So me of his fo rmer patients were extremely angry because they had paid good money, top dollar for "real" medicines, but were given only flour and water. The fact that they got better didn't seem to count. If the physicians curative procedure suppresses the symptom and/or lowers the vital force with toxic drugs or surgery, (either result will often as not end the complaint) the allopathic doctor is practicing bad medicine. This doctor too will have a hig h cure rate and a good business (if they have an effective bedsi de manner) because their drugs really do make the current symptoms vanish very rapidly. Additionally, their practice harmonizes with a common but vicious dramatization of many people which goe s: when a body is malfunctioning, it is a bad body and needs to be punished. So lets punish it with poisons and if that don't work, lets really punish it by cutting out the offending part. However, if the physician can do something that will do no harm but raises the vital force and/or lowers the level of toxemia, this doctor will have a genuine cure rate higher than either of the two techniques. Why does raising the vital force help? Be cause it reduces enervation, improves the digestion, lowers the creation of new toxins and improves the function of the organs of elimination, also reducing the toxic overload that is causing the complaint. Techniques that temporarily and quickly rais e the vital force include homeopathy, chiropractic, vitamin therapy, massage, acupuncture and acupressure and many more spiritually oriented practices. Healers who use these approaches and have a good bedside manner can have a very good business, they can have an especially -profitable practice if they do nothing to lower the level of toxemia being currently generated. Their patients do experience prompt relief but must repeatedly take the remedy. This ma kes for satisfied customers and a repeat business. The best approach of all focuses on reducing the self -generated level of toxemia, cleansing to remove deposits of old toxemia, rebuilding the organs of elimination and digestion to prevent the formation of new toxemia, and then, to alleviate the c
[ 279, 1376, 315, 2697, 26153, 323, 65879, 8, 17037, 3967, 439, 2355, 55911, 38925, 477, 3691, 33690, 13, 58603, 1174, 26586, 315, 1521, 5528, 555, 856, 8403, 8640, 304, 4839, 14076, 311, 872, 27375, 13, 9029, 10932, 4737, 720, 55911, 38925, 1606, 814, 2873, 1093, 279, 63747, 22354, 6, 26153, 11, 4737, 26153, 18651, 2697, 477, 912, 12014, 369, 2349, 13, 578, 3325, 5526, 720, 24544, 1250, 28772, 358, 649, 3350, 374, 264, 1647, 347, 3978, 315, 3090, 369, 3892, 5672, 477, 264, 2305, 13, 14968, 420, 374, 856, 1455, 8147, 16088, 13, 1102, 374, 3284, 311, 9006, 1690, 2890, 21859, 2085, 54560, 11, 5042, 555, 60052, 279, 15235, 323, 1239, 2101, 4725, 4827, 720, 15802, 301, 734, 13, 96175, 308, 1233, 1935, 2697, 4443, 5149, 323, 527, 1790, 8831, 311, 636, 1274, 311, 4287, 1109, 54560, 13, 2100, 358, 649, 7373, 720, 8154, 2752, 1268, 14268, 10978, 323, 31308, 18050, 84, 897, 27382, 617, 8040, 7600, 8719, 449, 15235, 60052, 13, 4427, 27661, 388, 617, 720, 53278, 398, 323, 19352, 320, 438, 289, 436, 647, 398, 8, 63011, 430, 738, 49686, 374, 279, 13612, 5353, 315, 8624, 11, 323, 8617, 11, 279, 1193, 1972, 27208, 369, 904, 720, 484, 2136, 374, 15235, 60052, 13, 7570, 3582, 433, 374, 3284, 311, 617, 264, 2763, 315, 48188, 449, 279, 4382, 320, 4636, 47989, 311, 27185, 8, 15105, 315, 1080, 18285, 720, 9326, 598, 287, 11, 5367, 10766, 4827, 15631, 2053, 527, 279, 1193, 5353, 315, 8624, 13, 358, 10932, 311, 1005, 66358, 60052, 439, 459, 90695, 311, 810, 1391, 514, 668, 720, 383, 6260, 7620, 13, 4452, 11, 2362, 53805, 315, 53056, 323, 1524, 264, 2478, 502, 6603, 16917, 1304, 279, 1162, 369, 15235, 1233, 13, 4427, 315, 259, 305, 2423, 720, 12383, 527, 11622, 832, 482, 82, 4591, 11, 3254, 482, 1593, 3254, 482, 66, 554, 20414, 11, 323, 5222, 40661, 311, 279, 11203, 9164, 13, 1789, 420, 2944, 11, 358, 1781, 358, 720, 5562, 1935, 264, 2478, 43743, 323, 10552, 3249, 1063, 6062, 1664, 482, 396, 3012, 291, 2890, 15749, 617, 39532, 482, 14625, 82615, 294, 720, 77924, 1233, 320, 438, 1023, 12659, 439, 1664, 570, 7648, 70674, 70819, 666, 12116, 4372, 2355, 262, 1442, 499, 2610, 904, 10978, 6593, 10896, 1268, 814, 27208, 19338, 11, 814, 690, 3371, 499, 430, 1455, 30883, 8624, 4787, 323, 264, 1554, 278, 76120, 11, 720, 4636, 5199, 11668, 320, 55540, 264, 3682, 275, 379, 8, 315, 21249, 8624, 4787, 527, 659, 482, 9696, 287, 323, 690, 11, 2728, 892, 11, 636, 2731, 720, 543, 555, 5694, 13, 2100, 369, 1455, 21859, 11, 279, 10978, 63747, 2398, 292, 10896, 16008, 872, 2683, 439, 7231, 6981, 323, 45404, 279, 3285, 433, 88, 315, 720, 1820, 13803, 3156, 264, 27208, 8741, 13, 1115, 1890, 15398, 11, 994, 19894, 505, 264, 6409, 88364, 380, 596, 13356, 11, 374, 430, 4661, 682, 30883, 323, 1690, 21249, 4787, 527, 15858, 379, 720, 1820, 2547, 596, 4879, 311, 3790, 264, 11501, 315, 41569, 22689, 13, 1789, 1403, 8125, 279, 1510, 11501, 690, 4762, 733, 3201, 555, 5196, 13, 578, 1153, 433, 535, 720, 20489, 374, 430, 279, 21503, 43284, 690, 387, 20250, 25, 279, 1732, 4442, 872, 34625, 26870, 477, 279, 8631, 269, 430, 28191, 39920, 720, 50828, 16595, 5457, 323, 9124, 665, 8943, 374, 7108, 11, 1243, 74502, 36050, 323, 279, 2237, 315, 659, 482, 16583, 62186, 374, 436, 4834, 291, 13, 578, 720, 43324, 2944, 369, 264, 12458, 311, 330, 66, 554, 1, 5196, 374, 430, 279, 16066, 1732, 596, 16595, 5457, 21701, 3770, 279, 2237, 430, 279, 6705, 296, 80797, 649, 720, 1395, 79754, 323, 279, 12458, 5900, 3201, 1606, 264, 502, 11, 810, 6129, 8624, 374, 11469, 13, 358, 1684, 420, 220, 2132, 13336, 439, 7701, 77344, 1606, 3831, 11, 9498, 13162, 60662, 264, 1579, 8547, 315, 16595, 5457, 527, 720, 481, 311, 22472, 62186, 4856, 65300, 11, 14134, 17843, 1633, 29213, 13803, 430, 527, 539, 2324, 482, 97229, 6147, 13, 4452, 11, 439, 279, 16595, 5457, 21701, 11, 279, 2547, 4442, 1202, 11543, 315, 14580, 44032, 323, 12302, 1701, 810, 85413, 7559, 720, 85, 2223, 36853, 323, 6067, 311, 28490, 315, 41569, 22689, 13, 1115, 5367, 17699, 17843, 2753, 47989, 13803, 11, 719, 304, 279, 1317, 1629, 11, 720, 15770, 1154, 7718, 1262, 8261, 323, 11031, 279, 1732, 12401, 311, 872, 1620, 8624, 13, 362, 3995, 71920, 2547, 60662, 264, 3544, 8547, 315, 16595, 5457, 690, 4661, 2744, 6149, 41548, 62186, 1555, 6930, 39881, 264, 15953, 720, 37282, 12970, 296, 38601, 79348, 11, 17843, 11763, 96271, 315, 76914, 20000, 11, 477, 220, 51643, 11, 477, 9439, 82, 11, 477, 264, 10824, 315, 682, 1521, 13, 9062, 30883, 720, 43415, 367, 690, 330, 66, 554, 1, 5196, 555, 5196, 9778, 13, 2030, 9778, 279, 2547, 596, 16595, 5457, 649, 912, 5129, 1893, 1521, 945, 15893, 11107, 535, 720, 9326, 598, 287, 44247, 323, 279, 41569, 22689, 12302, 311, 733, 19662, 13, 3277, 270, 384, 63747, 2398, 292, 10896, 5334, 264, 8893, 42126, 315, 76914, 20000, 11, 814, 720, 33134, 814, 690, 9778, 636, 264, 27208, 13, 578, 330, 66, 554, 1, 4869, 11, 2643, 1664, 387, 264, 1162, 315, 55652, 13, 1115, 34707, 8903, 28335, 311, 1304, 3995, 11, 10728, 4633, 35944, 3719, 4856, 834, 87437, 822, 54805, 922, 27723, 5367, 75989, 720, 16902, 1606, 279, 842, 1121, 315, 682, 872, 9045, 374, 11, 304, 279, 842, 11, 4648, 13971, 13, 578, 1888, 814, 649, 656, 374, 311, 61705, 56868, 282, 4776, 323, 720, 998, 264, 8547, 11, 33482, 2324, 13, 578, 12047, 814, 649, 656, 374, 311, 33482, 16066, 13, 14636, 11, 279, 220, 35944, 1925, 2683, 374, 311, 636, 279, 8893, 311, 387, 8893, 11, 311, 3868, 3156, 279, 2547, 4495, 82, 5196, 323, 18417, 14794, 287, 279, 720, 1263, 288, 2757, 49648, 13, 14636, 4131, 279, 10461, 6037, 315, 682, 82126, 16088, 25, 1176, 315, 682, 11, 656, 912, 11682, 0, 1442, 279, 10896, 5042, 19914, 1771, 505, 720, 28936, 279, 2547, 11201, 11, 433, 690, 4762, 636, 2731, 555, 5196, 13, 2030, 279, 8893, 11, 19029, 40207, 311, 11594, 16066, 11, 4131, 304, 2486, 64, 15953, 287, 720, 9533, 16337, 11, 26192, 264, 27208, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 422, 279, 8893, 1051, 40207, 311, 11594, 16066, 814, 1053, 539, 8666, 264, 10896, 13, 2100, 602, 282, 279, 720, 38083, 6944, 311, 2567, 420, 8893, 323, 1304, 264, 5496, 814, 2011, 656, 2555, 13, 1442, 430, 2555, 279, 10896, 2011, 656, 1587, 2697, 477, 912, 720, 71, 2227, 323, 2731, 3686, 11, 649, 1101, 61705, 279, 13803, 11, 279, 10896, 374, 36666, 1695, 16088, 323, 690, 617, 264, 1633, 1579, 27208, 4478, 720, 438, 387, 39075, 6992, 422, 814, 617, 264, 1695, 96803, 11827, 13, 1115, 3169, 315, 10896, 1253, 387, 63747, 2398, 292, 323, 5255, 330, 53980, 1359, 1253, 220, 1005, 720, 1964, 1302, 477, 6725, 2162, 54042, 13, 578, 3446, 315, 2999, 13, 71290, 11, 264, 1633, 6992, 323, 11495, 477, 39633, 320, 81580, 389, 220, 701, 59485, 8, 28378, 11, 889, 44664, 304, 720, 14953, 28406, 304, 279, 4216, 220, 5245, 15, 82, 39039, 9803, 420, 955, 315, 5603, 13, 2999, 13, 71290, 1047, 813, 1866, 5016, 39653, 13, 11205, 18528, 574, 315, 813, 1866, 98233, 287, 11, 323, 1051, 11112, 6367, 13, 1283, 1047, 720, 79, 3385, 323, 28296, 293, 433, 466, 21701, 315, 5370, 21522, 430, 1051, 88424, 5678, 304, 813, 1866, 33400, 13, 2999, 13, 71290, 6, 6978, 8965, 720, 265, 21468, 323, 1047, 2478, 477, 912, 36505, 13, 1115, 2011, 387, 19894, 304, 13168, 311, 279, 12659, 315, 813, 12637, 16410, 315, 430, 11639, 1174, 720, 86243, 3776, 18381, 1051, 2539, 315, 51852, 323, 87364, 292, 323, 610, 88, 2174, 483, 11, 6832, 12659, 5343, 98024, 35763, 13, 4314, 12823, 720, 438, 39653, 330, 71214, 1, 555, 52236, 279, 2547, 477, 555, 18189, 1202, 6680, 8312, 323, 8617, 46301, 1202, 16595, 5457, 11, 13696, 279, 712, 14282, 596, 720, 2968, 311, 893, 422, 478, 279, 77344, 49648, 13, 1442, 279, 8009, 8893, 26968, 1694, 11996, 1534, 555, 872, 1866, 28378, 11, 814, 1051, 11292, 720, 268, 1409, 311, 18167, 2225, 872, 8624, 323, 279, 10896, 596, 27208, 13, 46402, 11, 279, 14363, 1047, 1690, 11, 35306, 36505, 11, 1317, 17563, 1560, 11, 323, 720, 35676, 330, 97737, 1, 23537, 1690, 21728, 11, 28744, 279, 28378, 264, 2294, 5496, 13, 2999, 13, 71290, 24026, 22009, 13, 1283, 1053, 72333, 832, 477, 1403, 6367, 39653, 505, 813, 3776, 9145, 323, 21745, 279, 8893, 220, 311, 720, 60021, 304, 4950, 11, 636, 10283, 315, 2800, 11, 7172, 10283, 315, 3090, 11, 220, 8343, 2697, 323, 34504, 11, 323, 3136, 4737, 279, 16088, 3156, 814, 1051, 1664, 13, 5414, 27208, 720, 7853, 574, 57492, 13, 55353, 814, 2643, 11, 719, 2999, 13, 71290, 1053, 2646, 16805, 1148, 574, 304, 813, 26153, 323, 348, 10522, 13, 17830, 520, 279, 384, 15953, 720, 1073, 813, 7076, 11, 311, 21745, 813, 12637, 296, 459, 11, 2999, 13, 71290, 63417, 13, 5414, 26153, 1051, 1903, 505, 20415, 31452, 11, 5370, 26242, 719, 53997, 720, 1964, 13616, 33155, 11, 323, 264, 2697, 13465, 13, 5414, 2579, 323, 6307, 323, 3776, 259, 7956, 1439, 11, 32031, 4330, 477, 5899, 50511, 1725, 520, 264, 892, 9709, 304, 220, 264, 9168, 315, 720, 13284, 3892, 3115, 7446, 1174, 1051, 1193, 3090, 323, 13200, 11, 1063, 1933, 519, 323, 2555, 26242, 47500, 11, 719, 53997, 13, 11004, 79548, 304, 1023, 720, 5880, 13, 30538, 48466, 287, 11, 2999, 13, 71290, 1047, 311, 1629, 369, 813, 2324, 13, 358, 4510, 568, 9670, 709, 60873, 389, 279, 19001, 49100, 11, 304, 22319, 13, 2100, 757, 315, 720, 26301, 12018, 436, 1195, 6978, 1051, 9193, 19021, 1606, 814, 1047, 7318, 1695, 3300, 11, 1948, 18160, 369, 330, 8110, 1, 39653, 11, 719, 1051, 2728, 1193, 720, 1517, 414, 323, 3090, 13, 578, 2144, 430, 814, 2751, 2731, 3287, 956, 2873, 311, 1797, 13, 1442, 279, 35944, 2917, 1413, 10537, 28321, 288, 279, 49648, 323, 5255, 73115, 279, 16595, 5457, 449, 21503, 11217, 477, 15173, 11, 320, 50998, 720, 1407, 690, 3629, 439, 539, 842, 279, 12458, 8, 279, 63747, 2398, 292, 10896, 374, 36666, 3958, 16088, 13, 1115, 10896, 2288, 690, 617, 264, 305, 343, 305, 27208, 720, 7853, 323, 264, 1695, 2626, 320, 333, 814, 617, 459, 7524, 4950, 6455, 409, 11827, 8, 1606, 872, 11217, 2216, 656, 1304, 279, 1510, 13803, 720, 16023, 819, 1633, 19019, 13, 23212, 11, 872, 6725, 18249, 4861, 449, 264, 4279, 719, 43510, 13859, 266, 2065, 315, 1690, 1274, 902, 733, 68, 274, 25, 720, 9493, 264, 2547, 374, 72287, 287, 11, 433, 374, 264, 3958, 2547, 323, 3966, 311, 387, 41998, 13, 2100, 15714, 32151, 433, 449, 3273, 19941, 323, 422, 430, 1541, 956, 990, 11, 15714, 720, 54760, 32151, 433, 555, 14713, 704, 279, 70669, 961, 13, 4452, 11, 422, 279, 28378, 649, 656, 2555, 430, 690, 656, 912, 11682, 719, 25930, 279, 16595, 5457, 323, 5255, 73115, 279, 2237, 315, 41569, 22689, 1174, 720, 576, 10896, 690, 617, 264, 22785, 27208, 4478, 5190, 1109, 3060, 315, 279, 1403, 12823, 13, 8595, 1587, 19054, 279, 16595, 5457, 1520, 30, 2893, 5353, 433, 720, 265, 1072, 1634, 665, 8943, 11, 36050, 279, 74502, 11, 73115, 279, 9886, 315, 502, 62186, 323, 36050, 279, 734, 315, 279, 36853, 315, 720, 40895, 2617, 11, 1101, 18189, 279, 21503, 43284, 430, 374, 14718, 279, 12458, 13, 66044, 430, 28191, 323, 6288, 6503, 384, 279, 16595, 5457, 2997, 2162, 54042, 11, 77301, 24045, 11, 28170, 15419, 11, 6378, 11, 720, 582, 69562, 323, 1645, 455, 676, 554, 323, 1690, 810, 88853, 42208, 12659, 13, 1283, 56885, 889, 1005, 1521, 20414, 323, 617, 264, 1695, 720, 2788, 3002, 11827, 649, 617, 264, 1633, 1695, 2626, 11, 814, 649, 617, 459, 5423, 482, 26466, 481, 6725, 422, 814, 656, 4400, 311, 4827, 279, 2237, 720, 1073, 41569, 22689, 1694, 5131, 8066, 13, 11205, 6978, 656, 3217, 10137, 16337, 719, 2011, 19352, 1935, 279, 40239, 13, 1115, 7643, 52077, 720, 2000, 20097, 6444, 323, 264, 13454, 2626, 13, 578, 1888, 5603, 315, 682, 24400, 389, 18189, 279, 659, 482, 16583, 2237, 315, 41569, 22689, 11, 60052, 311, 4148, 34751, 315, 2362, 41569, 22689, 11, 720, 265, 24177, 279, 36853, 315, 44032, 323, 74502, 311, 5471, 279, 18488, 315, 502, 41569, 22689, 11, 323, 1243, 11, 311, 61705, 279, 272 ]
juices of the stomach and intestines. The bulk of the food touching the stomach and intestinal walls is the stimulus for muscular contractions as well as for proper digestive secretions. Because of this, solid food is digested and handled more efficiently than juices. It is held in the stomach and intestines long enough for proper digestion and absorption, whereas juices, lacking this bulk are hurried along the digestive tract. Lacking in bulk, juices do not occasion strong peristaltic waves and do not elicit the gastrocolic reflex as strongly as solid foods. Because of these facts when the fast is broken on juices the first bowel movement after a fast is delayed. When solid foods are used to break the fast, bowel movements are reestablished much earlier. Chewing of food is necessary both psychologically and physiologically. Another advantage of breaking the fast with solids is that the faster does not become bloated and over-filled with fluids. Taking the bulk with the food prevents overeating and the post faster is more satisfied with his meals. When fruit or vegetable juices are used there is a loss of vitamins and nutriments by oxidation no matter how carefully nor how quickly the juice is prepared. Some fasters are afraid to drink the juice rapidly and take one sip every fifteen minutes. By the time they have taken four ounces of juice in this manner almost two hours have passed with the juice oxidizing all the while. Breaking the fast with four ounces of whole orange, a section at a time may be eaten with a minimum of oxidation. The fast may be broken at any time of the day or night that hunger recurs. If broken in advance of the return of hunger, it may be broken arbitrarily at 8:00 a.m. A number of techniques for breaking the fast have been worked out. Indeed, almost every man who conducts fasts has his own favorite plan. The main need is wholesome food; but not too much of it. Dr. Crane, previously mentioned in these pages, used to give a faster an orange to eat in breaking the fast. The well-known Henry Lindlahr, M.D., now deceased, formerly of Chicago and Elmhurst, Illinois, who was director of the College of Natural Therapeutics in Chicago, broke fasts with a handful of pop com. His reason for this was that the com served as a broom to sweep out 58the digestive tract. In any case the pop com did no harm. The care exercised in breaking a fast is commonly proportioned to the length of a fast. Let me describe the plan we now employ. Assume that the fast has extended beyond fourteen days. We start the faster with four ounces of whole orange (weighed without the peeling) every two hours during the first day feeding is resumed. We prefer to start feedings at eight o’clock in the morning and stop at six in the evening—obviously this can be done only when the fast is broken in advance of the return of hunger. When hunger returns the fast should be broken without regard to the time. No harm is done, however, if the faster waits until 8:00 a.m. should hunger recur at midnight or in the wee hours of the morning. On the second day, we give the faster eight ounces of orange or any other fresh juice fruit in season (weighed without rind or peeling) every two hours. A different fruit may be used for each feeding. If a faster has no desire for a feeding he is advised to skip a feeding or two. But this rarely occurs as it does when the fast is broken on juices. There is no compulsory amount of food he must take during this period. On the third day we give twelve ounces of whole orange or melon for breakfast, two or three oranges, or two or three tomatoes, depending on their size for lunch, and three or four oranges for the evening meal. After the third day it is no longer necessary to weigh the food as the body again becomes accustomed to handling food. Instead of oranges, the third day, an equivalent amount of grapefruit or other juicy fruit in season may be given. The particular food given is not so important as avoiding overfeeding the faster. These fruits should be fresh, well ripened, and well chewed. Any tendency of the feeder to hurried eating should be discouraged. On the fourth day the faster gets a small breakfast composed of citrus fruits or one or two other fresh fruits, or melon in season; at noon, a vegetable salad without salt, oil, vinegar, lemon juice or dressing of any kind, and one cooked nonstarchy vegetable. For the evening meal I feed fruit again. This meal should be light, but may be slightly larger than the breakfast. On the fifth day, another fruit breakfast; a salad, two cooked green vegetables and a baked potato or a protein (small quantity) at noon, and a fruit meal again in the evening. I permit a glass of sour milk, (made from unpasteurized milk) at this fruit meal for those who are not vegetarians. On the sixth day the feeding is about the same as on the fifth day, except that the amounts are increased. By the end of the first week the faster should be able to take normal amounts of food. No between meal eating is permitted and no eating in the evening before retiring is allowed. Three meals a day, simple and composed of fresh foods, constitute the best plan of feeding following a fast. If, later, the individual desires to adopt a two-meal or a one-meal plan of eating, this is best done after he has acquired some weight. Bed rest should be continued through the first week of eating and activity begun very gradually. It is common for the faster to want to become active as soon as he resumes eating. This is unwise. He is not so strong and he does not have the endurance he thinks he has. Also activity retards his gain in weight if he has fasted to add weight. Some fasters want to take long walks as soon as eating is resumed. Such activity is often over indulged to the extend that it often retards recuperation and causes the individual's weight to stand still. One must take it easy for a few days before resuming normal activities. If the fast has been less than two weeks in duration, breaking it may be done with eight ounces of whole fruit every two hours the first day, then the preceding program followed from there. Less caution is required in breaking a short fast of this kind, and activity may be resumed sooner after a short fast. 59All of this is true, of course, in those individuals who are in a fair state of health. If there is need for added rest and for light eating for some time after breaking a short fast, the faster must be guided by the judgment of his adviser. But the most important advice, for all fasters at the breakfast point, is this: Go slowly! 6013 Can Fasting Keep You Well? There is no such miracle as permanent recovery in the sense that we can become so healthy we need give no further attention to our health. Nor is there any such thing as permanent weight reduction in the sense that we can eat all we want and stay thin. Caring for the needs of life to secure health and proper weight maintenance is a constant Hygienic responsibility. We have all the health we deserve and no more. No genuine recovery can be made until the cause of the impairment of health is removed and no perpetuation of the recovery is possible except upon a basis of continued avoidance of the causes of ill health. To remain well requires that we live in a way to perpetuate good health. Whatever breaks down health in the first place will do so again, if it is returned to after health has been restored. Fasting will not provide man with a license to debauch himself. Fasting followed by gourmandizing is stupid. The drunk who sobers up can and will get drunk again if he returns to drink. If he ignores the drink he will not again become drunk. When a man learns his limitations in food consumption, and respects these, he will remain well. If he habitually oversteps these, he will build disease and no plan of immunization can prevent him from becoming ill. A return to coffee and tobacco, to alcohol and poisoned soft-drinks, to overwork and late hours, to unventilated bedrooms and slothfulness, to overeating and the conventional diet, in a word, to he old disease-producing way of life will build again physical troubles that have subsided with fasting. The only basis upon which to establish and maintain high-level health is supplied by first- class living habits. What are the causes of disease? Any and all habits of mind and body that use up nerve energy in excess. Whatever factor or combination of factors that produces enervation is a cause of disease. If we squander our energies in many ways, we will enervate ourselves and begin the evolution of more disease. It is inevitable, under such circumstances, that elimination shall be checked and waste accumulate in the body. Thus it becomes apparent that a corrected pattern of life involves far more than a mere change in eating habits. The sexual life, emotional life, working life, domestic life and all other elements of living that make up the complex of our lives are each vital to health. Each habit must be ordered and controlled in keeping with the unchanging laws that govern the living organism. Fasting results in a radical cleansing of the fluids and tissues of the body, but it cannot prevent the subsequent fouling of
[ 65959, 315, 279, 23152, 323, 39408, 1572, 13, 578, 20155, 315, 279, 198, 14239, 31687, 279, 23152, 323, 63900, 14620, 374, 279, 720, 54754, 19990, 198, 369, 52192, 720, 8386, 4109, 439, 1664, 439, 198, 2000, 6300, 60071, 6367, 919, 13, 9393, 315, 420, 11, 6573, 3691, 374, 4170, 10185, 323, 18073, 810, 198, 43870, 398, 1109, 65959, 13, 1102, 374, 5762, 304, 279, 23152, 323, 39408, 1572, 1317, 3403, 369, 6300, 74502, 323, 198, 3518, 66181, 11, 20444, 65959, 11, 32161, 420, 20155, 527, 73973, 3235, 279, 60071, 42929, 13, 445, 9162, 304, 20155, 345, 8783, 1238, 656, 539, 13402, 3831, 824, 380, 3223, 292, 17301, 323, 656, 539, 658, 19195, 279, 59349, 2119, 292, 33766, 439, 16917, 198, 300, 6573, 15657, 13, 9393, 315, 1521, 13363, 994, 279, 5043, 374, 11102, 389, 65959, 279, 1176, 66358, 7351, 198, 10924, 264, 5043, 374, 23540, 13, 3277, 6573, 15657, 527, 1511, 311, 1464, 279, 5043, 11, 66358, 19567, 527, 198, 265, 34500, 291, 1790, 6931, 13, 921, 79510, 315, 3691, 374, 5995, 2225, 96655, 323, 4571, 72, 30450, 13, 13596, 9610, 315, 198, 37757, 279, 5043, 449, 82486, 374, 430, 279, 10819, 1587, 539, 3719, 14545, 660, 323, 927, 44518, 449, 56406, 13, 36925, 279, 20155, 449, 279, 3691, 29034, 927, 91955, 323, 279, 1772, 10819, 374, 810, 20097, 449, 813, 198, 2727, 1147, 13, 3277, 14098, 477, 36581, 65959, 527, 1511, 1070, 374, 264, 4814, 315, 46192, 323, 10184, 6417, 812, 555, 198, 85078, 367, 912, 5030, 1268, 15884, 6463, 1268, 6288, 279, 23661, 374, 10235, 13, 4427, 5043, 388, 527, 16984, 311, 198, 98427, 279, 23661, 19019, 323, 1935, 832, 47715, 1475, 37755, 4520, 13, 3296, 279, 892, 814, 617, 4529, 3116, 198, 31044, 315, 23661, 304, 420, 11827, 4661, 1403, 4207, 617, 5946, 449, 279, 23661, 36172, 4954, 682, 279, 1418, 13, 52624, 279, 5043, 449, 3116, 49138, 315, 4459, 19087, 11, 264, 3857, 520, 264, 892, 1253, 387, 35661, 449, 264, 198, 39088, 315, 71162, 13, 578, 5043, 1253, 387, 11102, 520, 904, 892, 315, 279, 1938, 477, 3814, 430, 34906, 25755, 13, 1442, 11102, 304, 12178, 315, 198, 1820, 471, 315, 34906, 11, 433, 1253, 387, 11102, 86757, 520, 220, 23, 25, 410, 264, 749, 13, 362, 1396, 315, 12823, 369, 15061, 198, 1820, 5043, 617, 1027, 6575, 704, 13, 23150, 11, 4661, 1475, 893, 889, 74198, 5043, 82, 706, 813, 1866, 7075, 198, 10609, 13, 578, 1925, 1205, 374, 88318, 3691, 26, 719, 539, 2288, 1790, 315, 433, 13, 2999, 13, 73999, 11, 8767, 9932, 304, 1521, 6959, 11, 1511, 311, 3041, 264, 10819, 459, 19087, 311, 8343, 304, 198, 37757, 279, 5043, 13, 578, 1664, 22015, 18063, 28318, 15342, 81, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 1457, 43720, 11, 34833, 315, 10780, 323, 198, 6719, 53016, 33712, 11, 19174, 11, 889, 574, 7690, 315, 279, 9304, 315, 18955, 23258, 88886, 304, 10780, 11, 14760, 5043, 82, 198, 4291, 264, 23810, 315, 2477, 470, 13, 5414, 2944, 369, 420, 574, 430, 279, 470, 10434, 439, 264, 2967, 316, 311, 24021, 704, 198, 2970, 1820, 60071, 42929, 13, 763, 904, 1162, 279, 2477, 470, 1550, 912, 11682, 13, 578, 2512, 62113, 304, 15061, 264, 5043, 374, 17037, 21801, 291, 311, 279, 3160, 315, 264, 5043, 13, 6914, 757, 198, 12612, 279, 3197, 584, 1457, 3539, 13, 63297, 430, 279, 5043, 706, 11838, 7953, 63360, 2919, 13, 1226, 198, 2527, 279, 10819, 449, 3116, 49138, 315, 4459, 19087, 320, 57740, 291, 2085, 279, 1069, 20659, 8, 1475, 1403, 4207, 198, 82977, 279, 1176, 1938, 26040, 374, 58505, 13, 1226, 10932, 311, 1212, 5510, 826, 520, 8223, 297, 529, 21321, 304, 279, 6693, 198, 438, 3009, 520, 4848, 304, 279, 11714, 2345, 677, 18785, 420, 649, 387, 2884, 1193, 994, 279, 5043, 374, 11102, 304, 12178, 198, 1073, 279, 471, 315, 34906, 13, 3277, 34906, 4780, 279, 5043, 1288, 387, 11102, 2085, 5363, 311, 279, 892, 13, 2360, 11682, 374, 2884, 11, 4869, 11, 422, 279, 10819, 48036, 3156, 220, 23, 25, 410, 264, 749, 13, 1288, 34906, 64648, 520, 33433, 477, 304, 198, 1820, 75165, 4207, 315, 279, 6693, 13, 1952, 279, 2132, 1938, 11, 584, 3041, 279, 10819, 8223, 49138, 315, 19087, 477, 904, 720, 1605, 7878, 23661, 14098, 304, 198, 17217, 320, 57740, 291, 2085, 436, 485, 477, 1069, 20659, 8, 1475, 1403, 4207, 13, 362, 2204, 14098, 1253, 387, 1511, 369, 1855, 198, 46519, 13, 1442, 264, 10819, 706, 912, 12876, 369, 264, 26040, 568, 374, 26160, 311, 10936, 264, 26040, 477, 1403, 13, 2030, 420, 19029, 198, 14310, 1759, 439, 433, 1587, 994, 279, 5043, 374, 11102, 389, 65959, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 65868, 3392, 315, 3691, 568, 2011, 198, 23609, 2391, 420, 4261, 13, 1952, 279, 4948, 1938, 584, 3041, 30335, 49138, 315, 4459, 19087, 477, 10804, 263, 369, 17954, 11, 1403, 477, 2380, 198, 269, 5637, 11, 477, 1403, 477, 2380, 41613, 11, 11911, 389, 872, 1404, 369, 16163, 11, 323, 2380, 477, 3116, 85138, 369, 198, 1820, 11714, 15496, 13, 4740, 279, 4948, 1938, 433, 374, 912, 5129, 5995, 311, 17988, 279, 3691, 439, 279, 2547, 1578, 198, 17106, 20969, 53184, 311, 11850, 3691, 13, 12361, 315, 85138, 11, 279, 4948, 1938, 11, 459, 13890, 3392, 315, 198, 911, 2070, 36698, 477, 1023, 56153, 14098, 304, 3280, 1253, 387, 2728, 13, 578, 4040, 3691, 2728, 374, 539, 779, 3062, 198, 300, 31526, 927, 46519, 279, 10819, 13, 4314, 26390, 1288, 387, 7878, 11, 1664, 24169, 6901, 11, 323, 1664, 37433, 291, 13, 5884, 31954, 315, 279, 58107, 311, 73973, 12459, 1288, 387, 64770, 13, 1952, 279, 11999, 1938, 279, 10819, 5334, 264, 2678, 17954, 24306, 315, 60290, 26390, 477, 832, 477, 1403, 1023, 198, 72408, 26390, 11, 477, 10804, 263, 304, 3280, 26, 520, 38245, 11, 264, 36581, 33566, 2085, 12290, 11, 5707, 11, 47205, 11, 30564, 23661, 477, 198, 67, 57881, 315, 904, 3169, 11, 323, 832, 30205, 2536, 267, 15630, 36581, 13, 1789, 279, 11714, 15496, 358, 5510, 14098, 1578, 13, 1115, 15496, 1288, 387, 3177, 11, 719, 1253, 387, 10284, 8294, 1109, 279, 17954, 13, 1952, 279, 18172, 1938, 11, 2500, 14098, 17954, 26, 264, 33566, 11, 1403, 30205, 6307, 24822, 323, 264, 41778, 198, 19644, 4428, 477, 264, 13128, 320, 9181, 12472, 8, 520, 38245, 11, 323, 264, 14098, 15496, 1578, 304, 279, 11714, 13, 358, 11810, 264, 9168, 198, 1073, 20897, 14403, 11, 320, 28010, 505, 22355, 5642, 324, 1534, 14403, 8, 520, 420, 14098, 15496, 369, 1884, 889, 527, 539, 13294, 30627, 13, 1952, 279, 26084, 1938, 279, 26040, 374, 922, 279, 1890, 439, 389, 279, 18172, 1938, 11, 3734, 430, 279, 15055, 527, 198, 43842, 1503, 13, 3296, 279, 842, 315, 279, 1176, 2046, 279, 10819, 1288, 387, 3025, 311, 1935, 4725, 15055, 315, 3691, 13, 2360, 1990, 15496, 12459, 374, 15480, 323, 912, 12459, 304, 279, 11714, 1603, 60873, 374, 5535, 13, 14853, 198, 2727, 1147, 264, 1938, 11, 4382, 323, 24306, 315, 7878, 15657, 11, 35256, 279, 1888, 3197, 315, 26040, 2768, 264, 198, 9533, 13, 1442, 11, 3010, 11, 279, 3927, 32097, 311, 11142, 264, 1403, 35073, 278, 477, 264, 832, 35073, 278, 3197, 315, 12459, 11, 420, 374, 1888, 198, 10655, 1306, 568, 706, 19426, 1063, 4785, 13, 13394, 2800, 1288, 387, 8738, 1555, 279, 1176, 2046, 315, 12459, 323, 5820, 22088, 1633, 27115, 13, 1102, 374, 4279, 369, 279, 10819, 311, 1390, 311, 3719, 4642, 439, 5246, 439, 568, 66313, 12459, 13, 1115, 374, 653, 4583, 13, 1283, 374, 539, 779, 3831, 323, 568, 1587, 539, 617, 279, 49286, 568, 15849, 568, 706, 13, 7429, 5820, 2160, 2402, 813, 198, 60246, 304, 4785, 422, 568, 706, 5043, 291, 311, 923, 4785, 13, 4427, 5043, 388, 1390, 311, 1935, 1317, 23291, 439, 5246, 439, 12459, 374, 58505, 13, 15483, 5820, 374, 3629, 927, 198, 485, 360, 3640, 311, 279, 13334, 430, 433, 3629, 2160, 2402, 52621, 367, 323, 11384, 279, 3927, 596, 4785, 311, 2559, 198, 44466, 13, 3861, 2011, 1935, 433, 4228, 369, 264, 2478, 2919, 1603, 594, 30589, 4725, 7640, 13, 1442, 279, 5043, 706, 1027, 2753, 1109, 1403, 5672, 304, 8250, 11, 15061, 433, 1253, 387, 2884, 449, 8223, 49138, 315, 198, 67733, 14098, 1475, 1403, 4207, 279, 1176, 1938, 11, 1243, 279, 38846, 2068, 8272, 505, 1070, 13, 9865, 198, 936, 1516, 374, 2631, 304, 720, 37757, 264, 2875, 5043, 315, 420, 3169, 11, 323, 5820, 1253, 387, 58505, 31373, 1306, 264, 198, 8846, 5043, 13, 220, 2946, 2460, 315, 420, 374, 837, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 304, 1884, 7931, 889, 527, 304, 264, 6762, 1614, 315, 2890, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 1205, 198, 2000, 3779, 2800, 323, 369, 3177, 12459, 369, 1063, 892, 1306, 15061, 264, 2875, 5043, 11, 279, 10819, 2011, 387, 198, 66519, 555, 279, 19971, 315, 813, 32853, 13, 2030, 279, 1455, 3062, 9650, 11, 369, 682, 5043, 388, 520, 279, 17954, 1486, 11, 374, 420, 25, 720, 11087, 14297, 0, 220, 18262, 18, 198, 6854, 435, 15067, 13969, 1472, 8489, 30, 2684, 374, 912, 1778, 45125, 439, 15690, 13654, 304, 279, 5647, 430, 584, 649, 3719, 779, 9498, 584, 198, 17483, 3041, 912, 4726, 6666, 311, 1057, 2890, 13, 8170, 374, 1070, 904, 1778, 3245, 439, 15690, 4785, 198, 265, 23985, 304, 279, 5647, 430, 584, 649, 8343, 682, 584, 1390, 323, 4822, 15792, 13, 356, 3329, 369, 279, 3966, 315, 2324, 311, 9966, 2890, 323, 6300, 4785, 13709, 374, 264, 6926, 198, 31916, 88364, 292, 198, 12014, 13, 1226, 617, 682, 279, 2890, 584, 23528, 323, 912, 810, 13, 2360, 22785, 13654, 649, 387, 1903, 3156, 279, 5353, 315, 279, 53317, 315, 2890, 374, 7108, 323, 912, 198, 716, 7005, 4090, 315, 279, 13654, 374, 3284, 3734, 5304, 264, 8197, 315, 8738, 65411, 315, 279, 11384, 198, 1073, 5986, 2890, 13, 2057, 7293, 1664, 7612, 430, 584, 3974, 304, 264, 1648, 311, 22313, 6426, 1695, 2890, 13, 33739, 18808, 1523, 198, 12393, 304, 279, 1176, 2035, 690, 656, 779, 1578, 11, 422, 433, 374, 6052, 311, 1306, 2890, 706, 1027, 28101, 13, 435, 15067, 198, 14724, 539, 3493, 893, 449, 264, 5842, 311, 4316, 64, 1412, 5678, 13, 435, 15067, 8272, 555, 342, 414, 1969, 4954, 374, 198, 267, 16263, 13, 578, 29850, 889, 11752, 388, 709, 649, 323, 690, 636, 29850, 1578, 422, 568, 4780, 311, 7172, 13, 1442, 568, 49378, 198, 1820, 7172, 568, 690, 539, 1578, 3719, 29850, 13, 3277, 264, 893, 47310, 813, 9669, 304, 3691, 15652, 11, 323, 43666, 1521, 11, 568, 690, 7293, 1664, 13, 1442, 568, 14464, 1870, 927, 25047, 1521, 11, 568, 690, 1977, 8624, 323, 912, 3197, 315, 720, 12828, 359, 2065, 198, 649, 5471, 198, 40617, 505, 10671, 5986, 627, 32, 471, 311, 11033, 323, 27531, 11, 311, 13200, 323, 71598, 8579, 19158, 15872, 11, 311, 927, 1816, 323, 3389, 4207, 345, 998, 653, 688, 93583, 28689, 323, 18067, 339, 31514, 11, 311, 927, 91955, 323, 279, 21349, 10173, 11, 304, 264, 3492, 11, 311, 568, 198, 820, 8624, 90375, 1648, 315, 2324, 690, 1977, 1578, 7106, 35665, 430, 617, 5258, 4591, 449, 198, 9533, 287, 13, 578, 1193, 8197, 5304, 902, 311, 5813, 323, 10519, 1579, 11852, 2890, 374, 17665, 555, 1176, 7058, 1058, 5496, 26870, 13, 3639, 527, 279, 11384, 315, 8624, 30, 5884, 323, 682, 26870, 315, 4059, 323, 2547, 430, 1005, 709, 32015, 4907, 304, 198, 327, 1140, 13, 33739, 8331, 477, 10824, 315, 9547, 430, 19159, 665, 8943, 374, 264, 5353, 315, 8624, 13, 1442, 198, 906, 8330, 8363, 1057, 49969, 304, 1690, 5627, 11, 584, 690, 665, 651, 349, 13520, 323, 3240, 279, 15740, 315, 198, 6518, 8624, 13, 1102, 374, 31352, 11, 1234, 1778, 13463, 11, 430, 44032, 4985, 387, 10273, 323, 198, 86, 5642, 47376, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 14636, 433, 9221, 10186, 430, 264, 37065, 5497, 315, 2324, 18065, 3117, 810, 1109, 264, 17983, 2349, 304, 198, 91955, 26870, 13, 578, 7392, 2324, 11, 14604, 2324, 11, 3318, 2324, 11, 13018, 2324, 323, 682, 1023, 5540, 315, 198, 64275, 430, 1304, 709, 279, 6485, 315, 1057, 6439, 527, 1855, 16595, 311, 2890, 13, 9062, 14464, 2011, 387, 11713, 198, 438, 14400, 304, 10494, 449, 279, 653, 52813, 7016, 430, 2633, 279, 5496, 47120, 13, 435, 15067, 3135, 304, 264, 18336, 60052, 315, 279, 56406, 323, 39881, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 719, 433, 4250, 5471, 198, 1820, 17876, 57625, 2785, 315 ]
6 minutes. If you don’t have a steamer, pour water into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Place the greens in a colander and insert into the saucepan. Cover and steam for about 6 minutes. 2. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a frying pan over amedium heat. Add the onion, tomatoes and pepper. Mix well and cook for about 5 minutes. Reduce the heat to low and add the remaining oil. 3. Whisk the lemon juice, flour and half the water until smooth and well- blended . Pour into the onion mixture and mix well. 4. Add the remaining water, cooked greens, salt and pepper to taste and mix well. Increase the heat to medium, cover and cook for 3 minutes to heat through. Serve with a main dish such as fish or chicken. Asparagus and Sun-dried TomatoesThe combination of the sun-dried tomatoes and healthy sauce gives a wonderfully sweet and savoury taste. Serve this on its own as a starter or side dish with chicken or fish – absolutely delicious! Serves 2 1 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp flaxseed oil 1 tsp balsamic vinegar ½ tsp cayenne pepper 2 tbsp sun-dried tomatoes, chopped 15 g parsley, chopped 225 g asparagus 10 g fresh basil, chopped1. In a small bowl, mix the oils, vinegar, cayenne, tomatoes and half of the parsley together. Leave to marinade for 2 hours. 2. Steam the asparagus for about 6 minutes or until just tender. 3. Place the asparagus on a plate. Pour the sauce over, and sprinkle with the remaining parsley and basil. Baked Tomatoes A classic Mediterranean dish, which is often served as part of a number of platters making up a main meal. Serves 2–4 2 tbsp olive oil 4 large tomatoes, cored and each cut into 3 thick slices 200 g breadcrumbs 20 g fresh basil, chopped 1 tsp fresh thyme, chopped 1 tsp fresh oregano, chopped 1 garlic clove, chopped Extra olive oil to drizzle 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C or Gas Mark 4. 2. Lightly brush half the olive oil on a baking tray. Arrange the tomato slices, cut side up, in a single layer. 3. Mix the breadcrumbs, remaining oil, half the herbs and garlic. Sprinkle overthe tomatoes. Bake for about 5–7 minutes or until the breadcrumbs are lightly browned. 4. Place the tomatoes on a serving platter, sprinkle with remaining herbs and drizzle with olive oil. Sautéed Bok Choy (Asian) Bok choy isn’t just for salads or Asian dishes. It is also a perfect vegetable for a quick, healthy side dish. Sautéing concentrates both the flavour and nutrition of the vegetable. Serves 2–4 1 onion, chopped 2½ cm ginger, grated 1 tbsp olive oil ½ tsp sesame oil 500 g bok choy, both white and green parts sliced 1 tbsp rice wine vinegar 1 tsp fish sauce ½ tsp red pepper, crushed Salt to taste 100 ml chicken stock 1 tbsp sesame seeds 1. In a medium-sized saucepan, sauté the onion and ginger in the oils for 5 minutes. 2. Add the bok choy, vinegar, fish sauce, pepper, salt and stock. Mix and sautéfor about 8 minutes. 3. Place on a plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Balsamic Mushrooms These mushrooms can be served hot or cold, so you can prepare them a day before or right before you serve your main meal. They take 10 minutes to prepare. Serves 2 ½ tsp sesame oil 1 onion, chopped 350 g shiitake mushrooms 2 tbsp sundried tomatoes (optional) 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp red wine 20 g parsley, chopped 1. Sauté the onion in sesame oil in a wok or saucepan for 5 minutes. 2. Add the mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, vinegar, red wine and half the parsley. Mix together thoroughly for 5 minutes, stirring continuously. 3. Place on a serving platter and sprinkle with the remaining parsley.Chapter 11 Mains There are many types of foods and recipes around the world. It’s a lot of fun discovering and trying them out. Hope you enjoy these!Couscous with Dates, Raisins and Almonds (Middle Eastern) This recipe is fruity and nutty – a perfect combination of flavours. It takes about 10 minutes to prepare. Serves 4 450 ml water 1 tbsp Olivio (or unsalted butter) Grated peel and juice of 1 orange 1 tbsp honey or agave nectar ½ tsp cinnamon ¼ tsp nutmeg ¼ tsp salt 275 g couscous 110 g almonds, sliced 110 g raisins 110 g dates, chopped 1. Mix the water, half the Olivio or butter, orange peel and juice, honey or agave nectar, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt in a medium saucepan and boil. 2. Add the couscous to the boiling mixture. Then remove from the heat and cover for 10 minutes or until all the liquid has been absorbed. 3. In a small frying pan, heat the almonds over a medium heat, stirring continuously until they are toasted. Add the raisins, dates and remaining Olivio or butter. Heat until the butter hasmelted. 4. Spread the couscous on a serving platter and top with almond and date mixture. Serve on its own or with grilled chicken or fish. Baked Curried Fish (Mtuza Wa Samaki – Kenyan) A traditional Kenyan recipe for a classic curried stew of fish and onions full of aromatic spices. Serves 4 900 g sea bass or halibut, bones removed 3 onions, sliced 3 garlic cloves 1 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tbsp curry powder 125 ml white wine vinegar (optional) ½ tsp ground cardamom ½ tsp cumin ½ tsp salt 4 tomatoes 2 tbsp olive oil 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C or Gas Mark 4. 2. Place the fish on a baking tray and add the onions over the fish. 3. In a food processor, mix the garlic, pepper, curry, vinegar, cardamom,cumin and salt until smooth. 4. Add the tomatoes and oil, and blend for just 10 seconds. Avoid blending until smooth. 5. Pour this mixture over the fish. Cover and bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until the fish is cooked. Can be served with wholemeal pitta or with rice. Fish with Herbs in Tomato Sauce (Mauritian) This is a very rich and delicious sauce, which can be made a bit spicy by adding one chopped serrano chilli. Easy on the lemon with this dish though; use half initially and add the rest if required.Serves 4 1 kg halibut or sea bass (any white fish is fine), cleaned Salt and pepper to taste 3 tbsp grape seed oil 1 onion, finely chopped 2½ cm ginger, crushed 3 garlic cloves, crushed 10 g fresh thyme, chopped 225 g tomatoes, crushed 2 tbsp tomato paste 125 ml dry sherry 25 g fresh parsley, chopped 25 g fresh coriander, chopped Juice of ½ lemon (optional)1. Preheat the oven to 150°C or Gas Mark 2. 2. Cut the fish into serving slices and then reassemble to make the whole fish again. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Place the reassembled fish on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 10–15 minutes. Remove from the oven and set aside. 3. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Sauté the onion, ginger, garlic and thyme. Add the crushed tomatoes and tomato paste and mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 10–15 minutes, then gradually add the sherry. 4. Add half the chopped parsley, coriander and lemon juice. Simmer until the sauce thickens to yourpreferred consistency. 5. Preheat the oven again to 200°C or Gas Mark 6. Sprinkle the remaining parsley and coriander on the fish in the baking tray. 6. Pour the tomato sauce over the fish evenly then put the fish back in the oven and bake for 10 minutes. Reduce the heat to 150°C and bake for a further 5 minutes. Serve hot with fresh bread or boiled or baked yams. Spiced Salmon on Lentils (Moroccan) A traditional Moroccan recipe for a
[ 198, 21, 4520, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 1431, 617, 264, 4179, 15589, 345, 55619, 3090, 1139, 264, 19737, 857, 323, 4546, 311, 198, 1820, 44790, 13, 11004, 279, 52011, 304, 264, 1400, 8363, 198, 438, 5774, 1139, 279, 19737, 857, 13, 18230, 323, 198, 47690, 369, 922, 220, 21, 4520, 13, 220, 17, 13, 27162, 220, 17, 64975, 315, 5707, 304, 264, 87196, 7363, 927, 1097, 23961, 8798, 13, 2758, 279, 38427, 11, 41613, 198, 438, 25349, 13, 19771, 1664, 323, 4394, 369, 198, 9274, 220, 20, 4520, 13, 53253, 279, 8798, 311, 198, 10516, 323, 923, 279, 9861, 5707, 13, 220, 18, 13, 1254, 3267, 279, 30564, 23661, 11, 20415, 323, 4376, 198, 1820, 3090, 3156, 11113, 323, 720, 9336, 7058, 2067, 2954, 198, 13, 27058, 1139, 279, 38427, 21655, 198, 438, 6651, 1664, 13, 220, 19, 13, 2758, 279, 9861, 3090, 11, 30205, 198, 82826, 11, 12290, 323, 25349, 311, 12945, 323, 6651, 198, 9336, 13, 40733, 279, 8798, 311, 11298, 345, 3773, 323, 4394, 369, 220, 18, 4520, 311, 8798, 198, 20322, 13, 54032, 449, 264, 1925, 12269, 1778, 439, 198, 18668, 477, 16553, 13, 1666, 94789, 323, 8219, 1773, 4588, 198, 25763, 20798, 791, 10824, 315, 279, 7160, 1773, 4588, 198, 38501, 20798, 323, 9498, 19737, 6835, 264, 198, 86, 14518, 3725, 10437, 323, 11427, 414, 88, 12945, 13, 54032, 420, 389, 1202, 1866, 439, 264, 27795, 477, 3185, 198, 73933, 449, 16553, 477, 7795, 1389, 11112, 198, 9783, 9824, 0, 328, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 220, 16, 64975, 33213, 5707, 198, 220, 16, 39020, 1344, 710, 23425, 5707, 198, 220, 16, 39020, 293, 1147, 4079, 47205, 198, 220, 27154, 39020, 272, 352, 26193, 25349, 198, 220, 17, 64975, 7160, 1773, 4588, 41613, 11, 38525, 198, 220, 868, 342, 88621, 11, 38525, 198, 220, 11057, 342, 439, 94789, 198, 220, 605, 342, 7878, 68186, 11, 38525, 16, 13, 763, 264, 2678, 19763, 11, 6651, 279, 32462, 11, 47205, 345, 66, 352, 26193, 11, 41613, 323, 4376, 315, 279, 198, 73480, 3258, 3871, 13, 26257, 311, 90215, 1037, 369, 198, 17, 4207, 13, 220, 17, 13, 22578, 279, 439, 94789, 369, 922, 220, 21, 4520, 198, 269, 3156, 1120, 28682, 13, 220, 18, 13, 11004, 279, 439, 94789, 389, 264, 12235, 13, 27058, 279, 198, 82, 76890, 927, 11, 323, 85947, 449, 279, 198, 44536, 88621, 323, 68186, 13, 426, 7897, 8529, 20798, 198, 32, 11670, 38785, 12269, 11, 902, 374, 198, 61917, 10434, 439, 961, 315, 264, 1396, 315, 198, 501, 10385, 3339, 709, 264, 1925, 15496, 13, 328, 13583, 220, 17, 4235, 19, 220, 17, 64975, 33213, 5707, 198, 220, 19, 3544, 41613, 11, 272, 3093, 323, 1855, 4018, 198, 18614, 220, 18, 12314, 35354, 198, 220, 1049, 342, 86666, 198, 220, 508, 342, 7878, 68186, 11, 38525, 198, 220, 16, 39020, 7878, 270, 31218, 11, 38525, 198, 220, 16, 39020, 7878, 297, 1610, 5770, 11, 38525, 198, 220, 16, 31735, 5405, 588, 11, 38525, 198, 26041, 33213, 5707, 311, 1377, 44237, 198, 16, 13, 5075, 20559, 279, 24276, 311, 220, 5245, 32037, 477, 21523, 4488, 198, 19, 13, 220, 17, 13, 8828, 398, 15998, 4376, 279, 33213, 5707, 389, 264, 198, 65, 1802, 35788, 13, 41680, 279, 42120, 35354, 345, 10453, 3185, 709, 11, 304, 264, 3254, 6324, 13, 220, 18, 13, 19771, 279, 86666, 11, 9861, 5707, 345, 38106, 279, 42393, 323, 31735, 13, 15883, 36244, 927, 1820, 41613, 13, 53174, 369, 922, 220, 20, 4235, 22, 198, 38137, 477, 3156, 279, 86666, 527, 198, 80598, 14198, 291, 13, 220, 19, 13, 11004, 279, 41613, 389, 264, 13788, 628, 1683, 345, 52773, 36244, 449, 9861, 42393, 323, 198, 3696, 44237, 449, 33213, 5707, 13, 328, 94943, 291, 426, 564, 921, 2303, 320, 68540, 340, 33, 564, 523, 2303, 4536, 1431, 1120, 369, 77852, 477, 14875, 198, 67, 21168, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 264, 4832, 36581, 369, 264, 198, 28863, 11, 9498, 3185, 12269, 13, 328, 94943, 287, 198, 444, 1189, 67585, 2225, 279, 47697, 323, 198, 83664, 315, 279, 36581, 13, 328, 13583, 220, 17, 4235, 19, 198, 220, 16, 38427, 11, 38525, 220, 17, 27154, 10166, 44768, 11, 97276, 198, 220, 16, 64975, 33213, 5707, 198, 220, 27154, 39020, 92223, 5707, 198, 220, 2636, 342, 293, 564, 523, 2303, 11, 2225, 4251, 323, 6307, 198, 18753, 48715, 198, 220, 16, 64975, 20228, 13378, 47205, 198, 220, 16, 39020, 7795, 19737, 198, 220, 27154, 39020, 2579, 25349, 11, 33745, 198, 28138, 311, 12945, 198, 220, 1041, 16116, 16553, 5708, 198, 220, 16, 64975, 92223, 19595, 198, 16, 13, 763, 264, 11298, 28935, 19737, 857, 11, 829, 332, 978, 279, 198, 263, 290, 323, 44768, 304, 279, 32462, 369, 220, 20, 198, 38137, 13, 220, 17, 13, 2758, 279, 293, 564, 523, 2303, 11, 47205, 11, 7795, 19737, 345, 375, 7067, 11, 12290, 323, 5708, 13, 19771, 323, 829, 332, 978, 2000, 922, 220, 23, 4520, 13, 220, 18, 13, 11004, 389, 264, 12235, 323, 85947, 449, 198, 9459, 373, 19595, 13, 426, 1147, 4079, 59205, 9949, 198, 9673, 48251, 649, 387, 10434, 4106, 477, 198, 88172, 11, 779, 499, 649, 10772, 1124, 264, 1938, 198, 15145, 477, 1314, 1603, 499, 8854, 701, 198, 3902, 15496, 13, 2435, 1935, 220, 605, 4520, 311, 198, 13923, 13, 328, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 220, 27154, 39020, 92223, 5707, 198, 220, 16, 38427, 11, 38525, 198, 220, 8652, 342, 559, 72, 275, 731, 48251, 220, 17, 64975, 51682, 4588, 41613, 320, 13099, 340, 220, 17, 64975, 293, 1147, 4079, 47205, 198, 220, 16, 64975, 2579, 13378, 198, 220, 508, 342, 88621, 11, 38525, 198, 16, 13, 328, 94943, 279, 38427, 304, 92223, 5707, 304, 264, 289, 564, 198, 269, 19737, 857, 369, 220, 20, 4520, 13, 220, 17, 13, 2758, 279, 48251, 11, 51682, 4588, 41613, 345, 62301, 12440, 11, 2579, 13378, 323, 4376, 279, 88621, 13, 19771, 3871, 27461, 369, 220, 20, 4520, 345, 267, 404, 12928, 31978, 13, 220, 18, 13, 11004, 389, 264, 13788, 628, 1683, 323, 85947, 198, 4291, 279, 9861, 88621, 6487, 2943, 220, 806, 198, 44, 1771, 198, 3947, 527, 1690, 4595, 315, 15657, 198, 438, 19141, 2212, 279, 1917, 13, 1102, 753, 264, 2763, 315, 2523, 42687, 323, 198, 85134, 1124, 704, 13, 18231, 499, 4774, 198, 45010, 0, 34, 788, 66, 788, 449, 52724, 11, 432, 2852, 1354, 198, 438, 1708, 55720, 320, 45035, 198, 97488, 340, 2028, 11363, 374, 93032, 323, 10184, 1919, 1389, 264, 4832, 198, 76128, 315, 71182, 13, 1102, 5097, 922, 198, 605, 4520, 311, 10772, 13, 328, 13583, 220, 19, 198, 220, 10617, 16116, 3090, 198, 220, 16, 64975, 65384, 822, 320, 269, 7120, 62334, 14432, 340, 2895, 660, 58212, 323, 23661, 315, 220, 16, 19087, 198, 220, 16, 64975, 26828, 477, 945, 525, 308, 39916, 198, 220, 27154, 39020, 51992, 198, 220, 42973, 39020, 10184, 71376, 198, 220, 42973, 39020, 12290, 220, 14417, 342, 27812, 66, 788, 198, 220, 5120, 342, 88922, 11, 48715, 198, 220, 5120, 342, 6503, 1354, 198, 220, 5120, 342, 13003, 11, 38525, 198, 16, 13, 19771, 279, 3090, 11, 4376, 279, 65384, 822, 477, 14432, 345, 35264, 58212, 323, 23661, 11, 26828, 477, 945, 525, 198, 2375, 277, 11, 51992, 11, 10184, 71376, 323, 12290, 304, 264, 198, 27178, 19737, 857, 323, 44790, 13, 220, 17, 13, 2758, 279, 27812, 66, 788, 311, 279, 50937, 198, 76, 13025, 13, 5112, 4148, 505, 279, 8798, 323, 198, 3773, 369, 220, 605, 4520, 477, 3156, 682, 279, 198, 54737, 706, 1027, 42101, 13, 220, 18, 13, 763, 264, 2678, 87196, 7363, 11, 8798, 279, 88922, 198, 2017, 264, 11298, 8798, 11, 55054, 198, 22025, 66735, 3156, 814, 527, 93972, 13, 2758, 198, 1820, 6503, 1354, 11, 13003, 323, 9861, 65384, 822, 198, 269, 14432, 13, 27162, 3156, 279, 14432, 706, 76, 3903, 291, 13, 220, 19, 13, 48816, 279, 27812, 66, 788, 389, 264, 13788, 198, 501, 1683, 323, 1948, 449, 63168, 323, 2457, 198, 76, 13025, 13, 54032, 389, 1202, 1866, 477, 449, 198, 911, 4473, 16553, 477, 7795, 13, 426, 7897, 13182, 4588, 17019, 720, 3269, 25506, 4458, 198, 99327, 8388, 14966, 1389, 14594, 8503, 340, 32, 8776, 14594, 8503, 11363, 369, 264, 11670, 198, 2407, 4588, 61443, 315, 7795, 323, 45697, 2539, 315, 198, 277, 13795, 49659, 13, 328, 13583, 220, 19, 198, 220, 7467, 342, 9581, 22253, 477, 15104, 581, 332, 11, 25896, 198, 46856, 220, 18, 45697, 11, 48715, 198, 220, 18, 31735, 85388, 198, 220, 16, 39020, 272, 352, 26193, 25349, 198, 220, 16, 64975, 55178, 17138, 198, 220, 6549, 16116, 4251, 13378, 47205, 320, 13099, 340, 220, 27154, 39020, 5015, 3786, 309, 316, 198, 220, 27154, 39020, 272, 10318, 198, 220, 27154, 39020, 12290, 198, 220, 19, 41613, 198, 220, 17, 64975, 33213, 5707, 198, 16, 13, 5075, 20559, 279, 24276, 311, 220, 5245, 32037, 477, 21523, 4488, 198, 19, 13, 220, 17, 13, 11004, 279, 7795, 389, 264, 28915, 35788, 323, 923, 198, 1820, 45697, 927, 279, 7795, 13, 220, 18, 13, 763, 264, 3691, 18121, 11, 6651, 279, 31735, 345, 375, 7067, 11, 55178, 11, 47205, 11, 3786, 309, 316, 10317, 10318, 323, 12290, 3156, 11113, 13, 220, 19, 13, 2758, 279, 41613, 323, 5707, 11, 323, 20955, 369, 198, 4345, 220, 605, 6622, 13, 35106, 56941, 3156, 198, 57966, 13, 220, 20, 13, 27058, 420, 21655, 927, 279, 7795, 13, 18230, 198, 438, 23360, 304, 279, 24276, 369, 220, 966, 4520, 477, 198, 39830, 279, 7795, 374, 30205, 13, 3053, 387, 10434, 198, 4291, 4459, 42880, 281, 46124, 477, 449, 20228, 13, 17019, 449, 6385, 1302, 304, 94091, 198, 50, 76890, 720, 3269, 4202, 79544, 340, 2028, 374, 264, 1633, 9257, 323, 18406, 19737, 345, 8370, 649, 387, 1903, 264, 2766, 48351, 555, 7999, 198, 606, 38525, 63034, 5770, 37401, 72, 13, 19122, 389, 279, 198, 273, 1677, 449, 420, 12269, 3582, 26, 1005, 4376, 198, 9613, 398, 323, 923, 279, 2800, 422, 2631, 815, 13583, 220, 19, 198, 220, 16, 21647, 15104, 581, 332, 477, 9581, 22253, 320, 3852, 4251, 7795, 198, 285, 7060, 705, 28822, 198, 28138, 323, 25349, 311, 12945, 198, 220, 18, 64975, 52252, 10533, 5707, 198, 220, 16, 38427, 11, 61802, 38525, 198, 220, 17, 27154, 10166, 44768, 11, 33745, 198, 220, 18, 31735, 85388, 11, 33745, 198, 220, 605, 342, 7878, 270, 31218, 11, 38525, 198, 220, 11057, 342, 41613, 11, 33745, 198, 220, 17, 64975, 42120, 25982, 198, 220, 6549, 16116, 9235, 559, 5515, 198, 220, 914, 342, 7878, 88621, 11, 38525, 198, 220, 914, 342, 7878, 1867, 72, 8363, 11, 38525, 198, 66851, 315, 220, 27154, 30564, 320, 13099, 8, 16, 13, 5075, 20559, 279, 24276, 311, 220, 3965, 32037, 477, 21523, 4488, 198, 17, 13, 220, 17, 13, 20223, 279, 7795, 1139, 13788, 35354, 323, 1243, 198, 51518, 16167, 311, 1304, 279, 4459, 7795, 198, 33871, 13, 14598, 449, 12290, 323, 25349, 311, 198, 83, 5642, 13, 11004, 279, 312, 300, 26994, 7795, 389, 264, 198, 65, 1802, 35788, 323, 23360, 304, 279, 24276, 369, 198, 605, 4235, 868, 4520, 13, 11016, 505, 279, 24276, 198, 438, 743, 16038, 13, 220, 18, 13, 27162, 279, 5707, 304, 264, 87196, 7363, 13, 328, 94943, 279, 198, 263, 290, 11, 44768, 11, 31735, 323, 270, 31218, 13, 2758, 198, 1820, 33745, 41613, 323, 42120, 25982, 198, 438, 6651, 1664, 13, 2758, 12290, 323, 25349, 311, 198, 83, 5642, 13, 4567, 1195, 369, 220, 605, 4235, 868, 4520, 11, 1243, 198, 6902, 1870, 923, 279, 559, 5515, 13, 220, 19, 13, 2758, 4376, 279, 38525, 88621, 345, 6133, 72, 8363, 323, 30564, 23661, 13, 4567, 1195, 198, 39830, 279, 19737, 12314, 729, 311, 701, 74586, 29237, 13, 220, 20, 13, 5075, 20559, 279, 24276, 1578, 311, 220, 1049, 32037, 477, 21523, 198, 9126, 220, 21, 13, 15883, 36244, 279, 9861, 88621, 198, 438, 1867, 72, 8363, 389, 279, 7795, 304, 279, 28915, 198, 376, 352, 13, 220, 21, 13, 27058, 279, 42120, 19737, 927, 279, 7795, 198, 17206, 398, 1243, 2231, 279, 7795, 1203, 304, 279, 198, 16651, 323, 23360, 369, 220, 605, 4520, 13, 53253, 198, 1820, 8798, 311, 220, 3965, 32037, 323, 23360, 369, 264, 4726, 198, 20, 4520, 13, 54032, 4106, 449, 7878, 16385, 198, 269, 66185, 477, 41778, 379, 4214, 13, 3165, 7725, 62826, 389, 84470, 8839, 198, 3269, 269, 85111, 340, 32, 8776, 95067, 11363, 369, 264, 198 ]
exercise. •  Y ou are unwell. •  Y our BOL T score is shorter than 30 seconds. •  Y ou are not currently in a regular physical training program. This advanced exercise aims to readjust the composition of your blood and alt er levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide. After months of experimenting, I have developed this exercise to lower the oxygen saturation of arterial blood and to maintain this decrease over a number of seconds. I have practiced this e xercise hundreds of times and include the following guide lines to help you to perform it correctly and to be aware of potential side ef fects:•   T o regulate the decrease in ox ygen saturation to below 94 percent and to ensure that it does not go below 80 percent, it is important to use a higher -quality pulse oximeter during this exercise. •   This exerci se should be p racticed on a relatively empty stomach, at least three hours after eating. •   The f irst brea th hold is between 40 and 60 paces, or until yo u feel a medium to strong need for air. •   After the first breath hold, subsequent holds are performe d every 5 to 10 paces. •   Follow ing eac h breath hold, either exhale through your nose or take a sip of air in through your nose before the next breath hold. •   A “si p of air” means taking a tiny breath in, the purpose of which is to relieve tension rathe r than take in air. It is about 10percent of a normal breath. •   Contractions of the diaphr agm will strengthen as the a ir shortage progres ses. T ry to bring a feeling of relaxation to your body as the air shortage increases. •   W ith each successive brea th hold, oxygen saturation will continue to decrease. •   Continue to observe the puls e oximeter, ensuring that you do not go below 80 percent SpO 2. •  Challenge but do not stress yourself. •   If the air shor tage is too great, take a slightly lar ger breath and continue to relax. •  Perform this exercise for 1 to 2 minutes. The obj ective of the exercise is to generate a reasonably strong air shortage in order to lower oxygen saturation and to maintain it at a lower level for a period of between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. Please note that it is not advis able or even necessary to low er your oxygen saturatio n below 80 pe rcent. Maintaining an oxygen saturation of less than 91 percent for approximately 24 seconds can result in an increase of E PO of up to 24 percent, while maintaining this saturation for 136 seconds can result in an increase of EPO of up to 36 percent. Putting the Oxygen Advantage Pr ogram to the T estFrance i s well known for its glo bal cycling events. It is not only the home of the T our de France but also to such legendary mountains as Mont V entoux and Col le da Madone, which lure cyclists from around the world to conquer their slopes. The thriving French amateur road racing culture is steeped in folklore, setting such intense challenges that some athletes are unable to compete more than a few seasons due to injury, fatigue, or burnout. Nick Ma rshall i s an Australian cyclist who started racing in the Paris region. A father of two and a businessman, Nick had trouble j uggling the demands of work and family with what he felt w ere “old-school training m ethods. ” Seeking a better way to train, Nick started using advanced yoga breathing and then the Oxygen Advant age principles to develop more power while reducing his overall training lo ad. Initially, Nick had a BOL T score of just 25 seconds (common even among elite athletes), but through the nasal breathing, Breathing Light to Breathe Right, and simulating high-altitude training, his BOL T score now regularly reaches 60 seconds. The primary Oxygen Advantage exercise Nick used was a daily 30-minute routine combining the following: 1. Breathe Light to Breathe Right for 15 minutes.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|> Q: What is the primary reason why Oxygen Advantage breath holds are performed after exhalation?, A: To lower the oxygen saturation of the blood to simulate the effects of high-altitude training. Q: What is the maximum increase in hemoglobin that can be achieved through 3-5 breath holds?, A: 2-4% Q: What is the recommended duration of breath holds for athletes with a BOL T score of less than 20 seconds?, A: Not specified, but it is mentioned that athletes with a BOL T score of shorter than 20 seconds should be careful not to hold their breath for too long. Q: What is the purpose of the "Run and Hold" exercise?, A: To simulate high-altitude training and improve endurance Q: What is the recommended duration of the "Simulate High-Altitude Training" exercise?, A: Not specified, but it is mentioned that the exercise should not be done if your BOL T score is shorter than 30 seconds, and you should start with 40-60 seconds and gradually increase the duration.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Recounting the race, Senna explained how he achieved t his without conscious ef fort : Letting his instincts guide him, he felt as if the circuit had become a tunnel, and no matter how fast he drove, there was always room for more. Enter the Zone at W ill The zon e is nothing more than p erforming in the absence of tho ught. When the mind is still and thoughts are no longer a distraction, you are able to give an activity your complete and undivided attention. Being a ble to focus without distracti ng thoughts defines concentration, a vital attribute for the proper e xecution of any action a nd the achievement of any goa l. An active mind re sults in diminished con centration as every little thought interferes with the task at hand. For example, an individual who is readin g this book with an active mind is merely looking at the page. His attention is elsewhere on a never -ending train of repetitive and useles s thinking. Although his eyes might be following the sentences, his mind is not. When he re aches the bottom of the page, it is unlikely that he will remember much of the content. Nowadays, as we spend more time communicating via social media, playing computer games, an d surfing the Internet, our powers of concentration are diminishing. A ccording to international motiv ational guru Kevin K elly, we are now living in an attention-deficit society. T he dial has moved from conversation to presentation and from dialogue to monologue. W e no longer give each other our undivided attention, and neit her do we take the time to observe our own breathing or allow our minds to still. T ed Selker of th e Massachusetts Institute of T echnology supp orts this view, cl aiming t hat because the Internet of fers so much choice we end up spending our time flitting from one thing to another, shortening our attention spans and forming a h abit of poor concentration. Selker suggests that the nature of web browsing can leave us with an attention span of just 9 seconds—the same as that of a goldfish. Reading a piece in the New Y o rk T imes, I was surprised to learn that the children of the l ate Apple founder Steve Jobs hadn’ t been introduced to the iPad. W hen journalist Nick Bilton asked Jobs if his children loved thegadget, he replied, “They haven’ t used it. W e limit how much technology our kids use at home.” This stance has been echoed by a number of technology chief executives, wh o set very strict criteria on the amount of screen time their children experience—all too aware of the implications of extended periods spent looking at a screen. As the modern world becomes increasingly dep endent on screens and devices, gadget addiction has the potential to isolate people from the world around them, subd uing social interaction and increasing mind activity. Not only is an overactive mind less conducive to focus and prod uctivity, it also leads to increased stress, anxiety, and depression—all of which contribute to mental health problems and a reduced quality of life. The importance of being able to control and still the mind cannot be overestimated. An athlete with a quiet mind will enjoy good powers of concentration an d be able to enter the zone at will, but an athlete with an active mind will have a head full of unnecessary thoughts and will find it dif ficult to enter the zone. If the mind is overactive during d aily life, it follows that the mind will be ov eractive during sports. Only when the mind is relatively still during normal daily life can the athlete enter the zone during competit ion. A still mind can be attained through having a high BOL T score, using meditation, and developing awareness of the mind— nothing else. Y ou could, of co urse, go down to your local bar and drink six or seven lar ge beers. No doubt this appro ach will quiet the mind. As appealing as it sounds, achieving
[ 10368, 13, 7436, 220, 4194, 56, 6033, 527, 653, 9336, 13, 7436, 220, 4194, 56, 1057, 426, 1971, 350, 5573, 374, 24210, 1109, 220, 966, 6622, 13, 7436, 220, 4194, 56, 6033, 527, 539, 5131, 304, 264, 5912, 7106, 4967, 2068, 13, 1115, 11084, 10368, 22262, 311, 1373, 4345, 279, 18528, 315, 701, 6680, 198, 438, 4902, 2781, 5990, 315, 24463, 323, 12782, 40589, 13, 4740, 4038, 315, 198, 60529, 287, 11, 358, 617, 8040, 420, 10368, 311, 4827, 279, 24463, 198, 37568, 2060, 315, 80935, 6680, 323, 311, 10519, 420, 18979, 927, 264, 1396, 315, 198, 17859, 13, 358, 617, 44664, 420, 384, 865, 18865, 11758, 315, 3115, 323, 2997, 279, 198, 44018, 8641, 5238, 311, 1520, 499, 311, 2804, 433, 12722, 323, 311, 387, 8010, 315, 198, 93036, 3185, 31469, 282, 115192, 25, 6806, 17529, 350, 297, 37377, 279, 18979, 304, 19488, 379, 4469, 50843, 311, 3770, 220, 6281, 198, 25426, 323, 311, 6106, 430, 433, 1587, 539, 733, 3770, 220, 1490, 3346, 11, 433, 374, 198, 15693, 311, 1005, 264, 5190, 482, 10692, 28334, 19488, 26402, 2391, 420, 198, 64562, 13, 7436, 17529, 1115, 7584, 72, 513, 1288, 387, 281, 436, 533, 7725, 389, 264, 12309, 4384, 198, 267, 316, 613, 11, 520, 3325, 2380, 4207, 1306, 12459, 13, 7436, 17529, 578, 282, 220, 874, 293, 5325, 270, 3412, 374, 1990, 220, 1272, 323, 220, 1399, 281, 2492, 11, 477, 3156, 30596, 577, 198, 57676, 264, 11298, 311, 3831, 1205, 369, 3805, 13, 7436, 17529, 4740, 220, 279, 1176, 11745, 3412, 11, 17876, 10187, 527, 2804, 68, 294, 198, 30115, 220, 20, 311, 220, 605, 281, 2492, 13, 7436, 17529, 11359, 6892, 384, 582, 305, 11745, 3412, 11, 3060, 57759, 1604, 1555, 701, 19689, 477, 198, 23609, 264, 47715, 315, 3805, 304, 1555, 701, 19689, 1603, 279, 1828, 11745, 198, 6416, 13, 7436, 17529, 362, 1054, 6455, 281, 315, 3805, 863, 3445, 4737, 220, 264, 13987, 11745, 304, 11, 279, 7580, 315, 198, 8370, 374, 220, 311, 48839, 24408, 11494, 383, 436, 1109, 1935, 304, 3805, 13, 1102, 374, 922, 220, 605, 25426, 315, 264, 4725, 11745, 13, 7436, 17529, 35341, 4109, 220, 315, 279, 1891, 1366, 81, 945, 76, 690, 20259, 439, 279, 264, 6348, 198, 8846, 425, 463, 18297, 15907, 13, 350, 35019, 311, 4546, 264, 8430, 315, 43685, 311, 701, 198, 2664, 439, 279, 3805, 39259, 12992, 13, 7436, 17529, 468, 78942, 220, 1855, 50024, 293, 5325, 270, 3412, 11, 24463, 50843, 690, 198, 9726, 311, 18979, 13, 7436, 17529, 15353, 311, 23846, 279, 56037, 384, 19488, 26402, 11, 23391, 430, 499, 656, 198, 1962, 733, 3770, 220, 1490, 3346, 3165, 46, 220, 17, 13, 7436, 220, 4194, 63178, 719, 656, 539, 8631, 6261, 13, 7436, 17529, 1442, 279, 3805, 559, 269, 259, 425, 374, 2288, 2294, 11, 1935, 264, 10284, 45555, 17684, 11745, 323, 198, 9726, 311, 12234, 13, 7436, 220, 4194, 48051, 420, 10368, 369, 220, 16, 311, 220, 17, 4520, 13, 578, 2909, 77594, 535, 315, 279, 10368, 374, 311, 7068, 264, 29546, 3831, 3805, 198, 8846, 425, 304, 2015, 311, 4827, 24463, 50843, 323, 311, 10519, 433, 520, 264, 4827, 198, 3374, 369, 264, 4261, 315, 1990, 220, 966, 6622, 323, 220, 17, 4520, 13, 5321, 5296, 430, 433, 374, 539, 9819, 3025, 477, 1524, 5995, 311, 3428, 2781, 701, 198, 78, 19472, 94577, 6400, 308, 3770, 220, 1490, 1069, 436, 1189, 13, 43987, 2101, 459, 24463, 50843, 315, 198, 1752, 1109, 220, 220, 5925, 3346, 369, 13489, 220, 1187, 6622, 649, 1121, 304, 459, 5376, 198, 1073, 469, 13228, 315, 709, 311, 220, 1187, 3346, 11, 1418, 20958, 420, 50843, 369, 220, 9795, 198, 17859, 649, 1121, 304, 459, 5376, 315, 469, 2089, 315, 709, 311, 220, 1927, 3346, 13, 78990, 279, 87669, 71459, 2394, 297, 1549, 311, 279, 350, 1826, 50100, 602, 274, 1664, 3967, 369, 1202, 14015, 9839, 33162, 4455, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 198, 3323, 279, 220, 2162, 315, 279, 350, 1057, 409, 9822, 719, 1101, 311, 1778, 28812, 198, 16966, 1771, 439, 9995, 650, 1218, 41670, 323, 4349, 514, 3067, 9671, 606, 11, 902, 57683, 198, 98584, 1705, 505, 2212, 279, 1917, 311, 51630, 872, 60108, 13, 578, 198, 61124, 2299, 8753, 19077, 5754, 22019, 7829, 374, 32366, 291, 304, 198, 42031, 20763, 11, 6376, 1778, 19428, 11774, 430, 1063, 23579, 527, 198, 47028, 311, 20874, 810, 1109, 264, 2478, 15956, 4245, 311, 11134, 345, 45283, 22711, 11, 477, 8395, 412, 13, 15341, 11583, 436, 19549, 602, 274, 459, 13673, 81131, 889, 3940, 22019, 304, 198, 1820, 12366, 5654, 13, 362, 7126, 315, 1403, 323, 264, 47378, 11, 15341, 1047, 198, 376, 1222, 503, 577, 14736, 2785, 279, 18651, 315, 990, 323, 3070, 449, 1148, 568, 198, 66922, 289, 39357, 1054, 820, 35789, 4967, 296, 220, 1086, 82, 13, 19524, 59805, 264, 2731, 1648, 311, 198, 10613, 11, 15341, 3940, 1701, 11084, 27102, 27027, 323, 1243, 279, 198, 46, 19472, 12605, 519, 4325, 16565, 311, 2274, 810, 2410, 1418, 198, 265, 1072, 6253, 813, 8244, 4967, 781, 1008, 13, 59656, 11, 15341, 1047, 264, 426, 1971, 350, 198, 12618, 315, 220, 1120, 220, 914, 6622, 320, 5581, 1524, 4315, 21342, 23579, 1350, 8248, 1555, 279, 72188, 27027, 11, 11681, 44661, 8828, 311, 426, 1244, 383, 198, 6107, 11, 323, 1675, 15853, 1579, 34450, 3993, 4967, 11, 813, 426, 1971, 350, 5573, 198, 3409, 15870, 25501, 220, 1399, 6622, 13, 578, 6156, 87669, 71459, 10368, 15341, 1511, 574, 264, 198, 49174, 220, 966, 24401, 14348, 35271, 279, 2768, 512, 16, 13, 426, 1244, 383, 8828, 311, 426, 1244, 383, 10291, 369, 220, 868, 4520, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 6156, 2944, 3249, 87669, 71459, 11745, 10187, 527, 10887, 1306, 506, 12130, 367, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 2057, 4827, 279, 24463, 50843, 315, 279, 6680, 311, 38553, 279, 6372, 315, 1579, 34450, 3993, 4967, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 7340, 5376, 304, 17728, 94855, 430, 649, 387, 17427, 1555, 220, 18, 12, 20, 11745, 10187, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 220, 17, 12, 19, 4, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 11349, 8250, 315, 11745, 10187, 369, 23579, 449, 264, 426, 1971, 350, 5573, 315, 2753, 1109, 220, 508, 6622, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 2876, 5300, 11, 719, 433, 374, 9932, 430, 23579, 449, 264, 426, 1971, 350, 5573, 315, 24210, 1109, 220, 508, 6622, 1288, 387, 16994, 539, 311, 3412, 872, 11745, 369, 2288, 1317, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 7580, 315, 279, 330, 6869, 323, 23588, 1, 10368, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 2057, 38553, 1579, 34450, 3993, 4967, 323, 7417, 49286, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 11349, 8250, 315, 279, 330, 14354, 6468, 5234, 12, 27108, 3993, 16543, 1, 10368, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 2876, 5300, 11, 719, 433, 374, 9932, 430, 279, 10368, 1288, 539, 387, 2884, 422, 701, 426, 1971, 350, 5573, 374, 24210, 1109, 220, 966, 6622, 11, 323, 499, 1288, 1212, 449, 220, 1272, 12, 1399, 6622, 323, 27115, 5376, 279, 8250, 13, 128009, 128000, 697, 1868, 287, 220, 279, 7102, 11, 328, 15299, 11497, 1268, 568, 17427, 259, 813, 2085, 198, 64589, 31469, 12108, 551, 6914, 1303, 813, 62921, 8641, 1461, 11, 568, 6612, 439, 422, 279, 16622, 1047, 198, 17106, 638, 264, 26711, 11, 323, 912, 5030, 1268, 5043, 568, 23980, 11, 1070, 574, 2744, 3130, 198, 2000, 810, 13, 11502, 279, 22967, 520, 468, 5986, 198, 791, 1167, 263, 384, 374, 4400, 810, 1109, 281, 2781, 55857, 304, 279, 19821, 315, 40425, 577, 2121, 13, 3277, 198, 1820, 4059, 374, 2103, 323, 11555, 527, 912, 5129, 264, 54716, 11, 499, 527, 3025, 311, 198, 47530, 459, 5820, 701, 4686, 323, 2073, 344, 4591, 6666, 13, 21347, 264, 12704, 311, 5357, 198, 30096, 64917, 72, 7933, 11555, 19170, 20545, 11, 264, 16595, 7180, 369, 279, 198, 81768, 384, 865, 762, 1516, 315, 904, 1957, 264, 15953, 279, 26501, 315, 904, 733, 64, 326, 13, 1556, 4642, 198, 38824, 312, 274, 122761, 304, 54182, 390, 2960, 2214, 439, 1475, 2697, 3463, 41305, 288, 198, 4291, 279, 220, 3465, 520, 1450, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 459, 3927, 889, 374, 1373, 258, 342, 420, 2363, 198, 4291, 459, 4642, 4059, 374, 16632, 3411, 520, 279, 2199, 13, 5414, 6666, 374, 198, 1531, 2940, 389, 264, 2646, 482, 2518, 5542, 315, 59177, 323, 1005, 645, 274, 7422, 13, 10541, 813, 6548, 2643, 387, 2768, 279, 23719, 11, 813, 4059, 374, 539, 13, 3277, 198, 383, 312, 264, 8696, 279, 5740, 315, 279, 2199, 11, 433, 374, 17821, 430, 568, 690, 6227, 1790, 198, 1073, 279, 2262, 13, 87581, 11, 439, 584, 8493, 810, 892, 42247, 4669, 3674, 3772, 345, 43012, 6500, 3953, 11, 459, 294, 58840, 279, 8191, 11, 1057, 13736, 315, 198, 444, 94376, 527, 84153, 13, 362, 12810, 2745, 311, 6625, 12521, 520, 4001, 60526, 198, 48781, 735, 658, 398, 1174, 584, 220, 527, 1457, 5496, 220, 304, 459, 6666, 29899, 19195, 8396, 662, 350, 568, 28960, 706, 198, 95918, 505, 10652, 311, 15864, 323, 505, 21976, 311, 1647, 77828, 13, 468, 384, 912, 5129, 3041, 1855, 1023, 1057, 2073, 344, 4591, 6666, 11, 323, 841, 275, 1077, 656, 584, 198, 23609, 279, 892, 311, 23846, 1057, 1866, 27027, 477, 2187, 1057, 20663, 311, 2103, 13, 350, 1608, 24082, 7197, 315, 270, 384, 22108, 10181, 315, 350, 384, 2174, 2508, 91135, 220, 19491, 420, 198, 1068, 1174, 1206, 38178, 259, 9072, 1606, 279, 8191, 315, 282, 388, 779, 1790, 5873, 220, 584, 842, 709, 198, 2203, 2518, 1057, 892, 1344, 15154, 505, 832, 3245, 311, 2500, 1174, 2875, 6147, 1057, 198, 54203, 45395, 323, 30164, 264, 305, 671, 275, 315, 8009, 20545, 13, 24082, 7197, 13533, 198, 9210, 279, 7138, 315, 3566, 32421, 649, 5387, 603, 449, 459, 6666, 9575, 315, 1120, 220, 24, 198, 17859, 22416, 1890, 439, 430, 315, 264, 6761, 18668, 13, 18242, 264, 6710, 304, 279, 220, 1561, 220, 816, 297, 59106, 350, 737, 288, 1174, 220, 358, 220, 574, 14792, 311, 4048, 430, 279, 198, 5988, 315, 279, 326, 30912, 8325, 19533, 14129, 23946, 19117, 529, 259, 1027, 11784, 311, 279, 198, 67393, 13, 468, 48916, 23672, 15341, 426, 16695, 4691, 23946, 422, 813, 2911, 10456, 279, 70, 52031, 11, 568, 20592, 11, 1054, 7009, 9167, 529, 259, 1511, 433, 13, 468, 384, 4017, 1268, 1790, 5557, 198, 414, 6980, 1005, 520, 2162, 2029, 1115, 30031, 706, 1027, 55212, 555, 264, 1396, 315, 198, 59342, 10388, 29509, 11, 421, 297, 743, 1633, 7452, 13186, 389, 279, 3392, 315, 198, 8337, 892, 872, 2911, 3217, 87247, 2288, 8010, 315, 279, 25127, 315, 198, 42198, 18852, 7543, 3411, 520, 264, 4264, 13, 1666, 279, 6617, 1917, 9221, 198, 43842, 4522, 398, 2219, 842, 306, 389, 15670, 323, 7766, 11, 59951, 27471, 706, 279, 198, 93036, 311, 43223, 1274, 505, 220, 279, 1917, 2212, 1124, 11, 1207, 67, 577, 287, 3674, 198, 69175, 323, 7859, 4059, 5820, 662, 2876, 1193, 374, 459, 927, 3104, 4059, 2753, 95561, 311, 5357, 323, 14814, 577, 302, 1968, 13801, 275, 1101, 11767, 311, 220, 7319, 8631, 11, 18547, 1174, 323, 18710, 87247, 315, 902, 198, 444, 2248, 311, 10723, 2890, 5435, 323, 264, 11293, 4367, 315, 2324, 13, 578, 12939, 315, 1694, 3025, 311, 2585, 323, 2103, 279, 4059, 4250, 387, 198, 2017, 45329, 13, 1556, 34880, 449, 264, 11594, 4059, 690, 4774, 1695, 220, 13736, 315, 198, 444, 94376, 459, 294, 387, 3025, 311, 3810, 279, 10353, 520, 690, 11, 719, 459, 34880, 449, 459, 198, 3104, 4059, 690, 617, 264, 2010, 2539, 315, 26225, 11555, 323, 690, 1505, 433, 198, 88564, 282, 3951, 311, 3810, 279, 10353, 13, 1442, 279, 4059, 374, 927, 3104, 2391, 294, 264, 1570, 2324, 11, 433, 198, 19070, 82, 430, 279, 4059, 690, 387, 25568, 2781, 3104, 2391, 10034, 13, 8442, 994, 279, 4059, 198, 285, 12309, 2103, 2391, 4725, 7446, 2324, 649, 279, 34880, 3810, 279, 10353, 198, 82977, 52304, 28772, 13, 362, 2103, 4059, 649, 387, 63260, 1555, 3515, 264, 1579, 198, 33, 1971, 350, 5573, 11, 1701, 33862, 11, 220, 323, 11469, 17985, 315, 279, 4059, 2345, 198, 42312, 775, 13, 816, 6033, 1436, 11, 315, 1080, 4433, 325, 11, 733, 1523, 311, 701, 2254, 3703, 323, 7172, 4848, 477, 8254, 198, 14115, 3980, 38066, 13, 2360, 10712, 420, 3057, 34361, 690, 11594, 279, 4059, 13, 1666, 33352, 439, 433, 198, 71631, 11, 32145 ]
rye breads, even more reason to grind your own. Corn mealfrom the grocery store has usually been degerminated too. If it hasn’t been, the oilin the seed’s germ has probably gone rancid. Grinding flour at home is easy these days. There is an abundance of at-home milling products and no shortage of hype about them. You’ll find staunchadvocates of stone mills. These produce the finest-textured flour, but are costly. The sales pitch is that stones grind at low temperature and do not damage the oils (remember the development of rancidity is a function of temperature) or thevitamins, which are also destroyed at high temperature. This assertion is half true.If you are going to store your flour it is far better to grind it cool. However, if youare, as we do, going to immediately bake your flour, what difference does it makeif it gets a little warm before baking. That only accelerates the action of the yeast. On the negative side, stone mills grind slowly and are very fussy about which grains they will grind. If the cereal is a bit moist or if the seed being ground is alittle bit oily, the mill becomes instantly blocked. Steel burr mills grind fast and coarsely and are inexpensivebut coarse flour makes heavy bread. The metal grinding faces tend to wear out and have to bereplaced occasionally—if they can be replaced. Breads on the heavy side are stilldelicious; for many years I made bread with an inexpensive steel burr millattachment that came with my juicer. Some steel burr mills will also grind oily seed like sesame and sunflower. However, oily seeds can be ground far more easily half-a-cup at a time in a littleinexpensive electric spice/coffee mill, the sort with a single fast-spinning propeller. I currently think the best compromise are hammermills. The grain dribbles into a chamber full of fast-spinning teeth that literally pound the grain into powder.Since air flows through with the grain the flour is not heated very much. This typeof mill is small, very fast, intermediate in price between steel mills and stone mill,lasts a long time, but when grinding, sounds like a Boeing 747 about to take off. Itis essential to wear hearing protectors when using it. Awareness of bread quality is growing. One excellent new U.S. business, called Great Harvest Bakery is a fast-growing national franchise chain. They bakeand sell only whole grain breads; all their wheat flour is freshly ground daily on thepremises in the back. Unfortunately, as of the writing of this book, they do notgrind their rye flour but bring it in sacks. I can’t recommend their rye breads. The founder of Great Harvest is a knowledgeable buyer who fully understands my next topic, which is that wheat is not wheat. There are great differences between hard bread wheats; being organically grown is no cure all for making good or nutritious bread. Great Harvestunderstands this and uses top quality grain that is also Organic. When I first stated making my own bread from my own at-home-ground flour I was puzzled by variations in the dough. Sometimes the bread rose well and wasspongy after baking like I wanted it to be. Sometimes it kneaded stickily andended up flat and crumbly like a cake. Since I had done everything the same wayexcept that I may have bought my wheat berries from different healthfood stores,I began to investigate the subject of wheat quality. The element in the cereal that forms the rubbery sponge in risen bread so it doesn’t crumble and rises high without collapsing, is gluten. The word glue derivesfrom gluten. The gluten content of various wheats varies. Bread bakers use “hardwheat” because of its high gluten content. Gluten is a protein and gluten comprisesmost of the protein in bread wheat; the protein content and the gluten content arealmost identical. Try this. Ask your healthfood store buyer or owner what the protein content is of the hard red wheat seeds they’re selling. You’ll almost certainly get a puzzledlook and your answer will almost certainly be, “we have Organic andconventional.” Demand that the store buyer ask this question of their distributor/wholesaler and then report back to you. If the distributor deigns to answer, theanswer will be the same—I sell Organic or conventional hard red wheat. Period.When I got these non-answers I looked further and discovered that hard breadwheats run from about 12 percent protein to about 19 percent and this differencehas everything to do with the soil fertility (and to an extent the amount of rainfallduring the season), and almost nothing to do with Organic or conventional. This difference also has everything to do with how your dough behaves and how your bread comes out. And how well your bread nourishes you. Thirteen percent wheat will not make a decent loaf—fourteen percent is generally considered #2 quality and comprises the bulk of cheap bread grain. When youhear in the financial news that a bushel of wheat is selling for a certain price, theymean #2. Bakers compete for higher protein lots and pay far higher prices formore protein. We prefer our bread about 25% rye, but rye contains no gluten at all. Mix any rye flour into fourteen percent wheat flour and the dough becomes very heavy,won’t rise, and after baking, crumbles. So I kept looking for better grain andfinally discovered a knowledgeable lady that sold flour mills and who also was aserious baker herself. She had located a source of quality wheat with an assayedprotein content and sold it by the 50 pound sack. When I asked her if her wheatwas Organic she said it was either sixteen or seventeen percent protein dependingon whether you wanted hard red spring wheat or hard white spring wheat.Organic or conventional? I persisted. No, she said. High protein! So, I said to myself, since protein content is a function of soil fertility and since my body needs protein, I figured I am better off eating the best quality wheat,pesticide/herbicide residues (if there are any) be damned. Think about it! Thedifference between seventeen percent and fourteen percent protein is about 25percent. That percentage difference is the key threshold of nutritional deficiencythat makes teeth fall out. We can’t afford to accept 25% degradations in ournutritional quality in something that we eat every day and that forms the very basisof our dietary. Please understand here that I am not saying that high protein wheats can’t be grown organically. They certainly can be. The founder of Great Harvest Bakeryperforms a valuable service locating and securing high-protein lots of organicallygrown wheats for his outlets. But often as not Organic products are no morenourishing than those grown with chemicals. Until the buyers at Organic wholefood wholesalers get better educated about grain, obtaining one’s personal millingstock from them will be a dicey proposition. Sometimes Organic cereal can be far worse than conventional. To make a cereal Organic is a negative definition; if it hasn’t had chemicals, then its Organic.Grain is one of the few foods that will still produce economic yields of low qualityseed on extremely infertile soil or when half-smothered in weeds becauseherbicides weren’t used for reasons of ideological purity. V egetables will hardlyproduce anything under those conditions; carelessly grown fruits and vegetablesare inevitably small, misshapen, unmarketable. But seed cleaning equipment canremove the contamination of weed seeds in cereal grains (at a cost.) The price the farmer receives for Organic cereal grain is much higher, so it is possible to accept rather low yields or expend more money for cleaning out highlevels of weed seeds from the field-run harvest, and still make a good profit. Alousy Organic cereal crop like this might even make a higher profit because thefarmer has been spared the expense of fertilization, of rotation, of weed control. Iremember once I bought a sack of Organic whole oats that were the smallest,most shriveled, bitterest oats I’ve ever tried to eat. We ended up throwing outthat tiny, light (lacking density) seed in favor of using the “conventional” wholeoats that were plump, heavy and sweet. Wheat is not the only cereal that is damaged by industrial milling. So are oats. Most consumers have never seen whole oats; they look very much like wheatberries. But rolled oats become rancid and stale on the shelf much like wheat flouron the shelf. Another pitfall about using whole grains is that to be nutritious they must still be fresh enough to sprout vigorously. A seed is a package of food surrounding anembryo. The living embryo is waiting for the right conditions (temperature andmoisture) to begin sprouting. Sprouting means the embryo begins eating up storedfood and making a plant out of it. All foods are damaged by exposure to oxygen,so to protect the embryo’s food supply, the seed is surrounded by a virtuallyairtight seed coat that permits only enough oxygen to enter for the embryo’srespiration (yes, seed breaths slowly). Often the embryo is located at the edge of the seed and has its own air intake port. When the seed coat is removed or damaged, the innards are exposed to air and begin deteriorating rapidly. In thecase of oats, especially rapidly, because oats are the only grass-based cereal thatcontains large quantities of oil—five percent oil, more or less. That’s why oats“stick to your ribs.” Rolled oats become stale and lose their flavor (and nutritionalcontent) and perhaps become rancid very rapidly. So we make porridge fromwhole oat groats that we coarsely grind to grits (steel-cut oats) in an electric seed/spice mill just
[ 436, 9188, 16385, 82, 11, 1524, 810, 2944, 311, 40336, 701, 1866, 13, 22036, 15496, 1527, 279, 30687, 3637, 706, 6118, 1027, 409, 1414, 52299, 2288, 13, 1442, 433, 12775, 1431, 1027, 11, 279, 5707, 258, 279, 10533, 753, 82986, 706, 4762, 8208, 436, 1149, 307, 13, 39712, 20415, 520, 2162, 374, 4228, 1521, 2919, 13, 2684, 374, 459, 37492, 315, 520, 25389, 198, 76, 9585, 3956, 323, 912, 39259, 315, 45990, 922, 1124, 13, 1472, 4805, 1505, 82721, 14625, 511, 988, 315, 9998, 33008, 13, 4314, 8356, 279, 28807, 9529, 3149, 20415, 11, 719, 527, 34348, 13, 578, 6763, 9846, 374, 430, 27302, 40336, 520, 3428, 9499, 323, 656, 539, 5674, 279, 32462, 198, 7, 30380, 279, 4500, 315, 436, 1149, 19025, 374, 264, 734, 315, 9499, 8, 477, 279, 55911, 38925, 11, 902, 527, 1101, 14763, 520, 1579, 9499, 13, 1115, 28519, 374, 4376, 837, 34001, 499, 527, 2133, 311, 3637, 701, 20415, 433, 374, 3117, 2731, 311, 40336, 433, 7155, 13, 4452, 11, 422, 499, 548, 11, 439, 584, 656, 11, 2133, 311, 7214, 23360, 701, 20415, 11, 1148, 6811, 1587, 433, 1304, 333, 433, 5334, 264, 2697, 8369, 1603, 28915, 13, 3011, 1193, 14511, 988, 279, 1957, 315, 279, 41580, 13, 1952, 279, 8389, 3185, 11, 9998, 33008, 40336, 14297, 323, 527, 1633, 282, 13753, 922, 902, 198, 911, 1771, 814, 690, 40336, 13, 1442, 279, 62233, 374, 264, 2766, 21147, 477, 422, 279, 10533, 1694, 5015, 374, 453, 2433, 2766, 78571, 11, 279, 2606, 9221, 22571, 19857, 13, 12783, 7951, 81, 33008, 40336, 5043, 323, 1080, 1590, 989, 323, 527, 44252, 8248, 50347, 20415, 198, 80785, 8987, 16385, 13, 578, 9501, 17282, 12580, 8541, 311, 10051, 704, 323, 617, 311, 28031, 37469, 23781, 90863, 814, 649, 387, 12860, 13, 426, 31458, 389, 279, 8987, 3185, 527, 2103, 9783, 9824, 26, 369, 1690, 1667, 358, 1903, 16385, 449, 459, 44252, 9699, 7951, 81, 2606, 22751, 430, 3782, 449, 856, 10479, 13296, 13, 4427, 9699, 7951, 81, 33008, 690, 1101, 40336, 78571, 10533, 1093, 92223, 323, 7160, 39853, 13, 4452, 11, 78571, 19595, 649, 387, 5015, 3117, 810, 6847, 4376, 7561, 1824, 455, 520, 264, 892, 304, 264, 2697, 258, 4683, 4114, 9249, 42786, 66042, 54225, 2606, 11, 279, 3460, 449, 264, 3254, 5043, 82006, 1251, 2047, 7218, 13, 358, 5131, 1781, 279, 1888, 30485, 527, 24354, 76, 3385, 13, 578, 24875, 79646, 39863, 1139, 198, 64, 25199, 2539, 315, 5043, 82006, 1251, 18311, 430, 16280, 31123, 279, 24875, 1139, 17138, 94504, 3805, 28555, 1555, 449, 279, 24875, 279, 20415, 374, 539, 32813, 1633, 1790, 13, 1115, 7960, 2606, 374, 2678, 11, 1633, 5043, 11, 29539, 304, 3430, 1990, 9699, 33008, 323, 9998, 2606, 93996, 82, 264, 1317, 892, 11, 719, 994, 17282, 11, 10578, 1093, 264, 42959, 220, 23619, 922, 311, 1935, 1022, 13, 1102, 285, 7718, 311, 10051, 11011, 6144, 1105, 994, 1701, 433, 13, 63135, 315, 16385, 4367, 374, 7982, 13, 3861, 9250, 502, 549, 815, 13, 2626, 345, 44982, 8681, 56935, 91715, 374, 264, 5043, 56657, 5426, 19562, 8957, 13, 2435, 23360, 438, 4662, 1193, 4459, 24875, 16385, 82, 26, 682, 872, 34153, 20415, 374, 50999, 5015, 7446, 389, 279, 1762, 76, 5014, 304, 279, 1203, 13, 19173, 11, 439, 315, 279, 4477, 315, 420, 2363, 11, 814, 656, 539, 911, 485, 872, 436, 9188, 20415, 719, 4546, 433, 304, 57871, 13, 358, 649, 1431, 7079, 872, 436, 9188, 16385, 82, 13, 578, 198, 15456, 261, 315, 8681, 56935, 374, 264, 42066, 26171, 889, 7373, 31869, 856, 198, 3684, 8712, 11, 902, 374, 430, 34153, 374, 539, 34153, 13, 2684, 527, 2294, 12062, 1990, 2653, 16385, 15240, 1900, 26, 1694, 2942, 2740, 198, 62376, 374, 912, 27208, 682, 369, 3339, 1695, 477, 78216, 16385, 13, 8681, 56935, 8154, 97815, 420, 323, 5829, 1948, 4367, 24875, 430, 374, 1101, 44037, 13, 3277, 358, 1176, 11224, 3339, 856, 1866, 16385, 505, 856, 1866, 520, 25389, 79255, 20415, 198, 40, 574, 87420, 555, 27339, 304, 279, 31452, 13, 18156, 279, 16385, 16392, 1664, 323, 289, 395, 621, 4680, 1306, 28915, 1093, 358, 4934, 433, 311, 387, 13, 18156, 433, 14174, 14589, 9396, 1570, 323, 2954, 709, 10269, 323, 1589, 3635, 398, 1093, 264, 19692, 13, 8876, 358, 1047, 2884, 4395, 279, 1890, 1648, 11945, 430, 358, 1253, 617, 11021, 856, 34153, 63494, 505, 2204, 2890, 14239, 10756, 38868, 6137, 311, 19874, 279, 3917, 315, 34153, 4367, 13, 578, 2449, 304, 279, 62233, 430, 7739, 279, 23506, 88, 69448, 304, 41482, 16385, 779, 433, 198, 73014, 1431, 1589, 23568, 323, 38268, 1579, 2085, 72618, 11, 374, 38455, 13, 578, 3492, 38561, 75549, 1527, 38455, 13, 578, 38455, 2262, 315, 5370, 15240, 1900, 35327, 13, 50141, 293, 8476, 1005, 1054, 19221, 86, 20559, 863, 1606, 315, 1202, 1579, 38455, 2262, 13, 96012, 374, 264, 13128, 323, 38455, 41095, 3646, 315, 279, 13128, 304, 16385, 34153, 26, 279, 13128, 2262, 323, 279, 38455, 2262, 527, 60301, 20086, 13, 9934, 420, 13, 21069, 701, 2890, 14239, 3637, 26171, 477, 6506, 1148, 279, 13128, 2262, 374, 198, 1073, 279, 2653, 2579, 34153, 19595, 814, 3207, 11486, 13, 1472, 4805, 4661, 7995, 636, 264, 87420, 7349, 323, 701, 4320, 690, 4661, 7995, 387, 11, 1054, 906, 617, 44037, 323, 444, 44322, 2029, 55353, 430, 279, 3637, 26171, 2610, 420, 3488, 315, 872, 44168, 14, 1336, 7298, 13412, 323, 1243, 1934, 1203, 311, 499, 13, 1442, 279, 44168, 409, 625, 82, 311, 4320, 11, 279, 9399, 690, 387, 279, 1890, 51757, 4662, 44037, 477, 21349, 2653, 2579, 34153, 13, 26572, 51861, 358, 2751, 1521, 2536, 12, 25739, 358, 7111, 4726, 323, 11352, 430, 2653, 16385, 86, 383, 1900, 1629, 505, 922, 220, 717, 3346, 13128, 311, 922, 220, 777, 3346, 323, 420, 6811, 4752, 4395, 311, 656, 449, 279, 17614, 48111, 320, 438, 311, 459, 13112, 279, 3392, 315, 11422, 96688, 509, 1711, 279, 3280, 705, 323, 4661, 4400, 311, 656, 449, 44037, 477, 21349, 13, 1115, 6811, 1101, 706, 4395, 311, 656, 449, 1268, 701, 31452, 74157, 323, 198, 5269, 701, 16385, 4131, 704, 13, 1628, 1268, 1664, 701, 16385, 46798, 21168, 499, 13, 666, 46004, 198, 25426, 34153, 690, 539, 1304, 264, 15326, 77248, 2345, 35124, 15247, 3346, 374, 8965, 198, 25742, 291, 674, 17, 4367, 323, 41095, 279, 20155, 315, 12136, 16385, 24875, 13, 3277, 499, 87160, 304, 279, 6020, 3754, 430, 264, 30773, 301, 315, 34153, 374, 11486, 369, 264, 3738, 3430, 11, 814, 14622, 674, 17, 13, 426, 8476, 20874, 369, 5190, 13128, 10283, 323, 2343, 3117, 5190, 7729, 1376, 461, 13128, 13, 1226, 10932, 1057, 16385, 922, 220, 914, 4, 436, 9188, 11, 719, 436, 9188, 5727, 912, 38455, 520, 682, 13, 19771, 904, 198, 894, 68, 20415, 1139, 63360, 3346, 34153, 20415, 323, 279, 31452, 9221, 1633, 8987, 25576, 263, 1431, 10205, 11, 323, 1306, 28915, 11, 1589, 58199, 13, 2100, 358, 8774, 3411, 369, 2731, 24875, 323, 40276, 11352, 264, 42066, 17240, 430, 6216, 20415, 33008, 323, 889, 1101, 574, 439, 261, 1245, 76928, 11937, 13, 3005, 1047, 7559, 264, 2592, 315, 4367, 34153, 449, 459, 1089, 43995, 79565, 2262, 323, 6216, 433, 555, 279, 220, 1135, 31123, 53433, 13, 3277, 358, 4691, 1077, 422, 1077, 34153, 16514, 44037, 1364, 1071, 433, 574, 3060, 59139, 477, 82497, 3346, 13128, 11911, 263, 3508, 499, 4934, 2653, 2579, 10683, 34153, 477, 2653, 4251, 10683, 34153, 8548, 8609, 292, 477, 21349, 30, 358, 54095, 13, 2360, 11, 1364, 1071, 13, 5234, 13128, 0, 2100, 11, 358, 1071, 311, 7182, 11, 2533, 13128, 2262, 374, 264, 734, 315, 17614, 48111, 323, 2533, 198, 2465, 2547, 3966, 13128, 11, 358, 25720, 358, 1097, 2731, 1022, 12459, 279, 1888, 4367, 34153, 11, 30223, 14842, 39007, 65, 14842, 71783, 320, 333, 1070, 527, 904, 8, 387, 68465, 13, 21834, 922, 433, 0, 666, 291, 18691, 1990, 82497, 3346, 323, 63360, 3346, 13128, 374, 922, 220, 914, 25426, 13, 3011, 11668, 6811, 374, 279, 1401, 12447, 315, 43226, 48294, 9210, 3727, 18311, 4498, 704, 13, 1226, 649, 1431, 10150, 311, 4287, 220, 914, 4, 409, 6902, 811, 304, 1057, 24217, 37842, 4367, 304, 2555, 430, 584, 8343, 1475, 1938, 323, 430, 7739, 279, 1633, 8197, 1073, 1057, 34625, 13, 5321, 3619, 1618, 430, 358, 1097, 539, 5605, 430, 1579, 13128, 15240, 1900, 649, 1431, 387, 198, 62376, 2942, 2740, 13, 2435, 7995, 649, 387, 13, 578, 19533, 315, 8681, 56935, 91715, 716, 10008, 264, 15525, 2532, 72991, 323, 41577, 1579, 10039, 39340, 10283, 315, 2942, 2740, 62376, 15240, 1900, 369, 813, 28183, 13, 2030, 3629, 439, 539, 44037, 3956, 527, 912, 810, 77, 414, 11218, 1109, 1884, 15042, 449, 26333, 13, 30070, 279, 23455, 520, 44037, 4459, 14239, 90997, 636, 2731, 33142, 922, 24875, 11, 19546, 832, 753, 4443, 46472, 13787, 505, 1124, 690, 387, 264, 22901, 88, 41180, 13, 18156, 44037, 62233, 649, 387, 3117, 11201, 1109, 21349, 13, 2057, 1304, 264, 198, 66, 44353, 44037, 374, 264, 8389, 7419, 26, 422, 433, 12775, 1431, 1047, 26333, 11, 1243, 1202, 44037, 1246, 30193, 374, 832, 315, 279, 2478, 15657, 430, 690, 2103, 8356, 7100, 36508, 315, 3428, 4367, 23425, 389, 9193, 4225, 531, 458, 17614, 477, 994, 4376, 4773, 1605, 291, 304, 70535, 1606, 1964, 65, 76195, 15058, 1431, 1511, 369, 8125, 315, 42933, 53500, 13, 650, 70763, 4893, 690, 20781, 98374, 4205, 1234, 1884, 4787, 26, 2512, 16117, 15042, 26390, 323, 24822, 548, 40605, 2678, 11, 5906, 939, 391, 268, 11, 653, 19859, 481, 13, 2030, 10533, 16204, 7241, 649, 5514, 279, 47810, 315, 40475, 19595, 304, 62233, 41936, 320, 266, 264, 2853, 6266, 578, 3430, 279, 37500, 21879, 369, 44037, 62233, 24875, 374, 1790, 5190, 11, 779, 433, 374, 198, 10236, 311, 4287, 4856, 3428, 36508, 477, 28410, 810, 3300, 369, 16204, 704, 1579, 43664, 315, 40475, 19595, 505, 279, 2115, 23831, 24322, 11, 323, 2103, 1304, 264, 1695, 11626, 13, 1708, 94623, 44037, 62233, 19641, 1093, 420, 2643, 1524, 1304, 264, 5190, 11626, 1606, 279, 24470, 1195, 706, 1027, 74688, 279, 20900, 315, 36214, 2065, 11, 315, 12984, 11, 315, 40475, 2585, 13, 358, 30380, 3131, 358, 11021, 264, 53433, 315, 44037, 4459, 85270, 430, 1051, 279, 25655, 11, 3646, 14362, 535, 839, 11, 26242, 478, 85270, 358, 4070, 3596, 6818, 311, 8343, 13, 1226, 9670, 709, 21939, 704, 9210, 13987, 11, 3177, 320, 75, 9162, 17915, 8, 10533, 304, 4799, 315, 1701, 279, 1054, 444, 44322, 863, 4459, 78, 1900, 430, 1051, 628, 1538, 11, 8987, 323, 10437, 13, 56738, 374, 539, 279, 1193, 62233, 430, 374, 20727, 555, 13076, 46472, 13, 2100, 527, 85270, 13, 7648, 13723, 617, 2646, 3970, 4459, 85270, 26, 814, 1427, 1633, 1790, 1093, 34153, 36989, 13, 2030, 23255, 85270, 3719, 436, 1149, 307, 323, 51451, 389, 279, 28745, 1790, 1093, 34153, 20415, 263, 279, 28745, 13, 13596, 20428, 13772, 922, 1701, 4459, 41936, 374, 430, 311, 387, 78216, 814, 2011, 2103, 387, 198, 72408, 3403, 311, 8314, 412, 77849, 13, 362, 10533, 374, 264, 6462, 315, 3691, 14932, 459, 9034, 97234, 13, 578, 5496, 87701, 374, 8748, 369, 279, 1314, 4787, 320, 35658, 323, 6489, 380, 554, 8, 311, 3240, 8314, 11149, 13, 15883, 11149, 3445, 279, 87701, 12302, 12459, 709, 9967, 14239, 323, 3339, 264, 6136, 704, 315, 433, 13, 2052, 15657, 527, 20727, 555, 14675, 311, 24463, 11, 708, 311, 6144, 279, 87701, 753, 3691, 8312, 11, 279, 10533, 374, 23712, 555, 264, 21907, 1334, 75282, 10533, 23724, 430, 29790, 1193, 3403, 24463, 311, 3810, 369, 279, 87701, 753, 417, 29579, 320, 9891, 11, 10533, 11745, 82, 14297, 570, 36016, 279, 87701, 374, 7559, 520, 279, 6964, 315, 198, 1820, 10533, 323, 706, 1202, 1866, 3805, 23730, 2700, 13, 3277, 279, 10533, 23724, 374, 7108, 477, 198, 15770, 3359, 11, 279, 6301, 2402, 527, 15246, 311, 3805, 323, 3240, 39436, 1113, 19019, 13, 763, 279, 5756, 315, 85270, 11, 5423, 19019, 11, 1606, 85270, 527, 279, 1193, 16763, 6108, 62233, 430, 13676, 3544, 33776, 315, 5707, 2345, 53770, 3346, 5707, 11, 810, 477, 2753, 13, 3011, 753, 3249, 85270, 2118, 30133, 311, 701, 56249, 2029, 94491, 85270, 3719, 51451, 323, 9229, 872, 17615, 320, 438, 43226, 1834, 8, 323, 8530, 3719, 436, 1149, 307, 1633, 19019, 13, 2100, 584, 1304, 4247, 11431, 505, 67733, 72754, 10707, 1900, 430, 584, 1080, 1590, 989, 40336, 311, 42018, 82, 320, 62654, 43321, 85270, 8, 304, 459, 9249, 10533, 27832, 560, 2606, 1120 ]
you that believes you’re separate from others, separate from what you’d like to accomplish or have, and separate from God. It also believes that you are your acquisitions, achievements, and accolades. This ego will wants you to constantly acquire evidence of your importance. It pushes you toward proving your superiority and acquiring things you’re willing to chase after with hyperdedication and resolve. On the other hand, your imagination is the concept of Spirit within you. It’s the God within you. Read William Blake’s description of imagination. Blake believed that with imagination, we have the power to be anything we desire to be. I rest not from my great task. To open the Eternal Worlds, to open the immortal Eyes of Man Inwards into the Worlds of Thought; Into eternity, ever expanding In the Bosom of God, The Human Imagination — from Jerusalem by William Blake Now go back to the idea of willing yourself to do something when your imagination says no. An example of a fire walk comes to my mind. You can stare at those hot coals and will yourself to walk across them, and if you rely exclusively on your willpower, you’ll end up with severe burns and blisters. But if you imagine yourself divinely protected—in Blake’s words, in the Bosom of God, and can see yourself in your imagination able to be something beyond your body, you can accomplish the fire walk unscathed. As you imagine yourself impervious to the heat of the red-hot coals, you begin to feel yourself as something beyond your body. You visualize yourself as stronger than the fire. Your inner picture of purity and protection lets you will yourself to walk across the coals. It’s your imagination that allows you to be safe. Without it, you’d be scorched. I recall imagining myself being able to complete my first marathon run of 26-plus miles. It wasn’t my will that got me through those three and a half hours of continuous running. It was my inner imagination. I tuned in to it and then allowed my body to be pushed to its limit through my will. Without that image, no amount of will would have been sufficient for me to complete that endeavor. And so it is with everything. Willing yourself to be happy, successful, wealthy, number one, famous, the top salesperson, or the richest person in your community are ideas born of the ego and its obsessive self-absorption. In the name of this willpower, people run roughshod over anyone who gets in their way; cheating, stealing, and deceiving to accomplish their personal intention. Yet these kinds of practices will ultimately lead to disaster. You may achieve the physical goal of your individual intention. However, yourimagination, that inner place where you do all of your living, won’t allow you to feel peaceful. I’ve used this power of imagination over my will in the production of all of my life’s work. For instance, I see myself as having already completed this book. This thinking from the end causes me to behave as if all that I’d like to create is already here. My credo is: Imagine myself to be and I shall be, and it’s an image that I keep with me at all times. I don’t complete a book because I have a strong will to do so. That would mean I believe that it’s me, the body named Wayne Dyer, that’s doing all of this, whereas my imagination has no physical boundaries and no name called Wayne Dyer. My imagination is my very own “chip off of the old block” of intention. It provides what I need, it allows me to sit here and write, it guides my pen in my hand, and fills in all the blanks. I, Wayne Dyer, am not willing this book into reality. My picture of it is so clear and precise that it manifests itself. In ancient times, a divine being named Hermes wrote: That which IS is manifested; That which has been or shall be, is unmanifested, but not dead; For soul, the eternal activity of God, animates all things. These are significant words to ponder as you think about reconnecting to intention and gaining the power to create anything that’s in your imagination. You, your body, and your ego, do not intend, do not create, do not animate anything into life. Set your ego aside. By all means, have an aim in life and be full of determination, but rid yourself of the illusion that you’re the one who’s going to manifest your heart’s desire through your will. It’s your imagination that I want you to focus on throughout the reading of this book, and view all of your determined goals and activities as functions of your imagination working, guiding, encouraging, and even pushing you in the direction that intention had for you while you were still in an unmanifested state. You’re looking for a vibrational match-up of your imagination and the Source of all Creation. Your imagination allows you the fabulous luxury of thinking from the end. There’s no stopping anyone who can think from the end. You create the means and surmount limitations in connection with your desires. In imagination, dwell on the end, fully confident that it’s there in the material world and that you can use the ingredients of the all-creative Source to make it tangible. Since the Source of everything proceeds with grace, and its alluring seven faces, then you too shall use this method and only this method, to co-create all that you were intended to be. Become indifferent to doubt and to the call of your will. Remain confident that through continued reliance on your imagination, your assumptions are materializing into reality. Reconnecting to intention involves expressing the same seven faces that the all-creating Source uses to bring the unmanifest into the manifest. If imagination works for God, then surely it works for you, too. Through imagination, God imagines everything into reality. This is your new strategy as well. Applying the Seven Faces for Connecting to Intention Having been in the business of human development for most of my life, the question I most frequently hear is: “How do I go about getting what I want. ” At this juncture of my life, as I sit here writing this book, my response is: “If you become what you think about, and what you think about is getting what you want, then you’ll stay in a state of wanting. So, the answer to how to get what you want is to reframe the question to: How do I go about getting what I intend to create. ” My answer to that question is in the remaining pages of this chapter, but my short answer is this: “You get what you intend to create by being in harmony with the power of intention, which is responsible for all of creation. ” Become just like intention and you’ll co-create all that you contemplate. When you become one with intention, you’re transcending the ego-mind and becoming the universal all- creative mind. John Randolph Price writes in A Spiritual Philosophy for the New World: “Until you transcend the ego, you can do nothing but add to the insanity of the world. That statement should delight you rather than create despair, for it removes the burden from your shoulders. ”Begin to remove that ego burden from your shoulders and reconnect to intention. When you lay your ego aside and return to that from which you originally emanated, you’ll begin to immediately see the power of intention working with, for, and through you in a multitude of ways. Here are those seven faces revisited to help you to begin to make them a part of your life. 1. Be creative. Being creative means trusting your own purpose and having an attitude of unbending intent in your daily thoughts and activities. Staying creative means giving form to your personal intentions. A way to start giving them form is to literally put them in writing. For instance, in my writing space here on Maui, I’ve written out my intentions, and here are a few of them that stare at me each day as I write: • My intention is for all of my activities to be directed by Spirit. • My intention is to love and radiate my love to my writing and any who might read these words. • My intention is to trust in what comes through me and to be a vehicle of Spirit, judging none of it. • My intention is to recognize the Spirit as my Source and to detach from my ego. • My intention is to do all that I can to elevate the collective consciousness to be more closely in rapport with the Spirit of the originating supreme power of intention. To express your creativity and put your own intentions into the world of the manifest, I recommend that you practice Japa, a technique first offered by the ancient Vedas. Japa meditation is the repetition of the sound of the names of God while simultaneously focusing on what you intend to manifest. Repeating the sound within the name of God while asking for what you want generates creative energy to manifest your desires. And your desires are the movement of the universal mind within you. Now, you may be skeptical about the feasibility of such an undertaking. Well, I ask you to open yourself to this idea of Japa as an expression of your creative link to intention. I won’t describe the method in depth here because I’ve written about it in a small book with an accompanying CD
[ 499, 430, 13919, 499, 3207, 198, 325, 68698, 505, 3885, 11, 8821, 505, 1148, 499, 7070, 1093, 311, 22829, 477, 617, 345, 438, 8821, 505, 4359, 13, 1102, 1101, 13919, 430, 499, 527, 701, 63948, 345, 45620, 12760, 11, 323, 86643, 3536, 13, 1115, 37374, 690, 6944, 499, 311, 15320, 21953, 198, 68, 28580, 315, 701, 12939, 13, 1102, 41802, 499, 9017, 39858, 701, 66732, 198, 438, 42990, 2574, 499, 3207, 10032, 311, 33586, 1306, 449, 17508, 9988, 20901, 323, 198, 17775, 13, 1952, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 701, 28899, 374, 279, 7434, 315, 17326, 2949, 198, 9514, 13, 1102, 753, 279, 4359, 2949, 499, 13, 4557, 12656, 31994, 753, 4096, 315, 198, 318, 10569, 13, 31994, 11846, 430, 449, 28899, 11, 584, 617, 279, 2410, 311, 387, 198, 73254, 584, 12876, 311, 387, 13, 358, 2800, 539, 505, 856, 2294, 3465, 13, 2057, 1825, 279, 67872, 52947, 11, 311, 1825, 279, 60214, 198, 36, 9891, 315, 2418, 198, 644, 4102, 1139, 279, 52947, 315, 36287, 280, 27689, 64482, 11, 3596, 24050, 198, 644, 279, 29071, 316, 315, 4359, 345, 791, 11344, 2417, 10569, 198, 2345, 505, 26523, 555, 12656, 31994, 198, 7184, 733, 1203, 311, 279, 4623, 315, 10032, 6261, 311, 656, 2555, 994, 701, 198, 318, 10569, 2795, 912, 13, 1556, 3187, 315, 264, 4027, 4321, 4131, 311, 856, 4059, 13, 1472, 649, 198, 267, 548, 520, 1884, 4106, 1080, 1147, 323, 690, 6261, 311, 4321, 4028, 1124, 11, 323, 422, 499, 198, 265, 398, 24121, 389, 701, 690, 13477, 11, 499, 4805, 842, 709, 449, 15748, 44154, 323, 198, 65, 1638, 388, 13, 2030, 422, 499, 13085, 6261, 3512, 22870, 2682, 49525, 31994, 753, 4339, 345, 258, 279, 29071, 316, 315, 4359, 11, 323, 649, 1518, 6261, 304, 701, 28899, 3025, 311, 387, 198, 34431, 7953, 701, 2547, 11, 499, 649, 22829, 279, 4027, 4321, 653, 2445, 70737, 13, 1666, 499, 13085, 6261, 3242, 651, 1245, 311, 279, 8798, 315, 279, 2579, 60547, 1080, 1147, 11, 499, 198, 7413, 311, 2733, 6261, 439, 2555, 7953, 701, 2547, 13, 1472, 51187, 198, 22479, 726, 439, 16643, 1109, 279, 4027, 13, 4718, 9358, 6945, 315, 53500, 323, 9313, 198, 10145, 499, 690, 6261, 311, 4321, 4028, 279, 1080, 1147, 13, 1102, 753, 701, 28899, 430, 198, 56967, 499, 311, 387, 6220, 13, 17586, 433, 11, 499, 7070, 387, 62195, 2454, 13, 358, 19635, 77724, 7182, 1694, 3025, 311, 4686, 856, 1176, 45796, 1629, 315, 198, 1627, 23786, 8931, 13, 1102, 5828, 1431, 856, 690, 430, 2751, 757, 1555, 1884, 2380, 323, 264, 4376, 198, 31482, 315, 19815, 4401, 13, 1102, 574, 856, 9358, 28899, 13, 358, 33519, 304, 311, 433, 198, 438, 1243, 5535, 856, 2547, 311, 387, 15753, 311, 1202, 4017, 1555, 856, 690, 13, 17586, 430, 2217, 11, 912, 3392, 315, 690, 1053, 617, 1027, 14343, 369, 757, 311, 198, 15079, 430, 54914, 13, 1628, 779, 433, 374, 449, 4395, 13, 4946, 287, 6261, 311, 387, 6380, 11, 6992, 345, 31633, 88, 11, 1396, 832, 11, 11495, 11, 279, 1948, 6763, 9164, 11, 477, 279, 57471, 1732, 304, 198, 22479, 4029, 527, 6848, 9405, 315, 279, 37374, 323, 1202, 84132, 659, 97510, 66181, 13, 763, 279, 836, 315, 420, 690, 13477, 11, 1274, 1629, 11413, 939, 347, 927, 5606, 889, 5334, 198, 258, 872, 1648, 26, 42823, 11, 39098, 11, 323, 31952, 2299, 311, 22829, 872, 4443, 198, 396, 3012, 13, 14968, 1521, 13124, 315, 12659, 690, 13967, 3063, 311, 21426, 13, 1472, 198, 18864, 11322, 279, 7106, 5915, 315, 701, 3927, 14944, 13, 4452, 11, 701, 318, 10569, 11, 430, 9358, 2035, 1405, 499, 656, 682, 315, 701, 5496, 11, 2834, 1431, 2187, 198, 9514, 311, 2733, 26733, 13, 358, 4070, 1511, 420, 2410, 315, 28899, 927, 856, 690, 304, 279, 5788, 315, 682, 198, 1073, 856, 2324, 753, 990, 13, 1789, 2937, 11, 358, 1518, 7182, 439, 3515, 2736, 8308, 198, 576, 2363, 13, 1115, 7422, 505, 279, 842, 11384, 757, 311, 36792, 439, 422, 682, 430, 358, 7070, 198, 4908, 311, 1893, 374, 2736, 1618, 13, 3092, 4281, 78, 374, 25, 38891, 7182, 311, 387, 323, 358, 4985, 198, 1395, 11, 323, 433, 753, 459, 2217, 430, 358, 2567, 449, 757, 520, 682, 3115, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 4686, 264, 198, 2239, 1606, 358, 617, 264, 3831, 690, 311, 656, 779, 13, 3011, 1053, 3152, 358, 4510, 430, 198, 275, 753, 757, 11, 279, 2547, 7086, 28640, 423, 27253, 11, 430, 753, 3815, 682, 315, 420, 11, 20444, 856, 198, 318, 10569, 706, 912, 7106, 23546, 323, 912, 836, 2663, 28640, 423, 27253, 13, 3092, 28899, 374, 856, 1633, 1866, 1054, 30762, 1022, 315, 279, 2362, 2565, 863, 315, 14944, 13, 1102, 198, 782, 68254, 1148, 358, 1205, 11, 433, 6276, 757, 311, 2503, 1618, 323, 3350, 11, 433, 28292, 856, 5869, 304, 198, 2465, 1450, 11, 323, 41687, 304, 682, 279, 79640, 13, 358, 11, 28640, 423, 27253, 11, 1097, 539, 10032, 420, 2363, 198, 18614, 8903, 13, 3092, 6945, 315, 433, 374, 779, 2867, 323, 24473, 430, 433, 84332, 5196, 13, 763, 198, 1149, 1188, 3115, 11, 264, 30467, 1694, 7086, 95063, 6267, 512, 720, 4897, 902, 3507, 374, 79754, 280, 4897, 902, 706, 1027, 477, 4985, 387, 11, 374, 653, 43415, 291, 11, 719, 198, 1962, 5710, 280, 2520, 13836, 11, 279, 35825, 5820, 315, 4359, 11, 4039, 988, 682, 198, 58174, 13, 4314, 527, 5199, 4339, 311, 48883, 439, 499, 1781, 922, 51136, 287, 311, 198, 396, 3012, 323, 30240, 279, 2410, 311, 1893, 4205, 430, 753, 304, 701, 198, 318, 10569, 13, 1472, 11, 701, 2547, 11, 323, 701, 37374, 11, 656, 539, 30730, 11, 656, 539, 1893, 11, 656, 198, 1962, 26119, 4205, 1139, 2324, 13, 2638, 701, 37374, 16038, 13, 3296, 682, 3445, 11, 617, 459, 198, 2706, 304, 2324, 323, 387, 2539, 315, 26314, 11, 719, 9463, 6261, 315, 279, 41919, 430, 198, 9514, 3207, 279, 832, 889, 753, 2133, 311, 14794, 701, 4851, 753, 12876, 1555, 701, 198, 14724, 13, 1102, 753, 701, 28899, 430, 358, 1390, 499, 311, 5357, 389, 6957, 279, 198, 6285, 315, 420, 2363, 11, 323, 1684, 682, 315, 701, 11075, 9021, 323, 7640, 439, 198, 22124, 315, 701, 28899, 3318, 11, 51346, 11, 26921, 11, 323, 1524, 198, 9254, 287, 499, 304, 279, 5216, 430, 14944, 1047, 369, 499, 1418, 499, 1051, 2103, 198, 258, 459, 653, 43415, 291, 1614, 13, 1472, 3207, 3411, 369, 264, 17358, 1697, 2489, 5352, 315, 701, 198, 318, 10569, 323, 279, 8922, 315, 682, 35386, 13, 4718, 28899, 6276, 499, 279, 35631, 19913, 315, 7422, 505, 279, 198, 408, 13, 2684, 753, 912, 23351, 5606, 889, 649, 1781, 505, 279, 842, 13, 1472, 1893, 279, 198, 47321, 323, 1765, 16966, 9669, 304, 3717, 449, 701, 32097, 13, 763, 198, 318, 10569, 11, 44935, 389, 279, 842, 11, 7373, 16913, 430, 433, 753, 1070, 304, 279, 3769, 198, 14957, 323, 430, 499, 649, 1005, 279, 14293, 315, 279, 682, 12, 52817, 8922, 311, 198, 7072, 433, 50401, 13, 8876, 279, 8922, 315, 4395, 34555, 449, 21507, 11, 323, 198, 1220, 682, 1711, 8254, 12580, 11, 1243, 499, 2288, 4985, 1005, 420, 1749, 323, 1193, 420, 198, 4492, 11, 311, 1080, 40779, 682, 430, 499, 1051, 10825, 311, 387, 13, 51378, 80008, 311, 198, 67, 5599, 83, 323, 311, 279, 1650, 315, 701, 690, 13, 92692, 16913, 430, 1555, 8738, 198, 265, 747, 685, 389, 701, 28899, 11, 701, 32946, 527, 3769, 4954, 1139, 198, 265, 2786, 13, 1050, 91911, 311, 14944, 18065, 37810, 279, 1890, 8254, 12580, 198, 9210, 279, 682, 12, 46002, 8922, 5829, 311, 4546, 279, 653, 43415, 1139, 279, 14794, 13, 1442, 198, 318, 10569, 4375, 369, 4359, 11, 1243, 22225, 433, 4375, 369, 499, 11, 2288, 13, 17331, 198, 318, 10569, 11, 4359, 6669, 1572, 4395, 1139, 8903, 13, 1115, 374, 701, 502, 8446, 198, 300, 1664, 13, 90701, 279, 31048, 52326, 369, 720, 64024, 311, 1357, 3012, 198, 29132, 1027, 304, 279, 2626, 315, 3823, 4500, 369, 1455, 315, 856, 2324, 345, 1820, 3488, 358, 1455, 14134, 6865, 374, 25, 1054, 4438, 656, 358, 733, 922, 3794, 1148, 358, 198, 53757, 13, 19524, 2468, 420, 18169, 302, 554, 315, 856, 2324, 11, 439, 358, 2503, 1618, 4477, 420, 2363, 11, 856, 198, 2376, 374, 25, 1054, 2746, 499, 3719, 1148, 499, 1781, 922, 11, 323, 1148, 499, 1781, 922, 198, 285, 3794, 1148, 499, 1390, 11, 1243, 499, 4805, 4822, 304, 264, 1614, 315, 19762, 13, 2100, 11, 279, 198, 9399, 311, 1268, 311, 636, 1148, 499, 1390, 374, 311, 312, 6906, 279, 3488, 311, 25, 2650, 656, 358, 198, 3427, 922, 3794, 1148, 358, 30730, 311, 1893, 13, 19524, 3092, 4320, 311, 430, 3488, 374, 304, 198, 1820, 9861, 6959, 315, 420, 12735, 11, 719, 856, 2875, 4320, 374, 420, 25, 1054, 2675, 636, 198, 12840, 499, 30730, 311, 1893, 555, 1694, 304, 26348, 449, 279, 2410, 315, 14944, 345, 8370, 374, 8647, 369, 682, 315, 9886, 13, 19524, 51378, 1120, 1093, 14944, 323, 198, 9514, 4805, 1080, 40779, 682, 430, 499, 80907, 13, 3277, 499, 3719, 832, 449, 198, 396, 3012, 11, 499, 3207, 42590, 2518, 279, 37374, 1474, 485, 323, 10671, 279, 20789, 682, 7058, 52817, 4059, 13, 3842, 86852, 8650, 14238, 304, 362, 63849, 46969, 369, 279, 198, 3648, 4435, 25, 1054, 25503, 499, 74809, 279, 37374, 11, 499, 649, 656, 4400, 719, 923, 311, 279, 198, 1354, 39370, 315, 279, 1917, 13, 3011, 5224, 1288, 18454, 499, 4856, 1109, 1893, 198, 5919, 12959, 11, 369, 433, 29260, 279, 23104, 505, 701, 28004, 13, 19524, 11382, 311, 4148, 430, 37374, 23104, 505, 701, 28004, 323, 51136, 311, 198, 396, 3012, 13, 3277, 499, 11203, 701, 37374, 16038, 323, 471, 311, 430, 505, 902, 499, 198, 8781, 750, 69239, 660, 11, 499, 4805, 3240, 311, 7214, 1518, 279, 2410, 315, 14944, 198, 21837, 449, 11, 369, 11, 323, 1555, 499, 304, 264, 49068, 315, 5627, 13, 5810, 527, 1884, 198, 81285, 12580, 17951, 1639, 311, 1520, 499, 311, 3240, 311, 1304, 1124, 264, 961, 315, 701, 2324, 13, 220, 16, 13, 2893, 11782, 13, 21347, 11782, 3445, 69344, 701, 1866, 7580, 323, 198, 69666, 459, 19451, 315, 42644, 2518, 7537, 304, 701, 7446, 11555, 323, 7640, 13, 800, 17718, 11782, 3445, 7231, 1376, 311, 701, 4443, 34334, 13, 362, 1648, 311, 198, 2527, 7231, 1124, 1376, 374, 311, 16280, 2231, 1124, 304, 4477, 13, 1789, 2937, 11, 304, 856, 198, 26372, 3634, 1618, 389, 93550, 11, 358, 4070, 5439, 704, 856, 34334, 11, 323, 1618, 527, 264, 198, 71830, 315, 1124, 430, 46943, 520, 757, 1855, 1938, 439, 358, 3350, 512, 6806, 3092, 14944, 374, 369, 682, 315, 856, 7640, 311, 387, 15910, 198, 1729, 17326, 13, 7436, 3092, 14944, 374, 311, 3021, 323, 12164, 349, 856, 3021, 311, 856, 198, 26372, 323, 904, 889, 2643, 1373, 1521, 4339, 13, 7436, 3092, 14944, 374, 311, 7095, 304, 1148, 4131, 1555, 757, 198, 438, 311, 387, 264, 7458, 315, 17326, 11, 50790, 7000, 315, 433, 13, 7436, 3092, 14944, 374, 311, 15641, 279, 17326, 439, 856, 8922, 198, 438, 311, 47881, 505, 856, 37374, 13, 7436, 3092, 14944, 374, 311, 656, 682, 430, 358, 649, 311, 69730, 279, 198, 17840, 535, 25917, 311, 387, 810, 15499, 304, 39474, 449, 279, 198, 87475, 315, 279, 71373, 44222, 2410, 315, 14944, 13, 2057, 3237, 701, 28697, 323, 2231, 701, 1866, 34334, 1139, 279, 1917, 315, 198, 1820, 14794, 11, 358, 7079, 430, 499, 6725, 622, 18826, 11, 264, 15105, 1176, 9076, 198, 1729, 279, 14154, 75887, 300, 13, 622, 18826, 33862, 374, 279, 54515, 315, 279, 5222, 315, 279, 198, 11654, 315, 4359, 1418, 25291, 21760, 389, 1148, 499, 30730, 311, 198, 43415, 13, 1050, 65977, 279, 5222, 2949, 279, 836, 315, 4359, 1418, 10371, 369, 198, 12840, 499, 1390, 27983, 11782, 4907, 311, 14794, 701, 32097, 13, 1628, 701, 198, 5919, 3946, 527, 279, 7351, 315, 279, 20789, 4059, 2949, 499, 13, 4800, 11, 499, 1253, 198, 1395, 44929, 922, 279, 69543, 315, 1778, 459, 49326, 13, 8489, 11, 358, 2610, 499, 311, 198, 2569, 6261, 311, 420, 4623, 315, 622, 18826, 439, 459, 7645, 315, 701, 11782, 2723, 311, 198, 396, 3012, 13, 358, 2834, 1431, 7664, 279, 1749, 304, 8149, 1618, 1606, 358, 4070, 5439, 198, 9274, 433, 304, 264, 2678, 2363, 449, 459, 24442, 11325 ]
best to sum it up here. Borax, also known as sodium borate, is used in cleaning and laundry detergent recipes. It is a basic mineral that is mined from the ground, and while it is wholly natural, there is still quite a bit of contention around whether or not it’s safe for use. To put one thing straight, borax is not the same as boric acid. Boric acid is used in pesticides and insecticides and is derived from borax by a refining process that renders it a whole different beast. Borax is considered, by industry standards, generally safe to use (with the exception of it being forbidden as a food additive.) Speaking from experience, I have never had a problem with it, and keep it labeled and securely away from kids and pets. It is up to you whether or not you are comfortable using it. It must be ingested for its toxicity to be expressed, however too much can cause mild skin irritation because of its high alkalinity. I find it staple for laundry detergent and some carpet cleaners as well. As long as it is kept in moderation, I will say that I find borax ok to use in certain recipes. 16Copyright 2014 everydayroots.comThe Golden Rule: Everything in Moderation I think that many people-and I am quite guilty of doing this also- tend to use more of a cleaner or ingredient than they really need, and I think this is especially the case with natural products. Because you feel the need to make them “strong enough” to do their job, you go ahead and don’t dilute something, add excessive amounts of ingredients, or use too much at once. The truth is, less is more. It’s shocking how little vinegar cleaner you actually need to clean something or baking soda to scrub a surface clean. Remember that too much of anything is a bad thing-even with something natural. Oils and Butters Oils and butters, along with beeswax, form the base and body of the salves, balms, and other similar recipes and remedies. They are also used as carriers for essential oils to reduce the risk of an adverse reaction. Most commonly they are used to soften, moisturize, and protect our skin. The term “carrier oil” covers a vast range of both oils and butters, from common place extra virgin olive and grapeseed oil to the more exotic baobab seed oil and kpangnan butter. For many recipes found here the oils are easily substituted, while for others, things can get a little more complicated. I don’t list every oil and butter below-there are hundreds! - but this will cover what you need to know for the recipes in this book.17Copyright 2014 everydayroots.comLiquid Oils These remain liquid and do not solidify at room temperatures. Olive Oil: Pressed from ripe olives, olive oil is a common household staple for cooking and consumption. It is also a common base for balms, salves, chapstick, and lotions, being soothing and moisturizing to the skin. Grapeseed Oil: Created from the residue of grapes that have been juiced, grapeseed oil is an inexpensive alternative to the pricier oils such as jojoba or olive. It does, however, possess a shorter shelf life than most other vegetable based oils. Avocado Oil: Avocado oil is pressed from the ripe avocado fruit, and possesses a pleasant nutty/spicy odor. Unrefined it is deep green in color, easily distinguished from the pale yellow refined oil (you want it unrefined!) It is used as cooking oil, but is also luxurious to use in cosmetic applications as well. It is rich in vitamin E, highly penetrating, slow to absorb, and deeply nourishing. Sesame Seed Oil: Rich in fatty acids, the pale yellow oil obtained from sesame seeds works as an excellent emollient, moisturizing skin and hair to keep it smooth, soft, and protected by the natural barrier it forms. Sweet Almond Oil: Sweet almond oil is an excellent carrier for essential oils, and is light, non-greasy, and skin nourishing. It comes from the sweet almond, versus the bitter almond, which only yields about half of the fixed oil that a sweet almond does. It is rich in vitamin E. Jojoba Oil/Wax: Cold pressed from the seeds of a wild evergreen shrub, jojoba oil is not truly an oil, but a liquid wax. It is highly penetrating, with a faintly sweet aroma and a pale golden yellow color. Its molecular structure is extraordinarily close to that of our natural sebum (the oil we produce to keep our skin supple and healthy.) Since we lose sebum due to weather, wind, and age, jojoba is incredibly healing. I also find that it feels less oily than grapeseed or olive oil. 18Copyright 2014 everydayroots.comSoft Oils and Butters These are solid at room temperature, but have a relatively low melting point and remain fairly soft. Shea Butter: Shea butter is a pale, soft butter obtained by the cold pressing of the fruit of the Karite tree, found in West Africa. It has a wonderful nutty and rich aroma, and is rich the fatty acids (90% stearic and oleic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin E. It is incredible and moistening and maintaining the elasticity of skin, as well as reducing inflammation. It is also a powerful healer when it comes to sunburns, psoriasis, and eczema. There are actually two kinds of West African shea butter-be sure to purchase Butyrospermum parkii and not Viterllaria nilotica, which comes from East Africa is usually refined.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms: Disclaimer THE EVERYDAY ROOTS BOOK IS INTENDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONL Y. IT CONTAINS GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND TREATMENTS, AND PROVIDES INFORMATION AND IDEAS FOR, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NATURAL AND HOME REMEDIES, DIY BEAUTY & HOUSEHOLD PRODUCT RECIPES. EVERYDAY ROOTS MAKES NO CLAIMS THAT ANYTHING PRESENTED IS TRUE, ACCURATE, PROVEN, AND/OR NOT HARMFUL TO YOUR HEALTH OR WELLBEING. THE BOOK IS NOT AND DOES NOT CLAIM TO BE WRITTEN, EDITED, OR RESEARCHED BY A HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL. ANY INFORMATION ON OR ASSOCIATED WITH THIS BOOK SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED A SUBSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ADVICE FROM A HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL. IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ANY FORM OF HEALTH PROBLEM, ALWAYS CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY TREATMENT ON YOUR OWN. EVERYDAY ROOTS WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY HARM, INJURY, ILLNESS, OR DEATH THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF ITS CONTENT OR ANYTHING RELATED TO IT. READERS ASSUME ALL RISK AND LIABILITY ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF THE EVERYDAY ROOTS BOOK, AND MUST AGREE TO OUR TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Some of the links in this book are “affiliate links. ” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. ” No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted, or sold in whole or in part in any form, without the prior written consent of the author. All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in this book are the property of their respective owners. This book may not be republished or distributed, for financial gain or not, without written permission of the author. © Everyday Roots 2014. All Rights Reserved. 2Copyright 2014 everydayroots. comA Note from the Author If you are reading this, you have my heartfelt thanks and congratulations. Y ou have taken a huge step towards improving not only your life, but the lives of countless others as well. Y ou will find that natural living-whether you are interested in replacing a few cleaners here and there, or want to create an entirely new lifestyle-will open your eyes to new things every day. It is a constant journey of learning, creating, and feeling whole. If you are new to this whole thing, no worries. This book was created with people who are just taking their first steps in mind, but it also has something for those who seek to deepen their existing experience and knowledge. Throughout the following chapters I try to explain some of the science behind home remedies, or the theories behind why they work. Sometimes there is nothing to explain, and sometimes there is a whole lot. I also firmly believe that the best way to figure out how to manage something is to understand it; so many remedies will give backgrounds on the conditions as well. Hopefully you will begin to see the connections between certain ingredients and ailments, and begin to explore with your own variations and recipes. Now to address what many people will inevitably wonder at as they read this-does this stuff really work. The answer to that is yes, and no. Nothing can hold up to the powerful and potent chemicals in store
[ 1888, 311, 2694, 433, 709, 1618, 13, 23768, 710, 11, 1101, 3967, 439, 39695, 32732, 349, 11, 374, 1511, 304, 16204, 323, 35189, 720, 67, 1430, 16149, 19141, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 6913, 25107, 430, 374, 68768, 505, 279, 5015, 11, 323, 1418, 433, 374, 42241, 5933, 11, 1070, 374, 720, 44466, 5115, 264, 2766, 315, 52240, 2212, 3508, 477, 539, 433, 753, 6220, 369, 1005, 13, 2057, 2231, 832, 3245, 7833, 11, 32732, 710, 374, 539, 279, 720, 25030, 439, 293, 27456, 13935, 13, 23768, 292, 13935, 374, 1511, 304, 61257, 323, 27080, 76195, 323, 374, 14592, 505, 32732, 710, 555, 264, 74285, 720, 4734, 430, 45382, 433, 264, 4459, 2204, 32236, 13, 23768, 710, 374, 6646, 11, 555, 5064, 10886, 11, 8965, 6220, 311, 1005, 320, 4291, 279, 4788, 315, 433, 1694, 37913, 720, 300, 264, 3691, 64338, 6266, 45072, 505, 3217, 11, 358, 617, 2646, 1047, 264, 3575, 449, 433, 11, 323, 2567, 433, 30929, 323, 720, 26189, 398, 3201, 505, 6980, 323, 26159, 13, 1102, 374, 709, 311, 499, 3508, 477, 539, 499, 527, 10882, 1701, 433, 13, 1102, 2011, 387, 720, 287, 10185, 369, 1202, 58011, 311, 387, 13605, 11, 4869, 2288, 1790, 649, 5353, 23900, 6930, 66510, 1606, 315, 1202, 720, 12156, 66787, 13797, 13, 358, 1505, 433, 50056, 369, 35189, 91234, 323, 1063, 28954, 75965, 439, 1664, 13, 1666, 1317, 439, 433, 374, 8774, 304, 720, 2658, 21597, 11, 358, 690, 2019, 430, 358, 1505, 32732, 710, 5509, 311, 1005, 304, 3738, 19141, 13, 220, 845, 13857, 220, 679, 19, 18254, 38265, 916, 791, 18288, 18592, 25, 20696, 304, 44527, 367, 198, 40, 1781, 430, 1690, 1274, 9976, 358, 1097, 5115, 16390, 315, 3815, 420, 1101, 12, 8541, 311, 1005, 810, 315, 264, 32981, 477, 25795, 720, 54895, 814, 2216, 1205, 11, 323, 358, 1781, 420, 374, 5423, 279, 1162, 449, 5933, 3956, 13, 9393, 499, 2733, 279, 1205, 311, 720, 7072, 1124, 1054, 4620, 3403, 863, 311, 656, 872, 2683, 11, 499, 733, 8469, 323, 1541, 1431, 19371, 1088, 2555, 11, 923, 27639, 15055, 720, 1073, 14293, 11, 477, 1005, 2288, 1790, 520, 3131, 13, 578, 8206, 374, 11, 2753, 374, 810, 13, 1102, 753, 34734, 1268, 2697, 47205, 32981, 720, 9514, 3604, 1205, 311, 4335, 2555, 477, 28915, 39962, 311, 46001, 264, 7479, 4335, 13, 20474, 430, 2288, 1790, 315, 720, 73254, 374, 264, 3958, 3245, 92631, 449, 2555, 5933, 13, 507, 8839, 323, 2030, 5153, 198, 46, 8839, 323, 719, 5153, 11, 3235, 449, 40558, 86, 710, 11, 1376, 279, 2385, 323, 2547, 315, 279, 4371, 2396, 11, 9839, 1026, 11, 323, 1023, 4528, 19141, 720, 438, 51236, 13, 2435, 527, 1101, 1511, 439, 35991, 369, 7718, 32462, 311, 8108, 279, 5326, 315, 459, 31959, 13010, 13, 7648, 720, 5581, 398, 814, 527, 1511, 311, 81045, 11, 54902, 553, 11, 323, 6144, 1057, 6930, 13, 578, 4751, 1054, 67085, 5707, 863, 14861, 264, 13057, 2134, 720, 1073, 2225, 32462, 323, 719, 5153, 11, 505, 4279, 2035, 5066, 36999, 33213, 323, 69083, 2423, 291, 5707, 311, 279, 810, 39418, 13081, 677, 370, 720, 23425, 5707, 323, 61419, 526, 19285, 14432, 13, 1789, 1690, 19141, 1766, 1618, 279, 32462, 527, 6847, 63196, 11, 1418, 369, 3885, 11, 720, 58174, 649, 636, 264, 2697, 810, 17395, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1160, 1475, 5707, 323, 14432, 3770, 7716, 486, 527, 11758, 0, 482, 719, 420, 720, 14724, 3504, 1148, 499, 1205, 311, 1440, 369, 279, 19141, 304, 420, 2363, 13, 1114, 13857, 220, 679, 19, 18254, 38265, 916, 97740, 507, 8839, 198, 9673, 7293, 14812, 323, 656, 539, 6573, 1463, 520, 3130, 20472, 13, 47814, 15895, 25, 220, 8612, 291, 505, 57796, 8492, 1924, 11, 33213, 5707, 374, 264, 4279, 14048, 50056, 369, 17677, 323, 15652, 13, 1102, 374, 720, 19171, 264, 4279, 2385, 369, 9839, 1026, 11, 4371, 2396, 11, 38838, 30133, 11, 323, 2763, 919, 11, 1694, 65464, 323, 54902, 4954, 311, 279, 6930, 13, 2895, 391, 2423, 291, 15895, 25, 220, 4388, 505, 279, 49232, 315, 66008, 430, 617, 1027, 10479, 7725, 11, 69083, 2423, 291, 5707, 374, 459, 44252, 720, 78095, 311, 279, 550, 292, 1291, 32462, 1778, 439, 7802, 8975, 64, 477, 33213, 13, 1102, 1587, 11, 4869, 11, 15575, 264, 24210, 28745, 2324, 1109, 1455, 720, 1605, 36581, 3196, 32462, 13, 7671, 47282, 15895, 25, 220, 7671, 47282, 5707, 374, 17770, 505, 279, 57796, 68346, 14098, 11, 323, 50326, 264, 24729, 10184, 1919, 27832, 2912, 54097, 13, 1252, 1116, 1619, 433, 374, 5655, 6307, 304, 1933, 11, 6847, 39575, 505, 279, 28639, 14071, 38291, 5707, 320, 9514, 1390, 433, 653, 1116, 1619, 16715, 1102, 374, 1511, 439, 17677, 5707, 11, 719, 374, 1101, 43828, 311, 1005, 304, 46552, 8522, 439, 1664, 13, 1102, 374, 9257, 304, 28170, 469, 11, 720, 12156, 398, 90300, 11, 6435, 311, 35406, 11, 323, 17693, 46798, 11218, 13, 64027, 373, 36922, 15895, 25, 220, 8269, 304, 40085, 33969, 11, 279, 28639, 14071, 5707, 12457, 505, 92223, 19595, 4375, 439, 459, 9250, 720, 336, 337, 1477, 11, 54902, 4954, 6930, 323, 7013, 311, 2567, 433, 11113, 11, 8579, 11, 323, 2682, 555, 279, 5933, 22881, 433, 7739, 13, 27687, 1708, 12669, 15895, 25, 220, 27687, 63168, 5707, 374, 459, 9250, 19115, 369, 7718, 32462, 11, 323, 374, 3177, 11, 2536, 2427, 265, 6539, 11, 323, 6930, 720, 77, 414, 11218, 13, 1102, 4131, 505, 279, 10437, 63168, 11, 19579, 279, 26242, 63168, 11, 902, 1193, 36508, 922, 4376, 315, 279, 8521, 720, 74913, 430, 264, 10437, 63168, 1587, 13, 1102, 374, 9257, 304, 28170, 469, 13, 720, 23307, 8975, 64, 15895, 22964, 710, 25, 220, 24062, 17770, 505, 279, 19595, 315, 264, 8545, 3596, 13553, 14362, 392, 11, 7802, 8975, 64, 5707, 374, 539, 9615, 459, 5707, 11, 719, 264, 720, 54737, 37123, 13, 1102, 374, 7701, 90300, 11, 449, 264, 38678, 398, 10437, 55279, 323, 264, 28639, 21411, 14071, 1933, 13, 11699, 31206, 720, 7993, 374, 76024, 3345, 311, 430, 315, 1057, 5933, 513, 5490, 320, 1820, 5707, 584, 8356, 311, 2567, 1057, 6930, 1043, 698, 323, 720, 38128, 6266, 8876, 584, 9229, 513, 5490, 4245, 311, 9282, 11, 10160, 11, 323, 4325, 11, 7802, 8975, 64, 374, 17235, 21730, 13, 358, 1101, 1505, 430, 433, 720, 1897, 2053, 2753, 78571, 1109, 69083, 2423, 291, 477, 33213, 5707, 13, 220, 972, 13857, 220, 679, 19, 18254, 38265, 916, 31631, 507, 8839, 323, 2030, 5153, 198, 9673, 527, 6573, 520, 3130, 9499, 11, 719, 617, 264, 12309, 3428, 50684, 1486, 323, 7293, 14470, 8579, 13, 86068, 31457, 25, 86068, 14432, 374, 264, 28639, 11, 8579, 14432, 12457, 555, 279, 9439, 26422, 315, 279, 14098, 315, 279, 13528, 635, 5021, 11, 720, 15456, 304, 4410, 10384, 13, 1102, 706, 264, 11364, 10184, 1919, 323, 9257, 55279, 11, 323, 374, 9257, 279, 40085, 33969, 320, 1954, 4, 357, 686, 292, 323, 32878, 292, 720, 58156, 705, 28170, 362, 11, 323, 28170, 469, 13, 1102, 374, 15400, 323, 21147, 6147, 323, 20958, 279, 95916, 315, 6930, 11, 439, 1664, 720, 300, 18189, 37140, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 264, 8147, 98211, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 7160, 22464, 82, 11, 4831, 93003, 11, 323, 12208, 89, 9355, 13, 2684, 527, 3604, 1403, 13124, 315, 4410, 11904, 1364, 64, 14432, 15502, 2771, 311, 7782, 2030, 88, 3714, 20508, 372, 6246, 3893, 323, 539, 720, 53, 2058, 657, 10649, 2139, 354, 3074, 11, 902, 4131, 505, 6460, 10384, 374, 6118, 38291, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 67929, 198, 17673, 45974, 34212, 36836, 50, 48198, 3507, 9403, 45262, 4716, 45613, 984, 7667, 50, 6328, 43, 816, 13, 8871, 16511, 73991, 53412, 720, 691, 27400, 52912, 52699, 15942, 11596, 3651, 350, 31832, 29863, 11, 3651, 15843, 1600, 45613, 3651, 720, 12420, 1950, 4716, 11, 11155, 4276, 13405, 5257, 11, 18749, 51785, 3651, 41667, 26669, 1507, 5482, 11, 32558, 7354, 58376, 56, 612, 69461, 39, 8021, 39183, 720, 67713, 3378, 1600, 13, 45974, 34212, 36836, 50, 72511, 1600, 5782, 26910, 50, 26336, 4230, 57764, 21626, 31758, 1507, 3507, 8378, 11, 26925, 1539, 2390, 11, 720, 9295, 42122, 11, 3651, 94348, 4276, 473, 18394, 50736, 5257, 21592, 73725, 2794, 91252, 11855, 1753, 13, 3247, 48198, 3507, 4276, 3651, 58363, 4276, 720, 23384, 5257, 7354, 25321, 44206, 965, 11, 33357, 1507, 11, 2794, 3680, 44645, 1507, 7866, 362, 73725, 63427, 5421, 11673, 5123, 984, 13, 4230, 45613, 720, 715, 2794, 36660, 65083, 9182, 4874, 10245, 48198, 61975, 4276, 7354, 3501, 37599, 643, 1507, 362, 31630, 4716, 52699, 15942, 9827, 8688, 720, 31193, 362, 73725, 34, 4577, 5421, 11673, 5123, 984, 13, 11812, 15334, 16202, 81181, 40, 16624, 1753, 4230, 28924, 3083, 73725, 5421, 70392, 11, 720, 984, 37641, 74006, 3616, 362, 9503, 27371, 57582, 7520, 21695, 2898, 1753, 4230, 350, 31832, 5441, 6328, 21592, 69569, 13, 45974, 34212, 36836, 50, 720, 54, 9410, 4276, 7354, 38757, 35, 17842, 2794, 90079, 13880, 2006, 4230, 25404, 4716, 4230, 473, 18394, 11, 2006, 41, 76729, 11, 358, 4178, 7415, 11, 2794, 3467, 4932, 720, 3701, 835, 40330, 29636, 4393, 3247, 9645, 3083, 47175, 36868, 2794, 4230, 57764, 85447, 5257, 8871, 13, 19183, 4419, 36660, 34993, 13398, 720, 49, 68799, 3651, 14495, 36660, 65083, 9182, 4874, 3247, 9645, 3083, 3247, 45974, 34212, 36836, 50, 48198, 11, 3651, 28832, 15432, 6731, 5257, 720, 6934, 100028, 3651, 11596, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 7902, 304, 420, 2363, 527, 1054, 79440, 7902, 13, 19524, 1115, 3445, 422, 499, 4299, 389, 279, 2723, 323, 7782, 279, 1537, 11, 358, 690, 720, 42993, 459, 22325, 12396, 13, 44840, 11, 358, 1193, 7079, 3956, 477, 3600, 358, 1005, 16102, 323, 4510, 720, 14724, 923, 907, 311, 856, 13016, 13, 358, 1097, 95935, 420, 304, 18859, 449, 279, 12411, 17657, 9849, 753, 220, 845, 70921, 11, 720, 5920, 220, 3192, 25, 1054, 17100, 288, 52347, 287, 279, 5560, 315, 4060, 11073, 1392, 323, 3475, 58435, 304, 47423, 13, 126672, 2822, 961, 315, 420, 17009, 4985, 387, 55717, 11, 34699, 11, 477, 6216, 304, 4459, 477, 304, 961, 304, 904, 198, 630, 11, 2085, 279, 4972, 5439, 14771, 315, 279, 3229, 13, 2052, 42134, 323, 9879, 42134, 26449, 304, 420, 720, 2239, 527, 279, 3424, 315, 872, 20081, 7980, 13, 1115, 2363, 1253, 539, 387, 2109, 11931, 477, 4332, 11, 369, 6020, 720, 60246, 477, 539, 11, 2085, 5439, 8041, 315, 279, 3229, 13, 7388, 79716, 75687, 220, 679, 19, 13, 2052, 10734, 15516, 13, 220, 17, 13857, 220, 679, 19, 18254, 38265, 13, 470, 32, 7181, 505, 279, 7030, 198, 2746, 499, 527, 5403, 420, 11, 499, 617, 856, 84211, 9523, 323, 82644, 13, 816, 6033, 617, 4529, 264, 6908, 3094, 720, 83, 71839, 18899, 539, 1193, 701, 2324, 11, 719, 279, 6439, 315, 28701, 3885, 439, 1664, 13, 816, 6033, 690, 1505, 430, 5933, 720, 64275, 12, 49864, 499, 527, 8173, 304, 25935, 264, 2478, 75965, 1618, 323, 1070, 11, 477, 1390, 311, 1893, 459, 720, 306, 556, 398, 502, 19433, 2695, 484, 1825, 701, 6548, 311, 502, 2574, 1475, 1938, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 6926, 11879, 315, 6975, 11, 720, 46002, 11, 323, 8430, 4459, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 502, 311, 420, 4459, 3245, 11, 912, 38145, 13, 1115, 2363, 574, 3549, 449, 1274, 889, 527, 1120, 720, 89894, 872, 1176, 7504, 304, 4059, 11, 719, 433, 1101, 706, 2555, 369, 1884, 889, 6056, 311, 92792, 872, 6484, 720, 50659, 323, 6677, 13, 46982, 279, 2768, 30732, 358, 1456, 311, 10552, 1063, 315, 279, 8198, 720, 30998, 485, 2162, 51236, 11, 477, 279, 26018, 4920, 3249, 814, 990, 13, 18156, 1070, 374, 4400, 311, 10552, 11, 720, 438, 7170, 1070, 374, 264, 4459, 2763, 13, 358, 1101, 32620, 4510, 430, 279, 1888, 1648, 311, 7216, 704, 1268, 311, 10299, 720, 34431, 374, 311, 3619, 433, 26, 779, 1690, 51236, 690, 3041, 36576, 389, 279, 4787, 439, 1664, 13, 38994, 499, 690, 3240, 311, 1518, 279, 13537, 1990, 3738, 14293, 323, 82907, 11, 323, 3240, 720, 998, 13488, 449, 701, 1866, 27339, 323, 19141, 13, 4800, 311, 2686, 1148, 1690, 1274, 690, 40605, 5895, 520, 439, 814, 1373, 420, 1773, 7217, 420, 6392, 2216, 720, 1816, 13, 578, 4320, 311, 430, 374, 10035, 11, 323, 912, 13, 12334, 649, 3412, 709, 311, 279, 8147, 323, 36875, 26333, 304, 720, 4412 ]
electrostatic forces in the development of structural patterns around a "tumour", which is similar to the radiographically observed modifications of structure around a malignant tumour.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>This result i.s an impossibility as a funct.ion only of the concentra­ tion forces of blood corPuscles. These forces, which were distributed unevenly to ooe side of the "tumour", should instead create their o"'n concentration centres outside the "tumour". The only known force that can possibly produce radiating structures of t.he observed extensions and locations in the lung is a closed circuit Fig. X/:8. After desanguinauon of the dog, the lung and ad­ jacont chost wall were removed en bloc. The radiograph shows the specimen after stipt inflation of the lung. No structure:s are evident corresp:mding to ''A'' and ••a•• zones obKrved in vivo. Some irregular infiltrations around the "tumour'' represent local blood. This experiment illusuares som<: of the critical discrepancies between an examination in . ;,-o and at necropsy. In lhc l•ftl! the distens;oa of the pattn­ chyma in vivo by subatmospheric intrapleural pressures and by vascular perfusion pressures are of particular importance in structural analyses. Artificial tumour in doc lunc I 09 Fig. Xl:9. Postmortem radiograph of slightly inflated lung with multjple metastases from carcinoma of colon. Note faint radiolucent areas("A" zone) around several tumours. electric field. Neverthe less, we have already :argued that the "tumour" itself, by virtue of its insulating shellac layer, is excluded from any closed circuit tissue channels. The only remaining possibility to explain the development of the radiating structures must be the creation of tissue injury during the implantation of the tumour. Tissue, inclurling blood, adjacent to the im· planted tumour should then have polarized electro­ chemically against surrounrling noninjured tissue. In order to resolve our dilemma we are now forced logi­ cally to postulate that a closed electric circuit must exist between surrounding normal tissues and degrad· ing blood and cell material adjacent to the "tumour". The corona structures observed radiologically around the artificial "tumour" were disarranged or not evident after removal of the lung. This finding is not surprising. As soon as the chest is opened in any animal, the mechanical factors in the lung parenchyma are changed. The effects of subatmospheric pleural pressures, interstitial and intravascular fluid pressures, etc., are changed rarlically compared to the situation in vivo. These differences appear to explain why radiolo­ gic observations in vivo of structures in the lung (pro­ duced by fluid and movable cellular elements) are not readily recognized on histologic or radiographic exami­ nations of removed lungs. This situation shourd hold at least when the pathologi c condition has been present for only a relatively short period of biologic time, e.g., 2 weeks. Permanent fiXations of the structural arrange­ ment are, however, possible. Thus, faint rarliolucent "A" zones are seen in Fig. XI: 9, which is a postmor­ tem radiograph of a slightly inflated lung, containing many small metastases from a carcinoma of the colon (radiograph kindly submitted to the author by Dr. L. Kreel, Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow, Middlesex, England). Similar fmdings can also be seen in vivo in processes of long duration, e.g., a granuloma (Fig. IV: I) even after a pneumothorax has been produced. Factors contributing to the development of corona structures are reviewed in Fig. XI: 10. The tumour in 110 Artificial tumour in dog lung Fig. XI: 10. Factors producing corona structures around a tumour during an electropositive phase. Surrounding tissue is electronegative. Transport of material takes place over a postulated biologically closed electric circuit (BCEC). The tumour blocks the local flow of pleural fluid toward the JU. lum. Electroosmosis acts to prevent this fluid from moving near the surface of the tumour, giving rise to a perifocal halo, the u A" zone (hydropcnic zone). The displaced tissue water produces increased opacity, a "B" zone (hydropic zone). At rhe interface between these zones hydrostatic turgor pressure and electroosmo tic pressure balance each other. Small arches develop at the interface of the "A" and "B" zones. Electric edge enhancement at small protrusions of the tumour surface causes dipole indu ction in dielectric movable materials, which form radiating structures. Their hygroscopi c material contracts i.n the hydropenic zone, contributing to the shape of the arches and to the production of retraction packets in the pleura. this figure is represented as polarized elecrropositively in relation to surrounding lung tissue. The existence of a biologically closed electric circuit across polarizing regions of tissue is postulated in Fig. XI: 10. Note that protrusions on the surface of the tumour locally en· hance the electric field. Under the combined influence of the forces within an activated closed circuit and of the physicochemical forces of ionic and nonionic mov­ able materials in the tissue matrix, different structures will beeome produced or modified. One of the most characteristic modifications in the circuit is transport of water. Water moving in a closed electric circuit through a matrix of cotton wool or lung tissue was demonstrated in Chapter IX. Cotton wool and lung each carry a surplus of fiXed electronegative charges, so water moves from anode to cathode. Such move-ment will produce a hydropenic (radiolucent) "A" zone around an anodic tumour. Movement of water will also produce a hydropic (radiopaque ) "B" zone outside the "A" zone when water moves against a hydrostatic pressure. Equilibrium is then created be· tween the two opposing force$, giving rise to an inter­ face, seen as a row of arches forming an arcade. The actual structural changes seen in radiographs are, how­ ever, created not only by water but also by movement and reorientation of charged or dielectric corpuscular elements, i.e., cells, cellular debris, macromolecules and electrolytes. Concentration forces also connibute to the development of radiating structures and arches (as well as nonhydropenic and nonhydropic "A" and "B" zones, respectively ), as shown in vivo in this chapter. The radiating structures around tumours con· sist mainly of fibrous, partly hygroscopic, partly non­ hygroscopic material. Within the hydropenic zone a local scar-shrinking effect may occur. Such a shrinking of a well-developed radiating structure extending to nearby pleura should then be able to produce a retrac­ tion pocket (see also Chapters III and XVI). At this juncture it must be evident to the reader that for all component s of corona structures to develop, particularly over distances of several centimetres, elec­ tric forces acting over closed circuits are a prerequisite. We have now arrived at a point central to the study of tissue transformation by local electrochemical polariza­ tions between tissues. The introduction of this concept will make it easier to understand not only the corona structures but also phenomena connected with tissue healing and tissue development. In the next two chap· ters a mechanism will be described which permits extensive transformations of tis.~ue over long periods of time at low voltage gradients. This mechanism will now be described as the biologically closed electric circuit (BCEC). Reference s 1. Arnulf, G., and Chacoma c, R.: L'antriographk me{hodque des artCres o>ronaires grice i l'utili7.ation de: l'acCtylcholint; donnees cxpC_rimtnta l~s ct cliniqu~. Lyon Chir. 54:2121, 1958. 2. TOmcll, G., and Nordcn.strOm, 8.: Unpublished data, 1962. Artificial tumour in dog lung Ill XII. Biologically closed electric circuits (BCEC) When an electrolyte is brought in contact with a metal, an electric double layer will develop at their inter­ face (26, 27). This interaction can be regarded as a structuring process, usually in a zone no thicker than a few A. This restricted spatial extension of the electric double layer and of its surrounding diffuse layer, indicates that further explanation is required for the uneven distribution of material sometimes seen radio­ graphically (Fig. XII: 1) within one to two millimetres adjacent to metallic fi
[ 25396, 2020, 8603, 304, 279, 4500, 315, 24693, 12912, 2212, 264, 330, 83, 372, 414, 498, 902, 374, 4528, 311, 279, 12164, 65031, 13468, 29882, 315, 6070, 2212, 264, 94329, 15756, 414, 13, 128009, 128000, 2028, 1121, 720, 72, 516, 459, 91182, 3225, 439, 264, 42151, 13, 290, 1193, 315, 279, 10219, 969, 5879, 198, 28491, 8603, 315, 6680, 1867, 47, 355, 19153, 13, 4314, 8603, 11, 902, 720, 52898, 4332, 61437, 398, 311, 297, 4748, 3185, 315, 279, 330, 83, 372, 414, 498, 720, 5562, 4619, 1893, 872, 297, 21230, 77, 20545, 36282, 720, 68090, 279, 330, 83, 372, 414, 3343, 578, 1193, 3967, 5457, 430, 649, 720, 54228, 8356, 12164, 1113, 14726, 315, 259, 49135, 13468, 720, 28709, 323, 10687, 304, 279, 21271, 374, 264, 8036, 16622, 23966, 13, 1630, 11567, 23, 13, 4740, 951, 2379, 2259, 84, 263, 315, 279, 5679, 11, 279, 21271, 323, 1008, 5879, 198, 5697, 778, 523, 537, 7147, 1051, 7108, 665, 41840, 13, 578, 12164, 3257, 720, 60556, 279, 58184, 1306, 357, 11696, 25544, 315, 279, 21271, 13, 2360, 720, 7993, 14835, 527, 30576, 1867, 18744, 25, 2329, 287, 311, 3436, 32, 4708, 323, 7436, 6806, 64, 6806, 6806, 26467, 720, 677, 82265, 2111, 304, 41294, 13, 4427, 42408, 43364, 811, 2212, 279, 720, 1, 83, 372, 414, 4708, 4097, 2254, 6680, 13, 1115, 9526, 5986, 355, 4381, 417, 720, 57839, 27, 25, 315, 279, 9200, 91367, 1990, 459, 24481, 304, 720, 13, 2652, 5106, 78, 323, 520, 19591, 3787, 88, 662, 763, 326, 39152, 326, 6806, 728, 75, 0, 279, 1612, 729, 26, 20103, 315, 279, 3352, 1546, 5879, 198, 331, 1631, 64, 304, 41294, 555, 1207, 266, 8801, 33349, 10805, 391, 273, 4269, 40850, 323, 720, 1729, 64603, 22535, 7713, 40850, 527, 315, 4040, 12939, 720, 258, 24693, 29060, 13, 59294, 15756, 414, 304, 4733, 326, 1371, 358, 220, 2545, 23966, 13, 1630, 75, 25, 24, 13, 3962, 93711, 336, 12164, 3257, 315, 10284, 70954, 21271, 720, 4291, 2814, 73, 698, 68370, 2315, 505, 89468, 315, 15235, 13, 7181, 720, 69, 1673, 12164, 44906, 1189, 5789, 446, 32, 1, 10353, 8, 2212, 3892, 15756, 2530, 13, 9249, 2115, 13, 15037, 1820, 2753, 11, 584, 617, 2736, 551, 867, 3340, 720, 9210, 279, 330, 83, 372, 414, 1, 5196, 11, 555, 35460, 315, 1202, 1672, 15853, 720, 22098, 582, 6324, 11, 374, 28544, 505, 904, 8036, 16622, 20438, 720, 33525, 13, 578, 1193, 9861, 13336, 311, 10552, 279, 720, 30671, 315, 279, 12164, 1113, 14726, 2011, 387, 279, 720, 38475, 315, 20438, 11134, 2391, 279, 46460, 367, 315, 279, 720, 83, 372, 414, 13, 350, 11407, 11, 18916, 1103, 287, 6680, 11, 24894, 311, 279, 737, 14260, 720, 501, 7719, 15756, 414, 1288, 1243, 617, 25685, 1534, 25396, 5879, 198, 2464, 2740, 2403, 1765, 583, 77, 2438, 287, 2536, 258, 80491, 20438, 13, 763, 720, 1382, 311, 9006, 1057, 55867, 584, 527, 1457, 9770, 1515, 72, 5879, 198, 66, 750, 311, 1772, 6468, 430, 264, 8036, 9249, 16622, 2011, 720, 29675, 1990, 14932, 4725, 39881, 323, 409, 6902, 14260, 720, 287, 6680, 323, 2849, 3769, 24894, 311, 279, 330, 83, 372, 414, 3343, 578, 1867, 6863, 14726, 13468, 12164, 30450, 720, 20019, 279, 21075, 330, 83, 372, 414, 1, 1051, 834, 1138, 3811, 477, 720, 1962, 30576, 1306, 17065, 315, 279, 21271, 13, 1115, 9455, 374, 720, 1962, 15206, 13, 1666, 5246, 439, 279, 15489, 374, 9107, 304, 904, 720, 48999, 11, 279, 22936, 9547, 304, 279, 21271, 39040, 331, 1631, 64, 720, 548, 5614, 13, 578, 6372, 315, 1207, 266, 8801, 33349, 7245, 4269, 720, 1911, 1439, 11, 958, 49270, 323, 10805, 402, 50804, 15962, 40850, 1174, 720, 12380, 2637, 527, 5614, 96666, 416, 750, 7863, 311, 279, 6671, 304, 720, 85, 6632, 13, 4314, 12062, 5101, 311, 10552, 3249, 12164, 10216, 5879, 198, 70, 292, 24654, 304, 41294, 315, 14726, 304, 279, 21271, 320, 782, 5879, 198, 54478, 555, 15962, 323, 83679, 35693, 5540, 8, 527, 539, 720, 888, 1570, 15324, 389, 13034, 39227, 477, 12164, 12968, 7151, 72, 5879, 198, 77, 811, 315, 7108, 45274, 13, 1115, 6671, 559, 77492, 3412, 720, 266, 3325, 994, 279, 1853, 86735, 272, 3044, 706, 1027, 3118, 720, 2000, 1193, 264, 12309, 2875, 4261, 315, 6160, 39227, 892, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 720, 17, 5672, 13, 57316, 9314, 55, 811, 315, 279, 24693, 31993, 5879, 198, 479, 527, 11, 4869, 11, 3284, 13, 14636, 11, 38678, 96666, 747, 44906, 1189, 720, 30233, 1, 26467, 527, 3970, 304, 23966, 13, 54343, 25, 220, 24, 11, 902, 374, 264, 1772, 57902, 5879, 198, 880, 12164, 3257, 315, 264, 10284, 70954, 21271, 11, 8649, 720, 35676, 2678, 68370, 2315, 505, 264, 89468, 315, 279, 15235, 720, 2666, 2836, 3257, 47626, 14976, 311, 279, 3229, 555, 2999, 13, 445, 13, 720, 42, 265, 301, 11, 4892, 21878, 5657, 15429, 11, 5340, 654, 11, 12877, 11814, 1174, 720, 67308, 570, 22196, 282, 2329, 826, 649, 1101, 387, 3970, 304, 41294, 304, 720, 4734, 288, 315, 1317, 8250, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 264, 16109, 360, 7942, 320, 30035, 13, 17244, 25, 358, 8, 1524, 1306, 264, 57223, 8942, 269, 710, 706, 1027, 9124, 662, 68318, 29820, 311, 279, 4500, 315, 1867, 6863, 720, 47194, 527, 22690, 304, 23966, 13, 54343, 25, 220, 605, 13, 578, 15756, 414, 304, 720, 5120, 59294, 15756, 414, 304, 5679, 21271, 23966, 13, 54343, 25, 220, 605, 13, 68318, 17843, 1867, 6863, 14726, 2212, 264, 720, 83, 372, 414, 2391, 459, 4135, 897, 437, 3486, 10474, 13, 100060, 287, 20438, 720, 285, 43906, 606, 70, 1413, 13, 17159, 315, 3769, 5097, 2035, 927, 264, 720, 2252, 7913, 6160, 30450, 8036, 9249, 16622, 320, 33, 2152, 34, 570, 578, 720, 83, 372, 414, 10215, 279, 2254, 6530, 315, 7245, 4269, 15962, 9017, 279, 622, 52, 13, 41263, 13, 69390, 437, 8801, 285, 14385, 311, 5471, 420, 15962, 505, 7366, 720, 52759, 279, 7479, 315, 279, 15756, 414, 11, 7231, 10205, 311, 264, 824, 333, 3768, 71812, 11, 720, 1820, 577, 362, 1, 10353, 320, 8671, 6861, 66, 11851, 10353, 570, 578, 49246, 20438, 3090, 720, 8723, 1634, 7319, 19172, 11, 264, 330, 33, 1, 10353, 320, 8671, 6861, 292, 10353, 570, 2468, 720, 81, 383, 3834, 1990, 1521, 26467, 17055, 2020, 259, 5673, 269, 7410, 720, 438, 25396, 437, 6489, 62547, 7410, 8335, 1855, 1023, 13, 15344, 5438, 288, 720, 16219, 520, 279, 3834, 315, 279, 330, 32, 1, 323, 330, 33, 1, 26467, 13, 21246, 720, 7334, 27886, 520, 2678, 81458, 36807, 315, 279, 15756, 414, 7479, 720, 936, 4881, 24522, 1286, 4507, 20864, 290, 304, 2815, 47262, 83679, 7384, 11, 720, 8370, 1376, 12164, 1113, 14726, 13, 11205, 6409, 42511, 2445, 72187, 272, 3769, 720, 64422, 602, 1276, 279, 6409, 6861, 56989, 10353, 11, 29820, 311, 279, 6211, 720, 1073, 279, 5438, 288, 323, 311, 279, 5788, 315, 312, 27523, 28133, 304, 720, 1820, 7245, 5808, 13, 420, 7216, 374, 15609, 439, 25685, 1534, 10732, 5192, 897, 35154, 3210, 720, 258, 12976, 311, 14932, 21271, 20438, 13, 578, 14209, 315, 720, 64, 6160, 30450, 8036, 9249, 16622, 4028, 25685, 4954, 720, 58808, 315, 20438, 374, 1772, 7913, 304, 23966, 13, 54343, 25, 220, 605, 13, 7181, 430, 720, 782, 376, 36807, 389, 279, 7479, 315, 279, 15756, 414, 24392, 665, 14260, 720, 71, 685, 279, 9249, 2115, 13, 9636, 279, 11093, 10383, 720, 1073, 279, 8603, 2949, 459, 22756, 8036, 16622, 323, 315, 720, 1820, 4571, 4042, 32056, 8603, 315, 220, 21427, 323, 2536, 21427, 2016, 5879, 198, 481, 7384, 304, 279, 20438, 6303, 11, 2204, 14726, 720, 14724, 38328, 638, 9124, 477, 11041, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 1455, 720, 19740, 4633, 29882, 304, 279, 16622, 374, 7710, 720, 1073, 3090, 13, 10164, 7366, 304, 264, 8036, 9249, 16622, 720, 20322, 264, 6303, 315, 24428, 39640, 477, 21271, 20438, 574, 720, 67, 7439, 496, 660, 304, 15957, 40812, 13, 38796, 39640, 323, 21271, 720, 9739, 6920, 264, 41548, 315, 9314, 55, 291, 43906, 606, 70, 1413, 10405, 11, 720, 708, 3090, 11031, 505, 459, 536, 311, 31747, 536, 13, 15483, 3351, 12, 479, 690, 8356, 264, 6409, 6861, 56989, 320, 70312, 44906, 1189, 8, 330, 32, 1, 720, 8855, 2212, 459, 459, 53860, 15756, 414, 13, 29098, 315, 3090, 720, 14724, 1101, 8356, 264, 6409, 6861, 292, 320, 70312, 96580, 883, 330, 33, 1, 10353, 720, 68090, 279, 330, 32, 1, 10353, 994, 3090, 11031, 2403, 264, 720, 67229, 2020, 7410, 13, 11964, 46780, 374, 1243, 3549, 387, 14260, 720, 83, 1818, 279, 1403, 31322, 5457, 55976, 7231, 10205, 311, 459, 958, 5879, 198, 1594, 11, 3970, 439, 264, 2872, 315, 5438, 288, 30164, 459, 48312, 13, 578, 720, 12210, 24693, 4442, 3970, 304, 12164, 67132, 527, 11, 1268, 5879, 198, 2099, 11, 3549, 539, 1193, 555, 3090, 719, 1101, 555, 7351, 720, 438, 312, 25280, 315, 11684, 477, 2815, 47262, 43194, 22077, 720, 22138, 11, 602, 1770, 2637, 7917, 11, 35693, 35098, 11, 9155, 442, 82206, 720, 438, 73396, 2392, 13, 62261, 2214, 8603, 1101, 4635, 581, 1088, 720, 998, 279, 4500, 315, 12164, 1113, 14726, 323, 5438, 288, 720, 38051, 1664, 439, 2536, 8671, 6861, 56989, 323, 2536, 8671, 6861, 292, 330, 32, 1, 323, 720, 64690, 1, 26467, 11, 15947, 7026, 439, 6982, 304, 41294, 304, 420, 720, 41326, 13, 578, 12164, 1113, 14726, 2212, 15756, 2530, 390, 14260, 720, 82, 380, 14918, 315, 16178, 27620, 11, 28135, 6409, 42511, 58510, 11, 28135, 2536, 5879, 198, 8671, 42511, 58510, 3769, 13, 25218, 279, 6409, 6861, 56989, 10353, 264, 720, 2497, 23087, 7666, 81, 16113, 2515, 1253, 12446, 13, 15483, 264, 63185, 720, 1073, 264, 1664, 49061, 291, 12164, 1113, 6070, 33459, 311, 720, 52759, 1729, 7245, 5808, 1288, 1243, 387, 3025, 311, 8356, 264, 38831, 582, 5879, 198, 28491, 18301, 320, 4151, 1101, 69481, 14767, 323, 94937, 570, 2468, 420, 18169, 302, 554, 433, 2011, 387, 30576, 311, 279, 6742, 430, 369, 682, 3777, 274, 315, 1867, 6863, 14726, 311, 2274, 11, 720, 74039, 927, 27650, 315, 3892, 2960, 86366, 417, 1174, 10732, 66, 5879, 198, 376, 292, 8603, 15718, 927, 8036, 46121, 527, 264, 80884, 13, 1226, 617, 1457, 11721, 520, 264, 1486, 8792, 311, 279, 4007, 315, 720, 83, 11407, 18475, 555, 2254, 25396, 32056, 25685, 17528, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 1990, 39881, 13, 578, 17219, 315, 420, 7434, 720, 14724, 1304, 433, 8831, 311, 3619, 539, 1193, 279, 1867, 6863, 720, 47194, 719, 1101, 44247, 8599, 449, 20438, 720, 383, 6260, 323, 20438, 4500, 13, 763, 279, 1828, 1403, 38838, 14260, 720, 5153, 264, 17383, 690, 387, 7633, 902, 29790, 720, 428, 4114, 54070, 315, 259, 285, 13, 93, 361, 927, 1317, 18852, 315, 720, 1712, 520, 3428, 22465, 53249, 13, 1115, 17383, 690, 720, 3409, 387, 7633, 439, 279, 6160, 30450, 8036, 9249, 720, 66, 38368, 320, 33, 2152, 34, 570, 17650, 274, 720, 16, 13, 36194, 14643, 11, 480, 2637, 323, 921, 582, 7942, 272, 11, 432, 18976, 445, 62595, 23254, 3257, 74, 757, 90, 100830, 593, 951, 720, 472, 34, 417, 297, 29, 2298, 17724, 1099, 560, 602, 326, 49963, 72, 22, 13, 367, 409, 25, 326, 6, 582, 34, 1919, 75, 331, 337, 396, 26, 21559, 288, 720, 26929, 79, 34, 1745, 318, 83, 406, 64, 326, 93, 82, 20864, 9400, 5118, 93, 13, 56301, 921, 404, 13, 220, 4370, 25, 11227, 16, 11, 220, 6280, 23, 13, 220, 17, 13, 5257, 76, 566, 75, 11, 480, 2637, 323, 30281, 14606, 9720, 64588, 11, 220, 23, 18976, 1252, 33966, 828, 11, 220, 5162, 17, 13, 59294, 15756, 414, 304, 5679, 21271, 12799, 87915, 13, 12371, 30450, 8036, 720, 64465, 46121, 320, 33, 2152, 34, 8, 720, 4599, 459, 73396, 668, 374, 7263, 304, 3729, 449, 264, 9501, 11, 720, 276, 9249, 2033, 6324, 690, 2274, 520, 872, 958, 5879, 198, 1594, 320, 1627, 11, 220, 1544, 570, 1115, 16628, 649, 387, 27458, 439, 264, 720, 63272, 1920, 11, 6118, 304, 264, 10353, 912, 59884, 1109, 264, 720, 71830, 362, 13, 1115, 22486, 29079, 9070, 315, 279, 9249, 720, 4429, 6324, 323, 315, 1202, 14932, 55517, 6324, 11, 720, 485, 25858, 430, 4726, 16540, 374, 2631, 369, 279, 720, 2957, 1055, 8141, 315, 3769, 7170, 3970, 9063, 5879, 198, 4539, 2740, 320, 30035, 13, 87915, 25, 220, 16, 8, 2949, 832, 311, 1403, 2606, 86366, 417, 720, 25770, 18680, 311, 46258, 9314 ]
VI, page 53). Intro­ duced needles were found capable of levelling these differences. However, the levelling by needle was also shown to be reversible as an effect of spomaneous generation of charge. Prolonged levelling of many re­ gions in the subcutis can even markedly reduce subcu­ taneous potentials to a level at which tissue colloids will then precipitate (75). Such a prolonged and exten­ sive lowering of the electric potential of the subcutis may therefore be dangerous. The author had the opportunity to attend a demon­ stration of acupuncture anaesthesia at the Internation­ al Congress of Cardiology in Tokyo in 1977. Connec­ tions like those in the experiments of Chapter VI were used. A. grounded external wire connected the intro­ duced needles. One needle was introduced in the skin behind an ear and one in the subcutis of the back of the ipsilateral hand. "Stimulation of the ac-upuntture points" was then performed through a source of direct current connected with wires to the two needles. The subject reponed local sensation of anaesthesia. Appar­ ently separation of ionic charges had been induced between the needles in the electricall y interconnecting tissue, which should interfere with its normal func­ tion. Insertion of only one needle is also sometimes used •= redox reactions at metal surfaces Fig. XV/11:6. Acupuncrure : suggested basic mechanism is illustr.ned in Figs. XVIII: 6-8. Two adjoining muscles are separated electricaiJy by their fibrous fasciae. One muscle is injured locally. Secondary ef. fccts develop locaUy around the lesion, e.g., oedema and compression by blood clots (arrows). These effects interfere with the local VICC function of the injured muscle, restrict­ ing exchange of materials in the process of healing. A needle introduced through the skin and normal muscle into the injury wiU now create new closed circuits, in which the needle connects vascular and intcntitial channels in the injured region to corresponding channels in the normal mus­ cle. The new circuits enhance specifically the exchange of ions and transport of wate.r. The driving electromotive forces of the circuits derive from the differences of electric potential between the injured and normal tissues. Redox steps at met· in acupuncture therapy. The principles of BCEC and differences of electric potential in tissues also offer a possible rational explanation for the effects of single needle acupuncture, as follows: Electrophoretic transports may lead to the develop­ ment of muscular fasciae by depositing products of polarization on the surfaces of muscle bundles, form­ ing electricalay insulating sheaths. Fig. XVIII: 6 shows a locally injured muscle. The injury is healing slowly because avaibble vascular and interstitial channels are functioning inadequately, e.g., by thrombosis, oedema or compression by blood clnts. Such interferences ap­ ply to diffusion and electrical, matrix-mediated trans­ port of water and other ergons as well as to exchange of ions. The degrading processes of the injury supply the driving force for a VICC, but this energy potential is now inefficient. A metal needle introduced through normal tissues into the injury will create new path­ ways, more efficient than previousl y, for exchange of energy and material between the injured and normal tissues. This increased efficiency is possible because the needle connects in parallel all electrically func­ tioning vascular and interstitial branches around the aJ.electrolyte interfaces are indicated by x. The acupunctu· rist's characteristic twirling of the needle should improve flow of current through the circuits insofar as the twirling movements may loosen any material deposited on the surface of the needle. In case blood vessels arc unavaibblc for BCEC flow, the needle must penetrate normal tissue where inter· connecting lymphatic channels are available (possibly equal to an.. acupuncture meridian "). An additional way to influence the healing process may be to connect one pole of an electric battery to the needle in the lesion and the other pole to a needle placed in a "meri­ dian" (possibly a lymphatic-interstitial conducting branch) leading to the injured tissue. Closing of this circuit should then correspond to the acupuncturist's "stimulation of the yin :and yang of a meridian''. injury. The exchange of material between the injured and surrounding tissues is thereby enhanced. To facilitate understanding of the proposed explana­ tion of acupunctu re, a self-driving system (Fig. XV111: 7 a-d) and a driven system (Fig. XVIII: 8) will be presented. In Fig. XVlll: 7 a, two metal electrodes (Cu and Zn) are inserted into an electrolyte in two rubber bags (corresponding to the fibrous, electrically insulatin.g fasciae of the muscles in Fig. XVIII: 6). The comems of the bags are connected by a communicating "ves­ sel". Short circuiting of the metals over a cable pro­ duces flow of electrons in the metallic part of the circuit and flow of ions in the electrolyte. The poten-. tial differences between the metal electrodes and the electrolyte create the driving force. In Fig. XVIII: 7 b, the ionic transportS are blocked, as by experimentally clamping the communicating ves­ sels. In Fig. XVIII: 7 c, a metal needle is introduced through the two rubber bags, restoring the transport of current in the closed circuit. Redox reactions in this case take place not only at the electrode-electrolyte interfaces but also at the needle-electrolyte interfaces. Principles and conseque nces of BCEC 329 a '' '­' b ',,/ c' Ele-ctron low No CUffent flow E*tron flow Cu n Communicating vettel Blocked communication · Short-cirCtJiting metal needle reatorH flow of current d • • redox reactions at metal-electrolyte interphases Electron flow in metal Capillary membt'anes + Blocked vascular branches of VtCC (t.g. by arteriosderos is.. vascular contraction. compress ion by oedema or haematoma) Fig. XVIII: 7. Acupuncture: a self-driving electric system, representing the basic principle of the proposed mechanism of acupuncture. (a) An analogue of a BCEC system. The en­ ergy is delivered by the potential difference s across the met· al-elecrrolyte imerfaces and is channeli1.ed by two conduct­ ing branches. (b) One branch is blocked,leading to interrup­ tion of current flow. (c) The closed circuit is restored by the Fig. XVIII: 7 d more closely approaches conditions in vivo. The driving force is created by the tissue injury potential to the left in relation to the normal potential of the tissue to the right. Interstitia l spaces and lymphatics connecting the abnormal and normal regions join somewhere, corresponding to the external cables of Fig. XVIII: 7 a-c. Some of these interstitial spaces and lymphatics constitute what is probably a preferential pathway for ions, corresponding to what in acupuncture is called a "meridian". Blood vessels (with their conducting blood plasma and insulating vessel walls) connect both regions of tissue, but are blocked. This prevents closing of the eloctric circuit. Fig. XVIII: 7 d indicates the vascular block, e.g., by arteriosclerosis, contractions of the vessel, or external compression by a haematoma or oedema. After a nee- 330 Principles and consequences of BCEC'' '. \ Normal .tiuue ' \ (;,. Preferential conducting pathways (acupunctur iat•s ""meridiant"') ovet interstitial ~ lymphatic branches of the VICC The needle short circuits the polarizing injured and normal tlaauea and permits ions to flow over lnttrttitial and lymphatic branches, thereby enhancing healing introduction of an "acupuncture needle". Now redox reac­ tions take place at the needle-electrolyte interfaces (x) in ad­ dition to reactions at the electrode-e lectrolyte interfaces (not indicated in the figure). (If) A model more close to biologic conditions than a-c. The circuit is here activated by fluctuat­ ing potential differences between an injured tissue and nor­ mal tissue. die is inserted through the normal muscle into the injured muscle, it is easy to understand that closed circuit ionic transports are restored over the conduct­ ing "meridian", resulting in an enhancement of the healing process. The restoration of this self-driving system for ionic transport represents a remarkab ly simple f9rrn of therapy explainable by the principle of BCEC. A more powerful but less "physiologic" principle is represented by the driven system. It
[ 30768, 11, 2199, 220, 4331, 570, 53086, 5879, 198, 54478, 57267, 1051, 1766, 13171, 315, 23464, 6427, 1521, 720, 67, 59426, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 23464, 6427, 555, 31409, 574, 1101, 720, 70463, 311, 387, 81193, 439, 459, 2515, 315, 993, 316, 18133, 720, 81157, 315, 6900, 13, 393, 1098, 647, 291, 23464, 6427, 315, 1690, 312, 5879, 198, 70, 919, 304, 279, 1207, 10453, 285, 649, 1524, 88101, 8108, 1207, 20811, 5879, 198, 83, 18133, 95358, 311, 264, 2237, 520, 902, 20438, 82048, 3447, 720, 14724, 1243, 36841, 20227, 320, 2075, 570, 15483, 264, 44387, 323, 1327, 268, 5879, 198, 82, 535, 46301, 315, 279, 9249, 4754, 315, 279, 1207, 10453, 285, 720, 18864, 9093, 387, 11660, 13, 578, 3229, 1047, 279, 6776, 311, 9604, 264, 7097, 5879, 198, 55681, 315, 89538, 41390, 63623, 520, 279, 4514, 367, 5879, 198, 278, 8151, 315, 6938, 31226, 304, 27286, 304, 220, 4468, 22, 13, 18714, 762, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 1093, 1884, 304, 279, 21896, 315, 15957, 30768, 1051, 720, 2656, 13, 362, 13, 45445, 9434, 9244, 8599, 279, 20285, 5879, 198, 54478, 57267, 13, 3861, 31409, 574, 11784, 304, 279, 6930, 720, 30998, 485, 459, 2487, 323, 832, 304, 279, 1207, 10453, 285, 315, 279, 1203, 315, 720, 1820, 60122, 44039, 1450, 13, 330, 626, 61461, 315, 279, 1645, 5352, 3935, 5081, 720, 7862, 1, 574, 1243, 10887, 1555, 264, 2592, 315, 2167, 720, 3311, 8599, 449, 36108, 311, 279, 1403, 57267, 13, 578, 720, 11760, 312, 621, 291, 2254, 37392, 315, 41390, 63623, 13, 1883, 277, 5879, 198, 4501, 25768, 315, 220, 21427, 10405, 1047, 1027, 36572, 720, 42967, 279, 57267, 304, 279, 9249, 543, 379, 958, 91911, 720, 83, 11407, 11, 902, 1288, 40978, 449, 1202, 4725, 2988, 5879, 198, 28491, 13, 17539, 290, 315, 1193, 832, 31409, 374, 1101, 7170, 1511, 7436, 28, 2579, 5241, 25481, 520, 9501, 27529, 720, 30035, 13, 53694, 14, 806, 25, 21, 13, 6515, 455, 1371, 81, 554, 551, 12090, 6913, 17383, 374, 720, 83718, 1276, 291, 304, 435, 14801, 13, 53694, 23440, 25, 220, 21, 12, 23, 13, 9220, 91858, 24569, 527, 19180, 9249, 2192, 41, 88, 555, 872, 720, 76426, 27620, 15550, 73078, 13, 3861, 16124, 374, 15902, 24392, 13, 44634, 31469, 13, 26644, 62003, 2274, 1353, 64, 52, 88, 2212, 279, 93217, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 297, 291, 9355, 323, 720, 84292, 555, 6680, 1206, 2469, 320, 277, 1849, 570, 4314, 6372, 40978, 720, 4291, 279, 2254, 71203, 34, 734, 315, 279, 15902, 16124, 11, 9067, 5879, 198, 287, 9473, 315, 7384, 304, 279, 1920, 315, 21730, 13, 362, 31409, 11784, 1555, 279, 6930, 323, 4725, 16124, 720, 18614, 279, 11134, 24129, 52, 1457, 1893, 502, 8036, 46121, 11, 304, 902, 720, 1820, 31409, 34161, 64603, 323, 528, 16232, 1588, 12006, 304, 279, 720, 258, 80491, 5654, 311, 12435, 12006, 304, 279, 4725, 3167, 5879, 198, 9326, 13, 578, 502, 46121, 18885, 11951, 279, 9473, 315, 720, 919, 323, 7710, 315, 289, 349, 1783, 13, 578, 10043, 54707, 24766, 8603, 720, 1073, 279, 46121, 43530, 505, 279, 12062, 315, 9249, 4754, 720, 42967, 279, 15902, 323, 4725, 39881, 13, 3816, 5241, 7504, 520, 2322, 14260, 720, 258, 89538, 15419, 13, 578, 16565, 315, 79677, 34, 323, 720, 67, 59426, 315, 9249, 4754, 304, 39881, 1101, 3085, 264, 720, 10236, 25442, 16540, 369, 279, 6372, 315, 3254, 720, 60619, 89538, 11, 439, 11263, 25, 720, 30431, 22761, 18673, 292, 69169, 1253, 3063, 311, 279, 2274, 5879, 198, 479, 315, 52192, 15550, 73078, 555, 16946, 287, 3956, 315, 720, 79, 7569, 2065, 389, 279, 27529, 315, 16124, 49707, 11, 1376, 5879, 198, 287, 20314, 352, 1672, 15853, 1364, 27382, 13, 23966, 13, 53694, 23440, 25, 220, 21, 5039, 720, 64, 24392, 15902, 16124, 13, 578, 11134, 374, 21730, 14297, 720, 28753, 84764, 83518, 64603, 323, 958, 49270, 12006, 527, 720, 1723, 287, 40206, 447, 2718, 1174, 384, 1326, 2637, 555, 84664, 65, 10934, 11, 297, 291, 9355, 720, 269, 26168, 555, 6680, 1206, 66777, 13, 15483, 958, 5006, 1469, 5879, 198, 2603, 311, 58430, 323, 20314, 1174, 6303, 82076, 1380, 5879, 198, 403, 315, 3090, 323, 1023, 36376, 2439, 439, 1664, 439, 311, 9473, 315, 720, 919, 13, 578, 409, 33359, 11618, 315, 279, 11134, 8312, 279, 720, 3696, 2299, 5457, 369, 264, 71203, 34, 11, 719, 420, 4907, 4754, 374, 720, 3409, 64481, 13, 362, 9501, 31409, 11784, 1555, 720, 8416, 39881, 1139, 279, 11134, 690, 1893, 502, 1853, 5879, 198, 2336, 11, 810, 11297, 1109, 3766, 75, 379, 11, 369, 9473, 315, 720, 17947, 323, 3769, 1990, 279, 15902, 323, 4725, 720, 83, 18934, 13, 1115, 7319, 15374, 374, 3284, 1606, 720, 1820, 31409, 34161, 304, 15638, 682, 9249, 750, 2988, 5879, 198, 28491, 287, 64603, 323, 958, 49270, 23962, 2212, 279, 264, 41, 1770, 772, 299, 398, 668, 25066, 527, 16717, 555, 865, 13, 578, 1645, 455, 20526, 84, 14260, 720, 2889, 596, 29683, 4483, 51868, 315, 279, 31409, 1288, 7417, 720, 5072, 315, 1510, 1555, 279, 46121, 304, 94671, 439, 279, 4483, 51868, 720, 31061, 3808, 1253, 83842, 904, 3769, 54568, 389, 279, 7479, 720, 1073, 279, 31409, 13, 763, 1162, 6680, 31080, 15952, 653, 2979, 581, 2067, 66, 369, 79677, 34, 720, 5072, 11, 279, 31409, 2011, 64855, 4725, 20438, 1405, 958, 14260, 720, 91911, 43745, 780, 12006, 527, 2561, 320, 54228, 6273, 720, 998, 459, 5354, 89538, 4809, 36742, 28610, 1556, 5217, 1648, 311, 10383, 279, 21730, 1920, 1253, 387, 720, 998, 4667, 832, 26078, 315, 459, 9249, 11863, 311, 279, 31409, 304, 279, 720, 645, 290, 323, 279, 1023, 26078, 311, 264, 31409, 9277, 304, 264, 330, 1195, 72, 5879, 198, 67, 1122, 1, 320, 54228, 264, 43745, 780, 45994, 49270, 31474, 9046, 8, 720, 21307, 311, 279, 15902, 20438, 13, 62213, 315, 420, 16622, 1288, 720, 3473, 8024, 311, 279, 1645, 455, 20526, 324, 380, 364, 82, 330, 54754, 2987, 315, 279, 720, 88, 258, 551, 438, 10587, 315, 264, 4809, 36742, 98722, 11134, 13, 578, 9473, 315, 3769, 1990, 279, 15902, 720, 438, 14932, 39881, 374, 28592, 24872, 13, 2057, 28696, 8830, 315, 279, 11223, 3327, 3444, 5879, 198, 28491, 315, 1645, 455, 20526, 84, 312, 11, 264, 659, 60811, 1887, 320, 30035, 13, 53694, 5037, 25, 220, 22, 264, 1773, 8, 323, 264, 16625, 1887, 320, 30035, 13, 53694, 23440, 25, 220, 23, 8, 690, 720, 1395, 10666, 13, 763, 23966, 13, 53694, 657, 75, 25, 220, 22, 264, 11, 1403, 9501, 80390, 320, 45919, 323, 127265, 8, 720, 548, 22306, 1139, 459, 73396, 668, 304, 1403, 23506, 18381, 720, 53720, 6961, 287, 311, 279, 16178, 27620, 11, 9249, 750, 1672, 360, 15111, 1326, 720, 69, 5171, 73078, 315, 279, 24569, 304, 23966, 13, 53694, 23440, 25, 220, 21, 570, 578, 470, 12116, 720, 1073, 279, 18381, 527, 8599, 555, 264, 42247, 330, 2396, 5879, 198, 9697, 3343, 10928, 16622, 287, 315, 279, 37182, 927, 264, 14994, 463, 5879, 198, 1072, 1634, 6530, 315, 57678, 304, 279, 46258, 961, 315, 279, 720, 66, 38368, 323, 6530, 315, 65125, 304, 279, 73396, 668, 13, 578, 3419, 268, 14863, 259, 532, 12062, 1990, 279, 9501, 80390, 323, 279, 720, 19493, 299, 398, 668, 1893, 279, 10043, 5457, 13, 763, 23966, 13, 53694, 23440, 25, 220, 22, 293, 11, 279, 220, 21427, 7710, 50, 527, 19857, 11, 720, 300, 555, 9526, 750, 1206, 31557, 279, 42247, 65635, 5879, 198, 82, 2053, 13, 763, 23966, 13, 53694, 23440, 25, 220, 22, 272, 11, 264, 9501, 31409, 374, 11784, 720, 20322, 279, 1403, 23506, 18381, 11, 50203, 279, 7710, 720, 1073, 1510, 304, 279, 8036, 16622, 13, 3816, 5241, 25481, 304, 420, 720, 5756, 1935, 2035, 539, 1193, 520, 279, 72048, 37081, 299, 398, 668, 720, 30065, 719, 1101, 520, 279, 31409, 37081, 299, 398, 668, 25066, 13, 58014, 323, 31025, 593, 308, 1634, 315, 79677, 34, 220, 18196, 264, 3436, 364, 5879, 6, 293, 720, 6, 81358, 14, 720, 66, 364, 720, 46439, 12, 302, 2298, 3428, 2360, 41843, 544, 306, 6530, 469, 9, 35785, 6530, 720, 45919, 308, 720, 82023, 1113, 720, 85, 85893, 65096, 720, 51271, 9787, 10928, 1824, 404, 34, 83, 41, 5977, 9501, 720, 60619, 312, 859, 39, 6530, 720, 1073, 1510, 720, 67, 720, 6806, 7436, 2579, 5241, 25481, 720, 266, 9501, 37081, 299, 398, 668, 720, 2295, 764, 2315, 720, 30431, 2298, 6530, 304, 9501, 720, 13199, 35605, 1871, 13045, 6, 14997, 720, 10, 65096, 64603, 720, 68939, 315, 650, 83, 3791, 720, 1175, 1326, 13, 555, 47357, 3614, 1126, 437, 374, 497, 720, 33945, 71895, 662, 25633, 28772, 555, 297, 291, 9355, 720, 269, 6520, 43698, 7942, 8, 720, 30035, 13, 53694, 23440, 25, 220, 22, 13, 6515, 69562, 25, 264, 659, 60811, 9249, 1887, 11, 720, 36369, 287, 279, 6913, 17966, 315, 279, 11223, 17383, 720, 1073, 89538, 13, 320, 64, 8, 1556, 91343, 315, 264, 79677, 34, 1887, 13, 578, 665, 5879, 198, 43043, 374, 12886, 555, 279, 4754, 6811, 274, 4028, 279, 2322, 14260, 720, 278, 5773, 273, 5192, 299, 398, 668, 737, 261, 7760, 323, 374, 5613, 72, 16, 10265, 555, 1403, 6929, 5879, 198, 287, 23962, 13, 320, 65, 8, 3861, 9046, 374, 19857, 11, 21307, 311, 958, 31722, 5879, 198, 28491, 315, 1510, 6530, 13, 320, 66, 8, 578, 8036, 16622, 374, 28101, 555, 279, 720, 30035, 13, 53694, 23440, 25, 220, 22, 294, 810, 15499, 20414, 4787, 720, 258, 41294, 13, 578, 10043, 5457, 374, 3549, 555, 279, 20438, 720, 258, 42861, 4754, 311, 279, 2163, 304, 12976, 311, 279, 4725, 720, 93036, 315, 279, 20438, 311, 279, 1314, 13, 5783, 3781, 689, 326, 12908, 720, 438, 43745, 29470, 21583, 279, 35663, 323, 4725, 720, 58808, 5249, 15038, 11, 12435, 311, 279, 9434, 720, 66, 4893, 315, 23966, 13, 53694, 23440, 25, 220, 22, 264, 1824, 13, 4427, 315, 1521, 958, 49270, 720, 45385, 323, 43745, 29470, 35256, 1148, 374, 4762, 264, 720, 81160, 2335, 38970, 369, 65125, 11, 12435, 311, 1148, 720, 258, 89538, 374, 2663, 264, 330, 1195, 36742, 3343, 20671, 31080, 720, 17411, 872, 31474, 6680, 32426, 323, 1672, 15853, 720, 85, 36648, 14620, 8, 4667, 2225, 13918, 315, 20438, 11, 719, 527, 720, 62448, 13, 1115, 29034, 15676, 315, 279, 658, 42792, 2265, 16622, 13, 23966, 13, 53694, 23440, 25, 220, 22, 294, 15151, 279, 64603, 2565, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 555, 720, 5408, 3614, 91711, 11, 6155, 4109, 315, 279, 27274, 11, 477, 9434, 720, 84292, 555, 264, 6520, 43698, 7942, 477, 297, 291, 9355, 13, 4740, 264, 841, 68, 7058, 10568, 58014, 323, 16296, 315, 79677, 34, 364, 364, 364, 662, 1144, 18944, 720, 739, 19260, 361, 720, 6, 1144, 31475, 11, 662, 85568, 2335, 31474, 720, 2398, 2336, 320, 582, 455, 20526, 324, 602, 266, 6806, 82, 720, 3089, 1195, 307, 5485, 1, 873, 297, 17553, 958, 49270, 4056, 720, 398, 56102, 780, 23962, 315, 720, 1820, 71203, 34, 720, 791, 31409, 2875, 46121, 720, 1820, 25685, 4954, 15902, 323, 720, 8416, 259, 4355, 64, 361, 64, 323, 29790, 720, 919, 311, 6530, 927, 326, 406, 376, 5683, 1588, 720, 438, 43745, 780, 23962, 1174, 720, 19041, 1729, 47594, 21730, 720, 396, 17158, 315, 459, 330, 582, 69562, 31409, 3343, 4800, 2579, 5241, 312, 582, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 1935, 2035, 520, 279, 31409, 37081, 299, 398, 668, 25066, 320, 87, 8, 304, 1008, 5879, 198, 2400, 311, 25481, 520, 279, 72048, 5773, 16920, 299, 398, 668, 25066, 320, 1962, 720, 485, 10297, 304, 279, 7216, 570, 320, 2746, 8, 362, 1646, 810, 3345, 311, 6160, 39227, 720, 16902, 1109, 264, 1824, 13, 578, 16622, 374, 1618, 22756, 555, 39388, 55282, 5879, 198, 287, 4754, 12062, 1990, 459, 15902, 20438, 323, 6463, 5879, 198, 14991, 20438, 13, 2815, 374, 22306, 1555, 279, 4725, 16124, 1139, 279, 720, 258, 80491, 16124, 11, 433, 374, 4228, 311, 3619, 430, 8036, 720, 66, 38368, 220, 21427, 69169, 527, 28101, 927, 279, 6929, 5879, 198, 287, 330, 1195, 36742, 498, 13239, 304, 459, 27886, 315, 279, 720, 383, 6260, 1920, 13, 578, 35093, 315, 420, 659, 60811, 720, 9125, 369, 220, 21427, 7710, 11105, 264, 14162, 370, 14869, 720, 23796, 282, 24, 637, 77, 315, 15419, 10552, 481, 555, 279, 17966, 315, 720, 33, 2152, 34, 13, 362, 810, 8147, 719, 2753, 330, 42305, 72, 39227, 1, 17966, 374, 720, 53859, 555, 279, 16625, 1887, 13, 1102 ]